• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LVI – The Goddess You Behold

Twilight was certain that time was still passing around her.

But in her mind everything seemed locked up, motionless and petrified. This was certainly not the first time that she found herself stupefied over the last number of nights. However, among those many moments when reason and logic took a break, this one was, again, special in its own way.

Unforeseen, one could say, especially considering the reason for this momentary stun.

“I... Honored Shine of Family Fang, have you just... have you just asked whether I would... act the part of an oracle?” Twilight somehow managed to inquire, using all the wits she still managed to keep about her.

And it wasn’t a loud question, no. But the immediate vicinity was dead silent, despite the presence of her, the elder, the Lord, Midnight Wind and Rowan Berry, not counting the sentinels that came with Blessed Fang as well. So in the stillness the question did echo quite a lot before the venerable mare formulated her response.

“I didn’t ask whether... you would,” she answered Twilight, blinking slowly. “You will. I saw... no other possibility...”

That firm stance did not help the entire scenario. Even the haspadr, usually a little aloof, could not remain remote with what was transpiring before his very, surprised eyes.

Mate, this is... highly unlikely. The Honored Princess do not know the ways of our diviners. How is this to happen? Have you seen something that—”

“Must I explain myself... in all things?” Fang Shine interrupted, visibly annoyed. “This is something that... I read in ver. And that’s that...”

Twilight leaned in a little, sure that she had heard it right. And the connection in her mind formed instantaneously.

“Was... that what you were doing? After the bout? You were studying the arena’s bottom and the... the blood against that... blue mushroom substance...”

The elder sighed and coughed a little, shaking her head. “Fine, I suppose I will... explain then. For your sake...” she conceded, though not without some slight, further exasperation. “I am no... effite. I have not... the power to glimpse... into the plans of Bogine. But I am allowed... to study certain texts... and old accounts. Historical and religious...”

Blessed Fang added to his mother’s words, now that she had decided to actually share her reasoning. “Hwalba mate has taken a role to preserve the stories and scriptures of our kind. Research our history and culture, with the help of other archivists.”

“Whatever stops me from being... a useless burden... during those last nights of life...” she admitted without shame, invoking in Twilight’s mind that last conversation they had shared. “I am particularly fond of old... traditions and rites. Like the one... of verlectit.”

Twilight was sure she figured that word out thanks to the context. “... ‘blood reading’?”

“Exactly...” Fang Shine nodded slowly and with a smirk. “It’s not a sacred ritual... like those of our effiti. But sources claim... that in those rare instances of... ver i caerulyiceps binding... one can see signs... of the future to come.”

The Lord, again, decided to comment on that. “It’s an ancient ceremony, seldom ever used anymore. A relic, more than anything. There is only a couple of instances in our whole history of those portents being recognized.”

He wanted to stop there, but Fang Shine insisted. “Go on, puel. I know what you... want to say...”

“The priesthood... is very cautious about heeding such interpretations as they might be...”

He hesitated to finish. His mother didn’t, not even for a breath.

“Delusions... especially of an old mind... trying to read the signs...” she spoke. With enough parental force to have Blessed Fang’s ears fold, despite his status and usual calmness. “So it is mostly now... entertainment. A source of light and a... singular addition to the verlupti. But in the flow of blood... I have yesternight seen,” she insisted. Firmly. Extending her foreleg, just like when Twilight had spotted her after Midnight’s victory. “You will be able to see... something, Honored Princess. Just like I... managed to.”

“... how?”

“That I have not seen...” Fang Shine admitted with honesty. “But it was clear... I read it all... The ver u Nocferratan... called for you, specifically.”

Twilight felt like she had turned into a statue. For she had a pretty good idea why that would happen. Yet she prayed, to pretty much whomever would be willing to listen, for nopony hearing that to make any sort of connection between her and Midnight due to that particular sentence.

Also, she so had to stop herself from glancing his way, as she was certain her beloved had the same worry flare in him right there and then.

Thankfully, Fang Shine continued on, so maybe the secret and the night were saved.

“I saw you understanding. Grasping the... ways of our effiti somehow... And then... well, that is what I... need to witness, as I... could not grasp the rest. But you... Honored Princess... are the crucial pony tonight...”

Tall order and no expectations whatsoever...

The mare had an adamant tone in her voice, certainly. Not listening to her seemed like a bad idea. And, considering everything... Twilight couldn’t just deny, could she? For the sake of the relations, for the sake of honoring the elderly mare. She would just need to...

... how was she supposed to suddenly come up with an explanation to batpony divination and perform something akin to it?!

Sigh. She was glad that this certain explosion of worry manifested only in her head, for the echoing naves of the shrine would certainly carry it far too far for anypony’s liking.

Twilight took a deep breath. “I... understand. Well, I do not, not entirely, but... I put my trust in you, Honored Shine of Family Fang. If it is meant to happen, I will do my part as best as I can,” she declared, knowing that such readiness, even though mixed with doubts, would score her a lot of points.

Benu...” the elderly mare replied with a small smile. “I believe we... need this insight right now... One brought by you exactly... This new wisdom...”

Blessed Fang’s head snapped to Twilight right as she looked at him as well. In his eyes she could easily read that he hadn’t told his mother the prophecy nor those exact words.

Which only made this situation more unique. And, at the same time, seemed to have alleviated at least some of the Lord’s worries over Fang Shine’s reliance on an ancient, unrecognized rite.

Well, the declaration did precious little to deal with Twilight’s own anxiety. However... she took a deep breath, ready to follow the elder. Worry or not, she had something to cling to.

A hope that things would go just fine.

Though this positive outlook was hard to grasp even for her.

There was little time to ponder on it further, though. Despite her age, Fang Shine lead the group through the stone corridors in a steady tempo, no doubt driven to have the omen about Twilight unfold before her very eyes. Blessed Fang, following nearby, was keeping a close eye on his mother, whose zeal must have been quite the surprise for him. And which didn’t lessen until the group reached a deeper part of the shrine complex, before a doorway bearing more of the traditional, Fang Family markings.

And giving Twilight an... odd feeling.

“Beyond here...” Fang Shine spoke, looking straight at Twilight, “lie the chambers of our effiti... Specially prepared for meditation... I have already requested... one of them being left empty...” She glanced at the rest of the group. “But beyond this point... only the Honored Princess and my son... shall be allowed.”

Now Twilight did glance Midnight’s way. It seemed like his blood having called for her was not enough for him to be allowed to enter. Even though the same need of both of their hearts persisted. Their quick, wordless exchange affirmed everything between them, before Twilight would proceed beyond the threshold of this sanctuary of prophecy.

Blessed Fang turned to his sentinels and ordered them to remain as well, then checked his robes as his lips uttered a small prayer.

“Let us not disturb anypony who might be inside, Honored Princess,” he then instructed Twilight, with care and diligence in his voice. “It is in silence and stillness that one can hear the Goddess’ voice. But, if my mother allows, I shall explain anything that might be unknown or surprising to you, Honored Princess...”

“I promise I shall keep my reactions to a minimum,” Twilight honestly replied, having in mind her usual awe at the marvels and surprises around her.

She earned a nod from the Lord and another one from Fang Shine before the matron ordered, “Let us... venture in, then...”

Blessed Fang did not waste time to open the passageway into, what Twilight realized, was a true, inner sanctum in all its glory.

Which made her doubly aware that, once more, she was being allowed to see something extraordinary. And something that she definitely wouldn’t be witnessing, were it not for singular circumstances. It made her feel that, for all of these opportunities, she would have to provide a just repayment in due time. Of what sort? That the hunch was not specifying...

The circular cavern she had entered, not enormous on its own and actually rather flat, resonated clearly with a sense of mysticism. Nothing short of it.

The carvings on the walls, which seemed at first like the influence of the Family, were instead much more elaborate and decidedly less chaotic. For, instead of the crude markings for protection and good luck, those were columns of text, in batpony script, chaining the top and bottom of the space. Descending down the walls in a stoic and profound way and telling, without a doubt, the truths of profound importance. Truths coming together around the chamber’s center where, of all things, a little tunnel was burrowing itself into the very ground. Marked by a stone cage of sorts.

Twilight would normally focus much more on the said walls of knowledge, hidden behind the exotic alphabet and simply begging to be deciphered... but her attention was quickly caught by something else about the cavern.

The color of the walls between the texts. And the grooves on the ground, leading from the central hole. Which parts of were also carved out of, or covered in, a pale mineral, just like its peculiar enclosure, at least partially. This unique type of stone, as she had quickly realized, was dividing the cavern into several sections as well. Each one leading to a set of doors in an equal distance from the enigmatic void marking the center.

“Honored Princess...?” Twilight heard the Lord’s faint whisper, realizing she had taken a few steps forward of him and the venerable mare.

But she would reply in just a moment. She first had to deal with the fact that this entire place was opulently decorated in nothing else but the creamy-white and gently reflective rock, which she recalled from her first visit to Princess Luna’s office and the armor of the Sanctuarians.


Twilight concentrated for a breath and expanded her vision. And had to hold in a gasp just after.

For the cave came alive.

As much as she could explain it. As much as that explained the feeling of some spiritual, transcendent presence in it. For some reason, Twilight was certain she had witnessed something like this before, but... it was more like trying to recall an old dream than an actual memory. But one thing was certain. The only reason she wasn’t swept off her hooves the moment she crossed the threshold, was that this section of the chamber had the part of the stone cage facing it formed purely out of luneeit, acting like a natural barrier on the edge of the central hole.

The hole from which waves and waves of raw, untamed magic flew in. Like a faint pulse, a gust after a gust, a plume after a plume. A gust after a plume after a wave. On and on. Pushed into this room out from the tunnel, converging inside their mineral cage, gathering and swelling, pushing against their barrier... before finally shooting forth, like a geyser of power, into one of several directions. From the cavern’s center and right through one of the doorways...

This was... This was incredible. This was imposing.

This was impossible.

“Honored Lord...” Twilight heard herself speaking, looking back at the stallion with a picture of shock for her expression. Yet she had somehow managed to keep the volume down. It might have had something to do with her dazed state, indeed. “What...? How? How do you...?”

Blessed Fang wished to speak up, but... his mother’s slight chuckle reached their ears first. “You... know what is happening here...” she whispered with a wide smile.

Clearly that of satisfaction over being right and validated in her previous, prophetic claims.

“I... I do,” Twilight admitted, glancing the elder’s way, then back at this extraordinary cavern. The magic continued to build up, gather, focus, then break through the luneeit’s influence to shoot violently out, before beginning to gather once more. “But how...?”

The matron took a step forth, pointing shakily at all the mineral around her. “This rock... we know to be a gift... A gift from the Goddess... One of three we recognize as such...”

“I... I know of luneeit, I’ve seen it before, but...”

Twilight felt... confused beyond belief. Batponies knew not how to use magic! They had no way of utilizing it, they looked down on the very Gift of Magic! And yet... What she was looking at was nothing short of an artificially created well of arcane power! Raw, potentially dangerous... in no way as reliable as unicorn ritual circles or the craft of thaumaturgy of the Crystal Empire, but still!

No, it was... this simply couldn’t be!

“Who... when was this created?” she heard another of her own whispers.

Blessed Fang stepped forth, becoming slowly aware that something incredible had just happened, considering Twilight’s gaze. “This ritual chamber is one of eight in Noctraliya. One in each of the Iugi and one at the Tuarie u Piarweu Noc,” he explained in a hushed voice. “They are one of the oldest parts of each Mountain, created in the time close after Neskaza Lunee... awakened us.”

“Created by whom?” Twilight pressed the topic, simply having to know.

Fang Shine joined in. “Priesthood and caretakers... According to the designs... granted to us by the... defenders of the Tuarie.”

“Tuariani? They came up with this?”

“They were... inspired by Bogine...” the elder corrected her. “Hers was the gift... of letting us know how we can... interpret Her will. Even during the Atrlunee...” She pointed at the texts covering the walls. “All greatest signs... we were given through those. We know that... with the Goddess’ inspiration... and the presence of the luneeit... can our effiti see. Omens come to them here... and then are interpreted accordingly...”

That was the metaphysical and traditional explanation, but... there was more to this room than that. How would it be possible to have such amounts of raw magic siphoned into this chamber? It would take a... a... a natural fount of magic underneath each of the peaks!

... why did Twilight have a sense of déjà vu about that idea...?

Regardless, this... this construction was causing the arcane flows to be directed into...

“Behind those doors... do the seers reside?” Twilight asked, whispering still, though that took far more concentration from her than she initially had thought it would.

“They don’t live here, no,” Blessed Fang clarified, “but they meditate in those chambers to ask Bogine for visions and signs.”

“And how do those... happen?”

The Lord nodded slowly, as if showing his great appreciation and gratitude for the very process. And surely the ponies going through it.

Effiti spend long hours on praying and asking for guidance. They stay in their meditation chambers for hours on end, sometimes. And if their supplications are found worthy, they see something or are possessed by a feeling. Or recite a sentence or even but a word that they had no intention of saying in the hallowed space. It does not happen all the time and only a small portion of the priesthood possesses the talent, surely a gift, from Bogine to peer into Her great design...”

That was more than enough for Twilight to realize that the batponies had likely no true idea of how these chambers nor the portents worked! They had no way of perceiving the ley lines, they only knew that luneeit had something to do with aiding the process... Tuariani put the mineral in their armors and they were the ones behind the architectural concept, but... they would too lack the pure knowledge to put it together, unless...

Unless a multitude of strange and far-fetched reasons, so Twilight couldn’t possibly get caught up on them.

Honestly, though... such a strong concentration of arcane power would cause multiple phenomena and could be experienced by just about anypony encountering such flares passing by or through them...

... again, why did Twilight feel like she had spoken those words before?

Anyhow... she had enough understanding in the matter herself to know that even unicorns, naturally predisposed to be in contact with raw, magical power, would not just immediately turn to fortune-telling and reading omens when subjected to it! Foresight had been, for many centuries, disapproved as a trained form of magic... and honestly, were it not for Pinkie Pie’s hardly-conceivable “sense”, Twilight would too completely disregard the possibility up to this point.

And yet the batponies had, allegedly, entire prophecies happen! Including one that Blessed Fang himself had quoted! Regarding Twilight! And Midnight had told her about them all the way back home, in the Golden Oak Library!

That wasn’t all just a coincidence, right?

Were they a species with a completely unique magical resonance, then...? Midnight reacted to ley line influence and spells quite naturally and normally, but... maybe there was much more to their arcane imprint?

And, finally... could Twilight even explain what she was right then witnessing to the Lord and his mother and have them both understand and accept it?

“This... This chamber has great power in it. A strong presence is felt here,” she finally decided to speak up, in a general form that would leave the arcane science behind it obfuscated.

The elder nodded with a smile at the words. “Indeed... I’m glad you recognize it... as well. Now you... will be brave... and step into one of the chambers... to try and see as our effiti do.”

At that request being again brought up Twilight fiddled about her own hooves a little. “I... I’m not sure if I am capable of—”

“Again, I’m not asking if you can,” Fang Shine said, her voice raising just a tone above a whisper. “I’m saying you shall be brave... to go and try.”

Blessed Fang looked a little nervous... which must have meant that he still had serious doubts, considering his usual remoteness.

And Twilight?

She had to consider the repercussions. Being subjected to a surge of magic was nothing pleasant for a unicorn, especially one unprepared. That was not the case with her, as she knew what she was stepping into. But that did not mean that she would just... that she would... just...

She blinked. Shook her head a little.

She expected herself to have far more anxiety over standing in the path of such a wave of arcane power and yet... she felt a certain calmness welling up inside her. For some, inexplicable reason, the more she considered this challenge, the more... sure she was?

That was... unexpected. Positive, certainly, but she would think herself a lot more logically cautious. It’s not like she had dealt with such a concentration of magic before, not that she could recall, it might have caused... unforeseen...

No. No, she would handle this. She didn’t know how exactly, but... she would do it. She could do it.

The source of the confidence was unknown to her... but not entirely unpleasant. Like answering a call that one couldn’t really hear.

“I... will. I will,” Twilight repeated herself, even her whisper sounding a little bit more confident. “I’ll be careful and take it slow, but I will.”

The elder nodded with a smile, while Blessed Fang looked between the two, somehow out of his element. Despite the fact that religious mysteries were his very element.

Twilight pondered whether, if it had been anypony else but his mother creating such a scenario, the Lord would never condone it. Any of it.

... maybe this was another proof that the prophecies and the Goddess did work in mysterious ways.

Twilight followed Fang Shine to the closest doors to their right, which must have been the vacated room for the night. The flares of arcane power were still happening around them, surging through one or the other portion of the cavern, like lightning during a thunderstorm. Sudden. Volatile.

Just as the doorway to the room was opened by Blessed Fang, another one of those waves came forth. Going straight through both him and his mother! Twilight was following slightly to the side, which spared her the strike...!

... but nothing happened. Neither of the batponies reacted, not even subconsciously. And she was watching, indeed. Not even a strand of their manes or tails lifted up unnaturally. However, Fang Shine took a deep breath and pointed inside.

“The Goddess wills it. Please, Hwalba Knaze... You have the time you need... And you, my son and haspadr...”

Tac, hwalba mate?

“You will... like the antas you are... take note of any signs through... the Honored Princess...”

The elder’s voice was not authoritative and yet it was clear that she would have no objections, even if she had, herself, invoked her son’s station and position of ultimate power in the Family.

And Blessed Fang did not follow this order outright. Not out of insulted pride or disobedience. He first turned to Twilight. His expression both concerned and adamant.

Hwalba knaze... This is a unique scenario. One that I was not really expecting. But, yes, antasi can be present with effiti receiving visions. But only when they require it, moved and inspired by Bogine, so... “

He didn’t finish, but he didn’t have to in order to make Twilight take a step back.

He was asking her permission? Along this... sudden and unthinkable pathway which she was going to be braving, he wanted to keep up some tradition and accommodate her the best way he could.

She gave him a look. If Fang Shine wanted Blessed Fang to be himself and not just his profound role... the elder was stacking the deck against him that very moment. That much Twilight was certain she witnessed in his eyes. But... as far as bonding in strange situations could go...

She took a deep breath. A strange situation was the softest way one could call this scenario, one she would never have imagined about her visit to the Mountain of Fang. And yet... there had to have been a reason for it. All of it.

She took a breath, watching another gust of magic flowing past her and into the chamber.

“Honored Lord, I request your presence and aid.”

She didn’t want it to feel like a command, but Blessed Fang nodded solemnly anyway. And so Twilight shot Fang Shine one last glance before stepping into the room. Consciously preparing herself for any surges that could now start enveloping her from behind.

The chamber wasn’t large by any means. It was more like a little cell, actually. With a simple cushion as a place to sit and not much else. That is, not much else but more luneeit present on the walls. And on the floor. And the ceiling.

In a specific way, as well. The arcane waves being forced into this room, would have to slow down quite a bit, as Twilight calculated. It looked like, right from the entryway, the mineral would—

Just then a potent flare struck her squarely and strongly.

She felt it reach her, touch her, hit her with all its potency... and flow through her. Like a gust of a mountain wind, like a wave of a great ocean. It enveloped her, hit and bathed every part of her body. And it felt... good.

... did she really just think that?

Yes... Yes, she did. The sudden influx of power that assaulted her actually felt... pleasant. The wind was not a blow, but a whisper. The wave was not a flood, but a caress. A soft call. A delicate touch and a tender taste. The taste was sweet. She could feel it clearly in her mouth, for some reason.

This wave resonated with her core, hitting a note in her she didn’t think she held. Filled her, as far as she could tell, with renewed strength and confidence... But also a warning?

Twilight blinked. She’d focus more on that, on all of that, but... before her eyes she was now witnessing what the batpony seers were subjecting themselves to, subconsciously.

The surge, after flowing through her, encountered another barrier of luneeit, gathering and bulging up. But its obstacle had a small, little corridor in it. Enough of a space to try and squeeze through, where the mineral was not placed. Deliberately. And right where the effit would sit and meditate.

It meant that all the concentrated arcane force, trying to escape the confines of the luneeit, would be going straight through the batpony in a focused and tremendous volume. Compressed against its nature and attempting to quickly find a way to disperse, having already been directed into the chamber at strength.

And if anything would be causing visions, strange smells and reactions... yes, that would definitely do it. It was almost like a makeshift spell was cast by the chamber’s very architecture, through a crude and simple pattern.

Fascinating and befuddling alike.

Twilight took a deep breath, seeing if Blessed Fang had followed her. And he had, indeed. Closing the cell and taking his place, in pious concentration, to her side. On the creamy surface, protected from the constant waves. Unlike her.

Not that she... feared those surges. Not anymore? She couldn’t place that feeling precisely, but something about these was now... appealing. Calling her. Again, that urge welled up inside her, bright and silver in her mind... and she couldn’t quite understand its presence nor its purpose.

But she could follow it. Aware of what was happening around her and trying her best to act her temporary part.

“Should I just...?” she pointed at the cushion on the floor, glancing back at the Lord.

“Please, hwalba knaze...” he replied. “Whatever you deem you should do is yours to perform. Here, you are the host, for this... unusual instance,” he whispered, looking at the doorway.

Was he expecting Fang Shine to eavesdrop?

“You disapprove, Honored Lord,” Twilight stated, following the other, obvious notion.

The stallion looked at her askance. “I’m cautious, wary and fighting a... severe protest in myself still,” he spoke and Twilight simply knew that he was being utterly and completely transparent. “We are in a holy place and even though I have cited your importance, Honored Princess, even though I have quoted the very prophecy your way, you must forgive me that I am feeling apprehensive about letting somepony... what’s the word... ‘unconsecrated’...?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“... into this sacred space of omens and signs,” he admitted, without shame. And without causing insult to Twilight, not one bit. “Were it not for the fact that my mother had used the words of the same prophecy...” he paused. “I simply hope that what is happening shall please Bogine... and not end up as a piece of gossip among our kin, or murmurs of irreverence. We take Our Mother’s signs seriously. And the work of our effiti the same way. You even being let into this space...”

“Again, Honored Lord—”

Another surge of magic passed through her and her voice hitched a little in her throat. She exhaled, her voice even and stoic.

“... I understand. I truly do. But I can feel a call in this place. This is what needs to happen.”

She really felt like that. And that seemed to have calmed the Lord down at least a little, though his surprise at her persuasive words was more than blatant.

Twilight gave him a little nod and trotted forth, to sit down in the proper place. With her back to the door, letting the arcane pulses come without her anticipating them prior. She had her means of practicing magical focus, yes... but this time, it felt more appropriate to spread her wings slowly and lift her forelegs. In a prayer that wasn’t a prayer. But in readiness that was almost pious.

She began breathing deeply, trying to find utter calm in herself. Not that her heart was racing, peculiarly, but more concentration could go a long way in this... whatever was to happen. It wasn’t her usual preparation for dealing with arcane well-ups, but... maybe it was both a way to answer this situation and learn a new way of experiencing such magical gusts.

And that was a good enough reasoning for Twilight.

Right then, as if on cue, another surge came. Stronger. Firmer. Faster. She felt pushed forth physically when it happened, when it reached her and divided her being, concentrated and volatile. It electrified her nerves, it warmed her insides and...

She felt something. She saw something. She thought so, at least... She saw... onyx... and cosmos. Starlight and diamond. Descending down from the sky above. And a silver pulse from the ground below.

She definitely wasn’t imagining anything of the sort... It wasn’t her thought process that invoked those sights before her very mind’s gaze...

She closed her eyes, focusing on... anything that was to come.

One more wave... one more push... Came the colors, came the feelings... Came the words.

“She... She arrives... And She worries...”


Luna descended down slowly. Gliding from the high sky, upon which she had hidden, to make her appearance only at an opportune moment. And, thankfully, her faithful Moonwarden had made his bow deep and dramatic enough for her to realize that it was time.

Good, because they hadn’t really discussed a sign. Or, if they had set one, she had completely forgotten about it at that point.

But, a little illusion and a calming breath and Luna had decided she was ready. As ready as she could be, to appear before this warrior mare as it was proper. As a Goddess. The... the ‘Immaculate’ Moon...

Well, at least Moonwarden’s gaze, locked on her, was telling her that she was doing her job. That the additional embellishment of magic she had put on herself was sufficing. Yet that Sunfall Ordain... appeared more terrified and stunned than in awe over Luna’s presence...

... was she overdoing it? She thought it would just add a little flair... and help her embody the role more... Did she ruin it outright?! Or...?!

No. No, no, there was no time for this doubt.

She would have to do her part. Because it was necessary, right there and then. Despite the doubts and the fears and... and everything.

Gliding right before the pair of ponies, Luna landed softly, her slightly shaky legs actually coming into use there. She made sure to dispel the pillar of light upon the pathway, leaving only a little aura around herself.

Still keeping the right effect. Moonwarden would surely approve. And yet he would have to be content with being but an observer for the moment. Not that he ever minded being the silent, scheming witness, as she knew. Perhaps a mental whisper or two from him would be exactly the thing.

But Luna’s attention had to be focused on the batpony. On her child. The mare who, witnessing the appearance of hers, had cowered and fell flat on the pathway, shivering like in the deepest frost.

Sunfall Ordain wasn’t even bringing her eyes up, her muzzle almost burrowed in the dirt, her auburn mane brushing the ground. Her entire body pressed down, under an impossible burden.

Luna quickly shot a glance Moonwarden’s way, but he just pointed at the mare with his own stare. Expecting a deity to start the exchange, rather than the terrified faithful.

Well, there was one way of beginning this, considering the situation. And Luna could, at least, manage so much.

Be not afraid, my child...

She hoped that she made her tone soft and careful enough, for the little squeal she heard back was anything but reassured. Or reassuring. A mumble did follow it, but one couldn’t possibly make out the words.

Was asking for her to repeat them less... godly?

Please, my child... Fear not and look upon me,” Luna insisted. Feeling no less worried herself, almost swallowing the lump in her throat.

But this time the sentence came with more clarity.

Your... your servant is unworthy...” The officer’s voice had little to do with her position or a warrior’s training. “U-unworthy to look upon you, unworthy to hear your blessed voice in her ears...

Something about this... actually, a lot about this tugged at Luna’s heart. In a way she was rather... unfamiliar with.

... or, rather... unfamiliar with anymore...?

She took a breath. “If it were true I wouldn’t be here.” That reassurance did nothing at first, so it was more prudent and proper to continue. “I wouldn’t have chosen you to appear before and talk with...

Sunfall Ordain shivered still, her armored hooves digging into the path, as she tried to remain in the most reverential bow she could think of.

I’m... I’m nobody, I’m not worthwhile of your attention, O Goddess, O Immaculate Moon...

Well... this was not getting them anywhere, Luna thought. Right before a cold, almost unfeeling in comparison, voice manifested in her mind.

‘I do not grasp the words, but I believe I grasp the problem, my lady. She is like a frightened puppy right now. Give her time, but let her know you are not going anywhere.’

Moonwarden was right, even if Luna was not keen on his comparison.

She took another breath, biding her time and letting the silence do its work as well. “Sunfall Ordain, I say unto you again, be not afraid. I have chosen you to appear before. For to you, my child, and through you I wish to bring aid and counsel to all of my faithful.

She spoke, then bit the side of her tongue... Did she say too much outright unto this panic-stricken mare... or was she being just borderline and ridiculously hysterical at this point...?


Twilight felt her head rising and her eyes crossing underneath her eyelids... Another wave of magic illuminated her vision with shapes and sounds and feelings.

“She wants to help, She has patience... The voice of silver despises the tongue of silver...”


Luna exercised patience, indeed, just as Moonwarden had advised her to.

Standing before the cowering Sunfall Ordain. With enough dignity, but none of the indignation. Indignation that her child was reluctant to even look at her.

After all, Luna... well, she didn’t have to think too long to make herself doubly aware that she had not been showing the noctrali the greatest care, had she?

Her doubts and worries about being worthy of deification aside. But, even in the small things. Even when requesting the Nightguard’s bats and escort to Ponyville, to partake of Nightmare Night out of all things, she had done so through missives. To maintain distance that she had deemed safe and... not subjecting her to more disquiet.

And the batpony stallions by her chariot had stayed only as long as they absolutely needed to. They hadn’t been as stunned as the mare before her, but... they too had carried that feeling about them, like Luna’s presence was filling them with nothing but the righteous fear of the Goddess.

... or was it her imagination and anxiety again...?

Still... shouldn’t they have first loved her and then feared her...? Wasn’t that... what was the right way?

Sunfall Ordain finally began to stir, though her movements were betraying that she was still on the verge of a pious panic. But she managed to lift herself a little, turning a completely prone position into one of deep and profound deference. She still refused to lift her eyes, however.

But Luna... she was meant to be patient, right? She was meant to be their mother, their Immaculate Moon... so she had to exercise restraint and understanding. Like a good parent.

... how come she had forgotten all of it? Something that was meant to be so natural to her. To an alicorn. To a mare.

To a pony...

That realization filled her with profound cold. Like that of the distant... the distant Moon. She still could feel its embrace when she focused on the memories. All this, restless, pained time she had spent locked away... Those ages still had their claws in her. They had torn her life from her. Her identity. Was she only now getting back its scraps...?

O Immaculate Moon... O great and merciful Goddess...

Sunfall Ordain muttered the supplications, summoning Luna’s undivided attention. As should have happen, when a faithful daughter was calling to her deity. And, as it was right and just, her shuddering words dispelled the frigid past and brought forth momentary warmth in Luna.

It is I, my child...” said warmth formed into a sentence.

How... how come do I... how come You appear before me? A sinner and an unworthy child...?” came the questions.

There was a sliver of hope in them. Of profound and hard to grasp joy. But burrowed underneath fear and uncertainty and... and self-loathing.

Luna had to try and reach those bright feelings beneath, but... she had no idea if she had the answers that Sunfall Ordain was hoping for. She knew little to nothing about the mare, only what Moonwarden had managed to tell her.

Considering that he alone was watching her intently at that moment, she gave him another glance, hoping for more aid still.

‘Doubts of... worthiness? Of significance which would make you appear, my lady?’

His inquiries, whether based on understanding the situation and the mare’s tone... or just being cold, judicious readings, were accurate. So Luna did send him not as much of an answer, but the feelings gathered in her. To correspond with what she wanted to convey.

She knew that response would still work for his sharpened mind.

‘Hmm... I would advise a loaded question. Let her feed you the knowledge you need, my lady, by aiming at her... reservations. The certainty of those.’

Right... Luna could try doing that.

And what sins would stop me from doing just that, my child? What heinous transgressions would turn my gaze away from you?” she asked aloud, but not too loud.

Still the mare recoiled a little. As if the very thought of invoking whatever wrongdoings were plaguing her conscience would bring ire or condemnation upon her head.

But only silence followed this shudder, so Luna decided to press a little more, in hopes that it was the right call. She knew she heard happiness at her presence. She would do her best to reach it.

Because... was there such thing as hearing too much? For a caring parent? Especially a godly one?

Are you reluctant to open your heart before me? Am I not your divine mother?


Another wave, another sensation. Strong. Tempestuous.

“She is the Mother who listens. She is the Mother who fears... listening too much.”


Sunfall Ordain lowered her stance again, hearing all of those questions, as if they had condemned her, indeed. Her lips parted and she blurted out, with a trembling voice.

You are our Mother, a hundred times! O Immaculate Moon... You who awakened us! We know no Mother but you!” she declared, again causing Luna’s heart to tremble at her tone and piety. Once more hearing a note of profound elation in the devoted shouts. And yet, afresh came the fears. “I... but I have transgressed in Your eyes. I have... I have stood against my father’s wishes, I was...

The mare paused, uncertain of how to continue. She was met with silence in return.

Silence that, as Luna hoped, would result in Sunfall Ordain giving her more pieces of the puzzle. Because... yes, knowing more about the captain would help and grant a tactical advantage, as Moonwarden would certainly emphasize. But also... this mare was carrying a burden.

And burdens... that was something Luna could well understand. All too well. Burdens that... that could destroy happiness. That could dull one to even the basic joys in life. In some strange way... Luna suddenly saw herself in place of that warrior mare.

Who stayed quiet for a breath longer, biting her lower lip. A crimson droplet gathered from underneath one of her fangs.

“... I made myself unworthy of my lineage... Unworthy to, one night, listen to Your words, O Goddess... and lead Your children, if it were only Your will... I have forsaken Your blessing, that of my bloodline...” she whispered. Almost wept. “And now... You appear and I...

... and I want to be delighted and joyous... but I cannot. Due to the weight of my own fears, doubts and anxieties.

Luna didn’t hear those words. But she could finish that declaration in her own mind quite well. That is what she felt emanating from the mare. How profound was that aura. How...

... how familiar.

She had to stop herself from biting her lip. How could she help here, how could she hear out and support anypony, if the same ailment was seeping through her own veins...? That dark illness, creeping through her core, stunning and petrifying her every time she tried to face her... her duties. Her own blessing, which she had, too, forsaken...

... she had no experience here. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t face such a task. Not successfully. So... why would she even try? She wasn’t the one to meet and really... console anypony. She was grim, brooding and foreboding... She barely managed to be helpful in the Dreamworld nowadays, let alone the waking world.

And help and aid as a Goddess? How could she be a Goddess to these poor ponies...? No, that was just...

That was just impossible to achieve.

Her knees trembled as she realized that. She closed her eyes, feeling the chains on her. Firm and well-crafted. Those of doubt. It was better she had them. She wouldn’t hurt anypony again...

She couldn’t do it.


“All should be as it should be...” Twilight’s lips shuddered and whispered. “She carries the pain, leave it to Her to deal with it... She will deal with it...”


... why not?

Luna opened her eyes at the simple question which manifested in her mind.

Yes... Yes. “Why not”?

Was it not worth it to even try? To be herself? Indeed, she could hurt somepony. But wasn’t being a... a nopony herself hurting more around her? Why would she not at least attempt? To gather her wits and try to reach that little, small sparkle of joy underneath all the darkness? Was fighting for it not worth it?

For oneself and others? For the batponies, for Sunfall Ordain? Even for Moonwarden?

... and for Luna, herself?

What had caused her to feel so remote and useless, anyway? Had she completely disregarded herself after all? She was safeguarding the dreams of ponies since always.. was that her only domain left? Out of everything she had been? Everything she was? Because she had fallen once before?

She took another, deep breath, realizing that staying silent was not helping.

It hadn’t been helping for a long time.

I come to you, my child, to help and guide and assuage your pain... My presence here is a sign of my deep and profound care for all of you. Let me dispel and take away the nightmares that plague you...

And try to do the same to the one that plagued her.

Sunfall Ordain turned completely still... before she nodded her head a little. Whether that was acknowledgement or trying to rid of the wetness in her eyes was irrelevant. She remained in her low stance, yet gradually calming down. Until she at least did not appear like terror had wrenched her heart out of her chest.

Which was... a welcome change, Luna thought.

She gave Moonwarden another glance, but the stallion was still kneeling patiently and carefully observing the situation. His one glance of support was all she received that time.

It would be enough, though. To at least try.

But she could do it.

He was trying to prove exactly that to her. And... Luna was beginning to believe in it, truly. His encouraging, silver stare was welcome.

Granted her warmth.


Twilight felt a cold shiver pass right through her when the next magical surge manifested itself. It was like somepony decided to submerge her in freezing water. She gasped for breath, trying to break its surface, shout out the warnings in her mind.

“The warmth grows cold! More warmth! More cold!”


Luna looked back at Sunfall Ordain. Hoping that she had managed to install enough encouragement in the mare to finally meet her gaze.

And she could tell that the mare wanted that to happen. For all of the apprehension over her own shortcomings, whatever the details of those were, the batpony wished to establish that connection with Luna. With her Goddess. Especially after that last sentence.

It felt like the warrior had heard exactly the right words, something that resonated so profoundly in her she was finally braving the reluctance.

Just like Luna.

Finally, despite the fact that Sunfall Ordain remained in that deep, submissive bow... the batpony lifted her eyes.

... and it was Luna, the Goddess, the Immaculate Moon... who had to hold still and stoic. Not to have tears invade her own eyes now.

In those bright yellow irises she saw that... sparkle. That incredible light which was so very hard to describe and do justice to. It lasted for a brief moment, for just a little while, before pious fear caused Sunfall Ordain to look aside, but... there it was.

All that Luna could have hoped for. All that she feared would be missing, but still was there.

That profound joy. That child-like abashment. That gleaming hope.

And that spirit. The mare’s enthusiasm was so great and so blatant, returning from below the crushing fear, that Luna would not be surprised if, in another set of circumstances, the captain would abandon all social and religious conventions and just embrace Luna in a tight, sincere hug.

... why had she not been missing all of that earlier?

That one stare was... everything at that moment.

Sunfall Ordain, looking down again, shook her head and uttered. “O Immaculate Moon... I have witnessed You with mine own eyes... I have seen everything and more that I needed to see in life...

Luna found herself smiling at that very broadly. She almost chuckled. “My child, there is still more to catch sight of, I assure you. But your words and your happiness bring joy to my heart as well.

Was that a little, happy squeal that she had just heard from the captain?

Whatever that was, Sunfall Ordain was finally getting over the initial shock. Which was slowly being replaced by what seemed like noticeable earnestness and just... pure joy.

O Goddess, I... to hear that...” the mare clearly found it hard to find the words, though for a different reason altogether now. And she must have realized that. “To hear that my prayers have been answered, to learn that they have pleased You... But I never thought that I would witness You with mine own eyes and like this, it’s... I am yours, heart and soul, mind and strength. Speak, O Goddess, for your servant is listening...” she relented trying to express herself better.

Luna smiled again. She had no clue what exactly the mare had prayed for, but... it looked like destiny was on their side.

Moonwarden needed but one more glance from her to realize that, as far as it could be told, things were finally heading in the right direction.

She could have sworn that she could hear his exhale of relief in her mind. But, more importantly... pride shone in his argent eyes. Warm pride over this accomplishment. However small and basic it could have been deemed.

Still, this was not just a mission to gather knowledge at this point. Not for Luna.

Actually, it never really had been just that in her mind. Her loyal, grey Advisor had this agenda. She... well, she was just happy to meet one of her children and drink from this fount of rapture which was beginning to open right before her.

At her presence. That thought itself was rejuvenating.


Twilight could barely register what was happening to her at this point. But the next magical wave clearly locked her throat up for a moment. As if trying to choke her, for just a second, but with strength to wrangle all the air from her in but a second.

Her frantic inhale burned against her lungs, but she couldn’t hold it in for long.

“Drink, don’t deplete! She deserves, She doesn’t deserve!”


Luna maintained some divine decorum, but felt much better for it. More natural about it. Now she could honestly assure the captain, to the extent a patron should have.

Thank you for those words, my child. Your eagerness is worthy in my eyes. And, as far as I know, you have already proven most helpful to my faithful servant.

Sunfall Ordain looked up again, for a brief moment meeting Luna’s gaze. But then quickly switching her attention to Moonwarden.

It was interesting to have him being easier to focus on, despite an alicorn’s presence.

The grey unicorn also immediately realized that he was the momentary center of attention, looking back at both the batpony and Luna with a question written in his eyes.

Perhaps it was time to include him in this visitation fully and make even more progress.

Unfortunately, my loyal Moonwarden lacks the ability to speak this tongue. Nopony is perfect,” Luna explained to Sunfall Ordain, whose shoulders shuddered a little in a muffled chuckle. “As my will is to be enacted through both of you this night, shall we make it a little easier?

The captain grasped her suggestion immediately. “O Goddess, as you will!” She caught her mistake and her muzzle reddened a little. “I mean – O Goddess, as you will!”

Moonwarden recoiled a little at the language switch and the volume, but was back to his perfect and faithful stance and performance in but a blink.

Luna nodded at him gracefully, then spoke to both. “Arise, my faithful. Let us convene on how to assure the future being brighter for all.”

She thought for a second that she was, perhaps, overdoing her part. But she managed to get Sunfall Ordain to stand up at attention. And Moonwarden didn’t even for a moment look like he was deeming her words as too pompous. On the contrary, his voice was borderline eager as he spoke rising to his hooves.

“Yes, Your Lunar Majesty. Ready to be of service,” he declared, lowering his head reverentially as he did. “Your wisdom shall lead us in these endeavours. And our discretion,” he added, looking the captain’s way, “will assure that your great plan succeeds.”

Sunfall Ordain didn’t have to be told twice, almost dropping to her knees again hearing the not-that-subtle instruction. “Tac—I mean, yes. If this is Your will, O Goddess, my tongue is bitten!”

And Luna almost shook her head. Moonwarden was already onto covering a lot of the possible tracks of this conversation. But... that was good. She trusted him in such tasks.

She raised her head a little, majestically. “I, indeed, wish to act with forethought and discretion. My silver light does not wish to force its way into my children’s lives... but asks to be invited. By those I deem worthy.”

She could have sworn both ponies did beam at those words. Though Sunfall Ordain lightened up like a lit torch and the grey unicorn was an argent shield, reflecting the illumination like it would.

And so Luna continued. Finding additional support and strength in this. Even while trying to embrace again her godly role, she would not forget to ask about the right things.

“As you are both aware, even if through different ways, my faithful... it was my will to send the young Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Equestria, to the lands of my night-dwellers. And I am aware that you have granted her shelter on this journey, my child,” she added, looking Sunfall Ordain’s way, whose gaze escaped immediately, abashed.

But the batpony nodded eagerly. “Yes, O Immaculate Moon...” she affirmed, bowing her head and staying silent for a second longer. “As it was required of me, I have assured that the Honored Princess could rest before heading towards our lands,” the mare spoke with pride.

“Most excellent,” Luna judged with a small smile. “I always put trust that Sparkle of Twilight would receive only the most proper of welcomes and be treated like her station and mission demands it.”

The captain nodded again. “Yes, O Goddess, Our Mother. The orders from above... came to me.”

... was that a blunder of composure?

Luna knew she didn’t imagine it. Not when Moonwarden’s ear flicked a little and his argent eyes squinted just a bit, glancing the batpony’s way.

There was a pause in this declaration.

Luna wasn’t going to let that slide past her. “My child? What is the matter? I sense that something troubled you just then?”

Sunfall Ordain made sure that her stance was even firmer than before. She was gathering her resolve through training, that was blatant. As to what reason?

She took a deep breath. “O Goddess, I am not to question my orders. For they arrive from my superiors and to them from the Honored Covenant. Our Honored Lords fulfill Your divine vision. And it was the Honored Lords’ will to keep a close eye on bats carrying missives back to Ekwestriya...” she spoke, slipping into the accent fully for a breath. “But...”

“But?” Moonwarden was the one to ask, his tone far, far colder than Luna would deem necessary.

But... she would have to admit, her grey schemer had been right. Sunfall Ordain hesitated a little longer and yet she couldn’t find the daring, or indeed the ill will, to hide her doubts from her Goddess. She just needed to be pressed a little to formulate them, when piety and duty scraped against each other.

And piety squarely won.

“I... O Goddess, the orders were to stop the messages successfully, by the necessary means. I did. And yet, when I wanted to burn the letter, as it is prudent, I... I hesitated,” the captain admitted, two notes present in her voice. That of confusion and that of hopeful anticipation. “I felt like... like it would not be fair. Delay the letter, yes... but the Honored Princess behaved and acted with sincerity and good will for as short as she stayed. When I put the parchment by the candle, I spotted the gift she had left me.”

Moonwarden’s voice briefly sounded in Luna’s head.

‘A silver, star necklace. I saw it in her office.’

Sunfall Ordain continued, daring herself to look briefly at Luna again, questions on her lips.

“Was... was that also Your will, O Mother? For me to stay my hoof before the flames consumed the message?”

“Yes, my child. You have done well to hear my whisper in your heart and mind...”

Luna spoke with the confidence and intent of a near-omnipresent and omniscient being. And that surely scored her many points with Moonwarden, she could feel it.

The fortuitous disposition of Sunfall Ordain would provide both of them with an incredible result of this excursion.

The grey unicorn was keen on capitalizing on Luna’s words himself. “I have told you, Your Lunar Majesty. The captain is a prudent and faithful mare who looks for your guidance in her life. And more than capable of fostering doubt when confronted with orders not inspired by your sacred will.”

Sunfall Ordain looked momentarily stunned. Both by the praise and the notion. “What... does that mean?”

Luna pondered for a breath. For the right effect... and to think. What did that mean? Moonwarden had chosen the risky path... but if the mare was truly as faithful as it appeared, perhaps it was worth it to brave that route entirely and make her a closer confidant.

“Among those I deemed the most righteous to lead my children... deceit and selfishness appeared,” came Luna’s words, laced with sadness. “They turn away from my light and guidance, in service to themselves.”

She hoped she wasn’t hurting any of the Lords, her night-dwellers, with these words.


Twilight gasped. Her head twitched, her eyes rolled back once more.

“Truth spoken with lies! She grows stronger! Weaker! Weaker!” she wailed, crying out in a tone both familiar and alien.


“Which is why I have decided to intervene...” Luna finished, leaving Sunfall Ordain covering her mouth with her armored hoof in shock. “I will not allow unwarranted ambition of those I have put my trust in to bring danger to anypony.”

She could almost hear Moonwarden’s comment in her mind about graciously showing a lot of leeway to warranted ambition.

“That message from Sparkle of Twilight, where is it now?” she asked.

The batpony saluted, though bit her lip a little still. “I... I have hidden it in my office, to fulfill the order, but without destroying it. It’s... a little burned on the edge...”


“... and stomped, O merciful Mother. When I had to extinguish it. Fast.”

Her tone had a child-like sincerity to it, again making Luna smile. “Fret not, my daughter. You stopped in time, that is what matters here. Your heart knew not to follow a false will, disguised as my own...” Then she turned her expression more somber and distant. “Moonwarden.”

He eagerly assumed a posture of readiness at being invoked with such intensity. “Yes, Your Lunar Majesty?”

“You shall retrieve this message alongside the captain. Then make sure to deliver it personally to me,” she ordered. Firmly. Regally.

“Your will be done,” he responded without hesitation, his foreleg almost sweeping the ground in the proper acknowledgment and a most courteous bow.

Then, Luna focused on Sunfall Ordain again. This time with a kind, gentle look, once again. “Help Moonwarden and make sure not to speak of this with anypony. You have stopped the message as was required. The rest is between me and yourself, between Mother and child...”

The captain eagerly saluted, then dropped to her knees again, in devotion and deference. “As you wish, O Immaculate Moon... most benevolent and righteous. My lips are sealed until my last breath, for you to open them in Argentee... if you shall find my life deserving...”

Luna wasn’t sure if... if she felt it proper to speak about those matters...

... but hope she could instill. Especially in return for this incredible sincerity in the mare’s tone.

That... that was a gift she was looking eagerly towards bestowing again in her life. True hope.


A momentary emptiness entered Twilight’s heart, as if the surge of power robbed her of something. She felt herself clutching her chest, as if somepony was trying to wrench her heart out of it.

“... no... don’t take it...”


Luna stepped a little closer towards her faithful mare and leaned down.

“Know this, my child. Know this, Sunfall Ordain, when doubt creeps in and your mistakes and sins gnaw at you... Accept what happened and remain true to yourself. Always remember to care about the well-being of others around you. Be good... also to yourself. And you shall find the light in your life, which will lead you onward even among the greatest darkness,” she spoke.

Softly and motherly. Feeling that... she wasn’t speaking only to the mare before her. But something about those words... it was directed inwards as well. Mirrored, to be brought right to Luna’s own soul.

“It is worthwhile to fight for the light in your life. However small and brief is its sparkle...”

When Sunfall Ordain nodded and again braved her fear to look up...

Yes. Luna felt it one more.

It was worth it. It was all worth it.

All that pain and uncertainty. All that doubt which had to have been faced, pushed through, to even consider the trip to the Eastern Woods. All the horror of being seen as imperfect and making herself more imperfect still in the eyes of one of her children... It all was made worthwhile by that look of deep, endless gratitude, the look that was as encouraged and hopeful as instilling courage and hope itself.

Luna smiled.

She remembered this smile. Those kind of smiles. From another life.

From her life.

She straightened up and let her magic illuminate the pathway again, with the silver aura of mysticism and divinity. She spoke to the two ponies.

“I must go now. See that my will be done. And know that my gaze is upon you and my light asks you to follow it with trust in your hearts...”

Luna flapped her wings, taking off, trying to be as majestic and proper as she could... but, truth be told...

She wanted to simply fly. To soar carefree and light. To glide in the night’s sky. To breathe in the cold air. To let the starlight guide her to wherever. She wished nothing else but to be lost in this warmth in her core, making her serene, spirited! For the first time... the first time in centuries!

Luna knew. She knew that she would soon again feel the encroaching worries, the chains of her own fears trying to bind her again. She wasn’t naïve. But there and then?

She wanted to remind herself what happiness was.

However small and brief would its sparkle be.

Back on the dirt pathway Sunfall Ordain looked after the Goddess’ very figure, disappearing from sight in the surrounding, blessed and bright moonlight. She got up from her pious bow, but immediately had to sit down, feeling her legs shaking and her mane glued to her forehead with sweat.

“Ancestors...” she invoked with a croaky voice, not even realizing she was doing so in Equestrian. “Ancestors above I have... Ha...” She felt a smile tugging at her lips. “I have seen the Goddess...”

The grey unicorn beside her, looking towards the distant, starlight sky, did nod. His eyes were mirthful.

“Yes. We both have...”


Twilight blinked. She felt like she had just woken up from a feverish dream, shivering and drenched.

She was still sitting on the cushion in the chamber’s middle, but her entire body was drained, as if she had run a race and suffered a malady together.

Her brain felt frazzled and shaken. Her vision was swimming. Her chest ached with a ghastly pain.

She heard Blessed Fang’s gentle, if worried voice. “Hwalba knaze... are you alright?”

“I... I don’t know... I think so...” she replied, trying to gather her galloping thoughts.

Gather them around one, particular one.

Twilight shifted around to look at the Lord. And whatever he saw in her eyes made him take a step back as she spoke.

The last sentence which she had to say aloud.

“The Goddess is crying...”

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