• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LXXXI – What Ails You

“That had to be the richest breakfast I have ever had, delicious and with a positive overabundance of options. I appreciate that greatly, Count Brother.”

Twilight’s praise was genuine, for both the regular and the highly extravagant dishes had been delicious and refreshing, and she had been the more surprised to find that even the cheese had agreed with her, especially when paired with the cranberries. Truly, the stallion had gone above and beyond, and Twilight was happily letting him know that.

He was accepting it, of course, with unbridled joy, as they were slowly making their way through the palace corridors. “You are being most kind, Twilight Sparkle. I feel that my efforts truly paid off, and you have no idea how happy that makes me. Truth be told, I was quite stressed before you tried everything. I didn’t want to ruin the occasion with a bad choice, I wouldn’t forgive myself!”

“There wasn’t one, so the nerves were unnecessary, Ebony Crescent,” she assured the stallion once again, sending him another smile. “Besides, why the anxiety? I would have just said that I don’t particularly like a choice, surely that wouldn’t have been that terrible.”

“Actually, it would have, yes,” he told her back, with a chuckle. “I’ve told you, Twilight Sparkle, I feel this is a one of a kind situation, your visit. It requires nothing else than absolute perfection from me, my soul demands it!”

“Your soul is a harsh master, then” Twilight jested, but the Count Brother only smiled.

In the brief pause in their conversation, she paid a little more attention to their surroundings. The hallways of the palace were as resplendent as every other part of it. Reliefs, arches, sculptures, paintings, art was omnipresent and omnipotent, actually, as each piece tried to outdo the others, collectively creating something of a world’s most ambitious museum. Twilight imagined that, when generations upon generations of ponies added countless more works to the collection, the end result was the absolute best, displayed with pride and confidence.

Though, she couldn’t help but be surprised at just how different this felt from all of the other Mountains. This place was so opulent, so incredibly rich and filled with class, it was summoning forth the feeling of… Twilight couldn’t really name it. The sophistication was there, the artistic value of those pieces must have been absolutely breathtaking, but, for some reason, there was a certain lack of… substance?

Maybe it was her being too critical… or maybe upset, because as she was looking about, she caught a glimpse of her entourage, loyally trudging behind in a respectable distance. One could say they were trailing her, rather than actually accompanying her, but it was her expressed wish to be given privacy. She tolerated them being present only because leaving them behind completely would have looked even more suspicious.

The Count Brother didn’t seem to mind, at least, though she could occasionally spot him glancing back, whenever a turn was taken.

“Enjoying the interior, Twilight Sparkle?” the stallion asked at some point, genuinely curious about the answer.

“Very much so,” was the obvious and honest reply. “This has to be the richest corner of your domain, Ebony Crescent. I didn’t think I would be witnessing these many pieces of stellar art, it’s almost too much.”

“It’s not,” the stallion shortly judged. “Too much would be putting a sculpture in the middle of the corridor, like some try to do.”

“What do you mean?” she inquired, feeling that he had a non-literal idea in mind as well.

“Whenever the passions of the soul manage to obstruct one’s view entirely, and their road ahead in life, we know something is going horribly wrong. And also, when another suffers because of a pony’s obsession.”

Twilight was quite surprised about that answer. This was a second time that she heard that note of utter seriousness from Ebony Crescent’s colorful persona, not to mention that the last word was said a little louder, almost as if directed to somepony precisely. She wondered if it would be prudent to ask about it, but opted to bide her time a little, and see if the Count Brother’s tone would become firmer once again.

“I understand that even you, as musical as you are, cannot spend all of your time with your instrument.”

“Indeed. Besides, I think that would be a little too restrictive for me,” Ebony Crescent admitted, flicking the side of his mane almost on instinct. “Music can create whole worlds around us, pull on the strings right in our hearts, make us laugh, cry, fear… but it is only one avenue of creation, of expression. One needs to taste a bit more from life, in many ways. Indulge in the gifts that Our Mother left for us.”

“I think I’ve met some of your kind that have a much different outlook on things,” Twilight confessed, causing the stallion to roll his eyes.

“Without a doubt, but I do find such an approach to be very ungrateful.”

“Ungrateful?” Twilight felt her curiosity surging again at those words. “Could you explain?”

“Naturally,” he replied, just as they began to approach the way out of the complex. “Life brings us with itself… a lot. And I do mean ‘a lot’. The wish to live in eventful times is a curse in disguise, for the challenges of our lives are many. Sometimes that ‘lot’ means suffering, sometimes it goes the way of lack and want. One has to endure all of that, with bravery, and hoping for its brevity, too,” Ebony Crescent claimed, nodding thoughtfully. “But when there is finally no misery to be endured, why, by the Goddess, invoke it? This is one of the main reasons why our Family has a rather hard time understanding our northern, Sunfall brethren, for example. They push aside all the luxury as if it were a tainted thing…” the stallion judged, shuddering visibly. “Trust me, don’t go to the Iug u Soleeced right away, the shock might actually be damaging to your health, Twilight Sparkle.”

“I did hear that the Family Sunfall is known for its piety and austerity, but—”

“ ‘Austerity’?” Ebony Crescent interrupted her, sounding quite amazed. “You must be the kindest soul in the world, Twilight Sparkle, or the most diplomatic one, at least, to name their approach ‘austere’. By the Goddess, this has nothing to do with dourness, or avoiding vanities in the name of a higher calling – it’s a wasteland. A cultural desert, I say,” he claimed, his voice filled with criticism, but also that little touch of pity.

Twilight almost chuckled at the dramatic flair in his tone. “It cannot be that bad, surely. Not to mention that, for all of their dangers, deserts are actually quite fascinating. Much more lively than one would think, considering the lack of sustenance and the harsh conditions. Many creatures name such places their home, and they can even thrive!”

“Good for them,” Ebony Crescent told her, with that little bit of biting ridicule. “They, however, should not expect me to visit, or admire their demesne, or anything else! I’ll stay where the water of art is abundant and refreshing, and one can wallow in it!”

Ha! How poetic, bratr.”

A yet more mocking tone resounded from the side, just when the group exited the great doorway of the palace. In the shade, and under the enticing look of one of the side sculptures, on a small but very ornate and soft-looking blanket, sat Ivory Crescent, with a notebook and a quill before her. She wore a delicate, creamy white dress and was giving them both a wide grin that hid behind it unspoken yet quips.

“By the tone of your voice and the general way you’re looking at me right now, I’d say that you were… comparing us to Family Sunfall, and moaning about their lack of style, or something like that,” the mare bet, and did so quite accurately.

So much so that Twilight found herself actually giggling, though she tried to hide it behind her hoof. “I know that siblings share a bond, I’m feeling one strong enough with my brother, but one among twins must be something special! To make such a precise guess?”

“Oh, please, there’s nothing special about it, my dear brother is just sadly predictable,” Ivory Crescent replied, not caring to get up still, but already keen on playfully stepping over Ebony Crescent. “Firstly, if he is so annoyed it must mean that it had something to do with somepony not appreciating art, or ruining a perfectly sensible idea, but that’s my prerogative. So, if he is considering somepony being a vulgarian, and we usually bemoan that Sunfalls are really strange that way… The educated guess wasn’t really that difficult,” the mare explained, grabbing the quill and making a note quickly, not even bothering that her brother’s cheeks turned crimson. “Say… Steadily sauntering for some sightseeing, I suppose?” she asked in a slithering tone, very much on purpose.

Ebony Crescent rolled his eyes, deciding to be the first to respond to that question, fighting his blush and the embarrassment over his sister’s antics. “The Honored Princess should be shown the best that our Mountain has to offer, shouldn’t she?”

“And yet I’m not invited? Shame on you, brother!” Ivory Crescent responded with a grin. “Look at him, hwalba knaze, wishing to hog you all for himself like that. One would think that—” she interrupted herself, though it might have been very much on purpose. “Oh, no, never mind,” she added as she looked beyond the pair.

Twilight recognized that the mare must have meant the entourage, and she wondered where the disappointment in the Countess’ voice was coming from, exactly. More so when Ebony Crescent’s gaze ventured behind for a brief moment. Something of a quick shrug in his sister’s direction followed.

Still, Ivory Crescent continued, her tone spiced up with derision. “Duty is a crucial thing in life, very important, yes, yes… though I do hope your companions won’t be distracting you, Honored Princess. We want you to feel relaxed and free of burdens here, at least for a brief moment,” she claimed, jotting another word down soon after. “Less of a Princess, more of a welcome guest, you know?” Twilight did know, but the Countess didn’t give her an opportunity to answer. “Unless, of course, the two would be joining you in a friendly manner, rather than the official. Nothing wrong with that, I don’t think. Sharing leisure beyond the tedious duties is a way of understanding another pony better, bring them closer.”

Twilight wasn’t sure what to think of Ivory Crescent’s tone, only that it sat with her wrong. She couldn’t name why, however. Was it the suggestion that, with everything that had happened lately, she could actually enjoy Midnight Wind’s and Rowan Berry’s presence in any way other than the absolute necessity of having an entourage? But the Countess had no right to know about that, so that couldn’t have been it. Still… standing as Twilight was, with the Countess before her, the Count Brother right nearby, and the two batponies behind, she was feeling a very strange sensation crawling up her neck, seemingly out of nowhere.

Ebony Crescent spoke up again, distracting her from it. “Nothing wrong with being an open invitation, no, but it is to the Honored Princess’ decision. Stop pushing it, sostre iaa,” he gave a stern warning, but the mare looked unmoved by it. “Besides, I think that the Honored Princess deserves to just have the time to herself. Drink from the atmosphere in abundance, without needing to share with anypony else, if she doesn’t pick them freely.”

“Don’t go near the Cerise Corner, then, they will have her pose for paintings for hours… ” Ivory Crescent warned with a resigned sigh. “Do we even have so much purple paint, actually? I think you would make for a fine addition to some of the landscapes, Honored Princess, your coat’s hue would create an interesting counterpoint, with your person being a focal point at the same time!”

Twilight wasn’t sure how exactly to accept such a praise, if it even was one. “I’m not much of a model, Honored Countess.”

“I promise you, you are most certainly a muse to some,” Ivory Crescent told her giving her a wink, then changing the topic outright. “A good rhyme for ‘tardu’?” she asked of her brother, but the stallion only hissed a little.

“I won’t be helping you composing a limerick against me, sostre iaa.”

“You’re no fun tonight!” he was chastised for it, though the glint in the mare’s eyes did betray a positive disposition, regardless of her words. That didn’t stop her from ridiculing her brother further, though. “How about you ditch the bore, Honored Princess? You could help me sit here and compose something scandalously funny, instead!”

It was Twilight’s turn to sigh, but she followed it with a chuckle, accepting the ridiculous, chaotic conversation as it was happening. “I’m afraid I don’t have the command of Noctraliyar to actually help. Nor do I think I’m the best pony to ask to make up something ‘scandalous’.”

“You might not think so, but I believe otherwise. And you are in our company!” Ivory Crescent playfully warned her. “And what about the ‘funny’ part? I think your wit can be really sharp!” she pushed just a little.

“I… have an academic sense of humor, I’m afraid,” Twilight admitted, though that only made the other mare chuckle more.

“Nothing wrong with that, perhaps you could add a new flair to my works. Synonyms, metaphors, unintelligible delineations, that sort of thing…” She paused briefly, looking straight into Twilight’s eyes, her pear gaze glinting playfully. “When you are done with my dear sibling, feel free to come visit me at my spire, I’m sure we could discuss funny matters.”

Ebony Crescent let out a sound that had a lot in common with a snort. “ ‘Funny matters’ – have you already poured so much eloquence onto the paper this evening that you are facing a shortage?”

“Witty! Finally I got something out of you!” the mare responded without losing any confidence. She looked even more pleased, actually! “Now you can go. I got your blood flowing, you’ll be a much better guide for our dear guest, bratr.”

“Foal’s play…”

Twilight wasn’t sure if Ebony Crescent was really annoyed, though the twitching in his expression spoke of at least some irritation. She wondered if his sister was not currently demolishing that ‘perfect’ vision of the sightseeing he had.

Enough said, the stallion beckoned for Twilight to join him on the walk, without saying a word more to Ivory Crescent. Not that the Countess minded, giving Twilight a little nod and a wave, and soon after returning to her literary work, furiously and joyfully composing something.

“She’s just… insufferable,” Ebony Crescent vented as soon as they descended far enough down the palace’s steps. He produced a hoofkerchief from his robes, putting it against his forehead and pressing hard. “She’s just being playful, tac, I know it, but it’s…! It’s just so frustrating and unnecessary. Yes, it’s her way of saying that she cares and, no, I don’t have to be reminded that it’s all in good spirits of a familial bond!”

Twilight blinked and found herself waiting a second before speaking up, encountering this very annoyed and rather sharp tone from the Count Brother. “I… haven’t said anything, Ebony Crescent.”

He looked at her with confusion, though it dispelled itself after but a blink. “Oh! No, I know you haven’t, Twilight Sparkle, my apologies…” the stallion replied, with genuine regret. “It’s just that I am reminded of the fact often enough that I tend to just… remark without thinking,” he explained, taking care of the droplets of sweat that emerged from underneath his mane. “And I know she doesn’t mean ill or anything, it’s just her character. She’s really warmhearted beneath all that sharp wit.”

“I think she is, yes,” Twilight encouraged that thinking, especially since she could have sworn that Ebony Crescent briefly shook, like a surge of cold caused his entire being to thrash in the blink of an eye and then calm down. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, of course,” the stallion claimed, wiping his brow and hiding the cloth away, even if for a moment. “I just get… worked up by her, sometimes. Though she claims it actually helps me, keeps me on the edge and focused and all of that.” Before Twilight could say anything else, he lifted his hoof. “Let us not bother ourselves with that, it is you who is the mare of the night, as much as my sister enjoys stealing the spotlight and thunder. Please, allow me…”

Twilight didn’t object, diligently following the Count Brother as he took a side passage, avoiding the main stairwells heading up from the palace. She wondered whether some of his motivation was linked to him skipping the climb up the steps, which would make him even more winded. He definitely looked like he was putting on a brave face while the sweat was gathering on his head in a constant, steady way. The tunnels they were taking were, perhaps, a little less stunning than the main approach to this part of the Mountain, but also featured a much more delicate elevation, allowing the stallion to try and limit his discomfort.

He was trying to get away from it entirely, actually, by engaging Twilight in a more casual conversation. “Leisure in our Mountain is one thing, but I would like to know a little more about your usual way of spending your time off, Twilight Sparkle. How do you relax… if you have the chance, of course, I know that being the Princess of Equestria must be a demanding calling.”

“Perhaps, but a satisfying one,” Twilight let him know, smiling to herself. “When I am not defending my town, or the entire country, from a roaming monster or an ancient threat, I do find some time for my hobbies.”

“I would be delighted to learn about them, but, if I might, I feel that I have to ask first – is that a common occurrence? The fighting, I mean.”

“Surprisingly,” she admitted, now that she considered how often she was pitted against many, ‘colorful’ challenges, like the ones that she had already faced. “Saving the Goddess was one thing, and most crucial, but Equestria is being threatened by something or somepony quite regularly. Thank Harmony, we are managing to contain the threats before things go too far.”

“You must be more powerful than I envisioned, Twilight Sparkle,” Ebony Crescent responded, rubbing his chin as if in thought. “Fulfilling your part in the Goddess’ return, the one announced first by one of our most ancient prayers, is one thing, of course. But a constant vigil? Your abilities must be extraordinary, indeed.”

“Well, I’m not sure how comfortable you are with discussing magic—”

“Utterly,” the stallion immediately told her.

So much so that she was taken aback by it, at least a little. “Really?” the obvious question escaped her lips, and the Count Brother grinned at the doubtful tone.

“Actually, yes,” he told her, again taking care of one more droplet going down his temple. “I know all about the, as well call them, ‘Lost Gifts’, I must have heard that Tale a couple dozen times throughout my life, at least… but I never understood a certain, shall we say, ‘envy’ that some of our kind harbor over the fact. So your ancestors were, supposedly, ungrateful, opportunistic, contemptible ponies. So what? Are you to blame for that? Sounds a little petty to me.”

Twilight smiled at the obvious, thought often overlooked truth, while still finding it surprising to encounter it here, and from a pony of noble breeding. “Your words I welcome, they are very kind, though...” She glanced behind, but her entourage remained further back and nopony else was close enough to hear her small complaint. “Without denying anything about the history of Shades’ Hollow, the tragedy that befell your ancestors, I sense that a lot of your compatriots treat the matter of ‘sins of our fathers’ with great seriousness.”

“Oh, but so do I,” Ebony Crescent told her, leaving no room for interpretation, “but historical truth is one thing, an ancient tale from holy scriptures is another. Besides, I don’t go around, waving old grievances in pony’s muzzles, I think it would make me a rather tedious individual...”

“So you don’t expect me to offer Noctraliya some form of a repayment, Ebony Crescent?” Twilight asked, risking the quite political question through the course of this, seemingly casual conversation.

“I expect that a kind and generous pony like you, Twilight Sparkle, will use this old plight to bring some good to our country,” he told her with a smile. “But I don’t base my whole existence on the concept of reimbursement or compensation. Am I a pony in need of such help? Certainly not! I hold my head high, even if I cannot lift objects with the power of my mind.”

He definitely made Twilight giggle with the tone he used, but she felt rather pleased that he wasn’t harboring any hard feelings. Honestly, she wasn’t expecting him to, considering his conduct up to this point.

So, she went back to the core of the conversation. “I suppose that the matter of history is a bit more complex, unfortunately, but, to return to where we started from, I do find myself possessing a talent for magic. I utilize it in Equestria’s defense, and often, but it doesn’t make me a better sort of a pony.”

“I think that your tact, and the open heart you show so often, might be achieving that instead, Twilight Sparkle,” Ebony Crescent told her, winking a little. “But don’t take my word for it, who am I to judge?”

Well, if his gaze could tell her anything – the right to judge, and judge mercifully and generously, was very much ingrained in it. The Count Brother’s eyes betrayed a certain, deep appreciation that Twilight found very hard to ignore. Again, that pleasant warmth gathered in her cheeks, though she fought to keep it contained.

She, thankfully, soon found herself a distraction from it, as they have reached the main part of the Mountain, containing those incredible terraces and platforms that created a true web of artwork, and a cascade of wondrous vistas. The different perspective on the cave did a lot to rekindle the sense of awe in Twilight, especially since she now realized the scope of this convoluted design. From the landing cavern’s direction she could see only a portion of the complex, now revealed to her in yet another part, one that spoke of the intricacy of the Crescents’ design.

Or so she initially thought, until Ebony Crescent spoke to her. “Hmm, how unfortunate. I think you are a little off course, actually, Twilight Sparkle.”

“What do you mean?” she asked, utterly confused by that statement and looking around as if she had missed a convenient sign which had tried to keep her on the right approach to the cavern.

Her reaction prompted the Count Brother to chuckle behind his hoof, then point at the design beneath her hooves. Very happily, too, for the floor was a piece of art in and of itself, with both darker and lighter shades of marble creating a mosaic of floral arrangements, weaving themselves throughout the platform with the expertise and tenacity of real plants. One place in particular was much more prominent, marked by a circle of amethyst stones, almost like pinpointing a target. Or, which was most likely what Ebony Crescent had in mind, a perfect place to stand.

Prompted by his nod, Twilight took a few steps towards the said place, looking around as if something were to be triggered by her presence in the right location. Nothing happened outright, which wasn’t really that surprising, but she hoped that she would get a further suggestion from the stallion. Ebony Crescent was happy to aid her, and she spotted that great expectation and eagerness shined in his eyes.

She suddenly hoped that she could accommodate him entirely, with a genuine reaction to whatever he wanted her to witness. And, following the stallion’s delicate gesture, she looked up... and found her jaw hanging in awe almost immediately.

Right above her, formed by the passageways and the edges of the terraces and platforms, she spotted a very, very clear shape. That of the Crescent Family crest, marvelously sculpted in, of all things, nothing.

The very space between the many wonders of architecture turned out to be yet another wonder, ironically, as its presence left no space for misinterpretation. This, the whole Mountain, from the small details to the massive projects, was the personal and fostered domain of the Kwadri, the masters of art and design. Sophistication going so far back that the entire section of the Iug, surely sculpted over centuries and centuries, had been meticulously planned in advance to create a brilliant image. Finished, of all things, by an immense cluster of pure amethyst, hanging at the distant cavern’s ceiling, right where it should have been on the sign of the Crescents.

Twilight wasn’t sure just for how long she was admiring the sight, though the strain on her neck finally brought her back to reality. Not that she minded, for the stare she was receiving from Ebony Crescent, filled with pure, unfiltered joy, was a sight almost as pleasant as the architectural achievement right above.

“This... this is breathtaking. How much in advance had this been planned? This must be an ancient project!”

“It’s been going on for about five centuries, if my mind serves me, Twilight Sparkle,” the stallion explained, coming closer and also staring up to admire the view for a brief moment. “My noble ancestor, Honored Lord Set Crescent, known by some as ‘the Rigorous’, made an edict upon the uncovering of the noble gathering of gemstones right above us. He demanded that this part of the main cavern shall be designed in such a way specifically, to accommodate the cluster and leave space all the way down here, the whole western side. Of course, some of the already existing structures had to be modified, and a section of the amethysts above was added on, to create the proper shape, but the Honored Lord’s idea is being observed to this day. I find this particular part of our Mountain...”

He looked down and Twilight realized that, by inadvertently taking a step closer to grasp the explanation and enjoy the sight a bit more, she came precariously close to his muzzle.

“... most inspiring,” Ebony Crescent finished his sentence, realizing the closeness, but not moving away even by an inch. If anything, the glint in his eyes spoke of him being quite alright with the happenstance.

It was Twilight that took a step back, however, abashed by the situation. She made it her priority to compose herself right away, not to give anypony a wrong impression. “I-it is a true marvel of design! And planning, as well, without a doubt!”

The Count Brother nodded, with a small, understanding smile, which was meant to let her know that nothing wrong had happened, much to her relief. “Planning ahead is a noble pastime, especially when trying to enact a grand project, yes,” he told her, taking care of one more, wayward strand of mane, finally besting the very remains of sweat which had invaded his brow earlier on. “Foresight, preparedness and some opportunism, all the marks of a great mind, if I do say so myself.”

“Without a doubt, if this is the result!” Twilight quickly replied, trying to push back the awkwardness of their previous proximity.

The Count Brother gave her a little, intense glance, though she had no idea where exactly it came from. “Sometimes results can beget more results. One never knows just how far inspiration and creativity can lead one,” he stated.

He then wanted to continue explaining something to her, already pointing in another direction, but his gesture made them both realize that they weren’t entirely alone.

And it wasn’t the fact that they were in the Mountain’s main cavern, no. Local denizens were present on some of the other platforms, with this being relatively empty, other than a meandering poet of some sort, reciting something to himself in contemplation of his art. But, of all the ponies, a certain warrior was now standing much closer than he had before, his presence causing unmistakable tension to mar the moment.

“What is it, Midnight Wind?” Twilight asked, surprised, displeased, but also a little bit concerned that the stallion had appeared so quickly and so closely. And that he was wearing that expression.

“Nothing, hwalba knaze,” he replied, stoically and coldly, his eyes meeting hers. “Being a bodyguard, as I have been assigned.”

Twilight looked past him. She had another pony in her entourage after all, but Rowan Berry hadn’t exactly approached. However, she was standing at a closer distance, as if she had followed the stallion quickly, wanting to make sure that he was not going to do... anything.

Ebony Crescent didn’t miss the fact that the situation suddenly became taut, no, though he was rather tactful about it. “Oh, that’s understandable, and an appropriate stance from a bodyguard, but no harm shall come to the Princess here, Midnight Wind. Your service does you credit, of course, and—”

“I would never allow anything to happen to hwalba knaze, regardless of where we are,” the warrior sharply told the Count Brother, causing Ebony Crescent’s brow to furrow and his eyes to narrow, as if he had just received a threat.

The reaction was so visible that Twilight found herself stepping in, and not bothering to control her voice. Though she still picked her words with some caution. She discerned immediately where Midnight Wind was coming from, and she was not going to let a sudden spout of jealousy to ruin her stay.

“There is absolutely no need for being overeager out of nowhere. I’m capable of taking care of myself, especially in the company of somepony that wishes to simply show me a pleasant time after my, so far, rather stressful venture.”

“Of course, hwalba knaze,” Midnight Wind told her, nodding stiffly, as if not recognizing that she had seen right through him. “I’m certain that the Honored Count Brother is a proper companion for you, one that will make sure that your time in the Mountain is nothing but pleasant, and within the scope of decency.”

Twilight blinked, a little unsure where that declaration was coming from. It sounded exactly like a warning.

Actually, she did know where it was coming from. Yes, Ebony Crescent was not only showing kindness and generosity towards her, but she wasn’t blind – there was a personal interest there as well. She had witnessed it way before, in the Sanctuary. The performance, for example? And what had the kiss on her hoof been about? She, however, doubted that anything more than a fascination would come out of it, due to the taboos and all. She wasn’t going to suddenly become allergic to receiving some attention, however!

It looked like Ebony Crescent himself accepted the stern warning he had just been subjected to, though his expression showed only understanding.

“Please, Nightguardian, worry not,” the stallion politely stated, explaining himself. “I know that the ways of the Mountain of Crescent are a little bit more ‘colorful’ than the rest of our domain prefers… especially in places like the Mountain of Midnight, but I have only the utmost respect for the Honored Princess as a guest. She shall be treated accordingly, and won’t be forced to do anything that could assault her sensibility,” Ebony Crescent promised, giving Twilight a little bow of acknowledgment. “Unless, of course, she herself would want to partake in an activity or two. One could hardly be upset about her making a free choice, right?”

When Midnight Wind’s eyes narrowed and his upper lip quivered a little, threatening to reveal his fangs, Twilight suddenly felt like she was missing something. She couldn’t quite grasp it, however, annoyed as she was.

“Nightguardian, your dutiful stance is noted,” she told him, not caring to warm up her tone. “Also, I feel it is unnecessary. I am sure that, even if some of the ways of the Crescent Family aren’t adhering to the cultural code of Equestria, the Count Brother will let me choose the activities I want to participate in freely. I doubt any of them can be harmful to me, anyway.”

Ebony Crescent chuckled a little, despite the palpable tension. “Well, I don’t expect you to suddenly perform stunts, like some of those during the feast last night!”

Midnight Wind didn’t look convinced, not at all, but neither did Twilight have the will to argue with him about it, especially not in public. “That will be all, Nightguardian. Leave me some room to enjoy my sightseeing.”

“Yes, hwalba knaze,” the warrior told her, again moving back and joining Rowan Berry, without a word more.

They both were giving her those glances. She had more than enough of glances. But… she couldn’t ignore them, not entirely, keeping them in mind.

Ebony Crescent quickly dispelled the tension, however, waving his hoof almost nonchalantly as he gathered Twilight’s attention once more. He lowered his voice’s volume, nevertheless. “Well-understood duty is remarkable, I’m actually quite happy to witness it once again. I know that Midnight Wind does take his role seriously,” he commented, nodding in thought.

“That he does,” Twilight admitted, though something in her mind shifted immediately, causing her to ask as she looked at the Count Brother with curiosity. “How do you know? I’m aware from when we first met in the Sanctuary that you had acquainted with Midnight Wind, but I didn’t know you harbor such opinions about him.”

“An old acquaintance, it has to be said. Though I mostly mean the moment of it, not the intensity,” the stallion explained, with a kind smile. “I remember a certain, unfortunate avalanche that happened not too far away from here, and a very spirited warrior that took it upon himself to organize the efforts to save our kin, trapped underneath. It has been many years, but one can hardly forget such an example. A paragon’s performance, I almost consider myself jealous.”

That... did check out.

Actually, Twilight wasn’t sure why she had asked in the first place, but she was certain that it had something to do with her nerves being shot after Midnight Wind had just appeared right by them. His proximity was unpleasant to her still, she couldn’t deny it. Despite trying to find her comfort after what had transpired, she couldn’t quite come to terms with… anything, not that a huge amount of time had passed.

Or... maybe she was just being utterly paranoid, which was also kind of understandable to her. After learning that the warrior had been so insincere, that must have meant that everypony around had to have a hidden agenda, or something like that, right?

She wanted to shake her head at that inner question, but Ebony Crescent summoned her back from the darker thoughts with a quite enthusiastic shout and a clap of his hooves.

“However!” he exclaimed with gusto. “No threat of bodily harm or anything of the sort tonight, just the pleasing presence of art!”

Twilight had nothing against that, she would actually welcome things progressing solely like that from now on. For his part, the Count Brother immediately decided to move on, perhaps to leave behind the unpleasant moment alongside the platform it happened on. Not that she minded, she also didn’t want to bother herself with her own plights when the Mountain of Crescent was proving to be quite the extraordinary place, full of architectural wonder and exquisite design.

Their next stop was not far from the first, actually, on a raised terrace which housed two, most characteristic things. First was a large, lowered space, chiseled to resemble a whirlpool draining away the very rocks around it, though also one providing a comfortable amount of seats. The second – an artificial waterfall, descending right down to the very bottom of said granite maelstrom.

Though this particular cascade had much less to do with the roaring sight that Twilight could recall from the Valleys. This cataract was more like an elaborate art installation than anything else. Dozens and dozens of tiny viaducts, each adding to the performance in their own tempo and height, were causing the flow that descended down to be like a soft curtain of silk, as the strands of water continued on so smoothly that they appeared almost stationary. Just an occasional flicker or two, coming from the lanterns which had been accordingly placed to embellish the liquid performance, were betraying that the movement of water was constant and those weren’t just thin, frozen pillars, lined in various ways to create a remarkable sight.

Ebony Crescent felt particularly pleased to focus on this marvel of design, as he explained to Twilight how this corner of the Mountain had come to pass. “The way that the water is flowing is thanks to the concept put together by one Crescent Drop. He was an assistant to a member of the Assembly for the Honored Lord Silver Crescent, and was not an artist himself, actually. He was of the fruittender caste, and while working on a way to improve the irrigation techniques of the Valleys, he thought that a certain pipe size, and a proper filter, could be used to create a very beautiful and steady flow of water,” the stallion explained, pointing at the tiny viaducts. “Over time, he began expanding his vision, allowing gravity and the natural movement of water to dictate certain bends and falls, which resulted in the first project, not unlike the one you see before you, though on a smaller scale. Of course, the hwalba haspadre was a little skeptical about Crescent Drop’s ideas, but not in a way one might expect.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, recognizing that the little pause was meant to prompt her to do exactly that, much to Ebony Crescent’s satisfaction.

“One would think she would turn down an artistic idea of a fruittender, a pony not meant to be versed in the matters of art in the first place... but I have told you, Twilight Sparkle, that there is nothing wrong with having a hobby, right?” the stallion pointed out with another, small smile, embellishing his tone with an actor’s gusto. “She understood that part, but I have read that she was actually a particularly shrewd mare. She was, of all things, worried about the general cost of creating an art piece with pipes and everything.”

“I think it’s a mark of a responsible leader, actually,” Twilight engaged in this small performance with a comment which caused Ebony Crescent to nod, and nod theatrically, indeed.

“Without a doubt, one can grasp where Honored Lord Silver Crescent was coming from. Losing sight of the mundane can sometimes turn out to be quite pricey...”

He paused, which made Twilight wonder whether things always worked in a responsible way around here, with Lord Bright Crescent having opted to realize his vision at the Mountain’s peak.

The Count Brother was approaching the conclusion at that point, his tone turning much more mystical and paced. “But, it seemed that the providence of the Goddess was with Crescent Drop. He pointed out, wisely, that art is not simply a matter of resources, as it can serve as sustenance beyond the needs of the body, but mind and soul as well. The Honored Lord was a spiritual mare, other than a skilled administrator, and she was actually convinced by Crescent Drop’s words that the gentle hum of water, that steady almost inaudible sound...”

He stopped again, allowing Twilight to listen for the exact thing. It wasn’t obvious, actually, which was a most marvelous thing, but slowly she managed to recognize that the whisper coming from the waterfall was actually present, strangely cutting through the distant sounds of the Mountain’s life.

“... could help in finding both inspiration, and a link to the extramundane, through its delicate, steady chime. A soft call in the rush, a murmur coming from beyond, like soothing insects at dusk, like wind lost among the mountain grass...”

Twilight definitely appreciated the poetic interpretation, but she could also strengthen the point with her own experience.

“I wouldn’t claim to be an expert on what is spiritual, yet I cannot deny that the sound of running water is a pleasing one, and had been actually proved to help with focus when, for example, performing long and arduous mental exercises,” she revealed.

Much to the Count Brother’s satisfaction, even though he must have realized that she had in mind the arcane arts. “I think I would avoid the term ‘arduous’ around the priesthood, Twilight Sparkle, one might think you are talking about praying, or something!” the stallion joked, causing her to giggle behind her hoof too.

“I’m afraid that what I have in mind is as far from that as one could expect, knowing the Noctraliyan approach,” she let Ebony Crescent know, and he nodded in amused agreement. “I have to say, I’m positively surprised.”

“I hope that feeling to continue around our domain, Twilight Sparkle, though what do you have in mind, exactly?”

“Sightseeing is one matter, yes, but I had no idea that you will be so kind as to give me the historical context, alongside showing me the splendor of your Mountain,” she explained with an honest smile. “Does every batpony around the Iug know the origins of your art? I would expect so, but I also won’t be staggered to learn that you have done some extra work on your own, Ebony Crescent, just to impress me.”

“Well, one should know at least a little about the most prominent pieces which came from our Family,” the stallion admitted, and the expectation was very much audible in his voice. Alongside some abashment, but only the healthy amount. “But, having in mind your arrival, I might have refreshed my knowledge, including some, as one might say in Equestria, ‘trivia’. You know, not to end up as a bore, despite my sister’s harsh critique and the like.”

Twilight found herself chuckling again at Ebony Crescent’s tone, and she couldn’t deny that it was a pleasant feeling. “I don’t think I would consider you a ‘bore’ either way, Ebony Crescent.”

“I’m sorry, but ‘either way’ is not my way, Twilight Sparkle. I aim to please…” the stallion told her, and something about that tone and the expression was incredibly silken. “We could stay here for a while, if you’d like. Perhaps a moment by the water will be a most pleasant pastime for you? We’re not in any sort of hurry.”

“I’ll keep in mind the place, though I admit that my curiosity is pushing me forward,” Twilight happily revealed, not that she was simply overlooking the wonderful display in the hope that more was to be shown. Still, she had a feeling that the Count Brother would enjoy her showing expectancy. “I want to be convinced that the Crescent Family can amaze me further yet. I take it you can provide, Ebony Crescent?”

Her question, laced with that little bit of teasing and a regal tone, made the stallion smile cheekily, but also give her a proper bow. “I won’t disappoint,” he replied with conviction, followed by a wink.

Strangely, she welcomed him being quite so playful. There was something recognizable in it, something reassuring, though her heart remained locked to what that was…

From what she could tell, Ebony Crescent wanted to leave the most obvious place to visit for much, much later. Twilight imagined that the gallery built by his uncle’s orders would be the crown jewel of the trip, of course. The Count Brother seemed very keen on progressively creating the ambiance of sophistication and artistic mastery, however, until they would reach the very peak of the Mountain of Crescent. Twilight wasn’t against it, as it meant that she would be able to witness much more of the Iug in the end.

They were on the way to a place that Ebony Crescent had briefly described as ‘having a very unique charm about it’, whatever that enigmatic expression meant, when Twilight’s gaze wandered around, admiring the sharp edges of the Crescents’ architecture, and landed on something that she couldn’t discern right away, on a terrace connected to the bridge they were taking.

It was another art installation of some sort, or at least she thought so at first. However, it differed quite strongly from the other displays about the cavern. For once, a pair of local militiaponies were stationed by it, and even the fact that their gear was much more elaborately designed and embellished than their equivalents from the other Mountains, they weren’t entirely blending in. It felt strange to Twilight that any sort of art would have to be protected quite so strongly, as nothing about the place spoke of the Family needing any form of security for their creations. Quite the opposite, all of them so far had been proudly and openly displayed.

That one peculiar detail lead to another, as it happened. As far as Twilight could tell, it actually wasn’t a sculpture which was guarded, since those didn’t really come in color other than the noble grays of granite or marble.

“Ebony Crescent?”

“Yes?” the Count Brother immediately asked, with a smile and eagerness to address whatever her inquiry would be.

“What is going on there?”

It wasn’t perhaps the most eloquent of questions, but one rather clear in its implication. The stallion blinked, then his gaze followed her gentle gesture in the right direction… and all of his keenness and enthusiasm drained from his muzzle, like color from a fresh painting which had been left in a torrential rain. It was a comparison all the more accurate, since the assault of sweat he had withstood before returned with a vengeance, soaking his forehead in but a few seconds.

“Oh! Oh, that…! I… uhm… I mean…!” he stuttered, immediately shocked and visibly disappointed.

Twilight couldn’t shake the feeling that the first instinct Ebony Crescent had just had was to downplay the sight, or lie about it, but clearly something in him decided otherwise. She honestly appreciated that decision, though she expected that what he was about to reveal wouldn’t make her particularly pleased, considering the reluctance still present in his tone.

And the mounting anger, which quickly became apparent. “I… was told that this would be gone from here by tonight. Apparently somepony decided not to be precise enough. And now…!” He interrupted himself, pressing a hoof to his head so quickly one could think that he had just bashed himself right on the temple. “Great! Fantastic! And here I thought literally anything would go well and smoothly, and that I will actually show you a decent time at my own Mountain! How foolish of me!”

Ebony Crescent was literally shouting at this point, in that sudden outburst of emotions which Twilight had seen just before. Before she could ask him for more details, however, the stallion stormed off. He had enough of self-control to ask her to follow. His gesture was sharp, though he also kept it polite enough, finding sufficient decorum in himself even in the midst of his inner battle with outrage.

Apparently, Ebony Crescent was also keen on trying to explain the situation outright, despite being in almost physical pain that he had to, clearly hoping to mitigate the circumstances. “As you have quite likely discerned during your travels, Noctraliya has strict societal norms, and divergence from those can be punished. And that we also practice physical ways of punishment, as we believe those can be educational, and allow for a more rapid return of the individual to the healthy society,” he ranted on, with frightening clarity considering the bubbling ire. “Or am I making this even worse, by revealing something that must be quite unpleasant to your Equestrian tastes?”

“No, I am aware of all of that,” Twilight only just managed to respond, for the Count Brother’s outrage was causing him to continue, regardless of her reply.

“Some of the usual sentences include, for example, the lower mines, but our Family has a more traditional punishment, one that is still sometimes meted out in rare circumstances!” he instructed her as they arrived down at the platform that housed the ‘display’, whatever it was. One thing was certain, the stallion was absolutely furious about it, his mane already quite wet and ruined from the intensity of his chagrin. “This is, lamentably, an example, though I have to ask, and do pardon me for switching languages for a brief moment – kwo bid to?!”

The pair of warriors that were positioned to the sides had already spotted the Count Brother approaching, though they still almost jumped from the question, delivered in a scream and with a breaking voice too.

Them staggering meant that Twilight had a brief moment to take in what Ebony Crescent had meant exactly, and the realization hit her quite strongly, as she now fully registered that she wasn’t looking at a colorful stature… but a living pony.

A middle-aged stallion, of a long and disheveled mane the color of ripe oranges, lead-hued coat, and robes betraying that he was at least a well-off member of a lower House, if not outright a noble. He was just about limply dangling on what looked like a frame… or a display rack. A bizarre construction, embellished and presenting itself as if branches of a twisted and yet nimble tree, was keeping him suspended in a no less contorted position, one of terrifying, pained beauty. Like a living demonstration of the plight of a pony, bent and warped like the deed he had committed to earn himself such a punishment.

The prisoner’s lips were cracked, and his breathing was shallow and labored, small whinnies of misery and strain escaping him again and again. Twilight could hear those despite the noises of the bustling Mountain, and they were touching her to the core. The implication as to why the stallion was suffering was still there, of course, but it seemed a particularly cruel punishment to her, being left like he was. Especially since, despite being ‘presented’ to the Iug around him, he definitely wasn’t admired by anypony, nor was anypony filled with righteous fear over the sanction staring in this direction. It was an exhibition for the sake of itself, as Twilight couldn’t particularly agree with its redemptive qualities.

The unfortunate pony’s eyes were glazed over, but he found in himself enough strength to follow the Count Brother with them, especially as Ebony Crescent was finding an outlet for his anger which could definitely spawn attention.

Ia rogore – kwo bid to?! Kwid bid ip hic?!

Hwalbu hrabiy bratr, ipu—” one of the militiaponies tried to come up with an explanation, but it seemed that the stallion wasn’t actually looking for one.

Tuyi znati kwi bid ipe?!” the Count Brother shouted, pointing back at Twilight, though none of the warriors dared to look at her, having the furious pony right before them. “Hwalba knaze Crepuscle Iskre a Ekwestriya! I tere ipe musyie vid hac skerw!

Something was telling Twilight, and she wouldn’t put it past her budding abilities in Noctraliyar, that the Count Brother was more upset about her having to witness this display than about it happening in the first place. Regardless, the stallion’s anger wasn’t subsiding, causing even more sweat to drip down him, turning his combed mane into an absolute mess, no less crude than that of the prisoner’s hair.

Ipu skazan klude yerinoc, ale ip bid hic, to bid merenil!” Ebony Crescent continued, waving his hoofkerchief around like a flag or a particularly flimsy weapon. “Hwalba kn—

Hacnoc, hwalbu hrabiy bratr,” one of the armed ponies finally managed to get a sentence in, one that locked the Count Brother in place.

… kwo?

Ipu skazan klude hacnoc, hwalbu hrabiy bratr,” the warrior continued, certain in his words, though being cautious about not upsetting Ebony Crescent any more than he already was. “Uai demori censeor.

Among what Twilight could understand were definitely the words for ‘yesternight’ and ‘tonight’. And that the tone was one of correction. And yet her host seemed unconvinced, or, to be more precise, a flash of realization passed through his muzzle, but was quickly followed by yet more irritation.

Tu… Tu dict ia bid grasitu?!

The chastised warrior took a step back and lowered his head. “Hwalbu—


Twilight winced at the volume and looked away. The last thing she needed tonight was more strife and more shouting.

“… hwalba…

A whisper replied to her plea for peace.

She looked about, not knowing where it come from, until her gaze landed on the stallion suspended above her. His eyes, the color of ripe lemons, were fixed straight on her, and beyond the tiredness and the pain, she spotted… fascination. Almost maddened fascination which turned his irises into sharp pinpricks, piercing right into her own.

“Hwalba… fyatala i… bozana…” the prisoner was whispering, the faint sounds of his voice still bringing with themselves intensity aplenty. “Bogine…

Twilight blinked and found herself stepping back. For some reason, his words were causing her deep discomfort. Was it his current situation and punishment? Was it his tone, so direct and… hopeful? Or was it finally his gaze, marred by zeal, one which simply must have been born of the agony he was in. She could imagine that a prisoner spending a longer time in this morbid contraption could lose their senses quite quickly.

Her reaction was spotted. As she backed away from the hanging stallion, she felt a presence behind her, and turned around to witness Midnight, once again standing nearby. His gaze was that of support and reassurance, even if he said nothing.

She couldn’t find it in herself to appreciate it, though she gave him a nod right before he moved away again… and right prior to Ebony Crescent’s voice reaching her.

“I am so, so dreadfully sorry that you had to witness this! It was meant to be taken down already, and the convict returned before the judge,” he tried to explain as he approached, though the remnants of ire in his voice and the sweaty look were not helping in this regard. “Please tell me this hasn’t ruined it all, please,” he added, now sounding like he was pleading her to say so.

Twilight wasn’t going to ignore what she had just witnessed, especially since she could feel the prisoner’s gaze on her, and she still had to make her mind about the whole… twisted idea she had just learnt of and witnessed. Especially since, for all the sirens blaring in her mind over the concept of such corporal punishment, something about such a display was causing a most dreadful fascination in her.

Not to mention the prisoner himself turning to her with such a strange, fanatical tone…

She took a deep breath, looking straight at Ebony Crescent. “I would like to have words about all of this. Preferably someplace calm and secluded, and nearby. So that they can be said soon.”

She wasn’t particularly pleased that she was causing the Count Brother discomfort, but she was past overlooking things around her just because.

She had come to Noctraliya to make things better. She would, whether anypony liked it or not.

“Thank you that you have stayed up quite so late, Tia…”

Luna was honestly grateful. Her sister’s help in this trying time was not something to be overlooked, even if expressing appreciation to others wasn’t necessarily Luna’s strong suit. Thankfully, she had learnt quite a lot in her life about being open when it counted, and was genuinely glad that she could let Celestia know of her feelings.

It would have spared her quite the predicaments in her past, but she could at least appreciate the ‘learning experience’ her time in the Nightmare’s embrace had been.

Celestia was very much recipient to her words. For many of her own reasons, without a doubt. “Think nothing of it, Lulu. I’m glad I can help. And, honestly, I’m happy we can talk for a moment,” she told Luna, a shade of worry passing through her muzzle, like a swift bird flying past the Sun’s discus. “I know you have asked me, explicitly, to aid you with bringing up the Moon... but I hope that it is not creating a distorted image to anypony, especially you. I wouldn’t want to be seen as usurping your place, regardless of the state of affairs.”

“Fear not, Tia, this is nothing of the sort,” Luna told her with a reassuring tone and placing her hoof on her sister’s. “Consider me grown up enough to realize it not being the case.”

She meant it, she really did. Come to think of it, her sister had every reason to feel this worry. It must have reminded her of the time before Luna’s banishment, and those matters could not just disappear from both of their minds.

But Celestia smiled, appreciating the words of relief, and the moment of familial closeness. Some hours into the night had passed, but they were both merry to be sitting in the Royal Parlour and use the opportunity. Advisor Raven had already been sent home to rest, so the two of them had the place entirely to themselves. Which was most fortuitous, Luna thought, considering the conversation she had to have with her sister.

Before it could happen, however, Celestia’s tender and caring nature took the initiative, not that Luna minded the fact. “How are you holding up, Lulu? I know this all must have been a terrible blow to you. To think that something like this could happen, right here in Canterlot?”

Luna nodded, the hold she had on her sister’s hoof tightening just a little. “I take it Shining Armor shared all the findings with you?”

“Him and the Guard Captain,” the solar alicorn revealed, nodding in thought. “I’m righteously angered by it all, but I cannot imagine just how terrible you must feel.”

Tia was being courteous, but also had no idea that her expression carried with itself much more weight, considering Luna’s latest findings.

“I’m hanging in there, but… ‘how’ am I feeling is very much why I wanted to meet you. I hope you can indulge me for a while, before heading for your more-than-earned rest, Tia,” Luna told her sister, earning for herself a supportive smile.

“Of course, Lulu. Please, share with me whatever you desire, I’m here to listen.”

Luna nodded. Celestia’s care was genuine, and although she could have had reasons to show much more of it nowadays, considering the mystery of Shades’ Hollow and her role in it, it wasn’t the sole reason why the solar alicorn was expressing concern. Nay, her worry was out of love, and that was exactly why Luna knew that she could share with the her sister certain feelings and ideas she had arrived at.

She wasn’t sure, however, which of those would cause more concern to Tia. Because, for all of her understanding, Luna’s big sister had a set of strong guidelines in her life, ones that Luna could very well venture beyond with her topics.

“Well… I think I will start by saying that I am trying to cope with what happened. I know, that’s a given, considering everything, but…” she paused briefly, gathering thoughts and organizing what sentences needed to follow first. “Moonwarden is a pony very close to me. Some might say ‘too close’, and even my faithful Advisor could concur, in a certain sense. Yet, to see him clinging to life, helped by all of this strange, almost alien machinery, it seems so… unnatural to me, so out of place. So out of my control.”

Celestia listened carefully and with an expression of support. A gesture of one, as well, as she prompted Luna to continue, the solar alicorn’s gaze inscrutable so far.

“The hospital claims that things can progress either way, unfortunately. They have done all they could, performed feats which I find hard to describe or grasp properly. A millennium away from the world and the progress it made does that to one,” Luna explained herself, hoping she was being both open and heading into the right direction with her ‘introduction’. “This worry is eating me from the inside and I… I’m trying to find ways to alleviate it, I grasp at what’s sure and stable to try and maintain my balance. It’s not an easy task.”

The hoof that Luna had been holding was now returning the favor, joined by another as Celestia made sure to be fully engrossed in what was being revealed. “I would say that I could only imagine, but… if that helps you, I have been in similar situations. Perhaps not exactly like this one, but a millennium here had its own tasks and challenges to face. Especially in the face of… the passing of the world around.”

Luna nodded, as she had to agree. Alicorns had a certain… No, ‘advantage’ was perhaps not the right word, nor did ‘privilege’ really fit. ‘Trait’ would have to do, and it was giving them a unique perspective, one of a well-nigh constancy while everything moved and changed around, sometimes at an unfortunate pace.

“While I am not naïve to stand in the way of what’s inevitable,” Luna admitted with wistfulness that didn’t surprise her at all, “I want to believe that ‘inevitable’ is not now. Not yet. It would be nothing short of unjust, and I have reasons, strong reasons, to believe so.”

Tia nodded again, accepting the words without protest. However, it seemed that her interpretation of them was at least a little flawed. “I know that Advisor Moonwarden managed to cheat death once before, so I wouldn’t put it past him to attempt that again. And I do understand that you would consider him being too much of a valuable pony to be just… gone. Not that I think that you view him as simply an asset.”

Luna blinked. No, she definitely hadn’t expected Celestia to name the unicorn as but a resource, which is why that sudden approach was worth exploring for a brief moment. “I definitely don’t, no. He’s proved to be a most loyal servant, with undeniable devotion to the cause. He is one of Equestria’s greatest assets, but I definitely don’t view him as such. Actually, I approach him with a much more personal connection at this point.”

“That does happen between a sovereign and their close aides. I think it is a beneficial link to establish…”

Did Celestia plan to continue with an ‘as long as’ expression of some shape or form…?

Luna’s surprise was so great that she actually moved slightly back, which made Tia’s eyes show greater concern yet.

“Is there something wrong?” Luna didn’t hesitate to ask. “I have a feeling that you want to say something, Tia?”

“I would, yes, but only out of care for you, and nothing else,” her sister replied, and her tone spoke of her good intentions, even if the words were causing some discomfort. “I’m saddened to see you in mourning like you are, and I don’t blame you for it, not even an ounce. I think there is a healthy side to it, but I’m just hoping that it is based on proper foundations.”

“… proper foundations,” Luna parroted, suddenly taken aback. Although it didn’t take her long to consider what Celestia could have been referring to. “Is this… Is this because we are talking about Moonwarden?” Not waiting for a response, Luna continued with a strong voice. “Tia, I know of his reputation and I am utterly aware of his abilities. That doesn’t take away from the fact that he is my Advisor, my confidant, and that his life is hanging by a thread. It is my solemn duty to be by his side in this time of trial!”

She could have told Celestia everything right away, but that… that would only make matters worse, considering her sister’s distraught gaze. She had to wait for a proper moment, if even.

Love wasn’t a topic one threw into the conversation haphazardly.

In the meantime, Celestia’s posture became defensive, though it wasn’t meant to cause any unease, or at least Luna didn’t feel the intention there. “Lulu, I’m not criticizing you. Again, I think your stance is praiseworthy. I’m just expressing what I feel, and what I’m anxious about,” the solar alicorn tried to explain, and to her credit, she was doing so with a calm voice, not heading towards any argument. “Moonwarden is a crafty individual, and he has established himself right next to you with expertise worthy of his experience as an operative. I don’t deny that he can be a valued member of your closest court, and I won’t overlook how beneficent his skills can be to Equestria, I’m just… unsure of his motivations.”

Was that the moment?

“Tia…” Luna sighed, shaking her head. “It’s not that I don’t see where you would be coming from. I think that were you to ask an Equestrian citizen of good standing, and with a clear morality, they would express valid concerns regarding some parts of Moonwarden’s notoriety. But do you think that all that he has done so far, all the times he had acted to help Equestria, despite his… well, rather pragmatic views on its inhabitants, was out of an agenda? Just to further his little plots and ploys?”

“I wouldn’t want that to be true. Not of him, nor any of the Second Chance,” Celestia admitted, looking deep into Luna’s eyes, as if trying to discern something, anything. Maybe even a hint of silver, though there was none to be found. “And while I see that the rest of them are trying, that they are amending their ways, with more or less success, Moonwarden… Moonwarden worries me. I cannot fully discern his drive, and that has always concerned me. Especially since he was persistently trying to be so close to you… Lulu…”

Out of all things that Luna was expecting to hear, she didn’t think that Celestia’s voice was even capable of breaking. Was it tiredness that caused it, or this deep-seated worry? Whatever it was, it was gone almost immediately after, but it resonated within Luna deeply as her older sister continued.

“Maybe I’m being unreasonable, maybe this is not the right moment, but seeing you persistently being there, at the hospital, at the foot of his bed, it…” She paused ever so briefly. “I want to believe that nothing is wrong with this scenario, but I’ve lost you once to the whispers coming from the dark… Do you blame me for worrying that they could come again, right under my nose, and take you away?”

Luna took but a breath to respond. “No. Neither would Moonwarden, I don’t think,” she assessed, considering what was to be said afterwards. Perhaps the reason why her sister had failed to understand the grey unicorn’s motivations lay exactly with the secret that Luna had just uncovered. “Honestly, now that I think about it, he would be pretty upset that you would accuse him of plotting against me, but at the same time his calculating mind would understand exactly why. He never was particularly apologetic about his scheming tendencies.”

Celestia blinked, and the fact that she was caught by surprise hit Luna back a little. Of course, she was considering that the kind, even warm tone she had decided to use would have such an effect, and also cause the next question to come.

“And you speak of it in such a… serene way? Weren’t you worried at any point that it might be the case? That he wants to use and abuse his position in some way? At your expense?”

“Tia, I was ready to smear him across the chamber’s floor the first time I met him, when he sneaked in. And sometimes later on, when his ego would get the best of him,” Luna admitted, returning to the first memory of the unicorn, and understanding his eccentric choice so much better now. “But, no, I never felt that I should worry about his motivations. Call it an instinctual choice… or maybe I was aware of a certain fact all this time, just without realizing it.” She lifted her hoof just a little, to stop Tia from interjecting. “Just so that we are absolutely clear – he never used his powers on me, he never attempted to, not even the most subtle ones he possesses. And he never made me forget that he did, if that’s your next question, Tia,” Luna assured with a smile. “We’re not powerless, you and I, and I’ve been particularly studious when nopony was looking. Then again, I’m certain that he wouldn’t ever strive to try any of his tricks on me in the first place.”

“I wish I had your confidence, Lulu…” Celestia replied, looking at least a little doubtful about such a strong stance. “He wouldn’t need to do anything using his mentalism, however, he’s a manipulator at heart. True, I haven’t ever seen you change in a way that would indicate any terrible influence of the sort, but…”

… but Luna was certain she had a solution for Tia’s worries, if she could only present it in the right way.

“I have confidence, because I know exactly why he wouldn’t ever dare, attempt, plan, or anything of the sort, to try and sway me. His ‘teachings’ do stem from his character, exploring the darker aspects of life, but also from something else entirely. Something that fills me with certainty regarding his intentions.”

“Then… what is it, Lulu? What grants you that confidence?” Celestia inquired, both genuinely curious and persistently perturbed.

Luna smiled. She turned to a little satchel she had brought with herself. Yes, perhaps what she had done was unreasonable, perhaps foolhardy, even, but she couldn’t possibly leave be the one proof that meant everything for her. Thankfully, she had managed to wait just long enough to catch doctor Silver Scalpel last morning, and make sure that he wouldn’t need it.

“It’s a little discolored, but I’ve done my best to clean it with magic. It’s Moonwarden’s personal item, but it’s been freed from the investigation, so don’t chastise me for bringing it…”

Celestia looked confused for a brief moment, before Luna’s magic produced the grey unicorn’s locket from the bag and dangled it before them both.

“Do you know that Cadance visited me, Tia?” Luna asked, seeing Celestia’s eyes darting between her and the pocket portrait.

“Yes, she wanted to check on you, assure that you are getting enough rest… Why?”

“That’s not only why she came, and from your tone I take it you had no idea of her motivations. We spoke briefly, and… she made me realize some matters. Which, in turn, made me a little furtive,” Luna admitted, with a wistful smile. “Perhaps one bad trait which I have strengthened by associating with my Advisor, but resulting in a most incredible find. One meaning this confidence and understanding residing me, one that motivates me to push on, and to hope that the ‘inevitable’ truly is not now, for it would be most unjust… for both of us.”

Considering Celestia’s silent and stunned state, Luna levitated the locket right into her hoof, positioning it neatly, and then opened it with a calm push of her arcane power. As calm as it could have been, knowing that revealing it all to Tia would be a monumental step.

Luna wasn’t wrong in the slightest, as Celestia’s magenta eyes widened, and one could almost spot the reflection of the portrait in them.

“He was carrying this on his person. Always, I strongly believe, though I have never known of that,” Luna explained, feeling herself smiling as the wave of strange pride and joy filled her core. “It stopped the assassin’s blade, if you can imagine, Tia. And that little thing… That is my confidence.”

Her sister was examining the locket as if entranced, which Luna found to be particularly amusing. Perhaps that wasn’t the right word, but there was something definitely incredible in seeing Tia genuinely gobsmacked, as Moonwarden could describe it. Luna… She would love to tell him of the moment when the time was right. Of course, there was a question whether sharing this secret with Celestia wasn’t a certain breach of privacy, but who else could have Luna told? This was her sister, her closest family and her dearest friend, despite all of their differences.

And she was now holding the locket as firmly as surprise was holding her very person.

“This is…” She began, but shook her head, clearly realizing that it was an obvious statement to say. “He’s… in love with you?”

“Yes,” Luna confirmed, and it must have been one of the most beautiful affirmations she had ever spoken in her life. To reveal such a strong connection, one that she shared with her grey eminence, it was bringing her indefinable happiness. “He hadn’t told me that, no, and the reasons for it I would definitely wish to discuss with him, but… there is no doubt. It puts everything he was doing, in his own, clandestine way, into the perfect perspective for me.”

Celestia only nodded, though Luna wasn’t sure if she was agreeing or she simply didn’t know how else to react.

“And…” the solar alicorn tried to begin again, but instead levitated the locket up by herself, putting it so that she could watch both the image and Luna’s own muzzle.

“Big sister, are you, per chance, uncertain whether it is actually me?”

“No…” Celestia responded, but her tone was… strange. Gone was that underlying worry, perhaps pushed away for a brief moment, replaced by something else entirely. “I’ve just spotted that you are much, much more red on the cheeks than the portrait does convey.” That was a tease, which Luna found very hard not to smile and giggle at, even when Celestia continued. “This… This does explain a certain devotion that Moonwarden was always displaying,” she admitted, then her brow furrowed. “Have I misjudged him?”

“Oh, no, not at all,” Luna replied, trying not to laugh. “He’s an utterly reprehensible individual with an overinflated sense of pride, that’s for certain. I think that, in any other circumstances, he would be considered among the most dangerous threats to Equestria…” she admitted, not without shuddering a little at the prospect, but her concern immediately turned right into delight. “There’s just a much more sweet agenda he is harboring than any of us might have thought, and we can certainly claim good fortune that it is the case. And, who knows, maybe when it is revealed that his affection is known to me now, it will be a valuable turning point for him?”

“Hearing you say that something is ‘sweet’ is a rarity, Lulu, as well as seeing you having an… optimistic view on the future,” Celestia pointed out, and Luna took her words for a very good sign, also for herself. It was true that this realization had opened her mind to much more brighter scenarios.

The next question, however, concerned the present moment, which was tinted with a blush. “Are you about to tell me that you are… acceptive about his affection?”

“Well…” Yes, it was a sudden surge of warmth which made it so hard to answer that question at first. Luna accepted it as a most pleasurable sensation, however. “ ‘Acceptive’ seems a little too… I would say… uninvolved?”

There was a definitive pause following those words, a moment of silence that was so intense that Luna could almost hear the edges of her sister’s lips twitching.

“I… see,” Celestia finally replied, holding on to the locket the regular way again. “This is… unbelievable. This is not how I was expecting this conversation to progress, at all,” she admitted, teetering on the edge of disbelief and delight. “Just so that we are absolutely honest with one another, Lulu…”

“Of course!”

“This does not magically cure me of worrying for you, or Moonwarden,” Tia made it clear, but her lips were smiling as she was saying that. “He is still himself... but I wish him a quick return to full health. I need to change my routine, from a concerned sovereign to a concerned older sibling. He needs to know that my wrath upon him shall be even greater now, if he fails any expectations at all.”


Despite the situation and the tension which had been present in the room just before, both of them allowed themselves this moment of levity. Luna was particularly relieved it happened after all, for she was dreading having to combat her sibling over this newly-realized affection. While she understood Celestia’s reservations well, as they weren’t entirely unsubstantiated, it was better to learn that the reveal made certain things make that much more sense for her as well.

“So, Lulu… You have also realized that you’ve grown to care for him much more than for just an Advisor. When did that happen?” Tia asked quite overtly, almost as if hoping for some colorful details.

“Well… ‘Consciously’ when Cadance prompted me to think of him in that, certain way, but…” Luna thought for a second. “I cherished his company for some time now, and… and the confidence he instilled in me after what you have revealed about Noctraliyaa history, it made me feel certain things much, much fuller. His words, his encouragement, his… his presence, and the b-belief that he h-held in me regardless o-of anything…”

As she was revealing it all, she could feel her lips falling and her voice turning mournful. Her vision blurred from the tears that gathered in her eyes in an instant, as her mind reminded her of what her heart wished to forget.

“A-and now… Now he is k-kept in this strange sleep, and… And I want him back, Tia…” she managed to utter through her ongoing breakdown. “If… If only to tell him what a stupid s-stallion he is for n-not telling me!”

Despite Luna’s best attempts, she couldn’t contain herself, and she hated that. She hated suddenly feeling so weak and so fragile.

But Celestia was there with her.

Before Luna could realize what had happened, she was being held in the warm embrace of her solar sister, which gesture was letting her know that she was safe. And she believed it without question, for there was no doubt to be had. Celestia cared for her, and despite everything that could have been different about them, she was the Sun to her Moon. Luna didn’t have to be strong all the time, if she didn’t have the power to do so yet. She had somepony to rely on, somepony that wanted nothing else than to see her thrive and grow.

So Luna cried. She cried loud, she cried openly, she allowed herself to let out the anguish, and the worries, and all the dark thoughts which had been festering inside of her. She allowed herself to feel, to embrace what was bubbling inside her. Right after the joy of realizing that she was capable of love, she accepted that she was also open to sorrow. But not like the one which had been suffocating her, pulling her down and smothering her in the darkness, not the kind which she had endured for a millennium and then some more.

Experiencing this anguish felt… liberating. Making Luna lighter and purging the shades in her mind alongside the tears and cries she was letting out. Yes, it hurt, experiencing it all meant being in anguish and distress, but... she wasn’t afraid of that anymore. She had to know hurt to truly feel, she couldn’t keep numbing herself in order to avoid something. That approach led to nowhere, it was a path that pushed one into oblivion, and she wasn’t going to tread it anymore, not if she could help it.

She knew that Celestia would aid her in this struggle, without a doubt. Her big sister held her close, allowed her to release herself from the constraints of decorum for a moment, to finally let go, to understand those feelings, process them, grasp their meaning and their importance…

Luna had no idea for how long she had been shedding tears, crying truly and truthfully, but once she was done, everything seemed so much more bearable. Not ‘fine’, she would need very specific things to happen to consider that, but she felt that she could actually withstand the challenges of the life ahead.

It felt weird to see Celestia’s eyes being teary, but Luna didn’t blame herself for causing that. She was met with a gaze of a beloved sibling, knowing that Tia felt her anguish and was glad to show her empathy aplenty.

If only Luna looked more presentable to receive such a kindness. “I… I must look a mess, no?” she uttered, which caused both of them to giggle.

“I don’t mind, and you know that, Lulu…” Celestia uttered gently and with a smile. “So, with what you’ve told me... What’s on your mind now? It seemed to me, when we started talking, that you had a plan of some sort, or was I mistaken?”

She wasn’t, so Luna took a deep breath. After wiping her eyes in an unceremonious way, not caring for how it appeared to anypony, she spoke. “I have a concept, yes, one that I also want to discuss with you. It regards my domain, but I was nevertheless hoping that you could steer me in the right direction with some advice.”

Celestia looked more than eager to help. And so Luna explained, honestly and thoroughly, what she had in mind. She wanted to do it, whether anypony liked it or not.

A suffering pony was waiting for her to appear.

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