• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LII – Making a Stand

“Really? Really?! Neither of you found it prudent to tell me about this?!”

Twilight was livid. Absolutely and truly livid.

She wasn’t used to feeling like that. She would mark herself as at least attempting civility and a modicum of restraint in her daily life... but what else was left for her after what this Mountain had subjected her to?

Yes, the accommodation was nice. Remarkably nice, truth be told. The furniture had the distinctive, Fang Family style of ornaments, the bed was outfitted with soft hides, even the selection of charms and amulets was rather thoughtful. Twilight would bet that their meaning was protection, hospitality, good sleep, whatever.

... or maybe not! Because nothing, absolutely nothing would make her forget that one of the first things she had to endure during her visit to the famed Mountain of Fang was the sight of a unicorn’s horn, presented like a most amazing trophy!

Why not an entire skull?! Surely she would absolutely adore seeing that!

And the worst part? Her entourage had told her nothing about that, even though they had discussed Blessed Fang’s invitation! She should have felt a little bad, chastising Midnight and Rowan Berry quite like she had been so far, but her outrage was, oh, just a little greater for her kind nature to just suppress at that very moment.

The batponies, for their part, were taking the blame with a certain dignity, like a trusted retinue should have. That did not mean, however, being keen on receiving it in the first place.

For they did attempt explanations.

Hwalba knaze,” Rowan Berry spoke timidly, trying her best, “we have never personally been to the Iug. Yes, there are tales about, regarding Kieli keeping for themselves that horn as a trophy... but maybe locked away, in a vault or something... We also weren’t expecting them to just have it as a part of the Lord’s throne.”

Unfortunately, her bid had been made in a tone much too calm, considering the subject.

“Oh, but it is so natural still, isn’t it?! The Fangs keep trophies, the fight with marshal Radiant Glory was surely a fantastic hunt, so we are going to keep a part of him as a cute reminder! I suppose it could have been worse! The horn could have acted as a paperweight, or something!”

Twilight paced the room with unbridled frustration and even the thick rug underneath was not going to muffle her stomping, nor alleviate her displeasure.

“The feast starts soon, am I suppose to just sit down and enjoy the food and drink with a chopped of piece of a unicorn above my head?!”

Midnight let out a small hiss at her words, which only managed to irritate Twilight immensely.

“Honored Princess, we do understand your anger. We didn’t know, perhaps we should have. But it is there and there is little one can do. This is a meal shared with the Lord, a formal welcoming, pointing this matter out does not seem a—”

She looked him dead in the eye, interrupting him rather potently. “And how would you feel if I were to invite you, Midnight Wind, or any other batpony over to my castle and have, oh, I don’t know, a garland of nice, spring flowers and noctrali fangs hanging over my seat. For ambiance!”

She was unkind, she was over the top, but she had a point to make. And, considering what she knew about the taming and the concepts of batpony honor, she wasn’t surprised with the grimaces from both of them. She expected nothing but those!

Such a shame that there was no reciprocity here, regarding the small matter of proper etiquette and not having bones and chopped off body parts on display!

Still, all infuriating things considered... Twilight didn’t particularly enjoy acting so furious towards her love. But Midnight would have to simply accept her stance, even begrudgingly, she wasn’t planning on backing out of this argument. And, actually, he seemed to have been doing just that so far, at least to a degree. For he didn’t find it appropriate... or safest, to retort.

Good. She wouldn’t want to be even more crass, for the good of their relationship.

Twilight took a deep breath, finally finding it in herself to sit down on the bed. Which did not mean that she would let her companions rest. She had to know a little more about this macabre setting which she would be “enjoying” again soon enough.

“Right. Can anypony at least tell me and thoroughly,” she made that absolutely clear, “about what Sated Fang said? Was this horn really cut off by High General Ebon Fang? Is this why it is kept like this?”

Midnight, his face tensed up and firm, ultimately decided to be the one to reply to those questions.

“Yes. The Nadyir was the one to deal the blow that severed the horn...” He paused for a moment, then gave Twilight a prim and proper salute, his hoof pointing straight upward and his stance immovable. “Permission to explain the circumstances, regardless of what they consist of, hwalba knaze?” he inquired... though the attentiveness in his voice felt coming more out of politeness than actual doubt or shame about what he was planning on revealing.

“Granted,” Twilight replied, more like a monarch than his beloved.

Things had to be like that for the moment.

Midnight kept his stance as proper and official as it would be expected from a Nightguard, beginning in earnest.

“During the Soleera Cruziate, Equestrian invaders made their way through our, then, underdeveloped defenses and decided to take the shortest route to the Tuarie. To strike at the spiritual heart of our lands and culture and deal us a blow that would be as unspeakable as effective,” he spoke. His tone keen, cold and merciless. Perfect for invoking images from those ancient, terrible times. “To reach their target, they had to make their way through the gorge overlooked by the great peak of Nadyir. There had been little done to weaken their steady advance. Equestrian forces were well equipped, vigilant. And brave attempts at skirmishes before they reached the pass had left many of our kin wounded or slain, without dealing enough losses to halt this advance.”

Twilight squinted, taking yet another note at how Midnight sounded. Despite the affectionate side and his roguish, sometimes insufferable preferences, he was a warrior. He could become and embody the archetype of that with ease, when the situation demanded.

Good. Twilight had to learn the truth, however unpleasant, without him softening it up due to their love.

And he was focused on doing just that. His eyes were connected with hers, fierce and powerful, showing no remorse.

“The Fang of the Goddess knew that our domain had to make a stand or perish. And marshal Radiant Glory had realized, as well, that the gorge will be the only possible place for a proper and definite confrontation. The ravine is, to this day, a very narrow passage, where numbers mean little. So training, weaponry and killer instinct would have to be measured instead. Immaculate Moon...” he invoked the Goddess, but even that did not change the timbre of his voice, “be praised, for even though She was gone and Her great symbol was marred, clouds and snow came that day, stopping the Judging Sun from burning our warriors’ eyes entirely. Our Mother was alongside us that night, even grasped by the vile Impora Maroce...”

Religious significance and observations aside for the moment... it made sense, Twilight considered. Equestrians would want to want the fight happening during the day. They could have tried pushing forth both during the day and night, actually, with the help of light spells. The latter was not optimal, but still a possibility. While the batponies... She felt some respect towards them. They were ready and had stood their ground, entirely expecting to be nearly blinded throughout the fight and still prepared to do their duty.

Midnight took a deep breath, his stance and presence only growing as he was recounting the tale. Twilight was, for all intents and purposes, witnessing the very descendant of these brave warriors sharing their dire story with her.

“The fighting lasted for the entire day, casualties mounting on both sides. Radiant Glory threw everything he had at our warriors, slowly pushing into the ravine, knowing that the upcoming night would only strengthen our resolve and give us an advantage. He had to make his way through the gorge before that... And the great Nadyir was ready for it and had a plan,” he spoke with praise and pride alike. “The last, final plan, one that required that she and her chosen warriors, clad in armors that had been prepared and granted by the very defenders of the Tuarie, would carve through the tide of attackers and reach Radiant Glory himself.”

Twilight was as engrossed as perturbed about this story. She could imagine warriors in the protection worn by the very Sanctuarians cutting through Equestrian ranks, however encumbering that covering must have been. And it would have been a solid blow to any force, taking out the leadership. Especially if the said leadership was the very linchpin of the expedition... but something told her there was more to this strategy than the potent, precise strike.

Rowan Berry was remaining silent through this entire tale, but in her eyes Twilight did spot a mixture of pride, solemnity... and something else that she could not really discern. Something deep, deepening still when Midnight’s voice carried the great weight of the past, that glorious and terrifying past of all those centuries ago.

“The marshal quickly took note of Ebon of Family Fang’s unit piercing through his ranks. He knew that we had nothing to lose, so he consolidated his forces around him, making sure that the High General would meet an impenetrable wall... but that is what she was truly hoping for,” Midnight explained, a note of satisfaction creeping into his voice. “This entire time, she was readying her final strike, prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice. For our country, for our blood and for the Goddess. Through the whole battle, our warriors were ordered and determined to strike at any and all unicorns, as mercilessly as possible.”

Twilight felt that sentence personally, but stopped herself from commenting. At least that time.

“And when the Fang of the Goddess was close to the Equestrian command, having gathered all of them in the defensive position in the gorge... it was time. This fight was for the whole Noctraliya... and so did the whole Noctraliya fight alongside our warriors. In preparation for the battle, with great caution and using whatever knowledge and technique and distraction there could have been, our caretakers have been sapping at the sides of the gorge, digging tunnels. Even without our Goddess... we are still, after all, thestrali. Cave-dwellers.”

Rowan Berry hissed at the slur, but in her muzzle there was acknowledgment. Same one that Twilight had to grant to this revelation, slowly realizing what was to come next.

Midnight took another, deep and profound breath. “When the time was right, and the clashing forces were at a standstill, gathered close, in the middle of the passage... the might of an avalanche descended upon the battle. Marshall Radiant Glory knew that we would lay down our lives for our faith and land, as warriors... but he had no idea that we would willingly forfeit them in any and all ways, if these would only mean Noctraliya being safe. Yes, it was a fight to the death. One way or another. But when one has something to die for, death is just another step towards hope... Hope that, though we knew not the magnitude of the vile darkness that took Our Mother... we would join Her, one fateful, proud moment, in Argentee.

“When the rocks fell, only a couple of unicorns were still around to try and hold back the deathly tide from above, using the Lost Gift of Magic. But Radiant Glory was strong in it. He stood, defiant, saving his soldiers, hoping to hold the rocks up, give them time to retreat and escape... That couldn’t stand.”

Midnight’s declaration and the intensity of these words, this death sentence upon Equestrians, caused a shudder to rattle Twilight’s spine.

“At that great moment, the Nadyir shouted, screamed to the sky above, so that the Immaculate Moon... wherever She was, in the hold of Impora Maroce, would still hear that Her Children were living, fighting and dying in Her name. ‘Lunee, niteyae dol!’ Moon... shine down. And did the High General Ebon Fang charge forth, break through the ranks in one, final dive and with the blade on her hoof, did strike at the marshal’s horn.”

Midnight finally finished, lowering his head in a sign of profound respect. Twilight could understand, though she could hardly agree. Despite the atrocity that was the Solar Holy War, these were earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns that had perished that ill-fated day.

Rowan Berry, likewise, took a deep breath and nodded. “The great sacrifice that saved our lands, our faith... our way of life.”

“I take it there wasn’t much of a campaign afterwards...” Twilight stated the obvious.

Midnight shook his head, looking at her again, his eyes losing none of their ferocity. “No. Whatever remnants of Equestrian forces tried to retreat out of the mountains, but our fastest skirmishers gave chase. If they hadn’t hunted down all of them... I hope the Lesyi took the rest.”

“Mind your tongue, Midnight Wind.”

Twilight was at the same time displeased with herself, appalled with him and not casting self-blame for that reaction at all. The mention of the name of those... creatures, caused that dreadful grin to open in her mind again, as vivid as it had been only some time ago that very night. And the scenario in which terrifying woodland spirits would be capturing fleeing soldiers would surely sound awful for anypony.

Bar Midnight, as it appeared.

He remained silent after being admonished like that. But in his keen, saffron eyes there was no remorse for what he had uttered.

Twilight was going to remember that and well.

“Thank you for this comprehensive tale,” she said, instead, assuming a little more regal sitting position. “While I understand the significance of the horn now, I still am uncomfortable with the idea and the matter shall be addressed accordingly. As Sated Fang said, the feast should be... in about half an hour now?”

Tac, hwalba knaze,” Rowan Berry confirmed loyally.

“Very well,” Twilight acknowledged the fact and took a deep breath. “Leave me now, both of you. I need to have a moment to myself.”

The healer wasted no time to curtsy and back away, making sure to retain the proper position until reaching the door’s threshold.

Midnight remained for a breath longer, his gaze searching for Twilight’s.

Well, it would not work out for him that time. He should have been little wiser when choosing his words. And he was going to learn that. Yes, his roguish charm was appealing and his ferocity and staunch beliefs she respected and admired... but there were certain limits.

So Twilight simply closed her eyes and waved her hoof once. Dismissively, almost.

There was a moment of silence before she heard the second pair of hooves moving away.

Her entourage wouldn’t have to go far, as it happened. Their quarters were actually the antechamber of the one she was staying in. Still, when the door closed, Twilight did remain with enough space for herself.

Yes, just enough. Enough to fall back onto the bed, her wings spread wide, and cover her eyes with her foreleg.

She found herself sighing profoundly.

Of course. Nothing could ever be simple.

Sure, yes, of course, it actually looked like she had advanced her case before Blessed Fang already, as he had turned out to be a rather open-minded stallion, despite his occupation. But no, that would be far too easy, right? She had to come to his Mountain and see that the horn of one of her kin was presented to all those graced by an audience with the Lord like some sort of a trophy!

Which, yes, it lamentably was!

Twilight instinctively touched the base of her own horn. This... this was the very thing that made her a unicorn, a part of her very identity. A symbol, a tool, a mark. Not a trophy. And, yes, she had transcended beyond that simpler form, reached alicornhood, no small feat in itself... and, actually, still a bit surprising for her, but that did not mean that she had forgotten her roots in any way!

And she definitely, definitely, wasn’t going to just stay silent about this matter.

She had done that quite enough already. Biting her tongue, letting topics slide. Sometimes it was necessary, for the sake of the moment. To be diplomatic, tactful, not to antagonize, especially after centuries of misconception and distrust... but this was far too much.

This wasn’t going to be nice. But it had to be done. Simple as that.

She hoped, in the end, everypony would see it that way.

Time passed mercilessly, but Twilight did manage to gather her bearings, check her ensemble and reunite with her retinue. In silence and certain aloofness, yes, but that just couldn’t be avoided. Soon enough, Sated Fang was at the door, with his memorable girth and a broad smile.

“Please, hwalba knaze, the feast is ready!” he declared, not bothering to hide his enthusiasm one bit.

Twilight graced him with a nod and a calm, stoic tone. “Lead on, if you would be so kind.”

He was, definitely. The pathway lead around and down the cavern’s walls, exposing Twilight to the presence of many bear “guardians” and countless other marks of the Fang’s prowess, done in bone and wood and dye. None, however, invoked in her the same feeling of distaste as the horn, marking the very top of the pyramid of trophies, being the focal point of this whole space.

Even the massive, oaken table, teeming with local food and sharp silverware, could not dispel her mind’s singular focus. Her stomach did notify her of its basic needs, but those too could be put aside, at least for a while.

Still, Twilight spotted a guest of honor among the local, already familiar faces, that she simply had to address before any festivities of fruit could begin.

Or before any feathers were ruffled, though she was the only one to possess those around the place.

Well, minus decorative ones. And, in the case of the said guest, some plumage did appear, as eye-catching embellishments to the mane the color of dripping, bountiful honey.

The mare standing before Twilight was of delicate, blossoming beauty. To the point of the rather soft, subdued features, especially for a batpony. Yet her eyes hid many things behind their amber hue, their gaze conveying interest, caution... and a truly magpie’s attention to detail, passing across any and all ornaments that Twilight had on herself. The young mare’s smile was faint, but not shy... and strangely fitting the set of jewelry that she was wearing. Composed of bones and feathers, yes, but also precious stones that Twilight could not name outright. Black with yellow stripes across them, as if bees which had decided to swarm across the mare’s nickel grey neck.

Yet the most standing out features of this new arrival played right against each other. She might have been even younger than Blessed Fang, present right at her side. Barely old enough to be considered a proper adult, even... but her dress could hardly hide the fact that she was in later stages of pregnancy.

Twilight could have expected such a scenario, considering what she had already learnt of the Lord’s vast duties and the pressure for to the good of the bloodline. Still, seeing a young mare like that one already experiencing upcoming motherhood was... peculiar. Unsettling a little, even.

Still, introductions were in order, and Blessed Fang was there to make them. “Hwalba knaze Twilight Sparkle, this is my wife, Kindle of Family Fang.”

“A pleasure, Honored Lord Consort,” Twilight offered a short, but polite greeting.

Kindlefang’s smile grew just a little as she nodded her head. “My pleasure too, hwalba knaze.” Her voice was clear, even if burdened by a heavy accent. Also quite high, as one could expect from such a young pony. “We meet first time, yes, but the book you shared makes you some familiar already.”

Twilight felt her lips curling a little. “I’ve heard that you have found the lecture fascinating, Lord Consort.”

“Yes, I did,” the mare confirmed, offering a hoof to her husband for support, as her eyes shined. “Quite intriguing and exotic. I hope you are, too, interesting so.”

Now, that was a curious expectation. And, honestly... Twilight felt like she would not disappoint in that regard. In others... well, things would soon unravel.

The short greetings ended for the moment, as Blessed Fang wasted no time to escort his beloved to her place. Specially prepared, lower and filled with soft furs, for maximum ease in her expectant state. And for which Kindlefang was visibly grateful, letting out a relieved sigh, making herself as comfortable as possible.

Twilight helped herself to her place, musing on the fact that pregnancy at such a young age must have truly been a challenge... Her thoughts did escape to that one conversation that had happened with Midnight. About the future. Future fought for, but chosen. At the right moment.

She doubted Kindlefang and Blessed Fang had had that sort of a convenience. Though them not facing cultural taboos could have been viewed as a sign of just balance.

The feast, in itself, was opulent, with an arrangement of local fruit found in abundance upon the oaken table. It was especially true since, between Twilight, her retinue, the Lord and his wife, the venerable Fang Shine as well as Sated Fang and the rest of the Assembly, so ten ponies total, there was far more than enough to share. It was again proved that batpony tradition required showing certain and undeniable generosity in feasting, as Twilight could not only pick from the regular oranges and watermelons, but, somewhat to her surprise, elderberries, cloudberries... and even honey.

That last one was especially interesting, as she couldn’t remember that being ever mentioned as a part of the batpony diet. But, she had seen candles around, so the presence of bees about could easily be assumed. And, perhaps, the Mountain of Fang was exactly the place dealing in the sort of a craft that beekeeping was.

Twilight’s stomach did rumble a little, as it would have really preferred for her to just dive in and enjoy herself... but her brain had other plans already. Especially since, when Blessed Fang took his place, regal and stoic, Twilight simply couldn’t avoid seeing him crowned by this whole, elaborate trophy rack, crested with an ancient horn.

Well... a shame she had to ruin the meal after all.

“Honored Lord,” she spoke up when everypony was seated, “I do have a matter that I need to touch upon right this very moment, before this pleasant occasion can ever proceed.”

Twilight did acknowledge all the pairs of eyes landing right on her in an instant. She wouldn’t expect otherwise, but the fact that she had interrupted the Lord before he would announce the feast’s beginning doubled the interest. Her cold, firm tone only made things more tense yet.

Blessed Fang, from his own, menacing throne, did gesture in her direction. “Yes, Honored Princess? You can speak plainly before me and those gathered, if it requires my attention.”

Did he really know what that meant?

“I am most grateful, Honored Lord... and, also, most saddened that I have to, indeed, bring the issue before you, when in such a distinguished company and before this generous welcoming... But dignity and my integrity demand it.”

Blessed Fang looked a little perplexed, but it did not cause his stare to become any less distant and otherworldly. The rest of the gathered, however, exchanged much more present and even displeased glances.

Bar Kindlefang, sitting next to her husband, watching Twilight with nothing but extreme curiosity.

The Lord leaned back a little, but it wasn’t to show lack of interest. Rather to have the right perspective to deal with whatever the matter was. And to observe the rest of the table.

“Again, Honored Princess, speak plainly.”

Twilight took a deep breath. There was no going back after that point.

“Understanding the significance of such a symbol... and knowing now the terrible tale of the Solar Holy War... I still have to formally protest and oppose the fact that the horn of marshal Radiant Glory is being presented among the trophies of your throne and used in such a way altogether. As a unicorn by birth, only later having been granted the Divine Aspect, I feel uneasy, participating in a formal gathering with such a keepsake overlooking it. I’m inclined to, outright, refuse to sit in on such a congress.”

Twilight held in an exhale. Yes, saying all that did give her momentary relief. But only for said moment, before everything else would start.

And start it did, with Blessed Fang leaning forth, his expression pensive and even a little miffed, which was rather unique considering his composed approach. Then again, only that night had Twilight seen quite the range of emotions from the young stallion.

This was simply another one. But most worrying.

However, before he spoke up, Kindlefang did let out something that resembled an... amused laugh, out of all things.

Hwalba knaze, you did not have to so soon prove being interesting,” she exclaimed in her unique way.

And Twilight wasn’t sure if that mirth of hers was a good sign or bad. Especially when the bone-clad general stood from his seat, saluting the Lord.

Hwalbu haspadr, to bid—

One hoof movement from Blessed Fang rendered him silent, though without making him return to his seat.

The Lord took a deep breath, his muzzle still scrunched just a little. “You would decline an invitation to sit at a Lord’s table, Honored Princess, table prepared in your honor, because a memento proving that justice in the end is served to the wrongdoers is hanging above your head?”

Twilight shook her head. She acknowledged the outlook, but it didn’t change her stance.

“No, Honored Lord. I am far from exonerating the one responsible for the great tragedy of the Cruziate. Or from denying that justice should be served,” she assured, her gaze not leaving the Lord’s. “But feasting underneath a unicorn’s horn, cut off and displayed like a prize, is unimaginable to me. As such, I decry and I wish not to partake.”

Blessed Fang remained silent for a while, watching Twilight intently. His gaze wasn’t really telling much. Perhaps he was acknowledging her point, maybe considering her impertinent and ungrateful. Maybe both, or something else entirely. She couldn’t really tell.

The other gathered, however, seemed to be able to.

Sated Fang, of all ponies, squinted and spoke up. “Honored Lord, the reasoning heard here is... sound. Even understandable, I would state, but hwalba knaze is out of place...” He looked at Twilight and gave her something of an apologetic shrug.

Well, she imagined that he wasn’t entirely wrong there.

The stout stallion then added. “I... would advise you, Honored Lord, if I so might, to...”

“That’s enough for now, Sated Fang,” Blessed Fang silenced him with the words and the glance.

That stopped the healer, but another pony of the Assembly, the stallion with the long robes of the priesthood and earrings made out of flat stones which resembled two full moons, rose his hoof. Wishing to add to the situation himself... but the Lord shook his head about, not giving him a chance.

Shook his head rather promptly and quickly, Twilight took note.

That worked on the priest, but then it actually caused the general to voice his concern once more, still standing and still looking quite displeased about the words which had been spoken. “Hwalb—


Twilight leaned back a little, almost as if pushed away, when Blessed Fang’s voice erupted forth. It cracked a little, but that did not really ruin the effect. The young stallion’s expression was now definitely showing annoyance... though she couldn’t tell who was causing most of it.

Kto hic bid haspadr, ia tsi tuyi?!” he asked in anger, causing the Assembly ponies to cease trying to say anything at all and the general to retake his seat finally. And look down, away from the Lord’s stare. “Ia haba tacit az ia rogora tuyi!

The Lord then took a deep breath and composed himself again. He gave a glance to his wife, getting only support and approval from her, as much as Twilight could read into that exchange. And then he silently consulted Fang Shine, who granted him with cautious consolation and a wordless warning altogether, as his mother.

Twilight, for her part, met his gaze again without fear, though taking note of what had happened. It could still prove useful... if Blessed Fang would not decide to expel her right there, right then.

His initial tone and words were... inconclusive at best when it came to that.

“Honored Princess... your words are, indeed, out of place. Nopony needs to make me aware of that,” he said with that minuscule stress that caused Sated Fang to lower his head even more. “You spur an invitation to a Lord’s table over a trophy. Yes, a trophy. For how can one call something taken from a murderer of innocent stallions, mares and foals, invader that wished to desecrate our shrines and break our spirit. He was an animal, not a pony. He would be labeled a vicious creature by anypony here passing judgment for his crimes.”

Blessed Fang didn’t mention it outright, but Twilight had every right to believe that he was referencing the katorge, that most terrible punishment known to the batponies. Yet she was more focused on his calm but cold voice anyway, passing his own castigation upon her.

“The part of me that have studied your ways and made itself familiar with the tome I had been granted can understand your stance... but that hardly pardons your words. As the Lord of Family Fang,” he said, and with even more of a regal tone than before, “I find you in contempt, Honored Princess...”

Twilight wasn’t expecting anything else, actually. Or, at least, she had foreseen that to be a possible follow-up for her actions. She wasn’t going to escape consequences, not that she wanted to get away from them.

But, before she could say anything, address this situation, inquire about what that could have meant for her... she heard the chair next to her scraping the ground.

She hadn’t been paying much attention to Midnight up until this point. When she looked at him, just like the entire congregation did, he was perfectly still, his stance only the most proper and flawless of salutes. Just like when he had been telling the tale of the Nadyir. In his eyes, Twilight saw cold, unflinching determination, as his warrior persona was put to the forefront, for everypony to witness and dread.

Blessed Fang, also looking that way, leaned back in his seat. “Nocferratan. Do you wish to speak?” he asked, intrigued.

Ia umil rogora, hwalbu haspadr...” Midnight spoke. His words were most proper and gracious, but his voice lost nothing of its gravity and sharpness.

The Lord nodded, his expression still betraying curiosity. Which was soon addressed.

Hwalbu haspadr, I’m not fit to cast judgment. That is not the role of Nocferrat. Nor am I here to dispute old customs, traditions, histories. If I do so, I do it faulty. Faulty like all of us are in before the perfection that is Neskaza Lunee...” he said, causing the gathered to all bow their heads, united in this tense moment by the Goddess’ very name. “But I have been tasked, as a Nightguard, to protect the Honored Princess on her travel. Tasked by the most holy of orders which I can receive... I trust I needn’t say more.”

Twilight wasn’t sure why Midnight had to bring that to the Lord’s attention, but if a request from Princess Luna was invoked, then she imagined that it was necessary.

... which also meant that she was in a much worse position that she had thought.

Blessed Fang, being both a priest and a Lord did nod, understanding clearly what Midnight was referencing. His expression turned more distant, stoic, as he ruminated, hooves conjoined before him. It was, again, a most curious sight, having a young stallion like him behaving with so much insight and dedication to his position.

Not that Twilight would diminish the importance of the situation just because of that.

Finally, the Lord spoke, his eyes seeking her again.

“To be in contempt of haspadr u Rodine means having stood against the Family’s principles. Ours are the ways of the hunt, of service, of loyalty... and punishment of those that deserve it, those that transgress. This horn, even if jarring, is a symbol of that. And of sacrifice, for the survival of our nation. I’m sure you are aware of that, Honored Princess...”

“That I am, Honored Lord,” Twilight made him aware of that. But she wasn’t going to offer more explanations at the moment. She had made her point clear.

Blessed Fang wasn’t expecting a more elaborate answer anyway. “I have every right to discipline my subjects as I see fit. And you, even as an envoy, are not above my jurisdiction.” He lifted his hoof, as if to stop further commentary. “Your mission is vital, Honored Princess, do not think I have forgotten about it, the future of Noctraliya is at stake. I have, myself, brought the interpretation and meaning to our talks... and the words are ringing in my ears as we speak,” he stated with conviction. “But, as the Lord of Family Fang, I cannot let such a situation slide.”

Twilight could understand that, to some extent. As much as she respected... or at least tried to respect local customs, she had to, by the same right as an Equestrian Princess, protest against that display.

One question remained... which respect and which duty was going to win the current exchange?

“So, we, Rodine Kiel, shall defend our honor and our ways. And...” Blessed Fang’s gaze ventured slightly away from her, distant and yet focused, as was the Lord’s want. “... your sentinel will meet our challenge.”

... Twilight felt a cold shiver hitting every part of her spine at once.

She was ready to be admonished, to suffer some form of a disfavor or be ostracized to some extent... but that was about her. She wasn’t going to see Midnight pay for her actions!

“Honored Lord, Nightguardian Midnight Wind was not the one to speak—”

Blessed Fang’s gesture silenced her, no less than his words. “Yes, but I can hardly expect you to perform accordingly, Honored Princess. Yours is the role of an envoy. And Nocferratan did not only speak up after all, reminding us of his duty, but, I believe, has the necessary training. For before the silver sign of the Immaculate Moon... leaves the skies above for the day, we will have a confrontation.” The young stallion turned to Midnight. “I’m sure you, Wentr u Rodine Maednoc, have heard of our blood-bouts?”

... of what?!

Twilight could only hear that question in her own head, shocked as she was. In the meantime, the members of the Assembly expressed joy over their Lord’s decision with loud exhales. And Midnight, for his part, remained in his perfect stance, his expression not betraying even a sliver of what he was thinking about the idea. Only that he seemingly understood what it required of him.

Blessed Fang smiled faintly and nodded. “We haven’t had such an occasion for some time. I believe that the Family shall enjoy witnessing a member of the brave Nightguard showing his training against one of our contenders. We will have the arena prepared.”

Twilight finally regained her tongue, her gaze jumping from Midnight to the Lord. “Honored Lord, this—”

“This,” Blessed Fang interrupted her again. Though it wasn’t out of petty malice, at least. “...is how this situation can be resolved without me having to resort to other, much more unpleasant actions. I still want you to be a guest at our peak, my guest... and a guest you shall remain, despite what just happened. Only, depending on the result of the challenge, we will continue to enjoy meals here, by my throne, with the ancient symbol of justice, a tribute to the Fang of the Goddess and the symbol of our country’s glory above our heads... or we shall find another dining spot, which will not assault your sensibility, Honored Princess. And maybe even discuss further why should I allow for the horn ever to be removed.”

Twilight wanted to reply with something. Retort, riposte, counter... she really did. But the tone of the stallion’s voice and the overall state of things was not in favor of that. It would only make her look petty. Maybe scared.

She, instead, stood up, joining Midnight and prompting Rowan Berry, cautiously observing the situation that whole time, to get up from her seat as well.

“Very well, Honored Lord,” Twilight said, remaining composed and as proper as she could. “I shall take my leave,” she announced, as that was the only scenario left open.

“I will have a meal sent to your chamber, Honored Princess,” Blessed Fang assured her, in that distant tone of his. “The rest of us shall dine here. And discuss who shall partake in the verlupte so that it is both demanding and entertaining.”

Twilight bit her tongue, hard, but remained silent.

She did not need assistance in returning to her quarters... but as soon as the doors closed behind her and her retinue, did she shake her head and exhale. Loud. Loud enough for the antechamber, at least.

“Great... Wonderful,” she admitted with vitriol. To herself, mostly, but also to the two batponies. So they were made aware that she was, indeed, actually upset about all that had transpired.

And, in a way, confirming that she did understand exactly how things got so complex...

Midnight, for his part, remained more composed. And his voice was rather cold. “Verlupte... Of all the things I thought I would be partaking in...” He stretched his neck and back, the leather straps of his armor straining with some protest. “I guess this is one way of exploring our cousins’ culture more.”

Twilight let out another groan, shaking her head at this. At all of this. “This is ridiculous. I’m the one that protested. Why would the Lord—”

“I’m sure that nopony around would appreciate using the Lost Gift of Magic in this sort of combat, Honored Princess,” came the stallion’s flat reply. “A blood-bout is a matter of strength, speed, agility. And, when those are spent entirely, pure will.”

Twilight wasn’t sure if she enjoyed the implication which had manifested in her mind. As if she were lacking in any of those areas, especially the last... But she wasn’t yet unreasonable enough not to realize what Midnight had meant by that. This was supposed to be, clearly, a challenge meant for strong and capable warriors, not Princesses.

... still, why would all of this end in some sort of a... a “blood-bout” of all things?!

Rowan Berry, being rather silent all that time, did approach her belongings and finally decide to speak up, mindful yet somewhat eager. “I’m sure the local konzyili shall be at the ready, but I have with me some herbs to deal with pain,” she stated and Midnight nodded.

“Prudent. But it will all depend on who I shall be facing. Fangs in the Nightguard are tough, that’s undeniable. I suppose even those wampiri around who weren’t picked for our unit can put up a good fight.”

“Why are you okay with this?!”

Twilight’s question bounced around the room, both Midnight and Rowan Berry looking at her in reply. She was doing her best to remain as collected as the situation was allowing...

... it wasn’t much, to be fair.

Her question, naturally, was targeting her beloved. He stared at her for a moment, then took a deep breath and, unlike the last conversation, was far more mindful in his tone.

“Honored Princess, you have marked the most elaborate trophy that the Fangs’ possess as something ab-b... aberrant,” he caught himself on the word, but just shook his head and continued. “Did so right to the Lord’s muzzle, in the presence of the Lord Consort, the Lord’s mother and Syinod. And you have spurned the privilege of dining with him, denying a traditional greeting prepared in your honor. Considering everything... Lord Blessed of Family Fang showed considerable respect and restraint...”

Twilight felt the hot, agitated blood still coursing in her veins, but... her reason was returning quickly.

She had done what she had felt necessary. Done right by her beliefs and morality. Having expected a retaliation of sorts. For, yes, she was well aware that her actions were nothing but making a stand against the customs and the hospitality.

And yet... true enough, she still was at the Mountain. Still considered a guest. That... that spoke volumes, yes. If that would be considered restraint around the place, then, Twilight supposed, she could be grateful that the Lord had just enough of it.

... but why Midnight had to pay for her actions...?

She took another, forlorn breath, growing calmer and steadier, but still feeling that... pang of injustice about the matter. However, that couldn’t stop her from judging the situation accordingly herself.

“I had to do it. I couldn’t just say nothing. Yes, I suppose it could be considered a poorly handled matter from a certain perspective, but there was nothing else for me to do.”

Rowan Berry didn’t respond, just tried her best not to make a face, apparently. Midnight was more supportive. Despite what had happened and that remark of his about the Lesyi... and the rebuttal he had received... his stare was again showing to Twilight that he genuinely cared.

That it was only the ancient history that had hidden that fact for the briefest of moments.

Twilight sighed inwardly. The past always left ripples across time, smaller or greater. Ready to emerge, never satisfied with just dying out...

The stallion, in the meantime, hissed just a little. “What happened, happened. Nocu konet bid konet. Now it’s simply the matter of me assuring that your point stands in the end. Alongside, well... me.”

Those words were outright terrible for Twilight, but... she had to accept them after all. “So... ‘blood-bout’... How accurate is that name?”

Midnight approached his bed and checked the blades on his hoofshoes with the gaze of an expert. “The ver part means more a matter of truth and honor, actually, Honored Princess,” he told her, glancing her way, but focused more on his weapon and what was ahead of him. “If I understand correctly, it was a standard way to settle disputes among the Fangs in the past, with the winner having proven their cause just in the eyes of the Immaculate Moon...”

Maednoc Wentr speaks only some of the truth, actually,” Rowan Berry claimed right after she had lifted her head. “It is entertainment now, rather than conduct, but blood is involved. In noticeable amounts...”

Twilight felt her gut twist, whilst Midnight shot the healer an unpleasant glance.

That did not deter the coral-eyed mare. “The last time I heard about a verlupte, it was taking place in an arena surrounded with a form of a fence. Fashioned out of branches and brambles. A lot of sharp points. Not additionally sharpened nor naturally long by themselves... but allowing for potent shoves to deliver nasty scratches. More than enough to draw blood.”

Midnight hissed in Rowan Berry’s direction, which meant he must have quite easily spotted that Twilight’s face was gradually losing color, as if she were the one suffering from a hemorrhage of some sort.

Well... her heart was bleeding the most right now. Midnight surely was aware of that.

Yazembe Acine, what is the point of emphasizing any of that? It’s combat, honorable combat, injuries are a part of it.”

The healer rolled her eyes. “Yes. But bruises, fractures or maybe, I don’t know, a black eye is one thing,” she pointed out, causing Midnight to hiss lightly again. “Cuts... many, many cuts, are another. And nopony would want a torn wing, no?” she asked rhetorically, but with enough weight to her words. “Those sort of wounds hurt badly and take a while to heal. Though, I suppose, they grant an almost immediate victory, so I would be taking them under serious consideration...”

Twilight shuddered all over, her eyes focusing on Midnight’s membrane wings.

Losing a few feathers was not an issue for the pegasi, usually. And a broken bone was just, universally, a problem for anypony trying to fly. But the very thought of what a wound to the stretched skin would feel like was causing her to fight nausea. She almost forgot about the hunger because of it.

“What...” she tried to ask, to get the image at least partially away from her mind. Hide it behind rules, regulations and knowledge. “What is the point of that fight? I mean... how do you win it exactly?”

Midnight let the edges of his blades run across each other ever so slightly, causing that small metallic shrill to sound. Twilight felt unease, but it seems that he was trying to find his warrior’s center in that gesture, before removing his hoofshoes and leaving them neatly by his bed.

“This is a fight in the air, as I believe,” he said, looking Rowan Berry’s way, who nodded. “And the victory is rather simple. Whoever touches the ground first, because of a maneuver, a mistake or exhaustion is the loser. Weapons are forbidden, though...”

The healer added, shrugging at Midnight’s unfinished sentence. “Let us be honest, drawing ver helps you win, especially when it comes to causing exhaustion. I take it the joy of the locals is the greater the more blood stains the ground,” she added with some distaste. “I’ve told you, hwalba knaze, the Fangs are vicious. Uncivilized.”

Twilight understood that stereotypes were doing the talking, but... well, the very idea of this “blood-bout” would work to reinforce them, indeed.

Just at that moment, a knock sounded on the antechamber doors. Rowan Berry, being the pony closer, slowly opened them to look outside. And to soon reveal a couple of local servants carrying platters and bowls of fruit.

Accompanied by one more pony, standing right before them. Easily recognizable due to her flowing, embroidered robes and the advanced age.

“Honored Shine of Family Fang,” Twilight greeted the mare with some surprise as soon as she spotted who it was. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

The elder nodded her head slowly. “To greater curiosity... mostly, Honored Princess...” she spoke, gesturing a little. “May I... enter?”

“Of course, come in, you are welcome inside,” came the natural reply, adhering to the custom of granting invitation.

Despite the fact that, as Twilight could imagine, Fang Shine was quite likely the most important pony about, minus the Lord himself. She surely didn’t need to be allowed to visit whatever place she desired.

And especially not by a representative that had just managed to cause a little bit of a diplomatic fuss.

Rowan Berry made proper space, whilst Midnight saluted accordingly, more out of respect than actual obligation, not that it made it less valuable. And, soon enough, with their help and that of the servants, the venerable mare was seated in Twilight’s chamber, ready to enjoy this smaller, less presentable feast.

She didn’t seem to really mind, taking for herself a couple of berries and pontificating upon each and every one she was eating, as if she had not really enjoyed the meals prepared at her own son’s banquet.

“I have to... say, Honored Princess...” Fang Shine spoke after a moment, cleaning her hoof in the water bowl. “You know how to... begin a meeting...”

Twilight, left alone for this conversation after having assured that her retinue had their own meal to share, could only nod. She doubted the mare needed a proper explanation after all. She seemed to be far more insightful than that, by the virtues of age and occupation.

“I am more than aware that this was not the most... well, appropriate and sophisticated opening of a visit to the famed Mountain of Fang,” Twilight told the elder, instead, but was only given a smile in return.

“A show of strength is... nothing inappropriate. Especially... in our Rodine...” she was told. “I wish I... had the same... how do you say it...” Fang Shine thought for a moment. “ ‘Oomph’?”

“That is actually an expression, yes,” Twilight confirmed, hiding a smile at hearing this word in the mare’s lips.

The priestess continued, taking her time. “I wished I had... the same that... when I had the opportunity to... actually act and propose change...” she admitted, with something of a wistful smile on her wrinkly muzzle.

It caused Twilight to actually remember something that very moment. Wasn’t Fang Shine the one that had allowed Ardent Fang and Adamant Fang to be chosen as the leaders of the Nightguard and the Border garrison? Which was actually something that had weakened the Fang Family’s military position in the long run?

Was she referring to that... or did the elder mare have something else in mind?

Whatever it was, it was prudent to respond to such a sentence somehow.

“I had to say what my views and morals would have me say. It didn’t feel pleasing, as those things seldom are, but I’m grateful for the encouragement, Honored Shine of Family Fang.”

“Who said anything... about encouragement? You have... insulted my puel,” was the reply, causing Twilight to bite her tongue, especially at that tired, timeworn gaze. Soon, however, Fang Shine shook her head. “As a mother... I won’t overlook that. Would be... rather inappropriate. And yet... I do understand. You are... after all... soleerane. Kiel pet kiel. We all... support our own.”

“There might be a lot of truth in it,” Twilight admitted, though more than ready to add something to that observation, “but I think it is also rather obvious that we mustn’t stop merely on that.”

Fang Shine chuckled hoarsely. “Of course not. But some things... simply come more naturally,” she said, in a tone of gentle reminding. “Your mission and yourself. We’ve heard... a lot about you... over the last weeks. And then... iaeu filiy... got really interested... in that book from you. I must say... it was good to... see him be excited... like the puel he still is.”

Twilight gave the mare a kind, gentle smile. She supposed that, especially to the mother’s eyes, a child was always a child, regardless of age or importance. Or a Lord’s circlet.

Still, that sentence seemed far more interesting than it had sounded at first...

“The translations of the holy scriptures I was given were marvelous and I believed the tome to be a respectable repayment,” Twilight said, cautious about any and all reactions. “I’m glad that I’ve offered the Honored Lord a moment of respite and joy, then. I understand that he has a lot of responsibilities...”

“We all have... a lot of responsibilities. You think... and old mare like me can just... sit back and relax?” Fang Shine asked, with just enough of a smile to make Twilight wonder if she meant that as a joke or not. “That being said... it pleases a mother’s heart... to see her son be more than... just a haspadr. One can... lose themselves... in that important role.”

Twilight squinted. “I think I could agree, especially when the expectations mount and mount... though, Honored Lord Blessed of Family Fang seems well-suited for his cloak and circlet. There’s charisma and presence to him which both definitely belie his years.”

The elder mare actually smiled, that wide, understanding expression of a parent... and more.

“Do you know... why he is called... ‘Blessed’ Fang?”

Twilight pondered at that sudden question. Not out of place, not entirely... but sudden.

There had to be a meaning to the Lord’s name, of course, there was a similar convention to be found here, just like in Equestria. Reinforced by the realization of a pony’s talent, nonetheless. But something was telling Twilight that she was about to hear a lot more than just a simple explanation.

And she did, after remaining silent and shaking her head.

“Nopony... in our closer bloodlines... my husband’s, trala ip w Argentee, and mine... had a name like that,” the mare told her, nodding thoughtfully, visibly focusing on the topic. “But we... had been waiting... for a child for a long time. So long... some would say too long. Past certain... opportunities in the matter...”

Twilight didn’t need to be told much more, she understood that hint well enough. Especially since she had already taken notice of the glaring age gap between the Lord and his mother.

“We prayed, besought... Neskaza Lunee... to look favorably... upon us and Rodine Kiel,” the elderly mare explained, with reverence clearly present in her tone. “I even promised... that my child... would be given to Her service. So that he might be... a worthy, blessed vessel... of Her will. And a strong haspadr... to lead our Family,” Fang Shine declared, her expression grateful... but also worried. “The merciful Goddess... answered our prayers. And I shall spend the... last nights of my life... thanking Her. Yet, as a mother... I am perturbed.”

“Why is that?”

“You,” the elder replied, pointing at Twilight. Not with accusation, but definitely with meaning. “You have given him... another chance to prove that he... is fit and strong, as haspadr. Not that... he really needs to... prove anything. And I say that... not only as his mate... though he might think otherwise. I sometimes fear... that between his duties and... the child soon to come and everything... he is not given the chance...” The mare paused to sigh. “That he is not... giving himself the chance... to be just... him.”

Twilight understood. She believed so, at least. Blessed Fang was a remarkable young stallion when it came to doing his best and fulfilling his important role, that much she could already attest for. Those conversations they had enjoyed and the seriousness of his stance, even with the matter of Radiant Glory’s horn... that all testified for it, whether one liked it or not.

But Twilight had spotted, now with more clarity perhaps, that there was more to him too. When she could see his excitement, she was bearing witness to the stallion he was underneath... Was that right?

Well, there was one pony to ask about that at the very moment.

“I... think I grasp what you are saying, Honored Shine of Family Fang...” Twilight told the elder, much to her joy, shown by the sparks in her gaze. “But... I’m sorry, I have to ask, why are you telling me this, exactly?”

“Well, why not?” was the obvious, almost confusingly so, reply. “I’m his mother... You’ll be spending time with him... discussing whatever deals... are to happen between... our lands and yours. Seems like you will... have the chance to... perhaps, remind him... that he does not have to... carry this all on his own... shoulders and wings. And that... there’s nothing wrong with... just being him. Not hwalbu haspadr... just him. As blessed... as my filiyec is.”

Twilight... would have to spend some time judging this situation. Was Fang Shine hoping to gain something...? No, that seemed rather far-fetched. She was his mother, she was simply worried about him.


“If you will forgive me the question...”

“Depends... on the question,” the venerable mare replied with a thoughtful expression.

“Fair point. I’m just... intrigued. I would think that, among the older generation of noctrali, I would find a lot of traditionalist and stern views. And, history considered, a palpable amount of animosity...” Twilight disclosed, trying not to be insulting in any way, deliberately or not. “Yet, on this journey, I am once again finding a certain openness and willingness to reach common ground and understanding... or even support. Now it's you, Shine of Family Fang. And I’m starting to wonder why this keeps happening.”

Fang Shine nodded her head and smiled, almost as if she was expecting such a point to be made.

“I mean... what do we have to lose? If we have lived... noble and blessed lives... we accept that our quest... our service to Neskaza Lunee... is simply coming to an end.”

She said and something indescribable appeared in her tired gaze. Almost as if she was gazing past Twilight, past the chamber, past the mountains and seeing something... someplace else.

Twilight had a pretty good hunch as to what the elder was envisioning as she was speaking.

“We might as well... be useful to everypony... during our last nights. We remain only to... be helpful to the young, perhaps. We have nothing to fear... ready to meet Uaia Mate. I suppose that just... makes our perspective a little... broader.” Then the mare chuckled, her gaze returning back to the mortal realm. “Especially now... when She is free. And thanks to... a certain somepony.”

She shrugged and Twilight was reminded of that... quite obvious achievement of hers, which seemed to have been escaping her mind for some time now.

Fang Shine chuckled. “But... that’s just me. I have some experience at... this point in my life. And you also seem like... a good pony... to confide in. A decent mare. Of course... when you are not... insulting our heritage.”

That was a jab worth taking, all things considered.

“Thank you, Honored Shine of Family Fang. I’ll try not to be any more of a delinquent than my upbringing and sensibility demand,” Twilight responded in a neutral tone, leaving the interpretation to the elder.

And she wasn’t disappointed, when the priestess shook her head and exhaled, amused.

Ha... Nopony has... talked back to me... like that for a long time. You make me... feel thirty years younger,” came the retort, alongside the mare’s slow rise from her seat. “Thank you... for the company. It was... rather pleasing.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Honored Shine of Family Fang,” Twilight told her and not without some honesty. “I hope that the rest of my stay will be similarly... rather pleasing.”

The elder granted her another smile. “Depends, I suppose,” she replied, slowly making her way out of the chamber.

Her long, black robes trailing behind like a dark shadow and yet the silver symbols on them glinting in the candlelight with promise.

Fang Shine stopped just before the threshold and turned her head back. “Honestly... I didn’t think I would witness... another verlupte in my time. I hope for... a decent performance... from the Nocferrat. A little bit of bloodletting... makes the heart beat stronger.”

Twilight wasn’t sure what to make of that.

Or almost any other happening of that night. It certainly wasn’t the last stand that she would be facing... or having to make in the Mountain of Fang.

All worthy fights demanded those.

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