• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LI – Not To Be Ignored

Twilight’s day had passed quickly and uneventfully, deep slumber having taken her immediately. Feeling refreshed and ready for travel, she had been pleasantly surprised by both the early summons and the transports having been prepared in record time for the voyage to the Mountain of Fang. First departure for the night, as it turned out.

And, unsurprisingly, the carriage of Blessed Fang was also the first to speak of the Fang Family’s unique traditions. She had seen it before in the distance, where it hadn’t appeared that different from the transports of the other Lords, but upon close inspection one could easily tell it belonged to a bloodline of... distinct ways.

Beginning with the strange and sharp markings that looked like a corrupted form of the batpony script. Jagged and rather vicious, as if in direct opposition to the graceful and swirling, dancing alphabet. They were both drawing gazes and simultaneously warning them of their serrated presence.

“Pardon me, Honored Lord,” Twilight asked of Blessed Fang, who stood nearby, patiently waiting for the arrival of Custodian Lichen and the farewell blessings, “I haven’t encountered such embellishments before. Do they mean something?”

The young stallion gave the carriage a glance, then smiled that distant smile of his. “Most of them serve both decorative purposes as well as assuring protection from terrible weather. This mark here,” he began pointing at one of them, “is the sign of safety and this one of clarity, just above the one for the open sky... Most of our transports have at least some form of such protection, it’s traditional.” He nodded, as if realizing something obvious once more. “Mine has the most, as you can imagine, Honored Princess.”

Twilight listened attentively, feeling immediately engrossed with this new knowledge. As per usual with her.

“Of course, understandable... I take it the Goddess’ guidance is invoked through them in a more direct fashion?” she asked and the stallion was quick to affirm that.

“Indeed, though it would be folly to try and find such an approach among other Families. This...” he took a step forth, letting his hoof rest against the sturdy wood and the symbols, tracing their edges. Not only comfortable, but proud to feel their sharpness. “This is our legacy and heritage, the visible mark of our devotion and our fierce strength. Dict ia vere?” he exclaimed a little louder.


The Lord’s sentinels, an entourage of athletic and ferocious looking stallions and mares replied, their shout sending a shiver down Twilight’s spine. Especially since they didn’t plan to settle down before letting out other, loud whoops and shrieks, which bounced around the cavern.

Compared to Lord Midnight Eye’s personal guardians, which Twilight had had the opportunity to meet, this troupe possessed a much more... feral presence to it. They were comparably menacing, but much more rough around the edges, she would say. Like those traditional signs. Twilight presumed that, due to Blessed Fang’s unique and important position for the Family, he was accompanied by only the most steadfast and strong bodyguards.

And if these were the exemplary warriors among the Fangs, then their look testified of their peculiar ways. For example, as Twilight had taken notice, one stallion had a whole selection of smaller bones acting as jewelry alongside his ear’s ridge. She could swear she had spotted a necklace of animal fangs poking from underneath another one’s tabard. And one of the mares of the group even had one of those traditional markings of the Family right on her neck.

Branded on her skin, nonetheless, poking through the shorter coat in a firm warning.

Twilight took note of that again and felt the urge to swallow nervously. Seeking solace in Midnight’s presence, right nearby.

He presented himself far more stoically in comparison, standing at attention like an older brother right next to his rambunctious siblings. Twilight wasn’t sure what exact feeling was right then present in his saffron eyes. Was it discomfort? Or the notion of superiority over being compared to these untamed warriors? Whatever it was, the stallion emanated a certain sense of pride. Which was as fitting the Midnight Family as a wild look was the Fangs.

A few moments later, Twilight managed to finally spot the Custodian, slowly making his way through the landing cavern and in their direction. Flanked by two ponies, required for the blessings. Lichen smiled widely as he took notice her, before giving Lord Blessed Fang a bow. Deep just enough, due to his age.

Hwalbu haspadr i antas u Bogine… hwalba knaze,” he included Twilight in this greeting and a mischievous spark invaded his tired eyes. “I beg forgiveness for my later arrival. There’s only so much youth in the world and I had to give mine up so that you can have the whimsical idea of leaving so early.”

Twilight tried to hide a chuckle and even Blessed Fang’s expression lightened as he spoke.

“Please, piastan, waste not your precious breath on apologies. Your duties to the Tuarie are great and many, you deserve your time and your rest too,” he reminded, as if he was the elder in this conversation. “Our eagerness to leave is only due to the whims of weather. Otherwise, we would all prefer to remain in the blessed caverns of this peak and drink from the Goddess’ presence for much, much longer.”

Lichen gave that declaration a knowing nod and a hearty cough, so without a doubt truth had been uttered.

“Of course, of course, hwalbu haspadr,” he finally said and assumed the right position, ready to perform his duties accordingly and without the unnecessary humor.

Twilight, too, checked her stance and attire. She had learnt to appreciate those moments of batpony spirituality as both a beautiful tradition as well as, actually, giving her that little bit of solace. In the idea of a powerful being watching over the supplicants wherever they were. There was a certain, calming comfort in it, despite her doubts and lack of proper faith.

Lichen’s voice resounded, with a bit more strength. “The Sanctuary bids you farewell, Honored Lord, Honored Princess. Know that your shelter lies within these caverns, no matter the storm raging outside.” He raised his hoof and performed the motion of the blessing with his other priests. “May the Goddess lead you on your journeys. May Her Light lighten your paths! Hwale bidae dla Bogine.

“Hwale bidae dla Bogine,” Twilight replied, alongside the Lord, whose head lowered and then rose up. His lips muttered an additional prayer that he kept to between himself and the Immaculate Moon...

But soon after he glanced her way and gestured towards his carriage, that distant stare of his showing fulfillment and joy at having the short moment of invocation. Being a priest was his calling and that much Twilight could attest for even by that gaze alone.

“Please, hwalba knaze, after you. Mind your head.”

She thanked him with a nod, stepping up the step inside the carriage. Being, well, surprised just a little... Mind her head? Midnight Eye hadn’t told tell her that.

The moment her horn almost got caught in something, she understood not to ignore the warning.

The interior of Blessed Fang’s transport looked somewhat similar to the other carriage she had the pleasure of travelling in, but only somewhat. The two sofa-like seats on both sides of it were covered in nothing else but animal hides, most likely of... bears? The floor itself had a thick, natural rug on it and right above Twilight’s head dangled a number of strange amulets, made of feathers and strings. The stand for the Lord’s circlet was of similar quality to Midnight Eye’s, but had its own, distinct selection of markings and the setting itself was fashioned out of, if Twilight’s gaze wasn’t deceiving her, silver claws with indentations to hold the ring in between them.

Maneuvering among the hanging, protective hazards above, she took her place and could immediately testify that the furs were of perfect quality. Rougher than wool, yes, but comfortable in their own way.

Blessed Fang occupied his seat with practiced grace, minding his long, antas’ robes. With a graceful gesture he reached up and removed the circlet, giving it to the claws for safekeeping. He moved his head left and right, which caused his black mane to spread out a little, just touching the base of his neck when let down completely. It was as if it naturally flowed, transformed into his chasuble and only the blue and silver stole was breaking the dark color palette in before Twilight.

That and the pair of citrine eyes, distantly gazing in her direction.

“How are you with flying in our carriages, hwalba knaze?”

“I find this transport most comfortable, Honored Lord,” she disclosed out of both honesty and courtesy. “The chosen fliers have been most remarkable so far and the interiors are simply the stuff of luxury.”

Blessed Fang nodded, his lips... trembling just a little, she thought she saw.

“Glad to hear it...” He glanced outside, towards the other transport with both belongings as well as Midnight and Rowan Berry, who were just then entering it. “To be honest... I am not fond of travelling like this.”

“Oh? Why is that?” Twilight asked, taking note of him stretching and folding his wings once.

“Preference, I suppose...” Blessed Fang responded, vaguely.

Very vaguely. She made a mental note of that for later.

Soon, however, with the menacing Fang sentinels ready to fly, yet another part of her journey had begun. And Twilight could again enjoy the incredible, fierce beauty of the land. As well as anticipate more discussions throughout, though the Lord remained rather quiet so far.

She didn’t mind, taking in the grand sights of the sharp mountain peaks, crowned in snow and cloaked in strong winds. The nature’s own, ancient walls of sheer rock on this side of the Sanctuary were somewhat familiar to her at that point, whilst remaining majestic and imposing. This was the exact route along which she had entered the plateau where the blessed peak resided and, after traversing a tunnel to the range’s other side, Twilight could again witness the imposing sight of the Nadyir.

Meaning far more to her than before. So... this was how far the Soleera Cruziate had ventured. Into this very gorge, the end of the Eventide Valley...

The thought was strange to her. To fly over the place that had seen the terrible, ancient battle. As horrifying as she could imagine in her mind, with ranks of loyal warriors of both sides clashing mercilessly, bringing pain and suffering born out of previous pain and suffering. And among it all, High General Ebon Fang, who had given her life to crush the assault and stop the misbegotten invasion.

To think it would all happen at such a charming location, she mused on the irony of it all. The lake that she could see the distant glimpses of, surrounded with its own fortifications of spruce and fir forests, was embellishing the vale stoically. As if unaware, or uncaring for what it had witnessed all those centuries ago...

Or maybe that was the point of it all? The war had happened so long ago. Would it be better for everypony to be like this vale nowadays? Continuing on, persistent and trying their best, despite the troubled past?

She shook her head. That was a mental trip and a half... but she supposed it wasn’t hard to get melancholic about the nature of things.

Blessed Fang spotted her ruminations easily. “You were caught in contemplation, Honored Princess?”

“Indeed, Honored Lord,” she admitted, without shame. “About the past... and the future, I suppose.”

The young stallion looked outside the window tactfully, realizing where they were exactly. “Ah, yes, understandable...” he murmured, which served well enough as his opinion on the matter. Then he again glanced at Twilight and she could have sworn that he moved an inch away from the window, more to his seating’s dead center. “The Eventide Valley is the shortest road to the Tuarie from the east, which is the route we are usually taking. We shall be traversing the tunnels north to enter my Family’s lands.”

“I take it that... Sharpspire guards that passage, if I recall the name?” Twilight guessed, then pointed gracefully towards that straight, simple tower which made itself visible as soon as they had left the gorge. That one lighthouse over the mountain’s peaks, almost.

Blessed Fang did nod, but evaded glancing the outpost’s way, only smiling at her in confirmation.

Twilight was now rather perplexed. Especially when the shades enveloped the carriage during the flight through the tunnel and she could spot the Lord’s eyes being far wider and far less absent than usually.

She couldn’t pay it much mind still, however, as new horizons generously revealed themselves before her.

And weren’t they yet another, breathtaking sight to take in, in this exotic, mountainous land.

It had to have been one of the bigger basins of Noctraliya, Twilight imagined, as great peaks made a little way for their smaller cousins in the Fang’s domain. Those mounts were just as menacing and untamed, however, reminding onlookers to be most cautious, for no proper sustenance nor shelter could have been found with them around. Which was strangely fitting all that she had heard about the masters of these lands...

Although, could they have been called that in entirety? For when one was to look lower down, eastward, there lay a thriving hinterland. A grand old-growth forest, stretching far, far until the frame of high mountains were giving it a natural barrier to stop against. But just one glance was enough for Twilight to confirm what that place was.

It had to be the Feral Weald. For the descriptions were not giving it justice.

The sprawling, vast woodland was not as much covering the majority of its valley, as spreading through it like a thick moss, a dark, almost suffocating blanket. An absolute tangle of trees of varied species, with conifers aplenty, but also kinds that Twilight had never seen before. Every now and then, if she could even trust her eyes, she witnessed absolutely enormous, leafy crowns, spreading over their lesser brethren, sheltering them as much as robbing them of whatever sunlight could reach the lower levels of the thicket.

Their branches must have been absolutely gargantuan!

This truly looked like a place where nature not only governed itself, but thrived in ways that were simply impossible to find in Equestria. Everfree Forest was quite the same way, but the Feral Weald must have been how that woodland and maybe others had looked centuries ago. And among the many which had been tamed or contained, the “Knieye” survived and grew and spread, manifesting finally as this enormous, twisting and weaving entity, as vibrant as foreboding and as lively as bringing to mind untold danger.

It was absolutely and utterly fascinating for Twilight.

Speaking of which... in that impenetrable blanket of wilderness and greenery, she suddenly spotted something peculiar. Well, more peculiar than the forest was already.

The carriage had descended to avoid wind and began to take a wide turn towards the north-west, which shortened the distance to the Weald temporarily. And Twilight could have sworn that on one of the closer, great firs, right in between the grand branches and impressive needles, she had spotted something flickering.

She couldn’t tell what it was at first, just that a speck of faintly bluish light was visible, unmistakably. And it truly felt out of place against the overwhelming, dark and verdant woods. It wasn’t a brief reflection, surely, it couldn’t have been as the flight’s angle was shifting, Twilight realized. No, it was a gleam that was emitting clearly right from the wilderness. Not a flame and not a signal. Just... a light.

Twilight wanted to ask Blessed Fang about it, but just when that thought entered her mind... the flicker moved ever so slightly. She could have sworn that it reacted to the movement of the carriages against the night’s sky. It rose up just a bit and sparked up for a second... before another flicker appeared right next to it.

Twilight blinked, perplexed. And focusing more on this peculiar sight before it would have been left behind, remaining nothing more than a strange and random phenomenon on the way to the Mountain of Fang. But right as she was about to lose it due to the carriage’s turn... it also decided it didn’t want to be such an odd incident.

She judged as much when the illumination dimmed for a breath, only for a shape to leap from the branch with surprising speed, right towards another tree. And then another and another. Just like an agile animal, the skilled squirrel, the rapid lynx, it was making its way right on the very border of the Weald, jumping from tree to tree with a tempo that could almost match that of the transports. And when it couldn’t...

A flock of birds suddenly emerged from the forest’s crowns and took to the air, escaping in panic from the entity’s rapid advance... but Twilight could have sworn that the flickering lights followed right among them!

She gasped at the sight and her reaction spawned the Lord’s attention.

“Is something the matter, Honored Princess?” Blessed Fang inquired with a curious glance.

“I... I think there’s something out there,” she said, truthfully, pointing in the direction of the lights, which had disappeared from sight against the night’s sky over the Weald. “I... cannot see it right now, but... it followed us?”

The young stallion let out a long sigh upon hearing that and his lips moved briefly in quiet prayer that Twilight heard only the ending of.

“... cronae uai, Neskaza Lunee...” He again glanced up, his eyes focused, yet somewhat tentative. “Have you seen the pale flames in the Knieye?” he guessed, and correctly, though still not looking outside himself.

“Y-yes, it seems so,” she replied, trying to find them again. “What were those?”

Blessed Fang’s expression did not change, but his had grown most cautious. “Those of the forests, hwalba knaze. Dangerous beings. Unlike wild animals and unlike us ponies, though they might appear as such... But don’t worry. They cannot cause harm from this distance. And the amulets and markings shall protect us further.”

“Those of the forests... Wait, Honored Lord, how do you say ‘forest’ in Noctraliyar?” she inquired, though anticipating the answer already.


Twilight looked outside again, mouthing the word for herself. “Lesyi...”

And, as if summoned by her invocation, the strange being made itself visible again.

Though Twilight had absolutely no idea how it had managed to cover such a distance in the short time! Positioned on the very peak of a tall, majestic spruce, almost like wishing for her to have a good look upon itself as the carriage was passing it by. In the bright moonlight, Twilight could try and discern its silhouette, at least somewhat.

That of a pony, rearing on its back legs... but slender, somewhat contorted and definitely malnourished. Though that might have been the light, framing it in such a way. Or so Twilight hoped, witnessing that eerie, disturbing sight, especially residing on a tree’s very top. Like a bird of prey on its perch. The thing had no wings, nor a unicorn’s horn, but its head had some sort of... protrusions, sticking out in many directions. Like a crown, a halo of... antlers? Or was that a spiked headdress?

The lights that she had spotted before were located where the being’s eyes should have been. Looking that much more preternatural, when she could witness its form against the darkened sky.

And they were definitely staring her way. With focus.

Focus so great, apparently... that another pair of sparks manifested itself, right next to the previous set. Beyond the eyes’ regular place, nonetheless...

Twilight could tell that she wasn’t dealing with a regular creature, definitely. Yet she was pretty much glued to the glass at this point, trying to catch even one more detail of this strange, convoluted entity.

On its part... it cocked its head to the side. And whatever things it had for forelegs spread wide, as if mimicking a pony desperately pressed against a window. A truly terrifying mockery of Twilight’s curiosity.

She couldn’t see at this distance anything more than the entity’s shape, but... she knew... she realized... she felt, right in her mind, that it was... smiling.

She could feel its grin at her interest. The sudden, unexpected visage spreading in her brain, a mouth contorting into a bottomless chasm, the lips splitting, cracking at the sides to show the perverse joy at her staring.

Twilight found herself petrified. Unable to look away when the bluish lights of the being’s eyes spread in all directions simultaneously and the shape of the slender pony literally fell apart and tumbled down to the Weald below, the glowing points following it and then vanishing from sight among the boughs and branches.

And only then did she yelp.

Backing away from the window and falling almost limply onto the sofa, as if breaking away from a powerful, paralyzing spell. Twilight realized that she was drenched in sweat and that Blessed Fang was watching her intently, his hooves prepared to steady her if necessary and his lips murmuring what must have been a prayer.

Her head swam a little, but she shook it just right to get her jumbled thoughts in order.

“What...” she somehow managed to find her tongue, realizing just how wide her eyes must have been and how loud her heartbeat sounded in her own ears. “What are they?”

She inquired in a singular tone of dread. And the young Lord replied, quietly but not without his own perturbation.

“We do not know exactly. Lesyi roam our woodlands, without plan, without pattern, without warning... Pale flames, strange forms. Profane whispers in our ears and beguiling sights before our eyes. Bogine, bidae ze uai...

Twilight wiped her brow, trying to gather herself and rest comfortably after this harrowing sight. “That thing it... It watched us... me, I suppose. It was looking straight at me, smiling,” she told him, shuddering at the mental image that invaded her mind even though she had no chance of actually witnessing the expression. “And then it... it split apart, dismembered almost... and fell back into the forest...”

Blessed Fang only nodded, as if that image was something he was used to at this point. “Lesyi can do that and more, I was warned, their forms changing from bone to branch, shifting from leaves to manes. They can disappear into mist or masquerade as animals... grow from the very forest’s ground, like an inflamed growth.”

The young stallion was rather keen on explaining and his words were invoking more unpleasant images in Twilight’s mind. Though still not as clear as what she had just experienced.

“From that and the fact they don’t dwell far away from thickets and copses all over Noctraliya, we reason that they are deeply and inseparably connected with them. We suppose they originally come from here, from the Berbara Knieye, but they appear wherever they please in forests. Their sightings do not really follow any sequence even, as much as we could try and tell... hwalba knaze,” he added, realizing the momentary lack of deference.

Due to the topic’s incredible nature, naturally, so Twilight did not mind at all.

“So, they are local, malign, woodland spirits, Honored Lord?” she tried to catalog them in her mind, though she found it hard to fit all which she was learning into one, neat category.

Not that Blessed Fang was helping, though he couldn’t have known that, meaning well.

“We call them diabli yi lesi even and not without a reason. But...” he paused, taking a deep breath and finding the words. “We expect the worst from them... though, Bogine znate kwid, not every encounter with them is instantly perilous. Frightening, definitely, as they can appear out of nowhere and their bearing is cursed, but our hunters have sometimes stumbled upon them and lived to tell the tale.” He hissed rather loudly. “Not always, however.”

Twilight could still feel the trickles of sweat going down her back, but she did her best to appear again presentable and focus on the Lord’s words fully. “What do they even want? Do they communicate somehow?”

Lesyi understand Noctraliyar, though it... worries us greatly how. And can reply in it, yes. Their voices like screeching birds or wind blowing through the woods, hwalba knaze,” Blessed Fang disclosed, his eyes wandering finally, though not beyond those charms hanging from the carriage’s roof. “We have amulets and invoke the Goddess to protect us from their appearances... but Lesyi are entirely unpredictable. Whimsical. One night, a hunter might return, having left his sack for one of them to rummage through and even getting it back. The other... Neskaza Lunee... a whole hunting party can disappear almost without a trace. Like it had happened to...”

He wished to say something, to give an example, but his voice trailed off.

“I, perhaps, shouldn’t say that. It’s not my pain to divulge,” he halted and berated himself.

Twilight really didn’t want to press and yet she so did, caught deep in this web of new information about Noctraliya’s terrifying apparitions.

“So they can be a terrible happening upon anypony... but they must have a reason for their actions, no? Do they protect any territories? Or do they just stalk and attack for... what, sport?” she instead asked, hoping to, maybe, learn of the mentioned topic a little later.

Blessed Fang shrugged, his raven black mane lifting slightly against his shoulders. “I grasp your curiosity, hwalba knaze, but... nopony knows their true motives. Yes, they have effigies and totems and if those are found nearby, it is best to back away immediately. For those mean they have picked a place for their dwelling and they lash out against trespassers with branches and claws. However,” he explained with a discernible note of bewilderment, “those markings also move about. It does not seem like Lesyi have a permanent village, or a gathering place or anything, they just roam and prowl... We don’t even know how many of them stalk our forests.”

Twilight pondered for a while, trying to figure something out. That creature’s appearance and its unpredictability, all those seemingly random behaviors, it all had to have a link of sorts.

Even the fact that there would be no links at all would be telling. So... were those things connected to Chaos, then? Being Discord’s ancient cousins, maybe, or something? They were simply finding their nature connected with... well, nature? Sounded plausible, at the very least.

“Do they guard the woodlands, then, Honored Lords? You said that they don’t leave their premises, or at least don’t go far from them...”

“They do not stop hunting nor cutting down trees... not always, anyway. Animals and beasts either fear them or accompany them. And the Lesyi can be as vicious with them as they can be with ponies...” Blessed Fang explained, though without giving her a real answer there. “And it is not like every excursion to the forest ends up with meeting them or the signs of their presence. Months can go by without me receiving any worrying reports about a sighting or one of my subjects not returning home from the woodlands.”

Twilight again reminded herself that she was dealing with a Lord of the Family. And one who had to endure having an untamed forest filled with dangerous spirits in his domain on a regular, nightly basis.

Not to mention one definitely aware of the perils of such a neighborhood. “But we know they are there, even if we cannot see them. What you have witnessed, hwalba knaze, was a terrible, direct manifestation, but it takes just one glance, one whiff of air or murmur of leaves to know that you are but a guest... or a trespasser... and not a master of the forest.”

Twilight bit her tongue a little. Was that her chance?

“And... those that have forgotten about that fact?” she inquired.

Her tone was giving her away. Now it was just a matter of whether Blessed Fang found it agreeable to tell her something that wasn’t his to reveal. He remained silent and pensive for a good while, then took a deep breath and let out a prolonged hiss. A mournful hiss, even, she would say.

“What I shall tell you, hwalba knaze... please, leave to yourself,” he followed with a request. “Treat is as a cautionary tale and nothing more. Unless another shares it, if he shall so desire. Could I have that promise from you?” he inquired and Twilight was more than eager to give him just such a vow.

“You have my word, Honored Lord,” she assured and she meant it with all her heart.

Not that she wasn’t already carrying many secrets. One more at this point was a formality...

Blessed Fang seemed pleased with her honesty, nodding and leaning back in his seat when the carriage turned yet again.

“Very well... It was during the time when my mother, hwalba Nite a Rodine Kiel, was protecting the Fangs’ seat on the Covenant for me, after my father’s death, trala ip w Argentee,” he began and Twilight could hear nothing short of reverence when he spoke about his parents as such. “I might have been... three years of age at the time? Maybe a bit older. Among my Family it is customary... as you actually might remember from our talks in the Tuarie, to participate in hunting expeditions. And it is also our way of granting respect to a guest, inviting him to take part in our ancient tradition and pastime.”

Twilight rocked her head a little and managed to remind herself of that particular proposition she had at that time heard.

“Oh, yes, I recall it now. I think that was... the first time that I have heard the Lesyi being mentioned, even?” she inquired and the Lord did nod.

“I believe I have addressed their presence in the Knieye, yes, Honored Princess... I shall return to that moment soon, actually,” he added, his voice audibly gloomy. “You see... a successful hunt, with many trophies brought back, especially if the guest would directly participate, is a glorious thing. Establishes a certain, deep bond in our Family’s eyes, as we greatly respect prowess in besting such challenges. Still, we don’t expect that to be everypony’s favorite or even preferred pleasure, so we do not force anything on our end...”

He remained silent for a breath, looking at Twilight with great intensity in his bright eyes. And she could tell that he meant every word and was putting overwhelming gravity upon them.

“We do not force anypony to prove themselves like that to gain our approval. It is their choice only. Sometimes, unfortunately... a choice made against reason. Against common sense and survival instinct. As it happened that time I am referring to, when a hunting party, lead by our finest vadasi, encountered totems of the Lesyi... and pressed on.”

Twilight somehow managed to capture her mouth before it dangled open, but still shook her head in utter disbelief.

“Why... would they? I’d expect your Family to be most aware of the danger! And all you have shared with me, Honored Lord, only reinforces me in believing nopony should ignore such signs... Not to even mention what I have witnessed with my own two eyes right there!” She pointed at the window, towards the Feral Weald, left behind in the carriage’s undisturbed travel. “Just now!”

The young stallion could only nod again, entirely agreeing and aware. And yet without much choice, describing the past and those exact mistakes.

“Yes, hwalba knaze... but our guest, a skilled and brave warrior in his own right, perhaps unaware fully about the threat, ignored the warnings. Or so we had heard from the only... only survivor. Before madness and terror devoured his mind fully...” the Lord claimed, his lips turning into a most discouraged grimace. “From what we managed to learn... he said that our guest had claimed being up to the challenge, whatever it could have been. He had been boisterous and convinced that the adventure would have made for a fine poem later on,” Blessed Fang revealed, his expression a mixture of shame, worry, disbelief. “Ab Bogine, one should really be careful about throwing dares towards the forest’s heart, haspadru filiy tsi nye...”

Wait... had Twilight heard that right?

“A Lord’s son...? A Count?!” she found herself asking, engrossed to learn and yet becoming afraid a fair bit at that point. “Do you mean... that a Family lost an heir to the Lesyi?”

Blessed Fang just looked at her, that remoteness in his eyes speaking volumes, even more than usually.

“Not hrabiy... though I understand that he would have been one briefly, before taking the circlet,” he replied. Rather vaguely, but he wasn’t aiming at delving into Family politics, as it appeared. “Hwalba knaze, at the feast, when that proposal of hunting with us was hinted... do you recall who did protest the loudest about you participating in such an activity?”

Twilight had to think for a moment... but soon she could well remember the one pony rather strongly opposed to “chasing bears”, yes. And... wait, and he had also tried saying, though was interrupted, that he would not wish to see another...

She felt her throat clenching a little at the thought. That he would not wish to see another... loss?

“Lord Bright Crescent?” she asked and Blessed Fang closed his bright eyes in clear and rather terrible confirmation.

“I admit, at the time it had slipped my mind that speaking of this matter might have invoked in him old memories of this tragedy,” the Lord said, visibly and honestly guilt-ridden. “His younger brother, Brilliant Crescent. He never returned from Berbara Knieye. He came for a friendly visit to our Iug and was cordially invited to partake in a hunt. Eager to do so, even, as I was told when I grew up and matured. As it happened... it was his last adventure. He was never seen again.”

Twilight could hardly believe what she was hearing, but she had no reason to doubt the Lord. Bright Crescent had lost his younger sibling like this...?

Wait, speaking of siblings...

“Is that... is that why the Lord is taking care of Count Ivory Crescent and Count-Brother Ebony Crescent?” she asked, having in mind the batpony twins she had the pleasure of meeting. And hearing the latter perform that wonderful ballad on his instrument, one that had impressed her so much.

Those were Bright Crescent’s niece and nephew, after all! It made sense!

“Indeed,” Blessed Fang affirmed. “What had happened... it shook Family Crescent to the core. And the noble bloodline the most. To lose a beloved son, a husband, a father is one thing and tragic. But one can put faith in the great and merciful Neskaza Lunee... ‘Wenai gdye Iae i Iaeu lumn, kwod Iae dazae tuyi spotnek’ say the Goddess’ blessed words, promising us rest in Her Light.”

Twilight had a feeling she knew where he was going with these. And, to her sadness, she wasn’t proven wrong.

Yiptoru Kwadr was... gone. Much like what had happened to our kin in Umberiu Prozn, I suppose... though at least your culture views ground burial as an acceptable custom in some capacity. But their remains were finally returned to us. A number of the victims of Lesyi... shall never be given that last compassion of the pyre... Bogine, zmiluyae...”

Twilight couldn’t help but grimace, though it was an expression of compassion entirely. She could imagine what such a situation would do to any family, but especially in a culture where bloodlines were so important and adherence to traditions was rooted in deep and profound beliefs...

This was a terrible tale to hear.

“I can tell why.... you were really wary to discuss it, Honored Lord.”

“I still am wary of discussing it,” Blessed Fang let her know in return, though not strongly enough to suggest he was suddenly criticizing her curiosity. “But I believe it more important for you to realize, Honored Princess, what manner of danger lurks nearby. Goddess watch over us.”

Well, Twilight couldn’t disagree with this declaration at all.

They didn’t speak for the rest of the journey, as she found herself musing over everything she had heard and experienced already, but the sight of the Mountain of Fang roused her from these ruminations quickly. The Fang Family’s home was a sharp, jagged peak. Not the tallest she had seen and neatly fitting the rest of the “teeth” that the range was made of. Yet still it looked like it was aiming to pierce the very sky above with its distinct shape and edge.

And, in some way, it looked like it had done so. For just when the carriage aimed at entering the tunnel that must have led inside, Twilight realized the droplets of rain hitting the window in a pattern both random and steady.

“I had no idea I would see rain tonight,” she commented.

“Just a small one,” Blessed Fang replied, smiling a little at the beads of water lazily travelling down the glass. “It happens enough around our Iug. It’s still cold and, some ponies would say, unpleasant, but preferences differ...”

“I take it most noctrali are still more fond of snow.”

The Lord actually let out a small chuckle. “As long as it does not cover entrances and wish to smother anypony outside. I’ll take the rains. Though I also presume that those in the Dalli, the warm and life-carrying ones are more desirable.”

Twilight nodded. She knew that the Valleys had better weather for crops, but it looked like the domain of the Fangs also lay at a height to still experience less white downpours. Still, she thanked providence that the carriage proved resistant to weather, as she could imagine that being covered in fresh, mountain rain would not be the warmest of things to happen.

The transport made swift way through the tunnels and emerged soon after in the Mountain’s main cavern. One that definitely left Twilight wide-eyed. Once more on her journey. She didn’t mind, however, as that just meant that she would have more memories to retain and share from this adventure.

Especially if the recollections would differ so greatly among themselves.

If Twilight hadn’t know better, she would have said that this cavern was entirely unrefined. That the Fangs, when they had occupied this place for the first time, simply decided to settle it in a way not to disturb it at all. Where the Mountain of Midnight went with organization and monumental architecture, claiming the space and suiting it to their needs, this place... this place differed.

That was the one expression that she could utterly agree upon, faced with the sights.

Of rough and coarse walls, barely touched by chisels, just enough to create reliable and firm housings. Of wooden platforms and rope bridges, sturdy and reliable, but bringing to mind temporal encampments of times old, where roaming tribes would have huddled for but a while, before moving further on, in their endless search for spoils and glory. Of lanterns fashioned around stalactites, adorned with animal bones, in their own right the totems of this fierce clan. And of iconography, both carved as well as smeared near the dwellings with dyes, forming the same, sharp signs Twilight could already recognize and giving the place surprising lively feel.

And, just like such colors would suggest in the wild, warning anypony of the danger of underestimating beings and places bearing such vivid hues.

As much as Twilight could already spot, seeing the few denizens before the landing, batponies of the Fang Family did still possess the same sense of fashion and attires as their other cousins, but in the distinctive style of adding some... natural assets to those. Or removing quite the opposite, so to speak.

She could have sworn that she had spotted at least two mares whose nobler outfits were using a lot more fur than she would deem usual or even necessary. And, somewhat against the batpony usual sensibility in clothing, Twilight saw one local militia member whose leather armor seemed purposefully exposing the muscular torso... on which a set of scars marked a close encounter with some sort of a wild beast.

Well... Twilight’s scholar fascination was piqued.

N-not because of the observation regarding appealing physique! No, she had her own preferences. And those were landing right behind the Lord’s chariot, surely ready to be her faithful bodyguard yet again.

Blessed Fang restored his circlet and let out an obviously relieved sigh when the transport touched the ground and then stopped entirely. He rose to his legs, stoically.

“Please, Honored Princess,” he offered and Twilight exited first when one of the sentinels opened the doors.

She did step out at a calm pace, trying to be as regal as her host without trying to outshine him. And the very first thing she took note of was that the interior of the Mountain of Fang turned out to be, as far as she could tell, remarkably warmer than what she recalled from the Midnights’ home or the Sanctuary. More than that, she could quite easily smell that distinct whiff of a raging bonfire, though none were visible in the immediate vicinity. But that trace of burning, rich and fragrant wood was blatant.

The ponies she looked over a second later she easily recognized as Blessed Fang’s Assembly. All were exuding the feeling of importance, especially the head warrior... especially due to the leather armor that this burly, brown-maned stallion was adorned in. One that, as far as she could tell, had a set of bones... likely parts of bear ribs... used as natural reinforcement and protection.

Twilight had deconstructed the vicious vampire myth that survived in Equestria, but meeting the Fang Family... or considering how the rest of the country and its ponies could have looked all those centuries ago... Well, enough said, she was rather grateful when Midnight left the other carriage and made his way next to her with Rowan Berry in tow.

He had promised, after all, to stop the Fangs from mounting her on a wall. And though that was a most unlikely scenario, his presence did help a lot.

Still, aside from the group of important ponies which awaited loyally for their Lord’s arrival and greeted them both with silent bows, one more, specific mare caught Twilight’s attention. And not only due to the fact that she was of a venerable age that could even surpass that of Sunfall Word, especially considering the profound wrinkles on her stoic face and the careful, slightly unsure stance.

She was wearing a loose, flowing attire that in some way resembled Blessed Fang’s chasuble, but was covered almost entirely in various, traditional symbols, embroidered in it with silver threads. Her mane was overwhelmingly gray, yet betraying with singular strands that it had been as black as a raven’s wing at one time. It was cut on the right side of her head almost completely, falling down on the other in intricate braids, with woven in feathers and silver hairpins.

Strangely enough, this elder could have easily been the leader of the local priesthood, as Twilight imagined, yet was standing to the side, away from the Assembly. And still, Blessed Fang’s trot took him straight to her, first and foremost.

Hwalba mate...” he said, giving her a reverential bow.

And Twilight understood why was the mare so vitally important among all of those foremost ponies. Especially when that warm, gentle smile bloomed on her muzzle. The muzzle of the matron of Family Fang.

Witay w dom, hwalbu haspadr, iaeu filiy...” Fang Shine, Twilight recalled her name, replied with a tone only a mother could posses. “Iaeyi oci bidi radosnyi vidi tu...

Iaeyi tez, mate...” Blessed Fang answered. When he turned from her, his usually remote eyes were that much more lively, filled with respect and filial love. “Honored Princess Sparkle of Twilight, I would like to introduce to you my mother, Nite a Rodine Kiel.”

Twilight gave the elderly mare a curtsy worthy of a Lord, as she imagined the regard for the mare must have been great in the Mountain. And she could respect that personally as well.

“It is a great honor, Shine of Family Fang. Neskaza Lunee... welae tueu noc illum...”

Fang Shine gave her a thoughtful nod. Responding slowly, with a thick accent, but also gusto and majesty.

“And may the Immaculate Moon... lighten your night too, child... Your words are pleasing...” she told her, giving her a once over with her reddened, but still noble, honey-hued eyes.

Just how old was she anyway?

“Quite... the time to be alive still... Honored Princess...” the venerable mare pointed out. “To think... a soleerane at our mountain... and whole as well...”

Twilight... didn’t really understand that last part. What did she mean?

Blessed Fang spoke up, not giving time for questions, unfortunately. “Tac, mate. Those are intriguing times, but blessed as well, I want to believe.”

Fang Shine gave him something of a knowing nod and only then did the Lord face the rest of the gathered ponies.

Hwalbu Syinod, as I have expressed in the earlier letter,” he said, pointing at Twilight, “the Honored Princess shall be my personal guest at the Mountain. I do understand that such a sudden decision, to host and welcome Ekwestriyaa envoy directly in uaiu Iug, is unique. But I take it none of you wish to express protest, in the name of kasti?”

All four ponies immediately turned their gazes Twilight’s way. She withstood them, well, far better than she had done so with such stares in the past. But she also didn’t spot any blatant hatred towards her. All that she could discern, was that if their Lord had declared her a personal and welcome guest, then that was good enough for them.

Twilight would consider that a marked change for the better. As well as proving how acclaimed Blessed Fang was among them.

The young Lord, having taken note of the lack of objection, nodded and smiled that distant smile of his. “Glad that my ears can know only silence. I might request services from some of you regarding this visit, but I believe the presence of hwalba knaze shall not impede the lives and duties of Rodine.”

Silence continued for a moment, to express affirmation... but then a quite chubby, especially for a batpony, wheat-maned stallion took a step forth. Twilight had already discerned, by the garb she could recognize, that he was a healer like Rowan Berry. Though... the traditional clothing sat on him much more tightly, even if it was meant to be a little loose by design. Still, maybe for that reason exactly, he so clearly presented himself as the head of the fruittender caste.

Dict desp to, hwalbu haspadr...” he spoke up.

And before Twilight could blink, Blessed Fang was right in his muzzle. She could easily see the Lord’s eyes focusing and sharpening.

Tac? Bid to desp iaa marite?” came his sudden question. But instead of anger, she heard only a surge of worry.

Causing the other stallion to almost rear back, as much as his physique was allowing him to. But one flap of his meaty wings was enough to regain balance. He lifted one of his forelegs up, in a defensive gesture.

Ab Bogine, nye, nye griya, hwalbu haspadr,” he replied, a small chuckle escaping his plump lips. “Ia tilc wele dict iz hwalba haspadre-hitve bide recita. Ipe demore tu, zdrova i udobna.

Whatever the healer meant, Blessed Fang did immediately calm down. And a shade of abashment crossed his face. “Ha... to bid benu... Ia grat tu, Zasitenu Kiel.

Conmod, hwalbu haspadr. Ia rozumt. Uai rozumti,” came what sounded like assurance, especially when the rest of the Assembly nodded as well.

Still, the young stallion looked a little moved, whatever was the matter. And he decided to explain it to Twilight after all.

Hwalba knaze, I would very much like for you to enjoy a feast in the honor of your arrival...” he began, his voice again growing more composed by the word, “and it shall happen. But I should first see to my wife.”

And Twilight immediately grasped what he meant, without an issue. “Please, Honored Lord, it is most understandable. Do not mind me in that regard. The future and good of the bloodline comes first.”

It was the right thing to declare, especially when Fang Shine’s head bobbed in agreement... and respect, Twilight did hope.

The same, stout stallion spoke up again, his voice filled with blatant kindness. “Hwalbu haspadr,” he began, then glanced Twilight’s way as he changed the language, “I’m in no great hurry this night. With your permission, I will take care of the Honored Princess’ accommodation and keep her company until the meal. And later, if that is your desire.”

Blessed Fang turned to him, then to Twilight. She smiled to let him know that she wasn’t opposed to the idea.

“Very well. Honored Princess,” he told her, “I hope you will find the guest rooms as appropriate. We shall meet again soon. Please, if you have any requests, leave them in Sated Fang’s hooves.”

“Naturally, Honored Lord. Until later,” she replied and no sooner she finished than the stallion gave her a quick bow, another to his mother and then ventured in the direction of the nearest wall, quickly joined and flanked by his sentinels, who had already managed to unload both the carriages as well.

They trotted towards one of the bigger, but plain tunnel entrances, which suggested that the Lord’s palace at the Mountain of Fang was in another, smaller cavern or didn’t have a monumental approach and presence to it, like the one of Midnight Eye.

The chubby stallion, now known to Twilight as Sated Fang, chuckled heartily, looking after Blessed Fang.

“Bless the Honored Lord’s heart,” he uttered, causing the remaining Assembly ponies and the venerable matron to nod as well, with their own smiles. Some truly sincere... some a bit patronizing. For his part, the healer was one of the more honest ones. “You will have to forgive him if this, how to say it, breaches any diplomatic rules or traditions, Honored Princess.”

Twilight, again, shook her head. “No reason to forgive, taking care of a pregnant wife seems even to me as far more important than dealing with a foreign envoy. I am sensible that way,” she declared with much truthfulness of her own. “Of course, I’d love to extend my own salutations to Honored Lord Consort Kindle of Family Fang later on, if possible,” she added.

Hearing soon after a set of rather encouraging exhales all over.

So far so good.

Fang Shine took slow and careful steps as she trotted closer to Twilight, her venerable muzzle wearing a rather warm expression . “I... am certain that... iaeu filiy... will not mind. He treats her... like a most valuable... jewel. By her side... always.”

There was noticeable pride in her words and Twilight could scarcely blame a mother for expressing such a praise towards her only son.

Especially since... which was becoming rather blatant to Twilight at this point, the age mathematics were turning out quite complex. Blessed Fang was rather juvenile and yet the matron was clearly reaching the end of her considerably long life...

“I... in return,” Fang Shine spoke up again, in that slow but regal way of hers, “I would not mind... talking with you... ‘Princess’? Is that the title?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“I think... I’d like to... know you a little better. If you are... my son’s guest... then you must... have a good thing... about you. Or two,” Fang Shine judged, with a rather lively and whimsical glint in her eyes.

Twilight let out a little giggle at that, hiding it only a little behind her hoof for the sake of maintaining decorum. “Thank you, Honored Shine of Family Fang. I humbly hope so myself. And it would be a great privilege.”

The elderly mare nodded, conveying the same hopes most likely. “Now...” She turned her head slightly to the Assembly. “One of... these dzieti... needs to help me... reach the dining hall... before my hips break... and next winter comes...”

The bone-armored stallion sprang forth, offering his foreleg to the mare. “Conmod, ia adiuma...” he declared, both at the ready and delicate.

And there was something very authentic and very moving about seeing a fierce warrior like him leading a frail mare in her slow, dignified pace.

Sated Fang, in the meantime, turned to the other two ponies, the heads of the priesthood and the caretakers, said something in Noctraliyar and then focused his entire attention on Twilight, leaving them to nod elegantly and leave.

“Honored Princess, I shall allow myself to make the right introduction, then. Sated of Family Fang, head of the Rodineyi owocellatani and lupul to the Honored Lord and his closest relatives,” he said, nodding with pride and in a way that made his double chin rather profound. “I hope you won’t mind my company about the place. Though, I must warn you, it’s not easy squeezing past me in tight corridors.”

Twilight was a little taken aback by this blatantly positive and comically self-deprecating attitude, but that wasn’t in any way an unwelcome stance to encounter. “Please, it shall be my pleasure, Sated of Family Fang. I hope my coat isn’t too bright by local standards.”

She attempted the joke in return and the stallion did appreciate it, waving his hoof about and chuckling.

“Well, we both stand out and that’s nothing bad,” he responded, then looked at the rest of Twilight’s entourage. “Greetings to you as well. What is your name, Nocferratan? You look like a Maednoc, I have to say.”

Nocferratan Maednoc Wentr, lupul,” Midnight replied officially, though trying to hide his amusement at the statement. “I look like I’m of Rodine Maednoc? How so?”

The healer laughed, his entire body shifting and bouncing a little. “You have that glint in your eye like you cannot even understand how we can live in such conditions.”

Midnight shook his head. “Hardly my place to judge. I might have never visited the famed Iug u Kiel, but I know not to underestimate your Rodine, especially based only on your dwellings. Those house fierce wampiri and defenders of our land!”

Maednoci aren’t weaklings themselves. We all serve our kin and Bogine,” Sated Fang returned the compliment in his own way, with a fanged smile. Then he turned to Rowan Berry, who calmly and quietly stood nearby. “And you, lupule? Which Rodine are you saving from illnesses and hurt?”

Rodine Waesper. Iae bide Yazembe Acine a Dom Hawasale.

At her reply, Sated Fang nodded rather enthusiastically, recognition blatant in his tone. “Ha! Famed, famed House! Good to have you about too, sostre! Prudent to have one of us about at all times!”

Rowan Berry simply nodded with a timid smile, seemingly a little overwhelmed by the stallion’s healer passion. Sated Fang, meanwhile, pointed near to where Blessed Fang had disappeared, once again addressing Twilight.

“Please, Honored Princess, allow me. The palace occupies the next cavern. I’ll show you where the quarters have been prepared, we’ll take the most direct corridor.”

She thanked him with a nod and diligently followed him. It had to said, he was dictating a healthy pace despite his larger size. And, regardless his own words on the matter, still left quite a lot of room besides in the passageway.

Passageway lit up with candles in bone sconces, most likely fashioned out of animal horns.

Twilight was somewhat glad Fluttershy wasn’t here to witness all of it, recalling that the initial idea of repayment from Noctraliya had been inviting all of them visit the country. Not that her timid friend was unaware that hunting was a part of many cultures, but she would certainly feel uncomfortable with the sheer volume of Fangs’ dedication to that pastime. And the omnipresent, rougher decor.

Twilight felt a little twinge in her heart. Would the reply from Equestria be conveyed to the Mountain of Fang? She certainly hoped for it. And she wished for everything to be fine. The girls and Spike must have missed her. And worried...

Well, worry could have been the word of the whole night... as the next cavern was definitely not Fluttershy-friendly.

It wasn’t too big, definitely, but as far as Twilight could tell, Blessed Fang’s palace occupied its entirety. If “palace” was the right way to describe what had just appeared before her eyes. For all she knew, she was right now on an overlook above a... pit. Or an arena. It was hard to say.

The said bottom of the cavern was surrounded by a massive, wooden cloister, carefully planned and meticulously carved, couple stories high at least. Between various tiers rope bridges hanged, embellished by more trophies and amulets and lanterns, giving the place an eerie vibe. And disorderly, though it was anything but.

This was the Lord’s personal domain, his own stronghold, opulent in ferocity and rich in untamed importance. If this were to be compared to the lesser dwellings of the Fangs, it marked their leader as the most skilled hunter and truly frightening warrior. Maybe it wasn’t quite so when it came to Blessed Fang’s actual bearing, but the notion was there...

And Twilight wondered if his father, Fangstone, the “daunting and principled” stallion as Midnight Eye had described him, fit this space accordingly. If so... she was somewhat glad that she was only dealing with this son, as strange and perhaps out of place that thought was.

Sated Fang must have spotted her gaze... which wasn’t an achievement really. “Surprised, frightened or amazed, Honored Princess?” he inquired, chuckling a little.

“I suppose... a bit of everything,” she let him know, trotting a bit closer to the wooden railing and staring downwards.

The cavern’s bottom acted like a courtyard, indeed, and currently was a most bustling place. Filled with local servants preparing a massive table and outfitting it with silverware. From this distance, Twilight could still spot that the chairs were padded with animal furs and embellished with other trophies.

Actually, the higher she looked from the very basis, the more she was realizing that the charms, the lanterns and even the bridges were forming a structure of their own. Taking more and more details around her in, she also found out that this place, aside from the local, batpony sentinels, had its own, distinct “guard”.

In the shape of bears, of all things. Stuffed bears, marking every level and many niches, with their fierce, forced stances. Motionless wardens and victims alike. Accompanied by many antlers, ribs... grand reptile-like skulls.

It was a... grisly sight, Twilight had to admit. But also not without its own... macabre allure, she had add, against her sensibility. The entire structure brought to mind an elaborate trophy rack, composed into a narrowing shape, leading upwards. Experiencing such a sight was in its own way fascinating and betrayed a grand thought behind it.

Because, as her eyes ventured upwards, Twilight discerned that were she to sit opposite of the Lord’s place at the head of the prepared table, she would be right before this whole, fearsome display. She would be staring up and, above Blessed Fang, witnessing the real throne of the haspadr of Family Fang. Not just his elaborate chair, but the import and the fierceness of the bloodline, elaborately expressed in this premonitory panorama, crowned at its very top by...

... by...

Twilight felt color leaving her muzzle in but one, shocked thump of her heart.

... was that...? No, that... that could not have been...?

“Ah, hwalba knaze,” Sated Fang’s voice reached her ears, “I see you’ve spotted our greatest trophy! It’s in perfect condition, despite the centuries. Kept just like it was the night Kiele a Bogine, Nadyir u Ipeyi wrogi, cleaved it off with her final strike!”

Twilight’s mind did register the information... but her reason couldn’t yet process it.

What she managed to be dreadfully aware of... is that her eyes were glued to the horn of marshal Radiant Glory.

Displayed in a place of the ultimate honor... and as the sign of the ultimate warning.

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