• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XXXII – Permissions

It was not the first time that Twilight felt countless pairs of eyes locked straight on her. It was not to be the last time either. But that moment... that instance in which she stood in the Midnight’s Library, before the Lord of the Midnight Family, his retinue, his archivists and her love... and declared that Equestria will not meet the demands of the Covenant for the crimes of Radiant Glory... that one memory was destined to remain with her forever.

Midnight Eye’s gaze was stoic. That noble and autocratic stoicism was drilling right through Twilight’s head, as if the stallion was doing his best to reach out to the very foundations of her reasoning, then carve and rip them out of her mind to examine.

Twilight, instead, wanted nothing more than to see what Midnight Wind’s gaze would tell her now, but, locked in this most fierce staring duel, she could not allow herself that. She was the Princess of Equestria now, contesting the will of not only the present haspadr, but all of them at once. The Covenant had made their point clear – they expected specific reimbursement.

She was not going to give them that one. She could not.

The silence had become tense as soon as the echo of Twilight’s defiant words faded away. Now, when not one batpony that could hear her dared speak, the stillness became crushing. Mercilessly crushing. But she was not going to bend, or break.

No. She was going to be a Princess.

Finally, after the moment that felt like an entire eternity, Midnight Eye took a step forward, in a motion practiced and imposing. His voice never raised in volume from firm and regal. It did not have to. His words were enough.

“Honored Princess... am I to understand that, after having read the Testimony that proves our kind’s tragedy, caused by a soleeran, out of hatred, out of prejudice, the tragedy that claimed the lives of hundreds of our brethren, that destroyed Houses and scarred Families, that threatened our very existence, and at the time of the greatest sorrow of the Eclipse... you would deny us our due reimbursement?”

Twilight took a deep breath, never breaking eye contact with Midnight Eye.

“No, Honored Lord. The fault of Radiant Glory is glaring. The anguish caused to the night-dwellers – undeniable. I would be the last pony to say otherwise, now that I have gained this knowledge myself.”

“Then why those words of yours, Honored Princess?” came back the question laced with vigilance.

“Because I have not come here to cause more suffering.”

Without waiting for the Lord’s reaction, Twilight started to look around, towards the ponies around and above her, trying to meet directly as many eyes as she could.

The whispers were already carrying her words further and further amongst the gathered batponies.

“I have come to the Seven Mountains with a message of Friendship. With a message of peace, understanding and solidarity. What I have found here shocked me deeply. I was not prepared for the tale of such tragedy, I had no knowledge of it prior. Well, now I do. I do, and that makes me more adamant in my mission...”

More and more eyes. Amber, mustard, saffron, golden, citrine, vanilla, jonquil, the occasional ruby and crimson, sapphire and azure, viridian and malachite. All focused on her. All cautious, distrustful, but also... strangely and coldly hopeful.

“You, the night-dwellers, deserve your repayment, even if it cannot bring back the homes burned and the lives lost over a millennium ago. But such reparation must be one based not on pain, but understanding. Not retribution, but compassion. We must not let one wrong become another, even if backed by the most noble of intentions.”

Her gaze, having encompassed as much of the Library as she could, ventured back to the ponies around her. The Lord’s sentinels, Midnight Whisper to the side, his expression inscrutable... and Midnight.

Her Midnight, also listening to her every word with expectancy, himself being a noctral. Her Midnight, whose gaze and approval meant more to her than the will of the entire Covenant.

And he was looking at her with both surprise and... pride. Deep, selfless pride that could only bloom out of love.

“I have sworn an oath with my blood, not to disclose what I already have and will discuss with the esteemed Covenant. But know this... By the Will of the Immaculate Moon...” She bowed her head in reverence. Then, her stare locked on Midnight Eye. “And by the wisdom, inclination and accord of the Lords and mine, we shall forge an arrangement that will see everypony repaid. In the spirit of Friendship that will carry us onward from this moment on.”

As the echo carried her declarations far and wide, amongst the floors, amongst the books and scrolls, her eyes were clashing with the Lord’s. He remained in his stance, imposing and autocratic, but she did not feel that intimidating her in any way. She met his strength with her own. His splendor with her eagerness. His conviction with her candor.

He said nothing, but kept staring at her... when a sound dared interrupt their impasse.


The faint exhale came from one of the upper floors, but in the stillness of the Library, it resounded. Oh how it resounded.

Soon, another one followed. Then another. Five, ten, twenty, forty. Each signifying support. Agreement. Even joy.

Midnight Eye’s lips shuddered. Twilight worried that ire or disappointment would cause that. Especially considering the Lord’s stance in the negotiations so far. She knew well, her words right now could have been considered daring, so a spout of anger would have been unsurprising.

But she was very mistaken.

The Lord... smirked. A satisfied, impressed smirk.

He was the first to turn his gaze away, leaving her befuddled with the sentence that she could read from the deep of his aureolin eyes.

‘Well played.’

“Midnight Family!”

The haspadr’s voice carried with itself authority and dominance that could have easily drowned out those few, faint exhales of support for her. But his words...

“Let us rejoice, Children of the Goddess, for the Honored Princess Twilight Sparkle speaks with wisdom and integrity. Her eyes opened to our plight, her mind accepted the truth of the Testimony and her heart wept with our ancient anguish. And her soul... her soul felt the touch of our Goddess!”

This time the whispers all around were even quicker, the entire Library drinking from their Lord’s every word and declaration.

And more and more exhales followed.

“We all hoped, in the depths of our hearts, that a night will come during which our misery shall be not only acknowledged, but shared and understood. The Judging Sun, the bright and merciless justice, granted us the Testimony in her scorching grace. Respected our right to mourn for as long as we needed to, to safeguard our Mountains first and foremost. And she respected our right to one night seek out the justice ourselves. When we shall be ready for it. When we shall be strong and confident again, our Goddess, the Immaculate Moon... having returned to us.”

One or two louder, more enthusiastic shouts of approval joined Midnight Eye’s speech.

Twilight stood tall and proud as the Lord pointed at her, fighting the surprise and befuddlement on the inside.

“Tonight, the Judging Sun’s own acolyte, bearing the Divine Aspect, stood before us. The same mare, that through the guidance of our Goddess, with the help of our ancestors amongst the stars, aided in our Mother’s release. And, more so, she recognized our droit, tall and strong. Willing not to accept demands blindly, to dishonor us with throwaway repayment, but to work alongside us and give equally to what was taken!”

More and more shouts filled the space of the Midnight Library, as Midnight Eye lifted his head high, his voice reaching its strongest notes yet.

“So rejoice, Midnight Family, for we were the first to hear this, by the Goddess’ grace! Let no House be unaware, let no ears be deaf! Let it be known that Sparkle of Twilight, the Princess of Equestria, is a welcomed guest and a friend to those that dwell in the night!”

Thunderous and ferocious cheers erupted all over the Library, which by sheer contradiction made them resonate profoundly within Twilight. She stood where she was, trying to keep her composure, gracing the rejoicing batponies with her gaze and smile. She saw that a couple of archivists quickly made their way outside, surely to spread the news of this incredible occurrence to their relatives.

Midnight, himself, cheered and whooped, stomping his armored hooves. Using this sudden outburst, Twilight locked gazes with him again, and their wordless connection made warmth spread through her. To see him so happy was the greatest joy for her.

Then she met the Lord’s stern, satisfied gaze. As he approached, flanked by the praises, she could only nod.

“I... feel bewildered, grateful and impressed altogether, Honored Lord,” she admitted, overwhelmed by the reaction.

He gave her a fanged smile. “I presume I should say ‘likewise’, Honored Princess. But I think it would be better that we discuss everything with the luxury of privacy.”

With a faint gesture, he invited her to join him, beckoning towards Midnight and the two sentinels as well. Then, with a swoosh of his cape that made the nearby archivists bow again, the Lord trotted towards the exit from the Library.

Twilight was not far behind, giving kind glances left and right.

Midnight was close to her, quickly checking on his father who seemed not as enthusiastic, though definitely content with what had transpired.

Twilight said nothing during the trip back, trying to puzzle out why had Midnight Eye done what he had done. What was his game now? He declared her an official friend of the batponies, if not all then at least of the Midnight Family. This was a long step away from ultimatums and veiled threats. Even the way he presented the demands worked in her favor now...

The said Lord led them, royally, back to his Palace. But, instead of the dining hall or any other place of official significance, they arrived at a chamber that resembled his private study, with an oaken side table and a pair of elegant and comfortably-looking chairs, guarded by shelves of books and scrolls, all illuminated with but a few candelabra.

“Please, Honored Princess, this is my own audience room. I thought it would work well tonight,” the Lord announced, waving away the sentinels, who saluted wordlessly and stepped outside.

Midnight paid his respects as well. “Hwalbe haspadr, I am ready to leave too, for the sake of secrecy and privacy.”

Nye, Maednoc Wentr, you may stay. You have taken a blood oath before the Seat of the Covenant, it shall bind you here as well.”

Twilight looked around the dark granite and silver room. “I appreciate the quietness, Honored Lord. And I think we do indeed need to converse.”

Midnight Eye pointed her towards one of the seats. “Indeed. Would you like a drink before we do?” the Lord suggested, having in mind the silver pitcher and a pair of ornate goblets on the table.

“I think that is a decent idea...”

After a quick gesture from the Lord, Midnight wasted little time filling both chalices and passing them respectfully between the two of them. Then, he assumed his position just to the side of Twilight’s seat, at perfect attention.

Twilight began by sipping the fresh, orange drink, but she could only buy herself so much time.

“I have to say that, after a careful deliberation, I am still bewildered, grateful and impressed...” she revealed, gazing curiously at the middle-aged batpony in front of her, who assumed a self-assured, but casual posture.

“Which of these emotions would you wish addressed first, Honored Princess?” he asked with a smirk, himself taking a refreshing gulp.

“I am fairly certain gratefulness has a priority here. I am just... confused as to why you have done what you have done, Lord Midnight Eye...”

The haspadr leaned even more back in his chair. “And, what exactly have I done, Honored Princess?”

“I am not oblivious, Honored Lord. You could have easily gone fighting my arguments. You could have discredited my declarations, in the midst of your own subjects, obviously having the higher ground...” Twilight commented, observing him with great care. “After your initial response to my declaration, I was expecting that... and yet, you have instead... announced that I should be considered a friend?”

Midnight Eye’s lips twitched in a sneer. “You sound, indeed, befuddled. And here I thought you came here for the sake of exactly that. Friendship.”

Twilight blinked. She blinked again, but it was of little help. “... point taken.”

The Lord just shook his head with a chuckle and held his chalice between both of his hooves, swirling its contents slowly. “Forgive me, Honored Princess, that was an ungenerous remark from me. But treat it as a sign of my satisfaction.”

“I... will, though I am still uncertain what the source of this satisfaction might be, Honored Lord,” Twilight admitted, herself trying to take a more firm stance. “Forgive me my own remark, but faced with the previous ultimatum of the Covenant, I have now seen two types of satisfaction from you, and they clash rather fiercely when it comes to the circumstances and their nature.”

“True enough, Honored Princess...” Midnight Eye concurred, giving the juice in his goblet a long glance. “I suppose the best course of action here is to go with the flow of the moment... and admit to a misjudgment.”

“Misjudgment?” Twilight echoed. Now, that was... very unexpected.

He always seemed like a pony never to do such a thing.

“Yes, indeed,” the haspadr nevertheless confirmed, locking gazes with her. “One that I am rather... merry about, I admit. Hopeful, even.”


“You, of course, Honored Princess.”

Twilight squinted her eyes a bit. “I sincerely hope for a full explanation, then,” she responded, a bit sternly, but the Lord did not seem to mind.

“Of course...” He put the chalice down onto the table and took a deep breath. “When we have learned of your extraordinary involvement in the release of Our Mother, Neskaza Lunee... we were not certain what to... make out of you, as it is said in your language, Honored Princess. And I do not mean any offence by it. Anypony involved directly in aiding the Goddess would spawn curiosity, you have to agree.”

Twilight just nodded, trying to remember every single word of this conversation. Something told her that what had transpired in the Library was but a tip of the iceberg.

If the said iceberg was even real.

“Our official invitation, first one ever to be given to a sunpony, seemed like a correct repayment for what you have accomplished, especially considering your scholar nature. But, your Divine Aspect, your studies under the Judging Sun? Those were... troubling traits to learn of. Causing much uncertainty.”

“I can grasp the perspective,” Twilight assured, encouraging him to continue.

Midnight Eye’s brow furrowed for a moment. “Hence why the Covenant was, and still is, rather... wary about this historical moment. Of course, I can speak only for myself right now. I, myself, wanted mostly to see what kind of a pony would you be, if you were chosen by the Goddess to continue to aid Her despite your allegiances. Would you be truly a leader? A paragon? Or maybe just an upstart?” He leaned forward, his expression unimpressed. “The first notion was... inconclusive.”

“Inconclusive,” Twilight parroted, but not without grasping the point that the Lord seemed to have been approaching. Not that she was particularly happy about what she was hearing. “So... you have decided to test me, is that it? See if I am even worthy of engaging in diplomacy with?”

“No, no, Honored Princess. I assure you, our demands have foundations greater than the assessment of character, I think we can agree on this,” Midnight Eye stated, eliciting a nod from her.

“I cannot deny that, not after what I have read...” Twilight agreed, though her mood took a drastic downfall. “Regardless, however, I was being assessed.”

“Of course,” the Lord admitted without shame. “And not only by us, as your encounter with the tuariani proves... I suspect you were assessing us all back as well, it seems only natural to wish to learn as much as one can about a possible ally, or potential rival.”

“One needs to keep... eyes open.”

The tone and stress Twilight put on the sentence caused Midnight Eye to lean back, taking a deep breath. He looked at her intently, then at Midnight who remained perfectly motionless, then back at her.

She had two ponies accompanying her when her quest began.

“Some Lords tend to be more... cautious, as it turned out,” the Lord acquiesced, though without escaping with his gaze at all. “For the better and worse...”

Twilight had a pretty good idea what “some” could mean, but she was not dealing with “some” right now.

“Such actions have little to do with forming an actual friendship between ponies and nations...”

“Perhaps. But, unlike Equestria, Noctraliya learned to be distrustful rather early,” Midnight Eye remarked stoically. “And may Equestria never follow suit...”

Twilight could not win on this front and with this argument, so she decided to switch the approach. “You said that you have misjudged me, Honored Lord... What exactly caused such a... drastic change of opinion?”

The haspadr reached for the goblet, but did not take a sip, simply content to hold it in his hooves again.

“I think I can allow myself true sincerity...” he remarked, his voice frigid. “I have enough issues with my fellow Lords. The last thing I need... we all need, I believe... is a pony without the necessary attributes to be a leader coming over and trying to form any sort of relations, especially considering the grim history of our nations... Or, even worse, that pony being a fanatical acolyte of the Judging Sun...”

Now that was rich, especially considering some of the batpony’s religious dogmas... Of course, Twilight was not going to let Midnight Eye know of her opinion on the matter, but she felt more than absolved from having such thoughts appear in her mind.

The Lord continued, unaware of her ruminations. “You are a young mare, even with your remarkable position as the Judging Sun’s disciple. Your... breakdown at the Seat of the Covenant did not spell anything positive...”

“Would you blame me for it, Honored Lord?” Twilight interjected, with a stern voice and a small tilt of her head.

“When it happens in public, amongst political competitors? I would,” the Lord outright stated, causing her to furrow her brow. “It did leave a sour taste in my mouth, I have to admit, but... I have realized that this was not a sign of weakness, but compassion and honesty, hwalba knaze...

He did not speak for a while, instead drinking the juice solemnly. Twilight used this opportunity to glance at Midnight, but his expression was almost inscrutable, other than his eyes seeming cautiously wider.

With a smack of his lips and an exhale, Midnight Eye quenched his thirst for the moment and again focused on Twilight. “And yet, compassion and honesty mean nothing if they are naïve. And best intentions are a burden if they are gullible. You? You, as I have found out, are neither.”

Twilight crossed her forelegs on her chest, having put the chalice down. “Flattery? And rather dubious one?”

The Lord chuckled actually. “I have little time for such... what’s the word in Ekwestriyar... ‘nonsense’. As you must have observed already, I am a pony that is not far from bitter remarks if they get the point across. And my point is this...” He raised the goblet a light higher, the candlelight flickering in its reflective surface, toasting her. “You have impressed me.”

Twilight could swear that a small rustle of armor came from Midnight’s direction, but she could not pay attention to it.

Not after hearing that.

“Impressed you, Honored Lord?” she inquired blankly.

“Indeed,” he immediately agreed. “You are respectful towards our ways, you appreciate our culture, you do your best to emulate it sometimes. Even your Test of Faith at the Tuarie was favorable! Yet, what is more important to me than all of this – you are capable of taking a stance when necessary and acutely play the political game at the same time. Like when you dealt with the wisokantase. As you could have observed, Midnight Litany is a mare that fears not to scold her own haspadr, even if she should know better...” Twilight heard a dangerous note in the Lord’s voice. “You found yourself in that unique situation rather skillfully, I admit.”

Despite the vigilance that Twilight decided to adopt, the Lord’s words felt genuine. Not pleasant, at first, but straightforward. She allowed herself to relax a little, after realizing that she had tensed up almost every muscle in her body, as if she and not Midnight was the one standing at attention.

“I might be young, Honored Lord, and I might not have the years of experience at being a ruler,” she stated with calm confidence, “but I know what my task is and what responsibilities it leaves me with. I’m a Princess of Equestria for a reason, not by chance... nor by favor.”

“That you are proving, Honored Princess,” Midnight Eye agreed, “and that pleases me. Makes me actually want to hear you out regarding your proposal at establishing positive relations between our two nations, indeed. As well as addressing the tragic past.”

Twilight took her time, reached for her drink before replying. Its freshness was invigorating and granting her the pause to make her next outlook resound.

“I can tell you, Honored Lord, it will not involve me freely giving away Equestrian lands, alongside their inhabitants and resources...”

Midnight Eye squinted his eyes, but it was not a singularly negative expression from him, surprisingly. “You have made that point clear, even if I cannot be outright overjoyed by such a decision. However, I can assure you I shall be judging your other proposals without preconceived notions...”

“That is all that I would ask for, Honored Lord,” Twilight responded, finally deciding to offer the stallion a smile. “I can tell that you are trying to do what you believe to be best for your subjects, and I can only hope that I, myself, can one day have such conviction in putting the well-being of those that follow me above everything else. I trust that fully exploring the ideas of Friendship alongside us is the way to find common ground, one which shall make all of the ponies we care about prosper...”

The Lord stayed silent and motionless for a moment, but Twilight could tell that she hit accurately with the remark about his conviction in caring for the interests of his subjects. It actually made a lot of sense to her. Midnight Eye was not above plotting and scheming, she was certain, but there was that note of pragmatic sincerity she now managed to observe in him.

What he did was meant to be always to the benefit of his Family.

“I am a haspadr, Honored Princess. The authority I have received when I took the circlet and cloak after my father, may he dwell in Silverheaven, I am obliged to use to strengthen our Mountain,” Midnight Eye’s firm words were. “Whatever it takes, I will see my Family flourish. Whatever it takes.”

Twilight gave him a regal nod of understanding. “And I shall do whatever it takes to ensure that nopony is left hurt by our arrangements, Honored Lord, but all can profit instead. Midnight Family not least of all...”

She grabbed her chalice a little firmer. Hesitating but a breath, she leaned forward, rising it his way, expectantly.

She was inclined to give back a toast, after all. Why not give it some more meaning?

Midnight Eye stayed motionless for a while, eyeing her and the goblet. And the moment when Twilight was about to pale, thinking she inadvertently insulted or confused him, a smile bloomed on the Lord’s muzzle and the loud clink of silver followed.

“To new understanding!” she declared loudly.

“And to a common future!” Midnight Eye replied, locking satisfied gazes with her.

Never had orange juice tasted sweeter for Twilight, as she dried out the chalice in no time. She had done it. She had actually done it. She had reached an understanding with a Lord.

One down... six more to go.

“I will notify the other members of the Covenant that you have acquainted yourself with the Testimony, Honored Princess,” Midnight Eye offered, himself taking care of the rest of his drink. “Before the next meeting, you are a guest of mine. And a welcomed one. The pleasures of our Mountain are yours to enjoy.”

“That is very gracious of you, Honored Lord!” Twilight thanked him, relieved to finally get rid of the tougher, autocratic act. “I will gladly do so. I find the Mountain of Midnight quite fascinating.”

“Especially the Library, I gather,” Midnight Eye responded somewhat impishly. “I will make sure you are shown around, Honored Princess...” Then, he turned his attention to Midnight. “At ease, nocferratan.

Midnight dropped the stance, lowering his clawed hoof, but not an ounce of respect for his Lord left him. “Hwalbu haspadr.

“You have witnessed the rare sight of your Lord admitting to a mistake. I suppose you shall keep it to yourself?” the Lord... actually jested?

Twilight shook her head a little. If she hadn’t known better, she would have said it must have been the Goddess’ work.

Midnight nodded immediately in the meantime. “You have my oath, Honored Lord.”

“That I have. As I have told you lately, I trust that you shall continue to perform admirably and safeguard the Honored Princess.”

“Yes, Honored Lord,” Midnight’s stern answer was.

“Good... Feel free to convince me, then,” Midnight Eye stated with a truly regal smile.

Twilight suddenly felt something change about the room. For some reason, Midnight’s lips parted a little and he blinked a couple of times, as if stunned. He quickly regained his composure, but she could see sparks of... relief in his eyes? Even... joy?

W-wait, what...?

The Lord’s smile... Midnight’s hidden cheer?

Did the Lord...? And was this...?

“Now!” Midnight Eye declared, getting up from his seat, which caused Twilight to almost spring up from hers. “You must excuse me, Honored Princess, but my haspadryi duties call me. I shall leave you in the apt hooves of your sentinel...”

“O-of course, Honored Lord, I wouldn’t want to keep you occupied!” she replied, still in a daze over that sudden storm of thoughts in her mind.

“We will manage, Honored Princess...” he declared kindly, and Twilight knew it was time to leave the study alongside him.

“Oh, by the way,” the Lord spoke up as they reached the corridor, the two sentinels who had waited for him immediately taking their places at his sides. “I have learned you are quite popular with our younglings.”

“A-ah, yes, yes, it seems so! They were very curious about me, I admit,” Twilight confirmed his words with a small smile.

“Then we shall see about that educational... ‘meet-up’...” Midnight Eye remarked, giving her a polite nod of goodbye and turning with a practiced, billowing swoosh of his black cape.

Twilight was left in the passageway alongside Midnight. When the sound of the sentinels’ hoofshoes became just an echo, she turned to him, her expression bewildered. She was met with a mirroring look.

“M-Midnight...” she stammered, not certain what to think. Or to feel. Or to expect. “What... what did the Lord mean about you... convincing him?”

Midnight just looked at her, then down the corridor, where Midnight Eye disappeared but a moment ago. “I... this... well...”

She took a step towards him. “Previously, did he...?”

“... yes...”

“And was he...?”

“... oh, yes.”

“And... and now he...?”

“Y... yes?”

To somepony eavesdropping on them, this conversation would have made absolutely no sense. But in those few scrambled words, Twilight found everything she could have wanted for herself.

For the two of them.

... her vision blurred a little.

With neither delay nor care for discretion they both embraced one another tightly. With affection, with happiness.

With hope.


Moonwarden trotted through the Palace grounds in a dignified, but fast pace. The notification to come back to Canterlot was laced with urgency, the return of Princess Celestia surely the reason for it. He answered the call immediately, packing and reaching the station as soon as it was possible to make the trip to the capital in record time.

... after leaving a few instructions for Stamp Duty and Quill Driver back in Hollow Shades. It was critical not to lose an advantage once gained.

And practical when it came to gathering influence.

“Sir, are you certain you do not wish for us to arrange for your luggage to be taken to your home directly?” Nettlie’s voice reached him as they crossed the plaza in before the Palace proper.

“Thank you, Nettlie, but that will be unnecessary,” Moonwarden replied rather frigidly, focused on his destination. “You will leave it at our headquarters for the moment. After I meet with Her Lunar Majesty, I shall deal with it myself.”

“Other behests you might have for us, sire?” Jade Wind, trotting not far behind, asked as well.

“Let us first see what vexing situation presents itself before us...”

Speaking of which...

In the main, sizeable atrium of the complex, seemingly laying in wait for Moonwarden exactly, none other than Raven Inkwell stood, her expression apathetically professional.


He answered her passive look in kind. The usual state of matters between the two of them.

Celestia’s personal Advisor struck first. “You are late, so very, very late.”

“The joys of Equestria’s public transportation. Your meddling stopped me from buying myself a private train, you know,” Moonwarden replied cynically, without even stopping to greet her. “Besides, considering it is past midnight, you are the one late, technically.”

Raven’s eyes skimmed through his group quickly, then were right back on him. “Not when I am performing my duties properly. I have been assigned to wait for you.”

“Were you now? What joy...”

Unfortunately, Raven seldom joked about such matters, and so Moonwarden came to a stop and sighed dramatically. “To the Office. Unpack and wait for me there.”

“Y-yes, right away, sir!”

“Of course, sire.”

He patiently waited for Nettlie and Jade Wind to disappear behind the corner, valiantly clashing gazes with the light grey mare, his own, personal nemesis at the Court. “I was ordered to join the Princess post haste, Ravenlynn, so you better make this quick.”

“How cordial of you, Moonfred,” she replied in her usual, reserved especially for him, snide tone. “Almost makes me regret wishing you eaten by a bear in the wilderness of the Eastern Woods. Almost.”

“Keeping an eye on me and my duties after all? How nice, you do care,” he responded, ignoring the suggestions in his mind to just shut her up forcefully for once.

“Of course I do,” her tone was infused with venom. “We, the Royal Advisors, need to look out for each other, no?”

“Twofold accurate,” Moonwarden agreed, rolling his eyes. “That shall be enough of the usual pleasantries, how are matters here? I have learned that Her Solar Majesty was returning.”

Raven shook her head, for a moment entering the ceasefire. “She came back at sunset. From what I have learned before she turned in for the night, she has decided to commit a battalion of the Royal Guard to Maretonia, to ease the tension there after the recent... events.”

Moonwarden frowned. Considering the latest findings... “Did she now? Interesting. The batpony action spooked the Duchy quite so much?”

“It seems so. We need the deployment to happen within a week, so we will have our hooves full,” she confirmed. She then looked about for prying ears. “Her Solar Majesty wishes to see you tomorrow, she has a matter to discuss regarding some of the new information about the batpony operatives.”

“Schedule me for the evening, then, Ravenlynn, I will come to the Court earlier,” he declared calmly.

Nothing like sacrificing well-earned hours of rest after a tiring journey for the sake of our radiant hegemon.

“I suppose this is why you have waited for me?”

Raven bit her lower lip. “Not... exactly. Their Royal Majesties had a personal meeting in Princess Celestia’s chambers soon after her return. One of the ‘only the tea as my witness’ kind.”

Moonwarden exhaled loudly, taking off his monocle and cleaning it. “That is usually serious, but to be expected, I suppose. Princess Luna must be kept updated about the Maretonian situation first and foremost. Have you eavesdropped anything?”

“I don’t spy on my liege, Moonfred,” Raven stated with scorn. “Neither do you, so don’t give me that look.”

“Actually, only when told so, but that is a different story. So what about that meeting?”

“Well...” Raven paused, as if uncertain to share the information. “Princess Luna left it in quite the hurry... She galloped to her private chambers and ordered not to be disturbed by anypony until further notice.”

Moonwarden froze in an instant. “Where is she now?”

“Still there,” she replied, pursing her lips. “Some guards reported that she looked... distraught by something... Teary-eyed.”

A shiver passed through him, causing his gaze to harden. He put on the eyepiece again. “I see. I will address this at once. Thank you, Ravenlynn.” Not waiting for further conversation, his mind instantly focused on his lady, he turned to leave.

“Have you just thanked me, Moonfred?” he heard from behind.

“Miracles happen, but one should not count on them.”

There was little time to waste. His duties as a Royal Advisor meant aiding his Princess at all times, especially times of trouble and crisis. To be at her side and offer insight and counsel. If Raven was right about his lady’s sorrow, he had to act his part and forthwith.

And not only because he was the Royal Advisor. Not at all.

Quickly making use of the side corridors and more obscure staircases, Moonwarden made his way towards the wing of the Palace that housed Princess Luna’s private chambers. Much like her Office, the design of this part of the complex was darker and more solemn than the rest of the place. More elegant, as Moonwarden believed as well.

The only thing he would criticize about it was the omnipresence of lavender and the accompanying smell. But, as his lady both enjoyed the flowers and they were known to help calm down restless sleep, who was he to argue?

Not a couple minutes later, he entered the correct hallway.

“Halt, who goes there?” reached him the question from one of the four Royal Guards that were assigned the night-shift duty of protecting Princess Luna’s own chambers.

“Moonwarden, Royal Advisor to the Lady of the Night,” Moonwarden sternly announced, waiting semi-patiently to be allowed passage, as safety regulations demanded.

Pointless regulations in his case, but regulations nonetheless.

“State your business, sir.”

“I was told that Her Lunar Majesty returned to her chambers in a hurry. I request access, as her aide and confidant.”

The wardens exchanged looks rather quickly, then the leader of the squad shook his head. “I am very sorry, sir, but Her Majesty requested no company until further notice.”

Moonwarden could not bother to even cock an eyebrow at such declaration. “I am aware, I am her Royal Advisor. You will allow me passage.”

“We were explicitly instructed not to let anypony disturb Her Majesty, sir.”

“Thankfully, as you are well and surely aware, guardian, I am anything but an ‘anypony’.”

His tone left little room for defiance. This was a pointless exchange.

“Sir—” the officer took one more, forlorn attempt.

“You know better than the question my authority, guardian,” Moonwarden remarked, squinting his cold, silver eyes. “You will let me through.”

The four soldiers again turned to one another with stares, but none had enough conviction to challenge such a statement, not even their leader.

“Y... yes, sir.”

“Smart stallion. Thank you.”

He made his way past the soldiers, holding his head high. This was Equestria proper, where his position had to be recognized and his will observed. Not a remote den of drunkards, kept safe by an inexplicably, naturally resistant to his powers, nocturnal creatures!

In actuality, the Nightguard should have been the force instinctively guarding the Palace after dark, but as far as Moonwarden knew, their self-imposed creed was seemingly keeping them away from approaching Princess Luna. Something about not being worthy of her august and divine presence.

Moonwarden... knew a measure about that feeling.

He quickly reached the ornate doors, knocking on them lightly and waiting for a reply. When none came, he repeated himself with slightly more force.

Nothing. Strange.

Not hesitating too much, he examined the door for an arcane lock. Not feeling one, he made them open with a simple spell.

Princess Luna’s chamber was a hallowed space of the Lady of the Night. He had been here but a couple of times, as most of the official matters were discussed in the Royal Office. However, he remembered the layout well.

A small antechamber done in dark marble was opening into a round, spacious room, decorated in sapphire and midnight blue, like the glorious sky of the night, as well as silver, just like the countless stars. But the Princess was not confined to only those solemn hues, as cushions of various colors were piled on one side of the chamber, where Moonwarden knew she enjoyed sitting, right in between the colors. Similarly, the vivid rugs on the floor, plush and delicate, added to the décor, having been ordered from the most renowned craftsponies of Saddle Arabia. On top of that, the silken curtains which hanged form the ceiling resembled delicate, whimsical clouds.

Moonwarden could also smell the faint, but rich in its aroma incense that his lady so adored, tickling nostrils with playful grace.

“Your Royal Majesty?” he inquired into this lavish space.

He was met with silence...

Most peculiar.

He trotted onward undeterred by the lack of reply, scanning the room carefully. He was helped by the fickle, delicate light of the ornate chandelier, especially enchanted to produce but such tactful illumination.

Focusing on the wide passageway onto the balcony, Moonwarden thought it possible that Her Majesty decided to take a sudden, nocturnal flight, but she was usually warning at least him of her plans, not to mention the maids, or the Royal Guard...

This would be very unlike her, he pondered, still searching for clues.

He did not have to search long.

... there she was.

In the far end of the room, where a luxurious, four-posted bed stood, he finally found his lady.

Her royal mane was shifting lazily and her chest was rising and falling in a tender, slumbering rhythm. Her eyes were closed and her lips were parted gently, in this profound, relaxed state.

Moonwarden found himself smiling faintly. It was... a rare enough sight, to witness a Princess of Equestria like this. He made his way closer without a sound, the rich rugs muffling his hoofsteps.

She must have been truly distraught by something, to decide to escape into sleep, he considered. She did not even made it under the velvety duvet fully, just laying there on her side, barely covered. He almost tripped over his lady’s regalia, scattered on the floor next to the bed, left there without care or thought. Even the tiara was cruelly jammed between the carpet and the furniture.

He gently lifted and organized the insignia with his silver magic, sparing his lady a few glances as he did, to make sure he would not wake her up.

She looked so innocent. So calm.

So beautiful.

He took a deep, soundless breath. She had always been a vision for him...

Just as he was putting the tiara on its elegant frame on the oaken nightstand, the Princess stirred in her slumber, causing him to petrify.

Thankfully, it seemed she was not awakening. Her face only scrunched a little, into that petite, almost cute expression of discomfort. Her hooves pedaled softly, like she was trying to reach for something.

Moonwarden observed that for a moment, shaking his head and stopping an affectionate sigh escaping his chest.

Closing his eyes to focus, he grasped the duvet with his magic and slowly slid it up, right underneath his lady’s muzzle, to make sure she was kept warm.

He took her face relaxing again and a soft murmur coming from her as his personal, most distinguishing ‘thank you’.

In the meantime, himself chuckled inwardly. How stereotypical and conveniently romantic this was.

Spurred by this sudden thought, Moonwarden watched his lady for a moment. Struck by a revelation that, underneath all of the titles and authority, all of the power and splendor... sometimes even the greatest of ponies needed somepony to just... be there for them and tuck them in...

And the longer he looked... the more he thought of that notion and took in her sleeping form... the more his face fell.

She was right there. Right in front of him.

Her gentle features. Her immaculate coat. Her nebulous mane.

Softly asleep.

He could... just once...

... do it.

His breathing got funny for a moment. What would happen... if he were to... to touch her... just this once?

To know how her flawless coat was like... To learn how intoxicating her warmth must have been... What her scent would remind him of...?

Do it.

He felt the cold sweat running down his neck.

He felt her portrait in his vest weighing him down.

Was he... was he not deserving of this? Of this one, little chance? This one opportunity, to create even but a memory to hang onto...? He was an opportunist after all... and he was not asking much...

Maybe he could... just... gently run his hoof through her mane...? Just do that?

But... but he was not worthy of Her. She was a powerful alicorn, and he, even with all of his power and pride, was just a small, insignificant, grey unicorn in comparison. She was perfect, even with all of Her flaws. He was flawed even with his constant pursuit of perfection.

Could he hope for—

Do it!

He bit his lip. He... he extended his foreleg.

He could allow himself this... just this once.

Just this once.

... no.

He closed his eyes and shook his head, clenching his jaw tightly. To the point where pain coursed through his whole head. Through his whole being.

He somehow stopped his hoof’s daring advance, even if he was so close... so close... but inches away.

Gathering all of his willpower to contest his aching heart, he tore himself away from the edge of the bed, soundlessly leaving the room of his Princess.

... only his Princess.

Moonwarden’s gaze was blank and his motions automated as he trotted back up the corridor, past the unit of guards who were giving him curious, wary glances.

He could not care much.

He could not feel much neither.

Next thing he remembered was going all the way to the Royal Gardens, where nopony could spot him, and plunging his head into the cold waters of one of the fountains.

Hope was for those who were worthy of it.

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