• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,779 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Dog eat Dog, Part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy
by TDR

Dog eat Dog
Part 2

[ Sparkle residence. 2 years remaining until the thousandth year.]

“Okay Twilight calm down, there's no need to panic...” Twilight muttered to herself sitting in front of her dresser looking in the mirror as she brushed her mane .

“What am I talking about?! There's plenty of need to panic!!!” Twilight yelped, several strands of her mane curling up as her eyes go wild. After a moment of heavy breathing she calmed down again smoothing the errant hair back down with her brush.

“Okay, no, calm.. calm... I have read every book on dating and the majority of them say there is nothing going to happen on the first date and nothing will ever happen unless I let it.” She exhaled softly. “We are just going to a play and then to dinner. Nothing fancy.”

“But what if!?!?” The strands of hair pop back up as the mare started pacing in front of her mirror. “I don't know anything about him. Anything could happen.......”

“Shush I know everything about him.” Twilight snapped at herself smoothing down her hair and sitting down again. “Prince William Blueblood, blood type Q, height one hundred and twenty seven centimeters, age eighteen, nineteen in two months and three days. Youngest child of the Blueblood family, only male child. Indirect relative to Princess Celestia herself, descended from Princess Platinum. Formal education at Canterlot U, currently working towards a bachelors in politics, history, and international relations as well as a minoring in foreign policy, and international culinary studies........”

On the other side of the room Spike and Rahs remain where they were, pressed against the wall watching the mare. The two say nothing as Twilight starts listing off Blueblood's hobbies, musical taste, ear length and hoof size. Once again the two are both quite happy that they are not genetically related to the Sparkle family. Having seen three freakouts in the span of two hours today. As bad as Shining and Twilight's were, they still couldn't compete with the melt down Nightlight was having after hearing his daughter was going on a date. It was pretty clear by the way Twilight Velvet was dealing with him she was used to it, but she had her hooves full with just her husband.

“Alright, I'm in now too.” Spike muttered to Rahs. “ If only to see how far this train wreck will go.”

“Growf.” Rahs agreed.

“What was that?” Twilight snapped suddenly turning her head eyes wide at the sight of her brothers plastered against the wall near her door.”Gah! How long have you two been there?!”

“Since about fifteen minutes ago … when you let us in.” Spike tried to placate. ”Just relax Twilight. It's just a date.”

“Just a date? Just a Date!” Twilight shouted her hair coming undone again as Rahs slapped his face with a paw. “ This could be the biggest social event of my life!? What if he doesn't like me? What if I screw things up! He could be my future husband and I'm going into this blind. What if I screw everything up and wind up a lonely spinster surrounded by cats in my eighties! CATS SPIKE!!! I don't even like cats!”

“Bark!” Rahs stated licking his lips.

“You like cats?” Spike asked.

“Roof” Rahs explained.

“They do?” Spike questioned.

“Cats do not taste like chicken Rahs!” Twilight fussed.


“Yes 'as far as I know." Twilight retorted. “Ugh … what am I gonna do?”


“Yes I know Cadence said he was nervous about asking me out.. but...”


“...... do you really think he's freaking out about this too?”

Rahs shrugged.

“Seriously Twilight. Just go and have fun.” Spike rolled his eyes.

“Fun?” Twilight snapped, her hair standing up again. “Reading is fun, making spreadsheets is fun, this is nerve wracking. This is panic inducing, this is..... OW!!!”

Twilight winced as Rahs quickly walked over and cuffed her on the back of the head with a paw before leaning over her staring down intently and forcing the mare to take a step back. She blinked after a moment before frowning and glaring back up at him.

“Do you have to do that every time?” Twilight hissed.


“I was not freaking out, I was just nervous!” Twilight snapped.

Rahs looked back at Spike who nodded.

“Yep that was definitely a freak out.” Spike agreed.

Twilight pouted.”I still don't see why that means you have to hit me.”

“Grrrr.” Rahs retorted.

“Wait a book said slapping some one hysterical would snap them out of it? What book?” Twilight demanded as Rahs looked away sheepishly.

“Rahs........” Twilight glared.

“Woof........” Rahs admitted.

“The Wolf of the Harvest Moon?”Twilight blinked then narrowed her eyes. “That's one of mom's romance novels, why are you reading that!?”


“What else did you think it could have been if mom had it on one of her shelves?”Twilight asked as Rahs shrugged. “ That's a work of fiction you shouldn't take anything one of those says to heart. It's just creative story telling.”

“Bork” Rahs smirked watching Twilight blush, her ears flattening to her head.

“I did that once! I didn't know the chandelier wasn't connected to that rope.” Twilight protested.

“Suuuuuuuure, little miss Daring Don't, you nearly squished me with that banner you cut down.” Spike snarked getting a laugh from Rahs.

“Laugh it up fuzzball, the mass to weight ratio checked out in my notes, it's not my fault the chandelier wasn't clearly labeled.” Twilight pouted a moment before smirking some. “ Probably better that I didn't cut that one. Imported crystal from a non existent empire hitting the floor at that speed would have shattered all of it. Mistakes of my younger years....”

“Ruff.” Rahs grinned.

“That was longer than two months ago thank you very much.”Twilight snorted as the other two chuckled, though even Twilight had a smile.

“Feeling better now?” Spike asked.

“Yeah....despite my two idiot brothers attempts to cheer me up. I do feel a little better.” Twilight sighed.

“Woof.” Rahs pointed out.

“Right, I know I know. Don't stress it , try to enjoy myself and get to know him better first. The play is the first thing, so if we can't think of anything else to talk about over dinner we can fall back to that. I have been curious about this rendition of the Count of Mountie Critso. They turned the book into a musical......”Twilight sighed. “ Alright alright. I cede the point, but if this all goes badly I will say I told you so.”

“Geez don't jinx it.” Spike snorted.”Well at least you look ready.. maybe smooth down your mane a bit before you go, I mean you still have ten minutes before he's supposed to get here. Plenty of tim............”

“TEN MINUTES!!! I'm not ready!!” Twilight shrieked cutting Spike off and rushing around her room , digging through her dresser to try and find the dress she picked out, completely ignoring that it was on her bed until Rahs pointed it out.

Spike and Rahs took the moment after their sister tried putting it on back wards to step out of the room shutting the door behind them.

“Ruff?” Rahs asked looking down at Spike.

“Yep, operation 'First Date ' is a go, let's go get Shining.”Spike chuckled.

Author's Note:

Now that the setup is over, it's time to get this date underway.

And a bit of music as tribute......Music

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