• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter L – Touching Spirits and Souls

“We should start preparing too, then,” came Midnight’s declaration as Twilight finished relaying everything about the meeting. Well, at least the news that she believed was alright to reveal, for soon to become public. “The latest weather reports promised clear skies to the west for the next few nights. We might be leaving next night, even.”

Rowan Berry nodded, having attentively listened all this time. “That is correct, seems that most of the snows have moved northward...” She squinted. “Quite the... development, hwalba knaze,” she judged, most cautious with her words.

Twilight did agree, holding in her hooves a goblet and almost trying to foretell the future from its dark contents. She had asked for some grape juice for this late meal and she had been given, indeed, a drink most refreshing. Especially after the, mostly tense, latest meetings.

She would not mind the juice being fermented, even, but she wasn’t one to look for solace in stronger drinks.

... and especially not in the local, burning variety.

Midnight Wind was pondering, rolling an orange almost nonchalantly around his plate. “So, Mountain of Fang first... I never really visited the place myself, actually. I heard it is quite... unique,” he declared and a grimace traversed his muzzle.

“I do recall the stereotype you have once invoked,” Twilight replied, giving him an inquisitive look. “I suppose it is not completely unwarranted?”

Rowan Berry shrugged. “Nor is it surprising, I wouldn’t say, Honored Princess... A Iug close to the largest forest in the land, filled to the brim with wild beasts and worse. A Family bordering our frontier as well... no offence intended, Honored Princess,” the healer added, but Twilight understood what she meant clearly and without any exasperation.

“None taken,” she assured, taking a slow, almost meditative sip. “I take it that the Fang Family are fierce combatants and hunters? Even their coat of arms invokes their fangs stained with blood.”

“Indeed,” the other mare in the room confirmed, leaning back a little in her seat. “Their symbol invokes strength, passion and honor. They have since the start of our history been the bloodline of great scouts, skilled warriors... And, much like Midnight Wind is doing right now, ones that like to play with their food.”

The stallion gave Rowan Berry a glance and a grimace, but then decided to illustrate the point after all.

With one, swift motion, he lifted the plate, causing the orange to fly high above him. He then caught it in midair as it was descending, piercing it powerfully with his fangs and causing a splash of juice to stain the table.

In a quite vivid fashion.

Twilight thanked Harmony that the color of the carnage was orange and not crimson.

She also thanked Harmony that she could fight off the blush at her beloved’s fierceness in both the bite and the stare.

Rowan Berry, however, only sighed. “Indeed...” she murmured, her eyes escaping to the side, as if she were trying to hide no less fierce irritation.

“Lord Bright Crescent mentioned trophy walls, even...” Twilight decided to touch upon the topic a little more. “He expressed hope that I shall not be mounted on one. I take his words with a pinch of salt... actually, with maybe a hooffull, considering his behavior. Still, a strong statement to make.”

Midnight Wind drained the last droplets from the fruit, then shook his head. “I wouldn’t allow anything like that ever to happen to you, Honored Princess, by my honor as a Nightguard. Aside from the fact that this wouldn’t happen at all, Rodine Kiel does not tend to keep such gruesome trophies... n-not that one of you, in particular, would be gruesome, I just meant—”

Twilight held her hoof up, to spare him the embarrassment and the jittery explanation. “Say no more, Midnight Wind, it’s clear. But... should I expect some displays at least?”

Rowan Berry shook her head once more, giving Midnight a strange glance before speaking up. “Not in the sense of... what’s the term... ‘viscera’ or anything like that, but Kieli do enjoy showing their prowess with trophies. And quite a lot of them. They are known to hunt regularly. Maybe less for training at this night and age, but for sport.”


Tac, hwalba knaze. Outside of their own dens they don’t really show it, but they do love to grant themselves bragging rights before their Family members with... visible achievements in their caverns. Their homesteads are more often than not draped in furs, bones, amulets, whatever can testify of their abilities...”

Twilight couldn’t help but feel her stomach turning just a little, but her curiosity was much greater than discomfort. “I... suppose that’s understandable. Though I cannot imagine the entire Family deals only in such activities?”

It was Midnight’s time to shrug. “Well, they have a couple plebeian Houses that deal in lumber, one that even produces quality jewelry, I saw examples of it at our Mountain. But you can always spot crafts of the Fangs. If they don’t have a bear’s tooth or bazaltliska scale or whatever else embedded in them, they have carvings and markings that date back hundreds of years and more.”

Twilight took another sip. “Quite fascinating. I know that each and every Family brings something distinctive to your culture, but it sounds to me like the Fangs stand out rather strongly. Or am I mistaken?”

“We all have our... quirks, I think the expression could be,” Rowan Berry answered, weighing her words. “Although... you have seen the Iug u Maednoc, Honored Princess. Do not expect the same monumentality. The same...” she paused, considering for a moment longer. “I would put it this way. Both Rodine Kiel and Rodine Waesper are very close to the world around us and thank the Goddess eagerly for its many gifts. But whilst the Dusks cultivate our crops and tend to flocks in a manner that would ‘fit’ in our culture, the Fangs are a bit more... uhm...”

“Wild. And I don’t see why that would be such a terrible thing to call them,” Midnight finished for her and with a wide smile. “Fangs have always been independent and fierce, but also loyal to our domain and the Goddess.” He leaned in, lowering his voice. “However, I’ve heard a rumor once which said that for many, many years after Noctraliya came to being under the gaze of the Immaculate Moon... the Fangs were still conducting strange rituals in the wilderness, which is why their customs and traditions remained as they are.”

Maednoc Wentr, stop spreading nonsense!” Rowan Berry berated him, almost hissing. “They were always ones to combat the Berbara Knieye, not indulge in its... its savage madness.”

Twilight pouted. This was all important information. One stereotype and the few Fangs she had met on her journey, most notably both Ardent Fang and Adamant Fang as well as Lord Blessed Fang, would not have given her enough of an insight into that facet of the Family’s way of life.

And now that expression from the healer only deepened Twilight’s thirst for knowledge. The grape juice couldn’t help with that.

“The 'Feral Weald', as I think the translation that Count Ebony Crescent presented to me was... I’ve been told it is a potentially dangerous place, like the Everfree Forest near Ponyville. Lots of animals and other creatures, nature growing and expanding without outside influence, even opposing it... but this sounds like there’s more to that thicket, isn’t there?”

“It’s a place that I would never dare venture too far into and especially alone,” Rowan Berry declared, shuddering a little. “Even to find herbs necessary to save another... no, I wouldn’t dare.”

“Those are strong words, Rowan Berry...” Twilight commented and rather sternly.

The mare only shook her head, as if trying to dispel a vision which had manifested before her eyes. “Risking and losing one’s life for another is one thing, hwalba knaze... and a deed that Bogine rewards greatly for. But the Knieye... it can rob one of their very soul.”

“Now who’s spreading nonsense,” Midnight commented on that with a roll of his eyes, but the mare only bared her fangs a little his way. It was definitely unlike her, but whatever she was thinking or reminiscing about seemed enough of a motivation.

“You know exactly what I mean, Midnight Wind. And don’t act like your own courage would suffice, only to impress the Honored Princess...” Rowan Berry judged.

Midnight only frowned in response.

Maybe he was trying to impress, after all, but Twilight didn’t need any proof of his worth. Right now she was more concerned with the facts, as strange as they were. Being uncovered further as the healer continued.

“You too wouldn’t want to be in the Knieye. When the birds’ songs would suddenly die, cut down mid-aria, the boughs would shift to trap and drag away into the darkness that even our eyes cannot pierce. You wouldn’t ever wish to see, in the midst of trees, flickering lights. Like a mockery of the Goddess’ very Argentee... forming into eyes, pulling on your very spirit. Those wouldn’t be lumniki, let me tell you that, Midnight Wind...”

Twilight listened with great attention. She knew her fair bit about the threats of untamed wilderness, but this sounded like a whole new level of a danger surrounding the Feral Weald.

But losing one’s soul? What did Rowan Berry mean by that exactly? What precisely was she describing...?

“I admit that I’m... not certain what do you mean, Rowan Berry,” Twilight let her know just that. “What would cause such phenomena?”

The healer gave her an unpleasant glance. Not to chastise her curiosity, but rather at the very topic being explored.

Lesyi...” she whispered, as if mentioning that word would cause misfortune to appear right at the door. “Berbara Knieye is their home, though they roam whatever forest or copse they so wish. And to even speak about them can—”

There was a knock on the door. It caused Twilight to almost drop her chalice, as Rowan Berry jumped up and Midnight rapidly glanced at the entrance, his hooves ready to reach for his hoofshoes.

Kwo bid to?” he inquired, his ears perking up in full attention.

Umilu prodan u Neskaza Lunee... ze uzent dla hwalba knaze Crepuscle Iskre.

Kwiu uzent?

Hwalbu haspadr Aldatu u Rodine Kiel.

Midnight frowned, even if relaxing just a little bit. “A message from Honored Lord Blessed Fang to you, Honored Princess.”

“Oh? Please, let them in,” Twilight asked, putting down the chalice for a moment and assuming a proper position before the stallion opened the door.

The previous topic would have to be put on halt, even if this talk of the “Lesyi”, that she had heard mentioned before, seemed much more intriguing out of a sudden. Especially if it could turn a simple knock on the door into a fright.

Speaking of the source of the said knock, just outside the chamber stood an arcemandr, one of the many local ponies, his robes and hood granting him much anonymity. He trotted in, cautiously, then bowed his head and spoke in a soft tone.

Hwalba knaze, this humble servant of Bogine has been asked to deliver to you the Honored Lord’s invitation for a conversation this night still,” he announced with clarity, despite the accent. “He hopes the you will indulge him, as he shall be waiting before the Ingena Herame.”

Twilight’s brow knotted, but more out of interest than worry. Private conversations were a thing for her lately, but at least Blessed Fang had never given her reasons to dread an exclusive meeting.

“Did he mention what does he wish to discuss, perhaps?”

“No, hwalba knaze. But he wished to assure it is supposed to be a social meet-up, not a diplomatic one.”

Now, that was both quite new and definitely welcome.

“Do convey to the Honored Lord that I shall be there without delay,” Twilight declared and not without joy.

Tac, hwalba knaze...” the arcemandr replied, making his way out of the chamber at a practiced, brisk pace.

When Midnight closed the door behind him, Twilight stood up from her chair. “Well, no time to waste, indeed. I am intrigued to hear what the Lord wishes to talk about, especially if he wants to avoid politics... or would that be too optimistic to consider?”

Rowan Berry stood up as well. “Considering what you have shared, Honored Princess... anything can be politics at this point.”

“And any conversation can have grave consequences,” Midnight judged, quite strongly. He trotted over to grab his hoofshoes after all, invoking a glance from Twilight. “With your permission, Honored Princess, I shall accompany you, keeping a respectful distance from you and the Honored Lord during your talk. It shall be in accordance with my role and orders, as your assigned guardian.”

“Very well,” Twilight indulged him.

Far more than the two of them were indulging her at the moment. Their observations were valid, of course... but she really hoped that, especially with Blessed Fang, she could just... talk. Or was really it too much to ask for?

He was definitely an interesting stallion to get to know. On a slightly closer level than him being a leader of his Family and a charismatic priest.

Because... something about him was making Twilight feel uncomfortable. But not in a bad way. And not in a good way. In a... different way. He was barely out of colthood, truly, and yet he spoke with conviction that she had not seen even in elders and academics back in Equestria... and she was certain that it was his deep faith and conviction which was allowing him to be as he was.

This was the right opportunity to investigate this wonder.

Having left Rowan Berry to take care of preparing hers and Midnight’s things for travel, Twilight was soon making her way through the tunnels. Escorted by Midnight right to the main Sanctuary cavern, again illuminated by all of those pale crystals and decidedly as beautiful as ever. It didn’t take long to spot Lord Blessed Fang, adorned in his stately, antas’ robes, as he was waiting before the Great Shrine. Conversing with some of the local priesthood and causing them to nod in acknowledgment over some point he was clearly presenting.

Still, as soon as one of his entourage spotted Twilight’s arrival and reacted, the Lord’s citrine eyes found her without delay and the faintest of smiles curled his lips.

“Honored Princess,” he welcomed her as she came closer, and with a small bow nonetheless, “I am overjoyed that you have decided to respond to my offer.”

“Naturally, Honored Lord,” she assured him and curtsied.

The gathering didn’t hesitate in dispersing, all granting them both space and the presentable farewells. Twilight glanced at Midnight, who took his own cue to move slightly away, covering the respectable distance and assuring the proper performing of his duty.

She took a deep breath. “I must say, after the last few nights, I think I am in the mood for a more social conversation,” she assured the Lord when they were left to their own conversation.

And Blessed Fang’s expression did not change, still that of a calm, almost ephemeral smile adorning enlightened impassiveness.

“Then we have something very much in common,” the Lord agreed, pointing away from the Great Shrine. “Could we walk? I find the Tuarie to be a very graceful space to explore whilst conversing or contemplating. One feels the presence of Uaia Mate here. And not only because of the wondrous art above us.”

Twilight instinctively glanced at the enormous relief showing Princess Luna’s likeness. “Definitely, Honored Lord. There’s an aura here that’s hard to ignore. That of... peace.”

“Definitely something I wish to drink from, as if a sheep guided to a spring by a most patient shepherd...” Blessed Fang disclosed and his eyes shone with something melancholic. Just as Twilight’s own core resonated with his words. “And this is yet another thing we have in common.”

Twilight hoped that he meant “peace” in all possible meanings of it... but maybe he felt that sensation in his own heart too...?

The Lord took the first step, prompting her to follow suit. They ventured deeper into the cavern, in between the great stone columns, basking in the illumination that could have very well been the Goddess’ own stare. All local residents were giving them way with much respect, though Blessed Fang took a route that definitely was not aimed at disrupting their duties.

His voice, though tranquil, was finding its way easily to Twilight’s ears.

“Let me just shortly diverge from my own expectations by saying, Honored Princess, that I regret that things have reached the level of possible conflict...” he said, his eyes watching the unspecified distance. “But the signs which I have received and the prophecy... They demanded a certain level of seriousness. And, in our culture, it means one thing in regards to the Covenant's proceedings.”

Twilight wasn’t getting too much insight into his feelings from his tranquil tone, but his words and her instinct were just enough.

“I do not blame you, Honored Lord. I understand how vital tradition is to the Children of the Goddess. Whilst I might not enjoy certain aspects of it regarding said conflict...” she made it clear, “I respect adhering to it with conviction.”

Blessed Fang nodded. “Thank you, Honored Princess. Your sincerity earns you respect in return,” he declared in his distant tone. “But, I wish not to sully this summons’ intention further. There will be time aplenty to discuss that, since you have agreed to be my esteemed guest at my home. But for the moment... I actually wish to talk about a book.”

“Oh?” Twilight vocalized her surprise outright, then quickly realized what he could have meant. “I hope that the ‘Thought of Equestria’ was a good lecture. Have you finished it already?” she asked with some further wonder.

“Indeed, I have. Used any opportunities I had, actually,” he revealed and something of a fascination crept into his usually remote timbre. “We have treatises regarding the general philosophies and concepts in your country, yes, but to come into contact with this piece of literature was rather engrossing.”

“I’m so very glad to hear it, Honored Lord,” Twilight replied and most honestly. It seemed that her way of repayment for the translated scroll had done its job and more. “I do hope reading did not interfere with your duties, if you have made your literary way through it that quickly!”

“Oh, no, do not worry about it, Honored Princess. I am quite responsible when it comes to my time of leisure,” the young stallion assured with the same, delicate smile. “And thankfully Kindlefang, my wife, also enjoyed it, so we could spend some together time reading and discussing the contents.”

Twilight was fairly sure the pathway they were taking did not have any wayward pebbles and yet she felt like she had just tripped. Actually, it felt more like she had stumbled on a log. She quite clearly heard Midnight’s armor shifting behind, as he made ready to catch her, but she managed to regain balance quickly enough on her own.

Did not really help her thought process, though.

“I-I-I beg your pardon?”

She must have misheard him, right?

Blessed Fang looked at her with a glint of confusion in his citrine gaze, but that couldn’t dispel the usual, distant stare.

“My wife, Kindlefang, she enjoyed the book very much too. Her comments on the variety of philosophies were rather insightful, as well. It was a further reason to find an opportunity to ask you about them...”

Twilight tried to regain composure, she really did. However, she had lost it for a reason she definitely wouldn’t have anticipated, and lost it good.

“I... am very sorry if that shall be a completely and utterly inappropriate to ask, but... you are married, Honored Lord?”

The young stallion... the, pretty much, colt right before her did nod. That slightly puzzled look in his eyes in regards to her sudden disorientation was quickly dispersing into something else, though Twilight had no idea what yet.

The Lord’s following sentences didn’t help her restore her composure neither.

“Yes, I am. Have been for a respectable moment now, actually. Dictesera Bogine, for she’s carrying my child currently.”

Twilight blinked. It was impossible to mishear two things in quick succession, surely. And that fact was plunging her even deeper into her current state.

“I... uhm... congratulations, Honored Lord?” was the only thing that come to her mind when the silence was prolonging itself. And the tone she used really didn’t fit any planned honesty, though she did mean what she had said.

“Thank you, you are very kind...” Blessed Fang told her in reply, his eyes now completely back to normal. Or rather, passing through the normal state for a blink. Then getting filled with nothing short of discontent. “You look a little at a loss, hwalba knaze, is everything alright?” he asked, though it wasn’t a question born out of worry.

Or a question at all, actually.

Twilight knew as much and she berated herself with just enough force to attempt speaking in coherent sentences again. At least as much as that was possible, as the topic truly had taken her by surprise.

“I’m very sorry, Honored Lord, I just... I got a little perplexed, I have to say, I wasn’t quite expecting your personal situation to be so... ah... how to say it—”


Blessed Fang interrupted her in a way that made her feel like a berated child herself. There wasn’t any ill will in his tone, no, but that one word carried with itself enough gravity to utterly squash her curiosity and surprise both.

She felt the need to apologize further and quite profoundly, but the Lord was more than aware of that fact. And, as it appeared, more than a little weary too.

“Honored Princess, first and foremost, this is nothing unexpected. After reading the chapter regarding concepts of maturity and social roles, I’m even less astonished about your reaction.”

“Still, Honored Lord, please pardon me, I simply... I wouldn’t think one so young would already have so many responsibilities upon them and—”

“I do and that is that.”

Twilight was really attempting to find the best way out of all of the sudden turmoil in her head... but her attempts just weren’t working. Even making things worse, she felt.

She had seen Blessed Fang acting around her and performing his Lord’s role before, yes, but it seemed that she hadn’t manage to realize one, rather transparent matter. She was talking to a stallion. Young, just mature enough, yes, but not a colt, it was becoming clearer and clearer.

It was a little stultifying with its clarity, yes, but she really should have known better...

“I-I understand and I’m once more so sorry that I—”

Blessed Fang took a deep breath. A very deep breath.

Hwalba knaze, I’m the Lord of a Family, antas of the Immaculate Moon... and the only scion of my bloodline’s main vein,” he spoke. Slowly. Which only aided him in making his vexation resound. “There are certain expectations which I must fulfill despite my age. As much as I didn’t wish to occupy your mind with politics, which are also a vital part of my night-to-night duties, I would rather not immerse my own attention further in matters I am perfectly aware of. Even being as young as I am.”

Twilight felt extremely silly and that was putting it mildly. She wouldn’t think she was ever destined to meet a pony in and out of Equestria quite so burdened with responsibilities... and now she was not only meeting one that truly was that encumbered, but also certainly one that seemed at least a little irritated by being reminded of that weight in his young age.

Some part of her wondered if it was training or something of an instinct for Blessed Fang to cull the topic outright... but she certainly wasn’t going to be pressing him about it.
He made his point clearly. Which only solidified the fact that she wasn’t speaking with a foal, but a grown pony of considerable charisma and spirit despite the years.

“Of course, Honored Lord,” she told him, simply and definitely.

Which managed to break the tension, thankfully, with Blessed Fang’s gaze returning to its own, different dimension. Beyond what was around and mundane. And upsetting.

“Thank you, Honored Princess. Now, as I have mentioned, the ‘Thought of Equestria’ turned out to be rather engrossing,” he spoke, rubbing his chin for a moment. “But I have also encountered a number of... maybe not necessarily worrying, but thought-provoking concepts and fragments that I hope you can shine some light on.”

“Happy to provide answers, if only I have them,” Twilight assured him, wondering if such a conversation could really remain only a social call. But happy to move away from the still fresh and unpleasant contention.

They had, at that point, reached the portion of the cavern not far away from that one fountain that Twilight did particularly enjoy. Blessed Fang pointed at one of the stone benches, skillfully adjusting his cloak over it to take a seat when they reached it.

“The story of your pony tribes coming together despite their vastly separate cultures and views on the world was particularly interesting, for example... You have a holiday referencing that particular moment, as I understand?”

Twilight took her seat with proper distance, giving a little glance Midnight’s way. He kept his space and stood at attention as it was expected of him.

Leaving her own focus to be solely on the young stallion next to her. Even despite the delicate whispering of water, filling the cave from the many founts, mesmerizing in its ethereal and constant tone.

“Yes, we call this celebration the Hearth's Warming Eve,” Twilight replied to the Lord, keen on providing proper explanations. “It reminds us of the unity we have found despite our differences and is to this day one of, if not the most popular holiday in our calendar.”

Blessed Fang, in return, listened with great attention. She could tell that much despite his absent, pale gaze.

“Quite understandable, some would say... and yet, it is something I find a bit perplexing,” he revealed, deep in thought. “The initial dealings between your tribes seem to have been involving a lot of tension... Different races bringing different abilities to try and form a working society, these abilities complimenting each other and yet causing disputes... It would beg a question whether this strain and sometimes hostility was due to the... misusing of certain Gifts which they had been granted.”

Twilight was not entirely ready to delve on origin myths, but she was willing to listen nonetheless. The Lord nodded in the meantime, as if agreeing with his own observation, though it might have been a false assumption.

“Still, looking beyond only our tales and sacred scriptures and focusing on what the ‘Thought’ says... the idea of a unified nation of Equestria seems to have been born out of absolute necessity, not necessarily good will.”

“Would you perhaps mean,” Twilight decided to clarify before he continued, “the threat of the windigos as an ‘absolute necessity’?”

Blessed Fang tilted his head a little. “Oh, so those were an actual threat and not simply a metaphor? How interesting.”

“Yes, as far as we can tell, those spirits were lurking and do still lurk on the fringes of our lands, especially in the mountains to the north,” she explained. “They are a form of ghostly, and perhaps also elemental, manifestations, born out of and feeding on strife and infighting.”

The Lord seemed truly engrossed to learn. Which did give Twilight a lot of relief that she hadn’t managed to impair this opportunity to converse.

“That does change my perspective on the matter already...” Blessed Fang stated. “I worried it was some sort of a very elaborate, writer’s parable. Mystical creatures is not something I would first think of, though we have those around our lands too.”

“Not a typical area of expertise even for me, Honored Lord... though for a while now I am pitted against them from time to time,” Twilight admitted with a little giggle.

Maybe a bit of a nervous one too. She hoped that everything was alright back home in that regard. Hopefully news would arrive soon.

“But, as it happens, the windigos are not just a figure of speech or some poetic imagery for conflict. And actually...” Twilight interrupted herself. She had just glanced Midnight’s way out of loving habit and it suddenly reminded her of the tapes and their interview. “I think that I recall hearing that some time before the first contact between our nations, a terrible winter came to Noctraliya, one to render the Valleys completely unsuitable for growing crops...”

“I know thing or two about that from my private library's tomes,” Blessed Fang admitted.

Giving another reason to Twilight when it came to respecting and regarding him accordingly. Anypony mentioning a private library deserved some measure of acclaim, at least.

“And I do believe, if I am not misremembering,” she capitalized on his knowledge, “ that some chronicles do mention strange spirits that came from the north causing that cold season. Those might have been the windigos, roaming about, searching for new sources of sustenance away from their usual lairs.”

“That would make a certain sense, ha,” Blessed Fang commented, leaning forth a little. “Still my query remains, though alleviated of some concern... You see, Honored Princess, our ancient history does tend to paint the beginning of our country as a concentrated effort of unity, under the Light of the Goddess, even before She deemed us worthy to witness Her in the flesh... Whilst it seems to me that Ekwestriya was, in a way, forced into being by the, as I know see, threat of destruction from these beings...”

He rose his hoof before Twilight did comment. “I do not mean it in an insulting way, Bogine absyitae, I simply see this pathway from necessity to unity missing a certain element of... noble will when it comes to it.”

She pondered on his point for a moment before replying. “I... would say that there must have been a modicum of good will, as far as we understand it. True, the leadership of the pony tribes was unwilling to find a proper solution at the time and I believe a vast majority of the tribes' population shared certain aversions... but there were brave and noble ponies around to see things through when it counted. Inspired by what matters.”

“Yes... isn’t leadership about reaching for those qualities and finding such solutions? Having in mind the spirit of unity? And being inspired as such...?”

Twilight squinted at those questions. Those were... rather open, she felt. Also leading. And also rhetorical in some regard...

She gave Blessed Fang a moment, as he was deliberating what he had just heard. There was a certain level of focus about him, true... but also something that was escaping boundaries of purely logical contemplation. Twilight saw his eyes venturing to the side, where she knew the Great Shrine was. He was approaching these topics as a devoted servant of the Goddess, as well as a pony seeking reasonable answers.

“I... have found a remarkable amount of mentions in the ‘Thoughts’ about the Goddess and Her Sister, as Equestria sees them...” he spoke up finally and there was quite the amount of care in his voice. More so than usual, she’d say. “There’s definitely a great weight put on Their place in your society and culture... and yet the recognition of Their importance does not come with anything that would... how to say it...”

He hissed a little, then took a deep breath.

“This is what I have found most perplexing... and I still do. It... eludes my perspective, our perspective, come to think of it. You have the very manifestations, the... avatars, I think the closest expression would be, of the most powerful beings to look upon this world from Their great, spiritual realms right in your realm, guiding it in the most direct way possible... And there is a great deal of reverence towards the ‘Princesses’ in the foundations of many of your philosophies. Like the one of Harmony and Friendship that you are preaching, hwalba knaze. But Bogine i Ipea Sostre, over the many years of your culture’s growth and your nation’s prosperity, never reached the dignity that we believe They should be given...”

Twilight listened to him with great care and with her respect growing further, without question. He was a priest of the Immaculate Moon and one of considerable presence among the caste... and yet in his voice there was no admonition. It was filled only with the desire to understand. And, knowing what she had already known about batpony spirituality, she understood completely where he was coming from.

The question was – did she possess an answer to satisfy him? Or even one to push this matter into the direction of said understanding?

She wasn’t talking with a colt, no... but perhaps there was a young perspective that would work here?

“If you shall allow me to share something that might be useful, Honored Lord... A personal, deeply personal insight?”

“Naturally, conmod.”

“I know that I am viewed in the eyes of the Children of the Goddess as both a pony of Divine Aspect in my own right, as well as a disciple of the Judging Sun. And those assessment would be correct,” she admitted without shame. “But, as it happens, I have been taught and raised by the Judging Sun pretty much since I was a little filly. She was, for all intents and purposes, my teacher, my guide and my defender. My adoptive mother, almost.”

Blessed Fang brought a hoof to his chin in deep ruminations. “We know that the ponies walking in daylight are closer to the Sewira Solee than to Our Mother... But I had no idea your connection was quite so... close. Were there harsh and unforgiving teachings, as we would suspect them being?”

Twilight smiled inwardly. For all those times when she had bitten her tongue, stopped herself from actively defending Princess Celestia’s good name... this was perhaps her chance to make it all up to her mentor. And with a pony that was genuinely intrigued, rather than judgmental. Even his last question had spoken of that. He was both confident and steadfast in his ways and yet showing willingness to hear about another perspective, even if it contradicted his beliefs.

“Well, Princess Celestia did put a large emphasis on my thorough education, but... I would not call her harsh and unforgiving. Stern when necessary and acting with conviction. Yet also understanding, compassionate and caring.”

It felt so good to let those bottled-up truths out finally. At least for her, since Blessed Fang’s expression didn’t change much, still locked in deep thought.

Twilight needed something to allow for a little firmer push with these declarations of hers. She had to make the argument fuller, complete... She scavenged her mind for an idea and looked Midnight’s way, where he was stoically keeping watch, in perfect attention.

To the ponies around, he was a picture of duty and bravery of a Nightguardian... To her, he was a lover and the sweetest stallion she had ever met. And maybe, one day, even—

And then it hit her. The words that he, himself, had told her. When he had shared his beautiful dream of their future with her.

“I... believe,” Twilight continued her thought, prompting Blessed Fang to immediately look back at her, “that just as our ways differ from those of the batponies, the presence and the role of the Princesses... the Goddess and Her Sister... and how they act towards us differ. Accordingly. To best... shape our spirits, I would dare declare.”

Having said that, Twilight pondered on it some more. Yes... Yes, it felt right to say. It felt good to say, actually. She took another deep breath, finding inspiration to elaborate.

“The Goddess, I will point out, did not abandon us when after had chosen the noctrali to be her personal charge. Her children. Hers is the same, silver sign that is on our sky to this night. But to make herself and her sister more... understandable and approachable, for us, Equestrians, they became the Princesses. Because this is exactly who we needed and still need. And in the corresponding roles. Princess Celestia, with her kindness and a warm smile, with the majesty like the bright sun. Princess Luna, with her veiled guidance and diligence in protecting us when the night falls...”

“And we, noctrali,” Blessed Fang picked up her supposition, his voice filled with a measure of wonder, “have Bogine i Ipea Sostre in Their pure divinity, because this is who we need to better ourselves. A caring Mother and a harsh judge. A kind, loving Immaculate Moon... and the diligent, implacable Judging Sun.”

“One pony’s guardian is another pony’s arbiter,” Twilight concurred, feeling like she was forging something new and something definitely eye-opening. In a philosophical and metaphysical sense, even. “Same beings, helping us in achieving what’s best for us. Aiding in a precise way. The way that certain pony tribes and nations need to be guided exactly. Sometimes necessity is first required to seek unity. Only to then have it solidified by the right ponies appearing in the end. The right Royal Sisters, perhaps,” she presented the observation clearly. “And sometimes... it takes the Light of the Goddess to guide down the path already found and the rays of the Sun to strongly remind of its importance.”

“As long as it gives us a chance to better ourselves, to make our characters mature. Proper approach for everypony, to make souls purer, ha...” the young Lord said, his gaze even more remote than usual, but his voice far more lively. He was almost biting his hoof with his fangs at that point, so deep was he in consideration. “I... Ha, this makes a phenomenal point to discuss!”

He suddenly looked straight at Twilight and something flickered in his citrine gaze. It could only be one thing and she recognized it immediately. That wonderful, youthful spark of fascination. One that betrayed his age after all, but did the complete opposite of making him look childish.

“I’m... not sure if this is entirely right, as this calls for far more cautious deliberating, but... a wonderful, comprehensive idea, hwalba knaze! Different ways for our great deities to work on us, to try and give everypony an opportunity to improve in hearts and spirits. I’ll definitely meditate upon this a great deal, ia grat tue, ab Bogine.”

Twilight could only smile, as seeing this excitement from him made her feel incredibly fulfilled... It was as if she had granted him a miraculous spark herself.

Something to definitely raise and improve her own spirit.


Luna wasn’t used to such meetings. Especially in abundance and quick succession alike.

Tension was nothing new to her, she had her reasons to feel stressed out and overburdened in her long life, but she always preferred to measure these strong moods, lest they could overwhelm her.

... as her experience had proven.

It was especially effective for her to deal with such mounting burdens with some alone time. Or one on one situations. Like it often came to being, when she was traversing through the realm of pony dreams to help and aid. She was bringing solace to one pony at a time and that was fine. It meant she could focus better. And it meant she felt great afterwards, having shared a private, individual moment to bolster one’s spirits. Encourage and safeguard.

This... wasn’t one of those moments. Nor was it about changing the mind of one pony, but rather a nation.

The silence between those attending, the atmosphere as dense as it was that morning in the Royal Parlour... no, none of that was helping.

Moonwarden’s report was almost concluded, as he stood still a moment longer, expression cold and stoic.

“I have managed to ascertain us of one thing and clearly. They are ready and willing to act, waiting for the right signal to wage war or continue the peaceful service,” he accentuated. “I shall not, however, having in mind the safety of Equestria, lie that I managed to gain a reliable source of information. For Commander Ardent Fang the word of the Covenant equals the word of the Goddess.” His gaze ventured in Luna’s direction, filled with reverence much more tender than his tone. “If he deems their order sufficient, the noctrali move will come without us having any forewarning from him.”

“Unless we suddenly decide to catch every bat moving about Canterlot...” Raven, to the side of Celestia, commented, visibly displeased with the news. “Might as well entertain the thought. Can your protective barrier single out animals like that, Prince-Consort?”

“I could try, Advisor, but I’m afraid a massive magical dome over the city might be a dead giveaway that we suspect something...” Shining Armor responded. Despite the early hour... or late for some, he arrived at the talks with unquestionable focus.

Luna knew it was his way of hiding just how angered and worried he was about Twilight Sparkle. And she didn’t blame him at all.

Her sister took the initiative afterwards, nodding Moonwarden’s way. “Thank you regardless, Advisor. For your brave attempt and your honesty in presenting the achieved results.”

The unicorn only bowed his head back. “Please, Your Solar Majesty, this is hardly an achievement. I feel like I have not gained us an advantage of any sort, other than confirmation that an invasion can truly happen.”

“That is already knowledge that we desperately needed,” the Alicorn of the Sun replied and Luna recognized that undertone of determination in her calm voice. “Shining Armor?”

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Would it be... disgraceful of me to ask you to meet with the current Captain of the Royal Guard for a private, casual conversation?”

The Prince-Consort took a deep breath, as insightful about the meaning of those words as everypony else would be. “No, Your Majesty. I understand and I agree, we have to make certain, delicate preparations. Just in case...”

He paused and Luna saw the muscles of his neck tensing. Cadance, sitting right next to her husband, put her hoof against his in a calming gesture.

“Just in case hostile actions shall be taken. With my sister being held hostage or worse...”

The atmosphere got that much denser and unpleasant, but... that talk had already happened. In this very room. Between him and Celestia and Luna.

And she was as tired of feeling overburdened as she was with that state getting progressively worse and worse in her mind.

So she rose to her hooves, making Moonwarden stand at attention with that much more diligence. Ready to support her words, whatever those would be. Even after their recent... conversation.

It was definitely encouraging, to see this unshaken readiness from him still.

“Whatever scenarios you are imagining, Prince-Consort, I will not let any of them happen. You do not have my word, no...” she declared, inhaling deeply. “You have my solemn vow, as the Alicorn of the Night. Princess Twilight Sparkle shall return from her mission among my children, unscathed.”

Shining Armor looked as convinced as a worried brother ever could, but Moonwarden loyally chimed in to support her profound declaration.

“I shall allow myself to remind the room that Commander Ardent Fang was as serious about making military moves as he was about fulfilling Her Lunar Majesty’s latest order. Her Highness is to be escorted safely back to Equestria. Besides, Her Lunar Majesty had already devised a plan to gain us an upper hoof. In case I would be unsuccessful in gaining anything useful from the Nightguard.”

“Oh, that’s reassuring,” Cadance expressed her interest and optimism both. Especially clearly considering her husband’s distress, as one would imagine. “You’re working fast, dear aunt.”

“It pays to be far-sighted in the current situation,” Luna proclaimed firmly.

Trying to, with all her might, recall what sort of a plan she, allegedly, had devised. She supposed that Moonwarden “remembered” it well enough to present it to her afterwards.

She spotted Celestia standing up as well, making the chamber focus entirely on her and her resolute expression, just like one’s eye would be drawn to the first rays of the rising Sun.

“Verily, we need to be cautious. So let us keep our eyes and ears open, especially since I have made a promise of sending some of our ponies to Maretonia. Equestria’s honor and reliability rest with that promise. We don’t want to be caught unaware and at a bad time... But I trust entirely in my sister’s actions. And I want to believe that the noctrali shall be reasonable in the end,” she expressed the faint hope and Luna was thankful that she did so after all. “Not to mention that my faithful student is a most brilliant mare. I know that she will not be taken by surprise and that her conviction in Friendship will see her through.”

She truly believed it, Luna knew so much. But this declaration was to serve first and foremost as an attempt at lessening the crushing tension at least a little.

“For now, some of us need their due rest and the others have their responsibilities for the day. Once more, our gratitude to you, Advisor Moonwarden,” she again turned to the grey unicorn. “Do notify us immediately of anything topical that you and your ponies will find out, especially if it would be urgent.”

“Naturally, Your Solar Majesty.”

Moonwarden’s tone was most diligent, but Luna recognized a loaded sentence from him when she heard one.

She had a chance to inquire him about it just after the gathering had ended and he was accompanying her back to her wing of the castle. To see her to her rest before leaving to have his own.

There were matters to tend to still that morning, however.

“I am, myself, thankful and overjoyed to see you back, Moonwarden. My children’s hospitality can take on specific forms, I would say nowadays,” she admitted with a dosage of reluctance.

“It is nothing, my lady, honestly,” he replied with a small chuckle. “I believe that I have been in greater dangers than making a semi-official visit to the headquarters of an elite military unit of... an allied and most loyal nation.”

She shook her head at his ridiculous tone. “You don’t need to dilute the certain risks, my servant.”

“Maybe so, my lady. But I had every ounce of trust that they would not hurt a faithful of the Goddess in the end. Did some... additional assurances in that regard, actually. And, as I have gained no further scars,” he said, stretching his back with a small grimace, “this was nothing to write home about...”

“But maybe something to share in person instead?” she asked when they ventured down an empty corridor.

She might have been choosing the less-frequented ones on purpose, actually. And Moonwarden wasn’t blind to miss that particular detail, while still keeping a sharp eye out for morning maids and guardsponies.

“Perhaps a thing or two, my lady. I would rather consult you first before letting some recent observations and hypotheses loose.”

“Your prudence is noted. However, before that...”

She stopped in mid trot, turning to him. Much to his momentary surprise, expressed in halting immediately with a curious expression.

“I take it you... don’t take what happened in the Royal Office personally.”

The stallion faced her entirely. Then he fixed his trusty monocle and checked his long coat, in a practiced manner. She observed him, feeling... and knowing that he was giving her an answer by those gestures as well.

“My lady, I have sworn to serve you in whatever capacity necessary. True, I think said capacity is a little more sophisticated than being an insolent disciplinarian, but if that was required at that moment...” He then gave her a small, almost humble smile, but his gray eyes shone with utmost seriousness. “Legitimately, I should be the one asking whether I have not transgressed in a way for me to expect a not-so-subtle hint about ‘strongly considering stepping down’.”

Luna shook her head. At the same time guilty, relieved... and she would even dare say, merry. “So I should refrain from trying to apologize to you for that outburst and continue as if nothing happened.”

“Not necessarily ‘nothing’, my lady, as you did exercise your majesty. And potently. That is the point of being... Your Majesty,” he spoke with a full grin now. “Definitely not something to feel sorry for. I will say that it was a very, very positive sign in the current situation.”

She granted him a small smile back and the lively spark in his gaze in response was... rather uplifting, she couldn’t lie. More so than she would think, actually, but she welcomed the sensation.

Moonwarden pointed upwards with his hoof as soon as that glint had disappeared, hidden again behind that conniving gray.

“Besides, you will need that exact grandeur to fulfill your upcoming plan I feel, my lady...”

“About that,” Luna replied, motioning for them to continue down the corridor, most curious, “since when have I been so genius and perspicacious?”

Her faithful shadow only shrugged. “Please, my lady, it is glaringly obvious... Since you have me.”

There was that outrageous hubris which she was so used to. She couldn’t say that she wasn’t pleased to hear it that morning.

“Very well, then, my ingenious and presuming servant. You haven’t granted us an opening with Commander Ardent Fang, what else can you advise me in now?”

Moonwarden immediately took a breath and his bearing shifted into that utmost focus of his. She was about to hear observations reserved for her ears only and, quite likely, be witness to at least one, self-made dialogue.

“I shall start with some ‘lesser’ matters, then. To work up the appetite,” he began. “Despite the general response I have received from the Commander, I believe that he is being almost entirely sincere. In his mind the call for a diversion, attack or even outright war does not negate that he and the Nightguard shall do their best to have Princess Twilight Sparkle returned to Equestria... Both of those missions are of divine command. A rather remarkable sign of discipline from him... actually, borderline cognitive dissonance, but remarkable still.”

Luna grimaced at the very thought of the possible conflict, but she could not very well just keep denying the possibility and hoping for the best. However, this outlook that Moonwarden had mentioned...

“So are we to expect that she will be kept safe as a hostage? If things take the worst of turns?”

“Quite likely so, though...” He shook his head and his brow furrowed. “Something is not entirely clear to me. Taking into consideration all of their previous moves, that is not the safest and craftiest of scenarios for them to undertake. Not by any stretch of imagination...”

“You mean that in regards to Twilight Sparkle’s power?” Luna guessed.

And correctly. “Exactly, my lady. I am uncertain whether the batponies realize just how much of it Her Highness has. And we are speaking about raw ability, not capacity derived from the sheer belief in Friendship... of all things...” he added with a roll of his eyes.

“Regardless of your opinion, that is also a potent factor to consider,” she reminded the unicorn, but he remain unconvinced about it. As was his want.

“I do not think that is what the batponies would plan for... unless...” He bit his lower lip, but then shook his head. “Notwithstanding... That time when she visited you, my lady, to seek your blessing for her mission, she managed to lift up that amulet of luneeit from your collection. Which, for anypony but an absolute expert in magic should have been impossible.”

“I concur. She’s always praised by my sister for her focus and expertise in the field. I... yes, I would think that my children simply do not grasp how powerful she is,” Luna admitted, considering the odds. “And still how mighty she shall become, when the age and grounding in her alicorn form both settle in.”

Moonwarden nodded, but his voice wasn’t an example of sureness. “That might be, my lady, but... honestly, one thing that is connected to both of those topics comes to mind, in a way.”

“That being?” she inquired as they turned the corridor and began ascending up the staircase, further in the direction of Luna’s chamber.

“Her Highness began her journey from the Nightguard bastion being assigned a pair of sentinels. Deep Mist and Midnight Wind, if memory serves me with their names. They made a solid impression... as members of such elite units are often trained to do. But she also was familiar with the latter. At that time... also with all of their amazement over me being a convert, it all boded well,” Moonwarden accentuated, much to Luna’s interest.

“Deep Mist and Midnight Wind... Altu Opar... Maednoc Wentr. She seemed to know him?” she asked, memorizing those names just in case. Then she was hit by a memory. “Actually... she did speak of Midnight Wind. That very evening you mentioned. She talked about having interviewed him.”

“Precisely, my lady. I recall hearing it too, from the other side of a ‘bookfort’,” Moonwarden affirmed, nodding and musing. “A routine check on Ponyville some time ago did mention him being stationed there for a while, renting a house and aiding the Royal Guard, before being transferred back to the Nightguard bastion and then again appearing in the Ponyville area. The mayor... as I had been notified before we had a reason for collywobbles about all of it,” he pointed out, quite miffed, “was negotiating the possibility of having a Nightguard outpost in the area.”

“Which would sound reasonable and even hopeful when it comes to my children finding their proper, lasting place in Equestria... were it not for what we are anticipating now,” Luna pointed with a heavy heart.

She felt that she took one or two steps more forcefully, the echo of her hooves resounding all around. A millennium was a long time. For her, for them... and yet she had faintly hoped that they fared better than her. But what transpired... She was realizing anew how much had changed. And if her children seeking vengeance were to be so... all scenarios had to be considered.

She continued up the stairs, though her pace grew far more restrained again. “Do you think that she was being... researched prior to departure? I did not specify who was to be chosen to accompany her on the Nocferrat part, but he was picked for the entourage.”

Moonwarden squinted hard, considering the possibilities quite visibly and rapidly.

“She had an invitation... issued by their leadership, if I recall from her explanation. Due to being responsible for your safe and sound return, my lady,” he spoke with a note of genuine gratitude in his otherwise cold voice. “And this Midnight Wind had to receive certain permissions for those interviews, as it often is among military units, I imagine. The two of them were already acquainted, he must have seemed like a natural choice, then...” He paused and let out a sigh of irritation. “I cannot be certain if that was also a part of the grandiose plan or just a merry opportunity to exploit... But... Wait, how about...?”

He stopped in place, right as Luna exited the stairwell. She glanced back at him, seeing his silhouette wreathed in the shades remaining around the corner, hiding desperately from her sister’s daylight. For a moment she thought that she saw a lost spirit, an ominous wraith, haunting the castle’s passageways. The monocle, resting on Moonwarden’s muzzle, glinted in the dark with the few wayward rays, the only focal point one could spot against this visage of a black, restless soul.

“He... smiled when he saw her. Yes, and it was genuine...” Luna heard the stallion’s mutterings, which sounded that much more portentous considering the picture before her eyes. “She was happy too... Wait, wasn’t there something attached...? When she was visiting... Was that the reason? Might have been. Uncertain. But if the opposite is considered... Strange. That other one, though... Familiar? Not then. Familiar from where...?”

Luna waited most patiently, knowing better than to interrupt what could have brought a possible breakthrough. However, when Moonwarden materialized back from his ghostly look thanks to the light in the corridor proper, his expression was tense and dissatisfied.

“I will need to ponder on this some more, my lady,” he admitted, quite apologetic. “Something is bothering me in my mind, but I cannot figure out what and I am just getting right narked...”

“You’ve had a particularly long night, my servant,” she pointed out to him. “I’m certain a day of rest will cause ideas to spring forth. There is always a tomorrow.”

Moonwarden still shook his head. “If only one could banish such inconvenience as tiredness... then again, I suppose your point is more than fair, my lady...”

The way he finished his sentence made Luna think that an “especially” should have been following, but she found silence from him instead. A bit more dead than she would think, for some reason.

“You wished to say something additional in regards to that, Moonwarden?” she insisted, but he shook his head immediately.

“No, my lady, not really. The task was completed, though with questionable results and I am fine and dandy to continue my service.”

She wasn’t convinced entirely, but he turned to her, giving her a rascal look that couldn’t hide even underneath his fancy, crystal monocle.

“Tomorrow I shall witness your Moon once more and be glad... to grind, grovel and grub for your glory.”

He almost made her giggle out loud. “You are impossible, my servant...” she berated him in good humor.

“Oh no, my lady, I am quite possible, just an utter reprobate. You could ask Advisor Raven, she would write you a whole manifesto about that,” he admitted with a smirk. But then his gaze sharpened once more. “Before I depart for that hopeful rest, I still need to remind you of your glorious plan, my lady.”

“Yes, that. Do refresh my memory,” Luna did require, considering they were almost at her chamber’s doors at that point.

“For the first part of my visit to Commander Ardent Fang, I have inquired, naturally, whether a message or any sort of note had reached him about Princess Twilight Sparkle and her task. He claimed that not to be the case... but I have certain suspicions about that being a planned circumstance to some degree.”

Luna followed his reasoning well, though not without that prick in her heart persisting. But, maybe feeling it and getting stopped by it was only her own fault at this point.

Moonwarden continued his explanation. “Breaking communication between vital parties is a standard tactic in preparation for a grand action. Rather obvious, but doing its job. But that in conjunction with what I have learnt in the bastion... and considering the latest exchange we shared, my lady, did make me think...”

He stopped as they reached their destination. Then stood before her, did a small but most proper bow and extended his hoof in an inviting gesture.

“Would you be interested in taking a a small field trip in a night or two?”

She was taken by surprise a little, yes... especially with how cordial he sounded. This was far less like an invitation to partake in his scheme and more like suggesting some time of leisure. Though she doubted he had the latter in his guileful mind.

“Could you elaborate, perhaps?”

He, indeed, could. And was glad to, as it appeared. “Naturally, my lady. Breaking communication is that much more effective when there is one line of it. Like between Equestria and Noctraliya. By the means of small, nocturnal friends, nonetheless, sent from outpost to outpost and then deeper into the mountains. And the furthest station from here in that particular direction happens to be lead by a mare of... grammatically incorrect name by our standards... but one who I happened to have become acquainted with during my last visit.”

As he spoke, Luna’s mind began racing. Catching up quite rapidly, yes, but also evoking this familiar sense of... anxiety. Anxiety that Moonwarden, himself, had helped her realize the extent of.

And, yes... for all she could guess, it was right that feeling of hers that he had in mind, presenting his latest idea.

“Said mare happens to be overseeing, as we now assume, the reclamation and preparation of a set of old caverns. Not to mention she seems, as well, rather approachable. Possesses a strong sense of faith,” he pointed out, something of a sly smile appearing on his grey muzzle. “Having in mind what you have shared, my lady, about your certain doubts and hoping to aid you further in, perhaps, reestablishing yourself in your proper, divine place...” His gaze met hers entirely. “I thought you might be interested in taking it step by step.”

Luna felt her throat turning rather dry out of nowhere. “You... want me to go to Hollow Shades... and meet with centure Sunfall Ordain and her unit directly...?”

She felt ashamed at all the qualms in her tone.

Moonwarden easily heard those and his expression turned from that of cunning to one of reassurance and encouragement. His smile was warm... and, for Luna, it fit strangely well on his gray muzzle.

“No, no, my lady. Just the mare. I know you focus much better in private moments with other ponies, and that’s absolutely fine. Besides,” he added with a thoughtful nod, “she did mention some... family issues. Perhaps bolstering her spirits, even outside the realm of dreams that you safeguard so gallantly, my lady, would grant you equal satisfaction? As the Alicorn of the Night and the Immaculate Moon?”

Even through this cold feeling of apprehension that had made itself so at home inside of Luna, especially lately... did she feel a small current of warmth in her veins.

He knew her well. And he understood.

She acknowledged his concept, yes. And reminded herself that she also knew a thing or two about him.

“And, whilst I will be talking with her... you want me to find out whether she did postpone or halt entirely any messages from Twilight Sparkle.”

“Precisely. I doubt a pious mare like her would deny a request from the very Goddess in the flesh...”

Moonwarden’s eyes shone with satisfaction. And anticipation.

Luna couldn’t disagree with his logic, nor his scheme. But to stand before one of her faithful, after so long... after failing so terribly, letting herself be anything but “immaculate” in her heart, in her soul... after dealing with her own downfall, could she be... anything that they hoped and prayed for her to be?!

No, this was too much! This was... this...

And yet... despite this resentment, this anxiety, rooted in her...

That cleansing outburst in her Office, caused by Moonwarden’s insistence, accusation and, even, brazenness... it had helped, indeed. Surprised at herself, Luna felt at least a little inclined to go with that flow. To step up to this challenge and, maybe... maybe try to regain at least a portion of what the Nightmare had made her, in truth, lose.

All thanks to...

“Will you... will you be there for me, Moonwarden?”

Luna found herself asking. In a tone that she really wasn’t anticipating. Like that of a child, hoping for encouragement, for support. And yet with a note much, much deeper and profound than she would think necessary.

She definitely had not planned for it to sound anything like it did. Though she was certain it was her imagination, she nonetheless heard that question resonating up and down the corridor in a strange echo. Returning to shake her to the core, in a strange anticipation of Moonwarden’s reply.

The gray stallion’s expression turned as keen as earnest. Something stirred in those silver eyes, something that she couldn’t describe nor discern, as they reflected her own gaze.

Her Royal Advisor, loyal servant and tireless confidant placed his hoof against his vest, right over his heart. His voice’s low timbre joined that inner reverberation inside her, enhanced it... and, in a strange way, made Luna’s very soul flutter.


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