• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XIV – Our Quests

“That’s... colorful.”

Those were the only words that Midnight uttered when Twilight appeared before him in her Equestrian regal gown. And, to be honest, they were thoroughly disappointing.

“You don’t approve?”

“Not at all,” he responded with merciless honesty, shrugging.

She pouted. “Well, it’s based on sketches and designs dating back almost five hundred years. It was made especially for me as a new ruler,” she attempted to persuade him. “It is unique and completely appropriate for important occasions such as this one.”

She paraded in front of him, making sure to hold her head high and proud. But, instead of convincing him, it only made him roll his eyes.

“Well, it was made all wrong. Frankly, I am fighting the urge of cutting this thing to pieces right away, so it shall never hurt you again,” he remarked lackadaisically, turning around on the chair.

“Overreacting much?”

“After having seen you in that dress you got from Shadebloom? Not at all, simply pointing out the sad state of things,” he declared, returning to his task of polishing his armor. He grinned at his reflection, distorted in the curve of the metal. “Actually, just go in that one, you would look better.”

Twilight giggled, approaching him from behind. She wrapped her forelegs around his neck and placed her head against his, their cheeks brushing delicately.

“Oh, Midnight, you would get jealous of all the other stallions gazing at me,” she teased him. “If you say this dress is so horrendous, then it will scare all of your potential, handsome and charming rivals.”

Midnight shook his head, a broad smile on his muzzle. “Bah! Nopony can rival me!” He stroke Twilight’s cheek. “And nopony can usurp your place in my heart...”

She closed her eyes, content. “That’s good to hear.”

“It’s even better to say.”

He nuzzled her before returning to assuring that his cuirass would have the proper shine and resplendence to it.

Twilight, in the meantime, approached the mirror in the corner, checking her mane. It was well combed and, while lacking a fancy makeover, matched the stature of the ensemble. She levitated her diadem from the bag and carefully settled it on her head.

Making sure that she appeared like a true Princess, she decided to do a little exercise in royal demeanor. She smiled a gentle, benevolent smile and dropped her eyelids modestly at the same time. A bow of her head to the left, a nod to the right. A polite curtsy, a compassionate glance, an elegant gesture of denial, then firm encouragement. Acting like a monarch was akin to being on a theater's stage. Twilight, while lacking a knack for acting, had read enough books on etiquette to be certain that, at least by Equestrian standards, her performance would be more than august.

Midnight’s sudden, faint chuckle at her rehearsal became a rather harsh critique. However, she was going to teach him a proper lesson, not breaking her concentration for even a breath.

She turned to face him, slowly and authoritatively, granting him a truly imposing look. She knew those stares from Princess Celestia, who, despite her motherly care for Equestria, was still a monarch capable of exacting her will by a firm gaze alone. Although, at the time, Twilight considered channeling her impression of Princess Luna, considering her more domineering presence when it came to intimidation.

“Why the laughter, guardian?” she inquired with just enough majesty and cold to her voice to snap water into ice.

Midnight raised from his chair, a derisive smile still on his lips. “Why, Twilight, I am merely joyful that—“

“Do not dare mock me,” she interjected, not bothering to listen to his contempt. It actually caused his jaw to drop. “I shall not suffer impertinence nor disrespect at the hooves of my servants.”

She stomped towards the stallion, whose expression was more than befuddled.

“I expect obedience without deficiency,” she stated as she came close to him, her eyes clashing with Midnight’s and the aura of her presence almost causing him to back away, “or I will find myself somepony more suitable for your position.”

The batpony, caught utterly by surprise, simply stood where he stood, perhaps not petrified, but definitely rendered speechless.

Twilight continued, smirking on the inside.

“And my commands shall be followed to the letter and without even a hint of sarcastic narration. Have I made myself clear?”

Midnight, playing along or genuinely subjugated by her performance, saluted as it was proper of him, his wings swooshing. “Yes, Honored Princess!”

“And should I issue you an order, guardian, how will you comply?” she inquired leaning closer to him and glaring into his eyes.

“With loyalty and zeal, Honored Princess!”

Twilight’s inner satisfaction felt bolstered just enough for her to become daring.

“Then I command you to kiss me.”

“Right away!”

The stallion turned out to be, indeed, a faithful bodyguard and followed her command without further delay, their lips locking firmly. Letting go of her act for the moment, Twilight experienced a deep blush and a feeling of feebleness in her legs.

The batpony finally stepped back, returning to his position of attention before she judged him with a victorious smile.


“I shall aim to improve my performance, Honored Princess!” he replied, trying to keep a straight face.

“See that you do, guardian,” she imperiously suggested before abandoning her mask. “So... how was it?”

“The kiss? I honestly think it was stellar, as always!” Midnight replied, back to his usual, roguish smirk.

“Not the kiss!” she shouted, nudging him.

“Quite convincing, really, you actually sounded a lot like Honored Lord Midnight Eye,” he assessed before shaking his head fervently a moment later. “Minus the kiss part! Definitely minus the kiss part!”

Twilight giggled at his distraught expression. “I would hope so!”

Exactly at that moment, somepony began banging on the antechamber door.

Midnight’s ears perked up. “I’ll get it,” he offered, grabbing his cuirass from the table.

“Somepony’s in a hurry,” Twilight pointed out, slightly concerned at the volume and fervency of the knocking. Had something sudden happened again?

She looked with curiosity from the threshold of her chamber when the stallion opened the door, causing none other than Avalanche to burst into the room. His mane seemed to have reached the apex of disorder and there were bags under his eyes, not to mention even a new burn mark on his trusty apron.

“Oh, ia grat Tue, Bogine! Still here!” he shouted in relief, panting as if he had sprinted all the way here.

Lawin, what’s the rush?” Midnight asked in surprise, closing the door, but the siegemaster only raised his hoof to silence him, looking in Twilight’s direction.

Knaze... ia have brought... my gratitude with me!” he declared, stepping forward and taking off a backpack he had with him, wheezing.

The mare was confused with both his state and his words. “Gratitude? What ‘gratitude’? For what?”

The big stallion straightened himself, attempting to calm his constant panting without much success. “Although... uaiu little sightseeing.... was interrupted... again,” he declared, gritting his teeth, “tue... granted me... inspiration... Knaze! Ia know... how to name... iau invention!”

Twilight approached him. “Oh?”

Tac!” Avalanche declared, letting out a gasping laugh. “Ipe is gentle... but firm! Tactful... but powerful!”

Midnight gave Twilight a glance, smiling as his friend continued the tirade.

“And so,” the siegemaster took a deep breath, his eyes glinting like child’s, “ia have named her ‘Princess’!”

Twilight’s lips involuntarily curled into a smile. “I’m glad to have inspired you, but it was nothing, really.”

“Nonsense!” he replied, finally calming down his breathing and reaching for his backpack. “Tu braz, tu daz!

He then extracted a reasonably sized, wooden box from the sack and offered it to Twilight, a big, wonderfully simple grin of joy painted on his muzzle.

Midnight stepped closer, examining the gift as the mare carefully lifted the lid, her curiosity mounting.

Inside the container sat a set of silver hoofshoes. Although, calling them that and not a “masterpiece” was actually doing them a disservice. From their graceful appearance, to the littlest details of their ornaments, they appeared absolutely singular. They were brilliantly in accord with what Twilight had observed about batponies’ design patterns, observable even in their architecture. Their style was cruder by Equestrian standards and, at the same time, strangely delicate, sophisticated in its own way.

The hoofshoes were notably firmer than those found in Canterlot stores, especially considering their thicker sole and woolen padding, but could easily pass for equally elegant and appropriate for special occasions. All thank to the silver, floral motives both formed and carved on them. Vines, petals, leaves and thorns. Flowers both known and completely new to Twilight. It confirmed her theory that traditional markings used by batponies were either plant, or celestial-based.

“They are... amazing!” she exclaimed, making Avalanche exhale in satisfaction. “Have you made them yourself?” she inquired with unmatched curiosity.

He nodded fervently. “Tac... Ia barely slept due to that.”

Midnight was equally impressed by his friend’s craftsmanship. “Priyat, you have outdone yourself. Who knew you had a caretaker’s soul in you?” he remarked almost mockingly.

“Not really,” Avalanche denied, rubbing his neck. “Ia znat they are not the best work, ia mean, ipia are different from our regular ordnance and ia don’t know if they even fit, ia mean—“

Twilight was having none of that. She smiled at him in gratitude and spoke with a warm, friendly tone, retaining her regal authority however. “I have given and now I have taken.” She closed her eyes for a moment, forming the correct sentence. “Iae dazee i tere iae brazee.”

These words made Avalanche beam and show his not-so-healthy teeth almost immodestly.

As Twilight was taking out her gift from the box, she spotted something peculiar. The front pair of the set felt a little bit heavier. She glanced at it, not spotting anything different about them that would make up for this slight difference. The pair wasn’t more ornate or elaborate than the hind one.

Avalanche took note of her confusion. “Have tue spotted it, Knaze?”

“Spotted what exactly?”

Avalanche extended his hoof and Twilight passed him one of the hoofshoes. Instead of explaining this weight phenomenon, however, he asked of Midnight.

“Can tu see it, Maednoc Wentr?”

Midnight squinted his eyes, examining the silver slipper, but he shook his head afterwards, blatantly uncertain of what his friend was referring to.

Without wasting the element of surprise, Avalanche firmly pushed one of the circular flowers on the side of the hoofshoe.

Twilight jumped back when two petite pieces of metal slashed from the sides of the slipper, following a horizontal slit particularly well hidden among the vine motives, and formed a little, ovate blade pointing forward from its silver sheet.

And while her jaw dropped at the hidden weapon, Midnight plainly lost it, almost falling over in laughter.

L-Lawin, kirwe, tu kad! Tu kuluz!” he howled, desperately trying to keep his balance subjected to both Twilight’s gaping expression of pure astonishment and Avalanche’s innocent grin of inventor’s pride.

The siegemaster kept looking for the mare’s approval. “Pretty nice, huh? Huh?”

“D-definitely unexpected,” she muttered, examining the blade from a safe, perhaps overly safe distance.

“That’s the point, ha!” he shouted, pressing the same flower again, which made the blade split and retract. “Ia have heard the term ‘aggressive negotiations’ once. Ia do not know what those can be about, but ia guess having a little hidden blade prepared would not hurt!”

Midnight had to sit down from his constant chuckling. “P-Princess you should—“ he coughed, “you should appoint Lawin your diplomatic a-adviser for this one!”

As Twilight gave Midnight a long look, Avalanche chortled. “Ia cannot leave iai daughters here, unfortunately, to fulfill such a task. But when tuyi will be returning from Tuarie, you will stop by?”

“You can be certain of it, Avalanche,” Twilight replied, giving him a sincere smile, backed by Midnight’s joyous nod.

While the two of them were saying their farewells to the siegemaster, Blackbranch arrived at their quarters, informing them that their transport was ready and General Adamant Fang and his wife were awaiting them. The adjutant was also prepared to help them with the luggage.

When the group was making their way through the Inner Courtyard, Twilight once more glanced at the dark monument to Ebon Fang, the Fang of the Goddess. Despite barely knowing anything about this mare, she was hoping she could face her upcoming challenges with the same amount of stalwart determination that the creator of this sculpture hid in Nadyir’s eyes.

There was little commotion in the spacious landing cavern of the Border. The General and Shadebloom came forward to meet Twilight as she entered the cave. The priestess smiled at her broadly.

“Princess, what an extraordinary ensemble!” she declared, giving the dress an evaluating look and visibly comparing it with her own, dark grey gown. “Much brighter than what we usually wear, I say!”

Twilight could swear she spotted Midnight glancing at her meaningfully, but she decided to make him pay for it later. “It’s the traditional, royal dress, arcemandre. It is especially meant for paramount events.”

“Be sure to have a cloak over it, Knaze,” Shadebloom kindly advised, admiring the material. “We would not want wind making such a gown its plaything!”

“Naturally, arcemandre. I wish to look properly for meeting the Lords, it is a sign of my respect.”

Ha!” Adamant Fang shouted, agreeing with her. “I have no doubt this summit will be meritorious. May the Goddess’ Will be done during it!”

“We all share a common goal, General. To see our nations prosper and find new understanding. And, as a Princess of Equestria, I assure you that I shall do my best to see both Noctraliya and my land benefiting from these negotiations.”

Twilight was uncertain if she herself believed in the good will of everypony involved, but that did not make her exclaim her declaration with any less fervor.

The General nodded. “We have every bit of trust in that, Princess. Now, considering that I have not been notified of your other guardian’s return,” Adamant Fang pointed out, Twilight taking note of that particular tone of his voice, “I have assigned two of the best fliers of the garrison to make sure that your journey to the Sanctuary shall be smooth and without turbulence.”

Near the mare’s chariot stood two bulky stallions in their warrior gear, stiffly saluting. As far as appearances were considered, they looked capable of performing their task quickly and without a hassle.

“It’s very kind of you, General.”

“Also,” the officer glanced at Midnight, “we do not want our best looking fatigued and travel-worn when appointed for such a grand task. So, Nightguardian, you will be able to enjoy the flight as a passenger.”

Midnight’s eyebrows disappeared underneath his helmet. “General, you are much too kind. I would be quite capable of aiding your warriors, I do not seek special treatment...”

Adamant Fang grinned. “Your kind protest is noted, but futile.”

“Your task,” Shadebloom added, smiling as well, “is protecting and helping the Princess during her travels. But, allow yourself to be aided by others as well. Do you recall the scriptures? ‘May you all act as one’...”

“... ‘for one you are, under my Light,’ ” Midnight finished the quote, smirking and shaking his head. “I am most grateful for that, but I know not how to express my gratitude...”

“Do what is required of you, Nightguardian. May your duty become our repayment,” the General warmly offered, to which Midnight bowed his head in appreciation.

Twilight could not get rid of the feeling that his expression became far more melancholic after those words, as if his mind drifted away towards something unpleasant.


Azure Mist tried to hide her vexation to the best of her abilities, but a number of reasons was not helping her at all in that task.

The fact that Midnight Eye made her wait for so long to see him was blatantly insulting. When she was finally informed that he had the time to meet her at the Seat, she was almost gritting her teeth in anger. She still had to make sure that she would look resplendent at the summit and time was running out. A whole aftermidnight was hardly enough to achieve such a goal!

And now he was simply staring at her with merely moderate interest, his aureolin eyes overly calm.

So, I have decided to let you know of it as soon as possible,” she added on top of what she had conveyed already, hoping to spawn a more emotional reaction. In vain. “Of course, it would have been ‘immediately’, if you did not allow yourself to wait before hearing about this crucial matter,” she allowed herself the not-so-veiled sarcasm.

The importance of whatever information you bring me is for me to decide,” he replied coldly, conjoining his hooves on the marble table, “especially whenever it is a matter concerning a member of my Family.

The mare looked around her own throne, taking her time to realign her long, burgundy ensemble perfectly, while also using that moment to contain her outrage at his words.

Very well, Midnight Eye, so how do you grade the importance of this situation?” she finally inquired, abandoning the futile quest of unbalancing him with her revelations.

It’s obvious,” he declared strongly, to which she exhaled in relief.

Finally, he had shown his worry. She had to admit, he was better at hiding his emotions than she thought. She eagerly awaited him to elaborate.

And he did so.

You are delusional, Azure Mist.

Her eyes widened as she felt as if he had just slapped her on the muzzle.

How... how dare you?!

Azure Mist,” Midnight Eye replied, leaning back in his throne, his cobalt mane brushing the seat and his gaze becoming judgmental, “you come before me, telling me that a member of my Family, more so, a pony being my relative has forgone the legacy of his house and fallen completely for a... mare from Equestria,” he droned in disgust. “Do you actually expect me to believe that?

There is nothing to ‘believe’ here, Midnight Eye!” Azure Mist erupted, standing up from her throne, her dress wrinkling and twisting. “It is what I know of! And I shall not have you doubting my word!

How come you possess that knowledge exactly?” he replied, pursing his lips derogatorily. “Your compromised agent told you all of that?

At his firm question, she felt her eyes widen. “How... How do you...?

I might not spend all of my time and effort on practicing sophistry, but you should be well aware already that I know the rules of this game.


Please, correct me if I shall be wrong at any point.” He cared not for her interruptions, seeing her slowly slumping back down on her seat. “Your Deep Mist was supposed to stay at her side constantly and loyally, providing the usual aid expected from a personal guardian, while also feeding you information. His sudden appearance in the Sanctuary means either that he had failed to remain undercover, or that something sudden has happened to the Princess...” he paused, faking considering something. “There were no news indicating the latter. I deliberately waited until tonight as we would have known by now.

Azure Mist felt her lips trembling in silent anger.

And your little spy is missing one of his fangs.” Midnight Eye had no desire to finish just yet. “A certain indicator of your displeasure, I know you would not forgive him such a failure. Although I was expecting him to suddenly... vanish. A vanishing Mist, would it not be ironic? Then again, you have no scruples when it comes to that. I could chat with your son about it quite amply,” his tone grew more imperious and chastising. “Should I continue, Azure Mist?

She bit her lower lip, leering at him in powerless fury. He, in the meantime, crossed his forelegs on his chest.

I have learned to listen to your instinct, Azure Mist, but these revelations of yours are both delusional and, blatantly, insulting. If this is a misbegotten attempt at undermining my confidence in a proud member of my Family’s heritage I should, simply, take offence.

You should take action,” she replied, attempting her best to sound calm. “Have you forgotten about the prophecy? The strings are weaved all around that mare, Midnight Eye, you just cannot see them.

He exhaled, rubbing his temple. “I agree that she can be dangerous during the negotiations. She feels like a cunning opponent and we can expect her to grant us an unfavorable deal at first,” he declared, staring Azure Mist down. “But no follower of the Judging Sun, not even somepony the merciless goddess picked herself, can sway any of us away from our most glorious purpose. No matter her tries, we shall persevere.

Azure Mist shook her head. Listening to Midnight’s Eye declarations was becoming more and more infuriating. More so, she did not have time for them.

You will soon see your mistake. And then you shall come to me for aid, mark my words.

You are not as irreplaceable nor as vital as you think...

What about you, Midnight Eye?” Azure Mist hissed in response. “Do you find yourself so crucial for our domain’s greatness?

The very first idea that pushed us down this road we are following did come from me,” he responded confidently, looking around the chamber. His eyes hung on the ancient map, hidden away behind a black curtain, embroidered with the coats of arms of the seven Families. “And I will see our plan benefiting all of our race!

The mare huffed, shaking her head. “Your own Family is not ‘all of our race’. But you seem to be forgetting that, Midnight Eye. Perhaps you would just like to be declared the supreme hegemon and rule over us on your own?

At her biting suggestion she saw the other Lord’s upper lip twitching. For the first time this evening she seemed to have unbalanced him. It satisfied her a great deal.

You will watch your mouth, Azure Mist,” Midnight Eye whispered hideously, looking daggers at her. “I will not take such slander from you. If you cannot bear the notion that our country’s greatness shall grow because of an idea other than your own, than—

Oh, you are a fine one to talk!” she countered, standing up with an overwhelming desire to storm out of the chamber.

However, the doors opened seemingly on their own and none other than Bright Crescent sauntered in with a big smile on his muzzle, two silver bracelets on one of his forelegs jingling loudly. He was humming something, likely enjoying the sound of his own murmurs keeping to the rhythm of the jewelry, but he abruptly stopped when he laid his eyes on the two other Lords.

Oh my!” he exclaimed, surprised to see both of them. “What are you, lovebats, doing here? Having a tryst?” He covered his mouth, mocking shock.

Midnight Eye lifted himself up with a self-calming exhale. “Discussing matters of the state. So not doing anything you would be remotely interested in.

The other stallion pouted, his topaz eyes glinting. “Midnight Eye, you are hurting me!” he exclaimed dramatically. “And not in the fun way,” he added, giving Azure Mist a remarkably salacious look.

I do not have time nor patience for more nonsense!” she announced, trotting past Bright Crescent and almost shoving him away.

So you won’t be attending the summit after all?” he responded, clapping his hooves enthusiastically.

Azure Mist left the chamber without looking back, slamming the door behind her.

She was sick and tired of stupidity all around her. First Midnight Eye named her delusional, now Bright Crescent wandered in for whatever reason, being his usual, babbling imbecile!

She took a deep breath, looking down the descending corridor, one through which countless of her ancestors trotted, their guidance leading Mist Family to greatness. Now she was responsible for assuring a glorious future for her subjects and all the other batponies. And she would do so in the best way she knew, with all the skill of her lineage, with all the splendor of her position.

As the echo of her exit died out she closed her eyes and sat down, not caring for her fabulous ensemble wrinkling.

There were nights when she did not have the strength to continue. When she was tired of this burden. So very tired. And there was but one entity that had the power to restore her.

Immaculate Moon... your unworthy servant begs you...” she whispered, raising her forelegs up, wishing to ask for the fortitude to carry on. Yet a sudden thought crossed her mind and stopped her. She breathed in a couple of times, her eyes closed and her heart pounding.

Oh, Goddess, grant me not strength but patience,” she supplicated, “for if You grant me strength... I might just kill them all...


Tramplevanian Alps were wonderful.

That was Twilight’s thesis. She was prepared to properly defend it with the soundness of her thorough observations.

Because of both her enchanted eyesight and the fact that the sky was fairly cloudless that night, she had the incredible opportunity to be the first non-batpony to fully witness the wild beauty of Noctraliya, a privilege she only then understood entirely. Especially when she came to the conclusion that batponies could rightfully be proud of such a homeland.

As the chariot was making its way through the sky, Twilight was not even attempting to hide her utter amazement at the captivating roughness of this land. Considering the altitude, she was subjected to only scarce flora of the mountain sides, but even it looked remarkably exotic and unique. Small, singular shrubs and mountain meadows full of verdant grass were acting as a soft and surprisingly lush basis for granite peaks rising high, snow marking their tips with glistening, clear white.

The ranges that they were travelling between had no modesty when it came to this silent, centuries-long competition of attempting to pierce the sky itself, and the crudeness and sharpness of their forms proved that it was a fierce contest indeed. Faced with this natural labyrinth of rock, the chariot was slaloming left and right. It was following vales, gorges and ravines often covered in frightened, minuscule pine copses, trying to hide in the deepest depths, or blue lakes, reflecting the moonlight like mirrors hung in between the stone walls.

Speaking of which, the group was occasionally forced to fly through reasonably wide, circular tunnels bored through the firm rock, smooth and lit up by lanterns. The presence of these crosscuts surprised Twilight greatly.

She turned to Midnight, who was vigilantly standing behind her seat, his muzzle ornate with a wistful and yet joyous expression. “Now I understand why you mentioned warriors taking care of roads through the mountains!”

“Indeed! Some of those tunnels are prone to be blocked by snow, for example!” the batpony’s voice cut through the wind.

“But couldn’t you just fly above the peaks?” she inquired again, wrapping her violet mantle tighter around herself in the effort of protecting her royal gown from the constant gusts of wind. She had already hidden her diadem in her luggage out of fear of it being blown away.

“Winds and air currents up there are too strong for any transports!” Midnight answered. “And you get fatigued very quickly! We are higher than your Cloudsdale city already!” he added, nodding profoundly at his own words.

As to bolster Midnight’s words, the next valley they entered had a small cloud stuck in between the slopes, like a woolly sheep confined to its pen.

Twilight had already noticed the difference in oxygen level. It forced her to breathe deeper, but she did not feel any other discomforts due to that.

“How many of you live higher than this?” she asked after a while, when the howling wind subsided for a moment.

“Family Sunfall. Iug u Soleeced is one of the tallest of our peaks. But there are a lot of villages set reasonably high. Polarise Uskok... uhm... ‘Lodestar Fault’, for example, my Family’s hamlet at the Beacon. A gorgeous place, in my opinion.”

When the chariot made it through yet another tunnel, Twilight was subjected to a most stunning view of a dale underneath. It’s center was covered in a thick spruce forest of deep green, girdling a crystal clear lake that appeared carved into the valley’s surface. A small river was joyously beginning its flow from it only to disappear in a nearby crevasse. The lake itself narrowed at its further end, almost as if pointing towards a slender gorge, above which towered a peak Twilight had a strange feeling she recognized.

“It’s beautiful here! Where exactly are we?” she asked, particularly enjoying the view of stars’ wonderful reflection in the water. It was giving the impression of the chariot being suspended between two sapphire skies.

“Eventide Valley!” Midnight replied, himself enjoying the view. “The border region between Fangs and Shades, actually!”

“And isn’t this the Nadyir?” Twilight asked, pointing at the mountain safeguarding the distant ravine.

“That is correct! That corridor there leads to the vale where the Sanctuary lies, we should be able to see it after we make it through!”

Twilight could have sworn that Midnight’s voice changed at the mention of going through that particular passage, but it was likely but a strong gust of wind that howled mercilessly.

Midnight suddenly pointed towards something on their right.

“Oh, you can see Iug u Umber from here, third peak to your side!”

Twilight turned her head and squinted her eyes, focusing on a rather majestically looking, wide mountain, visible in between other peaks. It was dominating its surroundings and looked quite appropriate to be a seat of one of the batpony Families, surrounded by an entourage of smaller summits.

While looking in its direction, Twilight took note of a structure framed into one of the slopes marking the edge of Eventide Valley.

“What’s that? A stronghold?”

Midnight’s gaze followed her hoof. “Oh, it’s Stalwart Rock, Shades’ northernmost bastion, one of the oldest fortifications in the land!”

“Imposing!” Twilight commented, staring at this geometrically brilliant castle carved within the mountain rather than built upon it, just like a sound part of Canterlot was. This place looked more like being one with the stone and the surrounding land. “Is this how your older defenses are built?”

“It’s more of a Shades’ thing, really. They take pride in their engineering and constructions. But the designs of the castles vary,” he answered. Then he turned his attention to the other side. “Look there! That’s Sharpspire, Fangs’... uhm... ‘countersegment’ stronghold?”

“ ‘Counterpart’,“ she corrected him benevolently.

“Yes, yes,” he acknowledged his mistake with reluctance that made Twilight giggle.

Sharpspire turned out to be nothing more than a tall, octagonal tower extending from the mountain top, reminding the mare of a lighthouse at first glance. The difference in architecture between it and Stalwart Rock was drastic, for certain. Was it a Family based occurrence then? Twilight found herself deliberating this discrepancy perhaps more than she should have, instead of taking in more of the land around her.

After the chariot made it through the gorge bathed in the shade of the Nadyir, Twilight encountered another marvelous sight. Before her stretched a wide plateau, full of lush highland grass, above which governed a peak that simply must have been the famed Sanctuary of First Night.

“The Sanctuary,” Twilight mouthed in awe, feeling Midnight beaming with pride and patriotism behind her.

Tuarie u Piarweu Noc, the most holy of places!” he declared piously. “From here we were called to serve the Immaculate Moon...”

The firm mountain of the Sanctuary stood on its own, away from other, larger peaks, its importance naturally emphasized by this circumstance. A rapid river, resembling a glinting, silver thread, weaved itself on both sides of the summit, almost as if wishing to protect this holy site from its surroundings with its steady flow and rampant waterfalls alike. A small cascade was coming out of the southern end of the mountain, adding its waters to the river’s flow, a tithe for this guardianship. The cap of snow on the tip of the peak was reflecting the moonlight, giving the Sanctuary an incredible, calming aura of its own.

From this distance, Twilight could spot not only a set of fortifications resembling castle walls in before the peak, but also a massive gateway in the mountain slope. It appeared like two outstretched, webbed wings, joined by their backs, the scale of which was absolutely mind-boggling. They must have been at least eighty feet high, if not more!

“Your scriptures claim your species originated from this place,” taking in the magnanimity of the peak, Twilight stated more than asked, remembering what Midnight once told her. “A good location to start, I have to say,” she honestly pointed out, although realizing it might have sounded a bit silly.

“It is good because it is ours!” Midnight retorted self-righteously.

As the chariot was closing in and losing attitude steadily, Twilight could spot more and more details of the Sanctuary. The walls erected in a semi-circle in front of the peak were done in dark, firm boulders and possessed a solid, steel gate with a moon motif at its center. At least a dozen octagonal watchtowers of equal heights marked the segments of the fortifications, having vast sheets of metal bolted into the stones, creating both additional reinforcement... and a sight to witness and tremble. Especially considering all the arballisti mounted along the defense line. The walls themselves were creating quite spacious outskirts in front of the mountain, filled with various, stone and wood market stalls forming a circle around a solidly graveled area. Separating this marketplace from the proper Sanctuary was a rock bridge spanning over the raunchy river, leading towards the humongous gateway.

Twilight’s mind suddenly decided to focus on guessing what kind of welcoming she would receive. She had never been keen on crowds cheering her name, or gazing at her with wonderment in their eyes. She was almost certain this would not be the case in Noctraliya. At the same time, she was hoping for a polite greeting, hopefully not showing blatant distrust towards her. However, as the chariot made it above the set of fortifications and watchtowers, Twilight felt her eyes widening.

There was nopony there.

She could not spot even one figure awaiting her, stallion or mare. She looked quizzically at Midnight, but he just shrugged, appearing equally befuddled.

The two charioteers ensured a rather smooth landing on the gravel ring. Twilight looked around, expecting to have missed somepony standing in the distance, behind the stalls, or among the long shadows that the slowly lowering Moon was casting over the place. In vain. Even the surrounding walls looked unmanned, which was most strange.

“... what is going on?” she quietly inquired of Midnight, who was glancing left and right as well. “This place looks abandoned.”

The stallion hopped out of the chariot. He trotted past the transport, giving the two other warriors a curious glance, but they simply shook their heads, their expressions firm.

“It is bizarre, yes...” Midnight admitted finally, gazing at the Sanctuary’s gate. Then his eyes glinted. “Oh, no wait! I think I get it!”

“What do you ‘get’?”

“Look!” he pointed towards something on the bridge.

Or “somepony”, as Twilight found out. A lonely, robed figure was calmly heading this way, wrapped in grey robes, likely a local arcemandr.

“Who is that? What does this mean?” she inquired of Midnight, whose gaze was now full of awe.

“Oh, you will learn soon!”

This was not the most reassuring thing for him to say, but if the stallion appeared to have understood the meaning of this peculiar welcoming, then Twilight was willing to wait for the situation to unravel.

She reached for her luggage and retrieved her diadem from it, placing it on her head first. Then, despite the air being quite chilly, she undid her mantle and allowed it to slide down her body, revealing the full splendor of her gown. She stepped out of her chariot, having Midnight politely support her, and assumed a proper, royal stance, with the batpony taking his place slightly behind her as her firm guardian.

And a lot more than that, but that was to remain private for now.

The robed pony was taking his time to approach, giving Twilight a moment to focus and mentally prepare. Here it was. The beginning of the summit. Her chance of fulfilling the quest she had chosen for herself. Her heart began beating faster and she felt like sweating from the nerves alone. She was thankful for the occasional gusts of cold wind, actually.

The arcemandr finally stopped a couple of feet away from her. She took notice of a silver sash that was wrapped around his torso and a solid, steel key hanging from a firm chain on his neck.

Neskaza Lunee... welae tueu noc illum, Knaze Crepuscle Iskre!” she was greeted by a firm, if slightly fatigued, stallion’s voice.

Twilight inhaled. It was time.

“I welae Neskaza Lunee...” she spoke and paused to lower her head in accordance with the customs, “illum tuu noc tez.”

The priest bowed before removing his hood, revealing first a short mane of pale-green, then a pair of straw yellow eyes embedded in a face the color of ash. The stallion looked past his prime, his face already marked by many wrinkles, but his gaze was keen and surprisingly lively, as Twilight noticed.

“Very good!” he commended her in Equestrian, his natural accent almost indiscernible. “I wonder how long have you been practicing this greeting alone, Princess,” he remarked impishly before shaking his head in admonishment. “Pardon me, forgetting my place. We welcome you to the Sanctuary, Princess Twilight Sparkle. I’m arcemandr Lichen, of Dusk Family, and I have the honor of serving as the piastan of our Goddess’ temple. A ‘custodian’, if you prefer...”

Twilight smiled back at him. “It’s a great pleasure to meet you, custodian Lichen. As the Princess of Equestria, I come humbly to the Sanctuary to forge new bonds between our two nations and I hope for the great Goddess to grace me with Her blessing in my mission.”

Twilight spotted the priest’s eyes glinting. She had decided during the flight to attempt to pay due respect to the Immaculate Moon, as a way of strengthening her position in the negotiations. Besides, she knew well that Midnight would appreciate such gestures.

“Joy fills my heart at your words, Princess!” Lichen admitted gladly, his smile widening. He then turned his attention to Midnight. “Greetings and blessings upon you too, child. Mind telling me your name?”

“Midnight Wind, piastan.”

“The gates of the Sanctuary are always open for the Goddess’ warriors, Maednoc Wentr!” Lichen declared, closing his eyes respectfully. “From that smirk you were trying to hide before, I know you found out the reason for my lone presence here,” he pointed out with a grimace of his own. “But had the Princess?”

Twilight shook her head. “I am, unfortunately, oblivious to the cause behind nopony else being around. I know it must have a certain meaning, but I haven’t yet had an opportunity to learn your customs thoroughly and with adequate insight...”

Lichen nodded, his eyes glinting. “Not to worry, Princess. Everything shall be clarified.” He then addressed the two charioteers, still standing in readiness. “You may leave the Princess’ transport in the landing cave on the western side, we shall take care of her belongings. Then rest as long as you need and return to your outpost. Your task is fulfilled.”

Without a word the two stallions saluted both the custodian and the Princess and took to the sky, leaving Twilight and Midnight alone with Lichen.

“Good, now I can begin the rant I have been instructed to grant you,” the priest turned his attention back to the mare with a friendly, ironic smile. “Your presence, Princess, the presence of an Equestrian and a royal as you understand it, is something that the Sanctuary has not before faced, I’m certain you are aware of that.”

“I am, indeed, custodian. It is a precedent for both of our countries,” Twilight stated resolutely.

“Yes, a ‘precedent’ indeed,” Lichen grumbled a little incoherently, rolling his eyes. “Where was I?” he asked, looking genuinely lost for a moment. “Ah, yes. We, the priesthood of the Goddess’ great temple, decided after a debate that you shall be greeted as if you were a new Lord arriving to take his or her seat. It is a rite that we find matching your stature, if not meant for you precisely, that is...”

Twilight barely stopped herself from cocking her eyebrow. “I feel greatly honored, custodian. I simply hope that this decision did not cause any... scissions among the honored priesthood of the Goddess,” she timidly declared.

Lichen but chuckled, which sounded a lot like a short cough. “Your respectful attitude shall be duly noted, believe me, Princess. You bring honor to your homeland, behaving like a polite, young maiden and not a fussy old hag like my wife!” He forced himself to shake his head again, sighing. “Am I not misbehaving tonight, Goddess forgive me...”

Twilight heard Midnight stifling a giggle before she spoke up, herself letting out a nervous snicker. “If it is any consolation, custodian, your ‘misconducts’ do make me feel less stressed about what’s to come.”

“You’re sincere. And witty, I like that in a pony,” Lichen replied merrily, his mouth widening in an honest grin. He then beckoned them both to follow him. “The Sanctuary of First Night, Princess, is our most holy place, as you must know already. As such, even if opened to any night-dweller, it must be protected and cared for by us...”

“That’s completely understandable,” Twilight assured him. She looked up, suddenly feeling as if she was standing still, and it was the peak itself which was rising up to meet her, covering the stars with its magnanimity.

The custodian continued, his tone growing serious. “Those that become Lords are responsible for our domain. They pass laws, guard our race from dangers. The gravity of their task must be reminded to them on some occasions.”

The group made their way through the stone bridge, underneath which the wild river was flowing rapidly, marking the boundaries of the sanctum in foam and rumble.

“Right here,” Lichen emphasized his words with a wide gesture, causing the chain on his neck to rattle, “before they can enter, the Lords are but poor pilgrims, seeking the blessing of the Immaculate Moon... for their great task. As you are doing right now, Princess.”

Twilight nodded, understanding the comparison in a whim. “I simply hope to be found worthy in the eyes of the Goddess.”

“Her Will is a beautiful mystery,” the custodian replied zealously before chuckling. “But I have a good feeling about you, Princess.” He gave her a paternal nod. “A really good feeling.”

“That means a lot to me, custodian,” she sincerely thanked him. She knew not if his position was of that much importance around, but any signs of support she was going to appreciate.

Lichen bowed his head politely before continuing. “This rite is called ‘Obzed u Obyete’. The Rite of Ingress. Shall we begin?”

Midnight joined in suddenly, stepping from behind Twilight. “Piastan, might I ask you something first?”

“Certainly, child.”

“Princess Twilight Sparkle is unfamiliar with most of our traditions. Would it be permissible to have me accompanying her during this and any future rites, so I could translate and describe them for her? It shall surely help her understand the right meaning and importance of everything that is happening.”

Twilight glanced at Midnight with gratitude, while the priest smiled.

“Oh, are you not a good foal, warrior?” he asked humorously. “I already wanted to grant you this permission, but your thoughtfulness is admirable, Nightguardian,” he praised Midnight before addressing Twilight again. “If you are ready to begin, Princess, let us not delay.”

“Of course. Please, I am ready.”

Lichen trotted towards the gate, while Twilight focused her eyes on it. Its form, two webbed wings of dark steel, was giving the impression like the entire peak could suddenly rise up and fly away from its rocky foundations.

The custodian positioned himself before the gate, sitting down and resting both of his hooves and his forehead on it, spreading his wings slowly. Midnight in the meantime stood a bit closer to Twilight, ready to aid her in understanding the rite. He whispered to her.

“Do not fear. This is not a test or anything...”

“I am not afraid because you are with me,” she replied quietly.

He smiled for a heartbeat, then focused on the priest who was about to begin the Rite of Ingress.

Bogine! Uaia Mate! Neskaza Lunee!” Lichen shouted with a voice far more powerful than Twilight believed he possessed.

“Goddess, our Mother, Immaculate Moon...” Midnight nearly immediately translated his words.

Hic wene peregre, pete skron! Pozwolae ipe spotn w Tuea Tuarie!

The custodian slammed the gate with both of his hooves, causing a deep, metallic shiver to traverse through it.

“Here comes a pilgrim, seeking shelter. Allow her to rest in Your Sanctuary...”

Twilight was trying to listen carefully to every word, standing as if petrified. She could feel the echoing hum of the gateway resonating within her. A strange feeling of being scrutinized and judged befell her. Was it the rite, or the fact that she had taken notice of a number of small outlooks present in the mountain slope? She was certain she was being carefully observed from many directions.

Bogine! Uaia Mate! Neskaza Lunee! Hic wene prodane, pete sluzb! Pozwolae ipe prod w Tuea Tuarie!” Lichen invoked, his hooves harshly connecting with the metal again. The sound seemed to have gained in strength and vehemence. It ringed in Twilight’s ears, muffling everything else. She could barely hear Midnight’s translation.

“Goddess, our Mother, Immaculate Moon... Here comes a servant, seeking duty, allow her to serve in Your Sanctuary...”

The custodian primed himself for a third supplication.

Bogine! Uaia Mate! Neskaza Lunee! Hic wene dziete, pete nutrike! Pozwolae ipe rost w Tuea Tuarie!

“Goddess, our Mother, Immaculate Moon... Here comes a child, seeking care, allow her to grow in Your Sanctuary...”

Twilight’s mind, subjected to the entrancing reverberation, suddenly began pondering on the incredible meaning of those words.

Batponies were pilgrims, servants and children of the Goddess. The Immaculate Moon was protecting and caring for those that praised Her... and those that were still rejecting Her Light. And the Lords of Noctraliya, they were the few ponies chosen to ensure that the Will of the Goddess would manifest itself, as it was proper...

Twilight suddenly wished to be fulfilling that task as well...

Her own heart was true and full of hope... She had not seen yet... but her eyes were seeking the Goddess’ Light... She had not listened... but her ears were ready for Her words...

The Immaculate Moon... was the one, true Goddess. And Twilight wanted to—

She blinked and shook her head. What had just happened? Did that echo of the gate suddenly affect her? Or was that the ambiance of the Sanctuary that made her mind wander in this strange direction?

Whatever that had been, Twilight berated herself on the inside. Losing focus was unacceptable in her situation. Especially now, when she was about to enter the most important sanctum of the batponies.

She anxiously awaited what was to come still, seeing that Lichen lifted his forelegs to the starry sky. The metallic hum died down, replaced back with the rumble of the river and the occasional gusts of mountain wind.

Ia, piastan, blagat Tue, Bogine! Znaydae locum dla ipe!

“I, custodian, beseech You, Goddess, find a place for her...” Midnight translated, curiously staring at Twilight.

She wondered if he had spotted her momentary enthrallment.

Lichen took off the chain from his neck and held the key in between his hooves. He stuck it in between the two, gigantic panels, and swiftly slid it upwards, causing a piercing tone to assault Twilight’s ears. Then he stepped back from the gate and turned, smiling and nodding at the mare. As he was approaching, Twilight felt a tremor passing under her hooves. A low rumble began resounding from the mountain before her.

“You have been allowed entry, Princess,” Lichen solemnly declared, bowing before her and then stepping to the side humbly.

Twilight did not answer, her gaze glued to the gate that had begun opening ever so slowly. It must have taken the strength of a hundred ponies to even try to animate such a construction and yet the movement of it was smooth and constant. A gust of warm air erupted from the Sanctuary, mingling with the cold of the night.

Midnight decided to back away a step, allowing Twilight to stand proudly on her own. She held her ground, her heart pounding and her breathing deep.

Light from inside of the Sanctuary began creeping on the ground in her direction. Yet soon a shadow invaded this pillar of illumination. It belonged to a stoic, middle-aged stallion, his head adorned with a silver circlet of incredible quality and his back covered by a long, jet black cloak. He was also wearing a long, silver-buttoned, dark blue garment, the style of which was entirely unfamiliar to Twilight. What she found well-known already, however, was that mane of cobalt hue and incredibly piercing, although aureolin and not saffron, eyes. The family resemblance was more than blatant.

Before her stood Midnight Eye, the Lord of Midnight Family. Six more figures stepped forward from the gate of the Sanctuary after him.

Twilight could not deny the uniqueness of the group before her. Altogether, seven ponies of different ages, physiques, gazes, even clothing. From an elder with a long, grey beard, squinting his eyes to see her better... a pony with a flamboyant grin and milky mane capable of causing envy... to a brownish stallion of timid stature, with a bat perched on his right shoulder.

There was also a mare of rich, azure mane and a breathtakingly majestic, charcoal gown, gazing intently and cordially at Twilight and Midnight alike.

Midnight Eye spoke up, his tone polite, but not even a trace of a smile present on his muzzle.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, we, the Covenant, welcome you.”

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