• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XCI – One Long Day

To be perfectly and unfortunately honest, Twilight couldn’t quite recall what happened in the next hour or so after the whole endeavor with Ebony Crescent. She wished she could erase from her memory a bit more than just that period, but… that was just wishful thinking.

Still, she was just glad to be safe. Or at least as safe as she could feel after what she had had to endure. As safe as she could feel while being in the middle of a foreign country, with one of its most crucial, noble figures having attempted to... to...

She felt herself shuddering, as she couldn’t even have her own mind invoke the word. But she knew what it was. She recognized it, painfully, as any creature capable of horror at the very premise of such an action.

Twilight wasn’t the only one moved by what had occurred. Nopony who had learnt about the matter would be catching any real sleep that day, she was certain. Least of all Lord Bright Crescent, who had been notified without delay by Rowan Berry and who had organized, in record time, everything that was necessary and what he could think of.

Notably – he had made sure to come to Twilight’s spire without delay, other than putting something on himself, and being more than courteous about making sure whether his presence was actually permissible, as a stallion and a relative of the... perpetrator. Bright Crescent, for all it was worth, was also looking absolutely mortified to that very moment, considering the news he had received. He had also arranged for a little meal, he had given orders to his sentinels, and had gotten general Crescent Light to handle the whole ordeal personally, while the Lord was giving his undivided attention to Twilight.

Which, at that moment, consisted of listening carefully to what she and her entourage had to say about the situation.

Actually... other than sharing the details that only she could share, Twilight mostly let Midnight and Rowan Berry do the talking. Though the former had to do so slowly and cautiously, for his fury didn’t want to subside in entirety.

“... that is exactly when I knew that I had to do something,” the stallion explained, still holding his side. It had become blatant right away that taking on the two sentinels at the same time had not been something that had come easy to him. Though, thankfully, he hadn’t required immediate medical assistance. “My training did help me, and I gained access to the chamber right on time, to witness the Count Brother looming over the Honored Princess, in a position of... singular intent.”

Bright Crescent, for all of his usual, flamboyant attitude, had been listening to this testimony with a rather stoic attitude so far, minus fanning himself at the more dreadful revelations. Twilight had to admit that he was behaving quite like an actual Lord this time around, without ridicule, without cynicism, and even as he was wearing merely a dressing gown he had managed to put on before arriving. His mane was, likewise, quite messy, and Twilight knew just how keen he was on maintaining the milky strands.

But he didn’t care, not that time, and it was a most reassuring stance from him, especially as he addressed Twilight again and again. “Once more, and I am so terribly sorry that I have to ask this of you, Honored Princess, it is merely for the sake of understanding the whole picture – he didn’t manage to assault your dignity?” the Lord did ask, trying to sound like the most polite and empathetic stallion ever to live, but then rolled his eyes and shook his head with a hiss. “Oh, what am I even saying, I know that he did, in certain ways, but...!”

Rowan Berry, who had revealed that she had witnessed the endmost part of the ordeal too, spoke up, to address the haspadr’s perturbation. “When I gained access to the Count Brother’s quarters, I did see him over the Honored Princess,” she admitted, glancing over to make sure that Twilight wasn’t further traumatized by the retelling. “He had just thrown her against the bedding, but he hesitated to continue. I heard him having some form of a breakdown, ranting about things being not how he had imagined them.”

Bright Crescent nodded, pressing his hoof across his forehead in shock and indignation. “What? I shall ask again – what, by the Immaculate Moon... was he thinking?!” The Lord exclaimed that not without some histrionics, but one could not expect a pony like him to abandon his ways entirely. Not that it was, somehow, undermining his own agitation and outrage at the scenario. If anything, it was making it additionally obvious that he really felt terrible. “It goes without saying that I condemn anything and everything about this! Oh, the shame! I...!” The Lord actually got up from his seat, to trot around, think and consider. He pointed at both Midnight and Rowan Berry. “Yes, I will request official statements from the two of you! I don’t distrust a word of what you are saying, don’t misunderstand, but I do need those. I need it to handle this matter with my own, two hooves! Four, even!”

Twilight was feeling at least a little reassured that Bright Crescent was willing to take a stand, though it hardly served as a definite end to her plights. Every so often she could feel shudders passing through her whole body, and the Lord could easily spot them as well.

“Oh, you poor thing!” he turned to her, and his tone had nothing in it but empathy and the willingness to help. “This is...! This is unprecedented, this is terrible! Right in my own palace, in a spire nearby!” he lamented further, shaking his head again. “I’m not going to be sleeping for the next week! But, to Peraure with me, you!”

Twilight met his topaz gaze, and she believed that he could read well enough into her own.

He was. Bright Crescent was nothing else but feeling for her, and the sudden change of both demeanor and approach, usually focused on ridicule and humor, felt deep enough to be considered genuine. “I’m definitely not prepared to be of professional help in such a situation, I recognize that, I can only be thankful that things didn’t turn out even worse. But I assure you, Honored Princess, I will do anything, anything in my power to address this issue! And this is not an empty promise!” he additionally pointed out, placing one of his hooves over his heart. “We, Kwadri, are ponies of passion, but when one turns it, perversely, into something abominable...!”

“Honored Lord...”

Twilight decided that it was better to partake in such a conversation, and even the calmest of her tones managed to get Bright Crescent to pause and grant her undivided attention.

“... I do appreciate the gesture, I really do. I do need to... gather myself, still, but I think I will manage to do so. I’m... I’m also relieved that things didn’t escalate, but the matter of a drug in my drink, and... And...”

“Please, Honored Princess, you don’t have to say a word more. What you are invoking is only making the situation the more dire, and I am perfectly aware of that. Which is also why I am dedicated to granting you whatever satisfaction you would require!” the stallion promised, giving her a quite warrior-like nod of his head. He then turned to Rowan Berry. “Lupule, I take it you could give me insight into whatever my... “ The hesitation to use the word ‘nephew’ was almost palpable, especially when Bright Crescent pressed one of his hooves to his temple and closed his eyes for a moment, as if suffering from a momentary headache. “Whatever that impossible clod used?”

“Of course, hwalbu haspadr,” the mare responded in an expert’s tone, nodding herself. “I actually already have in mind the substance, based on mak and rdest, as well as other additions. Slowly acting, aimed at making the subject receptive towards—”

“The less you tell me right now, the better for my perturbed imagination. I’m already seeing the terrible applications!” The Lord stopped her with a wave of his hoof, not that he wasn’t appreciating the insight. “And that ring, that...! Oh, I will scour and turn this Iug inside out, if only I could learn who, in their right mind, allowed himself to utilize the blessed luneeit! Sacrilege!” he shouted in anger.

Twilight didn’t mind his outrage, she was actually quite reassured by it, but what had happened, the day’s terrors, and the drug’s effects leaving her, really didn’t make her appreciate the shouting.

“Honored Lord...” Again, her voice immediately caught the stallion’s attention. “If you would be so kind as to not talk so loudly?”

“Oh! Oh, of course, of course, do forgive me, Honored Princess,” he immediately responded, lowering his volume and sitting back down at the table, so that he wouldn’t need to speak above a normal tone. Which meant, for him at least, that he was doing his best to be less verbose and theatrical. “It’s just that this whole situation is just so... so upsetting. I cannot compare my emotions and outrage to yours, but I am so, so ashamed of this, as a Lord, as a parental figure.”

Twilight could imagine that, yes. Bright Crescent had been always speaking with such pride about his little ‘fireflies’, as he was used to calling them.

She allowed herself to wonder for a second. Yes, the Lord was most angered at the mineral, considered holy, having been misused by Ebony Crescent, but she wasn’t certain if he was aware just how precarious it was for Twilight. Being cut her from magic was a terrible feeling, and it was exactly that shock which had managed to sober her up. But was that common knowledge? She couldn’t quite recall if it was, or whether—

A knock on the door happened right there and then, and it turned out that invoking certain pet names could create strange coincidences. Sometimes not entirely pleasant, but this time it was Ivory Crescent who had answered that strange call. Her visage appeared right in the door when Midnight opened them, staring in with caution that wasn’t very natural for the mare.

Twilight had asked Bright Crescent for moderation, but the stallion couldn’t quite help himself as he spotted his niece, getting up from his seat in an instant. “Fyildeza Kwadre! Ivory Crescent, did you have anything to do with your brother’s damnable design?!”

Yes, he realized that he was far too loud and shot Twilight an apologetic look. Thankfully, the Countess was more careful about her volume, though it did not mean that she was unmoved by the situation.

Still, she had to begin with a quip. “I never reply to accusations before crossing the threshold, uncle, it would give the impression that I’m ready to make a swift exit. And I prefer to meet those head on, instead,” she replied, then her gaze rested on Twilight.

That pear gaze, despite belonging to a different pony, still caused a shudder to cross her system, invoking very bad images from a few hours prior.

Perhaps Ivory Crescent figured it out, as she lowered her eyes a second later. “Honored Princess, I came as soon as I could. I was awoken by the clamor, and I was told by general Crescent Light what happened,” she explained her presence, and thoroughly. “I come to offer my sympathies and support, though I understand if you won’t like to have me, as... his sister and twin, present.”

Twilight felt the eyes in the room resting on her, and she braved the pressure and discomfort to respond, having already listened to her insight’s whisper. “I would like to believe, following the Honored Lord’s question, that you had nothing to do with...?”

“No,” came the shortest and most honest reply, followed only by reinforcement of that openness. “I swear, on my honor and the Goddess’ Holy Name.” The mare’s hoof rested against her chest and the soft material of a simple dress she was wearing. “As a Countess of Family Crescent, I hereby denounce the reprobate and his intrigue in entirety, having partaken in none of his schemes.”

What would usually be a playful jab at a sibling sounded like a most serious expression of castigation. Twilight felt that... that it was enough. There was something terribly earnest in the mare, and knowing her proclivity for humor and biting commentary, the somber behavior was something to consider. Twilight was also hoping that Ivory Crescent would continue to be mindful, as gazing into pear eyes was a little too much for her heart and stomach at the moment.

“Please, do come in,” she invited the Countess, who trotted gracefully into the chamber, taking her place in some distance from the table.

“Thank you, Honored Princess, for your trust. I hold my brother’s actions in deepest contempt, and I will gladly express my disapproval by punching him right across his muzzle when I have the opportunity.”

“Get in line...” Twilight’s ears registered Midnight’s response.

Bright Crescent’s did so as well, as he waved his hooves about. “Right, fine, grand, this all would be quite an amusing commentary but not right now,” he scolded the room, though he remembered not to be too loud this time around. “Honored Princess, as the Lord of Family Crescent, I offer you not only my sincerest apologies, but I am also willing to offer you satisfaction, whatever that might be. I will make sure that you are properly compensated and that justice is meted out, having in mind your good and your input. You are the harmed party, and you are a pony of Divine Aspect, so I would like to defer to you, as well. Yes, I recognize, this might not be the best moment for it, but you have my word that I will make this right by you.”

Twilight found herself wondering for a moment. She wasn’t sure what sort of ‘satisfaction’ she would be expecting in these circumstances. Obviously, there was a part of her that would like to see the Count Brother punished accordingly, and she wasn’t going to feel guilty about that. Still, she wondered just what was the right course of action.

She wanted to reach for the pitcher, hoping to give herself a moment with some drink, and all four pairs of hooves suddenly reacted to her move, out of instinct. Still, she was adamant about doing it herself, to calm down, to have a feeling that she was the one in control of the situation.

There was a slight shudder of her hoof as she brought the chalice to her lips. She paid much attention to the taste of the juice, but it thankfully contained only oranges, fresh, ripe, and safe.

She exhaled, not minding to sound like a batpony when surrounded by the others here. She then put the goblet down, took a deep breath and spoke up.

“I... I actually would like to speak with Lord Bright Crescent. Alone.”

A part of her screamed. A portion of her very core shouted, protested and made her shudder once again, but she couldn’t give up to its demands. Yes, she would be alone with a stallion, and just that very realization was causing nausea to settle in, but Twilight knew that if she couldn’t stomach it now, it would only get worse in the future.

At least, of all the present here, Bright Crescent seemed the least threatening in that, personal sense, and it wasn’t only due to the fact of his personal preferences.

He didn’t look pleased by Twilight’s choice, but it was likely the situation causing that, and his anticipation that it wouldn’t be an easy conversation. Nothing about this entire thing was easy, and it wasn’t going to start turning facile now.

Rowan Berry spoke up first, reacting to the stated demand. “If that is your will, hwalba knaze. But, if you would like anypony to stay with you, for your safety and comfort, please, speak freely and openly. I’m sure the hwalbu haspadr would understand that.”

“Without resentment,” he promised, though Twilight had already made up her mind.

“I know, and I am aware of the concern, Rowan Berry, but it will not be necessary,” she insisted, nodding, giving reassurance to others and to herself. “It won’t take too long, it’s late already, but I need to make some matters clear.”

For all of his readiness, Bright Crescent did appear at least a little fearful when she put things that way, but he bravely remained where he was. He used the moment when everybody was leaving the chamber to touch up on his mane, if only with his hoof alone, to gather courage for what was to come.

Twilight’s eyes, in the meantime, trailed behind everypony exiting her chambers. Midnight’s stare lingered on her the longest, and she answered it. She didn’t know exactly what he could spot in her gaze, but she knew what she saw in his – worry, love and shame.

She wasn’t surprised by any of those, deep inside.

When the doors closed, an uneasy silence fell upon the room. Twilight didn’t mind the stillness, though she knew that she was making it more and more unbearable for the stallion sitting at her table, whose sense of responsibility shone brightly that particular day. He hadn’t stopped his nephew, but he showed remarkable insistence on rectifying the situation, as a host and the Lord.

Twilight felt that, despite everything she had gone through, she needed to ask and address just that. “Haspadr Bright Crescent…”

“Yes, Honored Princess?”

“Was this so unpredictable to you…?”

That wasn’t the entirety of her question, but the stallion began explaining outright. “In all honesty, before you and the Goddess… No. Not entirely unpredictable, no. I just honestly thought that he is... better than that,” he told Twilight, supporting his muzzle on his hoof in a gesture of loss and confusion. “I’ve been giving him, and his sister, ample opportunities at following their desires, of suffering no want... well, other than the lack of their father and their mother’s indisposition. Though I also hoped that, alongside this coddling, I imparted upon them some restraint. The basic one, like, ‘do not let your wishes hurt another pony’. ‘Annoy them’, maybe, that’s not that bad, but this?”

Bright Crescent asked rhetorically again, as if still in disbelief. However, it looked like he was holding the reply to such a question, after all, he just wanted the theatrical pause to work in his favor, bring yet greater gravity to the situation.

“And yet… I’ve known since always that Ebony Crescent is a bit less held in. And that he loses his patience quickly, especially when he starts having the sweats and all. Still, between me and my darling Crescent Light, I was hoping I would be a better parental figure. Yes, he’s mature, he can make his own choices, but he is still my responsibility, as I have tried to be a father to him in place of my poor brother. I guess I was wrong. Seriously wrong.”

Twilight listened carefully, very carefully, and only after she felt that Bright Crescent gave the initial answer did she clarify what she had meant in the first place.

“Your elucidation is appreciated, Honored Lord, although I have not really finished my question at the start.”


“Yes. I wanted to ask – was what the Count Brother attempted to do so unpredictable to you that the shock is causing you to be so serious… or have I been dealing with a persona this whole time?” she inquired. Perhaps this wasn’t the most fortunate of times to indulge her curiosity, but if anything would help her center herself, it was engaging her natural instinct. “You are usually far more… ‘idiosyncratic’ would be a nice way of putting it, with your strong, contrarian opinions, and playful disregard of decorum and challenging issues,” she added, which spawned a sad smile from the stallion.

“Ah… So that is where your mind went? Cold logic, to combat what transpired?” he responded, with quite the insight, though shook his head just afterwards. “Apologies, that wasn’t meant as some sort of a critique, Goddess, no. I admire the observation, especially in these circumstances, but… I am capable of being serious. Very much so. I just usually prefer not to be. Makes the life a little bit more bearable, plays into a certain scenario I find manageable,” he told her, smirking with melancholy. “That reminds me, actually, and I hope you don’t mind – do you, perhaps, recall, when you called me out, at the Seat?”

Twilight, indeed, didn’t mind the momentary distraction and scoured her memories for the right one. “Ah… Right after Lord Blessed Fang revealed the prophecy? When you already wished me good luck in the coming war?”

Bright Crescent’s lips shuddered for a brief moment at those words, but his smirk persisted. “Precisely. I must admit, it was fascinating to see you accuse me of demeaning the matter and avoiding the challenge. Distancing myself,” he reminded her of those accusations. “Your insight is remarkable, even if you had meant that as but an offhoof comment. I take it that, were it not for the substance you had been fed, you would have seen right through my… my…”

There was a pregnant pause when Bright Crescent couldn’t quite get himself to accept the familial connection. The slam of his hoof on the table came as quite an unpleasant surprise to both of them.

One that he was quite apologetic for. “I’m sorry, it’s just that… I thought of my dear, departed brother. Oh, his heart would have been devastated by this. His own son, mere inches away from violating a mare’s dignity? His poor soul must be wailing, where—” The stallion paused, suddenly unable to finish the sentence. It wasn’t that he didn’t know how, he didn’t wish to, for obvious reasons. “Wherever he is... Perhaps he had managed to reach the blessed realm of the Mother. Perhaps She hadn’t forgotten about him, and can now cradle him, as he has to endure his son’s foolishness.”

Another moment of silence followed, for both of them. Twilight needed it to withstand the sensation still in her gut, and the new ones caused by Bright Crescent’s mournful tone. And he required it to center himself, and then self-criticize himself right after that.

“Sigh,” he actually said the word out loud, as it followed an actual exhale. “I was never meant to be a parent, obviously… I was never meant for many things,” he clarified, as if to himself and the world around, “but here I am, in the face of a critical failure. It… does not help me maintaining my usual, chirpy personality that everpony so adores…”

Twilight felt her eyebrow cocking, as that comment wasn’t a joke in the slightest. It wasn’t like Bright Crescent was naïve, quite the opposite. She was starting to believe that there was much more to him than met the eye, even if the flamboyant attitude was very much a part of his character.

“This...” she began, knowing what had to be said and established, even if a part of her was also keen on the matter of the lost Brilliant Crescent. “This situation, Honored Lord, is quite problematic. I am the offended party, I brushed against... the unthinkable,” Twilight managed to say, combating the remnants of fear still in her heart and mind. “I’m a mare. I’m a Princess. I’m an envoy, and that...”

“That makes this far more complicated. Even if the sheer instance of anypony being subjected to such a situation should warrant a strong response,” Bright Crescent finished for her, again putting a hoof to his temple. “I’m aware, all too well. I won’t defend or explain what happened, I can grasp the extent of the repercussions. My question, as a Lord, is simple – can we reach an accord? Are you willing to do so? And this is not,” he accentuated, putting his other hoof up, “me forcing you into anything. You’ve suffered enough of that this particular day. This is me trying to be open, honest, and hoping to save at least a shred of my Family’s dignity.”

Twilight didn’t enjoy travelling the road of an opportunistic politician, but she couldn’t be blind to it being there. “The news that a member of the Crescent Family, let alone your nephew, the Count Brother, tried to sexually assault me would be devastating.”

The Lord actually smiled, though it was that defeated smile of somepony already beaten by circumstances, without any chance at recovering. “You have every right to say it like that, but don’t, please. Again, I’m well aware, yet utterances like that make me think of Midnight Eye. And you’re more interesting than that bore.”

Said ‘bore’ would have quite likely been pleased about Twilight phrasing matters like so, not to mention she could imagine that he was the sort of a leader to try and gain the upper hoof even when dealing with such a horrifying scenario. Not to mention that she could easily see him, before her mind’s eye, absolutely obliterating the haspadr before her during the next meeting at the Sanctuary.

“If you are aware of it all, Lord Bright Crescent, then should I simply ask about your ideas of dealing with this issue?” she inquired, curious to hear those.

“I suppose so,” the stallion told her, straightening himself up and joining his hooves on the table, in a quite official posture that somehow worked even for a pony like him. “I know what you are after... I hope I do, because otherwise I will sound like a right brute, unable to understand a distressed mare’s hopes. Still, I shall say it, in the official capacity – I am willing to repay you, both privately and politically, for all of this. Politically, because I know you value peace, now and in the future... and I cannot say that it is not a preferable solution to me.”

Twilight didn’t suddenly forget about her goal, so she was quite pleased that the Lord saw that as an option. She had to ask, however.

“Have you declared yourself ‘in consideration’ at the last vote solely to annoy me, Honored Lord?”

“A bit,” Bright Crescent told her, with disarming honesty backed by a sour chuckle. “I’m petty like that, Honored Princess. However, I also thought that, if I play a little hard to get, it will force you to grant me some stipulations regarding my next vote. To Peraure with them now!” he added, laughing bitterly to himself.

“I might still be intrigued by what you might be after, Honored Lord,” she told him, meaning it. “If this is to be a new opening between our nations, we might as well discuss matters to make it lasting.”

“Yeah, but now you have the leverage, that makes it less fun,” the stallion quipped, almost causing a smirk from her. His tone returned to serious a second later, however. “We, the Crescents, are not ponies that long for scuffles and troubles, we’re a bit more suave than that. Or just lazy, take your pick. What we want is opportunities to indulge, inspirations to create, sensations to feel. I wouldn’t mind discussing some form of a trade agreement or exchange program, so that our artistry and craftsmanship could be seen across the world as a pinnacle of sophistication, while we can drink from the many fonts beyond our mountains.”

The poetic way of saying it hid behind a rather serious and understandable desire, one that wasn’t merely a far-fetched fantasy. Twilight didn’t see anything wrong with that, to be fair.

“I think that Equestria would be interested in seeing your art, indeed,” she told the Lord. “And I have a feeling that you are already reaching out, getting your hooves on some of those... ‘fonts’. I saw Ebony Crescent’s collection. Quite the selection, not only from Equestria. Yakyakistan, Saddle Arabia...”

“As I have said, you having leverage is not fun,” Bright Crescent commented, shaking his head. “But, as you so lyrically call it in your tongue, the ‘black market’ can only get you so much, and one can hardly spread their wings if everything has to be done through ‘straw ponies’, false recipients, that sort of thing. An open deal would remove the complications and the stigma of the outside world being a terrible, terrible place that should not be contacted too often, lest we would lose our spirit, identity, ‘pizzazz’...” the stallion sarcastically concluded.

“That opportunity might not be lost. Equestria, and myself, are not devoid of generosity, as long as relations like that shall be done legally and openly,” she promised to the Lord, who couldn’t quite hide the sparks of self-interest in his topaz gaze. “But that is connected to my good will, and right now I am still quite far from utilizing it again, as Equestria’s representative.”

Bright Crescent nodded, but then lifted his hooves from the table and stood up. He shook his head when she tried to follow, intent on but stretching his legs and pacing the room a little. He was deep in thought for a brief moment, clearly weighing any and all options before speaking up again.

“I... think I would like for you to have good will as a pony, first. It’s only natural,” he commented, looking back at her with those topaz eyes of his, filled with hope. “In regards to what transpired and almost transpired, I want to give you an official promise that Ebony Crescent shall be punished. But I also would want to ask, if you shall be… pressing charges to their full extent.”

Twilight’s brow furrowed at the stallion’s tone, unsure whether she understood him right. “What would you mean, Honored Lord? You want me to pretend that things didn’t happen?”

“No! No, no, goodness me,” he responded, waving his hoof and genuinely against the concept. “I wouldn’t dream of that, no. And yet, I...” he paused, looking somewhere to the side and then at Twilight again, as his expression betrayed that he was battling himself fiercely. “I am… Let’s say that I am quite fond of my niece and nephew. My two fireflies, right? And I… I like having two fireflies, and I do like being able to say that I always had two fireflies, however capricious or even despicable one of them might have become...”

“What would—?” Twilight was about to ask, but her mind put the pieces together. It was, honestly, obvious what Bright Crescent had in mind. The stallion’s tone, his pleading gaze, as well as the memory of Midnight explaining a particular punishment to her in a clandestine manner, as even mentioning it was considered taboo, did the work. “Oh. Oh, yes, I understand.”

The Lord had been clearly preparing himself to endure breaking the convention himself to explain the matter, but was now only surprised that Twilight was already aware of what he was about to reveal. “You’re… Huh. I see. You’re more insightful and resourceful than I would think, if you have gotten somepony to teach you about… that.”

“I know a thing or two. And know who and how to ask,” Twilight told him, trying not to sound too proud about the fact. “Speaking of which – is the Count Brother in risk of such a fate?” she, indeed, inquired.

“If you were to demand it, I... I do see the basis of sending him into the armored hooves of the tuariani, for judgment. I wouldn’t dream to anticipate their actions after that. To be honest, for all of our respect for their holy order, they do give me the creeps,” he revealed, shuddering all over before returning to the matter at hoof. “I would be devastated by having to make that choice, and I would not harbor any warm feelings towards you, Honored Princess, were I to have my hoof forced. But I could do it, if… if that is what it takes...”

He didn’t mean to pressure her into resigning from the course of action, though he also wasn’t attempting to hide the pain which would accompany it. It was a refreshing honesty, coming from him. However, any other actions warranted further investigation from Twilight. To think that she was holding Ebony Crescent’s fate in her hoof… Yes, the notion caused her mane to stand on end, once again that night, and a battle was raging within her between the desire for justice, and understanding just how far it could have gone in Noctraliya. Perhaps too far, though some, wounded part of her rejected that observation.

“I understand that... even an attempted assault of the sort could really warrant the Sanctuary’s defenders to pass such a sentence?” she asked, trying not to vividly imagine certain scenarios, connected with the practice of the ‘katorge’.

“Usually it requires the... you know, the worst to actually happen, and in a terrifying way,” Bright Crescent admitted, reluctantly touching upon the repulsive topic, and his expression spoke of that disinclination. “And yet since you are you – an envoy, and a pony connected by your nature to the matters of divine import, closer to the Goddesses, as we understand…” He stopped to point at Twilight’s horn and wings. “Yes, I have a feeling that the tuariani would judge my nephew with… great severity. Don’t get me wrong, I am not above sending him away to the lower mines for some time, or coming up with another punishment which would severely affect him, but… I want to be able to acknowledge his existence in the future, regardless of his mistakes and crimes. He’s... He’s what little I have left of Brilliant Crescent, too.”

Twilight accepted the Lord’s words. She felt dread over the possibility which had been invoked, the one involving mutilation and being sentenced to nothing short of oblivion, but she also appreciated the transparency. Especially since not a touch of pressure was being exerted upon her by the stallion.

“So you would prefer to keep this matter private and contained, Honored Lord?” she decided to clarify before making any decisions.

“To be clear – I wouldn’t want to, as I think the term is, sweep it under the rug, no,” he immediately clarified, again gaining Twilight’s respect. “You were hurt, your hurt is valid and needs to be repaid, fairly. I simply want it to be repaid in a way that will give you the satisfaction you are rightly due… while not making me feel emotionally bankrupt in the future,” he told her, with a sad smirk. “I will make sure that Ebony Crescent is sanctioned, ha, I will sanction him to the very ground, him and those two scoundrels that he got working for him.” Bright Crescent found it prudent to shake his hoof in the direction of the Count Brother’s spire, a gesture that was as ostentatious as genuine. “And I will let you be present when I do it, if you so wish, so that you can be sure that my promise is kept. And... And I am willing to go great lengths to aid you, if only I can keep the matter contained within the confines of this palace.”

Twilight was a little perturbed about making a deal out of her plight, but she knew that her sense of justice would not be satisfied by the Count Brother being artificially erased from existence, as that was one way of describing the katorge’s idea. That seemed like too much. She had escaped his clutches, and he, himself, had reached some form of clarity that had made him stop in his attempts. Even if that lucidity had focused more on his dreamt performance failing, rather than showing remorse for his actions.

But... just how much was his illness to blame? That was still for Twilight to learn.

“The Count Brother... We’ve touched upon his malady. And I need to know, before making my choice – could it have prompted him to go such great lengths? Could he be absolved due to it, as somepony who wasn’t able to recognize his actions?” Twilight asked that last question in a slightly provocative way, hoping to see Bright Crescent’s reaction, an honest one.

And she again received, in abundance. “No. Unless pushed to some absolute limits, which I have never seen, Ebony Crescent is perfectly aware of what he is doing, albeit it’s a bit harder for him to control himself,” Bright Crescent explained, nodding to himself. “For the sake of clarity, I will reveal what I mean, he’s... Oh, I really don’t know what’s the name, I supposed the medically-inclined owocellatani could tell you what’s the exact term for his condition. But I can use my words for it – he is histrionic. He needs to be the center of attention, he considers himself the star of his very own world, if that makes sense?” the stallion asked, genuinely hoping that he was explaining the matter right, now that he decided to return to the table and sit back down.

Twilight followed so far, so she encouraged him to continue with a small gesture.

“Other ‘symptom’ of this illness is him being rather promiscuous… though he was reasonable enough so far not to produce offspring. I think he would make for a terrible husband, truth be told, and I would send him to the herame the next minute, I swear,” Bright Crescent allowed himself the honest critique. “And he also needs to be the center of attention. However, when he keeps it under control, he’s like every other pony. He can even be rather shy, introverted, spends time in his books, or practicing the poltawca. But when he does not have a grip on the illness, or does not want to have it, obsessed by an idea, a feeling he wishes to explore, he does flare up in these ways. He’s also prone to having sweat pour down him in moments of exertion or embarrassment, or just general nerves, and that’s always embarrassing and annoying to him. It can throw him off balance.”

Twilight pondered. Nothing that was being said was taking away Ebony Crescent’s sanity, in the sense of freedom of choice. Perhaps he was finding it harder to contain himself, but that did not mean that his sickness could serve as an excuse.

She had to make sure that Bright Crescent understood that, though she felt that he already did. “I suppose that he got obsessed over me, this time around, and decided not to know better,” Twilight pointed out, much to the haspadr’s shame.

“That he did, apparently. But he... It’s not like he cannot pull himself together, he’s capable of self-control! I thought!” the stallion remarked with bubbling annoyance, then immediately regretted raising his voice. “My apologies. We are all... prone to slipping up, I suppose.”

“Is this illness something that is... threatening his life?” Twilight decided to ask, to have the full picture.

“No. I have told you, I believe, that my grandfather was also suffering from it, and he lived a long, fulfilling life. Yes, he once ordered all the servants in the palace to stay silent for three nights because he couldn’t hit the right note in an aria and he couldn’t bear any distractions, but that’s just something that could be considered annoying and despotic… and maybe a little maddened, but not purely stupid. So one can hope to reach advanced age without a problem, unless one does something monumentally reckless. Case in point,” the Lord finally admitted, rolling his eyes, shaking his head, and letting out a sigh, all to signify his annoyance. “I had even ponies like Karneol, one of our local priests, talk to Ebony Crescent about his behavior, multiple times. Frankly, however, he kept himself somewhat contained so far! I just… I guess that this time he got lost in the idea of you, Honored Princess. I shouldn’t be surprised, you are an alluring mare, by mundane standards.”

“ ‘Mundane’ standards?” she asked, as the haspadr’s tone almost caused her to chuckle.

He just pointed at himself in reply, as if stating the obvious, and pursed his lips. “I’m sorry, I am the odd one out in the game of physical attraction leading to the prolonging the species and whatnot. I can only make an educated guesses here, you know,” he jested, smirking coyly. His eyes then became more keen, as he began pointing with his hoof at her and openly commenting. “I mean, artistically, I would consider you flawless. Your features are delicate, pleasant, well-organized and with that healthy symmetry and asymmetry. And the Divine Aspect is giving you an allure that is hard to overlook, aesthetically. That height, the majestic wings following the curve of your back and loin, the toned legs, and the horn to complete the silver ratio, it all radiates presence and beauty. Add it to your natural charisma, yes, you’re a masterpiece… even if my preferences are simply much more burly, and male.”

For some inexplicable reason, the tone of Bright Crescent’s voice, even as he was assessing her, did not make Twilight feel strange. If anything, she suddenly was empowered and aware, anew, of her worth and aspect, despite the dreadful happenings of the day. There was something refreshingly direct about the statements, devoid of emotional charge, especially one that could be considered unhealthy, and offering a professional’s insight. What was Bright Crescent’s talent again? Architecture? Or flattery?

Unfortunately, the stallion’s face fell hard after he said all of that. “I’m afraid that Ebony Crescent got lost in appreciating you, to the point where he couldn’t control his urges. He should have. Ab Bogine, he should have,” Bright Crescent added, his anger intertwined with shame.

“If I decide to allow the matter of the Count Brother to be dealt with by you, personally, Honored Lord,” Twilight began, weighing her words, “could I have expectations that you shall be more predisposed towards me in the future?”

“Indeed. You will have my deepest gratitude, and respect. I might even stop teasing you during the Covenant meetings,” the Lord offered, though that only caused Twilight to shake her head.

“That I won’t believe.”

“You’re right, you absolutely shouldn’t,” he admitted, chuckling to himself. “I usually don’t mean anything by it, I’m just having my fun. Sometimes slightly wicked, but... it’s a choice. But, yes, since I have nothing against you, personally, and I will be most indebted, I am willing to support your further, diplomatic actions. Moreover, to sweeten the deal a little, I can actually work a little bit on Crimson Shade, so that he stops foaming at the mouth whenever he has to think of the Equestrian issue.”

Twilight leaned in just a little. “You believe you could do that?” she inquired, more genuinely curious than filled with self-interest at those words.

“He’s got a hard shell, but that’s a Shade thing. The Family has its stoic, immovable traditions and expectations, especially regarding the Shades’ Hollow grudge business,” Bright Crescent remarked, though somehow avoiding sounding nonchalant about the issue. “But he’s not a warmonger, nor is he nurturing that very grudge merely for the sake of it. He’s just... serious. Like, nearly all the time, but I know that he’s not unreasonable. He’s also fond of Blessed Fang, as our youngest colleague. I know you’ve already been to the Iug u Kiel, so I’m fully expectant that the colt is doing his own, diplomatic hoodoo on Crimson Shade, if you managed to come to an understanding,” Bright Crescent spoke and then paused, for yet another dramatic effect. “I have a feeling that you did. So my efforts won’t be solitary, and I can have somepony else to blame if they fail, of course.”

Twilight finally let out a giggle, but then shook her head. Looking at the stallion again, she could spot that he was rather pleased that he finally made her laugh, giving her a little escape from what she had to endure. She appreciated the thought, even if that wouldn’t have been her choice in other circumstances.

It made her think, however, and then awakened the desire to ask, again. “I think I could accept such a way of proceeding from this day... but you have, once again, tickled my curiosity, Bright Crescent...”

“Delightful,” the stallion managed to get a comment through, and with a sweet smile.

“Perhaps... But it depends on how you take my question, Honored Lord. Notably – what is your game?”

“Ooh...” The haspadr made a face, quite amused by such an inquiry. “I offer to be nice and just, and suddenly I am to spill my secrets before a foreign dignitary and a guest?” Twilight wanted to retort to that, but the stallion spread his forelegs and looked around, as if acknowledging where exactly they were sitting. “Oh, would you look at that, I have granted you the opportunity to stay in this spire, and all the privileges coming from that. You can attempt to wrangle something out of me.”

“I’m really not about that, Honored Lord,” Twilight told him. She decided to ask for one more reason than pure curiosity, after all. This was her, finding an escape from what had happened, in her own way, by trying to understand the pony before her. “But, I will point out again – you have shown remarkable tact and kindness to me, acknowledging what happened, embracing the challenge. And I have felt not one ounce of you trying to manipulate me into belittling the matter, letting it go, for the sake of the Count Brother. You aren’t derogatory nor mocking. I mean, you were ready to do that when war was on the Covenant’s table, and yet not here. I’m far from actually grading plights and tragedies, but some would definitely say that a conflict like that is a far greater issue than what I had to deal with. So...”

“Quite so,” Bright Crescent admitted, tossing a part of his mane with his hoof as if he was on a grand stage. “You really want to know whether I’m just being annoying as a habit, is that it?”

“You said yourself, Honored Lord – you are sometimes slightly wicked ‘as a choice’,” she pointed out, much to the stallion’s merriment.

“We really shouldn’t have let you visit Midnight Eye’s domain first, you hang on words just like him,” Bright Crescent admitted, and Twilight had to think of all of those ‘lessons’ she had been subjected to by the Lord of Midnight Family. “I’m still the annoying, derogatory pony I have always been, it’s just that... I have an agenda.”

“Well, that’s surprising in Noctraliya,” Twilight let the biting comment slip, causing the Lord to chuckle behind his hoof.

“We don’t like being boring and one-dimensional... which actually might make us one-dimensional, come to think of it, if we are all harboring dark intentions and weave schemes about,” Bright Crescent deemed, looking both pleased and worried about such a state of affairs. He then looked to the side.

And it was then that something about him... changed. It shifted and morphed, or simply revealed itself there and then. Enough said that, even with her stress and her tiredness, as their discussion was taking them even further into the day, Twilight spotted just how exhausted Bright Crescent looked. It was the same sort of fatigue she had spotted in him when she had met him in the palace gardens, among the opulence and luxury. Something was peering through the façade, regardless of whether the Lord was willing to provide an actual explanation.

He was. Or so Twilight thought at first. “If you had the choice, Honored Princess... would you choose to be somepony else?”

“Somepony... else?”

“Not going too far with that, of course. Let’s say ‘you’, but without the tediousness of ruling, of responsibility, of having to deal with decision and decision and decision, and instead just doing what your heart prompts you to do?” he asked, making Twilight think for a second.

It wasn’t like she had never considered the topic. She had long evenings of adjusting to her role as a Princess of Equestria, and had sought the wisdom of the other alicorns to find what part was she supposed to play. She had received encouragement and support, but even with it, she had entertained the thought of different scenarios for her life to follow.

“I did think on that, many times. However, I have never arrived at a clear option which I could label as ‘better’ than where I am now. My life could have went differently, of course. There were choices along the way, but I don’t think I have ever questioned making the ones I did in the end. Travelling a different road is an interesting matter to consider, but I don’t think I would switch what I have now for anything else. If that’s what you meant, Honored Lord?”

“To a degree,” Bright Crescent admitted, getting up again, taking small, measured steps around the chamber. His tone turned much more solemn, even more than when he had been receiving the report about the happenings of that day. “When you look at me, Honored Princess, do you see a pony that was meant to be the Lord?”

“I do,” she told him, without reluctance.

He didn’t believe her, that much was obvious, especially when he tossed his head back with a shout. “Ha! That’s rich! But I will accept it as a sign of your kindness and good courtesy, Honored Princess,” he told her back, smiling and continuing on his casual stroll, but his expression quickly lost any merriment. “I was meant to take the circlet and cloak, as the firstborn, and yet... I wasn’t. At least, I became aware, quite quickly into my teenage and adult years, that I was simply not cut for the job. And I don’t mean purely because I am hopeless when it comes to extending the family line,” he admitted with a giggle and a shrug. “I find that process to be a little garish for my sensibility, no offence to the fair sex.”

“None... taken,” Twilight told him, amusement fighting in her with recent, unpleasant memories.

Bright Crescent immediately realized the blunder he had made, and sighed loudly. “My apologies. Again, one more proof that I’m not one for impeccable tact, one that should describe a haspadr, especially one of our Family.” He stopped, to look somewhere towards the floor, though Twilight doubt anything on it caught his attention. The memories were the sole reason his gaze fell so much. “Yes… I knew I wasn’t meant for this role. Never felt particularly authoritative or autocratic, I hated dealing with the Syinod of my father, as they were all so stuck-up and boorish. It’s not like I don’t know what they are for, I know their role is pivotal, it’s just… Nothing of this felt right for me. I actually prayed to the Immaculate Moon… for many more years of my father’s reign, deep into his old age, even if for the sole reason that I wouldn’t have to step up to that challenge. It made me retch and gag to even consider it.”

Twilight wasn’t going to interrupt him, having the distinct feeling that she was listening to something that perhaps nopony else had ever listened to, maybe bar general Crescent Light, if even.

“Thankfully, there was somepony else, much more qualified for the job,” Bright Crescent admitted with a sad smile. “A pony of character, charisma, ambition and skill. My younger brother. Brilliant Crescent was everything one would want from the leader of our Family. Sophistication, insight, quality, pursuit of perfection. Ponies wanted to listen to him, he drew them in with his confidence and wit. And, good Goddess, it was the perfect scenario,” the stallion revealed, that loving smile persisting upon his lips for the moment. “Everypony, absolutely everypony was ready for him. So much so that it became an unspoken agreement. Between us, as brothers. Then between us and our father. Then between all of us and the Assembly… Pieces put into place, creating a wondrous mosaic in the making. I was nominally the Count, of course, ready to take up responsibilities as tradition would dictate, and then immediately abdicate for Brilliant Crescent’s sake. There was enough, valid reasons, and the caste leaders’ agreement and endorsement. I even had the matter of my nature working for me, you know? And it would be a… better scenario than trying desperately and tragically to have an heir against one’s penchant.”

Twilight grimaced, realizing the implication hidden behind those words. She would began to wonder how often was that the case, ponies having to struggle against the expectations of their bloodline, but she waited for something else. With baited breath, even if she already knew the terrible conclusion of the haspadr’s story.

“So, it was all fine and grand, right? I would have been the Lord for, oh I don’t know, an hour? Give or take. I could survive that, as anxious as I ever was about it,” Bright Crescent continued, and the more words spilled from him, the more emotional he was getting. He tried to hold it in, but it was foolhardy to believe that he didn’t still feel affected by what had transpired. “And then… And then my dear, sweet, beloved brother is suddenly… gone. Gone. That’s the one word I can think of, and behind it lies despair,” the stallion spoke, glancing at Twilight through the tears welling in his topaz eyes. “Can you imagine that? Especially from our perspective? Never found. Never confirmed as… as perished. Never embraced, for one more time. Never cleansed, never shrouded by tender hooves. And yet, here I suddenly am, and I cannot even stand before Brilliant Crescent’s pyre, and curse at him for being so inconsiderate, for ruining a perfectly sound design. No, he went to Berbara Knieye, never to return. Victim of those… those fiends. And then it’s just… a tragedy, through and through. Bravo to whoever came up with it, I commend the… the heartlessness.”

The haspadr declared so, and Twilight could have sworn that his eyes escaped upwards, casting blame to the powers that were on high. Her logic whispered that it did explain some of his reluctance towards batpony spirituality. He hadn’t waited for the priesthood to impart blessings before his departure from the Sanctuary, for example. She wondered if he truly held a grudge against the Goddess…

But Bright Crescent didn’t stop there, at least when it came to reciting further misfortunes which had befallen him and his Family after that, darkly pivotal moment.

“My brother, my… my dear, beloved brother, the Family’s honest hope for a strong leader to replace my father, is no more. And in such a terrible, miserable way, that… that my father’s heart cannot take it. Well, I witnessed his ashes flying and dispersing in the wind, so at least I know where he went, right?” the stallion asked the question sharply, trying his best not to surrender to tears entirely, there and then. “So… I become a Lord, the worst thing I could ever imagine happening. I’m sick for three weeks constantly. Headaches, panic, vomit all over the place…” he revealed, not that Twilight felt appreciative about those details. “Me, little old me, in the middle of it all. Yes, the middle, for that is not the end of this pitiful sob story.”

She would hardly claim that Bright Crescent was sharing all of this just to garner sympathy. No, it was more like opening an old wound in the hopes that whatever parts of it which were still festering could be cleansed anew.

“My sister-in-law, a wonderful mare in her own right, cannot take it,” the haspadr explained further, the sentence causing a shudder to pass through Twilight. “Being in mourning becomes her second nature, debilitates her, eats at her, to the point of manifesting as terrible issues that even the most empathetic of our priests cannot help with. A little too little of that divine providence, right?” came another biting question, even behind his warbling tone. “She withdraws from public life. She still lives in one of our lesser peaks, away from the eyes of others. Not even willing to talk to her children, as it is too much for her broken spirit. And then, as an encore of my personal calamity, maybe a year after that… my mother goes to be with my father.

“And, just like that… I am here,” Bright Crescent declared, turning in a practiced, dramatic way, giving Twilight a deep bow which mad his milky mane sweep the floor, stained already with a few droplets from his tears. He was still pulling himself together, somehow. “Alone. Minus my beloved Crescent Light, though he is not here to fill the void, I cherish him too much to ram him into that dark space. And with two, cute little creatures that I need to try and raise, having no idea what I am doing. As today proves!” he added in absolute despair, referring to Ebony Crescent’s transgressions.

Twilight felt for him, yes. She almost regretted having indulged her curiosity in the first place, but she believed that she could now see the stallion before her in a better, brighter light.

“You… truly had to rise to the occasion, Honored Lord.”

“A very noble way of putting it,” he snapped back, almost as if insulted. “The Family, my Family, which I dearly love, as any member should, needed a leader. Not a flimsy farce. Ah well, they got the farce, what can you do? So I made myself into an even greater one. That is what I meant by being wicked ‘by choice’, Honored Princess.” He paused to spread his wings and forelegs a little, and let out an expression which would have been amusing in literally any other circumstances. “Ta-da!”

Twilight could at this point risk guessing why he had chosen that course of action for himself. She hoped that she wasn’t misreading him, deciding to speak up and confirm to him that she understood, deep inside.

“You wanted to be seen like this, didn’t you? You still do. You are doing all of this on purpose, very much so. Those commentaries, that biting tongue and grating personality. But your reason…” She found herself in thought for but a few seconds before presenting a conclusion which made the most sense. “You are the ‘farce’, in your own eyes, so that anypony else, coming afterwards, will be welcomed. Will be eagerly expected, just like your brother was, back then. Will be a relief to everypony, and in this way, suffers less than what you suffered, taking the position as a Lord. Is that it?”

“Mad, isn’t it?” Bright Crescent pretty much affirmed it, sending her a brilliant smile which hid much pain behind it. “I took it up a right notch, let me tell you. For example, I indeed opted for a gallery between the very scenic peaks of our Mountain, much to everypony’s horror. I did so to honor my brother, immortalized in the place’s greatest piece. To find an outlet for my creative juices, stunted by that piece of metal on my head… and to make damn sure everypony shall be relieved when Ivory Crescent takes it from me, finally. All the other Lords will be thrilled, are you joking? Somepony representing the Crescents that isn’t an utter buffoon, that doesn’t make fun of Dusk Harvest’s p-p-problem,” he mocked the haspadr.

It made Twilight’s brow furrow, but that was exactly what the Lord before her was after, so she understood. She didn’t approve, not in the slightest, but she knew where he was coming from. It was making her think, consider and judge, especially as Bright Crescent was approaching the conclusion to his little, one-pony play.

“And so I am here, dealing with this kirwe, too. What a nice little bonus. And why? Because damn me to Peraure, damn me to the embrace of the Lesyi, if I let anypony else’s legacy be sullied. If this diplomatic hodgepodge ends in something terrible, like a war which I have so readily mocked, too… let it be on my head, nopony else’s. Let this be the last thing before I tear my cloak off, and toss the circlet with relief, for my dumb head was never destined to bear it… but I will bear it all,” he said with unshakable conviction, visible even when his entire form was shuddering in the abundance of emotions. “Bright Crescent the Worst… The Fool, the Frivolous… Ha! I’m almost thrilled to learn how I shall be remembered by our scribes. It shall make for a wonderful read when I am old, decrepit and blissfully forgotten…”

Twilight nodded, recognizing how upset the Lord was after finishing this dark summary of himself. There was some relief coming from him, after having made all of this known before her, but it paled to the amount of weight this signified, responsibility he had taken upon himself. Had he made the best choice, or even a reasonable one? She didn’t know, and she wouldn’t pass judgment. But she knew what she could do, now that they had gone down this rabbit hole.

“I don’t know about archivists and historians, Honored Lord,” she spoke up, looking intently the haspadr’s way, “but I see you as just that.”

“The Fool?” he asked, almost as if amused, but she shook her head.

“No – the Honored Lord, Bright of Family Crescent,” she corrected him with a smile. “To reveal it all is to reveal that you truly care, hwalbu haspadr, despite the facets of your character you bare before the world. You care about the legacy of your Family, about the future place it shall have, about the ponies in your care,” she summed up. “Despite everything. You have taken a role, a difficult one without a doubt, and you have made it yours. Against the world entire, some would say, because for it you do look like a right buffoon.”

The stallion actually giggled, wiping a tear from his eye. “You must be very tired, Twilight Sparkle, to claim such ridiculous things.”

“I am tired, yes, but in full possession of my faculties, Honored Lord,” she spoke. She got up from her seat and approached the stallion, as it was blatant that both of them would help each other that day, no matter the circumstances or the late hour. “And I want to tell you, Bright Crescent that… I see you. I see you. The effort of your life, revealed right now, but also even the one you have just shown, for those few hours. Ready, willing, open. You surely can be an annoying individual with strong opinions and a biting tongue, and that’s not all just a performance for the sake of your ‘agenda’,” she pointed out, earning a cheeky smile from the stallion opposite. “But the you I still see, if you care for a sunpony guest’s opinion… was meant to be a Lord of the Crescent Family.”

Bright Crescent didn’t respond at first. Stunned for a moment, but then simply fanning himself with his hoof. “Oh, nonsense, all of this. Looking at you, Honored Princess, I would even coin the phrase ‘horsefeathers’,” he jested, showing that provoking character of his, but Twilight didn’t mind at all. Especially since his following words were genuine. “Thank you, a hundred times, but… don’t say things like that, you’ll get me tearing up again. And it will give the wrong impression when I leave!” he told her, and he tried to stifle another giggle.

“We wouldn’t want that, would we?”

“No, not really,” he told her after taking a deep breath. “Oh look, how dreadfully insensitive of me, I have almost made this meeting about myself. A thousand pardons, I wasn’t planning on that, not at all…”

“I think you deserve a little of that, at least, Honored Lord” Twilight told him back, wearing a smile. “And if anything could get me back on track, distracted from what I had to face, and remind me of my role, my strength, as a Princess of Equestria, it was to listen and now to try and help. Friends understand the troubles of others.”

“How presumptuous of you to claim Friendship here,” Bright Crescent feigned outrage, but smiled widely, baring his fangs for a brief moment. “You are a fascinating mare, and most worthwhile. I will gladly harbor kinder and warmer feelings toward you from now on, Honored Princess,” he said, pausing for a moment, becoming utterly serious once again. “I solemnly promise that I will deal with the matter at hoof promptly and strongly. So that you can sleep soundly, and have your due repayment. I’ll start by having somepony guard that treacherous window, you know?”

That got a smile out of her, and Bright Crescent looked pleased about that, as well.

He looked deep into her eyes again. “Will you extend your trust towards the fool and the farce?”

Twilight didn’t have to take even a moment to respond, nodding right away and smiling. “Yes, Honored Lord. I trust that you will do the right thing. If you won’t, I shall tell you, but… I have a feeling you won’t abuse my good graces.”

“Never,” Bright Crescent told her, and she believed him without a shred of doubt.

Something prompted her to ask, still. “So… my visit in Noctraliya is the last part of your rule as a Lord, is that it? To screen your successor from any blunders?”

“Yes, that is what I have decided, pretty much. But I trust that all of this is for your ears only, Honored Princess,” the haspadr pointed out, giving her a slightly worried look. “Also, I don’t want anypony celebrating too early, you know. Let me surprise them and see the joy on their muzzles properly.”

“I’ll definitely keep my mouth shut,” she promised, considering that he was possibly the first pony she had ever met so concerned about stepping down in a way which would bring a euphoria of relief to everypony around. “But, afterwards, when Countess Ivory Crescent takes your place… Have you given much thought to the future? What are your plans, if you don’t mind indulging me a little more before we conclude this talk?”

“I… no, actually,” the Lord admitted, suddenly looking a little lost. He took a step back and rubbed his chin. “Honestly… I focused so much on the moment when it would be best for me to leave this whole burlesque behind, I didn’t actually consider what awaits me later. Or, perhaps, I subconsciously agreed to first wait and see if I shall be alive! Hard to make plans for the mundane when you’ve left it behind.”

Something about those words sounded serious enough for Twilight to press the topic a little more. “You… didn’t expect our diplomatic talks to escalate to such terrible heights and stakes, did you, Honored Lord?”

He shrugged, making a face. “Who knows these things? You quickly turned out to be less of a zealot of your godly, searing patron than some expected… And, what’s more, that hideously inaccurate presumption actually hid behind it one of the most reasonable ponies I have ever encountered in my life,” he explained, looking at her intently. “However, don’t blame me for being fatalistic, Honored Princess. When I hadn’t expected the worst, it then happened to me, casting me into this one, long day without respite. Perhaps now, when I have already imagined the worst outcomes before my mind’s eye… and am enduring another challenge, things will ultimately improve?”

“Not an unreasonable stance, Honored Lord…” Twilight admitted, understanding where he was coming from, completely. “How about, when things are said and done, and positively so for everypony, you come to Equestria?”

“Oh? Is that a formal invitation?” Bright Crescent asked, smirking.

“Private, for now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Twilight curbed his theatrical enthusiasm and he actually enjoyed that. “But since you would like to distance yourself from your current role, and perhaps give a… ‘breather’ to ponies around you, a little tour of our country would be to your liking? Some inspiration can surely be found back home… And, if I’m being honest, after seeing the Grand Peaks Gallery, I think you could actually find a great many ponies interested in your talent and visions, Honored Lord.”

She wasn’t trying to be manipulative or flattering, but she could see that Bright Crescent was absorbing each and every word at this point, as she suddenly offered him an actual way forward from his ‘dreadful’ current occupation. And, besides, Twilight meant her praise, as the place he had designed was one of a kind. She could easily see him being offered opportunities from ponies in Canterlot, especially those looking for new, architectural marvels to add to the landscape of the capital.

What a wonderful opportunity it would be, as well, to help batponies enrich Equestria, integrate themselves with other ponyfolk.

“A… mouthwatering proposition,” the Lord admitted after a moment, smiling. “I know what I will be considering in my dreams today… if I even sleep. And not much time remains before the glorious Moon comes upon the night’s sky. Speaking of which…” He took another step back to give Twilight a sweeping bow, delivered with as much mockery as genuine respect, as was the stallion’s want. “I will not occupy any more of your time. And tomorrow night shall be solely for your leisure, you more than deserve the time to rest and recuperate. Your safety shall be my personal priority now, and nothing wrong will happen to you in my domain, I solemnly swear it.”

“Thank you, Honored Lord. I trust that it shall be so,” she told him, nodding stoically.

Bright Crescent smiled again, tossing his milky mane aside. “Let’s meet next time in a bit more suave circumstances. Serious, yes, but suave,” he expressed his hope, hiding a note of solemnity behind his humorous tone.

“Of course, Honored Lord,” she agreed, believing she understood what he was implying. The main matter wasn’t yet resolved, after all. “But, for today, may we rest well.”


This exchange marked the end of this meeting, one which had been spurned by dramatic circumstances, but… productive. The Honored Lord turned to leave, and it quickly became apparent that the three other batponies were patiently waiting for his exit and the results of their talks. The Countess looked especially concerned when her eyes landed on her uncle, and Twilight could see that his expression was perfectly inscrutable now.

“The situation shall be settled, in a just manner,” he declared, though that didn’t seem to calm the mare down. “For the day, and the following night, the Honored Princess shall have calm and rest. I take it that you will act as necessary for her to achieve exactly that,” the Lord demanded, addressing Twilight’s entourage.

Tac, hwalbu haspadr,” came the reply from both Midnight and Rowan Berry.

Sending Twilight one more gaze, conveying gratitude and kindness, Lord Bright Crescent descended down the stairs. Ivory Crescent, clearly reading into his words deeply, looked ready to follow suit, though she also turned to Twilight. Without lifting her gaze.

“I hope you shall find your rest, Honored Princess,” she wished, and her voice was filled with honesty no lesser than that of her Lord and uncle.

“Thank you, Honored Countess,” Twilight told her, spotting that the mare’s entire body language, as she left after the haspadr, spoke deeply of shame. The deeds of her twin had surely affected her with great strength.

Midnight’s eyes followed the mare intently, until it was just him and Rowan Berry left. He turned to Twilight, asking in a delicate tone. “Could we come in, Honored Princess? We just… want to ask whether you need something.”

“Please, enter,” she allowed it, and both him and the healer crossed the threshold, looking worried for her.

Rowan Berry spoke first, though Twilight knew she was representing both of them. “We… We want to apologize, profoundly, hwalba knaze. We should have anticipated something, and we should have protected you better… We—”

Twilight lifted her hoof. Whether she agreed or not, whether she wanted to explore that or she preferred to let it go, this was not something she had the strength for today.

“Let us not dwell on that, not right now,” she requested, stopping any further discussions. “You arrived in time, but… I don’t want to think about that anymore today. I’m tired and I seek rest. As much as I will actually find it…”

“Of course,” Midnight replied, nodding. His stare remained filled with the same emotions it had held before, when he had left the chamber. Perhaps there was yet more ignominy in it. “We can keep vigil, stay by the door, or on the terrace, if you so wish. We’re ready to be of service, in whatever form you find desirable, Honored Princess.”

“Thank you, but I don’t think it will be necessary. I’ve reached an accord with Honored Lord Bright Crescent, and I believe that he will keep to his word and be thorough in assuring nothing happens from this moment onward.”

Twilight truly believed that and even allowed herself that small smile at the thought. Though, the memories of what else had she endured caused her to shudder again, her expression falling.

“Rowan Berry?”

Tac, hwalba knaze,” the mare replied, immediately at attention.

“If I would… find it hard to have my rest today still, or in the coming days, could I expect your help, as a professional?”

The healer bowed her head in reverence. “I’m a lupule at your disposal,” she answered, and the note of her voice let Twilight know that she was more than ready and willing to fulfill only that role for her sake.

“Thank you. Midnight Wind?”

“Yes, Honored Princess?”

“I saw you holding your side. Have you gotten hurt, breaking into the Count Brother’s spire?”

“No, there’s no need to worry,” he assured, though Twilight could have sworn that being reminded caused the stallion to actually wince in pain a little. “Just stretched one of the healing gashes or another. Those two sentinels were not a challenge for me, I don’t think they have seen a fight in years. It’s just my body reminding me that I’m not healthy yet. But I am alright, Honored Princess. Thank you for your concern.”

“That’s good…” Twilight told him, feeling genuine relief. She wouldn’t want him to aggravate his injuries, even for her reason. She furrowed her brow. “You’re not putting on a brave face, are you?”

“I’m not, I’m genuinely not,” Midnight promised, holding a hoof to his chest. “I’m ready, a warrior at your disposal,” he told her, parroting Rowan Berry.

He meant his words, without a doubt, and Twilight appreciated the sentiment. Though she had to shake her head, trying to stay focused for a moment longer, despite the weariness, blanketing her mind at this point.

“Good, good… I think I shall be fine for the moment. I will… talk with you tomorrow, about all of this. Perhaps later into the night. I need to rest.”

“Of course… We are here,” the healer assured her, nodding, and Twilight was genuinely grateful for the readiness.

She was grateful for more things, of course. And so she reminded herself to speak up, as the two batponies were about to leave her chambers. “Midnight Wind? Rowan Berry?”

They both turned around in an instant, gazing at her with intent, and Twilight managed to smile at them still, despite the exhaustion and the storm of emotions in her.

“Thank you. For coming to my rescue.”

The batponies nodded, recognizing the appreciation, yet one would hardly find smiles, even ashamed ones, on their muzzles as they left the room.

Twilight sighed. It was just like she had already realized. Nopony would get out of this situation unscathed, not entirely.

She made sure to lock the place up, though she had every right to believe Lord Bright Crescent and his promise. Would she have a good rest after all of that? She still heard the echo of the Count Brother’s whispers in her ears, fought the memory of his muzzle against her coat, recalled the pain of his hooves trying to hold her down… And so she didn’t know if she would find any sleep.

The recollections were fresh, the fear and the harm weren’t going to disappear anytime soon.

But she was sure of one thing. She would withstand it all. She had avoided a terrible fate, and now she would become stronger for it.

She had to. Who knew what the future yet held?

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