• Published 8th Sep 2017
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Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Boast Barkers, part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Boast Barkers
part 3

[Golden oaks library one hour later ]

“How did you even get a panic attack, you gave a speech in front of every pony.” Spike grumbled.

“Tried to .” Pinkie pointed out.

“Oh I'm sorry Spike I didn't know I was supposed to have a say in when I freak out. Let me just file it into my brain that I am NOT supposed to freak out at something that only seems like a party.” Twilight snapped from where she lay half hidden in a book fort a damp rag over her eyes. “Let me get right on that thought process and I’m sure next time it won't happen at all!”

“That's not how I meant it!” Spike protested before grumbling and flopping down with a huff.” I just wish you could have shown that annoying mare up. Trixie is nothing but a braggart.”

“Spike she's a traveling show mare. She's got to promote herself like that or no one will come to see her shows and she wouldn't make any bits.” Twilight grumbled.” Honestly what she was doing was no different than what every other traveling show pony does. And she had some skill to back it up. If I had 'shown her up' she wouldn't have made any money. I refuse to be the reason some one starves, Spike.”

“But....” Spike started.

“She has a point. Would you have given up any bits to a pony you saw lose to some one you knew as the local librarian? Very few ponies know about the Elements Spike.” Fluttershy asked.

“Besides that was fun, and fireworks like that aren’t cheap... trust me I know.” Pinkie Pie sagely nods.

“But... argh....” Spike huffed.

The front door opened and Rahs walked in. He froze as he surveyed the scene and looked to Twilight with concern.” Woof?”

“Yes, another one.”Twilight grumbled.


“Mild. A two at best.” Spike offered dismissively.

“I know I had been doing pretty good, but it started to get too much like a party atmosphere and my usual point of stability in crowds vanished on me.” Twilight snapped.

Rahs winced.” Muurrr.....”

“Had to buy a rose? For Trixie?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously. “ I didn’t think she was that impressive.”

Rahs rolled his eyes.”Grrrrrr.”

“Really? The whole family went to see that play.” Twilight asked brightening up a bit. “ I didn't even recognize her.”

“She played Belle in your Beauty and the Beast play?” Fluttershy seemed a little confused.

“He got the part of Beast in a play when he was fourteen. He wanted to be Gaston, but the director thought otherwise. He spent a lot of time practicing his parts with the mare playing Belle, I didn't know it was Trixie though.” Twilight stated.

“Woof.” Rahs nodded.

“So that's why you gave her the rose, it was part of the play you were in.” Fluttershy smiled. “That's rather nice of you.”

Rahs nodded and walked over setting a small basket down on the floor between them all.

“Bark.” Rahs proclaimed revealing the basket of muffins.

“Derpy made these?” Pinkie Pie gasped. “ Wooooooow she makes the best muffins period , she won't tell anyone the recipe either.”

“That was very nice of her. I guess she saw me lose it huh?” Twilight sighed as Rahs shrugged.


“Just said they were a gift huh?” Fluttershy smiled. “She is a very nice mare.”

“Oooh these are good , you want one Spike?”Twilight asked around a mouthful of blueberry muffin.

“No... I’m going out.....” Spike snorted standing up and storming off.


“I don't care how late it is and I’ll take as long as I want!” Spike growled storming off.

Rahs blinked looking to the others.

“He's mad that I didn't try to beat Trixie. He doesn't seem to grasp all that bragging is part of her job.” Twilight commented showing Pinkie and Fluttershy why Rahs was considered the one with the best table manners.

Rahs crossed his arms and sighed. “ Woof?”

“Yeah I guess I'll be okay. I take it you want to say hello to her when she's not on stage?” Twilight smirked as Rahs nodded.

“Woof?”Rahs looked at Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

“Yeah I’m good to stay a bit more.” Pinkie Pie nodded. “I don't have to work until the lunch rush tomorrow.”

“I fed every one before I left and got caught up in the show.” Fluttershy muttered. “ I can stay a bit more too.”

“Don't forget to try and find Spike while you're out. “ Twilight called through a mouthful of muffin.

Rahs smirked and turned heading out the door to catch up with an old friend.

“What the heck are you two doing out here?” Spike grumbled, his wanderings bringing him back to the town center where Snips and Snails were outside Trixie's wagon.

“We came to see if the TEE GEE and PEE TEE needed anything.” Snails stated.

“What?” Spike questioned.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie was getting to be a mouthful.”Snips explained, “ So we shortened it.”

“ That’s seems longer to say than the way she pronounces it. Never mind. How can you two even fall for her lameness, she's just a showoff.” Spike grumbled. “ Unlike Twilight.....”

“TEE GEE and PEE TEE.....” Snails began trying hard not to mangle it.

“Please stop that.” Spike mono-toned.

“.... she Vanquished an Ursa major, can your sister do that!?” Snips continued

“Oh really? Were you guys actually there? “ Spike snapped, “Did you see it?

“Well no but..” Snips began.

“But nothing. I could tell you about the time I defeated Nightmare Moon...”

“But you did defeat Nightmare Moon. We were THERE!” Snails exclaimed with a smile.

“Okay bad example. I could tell you about the time I beat Princess Celestia in six consecutive chess matches while balancing a carp on my head and singing the Gangnam style.” Spike exclaimed.

“That sounds pretty impressive.” Snails considered.

“Did you actually do that?” Snips asked causing Spike to slap his face with a claw.

“As far as you know, and that's the point, she can say anything is true whether it is or not. Look, unless an Ursa major comes waltzing up the street for Trixie to vanquish, I am not gonna believe a word she says, and neither should you! .” Spike threw his hands in the air as the pair looked at him confused. “ Forget it I'm going home... should have grabbed one of those muffins .....”

Spike stormed off grumbling, even madder now after finding out that his friends still believed Trixie than he had been when Twilight tried to defend her.

Snips watched him walk off, the colts underused brain practically smoking as he pondered something . “Hm, an Ursa walkin' up the street, hey? Snails! You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'? “

“ I think so but Why is it they call it a flea market, when they don't really sell fleas?” Snails replied

“What? No... Come on!” Snips shouted racing off with his friend in hot pursuit.

Rahs watched the pair of them race off, having passed Spike on the way back to the Library. He wasn't sure what they had been talking about, something about a flea market, but he supposed it either wouldn't be important, or it would be a mess for future Rahs to worry about. Right now he wanted to check on somepony.

Moving up to the door he knocked lightly on it. There was a shuffle from the inside along with a faint grumble before the door was flung open.

Trixie was tired of those two, sure it was amusing to be waited on hoof and horn, but they were foals and they were idiots. She told them she didn't want to be bothered and she still heard them shouting outside of her wagon for the last hour. Just when it seemed they left, they knocked again.

“Trixie told you she did not wish to be disturbed ….....” Trixie frowned noting she was again staring at a familiar long coat and belt buckle. She rolled her eyes looking up at the towering Moon Dog.” We have got to stop meeting like this Fuzzy.”

Rahs chuckled a little his ears flicking on his head in cant.

“No you're not bothering me.... just finishing up dinner, that rose was a nice touch to add to the lentil soup. Come in, come in... what are you even doing in this hayseed burg any way?”

Trixie turned and stepped back into her wagon. Rahs followed ducking his head as he entered noting right off the bat that the wagon was much bigger on the inside.

Trixie glanced back and shook her head.”Relax I paid to have an item enchanted for the effect, unless you eat the crystal you shouldn't have any affect on the place. “

The wagon room looked like a warehouse, various supplies and repair parts for the wagon, alchemy bottles and numerous other necessities for traveling the road lay neatly placed in the rooms confines only allowing a thin passage between them to a small kitchen area with a table for one and a fold down bed that Trixie quickly folded back up to make a little more room, though he noticed a blue plushy cat had been resting on the pillow, and smirked recalling when she got that.

One small section of the wall was covered with pictures, a few hoof drawn, likely gifts from foals. The rest were pictures and snapshots of various places she had been, a small book shelf under the wall was loaded with atlases, a few spell tomes, and at least one thing that Rahs' eyes locked onto almost immediately. A well worn copy of the Beauty and the Beast stage play.

Trixie plopped down in the only chair, her horn lighting up to clear off the top of a crate setting everything on the table before her.

“It's been over four years Fuzzy. So how has everything been going?” Trixie asked picking up a cup of something and sipping from it as Rahs sat on the crate.

She watched his ears flick a little into various positions and smiled.

“Shirley made it big hmm?I had heard rumors, but it's nice to know they are true.” Trixie smiled. “How is Auntie Broadway?”

His ears flipped a bit more and Trixie sighed a little setting down the mug with a thud.

“Alright, stop.... “ Trixie said forcefully. ”I know it's been four years, but I recall we got pretty close that year. I also remember you had a rather delightful singing and speaking voice, one I seriously doubt you lost in only four years. So not to be rude, but if you came here to talk to me could you please actually talk to me so I don't have to keep trying to remember Cant ear positions. I barely use it and I've let my skills slip.”

Trixie frowned a little looking up at Rahs who stuck his tongue out at her and forced her to crack a smile.

“Damn it, Fuzzy, just say something.” Trixie laughed. “I don't even care if it's in that stupid growling voice you made up for the beast.”

Rahs shook his head a bit, opening his mouth to say something only for a titanic roar to shake the entire wagon, nearly sending them both crashing to the floor.

“What the buck was that!?” Trixie demanded as she and Rahs scrambled towards the door.

Author's Note:

And here i am teasing everyone. Again.....

Yes this Trixie is quite a bit different at least in dealing with Rahs.

Also if you noticed the change of avatar, it's because i've joined in the protest against the FCC in regards to net neutrality.

Let's face it i don't make much money as it is and if i'm charged more a month to upload things or visit this site i probably won't. So if you all like my work and want to keep seeing it without me needing to put up a patron or something so i can afford it, join the protest. Support Net Neutrality.

Okay that's enough ranting from me, on to work on the next chapter, or play the Monster hunter world demo, one of those.

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