• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XXXVII – To Be Reminded

“We must address this possibility and we must address it now, Your Solar Majesty.”

Moonwarden had never truly thought that he would have a chance of using such a stern and unrelenting tone when talking with Princess Celestia, the Alicorn of the Sun Herself. But now both him and himself were gaining a significant amount of peculiar satisfaction from seeing trepidation appear on the alabaster muzzle of Her Solar Majesty.

Not losing sight of the gravity of the case at hoof, Moonwarden did allow himself to enjoy that little bit of... repayment for the earful he had to suffer yesterday.

Repayment was the word of the morning, indeed. And not even the first, brilliant rays of the Sun could dispel the atmosphere that permeated the Royal Parlour after the meeting had been hastily organized. Princess Luna was keen on letting her sister in on Moonwarden’s theory... and equally keen on having him speak at first. Precisely explaining to the other alicorn what terrible possibility could all of Equestria be facing.

Princess Celestia, as it could have been foreseen, took the news gallantly, if she remained silent at first. It was actually Raven, asked to be present for this confidential gathering, who broke the pregnant pause that enveloped the chamber.

“Not that I would... discredit Advisor Moonwarden’s hypothesis completely, but is this not taking things too far?” she asked everypony.

It was clear that she was still in disbelief over being told of the Testimony and all that it implied, but she was known to hide her trepidation behind a mask of professionalism.

“I do understand that there would be a case for reimbursement, if we were to believe that we have not taken ownership of the Eastern Woods region through usucaption alone, but that is not a type of case to settle via warfare, but diplomacy. Which, as I will allow myself to point out, is exactly what Princess Twi—”

“It is a type of case settled via diplomacy by Equestria, Advisor Raven, not by everypony everywhere,” Moonwarden retorted, not going to let his point fall. “It is a way of solving problems that we have grown accustomed to, nay, dependent on, unfortunately. Soft words and softer steps have immense power, I would be the last to contest that, but to deny the possibility of firm military actions by those antagonistic towards us is to not be prepared for them. More so, I could cite a few, quite recent examples when the performance of the Royal Guard—”

“We are not discussing being prepared for threats the stature of Tirek. If such a campaign would even cross the batponies’ minds, we are talking conventional enemies using conventional tactics and our armed forces have the necessary discipl—”

“Conventional enemies with a number of significant advantages and conventional tactics we know next to nothing about. I am perhaps not a military strategist, but facing such a foe could, without a doubt, easily prove—”

“With Their Majesties here and aware of daring plans of any sort, it is highly unlikely that they would—”

“And what if they do? We must rely on something more than deference, or else we risk—”

“Now, listen here, Moonfred—”

“Do not vex me, Ravenlynn—”

“That shall be quite enough.”

Princess Celestia didn’t need to raise her voice to have the two of them rendered silent in an instant, entering the usual, fragile ceasefire. But Moonwarden was convinced that his warnings found their purchase, especially considering the expression on the alicorn’s face.

When she spoke again, her tone was still perfectly collected. “Advisor Moonwarden is presenting us with a logical and possible scenario. One that I would not disparage at all. I would hope the night-dwellers more reasonable than to follow it... but that is not my judgment to pass.”

Moonwarden quickly glanced at his lady, following Princess Celestia’s gaze. Luna sat still, like a statue of dark, magnificent granite, with only her nebulous mane conducting its whimsical dance. Her eyes were locked forward, magnificent...

... and saddened.

“My children... The burden of the Holy War have lain on their memory for centuries, unanswered and unattended. Sorrow like this, left alone, can lead to terrible decisions,” Luna stated after a longer moment, with a tone of life’s knowledge and experience. “Would you not agree, sister?”

Moonwarden cocked an eyebrow. He knew rather well that Her Lunar Majesty condemned herself for falling under the Nightmare’s influence... but it seemed that this small needle of blame was still lodged in her heart, judging from the color of her voice. It took this singular, daunting revelation to coax it out and yet it was there.

Hah... how perfect Luna was in her worldly imperfections.


Shaking his head at himself, Moonwarden paid attention again, considering that Princess Celestia withstood the prod with majestic dignity.

“I would, Luna. I will not remain falsely blameless. I would also prefer not to be inculpated for my noble intentions, even if erroneous...” she suggested, her expression inscrutable. “I have made many hard choices throughout the centuries and not all of them were exemplary. Not once, however, was malice my aim. Especially not in this case.”

Luna said nothing at first, only took a deep breath. It made her spectral mane jerk frantically, then quiet down into the steady, endless flow.

Her voice was coldly poised. “I would never suspect you of blunt malice, sister. Yet this case... this case is special. For it encompasses my children and my responsibility. They have chosen me as their patron, their mother and their goddess,” she accentuated with a tone that would suffer no objections. “I know them and of them like no other. I remember their ways and their traditions. And though a millennium has passed...” she paused, as if unsure of what to say. Then her voice became firm once more. “The worst prospect remains a slight possibility, but a possibility nonetheless. To be unprepared for it would be... foolhardy.”

Moonwarden nodded, deciding on joining the deliberations. “That is the wisest and safest decision to make. We have information on batpony forces congregating at the Border stronghold, in significant, though hard to pinpoint numbers. Of course, it being a power play for the sake of diplomatic gains is feasible, but this bastion is not a day of flight away from Hollow Shades... or ‘Shades’ Hollow’, as it has been disclosed the hamlet was once named.” He made sure to grant everybody the correct, grave stare, emphasizing his point. “Morphological nuances regardless, our belongings could be in immediate danger of a rapid military action.”

“Are we truly considering a full-scale campaign of retaking the region, based on the claim present in this... Testimony document?” Raven asked aloud. “I understand that some actions could be undertaken to push our buttons and test us in the same way as Maretonia was probed, but an actual conflict? A brazen plan. Ill-considered, even!”

“Could you elaborate further, Advisor Raven?” Moonwarden decided to ask of her, trying to see her reasoning and not start another skirmish... for the moment.

“Leaving aside if this ancient claim could be still considered valid by the stature of Her Solar Majesty’s promise,” Raven continued, giving her lady a customary bow of her head, “going to war whilst in possession of any document like the one in question brings more loss than gain! The very existence of such a unique written proof is quite enough to become the basis of extensive talks from an advantageous position. Which talks, actually, can be taking place right now, with Her Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle in the Tramplevanian Alps.”

Princess Celestia took a deeper breath than usual, her only visible reaction to this topic being touched. “If they are, I trust in Twilight’s judgment and purity of intention... But the lack of messages from her, especially at this very moment is... troubling.”

Moonwarden managed to spot Luna looking to the side with guilt of... obvious source, so he decided to aid her. Also considering he was the one to lately try and convince her that her choice of encouraging the youngest of alicorns was, all in all, beneficial.

“As the Princess of Friendship, Princess Twilight Sparkle seems the mare for the job, her integrity and belief in the ideas of Harmony are stalwart. I do not think there to be a more perfect candidate.”

A strange pause reigned in the chamber, which caught even Moonwarden by surprise. His gaze darted between the three mares, seeing but widespread confusion.

Huh, perhaps he went a little too far. At least he dispelled the worry for a breath.

Raven shook off the stupor first. “Such words coming from your lips, Advisor Moonwarden... do not seem entirely... honest. It is known to all of us that you dispute the tenets that are the very foundations of Equestria and that you find Princess Twilight Sparkle—”

“Unfortunately idealistic, amongst other, similar adjectives. And, indeed, my pragmatic morality stands. It was brought to my attention quite recently, actually,” he replied, more in the direction of Princess Celestia than any other. “But even I cannot deny – while this seems like a far more subtle matter than one to be settled with a fortuitous, polychromatic explosion of epic proportions, Princess Twilight Sparkle’s resolve, backed by the faith in Friendship, will aid her in evening the odds.”

Despite allowing himself the sarcastic comment, it looked like his goal was achieved. The small nods from the Princesses, following the initial bewilderment, were a satisfactory indication.

Pressing this advantage, Moonwarden removed his monocle, giving himself some distance by cleaning it graciously.

“Lack of messages might be caused by several things. For once, we have little knowledge of how communications work in Noctraliya, if Princess Twilight was forced to use a local way of sending an official missive back. I would like to presume that to be the case. If I were in the batponies’ position, hostile intent aside, I would carefully monitor any correspondence. Perhaps, being aware of that fact, Princess Twilight prefers to bide her time...”

“Optimistic, but not unthinkable,” Raven judged, even going so far as to attempt not to sound haughty. “If Her Highness has entered diplomacy, she might wish to establish a hoofhold before informing about it. She is not known for making panicked decisions.”

‘Eventually’, Moonwarden remarked in the comfort of his own head.

Princess Celestia sighed, her calm expression faltering just a little. “I care, first and foremost, about her safety. This entire dilemma could have been handled much better from the start...”

“Many dilemmas could have been handled like that, sister,” came Luna’s words.

“You have the right to be bitter, Luna, but let us leave that for meetings more private yet.”

Raven glanced quickly Moonwarden’s way, likely too feeling the mounting tension. Her tone was even more polite than usual.

“We must work with what we have at the moment, Your Majesties. I am inclined to agree that our immediate goal would be to establish a correct approach to the possible, even if improbable, threat... If a military action to retake the batponies’ former territories would truly take place, the Eastern Woods are vast, without much in the terms of infrastructure. We can mobilize enough forces to drive out potential attackers, considering it is nearly impossible to secure the region without any strong and defensible positions.”

“Aside from the point I have made earlier about remote training and tactics,” Moonwarden chimed in, “we could be hopeful and calculate our armies as adequate... Regardless, however, we suffer a loss of a strong battalion, if the promise to the Duchy of Maretonia holds,” he additionally pointed out, not really keen on stopping his eyes glancing Princess Celestia’s way. “It is a convenient weakening of our strength right when we might need it.”

“That result might have been a part of some greater scheme,” the Alicorn of the Sun replied, with a most calm tone, “but when friends ask Equestria for help, we eagerly answer, intrigue or not. Should I expect your admonishment for that, Advisor Moonwarden?”

Careful now.

“No, Your Solar Majesty, mine role is to advise, not criticize. And so my advice would encompass postponing the redeployment of our troops, at least until we can confirm the suspicions.”

The Princess didn’t say a word more, but Moonwarden had already took notice of the sweat pouring down his neck. One could try to keep up their best appearances, but it was noticeably harder to do so when the heat of the sun was beating down with the intensity of a stern glare.

His own lady thankfully came to his aid. Like the gentle breeze of the night offering respite after the harsh day.

“How quickly should our Guards be sent to Maretonia, sister, in accordance to your promise?”

“As soon as possible, a couple of days after my return,” Princess Celestia responded, leaning back in her seat. “I acknowledge the need of additional security for our own domain if the plot is considered, but I would prefer not to break my word, for the sake of relations.”

“I might contest you on that, but that still leaves us with some time beforehoof to ascertain ourselves of everything.”

“We might receive some help with that, actually, sister. Raven?”

“Your Majesty.” The mare snapped to attention.

“Despite the panic that the batpony infiltration caused, the Maretonian Merchant Conglomerate decided to keep the flow of goods going through the already established trade routes. Before I left I had promised Princess Cadence that I shall notify her of all the findings in Maretonia, considering the new mercantile ties of the Crystal Empire. I was initially planning on sending her a message with all the details, but I think I have a better solution – let us request her presence in Canterlot. With Prince Shining Armor.”

It took Moonwarden but a second to grasp the reasoning behind this action and Luna was no slower.

“And have him examine the situation, using his training and experience. Well-considered, Celestia, Shining Armor’s insight might prove invaluable.”

Raven nodded as well. “Then a message shall be sent to the Crystal Empire as soon as our meeting is concluded.”

“Wonderful, Raven. Advisor Moonwarden?”

As Celestia’s gaze sought him out, he bowed his head accordingly. “Your Majesty.”

“Your ponies have time to evaluate the maps until the Princess and Prince arrive, which shouldn’t take longer than a couple of days. I want all the findings to be presented before us during a confidential meeting we shall schedule as soon as possible,” the alicorn ordered, then her expression changed slightly. “I trust this is achievable?”

“The analysis is happening as we speak, Your Majesty. We will have an extensive report prepared accordingly, having Prince Shining Armor’s assessment in mind,” Moonwarden replied with utmost politeness, hoping not to invoke—

“I take it that this cooperation will not suffer from any... bygone animosities.”

... oh, great.

“Entirely artificial animosities for the sake of the ‘Equilibrium’ case, Your Majesty, I will humbly allow myself to remind.” He tried to sound keen and honest, despite the irritation that this most insignificant matter was once again brought up. “I had to make sure the trail of my alleged treason will be followed with enough... zeal to lead our armed forces to the real target. It goes without saying that I did not mean anything by my words.”

“Still, Moonwarden,” Princess Luna joined in, unfortunately elongating the vexing moment, “I believe that outright threatening the well-being of Princess Cadance was crossing a line.”

“Most effective outright threatening, my lady,” Moonwarden accentuated trying his best to remain collected. And hoping that she did not suddenly forget all of his teachings on said lines and crossing them for a greater purpose.

“Perhaps.” She gave him a cryptic look. “However, after everything went according to the plan, you did apologize for this deception as I have told you to, my servant?”

He almost smirked. “ ‘Profoundly and extensively’, exactly as your command was, my lady,” he quoted.

“And what about ‘honestly’?”

Raven, being the insufferable creature she was, spoke up, her expression betraying her intention of ridiculing him.

He straightened his posture, almost tauntingly. “I would never dare overstep Her Lunar Majesty’s exact orders.”

The mare shook her head in disbelief, Princess Celestia frowned profoundly... and Princess Luna let out a resigned, but nonetheless amused sigh.

Everything was alright with the World.

The Alicorn of the Sun spoke up again, although looking a little less excited about this universal truth. “My expectations stand, Advisor Moonwarden.” She looked over the gathered, the power of her gaze invoking deference. “If we face possible danger, Equestria shall face it together. We all shall face it together. Regardless of preferences, moralities, or beliefs.”

Moonwarden would have been joyous with a declaration pushing past the boundaries of austere ethics, but one glance at his lady curbed his satisfaction. Her sister’s voice made Luna’s mane twist, as if an astral storm was brewing in the vast cosmos. She was agreeing with this state of things, but he knew her well enough to spot that she had more to say in this discussion.

So did Princess Celestia.

“Would you like to add anything before we conclude, sister?”

Luna stayed eerily silent for a longer moment. Her stare was piercing through the distant wall of the Royal Parlour, reaching faraway places Moonwarden was uncertain he even wanted to imagine...

... and yet would still be ready to visit, if only to remain at her side.

“My children... are considering their options, of that we can be certain. They will act in the shadows, amongst the night that cradles them. I only hope that they remember that the light of the Moon and stars illuminates each and every deed.”

Chills passed right through Moonwarden’s very core. The declaration had enough firm intent and hidden warning, he couldn’t help but be amazed by its strength. It were moments like this when he truly appreciated his position. Trusted confidant to the Lady of the Night, a figure as majestic as powerful. Godlike, many would say.

“Speaking of which, Your Lunar Majesty...”

Raven’s tone made everybody focus on her.

Her voice was usually confident. Assured of her role and insight. Despite criticizing himself for it, Moonwarden couldn’t help but in many ways admire the intolerable mare for her attempts at persistent professionalism of her work.

Even if her snarky attitude and strict legalism were exasperating.

This time, however, the mare’s words came out as overly... cautious. Complaisant.

“I would not dare to... attempt to fathom the full extent of your powers and abilities, Your Majesty, and we, ordinary ponies, hope that we show the right esteem to you, as an alicorn and the Lady of the Night,” she said, carefully choosing her vocabulary. “And yet... the amount of respect and adoration that the batponies offer you, Your Majesty, is more than obvious. Even to those without any knowledge of their kind. You are their patron deity, their Mother and Protector... The ‘Immaculate Moon’, as I heard the title enunciate...”

Moonwarden believed he had determined what Raven was trying to ask about. Especially since Princess Celestia appeared more than willing to stay away from the topic... and his lady looked even more tense than she had been a moment ago.

Truth be told, both he and himself were sometimes terribly curious about the matter of godly condition and standing, but quickly arrived at a conclusion that culling curiosity was better.

Low-risk, one would say. With the other agreeing.

Thankfully, it was Raven who chose to ask about said mystery and was now forced to withstand the thorough eldritch glance from Princess Luna.

“Advisor Raven, would you wish to inquire why should I not take this matter into my own hooves?”

The resonance of Luna’s question made the room feel immediately colder. Raven swallowed audibly, then lowered her head, though nothing in the words of the alicorn would cast blame on her for her logical thinking.

Moonwarden hid the joy of this sight deep within him, more interested in the follow-up. Especially since even Princess Celestia looked with interest her sister’s way, though she was the one other pony to have insight on the topic, herself popularly revered as a goddess among mortals.

Overbearing silence reigned for a breath longer. Then Luna gracefully stood up, prompting Moonwarden to spring from his place. However, her regal gesture stopped him in his tracks, leaving her to pace the chamber on her own. Her silver hoofshoes rhythmically struck the rich, mahogany floor, their sound almost too heavy, even considering her alicorn figure.

“I suppose it is an unavoidable question in this situation. Why not?” she mused out loud, her eyes tracing unseen patterns on the walls and ceiling, never stopping on anything in particular. “It would be the easiest way of handling matters. Some would likely say – the most reasonable. After all, I am their Immaculate Moon, their Mother. Mother should take care of her children...”

Moonwarden followed his lady’s steps with interest. And her words even more zealously.

“Such a simple solution, is it not? My one appearance, my very presence, even stripped of splendor, of mystique... It is more than enough to make the entire country kneel. To have them at my hooves, drinking from my closeness, their souls and hearts shackled by the presence of their Goddess. Their Immaculate Moon...”

Luna ventured towards the great, crystal-clean window. The rays of the rising Sun poured into the room, full of warmth and joy, framing her dark blue figure.

“My one word would be enough to force them to abandon any and all plans they might have forged...”

Moonwarden squinted his eyes. Although focused mostly on his lady’s deliberations, he couldn’t but notice that where the morning light met Luna’s stature, it dimmed. Lost the vibrant hue.

“My one gesture would send them down any path I choose... Any path.”

Just as Raven, visibly overwhelmed by the answer she was receiving, was leaning back, almost shrinking in her seat, Princess Celestia began leaning forth, towards her sister. Not yet interfering, but ready to.

Luna continued, her tone growing... preternatural.

“Do you know what immeasurable power this is, Advisor Raven? How does this sort of dominance taste like? Most probably not. But I do... I do, all too well.”

The Alicorn of the Night turned her head sideways, staring back into the room. Moonwarden felt goose bumps all over himself when his lady’s cyan gaze met his own.

Even in his vanity, he would never dare compare himself to an alicorn like her... but he knew a thing or two about power. Influence. Supremacy. Their flavor. Intoxicating, like the finest drink. Addicting, like the bliss of intimacy. And he saw that familiar, intense, alluring compulsion of control in that pupil.

The slit pupil, of infinite blackness, luring him into its abyss.

... he did not blink.

After a second that lasted forever, Luna inhaled deeply as her eyes reverted to their regular, if mysterious state. She turned around, firm in her stance.

“This is not what I desire. To force them. To have them blindly follow me. For their sake... and mine.”

Raven shuffled in her place, containing her distress. “O-of course, Your Majesty. Forgive me for asking...”

“There is nothing to forgive.” Luna’s tone grew weary in between the sentences. “If that shall be all, I should be heading to my chambers to rest. Celestia?”

The other alicorn nodded her head, keeping her voice as understanding as she could. “Of course, Luna. Will you be alright?”

“Eventually, I presume. This is a lot to handle right now. With me, Moonwarden.”

He did not need any further words to follow her. Not after witnessing such a daunting, magnetic display. Like a silent shade, he accompanied his lady as they left the Royal Parlour and made their way through the halls of the Palace. Luna said nothing, her expression stoic and inscrutable, leaving Moonwarden with his own thoughts and feelings.

And those were... galloping after what he had witnessed this morn.

Only after reaching the doors of her personal refuge did the alicorn finally speak up.

“Thank you for being here for me tonight, my servant.”

“At your disposal, my lady. All of my nights are yours,” he gently replied, bringing forth a melancholic smile. “I am, however, saddened that instead of addressing your trepidation, I seem to have multiplied it. For that, I profoundly apologize.”

It was Luna’s turn to appear wistful. “It is better to face a bitter realization than live in between sweet illusions.”

“Wisely said, Your Majesty. Although... having in mind the necessary wellness in life, I have allowed myself to order Elegy to stay in Canterlot for longer and provide you with some company. Especially if the recent situation will force me to spend more time hunched over maps and reports.”

“I appreciate your thoughtfulness, Moonwarden.” Her genuine tone made his heart skip a beat. “Let us hope that nothing terrible comes to pass... but I expect your utmost diligence.”

“You have that and more, my lady,” he replied, giving her a deep, due bow. Trying, through this official gesture, convey everything else that he would want to say.

Especially tonight. To see that tension leave her expression. To see that worry disperse... just like the memory of her sleeping form dispelled his own unease not so long ago.

“Have a restful day, my servant.”

“Your Majesty...” Moonwarden affirmed, turning to leave...

... but stopping himself just before.

“Oh, I almost forgot, my lady. King rook’s pawn captures queen.”

Luna, pretty much already through her door, looked back at him. Confusion was blatant on her face at first, but then her expression changed into one of mounting curiosity. “Verily, my servant? Why the pawn? I would think you would gain more by using the queen’s rook, at least... Where is your opportunism?”

He had to shake his head. “Curbed, Your Majesty. For the moment, at least. I am not taking any chances...” he claimed, looking straight into Luna’s eyes...

... those hauntingly beautiful eyes...

“You have endangered that queen there for a reason, my lady. She is threatened and at a disadvantageous position. Perhaps so,” he stated, shrugging a little. “But that is the thing. I could not foresee any scenarios in which this would be your elaborate trap, or a more grandiose scheme than one I would be able perceive... which is exactly why I will be cautious.

“If there is no genius plan in your move, my lady, only making a point – you have still lost a valuable asset and I press my advantage, even if less significantly. But if there is a stratagem which I cannot see, well, it is better for a small, insignificant pawn to be sacrificed for this sake, rather than any of the seven other pieces...”

Luna said nothing, nodding just a little and accepting his reasoning. A small frown creasing her forehead as she closed the doors behind her.

Moonwarden took off his monocle as he was left alone. And only after trotting away and turning a corner did he allow himself to finally exhale.

... stone the crows, what a night and morning!

Tell me about it.

He pressed his hoof just under his horn, feeling the encroaching migraine. There was a lot to do... but he could really use a distraction. Casual, but indulging.

Yes... Coffee and cream would do.


“Honored Lord Eye of Family Midnight further confirms that the message was sent to all the members of the Covenant, about you seeing the Testimony, Honored Princess. Further, he politely requests you to meet him before the Palace. He claims that he has something important to propose to you for tonight.”

Twilight tried to listen intently to Midnight’s report, but she had a lot of other plans on her mind than paying attention.

Like sleeping.

Or napping, or snoozing, or snoozing with snoring, even.

She really didn’t catch any rest after... yesternight’s revelations.

The knowledge of that... that terrible and sadistic punishment. The very thought of that crude penance which was great enough to violently erase the very memory of a pony... the “katorge”... it took away her rest, it had stolen her confidence and conviction.

For a strong reason, as well. The realization of what she had faced in the Sanctuary, the judgment passed on her by the enigmatic, armor-clad sentinels, the realization that the evaluation that she couldn’t even recall could end in...

She had succeeded in it, yes, but... how? Why? She had given up the memory of the moment so that she could save her remembrance in history...? Was it... a strange form of the batpony rule of repayment...?

And what if she had failed? Had they even found any faith in her? Why was she spared? What would have happened otherwise? They would have tried to detain her? Subject her to... How would everypony react? What about the Princess?


“Honored Princess?”

A mare’s voice reached out to her, pulling her away from this assault of worry. And out of falling asleep, as she realized, her eyelids sluggishly opening to see Rowan Berry leaning in, curiosity in her coral stare.

“Honored Princess, are you still with us?”

Twilight blinked a couple of times to dispel the drowsiness. “Y... yes, yes, I am.”

“Is something the matter?” a note of worry was audible in Midnight’s tone. “You just decided to fall asleep staring at one spot...”

“It’s... it’s really nothing. Just... didn’t really catch any rest last night. My thoughts are all over the place,” she told them, trying to hide the entire extent of her trepidation.

She didn’t want to make Midnight feel any worse than how he already must have felt. Especially considering how long and piously he had prayed after disclosing to her the nature of this taboo punishment in his culture.

“Allow me, Honored Princess.” Rowan Berry reached out to check the pulse under Twilight’s fetlock, then stared deeply into her eyes. She shook her head. “A little bloodshot. Too much stress, perhaps too little to eat due to it.”

She wasn’t wrong. “That might be it, yes...”

“Cons of your post, hwalba knaze. Have you not taken any of that poppy extract I gave you? Six droplets could have saved you a lot of trouble.”

“I... completely forgot about it, actually,” Twilight admitted, a little sheepish. “I put it in my luggage someplace and it slipped my mind. I might use it today, then...”

“I will gladly calculate the right dose, depending on how you will be feeling this morning, Honored Princess. Trust me, it is a... what was that Equestrian expression... an ‘old reliable’ mixture?” the healer guessed.

Midnight, his look stern, was very keenly checking the straps of his hoofshoes in the meantime. “Let us hope tonight shall be, simply, less demanding from the Honored Princess,” he said, lightly pawing the stone floor with the tips of his steel claws, almost as if in warning. “Honored Lord Eye of Family Midnight did appear somewhat eager to meet you.”

Twilight heeded his clue, with Rowan Berry stepping away from her, glancing at Midnight and rubbing her chin as if in thought.

“Eager... Well, the entire Iug is still rather excited after what transpired in the Maednoca Tabulre. I would be surprised if the animated spirit did not cause him a bit of joy.” She looked intently towards Midnight. “Careless lips could say a lot more about the Honored Lord... but not that he does not care for the well-being of your Family.”

“As is a mark of a good haspadr,” the stallion responded. “Putting Family above even his own ambitions, desires and flaws.”

Twilight nodded, then turned around to check herself in the ornate, silver mirror. Not really spotting the sour expression that bloomed on Rowan Berry’s muzzle.

“If I might ask, what kind of a pony Honored Lord Dusk Harvest is?” she asked instead, while making sure that her mane did not show her restless day.

And checking whether her eyes were really that bloodshot. She had to presentable!

“Honored Lord Dusk Harvest?”

Rowan Berry’s voice sounded as if she was uncertain why her haspadr was brought up.

“Yes... That is the name right?” Twilight pondered for a moment. “Urgh, did I make a gaffe? It’s the lack of sleep.”

“No!” the healer quickly protested. “Just a little surprised by the question.”

“It’s just curiosity. Despite his unfortunate speech impediment, he comes through as a very polite and genuine stallion. What is he like as a head of your Family?”

“Oh, y-yes, well...” Rowan Berry herself stuttered a little, pondering for a moment. “Honored Lord Harvest of Family Dusk takes his role as the overseer and guardian of the Dalli with great seriousness... though he is more of a scholar than a leader...”

Twilight after lastly checking for visible bags under her eyes, and fighting a very unladylike yawn, turned back to her entourage again. “I suppose that is unsurprising.”

Midnight nodded sharply. “That might be so, and yet the Honored Lord has gardened some respect in his Family with his dedication.”

“I think the word you were looking for, Midnight Wind, was ‘garnered’... but that strangely fitted Family Dusk still.”

Rowan Berry let out a small giggle at seeing Midnight redden. “Actually, one could say that Honored Lord is taking care of the Rodine like a skilled owocellatan should. With a lot of the Family working nights and days in the Valleys, he turned a portion of his residence into healers’ quarters for those most in need.”

“Really?” Twilight could not hide the surprise.

“Yes, for those that would be ill, or suffer injuries at work. And especially the fruit-tenders that need to temporarily remain in the caverns due to their eyes starting to suffer from sunlight,” Midnight affirmed. “And, on top of that, Honored Lord Harvest of Family Dusk is himself working nightly with his arciwani i curatri, trying to find yet better ways of growing crops and maintaining orchards, building on the legacy of the progniti.

“That’s... incredible. He must be a paragon of a haspadr!”

“Not... really,” the stallion reluctantly said and Rowan Berry hissed quietly.

“The Honored Lord does not have the... presence. A prestige of a haspadr, avoiding, or outright refusing public appearances. The slahte of Family Dusk sees him as favoring the plebesi, like House Mountrose.”

“He, also, has been married for over ten years and yet does not have an heir.” Midnight’s voice grew careful and... wistful. “As I have told you, Honored Princess, marriage in our culture marks readiness to continue one’s bloodline.”

“I... do remember that, yes.”

“Many whispers surface as to why Family Dusk lacks a hrabiy still. Some target him, some – his wife, Lord Consort Dusk Flight... some even suggest that it is a disfavor of Neskaza Lunee...”

Twilight’s head bowed almost automatically, but she didn’t pay attention. Instead, she just glanced to the mirror once more. Her reflection betraying a frown, forming intently on her face.

Even somepony appearing so selfless and altruistic was not considered a shining example by the noctrali... What tragedy it was, not yet to know the ideas of Harmony and Friendship.

Despite the dark thoughts of the day and another mountain of stress twisting her insides, Twilight managed to find enough diligence to actually have a filling meal and prepare to meet Midnight Eye. She really would have preferred at least a nap, but it would have been foolhardy to keep the Lord waiting. Especially since, as it appeared, he had lately arrived at a change of heart when it came to her person.

Accompanied by both Midnight and Rowan Berry on her way, Twilight found him in the square before the Palace, conversing with a couple of archivists, Midnight Whisper being one of them. Upon seeing her descending the marble stairs, the haspadr waved his hoof, dismissing his entourage bar Midnight’s father and two of his loyal sentinels, providing him the traditional protection.

“Ah, Honored Princess. Neskaza Lunee... welae tueu noc illum.”

Twilight gave him a polite smile, returning the official greeting. “I welae Neskaza Lunee... illum tuu noc tez, hwalbu haspadr.” Huh, she was getting steadily better at the fluency. “I hope my arrival did not interrupt anything important.”

The Lord smirked, his aureolin eyes shining in almost excitement. “Having an envoy from a neighboring country visiting one’s Iug seems like something paramount, so worry not about that.”

... his borderline upbeat tone made her more nervous than glad.

“Very well. I have been told that you wished to see me, Honored Lord,” she cut to the chase, hoping that whatever intrigue was hiding behind Midnight Eye’s good humor would be revealed soon and spare her the tension.

“Yes, Honored Princess. Please, walk with me, I want to discuss some plans for the next few days,” the stallion declared, patiently waiting for Twilight before sauntering through the plaza.

She glanced towards Midnight Whisper, but he just gave her an encouraging nod, taking his place at Midnight’s side, just like she took hers by the haspadr’s.

“I am all ears, Honored Lord.”

“As you have been doubtlessly informed, Honored Princess, bats have been sent to the other members of the Cowene, regarding your declarations after familiarizing yourself with the Testimony. Rest assured, I have done my best to have the messages include precise retelling of your stance on the matters you have learned about.”

Twilight exhaled in her mind, whilst granting Midnight Eye a polite nod of gratitude. “I hope that it shall address any worries about my intentions that the Covenant could still hold.”

“Arguable, Honored Princess. You cannot change some ponies, despite your best intentions,” the Lord accentuated, making it obvious he had specific Lord... or Lords, in mind. “Though I can honestly reaffirm everything I have told you during our private discussion, Honored Princess. And I see the merit of entering more cordial discussions during the next gathering.”

“That is great to hear, Honored Lord. I want nothing else but to find common ground,” Twilight kindly responded, though she did make sure to add some royal notes to the melody of her voice. “Have no doubt, any and all help and goodwill I might receive from the members of the Covenant shall be generously remembered.”

The haspadr gave her a curious, satisfied glance. “That pleases my ears, up to the tufts,” he told her, not hiding a smirk.

... when had she become such a political animal?! The ways of the Lords were rubbing off on her! Of course, she would remember who wanted to offer her aide, instead of thwarting her in her quest, but to say it in such a tone...?

Was she a better leader when sleep-deprived?

She blinked a couple of times to get herself back on track, just as they entered one of the tunnels, trotting away from the palatial cavern.

“So, am I to understand that the next Covenant meeting might happen quite soon?”

“I will await responses from my esteemed colleagues first, but if they will not signify any Family issues that would force them to stay at their Mountains, I will ewoc all to a meeting.”

“ ‘Summon’, I presume?”

“Indeed, that is the translation,” Midnight Eye affirmed. “It is the standard way of congregating, with one of the haspadri asking others to join him in the Sanctuary. It usually happens once every two to three months. Having you in Noctraliya, Honored Princess, is extraordinary, of course, but there is no need to threaten a meeting.”

Twilight considered having misheard the word for a moment. “ ‘Threatening’ a meeting? What would that imply?”

Midnight Eye suppressed a chuckle. “Exactly what it implies, Honored Princess.” He gave her an amused look before giving her the actual explanation. “You are aware that the Covenant requires a... how do you put it... ah, ‘unanimous’ vote to pass new laws or agreements encompassing the whole Noctraliya...”

“Yes, indeed,” Twilight answered, now very curious about the topic. Also now recalling Custodian Lichen at the Sanctuary mentioning something about additional gatherings.

“And you do know that, in case of a disagreement in a vital matter... or, as it is said in our language, rez u gardl – a ‘throat case’, war is a way of settling such arguments?”

“I am aware of this tradition.”

She wasn’t sure if Midnight Eye caught onto her trepidation, but he continued without letting her know that.

“This is, likewise, traditional. Every haspadr has the ability to force a meeting, if he believes there to be a matter that requires an immediate summit. Nopony dares to take such a summon lightly, for nopony would dare abuse this ancient right. By sending a message with but one word that can be translated to ‘I desire to threaten’, a Lord calls the Covenant to congregate in a manner that can only end by either full and absolute consensus... or woyn.”

“Quite... extraordinary,” Twilight concluded, trying not to sound once again aghast due to another piece of Noctraliyan culture.

... maybe it was just better to stop reacting like that altogether? Almost every second thing around here was in some way stunning or upsetting for her.

The Lord but shrugged lightly. “I find a lot of topics regarding Equestria similarly... exotic.”

Point taken.

“Which is why dialogue is such a... throat case, Honored Lord.”

Midnight Eye did not respond, simply looking forward with a small smile dancing on his lips.

As they traversed yet another corridor, Twilight decided it was finally time to bring up a small appeal before the haspadr.

“I meant to ask you about something, Honored Lord, and this might be my chance.”

“Be my guest, hwalba knaze.”

“The revelations in the Testimony have shocked me deeply, especially since I had not even the slightest of ideas about this... grim chapter of our shared history. My willingness to find a proper way of addressing it is stalwart, yet, in the most important matters, every leader might find counsel extremely useful.”

The haspadr said nothing, just looked at her askance. She couldn’t tell anything from his enigmatic gaze.

“Having said that, with your permission, Honored Lord, I would like to send a message to Equestria, which would include the new knowledge I have acquired and—”

Midnight Eye stopped dead in his tracks and Twilight almost tumbled over trying to come to a halt as well. Without saying anything, the stallion waved his sentinels away, giving the two of them more private room in the passageway.

Twilight managed to sneak a peek Midnight’s way, though the sudden, mounting worry in his eyes wasn’t reassuring.

“I sincerely hope, Princess...” Midnight Eye’s hushed voice, not to mention him dropping the honorific, immediately put her on high alert. “... that this request is a product of momentary forgetfulness and not failure of honoring your own word.”

He had already managed to put her on the back hooves with his abrupt stop, those words just added confusion to her anxiety. “I... don’t understand?”

He looked towards the two retinues, as if making doubly sure of no eavesdropping, but it was more than clear that nopony would dare breaching his trust.

Other than Twilight, judging by his words.

“I rush to remind you, Princess, that furtiveness is a form of praising Neskaza Lunee... I would have hoped you remembering the conversation that happened before you first entered the Seat of the Covenant...”

Twilight blinked. She shook her head. “I... believe so? I have talked with all the Honored Covenant on the importance of the talks and—”

“And the necessity to maintain what is happening during these talks with us a secret,” the haspadr pointed out firmly, though still keeping his voice low. “Necessity expressed in blood.”

Twilight took an involuntary step back.

A memory flashed before her eyes. The memory of the Bloodletter, the statue in before the ornate doors to the Covenant chamber. The two, sharp fangs done in steel. The example provided by Midnight.

She remembered well the pain of piercing her skin and then the droplet of red joining her loved one’s, in the stone, sacrificial bowl.

She recalled her own words, offering the ‘blood of her soul’ to be allowed to partake in the summit.

To keep everything discussed a secret under pain of sin against the Immaculate Moon.

“But... but the promise involved—”

“Not revealing anything that would happen during the talks. Not under pressure, nor calamity. Not for wealth, nor glory, as I believe Blessed Fang’s words were...” Midnight Eye quoted, his tone adamant.

Twilight shook her head. This... what? What?! Did he really mean to say that anything and everything...?!

“Now, just a moment, I gave a promise, but—”

“Not to reveal anything being said.”

“Behind the doors of the Seat!”

When the faint echo bounced off the walls, the Lord grimaced. A small, barely audible hiss left his lips before he spoke. “Poise and decorum requires keeping one’s tone down when discussing anything like this, Princess.”

“And mutual respect between parties requires being precise in one’s citations,” she riposted, squinting her eyes. “Especially in such cases. I have seen the Testimony here, not in the Tuarie.”

Midnight Eye remained unmoved. “So you would argue, Princess, but behind the doors of the Seat we did reveal the story of the Soleera Cruziate. The Testimony was but a necessary confirmation which you were given in our benevolence.”

Twilight was now fighting two things that were attempting to raise in her voice. Volume... and bile.

So much for a change of heart!

“So you would claim that I should keep a secret about a fragment of history widely known?”

“Widely known in Noctraliya, Princess. Your own example proves this tragedy was forgotten in Ekwestriya... Disclosing it in letters like this would be breaching your own, sacred oath.”

Twilight could not believe her ears. At all!

This was a crucial matter! One to shape the mentality of the batponies for centuries! How was she supposed to act, to grant any ideas of repayment to them if she wouldn’t be allowed to ask Princess Celestia—

Princess Celestia...

... yes! Yes, that was it!

“Very well, answer me this, Honored Lord,” she said, still granting him the polite title he robbed her of almost immediately, “whose is the Testimony?”

Midnight Eye squinted his eyes. “It belongs to us, noctrali.”

And to the Judging Sun, Honored Lord. That is best not forgotten.”

One of the haspadr’s eyebrows rose. The first, visible indication that she began fighting back against his suddenly inimical viewpoint.

Twilight was not going to lose that advantage.

She took a deep breath, straightening her posture, invoking her royal grandeur. “She is the one I wish to contact in the message, Honored Lord. She’s my mentor. She’s my guide. And one to grant all the batponies proof of the atrocities that transpired. She knows what happened, it is a knowledge that she possesses, her being Goddess Unforgiving Yet Just. One cannot reveal a secret that the scorching rays of the Judging Sun already illuminate.”

Twilight was controlling her volume with all of her care, making sure only Midnight Eye could hear her sentences, the treacherous echo unable to spread them to anypony else...

... and yet her words were causing this haspadr, this proud and confident Lord whose vanity could erect its own monuments, to almost back away, his aureolin eyes widening.


Finally, after all those nights were the fact of being Princess Celestia’s student was used against her like a mark of shame, Twilight could repay her teacher for remaining silent. By invoking her bright name and her dreaded, yet venerated, place in batpony beliefs. By showing her own, justified pride of having been Princess Celestia’s prized pupil.

“I wished to politely request a permission from you, Honored Lord, as a sign of goodwill and transparency. Transparency that you might not agree with, but one that I know shall be necessary, to heal the relations between our countries... and, as I have said, any and all help and good will I shall have back from the members of the Covenant shall be remember. Not only by me.”

Midnight Eye, despite trying to keep the façade of the indomitable haspadr, looked shocked by this development. Twilight pondered if this had been the very first time somepony took such a firm stance against him.

What must have been going on in his head...

Whatever it was, as soon as he took a deep breath, the mask of impenetrable prestige was back on his muzzle. His keen gaze was piercing her through, but no emotions were present in it. Only resolve.

“You wish to send this letter to the Judging Sun and only her, Honored Princess?”

Oh, now he remembered the politeness.

Twilight chastised herself and took a moment to banish any enmity from her voice and her mind.

“I keep my promises, Honored Lord.”

The haspard waited with his response, breathing deeply. His nostrils were flaring and his lips fought some sort of an expression, surfacing from inside him. Then he finally let out an exasperated sigh.

“As you wish, Honored Princess.”

Without delay, Midnight Eye gestured towards his guards and the entire group started moving again towards its still unknown destination.

Twilight quickly found Midnight’s eyes behind her, still filled with worry. With everybody looking, she couldn’t really let him know everything was fine, though she hoped he did know that.

She also had to stop herself from smiling widely at taking a stance like this. Satisfaction radiated from inside her, though she hoped Midnight Eye did not know that.

Midnight Eye, leading the group, did not stop his lips anymore from smirking victoriously.

Twilight Sparkle did not know that.

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