• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LXIII – Gray Propriety

Luna woke up the next night at the regular time... as much as she could tell, at least, despite staying up very late by her standards. The thick, soft and black drapes, specifically designed to block the light of day and allow rest in the comforting darkness, did betray only in the slightest that the Sun’s time in the sky had almost run out. Which meant that it was, indeed, time to rise and shine silver illumination on the land of Equestria soon.

But awakening also meant that moment of brief confusion and consideration. Had last day... really happened?

Luna rubbed her eyes, fighting the lingering touch of sleep, no less thick and soft than the curtains of her chamber.

She could remember... balloons. The Royal Parlour. A lot of work done, yes, despite the mounting exhaustion. Also... Discord, the draconequus of Chaos, making assurances that he would be delivering the letter to Twilight without unnecessary delays. Which, in the case of somepony claiming to have an “agnostic” approach to the concept of time, had caused quite the conversation between him and Tia.

And finally... Luna remembered her laughter. And Moonwarden’s gaze, locked on her with... fondness.

Though she couldn’t be sure if that last thing wasn’t just one of the nightly fantasies, lacking the true anchor in reality. It seemed almost too convenient, too similar to what she had experienced in the Parlour, dozing off before the quite tense meeting. And the moment that the meeting had ended, with the promise that more details of the reply would be discussed through the rest of the day and presented to Luna for approval, she could feel herself almost dropping from her hooves, so... perhaps she had only imagined that stare from her servant...?

Not to mention that, despite what she had managed to achieve last day, because that was no dream... Luna didn’t feel relieved anymore. The day’s sleep hadn’t served that. Instead, in her visions, she had gone through all the contents of Princess Twilight’s letter... and thought of only the most dreadful outcomes coming from each and every paragraph. She had to face all of the most pessimistic possibilities and sordid scenarios. To work through them... and realize those could have been avoided, were it not for more of her mistakes and faults...

So... she could only hope that her children, her batponies, were far better than those dreary dreams.

For their sake. For her sake.

Luna took the proper amount of time to actually make herself look... proper, indeed. Thankfully, despite the harsher aspects of her usual rest, she was never one to look utterly disheveled in the evening. It sounded rather plain, but there were obvious advantages to having a mane naturally saturated with arcane power. Less brushing and styling. Still, Luna’s whole bearing and look required its dose of adequate treatment. Sometimes simply to hide the bags under her eyes and banish the scowl on her muzzle at her own state.

To think that actions like actually washing one’s muzzle would some nights feel exhaustive...

Thankfully, that evening went rather smoothly, as she found in herself just the correct amount of drive to make herself presentable to tackle the night. As she was putting on her tiara with the right amount of gusto, accepting its weight and that of her duties, a knock on the door resounded.

Quite measured and proper. And with just the right timing, betraying who it might have been.


“Advisor Moonwarden, Your Majesty. Here to humbly ask for a private audience, if it pleases.”

Her servant’s voice was a welcome sound, though his words lacked the usual pride. Luna could easily figure out why, considering the shenanigans she had witnessed... and couldn’t help but still giggle at.

She gave herself one last look in her mirror, hoping she looked nice and regal. For some reason, she found herself wanting to be witnessed like that by Moonwarden.

Then she went to open the doors herself. It was actually Tia who was the one for maids being allowed around to help her dress and get ready for the day. Luna valued her privacy a bit more and, besides, it wasn’t beneath her to take care of herself.

She simply needed the strength for it and... she was getting there again, she felt, after the latest batch of anxieties. This arrival would help her in that even more.

At the threshold of her room waited none other than the gray unicorn. His stance most proper and his clothes even more so. He even had decided to put on one of his more elegant capes, emblazoned with his own cutie mark. The full Moon on a heater shield, which he wore with dignity and confidence. And with his mane done with additional care, simultaneously hiding and accentuating the graying strands, Luna would have to deem his look spotless.

She could easily guess why exactly.

“Greetings, my Advisor. You are here quite early.”

“Good night to you, my lady,” Moonwarden responded with a deferential bow. “I hope I have not dared to arrive precisely to interrupt your evening routine?”

“I’m pretty certain you know you haven’t,” Luna told him with a small smile. “I wouldn’t put it past you to have waited outside my door until you knew the time was right.”

The unicorn blinked, his expression inscrutable. “No comment.”

She shook her head, suppressing a laugh. “Back to your prim and proper form, I see. Or can I expect a bit more of the... colorful displays coming from you?”

She didn’t meant to be rude or cheeky, but... well, first, she could allow herself that in front of him. And, second, the obvious “issues” from the Parlour meeting had to be addressed, right?

Moonwarden’s expression remained neutral. Only his head tilted a little bit. “I have not the foggiest of ideas what you might be referring to, my lady. Nothing happened during the last vital and crucial meeting with you and Her Solar Majesty and Princess Cadance and the Prince Consort. Especially nothing that might have left my reputation in ruin in front of all of you and Advisor Raven. If anypony were to deem otherwise, I would unfortunately have to diagnose it as a mass suggestion and hallucination, caused by too much hysteric tension present in the gathered.”

Despite the unicorn’s claims, Luna was now only better and better remembering the laugh attack she had suffered. Possessed by it, nothing short of it, and only having managed to calm down when Discord had decided to properly restore her servant’s voice. Which had taken some convincing. And some more violent and possibly quite rude “popping” from her loyal servant.

She shook her head at the memory, containing herself somehow. “If that is how you want to present it to retain the remnants of your dignity, Moonwarden,” she retorted, but only made the stallion roll his eyes. “Did you wish to have the audience inside?”

He bowed his head. “I want not to impose on your chamber nor your duty of raising the Moon, my lady. I would like to converse, but I can wait outside beforehoof. Especially if you believe that I have done so already.”

“Nonsense. I won’t have my loyal servant standing around like that. I value your time as well, Moonwarden,” she told him. Gladly stepping away from the door and giving the stallion a free choice of entering.

Choice which he made after just that little, polite delay. Trotting in with dignity and poise, though having waited to be led in by Luna.

She was, indeed, willing to have a moment with the unicorn even before finding for herself a meal or turning to her Moon duties.

“We have some minutes still before my sworn task awaits me. Is it something important, my servant, or are you here to... well, assuage your own burning embarrassment over what transpired?” she poked. Just a little, standing next to the entryway to her terrace.

The stallion had dutifully stopped by the other end of the chamber. “Again, I would claim defamation. Trying to suggest anything out of place occurring is beneath you, my lady,” the stallion claimed stoically. But when his eyes escaped to the side, he shuddered all over. “However... just one glance at your colorful cushions collection is making me rather uneasy.”

Luna giggled behind her hoof, herself examining that... casual resting place of hers. Many would not believe how helpful it could be for her to simply have a moment in the softness and comforting hues.

“I doubt Discord thought of this exactly when being... inspired to do that little trick at your expense,” she claimed, trotting towards the vivid selection. “So... I take it as truth, then? He has agreed to act as our messenger to Princess Twilight in exchange for making you an absolute laughing-stock in front of all of us?”

The stallion grimaced visibly and, with a practiced gesture of a stallion of breeding, checked his granite vest and his black cape. He would surely make it billow, like in a sudden gust of wind, if it only were to make him even less similar to whomever it had been in the Royal Parlour.

Emitting bubbles from his very muzzle and all that.

Moonwarden then spoke, calm and collected, abandoning the amusing denial. “My lady, I do not see myself as having lost the very remnants of my dignity, honestly. True, I took a hit. No doubt about that,” he admitted with a shrug. “But I am a Trottinghamian gentlecolt. It takes one to suffer mistreatment and carry on with even more sobriety.”

Luna didn’t know what prompted her to speak up in response, but... she touched one of the cushions with her hoof and smiled. Almost mischievously.

“Then... even were I to toss one of those your way, you would accept it and just continue?”

The stallion’s lips twitched just a little, though Luna didn’t know whether he was fighting a smile or a scowl. His voice definitely suggested the latter.

“Discord, I swear, if that is you posing as my lady, I will turn your twisted hide monochromatic and your limbs symmetrical.”

“Peace, my servant. ‘Tis me and you can surely tell that.”

“That I, thank providence, can...” the unicorn responded with a solemn nod... which still hid some relief. “Not to even mention that my limited magical capabilities beyond mentalism would surely not be enough to bring any sort of order to that... abominable nuisance of a creature.”

“Is that how you want to call a new ally in our cause?” Luna asked... moving away from the cushion pile, despite the ridiculous temptation still in her.

She had to keep herself under control at least a little. Especially since, well... she couldn’t deny that Moonwarden’s presence was making her feel quite... at ease. More so than usually and that was rather strange to fathom.

The unicorn was definitely pleased that she hadn’t followed through with her suggestion of a pillow strike. His stance did become a little less tense.

“In this instance, my lady, I call it as I see it. Discord was a sudden... and, one could say, ‘crazed’ idea of mine. Still, one that I judged to be worth the trouble just enough to go through with,” he told her with a small shrug. “That, however, does not mean that I suddenly find him any less annoying and capricious. More so, I have made him aware of that.”

Luna approached the chamber’s mirror. Looking at the stallion and herself in the reflection. “You think he wasn’t expecting to hear that coming from you?”

“Oh, no, he was very much expecting it, he had a laugh about it. I am pretty certain that I have worked in my own disfavour by being quite so honest... but I was willing to give the whole concept a shot for the sake of improving our situation. Which meant laying certain things out,” Moonwarden explained.

Luna glanced at him in the mirror, meeting his gaze. “And... that was enough to make him actually want to cooperate?”

“Well, I did appeal to his hidden, inner goodness. Suggested that it would be beneficial to do something productive for once and not have constant fun gallivanting around the place, using his omnip—oh, who am I kidding, it was only his sudden surge of remorse after his involvement with Lord Tirek that got him even remotely interested in helping. So I used that.”

Luna found her reflection stopping dead. Its eyes locked on the gray stallion, who had just finished speaking. In the clear and rich mirror, his crystal eyepiece shone with the thousands of reflections. Or so Luna thought, because when she turned to look at Moonwarden, nothing out of the place was happening.

Other than, well, his last statement’s faint echo being still present. Or was that also Luna’s imagination?

“I... don’t think I understood you right. You have managed to... guilt trip the Spirit of Chaos into helping us out?”

The unicorn blinked, opening his mouth a little as if to speak. But then just chuckled briefly and shook his head.

“My lady, I am honoured to be considered quite so skillful. And especially by you. But... were I to possess that level of mastery in manipulation, we would not be having this conversation.”

She squinted, very curious. “And instead...?”

There was a momentary pause before the rascal spoke up.

“Why bother with and ruin a perfectly good make-believe?” he told her, his lips shuddering in a faint smile that strangely had nothing to do with abusing his skills at beguilement and machinations. “As to the matter of getting Discord to play along for a brief moment, well... nothing quite so adroit was utilized. I simply explained what we need, pointed out his improbable skills could be very useful and then offered willingness to grant him the right form of payment for his kind gesture,” Moonwarden explained, quite satisfied with himself... until the very end of his statement, naturally.

So Luna simply had to focus on that. “Payment which involved what we all have seen?”

“Payment which involved what you all have seen, my lady, yes,” the stallion admitted. Very reluctantly. “I may not have my ‘beloved’ father’s banker’s instinct, but I can quite safely assess that it was an incommodious arrangement on my end...”

“I can grasp that, my servant, but... you might be surprised about the final tally,” she told him, slowly trotting towards the terrace, knowing it was soon time to fulfill her duties. She was followed diligently by Moonwarden’s silver stare. “If Discord shall pass our message along to Princess Twilight and give us at least a few sentences of instant reply from her, regarding her current situation...” Luna mused for a second. “Yes... It might turn out that your colorful spectacle at the Parlour ended up being one of, if not your most successful scheme yet, my servant.”

She poked him a little, but, as he had claimed, he could take it and carry on. Still, his expression was quite unamused.

“Stupendous,” he responded, and his deadpan delivery was something to be admired. “Such a relief that I shall be fondly remembered not due to my tireless service to the nation and its twobit-halfbit denizens... but for blowing colourful, popping bubbles during an official audience with the most powerful ponies in Equestria and beyond,” Moonwarden lamented in the most stoic way imaginable. “Might I accompany you to the terrace, my lady?”

“You wish to witness me raising the Moon?” she asked and the stallion’s smirking expression was accompanied by yet another shrug.

“That is always a great honour, my lady,” he told her. “That or I want to just fling myself off of it, if that idiocy is to be my legacy.”

Luna rolled her eyes, only somewhat amused. “I would rather you abstained from that, Moonwarden. I have grown quite fond of your presence at this point.”

She... soon realized that something was a little off. Especially when the stallion’s expression shifted just a little and his eyes widened ever so slightly. It wasn’t always easy to get a reaction out of her servant, but... that time, it surprised her greatly that she had invoked one.

Mostly since she quickly became aware that her sentence, whilst it could have been one used by a kind ruler, had sounded a lot more... delicate. And she knew that it hadn’t been the first time lately that she had only after the fact comprehended utilizing a very... unusual tone when turning to the stallion.

It certainly prompted Moonwarden to clear his throat just a little and realign his monocle. “Well, my lady, that is a... far more prominent distinction than being allowed to witness your cosmic craft. Not that I do not want to do that still.”

There was genuine engrossment in the unicorn’s voice and Luna was not going to rob him of that. Especially since... she didn’t feel particularly ashamed about her choice of words. Nor the melody of her voice. His presence did fill her with a certain kind of... calm. Fondness, indeed.

It was just... most peculiar that she was vocalizing it so transparently as of late. And in unplanned moments.

“You are most welcome to witness me,” Luna assured him. Then another memory came to the forefront of her mind. “After all... you have promised me to always be there for me, do you remember?”

Moonwarden seemed genuinely and simply... pleased. Quite a rarity from him. And not only by her question, as it happened. Also with the cape he had chosen. As he could perform a little sweep with it and bow before Luna with regard and respect.

“Gleefully so, my lady. As long as there is breath, undisturbed, in my lungs,” he assured, making her smile. And genuinely. “And maybe a little longer still, because who can tell these things?”

Now that caused Luna to giggle, indeed. She motioned for Moonwarden to follow her outside before speaking up again.

“So you are already planning in advance to haunt the Palace, perhaps?” she asked... with a touch of melancholy.

There was... a burden to being an alicorn, though not one which she wanted affecting this exchange. Yet still one difficult to ignore completely.

Moonwarden, it seemed, understood her question in entirety. It was as if the same consideration was on his mind as well.

“I was on the brink once before, my lady,” he replied, stretching his scarred back almost instinctively. “Perishing did not take, as I refuse to let such banal matters affect my loyal service to you,” he assured her, though even in his rather humorous tone she found a considerable amount of honesty. “In the worst case scenario, my lady, you will be able to find me in all the darkest places about. You shall indubitably recognize my form thanks to the monocle.”

Luna found it hard not to chuckle more at the very melodramatic melody of his voice, despite the nature of the touched topic. She recalled when she had already seen him in the deep shadows of one of the Palace’s staircases. An ominous wraith. Ha, that look strangely suited him, though she wouldn’t even for a moment want to consider him being... transformed like that before his time.

The sheer thought caused a small, but very cold needle to prick her heart. Which was as understandable to her as... exotic and unforeseeable.

She would think on that sensation some more, but the delicate, chilly breeze of the open night’s sky embraced her as she made her way to the terrace. The evening hours were at an end and her sister’s symbol and charge was almost gone, the last rays of it bidding farewell to the towns and hamlets of Equestria. Its regal presence was still painting the horizon red and violet, but those hues would soon be gone, overtaken rightfully by the deep, delicate expanse of the night. The first stars had already begun awakening, marking the sky with their orderly and mystical presence.

Now it was time for Luna’s sign, to be added to the glorious firmament.

She stood at the terrace’s edge, already reaching out for the distant sphere of silver light. The mystery of the Moon was beyond the reach of common ponies. But, for her... her companion, her symbol and her prison was most familiar.

She looked behind for a breath. Moonwarden had loyally accompanied her so far, but now kept his distance, as it would be proper. In his gaze she could clearly see loyalty and reverence towards her and her great task. He was a pony that knew his place...

... actually, that wasn’t true. The unicorn, despite his clear preference for maintaining order and structure to things, was the one to also push the boundaries or weave around them, if it could be done for a greater cause. He had his own code, Luna knew of that, though many would claim that he was dangerously let loose.

However, even when he had been prodding her, when it was necessary to try and awaken her from her apathy and dark thoughts, he always did so with undeniable dedication and faithful service to her. She could tell, she could feel it. He was her servant and she was his Princess, always. It was in the way he bowed, the manner he spoke in. And Luna felt immensely grateful that she had found a dutiful and diligent pony like him to be her Royal Advisor... as her return left her with little confidence that she could inspire such fealty ever again. If she had even deserved it in the first place, considering her terrible choices...

And yet... fealty and loyalty and service... they felt like rather shallow words for her that evening. She held those things in high regard, of course, but... something was off. Something needed to be done. She couldn’t figure out why. She just knew she had to... she wanted to do it.

“Moonwarden,” she spoke up, though she almost bit her lip to silence herself in this strange... dichotomy of willingness and worry that was overtaking her.

“My lady,” the unicorn replied. Again with perfect attention, ready to serve her every whim and will.

Yes... Luna had lately considered whether he had anything in his life other than his duties. Anything that granted him satisfaction, peace of mind, the same sort of relaxation she had again begun uncovering, after their meeting with Sunfall Ordain. The joy of a careless flight, of the night’s sky above and the verdant forest below, the pleasure of carefree and fluffy clouds against one’s coat.

For some reason... though Luna really couldn’t name it, she... she wanted to grant him something. Something small, maybe silly, but...

“Would you come and stand by me?”

Moonwarden’s eyebrow cocked visibly, as the request clearly caught him off guard a little. “My lady, if... that is your wish, of course. Yet I know your task requires concentration and the sanctity of it prompts me to keep my distance.”

“That is true... but tonight, I want you closer. By my side.”

Why was she even offering that...?

The unicorn hesitated for just a heartbeat, before nodding and silently approaching. Following the encouraging motion of her hoof, he dared to shorten the distance even more, soon standing right by her, against the marble balustrade.

Luna felt... peculiar. They had been like that many times, talking at the Royal Office’s balcony, for example. He was oft following her, her loyal shade, whispering of their plans and schemes to help Equestria in the dark of the night. This wasn’t anything extraordinary.

But this time, it felt so... so...

She found herself speaking, trying to address her own inner confusion. “You will think me silly, my servant...”

“Most unlikely.”

She sighed in a short laugh. “Still allow me to think so. But...”

She glanced at the far horizon to the east, feeling the ready presence of the night’s silver guardian, prepared to answer to her will. It was hard... it was almost impossible not to draw the comparison with the stallion just next to her.

Her warden.

... that was all so frivolous. Luna knew she was being so unbelievably wayward at that moment, doing those analogies, dwelling on those strange thoughts. Out of place and seemingly random. Softening her voice when addressing him, without even realizing she had been doing so at first.

She had no idea why. Why, after all those years of cold and unfeeling apathy, wallowing in the old mistakes and finding herself constantly in the state of... just and deserved, as she had believed, penance... Why, even though she had been made to slowly realize that her own depression and torment had not been the right answer to her sins, why would trying to free herself from the prison of her mind mean suddenly turning... unreasonable? Illogical? Preposterous?

And yet, threefold certain in return, she felt... happy, following that impulse which had manifested in her and was prompting her to act.

She looked at Moonwarden, knowing that her gaze was not only benign, but kind and warm.

“My duty is to everypony and the silver light shines brightly upon all, indeed... But tonight, my loyal servant, I feel... that I wish to raise the Moon for you.”

She saw yet another shift in the stallion’s expression, but quickly averted her eyes. Feeling a sudden rush of embarrassment at that... cloying declaration. She had no reason to, really, but there it was.

At least her sign on the sky didn’t mind being dedicated quite so strongly for once.

With an exhale, Luna flared her horn. Slowly, in a practiced tempo, but with equally practiced conviction. The magical energy eagerly gathered around it, plucked from the omnipresent ley lines, adhering to her without delay nor protest. For hers was the might of an alicorn and one whose very essence spoke of the night and the Moon. And for that exact reason she could reach out and embrace, tether and pull the wondrous, cosmic orb. Connected to her on the level of her very being, her pure essence.

That night... she made doubly sure to encompass the heavenly sign with her power, cradle it in it, like one would a foal. And lift it with grace and might... Methodically. Majestically.

Moonwarden... deserved to see a spectacle, Luna thought, feeling a small smile blooming on her muzzle.

Even the very first beam from the silver disc bathed the land with resplendence and glory. Regal, yes, without a doubt. But never overbearing. Never autocratic. That had no place in the argent aura.

This was the illumination of care and gentle guidance. To the weary, to the tired, to the anxious. Guiding the path for the ones returning late, offering hope to the ones of nightly tasks. Warning those that would dare advance their vile agendas, that even when the daylight was gone, the silver rays would find and expose them.

A light shielding those that would seek out the hours of darkness for respite and rest, giving rejuvenating slumber to the worker, peaceful dreams to the foal. A sign tender to behold, inspiring those of gentle souls, granting courage and hope, feeding inspiration and awakening imagination. Safeguarding those that stood vigil and secreting those that sought sweet sensations in the shades of night.

A mark, a sign, a gift... for everypony.

And tonight... for one pony specifically.

Luna found herself smiling at all the thoughts... and that last one not least of all. She inhaled the cold wind of the night, letting it fill her lungs with its renewing presence. She embraced this moment of power and focus... and simple joy.

And she felt herself gently floating above the terrace’s marbles. She let it happen. She let the power she had gathered to lift her. She allowed it, for a brief but wondrous moment, to take her away from the boundaries of the world around.

Luna... missed this feeling.

She felt that she was, gently and still with some hesitation yet also glee, embracing her destined path. Becoming one with her sign. She knew that, in troubled times, she would be limiting herself to just... performing her duty. With diligence, but not enthusiasm. Not... wonder. For the land deserved its guiding light always. Even if she, herself, stayed in the darkened corners of her mind.

Yet this sensation... oh, how she could recall it right there and then. This oneness, this harmony and bliss that she could sometimes reach, joined with the heavenly sign.

She allowed the sensation to wash over her, indulge her, guide her in the gentle suspension. With her wings spread wide and her mane billowing in invisible winds, as refreshing as the night’s breeze. And Luna even acquiesced to her own body’s senses dulling for just a moment. To have them replaced with the encompassing feeling of... serenity.

She would smile and laugh and fly just like those few nights ago, but this... this stillness felt just as ecstatic. And the fact that she found enough will in herself, enough focus and constancy in her that particular evening... to drink from the depths of her nature, to sip the light of the Moon... it was...

That taste was sweet.

Luna found herself, for the briefest of moments but once again... at one with her duty and power.

She was an alicorn. She was a Princess. She was a symbol.

She could be all of that and more.

For that one breath... she even believed in it. Again.

A heartbeat later she felt the stone of the balcony under her hooves once more. She exhaled, letting both the refreshing wind and the excess power flow gently away from her. Already missing their balmy embrace.

But Luna had to restore her focus on the present, after all. Above the horizon, the Moon regally continued on its journey, glad and thankful for her act. And she smiled at the silver disc, filling the terrace with its wondrous light, an inspiration to her as well.

This would be a wonderful night.

Luna finally turned her head towards Moonwarden.

... and she found herself bemused.

Witnessing such a blessed sight of the Moon, cherished by some and praised by others... the stallion’s gaze was undeniably locked just on her, rather than upwards.

She couldn’t understand why.

“Have you... enjoyed it?” came her, rather silly question... but she had warned him she could be behaving as such.

Moonwarden did glance at the Moon on high... but in a rather short time did his stare return. And his eyes were... different. She would expect that light of the heavenly sign to fill them with hope and courage, but this was... distinct. His gaze was keen and piercing. Focused solely on her. And it wasn’t his anathematized craft which was making it so.

The stallion’s voice was calm. Far calmer than she could remember it.

“My lady...” The way he said that made Luna’s very core shift and shudder. “I am... unworthy to have been given such a gift. And I am not downplaying its significance, believe me... even if you have found my eyes on you and not the glorious Moon. Its splendour this night is singular. And yet...” He hesitated for a breath, she could feel it. And that stalling touched her as well. “When one is right next to and witnessing the majesty and grandeur of the Alicorn of the Moon, the Lady of the Night... even the night’s sky is not resplendent enough to provoke wonder that would turn one’s gaze away.”

Luna could have sworn that her muzzle felt warmer. Much warmer.

“You are... embarrassing me, my servant...” she told him. Her voice, again, quite tender without her direct desire.

Moonwarden bowed with reverence. “I... beg your forgiveness, my lady. I realize I might have... spoken out of line. It is... it simply is a singular joy, for your unworthy sycophant to witness you in your glory.”

Luna found her lips curling back into a smile. “Well then... consider no lines crossed. I am... pleased to hear that.”

She suddenly felt like she could have said more, but... she had no idea what exactly. Only that the expression she used had seemingly fallen flat.

Though the unicorn must have not felt likewise. He straightened back his posture and his lips were also smiling ever so gently.

“Truth be told, my lady... I have allowed myself to occupy your time tonight with a singular purpose at first. Making sure I have not lost in your eyes after yesterday. For my embarrassment was absolutely monumental. I hope the one I granted you just now was less malicious...”

“Very much so...” Luna assured him, though... she had no idea what kind it really was. Only that it was good. That it felt right.

The gray stallion continued, his tone almost warm, despite his usual demeanor. “But I see clearly that my worries were for naught. If I am worthy to be granted such a boon, such a favour, even after Discord’s gambit... then I presume that being turned from Moonwarden to a mooncalf for the greater good will not ever make you think any less of me...”

Luna shook her head, trying not to laugh. There was something profound in the stallion’s words and she, indeed, wouldn’t want to diminish them nor the pony himself.

“Not at all, my servant. If anything... I suppose I should again express my surprise that you are finding my opinion so vital to you...” she revealed, looking over the land of Equestria, bathing in the silver moonlight. “I, myself, have issues with seeing myself quite so... crucial in the grand scheme of things. And you realize that. You... you know of my anxieties and shortcomings better than most. Better than anypony, I think.”

“Those are not making you, your character nor your worth dwindle, my lady. Knowing about those is simply one more accolade of mine, nothing more,” he assured her, that small note of pride in his voice being almost adorable.

And putting her mind at ease for yet another time, even if temporarily. For which she was most thankful.

“Besides...” Moonwarden continued, pointing at the argent discus, enchantingly illuminating not only the domain of Equestria and beyond, but the two of them on the Palace’s terrace. “... I sincerely doubt any sort of a faulty pony, let alone a monarch, could have made such a performance possible,” he encouraged her. His tone growing warmer yet again. “How could any moth not fall for such a Moon?”

That was just sweet of him and Luna found herself exhaling in a short, but meaningful... and almost affectionate laugh.

He seemed doubly pleased about it. “I am simply glad I might or might have not made such a display possible in some minuscule extent, my lady.”

“You are, to this night, most helpful with your little plots,” she assured him back, causing him to smirk. “Honestly, up until I saw Discord make his colorful entrance, I had already begun flirting with the idea that you being late to the meeting was yet another one of your schemes. Intending to make me stand my ground on my own against everypony, before your convenient arrival at a later time. Did you want to save me like I were a damsel in distress?”

“What an archetypal outcome that would have been...” Moonwarden commented, still smirking. “But... that is the best part of being a manipulative wretch, my lady,” he instructed her, with a roguish glance. “At some point, one does not even have to lift one’s hoof... and yet everypony still believes in intrigues being weaved left and right.” He chuckled to himself. “You could still put that one on my tab, of course, as long as it makes me look even better.”

“Don’t push your luck, Moonwarden,” she warned him. Almost... playfully. And she wasn’t regretting it.

He shrugged, his expression unchanging. “Trying not to, my lady. Believe me.” He paused for a brief moment, eyes looking towards the silver sign against the night’s sky. “Still... plot or not, for all the ignominy I have suffered... and the upcoming, vicious harassment I will receive from Raven over that one,” he pointed out, with a comical pout. But just a brief one. “... it was indeed so wonderful to hear you laugh, my lady...”

Luna looked at him and soon met his gaze. Her lips gladly locked in a faint, but most meaningful smile. “I think so too...”

There were things to take care of. Crises to avert, issues to handle, ponies to safeguard and lead... but for a brief moment longer, Luna didn’t care. Allowed herself not to. There was something... singularly unreasonable about standing with Moonwarden against the starlit sky and in the silver light of the Moon.

There was... meaning. In their silence. In their stillness. In their understanding.

Luna couldn’t figure out what was that small, odd thing she began feeling... or perhaps just realized there and then. But she cherished it, nonetheless.


Twilight was tossing and turning. Despite being sure she was still somewhat asleep, she could actually tell her restlessness was no dream.

She was trying her best to find proper rest, to enjoy maybe an hour more of peaceful slumber... but it was for naught. She could actually feel the sweat matting her coat, gluing the strands of her mane together. She wasn’t sure whether she was hot or cold, if the woolen comforter was actually helping or hindering her in her, so far, futile attempts at further respite.

Twilight wasn’t even sure what exactly was happening. For no reason at all that she could think of, she was... anxious. She was... she was certain, she felt that something was out of place. Wrong? She wouldn’t be able to tell. But... yes, something was disarranged. Or becoming so. She couldn’t tell what, but she could sense it. It was like... like a distant voice was calling to her. Faint, echoing.


She heard.

She wanted to respond, to call out and assure the... the voice, the presence that she was listening. But her lips refused to work. Locked in between sleep and wakefulness she tried her best. But that best was simply managing a singular, brief note from her throat. Strained and almost pitiful. She could only hope that she could have been heard.

But there was no reply, not that she could tell. Was she not loud enough after all? And yet... another wave of anxiety hit her. Like a literal wave, making her switch sides again, to the hurt of her wings almost. A tide had run over her, was continuing still, coming in to change and shape and switch places.

It was silver. The sea from which it came was argent and heavy. Equally restless as she was. There was... much unrest in it. How water could be troubled in the mental sense Twilight didn’t know, for its surface wasn’t more perturbed than the rising and falling, breathing chest. But there was disquiet in it.

The ocean almost told her so. With its distant, mournful breaths and sighs, reaching her from below, from above.

It complained... but not? It protested, but understood? This shifting of emotions was almost overbearing, crushing and lifting, diminishing and swelling.


The voice was stronger now. Concerned.

So she tried again to speak... but that was still impossible, her muzzle refusing to work as intended.

She could only wallow, swim in the current of misery. As natural as preternatural, as expected as unexpected, as wanted as unwanted... She felt that a part of her was weighing her down, a droplet heavy enough to try and pull her through the rocks of the mountain around her. Twilight felt sluggish, encumbered, her mind was touched by murky and laden darkness. The air she was trying to gasp for came still and choking. She fought to open her mouth against it, against it all, but knew...

She was confused. She was perturbed. She feared it would happen and yet...


Twilight screamed in reply.

Realizing that she simultaneously bolted up in her bed, tossing the comforter aside. Her eyes wide and panicked. She saw a movement right next to her bed and lit up her horn, startled, but ready to defend herself from whatever terrible shadow was trying to reach her.

She heard the shade letting out a sharp hiss. “To bid ia! It’s me! Twilight, it’s just me!”

She glanced to the side and indeed saw... “Midnight...?”

The shouts and her own question did dispel the remaining shreds of sleep, keeping her from the reality of the waking world. She shook her head for additional clarity, then, indeed, saw her lover’s silhouette. Right next to her bed. His stance was low, his posture that of somepony who had received proper training. With his eyes narrowed and his pupils dilated, his back legs readied and his wings prepared to beat.

Twilight blinked at the sight... then realized where that raspberry aura on it was coming from.

She extinguished her horn rapidly, not wishing to give him the wrong impression... if she was even trying to actually grant any in the first place. For all she knew, she had just woken up from something akin to a very, very... moving nightmare.

Considering Midnight’s expression, he too must have realized it some time ago. His posture relaxed after a second longer.

“Rough evening, my light?” he inquired, reaching down to grab with his healthy foreleg the comforter which had landed on the floor.

Twilight rubbed her eyes... then her entire muzzle, trying to additionally assure herself she wouldn’t be returning to such restless “slumber”. There would be no rest found there...

“Is it...” She tried to suppress a yawn. “Is it late already?”

The stallion paused for a moment. “N... No, not at all. Maybe just a while after moonrise,” he told her, folding the woolen spread and putting it neatly back on the bed proper. “Got up a bit earlier, did some light exercises, I assure you, not to upset the wounds, and then decided to check on you after locking my chamber. Thank you for leaving me the normal key to yours.”

“N-no problem,” she told him, in a slight daze still. “I can just use my magic.”

“So I just saw. It can be useful, yes,” he told her, looking at her horn and mane and coming closer yet. “Saw you shaking like you were touched by febre so I tried to wake you up.” He sat next to her, mindful of his bandages. “Are you feeling well and healthy?”

Twilight checked her forehead, finding it cold, but terribly sweaty. “I... think so, but that was a rough patch of ‘sleeping’, I admit...” The very thought caused her to shudder.

The stallion grimaced a little. “I would think that, of all places, resting in the Tuarie would be the most calming, no?”

He, normally, would have a point. Twilight recalled having days in the Sanctuary when she had woken up rested and incredibly refreshed. And, well, considering that the tough conversation she had managed to get through yesternight came to a... reasonable conclusion so far, Twilight would think herself able to find the said, proper rest.

Custodian Lichen had given her a most gracious welcome too. Happy once more to see her at the holy place... and wringing his hooves in despair over Midnight’s state, though quickly assured that it had been a most honorable situation which had made the stallion look like that. And, calmed down just enough, the venerable priest had graciously invited Twilight once again to stay in the priesthood’s quarters, still additionally embellished.

To add to that... Rowan Berry, having remained shaken but containing herself with prudent focus, had decided to seek solace and solitude for the day. Twilight had offered her all the needed time, after all. To... consider everything the healer had learnt.

And still... there was apparently no rest for the weary.

“I had the strangest of dreams,” Twilight honestly revealed. Lying back for a moment still, sideways. Towards Midnight, so she could look into his eyes. “There was just this... this surge of worry. Of... I don’t know how to actually call it, something came over me, like... like I was relinquishing a part of myself?”

“And that word means...?” Midnight asked for a translation.

“Like I was becoming less.”

The stallion nodded, staying silent for a second. Then he quite overtly looked Twilight over. “No, you’re still as beautiful and shapely as I remember.”

She nudged him just a little. “Thanks for the compliment, but... that was still extremely strange. I don’t usually suffer from such issues, you know.”

“How, ab Bogine, would I know how you sleep? I’m just your bodyguard, nothing more,” he stated with a very overt wink. His tone additionally betraying what he meant.

Prompting another nudge, nonetheless. “Are you trying to be understanding, supportive or annoying? I cannot quite tell.”

“All at the same time, hwalba knaze.”

“And what’s your agenda, then?” she asked, trying not to looked too amused by his antics.

Midnight leaned back a little, supporting himself on his health foreleg. “Well... I don’t know about you, iau lumn, but I’m already thinking ahead. But! I do not want to make it look like I’m ignoring what you went through. So please, continue, I’ll contain myself a little.”

“Thank you, I’d like that,” Twilight let him know, happy about his approach. “It was like... I truly have little words to properly describe it. There was... pressure. And some fear, but... almost as if expected and anticipated. At some point, I felt like I was being drowned, pushed down. Like a... a tidal wave was striking at me, thrashing me about in gathering worry.”

“I’m sorry to interrupt, I really am, but that...” He squinted a little. “Would you mean... the thing that the great waters do? The motion like when the wind can be seen among the grasses of the hali? When there is nothing but the water and that horizon, tedious and featureless?”

She blinked, uncertain what he meant by that, until the gears clicked in her brain. “Yes, yes, that’s exactly what I mean.”

“You made a face,” he commented, quite amused.

“I forgot for a moment that we’re in the mountains, you know?” she admitted without shame. “I take it speaking of seas and oceans can be a little exotic. Not to mention those are giving quite the different vistas from your usual ones.”

Midnight chuckled heartily. “Indeed. But I know what ‘waves’ and ‘tides’ do, I just needed to make sure I heard those expressions right. And, yes, that skyline I mentioned I find to be just so... bland. Even the night’s sky just touching the sea’s surface looks... wrong to me. So flat. Like somebody put two giant planks of wood against each other...” He smirked, his eyes glinting a little. “But our Mother’s Sign reflecting in the morez actually is quite beautiful...”

“Didn’t know that you’ve had a chance to be on one of the coasts,” Twilight spoke, feeling a smile of her own. She really had no idea Midnight had experienced such an opportunity... and for the obvious reason it brought her great joy that he had!

“One time properly, actually. Didn’t have too much time for sightseeing. You know, duties,” the stallion explained, gently putting his bandaged hoof out and making a horizontal motion. “But this... is ridiculous to me still.”

“I can understand why you would think so,” she let him know, hiding a giggle behind her own hoof. “Aside from that, did you enjoy it?”

Midnight thought for a brief moment, his expression betraying his consideration quite clearly. “It’s a strange thing to see... I heard that when one of the big storms is rolling over, the sea can look like it has mountains appearing and disappearing, made entirely of water. But that’s just an imitation of the real, stoic beauty, you know?” She did grasp that and he continued, invoking more sights from his memories. “I remember the waters looking very clear, but that clarity was... different from a lake among iugi. Or a potalk, weaving itself between the rocks, like a silver sash. There’s depth to it... and I don’t even mean the actual depth.”

“I would say, from the way you’re presenting it, that you might have found it strange, but undeniably fascinating,” Twilight pointed out, but Midnight just shrugged.

“I would definitely not mind supporting my opinion on more touring about, were it not for having other things to do, you know,” he revealed. “But I saw some clearly interesting things. Those... lighthouses of yours, farusi, are quite a curious idea to help you navigate your trade vessels at night. At some point we were watching a couple of them coming into port, trying to avoid the rocks of the shore on the way.”

“You know, funny thing is,” Twilight mentioned, perking up a little, “each part of Equestria has a very different style of doing those! I actually read a book about that at some point. I bet I could tell where you were just by the description, if you would give me some details!”

Midnight laughed again, shaking his head. “I’m a stallion, my light, how many details are you expecting me to give? I’m happy when I can think of names for sixteen different colors!” he pointed out causing her to almost snort whilst giggling. “Besides, that’s not even the weirdest thing and you need to explain something else to me.”

“And what would that be?” Twilight asked, most curious.

“Why, ab Bogine, do you have the same word for sea vessels and sheep in Ekwestriyar?”

She felt confused for just a second, before bursting out in laughter. “Midnight, dearest, I assure you that ‘sheep’ and ‘ship’ are two different words!”

“Are you absolutely certain? I cannot really tell the difference,” he claimed with a stupid grin. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, both of those are very reliable and, by the way, you give your sea sheeps those big, white sails so they look more alike!”

“ ‘Ships’! ‘It’s ‘ships’!” she tried to correct him and contain her laughter at the same time, but when he opened his mouth and did the worst-sounding “baa” she had ever heard, she couldn’t help but to fall back in helpless hysterics.

It took her a good while to calm down, but when she did, Midnight was still looking at her with warmth. And satisfaction. One that was quite easy to read from.

“Alright, alright... yes, you’ve helped my mood a lot,” she told him and his grin only grew. “Thank you, Midnight. I needed that laugh.”

“Glad to hear it. I have other plans to affect your mood, by the way... but first I want to ask whether you still want to share anything else about your night,” he spoke and she knew he meant it in entirety. While still being his roguish self. “I’m here to listen, be supportive, understanding, annoying, you know the drill.”

Twilight lifted herself up to give him a quick peck on the cheek. “You’re lucky you’re cute, bat colt.”

“Do you mean ‘baaat’ colt?”

She was thankful that she had enough of giggling already to actually control herself a little. Instead, she decided to just lean into his chest.

“You’re silly.”

“Only for you,” he told her, embracing her with his healthy foreleg. “My tasks leave little space for these... uhm... ‘shenanigans’. And it might sound strange, but I’m very glad that I again have a mare in my life worthy to endure some of those from me.”

Twilight felt herself pushing slightly firmer against him, while still mindful of the bandages. “And I’m glad you can find it in yourself to be silly like that...”

Midnight understood her well, gently petting her foreleg. “I do. I really do. And whilst there are still... heavy and dark thoughts in my head and heart,” he revealed with a small sigh. “I can see the light more often. The one from Bogine and the one from you...”

She smiled right into his coat. “That’s wonderful to hear...”

“I think so too...”

They remained motionless like that for a few moment, before Midnight spoke up again... his tone remaining positively mischievous, much to her amusement. And some excitement, considering his words.

“So... since I have managed to help out neatly and it does not seem that we shall yet be disturbed for at least a while still... And we are all alone...”

Twilight read into those words with extreme ease. They made her cheeks feel a little bit warmer.

Well... actually a lot warmer. “I... Well, I think I would find it very, very hard to say ‘no’ to... whatever you’re proposing, Midnight. But...”

The stallion chuckled, shifting his muzzle a little to nibble on her ear. He got the desired effect, she couldn’t deny, as she felt herself wonderfully squirming at this caress and far more... compliant to whatever he had in mind.

“Trust me, iau lumn...” he whispered, taking only small breaks from his sweet activity to actually say something. “I am well aware. And my blood turns redder yet at those thoughts,” he assured her. “I wouldn’t want to endanger us, however. There’s opportunism and then there is being unreasonable... not that I wouldn’t want to be most unreasonable...” he additionally uttered and the feelings and memories within Twilight confirmed that he spoke the truth. That gradual surge of warmth was becoming very hard to ignore. “Still I think, for the moment...” Midnight shifted just a little, his muzzle pointing somewhere. “I think you had a rough night, considering your mane and the glisten on your forehead. And since I wouldn’t mind getting a new set of bandages on...”

Twilight somehow found her voice, despite her throat hitching at almost every one of his delicate bites. “What... what are you suggesting?”

“Well... your bath pocket looks big enough to fit two.”

Oh, she could feel her temperature rising yet more and in the best possible way. She somehow managed to stop her eyes from rolling back at his continuous ministrations, glancing the way he meant.

“I... don’t know. We’d have to... huddle a little.”

“Oh, I’m counting on it.”

She was as well.

And so, not a long moment later, Twilight did find herself in very close proximity with her beloved, both soaking in the water and enjoying the mutual, wonderful closeness. They could safely focus on nothing else but each other’s presence and the moment of relaxation.

It helped that Midnight was more than alright with some magical help at this point. Namely a useful, invisible warding spell on the main door to Twilight’s chamber. Just in case somepony would be approaching and wishing to get in with breakfast... or to share careful deliberations, like in Rowan Berry’s case.

And secondly, a neat little enchantment which had made the water a little less deathly freezing.

“I don’t really mind when things are a bit colder,” Midnight admitted, resting with his back against the edge of the pocket, stretching his healthy wing around Twilight whilst keeping the other properly folded to avoid any straining. “But this is quite nice as well. It’s like having a hot spring whenever you want!”

Twilight giggled, calmly resting against her lover’s muscular and yet remarkably comfortable chest, with her eyes closed. “I didn’t want to make it too hot. I don’t think it would help your injuries...”

“ ‘Wounds’, my light,” the stallion corrected her. “I know the difference in your language.”

“That being?”

“Injury is when you break your leg during a camping trip, because you are a clumsy kuluz,” he explained in a light tone, betraying both good humor and great comfort caused by such a time of leisure. “Wounds you receive when you are fighting for your love in a duel, for example...”

“That does sound vaguely familiar, you know, yes...” Twilight admitted, but the hot water stopped her from feeling bad about the memory. Her previous observations were helping as well. “You seem to be healing well, as I’ve spotted. It pleases me to no end...”

Midnight shifted a little, clearly looking down on himself. “Me as well, iau lumn. It seems both my body and all those medicaments from Sated Fang are doing their work. Besides... you really can’t keep a bad pony down...”

She opened one of her eyes to glance up at him. “ ‘Bad’ pony? Really?”

Then she felt his hoof sliding down her side and back, in a tender and slightly risqué way. “The worst.”

Twilight shuddered a little, drinking from this gesture in abundance. “Careful now, Midnight... Or I might abandon all reason quite quickly.”

“As a stallion, I cherish that response, definitely,” the rascal told her and she could feel his grin as his touch rested neatly against her cutie mark. “Not to mention you know exactly that I have a thing for mares in the embrace of water... With your mane down you look like quite the treat, let me tell you.”

Twilight felt herself fighting a nice shudder as his almost needy whisper made its way into her ear. “Your bites are telling me enough...”

“Not enough, but... I hope their message is clear as the Goddess’ very light.”

She pushed herself into his tender embrace even more... then blinked and her right ear flicked.

For the briefest of moments she thought she heard... a distant snap? And a flash made its way to her eyes even through the eyelids.

She heard the splash of water as Midnight sat up a little more. “Kwo...?” she heard his short question, feeling him looking about the chamber, immediately focused.

Twilight did the same, extremely confused about what had just happened... if anything. “Did you...?” She checked the room all around, but saw absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. And the warding spell on the door was also not giving her any warning signs. “Did you hear something?”

“I... thought so,” Midnight admitted, on high alert. His eyes were keen and piercing in an instant and his warrior’s training had him scan every inch of the room in record time. His ears were perked up, ready to catch the faintest of murmurs. “And there was a... flicker of some sort? Or so I thought? Like little lightning.”

“Wait a second,” Twilight told him, lighting her horn up.

There was a way of checking it out. At least, with a quick, magical glance. She allowed her senses to expand, with her arcane aura hitting the very edges of the chamber before returning to her. She felt it rather topical that she had decided to use that particular spell. It worked in a similar way to the way bats were finding their way about. She could use that trick as well, to make sure absolutely nothing about the place had changed or shifted... or a hidden threat was lurking about after all.

The spell quickly gave her an answer. “We... are alone. No new, secret viewpoints inside, not that I can tell, I have checked the chamber when we got here... So nopony’s spying on us. And I should be able to discern that.”

The stallion still kept his attention sharpened, even when observing her actions. “Neither do I feel anything...” He swept his mane off the back of his head, waiting for a second longer. “But... could we have both been mistaken? Are we both just being paranoid?”

“I don’t think so, but...” Twilight took a deep breath, then exhaled. “Regardless, I... think we should get out and dry ourselves. We might have somepony come about with food soon.”

Midnight didn’t look too pleased about that, but that was more than understandable. She also felt a sting of frustration over the mood being gone in a... flash, so to speak.

Still, the stallion had little scruples when it came to assaulting her neck with one last, strong kiss as she was stepping out of the pocket.

Twilight hissed through her clenched teeth, almost slipping and falling back into his embrace.

“Oh! Y-you’re trouble,” she uttered, but he said nothing. Not that he had to.

With more help from Twilight’s spells, the two of them were dried out and ready to continue the night without any more delays or distractions. The consolation price for the abruptly ended time of leisure was knowing the Midnight was becoming yet more and more at ease with her magic. He practically implored her to help him out with the armor again... though he had also asked her to aid him with the bandages directly. He claimed it being more intimate that way, the rogue.

However, arcane aid appeared to have been the correct choice. Just as they had finished getting properly dressed up, the spell on the chamber’s entrance did emit a gentle pulse that Twilight could feel clearly enough.

“Somepony’s coming,” she told Midnight outright.

He wasted no time to finish checking one more bandage on the edge of his breastplate, then casually sat by the room’s table, as if ready for the meal for quite some time already.

Truth be told, Twilight was getting hungry at that point as well, so that arrival could have been quite fortunate, especially were it to be one of the local arcemandri, bringing with himself some refreshing fruit.

But it wasn’t just them that knocked on the door soon after. Behind the priest, in possession of the meal and best morning wishes from Custodian Lichen, stood Rowan Berry.

Patiently waiting for the food to be served. Calm and stoic. Expecting to be summoned only when necessary and proper.

It felt right not to have the mare wait. When the attending arcemandr evenly trotted out of the chamber, Twilight did speak up.

“Please, Rowan Berry, come in. We can share.”

The healer trotted in, at a steady pace herself. “Iae grate tue, hwalba knaze,” she replied and there was no vitriol in her tone whatsoever. Even her face looked far less forlorn, which Twilight took for a good sign.

Similarly, Midnight’s expression didn’t suffer any grimaces upon witnessing the lupule, which was definitely another reason for happiness.

Still, this wasn’t just a merry get-together, that much was certain. Rowan Berry’s presence brought with itself certain... readiness. And it looked like the operative was keen on addressing it precisely, even before enjoying the first meal of the night.

“Honored Princess... I know that we have much to discuss. And... I have spent this day of mine alone, dealing with the revelations in my own head...” she admitted, looking at Twilight. Not without perturbation, but at least with some courage instead. “However, I want to share something else before I... comment on what I have learnt in the carriage yerinoc.”

Twilight nodded, having put an orange before her on the plate. But the hunger and thirst could wait a little bit longer. “Go on, Rowan Berry. What is that matter?”

The healer glanced at Midnight, than back at her, leaning in a little. Almost in a conspiratorial fashion.

“As I understand, Lord Blessed Fang sent out messages concerning your return to the Tuarie, in readiness to travel further. But... it seems to me like your continued journey might be a little complicated.”

Midnight was quicker on the reply than Twilight. “What do you mean? What did you see?”

“The venerable piastan spoke of Rodine Waesperyi wampiri already present.“ The lupule pointed behind her symbolically. “But as I was heading here, I saw the tabards of not one, but two Families. It looks like both Lord Dusk Harvest and Lord Bright Crescent had arrived, or at least sent their representatives, to have you escorted to their, respective Iugi. And, might I add... the looks exchanged between the wartowneci weren’t too pleasant.”

Twilight blinked, then pushed the platter away a little, putting her front hooves on the table in deliberation. “What would that imply?” she inquired, also glancing Midnight’s way, but the stallion’s expression wasn’t betraying any immediate hints or observations. “Is there a clash over where I should go next?”

Rowan Berry shrugged just a little. “There might be. Haven’t seen the signs of the Lords themselves yet, but the sentinels aren’t usually seen away from their haspadri too much. Not to mention—”

“That Lord Bright Crescent would be the one to try and step before Lord Dusk Harvest just on a whim and out of spite?” Midnight interrupted the mare, but she seemed to agree rather than take offence.

You have said so. Though it’s more than possible...” The healer’s eyes shifted back to Twilight. “Enough said that you might have to deal with that conundrum soon, hwalba knaze.”

Twilight nodded in acknowledgment. All things considered, that was an important thing to learn in advance. And she was not going to ignore that fact.

“Thank you, Rowan Berry. That is most helpful and you have my gratitude,” she told the healer, who bowed her head briefly. Leaving Twilight to consider... pushing her luck, just a little bit. “Should I understand that you sharing that is a... positive sign? After your opportunity to rethink certain matters?”

The operative said nothing at first. Just straightened her back and took a deep, thoughtful breath. Her next words were going to be important, but hard to get out, for sure.

Hwalba knaze... Yes, I had a chance to think on it all. Meditate on what I have been told,” the mare began, carefully. Methodically. “I have been told, after all, to think what I wish... but to put my trust in one declaration. And that one declaration was... is quite vital. It would be rather foolhardy not to believe both you and Maednoc Wentr. For reasons that you should understand, Honored Princess... I’m still willing to take his word with a bit more heed.”

“Of course,” Twilight acknowledged that. A fellow batpony supporting the claim of the Goddess’ blessing could surely speak volumes to Rowan Berry, even if she could have considered the stallion somewhat “compromised” as well.

The healer continued, in the same thought of seriousness. “Although... all that has been said makes me put into question more things, rather than grant me any answers I would wish for. Or... those I would prefer to hear.”

Considering the mare’s tone, she wanted to get things out of her chest. So she would not find Twilight interrupting. And, here’s hoping, Midnight was also going to contain himself. He had had his opportunities at “shenanigans” as he had named his actions earlier on. And, it seemed, he was willing to grant Rowan Berry just enough time. To, hopefully, say what she was thinking outright, without true deception or misdirection.

So far... that seemed to have been her intent. “Honored Princess, I... I cannot stop being who I am. I am a hoof-picked agent, the extension of hwalba haspadrea will. I cannot forget that. I refuse to do so. To be her useful tool, sometimes even helpful enough to be lent to the esteemed Cowene, is my honor and my dignity. Even if I am... faulty,” she spoke the word with disgust, “I remain true to my calling and to my oath.”

“Then know that I still find your loyalty praiseworthy,” Twilight assured her, using a short pause in the mare’s declarations.

“I... am even inclined to believe you now, hwalba knaze,” Rowan Berry replied. But her expression was still somewhat sour. “However... the same sort of loyalty shall be the reason for me remaining by your side. And conducting my duties still. I have...” She stopped herself, glancing Midnight’s way, trying to anticipate any and all reactions, for certain. “I have also used my day to write a regular report to the Honored Lord, which was sent with the first available kiropt. Conveying what I believe is necessary.”

Midnight’s expression did not change even for a bit, his voice calm. Far calmer than it had been lately, when addressing the operative, but still carrying with itself certain... weight.

“Define ‘necessary’,” he insisted.

Rowan Berry looked like she was about to quip in his direction, but her own tone came out as stoic and rather official. “Necessary... to leave well enough alone.” She looked back at Twilight, suddenly speaking much faster. “I don’t like this. I don’t like any of this. I never necessarily liked that you’re visiting, yet now I also don’t like that we’re spying on you. I detest the thought of you and Midnight Wind...”

She hissed through clenched teeth, her fangs looking much sharper than usually.

“But to figure anything out, in my head and out of it... and not to do anything stupid that would make me betray who I am and what... and Who I believe in, as well,” Rowan Berry claimed, gesturing towards the sky above, almost as if in a short prayer, “I need time. And calm. And the last thing you need, both of you, the last thing that Noctraliya needs and, ab Bogine, the last thing I need... is for hwalba haspadre Blenkyita a Rodine Opar to think that something has gone very, very astray. That I have suddenly decided to turn tail, run, ignore her commands...” The healer paused for a moment. “Goddess knows I have already strained the Honored Lord’s trust once...”

There was a pregnant pause, during which nopony uttered even the shortest of words. Twilight was trying to work through everything she had heard, decide whether that had been all trustworthy information. But... considering what Rowan Berry had stated, it did feel remarkably genuine.

And that deserved its reply. “Considering everything that you could have done and any other situation you could have forced, Rowan Berry... I thank you for—”

“I’m not doing this for you, hwalba knaze,” the operative interrupted her. Though Twilight was willing to forgive that outright, despite her words. “I still think that things are exceedingly out of place. It’s unprecedented and for far more reasons than you would even think.” The mare gave Midnight a look of disapproval as well. “Blessing or not. Some thoughts and feelings should not be entertained, especially not when duty is on the line. And I’m not saying it only because...”

She didn’t finish, grimacing instead, but she didn’t have to be more precise. Despite such loathing, whatever the base of it was, professional or very, very personal... Twilight would endure such a situation.

She wasn’t the only one thinking so, anyway. “I’ll stomach this... outrage. Barely. Because I know that the alternative... whatever alternative that comes to my mind so far only makes things worse. For me, for my Honored Lord or for my country.” The mare shook her head, clearly seeing this entire situation as absolutely dreadful from her perspective. “But, as to the matter of... of the favor of Neskaza Lunee...”

Twilight could once again testify that everypony in the chamber lowering their heads introduced a certain level of the necessary “peace” between them. It was actually rather fascinating to consider that such a simple gesture, backed with the invocation of the Goddess’ name, could be such a uniting force into the room.

Rowan Berry had, perhaps, her own view on the matter. “I... cannot deny seeing that the Bogine is acting as we speak. Around us all. Why through you? Why in that way? I don’t feel like I am in any way qualified to say... if anypony is, including you,” she stated and Twilight would not object. Not entirely. “But I know what sign I have received and... I’ll do what needs to be done.”

“Which is?” Midnight asked, earning for himself another, sharp glance.

“Do you need reminding what occultani usually do, perhaps? Nocferratan?” she asked him in an almost accusatory way. “Yes, we serve every whim and will of our Lords... but we also make sure things around don’t become worse, if it can be helped. We’re not only blades hidden in shadows or glinting in sunlight. We are here also to guard the present. The... ‘well enough’. I know what I speak of. And...” She paused for a second, biting her lower lip and again looking at Twilight. It was almost audible how the healer was fiddling with her hooves under the table, still apprehensive about her next words. “... and it seems to me a ‘worse’ scenario, impeding somepony with the Goddess’ direct blessing.”

Twilight almost smiled when she heard that. That was, by all means, a step in the right direction. But... she decided that a more canny approach would work in everypony’s favor instead.

“Should I then understand that... if or when Honored Lord Azure Mist decides to give you an order that would... make things worse...” Twilight did make sure to grant those words enough gravity. “... you will come to me first before acting, perhaps? I wouldn’t want you to be stuck in a position where you will either have to break your oath or act against the Goddess’ design... But maybe together a better solution can be found?”

It was a proposition most generous and most honest... and Rowan Berry surely felt it. Her expression, though changed only slightly, showed a dosage of pure relief that Twilight could truly cherish.

“I... it’s not like I... can hide my eyes anymore around here...” the healer spoke, nodding her head. “So if that is what I need to do to... try not to feel like I’ve utterly betrayed my callings...” She paused again, giving a long look to Twilight and then one to Midnight, before her eyes finally fell down, locked on the table before her. “Then... I will do it. My lips sealed.”

Twilight, again, would smile, but this situation was not about that. Not about victory, or satisfaction or anything else. Right now it wasn’t even about Midnight and her, nor the safety of them both, though Twilight already knew what she was going to ask about soon. And also managed to spot that Midnight’s expression relaxed ever so slightly after Rowan Berry’s declarations.

This was, mostly, about the mare, after all... and what further role she would have in the said grand design. That much was clear as the Goddess’ light, one could say.

So Twilight leaned in ever so slightly. “So... should I return your poppy extract to you?”

The operative’s gaze shot up in an instant and recognition flashed in it briefly. But what followed it? Was that shame? Or opportunism? Or something else entirely?

Enough said... the healer’s very tone spoke volumes.

“It is your choice, hwalba knaze... I... I won’t dare use it as anypony else but a lupule. I swear it, ab Bogine, I won’t be of two roles about it from this moment on...”

For some reason, Twilight felt like she wasn’t the one most relieved by that promise. Maybe it was wishful thinking... but for the briefest of moments, she could have sworn that a terrible weight was off Rowan Berry’s shoulders.

Like the prospect of simply being around to help and not hinder, especially not with one’s talent was everything that the mare ever wanted. To simply be the lupule that she was... and not overstep in the name of an oath of loyalty that had to be upheld.

Was that a sparkle of truth about Rowan Berry? Or just unwarranted optimism of Twilight herself?

She was still dealing with a clever and potentially ruthless operative, surely prepared to do what was necessary in the name of something greater... but who said even those of clandestine lives didn’t deserve their due happiness?

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