• Published 8th Sep 2017
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Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Boast Barkers Prologue [40]

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Boast Barkers

[ Canterlot, Princess Celestia's chambers. The day after meeting Gilda]

“I do apologize Spike, for making you come all the way back here. I'm afraid my letter must have seemed rather curt. I assure you it was not intentional, things have been.... trying here for the last week.” Princess Celestia sighed, pouring herself a cup of tea. Looking over at Spike she couldn't help but smirk as the little dragon stuffed his face with tea cakes and gems.

Rahs was there as well, though he had opted to order something from the palace kitchens while he was here. It was odd to have her student's brothers here without Twilight herself, but she needed to ask them some questions and the scrolls on Ponyville's history were a perfect chance to get them here. Twilight likely wouldn't let Spike go alone and she was busy when the note was sent to her.

“Mus omay wincess....” Spike stammered choking suddenly on his mouthful of food. Rahs frowned and slapped his brother on the back holding up a napkin in front of him to keep the mouth full of food from spraying every where as Spike choked.

Celestia raised an eyebrow as Rahs rolled his eyes, his long ears shifting and flipping about into differing positions.

“It's fine Rahs,” Celestia smirked noting the Guard cant the Moon Dog was using. “Though I expected Twilight to have taught him table manners by now.”

Rahs snorted in amusement, having watched his sister eat a hay burger. He was the dog and he had the best table manners of the three.

“I have the scrolls packed up for you already, though I do have an ulterior motive of course. I would like to ask you a few questions about things are going in Ponyville for you three.” Celestia stated

Rahs' ears perked up at that, and he frowned. Between his coughs Spike was looking at her with a hint of worry as well. Celestia sighed , had it really come to this where every one was suspect of her motives? Well Luna had said she deserved it, but it still hurt. Spike managed to stop coughing and was reaching for a cup of tea.

“Bark.”Rahs replied getting another internal wince from Celestia. Guard cant was good for basic communication, but unless you were a master of it , it couldn't hold up for advanced conversations. Rahs was good at it's use, but he only learned it to talk with a friend of his and never actually studied it, he was still better than the average Guard however.

“He says he has questions 'cough' as well.” Spike stammered.” Mostly for Princess Luna and why you haven't asked her on our behalf. We've been rather patient, but if your sister knows about Rahs......”

“I expect you do..... though she has been dodging all of my queries on the subject, and I do not think now is the proper time to ask Luna about where you came from....” Celestia sighed as the tea in her cup started to ripple.

“What, why not?” Spike questioned blinking as he noted Celestia was staring at the door. Both of them looked more concerned as the tea set began to rattle and clank on the table.

“Wuff?” Rahs questioned.

“SISTER!!!!” Luna screamed out, as she suddenly appeared in the middle of the group.

Rahs and Spike both yelped, falling over backwards though Celestia simply put a hoof to her temple as she played the part of the long suffering sister, the door had not opened.

“Yes Lulu?” Celestia questioned.”What is it this time?”

“Blue!” Luna stated happily. Rahs and Spike peeked their heads over the top of the vibrating table noting Luna's wide eyed look, wild mane, and the fact she was vibrating in place much like Pinkie Pie.

“What about it Lulu?” Celestia asked.

“Tis every where. How did thou gain access to this much indigo pigment? Even the common folk have blue clothing. Tis wondrous to see so much of it all over the place. Is there that much woad being harvested now? Have trade deals with the east been upgraded in my absence?”

“It's artificially colored now Lulu.” Celestia sighed.”We don't need woad plant or a trade route to the spice islands to produce it.”

“Astounding.” Luna stated staring into space and stilling herself for a second, before she was back to vibrating around the room like a wind up toy.” It was explained to us about the modern dyes but to see it is still impressive!”

Rahs and Spike glanced to each other then to Luna.

“Ahh Spike and Rahs greetings to you. We are sorry for the interruption, but blue is our favorite color and it was rare in the past and we are happy to see it everywhere now. We would love to stay and chat but we have things to do, we are only halfway done with reading the royal archives. Good morning.” Luna smiled patting them both on the head without seeming to move her wings before she was suddenly gone again.

Rahs blinked as there was no scent of teleportation or any sort of magic, the mare was simply gone.

“What. Was. That?” Spike demanded.

“I was afraid of what would happen when Luna discovered coffee. I didn't think Moon Dancer would allow her a sip of her drink during her morning classes.” Celestia sighed.

“Wait, Moon Dancer's drink?” Spike blinked confused, though Rahs cringed.

“A quadruple shot, smores flavored espresso, with whipped Prench vanilla hazelnut swirl topping.” Celestia listed as if reading off a particularly horrendous concoction.

“Whoa.” Spike blinked.” All that from a sip this morning?”

“ No.” Celestia sighed. “ She's had at least thirty of them over the course of the last six days, six of those were in a big gulp cup, and she hasn't stopped.... at ….all!! We've shut down all fifty four shops that serve espresso in Canterlot to stop her from getting them, and the Guard Captain took a fire ax to the one machine in the castle yesterday. Despite that, we've had reports from Manehatten and Baltimare that she's shown up there for refills and yet the cardiac teams following her haven't noticed her leave the castle.”

“Woof.” Rahs smirked.

“Oh yeah, I remember Twilight trying that once.” Spike considered.

“Yes, I do remember when Twilight had one of Moon Dancer's custom drinks. I recall she reorganized the royal library in two hours and had just finished the Canterlot public library before she finally crashed.” Celestia smiled ”I hope however that Luna doesn't crash while she's out of the castle, face planting in the middle of a coffee shop will not help her image. Now then, how about you two tell me how things have been going in Ponyville?”

Author's Note:

And here we go......... there is also a lame explanation as to why Luna and Celestia haven't revealed the secrets of Rahs just yet. But i have a perfectly good raisin for the delay.

It's a later plot point.

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