• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XXV – Approaching Midnights

The landing cave of the Sanctuary, despite being as spacious as the one at the Border, was thoroughly packed and abuzz with activity, like the interior of a grand hive. Yet this was a commotion most organized and disciplined. The Lord’s courtiers were making last preparations for the departures of their respective masters, bringing forth luggage and checking the means of transportation left and right, shouting occasionally and giving orders to the local helpers. Everything was falling under the supervision of the Lords’ sentinels, their tabards in the Families’ colors flashing all over the place.

The same hues, which Twilight recognized from the ancient chart, were used on the Lords’ transports, which to her awe turned out to be elaborate and elegant carriages. Donned in dark wood and silver, they could contest the splendor of Equestrian chariots. One matter especially about them intrigued Twilight the most.

When they were passing one transport which belonged to Sunfall Word most likely, considering the tawny color of the cloth and the mark of a mountain with an inscribed Moon, veiling the setting Sun and allowing but seven beams to shine from behind it, she turned to Midnight at her side.


“Yes, Honored Princess?” he diligently replied, having just checked on the warriors that were aiding him in carrying her luggage.

“How come my transport was considered less prepared for the trip through the mountains than the local, quite heavyweight choice?”

Midnight glanced at her and a knowing smirk came over his lips. “Frankly, because it just is, Honored Princess. The Lords’ carriages are prepared to battle heavy blows of wind and shrug off smaller gusts. Also, they have eight fliers assigned to them, not two. Four front and four back.” He pointed at the solid drawbars. “Most of our transports are made in such a sturdy way. Our carriages are rivals of the wind. Whilst your chariot, Honored Princess, could be considered mostly a... victim, I think.”

Twilight suppressed a giggle and nodded. “Well, I was wondering how you were dealing with the climate when it came to traveling. Can those carriages withstand even the harshest conditions?”

“We avoid bad weather at all if the reports are especially bad. We can deal with the usual winds and even travel on our very own in light snowfall, but blizzards mean patient waiting...”

When Twilight’s group neared the center of the cave, she spotted the entire Covenant already waiting. They were discussing something actively, with Midnight Eye debating fiercely with Bright Crescent and Azure Mist. Before the Lords spotted her, the mare caught a glimpse of Count Mistlock standing to the side. He granted her a calm, indifferent gaze, like they have had never before spoken, or even seen one another. Custodian Lichen was also present, with two other arcemandri, patiently waiting for the Lords to finish their last talks.

Lord Blessed Fang, who was the first to spot Twilight approaching, bowed his head courtly. “Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

The rest of the gathered soon followed, welcoming her with their usual, discrepant enthusiasms.

“Well met, Honored Lords, Custodian. I see the preparations are nearly done,” Twilight returned the greeting, sending kind expressions left and right.

“Well met, Princess. We shall depart in a few minutes, indeed,” Midnight Eye, sweeping his cloak to the side, assured her, looking imperiously over the gathered. “The Covenant concludes its meeting for the time. After Princess Twilight Sparkle has the chance of familiarizing herself with the Testimony, I shall send out the summons for the next congregation...”

“Or!” Bright Crescent stepped forward, grinning, the wide sleeves of his ashen robe swiping the ground. “We will do so instead, saving the Princess from your jealous clutches!” he declared, bowing down mockingly before Twilight and winking in her direction.

She didn’t mind his eccentricities tonight, however she was observing Midnight Eye’s rising irritation with caution. “I might have to fight the urge to stay in the Maednoca Tabulre permanently, but I think I shall manage to eventually force myself out of it, Honored Lord.”

“Oh, we are certain of it,” Azure Mist assured her, smiling broadly, wearing yet another rich, extravagant gown, granite and flowing. “There is still much to discuss and agree upon!”

Twilight allowed her gaze to rest on the mare for a moment longer. After everything that she had heard from Mistlock, was she ready to believe that Azure Mist’s certainty was truly only a façade?

Before she could deliberate that further, Midnight Eye took back the initiative, shooting Azure Mist a strong, dominating look.

“The Princess shall be allowed the necessary time at the Mountain of Midnight. For now, let us delay no longer. We must be on our ways before the weather changes to worse. So I wish you safe travels, friends,” he addressed his comrades with disputable kindness. He gestured towards Lichen, but before the priest could react, Bright Crescent had already turned around.

“Safe travels, indeed!” he declared, trotting away with nonchalance. “If you do need saving though, Princess, I think I have a heroic rescuer prepared! Toodle-oo!” he shouted behind him, disappearing among the carriages, leaving Twilight with a sudden urge to snicker and the other Lords with various levels of disappointment in their eyes.

Lichen attempted to rush after him, but he was stopped by one of the other priests who shook his head with a resigned expression. Left with no other choice, the Custodian addressed the remaining ponies in an official manner.

“The Sanctuary bids you farewell, Honored Lords. And you, Honored Princess. Know that your shelter lies within these caverns, no matter the storm raging outside.” He raised his hoof, the steel chain and key on his neck rattling. “May the Goddess lead you on your journeys. May Her Light lighten your paths!” He performed a circular motion in the air, with his entourage repeating the gesture. “Hwale bidae dla Bogine.

Hwale bidae dla Bogine,” the gathered replied to this sendoff.

Lichen bowed his head before his masters. Then he sent Twilight one last smile before leading his entourage out of the cavern.

Then, one by one, the Lords of the Covenant parted their ways.

“S-s-safe t-travels!” Dusk Harvest managed to force out, his eyes keenly observing Twilight for a moment, like he attempted to read something from her gaze. Even Blossom was keeping her beady eyes on her, mimicking her owner.

“And to you, Honored Lord,” Twilight replied, meeting this staring with curiosity. What was going on in his mind?

“Until next time, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Azure Mist didn’t linger, with Count Mistlock following her without delay. She was swiftly trialed by Crimson Shade who gave Twilight a customary, if tepid, salute and headed leftwards alongside Lord Blessed Fang.

Bogine bidae ze Tue, Knaze,” came the wish of Sunfall Word, slowly heading in the direction of his son, Count Sunfall Decree, waiting for him in the respectable distance to aid him in reaching his carriage.

Which left around only Twilight, Midnight, Lord Midnight Eye and the entourage with Twilight’s belongings.

“Please, Princess,” the Lord encouraged her to follow him through the cave, keeping a respectable, slower pace. “My carriage and retinue are nearby.”

“I presume I shall not be allowed to use my own chariot?” Twilight guessed and Midnight Eye nodded profoundly.

“With all due respect, Princess, your chariot is ill-prepared for travels amongst the peaks. Especially in Glacyianeble Lanyic. The snowstorms would overpower it without effort.”

“I understand, of course,” she concurred. Although a part of her felt like she was abandoning a strange... connection with Equestria, by giving up her faithful transit. “The carriages look far more sturdy, yes.”

“I assure you, Knaze, they are far more comfortable as well,” Midnight Eye pointed out with self-satisfaction that Twilight had learned to expect from him. “You will have an opportunity to see for yourself,” he added, giving her a magnanimous glance. “I wish to offer you a seat in my personal carriage, so you can enjoy the travel alongside me and my wife.”

Twilight almost froze in place, barely stopping herself from granting Midnight Eye a curious look as well. In the corner of her eye, she could spot Midnight’s expression hardening.

“This is... very generous of you, Honored Lord. But I do not wish to crowd the—”

“Nonsense, Honored Princess,” the Lord did not waver in his imperious tone at all. “It shall be a pleasure. Besides, I hope to have a pleasant conversation with you on the way, Princess. I would not wish you to think that I am but a distant, proud Lord.”

He surely had her fooled! “Then I shall gladly take my seat inside,” she agreed, left without a true choice.

“Wonderful. Nightguardian Midnight Wind, you shall occupy another carriage for the meantime.”

“As you wish, Honored Lord!”

Although there wasn’t even a momentary delay in Midnight’s reply, Twilight could tell that he was cautious about his sovereign’s sudden ideas.

“Rest assured, your duty isn’t ending. During the stay at the Iug u Maednoc, I expect you to diligently act as the Honored Princess' guide, as well as guardian. I want her to feel welcomed and cared for.”

“Your wish is my command, Honored Lord!” Midnight’s flawless response was.

As the group closed in on the carriage, with a respectable group of Midnight Eye’s sentinels as well as other courtiers awaiting patiently, Twilight spotted Rowan Berry standing prepared nearby. The healer bowed her head humbly, not saying a word until Midnight Eye referred to her.

“Ah, lupule Rowan Berry, you are here as expected. The Princess shall be travelling alongside me. And, as the two temporary retainers, you and the Nightguardian shall take another carriage tonight.”

“As you command, Honored Lord Eye of Family Midnight...” the mare responded timidly. She sent Twilight a kind smile. Although an even kinder one went Midnight’s way, despite his inscrutable look.

“Let us not delay then!” Midnight Eye declared and his sentinels saluted in unison, ready to put on their harnesses. The other Lord’s courtiers were already scrambling by their smaller transits.

Midnight saluted Twilight as was proper, trying to send a quick, affectionate look her way once the opportunity arose. She bowed her head, granting him as much love as she could with this simple gesture. Then she followed Lord Midnight Eye, not willing to risk any more exposure.

“How long does the journey to the Mountain of Midnight take, Honored Lord?” she asked of him.

“A few hours, Princess. We have the necessary refreshments for the travel. And I hope that some friendly, casual talk shall aid you in withstanding the flight,” the Lord stated, smiling timidly whilst allowing Twilight to enter the rich carriage, a courtier in a cobalt uniform holding the doors for her.

... Twilight suddenly felt like trotting into a trap, but there wasn't much she could do.

The interior of the transport was as luxurious as one would think. The seats were puffy and looked incredibly soft, and the ornaments were, as per batpony usual, silver, weaved like mountain flowers and snowflakes. The heavy, navy blue curtains for the windows were done of the finest wool as well. The transport looked rather spacious, with enough room to have six ponies inside still enjoying much personal space.

Midnight Iris, wearing a rather simple, but still elegant, dark gown, was already sitting inside motionlessly, her gaze slightly vague and distant. Hearing the commotion, she turned her head a little, spotting Twilight.

“Greetings, Honored Princess. We are overjoyed you shall be taking this journey alongside us,” she informed her, as nothing about her shown particular joy about the occurrence.

“It is a pleasure, Lord Consort,” Twilight assured, sitting down opposite the mare, attempting to give her a most kind expression.

Midnight Eye took his place by his wife, sweeping his Lord’s cloak to the side. He then carefully removed the silver circlet from his head, placing it gently on a wooden, inlaid support.

Twilight took notice of the headband having some sort of description carved on its inside. “Pardon me, Honored Lord, what do those words mean?” she asked, pointing elegantly at the symbol of authority.

Midnight Eye glanced at his circlet, then turned to her with an adamant expression. “This is what we call a... hmmm... ‘Lord’s Admonition’ in Equestrian, Honored Princess. Memna kwi dazee tu hwale. Memna kwi to pertin ut,” he recited, closing his eyes. “It means: ‘Remember who gave you glory. Remember who it belongs to.’ ”

“Ah, I see,” Twilight mused. “A very strong, meaningful message, I have to say.”

“And let there be no mistake, Princess,” Midnight Iris joined in suddenly, her brow furrowing. “All the glory of our lives is the Goddess’, as is right and just.”

Twilight stared the older mare down, retorting. “Far be it from me to forget that, Lord Consort.” Midnight Iris’ attitude had been bitter so far, but that was not a good reason to fully retaliate. At least, as long as Twilight wanted to remain truthful to her mission. “I find my quest as a part of Her great plan and I wish to add to Her majesty...”

Midnight Iris raised an eyebrow at that declaration. “Verily? And what would make you so inclined to serve our Goddess and not the Judging Sun, like all the other soleerani?” There was a not-so-subtle hint of accusation and distrust in the matron’s voice. Not that she particularly attempted to hide it.

If this was what Midnight Eye thought “small talk” was, he had no idea what he was talking about...

Twilight cleared her throat. “I assure you, Lord Consort, I respect both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I am equally happy that they are both my friends.”

The older mare blinked. This stalwart declaration seemed enough to suddenly make her lose her train of thought. “ ‘Friends’?”

Midnight Eye leaned forward abruptly. “This is a certainly bold claim, Princess. However,” his expression softened just a little, “considering that it is the will of the Immaculate Goddess to consort with you in the flesh, I feel inclined to believe that you at least know them.” He looked out of the glass window of the carriage, making a quick gesture. “We would just hope for your kind to fathom what a remarkable privilege that is, having the Goddess among you...” he wished hopefully, just before his gaze became cold. “Currently I have my sincere doubts.”

Twilight was about to answer, but a shout on the outside put the conversation on a momentary hold. Soon afterwards, they began to move, gaining in speed steadily. She could hear the grinding of wheels on the stone tiles and the rhythmic swooshing of webbed wings. Through the somewhat parted curtains, the landing cave began shifting and soon the rocky walls of a tunnel were all Twilight could see.

“I assure you, Honored Lord,” she returned to their exchange, having used the pause to gather her thoughts, “that we are most grateful and happy to have both the Princesses among us. Perhaps our respect towards them does not have such a spiritual foundation, but that does not take away its volume.”

“A debatable point, Princess,” Midnight Iris countered, looking through the window as well, when the valley of the Sanctuary made itself visible with its verdant, plateau flora.

Twilight furrowed her brow. “I beg to differ, Lord Consort, I believe it to be a fact. It is true, we might not possess an organized religion or cult, nor a set of dogmas, but that is not necessary to show esteem to the Princesses, is it?”

Midnight Iris squinted her eyes, appraising the words. “You truly consider that a society devoid of faith can be capable of showing the proper deference to deities, Princess? It sounds like a contradiction by itself...”

“Why, not at all,” Twilight disagreed. “I would think that it is not the volume of one’s fidelity but the quality of actions that really translates into respect and reverence.”

Midnight Eye was cautiously listening to the exchange, while his wife nodded lightly.

“That is a sensible argument, I cannot deny,” she admitted, perhaps for the first time showing more emotions to Twilight than reserved skepticism about her.

“Thank you, Lord Consort. As to prove what I mean – before I started my journey, Princess Luna was the first pony I have approached, asking for permission and her blessing.”

With a quick shift of heads from Midnight Eye and his wife, staring intently at Twilight, came sudden tension and silence.

She straightened her posture to withstand both the mare’s look of deep and honest surprise and the Lord’s gaze of tension and anticipation. Did she say something wrong?

The silence was prolonging itself, so she decided to continue, perhaps to clarify something she inadvertently made surprising.

“Coming to Noctraliya, especially after learning of the noctrali devotion and piousness, could not happen without the Goddess’ knowledge and support. I wouldn’t imagine a scenario in which I would not turn to Her and act on my own,” Twilight explained, but, instead of diffusing the situation, it only seemed to have raised both astonishment and suspense.

Midnight Iris glanced at her husband for a moment, then back at Twilight, her bewilderment not going away. She tried to put on an indifferent expression, but the attempt was woefully unsuccessful.

“Honored Princess... you mean to tell that the Goddess actually sent you here? As her envoy?”

Twilight blinked. Wasn’t that... obvious to everypony? “Yes, Honored Lord Consort. She wants Noctraliya and Equestria to become closer, find better understanding. And, considering what I have learned...” She shot a glance towards Midnight Eye, who was, bizarrely, attempting to look mildly uninterested out of a sudden. “... it seems like a much needed reconciliation, that the Goddess does sincerely hope we achieve...”

The Lord did not seem to register Twilight’s words, staring outside the window at the snowy mountaintops they were passing by. Midnight Iris appeared perturbed, witnessing her spouse’s reaction. Or, rather, lack thereof.

“My Lord Husband, are the Honored Princess’ words true? Was she sent here with the Goddess’ blessing?”

The question did force Midnight Eye to finally turn, but his expression was inscrutable in its finest. “We shall, indeed, learn that for certain.”

“But, my Lord Husband, you claimed—”

The Lord’s gaze hardened in an instant. “What I have said, I have said,” he stated without even a hint of emotion in his voice, yet it was enough for Midnight Iris to lower her head and go quiet.

Twilight felt mostly confused by what had occurred. Midnight Iris granted her one last glance before humbly turning away her gaze, which made the older mare look... overburdened and abashed. Midnight Eye, in the meantime, closed his eyes, breathing in deeply, which seemed to signify the end of that particular discussion. One that brought with itself only more questions.

Twilight had been certain that the nature of her mission was clear to everypony. That she had been sent to Noctraliya with Princess Luna’s knowledge and, more importantly, endorsement.

She glanced at Midnight Eye, his eyes still closed but his expression strangely agitated.

Just how much knowledge did the Lords hoard for themselves...?


Midnight was following the changing landscape, taking in the majestic peaks and deep valleys, the sheer stones and the verdant forests. But, even though he was enjoying the beauty of his homeland, especially after his long absence, his thoughts were wandering somewhere else. Or at least, he tried to send them somewhere else. Mainly towards the carriage leading the Lord’s procession, in which he knew Twilight was sitting.

And considering the... companionship he was bound to endure during the flight home, this was the best solution he could hope for.

I wonder,” Rowan Berry’s voice broke the silence, “which mare are you thinking about exactly, Midnight Wind?

Not her, that was for certain.

Midnight knew all too well that there was no such thing as coincidence. And the fact that he had been placed in a carriage with Rowan Berry and only Rowan Berry was as elaborate as possible.

He remained silent, hoping to postpone the inevitable conversation for at least a little longer.

Really? You give me the silent treatment?” the mare was not deterred by his unwillingness to talk with her. Or look at her. Or be around her at all.

He took a deep breath, although it felt constricted under his cuirass. “Of all the possible choices, you had to be assigned to this.

Rowan Berry giggled sweetly from her spot opposite him. “Who else, Midnight Wind? We happen to be very, very old acquaintances...

He had learned to expect that attitude from her. That and more. Much more.

... he feared it.

I have told you... many times, I do not wish to talk about that past... ‘acquaintance’.

The carriage flew into a tunnel, which made Rowan Berry’s coral eyes shine brightly in the shadow. “Midnight Wind, you try to act like you do not know me. Nor have you ever... You hurt me,” she stated mockingly, her expression growing... affectionate. “But, try as you may, I will keep on fondly remembering our time together.

Midnight clenched his jaw further, in order to avoid gritting his teeth out loud. “We shared no ‘time together’, Rowan Berry. It was a fling and nothing else.

The mare pouted. “Are you absolutely certain, dear? From what I remember, you seemed pretty engaged in it—

Shut it!” he snapped at her. However, her expression was only growing more cordial when he took his eyes off her.

I miss the old Midnight Wind, you know?” she muttered with melancholy. “Courageous, witty, with that glint in his eyes and that crook in his smile.” She giggled to herself once more. “Deep Mist was right, you seem to be ill.

Deep Mist is a fool! May the Judging Sun burn his blood!” Midnight cursed, not willing to think of his former... companion.

Now, now, Midnight Wind, this is not time to pray for judgment when you are yourself under inquiry...” the mare pointed out. “But, don’t worry, I never minded keeping a close eye on you.

Enough was enough.

Midnight stood up and took a step towards the insufferable mare, his eyes burning with mounting rage. Almost without thinking he reached into his pack for the curved dagger he was keeping hold of, putting the blade at Rowan Berry’s eye level.

If you’ve conversed with Deep Mist... then he must have told you that I have made myself very clear...” he hissed through his clenched teeth. “And if you would like to be reminded of the many meanings of ‘cutting eyes out’, Rowan Berry...

Her coral irises shined with the reflections dancing on the metal. “Glad to see you still have that fire inside you which that sunpony did not manage to quench...” She placed her hoof on the indicative weapon without fear. “Perhaps you can still come to your senses from this affection, Midnight Wind.” She smiled broadly. “You know... There was nopony else listening, you didn’t have to put on a scene yesternight.

Midnight took a deep breath. “Caution pays.

It does, true. But, you cannot fool me of all ponies. I know well how you look at somepony you care about... And you look at her a lot.

He hissed before taking a step back and tossing the dagger to the side, where it landed with a loud clang.

His first thought was to stab forward... What good would it do, though?

If you have all the knowledge about me that you need, just go to my Lord and denounce me.” He bared his teeth. “Or scuttle to Lord Azure Mist first, I don’t care. Just be done with it and torment me no longer.

Rowan Berry stood up and approached behind him. “Come now, Midnight Wind, you think I would do something like this...? I know you too well, I’d like to believe. You never cared for your own safety, always willing to put others before yourself. Isn’t that how you got your Star and position?” When he didn’t reply, she continued, gently leaning onto him. “You would be willing to sacrifice yourself this time as well. Even so, do you think that would protect somepony’s well-being from hazards, hmm...?

Despite Midnight’s best intentions, a cold shiver ran down his spine and Rowan Berry was bound to take notice. “If you are thinking about hurting her, I will use all of my means and rights to end you.

She but chuckled, taking a step forward to stand beside him and try to focus on his expression.

I believe you, 'sir'. But I am not bound on harming her. Well,” she paused, musing theatrically, “not as of now. I wasn’t told to do so, after all. But I am rather keen on following my orders and keeping true to my oaths... What about you?

Midnight stood still, as proudly as he could muster. “I serve the Goddess and follow the creed.

Rowan Berry sighed, calmly turning around to take back her place. It did not stop her from swatting him with her tail playfully.

I don’t recall a tenet mentioning falling in love with sunponies whilst performing one’s tasks...” She sat down comfortably. “I’m certain that if that were the case, Honored Lord Eye of Family Midnight wouldn’t have asked for... reassurance of where your true loyalties lie...

What do you know about love, Rowan Berry?” Midnight, without moving a muscle in his stance, asked bitterly. “Haven’t you destroyed my happiness once already?

She sighed, shaking her head with an unimpressed expression. “This again... We’ve been through this and you’re still blaming me. Like you weren’t involved in it at all, Midnight Wind...

He took a deep breath.

She wasn’t wrong. It was his choice, despite everything. Despite that he knew better. Despite the fact that Dusk Stream was his love, his heart and soul. Despite him promising her, under the Light of the Goddess that he shall never leave her, never abandon her, never... never betray her.

And yet...

You seduced me...” he whispered faintly, but Rowan Berry could hear him without problems. She rolled her eyes at him as well, he spotted that much when he turned his head.

It’s not like you weren’t flirtatious back, Midnight Wind!” she protested, but smiled afterwards. “You always knew how to talk to mare, didn’t you...?” She smiled at him coyly. “How to make her feel... desired.

Midnight felt his lips twitching into a smirk, despite his mind feeling nauseous at the notion. “I was young and stupid...

Oh, we both were, Midnight Wind,” Rowan Berry whispered with affection. “But I don’t regret it. On the contrary...” She bit her lip, looking at him from under a lock of her glaucous mane that fell on her forehead. “I return to the memories quite often...

She could be so chaste and alluring alike...

Midnight shook his head. No. Not again. Not ever again.

I’ve paid dearly for this mistake in the end. And I wasn’t the only one that... that did so...” He gathered all of his resilience to keep the tears inside. He couldn’t allow himself weakness anymore. “I’ve broken my word once. I never intend to do so again.

If so,” the mare asked, leaning forward, “what exactly are you doing now?

He huffed, not having an answer outright to this accusation. Rowan Berry just kept looking at him as he sat down. She straightened herself up.

You are honorable, Midnight Wind. Even with those few little scratches on said honor...” she began, Midnight somehow withstanding comparing his betrayal of Dusk Stream’s love to a mere “little scratch”. “... but now you suddenly forget everything, all of your obligations and vows for the sake of that purple mare? Is she that special?


Aside from the fact that she is a sunpony and possesses the Divine Aspect, I mean...” the mare pointed out with a touch of disdain. “I mean, of course, I could understand a certain curiosity, but...

Midnight hissed at the sudden venom in her words. It wasn’t unexpected, however. “She would be unique even without those traits...” he said, before a thought dawned on him. “... you sound jealous.

Rowan Berry huffed. “Don’t be ridiculous with me, Midnight Wind. I’m not an insecure filly.” She turned her head away. “Although... I have a feeling that she might be one...

The tone of her voice caused Midnight to tense up immediately.

Whatever you’re thinking, Rowan Berry, do not even try t—

No, Midnight Wind... I feel that I shall tell you exactly what I'm thinking.

She stood up, came forth and took her place beside him, her gaze focused on him constantly.

You see, I am still rather... mushy about you, despite the fact that you have tried to push me away so many times... Call it a fault, if you will...” she admitted, leaning a bit closer. “So, I do not think I shall be willing to give Honored Lord Eye of Family Midnight a reason to punish you.

Midnight kept his calm, although her closeness was the last thing he desired, alongside her self-satisfied tone.

So... Let us play your little game. You shall still be but the gallant Nightguardian, ordered to be the Princess’ bodyguard, and I will be but the loyal healer retainer, ordered to look after her... maybe with but a slight crush on you, because you are a brave warrior and so on...” she whispered seductively, placing her hoof on his armored chest.

Midnight could swear he felt its heat through the metal.

We’ve just met and we have no past whatsoever. We are polite, just as we should be, we can even get a little friendly. Whatever makes the Princess feel safer, yes?” Her hoof was slowly moving upwards until she placed it gently on his lips. “Hush-hush about all the spying and everything else...

Her touch was soft and sensual, but Midnight pushed it away with relative ease. One shouldn’t allow poison near him, after all. “Twilight will figure it out.

Perhaps, perhaps not,” Rowan Berry retorted, her smile growing cordial, but her gaze becoming cold. “After all, you won’t tell your precious Twilight a thing, will you? You wouldn’t want a wrongly placed word to focus our Lords’ anger entirely on her, right? And I am pretty certain I could convince both of our rulers that she is the main and only source of all our plights...

Midnight grimaced at the veiled threat, but said nothing. He had to come up with a plan, yet he needed time for that... and a better place than a carriage with only Rowan Berry around.

Where’s the catch?” he asked bluntly, eliciting a giggle from her.

Oh, you still know me so well...” she whispered, placing her hoof on his and grabbing it gently. “I might need some... incentive to keep to the plan, Midnight Wind.

Incentive...” he echoed grimly, trying not to shove her away immediately. “You forget yourself, Rowan Berry.

She was leaning forward again. “Mhm... It has been a long, long time, at least for me. I missed you. And... I might need to be reminded of who we used to be. Of those words you weave so well... of the way you can take care of a mare...

Her whispers were soft and beguiling. They reminded Midnight of that sweet, young healer that came to the Mountain of Midnight to study under mender Primrose... at least officially...

He shook his mind of the memories of them together. He paid too steep of a price for those. And he wasn’t going to do so again, so he placed his hoof between them.

We are not the same ponies as we were then, Rowan Berry...” he said firmly, keeping steady. But her face was still nearing and the sweet scent of her ethereal mane was overtaking his nostrils.

Her eyelids dropped. “No, we are not, Midnight Wind. We are much wiser and so we should be making better choices.” She tried to give him a small, chaste kiss, but he turned his lips away, his heart shuddering in aversion.

And you think this is one of them?” he asked in a frigid whisper.

Well... indeed,” she admitted, nuzzling him instead. “And I hope you shall correct the ones you have been making lately...

Midnight’s anger was rising, but he showed none of it. He felt sick when her soft coat was touching his own. This wasn’t the mare he wanted. The one he wished to be there for.

... she had never been, no matter the sun-scorched weakness of his flesh.

However... he needed time...

After a moment of closeness in which he did participate at all, Rowan Berry moved back. “Oh, you might need to show more initiative, sir, not leaving all the hard work for me,” she warned him, playfully sliding her hoof under his chin. “But, I get it, you need some time to warm up to me again...” She sighed, holding onto his hoof. “You know, you looked pretty distraught in the Great Shrine... Wouldn’t it be easier to just forget all about this mare and avoid the uncertainty she is causing you? I could take your mind off her completely.” She stretched her neck to whisper right to his ear. “And you know it...

Midnight did not answer. Soon, Rowan Berry scooted closer and sat more comfortably, resting her head on his shoulder with a dreamy expression on her muzzle. She let out a deep sigh, closing her eyes and snuggling to his side.

Yes, forgoing what he promised to Twilight would be easier... but it wouldn’t be right.

And after Dusk Stream’s death, he had promised to the Goddess that he would always do what was right... no matter what it would take...


Twilight was taking in much of the landscape when the carriage reached the outskirts of, what she believed was, the Frozenfog Range. Not only did the mountains begin climbing even higher towards the starlit sky, but the magnificent and imposing glaciers started overtaking many of the valleys with their icy, bright influence, locked in an ancient battle for territory amongst the granite walls.

The glittering, clear snow was marking the slopes, but also swirling in the wind, creating clouds of shimmering, sparkling vapor, sharp with a thousand icy needles. Its dance was turning the scenery into a true wonderland, one that was as enchanting as inhospitable.

Speaking of which, the atmosphere in the carriage had become borderline “inhospitable” as well. After that initial exchange, Twilight heard only a few hushed words in Noctraliyar between Midnight Eye and his wife, but they appeared insignificant, meant only to show that they did not forget about their respective presences.

Twilight had not been expecting at all to suddenly become cordial with the two, but the mention of her mission did much to completely kill off any other topics of conversation. Midnight Iris, however, was from time to time turning her bright gaze her way, and Twilight could not shake off the feeling that the imposing and haughty matron had changed her stance towards her.

At least... a little bit and in the right direction for once.

However, that only made Twilight further worried about the level of control that Midnight Eye and, by comparison, the other Lords had on the information regarding her quest. She would believe it to be obvious to everypony that Princess Luna, the Immaculate Moon of the noctrali, was on her side. Not only in the religious sense.

And yet a Lord’s spouse, somepony Twilight would consider a closest confidant, was oblivious to that fact?!

Noctraliya seemed to have been oversaturated with scheming and intriguing. And, as Twilight could imagine, there were a lot of ponies being strangled by these... these...

... deviously weaved strings.

Huh... now that was a strangely worded thought...

“... Honored Princess?”

Twilight blinked when Midnight Eye’s voice called to her. “Oh, pardon, Honored Lord, I just locked myself in thought. What were you saying?”

“We are closing in on our Mountain, Princess,” he repeated himself calmly. “You can see it on the right, if you look outside.”


Twilight pressed her muzzle to the glass, witnessing a tall peak, covered entirely in snow, towering above the landscape. Surrounding it were at least four other, smaller mounts, each of them having a stone tower, an outpost for the Midnight Family, possibly. They were, alongside the Mountain of Midnight, giving the impression of a gigantic crown of stone, magnanimously overlooking the land.

Very, very appropriate.

Midnight Eye put on his circlet with veneration and pride, bringing forth an expression of authority. His wife took a deep, fraught breath, restoring her composure and once again becoming a cold, distant consort.

And Twilight? Well, she simply focused on being herself. That seemed to have been the best course of action.

When the carriage entered a wide tunnel a few minutes later, she had realized that the entire flight was... extremely comfortable! She barely noticed that they were moving, despite the fact that she could hear the gusts of wind circling around that carriage, probing whether they could strike at it.

“Honored Lord, I have to admit, the flight has been very pleasurable and smooth. I’m really impressed by your retainers.”

“Why, thank you, Princess,” he responded with a little bow of his head. His eyes glinted in the deep shadows of the tunnel. “We are happy you enjoyed the travel and we hope that our accommodation shall be, likewise, pleasant to you.”

He reached for one of his robe’s silver buttons, making sure that it was done properly. He looked up at Twilight and his brow suddenly furrowed.

“... Honored Lord?” she asked, seeing as he was almost piercing her with his lucid stare.

He did not answer her, instead checking the other buttons with care, which gave Twilight a sudden bad feeling.

Not that she hadn’t had those in abundance already.

Calm light finally poured through the windows, forcing her gaze outside of the carriage. However, instead of a landing cave, she witnessed what must have been the center of the Mountain of Midnight.

A city. An entire city in the mountain.

From its very bottom to the high top, the walls of the cavern were carved into arches, colonnades, staircases and porticos. There was no place for roughness in this space. Almost the entirety of the stone was smoothened, organized. Perfected. Even the stalactites hanging overhead looked like they were turned into houses.

Bizarrely, some of the structures reminded Twilight of pegasi architecture, but their features were sharper, firmer. Mostly due to the pitting of rough stones against fluffy clouds as a building material.

Still, the Mountain of Midnight demanded great respect, especially considering that the place remained astoundingly elegant with its oozing superiority, despite the sheer amount of structures present all around and making the cavern almost overburdened, bathed in the light of many crystal lanterns.

Twilight was trying to discern which one of these architectural masterpieces could be the Midnight’s Library...

All of the carriages swiftly made their landings on a spacious square in front of grand, wide and polished almost to their shine, stairs. They were leading towards a massive, rich in dark marble colonnade and entrance, which, as Twilight guessed, must have been Midnight’s Eye residence.

Or an entire complex, more possibly, due to its size.

She exited the carriage behind the Lord and his wife, helped by the same retainer as in the Sanctuary. Looking around, she could take in more of the architectural splendor of the place. While not as ethereal as the Sanctuary, the cave was impressive and breathtaking by itself.

“Welcome to the Mountain of Midnight, Honored Princess,” Midnight Eye exclaimed with a sweep of his hoof and a swoosh of his cloak, as if he tried to envelop the entire cavern with the gesture. True, Twilight was in Midnight Eye's domain now and he looked positively like its sole, undisputed hegemon.

However, his arrival had not been greeted as remarkably as Twilight’s own, at the Sanctuary. Aside from the retainers, exiting their transports, the local populace seemed to have been represented by but sixteen ponies, four of them dressed more elaborately and richly.

And everypony was giving her mostly... unpleasant, skeptical glances.

She wasn’t going to even bother anymore.

“Honored Princess,” Midnight Eye turned to her, after the representatives bowed deeply before him in a gesture of submission. “This is my Syinod, the Assembly. The heads of the four castes that form an advisory body of a Lord.”

“Oh, well met then!” Twilight greeted the gathered. “May the Immaculate Moon... lighten your nights.”

“And yours...” an elderly stallion in a leather jerkin replied to her without enthusiasm, whilst on his right a stoic mare in a general’s armor but nodded her head.

Midnight Eye did nothing to address the lack of emotions. On the contrary. “Good, there shall be time for cordial greetings later. Our guest has a long trip after her, we must tend to her properly. I trust that our best rooms are prepared for the Princess and her retinue, Dzehdomin?”

The elderly stallion to whom the question was addressed nodded slowly. “Everything is ready just as you commanded, hwalbu haspadr.”

Benu, benu.” The Lord switched his attention back to Twilight. “We can retire to our quarters to freshen up after the travel. I need to converse with the Syinod at my chambers,” he exclaimed loudly for the gathered to hear.

Tac, haspadr, sudar!” the general saluted immediately, her expression firm.

Benu, hwalbu haspadr...” an old mare, wearing the long robes of clergy, supporting herself on a elaborate staff and having a younger arcemandr keeping her stand, added. Then her gaze traveled to Twilight and the glint of it became most unpleasant. “Your arrival was foretold, soleerane!”

Twilight had a feeling like the entire cave suddenly became a lot quieter. Foretold? As in, in a portent that the batponies were said to be experiencing from the Goddess?

Before Twilight could address the issue, Midnight Eye took the initiative. “Wisokantase, our guest is quite unfamiliar with the nature of our effitiyi visions, let us not discuss any of those here, there shall be a more proper time.”

The old priestess squinted her eyes, but then bowed her head loyally.

Twilight felt left out and not for the first time.

“Princess,” the Lord turned back to her fortunately, “when you and your retainers rest, I can arrange for you to be shown around the Mountain. As I was away for some time, I need to address the current local issues tonight, so I shall not have a chance of attending to your stay.”

“I think I can manage, Honored Lord,” Twilight assured him, somewhat glad that she would not have to be dealing with Midnight Eye for longer tonight. “Maybe I could have M—”

One of the local batponies, a middle-aged, lanky stallion standing as a part of the priestess’ group, suddenly let out a gasp. A couple of scrolls which he was holding rolled on the stone tiles under his hooves. His knees wobbled, making his cobalt mane shift around.

M... Maednoc Wentr?” he asked with disbelief, and Twilight spotted tears appearing in his saffron eyes.

Wait... saffron eyes?

She turned around to where the stallion was looking, seeing Midnight and Rowan Berry approaching from their transport. Midnight had his eyes on her first, but upon scanning the group of gathered ponies, he stopped dead in his tracks. His firm expression faltered into that of mounting emotions.

Midnight Eye actually chuckled, first glancing at Twilight, then beckoning to the warrior.

“Well, Nightguardian? What are you waiting for? Greet your father properly!”

Father. That startled pony was Midnight Whisper.

Without delay Midnight let go of his composure and galloped forward, his smile growing and growing. The other stallion made his way through the parting crowd, almost falling over his loose robe.

M-Maednoc Wentr!” the touching shout echoed around the stoic columns and arches. “Filiy! Iau filiy!

Midnight almost collided with his father, embracing him tightly. “Padr!” he squealed in delight, holding Midnight Whisper close. “Tat, to bid recit, ia bid hic. Ia bid recit.” He started patting his father’s back, once the older stallion began sobbing outright.

M-Maednoc Wentr, tu bid terg... H-ha, Bogine, ia grat T-Tue, iau filiy wene terg!

Twilight could swear that she felt a sting of tears in her eyes, witnessing the homecoming, with Midnight Whisper rejoicing like only a father reunited with his son could. Midnight was not letting him go, trying to calm him down, while himself almost crying his eyes out.

Lord Midnight Eye looked upon the two with a strange delight, just before he took a deep breath. “Well, Honored Princess, I think your guardian will need a moment. A longer moment,” he added when Midnight Whisper almost fell over, his legs giving from the amount of joy.

Twilight could only smile in response. Once again, despite the distrust and intrigue surrounding her, she found a sign of hope that would keep her going.

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