• Published 8th Sep 2017
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Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Loup Before You Sleep, Epilogue

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Loup Before You Sleep

Trotting down the road on the way back to her farm, Applejack decided to slow down a little to look over the damage the storm did. The river around town was swollen and one of the bridges had partially washed away, though it was an older one, due to be replaced soon anyway. A few trees were damaged, one or two ponies might have some new leaks to fix, but the damage was rather minimal over all.

The sky was still dotted with a number of clouds though the majority of them had already been cleared. Given what Dash had said about needing to watch the storm all night she expected the team was passed out somewhere in the cloudscape likely to finish up after a nap. Applejack couldn't fault them for that, while Dash seemed lazy, when work needed to be done, she was just as hardworking as the Apples were.

Of course all of this thinking was to distract her from the real issue. What happened last night at the library.

She knew her anger with Rarity was unfounded, but she couldn't help it. It was one of those things where a pony automatically didn't like someone and every little thing they did cemented that hatred.

Applejack sighed, her walk slowed and just let one hoof fall in front of the other as she moved on, lost in her thoughts.

Her father had told her once that holding onto anger was like swallowing poison and waiting for another pony to die. She wondered if that also included Diamond Dogs and not just Ponies.

She wanted to think that the ones that killed her parents had been taken care of by the Royal Guard, but their pack was still out there and Applejack wanted to crush the life out of every single one of those Bone Hounds she could get her hooves on. Only Big Mac, Granny, and Applebloom had kept her from hunting every single one of them down, or die trying.

Her family was torn apart by the damn dogs and then, out of nowhere, this prissy white unicorn gets foal napped. Before the Guard could come back she then waltzed back into town like nothing had happened, some how striking some sort of deal with the Hounds. A deal she wouldn't tell any pony the details of.

Applejack knew that was where her anger stemmed from. Rarity's deal with the mutts kept them away from the town and leaving travelers alone. Applejack didn't see a reason for there to be peace, she wanted them all gone.


At the very least she shouldn't hold Rarity responsible for the mess. Her parents were killed long before this deal was set up. Applebloom wasn't even walking yet, her sister only recalling her parents from faded photos and memories from her infancy.

The incident last night brought home that it was stupid. Her anger at Rarity over nothing almost ended another friendship.

Poison indeed.

She had to let this go. Being angry at some pony when they did nothing wrong was no way to live. It would take time and effort, but Applejack was nothing if not stubborn, she'd get over this.

Rarity looked up at her shop, walking around the outside of it with an appraising eye. Aside from a few loosened shutters her shop was still in top shape. Rarity sighed pushing open the front door and closing it behind her, not bothering to turn the closed sign around. Every pony would be too busy with clean up today to bother with coming in for a fitting any way.

Something Rarity was quite fine with this morning.

She flopped down on a couch pressing her face into a pillow with a groan. Last night had nearly been a disaster simply because she couldn't stop goading a mare who didn't even seem to recall why.

In a word it was pointless, and it nearly cost her her friendship with Twilight. She still felt she owed the mare and her brothers something. Not just for the gala tickets and her harsh behavior either.

She put up with the occasional prank and oddity of the trio, and for the most part they seemed to accept her despite her own flaws. In truth Rahs amused her the most out of the three, when she had discovered his love for drama and the theater the first time the pair of them had gone through at least four scenes of a 'Wagon named Desire' before Spike threw them out of the library.

Not to say she disliked Twilight or Spike, but of the three she shared more interests with the Moon Dog. Odd given how their initial meeting went.

Still last night was nearly the worst thing ever. Certainly she had learned some things about Twilight and her problems, but she had also caused a number of them, all because of a petty feud with Applejack, one that the farm mare didn't even remember was going on.

Long before she had gotten her cutiemark she had been part of the drama club in school. Applejack had been on the hoof ball team. As most bit novels say, jocks and nerds do not get along. She had been picked on, teased, and shoved in her locker by the jocks as had a number of other drama club members. Applejack it seemed had made her a favored target and would go out of her way to harass the white unicorn filly.

Then one day Applejack stopped coming to school. It wasn't long after that that the Royal Guard showed up and at the time Rarity hadn't known what was going on, but she knew now that Applejack's parents had been killed by the Diamond Dogs.

She knew it was a bad thing, but at the time, her young mind could only think of the joy that she didn't have to deal with Applejack. Without her as ringleader the other bullies didn't seem to have as much desire to pick on any one.

That mattered little to Rarity. She had been pushed past the point of anger with Applejack and had forced her parents to allow her to take martial arts lessons so that the next time Applejack tried anything she could knock that pony into next Tuesday. It never came to pass however as by the time she was skilled enough Applejack was gone.

Applejack never returned to school and the Drama club managed the best performance ever after Rarity gained her cutiemark and made the new costumes. This catapulted the Drama club to the top place in the schools pecking order of finances and the Hoof Ball team was forced to have bake sales to pay for their things.

Evidently Applejack had gone away for a while and was home schooled after that, as Rarity didn't see her again for years. And when she did, the old embarrassment and anger had come up again as if she had just been shoved in a locker moments before.

Applejack however had changed, she didn't even seem to recall she was a bully or even that Rarity went to the same school. Despite that, Rarity couldn't help but hate her.

That had been clear last night, she had been goading Applejack just waiting for the mare to lose her temper and take a swing or do anything so Rarity could put her down. But that never happened, instead she had nearly ruined a new friendship because of her issues with some pony who didn't even recall why Rarity didn't like her.

She couldn't do this anymore, nothing was going to come of her feud with the farmer save more pain and problems. She needed to let it go and simply accept the mare for who she was, not what she had been. Clearly the trials Applejack had gone through when she left school had changed the mare for the better and Rarity had to accept that, and get on with her own life.

It might take some time , but she was certain to be able to do it.

In a dark vault in Canterlot, two Elements of Harmony started to glow softly.

Author's Note:

And thus concludes another Episode.

Some things get answered, more things get brought up and another old name shows up from another work.

I set it up like this because i needed a reason for these two to dislike each other. Just being too prissy or too country doesn't hold up very well at all. A deeper reasoning was needed so i gave them one. Something that might take time to get over, but one that both will try to get over.

As this chapter shows, while comedy is there in the forefront, i can't seem to write a story without some sort of drama.

And now onto an episode i've been wanting to work on since i started this story.

Briard-ile Gossip

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