• Published 8th Sep 2017
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Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Pony and Dog Show, part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Pony and Dog Show, part 3

[Inside the Diamond Dog warren ]

Rarity trotted with a single purpose in mind, though her eyes continued to scan over everything that she passed, taking it all in. She had enough presence in the tunnels that most of the Diamond Dogs ignored her, the few that didn't were the usual brutes who tried to frighten her by jumping at her or swinging their weapons close trying to spook her.

She kept herself calm and didn't lash out as she had in the past. The Bone Hounds respected strength above all else and she had been forced before to knock the stupid out of one or two that had issue with her in the past. As such she had at least a little respect from various members of this pack.

She had long ago learned which ones were truly important and which ones were the omegas. It was all about the way they carried themselves. Every dog above an omega was always tense always ready for a fight as there was no telling when some other dog might want to try and elevate their social standing. It was one of the reasons she had been unafraid of Rahs when they first met. He carried himself like an omega most of the time. Raised by ponies he didn't have to worry about fighting for his standing as such she had seen him as a unimportant nuisance that could be driven away by loud noises and a broom upside the head.

She had other things to do now and other worries as she watched the Bone Hounds that filled the tunnels. They were all preparing for something. She could hear weapons being sharpened and armor being hammered echoing through the tunnels. There was a scent in the air as well. A coppery tang to the enclosed tunnels and the bubble and hiss of a cauldron somewhere of some sort of meat cooking.

There was a menacing sort of energy in the air that worried her as well, but she wouldn't find any answers here. Rarity continued on, passing by the source of the smell a large cauldron had been set up in the middle of the warren. There was a line forming for the food as she passed chunks of meat floated in the surface of the reddish broth as the cook poured flasks of what looked like blood into the mix stirring it in before scooping it out to Diamond Dogs who greedily and messily devoured it.

She didn't want to think on what the red mess was or why other dogs were swigging it directly, but there were a number of empty vials and clay jars scattered around that seemed to have been full of it.

The throne room was gaudily decorated in comparison to the rest of the warrens. Gemstones were embedded in nearly every surface, piles of bits and other random treasures lay in messy piles around the room. Expensive silks, monster skulls, and even a few armor pieces from the Royal Guard lay in these piles along with countless more gems and a large apple wood draft yoke that made Rarity shudder every time she saw it. In the middle of the rooms back wall was a massive throne that may have started as a hydra skull before it became little more than gem laden scrimshaw art work piled high with pelts. Seated in the throne was the largest Diamond Dog that Rarity had ever seen, even with her dealings with both packs she had never seen anything quite like Butch.

The feral looking beast stood several heads taller than a minotaur and would have towered over the Princesses, he was twice as massive as Fluttershy's bear Harry with claws to match. The black furred brute wore what Rarity considered the finest vest she had crafted for the Bone Hounds, though it had been mended many times and was covered in spots of blood. The Diamond Dog alpha was covered with scars and bits of jewelry, festooned with gems and various body parts of those who had challenged him over the years. Of all the Alpha's that the Royal Guard had tried to put down years ago, he was the only one not to stay down. He was a monster that would have been more fitting to rule in a bygone warrior age rather than the peaceful present.

“I know why you are here little pony. And the answer is no.” Butch stated flatly.

He was also far smarter than any of the other Bone Hounds. Rarity was always worried she might slip up and that would be the end of her. The two large betas on either side of him were both female and both towered over all the other dogs in the warren, but even seated he dwarfed them. Really it was unlikely he needed body guards for anything other than show.

“You do not even know what I have come here to ask Lord Butch.” Rarity stated.

“Ahh but I do. You want the return of the Witch Wolf.”” Butch waved a clawed hand in the air lazily. “ And I say no.”


“Silence pony. You are here because I allow it. Your generosity in your trading with us is the sole reason I do not feed you to the pack for daring to speak with me at all.” Butch barked. “The Witch Wolf is an omega, the bottom of the pile and yet even with as pathetic as it is it cost me ten of my betas to bring him here and twice that of omegas.”

“Rahs killed thirty Diamond Dogs?” Rarity blinked.

“Killed? No. Maimed and broke beyond useless to me yes. I had them put down. I have no use for weaklings.“ Butch growled with a small smirk showing that even he was slightly impressed by the fight. “That the weakest of our ancestors can beat the best we have to offer now shows me my path is the correct one.”

“I'm sorry Lord Butch.. but what path?” Rarity questioned hoping to keep him talking so she might find out what he planed. A simple spell would get her out of here and she could alert the town, the Dogs had to be preparing for war.

“You do not know the history of our pack little pony. We were strong, but we were betrayed, cast out of our pack by the alpha of it. We wished to return to the old ways of our ancestors when all bowed to the Diamond Dogs, they did not. A return to a time when Ponies and Griffons and all the other races of this land were our prey, our food to hunt as we saw fit. But preying on the weak made us weak. One is what one eats and that is far truer that most realize. We ate the weak and we became weak. The Bone Hounds saw the folly of this and only fought and ate the strong. “ Butch growled rising from his throne nearly reaching the ceiling with his massive form. “ That Witch Wolf is weak compared to our ancestors, but strong to us. His blood fills the bellies of the lesser pack now, we will tear scraps of meat from him to add to our bellies. The beast heals from it all, his wounds close as if they are nothing so long as we force magic down his gullet. When his power is at its peak, when he seeks to break the chains that hold him and rip us all apart. That is when I shall tear his heart from his chest and devour it myself. I will become a god from that meal. I will destroy the betrayers and then claim my rightful place as Alpha of everything!”

Rarity's eyes were wide at the declaration and she had taken more than a few steps back as the massive alpha loomed.

In the short silence that followed the statement Rarity thought she was going mad, as she swore she heard the clapping of hooves.

“Truly an impressive speech thou has prepared, though that is not how it works, that is not how any of that would work.”

“Who Dares?!”

“No, no, 'whom dares'.”

“Sister this is not thine student and we do not think 'whom' is proper for that question any way.”

“Apologies I am trying to make light of this.”

“ We would prefer thy do not sister, as this one and the others who have fed have made their choice.”

“I do not like this.”

“It matters little what thou likes in this instance. A thousand years of peace have made thou ill prepared for things such as this. While thou has let thine blade rust while thy wields the Lilly, we have yet to cease sharpening ours. We have already agreed to several terms thy have put forth that we would not normally in a instance like this. Take thine leave and let us do what thou cannot.”

The three Diamond Dogs and the unicorn in the room continued to look around confused before a pair of tall figures shimmer into existence as they let the 'notice me not' spell fade away. Rarity immediately ducked her head in a bow to the Princesses, though her eyes remained on the Bone Hounds on the other side of the room.

Rarity barely saw the two females move as they leapt at the alicorns. Their rear paws had not even managing to kick up any dust before there was a pair of horrendous cracks that echoed in the room, and both of the dogs fell limp to the ground at the alicorn's hooves, tendrils of shadow snaking over their bodies.

“Twas a valiant try Lady Rarity, but there are some who shalt not listen to reason.” Luna stated staring coldly at the Alpha.

Rarity glanced over at Princess Luna her eyes widening as she saw the writhing mass of darkness on the wall behind her, and the green glowing eyes, slit like a serpents that met Butch's glare unflinching.

Rarity let out a yelp as she felt a hoof on her back, her eyes darting up to Celestia's sad visage.

The white alicorn's horn glowed as she looked back at her sister and the Diamond Dog.

“It seems peace was never an option here.” Celestia sighed before she, Rarity and a few others vanished in a flash of teleportation.

“Our sister hast been too lenient with thou.” Luna began. “ She has forgotten that words are not always effective weapons. Her steel is still there, but it takes her far to long for her to think of drawing it.”

Butch lept at the alicorn ready to rend her apart, though his attack was stopped by a lash of a wing. The blow from the feathered appendage sent him flying back to slam into and through his throne. As he surged back to his paws he heard the sound of screams and howls from the outer tunnels. The room he was in had turned pitch black save a few small spots of rapidly dwindling light over his treasures and the green of the mares eyes.

“It is better this way in truth. This is not a time that needs a bared sword. It is something that we have been at odds with since our return. We have not had the time to adjust to peace that our sister has, and that is perhaps for the best when things such as thy appear. We have studied the conflicts that have come about since our departure and we are displeased with how most were settled.”

The screams outside continued along with the sickening crack of bone and the scent of blood and charred flesh. Butch swore he saw figures in the shadows darting around the room and flooding down the hall, green slits of light for eyes. There was a loud rumbling as a cavern collapsed, then another, the ground shaking as all the exits were sealed with thousands of tons of rock and dirt pulled from the depths.

“Thou first mistake was attempting to war with our little ponies. “ Luna continued the dented Guard helm lifted into the air by a hoof.” Though thy were defeated, that conflict cost far too many their lives.”

The screams were getting few and further apart now, the air smelled thick with coppery blood.

“Then we found out that thine pack killed civilians. Included among them were a pair of farmers. Farmers with three foals to look after. One of them whom would grow up to be among the ones to save us from our darkness. One of the few in this age we consider a friend. One of the few we have had called that period. And she suffered due to thy packs actions We do not know if thou personally took part of those raids or even if thou ordered them. Thine pack did and beyond that, we care not.” Luna continued.

The screaming had stopped though the tunnels still shook as the ground caved in the warren becoming packed with rock and dirt.

“Thine final mistake was foal napping one we have sworn to look after. Thy have caused him to suffer. Stripping the skin and blood from him as he fought. Given his nature, that is not even something we can pull from his memories without effort.” Luna sighed. “Thou have caused much worry and panic among those who care for him and thou were close to causing a innocent soul to bring thy downfall. The Sparkle siblings have no blood on their hooves or claws we would like to keep it this way.”

“You speak of keeping someone else from bathing in blood, but you have just murdered my pack!” Butch growled looking on as the only tunnel out of his throne room filled in, the shadows swirling around the only other figure in the room.

“Indeed. We do not worry about having blood on our hooves. A few more gallons give or take mean nothing to the rivers of it that swirl around us. We were known as the Nightmare long before we were lost to the darkness. “

The few lights in the room suddenly went out and for a second there was silence.

That short moment of nothing was filled suddenly with the screams of the alpha , the crunching of bone ,and ripping of meat, before again there was silence.

“Not that what we were called matters anything to thee now.”

Author's Note:

Epilogues on the way

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