• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XV – Tests of Faith

Midnight Eye took a step forward, assuming the role of the Covenant’s representative and giving Twilight a constant look of noble stoicism.

“Princess, we trust that your flight was without setbacks other than those caused by our weather. We are joyous to finally meet you and house you.” His tone was polite, if unenthusiastic at best. “I sincerely hope that my Equestrian is adequate.”

Twilight did not hear even a hint of wavering or anxiety whatsoever. “It is far more than adequate, Lord Midnight Eye,” she replied with a most affable smile to counter his constant coldness. “I am overjoyed to be a part of this momentous occasion. And, even if my knowledge of your language is limited, I wish to say... Neskaza Lunee,” she paused for everypony to bow their heads, “welae tuyiu noc illum...”

A smirk bloomed for a split-second on Midnight Eye’s muzzle at her words, which Twilight took for a good sign. Meanwhile, a Covenant member of white, milky mane chuckled.

“Such a convincing accent! Remarkable!” he assessed in proper, high Equestrian, which surprised the mare a great deal. He nudged his closest neighbor, a brown stallion who was, as it seemed, trying to find something fascinating in the ground underneath him. “I have told you the Princess will come duly prepared! I won!”

The other pony replied with a shrug, which caused a bat on his shoulder to comically wobble from side to side. “I-I do n-not r-remember this e-ever being a-a b-b-bet,” he mumbled, still not planning on looking up.

“You are no fun!”

Midnight Eye glanced behind, then shook his head in irritation.

“Apologies, Princess, we mean no disrespect,” he stated, although his voice did not change even a tone from its impassive vibe. “We, the Lords of Noctraliya, come from different walks of life and backgrounds, even for nobility. We are... discrepant somewhat fiercely,” he admitted, displeasure glinting in his eyes.

Taking note that the rest of the Covenant was also granting their mouthy comrade looks with truly various amounts of respect, Twilight decided disarming the tension was worth the try.

“Please, Lord Midnight Eye, do not fret. I find humor not being in any way contemptuous.”

To bid vere, to bid vere...” the oldest pony present muttered to himself suddenly, stroking his long beard. If Twilight did not know better, she would have taken this Lord for Star Swirl’s distant, bat cousin.

“Notwithstanding,” Midnight Eye recommenced, “we wish this summit to meet the standards of poise and decorum, as it should. We will have an opportunity to sit down to converse more freely later. For now, however, customs dictate that a more formal introductions are in order.”

“By all means, Lord Midnight Eye,” Twilight agreed immediately, assuming a more regal pose.

The stallion beckoned at custodian Lichen, who had been quietly awaiting the summon. He positioned himself in equal distance from the Covenant and Twilight and cleared his throat with a hearty and whizzy cough.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, before you stand the Honored Lords of the Covenant. They are equal in stature, importance and glory. The Will of the Goddess is made manifest through them,” Lichen disclaimed, his voice firm yet with a tone of strange weariness to it. “Honored Lord Eye of Family Midnight.”

Midnight Eye bowed his head and stepped back to join the rest of the group.

Lichen took a deep breath and continued. “Honored Lord Blessed of Family Fang.”

A stallion barely out of his colthood approached closer. His citrine irises were almost indistinguishable from his sclera, making his piercing gaze rather startling. The pony bowed his head solemnly, which gave Twilight a moment to assess his clothing. He was wearing a long, black... chasuble of sorts, and his gesture made the edges of his blue stole, ornate with silver threads, brush the ground.

“Blessings of the Goddess upon you. Your arrival fills us with great joy, Knaze,” Blessed Fang spoke, the peculiar, thoughtful tone of his voice adding to the otherworld aura that was present all around him. “This summit has been foretold to bring us new wisdom. We wish to drink from the font of this knowledge like one drinks from a cold, mountain spring.” He stared up, his eyes piercing Twilight through. “You shall share with us your message, Knaze. And we shall judge its worth.”

Twilight did her best to hide the urge to swallow. Blessed Fang was definitely... unsettling. But if he was at least willing to hear her out, she wasn’t going to squander such an opportunity.

“I am impatient to engage in diplomacy as well, Lord Blessed Fang,” she assured, bringing a warmer smile on her muzzle.

Blessed Fang but nodded, then stepped back, making room for another Lord.

“Honored Lord Crimson of Family Shade.”

Twilight had already learned, thanks to Midnight’s aid, that the pony of umber mane, in full general’s attire, was the one being introduced. Yet the stallion did not take the effort to step forward, simply glaring at her frigidly. After a few seconds of silence growing more and more awkward, he finally nodded his head and it constituted the entirety of his reaction.

Twilight replied with a proper bow, although this gesture of antipathy did make her even more concerned than she was before.

Lichen waited a moment longer, intrigued like the rest of the gathered whether Crimson Shade would decide to say anything after all, or actually move, but faced with the Lord’s stalwart and immovable stance, he recommenced.

“Honored Lord Harvest of Family Dusk.”

The brownish stallion with the bat on his shoulder timidly trotted a few steps, his eyes still glued to the ground, in a gesture that Twilight had already begun interpreting. The Lord’s rather simple, if elegant, clothing was strengthening her theory even further. And if Midnight was even remotely accurate in his knowledge about Dusk Harvest’s stammer...

“W-w-welcome, P-P-Princess. I-I-I am D-D-Dusk H-Harvest, a-at y-your s-service.”

He was. Twilight had trouble understanding almost every word that this shy pony was trying to say. His accent made it only worse.

The bat on Dusk Harvest’s shoulder was observing the mare in the pony’s stead. It tilted its head, as if evaluating her with its animal instinct. It suddenly nibbled its owner’s ear, which made the Lord jerk up and cross eyes with the mare finally.

“Oh! Uhm... Y-yes... A-and th-this i-is B-Blossom...” Dusk Harvest added, his muzzle red from abashment.

“A great pleasure to meet you, Lord Dusk Harvest... And you, Blossom,” Twilight responded with great warmth to her voice. She remembered the day when she first met with Fluttershy and she could not deny the similarity between one of her best friends and this timid batpony.

Her words made the stallion skittishly smirk.


Twilight frowned. Dusk Harvest’s impediment appeared more severe than she had thought. Blossom was nuzzling to the Lord’s neck, trying to console him, which Twilight thought could be a good idea. She leaned forward, wishing to express her encouragement—

Thank you!

—before ending up cringing and almost reeling back from the sudden outcry.

Realizing how loud his shout was Dusk Harvest grimaced woefully, his muzzle flaring up to the extreme.

Another of the Lords, appearing ready to come forth, rolled his topaz eyes and huffed. “Oh, marvelously exclaimed, well done making our esteemed guest deaf,” he blurted out, applauding with a prolonged stomping of his hooves.

Dusk Harvest shivered and stepped back, not daring to look at Twilight any longer. She followed him with her gaze as Lichen introduced the self-proclaimed critic of savoir-vivre.

“Honored Lord Bright of Family Crescent.”

The milky-maned batpony skipped forward, his muzzle widening in a jubilant, wide smile. His robes had swirly nebulae on them, made of various, resplendent and rich greens to match his topaz eyes. It made him clearly the most... colorful of the group.

Ha, Princess, I am ecstatic to see you! By my ancestors, what a unique pleasure this is!”

He was also the most excited, as it appeared. There was something in the way he pronounced “ecstatic” that made Twilight immediately feel uncomfortable. She was not going to show it, but the sensation still stood.

“I’m equally charmed that I have been granted an opportunity to meet the honored Covenant, Lord Bright Crescent,” she replied.

“I would hope so!” he riposted with a mischievous grin. “I would be eternally grateful, Princess, if you would be able to extricate from your busy schedule a moment for a personal get-together. I am simply dying to talk with you about your exotic domain!”

Twilight blinked. That sounded quite ironic.

“Lord Bright Crescent,” she replied solemnly, “I would be privileged to talk about Equestria with you when the time allows it. And I hope we could find a calm moment to converse about fine arts as well. I am aware of your fascination with them and I think we could find the common ground.”

Bright Crescent shone at her words. Which could have passed for a pun in its own right.

Ha, it would be exquisite! What a treat! Ha!

Exhaling in overwhelming joy the Lord backed away. Twilight smiled on the inside. Midnight’s helpful tip about this stallion’s interests worked wonders. She was now certain that she would be able to sway this already enthusiastic pony and acquire an ally in the Covenant.

“Honored Lord Word of Family Sunfall.”

An elderly stallion in an ashen garment quite similar to Midnight Eye’s cautiously approached Twilight, his eyes betraying fatigue appropriate for his senile age. He stopped to ponder something, then, surprisingly, looked past the mare and straight at Midnight, who was until now standing at attention, barely even blinking.

Wampir, adiuma ia?” the Lord inquired in a raspy tone.

Midnight straightened his salute. “Tac, hwalbu haspadr!

Ia rozumt Ekwestriyar, ale ia hab trudnosti w dict to. Mozna tu dict Knaze iz ia bid smutnu ia nye bide naybarbenu discipul w iaa scole?” Sunfall Word said, glancing at Twilight to let her know he did not forget about her presence.

Midnight took a step forward, taking his place at the mare’s side.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, Honored Lord Word of Family Sunfall asked me to convey to you that although he understands Equestrian, he has difficulties in speaking it. He wishes to express his apologies for not being the best pupil when attending school,” he translated in an official, firm tone.

In the meantime a broad smile invaded Sunfall Word’s muzzle and Twilight did her best to give him a grateful expression for his honesty.

“Lord Sunfall Word, that still makes you better prepared than I am, I have to confess. I’m afraid my knowledge of Noctraliyar is... minuscule at best. I’ve never had the opportunity to learn it before.”

Ha, uai uctai tue, Knaze, nye timorae...” Sunfall Word immediately replied.

“Don’t you worry, Princess, we shall teach you,” Midnight translated the offer, a hint of happiness present in his otherwise stern voice.

“Oh, uhm... Iae grate tu?” Twilight cautiously replied, causing Sunfall Word to nod, a playful spark lighting up his tired gaze.

When he moved back, Twilight knew that there was but one member of the Covenant missing. And her introduction was bound to be most interesting.

“Honored Lord Azure of Family Mist.”

Azure Mist, the only mare of the Covenant, brought on her muzzle an expression of pure, unabated kindness, stepping forward with the grace of a ballerina. Her charcoal dress was far more than luxurious and her earrings with bluish jewels would be more than enough to buy a hamlet in Equestria, denizens included.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle,” the Lord began, her tone like the sweetest honey, “we have been expecting you eagerly. Thank you for graciously answering our invitation. We are humbled by your presence.”

Twilight was not going to be caught in the trap of her demeanor. Nor was she going to be beaten in this diplomatic game. Yes, she had not had the chance to engage in such a sophisticated form of dueling, but she was going to try her best nonetheless.

... hoping to succeed against the odds.

“Lord Azure Mist, I am equally honored to meet you. And hopeful that the spirit of cooperation and good will shall forge an everlasting friendship between us. I’ve had the pleasure of acquainting myself with one of your subjects already. His loyalty towards you was most inspiring. I am now keen on knowing more about you.”

Azure Mist’s smile became even sweeter. “Oh, we shall have apt time to do so, I imagine. You are our guest, after all, away from your homeland, and we shall make certain that you have all the due attention, Princess.”

“I have experienced this care already, Lord Azure Mist, and I know I can only expect more coming my way,” Twilight responded with unmatched grace. “I am humbled to be granted such a level of attention.”

“We are glad that you are expecting us to be good hosts and partners in this unique, sublime adventure which our negotiations will be,” Azure Mist replied in mounting joy, even allowing herself a playful smirk. “I must warn you though, Princess, the Covenant is ready to make you see things our way.”

Twilight somehow spotted a shade passing through Midnight Eye’s face before she riposted. “I’m pretty certain that we can both share our points of view in cooperation and not rivalry.”

Azure Mist bowed her head, although Twilight could not abandon the notion that it was a patronizing gesture and nothing more. Despite her kind smile and even kinder gaze, the Lord had that spark in her eyes that was an unmistakable sign of distrust and caution.

Twilight was also certain that Midnight was paying undivided attention to every single word spoken. He had told her of his willingness to observe every detail of her encounter with the Covenant. She was already curious of his opinion.

Azure Mist soon returned to join the rest of the group, which marked the end of initial formalities. Midnight Eye spoke up once more.

“We, the Covenant, greet you warmly. Yet allow us to extend our welcome to your companion and guide as well, Princess. Come forth, Nightguardian.”

Without a moment of hesitation, Midnight stomped forward. His salute was perfect, his gaze keen and his expression unmovable.

Midnight Eye smiled at him. “We, the Covenant, welcome you home, warrior.”

Hwalbyi haspadri!

The stallion strengthened his stance even further, almost causing Twilight to sigh in awe. In his full attire, with that incredible firmness to his eyes, Midnight presented himself admirably. And was really captivating.

Midnight Eye continued. “May you rest well in the lands of your ancestors and may this and your future tasks serve the glory of our Mother, the Immaculate Moon...”

Even Twilight bowed her head a little, wishing to add to this greeting Midnight received. When she looked up, she could swear that both Blessed Fang and Sunfall Word were paying closer attention to her.

Haspadri,” Midnight exclaimed with unshakable conviction, “to bid honos, prod Bogine i uaia Matrie!

Ita to bid,” Midnight Eye replied, before turning to Twilight. “I am uncertain whether you are aware, Princess, but warrior Midnight Wind is a relative of mine.”

“I am, yes, Lord Midnight Eye.”

“I hope it shall not spoil him too much if I publicly state that I am proud of his conviction and service,” the Lord pointed out before turning back to his comrades. Twilight could swear that, for some reason, he addressed Azure Mist particularly with those words.

Midnight did not show even a hint of satisfaction at this glorification. Bright Crescent rolled his eyes, however.

“Yes, yes, all Midnights are the best, can we now stop with the petty histrionics in front of the Princess?”

Twilight stifled a giggle at his haughty tone, while Midnight Eye exhaled in resignation. “Poise and decorum,” he muttered to himself. “Poise and decorum...” He brought back the emotionless mask on his face before addressing the mare again. “Let us proceed inside, Princess. We should not delay, there is still much ahead of us tonight.”

“Of course,” Twilight wholeheartedly agreed.

Without any more words, the Covenant created a small circle around Twilight and Midnight, who took his place at her side, with Midnight Eye leading this makeshift procession. Twilight would love to ask whether this formation was the continuation of the Rite of Ingress, but as soon as her eyes caught the glimpse of the Sanctuary, her mind could focus on nothing else but what she witnessed after gazing through the massive gate.

General Adamant Fang was right. She could use seeing this place in installments.

The great cavern that was the birthplace of Noctraliya was enough to fit Ponyville inside, including Twilight’s new castle. The mountain of the Sanctuary must have been hollowed out almost completely, making room for a place that for certain could have served as a shelter for an entire race, one living among rock and snow above dark, pine forests. This place was almost like a metaphor for the entire batpony country.

On the left and right Twilight spotted enormous columns chiseled to look like tree trunks, marked by twinkling stars of shiny, pale jewels. Their reflections were dancing around, like playful will-o’-wisps, granting the place an enchanting, eerie glow. On the far ceiling of the cave, lanterns were hung among clusters of polished minerals reminding Twilight of pinecones, spreading this silver luminance all over the Sanctuary. For somepony of regular eyesight, the cavern would appear illuminated just enough, but for batponies? This place was more bright than the white walls of Canterlot in summer. Yet it was not a harsh glow, but a dignified, if whimsical, aura which was spreading itself all around the place.


An expression of astonishment left Twilight’s mouth, surprisingly causing Dusk Harvest to mutter, without turning.

“D-d-do you l-like i-it h-h-here, P-Princess?”

“It’s... it’s... I’m speechless. Astounding...”

The gate behind began slowly closing with a deep rumble, leaving Twilight standing on a small elevation of the main, stone tract leading through the cavern, allowing her to take in the magnitude of this place.

Her awe grew even more when she realized that through the middle of the cave weaved itself a little river, led through a slim, chiseled canal, with pockets of greenery planted alongside its passage. The center of the cavern was clear, leaving space for a marketplace dotted with fountains of smooth stone, taking shapes of various mountain flowers. One in particular, resembling an edelweiss, was sending cascades of clear water from all of its stony bracts, which were splashing down into a large pond down below, full of water lilies.

A sudden voice with a harsh accent tore Twilight away from her amazement.

“Generations and generations of batponies built the Tuarie. And it stood tall, despite some who would wish to see it toppled and turned to ash.”

Twilight gazed at Crimson Shade to her left, who gave her a glance of borderline disdain. Her mind raised alert. There was something at the basis of his words that spelt old grievance.

“Whoever would want to destroy such a wondrous place?” she asked, wishing to show concern.

“There were... some,” the Lord’s frigid reply rang in her ears before he turned his gaze away.

The group made their way down the slope. The paved, stone road leading through the Sanctuary was flanked on both sides by a throng of curious batponies standing behind a cordon of guards in dark leather armors. Twilight took note that many bystanders were wearing the priesthood robes, betraying their assignment to that caste. That was to be expected from a holy place like this one, but the mare was not prepared for quite such an attendance of clergy.

Pair after pair of reflective eyes, all were gazing at her. Occasional whispers sounding from the sides were a sign that the inhabitants were actively commenting on Twilight’s presence. Among the crowd, one of the stallions picked up his daughter and sat her on his head, just so the little bat filly could see properly what the commotion was about, wonderment and fascination in her little, amber irises.

Twilight smiled right at the child, wishing to show her friendliness. Yet it only made the little pony slide down her father’s neck and hide her muzzle in his dark mane. The nearby ponies took note of that, their gazes becoming even more reserved and cautious than before.

Bravo, Twilight. Well done, indeed.

The procession reached the middle of the cave, having most of the commoners following behind, and the mare finally took note of a place on the distant side of the cavern which the road they were on was leading to. And if amazement was with her this entire time, it was now bound to become stuck with her permanently.

“Is this...?”

“The Great Shrine,” Lord Blessed Fang immediately answered. “Our first and greatest place of worship, may it stand for ten thousand years still.”

Before Twilight’s eyes appeared an enormous relief made out of dark marble, spanning almost the entire back wall of the grotto. It was nothing else than a representation of the Immaculate Moon herself, the full-face likeness of Princess Luna. Her eyes were closed and a gentle smile was blooming on her muzzle. Her stony portrait had its wings extended to their full reach and somehow that made the sculpture look like it was warmly inviting everypony to pass through a tunnel that was placed underneath it.

The most stunning thing for Twilight was that Princess Luna, despite her features looking sharper than normal, was not presented as a batpony. The mare had been certain that if noctrali considered themselves the children of the Goddess, then the Immaculate Moon would be portrayed as being physically similar to them. Fangs, tufts of hair on her ears, webbed wings, perhaps even a lack of horn. This was not the case, however, Princess Luna was firmly shown as a grown alicorn and she was sculptured with breathtaking details, almost to the barbs of her feathers.

“Excuse me,” Twilight asked of Midnight Eye, catching up to him, “how long did it take to finish this relief?”

The Lord smiled a most proud smile and gave her a quiet reply. “It was worked on for almost two centuries. A hundred and ninety two years, to be precise.”

“Oh my. It... shows, definitely.”

“Indeed. But even this gesture of our veneration pales in comparison to what the Goddess does for us, caring for us night and day,” the Lord assured, lowering his head in humility.

“Still, a sign of this magnitude...” Twilight added, her eyes admiring the details to Luna’s ethereal, flowing mane. The reflections dancing on the marble made it look almost animated.

“To venerate the Goddess is right and just. We seek not Her favor with our actions,” Midnight Eye continued, his tone pious.

“Oh, but I am certain she simply had to take notice of such a sign of devotion and rained Her blessings upon you for it. You take, you give, after all,” Twilight stated with conviction, wishing to address Midnight Eye’s humble piety. She knew Princess Luna personally and whether or not the Alicorn of the Night could grant god-like benedictions, Twilight was certain that such loyalty was dear to the Princess’ heart.

However, her words only caused Midnight Eye to cringe. He quickly composed himself, but his voice became colder than usual.

“The Immaculate Goddess is not obliged to follow any rules, especially those of repayment,” he whispered through his clenched teeth.

Twilight paled. “I—”

“There can be those who think that faith is based on barter, like on a marketplace,” the Lord continued, his offence more than blatant, “more so, that they can even take without giving. But true faith is not about seeking grace through bribery. Faith is service. Faith is humility.”

“I didn’t mean to—” Twilight tried to speak up, seeing as Midnight and the other Lords were attempting to overhear the quiet exchange.

“I want to believe that you did not,” the Lord cut her short. “Although I would not expect a soleerane to understand the delicate nature of our worship. Now, if—” It was Midnight Eye’s turn to be interrupted, just as the group entered the paved approach to the temple, marked by a set of dark marble arcades.

A commotion started among the crowd. A firm rhythm of iron-cladded hooves was approaching from the right and the gathered were making room almost in panic.

Twilight was about to openly inquire about what was happening, but the weary look on the Lord’s face and the fearful spark in Midnight’s eyes told her more than she wanted to know.

Custodian Lichen, until that moment calmly leading the gathered crowd, appeared just beside her. “Princess, remain calm, please,” he coughed the sentence out before rushing to meet whoever was approaching.

“What does this mean?” Twilight whispered towards Midnight, using the fact that everypony was busy observing the sudden happening.

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you no matter what,” he responded to her in great haste and caution.

The crowd parted out of a sudden and Twilight saw who was causing this sudden shift of atmosphere.

Three ponies, two stallions and a mare. Three ponies wearing the same armor that she saw Ebon Fang’s statue showcasing, grand and ceremonial. Three juggernauts of ornamental, dark purple metal. Their inky cloaks were sweeping the stone tiles of the road and hoods were hiding everything but their muzzles, which were bound tightly by tar black cloths. Twilight could not even spot the eyes of these warriors, but she could tell that they were observing her and only her. And those unseen gazes caused shivers to go up and down her spine.

Lichen stood in front of the newcomers and spoke, despite everypony in the immediate vicinity giving the armored group due, respectful space and remaining absolutely quiet.

Tuariani...” the custodian’s voice was timid and reserved.

One of the armored ponies, standing in the middle, trotted forward. His steps were heavy, almost sluggish, and their weight was much more than one would imagine, even from this amount of gear on a strong pony. Without a word he raised one of his forelegs and pointed at Twilight, which made the mare’s coat stand on end.

Bid tuyiu yiudic ad ipe?” Lichen inquired, to which the stallion nodded profoundly.

The warrior then reared, bringing up all the weight of his armor, a remarkable feat of strength, and slammed his forelegs on the ground. A deep echo was sent all around the deathly silent cavern.

Twilight took notice a small tremor passing under her hooves. She felt petrified by the presence of ponies who caused the entire crowd of their brethren to remain motionless and anxious. Whatever was happening, even the Lords around her moved to the sides with respect. Only Midnight remained by her, but she could tell that it was taking all of his resolve not to back away.

Lichen bowed his head before the armored stallion and spoke up with reverence.

Tuariani, ipe nye bide noctrale, ipe—

The warrior reared and stomped his hooves a second time, causing the custodian to shudder. He did not cease his pleas, however.

Mozn ia... dict ipe, kwo demor ipe?

In response to this question, the leader of the group turned to his companions. They both nodded in unison and so the silent permission was granted to the priest, who scuttled away towards Twilight.

“Princess, Tuariani wish to pass their judgment upon you,” he rushed through the sentence, his straw eyes full of angst.


“You must step aside, child. Now,” Lichen ordered Midnight before shifting his attention back. “Please, Knaze, simply listen to me. Stand tall and do not move, no matter what will be happening. Nothing wrong shall occur to you, I promise it on my blood. Just stay where you are. You face the Test of Faith.”

Twilight felt her heart racing. A Test of Faith? What was that implying? What was going to happen? She was not a batpony, she did not believe in the Immaculate Moon! How could she stand any test like that?! She did not have time to even prepare, nopony told her anything about this!

Midnight gave her a look of mounting worry. He wished to say something, but Lichen rushed him.

“Move, child!”

Twilight’s breathing stopped. How could she stand this sudden examination without Midnight nearby? She could not bear this on her own! She was not ready for anything like this!

The group of “tuariani” began stomping their way forward, their hooves in a grim, steady rhythm. Midnight glanced at them, then at Twilight again. A spark appeared in his eyes when their gazes crossed. And in that glint she saw all that she wished to see. All the love he had for her.

And that silent empowerment, that one stare, gave her the confidence to stand her ground even when Midnight followed Lichen to join the rest of the crowd.

The three armored warriors were firmly approaching, their steps sending rippling echoes around the cavern. Twilight felt her knees weaken. Whoever those ponies were, they had a hold over the populace and even the Covenant, the Lords of which had with great reverence made way for these “tuariani”. An aura of authority was accompanying those strange ponies. Authority and dread. One that was with relative ease crushing Twilight’s own, royal presence.

The warriors came ever so close. It caused the mare’s heart to flutter. She realized that, for some reason, the edges of her vision darkened. The luminescence of the cave began subsiding at a steady pace and she had no idea why exactly. Was the closeness of these dreaded warriors snuffing out light from around them? Who were those dark and grim characters, did they possess magical prowess? Batponies with magic?!

Wait, no!

Twilight realized something she missed. “Tuariani” had round symbols of the Moon on their chestplates, made out of a pale rock that she had come in contact with before. Luneeit. The mineral that was hampering spellcasting was embedded in the metal and its proximity must have been suppressing the enchantment she put on her eyes.

She was only hoping for the effect to hold and not dispel entirely. Still, finding a scientific explanation in this unsettling scenario was a small glimmer of hope.

The leader of the group approached even closer. Twilight saw a glint of his eyes under his hood and that spark caused her to grow stiff. She could simply stand and wait. Wait for something to happen.

Without a word, the big stallion leaned forward, his muzzle coming strangely close to Twilight’s. She could tell he was judging her, looking deep into her eyes. She knew not whether he would speak to her, his actions so far were without commentary other than this deep, almost raspy breathing she could hear clearly now.

The stallion suddenly straightened himself. He brought his front hooves together in a fierce clap that caused Twilight’s ears to twitch. Then he slammed his forelegs down, the other two warriors doing the same. In that fierce echo, Twilight could hear the reverberation of the grand gate of the Sanctuary which affected her not long ago.

It was a strange hum of devotion and service. And it was most peculiar. Sounds were not supposed to ring like that on their own. But there was that deep timbre, washing through her again like a tidal wave.

She felt her breathing becoming slower, calm. Her mind stopped racing and her frantic heartbeat returned to normal. She kept staring under the armored pony’s hood, in search for the color of his eyes. She felt that he was returning his gaze.

The other two “tuariani” approached and took their places slightly behind Twilight, standing in a circle, in equal distances from one another. Then they repeated their gesture, clamping their hoofshoes and stomping the ground.

This time the echo travelling through Twilight made her stoic and empowered. She had nothing to hide, nothing vile on her mind. No schemes, no strings and no intrigues. She felt herself purified by this strange ritual conducted by the trio. It was not magical, not of arcane or elemental nature, but it had strength in it nonetheless.

“Tuariani” performed again their motion. The third time the sound became... promising. Hopeful. The warriors were no longer frightening for her. They were imposing, but not startling. She felt a surge of respect towards them, for some reason. She watched as their leader stepped closer and placed his right hoof on her chest, wrinkling her dress. The pressure she felt on her was astonishing. And not only its physical aspect. The last, small vibes of the resonance were passing through the armored hoofshoe, making Twilight’s heart respond in the same rhythm.

She felt her eyes closing involuntarily. Her lungs took a deep breath that rejuvenated not only her body, but her mind. Her soul. A feeling of cleansing was bestowed upon her. Then her eyelids lifted themselves and she crossed gazes with the pony in front of her. She knew of his tranquil approval.

He and his comrades turned away and made their way through the crowd without a word. Twilight looked after them. She could not help herself. She experienced gratitude that they have judged her and found her worthy.

Somepony placed his hoof on her shoulder and shook her delicately.

“Princess? Princess, are you alright?”

She blinked.

... where was she? What...? Wait, where did those scary ponies go?! They were approaching her a moment ago!

She turned to see Lichen giving her a most concerned look. “Princess, can you hear me?”

“Y-yes, I can. What happened?” she asked, looking around. The Covenant was exchanging glances between each other, the crowd was back to its murmuring. Midnight was standing right behind Lichen, a worried-beyond-measure look in his eyes.

The custodian inquired again. “Are you fine? What are you feeling? What have you experienced?”

Twilight concentrated. The echoes of fear were finally leaving her. She was glad that those... “tuariani” went away!

“I feel—”

Blank. Nothing.

There was nothing.

She was certain she had felt something else just before! Something... Anything! It was... was it just fear? Or anxiety? No, not that. Was it...? No, she knew she had experienced a sensation of... of...

No. Don't dwell on it.

“I don’t know.”

Lichen exhaled. “Thank the Goddess.”

“For what?”

Tuariani,” Blessed Fang stepped forward, addressing Twilight, “have not found you offending the Goddess with your presence. Otherwise, you would be struck by horror and dread...”

Horror and dread? “Wait, why would I offend the Goddess by my sheer presence...?” she asked, confused. Could she break any hidden rules or taboos by simply visiting?

Lichen took the initiative. “Princess, please do not feel threatened by any of this. Tuariani can put anypony to the Test. You withstood it, that means that you did not come here to contest the Will of the Immaculate Moon...”

Everypony bowed their heads, but Twilight. She felt... she felt offended that such a great distrust was being shown towards her. If she were to be honest, most other diplomats would have already taken their leave after being subjected to something so... distressing. But not her. She had a mission to fulfill. She was going to finish it.

And, well... she owed so much to Midnight himself.

He had approached her by now, trying to hide his deep, honest worry behind his professional demeanor.

“Princess, I am deeply sorry I could not have provided you aid,” he declared in an official manner, but his eyes were asking another question.

Are you fine, my light?

Twilight cleared her throat. “There is no need for apologizing, Nightguardian. I thank you for your concern, however,” she stated, staring back at him intensely.

I am, please don’t worry.

She continued. “I’m glad to have such a loyal and dutiful retainer assigned to me.”

I love you.

“It is an honor to be of assistance to an envoy like you, Princess.”

I love you too.

Lichen’s chuckle interrupted those two simultaneous exchanges.

“Isn’t he a respectful little colt, Honored Lord Eye of Family Midnight?” he queried, glancing at the middle-aged stallion whose smirk showed Family pride.

Azure Mist decided to interfere. “Oh, I have told Lord Midnight Eye that he shall be up to the task!” she pointed out, causing Bright Crescent to huff.

“The infallible has spoken,” he remarked in a voice that could very well belong to a divine judge, causing Azure Mist to pierce him through with her cold gaze.

Twilight barely contained a giggle. Midnight Eye, in the meantime, shook his head. He mouthed something that could have very well been “poise and decorum” before speaking up.

“We have witnessed the Princess being allowed to remain between us. Let us not delay then. The ceremony shall begin soon.”

Twilight turned to Lichen. “I have many questions... Many.

“No doubt,” the custodian agreed. “However, now is not the time, Princess. I promise to explain everything after we are done with all of the festivities for tonight. Now, we must proceed to the Great Shrine.” He pointed towards the massive relief. “A momentous occasion such as this allows us to conduct a special rite, one that all of the gathered wish to be a part of.”

Twilight looked around, seeing as the closest members of the crowd began nodding, agreeing with the priest.

Midnight cocked an eyebrow. “Will there be homiliye, piastan?”

“Indeed, child,” Lichen confirmed, which caused the warrior’s face to beam.

“I still have no idea what is going on,” Twilight admitted once the procession continued.

Lichen decided to keep closer to her now, so he was the one to answer her. “During the biggest ceremonies, the priesthood of a shrine can sometimes decide to retrieve the most important of scriptures from the temple vaults and read out excerpts from them to the populace. Hearing the tales of our past, written with the inspiration from our Mother, is something everypony awaits eagerly.”

“Oh, that sounds extraordinary. We do not possess anything like that in Equestria,” Twilight confessed. Historical documents regarded as something sacred? How intriguing!

“And tonight,” Lichen added, “Honored Lord Blessed of Family Fang shall read out a text which he himself chose. As he is an antas and a Lord, this is as festive and exceptional as it can be, Princess...”

Twilight glanced at Blessed Fang to her right, who returned a slight bow of his head, piercing her with his citrine gaze.

She gave him a cordial smile. “I feel deeply honored, Lord Blessed Fang.”

After the group had reached the open tunnel leading to the Great Shrine, having the entire crowd following loyally behind, Twilight spotted a strong, silver aura lighting up the distant end of the passage. Having had experienced the Sanctuary, Twilight was ready to tackle this temple to the Immaculate Moon.

... no, she was not.

The assault of mercurial light was enough to make Twilight squint. The interior of the shrine was a meld of marble, silver and shining, pale jewels. Every inch of this massive temple, this cathedral, irradiated with splendor devoted to the Immaculate Moon. Splendor that could rival the one of the Royal Castle of Canterlot. A rich, cobalt rug was leading through the massive set of tall columns towards a grand altar, behind which a discus of pure, polished silver was placed, similarly to how it looked at the Border’s shrine. This symbol of the Goddess, however, was outshining, both figuratively and literally, any other piece of craftsmanship Twilight had come into contact with. The level of detail to it was enough to have astronomers learn the Moon’s topography from it.

“Princess,” Midnight’s whisper weaved itself among the echo of hoofsteps of the crowd entering the shrine, “your jaw is hanging.”

Twilight realized her expression of awe was more than blatant. Her cheeks flared as she spotted Lichen trying to hide a chuckle at her amazement. She quickly composed herself, however.

“It is a remarkable temple. I have never before seen someplace quite so... grandeur.”

Uai brazai to...” Sunfall Word declared, smirking to himself impishly.

“We’ll take it,” Midnight translated his words and Twilight grinned at the venerable pony.

The pillows prepared for the supplicants were of solid quality, and those readied for the Covenant and Twilight were not in any way more luxurious, in accordance to the idea that equality reigned in the shrines to the Goddess. The mare was lead to the front row of the seats taking her place flanked by Midnight Eye and Crimson Fang, the other Lords taking their places according to an order Twilight had taken notice of, but could not discern yet. Midnight sat in the second row, slightly behind her, giving her a warm glance of encouragement.

“Pardon me, Lord Midnight Eye,” she decided to ask, “what can I expect to happen now?” She was keen on making up to the stallion for the previous exchange they had.

“Once everypony is seated,” the Lord replied, checking behind him for attendance, “Lord Blessed Fang and the other antasi shall bring forth a scroll containing the homiliye chosen. ‘Lesson’? ‘Sermon’, perhaps? I think that would be the closest possible translation.”

“And Lord Blessed Fang will read from it to us all?”

“Yes, indeed.”

Twilight felt her embarrassment gathering. “Uhm, excuse me, but I am afraid I will not have the vaguest of ideas what I am hearing if the sermon shall be delivered in—”

“Oh, fear not, Princess,” Midnight Eye responded, a strange note to his voice. “You will understand well enough...”

The stallion smirked, then focused on the altar, where the priesthood was already gathering. From what Twilight understood, these ponies in chasubles were considered the antasi, a different kind of batpony clerics, responsible for interpreting and revealing of prophecies and conducting rites such as the one she was partaking in.

A few minutes later, when all of the gathered took their places, Blessed Fang approached the altar. His voice, which Twilight had only heard as serene, now boomed, echoing around the temple with great force.

“Children of the Goddess, heed me!”

As if on cue, everypony around assumed the prayer positions, more or less causing a gust of wind to sweep through the place. Twilight jerked her forelegs up, not wishing to stand out as uninvolved.

Blessed Fang examined the crowd, his eyes hanging on Twilight for a moment longer.

“Tonight, we welcome a guest among us! Tonight, we house an envoy from the land beyond ours! Tonight, the Goddess Herself allows a foreign mare to walk between us, for Her merciful hoof is extended towards all!”

Twilight gulped. She felt the attention of everypony shifting towards her.

“We, Her children, welcome Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Equestria, among us! And, for the glory of the Immaculate Moon...” The unified motion of lowered heads constituted the pause. “... we tell her this tale, in her tongue.”

Blessed Fang turned around and two other priests presented him with a massive, ancient looking scroll in a surprisingly solid condition. The Lord displayed it to the gathered with pride, then spread it before him on the altar. He commenced reading from it in a steady rhythm, which made Twilight think of meditative cadences. He was smoothly translating verse after verse, albeit using some archaic Equestrian here and there.

“And came the Goddess to the ponies and said She unto them: ‘I am the Goddess, Immaculate Moon... Ye shall be my children.’ And rejoiced the ponies walking the earth. And rejoiced the ponies soaring the skies. And rejoiced the ponies gazing beyond. And asking they were for signs from Her, so they would know She is their Mother. And so did She weave gifts three to bestow upon them.”

Twilight was paying close attention to every word. What she was hearing sounded like a batpony myth concerning the various abilities of Equestrian ponies.

“And said She unto the ponies walking the earth: ‘Earth shall listen to you and sustain you and hunger shall not be yours. Will ye take my gift, a Mother’s gift?’ And took they the gift and used it well. And joyous were they, for earth did listen to them and sustained them and hunger was not theirs. But soon hardened their hearts and spoke they not to Her anew. And cry did the Goddess, for thankless they were.”

Twilight felt her eyes widening.

“So asked She the ponies soaring the skies: ‘Do ye also want to go away?’ And said they: ‘No, for Thou art the Goddess.’ Smiled She upon them and said: ‘Then yours shall be the power over rain and cloud, over hail and snow, and the skies will obey ye. Will ye take my gift, a Mother’s gift?’ And took they the gift and used it well. But fill did their minds with pride and waged they war with the power over rain and cloud, over hail and snow, for the skies obeyed them. And said they unto themselves: ‘Who is as we?’ And cry did the Goddess, for vain they were.”

A hiss of disapproval echoed through the temple, many agreeing murmurs accompanying it.

“So asked She the ponies gazing beyond: ‘Do ye also want to go away?’ And said they: ‘No, for Thou are the Goddess.’ Asked She them again: ‘Will ye vain become and forget Me?’ And answered they: ‘No, for serve Thee we want, through centuries of centuries.’ Asked She them a third time: ‘Will ye be my children?’ And answered they: ‘Threefold we promise Thee, Goddess!’ Smiled She upon them and said: ‘Then thy gaze will see what is hidden and thy will alone shape shall and create. Will ye take my gift, a Mother’s gift?’ And took they the gift and used it well. But then said they unto Her: ‘See we what is hidden and our will alone shapes and creates. Need we then a Goddess?’ And cry did the Goddess, for great was the treason of theirs.”

Blessed Fang took a moment to focus his gaze on Twilight, bringing with it the stares of the entire shrine.

She felt her heart thrashing in her chest.

“Left the Goddess the ponies that left Her. And came She to the land of snow and stone, where winds howled and cried. And sat She in the skies high and wept. But voices She heard, from caverns deep. And heard She: ‘Moon, Thou awakened us!’ And saw She the ponies of caves and said She unto Herself: ‘Will they be My children?’ Commanded She Her sign to shine down upon them, but Herself did She not show. And heard She: ‘Moon, to praise Thou is right and just. But praise alone is what we have. Will Thou take our gift, thy servants’ gift?’ Smiled She upon them and said She unto Herself: ‘Care I shall for them. And on the night foretold to them, they alone shall justly become My Children.’ ”

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