• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,779 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Sonic Rain Boof, Part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Sonic Rain Boof
Part 2

[Cloudsdale, the next Day. ]

“I can't believe you guys came along to cheer me on. This is awesome.” Rainbow Dash smirked zipping around, as the balloon her friends were in was towed into place by Fluttershy. “Not exactly sure how though...”

“Cloud walking spell.” Twilight shrugged as she hopped off the balloon with Spike on her back. “I've got to maintain the spell, but it helps me practice and cuts down on the chances of my having a surge. Granted I’ve got about eight different spells going right now to keep from doing that.”

“Are you sure that won't be too taxing darling? I mean after all we are only kept aloft here by your focus.” Rarity asked climbing out of the basket and hesitantly prodding the cloud.

“Oh this is nothing, Twilight's record for holding lower level spells is fifteen for about three days. And she only failed then cause we ran out of coffee.” Spike smiled.” This shows maybe four hours tops.”

“This feels really weird.” Applejack muttered prodding the cloud hesitantly. “Not sure ah like being airborne.”

“This will be great.” Dash smiled” Fluttershy and I can show you around Cloudsdale, it's not too often any one but Pegasi come up here.”

“Actually the Princesses are supposed to be here for this.” Fluttershy added.

Dash winced her ears drooping.” Great... So where's Rahs? You leave him at home?”

“No, he's just being a pain.” Twilight sighed.” Rahs we're here, get out of the basket!”

“Fergit that!” a voice shouted from the basket.” Moon Dogs are meant to be on the ground... and maybe in trees... trees that are easy to get down out of anyway....”

“Rahs we've gone over a number of precautions for this and you will be fine.” Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Precautions!?! Vile witch! Thou has cursed me!” Rahs complained as Pinkie Pie sat on the edge of the basket looking down at Rahs hunched in the bottom of it under a blanket.

“Not for you, just to make sure the curse didn't transfer through the link again. Spike and I already had the herbal baths so we're unaffected by it.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “I needed you not to be eating magic while we were up here and the easiest way to do that was if you were a pony. Thankfully Zecora had a way to speed up the effects of the curse.”

“Yeah that's a good thing, given it's mostly weather magic that keeps this place intact.” Dash agreed.

“Right, Rahs is just being a baby, I’ve taken every precaution to ensure that this trip is a success and no one has any trouble with it.”Twilight nodded.

[Canterlot, Guard barracks shower room]

A number of screams and sounds of panic emerge from the barracks showers. A herd of burly stallions stampede out of the washroom in a rush, where they had gone to clean up after morning PT.

For a moment there was no sound but the hiss of the water left running inside.

“DAMNIT TWILIGHT!!!” a girly sounding Shining Armor screamed out from the showers.

“ Yep, evvvvvery precaution, no errors on my part.”Twilight beamed. “Dotted all my t's and crossed all my i's.”

“Rahs just come on out it's not that bad.” Spike rolled his eyes.

“Not that bad? Not that Bad! “ Rahs shouted. “THIS IS MADNESS!”

“Madness? “Pinkie Pie asked with a grin dropping into the basket fully. “No. This! Is! CLOUDSADALE!!!”

At the shout Pinkie Pie reared back and punted Rahs out of the balloon sending him and the blanket he was trying to cover himself with sailing over the small group to crash into a cloud bank with a explosion of fluff.

“That worked.” Applejack shrugged.

“Okay enough playing. Rahs come on, we're here to cheer on Rainbow Dash for the best young fliers competition.” You can't do that sulking under a blanket. Plus that has got to be highly uncomfortable right now.” Twilight sighed.

Rahs grumbled climbing out of the cloud bank and glaring at every pony and dragon looking at him expectantly. Given how stupid he felt he looked he might as well make it showy, then at least he could play it off as stage practice.

He reached a hoof up grabbing the edge of his blanket and yanking it free sending the material soaring through the air to majestically slap his sister in the face. A quick snap and a rush of air and he was hovering off the cloud top, the spell that created the wings taking over instantly to allow him to fly.

The dark blue furred earth pony reared up on his back legs, his long amber mane and tail swirling around him in the down beat of the wings on his back. The bit of static from hiding under the blanket making his fur fluff up, though not enough to hide the fact he had far more muscle than last time he was a pony. His cutie mark remained the same howling wolf and the long ears poking out of his mane still shown with the small points of moonlight over them. The small bit of moonlight however seemed to make the wings that sprouted from just below his shoulder blades shimmer brilliantly. The wings themselves were a soft green, with the leading and trailing edges of them a bluish purple that nearly matched Rahs' fur. Long tails came from the bottom of the wings fanning out behind him as the wings flapped and darker 'eyes' decorated the upper part of each wing.

“Behold mortals!!” Rahs spouted, getting a number of ooohs from the others, as well as the attention of just about every other pegasus mare with in eye shot of the display.

“That is simply gorgeous! Twilight why didn't you give me wings?” Rarity pouted.

“Waaaaaa....” Rainbow Dash drooled.

“Oh how pretty, you gave him Actias luna wings. Very fitting given him being a Moon Dog.” Fluttershy nodded.

“ Whoa nelly. That's sure impressive.” Applejack nodded.

“Dang I lost five bits to Gummy. I was sure it was gonna be Monarch wings.” Pinkie complained.

“Drama dog.” Spike huffed crossing his arms.

Author's Note:

For those wondering what Rahs' wings look like

Also i know some of you called this, but it was too good of a joke to pass up.

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