• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LXXX – Deserving

The Sun had just set and the Moon made its way to the great expanse of the sky. Thanks to Celestia’s aid, actually, for Luna was already back at the hospital, without fault and without hesitation. Her presence there became a nightly constant for her, the medical staff, and the few reporters that were dead set on relay the news of her constant vigil by her loyal Advisor’s bed.

So much so, that some of the less kind papers, those that both knew and speculated about the extent of her royal duties, were asking whether the Moon would continue to be present on schedule, and about the safety of Equestria’s citizens at night, with Luna not seen anywhere else than Canterlot’s best clinic during her hours awake. Yes, she had learnt quickly after her return that the freedom of press had been established as one of the most crucial pillars of modern society, but she would not be smeared by the media nor be the target of silly gossip, especially not during this time of her personal calamity. Thankfully, she had faithful ponies to contain that situation in a delicate, respectful manner, without it going the way of inordinate censorship.

Speaking of such ponies, one of them was present during this impromptu conference in the corridor not far from Moonwarden’s room, where the grey stallion was still gallantly fighting his silent battle for his life, yet with no change in sight so far.

Lieutenant Brass Plaque, for he was the member of the Second Chance that stood at attention next to Prince Consort Shining Armor, nodded thoughtfully at the first sentences of the report given to Luna by the former Captain of the Royal Guard.

“So you are saying, sir, that the one thing that can be confirmed without a doubt is that it was an assassination attempt after all?”

Shining Armor responded, his voice filled with seriousness, both one appropriate for the topic and that of his station. “Yes, unfortunately, no question about it. With the help from the new captain I have gathered all the ponies I could think of, even called in a few, old favors. The scene as we established it, the marks on the clothing, the report I got from doctor Silver Scalpel, everything was examined through these combined efforts,” he assured with undeniable professionalism. “The findings, and the testimonies considering the desperate spell coming from the Royal Advisor during the attack, leave only one scenario possible. An attempt on his life, though unsuccessful. So far, that is...”

Luna’s jaw tightened at those words. She didn’t blame the stallion for them, as she understood well enough that Moonwarden was not safe yet, nay, that he was far from it. That... that he could very well slip away, making it a successful attack after all, even if the ‘desired’ effect was delayed.

Which is exactly why that fury, that hot, searing feeling gathering in Luna over these past nights, wasn’t going to go away anytime soon. And nothing seemed capable of lessening this anger, only justice served to whomever had dared to raise his hoof against Moonwarden.

Brass Plaque must have spotted the tension in her, not that there was another state that she was capable of being in recently, and turned to the other stallion. “As a loyal servant of Her Lunar Majesty, I hope that our unit’s expertise was useful as well, Prince Consort, sir. I am aware of your approach to us, but we have our own reasons to figure out this case, as you might imagine.”

“I do grasp that,” Shining Armor replied, sounding understanding despite both his stance towards the Second Chance and the very stallion opposite. “We were, indeed, glad to receive all the information provided and the direct help in piecing the events together. Although, I would have been much more pleased were it not for that gambler colleague of yours making some of the guardsmen lose their pay with his games of chance.”

“I... will convince him to return the illicit gains, sir,” the lieutenant promised, rolling his eyes. “He has an unhealthy addiction, and the last thing anypony needs is him drawing more ponies into it.”

“That would be—”

“Enough of the blather,” Luna interrupted, trying to contain herself. Her mind was occupied with one, single matter, and moving away from it felt frivolous to her. “Please,” she nevertheless added, not wanting to sound like a displeased despot.

Brass Plaque returned to perfect attention, while Shining Armor focused on her entirely, without hesitation.

“Your Lunar Majesty.”

“I am aware that an incredible amount of swift work went into uncovering what happened, for which I am deeply grateful, but now I need something, anything...” she said, containing her emotions to the best of her ability. “I’ve been waiting for even the initial, established results, hoping you could direct me. I need to, I have to, seek the party responsible, for you must be aware that I am more than ready to justly punish them for this vile transgression. So, Prince Consort, I beg of you, give me something useful.”

Shining Armor wasn’t perhaps intimidated by her tone, but his natural respect meant that he spoke in a collected and respectful manner, nevertheless. “Your Majesty, we’ve done all that we could so far, painstakingly so. But as to the actual assailant, they left no clues that could help pinpoint their identity, none the we can clearly decipher, at least. There was some coat hair, but grey, so it could very well belong only to the Advisor. And I refuse to play the speculations game without concrete evidence.”

Luna knew what Shining Armor was referring to, and she had to respect his stance. A part of her desperately wanted to do just that, actually, to postpone certain suggestions and avoid certain scenarios, ones which might have involved ponies of grey coats, but...

The Prince Consort continued. “We managed to trace the clues back to where the attack occurred, and have mapped the scuffle through the back alleys. As it happened, Moonwarden was bleeding profusely enough to leave a visible trail, which is also why we know when the first strike took place. The only other solid evidence connected to the attacker is a piece of old cloth. The most we could pinpoint from that was a report about a stolen cloak, from a couple of nights before, but it is also a dead-end case.”

“That is very little,” Luna judged, but Shining Armor didn’t appear chastised by that sentence, himself thoroughly understanding the situation.

“I concur. It is enough, however, to figure out what occurred, especially with doctor Silver Scalpel’s expertise as a surgeon,” he let her know, his voice stoic and accordingly quiet, for even in the part of the corridor reserved for Luna, one could never be too cautious. “The way that the wounds are placed makes it clear that the Advisor was meant to be slain with the initial strike. A stab to the heart, with a blade capable of both piercing and slashing, possibly with some curvature. The blow didn’t land where it was meant to, however, which lead to the pursuit through the alleys.”

Brass Plaque chimed in with a question. “I take it that both the wound on the Advisor himself and the damage to his clothing gave you all of that information, sir?”

“Precisely that, the placement matched perfectly. Too perfectly for the assassin’s sake, as it happens, that was exactly what spared Moonwarden’s life there and then.”

Luna hated that she had to ask about the technical side of the attack which had almost taken away the life of her... Her...

Yes, her what? Her servant? Her aide? Her confidant?

Or her beloved?

That last word traveled through her, making her feel both warm and cold, hopeful and oh so desolate, for many, convoluted and conflicted reasons. Ever since Cadance had opened her eyes to the certain signs and feelings, Luna didn’t have peace of mind, torn between affection and that terrible realization of a missed chance.

She had to brave the moment of weakness, however, to present the necessary question. “Where lay the fortuitous circumstance, then? I take it that it wasn’t just the attacker’s hoof trembling at the last moment?”

“No, definitely not, considering the positioning and the strength of the stab. It was something we had to take into consideration,” Shining Armor told her. “The blade was to travel between the Advisor’s ribs and straight into his heart, but it was deflected away. As we have learnt, Moonwarden carried in his pocket, right on that side of the chest, one of those... what’s the name, I’m sorry Your Lunar Majesty, I’m missing a w—”

“The miniature. The pocket portrait in his vest,” Luna spoke, finding herself deep in shock.

“Yes, precisely.”

She didn’t really care that Shining Armor confirmed her words. She found herself looking into the unspecified distance instead, grasping this most unusual situation. Of all the things... all the things that could have protected Moonwarden, all of his training, experience and wit, it had been his hidden expression of love, done in silver, that had actually meant the difference between life and death? Was it a sudden proof that romance was not only not dead in these strange, modern times, but could actually save a life in a dire moment? An amusing thought…

Alas, what an ironic situation it was, too. The one mare, the exact one that Moonwarden was carrying close to his heart, whose visage blocked the mortal blow, was nowhere to be seen. Nopony else but Luna was demanding to see the grey unicorn and learn of his condition, other than the media, of course, but their motivation was not that noble, as one might have imagined. Luna felt very much sorry for Moonwarden, both for his family situation and now for this mysterious absence of his partner. It was lamentable. He deserved much more than that, it was obvious to Luna.

At least she could be grateful to that mare, the one who had captured the unicorn’s heart that... that...

No, Luna had to ask. There was no stopping herself, her curiosity was far too great.

“Whose image is in that miniature?”

Shining Armor blinked, obviously not expecting Luna’s inquiry to head in that direction, but answered nonetheless. Even if his answer was lacking, after all. “We... haven’t checked, Your Lunar Majesty. The strike visibly damaged the lock, and we didn’t need to pry it open to examine how the blow was deflected. There’s a substantial gash on the back of the piece, showing exactly where the tip of the blade struck on its way towards the Advisor’s heart.”

Simultaneously, Luna regretted asking and was content that she had done so, for her own sake. She accepted the reply as if it had been a planned inquiry from her in the first place. “I see. So the strike had missed the target due to that, but had still perforated the lung, as doctor Silver Scalpel told us.”

“Yes. But the intent is clear, the attacker tried to compensate for the sudden obstruction by putting more strength into the strike, which is how he did such substantial damage to the Royal Advisor.”

Brass Plaque spoke again, his expression thoughtful. “So there is not enough to name the pony responsible, sir, though enough to tell of the intent of the attack. However...”

He didn’t finish the sentence, though Luna encouraged him to do so. “Speak, Lieutenant. Every input can be useful at this point.”

“Well, Your Majesty, if we want to be perfectly precise, there is a witness to the attack.” Seeing both Luna and Shining Armor giving him strong, attentive gazes, Brass Plaque continued. “The Royal Advisor, Your Majesty, sir. He is a victim, but also a witness. As I understand, the pursuit means that he had at least some chances to discern his assailant, I cannot imagine him missing the chance to gather as much knowledge about him as he could, even if faced with a mortal threat. If he manages to recover, perhaps he will be able to tell us enough to pinpoint the perpetrator after all.”

“That is good reasoning, Lieutenant. Unfortunately...” Shining Armor began, but stopped himself right afterwards, glancing at Luna.

She understood his point, as she had to accept reality as it currently was. “Yes. It depends on whether the Advisor survives.”

“Which is also why, Your Lunar Majesty, Prince Consort,” Brass Plaque added, continually professional, “it is imperative that the hospital is constantly and duly observed. The doctors’ efforts, Silver Scalpel’s nurses – that’s one thing, but the assassin would surely not want the Royal Advisor ever leaving these walls alive, or even uttering one word of what transpired.”

“You know we are already on that, Lieutenant,” Shining Armor reminded him, to which the other officer nodded, but continued.

“As are we, Prince Consort, sir, but a constant vigil means constantly reminding oneself of the importance of it. Lest somepony becomes cursory about it, and that never leads to anything good.”

Shining Armor’s brow furrowed before he spoke. “Point taken, Lieutenant. I will make sure to keep in touch with the Royal Guard, just in case.”

Luna also had to support her servant’s approach, since Moonwarden’s safety was her absolutely top priority, and not only because of the information he could share. Her newfound... or, rather, newly-understood affection towards the unicorn was now motivating her with unparalleled strength. Although Luna also grasped that, with Moonwarden having another mare in his life, this situation would only cause problems if she couldn’t contain it.

After all she wasn’t the sort of pony to just... compete, especially in that field. The idea of trying to encroach upon a working relationship felt absolutely dreadful. Especially considering her position, anything like that would have been most unbecoming. Still, her mind couldn’t help but wonder. If Moonwarden’s relation was a healthy, working one, then why wasn’t his chosen partner present? Yes, perhaps Luna was obsessively thinking about that particular fact, but she couldn’t imagine another course of action than abandoning one’s daily life and being by the wounded unicorn’s side as much as possible.

Unless... Did Moonwarden have a foal that Luna didn’t know about?

She shook her head, as going down the path of the possible, far-fetched reasons was a fool’s errand. That road was an unending one.

She spoke aloud, returning to the conversation instead. “I have every ounce of trust that the combined efforts will assure Moonwarden’s safety,” she declared, and was met with sturdy assurance from both of the stallions even by their gazes alone. “Good. Is there anything else, Shining Armor?”

“Actually, yes,” the stallion turned to her in response. “We have cleared the Advisor’s belongings from the investigation on our end, but doctor Silver Scalpel wanted to double check some things about them, apparently.”

“Oh? And why is that?” Luna asked, genuinely curious.

“I’m uncertain, Your Majesty. He said something about trying to figure out if there are other marks on the clothing that he might have missed the first time. Which is a little odd, his report seemed already comprehensive.”

At those words, Luna addressed Brass Plaque, whose eyes also betrayed interest in this turn of events. “We know the good doctor well enough, what do you think could be the reasoning, Lieutenant?”

The operative thought for a moment, then nodded to himself. “You’ve mentioned the grey coat hair that was found, Prince Consort, sir. Knowing Silver Scalpel’s expertise but also his, shall we say, ‘pastimes’, he might actually try to figure out much more with that, especially if there would be more of it on the Advisor’s clothes.”

Shining Armor looked genuinely surprised. “How much information can he actually discern from a few hairs that could very well just be the Advisor’s?”

“Trust me, Prince Consort, you would be surprised,” Luna replied to that question. “There are reasons as to why the doctor is not a forefront name in the medical field, but if anypony could tell us anything by just a few hairs, it would be him.”

Something in her tone must have made her words more than clear to the stallion opposite, considering the slow nod he gave, and the glare. “I... see. Well, at this point, I would welcome more information from whatever source,” he admitted. “For the moment, as per the doctor’s request, the Advisor’s belongings were placed in his room.”

Brass Plaque looked at Shining Armor askance. “He’s not expecting the Royal Advisor to wear a bloodied vest again, I don’t believe, sir.” His lips then parted as he must have arrived at an idea. “Oh, of course, yes. Silver Scalpel wants to avoid other members of the staff asking about his involvement beyond the report. And his nurses won’t utter a word even if he starts pulling whole strands of coat hair off the clothes and doing whatever research he is prone to do.”

“The more I hear about him,” the Prince Consort commented, “the less faith I have in him as a pony.”

“Oh, the doctor’s a principled stallion,” Luna admitted sotto voce. “He simply has a rather specific approach to the matter of different races and species, and possible heredity between them.”

That didn’t help Shining Armor’s trust issues, obviously, but he didn’t decide to voice that after all.

Soon after this makeshift meeting had ended, Luna was again standing on one side of the glass, looking at Moonwarden through the cold surface. The Lieutenant remained by her, though she wasn’t paying him much attention there and then.

The stallion in the room before her, he... He seemed to be the center of her world, currently. He had been achieving that over those fateful nights, ever since Princess Twilight Sparkle had left for Noctraliya, yes, but now Luna felt a stronger compulsion yet to dedicate herself to this vigil. It was a calling, to safeguard him, to protect him, or, at the very least, to be here for him if she could do nothing else. Some ponies might have, quite likely, suggested that it had something to do with her servant’s... with Moonwarden’s arcane craft, but things were both much simpler and much more convoluted.

There lay a pony whom... whom she loved, and if that sentence was not enough to make things complex, nothing could.

“Your Lunar Majesty,” Brass Plaque’s voice brought her back to reality.

“Yes, Lieutenant?”

“Perhaps... I could ask for you to be let into the room?” the stallion offered.

A proposal that, honestly speaking, surprised Luna a great deal. She looked at the officer briefly, making sure that she hadn’t misheard him, but Brass Plaque met her gaze with conviction.

“I know that what happened to the Royal Advisor bothers you a great deal, and we’ve all been moved by your constant presence here. As much as he is our overseer, considering the...” he paused to lower his voice, “notoriety of our unit, we respect his leadership and guidance, Your Majesty. By being here, by his side, you are honoring our collective service.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant, that is very kind of you,” Luna responded, sending the officer a kind smile.

It definitely prompted him to act. “Please, Your Lunar Majesty, it is our honor to serve. I will see if it would be alright for you to enter.”

She was more grateful to the stallion that even her open expression suggested, but would take the chance only if it would not in any way affect Moonwarden’s safety and healing. She wasn’t the most important pony about, as strange as that felt to think. However, it turned out that her royal presence was a convincing argument for her being allowed inside. Additionally, she received an assurance that, as long as she would not touch the equipment, it would be fine to briefly visit.

Luna wasn’t sure what she was expecting from this room. For all the time that she had been outside, the space behind the glass felt almost hallowed to her, removed from the world around and having its own rules. Whatever those machines were doing, it was meant to preserve Moonwarden’s life, and in some way that felt mystical for Luna. It was just a space, yes, filled with artificial beeps and sighs, yet it felt like much, much more when she stood right by the unicorn’s bed.

Moonwarden looked so... small. So strangely unimportant, so vulnerable and fragile, covered in bandages and tubes, and yet... Luna couldn’t deny the pull, coming right from her core and directing her with incredible force towards the stallion. It was an undeniable sensation, now that she could pinpoint its nature, and it was making her eyes water.

“Moonwarden...” she whispered, to herself and to him. “Oh, Moonwarden...”

She didn’t think he could hear her, unfortunately, since he had to be kept in this state, in this strange, medical, suspended animation that was supposed to help him heal. It was akin to sleep, yes, so that thought, which had briefly come to her the night before, returned with a vengeance.

Her servant... No, that wouldn’t do anymore, not without it feeling disingenuous.

Her precious unicorn was kept in a constant slumber, which presented a chance that he was dreaming. And that realm Luna could, naturally, enter when she wished to. There was only one problem, that of the nature of Moonwarden’s sleep. Would that state allow for dreams? And would those be stable enough to try and sustain them, to venture into them with her presence? Could they even be made lucid enough to meet a pony’s drifting consciousness?

Luna looked to the side, thinking, considering. There were certain, additional techniques she could try, as far as she knew. She could delve into those, even if she wasn’t in need of them usually, but... The Dreamworld, dreamscapes that folded into each other constantly, that place wasn’t like a clear path in the middle of an open field on a summer night. She knew that to find an individual pony meant great focus, meant a strong call from the mind of the sleeper, too.

That, and the fact that Princess Twilight Sparkle must have been, also, nocturnal as of that moment, was why Luna didn’t think that contacting the younger alicorn could actually work. Moonwarden was closer, familiar and... even if he wasn’t capable of summoning her attention in the Dreamworld, perhaps her affection would help her steer her way towards him? Unfortunately, none of the rules of dream magic was a constant, as nothing about dreaming really was.

In her pondering, Luna suddenly found herself staring at a sight both obvious and surprising. In the little bathroom attached to the room, she could spot an opened, plastic container, from which the tip of a coattail was sticking out. Quickly realizing what that must have been, she spared Moonwarden a glance, as if her faithful unicorn could actually wake up, just to chastise her for the sudden surge of curiosity...

Actually, Luna would welcome such a miracle. Yet, since it was not going to happen, she instead checked the door to the room, listening for a nurse approaching from their adjacent station. Hearing nothing, Luna quickly trotted over to towards the container, which had been left here, of all places, out of sight of anypony other than Silver Scalpel’s helpers.

Seeing Moonwarden’s clothing, marked by crimson stains, was a terrifying sight, even to her, as she felt her mane stand on end the moment she could clearly see it. It felt so unnatural, so out of place, that this was his blood, his very life, which had been leaking out of him in a dreadful amount before he was stabilized in here. The realization made Luna regret allowing her nosiness to take hold over her. This... This wasn’t a game of some sort, of finding clues and uncovering a mystery to stop a jewelry thief. These were items from the ongoing investigation, ones that could hold significant hints towards the case, and she was fighting a great urge to just dive right into those for one, particular item, only to satiate her burning curiosity.

Was it irresponsible, petty and a breach of privacy? Yes, but fortunately and not, Luna was an alicorn, and she had confidence that a helpful spell would not affect anything else in the box and interfere with anypony’s attempts at finding Moonwarden’s attacker.

Focusing on the memory from the Second Chance’s headquarters, Luna visualized before her mind the silver pocket portrait, hoping that her nightly aura would locate it in the container and extract it without an issue. And, thankfully, after but a breath, she could feel her magic finding purchase, which sensation she followed with a delicate pull of the arcane tethers. Soon enough, from underneath the clothing, the miniature’s chain emerged, but the piece’s very sight made Luna’s eyes water.

It changed color as well, from argent to amaranth, and there was no way it wouldn’t be left tarnished and damaged in this state. Cleaning it was out of the question, since it could remove some valuable piece of information for the case and Luna couldn’t afford to risk that. She examined the whole piece carefully, instead, finding the gash that Shining Armor had spoken about, bending the back of the portrait in a twisted way, possibly damaging the insides as well. As to the small lock, it looked like the strike bent the pin that was responsible for opening and closing it, but... it wasn’t going to be hard to fix it, especially through arcane manipulation, if Luna felt like it.

And she did. Her whole being, her core, her spirit, they were telling her that she had to know. If she was going to suffer this deep, profound, unrequited emotion for the time being, until something would change, or until she could strangle it dead inside of her to avoid the pain, she needed to learn who was that mare who had captured Moonwarden’s heart.

Her own thrashing in her chest, she carefully manipulated the magical currents to unlock the miniature, her thoughts running rampant. Was that mare a unicorn, or a pegasus? Maybe an earth pony? Moonwarden had an eye for grace and style, maybe that was a crystal pony, then…? That would make for an interesting, sophisticated couple, no? Was she tall? Maybe on the shorter side, so the grey unicorn could feel more like a protector? Or... maybe he had a thing for the tall and muscular? And what was her talent? Something like high fashion or perhaps the academia? How about something refreshingly mundane, so that Moonwarden could enjoy a simple time of leisure and a good, ‘morning’ dinner after returning from his duties?

Why was every question causing her more torment?

Luna dislodged the pin and held her breath in. This was the moment of truth, and whomever’s countenance she would witness, she had to bare it. She just hoped she could see the mare clearly, despite the... the covering of crimson that could have seeped into the piece and damage the likeness inside.

The little click happened...

… and was followed by a louder clang, as the portrait slipped from Luna’s magical grasp and landed haphazardly on the floor, skidding across the tiles to rest against the washbasin’s stand. The likeness inside staring back at Luna with eerily familiar features.

She stared at the distant portrait, masterfully done in ivory and watercolor, trying to find out who that pony was. She knew, of course she knew, the answer was obvious even if terrifying in its clarity. But... The visage was so calm, so carefree. There was a warm stare, an affectionate, tender smile, a… happy allure beaming from it.

Where was all of this, where was it coming from? Was that really how...?

Luna’s magic enveloped the miniature again, bringing it closer to her, having it dangle right before her muzzle, for she had to take in all of the details. The picture inside hadn’t been damaged, minus a trickle or two at the sides, but witnessing it still shocked her to her core.

It filled her with dread at first, with this unthinkable sense of revulsion, for no apparent reason other than it was so sudden and… unthinkable at first. Yet soon, that feeling morphed, transformed, was elevated into this incredible relief, an unthinkable joy.

This portrait, in such a wonderful form and with that expression – was this how he really saw her? Was this really how he felt about her? He... No, this wasn’t a silly joke at her expense, he wouldn’t be carrying her likeness just like that, right? This wasn’t some amulet of fealty and loyalty, some reminder of one’s sovereign, this was... This was personal, this was intimate, this was...!

... how long had this been in Moonwarden’s pocket? For how long had he been carrying this?! Not this palpable expression of affection but the affection?

When had Luna suddenly become deserving of it? Was this why...?

All of those moments, all of those stares, those words, the support, it was all due to this, it must have been! All of the faithful service, the dangerous assignments, only to follow her will, all of what Moonwarden was doing was not only so he could be deemed a loyal and useful servant. And all that he was trying to achieve by elevating her, strengthening her, it was all because...!

Luna couldn’t wrap her head around that one, explosive realization, one that turned her previous, strange hurt into ecstasy. That mare, the one that was supposed to be here, she... she was here.

For she was here!

She trotted from the bathroom, her hooves striking the tiles rapturously, wishing to ask, wishing to ascertain herself of all of this, but... Moonwarden was where he had been. Motionless, unresponsive and barely alive.

For a moment, a blissful moment, she had forgotten about it all, but the sight froze her on the inside, giving her the much needed pause in the limitless excitement, and with a devastating hit of reality, nonetheless. But Luna hoped, she so hoped that nopony would enter the room right now, for she had to stand by her... by her…

By her beloved. Yes, there was no way about it. She loved him, and he... he loved her.

Moonwarden loved her. He had loved her for a long time now, she realized. All of those gestures, all of this silent adoration, it must have meant that and nothing else.

“Oh, Moonwarden...” she whispered, looking at the unicorn’s closed eyes, hoping to see something stirring, something awakening in him. “Why haven’t you told me...?”

She couldn’t understand that... or perhaps she could after all, but right there and then? She had that bittersweet realization, one that made everything make so much sense, make everything clearer and understandable.

He had promised her that he would always be there for her. Had that oath kept him from death? Was that why he had refused to leave? Because, in these moments of struggle, he had fought with the strength granted to him by this feeling?

Had she actually managed to protect him, at least somewhat, by granting him the determination to hang on?

Luna felt tears rolling down her muzzle. There was only one more solace to achieve, that of knowing that Moonwarden would wake up and she would have a chance to spend more time with him, with his grins, with his silver eyes and even with his, oh so vexing pride. She would give the whole world for such an opportunity.

But, perhaps, the trade didn’t have to be so grand, she thought, staying by the unicorn a moment longer and pontificating.

If he was there and capable of answering, she would seek him out.

He deserved that much, and more.

Twilight woke up, refreshed… and of all the feeling she was expecting to feel, relaxation having come her way during the day was a most pleasant surprise. She stretched, feeling the rich material around her, enjoying the softness of the bedding and the smoothness of the sheets. A pop somewhere in her spine woke her up more, and she giggled drowsily at the sensation.

She lay in bed for a bit more, drinking in the luxury, though that caused… thoughts to came back to her, the ones regarding yesternight. All of what had happened, all of what had transpired and all of what she had learnt, it all came back to her in force. Her brow furrowed, as she could feel the cascade of concepts making her muzzle scrunch. She could not deny the obvious and the natural. Yes, what she was feeling, was natural, for what the ponies traveling with her had told her was terrible, and she had a right to feel disheartened.

Twilight pressed her hooves to her eyes, clearing them from slumber. She wanted to pinpoint the thought that had suddenly come to her yesternight, during the bath. She could recall the sudden realization that had pulled her away from very, very dark thoughts. A reminder anchored in a simple, but profound feeling of hope.

Again, she had the right to feel betrayed, to feel hurt, it was just natural. It pained her, yes, of course, it was absolutely terrible to realize that a stallion she cared about kept things hidden from her and wanted to share them only through some strange game of clues and half-truths. But, during the passing of yesternight, Twilight had also received a very warm and generous welcome from the Crescents, and she could enjoy those, recent memories, too. She had been struck and she had been pampered. Things in life weren’t just all terrible, or all wonderful.

Life… was life.

Twilight laughed to herself at that genius tautology, but then settled for a melancholic smile. Since when had she become so philosophical in the evening?

She slowly scrambled up from the bed, taking in the chamber around her. As she had her resting place on a loft, accessed through beautifully shaped wooden stairs, she could now grasp the extent of her temporary ‘domain’. And, considering the spacious, main part that she could overlook, she realized that nopony had been lying about her having a ruler’s hold over it. She could, if she only wanted to, fit a whole ensemble of musicians on one side of the chamber, with a few dancers having spacious room to perform their incredible feats in the air.

Suddenly, Twilight found herself blushing, at the memory of the dinner. The dance she had witnessed was… uhm, certainly interesting, especially considering the sheer passion exuding from the performers, and she didn’t mean just their skills. In general, the whole atmosphere around the Mountain of Crescent seemed a lot less strict than she had previously encountered in the lands of Noctraliya, and she wondered how had that come to pass. Were the Crescents always that focused on whims and wishes of their minds and hearts, or was this some form of protest against the austerity of their culture and lands?

She was actually excited to research that!

She decided to take a quick bath to start the night, again reveling in the warmed water alongside the manifold soaps and perfumes, then she chose another ensemble from her selection that could fit into the Iug’s ‘theme’, so to speak. Not as plain as the previous one had been, but the summer variation of a Princess’ gown could work, after all. The hues matched both her coat and her Noctraliyan jewelry, actually, and Twilight felt that she would feel exceptionally well if she could do that one braid she had utilized when attending one, particular meeting with the Covenant. The one when she had decided to play their little game of conviction and holding one’s ground.

The thought made her feel a prick in her heart.

Why was she dwelling in her thoughts so much? Why was she undertaking this effort to feel good, to look marvelous?

It was simple, she had to do that. She had to focus on what was bringing her joy and satisfaction, for the hurt was still there. She would have to endure it for some time, even with the hope, residing inside her, that things would turn out for the best. For now, however, it was about finding a certain counter-balance.

With that thought, Twilight approached one set of curtains she had closed yesternight to protect herself in her moment of weakness. Now, she could fully enjoy the sights around her spire, and it wasn’t a surprise that there were many, and remarkable.

The gardens, for example, as those were positioned exactly in that direction. As far as Twilight could remember, the tower closest to them was the one that Ivory Crescent was occupying, and the vista from there must have been even more splendid. Still, even from this angle, it was obvious that the trees that had somehow been planted underground were holding remarkably well considering the lack of sunlight. They looked verdant and flourishing, and if that were the case, it was a wonder that there actually was a food shortage in Noctraliya! Was it such a costly endeavor to keep them alive underground? Or were the Crescents actually… hiding away a solution to the country’s problem? That sounded a little absurd.

Twilight squinted, deciding to look more carefully. The only other scenario involved some form of chicanery, and she was keenly wondering if there wasn’t one going on, actually. The lanterns that were artfully placed among the trunks of those beautiful trees were sending quite the amount of reflections through the leaves… Was this actual foliage or…? Wait, were those gemstones?

Now that would be something incredibly decadent and, actually, quite expected of this Mountain, Twilight thought.

As she undid another curtain, she was met with the sight of one more spire, placed in quite the neighboring distance to hers. Draped in the amethyst colors of the Family, it jutted out from a section of the palace marking one of the courtyards, where she could spot a fountain and a pond, as well as many, tastefully crafted sculptures of batponies. Though, again, some of them were a little ‘provocative’, as Twilight would put it, not that she was unable to spot the artisanship through a possible offence.

What swiftly caught her attention, however, was the gently echoing sound of music. She recognized the instrument almost outright, the strumming strings of the ‘poltawca’. The wonderful, enchanting melody also betrayed who could have been the player.

Indeed, on the spire’s balcony, Twilight managed to spot the silhouette of Count Brother Ebony Crescent, deep in practice. His eyes were closed, and the speed at which his hooves danced among the strings was most astounding. Not more than the song itself, however, one that freely and beautifully weaved between the thunderous sounds of a storm and torrential rain… and the gentle flow of a tear, travelling forlornly down one’s muzzle.

Twilight wasn’t going to deny that she allowed herself to be caught in the performance, willingly. She found herself staring in the Count Brother’s direction for a good while, actually, enjoying his craft and the delightful melody. Something about that particular piece, in which majesty and sadness were masterfully conjoined, resonated with her. Almost as if the stallion from the spire opposite knew exactly what sort of a song would make her feel like this, what performance would make her forget about the world around, for just a moment. And, if that was but a practice performance from Ebony Crescent, it spoke highly of his professionalism. He was putting incredible amount of spirit and dedication into it, perhaps more than simple training would require.

A few minutes later, as the song was slowly coming to an end, the stallion’s eyes opened, and Twilight could see them filled with nothing but passion for the music. Soon, however, they abruptly landed on her, as the Count Brother realized that he had an audience after all. He didn’t miss one note, however, merely smiled in her direction and then nodded briefly in a greeting. She answered with a wave and a gesture of encouragement, as she didn’t mind listening for a moment longer. The stallion gladly accommodated her and, unless she was mistaken, embellished the song further still, granting it intensity seemingly unworthy of but one onlooker. Nevertheless, Ebony Crescent was giving a virtuoso’s performance, the music flowing from his instrument like water cascading down a waterfall, sweeping everything in its path.

That included Twilight, for she simply couldn’t avoid experiencing sheer awe, being given such a melodious treat. And, when the final chord was struck, she couldn’t help but give the stallion a little applause, which he replied to with a cordial bow, putting the poltawca aside.

What the Count Brother did next, however, surprised her a great deal, as he extended his wings majestically then actually leapt off his balcony!

She quickly approached the carved railing and looked after him. The stallion dived low beneath, the speed making his loose, brown gown flap wildly, imitating a majestic bird diving for its prey. With a mighty flap of its wings, the creature again became the Count Brother, soon appearing on Twilight’s level, steadily keeping himself aloft with a kind smile.

“May I request an audience, Twilight Sparkle? Including a landing, of course,” he asked, his voice a mixture of seriousness and jest, which made Twilight giggle.

“Could I actually refuse?” she asked the stallion, making him chuckle as well.

Tac, without a doubt, this is your spire after all,” he told her, folding his forelegs against his chest. “I would feel a little… slighted, of course, but a mare of your caliber has every right to show her undeniable royalty.” He sent her a little wink. “Then again, my endurance is pretty solid, I can stay like this for quite some time… desperately hoping for your mercy, Twilight Sparkle.”

“I think I am feeling merciful tonight after all,” she replied, making some room for the Count Brother to touch down.

He did so without delay and with a dramatic flair, one that made Twilight roll her eyes just a little. “Many thanks for your clemency, it is legendary.”

“Apparently,” she told the Count Brother, feeling like being a little cheeky wasn’t a wrong thing to do, considering his own tone and playfulness. “I thought that flying was something that noctrali avoided while in their Mountains, yet I see that not being the case for a second time now. Could you explain that to me, Ebony Crescent?”

“Is that a regal request?” he replied, leaning against the railing with confidence.

“Can it be a friendly request, instead?” she retorted, causing him to smirk and making his pear eyes flicker, as he looked like he was very much enjoying her freely invoking his name.

He seemed additionally pleased by saying hers. “Oh, naturally, Twilight Sparkle. I’m glad to hear you are wording it like this,” he told her, standing a little less nonchalantly. “Well, first of all, as you are without a doubt referring to yesternight, aerial performances are considered to be an understandable exception. Same with the training of our warriors, actually. Obviously, one needs to practice for those sorts of ‘activities’, and we believe that war and art can coexist quite gracefully, additionally. And constantly heading outside for every little bit of exercising seems a little redundant…”

Twilight nodded, remembering the time when she had witnessed the wampiri at the Border. A flying duel had occurred before her very eyes, with a rather dangerous ending, which was definitely proving that the necessary amount of practice had to be done regardless of the traditional convention.

However, that did leave out the more current example. “But, Ebony Crescent, you weren’t exactly mastering your flight. Though your practice was quite remarkable, if I do say so myself, a master’s performance.”

“Please, Twilight Sparkle, you humble me,” he told her, his smile and tone being pleasantly warm.

“A deserved praise,” she assured, feeling her lips curling up as well. “But, just as it was finished, you simply decided to ‘drop by’ using the shortest route, as far as I can tell,” she pointed out, causing the Count Brother to grin.

“That is correct.”

“And that is alright, too?”

“Well… I’m a busy pony,” he told her, looking over the railing and back at his spire. “Going down the stairs, then through the corridor, then having to knock on the lower door, possibly needing to get through your faithful bodyguards… It all seems so tedious. This is simply much more practical, and I hope you can forgive an unorthodox approach, in tactful amounts?”

Twilight would express her opinion on that, of course, but… two words in the stallion’s declaration managed to sour her mood, despite her best efforts.

Soured it quite visibly, considering Ebony Crescent’s brow furrowing. “Have I… said something wrong, Twilight Sparkle?”

“Well, no, no, it’s just…”

What was it? Twilight, unfortunately, didn’t know if she could explain anything at all to the Count Brother, as saying even one word about why she had a hard time thinking about her entourage could create unforeseen repercussions.

She had to find another explanation. “It is more practical, and I think I can understand where you are coming from, Ebony Crescent. As to why I must have looked a little moved, well, I… I thought about home. We don’t have such limitations in Equestria, and my pegasus friends are also ‘practical’ like that, dropping by when they feel like it, for example,” she admitted, truthfully so, though the lie was unavoidable. Yes, it made her feel terrible that she had to resort to it, but there wasn’t another choice.

The Count Brother, for his part, showed remarkable empathy. He took a step towards her, standing in comfortable, if close distance. “Oh, I understand, of course. Your journey is a taxing one, Twilight Sparkle, even by the sheer fact that you are away from home, and from those friends of yours. And, by ‘those friends’, we are of course referring to the famed Elements of Harmony, those who valiantly fought to aid Our Mother in Her return… That must signify a special bond.”

Twilight blinked. She didn’t understand why, at first, though it soon became painfully clear to her. She hadn’t heard the title and the reference for so long, it felt like a distant dream to her. Yes, that was the reason why she had even been invited to Noctraliya in the first place! Was it the Count Brother’s tone or something else entirely, but Twilight realized that she should have been met with much more reverence among the Seven Mountains, considering her part in restoring the Immaculate Moon!

Not that she would fall into a trap of pride, no, but it was refreshing to be reminded of one’s value after such a dreadful time like yesternight’s. “Ours is a powerful bond, Ebony Crescent. Though, we are simply six friends, underneath all that ‘importance’ and our vital mission in Equestria and beyond.”

“Trust me, Twilight Sparkle, I grasp that. Behind the titles and the expectations, and Goddess knows what else, we are simply ponies,” he claimed, smiling kindly. “It is good to remind ourselves of that when life gets a little too much.”

“We should avoid getting the ‘too much’ too often,” she replied, feeling like joking.

“We really should, it must be detrimental to one’s health,” the stallion wholeheartedly agreed. “Speaking of which, have you had a chance to dine this night already?”

“No, actually,” Twilight admitted, looking back inside the chamber, “I’ve… actually just woken up. And I don’t know what hour it is, I’m afraid, I don’t have your inner clock to help me with that.”

“Oh. Well, could I…” He looked about, as if expecting an eavesdropper or a witness to the revealing of some great secret. “Could I let you in on something?”

She didn’t understand the clandestine tone, but she had a pretty good idea that it was meant to be a preface to some levity. “What is it, Count Brother?”

The stallion leaned in a little closer, his pear eyes filled with amusement as he whispered. “You’re in the Mountain of Crescent. It is whatever hour you want.”

Twilight felt like giggling at such an audacious claim. “Surely it’s not that simple!”

“Why couldn’t it be?” Ebony Crescent replied as if she was the one being unreasonable. “Dine when you want to, sleep in, order artists to play for your joy!” he explained as if those matters were absolutely obvious. “I see that, alongside maybe a few touch-ups on your Noctraliyar, Twilight Sparkle, you need to find back your majesty, and your self-worth.”

“What happened to ‘we are simply ponies’?” she asked with a laugh.

Underneath, yes,” the Count Brother immediately replied, not without a chuckle of his own. “But we need to take care of ourselves in entirety. And what helps with that? Some indulgence.”

Twilight wouldn’t necessarily claim to have lost the self-worth that Ebony Crescent had mentioned, but she knew that the stallion meant all that he was saying with kindness. At least, that seemed to be the case, even when talking about gratification.

However, Twilight still felt some qualms and scruples ringing around her head. “I don’t think I would be entirely comfortable being autocratic enough to change the time of night on a whim…” she revealed, but Ebony Crescent only laughed once more.

“I meant that a little metaphorically, but I would also concur with your restraint to a degree. The line of moderation might be somewhat pushed around here, yet we too know our boundaries,” he revealed, and something about his tone was very, very serious. “However, if there is one place in Noctraliya that teaches one just how comfortable one can be within those margins, with the right approach, it is right here,” he claimed, with a wide grin. “Would you like me to demonstrate, by ordering you some food, Twilight Sparkle? The regular one, though I imagine it could serve as food for thought, too. Simply say so, and I will make it reality.”

Twilight laughed at his choice of words, and the intensity of the Count Brother’s declaration. It was, honestly, quite flattering. “What can you offer, then, Ebony Crescent?” she responded. Then she felt something coming over her, something that she hadn’t been expecting but what she decided to embrace after all. “Indulge me,” she added in a tone that was almost enticing.

She wasn’t quite happy that she let it slip through her lips, but it was at least worth it to see the Count Brother beam with warm satisfaction. His eyes almost gained more color, the pear hue being granted so much life it felt keen and piercing by itself. And the stallion’s bow, as he accepted her request, had his two-colored mane sweeping the balcony’s tiles.

“Very well, Twilight Sparkle,” he replied, looking up at her from this deferential position, with a glint in his gaze. “Be cautious, though. Those words in the Iug u Kwadr can mean much more than you expect.”

The way that the stallion uttered those last few words made Twilight feel a little flushed out of nowhere. She wasn’t sure if Ebony Crescent meant to cause that, but something in his voice coaxed out a blush out of her.

Thankfully, eager as he was, the Count Brother didn’t linger to check the effect he had caused, instead spreading his wings and flapping them mightily to, again, take a little shortcut instead of using the stairs. Twilight wondered if his ‘practicality’ was commonly claimed by him, or whether he was so eager to organize a meal for her. Regardless, she was happy that she had a moment to herself, for the blush on her cheeks had to go, obviously.

Twilight waited inside her chambers, having made herself comfortable on one of the couches and giving herself a moment to organize her thoughts. She couldn’t shake the feeling that Ebony Crescent was being especially friendly and gallant with her. Actually, it was pretty much obvious, she could well recall when he had kissed her hoof back at the Sanctuary. Yet that wasn’t what was so surprising to her.

Truth be told, as bizarre as that felt, she relished this attention. But why? She wasn’t certain. She had just learnt that her beloved stallion was a liar, that he had kept the truth about him and Rowan Berry away from her. And so Twilight wouldn’t think that she would be actually appreciating anypony giving her attention, especially another stallion, but something about the Count Brother just… resonated with her. He was charming, without a doubt, and he had shown that he was willing to give her a helping hoof. She couldn’t imagine that she would have a stronger supporter at the Mountain, at least at the moment.

There was also something… peculiar about this whole situation. Yes, Twilight couldn’t deny before herself that she felt dreadful still, even if she was managing to contain it and tackle the night so far. And yet, for some reason, there was this incredible feeling gathering in her. Not of hope, for that sensation she could discern and name, and she had realized and embraced it as a form of defense against the grim new wisdom she had acquired. No, there was something else, an emotion as surprising to her as it was welcome. And the sheer fact she thought so was most concerning.

Ironically so, for the sensation she was suddenly experiencing was one of… relief.

Incredible and profound relief. One which was allowing her to actually hold a normal, even an open conversation with the Count Brother. One which made it possible to actually function, even to await a meal with some measure of joyous expectation. And one which made her appreciate the sights around the spire despite the depressive time she was enduring.

Twilight hadn’t realized, or maybe had been pushing it back in her mind constantly and constantly, but she had been harboring, bearing, enduring the secret of her relationship with Midnight Wind, deep inside. Night after night, it could have been discovered, and a hoofful of ponies… and Discord, already knew about it, yet it was still a well-guarded mystery. One that stood against the taboos of the noctrali, one that could have had unforeseen consequences, and one that Twilight had to keep in mind, even subconsciously.

Her relationship, apparently, had been sapping at her in a way she hadn’t been aware, and now… Now that pressure was gone, and she had no idea what to think of that. She was almost willing to embrace the repose, but doing so would meant that her life fundamentally changed, for she would be… alone.

She didn’t want to be alone, that much she was certain. Was it that which was causing her to—?

A polite knock on Twilight’s door resounded, and she wasted no time to restore her composure and see who it was, hoping to indulge herself in a fine meal with proper company.

Though her brow furrowed the moment she looked outside. “Yes? What do you want?” she asked, not minding that another, unforeseen tone slithered its way out of her mouth, this one much more cold and venomous.

Midnight Wind and Rowan Berry waited outside, though it couldn’t be said that they were doing so ‘together’. No, they looked much more like they had just simultaneously appeared before Twilight’s doors, for none of them was granting the other even a glance.

The stallion tried to speak up first, his tone official and stoic. “Honored Princess, I am r—”

“I will have you accompany me when I tell you to,” she interrupted, her voice returning in kind, perhaps with even stronger conviction. “Get yourself whatever meal you might need, both of you, and just wait.”

The healer also took her chance, not that it would yield any better results. “I just wanted to ask whether I might get some food for y—”

“That has already been arranged. Anything else?”

The two batponies finally acknowledged each other’s presence, though that glance cost both of them, and Twilight, a great deal. Animosity was palpable and nopony was pleased about it.

Still, Rowan Berry tried to express herself again. “Permission to speak, hwalba knaze?”

The mare had tried yesternight, Twilight recalled. She was almost curious enough to actually grant the request, but the knocking beneath, at the main doorway of the spire, interrupted them all.

Midnight Wind saluted without delay, then trotted down, his muzzle terrifying in its lack of emotions. In the meantime, the healer insisted once more, though through gaze alone.

Twilight sighed. It felt like an appropriate reaction. “Do you think I should believe one word of whatever you are going to tell me, Rowan Berry?”

“No, you shouldn’t, by any stretch of the imagination,” the mare had an immediate response, spoken with certainty. “But neither can I stay silent.”

“You will, if I don’t want to hear what you want to say,” Twilight retorted, but that didn’t seem to affect the other mare.

“You speak the truth, hwalba knaze. Yet I believe that you are willing to give a remorseful pony their chance.”

That was a very accurate argument, yes, but Twilight didn’t feel in the mood to investigate it. “When I shall see one, I will,” she gave the bitter assurance, followed by more, seeping grievance. “Do not try and manipulate my kindness, Rowan Berry. Nothing can be gained from that.”

Hwalba knaze…” a note of resignation became apparent in the mare’s voice. “You were hurt. We’ve hurt you. Don’t hurt yourself further, and be cautious about what you are doing.”

Twilight had a reply ready, but the approaching hoofsteps stopped her. Her gaze instead ventured towards the staircase, from which first Midnight Wind appeared, announcing loudly.

“Honored Count Brother Ebony Crescent.”

The frigid quality of his voice clashed with an echo of the other stallion’s words, bouncing from slightly lower. “With a meal, don’t forget the meal!” he playfully reminded, finally appearing from the stairs. “I think that is much more worthwhile to the Honored Princess than my humble person so early in the evening.”

That was false humility, of course, but it was at least amusing, so Twilight nodded in the Count Brother’s direction as he made way for the local servants, elegant ponies in airy clothing and platters filled to the brim with produce, some hidden underneath silver cloches like a joyous mystery.

“I will accept both the food and the company, Count Brother,” Twilight assured with honesty.

One that, apparently, was hard to stomach by Midnight Wind and Rowan Berry both. It looked like they were having a pretty hard time with the situation. Twilight particularly disliked the stare that the warrior gave to her guest, as it harbored truly vicious emotions.

It was peculiar, she thought, because it looked like Midnight Wind’s approach to Ebony Crescent rapidly deteriorated from when he had told her the Count Brother was an old acquaintance, back at the Sanctuary…

Regardless, she wasn’t going to let that ruin her meal. After the servants left all the silverware in a beautiful display on the biggest and most ornate of tables, Twilight turned to her entourage.

“I won’t require your presence at the moment. You can leave.”

It definitely wasn’t meant to be merely a suggestion, so both batponies gave her appropriate nods and left her with the Count Brother, though she couldn’t help but notice their stares lingering on her and her guest for a little more than it was absolutely necessary.

She wasn’t sure if Ebony Crescent spotted that, for he didn’t seem bothered by her companions at all, speaking as soon as the doors were closed.

“A feast worthy of a monarch, Twilight Sparkle,” he assured, though granted himself a caveat after all. “Well, at least as far as first meals go. We would need a much bigger table to properly experience that.”

She shook her head with a giggle. “I take it there is always something to be improved from your perspective, Ebony Crescent?”

“How do you know me so well?” he jested, inviting her to sit by the table by pulling the chaise longue accordingly and offering it to her.

“Well, you have told me that the Crescent Family is one seeking excellence, but I have a feeling that you are exemplifying that a little stronger.”

“I would call myself a perfectionist, yes,” he admitted, without remorse. “And I very much enjoy pursuing such perfection especially if it can also grant others profound joy.”

Twilight thanked him with a nod as she made herself comfortable, eyeing the options. There was a vast selection of fruit, there was honey, juices, water and grape extract. She wondered about what was hiding underneath the cloches, though she first focused on the Count Brother’s words.

“I take it you are referring to your music, mostly?” she asked with curiosity, though the stallion shook his head.

“Not singularly, no. I don’t want to praise myself without restraint,” he claimed, leaving it open to interpretation whether he was being honest or simply didn’t want to sound vainglorious, “but I am trying to go through my life giving others pleasure and joy. I think that might be due to the role I landed with.”

“You being Count Brother, instead of the heir?” Twilight guessed. Correctly, as the stallion nodded, though she wondered if she hadn’t asked too directly.

Ebony Crescent didn’t seem to mind that. “Again, I’m not envious, if that is what you are still worried about, Twilight Sparkle, as I believe I have already mentioned that,” he assured, standing next to the table, bearing a smile. “My sister is the better choice, and I am happy to be acting from the second row, so to speak. I find that it gives one much more space and less attention until the right time comes. Then all the gasps resound and all the gazes are on one. Makes it more dramatic.”

“All the world’s a stage?” Twilight pushed that thought a little further, much to Ebony Crescent’s own joy.

“Oh, always. Which is why we need to be on our best behavior, keeping to our destined role. The world is watching, let us make sure it enjoys the performance,” the stallion claimed, giving her a theatrical bow before reaching out for one of the cloches. “You wanted to be indulged, Twilight Sparkle. I’m hoping these will all do the trick.”

Twilight couldn’t deny a surge of excitement at what Ebony Crescent meant. The swift motion of his hoof revealed a most peculiar sight, one that caused a good laugh to erupt from her lips, and it was a most pleasant sensation.

“Is that a caramel apple? Really?” she asked, and spotted a little grimace of worry from the stallion.

“Is it… not to your liking?”

“No, it’s not that at all!” Twilight immediately let him know. “I just didn’t think anything like this can be found around Noctraliya.”

The Count Brother looked relieved, at least as much as his own anticipation at her reactions was allowing him to. “Well… it cannot, honestly. Let’s just say that I have decided to take it upon myself to have at least some things prepared in advance for your visit, Twilight Sparkle. I hope you don’t see my efforts as unreasonable.”

“Not ‘unreasonable’, no, but surprising, without a doubt,” she told him, making a mental note of this unusual circumstance.

The stallion must have gone to great lengths to have even such a simple treat prepared for her. She knew that apples were already rather rare, but caramel? Actual caramel? She wouldn’t think it a part of the local diet, at all, nopony else had mentioned it. Which presented the question of the origin of it, something she had to keep on mind.

Still, she couldn’t overlook the effort. “Such a treat for breakfast? That is indulgence!”

“You’re very kind, but that’s not the end,” the stallion told her, with mounting eagerness, especially when he spotted her smile. Like a good performer, he was drinking from the emotions evoked from her, which fueled his actions as he elegantly approached the second cloche, his hoof landing on it like he was ready to play a silvery instrument. “This one is a more savory option.”

That was already particular, for that wasn’t much of a preference in the fruit-based diet of the batponies. Yet, a moment later, Twilight understood what he meant, when the silver cover revealed behind it…

“What… is that, Ebony Crescent?” she had to ask, as the oval shape presented to her wasn’t really giving her any particular hints, especially since it looked elaborately shaped, covered in little, geometrical figures. “Is this…?” A strong smell tickled her nostrils, one that was salty and potent by itself. “Is this… cheese?”

The Count Brother smiled again, nodding eagerly. “That it is! It is an ancient recipe, pretty much abandoned, for it is a most acquired taste. It is made out of sheep milk.”

Twilight actually sat up and leaned over the table to examine this… phenomenon. Not that she hadn’t had cheese before in her life, of course, but the fact that it was supposed to be something of long ago? Well, she definitely understood why it wouldn’t be a popular, dietary choice among the batponies, though the side of berries might have been an effort to make it more agreeable with their palate.

“Have you… Have you ordered this made especially for my visit, Ebony Crescent?” she inquired, much to the stallion’s beaming satisfaction.

“I know you to be a pony finding great pleasure in uncovering our culture. I thought I would reach deep underneath the covers, indeed,” he explained, his voice sounding just a little bit eager. “This is called oskipek. It is salted and then smoked. Served with cranberries, to offset the strong taste. As I understand, it had been at one time prepared at the Mountain of Dusk quite regularly, but it takes a little more effort than our fruittenders can currently afford. And it’s simply not a popular choice, but I have found certain ponies that could help me out.”

Twilight was actually most intrigued to taste such a peculiar delicacy, but if that wasn’t the last of the dishes the Count Brother had ordered, she almost feared the last one, considering the effort the stallion had shown.

“Let me just…” She raised her hoof, as if to put the situation on pause for just a moment. “You have… revived an ancient cheese recipe, only so that I can have a fancy option for a meal?”

Ebony Crescent froze for a second, looking at her as if trying to discern what would be the best thing to say. What he decided upon sounded honest, at least. “I would put it like this – how many times in one’s lifetime does one have an Equestrian Princess visit their Mountain? I’m pretty certain it hadn’t happened in ever,” he accentuated with a small grin. “I simply wanted to grant you something unique, matching the occasion. You had saved Our Mother, I remember the fact, and, well, I have the most unique pleasure of seeing you as not only a foreign royal, but a most captivating mare that should receive a true, hero’s welcome.”

He paused again, looking at her, and Twilight recognized that her expression must have been unique. Was Ebony Crescent really valuing her that much? That would put him far above even some of the Lords of Noctraliya! Her sheer presence among the Seven Mountains was deemed a good repayment for her part in the Eclipse’s end… but not to the Count Brother. His words were causing warmth to gather in her core, and behind her cheeks, and she couldn’t deny that she was enjoying it.

Still, her grimace worried him. “Am I…? I hope I am not overstepping or something. I’m just saying how I feel.”

“No, no, no, you’re fine!” Twilight immediately alleviated his concern. “It’s just that… This is most generous, Ebony Crescent! I really wasn’t expecting anypony exerting themselves like this, it’s… almost overwhelming!”

“Trust me, Twilight Sparkle,” the Count Brother replied, trying to sound cordial and encouraging, “it would be my uncle doing all of that, surely, were it not for me asking him to allow me to guide the preparations just a little.”

“This is ‘a little’?” she asked incredulously, pointing at the apple, the cheese and the third, yet hidden treat.

Ebony Crescent actually laughed that time, hiding it behind his hoof to some extent. “Well… I might have pushed things a bit. Worthwhile effort for a worthwhile guest!” he claimed, then shook his head, merriment not leaving his pear eyes. “But still, wait until you shall taste it, Twilight Sparkle. Things might be absolutely not to your preferences!”

“I strongly doubt it,” she told the stallion, but he only rolled his eyes, amused.

“There’s always a chance. Like with garlic, what a revolting vegetable that one,” he retorted, shuddering all over and playing into the vampire myth quite smoothly. His disgust was gone as quickly as it appeared, however, for he approached the last cloche with a glint in his eye. “And this here, is what I would call, a wonderful merger of our country’s cold, unforgiving climate and the hidden sweetness, uncovered only by those willing to take a leap of faith into the nuances of our nature…”

Twilight was most intrigued by such an explanation, and the revealed dish matched it perfectly. She needed but a second to realize what it was, but the surprise was still most pleasing. The silver, wide chalice was absolutely breathtaking, especially since it was positioned in between arranged ice shards, making it look like a strange goblet of fairy tales, holding an unknown, delicious treasure. The frozen substance inside seem to almost shine with its rich, orange color, one that without a doubt spoke of the deep, satisfying taste.

“A sorbet!” she guessed, and Ebony Crescent beamed with joy at her excitement. “I must say, this is a most indulgent breakfast. This is another rarity in your usual cuisine, isn’t it?”

“It is, but one that we actually enjoy, as the leaders of the Crescents. This one, however, has a delicate touch of honey and grape extract, just a little bit, to tingle one’s throat and one’s mind,” he praised the dessert, giving Twilight another deep bow, as if waiting for her final judgment on his choices.

She remembered that she was considered the ‘ruler’ of the spire, so she decided to play the part, at least a little. Making herself again comfortable on the chaise longue, she nodded his way slowly, regally taking her time.

“I am most pleased, Ebony Crescent. As soon as I find the taste to be to my liking, and I’m sure that shall be the case, I can deem this a truly spoiling meal. You have outdone yourself.”

The Count Brother looked back at her with satisfaction that was oozing out of every word of reply. “Your words are most kind, Twilight Sparkle. I aim to entertain, and to make sure that your stay is unforgettable. And extravagant.”

“It’s a solid start,” she admitted with a laugh. “Though I’m afraid too much of this could have deplorable results, especially for my figure.”

“Nonsense, Twilight Sparkle, surely it wouldn’t make you any less breathtaking,” he claimed, making her blush only deepen. “However, if you would be concerned, I do invite you to have a little walk around the Mountain afterwards. I can show you the most wondrous places, and sightseeing shall definitely help with the rich meal. Would you grant me the honor, Twilight Sparkle?”

She would. For all the pain she had lately suffered, she couldn’t deny that she was finding all of this most pleasing. Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to have Ebony Crescent as her companion for a while. It would certainly keep her thoughts away from the dark places in her mind.

Twilight deserved that much, and maybe a bit more.

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