• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XXX – How We Dance

Honored Lord Eye of Family Midnight...

Rowan Berry’s voice finally broke the gentle silence of the wide corridors of Midnight Eye’s palace, through which the two of them were trotting, having left Princess Twilight Sparkle in Midnight Wind’s care. Considering the tone that Azure Mist’s closest operative used, she was going to bring the exact matter of “bodyguarding” the sunpony up before the stallion, who, until this point, had been staying deep in thought.

Yes, Rowan Berry, speak plainly,” he regally encouraged her, though she disturbed his musings. He did not grace her with a glance, however, instead inspecting the quality of his residence. The path which they were taking was not one to be used too often by the less-trusted courtiers, allowing the pair to talk somewhat plainly on the way to Midnight Eye’s study.

Honored Lord, I wish to ask about whether you believe it wise to allow Midnight Wind some...” she paused, searching for the accurate enough word, “reprieve after he was reprimanded not so long ago... Seems like a drastic change of tactics.

Midnight Eye decided not to reply outright. The mare’s observation was acute, indeed.

Truth was, he was weighing his options for quite a while, considering all the pros and cons, just as he had mentioned to his own wife lately. What he had witnessed earlier tonight from the Princess had managed to tip the scales in his mind.

And in a... favorable, though convoluted as many would evaluate, way.

It was like a grand game of “chess”, one of the few pastimes that the night-dwellers had adopted from the sunponies. The opponent had just made the move that gave one an advantage. The key was, with the multitude of choices of punishing the error, to make one that brought benefits without risking too much. In case one had made a grave miscalculation.

Why not a move that nopony expected?

I suppose you wish to point out that I should not have so much confidence in my own subject?” Midnight Eye asked the mare back. Not that he cared for what she had to say, really. His was the right to make what he believed to be the correct call.

And the situation demanded... lenity. For the sake of the long-term gains.

Rowan Berry lowered her tone, discreet. “Honored Lord, you have yourself asked Honored Lord Azure of Family Mist to lend you assistance and information if necessary, for which assignment she has chosen her humble servant...

Midnight Eye nodded. “That I have. But ‘assistance’ is not synonymic to ‘dependency’, Rowan Berry,” he retorted in a tone that suffered little insolence or disagreement. “I appreciate your Lord granting me swift aid and insight. Though it is her plan which we are attempting to execute, so such aid could have been expected... Yet that does not make me reliant on it.

The mare felt the gravity of his words well, her trot becoming more cautious and tender. Even if her loyalties were with her own Lord, it was more than foolish to disrespect or discredit any other. Especially on their very own turf.

It was the matter of that delicate, omnipresent game of balance, nuances, words sharpened but not sharp, necks bending just low enough.

And that was the very competition that Midnight Eye always considered his own turf. The wonderful game of politics, in which having the correct, broad perspective made the difference.

I have every right to order my subjects to carry out my will,” he continued, uninterrupted. “And my will is for Midnight Wind to remain by the Princess’ side, sometimes, once again, solitary. Even if there are to be the dangers of emotional attachment...

Rowan Berry shook her head, glancing to the side in something that Midnight Eye would mark concern. And, perhaps, a hint of... sympathy for the matter at hoof? Emotional attachment of her own?


Those dangers are present already, Honored Lord. I do believe that you realize it too,” she pointed out.

That I do. But we all have our little frailties and we can always remedy our errs if we are shown them...” Just like with his very wife demonstrating his. And, considering the outcome... “The trick is to use those errs to our benefit as well, Rowan Berry...” he told the operative, almost nonchalantly, his mind wandering to the happenings of last day.

Just a little. To avoid fluster at the more... libertine memories.

Rowan Berry did give him a weird look, but he paid it no mind. Besides, he was petty certain she would not be foolish enough to try and jab at him for this moment of reminiscing. She was already dealing with Azure Mist, and from what Midnight Eye could tell, the Lord of Family Mist had an unhealthy obsession with slapping anypony who would dare and vex her. Caution and keeping one’s mouth shut were key.

Honored Lord, but how would Midnight Wind’s affection aid in—

A small gesture of his hoof was enough to silence her. “And how would your affection for Midnight Wind aid in this plan, hmmm?

The mare blinked, trying not to show anything about her, but the Lord was certain he hit his mark. He had seen just enough to try and deduce that the operative’s past with his kin would play into this scenario inevitably.

For what other reason, other than obvious one, was Azure Mist so convinced to have Rowan Berry, her very personal pair of Eyes, assisting the “misguided Nightguardian”.

What rough-hewn scheming.

Honored Lord, I... I am well aware that my past romance with Midnight Wind is known quite well to you, but it does not affect—

Please, Rowan Berry, you tarnish your reputation with denial. Opportunism, aside from the necessary dedication and resourcefulness, is one the very bases of reasoning for anointing ponies like you to perform the most intricate of tasks, as our trusted Eyes... This is just the matter of exercising composure.

They reached the section of the Palace that acted as Midnight Eye’s personal study and seat of power, and the Lord wasted no time to enter a considerable chamber that served as his very own library and meeting room, done in dark granite and silver. The sign of the Midnight Family ruled over the place, marking the ownership in surplus. The two, quite regal seats prepared by an oaken side table served nicely for various conversations, those pleasant and not. The fresh juice, readied nightly by Midnight Eye’s personal servants, was a pleasant touch to both occasions.

The Lord sat down first, not really waiting for the mare to accompany him, though he gestured for her to follow suit. His mind was keen on continuing this exchange until he could be assured of one matter.

That neither Azure Mist’s, nor this very mare’s personal plotting, would interfere with the ornate intrigue of his.

Deep Mist’s blunder was saddening and unexpected, especially after the remarkable performance of your entire unit in Maretonia. It limited our options, however, as Azure Mist believes, it was salvaged skillfully,” Midnight Eye continued, carefully choosing his words. He could only reveal so much. “Now we have you by the Princess’ side instead of him... but do you recall what is the reason for the sunpony having Eyes on her in the first place?

Rowan Berry, having taken her place with care and gentleness, and never allowing herself to let go of caution, nodded with conviction.

Absolutely, Honored Lord. While Honored Lord Azure of Family Mist, though it would have been beneficial, have not told me the exact details of the esteemed Covenant’s plans—

Good, as it is none of your business to know the matters of the Lords,” Midnight Eye interfered coldly. What was indeed “beneficial”, was reminding ponies like her that too much information could severely hurt.

Rowan Berry took note of his tone, staying silent for the moment. She did not even dare to look him in the eye, avoiding his aureolin gaze.

Smart mare.

Continue...” he finally allowed her to proceed, knowing that she had been successfully reminded not to presume anything more than what her, already privileged, position allowed her to.

... from what I was told, Honored Lord... Princess Twilight Sparkle is still a relatively fresh ruler, she does not have the experience with governing, or making vital, political choices...” the operative spoke again, this time with far more mindfulness. “Keeping her unbalanced just enough with emotional turmoil is crucial in assuring that she cannot use her reasoning, which is her strong suit...

Indeed, our observations proved most accurate,” Midnight Eye concurred, leaning in his chair, supporting his chin on his hoof in deep thought. “Disturbed, out of her depth, she should play right into our hooves, even if not all are aware of it...” he mused out loud. “But this is a most delicate operation... a push too strong, or in the wrong direction, can prove devastating, but more so allowing this opportunity to escape us... We need to be ready to take the risks, indeed...

Rowan Berry listened to him with attention which he was hoping for. This was as much of a game with young Twilight Sparkle, as it was against Azure Mist, who would without a doubt hear about every word of this conversation.

Which was the exact point.

To achieve the goal, we need to work together, understand one another’s intentions and develop mutual trust, to a reasonable extent...” the stallion added, crossing gazes with the Eyes. “I need to be certain that we are aware of all corresponding movements...

I swear to you, Honored Lord, I was instructed as necessary,” Rowan Berry assured, bowing her head. “I am here to keep an eye out on Midnight Wind, make him remember his task, help occupy the Princess.

Midnight Eye smirked. Clever mare, she thought she could distract him from his caution. “For which I am grateful, Rowan Berry. Though I think a mixture of discipline and forbearance will work the best here, hence why Midnight Wind shall be allowed this... night off.” He reached for the silver pitcher, filling his goblet to the brim with fresh and fragrant juice. “Thirsty?

The mare shook her head politely. “Thank you, Honored Lord, but I will pass.

It is not laced with poison, if that is what you fear. That is your domain around here, I believe...

Rowan Berry said nothing, only tried to escape with her gaze. There were a lot of emotions in her stare suddenly, indeed. One, in particular, interested Midnight Eye.

Having poured himself the drink, he swirled the contents in the chalice before drinking. Taking his time.

Allow me to ask, Rowan Berry... You were the one tasked to... be a peacekeeper lately, were you not?

The mare remained silent for a while, that discomfort but growing in her eyes. “My oath of loyalty stood then and stands now, Honored Lord.

It does you credit, Eyes, despite the deed,” Midnight Eye admitted, finally taking a sip of the juice. Mmm... Wonderful. And, indeed, clean of any additions. “Answer me with what you are allowed to share, for the sake of our Families’ cooperation... and to satisfy my interest – what have you administered to that lowborn? Spoonwood, I presume? I know it grows abundantly at the Kindleberg’s slopes and the death would have been... relatively painless.

N... no, Honored Lord,” the healer responded, having pursed her lips and lowered her gaze. Seems she could not withstand any staring match at all. “Just poppy extract, to make her sleep... My task was to deliver her to Honored Lord Azure of Family Mist, not dispose of her.

The Lord furrowed his brow. It was one thing to order one of your operatives to carry out such profane task, but to actually wish and... “execute” it oneself?

I had no idea Azure Mist is capable of vicious, and more disturbingly, personal approach to such matters. Was she so riled about her son’s affair with a plebeian she decided to slit that mare’s throat herself?

Rowan Berry paled. “N-no, Honored Lord! She would not dare to offend the Goddess, Honored Count Mistlock’s beloved is not dead, and is being kept—

Rowan Berry, dare not to spew lies in front of a Lord,” Midnight Eye reprimanded her, though without true anger. She was just fulfilling her orders and oaths. “We know well that Azure Mist spilled blood of a kindred. What I want now, is victory without such a steep price... even if your herbal talents might still be required to assure it...

The mare kept her head down. “I remain loyal to my Honored Lord. Her wish is my command.

And, again, I respect your loyalty in carrying out your Lord’s will, regardless...” the Lord assured falsely, enjoying the juice again. “I wish you to remember, however, that I expect my subjects to remain as faithful as you are to your Lord. And I wish them to do their part as commanded without coercion, if able... More so, if they are willing to fix their errs after a reprimand, they should be allowed to do just that.

Midnight Eye found it necessary in his mind to repeat his opinion on the matter. He was almost certain, considering Rowan Berry’s reputation and the relation with Midnight Wind, that she would try, if she had not already, to gain the upper hoof over his servant and relative whilst given vigil over him.

Considering everything, he would bet on it. And that couldn’t be allowed to interfere with his plan.

Seemed that Rowan Berry grasped his intentions well enough. “If you are letting me know all of this, Honored Lord, to remind me to exercise caution, I assure you that Princess Twilight will not learn about the Eyes focused on her.

Good,” Midnight Eye responded, wishing to put down the silver goblet down.

Nor about Midnight Wind’s and mine past, unless it proves necessary to keep her unbalanced...

The juice stained the immaculate wooden surface, as Midnight Eye’s hoof shuddered at the words, despite his best intentions.

Sunscorched...! This was exactly the possibility that needed to be desperately avoided! For Twilight Sparkle to find out about such a...!

A statement had to be made here, subtlety being damned alongside the elegant furniture!

Out of the question!” Midnight Eye forcefully declared, which caught the mare by surprise, just as she was about to help with the spilled drink. She shrunk in her chair, faced with the Lord’s furrowed brow and quivering upper lip. “Whatever impure feeling of affection you still have for my subject, be it a call of mind or just flesh, it shall not be put to use, even in a dire situation!

The mare tried to speak up. “B-but, Honored Lord, with... with all due respect, you said that... that the emotional turmoil is precisely what should be used to—

Midnight Eye hissed a warning. “Sorrow, yes. Doubt, indeed. Despair and guilt over the sins of an alleged hero of your nation? By all means! But this...!” He paused, ready to erupt further.

But he was not a fledgling. Not a novice, granted an ill-deserved position through, even divine, favor. He was a Lord, born to become a ruler, shaped and sculpted and molded to be a leader.

He took a calming breath, having let the pregnant pause hang in the air for quite enough.

Rowan Berry, when Dusk Stream, may she dwell in Silverheaven, learned about what transpired, it broke her heart and, consecutively, Midnight Wind’s. It inadvertently caused her demise, even. And only my relative’s conviction, willpower and the extensive help of our priests stopped him from following her to the Goddess’ Realm...

The operative listened carefully, her ears dropped and her breathing quickened.

Midnight Eye shook his head, sighing. “I fear to imagine what would happen, if he were to learn the whole truth...

... that she was—

Be silent,” he warned, shushing the mare in an instant. He was attempting his best to contain this font of old anger, one that he was keeping in check for the sake of the grand scheme of things. “The revealing of duplicity of such magnitude is a claw that cuts too deep. It is a crossbow bolt to the heart...

He took a moment longer to compose himself. Yes, he could be inclined to settle some scores with the mare before him and her Lord. But all in good time.

Everypony errs, but they should be allowed to make amends, one way or the other... Especially if their error cost them dearly,” he thought out loud, repeating himself unwittingly. Then, he sat more comfortably in the luxurious seat, feeling the weight of his circlet and the heavy embrace of his dark cloak. “Consider yourself forewarned.

Rowan Berry bowed her head submissively. “Honored Lord.

Now, you are welcome to enjoy my Palace.

She stood up, soundlessly and without a word. Her curtsy was more than respectful. She was a smart mare. At least when kept on a leash.

As she was leaving, he called out to her again, staring blankly at the juice slowly dripping from the surface of his table, sinking into the rich, woolen carpet.

Summon a servant of mine to clean this up!

At once!” she replied, bowing and leaving in a hurry.

Midnight Eye stayed behind with his thoughts and worries. And the orange liquid.

Drop after drop. Heartbeat after heartbeat. Like seeping blood. Rhythmic. Constant.

This game. This... dance... was proving more challenging and dangerous.

Its stakes were high. Higher than ever before in the history of night-dwellers.

The world they knew was going to end, so had the prophecy foretold. One way or the other, nothing would be the same, he was certain of that.

It was his very own task to assure that this... alteration would see the batponies conquering and victorious. But the cost of the gambit...

... and then the recent prophecy...?

Midnight Eye closed his eyes and lifted his hooves upwards, towards the moonlit sky, there behind the walls, the rocks and the snows of the Mountain of Midnight.

Immaculate Moon... have mercy upon me...


Twilight could be excited to see any of the places that Midnight had mentioned. The shrine of the Mountain of Midnight sounded like an exciting choice, as she would absolutely love to compare it with the temple in the Sanctuary. The artisans’ quarter would, without a shadow of a doubt, give her many reasons to feel awe and amazement. The examples of batpony craft she had found truly breathtaking so far. And the Glacier Overlook by its very name sounded exotic and appealing.

But the single, most important reason for Twilight’s joy, was the fact that, despite being in an imposing metropolis of the batponies, she got to spend some time relatively alone with Midnight.

He looked pretty surprised about this opportunity as well, trying to hide his emotions behind the mask of Nightguard professionalism, but Twilight could tell without a problem that he was delighted indeed.

He was leading her up a broad staircase chiseled in the side of the cavern, leading them, at first, past more and less prominent habitats of different Houses of the Midnight Family.

“This is a very imposing coat of arms, who does it belong to?” Twilight asked about one of the present signs, depicting a strong hoof crushing a rock into three, matching parts.

“House Rockslide, Honored Princess,” Midnight replied diligently, avoiding fraternizing for the sake of the local batponies, passing by them and observing the pair with much interest, angst and excitement as well. “Siegemaster Avalanche’s House. And that’s his home, right there,” Midnight pointed at a, rather plain in comparison, dwelling. Without a portico or too many reliefs, which Twilight had learned to look for to distinguish the richer places.

“Less prominent than I imagined. Especially for an officer like a ‘siegemaster’...” she pointed out, but Midnight just chuckled.

“I’m afraid, Honored Princess, that my friend is slightly less caring about the state of his house and more about the state of his mechanical children...” Midnight remarked, rolling his eyes. “We all have our fixes.”

“ ‘Fixations’ I think would work better here,” Twilight corrected him, but had to giggle nonetheless. “Though, considering Avalanche’s enthusiasm, you are more right than wrong...”

The stallion shrugged, as they found themselves alone for a brief moment. “He was always like this. When we were little, he really enjoyed a sling that he made from materials he found around Stonecrack’s, his father’s, workshop... And he was always trying to make bigger and heavier rocks work with it...”

Twilight attempted not to laugh out loud at the mental image of a little colt putting oversize boulders into his toy.

“By the time we began being tutored with the warrior caste,” Midnight continued as they turned the corner, being greeted by more stairs, “he made a makeshift arbaleze from what scraps he got his hooves on... Honored Princess,” he added when a mare appeared around the bend.

“A functioning one?”

Yes...” the batpony replied, a flicker of panic in his eyes for a brief moment. “Good thing his aim was decent, Honored Princess, ab Bogine...”

Twilight gave the curious passerby a friendly look. “How old were you, Nightguardian?”

Midnight furrowed his brow. “Eight, maybe.”

“Eight?!” Twilight shouted, causing that batpony mare to jump up and direct the prying gaze away in an instant. “Iae ecuse! I’m very sorry!” Twilight cried after her, feeling her cheeks blushing in embarrassment. “He made a working crossbow at the age of eight?” she asked, taking care to control her volume from then on.

“Not a full-scale one!” Midnight quickly answered, battling laughter when they remained on their own again, still ascending the stone steps, flight after flight. “One that he could actually cock, right? Still...” A shudder passed through him. “I’m glad that bolt hit the orange that time...”

“... were you holding it?” Twilight asked, arching an eyebrow in disbelief.

The stallion gave her a long look. “In conjunction with my mother’s words, I was not always the smartest of children...”

Twilight giggled, but decided that her beloved deserved consoling and solidarity of some manner, especially since the staircase was again empty at the moment. “When I was little and trying to attend Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns...”

“A... Judging Sun’s own seminary...?” Midnight interrupted, his eyes widening.

“Well, that and...” she tried to reply, biting her lip.

The topic of magic and studying it was not the most fortunate choice, despite Midnight’s tolerance. There was a lot of pious angst in his voice.

But Twilight had started already!

“What I mean is... well, at the entrance exam, I got startled and, well, turned my parents into potted plants briefly...”

Midnight took a sudden stop, his expression befuddled and worried. “That... well, uhm...”

Twilight berated herself. Of course, she had to bring up the case of a magical mishap before her love, who happened to have been a member of a culture that considered magic unjustly claimed and misused!

Bravo, Twilight, remarkable judgment.

The batpony, trying to process this revelation for a moment, finally gave up and sighed deeply. “Well, you’ve beaten all of my stories...” he judged, a grin spreading over his muzzle.

Twilight felt relieved that he did not seem as disturbed as she feared he would be. “I would still love to hear you tell those...” he encouraged him instead, granting him with a warm smile.

He leaned in and kissed her, quickly enough not to risk anypony appearing from around the corner.

“Not all, for sure...” he told her afterwards, his eyes tender and loving. “You need to know me as a gallant warrior, not a... less-than-brilliant colt.”

Twilight, her lips still tingling pleasantly from the sensation, gave him a little look she did not know she had in her. “You can be one or the other, as long as you are mine...”

At her own words her muzzle flared, this time accompanied by Midnight’s appropriate, light fluster.

Ha... well...” he muttered, looking left and right for witnesses. “I’m... alright with that, yes...”

“M-me too,” Twilight pretty much cheeped.

It seemed that she had found herself rather... famished for Midnight’s closeness, robbed of the opportunity to see the Midnight’s Library, and having to be permanently secretive about their feelings.

The batpony chuckled, containing the blush that showed that he, himself, would not mind being more open about the matter. “Tell you what, allow me to go through with my idea for the night, I think you should like it...”

Twilight’s heart happily jumped at the tenderness in his voice. “Alright, lead on,” she agreed without delay.

Their journey up more staircases suddenly became a lot more interesting for Twilight. Though, at some point, the sheer amount of steps was starting to cause her legs to ache, despite her eagerness. The passages were still elegant, but she could tell that they were climbing away from the main cavern, for there were less elaborate lanterns, in favor of candles placed in niches.

“Be sure to take deep breaths, Twilight. We can slow down if you so desire, as well,” Midnight proposed, looking back at her.

“We’re... at some height,” she replied, indeed forced to inhale in a more paced manner. Her body was starting to warn her quite blatantly that it would prefer a bit more oxygen.

“Take your time, Twilight, this is not a race. I’d rather see you comfortable...”

The worry in his voice was touching. “And... what about... you?”

Midnight just chuckled. Twilight did spot that his breaths were a bit more elaborate, but that was about it.

“I can feel the difference, but we are used to this. Rodine Soleeced even lives on such height, for example. But, we need to climb a bit higher still.”

“Alright... as long as... I won’t faint... I’m fine...” Twilight huffed, feeling slightly cold. They must have been quite above the cloud level by this point!

Midnight stepped down to stand at her side. “If you faint, you will fall right into my hooves, at least...” he whispered to her.

It did cause her blood to flow quicker, which notably helped in the climb.

Taking her time to conquer the steps, Twilight finally spotted the end of the journey, if the return of lanterns could be an indication. With her legs a little bit wobbly, and heavier than she remembered, she finally made the trip.

Thankful that she had been already subjected to some training when it came to near-endless staircases. And that her hoofshoes were comfortable!

The cavern they had reached was more like a single chamber. It contained but a set of lanterns, two doorways, one of which was heavy and looked more like a small gate than anything, and two local warriors, who immediately saluted, having witnessed Midnight in his distinctive armor appearing out of the ascent first.

Nocferratan, sudar!” came their loud shout, echoing and tumbling down the corridor Twilight had just emerged from.

Benu noc, wampiri,” Midnight greeted the pair, returning the customary gesture. “Nightguardian Midnight Wind, escorting the esteemed envoy, Her Highness, Honored Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria.”

The watchponies, two stallions of dark coats and even darker manes, bistre and deep purple, saluted her too, wearing stoic, emotionless expressions. “Hwalba Knaze!” came their welcome.

Twilight took a moment to gather enough air to reply. “Neskaza Lunee... welae... tuyiu noc… illum...” she finally made it and the two ponies lowered their heads in unison.

Midnight smiled and took the initiative. “Honored Princess Twilight Sparkle wishes to experience the Glacier Overlook. I trust that you were informed through the chain of command of the rules of the Princess’ visit?”

One of the warriors nodded. “Tac, sudar. Hwalba Knaze is free to access public places, in accordance to the hospitality customs, as commanded by Honored Lord Eye of Family Midnight.” The stallion even gave Twilight a slight smile, which she gladly reciprocated.

“Good.” Midnight looked merry as well. “Is there anypony enjoying the Overlook at the moment?”

Nye, sudar, not right now.”

“I’m glad, then. I would like to show to the Honored Princess the entire panorama without disturbances,” he continued, not glancing at Twilight at all, though she had grasped his idea without trouble. “Can I ask for the two of you to close the Overlook for the time?”

The warriors looked at one another, curious, but there was no true reluctance on their part as it seemed.

“I don’t think that would be a problem, sudar, as long as it does not take too long,” this time the other stallion pointed out.

“Naturally,” Midnight agreed. “Will two hours not disrupt your duties, wampiri?”

Nye, sudar, to bid recitu.

Twilight patiently waited, trying to appear like a visiting royal, despite the fatigue of her legs and the deep breathing she had to bring about.

“Very well. How’s the weather outside?” Midnight finally asked.

“Wind blows as always, but there are little clouds. You can see the valleys well, sudar.” The warrior looked over Twilight’s ensemble. “Hwalba Knaze, would you desire a cloak? You might not be used to the cold so high up.”

“I think that... is not a bad idea... Thank you so much,” she replied gently, trying not to pause too much between the words.

“And you, Nocferratan, sudar?”

“I am fine, thank you. But, yes, I was hoping there were cloaks prepared for the visitors still,” Midnight responded in, with great relief as Twilight could tell. “I have not seen the Overlook for two years.”

“None of the visible peaks moved!” one of the warriors assured as his companion passed through the second set of doors, soon to emerge with a considerably thick, naturally beige, woolen cloak, with a well-woven hood to match.

Midnight grabbed the covering and nodded to the warriors. “Thank you, wampiri. We will make sure not to linger.”

“Yes... thank you,” Twilight added as well, smiling broadly.

“Enjoy the views, Hwalba Knaze, Nocferratan, sudar,” the warriors wished, letting the pair through the small gateway into... another staircase.

Twilight groaned after the passage had closed behind the two, but Midnight only stifled a chuckle, gently putting on her the thick cloak.

“It’s just a few steps now, Twilight, no need to complain about it...” he told her, securing the cloak around her neck with a sturdy buckle.

... and taking his time with that, his hooves brushing across her neck and jaw line.

“Well...” Twilight whispered, enjoying the tenderness. “When you... put it that way...”

The batpony smiled, giving her a peck on the cheek. “I have a talent for persuading you...” he murmured back, checking her hood after she had hidden her diadem amongst her robes. “After you, Twilight...” He let her go first.

The staircase, indeed, proved short. After a bend, Twilight was able to easily open the last set of doors in their way.

First came the cold. The air blew inside the staircase, biting and howling, but strangely... light and refreshing alike. It twirled around Twilight like a wild animal that needed to first assess if she was a threat or rather a new best friend. Then there was the smell of mountains and snow and ice. It was strange, but the air had a distinctive whiff, that of freshness, of purity, of clarity. It filled Twilight’s nostrils and lungs when she breathed, and rejuvenated them in an instant.

And then came the light. The illumination of the Moon and countless stars, clearer than Twilight had ever seen them before, embellishing the regal, blue night. The familiar for her sight of the night’s sky opened above her generously, revealing secrets that she had never uncovered in her astronomy studies, or any other time.

The Glacier Overlook turned out to be exactly what the name suggested. A massive, snow covered terrace, positioned but a couple dozen meters below the very peak of Mountain of Midnight. It loomed over an imperious glacier that was weaving itself amongst the slopes of the Tramplevanian Alps, towards its unknown destination, like a river, frozen in time. In between the few clouds that were hanging below the Overlook, there ruled countless smaller mountains, sharp and pointy, with snowy valleys wedged in between in an ancient pattern.

Twilight had no idea when she had made her way to the stone, massive railings, called forth by the beauty she witnessed.

Everywhere she looked, she saw marvels of rock and ice, of fog and cloud. The vapors flickered in the moonlight, composed of countless, icy needles, their reflections trying to contest the splendor of stars. The Overlook itself faced east, where the girdle of Frozenfog Range followed with its frigid, white glory. To the north, a high peak, over which the lodestar hung like a guardian, marked the horizon, and mountains beyond counting stretched in that direction, towards the far unknown. Southward, the chains were shedding their cloaks of snow, sturdy and grey, safeguarding the frightful forests in their embraces.

“... wow...” Twilight mouthed, as her awe finally found its release.

Midnight came from behind her, standing at her side. “The glory of Noctraliya...” he spoke, his voice carrying a solemn tone. “Harsh and unforgiving... but beautiful...”

Only then did Twilight realize that the temperature was truly polar. Her slow breaths were coming out in vapors that were waiting impatiently to join their glittering brethren down below. The winds were assaulting her cloak heavily, attempting to rob her of her protection.

Midnight did not seem to mind, his thicker coating proving most useful.

He came closer and looped his foreleg over her withers. She happily snuggled to his side, his muscular frame a welcome shelter from the constant gale.

“This... is beautiful... Every time... I see your land... I feel like... I am... discovering it anew...”

The batpony smirked. “Trust me, I feel the same way, even though I was born and raised here, and I spent days staring towards the sky from this very place...”

“I guess you... could name each... and every one... of those peaks, yes?” Twilight asked, trying to giggle, though it might have been lost in the sound of wind and among her deep breathing.

“Every single one.”

“I would... love for you to... indulge my curiosity...” she began, but her intentions were rather different. “But... I think I... am fine... just like this...” She again looked over the stone landscape of Noctraliya, as fascinating as borderline inhospitable.

Midnight, who had enough endurance to do so, chuckled loud and merrily. “I know...” He glanced at her. “I always enjoyed the Overlook. It shows you the glory of the Goddess, Her Light marking our land... Our ancestors watching over us from above...” His gaze ventured upwards, to the radiant stars. “This is a special place, Twilight... One of prayer, meditation... or just appreciating the peace and quiet...”

The wind howled especially loudly at his words, but Twilight’s smile persisted regardless.

“If this... is what you call... peace and quiet...”

Midnight shrugged. “To each their own... Besides, it is about having the correct approach...”

“What do you mean?” she asked, as his tone was cryptic at best.

He kissed her on the temple, which made her far less worried about his intentions, whatever those were.

“Turn around and wait here...”

She did as he asked, watching him move a couple of steps. She clung to her coat, pulling her hood down just enough not to obscure her vision.

Midnight stretched his wings a little.

“You’re not going to... fly in this weather... I hope!” she immediately called out after him, maybe slightly panicked, but he just laughed at her words.

“Nopony does, Twilight, the wind’s too strong, the air too thin...” he responded facing her, his wings extended fully, battling the gale. “But, I promised that you would like it here! So it’s time I deliver!”

She watched as he tensed up all the muscles of his webbed appendages and then, without delay, flapped powerfully, towards the snow on the ground before him.

Twilight yelped as she saw a billow of white heading quickly in her direction, but before she got ambushed by the cold crystals, the wave split into two. Then into four. Then eight and so forth, more and more paths and directions.

Soon... she could observe a dance.

The snowflakes pirouetted, waltzed, swirled in a thousand of ways, glittering in the moonlight. Each trying to impress, every one unique and incredible, a display hypnotizing and enchanting alike. Twilight felt her lips smiling on their own, as she tried to follow the patterns of the snow, guided by the wild winds that suddenly became masters of the frigid ceremony. Attempting to sway her and impress, leading the processions of petite, white sparks.

Before she noticed, having fallen victim to the entrancing performance, Midnight was right before her, gently taking her forelegs and leading her into the midst of the twirling snow in a performance of their own. One more pair to partake in the celebration.

It was not much of a dance of itself, as they but circled together, yet with their gazes crossed and their expressions warm, Twilight could have sworn that she was at the Grand Galloping Gala, with Midnight as her partner, leading the waltz in the lights of the royal ballroom.

Surrounded by the audience of Moon and stars, tenderly lead by her love, who was again and again causing more snowflakes to join the festivities, Twilight took notice that the cold was not affecting her anymore.

It couldn’t. Not when her love was warming her. Not when Midnight was looking at her with such affection.

Her head was spinning and she felt breathless from the sheer joy that gathered inside of her.

It could have been the altitude too, yes, but Midnight was not going to let her focus on those discomforts. His powerful flaps had already managed to clear a circle around the pair, revealing the tiles of the terrace.

With one last, fluid motion, the speed of which befuddled her, Midnight grabbed the buckle of her cloak and undid it. Not stopping, and before the cold managed to use this to try and strike at her, he tugged at one of her forelegs, causing her to freely spin around.

The World, the Moon, the stars and the snowflakes all spun alongside her, and when she finally realized what was happening, she was already down on her haunches, her back pressed to his armored chest, with Midnight’s powerful wings embracing her warmly like a dark mantle and the thick cloak covering both their bodies as well.

Twilight sighed happily as she felt his forelegs enfolding her barrel from behind. She felt... safe. Happy. Fulfilled, right where she was. Her vision had blurred a little from the whirling, but she was more than happy to close her eyes and rest her head on his shoulder, her cheek joined with his.

“W... whoa...” she muttered happily, a light, breathy giggle escaping her.

Midnight hummed, pressing his body to hers, and even the armor was not stopping Twilight from feeling their heats trying their best to mingle and entwine.

“So, how do you like it?”

“It’s... perfect...” she whispered, yet she was certain he could hear her, despite the gales. They were close enough. “Thank you...”

He did not answer. He did not have to. The two of them were content to just remain like this for a while.

Together. Despite the winds howling all around them.

Author's Note:

Phew, that took a while, especially with all the real-life issues that surfaced lately! But, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I feel rather happy about it.

Let me know, if you would be so kind! :twilightsmile:


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