• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XVIII – Old Scars, New Wounds

“... and that should be the last case for tonight, Your Majesty,” Elegy confirmed, grabbing the freshly signed document from the desk with her orchid magic.

Luna took a deep breath. She held it in against the will of her lungs, hoping this short moment would be enough to asphyxiate this dreadful distaste inside of her. She closed her eyes, stayed still for a few seconds longer, then finally allowed herself a deep, pithy exhale. Under normal circumstances she always decided against showing her fatigue and annoyance to others. However, she had found some ponies aside from her beloved sister around whom she could be sincere in her words and gestures.

Well... at least more sincere than ordinarily.

“Why?” she began the rant she had been holding inside for the last hour. “Why, by my sister’s and mine shared sky?! Do ponies truly believe that if they have been before the local magistrate, the regional governor, the High Council and then before my sister herself!” She paused to take a long-due breath. “That I shall rule against all of those lawful verdicts and decrees only because ‘they know they are right’ and ‘this is but a conspiracy of everypony against them’?!”

She struggled to contain the irritation bubbling inside of her, almost slamming the desk with her hoof.

“Laws are enacted for a reason! Taxes are collected by rationale! Bounding legal agreements, entered voluntarily, are, as the name does mercifully suggest, bounding!” There went the slam. “Why is this is so hard to understand by some ponies?! Why do they never learn, nor even listen?! Why do they not simply accept the truth?! That they are sometimes responsible for their own misfortunes!”

Despite Luna’s boundless displeasure and agitated behavior, Elegy only giggled while checking the documents on the shelves.

“I hope this was a set of rhetorical questions, Your Majesty.”

Luna rolled her eyes, massaging her temple. “I would wish that wholeheartedly... Alas!”

The unicorn turned and smiled her distant, melancholic smile at the alicorn. “ ‘Alas’? Be you a mare friendless, hopeless? Nay, your hopes and friends are infinite!” she assured, her voice piercing, strong.

“Since when can you paraphrase Cardinal Woolsay so well?”

The actress did not reply, an unfading smile on her muzzle only growing in its kindness, which forced Luna to huff.

“Verily, nothing has changed for the last millennium. Those certain of their own cause still refuse to comprehend a thing, no matter the soundness of one’s logic or the strength of one’s reasoning...”

“Allow me, Your Majesty. I believe you are exaggerating,” Elegy protested, trotting closer to the desk and closing her eyes, focusing. “But I... I do feel your vexation. Righteous ire, its font in your heart. It’s like... like the winds of a gathering storm. Twisting, tumultuous, majestic.” The mare looked back at Luna, the arcane glint in her eyes vanishing. “Do not let this tempest brew inside of you, Your Majesty. Not everypony around is blind, deaf and dumb.”

“Indeed. Some of us...” Luna paused, feeling a sudden lump in her throat. “Some of us did learn better. But would you blame me for a thesis which would state that ignorance to one’s faults and fallacies is a plague upon ponykind?”

“Not at all, Your Majesty. However...” Elegy’s expression froze, her smile only stuck on her muzzle by chance, conviction vanishing from it, “I am myself a trotting counterargument to such a final theory.”

Luna nodded, respecting the silence that fell after the unicorn’s words. It took Elegy a moment to awaken from this torpor she had the tendency to fall into every time she reminisced of her past.

“Oh, pardon me, Your Majesty,” she apologized for her stupor, lowering her eyelids timidly. “I can almost taste the stress seeping out of you. Nettlie left us a few of her herbal blends in the cupboards downstairs, would you like to revert to one of those to battle this affliction of mind, Your Majesty?”

Luna stood up from her chair, stretching the tension in her back. “I think I would enjoy sitting down and sipping some tea for a while, yes...” she agreed to the proposition. She had learned to trust in her young herbalist’s natural remedies for many illnesses, also those of the spirit and heart. They offered a temporary relief at least from the omnipresent pressure.

The two mares opened the passageway and ventured down the stairwell to the chamber underneath, hearing a stern exchange all the way from the top of the steps.

“Wouldya stop complainin’? This is the easiest crossword I could find, I swear!” a young, brash voice bounced off the walls.

A calm, tenderly rhotic tone hailing from the peripheries of Trottinghamshire, replied. Pitying stoicism against enthusiasm. “Now, that’s a fret.”

“And a very merry Hearth’s Warming to ya too! Now... ‘A cat of an awful taste.’ ”

“What the Tartarus...? Come on, that doesn’t even make sense.”

“It does! And it’s actually about ya. A ‘sourpuss’.”

“Ask my arse.”

Elegy’s face reddened in silent shame and irritation, but Luna only fought the urge to giggle uncontrollably.

A pegasus of moss green coat was sitting at the center table of the secret chamber, balancing on his chair, keeping his hindlegs crossed on a pile of neatly organized documents. A few strands of his fiery, crimson mane were sticking out in all directions from under his gravel-hued kerchief, swaying with the pony back and forth. Two simple, golden earrings on his left ear were sending swinging reflections around the room as well.

“Tooly, at this rate we will never get it done!” the young stallion shouted, his right eye twitching two times as he put down the last clue into a booklet which he was holding in his hooves. He then placed the pencil behind his ear, sighing, granting a coy, burgundy stare to his colleague. “But I suppose Nettlie is enjoying ya bein’ slow in all ya do, hmm?”

“Eejit,” the addressed stallion replied. He was a bulky, copper earth pony, fiddling with tools and some kind of a round device in the far corner of the room. He swiped his forehead, moving a strand of his light cyan, short mane to the side. “Well, Double, if you’re finishing as fast as you are rushing through your little crosswords, I am not surprised that you don’t have a mare.”

Not minding the insult, the pegasus laughed with glee. “Well, Toolbox, go rut yourself!“

“I don’t have to, I do have somepony to rut.”

“Toolbox! Wobble Wink!” Elegy protested against the lewd exchange, her cheeks becoming garnet.

The young pegasus almost toppled backwards with his chair. “Wow, what the—”

Upon spotting that Luna had entered the chamber, he and his companion jumped from their seats.

“Greetings, Your Royal Majesty,” Toolbox bowed before the Princess with due respect, closing his iron eyes.

“Hiya, ma’am. How’s it hangin’?”

Wobble Wink mocked a salute with the most sincere of grins. Which gesture, as Luna spotted, almost caused Elegy to have a stroke. The Princess only shook her head, however.

“Agent Toolbox, agent Wobble Wink, well met,” she greeted the stallions. “I have a riddle for you, Double,” she addressed the pegasus by his moniker, her eyes glinting.


“Twelve letters, starts with an ‘i’, can get you, once again, in trouble really fast.”

A second was too long for Wobble Wink. “Impertinence!” he shouted the answer, proud of himself. Then his face fell. “Oh... Uhm, yes, sorry, Your Majesty...” He rubbed his neck.

Luna waved her hoof. “You are forgiven. I’m glad there is some measure of cheer around here. How are you, gentlecolts?”

“Ready for any upcoming tasks, Your Highness. Our previous assignment in Manehattan was a success,” Toolbox assured, trotting closer to the Princess. “We’ve contacted the mobs. The gougers are willing to cease their actions against local folk in exchange for pardons and laundering of their bits...”

“Foreseeable. I take you do have all the information on their enforcers and bosses gathered?”

“You bet!” Double confirmed, shrinking a bit when he received a glare from Luna. “Ekhm... I meant – you bet, Your Majesty. We can lock ‘em up when we want to.”

Toolbox nodded as well. “From the youngest boyos and gurriers. They’re thick, most of them, they really thought we wanted to negotiate with them.”

“It does help, Toolbox, that they believe you to be a... ‘made stallion’, wishing to protect their interests as their brother,” Elegy added, giving the big earth pony a warm smile.

“Elegy, I’ve never stopped being a wiseguy,” he replied with a melancholic expression. “I’ve just got much, much wiser,” he added, giving Luna a thankful, loyal look.

“A success indeed, then!” the Princess declared. “We shall not tolerate extortion and racketeering in our domain and thanks to your efforts, we have a chance to quash it with one, swift strike!”

Overjoyed by the news, Luna turned to the little side table to sit down. In the meantime, Elegy approached one of the cupboards, retrieving a kettle, a petite brewing stand kept for just the occasion and some pre-made, colorful packets filled with various herbal blends.

“Speaking of quashing misdemeanors, what were those rumors about you getting yourself arrested, Double?” the unicorn asked with nonchalance mixed alongside displeasure, lighting up a little flame to boil the water.

“No rumors, El, just the Royal Guard bein’ stuck-up pricks as usual,” Wobble Wink affirmed, rolling his eyes. “What’s so bad about runnin’ a little find the lady? It’s not like I’m pickin’ ponies’ pockets!”

“Only because you’re too busy switching the cards, you moran...” Toolbox commented under his breath, taking his strange device and his faithful, portable tool case from the table to make room for the Princess.

“Hey, they freakin’ should know better, right? I’m not forcin’ them to play!” Wobble defended himself, his right eye twice jerking. “Heck, I don’t even have a shill, it’s all me and my magic hooves!”

Luna scrunched her nose, sitting. “I hope for your sake, agent, that you are not targeting those that are in poverty with your street scams...”

The pegasus grimaced, his ever-lively eyes losing their spark for a brief moment.

“I never do in my own folk, Your Majesty,” he whispered, utterly serious for once. “I know how... hard it is to survive in Manehattan. But those idiots with more money than sense deserve every, freakin’, loss!”

“You could use a tea as well, Double,” Elegy declared out of nowhere, preparing additional cups for him and Toolbox.

“Gah, fine, we’re doin’ gourmet crap!” the stallion shouted in response, reaching out for his crossword. “Back to business. ‘A loudmouth choking on a sweet.’ ”

“Get outta that garden, where are you getting those riddles from?!” Toolbox shouted, shaking his head.

“Wherever it is, somepony must know you there,” Luna pointed out, putting her forelegs on the table. “If agent Toolbox is a ‘sourpuss’, as we have overheard, then this clue must be about agent Double. A ‘lollygagger’,” she gave the answer away, fighting a mischievous grin blooming on her face.

“Really? That’s my reputation ‘round here?” Wobble Wink tossed his hooves into the air before taking his place. “I thought I’m at least a ‘sweet talker’ or somethin’!”

Toolbox chuckled. “I think the boss has that title covered already.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right about Moony here,” Double affirmed, grimacing stupidly.

Luna almost snorted, imagining the look on Moonwarden’s face if he were to hear the nickname he had been graced with.

“That leaves Elegy and me,” she pressed the topic, finding it relieving and peculiarly calming after tonight’s legal chores. “Anything on us in that crossword?”

“Uhm... let me see,” Wobble Wink tossed his pencil in the air, placed the booklet down on the table, then caught the projectile before it hit him on the head. “This one is for Elegy! ‘The downfall of Prance’s stallions.’ ”

The unicorn, still waiting for the water to reach a desirable temperature, turned her head, causing her raven mane to shift like a wave of a dark ocean. She cocked an eyebrow.

“Really, Wobble Wink? A ‘femme fatale’?”

“Oh, don’t ya deny it, sister!” he shouted, putting down the clue. “You could charm the wings off of a pegasus. And then leave him to splutter on the ground.”

Toolbox clicked with his tongue. “You’re acting the maggot, Double.”

“Bite me, Tooly.”

Elegy smiled a mysterious smile. “Well, I cannot deny some facets of my nature...” she admitted, taking the whistling kettle away from the stand and pouring water into the beautiful, porcelain cups. Soon, the chamber was full of fragrant scents of herbs, pleasuring everpony’s nostrils. “Although nowadays, I think I have a lot more noble reason to utilize my expertise.” She placed the brews in front of everypony, then sat in her chair with dignity matching her acting prowess. “Please, Your Majesty,” she offered, waiting for the Princess to start.

Luna reached for the cup with utmost delicacy, as the quality of it demanded proper respect. The tea inside was rich in its golden color, inviting and alluring almost. She took a sip. She tasted chamomile, for certain. But she was unfamiliar with the rest of the constituents. Other than they were delightfully tasty and warming.

“A stellar brew,” she praised the drink. “Anypony knows the exact ingredients?”

“Love, care and the suppressed urge to poison us until we are throwin’ out of our eyeballs,” Double replied in a deadpan tone, causing a snicker from Toolbox and a facehoof from Elegy.

Luna decided that a lack of reaction shall be the best reaction. “Anything aside from those components?”

Toolbox shook his head. “Nettlie doesn’t ever tell. And I’ve asked her multiple times. She just smiles at me,” he revealed, his own expression becoming more amorous. “I think I can taste some passiflora. But don’t take my word for it, Your Majesty, I’m more the grease and oil type of pony.”

Luna smirked, feeling the warmth in her stomach quickly spreading through her. Whatever elements had been brought together in this concoction, they were doing absolute wonders.

She closed her eyes, feeling her heartbeat slowing down and her breathing becoming rhythmic, tranquil. All thanks to this wonderful, herbal remedy that was filling her with inner, hard to describe, peace.

The effect was almost too quick. It made Luna consider the possibilities... Either a remarkable talent was present in creation of these blends, which she could not deny Nettle Leaf having, or some sort of a natural, floral magic was at play.

She could not care less right then.

“Remind me to make sure that Nettle Leaf always has enough ingredients,” she said in a serene, almost sleepy tone, not wishing to disperse the tranquility.

Double chuckled under his breath. “Where will we get arsenic from at this hour?”

“Wobble Wink,” Elegy scolded him.

“Yes, Old Lace—ouch!”

The hit to the back of Double’s head from Toolbox stopped the tirade. And nearly caused his head to pop away from his neck.

“Gee, we were supposed to relax,” the pegasus protested, massaging his skull before turning to Elegy. “Pour him a double dose, cause he needs it.”

The mare brandished a long look worthy of poems. “You are insufferable tonight, Wobble Wink.”

Luna grinned to herself with gentle, serene satisfaction.

The selection of ponies that formed her own division of secret operatives had become something of a small, distinctive family to her. Like every household they were discrepant, they had their flaws, their dark secrets and troubled pasts. If a typical pony would possess the full knowledge about their lives and times, he would never consider trusting any of them.

But this was exactly why Luna knew she could rely on them. They were repenting for their mistakes out of their own, free will. Or they had been presented with an opportunity of utilizing their unique talents and abilities for the good of Equestria, even if those gifts could be considered undesirable or dangerous. All under Luna’s guidance, stalwart protection and with her blessing.

They had all been offered a second chance.

And the fact that it was Luna herself who lead them in their mission? Well, the irony was not lost on her at all.

“So,” she spoke after her moment of deep musing, “what about that crossword and me? Any clues matching me in there?”

Wobble Wink’s eye jerked as he chuckled. “Oh, I’m not fallin’ for that, ma’am. I’d like to avoid bein’ sent to the dungeon, or gallows... or a nearby Moon for that matter.”

His words would hurt Luna, but she knew better than to deny the necessity of her own, former incarceration. “You do not find me as having a sense of humor, agent Double?” she inquired, staring deep into the pegasus’ eyes.

“I’ve learned not to take my chances when it’s not necessary.”

Luna giggled. “Anypony else brave enough then?”

“The boss,” Toolbox answered, smirking. “But he’s in Hollow Shades, right?”

“Indeed,” Elegy confirmed. “I doubt he would wield his blade of mockery against the Princess, though,” she pondered, glancing at Luna. “Is that not right, Your Majesty?”

“You would be surprised, Elegy,” the alicorn admitted. “The point is that I am far from defenseless. Or from denying my flaws.” In the blink of an eye, Wobble Wink’s crossword disappeared from his hooves and landed amongst cyan mist in Luna’s. She scanned through the contents, looking for clues that had not been solved already. “How about this? ‘One drinking too much quicksilver.’ ”

Toolbox groaned and rested his forehead on the table, which almost caused it to tilt. “I give up.”

“I do not think ‘mercurial’ would fit you quite well, Your Majesty,” Elegy thought out loud, supporting her chin on her hoof with poise. “However, is there something about ‘imperious’ in there?”

Luna’s eyes glinted. “Oh?”

“I would go with somethin’ like ‘questionably principled’...” Double added, his eye jerking twice more and his teeth showing in a broad grin.

“I second that.” Toolbox, his forehead still resting on the wooden surface, lifted his hoof up. “And put down something like ‘loving the hush-hush stuff’ and ‘dealing with shady individuals’.”

“And you were worried about your repute?” Luna asked, trying to contain laughter. “A couple more suggestions like this and I will be a textbook malefactor.”

“Wait a second, ain’t we all?” Wobble Wink presented the question, rising his tea up as if he was toasting with a mug of cider.

Everypony participated in this makeshift toast, chuckling and exchanging knowing glances.

Luna cleared her throat finally, her tone becoming more serious. “Do we have any pressing matters that we need to discuss tonight?”

“Not really, no, Your Majesty,” Toolbox replied, putting down his cup. “We are to keep an eye on Canterlot for now and wait for the boss to come back.”

“Last orders were to keep passive vigil,” Elegy confirmed her colleague’s words. “Master Moonwarden told me that after he deals with the lumber production issue he shall refer to you, Your Majesty, his ideas for our future initiatives.”

“Very well.”

Luna pondered for a moment. Had Moonwarden ever told the others about his plans concerning the Nightguard in Hollow Shades?

She just managed to catch up to Elegy’s next words. “And we are expecting Her Solar Majesty, Princess Celestia, to return from Maretonia any day now, which might spawn some work. We do not know yet.”

The actress wished to take a sip of the brew, but froze in place, the cup an inch away from her ajar mouth. Her eyes quickly closed, her eyelids fluttering a couple of times, as if she developed a tick to match Wobble Wink’s.

“... fear?” she whispered in astonishment.

Her question was aimed at Luna.

The alicorn’s face bore the mark of distress, despite her best attempt at hiding it. She escaped with her gaze, avoiding Elegy’s concerned expression.

At this sudden change of aura around the table, even Double looked worried.

“Alright, crap, how much trouble are we in?”

“ ‘Tis not—” Luna tried to begin. She shook her head and bit her lip, gathering thoughts. “You are not endangered in any way by chastising, my servants. But I might, indeed, be.”

“What? Who would chastise you, Your Majesty? Princess Celestia?” Toolbox clearly could not believe his ears, he almost stood up from his chair.

Elegy leaned forward. “What is the matter, Your Majesty?”

“It is simply that—”

“No,” the earth pony interrupted her, pounding his chest. “Please, forgive me, Your Highness, but I don’t care. If we have botched things up somewhere and there is to be a ruffling of hides, then we cannot allow you to answer for our deeds.”

“Hear, hear!” Elegy added and Wobble Wink nodded fervently, his earrings sending reflections all over the place.

Luna was far from showing it, but a certain warmth spread through her heart, this time having nothing to do with the herbal tea she was drinking.

“I... am very grateful for such steadfast declarations from you,” she admitted, trying to keep her voice from giving. “But it is not a matter concerning your tasks.”

“Then what is the issue, Your Majesty?” Elegy pressed on, worry and care mixed in her expression.

The alicorn sighed. “I presume you are all aware of Twilight Sparkle’s departure towards Noctraliya.”

“The boss told us, yes,” Toolbox replied. “He notified Nettlie and sent Jade Wind to the mountains to keep an eye on things.”

“So he did. But, considering the nature of this mission and the... certain level of tact that is necessary for its success, you are well aware that nopony decided to make Princess Twilight’s journey a part of... common knowledge, should we say.”

“Wow, wow, time out!” Double stopped her, waving his hooves around as if trying to swat a horde of flies. “Your Majesty, ya wanna say that Princess Celestia doesn’t know a thing?!”

Luna did not reply at first, simply looked around the gathered with a firm, but tad abashed gaze. Silence reigned around the room for a moment, everypony musing on this piece of information, until finally Toolbox decided to share his opinion with others.


“I concur,” Elegy seconded him, although avoiding any expletives. “Your Majesty, Princess Twilight Sparkle, despite her new status and independence as a royal, is still very close to Her Solar Majesty’s heart...”

“I am well aware, Elegy,” Luna replied in a dry tone.

“Well,” the unicorn continued, weighing her words. “Please, allow me to ask... were there no discussion concerning our... diplomatic standings with the batponies?”

“Oh, no, there were. We have talked about this matter, Celestia and I. It was some time after my return and the restoration of the Nightguard. But Celestia considered the plan of sending an envoy to Noctraliya as... mistimed. She was quite adamant about it as well. And...” Luna paused for a brief moment, “she never truly explained why she felt that way,” she admitted with reluctance and a touch of sorrow.

“Hmmm...” Toolbox thought on something hard, biting one of his hooves. “And the bats never wished to come here with their ambassador or somepony, right?”

“That is true. I could try to understand their reasons, however,” Luna admitted. “But I was unsatisfied with this... this impasse. The noctrali are important to me, for many reasons,” she added, her gaze defocusing for a second. She took a deep breath. “I was in need of a solution. When I was notified by the Covenant of their desire to have Twilight Sparkle become their guest, as a form of repayment and gratitude for her participation in Nightmare Moon’s defeat...” Luna took another breath. “Well, I saw the perfect opportunity. I long awaited her move, but her thirst for knowledge and conviction in her mission to spread the ideas of Friendship did push her into taking on this quest.”

Wobble Wink cringed. “Uhm, how did ya know, ma’am, that Princess Twilight would not send a letter to Princess Celestia about this shindig? We all know they are exchangin’ private post.”

“Let us call it a gambit that I have succeeded in,” Luna admitted. Truth be told, she had been keeping an eye for messages like this.

“Rule of luck aside,” Elegy interceded, “this... Your Majesty, I do hope you have a plan. Princess Celestia shall without a doubt ask about Twilight’s endeavors during her absence. Are you considering keeping her in the dark for longer?”

Luna could not reply to that. She just looked deep into the mare’s orchid eyes, her stare becoming the answer.

After a moment of further silence, the Princess stood up, causing the group to lift themselves from their seats as well.

“Please, worry not about me, my servants. I do not wish to plague you with my own conundrums.”

“Your Majesty, if I may,” Toolbox took a few steps around the table and towards her. His muzzle lit up with a smile. “Plague us with whatever you so desire. You can count on us no matter what.”

“ ‘Princess, go on, and we will follow thee. To the last gasp, with truth and loyalty...’ ” Elegy assured with the combined strength of her art and the power locked in the quote.

Wobble Wink flapped his wings. “Yeah, whatever that was from. And if ya just want to help us solve a crossword or play some cards, ask away!”

“Having in mind that Double cheats,” Toolbox whispered, giving Luna a big, obnoxious wink.

“I don’t cheat! I just play hard!”

Elegy simply shook her head, clearly fighting the overwhelming urge to facehoof.

Luna hid a giggle behind her hoof, then smiled broadly at all of them, filled with immense gratitude for their steadfast devotion to her.

A while after, the alicorn was back on the terrace of her office, a place she visited more and more often lately. She looked for something, something fleeting among the stars.

A small pain, like a needle prodding Luna’s heart, was telling her that Twilight was right that moment dealing with her children. Was she faring well? Or did she need help in her task?

Luna exhaled. Tia was coming back soon.

And if only to avoid feeling more guilty than she had been already, Luna was going to tell her into what perils her beloved former student had been sent.


Twilight was in the Covenant’s firm grasp.

At least that’s what her heart was screaming at her, trying to contest her brain which was desperately attempting to find a way out of this extraordinary and terrifying alike situation.

She felt like a chess piece which had been thrust forward, through the enemy formation. Placed right next to the goal, the king, ready to bring the game to a victorious closure. Only to realize that its rivals had already foreseen this move and prepared to have the interloper defeated in a spectacular fashion. Enjoying themselves before striking true.

What was she to do? What could she do, faced with this dilemma?! The demand stated that she was to relinquish a part, a vast part of Equestrian lands, containing not only lush forests rich with lumber, but also a town filled with families who had been living there for generations! And because this territory had originally belonged to the noctrali for which she had no proof?!

Why would there be a switch of borders in the first place?! She recalled nothing about this from books! Not a mention! Not a hint! This could not be!

Lord Midnight Eye, his face a picture of satisfaction and pride, spoke from among his fellow nobles.

“As we can see, the Princess clearly needs a moment to comprehend our declaration. Should we sit down, allow our guest to... compose herself?”

Sunfall Word, whose gaze Twilight would mark as regretful if she was not busy skirmishing with her own panic, replied to him.

“Tu nye bida siuberbu, dziet. Uaia sprawe bide iusta, ale tuu morib nye.”

Whatever the venerable stallion spoke of, it resulted in him, Blessed Fang and Dusk Harvest stepping back from the group in silent protest and venturing to take their places.

Bright Crescent let out a melodious laugh. “Oh, I’m enjoying this so much!” he declared before trotting away as well.

Twilight was attempting to register everything that was happening around her, even with the overwhelming feeling of angst in her gut. She had to act and now, or her presence and person would be absolutely trampled!

She strengthened her royal posture, as much as one could in a situation like this, then spoke up, her voice firm. Although only due to some miraculous force, she could have sworn.

“No, Honored Lords.”

The entire chamber froze in place. Or, at least, Twilight felt so. Midnight Eye’s astonished gaze pierced her through, Crimson Shade’s nostrils flared, Bright Crescent stopped himself in mid-gesture of sitting down, as if suspended in time. Everypony shifted around at her enunciation.

Twilight continued. Somehow. “I shall not make any decisions of such a caliber without thought and consideration, as well as further proof of the legitimacy of this claim.”

Her heart fluttered, stopped, fluttered again. She had no idea how she managed to utter those exact words in her state. Well, there they went, bouncing in an echo off the columns and high arches of the Seat of the Covenant, causing the Lords to exchange glances and her to hold her breath.

It appeared as if Midnight Eye was the only pony keeping to his steadfast posture without failure, his cold stare resting on Twilight.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, it would be a mark of a bad host, not to give you enough time, of course...”

Yes, of course, seeing as he had just given her a proper example of an ultimatum, Twilight thought.

“Our claim is crucial enough to bet the future of this summit on it. It stood the test of time and we have all of the necessary means of proving to you that it is, indeed, justified in fullness.”

Despite the venom in his words, Twilight felt her heart steadying its pace. It was still quick enough to cause a sonic rainboom, which would wreak absolute havoc in her chest, but at least it had not decided to go into an overdrive and then stop completely.

She still had a chance of fighting back.

“Let us sit down,” Lord Azure Mist proposed with a gentle voice, her minuscule smirk victorious. She approached Twilight. “Please, Princess, do you need help to your seat?”

There was no malice, no mockery and no bile in the mare’s voice, yet Twilight could feel the creeping sensation of anger spreading through her heart. Azure Mist’s proposition had so much veiled condescension in it, Twilight felt that a few more words would be enough to provoke her.

“Your aid is appreciated, Lord Azure Mist, but I am perfectly capable of reaching my place.”

“Are you certain, Princess? You appear deeply, thoroughly moved.”

How could she not be?! “I am merely surprised by this... turn of events,” Twilight declared, making her way to the table without as much as a glance at the other mare. She took her place quickly, having stopped caring about the wrinkling of her gown. She had more pressing concerns on her mind.

Midnight Eye sat down in his throne like conquering emperor. “Nightguardian, take your place by the Princess,” he ordered of Midnight, making the stallion comply without a moment of hesitation.

Twilight managed to glance at her beloved. His expression was neutral, the face of a warrior serving his country and nothing more. But the storm of emotions inside of him... She had no idea how, but she could feel them. Shared in her heart.

The stallion stood by her seat, saluting with proper attention and conduct.

Midnight Eye waited for a brief moment, before taking a deep breath. “Princess Twilight, your questions, please,” he offered with blatant nonchalance.

Why that—

Twilight bit her tongue. She was this close from giving him a piece of her mind. But she simply could not have allowed herself the satisfaction. She knew that this was what the Covenant wanted, what they counted on, at least some of them. For her to snap, shout and break apart.

They had already succeeded in pushing her into the defensive, she couldn’t afford giving them any more ground. Both figuratively and literally.

“Honored Lords,” she began, deciding not to abandon the... poise and decorum that Midnight Eye had been so keen on emphasizing before abandoning it for the sake of hauteur. “This situation is unprecedented. Surprising and deeply concerning. Willing to lend my ear and understanding, I need to first ask about the basis of your claim.”

Blessed Fang, who had the look on his muzzle that spelt confidence devoid of hubris, spoke up, his eyes boring through Twilight. His tone was calm, timid.

Knaze Twilight Sparkle, the issue that was brought up dates back hundreds of years. The lands referred to by haspadr Midnight Eye were claimed by our folk a few years after our first contact with Equestria. Those territories were then wild, untamed and, most importantly, without anypony’s dominion. Considering their location, by the verdict of then Lords of the Covenant, they were granted to the Rodine Umber as a part of their domain, and, by extension, the Goddess’. The town of Umberiu Prozn, settled soon afterwards, became a bridgehead of our influence beyond the girdle of our mountains...”

Blessed Fang had Twilight’s undivided attention. He was not betraying any hints of antagonism, simply referring to what must have been noctralian historical record. It could have been a well-weaved lie, she thought, but... she could not tell at all.

“For how long were those lands belonging to the noctrali?”

“Solid fifty-two years, Knaze. Shades’ Hollow grew into a prominent trading hub and we started cultivating the land around it to match the needs of Noctraliya.”

“Th-th-the soil a-around w-was w-w-wonderful,” Dusk Harvest uttered, little Blossom agreeing with a knowing nod.

Bright Crescent suddenly decided to liven up. “Princess, allow me to ask – you mean to tell that you have never read anything about this?” he asked, his tone suggesting that he already knew the answer.

Twilight considered the topic a bit more, but nothing came to her mind. She read about “Hollow Shades” being a new town founded not long after Nightmare Moon’s original defeat, by Equestrian ponies laying claim to the territory. Yet utterly nothing hinted at there being a town, an outpost, an orchard or any other mark of civilization before that moment.

“No, Lord Bright Crescent,” she replied, shaking her head, “hence my... astonishment at the situation. To my knowledge, these lands were uninhabited by the time our settlers arrived.”

Crimson Shade, sitting next to her, hissed violently in an unspecified direction, almost flicking saliva over the tablecloth. It caused Twilight to shiver.

“How... appropriate...” the Lord muttered through his clenched teeth, turning his irked gaze away.

“Indeed, a very... lamentable choice of wording. Although, considering everything, applicable...” Midnight Eye pointed out, sighing. “We must make this clear. Princess Twilight Sparkle, what is your knowledge on one marshal Radiant Glory?” he presented the question, one that caused the other Lords to shift in their seats and Midnight’s armor to clang, as if a tremble went past him.

Twilight blinked. ... Radiant Glory? As in, the decorated Equestrian officer from a millennium ago?

... why was he relevant out of a sudden? Why did his mention spawn a reaction?

“To my knowledge, Lord Midnight Eye, marshal Radiant Glory was the highest commanding officer in Equestria before and during the initial Nightmare Moon crisis... Unless there is another pony by that name of whom I have no information,” she pointed out, wishing to avoid any miscommunications.

When Midnight Eye shook his head, she continued. “Well, the marshal is a figure, nowadays, somewhat forgotten. A unicorn from a noble family, the last of the great marshals of Equestria, actually. A master, unrivaled strategist, some say the greatest military mind before the reorganization of our forces into Protective Pony Platoons that were the foundations of modern Royal Guard...” Twilight recited, feeling momentary reprieve that she could reach into her memory for facts she was certain of.

Azure Mist’s timid smile was becoming her worst enemy, however. “Everything you said about the marshal is true, perhaps bar the ‘unrivaled’ part...” she adjoined. “Radiant Glory was, indeed, a prominent figure... Do you know what happened to him after our Mother was taken by the Corrupting Darkness? After the Eclipse’s beginning?”

“He was honorably discharged about a year and a half after Nightmare Moon’s defeat and lived the rest of his life surrounded by praise for his valor,” Twilight replied, still without even the vaguest of ideas as to why he was brought up in this particular moment.

“Well, look at that, Crimson Shade,” Lord Bright Crescent suddenly turned to his colleague, “a murderer can be remembered as a hero after all.”

“A murderer?!”

Twilight’s cry echoed around the chamber. A m-murderer?! The marshal? What was the meaning of this? Was this the Covenant’s trick to make her lose composure again?

If so, it was more than successful.

“Honored Lords, in whatever way he is recalled in your scriptures and chronicles, marshal Radiant Glory—”

“... was the soleeran responsible for the extermination of Shades’ Hollow’s population and the invasion on Noctraliya, known to us as the Soleera Cruziate,” Midnight Eye declared with unmatched conviction.

Twilight was certain she had been struck by astonishment and fear already tonight, but what she had just heard topped everything else...

“Soleera... Cru... Cruziate?” she mumbled. “What—”

“A term in our language meaning ‘Solar Holy War’,” Bright Crescent translated, looking forward, his gaze blank.

“... Honored Lords... what are you saying?”

Dusk Harvest, interested more in the tablecloth than looking Twilight in the eye, uttered. “U-u-unfortunately, th-the t-t-truth. Th-the H-Holy War. A-a-an invasion.”

Twilight felt that a frigid shiver went down her spine. Something caused her to glance at Lord Crimson Shade, sitting to her right. And what she saw...

His expression was that of profound sorrow. Sadness that could only come from an old, festering wound in one’s heart. He took notice of her gaze, but he needed a moment to finally answer it with his own. The spark in his eyes told Twilight more than she wanted to know.

She felt that she was slumping in her chair. “How... how did this...?”

Sunfall Word, appearing all this time like sleeping, coughed. He opened his amber eyes, their look more tired than usual. “To bide istorie kazdu noctral znat.”

Twilight looked at the Lord quizzically, as silence reigned for a longer moment. Midnight Eye blinked, confused about something, than cleared his throat.

“Nightguardian Midnight Wind, do not postpone. Translate.”

Twilight turned to Midnight, whose face was paler than ever before. He took a deep breath and swallowed, taking a step forward, standing at the side of her seat. His gaze was... absent.

“Honored Lord Word of Family Sunfall says that this is a story that every batpony knows.”

The mare eyes would widen, but they were far beyond their capability of showing surprise. She slowly turned to face the table, her lips quivering.

“... every batpony?” she inquired.

“Indeed, Princess,” Midnight Eye confirmed, conjoining his hooves on the table. “A dark, dreadful and tragic moment of our history. However, no matter how disheartening, one cannot choose the happenings to be remembered or forgotten. The past is as important as the present and the future. A pity that some domains take exceptions to this universal rule...”

“I...” Twilight felt at a complete loss for words. “I-I never... I was not made aware—” she mumbled, her eyes almost escaping towards Midnight.

The Lord of Midnight Family must have guessed her intentions though. “Oh, would you have in mind your talks... uhm, ‘interviews’ with my subject, Midnight Wind? Yes, we have granted him permission to conduct those, as a form of our fair repayment for what you have done for our Goddess. Yet we have strictly forbidden him from mentioning this particular matter or anything connected closer to it,” he declared with great firmness to his voice. “Your reaction suggests that he has done as ordered.”

Twilight felt that she was about to pass out. Her heart sank when she heard the Lord’s words.

She realized something out of a sudden. No matter the declarations between Midnight and her, he... he was a Nightguardian. A loyal warrior of his country. And he... he followed orders. Orders he had never told her about.

“This... this is...” Twilight attempted to speak, but Blessed Fang interrupted her, still not turning to her, instead sending his haunting voice forward, into unspecified nothingness.

“Eight months after the defeat of the Impora Maroce and the beginning of the Eclipse, marshal Radiant Glory, without any declaration of intended hostility, surrounded Shades’ Hollow with a part of your military. He declared all of the inhabitants to be hidden supporters of the Corrupting Darkness. His loyal troops were then sent in to ‘purge’ the town of those he declared responsible for summoning this vile force to our world with the intention of bringing everlasting night...”

Twilight could barely hear the Lord’s words, her mind opposing to the idea of listening to this tale... but she was registering every vowel and consonant, every breath and pause, every little hint of emotion.

“His accusation was nothing but falsehood,” Azure Mist added to the tale out of a sudden. “We believe in both the Immaculate Moon... and the Judging Sun, even if we are venerating but our own Mother. No noctral has ever followed the Corrupting Darkness.”

“I...” Twilight heard herself speaking, “I am aware of that... But... what happened next...?”

Blessed Fang continued, his serene, eerie tone never shifting. “The warriors at Shades’ Hollow were unprepared for a strike from soleerani troops – better trained and equipped then we were. They fought gallantly, but... not one noctral survived the attack.”

“The blood of two lesser Houses from our Family dried. House Cavern and House Iron of Shades were no more,” Crimson Shade added, his voice dark and deathly calm at first. “Never before had a line died out because of... of...” the general’s voice began trembling with ire. He miraculously stopped himself from shouting.

Dusk Harvest bit his lip. “A-and th-the b-b-bodies o-of our b-brethren w-were b-buried...” he emphasized, Blossom on his shoulder lowering her head, sharing her master’s sadness. “A-a-against c-c-customs.”

“A ground burial does not allow a noctrala soul to reach afterlife,” Blessed Fang clarified, finally granting Twilight with a stare. She wished that he had not done that. His gaze drilled her through with ease. “We are afraid that the marshal was aware of that fact... for he repeated this deed after he struck on our homeland three days later, dealing us two more defeats soon.”

Ekwestriyani were pushing us back quickly. There was no Border stronghold at the time,” Midnight Eye continued, almost lifting himself up from his throne, his eyes burning. “We were weak back then, caught by surprise, in grieving over the confinement and corruption of our Mother.”

Twilight listened to the tale of the Covenant on the verge of a breakdown. She could... they couldn’t have been lying to her. There were... there were too many emotions at stake...

“Marshal Radiant Glory was making a push towards the Tuarie, Knaze,” Blessed Fang picked the story up again. “He wanted to topple it, burn it. Desecrate the greatest place of our Immaculate Goddess’ worship and break our spirit forever.”

“I tum wene Nadyir.”

Sunfall Word’s sentence broke Twilight out of her hopeless stupor.

Nadir. The sculpture at the Border. The peak towering over the pass to the valley of the Sanctuary.

“High General Ebon Fang...?” she whispered, uncertain whether she had the strength to lift her voice anymore.

“Indeed.” Bright Crescent must have heard her, for once sounding utterly serious as he progressed the fable. “The daughter of the Fangs’ haspadr, a maiden strong in heart and soul. She lead our troops in our last, desperate stand. The final line of defense, the gorge of Eventide Valley, now named after this struggle.” He paused to take a deep, bitter breath. “She gave her life in that battle... so that Noctraliya would prevail.”

None of what had been brought up was known to Twilight. Not one fact of this story had been mentioned in Equestrian books. But this lack of evidence did nothing to belittle the feeling that had begun emerging in the mare’s heart and mind. Born out of this certainty in the Lords’ voices, postures, gestures and looks...

She could consider all of this a lie. An arrogant, unscrupulous, devious lie, created to confuse and break her...

... but the shame, guilt and sadness that she felt radiating from Midnight... it...

She had questions. Countless. Important. Valid. Concerning. Pressing.

... no, she could not withstand this any longer. Not one moment.

“This... this is too much...” she admitted, letting go of the very remnants of her composure. She felt like crying, only barely stopping herself in this moment of weakness.

“It is too much, Princess, indeed,” Midnight Eye concurred, nodding. “We feel dreadful that those news had to be broken to you, but... but without this our summit would not stand. It is... pain that festered in us for too long already.”

Twilight had no idea if he was sincere, mocking her, or intimidating her... She had no idea anymore. She just wanted to go. To leave.

“I’m... I’m sorry, H-Honored Lords, but I... I think I need a moment...”

Azure Mist, her expression weaved out of pure concern, quickly stood up and approached, almost shoving aside Midnight, who seemed petrified by Twilight’s reaction.

“Princess, we are very sorry that you had to share our suffering...”

Twilight nodded. She had no strength to do otherwise. “I... I just, I can’t believe... How such atrocity could... could...”

“There, there,” Azure Mist’s voice was like thick, warm honey. She held the mare’s hoof. She offered Twilight rest from this pain and shame that gathered in her heart. “There is no ignominy in feeling disappointed by your own folk...”

No... that... that was not what Twilight was feeling... But the Lord’s words did not miss their mark either. Why was there... no evidence of this... this abominable crime?

Twilight’s head was starting to hurt. She reached for her temple, feeling weak in her stomach. Her legs were shaking and her breathing was frantic.

Midnight Eye shook his head, standing up. “We cannot continue like this. I propose we move our talks to tomorrow, give the Princess time to rest, calm down. She was faced with enough tonight. Do we have an agreement?”

All the Lord’s affirmed of the idea and Twilight felt eternally grateful for it. They were concerned about her. And...

She... she just wanted to go. Lock herself in her chamber. Cry. Sleep. Anything.

“Nightguardian, take the Princess to her quarters!” she heard Midnight Eye’s order. “Bring her food, drink, anything she desires. Anything that might help her deal with this abhorrent truth...”

“Th-thank you, Honored Lords,” Twilight muttered, her heart finding comfort in these words.

Though these ponies have caused her distress... they were just honest, were they not? And now they feared for her state...

Midnight had to help her stand from her seat, leading her outside, his face nothing but a stern mask, even if his gaze was sinking in worry.

Twilight, shaking her head, trying to cast aside this dreadful knowledge she had just possessed, could not see the triumphant expressions exchanged between Azure Mist and Midnight Eye.

She had little idea through which tunnels Midnight was taking her. She knew that she was trotting straight, but her head was spinning, thoughts running rampant. Names were tossing themselves left and right, Radiant Glory, Ebon Fang, Shades’ Hollow. Chaos reigned in her mind. She knew it, she felt it, they were telling her the truth! And yet this truth was so... so... impossible. Hideous. She... no, it could not have been. An Equestrian marshal, the last great officer before the creation of the E.U.P. Guard... a murderer? No, no, that was not... perhaps? Why not? Why would the Covenant lie?

Twilight had no idea. She did not know. She couldn’t have known!

... no, she could have known.

Midnight. Midnight could have told her. He could have. Yes... Yes! When he was mentioning the Nadir! Both the mare and the mountain! Why did he—no. He hesitated. Every time when they were... they were getting closer to the topic, he appeared like omitting something. Rushing forward to abandon it. Back in Hollow Shades, or... or Shades’ Hollow... when they were looking at the Alps for the first time... At the Border, by the monument... When they flew to the Sanctuary, through that gorge... that place that had witnessed the last stand of the noctrali.

A subtle hint here, there... Why was she... why had she not seen it...?

She heard the click of locking doors. She was back in her chamber. No idea how. But there she was, with a ton of questions, her mind in tatters and...

A realization struck her hard. Yesternight. In this chamber. His gaze, his look, his silence... Her heart stopping.

“You knew about this...” she whispered.

She turned to Midnight. He was standing by the door, having had removed his helmet prior, his expression filled with shame.

“Twilight... I...”

“You knew about this. Yesternight.”

His face paled. “Please, Twilight, listen to me...”

“Yesternight,” she did not wish to grant him a chance, trotting closer. “Yesternight you have not told me something. I thought I was imagining things, but no...”

“Twilight, I beg you, understand—“

“You knew they were going to bring this up,” she did not back away, not minding that accusatory tone she could hear in her own voice.

“I...” She saw the glint in his eyes. “Yes. Yes, I did,” he admitted, lowering his head, as if the weight of his words pulled it down.

“Why... why haven’t you told me any of this...?” she asked, hearing her voice breaking. “Why have you not warned me?”

“Twilight... I-I was sworn. I could not have—”

“All of this is true...?”

Midnight bit his lip, almost drawing blood. He did not have to answer and that was more than enough for her. He did so anyway.

“That is what lies in our scriptures... all of them. Shades’ Hollow, the Soleera Cruziate, marshal Radiant Glory, the name that invokes suffering to this day...” he whispered, looking to the side.

Twilight backed off. She felt tears stinging her eyes. “And you... you... you haven’t told me a thing...”

“I couldn’t.”

“You could!” she screamed at him. “And you should have! You say you care for me, that you love me! How could you leave me in the dark?!”

Midnight crossed his gaze with her, although she could barely see it from behind her tears. “Twilight... I... I gave—”

“You gave a promise, yes! But you gave me a promise as well! That you would not let anypony harm me, because you love me!”

She could no longer contain herself. All of this uncertainty, this sorrow, this confusion, they had to find their escape somewhere.

“Look! A lot of good that did!” She pointed at herself. “What other promises have you given?! Can I even trust you still?! What more are you hiding from me, Midnight Wind?!”

She saw it. In the stillness of his stance. In the hue of his mournful eyes. In his deep breaths.

Something inside him broke.

And it snapped her out of her rage.

“M-Midnight... I...”

“No,” he stated, turning around. He reached for the doorknob.

“I’m... Midnight, I’m sorry...”

“You shouldn’t be, Princess,” he declared, his voice devoid of any feelings. It caused Twilight’s mane to stand on end. “I’ll make sure food and drink is brought to you.”

“Don’t leave me now... please...” she begged him. She was wrong, so wrong to accuse him, she—

The sound of the doors closing was all the reply she was granted with.


A pair of coral eyes, lurking from the darkest part of the corridor, was glued to Midnight Wind. He left the Princess’ chamber with haste, then stopped in the middle of the passage. He leaned towards the wall, dropping his helmet on the carpeted floor, as if powerless to keep a hold over it. He remained still for a few seconds before reaching down for it, then left in the direction of the Great Shrine.

He was shaken. His legs were trembling. And Rowan Berry could swear that, for a split second, she saw his eyes glistening with tears.

“Wind of Family Midnight,” she whispered to herself when the stallion trotted far enough, “it has been a while since I saw you like this... And it’s not even my fault this time.”

She chuckled quietly, then followed after him through the deepest shades.

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