• Published 8th Sep 2017
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Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Friendship is Puppies, episode 2, Epilogue

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Friendship is Puppies, episode 2

[Ponyville, Golden Oaks library]

Celestia sighed leaning on the table before her, her hooves pressed to her temples. It had taken over an hour to get the ponies around her to leave her be, politely. Then it took another hour just to get them to stop checking up on her every five minutes. Her Guards had taken longer than that to get rid of, particularly after their failure to protect her from Nightmare Moon, not as if she expected them to be able to really. Still it clearly hurt their pride, so she let them do what they wanted for the most part.

The Royal Guard thankfully could take a hint and were currently outside the library simply stopping any one from coming in. Celestia needed a bit of time to think, something she was not going to get any time soon.

Pinkie Pie's party was still in full swing outside despite the night starting to come again. Something she had to assure her little ponies was natural and not the second coming of Nightmare Moon. The other Element bearers had long since gone home to bed , though the pink mare just kept going and going and going.

Luna had been fascinated by everything going on, though she was still reluctant to join in or eat anything she didn't understand, which at the moment, was nearly everything. So she mostly just watched the goings on until she dozed off not long after some Pegasus fillies had put a rose wreath around her neck. It confused her for a bit as to why one would wear food.

Currently her sister was asleep on a hastily scrounged up bed set up in the large room behind her.

Spike had wound up being the hero of the town oddly enough. Big Mac had foisted most of the attention off on the small Dragon despite his part in it. After the girls left, Mac went out into the panic filled streets and gathered up as many of the lost foals as he could find, keeping them all in the library for Spike to guard and entertain with the help of Applebloom until their parents calmed down enough to start looking for them. By the time everyone got back the only foals still present were Rarity's sister and Applebloom. Both of them were struggling to stay awake until their sisters returned. Spike managed to stay up the whole time, but as soon as the last of his charges were gone and he was sure his siblings were safe he passed out in the middle of the floor.

After putting Spike to bed, Rahs had opted to avoid Pinkie's party and follow his brothers lead. Big Mac had taken Applebloom home soon after. Rarity had brought her sister home as well though she joined the others for the party at least for a while.

Celestia could have taken Luna and left at any time, but the calm of the library was a nice change from how she was sure things were in Canterlot right now. She needed time to collect her thoughts before the chariot ride back home. There was also a pony she needed to talk to before she left and she had no issue with waiting as long as it took for her to show up. In truth she was wondering where her student had gotten off to. She expected Twilight to avoid Pinkie Pie's party, but the purple Unicorn had yet to return to the library where she was staying.

“......Yes, thank you very much, I am so allowed inside.... you know what forget it, I'm done arguing with you!” shouted someone from outside. A moment later a flash of light appeared on the other side of the door and an annoyed Twilight Sparkle popped into existence trudging across the room before the door was flung open by the panicked Guard.

“I see you've finally mastered teleportation Twilight.” Celestia smirked as her student looked over at her in surprise.

“Princess....” the Guard shouted, bursting in the door after Twilight.

“Calm down Captain Rex. Twilight is allowed in. Truthfully I'm the one intruding on her living quarters.” Princess Celestia sighed.

The Guard nodded looking over at Twilight a last time before pulling back out of the building shutting the door behind him.

“Is there a reason you told us not to tell any pony we're the Bearers of the Element's of Harmony?” Twilight asked glaring back at the door.

“You're smart Twilight. You've seen what happens when any pony in court thinks they can gain power over another. What do you think would happen to this town if the nobles found out six artifacts were found out here? While I expect Rarity might enjoy it, would the others like the hounding the media and nobles would be doing if word got out. If none of the others, think of Fluttershy's reaction.” Celestia explained as Twilight approached pulling a seat out across the table from the Princess and dropping down into it with a thud.

“Alright I'll give you that one. And why are you taking the Element's to Canterlot?” Twilight demanded.

“To put them somewhere safe. The last thing we need is for some pony to lose them, or for Rahs or Spike to try and eat them.”

“Two for two. Rahs already tried. He said it didn't taste like anything, but he only licked the crown.” Twilight sighed understanding that.

“I expect it's because it's part of your magic that it has no taste to him.” Celestia added.” The Element's will be available whenever you need them . After all you will not be far....... or will you?”

“That is what I have been thinking about....” Twilight admitted.

“And what have you discovered?”

“That I am very tired.” Twilight dead panned.

“Aside from that?” Celestia smiled.

“I don't know. I get the why of the situation, but I don't like the idea you guided us like pawns!” Twilight frowned.

“ I am always doing that Twilight. It is what I must do as a ruler, though you are hardly a pawn. You act as if I knew who the Bearers would be. I did not, I do not know everything. All I knew was that they were here and if you were the sixth Bearer that they would find you when the time was right. That is how they work, that is how they always worked before. Granted last time they were held by only two ponies.” Celestia explained looking over at the sleeping form of her sister. “ I bore Generosity, Compassion and Loyalty. My sister Magic, Honesty, and Laughter. When I was forced to banish her after the corruption had possessed her the Elements decided that I was no longer loyal enough to wield my half. And with what my sister did as Nightmare Moon, Laughter and Honesty left her.”

“What did happen?”Twilight asked.

Celestia paused frowning. She owed her student an explanation, but couldn't bring herself to say her biggest failure.” That is a long story Twilight one I am still not comfortable with telling. Suffice to say my sister has a right to be upset with me as it was my fault she became the nightmare. Not directly mind you, that falls on the shoulders of one long dead, but my inaction is the reason it happened at all. I will explain it another time if you ask Twilight, but it will not be today. I have a long road ahead of me reforging the trust lost between my sister and I. Let me get her settled in and perhaps then....”

“Well you are decidedly helping with my decision with your vagueness Princess. I think perhaps I would have accepted any answer you gave, 'except ask again later.'” Twilight muttered.

“I'm sorry Twilight. But even after all this time I am not comfortable talking about it. Much as you refuse to speak of your tenth birthday party.” Celestia sighed as Twilight winced..”At least thanks to you and your friends healing from it can begin finally. Thank you for that my faithful student.”

“........ If I am that after all.”


“I'm not happy with you Princess. You left us in the dark on this whole thing. Spike or Rahs could have gotten hurt and I was nearly killed twice out in those woods. More than that probably. Rainbow Dash was attacked directly and both she and Rahs were hurt. Spike attacked her to break a fear spell, she could have blasted him to nothing. Your Guards all got hurt and the entire town was sent into a frenzy. How many others got hurt in other parts of Equestria just from the panic that happened when the sun didn't rise?”

“What would you have had me do Twilight warn everyone she was coming? Think of how many would be heroes would have attacked her, how many of them she would have killed? Even had they killed her, there would be no guarantee that her death would have freed me. And my sister would have been dead. I had plenty of plans in place to stop her, many of them were little more than time sinks designed to give the Elements more time to draw their Bearers to them. But a few of them would have caused conflict and death. All of them were slated to take weeks or months to start. Had I told you everything would you have even bothered coming to the town or would you have gone straight for the castle to retrieve the Element's so you could try and force the activation? Would you have brought your school friends? How well would that have gone? Which of them would be Honesty? Which Laughter?”

“Lyra Laughter, Moon Dancer would be Honesty, Lemon Hearts Kindness.......” Twilight listed trailing off. “ I understand your point, but that does not mean I have to like it Princess.”

Celestia nodded.”Perhaps in time you will forgive me for this too. It is not the first time I have wronged you after all.”

“True, but how long I suppose will all depends on this next question's answer.”

“And what might that be?”

“How much did you keep from us about Rahs?” Twilight asked flatly.

“Only what I first suspected of him. Something which turned out not to be true after all.”

“That is not an answer.” Twilight's eyes narrowed.

“I thought he was a creature called a Witch Wolf. He is not. I do not know what he is, just that he bears a resemblance to the Witch Wolves and that they were called Moon Dogs by my sister and her followers, the Thestrils.” Celestia explained. “Luna is the one you should ask about them. I was under the impression that they had all died out long ago. I called him a Moon Dog because of that resemblance. Witch Wolves were monsters Twilight, pure and simple. Rahs is not a monster, he is your brother.”

“So that was why you kept checking me for abilities to manipulate the flow of time when I was younger.”

“Yes, I first expected you had pulled him from the past, but again that was not the case. I did not know where he came from and I still do not.” Celestia offered.

“Not the answer I wanted to hear.” Twilight grumbled.

“Again I am sorry, but that is all I know.”Celestia nodded.”So now it is my turn, my student. We will be leaving soon. Are you coming with us?”

Twilight frowned looking over to the sleeping Luna before shaking her head.

“No.... not right now. You'll be too busy helping Princess Luna to be much of a teacher to me and I need some time to cool down. I expect Rahs and Spike do as well. None of us are really happy with you right now. I understand the why for most of it but it still feels like a betrayal.”

“I understand. I will make arrangements for Golden Oaks to house you more permanently and I will see to it that you receive pay in regards to the position of head librarian here, with Spike and Rahs receiving pay as your assistants. Please let your friends know that a stipend will be gifted them for as long as they are the Bearer's of the Elements. It will not be much I am afraid, as this needs to be hidden from the Royal accountants and as such it will need to be masked as something else. I suppose a wildlife fund for Miss Fluttershy and a Heritage sight for Sweet Apple Acres will take care of some of it. I will need to think of something else for the others.”

Twilight nods. “I will.......I'm kinda going to miss being your student....”

“Who says you are not still my student? You have not graduated the school just yet. I can always send your assignments here.” Celestia smiled rising to her hooves with a stretch of her wings.”Besides, you are simply going to be studying something else. The magic of friendship.”

“That still sounds corny.” Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Never the less, it is how the Elements are wielded, and I would be far from against you studying how it works. Spike can send still send me messages if you need anything or have reports on your progress to give me.” Celestia moved over and gently picked up her sister, laying the smaller alicorn on her back. “I am afraid we need to go now. Canterlot is probably still in a panic, Cadence is going to give me an ear full when she gets back and I still need to get Luna acquainted with everything. I am also quite certain you need to go to bed my faithful student.”

“Yeah I suppose so...” Twilight smiled. “ I feel like I can sleep for a week.”

“Well get some rest we will be going now, be sure to keep in touch Twilight.”

“I will Princess.... good night.” Twilight stated as she rose from the chair moving to take over the bed Luna had occupied as Celestia stepped outside.

Celestia exhaled as she lowered her sun, bringing the moon up into the sky, hopefully this would be one of the last times she would need to do it now that her sister was back.

“Captain have the two Guards that accompanied Twilight here initially stay to Guard the library until she dismisses them when she wakes up. Aside from her brothers no one else is to go in or out until she allows it, Twilight deserves some rest.” Princess Celestia ordered.

“Yes Princess. Your chariot is ready to take you and Princess Luna back to Canterlot.” The Guard Captain nodded.”The rest of us will follow later once we are sure everything is secure...... and that that strange pink mare doesn't drop dead from everything she's doing.”

Celestia smiled,climbing onto her seat on her chariot setting Luna down before her and wrapping her wings around her sister as the Guards attached took off. Luna woke with a start at the sudden take off and flailed inside of Celestia's wings.

“Easy, easy now Lulu, it's alright. You're safe now.....Ooof...” Celestia winced as one of Luna's wings hit her in the stomach.

“Didst thou gain weight?” Luna questioned.

“You are 'relatively' safe now.” Celestia corrected.

Luna snorted in amusement as she settled down, not staying against her sister, but not pulling out of her embrace either. She instead looked up at the sky as the stars and the rested in the heavens like a great tapestry.

“Thou did not move anything......” Luna sighed.

“I never learned how. You have no idea how much trouble just moving the moon gave me. I never even managed to get it to do the phases thing like you did.” Celestia stated.

“So what happens now?” Luna sighed.

“Well we get you set up and accustomed to everything and turn the monarchy back into a diarchy for starters. Though that will be some time from now. You have a lot of catching up to do on modern politics and laws.”

“Ugh ist there not simply a country we can invade. T'would be much simpler.”Luna sighed.

“And that question is why you need a tutor. Perhaps one of my students. Moon Dancer may do in fact. Though before you think I am simply foisting you off on someone else, I will say I will answer any question you bring to me Lulu.” Celestia smiled. “ I know I have a lot to make up for …..”

“Tis fine sister, while we are far from over this, we understand thine nature better than any other and can only somewhat hold it against thee. And given what he did, he should stay gone so the issue is resolved. We will get over it we simply need time for everything.” Luna sighed.

“Well we have plenty of that.” Celestia chuckled.

“We do have one pertinent query for thee that hast been nagging us since our return however.” Luna considered.

“Oh and what is that?” Celestia asked.

“How did you get a Moon Dog outside of the Oneiroi?” Luna questioned.

“Outside of the what now?” Celestia blinked as Luna looked at her like she was an idiot.

Author's Note:

And there we go, the end of the first episode. We get a few answers, Twilight stays in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie is scary, and i reveal more questions.

And now we move on into other episodes. As i said before the episodes might be out of order in some cases or even out of season, but that is because i feel they will fit better where i put them.

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