• Published 8th Sep 2017
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Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Boast Barkers Epilogue, part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Boast Barkers
Epilogue, part 2

[Ponyville Riverside Motel]

Trixie flopped back onto her bed with a huff. This had been two weeks right out of a old tragedy, or perhaps some sort of divine comedy, in any event it had been weird. It was getting better, but still weird.

There hadn't been much left to salvage out of her wagon. A few pictures, some props, her spare hat and cape had survived, but none of her other show essentials were salvageable. She was glad to have the pictures, particularly the few hoof drawn ones given to her by foals in her travels. The only other thing of note to survive was Mr. Tibbers.

She smirked looking over at the dark blue plush cat. In truth she had been highly embarrassed that Fuzzy had been the one to recover him from the remains of her wagon. It would be the second time that the plushie had passed from Fuzzy to her. The first was when he won it for her at the festival they went to while taking a break from practice. His ceramic eye was chipped, but that would be easy to repaint.

One of the things she was most upset about losing was her stage copy of Beauty and the Beast. It had been filled with hoof written notes on her part, as well as all of the cast's signatures. It was not something that could ever be replaced. She didn't want to hate those brats, but with the loss of the book it was very hard not to. She really should have fed them to the Ursa.

The time when she got that book had perhaps been the most memorable six months of Trixie's life.

She had just turned fifteen, still had not gained her cutie mark and had returned to Canterlot when she was having the most trouble on the road with her parents.

The ridicule and teasing she had gotten when she was part of Celestia's school had left her an emotional mess. Being told you were special and important by the Princess, and then being treated like dirt by every pony your age due to jealousy or anger had ways of messing with a foal.

Her parents had told her she had once been so proud to be selected by Princess Celestia. Though that didn't last long when she was forced to attended a normal school between lessons with the Princess. The complex illusions that got her into Celestia's program were greeted with disdain by teachers and students when she had trouble doing anything else with her magic. The teasing got so bad that when the school had a talent show she jumped at the chance to prove herself.

Only when the time came for her to show her stuff, nothing went right, her tricks flopped, her magic failed and she was nearly crushed by a wagon wheel that got loose from another act, the blasted thing chasing her across the stage. The only thing that happened was she was laughed at, by every one.

She was even given an award for best comedy act.

That broke her. She refused to do anything, she got into fights over the stupidest things, attacking any one who she even thought was insulting her and refused to have anything to do with any of the teachers. Most of the time she did her best to avoid every pony, slinking off by herself to sulk, and she even stopped going to Princess Celestia's lessons no longer seeing herself as worthy.

Her parents took her to a number of specialists and she was diagnosed with Enochlophobia on top of a laundry list of other things including depression and severe anxiety.

Deciding a change of scenery was probably for the best, her parents pulled her out of school and left Canterlot. Her father was part of a traveling show and was rarely home as it was. Her mother was part of the same show though she had retired when Trixie was born in order for her daughter to have a stable life. Seeing that a stable life wasn't working, she rejoined the circus along with Trixie's father and the three of them traveled with it.

There were enough other foals in the show that a full time teacher was necessary so Trixie did get her schooling and with a smaller crowd she was able to calm down, particularly since no one knew of the failed talent show. Still she never opened up and was always considered the quiet one for the next nine years of her life.

At fifteen Trixie returned to Canterlot. She had known she wanted to entertain. She loved the idea of being on stage and she practiced with the shows magicians to the point her abilities surpassed theirs, but she could never manage to show it off. She couldn't handle the crowds. So she wrote to her Aunt Broadway for help, the mare literally lived on the stage.

Her aunt had suggested that perhaps a more structured place might be better for her, than the wide open show of the circus. And Trixie had come back to Canterlot to find out, she knew what she wanted to do, but getting there was the hard part.

She auditioned for the first play that came up, an Old Breezy tale called Beauty and the Beast. To her own horror she had done well enough to secure the position of Belle, the female lead in the play.

Thinking about being the focus of the entire audience as the main character caused her to have a freak out. When she finally came back to her senses she was wrapped in a blanket with her aunt on one side of her and a large canine creature on the other.

That was her first meeting with Fuzzy. He had helped her aunt calm Trixie down as evidently his own sister was prone to the occasional freak out as well, and he and his brother were well versed in calming her down.

Fuzzy had tried out for Gaston, but due to his not being a Pony, had been cast as the Beast instead with another pony playing the bit part of the 'cured' Beast.

She and Fuzzy had started practicing together from that point on. Along with Shirley who was playing Gaston, the three of them dedicated themselves to their parts so well that the end result of the amateur production of the play seemed more like a professional one.

It hadn't been easy to get to that point though. They had to work at breaking Trixie of her phobia which the pair simply considered as stage fright.

It had been Fuzzy who came up with the solution.

If Trixie couldn't stand up in front of a crowd, then she should masquerade as some pony who could.

All Trixie had to do was pretend to be some one else on stage, Trixie herself could hang back and ignore anything any one said about the mask, because it wasn't her it was who she was pretending to be who they were talking about and watching.

Trixie had called it dumb.

Shirley had called it advanced method acting.

Fuzzy had called it better than anything any pony else was coming up with.

In the end, it worked. Trixie’s stage fright wasn't gone, but she could be some one else who wasn't afraid, or nervous or panicky.

The pony speaking and moving was just some one guided by her, a persona. If anything happened to to the persona then it was only that character that had anything happen to them, it was not Trixie herself, just who she was pretending to be.

Fuzzy had helped her with that, but it was far from all.

The troupe had taken a break to visit a Hearth Warming festival for a bit of R&R two weeks before the show was to start.

Trixie had gotten separated from the others and run afoul of a group of colts and fillies her own age who decided that the festival was boring and picking on a blank flank was more fun.

When she ignored their words the teasing got more physical, pulling her tail flicking her ears anything to get a rise out of her.

Before she found the others Fuzzy had found her.

Had she knot known him she would have thought him some sort of monster like the teenagers did. Half of them wound up face first in a dumpster out side of a restaurant, two of the mares wound up with mangled haircuts due to his claws. They all were likely sorry they decided to pick on Trixie.

It had taken a while after that for her to calm down again, being on the verge of another freak out, though that was when Fuzzy had gotten her Mr. Tibbers. He spent more bits than the toy was worth trying to get it for her before he finally knocked over some bottles.

It had felt nice to have someone work that hard to get something for her, even though she knew he was only trying to calm her down.

When the show finally began a few weeks later The troupe put on a spectacular performance.

Trixie put herself so fully into the illusion that she was Belle that the audience and the rest of the cast fully believed it. When her father went missing, every one was worried. When the Beast rampaged, every one seemed to feel her fear. When Gaston 'killed' the Beast, her words brought the audience and many of the other actors to tears.

It was here at the height of the illusion that she was Belle that she gained her cutie mark. She was not just skilled at magical illusions, but she could fool anyone into thinking her mask was the real her to the point that she became what ponies saw.

Everything that had happened up to that point had been thanks to Fuzzy.

Trixie smirked to herself as she squirmed on the bed clutching Mr.Tibbers close as she recalled how Rahs gained the nickname she gave him.

The last kiss of the show to the cured Beast was a worrying point for her. Shirley had suggested jokingly to practice that as well, shoving Rahs at her.

Rahs had not been expecting it and crashed into her, for a brief moment their lips meeting before the Moon Dog managed to turn himself to not land on her but crash to the floor.

He and Shirley got into a fight over that, though Trixie had just remarked that his whiskers had tickled and his lips felt Fuzzy.

The nick name stuck.

Her cutie mark, her stage fright cured, and her first kiss. All at the paws of her Beast. And even now years later he was helping her out still. She didn't know if it was just her or if he was nice to every one like that.

Trixie sighed sitting up letting the stuffed cat fall back onto the pillow as she ran her hooves through her mane.

She finally got to meet Fuzzy's sister too. Certainly she had heard of Twilight Sparkle, but she had never met her. Twilight was withdrawn, smart, sharp, and rather blunt all at the same time. Still Trixie couldn't help be in awe at the mares magical prowess.

It was a pity that she needed to regard Twilight as a rival because of that.

The pair of them had struck up a conversation about some of the illusions she had used in the show. While Trixie wasn't willing to reveal all she knew some of the magical theory behind one of two of the spells she used was enough to sate the mare.

From Twilight she learned about Moon Dogs, the purple Unicorn seeming to have a deep seated obsession with finding out everything about them she could. From the talk turned lecture she found out Moon Dogs fed on magic, and Fuzzy was leaching the excess power from Twilight to feed

From this information Trixie theorized that Fuzzy would never leave his sisters side as her magic was his prime source of food. Unless a stronger power source presented itself he would always be around her.

Trixie needed to be stronger. She had to gain more magical power to become stronger than Twilight. She rather liked the mare, but in this Twilight was Trixie's rival.

Fuzzy would be hers.

And perhaps she could manage to kiss him properly this time she giggled falling onto her back on the bed kicking her hoofs in the air.

Trixie's more lewd trains of thought was cut off by a knock on the hotel door.

“Coming.” Trixie called as she slipped off the bed fully and headed to the door. She expected the Mayor with more questions, that odd insurance pony with even MORE annoying questions, or even Fuzzy coming to check up on her.

Trixie was not expecting a blonde maned, gray furred mare with bubbles for a cutie mark and unusual eyes.

“Umm, can Trixie help you?” Trixie blinked trying not to stare at the mare's odd eyes.

“Yup, can you do that magic thing you did the other day on stage with Rahs?” the Pegasus mare beamed.

“You mean this?” Trixie blinked at the odd request, forming a small sphere of magic in the air before her.

The blue Unicorn yelped as the Pegasus mare jerked forward, biting into the magic globe. The spell poofed out of existence as Trixie tried to figure out what was going on.

“Hmmmm.” the mare considered chewing the air as if she had managed a bite out of the magic before she frowned. “I don't taste anything … he lied to me.”

Trixie blinked as she was thanked, before the Pegasus fluttered off, muttering something about blueberry’s, pine-cones, and muffins.

“This town is crazy......” Trixie stated quickly closing the door.

Author's Note:

And there we go an abridged history of Trixie's encounter with Fuzzy. This is the third rewrite. The first was a flashback and it went too long, the second was still a flash back and i felt it cut too much out. This third one worked best for me.

Granted i'm giving shippers more ammo here, but it's getting amusing to do so.

As i posted before i am looking to do a AMA for all my work in Discord. I've decided on the week end after Christmas, Saturday most likely. I'll have all the information for any one wanting to ask something or listen to me rant before this weekend on my blog post.

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