• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,794 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Boast Barkers, part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Boast Barkers
part 2

The show continued on with more fireworks, displays of magic and showmareship.

Twilight was rather impressed. Trixie had talent, though most of her skill seemed to focus on illusions. There were a number of things she did that Twilight deduced the how of it, be it slight of hoof or magic, but there were a few tricks that even Twilight was unsure of how they were done. Through it all the mare was playing herself up with various stories and tales of bravado that Twilight didn't even slightly believe.

Neither did many of the other adults, but there were some who were a bit too vocal about it.

“My my my, what boasting.” Rarity scoffed.

Twilight rolled her eyes, she liked Rarity, she really did but the white mare really didn't know how to shut up. It was no surprise to learn that she, Mrs. Cake and the Flower Trio were the gossip hens of the town.

“Seriously, no ponies as magical as Twilight!” Spike grumbled.

“There's nothing wrong with being talented is there?” Twilight stated flatly not really expecting an answer from Rarity.

“Nothin at all, cept when someone goes around showing it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons.” Applejack snorted.

“ Or oversteps themselves by boasting they can take care of a whole harvest by themselves and refuses any help.” Rainbow Dash added glaring at Applejack.

“Ah apologized to everyone repeatedly for that, you still gonna bring it up all the time!?” Applejack grumbled at Rainbow Dash.

“You flung me into the Library, then you kicked me into a tree when I was trying to help you!” Dash snorted back getting into Applejack's face.

“Yeah, cept you asked me tah help you with tha first, and on tha second yah was trying tah grab me tah drag me away from my work when ah wasn't in my right mind. “ Applejack countered. ”Yah were told tah leave me alone then too.”

“I was trying to help you you ungrateful lout.” Rainbow Dash growled pressing closer to Applejack as the pair literally butted heads.

“Does Trixie need to pause her show while you two fight, or can your lovers quarrel simply end in a kiss and make up session now?”

Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack launched away from each other like a shot. While Rainbow's sudden movement was not unexpected to those who knew her, Applejack's insane burst of speed away from the stage had a few of them in awe.

Trixie for her part simply leaned back up onto the stage glancing in the directions the two had lept and the protests both were offering to those now around them. “Or you could do that too, it's fine.”

The crowd laughed at the joke as both Dash and Applejack turned bright red protesting even louder.

“Just because one can do a bit of magic does not make one better than the rest of us.” Rarity scoffed.

“Rarity.... that's not, she's.......” Twilight started before Trixie interrupted her.

“Well it seems we have some neigh sayers in the audience. Who is ignorant enough to challenge the Great and Powerful Trixie?!”

“Well I would, to a cupcake eating competition, but my tummy still feels a bit ooky when I look at cupcakes sooooooo, pass.” Pinkie Pie shouted back, getting an odd glance from the show mare.

Fluttershy mumbled something that sounded like she was fine.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were still trying to convince ponies they were not seeing each other.

Twilight shook her head though Rarity stepped forward.

“So aside from these parlor tricks what is it that makes you think you are so great and powerful any way?” Rarity demanded.

“Of course only an unskilled and uneducated unicorn would be so ignorant as to call Trixie's spells parlor tricks.” Trixie sneered. “ The Great and Powerful Trixie's magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!”

Fireworks explode around her sending a shaped plume of sparklers into the air taking the shape of a large bear festooned with stars.

Twilight was impressed at the bit of pyromancy, though with the unicorn's horn hidden under her hat it was hard to tell if she was casting a spell or this was some other sort of trick. It was high quality stage work she was sure Rahs was appreciating.... wait where was Rahs?

“Pfffft.... Hoofington, that doesn't even sound like a real place.” Spike scoffed listening to Trixie's story.

“It's on the southern end of the Everfree Forest.” Twilight corrected her younger brother.”Really not that far away from us at all. Where's Rahs?”

“What? Geez do you need to get a leash for him? He's a grown dog he can take care of himself.” Spike asked looking around the sea of pony legs around him taking note of Snips and Snails in total awe of the story Trixie was telling and the animated fireworks in the sky.

“Soooo coool.” the pair chimed.

“I am well aware he can take care of himself Spike I am also well aware that this is a BIG, lively, crowd that I am in the middle of without a large wall of fur keeping me from all the other Ponies......”Twilight exhaled. ”In the middle of what is starting to seem like a giant party with all the talking and noises.....”

“But it's a stage show....you don't get panicked at plays...” Spike blinked.

“Because it is dark and much quieter.......” Twilight shuddered, her ears flattening to her head.” I don't get to choose when this happens.”

“Awww crap.” Spike muttered only to get distracted by Snips and Snails right next to him practically shouting, granted it was not as if they had another volume setting other than loud.

“That settles it.” Snips stated.

“Trixie truly is the most talented, the most magical, the most awesome unicorn in Ponyville. “Snails uttered.

“No All of Equestria!” Snails shouted.

“Oh please.” Spike huffed. You didn't even see it , besides Twilight is the most magical unicorn....”

“Not to interrupt little drake, but do you mean the mare behind you hyperventilating?” Trixie asked showing a bit of concern.

Spike turned around to see his sister standing stock still shaking and breathing a bit too heavily and way to rapidly......” Awwww crap....... Pinkie, Fluttershy, help me out here.” Spike shouted as he ran over to his sister, the two mares he called moved over to either side of her.

“Oh dear she was getting much better too.” Fluttershy muttered.

“Yeah I know.” Pinkie Pie stated as the pair along with Spike guided Twilight off.” I was almost ready to throw her an actual welcome to Ponyville party.”

Trixie waited until Twilight and her small group were clear of the crowd. She pitied the poor mare, it had taken some time for Trixie to get over most of her phobias and hang ups after she left Celestia's school. She knew what they felt like. And the less said about her foal hood fear of wheels the better.

Still the two Unicorn foals gloating in her name was building the crowd quite well. It would be an easy segway into the next part of the show, particularly given there were a few ponies who still didn't seem convinced.

“Still don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie? “Trixie chuckled.”Well then, I hereby challenge you, Ponyvillians. Anything you can do, I can do better. Any takers? Anyone? Hmm? Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest equine who has ever lived!?”

Trixie smiled as one of the lovers from earlier came up on stage, the orange one. She questioned if Trixie could do something with rope, before she put on a decent rodeo display with her lasso. After dancing around it using only her tail, she lashed out with it and snagged an apple from a nearby tree, yanking it back and launching it with precision into her own mouth.

It was a impressive display, though Trixie had already thought of a counter. Her hat floated into the air over her head showing her horn aglow. She brought the end of the rope up before the farm pony, a bit of swaying movement along with a small spell and the mare couldn't help follow it with her eyes, hr head moving along as well. The other end of the rope stretched out snagging another apple pulling it back and before the orange mare could break free of the spell the rope in front of her eyes shot down hog tying her and flipping her onto her back. Once she was down the other end of the rope gagged her with the apple it had taken.

The crowds laughter made the orange mare glare at her in anger.

“Once again the great and powerful Trixie prevails.” Trixie stated smugly.

The cyan blue Pegasus mare that was the other half of that couple rushed up and got in her face.

“There's no need to go struttin' around and showin' off like that.” she growled.

“Oh?” Trixie asked.

“That's my job.” Rainbow Dash snorted.

“Really and here I thought you would be thrilled to have your filly friend all trussed up for some fun after the show. Given her talent with rope I mean, it seems like your thing and all.” Trixie stage whispered to the mare who turned beet red.

“What no, that's not , we're not ARRRRGH!!!” The mare shot straight up into the sky leaving the orange mare to hop off the stage herself still gagged and hogtied.

Thankfully her wording was enough to do little more than confuse the foals and make some of the adults laugh harder.

“Enough. Rarity is usually above such nonsense. Rainbow Dash and Applejack may behave like ruffians, but Rarity will not stoop you your level.” Rarity proclaimed.

“Big Talk, and little else aside from copying Trixie's manner of speech.” Trixie smirked, “What's the matter? Afraid you'll get a hair out of place in that rat's nest you call a mane?”

The white mare that had started the heckling growled.

“Oh it is ON!”

She hopped up on the stage, strutting around the show mare like a peacock while continuing to belittle Trixie. Truth be told Trixie would have called this pompous noble wanna be out directly if she hadn't been so easy to goad into attempting something.

“You may think you're tough with all of your so-called powers, but there's more to magic than your brutish ways. A unicorn needs to be more than just muscle. A unicorn needs to have style.” Rarity continued circling around Trixie before ripping one of the curtains off of her wagon and transforming it into some tacky little dress.

Trixie frowned at the destruction as the audience ooohed.

“A unicorn is not a unicorn without grace and beauty. “Rarity continued , though Trixie had had enough and let loose a spell before the annoying mare continued further.

Trixie had to admit the mare was a bit sharper than she gave her credit for, realizing instantly that the target of the spell had been her mane.

Of course she didn't expect the freak out about it once a member of the audience told the white mare it was green. The Unicorn then ran off crying, STILL wearing Trixie's curtain.

“Trixie will bill you.” the show mare called out after the fleeing Unicorn.

It was then that a shadow fell over her from her stage lights and a hush fell over the crowd. Trixie blinked, letting out a sigh and turning around to face her new challenger, only to be eye level with a belt buckle. She blinked again, lifting her head up, her lavender eyes trailing over the tattered maroon coat until it reached the head of the creature towering over her, staring down at her with amber cat like eyes.

“Rahs?” Trixie blinked getting a grin from the canine creature.

Trixie suppressed a smile at that, noting his ears moving, of course he was going to help her.

“And I take it you plan to challenge The Great and Powerful Trixie then Moon Dog?” she heard a gasp from several members of the crowd. Many of them had spent weeks, and several super boring lectures given by Twilight, to realize that Rahs wasn't a Diamond Dog, and here this mare had gotten it in one go.

Rahs simply smiled nodding.

Trixie frowned as his ears moved and he barked.

“Oh you son of a bitch...” Trixie hissed at him,”Tricking Trixie like this. Fine, you win this round Fuzzy.”

“So you want me to form a ball of magic do you?” Trixie announced getting a number of other gasps that she understood what the large Moon Dog was saying. ”Pffft you should issue a real challenge to Trixie.”

Trixie knew the result of what was going to happen, though she set up a few other spells to trigger some other effects the moment her magic cut out. She formed the glowing ball of magic watching, without flinching as Rahs snapped it out of the air. There was the expected slap to her horn and her fireworks all went off a second later lighting the sky up in the darkness.

Quite a number of other Unicorns in the crowd stared on in awe having been on the receiving end of one of Rahs' taste tests, to see a mare cast so easily as soon as he took a bite out of her spell, let alone barely flinch from his teeth so close to her, was astounding to them.

“Is that all?” Trixie questioned calmly.

Rahs smiled, licking his lips and took two steps back, one arm slipping behind his back the other across his chest as he too a low stage bow to her. He slipped a paw into his coat and drew out a rose to toss to her. He quickly rose, whirled in place and walked off the stage.

The crowd cheered and Trixie smiled, picking up the rose as her magic recovered and tucked it into her hat to eat later, of course he would bring a rose.

" Blueberry muffin with a hint of pine cone flavor."

Trixie looked over to where Rahs had exited the stage and noticed he was looking down at a gray Pegasus mare with blonde hair. The mares pupils seemed to be facing different directions and she seemed to be in awe of Rahs as he walked off the stage. She had given Rahs a small basket to take with him and he nodded his thanks to her and headed off with a last glance back towards the stage offering a smile to Trixie.

Author's Note:

So this is part two. i didn't want this Twilight to be as worried about her friends thinking she was boasting , mostly because it was a dumb idea fit only for a children's show....... oh wait..... Any way.

Trixie's ego is a bit smaller now too, not much, but a bit.

i know it seems like i'm Rarity bashing in this... and i am. I hated rarity for the entire first season and only started to semi like her during the second. she was a useless annoyance for most of the first season and it wasn't until after dog and pony show that i even saw her as the slightest bit amusing, and not until she lost it at Blueblood that i liked her at all.

And yes despite art of the Dress being one of the better season one songs i still didn't like her.

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