• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

  • ...

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Chapter XVII – The Summit

Twilight stretched, enjoying the warmth of the blankets around her... and the warmth of Midnight, sleeping right next to her, still keeping her in between his forelegs. She lazily lifted her eyelids, experiencing first the sight of his gently opened muzzle and sharp fangs. A smile bloomed on her face. Before she met him and fell in love with him, she never would have thought that witnessing a stallion in her bed would bring her so much calm, wonderful happiness.

She had to admit, Midnight was right. Seeing a pair of fangs when waking up could, indeed, be a most pleasant thing...

She scooped closer to him, nuzzling to his neck and chest, wishing to experience longer this alluring heat of his body. There was something astonishing in this closeness, something she had never before experienced, but what she knew she always desired and longed for, deep inside. The safety of a loved one’s embrace. Plain and simple.

She relaxed, keeping as close as comfort was allowing her to. Suddenly, Midnight shifted and tightened his hold, keeping her close as if she was a big, plush toy.

“Mmmidnight... You’re squishing me...” Twilight mumbled groggily, a smile coming over her muzzle.

His calm breathing was all the answer she received in the silence of the room... until a powerful, merciless snore murdered the tranquility.

Twilight chuckled, trying to escape from the stallion’s suspiciously strong hold. “Midnight, let go.”

More snoring came her way in response. She truly began to wonder if he was asleep or pretending on purpose.


Another snore.

“Midnight, I know you’re awake.”

This time the sound was not only heavier, but also resembled something of a “nope”.

Twilight giggled. “Well, that’s a shame...”

“Why?” she was granted a throaty response.

“No reason to kiss you if you won’t enjoy it.”

Midnight’s eyes shot open. “I’m up, I’m up!” he immediately assured her, causing her to giggle. “Now, about those kisses...”

“I really need to remember this trick for the future...” she pointed out to herself, her eyelids dropping and her lips seeking his.

There was a knock on the door.

Twilight’s heart jumped. She felt that Midnight’s did so too.

A knock on the door.

Somepony was at the door.

Somepony was at the door and she had Midnight in bed with her.

If that was not a scenario inappropriate just enough to cause a scandal even in Equestria, not to mention among the traditionalist batponies, she could not think of any other.

And, considering Midnight’s gaze, neither could he. “Kirwe...” he muttered, his muscles tensing up.

“Y-yeah...”, she whispered, scared beyond measure. “Wh-What are we going to do?” she asked, but the gritting of his teeth was not the answer she was searching for.

“Perhaps... perhaps you could pretend to be asleep still?” Midnight proposed, but the knocking repeated itself with slightly more force.

“I-I should get the door before this gets suspicious...” Twilight decided. “I hope they did not hear us...”

She quickly got out of bed, her stare returning to Midnight. “Hide.”

“... where?” he asked, looking around dumbfounded.

“Anywhere!” she hissed.

The stallion hopped out of bed with minimum sound, then began crawling underneath the frame, hoping to fit in. Twilight was ready to help him, but the knocking was becoming firm.

“Princess?” she heard Lichen’s voice.

She felt slightly less panicked as she trotted to open the door, knowing that it was the friendly priest...

The stare back at Midnight desperately scrambling under the bed, however, rekindled her fear.

She took a deep breath and unlocked the door, meeting Lichen’s pale green mane and straw gaze on the other side. She kept the slit in the passage to the absolute minimum.


“Oh, thank the Goddess, I thought you were both gone, Princess,” he exclaimed, exhaling in relief that she was envying him quite viciously right now. “Did I wake you up?” he inquired, his eyes focusing on the state of her disheveled mane.

Twilight felt the blush on her muzzle. She knew well how terrible she usually looked after waking up. And considering that she was cuddling with Midnight throughout the day... yes, that must have had an even worse effect.

“Uhm, wake me, ah... Yes, indeed, custodian! But do not worry, somepony was bound to do so eventually!” she replied, perhaps with a bit too much panic in her voice. She had not yet enchanted her eyes tonight as well, so the murkiness of the corridor was making her even more unsettled. “I-Is something the matter?”

Lichen stayed silent for a moment, looking confused about something, then shook his head. “Oh, ekhm, the Honored Lords of the Covenant shall be dining in about two hours. I came to make sure you shall have enough time to prepare for the feast, Princess. And the summit afterwards.”

“Ah-ha!” Twilight replied in nervous realization. “Right, thank you, that shall give me plenty of time! Yes! Plenty of time!”

The priest looked only more puzzled by her upbeat attitude. “Oh, I’m... I’m glad you must have slept well, Princess...” he mumbled in an unsure tone. “Uhm, Nightguardian Midnight Wind isn’t opening his doors. Do you know where he could be, Princess?”

Yes, he’s right under my bed. “I-I’m not sure. He said something about, ah... going for a prayer this evening, perhaps he is in the shrine already?”

“Indeed? I must have missed him then...” Lichen admitted, frowning.

“P-perhaps he sat behind a column...?” she faked a guess, feeling her muzzle forming into a silly, abashed smile.

She was not certain at all if the priest bought the explanation. Not to mention she felt terrible for lying to him.

Lichen finally shrugged. “No matter, but he must be back before I come to escort you to the feast, Princess. The Lords expect this celebration to be official and proper,” Lichen declared before turning around and leaving, mumbling something to himself in Noctraliyar.

Twilight shut the door and leaned against them in relief, feeling like panting. Her heart was fluttering like crazy.

“Is it safe?” she heard a muffled voice from underneath the bed.

In response to it she first snorted, then began shaking and giggling uncontrollably.

Oh, great! She had begun developing hysteria.

“I don’t think we are safe anywhere around...” she finally uttered, controlling herself. “But come out anyway...”

Midnight crawled from his hidey-hole with a silly expression on his face. “Never have I ever...” he grumbled, staring at Twilight. “I presume this was the first time you hid a stallion in your bedroom, hmmm?”

She shrugged, approached the bed, then collapsed onto it, muzzle first. “Yup...”

Her muffled confirmation made the said stallion chortle.

“Well,” he declared and she felt that he sat right next to her, “I’m actually honored to be a trackjacket.”

Twilight’s ears twitched. She rolled to her side, a flabbergasted look on her face. “... could you say that again, please?”

Midnight frowned, spotting that she was puzzled. “Ehm, did I mess up somewhere there?” He pondered for a second before slapping himself on the forehead and hissing. “Ia durnu bid! Not a ‘trackjacket’, I meant a ‘trailblazer’!”

Twilight tried, really tried her best to keep a straight face, but those efforts were destined to fail by default.

“A ‘t-trackjacket’!” She howled with laughter, seeing Midnight’s abashment. “Midnight Wind, the trackjacket!”

The batpony hid his muzzle in his hooves, then wrapped his wings around himself, attempting to create a webbed cocoon of shame for himself.

It took Twilight a good minute to calm down. She wiped the tears from her eyes, then nudged one of Midnight’s wings. “Come out, I’m— hah— I’m done.”

The cocoon shook in denial, causing her smile to widen at the silliness. She scooped closer.

“Midnight, I admit, right now you—” she chuckled, “—you, well, kinda... really... look like a trackjack—”

“Stop it!”

The stallion shouted and spread his wings rapidly, baring his fangs in a dangerous, wide smile. He hopped at Twilight, causing her to squeal and laugh as they both toppled onto the bed.

Midnight hugged her, growling faintly. “No making fun of Midnight’s second language.”

“There, there,” she cooed, having freed one of her forelegs from his clutches. She patted his head. “Let it all out, you will feel better...”

The stallion sighed. “Doubt it.” He kissed her forehead and let her go, sitting up. “If the feast starts soon, we better get prepared. I need to polish my armor and sharpen my claws...”

Twilight stretched on the bed, then rubbed her face. “Yeah, me too. My gear is just more metaphorical, I suppose...”

“You are still more dangerous than me, I would think,” Midnight retorted without too much conviction, then stood up. “I will be in my chamber, I don’t want the custodian getting more suspicious...”

“Wait,” Twilight called after him.


“I still have a need of you.”

Midnight’s wide grin told her too well that her choice of words was... faulty at best.

“Twilight, I would rather wait until there is a proper occasion and—”

“Shush!” she scolded him, feeling her muzzle burning. “I had the spell for my eyes in mind...”

“Oh, you know exactly what you had in mind.”

“Midnight!” she protested, feeling this embarrassing heat spreading all over her body.

Also causing her mind to think of warm baths in good company.

After restoring her eyesight and receiving a long, encouraging kiss, Twilight was left alone to prepare.

She began by sitting down on her bed to think.

Was she ready for this? Was she confident enough to begin the battle of wits and diplomacy with ponies like Midnight Eye, or Azure Mist? Had she enough conviction to best general Crimson Shade? Or enough belief in her own cause to duel with Blessed Fang...?

She couldn’t answer those questions.

But she knew something for certain. She was prepared to do what she felt was right. She was the Princess of Friendship. And no matter what, she was bent on showing the batponies that opening themselves to Equestria could help them. That solidarity between them and “soleerani” could be beneficial. The exchange of ideas, culture, wares, the mutual trust, all of that could be of great use to Noctraliya.

And, as much as Twilight felt... vain admitting it, achieving such a diplomatic success would make her really, really proud. It would be justified however, no?

She sighed. She had a long road ahead of her. And nopony said there was going to be help or breaks along the way.

After taking her time to bathe, prepare the dress and read from her trusty scroll, Twilight felt as ready as she could have been. She gathered her confidence, her royal demeanor. She was hoping it would suffice when battling the Covenant, which proved to be formed out of ponies that could pose a real challenge to her.

There was a knock on the door.

This time she took it far better.

On the other side waited Lichen, wearing his custodian’s garments. “It is time, Princess, the feast shall begin in half an hour.”

Midnight was also present, his armor polished duly and his gaze confident. There was something else about him, though. An onyx-hued sash was hung from his right shoulder to his left side and on it shun an ornate, silver, seven-pointed star with an amethyst jewel in its center.

“Oh...? What is this, Nightguardian?” Twilight inquired.

Midnight looked down on his chest as an initial reaction. Lichen took the opportunity.

“You haven’t told the Princess about your honors, child?”

Honors? Midnight was a decorated warrior aside from being a member of the elite Nightguard? Was this one of those Silver Stars that Sunfall Ordain had told Twilight about?

The stallion smirked gently, his eyes escaping to the side. “I did not wish my pride to get the best of me,” he admitted.

Lichen chortled. “The way I see it, child, is that you were looking for an opportune moment to impress our guest.”

Shades of a blush appeared on Midnight’s muzzle when Twilight stepped closer.

“Is this the famed Silver Star?”

“Silver Star of Extraordinary Service, to be exact, Princess,” Midnight answered, his voice firm and doing its best to be devoid of hubris.

“Fourth military honor in order of importance,” Lichen added casually. It only made Midnight’s face more red.

“You’re full of surprises, Nightguardian,” Twilight gave the warrior a veiled compliment, smiling warmly, but his expression did not change at all.

The group then ventured through the tunnels of the Sanctuary, out of the shrine complex and into the main grotto, where Twilight could again experience the marvel of the cave’s architectural design. She felt like walking through an enchanting forest that became petrified and turned into stone by some strange, long-passed cataclysm.

The inhabitants were busy with their own, everynight tasks, but Twilight felt the glances lingering on her as the trio made their way towards the side of the cave, where a sturdy gateway protected by a set of local warriors was leading into, as Lichen presented it in a whisper, “the Covenant’s lair”.

The tunnels inside were more spacious than those that formed the local clergy’s dwelling, with lanterns of various designs hanging on the chiseled walls, and woolen, burgundy rugs muffling hoofsteps.

“Does the Covenant reside here often? Or are the Lords more likely to stay at their peeks?” Twilight inquired.

“The Lords gather at the Sanctuary once every two months, usually, unless an urgent matter arises,” Lichen explained. “Any of the Lords can call for the Covenant to congregate beyond schedule and the others have to answer the call.” He nodded profoundly. “Nopony abuses that, however. Too easy to get on one another’s nerves...”

After the group took a turn, a set of solid, ornate doors presented themselves at the end of the corridor.

“This is where the Covenant feasts,” the custodian let Twilight know. “I shall allow you inside, but then I must leave... I wish you all the best, Princess. May the Goddess aid you and keep you.”

He approached her and drafted a circle on her forehead, just like Shadebloom had done at the Border.

“Thank you, custodian,” Twilight replied, now more grateful for the gesture than confused like then.

She glanced at Midnight. He gave her a reassuring nod, straightening his posture.

Twilight took a deep breath and nodded her head, ready for anything.

Lichen knocked on the door profoundly before putting his weight on the wood and opening the passage to a rectangular chamber that could house a hundred ponies with relative ease. Chandeliers, made out of white gems cut to resemble stars, were sending flickers of candlelight over and upon a strong, firm table covered by a blue, massive tablecloth. On the material rested magnificent silverware, prepared to support stacks of fresh fruit. Oranges, pears, grapes, watermelons, cut into all shapes and sizes, from petite pieces easy to swallow to meticulously carved, jagged shapes. A feast for the eyes as well as the mouth.

“Princess, our greetings!” Lord Midnight Eye welcomed Twilight, approaching, brandishing the same type of long, buttoned garment as yesterday, albeit black with silver strings making it a bit reflective. His cape swept the floor and reflections danced around his circlet. “We are so pleased to have you with us! It is meant to be a fruitful night!” he exclaimed, pleased with something a great deal.

The rest of the Covenant members rose from the table, having stopped their conversations among themselves and a couple of other ponies present in the chamber.

Midnight Eye’s smile widened. “We allowed ourselves to bring in a couple more guests for the feast, Princess. We would be joyful for you to meet everypony...”

“Of course, Lord Midnight Eye, it shall be an honor,” Twilight replied in the only way she could. Partially due to politeness and correct behavior and partially due to sheer curiosity.

From behind Midnight Eye came forth a mare emitting an aura of a respectable matron, her inky mane pinned behind her head in an elegant bun. Her long gown was rich in its corresponding, atramentous hue.

Midnight saluted from behind Twilight, forcing a small smile on the newcomer’s face. In the meantime, Lord Midnight Eye introduced his female companion.

“Princess, this is Lord Consort Midnight Iris, my wife.”

The mare’s bright eyes pierced Twilight through. She scrunched her nose delicately.

“Ah, Knaze,” she exclaimed in a haughty voice with a heavy accent, “I am surprised. You look so young. I have heard you command great respect in Ekwestriya. I believed I shall be dealing with a mare advanced in years...”

“Uhm... glad to be a surprise to you, Lord Consort,” Twilight responded, astonished by both the statements and the mare’s tone.

Also... Midnight Eye and Midnight Iris. Quite the match of names this was.

“I wish to believe, Knaze,” the Lord Consort continued, “that you shall not allow your... youthful eagerness to overcome your reason.”

The smile she brought up on her muzzle was not matching her words at all, Twilight thought. She felt, also, sorely misjudged.

She faked the kindest of expressions. “I am here as a Princess of Equestria, Lord Consort, not a filly...”

“We do hope so.”

With those words Midnight Iris bowed her head and stepped back with her husband, making room for the other guests.

Bright Crescent appeared out of nowhere, his expression beaming. “Princess, good to see you! How was your day? I hope the priests did not wake you up with their chanting and raving...”

Twilight could almost feel Crimson Shade’s outrage coming from the side, where the Lord of Shade Family was standing, keenly observing the gathering.

She kept a polite expression on her muzzle. “I’ve slept fine, Lord Bright Crescent. The accommodation is more than satisfactory.”

Ha! Good! Superb!” he shouted, clapping his hooves. “Now, if you please, Princess, I'm dying for you to meet a pair of ponies.”

On his both sides popped up two young batponies. Their manes shared colors – deep brown and creamy white, combined in a random pattern. Aside from the fact that they were a mare and a stallion, they could have been mistaken for the same pony of bright, pear eyes and physique that could have easily been described as alluring even by Equestrian standards. Their long, loose robes, similar to that of their uncle, were differing only by the hue of their embroidery, snow and chocolate.



They both welcomed Twilight almost at the same time, respectively giving her a more and less cordial smile. Their Equestrian accents were remarkable, the stallion sounding like he had been born and raised in the middle of Canterlot.

Bright Crescent chuckled. “Princess, here I present to you my niece and my nephew. Hrabiye Ivory Crescent and Hrabiy Bratr Ebony Crescent!”

“A unique pleasure!” Twilight assured before presenting a question. “Pardon me, but I am unfamiliar with those titles. May I inquire about the translation and meaning of your statuses?”

Ebony Crescent nodded with gentleness. “Why, of course. The Noctraliyan titles ‘hrabiy’ and ‘hrabiye’ indicate that a pony holding one of them is considered next in line to become a Lord of the Family. In translation, my sister and I are ‘Countess’ and ‘Count’. ‘Count Brother’ in my case, to be exact. Just, please, correct me if I am wrong – I believe the two words are exactly how the masculine and feminine forms of the word ‘count’ in Equestrian should be created. But am I correct in this assumption?”

“Absolutely, Count Brother Ebony Crescent,” Twilight answered with eagerness, hoping that the amount of titles of ponies would not grow too steep. She was getting worried over making a mistake in this nomenclature. She was also greatly and positively surprised by this stallion’s command of Equestrian language.

The mare called Ivory Crescent giggled. “Do not let my brother’s false uncertainty fool you, Princess,” she said in an almost impeccable accent. “He has checked whether he got it right five times just before the feast!”

Ebony Crescent gave his sibling a look of tired, abashed scorn, while Bright Crescent sighed.

“Oh, you two little diabli...”

“Uncle, it is but a matter of fact!” Ivory Crescent protested. “Ebony Crescent would still be sinking amongst books if I did not drag him here!”

“Preposterous!” her brother protested, his face becoming red. “I-I merely wanted to be prepared to meet the Princess!”

Twilight giggled. “You won’t hear a word of criticism from me when it comes to losing oneself in books, Count Brother.”

“Yes, so I have heard...” the stallion replied with a... peculiar, distant smile appearing on his muzzle.

Ivory Crescent rolled her eyes, then focused on Midnight. “Midnight Wind, it’s so good to see you again!”

Midnight saluted as was proper, his voice polite, but not as enthusiastic. “Pleasure to be in your presence, Countess, Count Brother.”

“We have a lot of catching up to do!” Ivory Crescent declared, than winked at Twilight. “Mind if we once borrow your bodyguard for some time, Princess? I promise he shall be back intact!”

Before Twilight had a chance at responding, Bright Crescent waved his forelegs around. “Alright, enough fraternizing, we’re causing a queue to form! Take your seats, you two!”

The twins nodded at the same time.

“Catch you later!” the mare shouted.

Her brother only bowed his head before Twilight, the soft smile once again on his lips, then took his leave with his sibling.

“My capricious fireflies...” Bright Crescent commented before heading away towards his place as well.

Twilight used the moment to look back at Midnight, whose expression was inscrutable.

“A very old acquaintance, Princess,” he muttered just before another set of ponies approached her.

This time it was Lord Sunfall Word, being aided in his trotting by a middle-aged stallion of rusty mane kept in an elegant, short style. The yellow of his eyes awfully familiar to Twilight.

Neskaza Lunee... welae tueu noc illum, Knaze Crepuscle Iskre...” Sunfall Word greeted her.

“I tuu tez, haspadr Soleeced—” Twilight began then froze, realizing she had no idea what the correct term for “word” was in Noctraliyar. “Uhm... Soleeced...” she muttered, feeling sweat beginning to gather on her forehead.

The Lord chuckled hoarsely. It caused the pony accompanying him to smile as well, although his expression was a tad patronizing.

Soleeced Slov, Knaze...” Sunfall Word aided her after he was done with chortling.

“Oh, thank you. Alright,” the mare inhaled. “Neskaza Lunee... welae tuu noc illum, haspadr Soleeced Slov,” she exclaimed, relieved that she did not cause the elder stallion to take offence.

Knaze, ia wel tue conw iau filiy, hrabiy Soleeced Decret,” the Lord offered something, glancing at the stallion who was helping him stand with tender care. “Ira, puel. Tlumata!” he added with a jaunty smirk.

“My father rushes me to translate that he wishes us to become familiar with one another, Princess,” the asked batpony explained in a firm tone. And yet he was taking his time to speak, as if considering every word and phrase. “I am hrabiy Sunfall Decree.”

“A pleasure, Count,” Twilight replied with a phrase that simply had to be overused during meetings like these. Even in the instance of this stallion’s gaze being a lot less friendly than that of his father.

Sunfall Decree was ready to escort Sunfall Word to the table, but the latter decided to present Twilight with some sort of question.

Knaze, tue bidee w... Proznyi Umberi, tac?

The Count’s gaze sharpened in an instant as he stared at his father, who, in return, granted him with a tired, if firm, gaze.

Sunfall Decree exhaled before translating. “Princess, my father asks whether you have been in Hollow Shades during your travel.”

Twilight felt confused about the sudden tension she felt between the two, but she nodded her head. “Yes, I have. Why?”

Sunfall Word looked her deep in her eyes. “Kwomdo bide iaa prafiliye?

Sunfall Decree bit his lower lip before translating. “How is m-my—” he hesitated when his voice shook dangerously. “How is my father’s granddaughter doing?” he asked with blatant disinclination.

Twilight blinked. Then blinked again. Did they mean...?

“Captain Sunfall Ordain?”

“Y... yes,” the Count admitted reluctantly, which caused his father to shake his head in sorrow without even trying to hide it.

“She... she is doing well. She prepared my stay at the outpost to the best of her abilities, I was astonished by the attention she gave me,” Twilight answered, her mind scrambled. Sunfall Ordain was a Lord’s granddaughter...? Why was her father visibly irritated that she was brought up in the conversation? “She is a very kind, friendly mare,” she assured, but it only made Sunfall Decree avert his eyes, a grim shade over his muzzle.

Ia grat tue, Knaze...” Lord Sunfall Word uttered, trotting away with his son.

Twilight knew something peculiar was going on. Something deeply unpleasant, even. She had no time to ponder upon it, however, as the last pony she didn’t know yet made his way towards her... being led closer by Azure Mist. Again, the Lord was wearing an ensemble fit to be the cause of envy sprouting in the hearts of Canterlot’s nobility, azure, long and rich almost beyond reason.

“Princess, you look lovely tonight,” the Lord offered a compliment. Insincere one, Twilight was certain of it. “You must be starving, so we will make the introduction brief, hmmm? This is my son, Count Mistlock.”

The young pony was elegant, his features were sharp and the celeste color of his mane was bringing to mind clear ice reflecting the bright, winter sky.

Although his gold gaze was keen, Twilight had no trouble spotting something intriguing about it. A detail which would be hard to discern for somepony not paying enough attention, but she had dealt with enough matters concerning different feelings to catch this glimpse behind his eyes.

Mistlock was desperately hiding a seeping wound of his heart. And Twilight had long ago learned who caused that bleeding inside of him.

“Princess, I am happy to meet you,” the Count admitted with veracity, but there was no emotion in his silken voice whatsoever. “I hope that your talks with the esteemed Covenant shall allow us to find common ground whilst keeping with our traditions,” he added, earning a victorious glance from his mother.

“Well said, tradition is something that defines us! It needs to be abided by!” Azure Mist declared, purposefully making sure that everypony could hear her. “Let us now sit and dine! Come along, my son!” she ordered, already heading towards one of the seats.

Twilight hid a frown of outrage that wished to form on her muzzle. The Lord was clearly referring to that incident Midnight had told her about, involving the young Count and the mare he loved, who—

“Beware of my mother.”

Mistlock’s quiet whisper stopped Twilight just as she was about to trot to a place that the Covenant was holding for her. She glanced at the young batpony, but he was already on the move, following Lord Azure Mist as if nothing happened.

Twilight neared the table, taking her assigned seat next to Midnight Wind, but still in between Blessed Fang, who greeted her with a nod, and Crimson Shade who decided not to react at all. The rest of the Covenant, not counting their companions for the feast, knew exactly where their places were, in this unspoken agreement that Twilight had still to discern.

Lord Dusk Harvest, sitting on the far right, looked in her direction and, with Blossom’s cuddly encouragement, gave her a smile which Twilight eagerly answered with one of her own. She even wanted to address him, but Midnight Eye stood up, looking over the gathered, clearly preparing to speak.

“Dear friends,” he began, his voice stoic and full of confidence, “I do not think it is necessary to repeat that this night is a momentous occasion. One to take its rightful place in the history of not only our domain, but our guest’s as well.”

Twilight almost gulped. There was no pressure there, no.

“Our two countries differ greatly, there is no denying that, but I think I speak for us all when I say that we wish for a change to come into our relations. We hope to learn and listen. We hope for Ekwestriya to do so likewise.”

As far as public speeches went, Twilight could not deny that Midnight Eye seemed a lot more comfortable with them than she ever would consider herself to be.

“But there shall be time for that. For now, let us be merry and feast! We are all part of a great vision of our Mother, the Immaculate Goddess! May we all realize that and may with that realization come happiness and fulfillment!”

Whilst the rhetoric continued, a number of servants dressed in long, buttoned gowns appeared, carrying silver goblets and placing them in front of everypony. Then they filled them with the one liquid Twilight had learned to fear.


“I propose a toast!” Midnight Eye grasped his chalice, raising it high up, causing everypony to stand. Twilight obliged, already preparing for the burning unpleasantness inbound. “To our guest, Princess Twilight Sparkle! To our lands and folk! And to our divine Mother! Hwale!


“Hwale!” Twilight shouted alongside the batponies, bracing herself for the drink.

Nope, she could take it well still. Thankfully, the collage of reactions around was enough to take attention away from her tearing eyes and massive coughing fit.

To her great surprise, Lord Sunfall Word, easily the oldest of the gathered, emptied his goblet without even a muscle of his muzzle twitching. Practice truly did make perfect.

When everypony was done coughing, exhaling, shaking, screaming and so forth, Midnight Eye declared the feast started. Twilight felt rather pleased about that, she was really hungry by this point. She helped herself to some small pieces of watermelon she knew she could eat without spilling the juice all over the pretty, indigo tablecloth.

“Do you enjoy our selection of meals, Princess?” Blessed Fang inquired politely, having left in his wake a couple of sucked-dry pears.

“I do, indeed. I am surprised the fruit are so fresh,” Twilight engaged in the small talk.

“W-w-we c-care for th-them as b-b-best we c-can, P-Princess,” Dusk Harvest added, feeding a piece of an orange to Blossom. “I-I always th-thought of e-every f-fruit a-as a G-G-Goddess’ g-gift for e-each of u-us.”

“I’ve heard a lot about the famed Noctraliyan Valleys. Are they truly supplying the entire domain?”

“Y-yes. Th-the r-r-rest of our m-mountains a-are not s-suitable f-f-for c-c-c—“ The stammering Lord closed his eyes and finally forced the word out of himself. “Cultivation!”

Bright Crescent leaned forward, grabbing himself a cluster of grapes. “Screaming of which, is it true that you are acquainted with a Family of fruittenders, Princess?”

“Yes, the Apple Family. They have a grand orchard right next to Ponyville, the town where I reside,” Twilight answered eagerly.

“A Family of a rather... simple cognomen,” Midnight Iris commented sotto voce but with the clearest of intentions to be heard.

Count Ebony Crescent raised his hoof in protest. “Honored Lord Consort, Equestrians do not have the same lineage traditions. Their family affiliation usually reaches but a couple of generations behind. Only the most prominent noble houses gathered in older cities, namely Canterlot or Trottingham, keep to the patronymic and matronymic similarity custom.”

Twilight did not know if she should have been more impressed by the young batpony’s eloquence, or knowledge.

“You are absolutely right, indeed, Count Ebony Crescent. Family ties are not as bounding in Equestria as they are here.”

The stallion’s smile grew and Twilight could have sworn that she spotted a small blush on his muzzle.

Midnight Eye took the initiative. “But what about ancestry charts? Surely they have to be in use by some, at least...”

“Only by the noble houses Count Ebony Crescent brought up, Lord Midnight Eye.”

“How... interesting,” the stallion muttered.

It caused Bright Crescent to giggle quite loudly.

“Pardon his linguistic mistake, Princess, he really meant to say ‘incongruous’, I’m sure.”

He was granted a murderous look for this remark from Midnight Eye.

Twilight helped herself to more watermelon, hoping to avoid being dragged further into this exchange.

For a while, only the sound of vicious and merciless fructicide was heard from all directions. The mare glanced at Midnight, who was himself busy with pearslaughter, his eyes feral from eating but also strangely melancholic.

Oh, she could give up everything for having more time to spend just with him and not among the Covenant.

“Princess,” Azure Mist, seated on the opposite side of the table, suddenly called out to her, “are you a devotee of fine arts?”

Twilight shifted her attention rapidly. “Uhm, yes, to a degree. I am usually too busy with books and studying to enjoy attending a play or a performance, but I am always happy to do so when a chance arrives.”

Before Azure Mist had a chance to respond, Crimson Shade spoke up in a dry tone. “Where are you going with this, Azure Mist?”

The mare’s grin widened. “Perhaps we could hold a little recital in honor of the Princess? Tomorrow or in the next few days?”

Bright Crescent clapped his hooves in excitement. “Ha! Finally a good idea coming from you!”

Azure Mist huffed and Twilight could swear that Count Mistlock’s eyes glinted in dark satisfaction. Midnight Eye raised his hoof.

“I second the proposition. Count Ebony Crescent?”

“Yes, Honored Lord?” the young stallion replied in an instant.

“Have you brought your poltawca with you?”

Ivory Crescent shook her head, laughing. “Honored Lord, my brother needs it and books more than food and drink, of course he’s brought it!”

“I-I did bring it,” Ebony Crescent confirmed, his face flustered. “But... performing in front of the Honored Covenant and our esteemed guest?” He thought for a second, then inhaled nervously. “It would be a great accolade...”

“Princess?” Midnight Eye turned to Twilight. “Would you be willing to hear some of our traditional music?”

“Oh, definitely!” she replied, genuinely excited about the proposition. “I look forward to it very much!”

“It’s settled then! Ha!” the Lord approved of the idea, with other members of the Covenant nodding in agreement, or at least not opposing this suggestion out loud.

The rest of the feast passed uneventfully, with the batponies satisfying their thirst and hunger without engaging in conversations, until finally Bright Crescent tapped his hooves on the table and sighed.

“Well, I’m full. Which, unfortunately, means it’s time for politics,” he declared, giving Twilight a mischievous grin. She contained a giggle.

Sunfall Word, after coughing somewhat fiercely, gestured to his son, who immediately aided him in lifting up from the chair. “Knaze, dimitae ia, ia potreb temps ir gore...

“Princess, my father wishes to apologize, but his age forces him to take his time advancing up towards the Seat,” Sunfall Decree translated.

“Oh, of course!” Twilight responded, immediately standing up to show her respect towards a Lord and an elderly stallion. He nodded back at her, his muzzle smiling.

The rest of the guests arose as well, waiting to take their places until Sunfall Word left that chamber.

“So Equestrians are capable of kind gestures after all,” Midnight Iris commented without a hint of shame.

Twilight was fighting a sudden feeling of outrage that arose in her chest, but Blessed Fang interfered.

“Respect towards elders is a virtue shared between our people, I want to believe. Their years should be revered accordingly and their council taken into consideration at all times.”

Nopony thought of contesting that statement.

After a few more bites and sucks from the gathered, Midnight Eye rose up. “It is time for us to proceed, verily.”

Twilight lifted herself up with Midnight granting her his foreleg for support. Their gazes crossed for a moment and she tried to send him the warmest look she could, using the opportunity.

“Nightguardian,” Midnight Eye abruptly called out, causing Midnight to salute him in the blink of an eye.

Tac, hwalbu haspadr!

“Considering your role, you shall be allowed to enter the Seat and listen to the negotiations. If it shall be necessary, you will translate as well.”

Midnight almost lost control of his stance, his eyes widening and his eyebrows clearly fighting the urge to raise. “If that is the will of the Covenant!” he exclaimed.

“It is, indeed,” Crimson Shade declared firmly, ready to leave the chamber without further words.

“Wait a minute!” Bright Crescent raised his hoof, his expression puzzled. “The Nightguardian here can be sworn, but what about our esteemed guest? Does she need to participate as well? Or are we skipping this part? Blessed Fang?”

The priest brought a hoof to his lips, deep in thought. “I... yes, I believe the Princess could indeed participate in the ceremonial...”

Twilight was feeling more and more left out. She addressed Blessed Fang. “If there is a... specific procedure to be undertaken for ponies other than the Covenant to be allowed to participate in a meeting, I wish to fulfill all of the obligations.”

Blessed Fang’s eyes glinted with newfound respect towards her. “Your eagerness is appreciated. Very well, we shall introduce you to the rite on the way...” the antas ordered, his long, imposing chasuble swooshing as he turned to the distant doors of the chamber.

All of the guests remained behind, giving the leaving Lords and Twilight respectful bows. She could have sworn, however, that they were all actually following Midnight with their gazes. She pondered how much of a privilege it was, being allowed to join the Covenant during their sessions.

The elevation of the tunnels was gradually rising, which made Twilight think that the “Seat” she heard about was placed nearer to the tip of the mountain. Along the way she could admire the incredible softness of the rugs. The dim light of the candles was giving her the distinct feeling of mysticism surrounding the group of batponies that she was accompanying.

“Pardon me, what should I know before we commence our talks then?” she asked at one point, turning to Blessed Fang.

Bright Crescent was faster to answer than his younger colleague. “That my esteemed companions shall bore you to death,” he muttered, looking away casually.

Twilight would normally giggle, but the profound atmosphere and the fact that the young priest let out a quiet yet vicious hiss forbade her doing anything.

“The Covenant has ruled Noctraliya for generations and our proceedings were decided to be held in secrecy. For the Immaculate Moon... Herself is guiding us while we congregate...”

“It is an honor unmatched,” Twilight decided to intercede, managing to cause a satisfied smirk to flash on Blessed Fang’s muzzle.

“It is so promising that you understand it, Knaze...” he admitted before continuing. “The Goddess’ guidance is a great gift. And, as you have heard already from our scriptures, gifts are not to be squandered and taken for granted.”

Twilight pondered. “So... the furtiveness is a form of praise to the Goddess?”

“Indeed. It shows that we consider Her favor unique and we wish it not to become... how to say it? Diluted? Disseminated?”

“I think I grasp the idea. How intriguing...” Twilight replied, musing over this concept. Her intuition would tell her that a blessing like this should be shared with others. Unless, of course, one wished to be considered anointed by the deity’s grace.

She nearly missed Blessed Fang’s next sentence.

“But the repayment for Her grace consists of more...”

Twilight shook her head, focusing and spotting that all of the other Lords were paying close attention to the exchange, no doubt attempting to feel her out on the topic.

“Are you aware of the significance of blood in our culture, Knaze?”

“I am, yes, Lord Blessed Fang. I understand how blood... uhm, 'ver’ is considered the vessel of one’s soul,” she replied with confidence.

And thankful that she stopped herself from saying something about the 'red desire’, for her unruly mind first wandered into that direction.

“Good. Now, let us share with you more. We, akin to Equestrians, swear on our honor, for it is dear to us. But we can also give an oath on our blood. On our soul. A sacred declaration, for our spirits, our lives belong to the Goddess.”

Pious silence reigned all around for a while, until Midnight, his voice full of zeal, declared.

“Through scorching days and glorious nights, for Her we live, for Her we die...”

Blessed Fang nodded. “Well quoted, Nightguardian.” He locked himself in thought for a moment, his eyes darkening. “And to break a blood oath, to desecrate it, is not only a cause of shame. It is sinful against our Goddess.”

Despite the tone of the priest’s voice, Bright Crescent decided to introduce a merry comment. “Do you know our word for ‘truth’, Princess?”

“Uhm... ‘vere’, if I am not mistaken...” Twilight replied, staring back at him.

“Exactly! And blood is ‘ver’, like you said yourself. Truth is derived from blood. And in blood always truth is written, we say,” he concluded mysteriously, smirking.

“What Lord Bright Crescent is trying to convey,” Azure Mist stepped in, her voice irritated, “and what Lord Blessed Fang has not yet reached, is that one must take a blood oath before being allowed into the Seat of the Covenant.”

“Way to ruin the suspense!” Bright Crescent huffed. “Killjoy...”

“A b-blood oath?” Twilight stuttered when her anxiety suddenly piqued. There was bloodletting involved in her nearest future?

Midnight Eye shook his head. “A symbolic amount is taken, Princess, do not fret. The importance is derived from quality, not quantity.”

By this time the group almost arrived at the entrance of the Seat. The wood of the door was ornate with seven coats of arms of different shapes, builds and styles. A tree growing from a horizontal crescent. A pair of fangs, a droplet of blood falling from the right one. A book supporting the lunar discus...

Twilight was reminded of old record tomes she read when she was going through a phase of her intensive studies involving genealogy.

In front of the door waited Sunfall Word and his son. The Count bowed his head before the approaching group, then passed them without a word. From his expression and his father’s stare, Twilight could tell that they have had a heated argument.

Sunfall Word, however, soon brought a smile on his muzzle, trying to hide his sorrow. “Tuyi bidi tardyi...

“We are not slow! We take our time!” Bright Crescent responded, mocking outrage. “It’s healthy! Just ask Dusk Harvest about his speech pattern.”

The called out stallion grew red on the face and lowered his gaze, while his pet bat flapped its wings, furious.

“Humor is not contemptuous, Lord Bright Crescent. But I shall never agree to malice and I would prefer it absent when I am around.”

All of the gathered stared at Twilight, for it was her who allowed herself the critique.

Her heart was telling her she did right to point out this obvious distinction. However, that did not stop it from pounding out of fear. Was she too stern?

Ha!” Crimson Shade shouted in audible satisfaction. The glance he gave Twilight had a warm spark in it, melting its coldness ever so slowly.

On the other hoof, Bright Crescent pursed his lips. “I do not think I will give up my wit just like this,” he declared, turning his head away in offence.

Influence gained, influence lost. Twilight realized, to her worry, that this balancing act was bound to become crucial when dealing with the Lords.

Looking aside for a moment, Twilight took note of a particular ornament carved in the nearby wall, not far away from the entrance to the Seat.

A bust of an unspecified batpony was emerging from the rough stone. His eyes were tied by a rocky blindfold and his muzzle was open, revealing all of his teeth. A special emphasis was put on his two fangs, done in steel. The statue was holding a round, flat bowl in his forehooves, marked by strange marks of different shades of crimson, gathered in the middle in an eerie, round circle.

Twilight gulped, feeling her stomach protesting. Those were nothing else than old bloodstains.

“I think our guest took notice of the Bloodletter...” Azure Mist commented, her face stoic, but her voice not devoid of satisfaction.

Blessed Fang gave her a long look before trotting closer to Twilight. “It is a simple rite, Knaze. I can understand your initial reluctance though. Nocferratan?

Tac, hwalbu haspadr!” Midnight was already standing at attention.

“Show the Knaze how the act is performed. Give us your oath. You shall not reveal anything that shall happen beyond these doors to anypony. Not under pressure, nor calamity. Not for wealth, nor glory.”

Midnight nodded his head profoundly.

Ia pryisegn.”

He approached the stone bust, granting Twilight with a passing glance of encouragement. He removed his bladed hoofshoes, then closed his eyes for a moment, placing his right foreleg under one of the steel fangs.

Iau pryiseg brazae, o iaa Bogine. Ia ronit ver u iaa anime...

“My promise take, oh my Goddess. I shed the blood of my soul,” Blessed Fang translated the words.

Twilight felt her face losing colors as Midnight pricked the soft skin of his leg’s inner side, staining the steel fang with a dot of crimson. He pressed near the puncture with his other hoof, causing a trickle of blood to flow down and stain the stone bowl underneath with a few droplets.

“The deed is done,” Blessed Fang declared when Midnight put back on his hoofshoes.

Thankfully, his wound was not bleeding on its own. Otherwise Twilight would seriously consider fainting. It would save her the stress...

“I find it unnecessary for the Princess to take the oath,” Midnight Eye stated abruptly, his gaze resting on Blessed Fang before shifting to Twilight. “I want to believe a normal promise, backed by your position, would be enough, Princess. I think you can well understand the need of secrecy...”

“Bah, well, she can hardly swear on the Goddess,” Bright Crescent added, his voice still irked after Twilight’s last words directed at him.

However strange and somewhat repulsive this idea was to her, Twilight had already considered that a gesture like this bloodletting would grant her a valuable boon with the Lords and she was not going to relinquish this opportunity.

“I might not be considered worthy of taking this oath on the Goddess,” she announced, “but I don’t break my word, no matter what. And I wish to believe that my blood has significance of its own, holding my soul or not.”

“Strong words!” Azure Mist praised her. Which actually made Twilight doubt her choice. “Let us accept the Princess’ promise. She might not believe in it, but I doubt her blood is so different from ours.”

“Who knows, maybe it’s blue, let’s see...” Bright Crescent jeered.

Granted with this venomous encouragement, Twilight had no choice but to approach the statue and remove her pristine hoofshoes. She hesitated for a moment, thinking of a correct way of forming the words of the oath.

She took a deep breath. “My promise take, oh Goddess who shines over all. I shed blood of my soul...”

Closing her eyes, Twilight pressed her leg to the other steel fang than Midnight. She bit her lip when the sharp metal pierced her skin. With squinted eyes, trying to fight the uneasy feeling in her stomach, she used her other hoof to cause a small hemorrhage, just like the stallion had done before her.

A drop of claret fell into the bowl.

And, for a split second, Twilight felt a weird sting of happiness when it mixed with her loved one’s blood.

Uai akepti tueu pryisegn,” Sunfall Word uttered with a voice firmer that his usual, raspy tone.

“Very well,” Midnight Eye concurred after a moment. “Nightguardian, open the door wide.”

Midnight saluted. The short glance he sent Twilight’s way, their new way of communicating with others around, told her that he was proud of her bravery.

The stallion pressed on the doors, opening them steadily, causing the ancient wood to creak and the hinges to squeal quietly.

Before Twilight opened a massive, granite hall, resembling a chapel. What first caught Twilight’s attention was the smoothness of ornate, dark columns supporting the ceiling ornate with a marvelous, silver chandelier of superb quality.

“Are those sapphires?” the mare inquired upon witness breathtaking gems hanging from the arms of the candelabrum.

“Indeed, courtesy of the mines belonging to Midnight Family and my own,” Bright Crescent replied coldly, moving past the mare towards a massive table made out of dark marble, upon which rested a woolen cloth the color of night’s sky. It was placed with such a meticulous care that not one wrinkle was staining its perfection.

Around the table stood seven thrones of the Covenant and a most luxurious seat which, however, could not match the resplendence of the Lords’ cathedrae, engraved with the coats of arms and embellished with silver.

One more detail of the room caught Twilight’s attention. On the distant wall hung a massive, black curtain with the seals of the batpony Families. It clearly was hiding something behind it and the secrecy caused the mare’s curiosity to grow.

Even more so after she spotted Midnight standing in the doorway, his eyes glued to the dark material, wide open, almost in fear.

“Nightguardian?” Midnight Eye, ready to take his place on his throne, addressed his subject. “Is something the matter?”

His tone was neutral and emotionless and yet Twilight could have sworn that Midnight’s face paled.

“N-nothing is wrong, Honored Lord!” he declared, saluting.

“Good. Help the Princess to her place.”

Midnight trotted forward, his eyes stuck with Twilight for a while. His gaze was worried. Anxious even, although he attempted to hide it.

Twilight had no opportunity to calm him down, whatever the reason for his concern was. She allowed him to move the chair for her and she took her place in between, as usual lately, Blessed Fang and Crimson Shade.

On the corner of the table. Which was... most unusual. And a tad awkward.

Azure Mist, after she had made sure her gown was perfectly flowing around her seat, turned to Twilight.

“Your placement might appear somewhat peculiar, Princess, but we have never before had the chance of having somepony else sit with us like this... As in, there is hardly anypony worthy of this distinction.”

“The shape of the table gives that away, I think,” Twilight retorted, fighting that little spark of outrage that once more appeared in her heart.

It was showing itself there more and more often, despite her best efforts at extinguishing it.

“W-we c-c-could sh-shift around, m-make s-some room...” Dusk Harvest mumbled, trying to appear as insignificant as possible.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Dusk Harvest,” Crimson Shade replied, huffing. “Tradition demands we sit in equal distances from one another and this is hardly the occasion to change it.”

“Please, Honored Lords.” Twilight raised her hoof upon seeing the atmosphere becoming heavier than it had been already. “I do not wish to begin this summit with such trivial inconveniences... There are far more important topics to discuss than my seating place.”

“Indeed,” Midnight Eye agreed wholeheartedly, but there was a note in his voice Twilight did not like at all. “Can we begin?” he asked his comrades.

None of the Lords opposed, all of them seated properly on their thrones. Midnight Eye stood up, turning to Twilight directly.

“Princess, it is customary that whenever a Lord calls for a meeting, he or she is to speak first. Tonight, as you are our guest, you have an opportunity of referring your case and expectations briefly before we start the proper discussion. Please.”

Twilight nodded, arising from her seat. She took a calming breath. She focused. She felt Midnight standing behind her chair, which granted her the needed strength to begin the short speech she had prepared for just such a moment.

“Honored Lords of Noctraliya, I, Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Equestria, allowed myself to enter your domain, answering the generous invitation of the Covenant. It is a recognition unlike any other for me as a representative of my nation. Equestria wishes to use this opportunity to forge an everlasting bond of cooperation and friendship between our countries...”

She paused briefly, staring at her audience. All of the Lords were keenly listening to her, as if prepared to hear a phrase or word that would spark their attention and support.

“Equestria, as a nation, wishes to become close with all other domains and races around it. We seek the spirit of solidarity, we wish understanding and tolerance to bloom, we desire the discovery of common ground with everypony. For we rest assured that some truths, like the principles of Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty, Honesty, even Laughter, are shared among all of the races, no matter the discrepancies present...”

She caught on to Bright Crescent’s smirk and Sunfall Word’s nod. She was doing reasonably so far. She calmed herself and recommenced.

“I come here humbled. Humbled by the devotion, honor, steadfast beliefs of the noctrali. I arrive willing to learn about what makes Noctraliya this powerful bastion of tradition and faith. And I come to offer Equestria’s extended hoof. Ever since I have learned of this basic principle among the noctrali, the often overlooked rule of gratitude and honorable repayment, I have wished to base our understanding on it. You take, you give. Tu braz, tu daz...”

Midnight Eye smiled widely, nodding his head, which was soon followed by a mutual, more or less enthusiastic declarations of support for Twilight’s words.

She felt relieved beyond measure. She now knew that she was not going to be belittled by default. She hit the mark she was aiming for.

“So, here I am, the Princess of Equestria, with all the respect and admiration towards the lands and ponies blessed by the Goddess, Immaculate Moon...” She lowered her head alongside the gathered. “And I come to offer a deal fair to you, Honored Lords of the Covenant, and to the entire batpony race. I come to you with the gift which cares not for differences, can square all the debts and heal all the wounds. I come to you with Friendship. And I hope we will all share in its plenty.”

Twilight finished and sat down. Perhaps it wasn’t the history’s most moving speech, but she felt proud of it nonetheless. It wasn’t long, it was on point, it offered room for more diplomacy on both sides.

Vanity aside, Twilight would have given herself an “A”.

Well, alright... perhaps “A-”. Her voice was a bit nervous. But nothing less than that!

Silence reigned in the chamber for a moment, all of the gathered Lords pondering on the words they had heard. Then Midnight Eye began exchanging glances with the others, receiving approving nods. Twilight took notice that Dusk Harvest and Sunfall Word gave their wordless permission with reluctance, their eyes... darkened.

Her heart pounded in her chest. Something weird was going on.

She shifted in her seat, attempting to, even for a second, look at Midnight while pretending to be checking whether her dress was neatly resting on her shoulder. The stallion stood still, firm, but there was something in his stance that betrayed distress.

That wasn’t helping her. Not at all.

After a minute of grim tranquility, during which the gazes of the room were not abandoning Twilight, Midnight Eye cleared his throat.

“Princess, we are overjoyed to hear that you, as the representative of your nation, wish to conduct our talks with respect and mutual understanding. Especially when it comes to the rules of gratitude and repayment...”

His tone was calm, but there was something hidden behind it. Something malicious.

“I have to but ask, if I might, what is your opinion on debts that last for... extended periods of time? Are they due, or does the passing of time render them obsolete?”

Twilight thought for a second. It was a loaded question, she simply knew it.

“I believe, Lord Midnight Eye, that any topic can be a matter of discussion, no matter how... distant in time or difficult it is, as long as the sides are ready and willing to talk.”

She could swear the Crimson Shade to her right shifted in his seat nervously.

“We are ecstatic to hear you say that, Princess,” Midnight Eye replied in the meantime. “We are all here keen on, as one might say, ‘normalizing’ our relations with the domain of the Judging Sun. Can we hope that you shall allow us to present our arguments during our negotiations?”

“Of course, that’s what this summit is for, is it not?” Twilight asked the rhetorical question. “We are gathered here to find a new understanding. A new wisdom,” she repeated the term that she had heard from custodian Lichen.

Azure Mist chuckled. “That is such a respite.”

“Indeed,” Blessed Fang seconded her words, his keen eyes piercing Twilight through.

Something was up, she knew it. She felt sweat gathering on her forehead. She was in the Lords’ den and, as it seemed, they were ready to make her realize that.

“P-P-Princess...” Dusk Harvest spoke up shakily, his face betraying shame out of a sudden, “w-we s-s-simply d-desire t-t-t—”

“Dusk Harvest, I swear to Goddess, if you ruin this wondrous moment of drama then I shall ruin you,” Bright Crescent hissed at his colleague, causing Blossom to hiss at him in return.

“Excuse me... what moment? What is the meaning of this?” Twilight presented the Lords with her question, her voice almost giving.

She heard a small clang of metal behind her. Midnight shook in his stance out of uneasiness, she did not even have to turn around to know it.

Midnight Eye raised his hoof to calm her down. “Princess, do not fear, we simply wish for you to aid us in a rather... crucial matter,” he emphasized. “One that, without resolving, will be enough of a reason to cut our negotiations on the spot.”

Twilight felt her eyes widening on their own. Her pulse was going crazy. “... I-I am sorry, Lord Midnight Eye, but I have no idea—”

“It will become clear soon enough. Nightguardian?”

Tac, hwalbu haspadr!” Midnight showed his readiness, despite what Twilight knew he was feeling.

“Move the curtain...”

The warrior saluted. He trotted forward as if not out of his own will, then grasped a grey rope that was connected to the rod up above. Then, with one swift motion, he pulled, making the cloth part and reveal the secret behind it.

A map.

A chart, a truly ancient chart depicting Noctraliya.

Twilight, despite everything that was happening, felt wonderment filling her mind. Before her was a real treasure, a relic, an artifact even! The sheepskin on which the drawing was done bore signs of the passing time, but the condition of it was as perfect as one could have hoped for!

She felt herself standing up, being drawn to this wonderful sight in front of her. What a font of knowledge this chart was! The mountain slopes were demarcated with utmost precision, almost individually drawn, showcasing even the shapes of different peaks, properly marked in Noctraliyan alphabet. Every summit, every pass, every valley, fault, crevice, chasm, every lake and river and forest...

An artistic and cartographic masterpiece.

“Approach closer, if you so desire, Princess...” Twilight heard Midnight Eye’s encouragement.

She did not have to be told twice. Not caring for the Lords for a moment, finding shelter in the piece of new knowledge that had been uncovered before her. She turned her full attention to the great peaks of the Tramplevanian Alps, hiding for a moment from the pressure they had put her under.

The Seven Mountains were marked by their coats of arms, corresponding in hue with the territories around them. The distinctive white slopes that must have been the Frozenfog Range, the place she recalled Midnight mentioning, was split in two by cobalt and silver. The colors of Midnight Family and Mist Family, as she presumed. Then she spotted the deep, tawny hue that brought to her mind the last rays of a setting sun. The resplendent and haughty amethyst. The leafy green spread above a region portrayed with throngs of fruit-bearing trees. The Valleys.

“How... how old is this map?” Twilight muttered, stunned by what she was seeing before her.

“It is in use for more than a millennium,” Blessed Fang’s voice reached her.

“That’s... incredible...” she mumbled, her eyes escaping to the burgundy lands of the Fang Family, above the firm grey domain of the Shades reaching from the valley of the Sanctuary all the way to—

Twilight’s heart stopped for a second. She blinked twice as she doubled her focus. Her eyes must have been deceiving her.

The left side of the map was ornamented with glittering gold, marking the lands that belonged to Equestria to the day. An interpretation of the sun, a scorching disc lurking from the edge of the chart was reigning over the landscape.

But a part of the Equestrian lands was different. The segment stretching from the long, flat mountain range that housed the Border stronghold all the way to the village of Hollow Shades and the Eastern Woods was stained by the same color as the territory belonging to the Shade Family resting within the boundaries of modern Noctraliya.

No, no that wasn’t right. Twilight forced her eyes to squint, battling her own surprise wishing them to widen. The golden markings of Equestria were not subverted by the firm grey, it was the other way around. The auric influence connected to the sign of the Judging Sun was shown as having had encroached upon lands that previously—

Twilight stepped back. She looked to the distant right, where Midnight was still standing at the edge of the curtain, his head hung and his eyes escaping to the sides, avoiding her stare desperately. She turned around, suddenly facing Midnight Eye and the rest of the Covenant, who had managed to create a half-circle behind her, using the moment of her enthrallment. They were all staring at her without even blinking.

“You have questions, Princess?” the Lord of Midnight Family inquired, not even bothering to hide his blatant mockery.

“Wh...” Twilight’s tongue did not wish to listen to her anymore. She heard her own, frantic heartbeat in her ears. “Why is... why are the lands of the Shade Family reaching so far west...?” she stumbled through the inquiry.

“I think the question should be: ‘Why is the domain of the Judging Sun reaching so far east?’,” Midnight Eye corrected her with a wicked smile.

“Enough of this charade!” Lord Crimson Shade suddenly boomed, storming towards Twilight. Nopony bothered to stop him and his muscular form soon loomed over the mare. He lowered his muzzle to the level of her face. “Do you know why, Princess? Because those lands are ours!”

Twilight’s short breaths were coming through her mouth as she tried to contain the urge to run away from General Shade, who was staring at her with fury, vengeance and sorrow alike in his eyes. She had to use all of her willpower to just stand where she was, faced with this piercing and burning glare.

“B-but Hollow Shades was always an Eque—”

“Oh, no, no...” Bright Crescent’s voice reached her ears from behind Crimson Shade, whose face flared at her sentence. “A common mistake in Ekwestriya. You see, Princess,” the milky-maned stallion said, appearing in the corner of Twilight’s vision, “some of us are used to calling the place ‘Shades’ Hollow’. Umberiu Prozn, not Proznyi Umberi. That’s the name also present on the map. Such a pity you cannot read Noctraliyar, Princess...” He smiled with genuine joy and clapped his hooves. “Oh, her face is precious, this was really worth it!”

Shades’ Hollow? What?! Twilight’s mind raced. That village had originally belonged to the batponies?! How?! When?! She had never read anything about this, not even a remark!

Crimson Shade stepped back from her finally, but only after Midnight Eye had reached out and placed his hoof on his shoulder. “Please, friend. Let us all make our stance clear...”

All of the Lords, reunited in their formation, were looking intently at the horrified Twilight. Some with pride, some with pity, but all with unity of their purpose. When Midnight Eye spoke, he spoke for all of the Covenant, Twilight could feel it in her panicking heart.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle of Ekwestriya, the town of Shades’ Hollow, known to you as ‘Hollow Shades’, and the surrounding territories are, by the tenets of law, agreement and tradition, the ancient property of Noctraliya and the Children of the Goddess. We deservedly demand from you, a royal, a mare of honor and principle, the immediate return of those lands. If our request is not met, our summit shall face an abrupt end,” he paused, his eyes glinting and his expression hardening, “and what is rightfully ours we shall be compelled to reclaim by force.”

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