• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LIII – Revelations in Red

“I’m sorry...”

Those words were rather simple.

Yes, always simple, actually. But not always so easy to utter.

Thankfully for Twilight, she never had been one to have issues with using them in her life, not to mention meaning them. Especially when they were quite necessary. Like at that very moment.

Or so she thought.

“What would you have to apologize for, my light?” Midnight replied in a monotone, sitting at the edge of his bed in the otherwise empty antechamber. His armor rested calmly and properly on him and yet he appeared more burdened than it would be expected.

It was a good thing that Rowan Berry had been sent away to inform Lord Blessed Fang that Twilight wished to express... well, readiness to be summoned for the confrontation of the “verlupte”. So there was some privacy to have the conversation, as brief as that moment might have been.

Brief was better than nothing. They both needed this heart-to-heart to happen.

... right?

“I know that I’ve caused the... mess. And now you’re going to be paying for it,” Twilight told him, shuffling her hooves a little. “That’s why I’m apologizing...”

Midnight didn’t say a thing at first. Only looked down towards the blades on his hoofshoes, shifting them about a little, letting the reflections dance on the edges... and sighed.

“Do you think I am regretting this? Having been issued a challenge? As a warrior?”

“No, Midnight, no... But there would not be a challenge in the first place without my... obstinacy.”

“I’m not sure I get that word, but I do understand what you mean,” the stallion replied, slowly getting up, to the rustling of metal and leather. “You did what you said you had to do... I will now do what I said I have to do. And that’s really all. Seems rather fair to me.”

Twilight bit her lip. Was he deflecting her so much? Or did he really think that? She took a step inside the chamber proper.

Looking at him intently, hoping to meet his gaze. Though... she grasped why he wouldn’t want that, perhaps. She, herself, hadn’t been so gracious about it before.

“Midnight, listen... I am sorry,” she admitted to that again. Maybe for her own, selfish sake as well, but she still meant it. “I’m sorry about this, I know you’ve warned me. I didn’t mean to cause more trouble. I just needed to—”

“... do what you had to do,” Midnight echoed his own words. Finally giving her a look.

A firm and focused look. That piercing, keen stare he was capable of. Though at that moment, the sharpness of it wasn’t as pleasant as it could usually be. Causing much different kind of shudders than Twilight would like too.

“Trust me, my light, I understand the meaning of duty. Even if said duty is not pleasing to my sensibility, nor the most... ‘diplomatic’. Yes. Yes, I even now think it wasn’t the most fortunate of ideas in this particular situation... but I can hardly stop you, right?”

He might have claimed to be grasping her notions. But, to Twilight, things still felt sour. Very sour.

“Listen, if... if this is also about me telling you to mind yourself or—”

Midnight let out a hiss... or more like a growl.

Twilight trembled to the core. It was a guttural sound. Bestial and fierce. And to think that it was aimed at her...

Thank Harmony, it wasn’t. The stallion only took a deeper breath and sighed. Heavily, to the point where he actually took step back and sat back on the bed. As if the burden upon him pressed him down right onto it.

“My light...” he uttered, shaking his head. “I have told you the story you had requested. The tale of how the Fang of the Goddess and the bravest and the most selfless of our ancient warriors stood against a terrible threat to our land. And, considering the atrocities that had been committed by the likes of Radiant Glory, you would blame me for wishing what’s worst upon him and his?” he paused to look at her again... and even in his warrior’s gaze the most potent emotion was resentment. “You mean to tell me that you would wish to protect them from what they deserved? For the slaughter of our kin? That you would speak out against that horn being there as a reminder... claiming that you would be kindred to those... beasts from hundreds of years ago?”

Twilight inhaled... then looked to the side, unable to maintain eye contact just like that. It... it wasn’t a pleasant thing to hear. But the tone of Midnight’s voice was not one of blame or malice. Not one to hurt her.

But he wasn’t finished yet.

“You are so, so much better than them. Ever since we talked for that first time, I’ve known as much. Your insight, your grace... Your willingness to learn and to embrace our culture, even as hard as it can be. And don’t think I’m not seeing those struggles in you,” he told her, a wistful smile showing a little more of his fangs. “But you are still doing your best to become closer to us, even when you take a stand. Like tonight. Like then, in Maednoca Tabulre. There’s no prejudice in you. And yet sometimes...” He paused, shaking his head, his expression confused. “Why would you ever—”


It was Twilight’s time to interrupt him as she trotted forth to join him. Looking at him constantly. Hoping that he would not be as weak as she had just been and avert his gaze.

She sat next to him. “You don’t really think that I would want to... absolve what had been done to your kind?”

He didn’t respond. Not with words anyway, but his gaze answered well enough on its own. He was willing to listen. He wanted her to explain it to him, so that he could regain his peace of mind.

“But that does not mean that... for the sake of justice, or vengeance or anything else I would wish ill upon those ponies. I don’t wish ill upon anypony. Still,” she paused, choosing to speak a little more sternly afterwards, “crimes should be punished, transgressions should be pointed out and, if possible, remedied. But... everypony should have a chance to become better.”

She was explaining and Midnight was following, which definitely made relief wash over her.

“If they don’t take it and we’ve tried all we could... that’s one thing. But I won’t ever just give up on somepony. I am not omniscient. I don’t know everything about them, why they did what they did...” she clarified, as Midnight might not have recognized the term. “And never, never would I wish for those... strange beings to do something to anypony.”

She shook, once more, at the smile stretching in her mind.

“They sound malicious and they look... just terrifying.”

Midnight blinked as she declared that, focusing on her even more. It was like a switch flipping in his brain, as he instantly turned from confused and uncertain to protective.

“... and how would you know how Lesyi look exactly?”

Twilight took a deep breath, trying to banish the sight in her mind. “I... have seen one on the way here. Through the carriage window. I haven’t said anything as I was... occupied with other matters.”

Midnight grimaced. One of his webbed wings extended to be placed across her back, but... he hesitated.

He first looked at her, asking wordlessly if Twilight was alright with that gesture right that moment.

She very much was.

She scooted closer to him, which he definitely welcomed despite everything. And she felt immediately safer. Much safer, embraced like that, in the protective cloak of his presence.

“Are they as dreadful as they say?” he asked in a soft voice.

“It’s... hard to describe,” she admitted, leaning into him. “They look unnatural. They feel unnatural. It’s like you’re staring at a pony and... and you just know that it’s not one. Too many things are... wrong.”

Midnight hissed lightly. “I’ve only heard about their guises... and I was taught to be on the lookout for their signs. Like when we went to... our cavern.”

“You did mention them...” Twilight remembered. The topic of the forest spirits was repelling... but she still felt like closing her eyes and fighting the blush.

Welcoming the other memories.

They remained silent for a few breaths, before the stallion spoke up again. “It’s alright, iau lumn. I apologize too, and sincerely... It’s just... It’s like the soleerani of the past and you have nothing in common. Considering that you would defend them is... it feels so out of place to me,” he stated, but without even an ounce of condemnation. Just the search for understanding.

Twilight shook her head against his neck, drinking from his heat. “I get it, but... Are you not a descendant of the ancient warriors? Were they of different Families and bloodlines than those still forming Noctraliya?” she asked, but only silence answered. Though its answer was obvious. “So, if the situation was reversed and...”

She realized what she was about to ask about and hesitated briefly... but it was a valid point to make in the end.

“And if those were batponies that committed such atrocities and their remnants were displayed... would you be ashamed to speak out like I had done?”

Midnight wanted to reply, he even took a breath to do just that, but... something stopped him dead in his tracks. He froze in a blink, not even breathing. And, realizing that, Twilight looked at the antechamber’s door with panic.

But they remained closed. And no hooves were heard from the outside... so the stallion must have been frightened by something else than Rowan Berry suddenly returning.

He had realized something. Something that caused him to petrify in a moment. But in his stare Twilight didn’t see anxiety. More like... shocked comprehension. It was peculiar to see his saffron eyes blemished like that.

Even more so to hear Midnight’s faint voice.

“I... wouldn’t speak out.”

He uttered so. Looking into the distance.

Just like Fang Shine had done the same night, during her and Twilight’s conversation. But when in the elder’s gaze one could see a promise and a hope for what lay beyond the mortal realm... in Midnight’s there was stupefaction over the present.

“I wouldn’t be ashamed of them... I couldn’t be.”

Her beloved had said just that... and Twilight fought a grimace for a split second. She wasn’t expecting such a reaction from him and, for that one moment, felt hurt gathering in her conscience over such a declaration.

Yet she soon found her understanding of his response completely faulty.

“For I wouldn’t know,” Midnight finally finished his thought, squinting in mounting bewilderment. “I wouldn’t know that they had even existed.”

He only whispered... and yet Twilight felt a shudder through her as if that sentence was a pained shout.

She realized that... he was right. If there ever had been batponies committing terrible atrocities that would equal or surpass those of Radiant Glory... they didn’t exist anymore.

They could have been there at one point. There could have been terrible criminals, amoral malefactors, villains, as ponies in Equestria would brand them. But if they had received their penance, then the very memory of them had been wiped out.

For they had been sentenced to oblivion.

One beginning with a “k”.

Blessed Fang had spoken of the marshal like of a wild creature which had been put down for the good of all. But... much to Twilight’s mounting perturbation, that suddenly didn’t seem like the most dreadful of fates. For the unicorn was... as derisively as possible, yes, but remembered by that horn and the Testimony and the bloodied lesson of his fall.

But how many hadn’t been given even that much? And not due to natural causes of the passing of time and memories fading away through generations... but had actively been erased from existence?

She had understood the essence of the katorge. But the scope of it... it was a notion that Twilight didn’t think she would ever have to face and discern.

And, considering Midnight’s addled expression, neither did he.

“I... I never thought of that. We are taught not to think of the...” Even after such realization did a shudder stop him from mentioning the taboo word at first. “Bogine zmiluyae, not to think of the katorge nor the p... nor the creatures that were subjected to it,” he uttered, noticing further how hard it was for him to touch upon that topic. “But with that... how can our history be anything but virtuous? Or, at least... not that vile. We have your marshal to blame... but there could have been hundreds of accursed wampiri over the thousand years and... and I wouldn’t be able to name even one...”

Twilight could only stay by his side as he was having that sudden epiphany.

And she considered it all too. Hard. The Testimony, learning that Equestrians had committed such a travesty as the invasion, it shook her to the core. For she had never encountered any mentions of that war... and then suddenly the retelling, signed by her own mentor’s magic, had opened her eyes.

Twilight had realized that she lacked the knowledge that the atrocities had been committed by her kin... and that Midnight had just realized that he lacked the knowledge that the atrocities could have been committed by his.

Both of them suffering because somepony had decided to hide the sins of the past.

... Twilight needed a reply to come from Equestria.

But, more so, she needed to be present in the moment. The stallion’s expression was a picture of confusion... and failing of hope. And his voice was more uncertain than Twilight had ever heard before.

“I’ve... it seems so obvious, why haven’t I made that connection before...?” he muttered, pressing one of his hooves to his temple. Thankfully mindful of the blades. “Yes, my brethren, over the ages, had been sent to the lower mines on many occasions, forced to work to repay for their lesser transgressions... but they then returned, having learnt their lesson. But those that had done the worst things imaginable...? They don’t exist anymore, we don’t remember any of them. They were never there...” He shivered, biting his lower lip. “Is that why we find ourselves so noble? Because the corrupt is... cut out of our minds? Does Bogine even... remember them...?”

Twilight took a deep breath and placed her hoof on his. Though she wished metal wasn’t present in between this connection, it was the best thing to do to support him in this sudden trial.

“Midnight... this... this does not change the fact that there is great honor and courage and dedication in your nation...” she tried to reassure him, but his expression wasn’t telling her about her success.

Quite the opposite, especially after that last question he asked of the void, one which his eyes were definitely staring into.

Midnight’s muzzle had tensed, instead... and his fangs had been bared. Rage was bubbling up in him, anger that Twilight had scarcely seen from her beloved.

“Do you... remember our interviews?” he asked out of nowhere, though she knew they both had good recollection of them, even though the tapes had perished alongside the Golden Oak Library.

“Yes, of course,” she assured him, quickly scavenging her memory for anything he wanted to bring up from those.

Anything that would make him... smile?

Smile an agitated, almost manic smile. Blooming on his muzzle there and then. It was so twisted in its intensity... it again reminded Twilight of another creature’s grin.

But this was not a grimace of profane joy... but deep and profound distress.

“I praised... the delicate beauty of the night. I swore about our unwavering faith in Neskaza Lunee...” He chuckled, then burrowed his muzzle in his free hoof, blades missing his mane somehow. “I said that we hadn’t followed the Impora Maroce... I said that with certainty,” he growled more than said. “But how would I know...? Perhaps there were those that did... perhaps the marshal had every right to turn Umberiu Prozn into a mass grave!”

Twilight could feel her mane raising at that possibility, but even more so at Midnight’s reaction. She was aware that their relationship, their continuous discussions had already affected both of them. Expanded their horizons, she would even say... especially remembering their airborne embrace at dusk, in between the Sun and the Moon... but this time...

Had she ever seen him so frustrated? So agitated and moved? In the worst possible way...

Even the wing he had draped over her to protect her became tensed up. More like a barrier than a cloak, as the stallion arrived at a realization that had sapped his very soul.

What he had said... could have been. Twilight was not going to just overlook the possibility, no, and yet... she had seen enough on her journey. Enough to believe that batponies had made and were still making a fair and firm distinction between Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon. The relief in the Great Shrine, that showed her as a pure alicorn, the way they were always describing her as a caring Mother, benevolent and kind...

Yes, bad apples could be found in every nation... but something told her, something so deeply ingrained in her, that this one, grim scenario was far from the truth.

Not that Midnight was arriving at the same conclusion himself. She could feel him shaking, perturbed as he was.

“Midnight,” she whispered, leaning into him more, hoping that her presence would somehow calm him. “You know your blood... You know better that this. You are loyal to the Immaculate Moon...”

His head nodded automatically, but no other reaction happened.

“... and you have all remained loyal through a millennium now. Through the Eclipse, the time of greatest doubt,” she reminded him, invoking the name of the entire batpony era. “You had only vague prophecies. No knowledge whether your dead are protected. A thousand years is a long time... but you haven’t turned away from her.”

“Some might have...”

“You are not them, Midnight. You are yourself, yourself faithful and yourself principled.”

The stallion said nothing to that, leaving Twilight to only hope that she had managed to install some courage into him again.

She definitely would have something to ruminate upon. His revelation was... a possibility. Not one that would suddenly change her approach, because talking about past mistakes... which had been erased alongside the ponies that had committed them, didn’t seem like a productive line of negotiation.

However... moral superiority built on oblivion? That was a premise to definitely have in mind, even without accepting it as the new norm.

“... how am I supposed to fight now?”

Midnight suddenly uttered just that. And Twilight was more than ready to reply.. but the sound of hooves outside the door resounded just loud enough for both of them.

She sprang up from the bed and Midnight, with his moves on cue and automated, assumed the right position of a stallion checking his equipment one last time. His expression changed in record time from deep and profound distress to perfect neutrality... and Twilight almost shuddered at how seamless that transition was. A warrior’s training surely helped hide emotions behind readiness.

Not a few seconds later Rowan Berry opened the doors, her coral eyes taking in the chamber. And, considering their glint, realizing some tension present in it.

Though her words seemed to have placed it with the upcoming challenge and not anything else.

“Honored Princess... it is time. Hwalbu haspadr did request of the Nightguardian to proceed to the arena in earnest,” she said, giving Midnight a glance, but receiving back only dutiful preparedness. “There’s... well, there’s a crowd gathering in the main cavern. Seems the ring is located to the side, with rows of seats against the cavern wall. Many rows. And they are almost full already.”

Twilight tried to hide the grimace with a stern nod.

“Very well... I’m sure Midnight Wind shall be up to the task,” she said, trying to sound both regal and supportive. However, Midnight only checked his hoofshoes, took a deep breath and saluted her.

Without a smile, without a scowl, without even a glint to his gaze.

Those were the empty eyes of somepony ready to meet his fate.

And Twilight bit her lip. Why did this feel like she was leading him towards an execution...?

She had to quickly banish those thoughts. Banish them as far as possible. For her own sake, for Midnight’s sake... This was a fight, yes, but... but surely her beloved would prove his mettle, meet and exceed expectations and things would get only better from then on, right?

... could things be simple, just this once?

True to Rowan Berry’s words, the main cavern of the Mountain had already filled with residents, decidedly more than what would usually be expected from everynight’s crowd. As Twilight soon found out, the cave’s side did house something that at first looked like a wild, natural tangle. A piece of the Feral Weald right in the middle of the rocky space.

Hopefully, without any abnormal residents...

The structure turned out to be actually a little more elaborate than an unkempt garden, though its main part strongly resembled it. The alleged place of honorable battles had wooden structures around it, reinforced when necessary with whole tree trunks. And “necessary” seemed appropriate, since the stands were packed almost to the last with eager spectators, preparing to witness the upcoming duel.

It spoke volumes that the occasion had managed to gather what felt like half the Mountain in the matter of a couple hours. What said volumes testified to... that was another matter entirely.

Lord Blessed Fang was waiting for Twilight and her entourage outside of the arena proper. But, even with the crowds on the verge of making the stands topple, there was little to no chance that he wouldn’t be let in and take a first row seat, obviously.

The stallion’s face was calm, even betraying joy at the attendance. But his distant eyes were also gently showing his personal, growing interest in the fight. Maybe, in accordance to his mother’s words, at moments like these he was more like himself. An excited colt, hoping for some pastime away from purely the Lord’s duties.

Way to go about it, Twilight thought.

But it wasn’t his stature nor his expression... nor even the idea that Fang Shine had invoked in Twilight that was the centerpiece of the Lord’s presence right then.

Actually, it was the presence right next to him which felt remarkably more interesting... Considering the calls and the cheers they were receiving, said presence was the chosen combatant of the Fang Family.

With his blonde mane the color of wheat. And the loose garment, or at least one meant to be lose, covering his grand, recognizable physique. The quite stout and chubby one.

Kwo bid hac lyudib?” Midnight’s whispered question somehow found Twilight’s ears before the Lord’s greeting came.

Hwalba knaze, welcome. The preparations for the verlupte are pretty much done and everypony is hoping for a good and meaningful show,” he announced calmly as she came closer. Still, seeing her gaze escaping to the side, not to even mention spotting her confusion, addressed the obvious matter. His satisfaction only persisting. “Yes, it has been decided that our Rodine shall be represented by the great strength and skill of Sated Fang.”

The healer, for it was indeed him next to the Lord, smiled and nodded.

It only prompted Twilight’s question further. The obvious question, she would say. Not really answered in any way by just looking at the stallion’s s frame, consisting mostly of the noticeable weight.

Though the wave after wave of the local denizens throwing excited whoops and even pats on Sated Fang’s back as they were entering the arena stalls gave ample clues.

Still did Twilight inquire. “Aren’t you... a lupul? A healer?” She presumed she could anger the Lord by not really paying attention to him at first, but curiosity and befuddlement were much greater at the moment than decorum. “You mentioned serving as the personal physician to the Lord and his close family, so...”

The stallion shrugged as if he was used to such questions. “That is all true, hwalba knaze. But, well, first of all, verlupte is not technically limited to the warrior caste. Just to noctrali that know what they are doing when it comes to throwing and taking strikes, I’d say.”

Twilight could almost feel Midnight’s grimace to her side, but Sated Fang continued in earnest. Something of an embarrassed but proud smile blooming on his lips, especially with all of the attention.

“And it also happens that I am a just big oger in general... and that almost all members of my vein were and still are wampiri... I am just slightly better at putting ponies together with some herbs than taking them apart,” he said and not without a substantial note of confidence. “But! I hope I will be a good challenge to the Nocferratan!”

That certain level of disarming honesty and sincerity in the healer’s voice did not stop Midnight from squinting, as he was taking in his unlikely rival.

“You do realize, lupul, that I won’t go easy on you just because you’re not caste-trained?”

Sated Fang just craned his neck. More and more...

Until a loud crack. One that, under normal circumstances, would surely signify something breaking. And one that definitely caused one of the passing locals to get startled, much to the laughter of his friends.

“Nopony here is planning to go easy on anypony, wampir. I would be insulted if you did! And there’s more to a proper fight than just training,” the stallion declared, then pointed at the breastplate and the hoofshoes that Midnight brandished. “Or gear, actually. So we better both leave our professional garments someplace safe. I’ll have an attendant get you ready.”

Midnight said nothing to that. Instead, he decided to turn to Twilight and salute.

“Permission to participate in the verlupte in your name and honor, Honored Princess, as a member of your retinue?”

It sounded like a proper request... but Twilight could read so much into it. More than she wished, even.

The remnants of their discussion, of Midnight’s realization, were still present in the way he saluted. The gesture was a trained act, flawless but surely lacking substance. Hiding behind it a shaken heart and mind.

In the place of full conviction, other emotions reigned. There was some readiness, even a dose of pride over representing her in this necessary bout. But also anger. Even insult, at being pitied against somepony other than a proper warrior. Though Twilight knew, and she doubted Midnight was overlooking it himself, that Blessed Fang would not pick for his own participant somepony that would just forfeit the fight.

Win it how, exactly? That was another discussion.

Still, a reply was more than necessary here. And Twilight wanted Midnight to know that, whatever would happen...

No, that was not the right way to think about this bout. Definitely not. And Twilight was not going to let that fear spoil what she wanted to truly say.

“You will do me proud, Nightguardian Midnight Wind.”

She spoke with utmost certainty, looking straight into his eyes. And meaning that much more by it.

And Midnight knew. He was perfectly aware that she was reminding him of their love. His eyes said so much, clouded as they were with many doubts.

But not one doubt about that.

Something Twilight would cling to during this challenge, one before both of them.

Midnight was escorted towards the side of the arena to prepare, whilst she, with Rowan Berry in tow, followed the Lord to the stands. And Twilight found just enough focus in herself to take in the surroundings, despite being worried to death about her beloved.

The ring itself... or “pit” rather, was possibly the only place where the cavern’s stone in the Mountain of Fang was actually worked. Polished, even. It simply had to have been, considering that the bottom of the, rather wide and flat, circular space, was covered in a fine layer of... something.

Something blue. Fluorescent blue. A smooth coating of it. Like a dye of some sort, but very, very bright. Much more than what Twilight had seen in the decorations around the cavern. The substance would definitely show any traces of being touched. Maybe it would even stick to the coat or hoof, which would clearly and luminously signify a pony’s loss.

And the substance would also make blood very visible, Twilight bet... There were ample opportunities for it to spill, after all.

The walls of this arena, forming a kind of palisade, were indeed fashioned out of sticks and dried brambles. And despite what Rowan Berry had said about them not being additionally sharpened, they looked just dangerous enough for Twilight. She imagined that this was also an added incentive for combatants to stay close and engage. Aside from serving as an additional source of excitement for the onlookers.

Speaking of those, Twilight had taken her seat in the part of the stands which had been prepared for the Lord and his close family. Said family being present already. Lord-Consort Kindlefang flashed a sharp, broad smile her way. Fang Shine also nodded in a greeting, as Twilight was trying to make herself comfortable on the prepared furs. And wondering if the elderly mare did not mind the omnipresent racket of cries, discussions and shouts.

In all the present ponies Twilight could feel palpable, growing excitement.

Rowan Berry, taking place in the row behind her, was more cautious to show emotion. But despite her previous words, the atmosphere was certainly affecting her. Also, it seemed, due to the presence of... a pair of foals sitting nearby. Twilight felt dismay at the idea of showing such fights to young ponies, not to mention having them so close to the action itself, right behind the Lord’s seating.

However as they were, with spirit and eagerness to make their blonde manes bounce, discussing something with their mother, a still young mare of bluish coat... one could quickly figure out that these must have been Sated Fang’s own foals.

Wishing to support their father in this bloody endeavor.

It looked like absolutely everypony was more or just slightly less eagerly awaiting the fight. Bar Twilight...

Blessed Fang turned to her after a moment, surely taking note of her general lack of enthusiasm. “I discern from your look... and no mentions in the book you have gifted me with, Honored Princess, that duels of honor are not organized in Equestria anymore?”

Twilight was glad that he was using a lower tone, as it would be otherwise hard to make out words due to the crowd’s buzz. Though she also felt strange that he was asking, having himself subjected her to this discomfort.

“Not really, no, Honored Lord.”

“I still hope that you will find certain beauty in this old tradition. And that our little disagreement shall be resolved thanks to it, Allowing us to return to the table of discussions.”

He expressed it all in genuine hope.

But it was such a contradiction in Twilight’s mind!

Though... he couldn’t have known that instead of but choosing her bodyguard to represent her in a fight, he was endangering the well-being of her beloved.

It was prudent to hide the latter from him.

But how could she, really, feeling like she was fighting her own, dreadful duel with fear and worry?

Not a minute later, a batpony appeared in before the Lord, dressed in the robes of the local militia... and with a giant bird’s skull on his shoulder. And the stallion was actually flying, which was a rarity in the Mountains’ interiors. He offered Blessed Fang a deep bow and, after receiving a small gesture to proceed, turned to the crowd, spreading his forelegs wide, so that the gathering would quiet down.

As much as they were inclined to do that, with the mounting expectations for what was to come.

The stallion took a moment... then unclasped the skull from his vest and took a deep breath.

Iug u Kiel, to bid temps!” he began, his voice carrying through the bone speaking-trumpet as he slowly was turning around. Verlupte, naybaringenu wizwan! Topaya ver! Niteyae hwale!

The crowd supported these declarations with loud shouts and whoops. Twilight could almost feel the seats shake from the sheer outcry of the onlookers.

And her ears were ringing, although she could still try and catch the words and try to grasp their meaning somehow.

Hwalbu haspadr Aldatu u Rodine Kiel ewoce uaiu kudz! Iuga hospe, knaze a Ekwestriya, ewocee ipeu kudz! To bid verlupte a honos!

Twilight was expecting some jeering to come her way when she heard her title being mentioned, but it seemed that the crowd was far more interested in the fact that there was a fight in the first place, rather than the parties involved. As much as she could understand from the crier’s words, it was a bout of honor. And that definitely made the gathering enthusiastic.

Not that they had not been so before.

Kudz u knaze! Nocferratan! Wentr u Rodine Maednoc!

Midnight’s name was called and he did appear. The top of the arena’s side lowered a little, suspended with two ropes, allowing him to step up on a flat, relatively safe portion of it, in preparation for the fight.

Twilight had seen him without clothing before... she didn’t have to remind herself that, no. But something about his stance, his sight, made her mouth dry out in an instant. He stood proud and firm, his warrior’s physique on full display, as he assumed the position to take off as soon as the signal would be given.

His presence spelled fierceness and determination... but Twilight again felt fear whether it was all but a disguise for the shock...

Kudz u hwalbu haspadr! I uaiu wyelikukudz!” the crier announced again and the crowd cheered and laughed alike. “Zasitenu Kiel!

The platform appeared on the other side of the arena... and Midnight’s challenge finally became much more clear. Twilight could feel her eyes bulging alongside the sound of increasing cries and chanting.

What did appear as body weight on Sated Fang was still there, yes. But even from this distance she could tell that the stallion was not just a chubby pony. Beneath his robes he did hide a substantial amount of musculature, almost unnaturally distributed all over his torso and legs... and yet quite proportionally too! Looking at it now, Twilight wouldn’t even be surprised if had turned out to easily be twice the weight of Midnight!

Tat! Tat!” she heard the cries from behind, where the two foals were jumping in their seats like mad. Calling out to their father, who stood calmly, but steadily. More than happy to begin the fight at any moment.

He didn’t have to wait long for it.

Irai!” the crier’s voice sounded as he powerfully flapped his wings to immediately get out of the arena.

And, at the same time, the two stallions did the same, but to enter it. Jumping up from the platforms, which were immediately pulled up and rejoined the tangled walls.

There was no landing now, unless it meant defeat.

None of the contenders was interested in that, that much became clear in an instant.

Midnight’s approach was to gain height with a few, timed flaps, while Sated Fang had chosen a more leveled trajectory.

A second later Twilight’s beloved, with the speed and precision of a hawk, dived down to strike at its prey. Even if that time the target was far better prepared than a frightened or an unaware and vulnerable rabbit.

Despite the overwhelming cheering, she was ready to hear the impact of the two ponies colliding.

Midnight, with a swift and sudden motion, did a half turn in the air. Prepared his rear legs to buck right into Sated Fang’s torso.

Against it came a block of both forelegs, as the healer brought them in before himself like a natural shield.

And Twilight did hear the sound.

Midnight’s attack connected with a sickening thump that turned her stomach sideways, as if she was the one taking the hit.

It was then the more incredible that the healer wasn’t moved even an inch.

Despite the fact that he was in mid-air as well!

Twilight knew little about melee combat, but she had managed to spot Sated Fang’s wings doing a quick beat right as the impact had happened, allowing him to stand... or hover his ground.

On the other hoof, Midnight resolved to accept the block as it happened and use it to bounce away, repositioning and leveling himself in a reasonable distance.

His keen eyes were locked onto Sated Fang, but Twilight could see that he bit his lip. Was it pain that caused it or surprise? Whatever it was, it gave him a momentary pause.

Sated Fang spread his forelegs wide and stretched them, earning a supportive shout from the gathering at his theatrical pose.

Impredu!” he shouted, his voice cutting through the crowd’s elation. “Tere pozwola ia!

He declared with steadiness and confidence to match his powerful flaps, as he closed the distance between the two in a measured pace.

Midnight’s wings were matching the foe’s tempo, however.

Sated Fang came closer, more than ready to swing with his hoof.. but he found his target pulling up in a swift dodge upwards, way out of harm’s way.

One of Midnight’s rear legs kicking down the strike, the other ramming itself across the healer’s face with another, nauseating crunch.

At least Twilight felt like cheering! The strike was true...!

But no! Instead of being stunned by what could have easily caused serious damage, Sated Fang utilized the strike’s power to twist around... and deliver a wide, backhoof blow which caught Midnight before he pulled his other leg up!

The bend that she saw made Twilight grit her teeth.

Thankfully, her beloved also allowed a lot of the strike’s power to go through him, showcasing his training. With a swift motion he dashed away, his wings like a protective cloak around him. A spin and flap later he gained enough height to be safe.

For now. As he looked down on Sated Fang, he reached down and rubbed his hurt leg swiftly.

Kwo ipia hrani tu? Liti?!” Twilight thought she heard Midnight’s question to the healer. But the shouts all around made it hard to understand the words properly. Let alone in Noctraliyar.

Enough said, Sated Fang laughed aloud in reply. With a true competitor’s flair he tossed his mane left and right, lightly punched himself on the muzzle and then began slowly and almost majestically ascending.

Preparing for another strike, encouraged further by his enraptured kin.

Midnight did not remain passive to that. Twilight saw his eyes darting around, assessing the situation and the positioning.

He had to somehow get the healer all the way down to the ground... but a swift knockout had not done the trick, at least not immediately. For now, her beloved stood his ground, but something about his wing movement caught Twilight’s attention.

And accurately so!

Sated Fang attacked with a quick feint with one of his forelegs, then struck with the opposite hoof. Aiming for the torso, rather than muzzle.

But again, the strike missed the target and Twilight felt like crying out in glee! Midnight’s wings acted almost contrary to each other, like their very own beings!

It caused him to swiftly turn sideways in the air, grab the incoming foreleg and use the healer’s momentum against him for a swift throw downwards. His movement as rapid and yet fluid as a mountain stream coming down the slope.

Sated Fang was driven off balance and found himself heading straight down due to smart leverage... but Twilight saw the muscles of his forelegs tensing against the move, whilst his wings furiously batted away from Midnight. One would think the healer was trying to get away... yet it was just another feint!

Instead, the stallion pushed himself further into the spin, using the momentum to continue the twisting... and wrap his forelegs around Midnight’s barrel in a firm motion of his own!

Twilight gasped loudly when she spotted that the healer even managed to pin one of Midnight’s own wings to his back. Yet the sign of her fright was drowned out by more chanting from the stands.

Kieli! Kieli! Kieli!

Even Blessed Fang let go of some of his Lord’s decorum and let out a loud, batpony exhale, his eyes shining.

Twilight felt a surge of anger, seeing the colt celebrating Midnight’s face scrunching in pain. Enjoying the struggles to get out of the clinch which must have been wringing the very air from the stallion’s lungs.

Sated Fang, turning out to be the bruiser he was, even locked his hooves against themselves. Dishing out a most devastating embrace and forcing both of them to descend down, closer and closer to the fluorescent bottom of the arena!

Midnight’s attempts at escaping where thwarted by his wing being trapped and the loss of altitude was only deepening further... and further... and further...

Twilight bit her lower lip. Hard.

... and Midnight bared his fangs!

She almost averted her gaze and screamed! She was certain that he was going to strike right towards Sated Fang’s throat, so fierce was his expression!

Her beloved bent his neck back as far as he could and slammed his forehead against the other stallion’s muzzle.

And before the healer even reacted, did so again!

That achieved two things. First, the grapple was broken, as Sated Fang reeled back momentarily and Midnight did not waste the opportunity. Still, his escape was a little wobbly and Twilight was horrified that not only his wing could have been damaged, but that he had given himself a concussion!

She was so nervous... And then she felt her tongue tasting blood in her mouth from her own bite, even though she lacked the fangs to make it truly dangerous...

Blood did appear in the arena as well.

Sated Fang looked up at Midnight, a trickle of crimson flowing from his nostril. He didn’t seem to mind, though. On the contrary, he looked quite pleased to be in the thick of things.

Midnight did not share his excitement at the moment, shaking his head quickly, trying to fight a momentary self-stun.

Twilight hoped that he could quickly return to the brawl... but something else caught her eyes that very moment. And not hers alone.

A speck of red on the blue surface.

A droplet of sclera against the shining bottom of the arena...

... illuminated?

No... not “illuminated”. Giving off its own light.

The crowd spotted this speck of crimson with ease, this little but potent star that appeared against the bright sky made of dye... and cheered mightily!

Ver! Ver! Ver!

Leaving Twilight perplexed as to the nature of this phenomenon... and their repulsive chanting. She wasn’t going to pay much more attention to either, however.

Sated Fang advanced. Again slow and methodical, but more than keen on Midnight.

... who was still a little out of it, much to Twilight’s horror!

His head snapped to the side just in time. He managed to dodge out of the way of the first two strikes, left and right. He brought his foreleg up to parry the third right punch... but the quick turn with a kick was too fast!

It connected squarely with his stomach, causing Twilight to bring a hoof to her muzzle.

Looking impassive and regal meant nothing. Her love was getting hurt!

Midnight must have groaned loudly... though again, his pain was being drowned by the gathering going crazy over the fight. And, as she could imagine... nopony actually cared for his well-being. It was combat. It was supposed to hurt.

Sated Fang knew it well himself. Seeing this opening he had achieved, decided to follow. A quick spin, again much quicker than the stallion’s size would suggest, sent another sweeping backhoof towards Midnight.

The hit was inches from the target! At the last moment Twilight’s beloved fought through the pain and managed to duck, then ran his own hoof across the healer’s face.

Deepening whatever damage had been dealt already. A trail of blood flew across the air, leaving behind a most gruesome of arcs.

Sated Fang grunted, snorted, then readjusted himself. Midnight was circling him, looking for an avenue of attack once more, keenness back to his eyes.

But some of the spectators were not watching that action happening. Instead, their eyes were now glued to the arena’s bottom, where the gore soon landed... and began reacting with the blue substance even more.

Twilight too had found herself almost enchanted by the sight, despite her desire to pay attention to her beloved’s performance. But... where the blood had made contact with it, the dye... came alive. Vividly. It sizzled a little, made crimson light appear again... and then began spreading.

Ver! Ver! Ver!

Whatever this substance was...

No, Twilight had to know.

“What is happening?” she asked of Blessed Fang, trying to make her question audible just enough against the ritualistic, wild chanting.

The Lord glanced down with a smile. A knowing smile.

“This blue material? That’s the caerulyiceps! It’s a type of mushroom! Grows in damp caverns across our end of the mountains!” he tried to explain. Checking on the action with continuous glances, even as he leaned more towards Twilight to make sure she could somehow hear him. “It’s added to dyes! Grounded and spread like that it reacts with blood! In the old times—!”

He planned on continuing, but his muzzle turned immediately towards the ring and Twilight followed suit, not wasting time to even blink.

For Midnight charged forth. His expression tense, focused. Merciless. The powerful movements of his wings caused brambles on the wall behind him to shift and bend, hit by the gale of his advance.

Sated Fang brought his forelegs together, ready to block the incoming strike. Maybe counterattack.

The punch thrown his way happened only in passing... and still rocked the healer’s form.

Midnight had no interest in staying close. Instead, with a swift, rolling maneuver, he ended up behind his foe. Once more at the ready, in nothing but a blink.

He beat his wings again and send himself back in, pained determination blatant in his eyes.

Like a hornet, angered and malicious, he was diving in. Again. Again! Again! Delivering a punch and kick, a kick and punch, zipping past Sated Fang with incredible dedication.

His foe was blocking most of those stings, but had to be on the constant lookout to simply manage. Midnight kept changing directions, feinting and striking at different intervals, never satisfied with remaining nearby.

Considering Sated Fang’s grip, that seemed like a most wise of decisions...

And also... Twilight could, pretty much to the full extent, witness the fabled Nightguard training. She had seen Midnight in flight before... and could recall that time he had defended himself against Deep Mist. But right before her eyes she could well see what made the elite unit earn their fame.

Midnight’s flaps were precise and coordinated. His hits were rapid, accurate and forceful. Rendered less effective only by the healer’s remarkable stamina. Yet even it was showing signs of depletion against this unrelenting flurry of strikes that would have bested an average pony in matter of mere seconds.

And Twilight could very well imagine all of those attacks being delivered with the traditional pair of blades...

The image in her mind caused her to shudder and violently. Anypony facing these warriors was indeed in for a tough and merciless fight... and she could only imagine how much more fierce the combat had been that terrible day of the Soleera Cruziate...

Bar ver! Bar ver! Bar ver!

Twilight had little time to muse on that. Midnight’s expertise was on display... illuminated by the red glow, growing more and more profound, coming from below like a tidal wave to meet the current of chants and vigorous shouting from above.

And yet the blood that dripped down so far, instead of pooling... seemed to have spread about, almost unnaturally, in a spiraling pattern...

But even that, and Twilight’s mind asking for any and all answers about it still, was not enough to keep her attention away from her beloved’s struggle.

Especially when... that suddenly happened.

Sated Fang was being assaulted hard, much to his growing irritation. He had the supportive, if worried, cheering of his children, but that wasn’t enough to improve his situation.

So he stopped.

He suddenly stopped flying.

Or, at least, he made one more, potent beat of his wings, and then... covered his front with them. Like he was brandishing a wide, grey shield.

Just as Midnight was closing in for another strike.

Strike that connected against the membranous skin... just before it shifted to the side! And Sated Fang came from behind the temporary barrier with a powerful, double-leg buck!

Midnight was still following through with his strike, slightly sideways to his foe. The strike caught him. Caught him hard, right to his side.

Sending him not only off course, but almost limply gliding away... right towards the wall of brambles.

For once Twilight’s distress was shared by some of the crowd, as parts of the arena gasped at the sight.

The sight of her love attempting one more flap away. To stop, to slow down, to change the direction at least a bit... but that did precious little to soften the impact.

She saw Midnight close his eyes... and be burrowed in the tangle of thorns, spikes and sharp sticks.

The world before Twilight’s eyes spun. Once, twice... then focused again. But everything else than that side of the pit fell away.

Right there and then, existence cut itself down into the silhouette of Midnight, rammed into the wicked boundary.

The stallion’s muzzle twisted in agony. His eyes wild, feral with pain. His mouth opened in a silent scream that felt like it was rending Twilight’s ears anyway.

Seconds passed... then minutes... hours... years... For her, it felt like a century had gone by before he moved again.

Before he tried, in the shock of pain, to get away from the horrific obstacle surrounding him, pressing into him mercilessly.

It took eternity... though Twilight could feel her heart striking only once.

Enough to realize, just when her beloved had found some measure of support among the hazards... that his left wing had been impaled. Right through the membrane a vicious and thick barb protruded, sticking through the dark skin in a wreath of leaking crimson.

Even Sated Fang, seeing that, shook his head in dismay. Shrugging to the crowd, which was taking in the sight...

Taking it in fervently.

Kieli! Ha! Ver! Zasitenu Kiel! Bar ver!

Cheering in a maddening trance over the display of violence before them.

But Twilight couldn’t care less.

She could only observe in horror, locked in place, as if she was held still by thorns and barbs piercing her entire body.

Midnight needed one glance to realize that he was rendered flightless... and that the rest of him wasn’t faring much better. His body had suffered at least a dozen of smaller lacerations from the brambles on the side he impacted the tangle with.

Twilight even spotted one wound dangerously close to his eye...

Her heart was sinking. Sinking alongside every droplet of blood. Slowly sipping down from Midnight’s wounds, coloring the bramble walls red, slithering down the sticks like a dozen of small, but terrifying snakes.

Something about this sight was so... primal. So disgustingly basic, it invoked pain and fascination alike.

And Twilight hated it.

And yet she couldn’t deny what had happened. She wasn’t sure what was going to follow, but... the fight was over. Midnight had lost it and gotten harshly wounded. He couldn’t possibly keep fighting like this, how would he even continue travelling with her, with that wing...

... it was all her fault.

And still, even though they were both paying this terrible price for her stance... nopony was screaming for the combat to halt.

On the contrary...

Ver! Ver! Ver!

Nopony appeared in the arena. The crier was nowhere to be seen. Nopony was even remotely interested in the end of these dark festivities!

Sated Fang, though slowly, was advancing. Was he so ready to put a definitive end to the duel?!

“Honored Lord!” Twilight sought Blessed Fang, desperation creeping in her voice. “Isn’t... shouldn’t this be the end?! This has to stop!”

The stallion shook his head, giving her a glance in which she found understanding... but meager, overtaken by enthusiasm over the combat.

“Not until a contestant touches the ground it does not!” he shouted so she could hear.

And Twilight looked down at that fated bottom of the pit. Which was now covered in... something. This wasn’t just a dyed surface anymore, but... a mosaic. Or a red painting. One that Twilight had never before seen, nor even imagined, considering its nature.

The red blood against the blue, mushroom-infused surface, twirled and danced around, filling the arena with a deep, red light. Forming spirals and curves and strange, alien shapes. It was as if it was feeding, having come alive, ready to share with the onlookers some ancient, hidden wisdom, as they intoned and sang...

To reveal the secrets... ample sustenance was required.

Ver! Ver! Ver!

Twilight had little interest in this vile ritual. Her eyes had little interest in trying to decipher cryptic messages written in claret. Especially if it was the blood of her love, her most cherished stallion. Trapped in the wall of brambles and pained beyond belief. She could only imagine the extent of that suffering.

In the overwhelming chaos in her mind and the terrifying cheers for the fight... Midnight’s eyes found hers.

Oh, how much she wanted to convey to him. And how much she did manage.

By one glance alone she told him of her pain. Of her love. Of just how proud he had made her already, regardless of anything. How much would she want to take this pain on herself, only to spare him.

She told him, in one second, that no matter what, no matter the past, the present, the future, she loved him with all her heart, heart that itself was being torn apart by unseen brambles at seeing his struggle.

And his own, keen, piercing gaze, told her a story too.

He was fighting for her.

Not for his honor, or bloodline, or his country. Not after the latest revelation.

He wasn’t fighting even for his Goddess right there and then.

Only for Twilight.

That was a struggle for her and her alone. In that momentary connection, what they had already said a great many times, what they shared and had experienced in mind, heart, soul and even body... was only reinforced.

Tempered in blood, after all.

Their silent, but paramount conversation... it banished whatever else lurked in Midnight’s gaze. Whatever distraction and pain corrupting his mind.

Instead... something in the stallion’s stare erupted. Something primal. Basic. Untamed.

Twilight shivered, locked in place again. This time by a force quite different from fear and pain.

In the meantime... Sated Fang had managed to fly close.

Of all things... he actually extended his foreleg, almost in an inviting gesture. It really looked like he wanted to take Midnight out of the thorns, let him accept defeat without further bloodshed.

Bar ver! Bar ver! Bar ver!

Bloodshed which the healer was definitely not minding, considering the circumstances... but had chosen to try and avoid further.

He underestimated. He underestimated terribly.

Midnight’s roar cut through the crowd’s madness, reaching Twilight’s ears with surprising strength. No less than the visage of his body straining, his muscles tensing up.

Sated Fang just managed to realize that his foe wasn’t going to give up. But he didn’t manage to grasp just how much fighting spirit was left in the wounded stallion.

What came next took no longer than a few, frantic heartbeats.

With a terrifying, spasmodic move, Midnight lunged forth, pushing through. The pain, the brambles, everything. His impaled wing twitched, cramped... then gave. His pounce causing the barb to rip through the rest of the membrane, sending gushing blood from it, painting the tangle in the deepest of crimsons. But freeing him through this sacrifice.

With both of his forelegs, in a violent repayment for the strike he had received, Midnight struck. Hitting Sated Fang on the muzzle... and on the windpipe.

Then barging into him with his entire self in but a blink.

The healer shuddered, his eyes bulging, as the two of them began free falling down. One unable to fly due to shock, the other – the gaping wound. The whole congregation, absolutely everypony observing the rapid descent, was screaming.

Midnight had just enough power left in him to wrap his forelegs around the other stallion’s torso. Clinging to him for dear life, compressing Sated Fang’s chest even further, as they both came closer and closer to the ground.

Twilight resisted the urge to look away, feeling like her hooves were soon to crush the supports of her seat. Her very soul was soon going to escape her body and rush to catch her beloved.

... she saw the ley lines before her eyes.

She felt a thump in her chest.


The healer managed to let out a rough exhale, twisted left and right, flapped his wings. It slowed them both a little, but didn’t stop what was coming. Midnight only held tighter, making a living weight out of himself, now that he couldn’t possibly do much more.

The luminescent ground was closer and closer, the red glow lighting both of them up, bathing them in more color than even Midnight’s blood was providing.

The fall would hurt regardless of who would hit first.

Twilight felt warmth gathering in her horn’s core.

And another thump in her chest.


Sated Fang inhaled and flexed his torso, getting Midnight’s hold to release. He beat his wings, grabbing the other stallion by his barrel. He met little resistance, the pain and the seeping blood doing their work.

The healer simply had to do a quick turn, make sure that he was on top, the ground mere inches below.

Her beloved would be crushed underneath the weight.

The arcane strings where there, at the ready to be plucked.

One more, panicked thump.


A flicker of blue traversing the air among the crimson light.


A loud shriek rocked Twilight’s ears, breaking her concentration just as the first trickle of raspberry manifested in her horn’s spiral ridge.

She blinked, at first uncertain what had exactly happened. Was this directed at her? Or...?

She looked at the sight before her eyes.

Sated Fang somehow managed to stop himself, both of them, from reaching the floor.

He was still flapping his wings, maintaining the steady altitude whilst holding the panting, barely conscious Midnight wrapped in his iron grapple. And there, right there, in the overwhelming red light... the very tip of the healer’s wing was stained with a bright, blue mark.

... Twilight’s mind finally saw what had transpired. In that last moment, to stop the fall... Sated Fang must have brushed the dyes ever so slightly...

... that meant Midnight won. Midnight won!

The crier, the same stallion from before, dived into the arena in record time and closed in on the pair, leaving the crowd on the edge of their seats, both figuratively and literally, dead silent. He inspected the situation in the matter of mere seconds, checking both of them, especially Midnight’s rear hooves. He was unmistakably looking for more bright residue.

A second later he flew up and shouted at the top of his lungs, through his bird skull blow horn.

Verlupte eksata! Nocferratan Maednoc Wentr hab pobed!

Twilight watched the entire congregation of the Fang Family petrify for a breath as everypony’s ears had received the verdict.

And then, in a tidal wave of noise, the crowd joined the crier’s scream with their own whoops and cheers.

It was a shout of... joy. Utter joy!

The entire arena transformed and turned into a cacophony of exhales, stomping and chanting. Where they had been calling out for blood... they now celebrated the winner with no less zeal!

Nocferratan! Nocferratan! Nocferratan!

The only batponies not to participate with quite the exaltation were Sated Fang’s kids and his wife. That could be understood... but even the stallion himself, still supporting Midnight and holding him aloft, nodded and smiled.

Not minding a loss.

... Twilight felt stunned.

She was convinced that this outcome would generate much more displeasure. Midnight was representing, well, her and all... but it looked like the Fangs were pleased with the conclusion since it came after such a rough and bloody struggle.

Speaking of which... even in the crimson light, the brighter due to the claret from Midnight’s wing dripping on the dye in copious amounts, Twilight could tell that he was hurt. Badly.

She doubted the vision of his skin tearing open would leave her mind soon.

She turned quickly to Blessed Fang.

“Honored Lord—”

The young stallion was already looking at her, his expression betraying being thoroughly impressed. And aware of her upcoming request.

“The Nightguardian is a valiant combatant, remarkable. I’ll make sure he receives all the necessary treatment and more, as the blood-bout’s victor.”

Another strange... dichotomy for Twilight.

There was no ill will in the Lord, despite the fact that his chosen contestant had lost. And that such an outcome required of him to take a step back in the matter of the horn trophy. Yes, Blessed Fang had called for the fight, but its result did not disconcert him...

The Fangs rejoicing like crazed, their haspadr pleased...

There was a lot that Twilight did not understand about this Family, that was certain. But, she would leave that matter for a bit later. Right now, Midnight needed to be tended to.

She looked down towards him, getting up from her seat. Thankfully for the stallion, Sated Fang was not only strong, but gentle to his vanquisher, supporting his entire weight. And looking him over as much as he could, with the careful eye of a healer.

In the corner of Twilight’s eye, she spotted that another figure had risen from her seat.

The venerable Fang Shine approached the pit’s edge, looking down. The bright illumination from below lit her muzzle in an eerie light. One that brought forth the mare’s age, dignity... and that danced across the silver symbols embroidered on her robes...

... symbols...

Twilight saw the mare extending her foreleg over the arena, her muzzle tense. Her fangs glistening in the light of the colorful surface, embellished in blood.

... was it just eyes playing tricks and imagination falling for them... or did some of those bloody markings corresponded with what the elder was wearing?

Was this some form of... an augury?

Why was Twilight feeling like she had seen this... A bloody pool, fangs... It was like a dream...

Her head swam a little, the adrenaline of watching her beloved’s struggle slowly receding. She blinked, a gathering, a constellation of signs down below her, pushing themselves into her mind.

She shook her head. She felt questions bubbling in her, but were those even concerning reality...? Or were her worry and anxiety tricking her?

She felt a touch to her foreleg.

Hwalba knaze?” Rowan Berry’s question found her ears. “Are you alright?”

“Y-yes, yes, I believe so,” Twilight replied, blinking a couple of times. She looked to the side, but Fang Shine was again seated, though breathing deeply. “It was... an extreme fight.”

“That it was,” the coral-eyed mare told her with a note of worry in her own voice. Or did Twilight imagine it too? “I might be helpful to the Nocferratan myself. Should I go right away with the local fruittenders and treat him?”

“I’ll go with you, actually, if the Honored Lord permits it,” Twilight told her, seeing as Sated Fang was taking Midnight to the side, towards a group of ponies at the ready. “I think Midnight Wind deserves warm congratulations as soon as possible.”

Tac, hwalba knaze,” Rowan Berry replied, the arena’s red light flashing in her eyes.

... or was that envy instead?

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