• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LXII – Discordant Dealings

“May the Goddess lead you on your journeys. May Her Light lighten your paths, hwalba knaze. Hwale bidae dla Bogine,” Lord Blessed Fang piously declared. His words and the circle he drew in the air in a blessing prompted everypony else to join in.

“Hwale bidae dla Bogine,” Twilight herself replied. With a faint smile.

Feeling at ease with invoking the Immaculate Moon. Especially considering all that she had managed to achieve over the last few nights. Divine inspiration or something else entirely, the Mountain of Fang had seen her reach yet new levels of understanding of the local culture. And the local ponies, of course.

The Lord’s entourage bid her an official farewell before individual ponies decided to chime in. Sated Fang was once again asking Midnight whether he felt comfortable and had enough medicine for at least a while longer, while also supplying him and Rowan Berry with further ideas on how to dress the healing wounds. For which the big stallion had Twilight’s honest and doubled gratitude. After all, he wanted to help both her bodyguard and beloved.

At the same time, Fang Shine offered her prayers and meditations, and the tone of gratitude in her voice was clearly showing that Twilight had earned her spiritual support. Through more than her actions at the inner sanctum of the Mountain. And Lord Consort Kindlefang, who had been adamant about her presence despite her state, also promised to retain Twilight in her supplications. As well as expressing hope that if the next visit to Noctraliya would mean seeing the Mountain of Fang once again, they were going to spend more time on trying the local assortment of all possible honey types.

For a Family with the reputation of being the most fierce and “untamed”, these were all very polite and generous gestures. Twilight would definitely find her inspiration in them for the following travel... she only wished to be a bit more focused on what was actually being said.

But her mind was already on the task ahead, which... well, it wasn’t going to be easy. But Lord Blessed Fang, or anypony else for that matter, didn’t need to know that.

“Once again, my gracious thanks, Honored Lord. I hope to meet you again soon and in truly blessed circumstances.”

The young stallion gave her that distant smile of his. “Bogine willing it shall be so, Honored Princess. Clear skies to you.”

She accepted his wishes with a warm expression of her own, hiding the inner turmoil well for a moment longer. Honestly, she had no idea her own offer of help and aid would cost her mind so much... Thankfully, Twilight had just enough willpower to contain the disquiet.

With Midnight’s help, she made her way into the carriage reserved for their trip to the Sanctuary. A trip that, as per her request, would be shared with her beloved and Rowan Berry. It did sound like a recipe for a potentially volatile flight, but... a proposition had been given. A hoof had been extended. And here was no place for doubting that choice. Only facing it.

The carriage’s interior was far from cramped with three ponies inside, but the atmosphere was rather dense outright. With Twilight sitting on one side of the transport, having Midnight to her side in a respectable distance, despite the secret... not really being one anymore.

And the healer facing both of them, as if put on trial.

Which, of course, wasn’t Twilight’s intention at all. Yet the feeling persisted and was all but impossible to ignore.

In a matter of a few minutes, the carriage was well on the way. The weather held for the moment. And it would be better for everypony for it to remain calm and clear. There was not too much time before the inevitable sunrise. The Sanctuary would be reached before it, as Twilight had been assured, but there was not really any space for delays.

At least... Twilight could delay the inevitable conversation a little bit. She wanted it to happen, no doubts about it, but... it wasn’t going to be entirely pleasant. That much was also a certainty. The right things in life sometimes held that trait.

So... Twilight took a moment to ponder. Then another. And one more. She hoped it wasn’t anxiety that was stopping her from beginning... right? That it wasn’t apprehension and whatever slivers of jealousy which were keeping her eyes turned towards her window, away from Rowan Berry. That it had been something else which had made her choose the seat on the opposite side than the last time, with a clear view outside... towards the valleys and... and...

... Twilight quickly realized that something “else” could have influenced her choice after all.

The night was beautiful, if growing late. But maybe that was just adding to its splendor. The stars above, accompanying the Goddess’ Moon, were shedding their silver light on the tips of the mountains, lighting them up like beacons against the dark sky. Were the eastern edges of the horizon visible, it would be possible to see the first, brighter hues of the coming day. But this direction was western... and Twilight’s gaze was following something else than the clear, argent and atramentous sights.

The domain of monumental trees and untamed wilds.

Yes... much to her own surprise, she found herself following the very tips of the great conifers, the branches and boughs of the grandiose evergreens. As she realized... she was following them almost... hopefully. And that was definitely strange. As strange as the vivid memory of a grand, wicked and twisted smile manifesting itself right in her brain.

Causing her to shake her head immediately. It was as if the perspective of spotting the presence of the Lesyi was actually easier to stomach for Twilight than having that exchange with Rowan Berry.

No, that was ridiculous!

Thankfully for herself, Twilight managed to turn her gaze away from the Feral Weald, as untamed and fascinating and terrifying as it appeared before her eyes and mind. And she was able to do that first and foremost, because in front of her sat a mare that needed some help. Aid and direction. A pony that could be perceived as a threat, could be deemed a dangerous thorn in the side of Twilight and Midnight’s love... but one that had wished to talk, of all things.

And Twilight would definitely grant her that request.

“Rowan Berry...”

The lupule, stoic and still through those first minutes of flight, immediately straightened up a bit more. Not unlike Midnight, though the shift of his body was much more controlled and calm.

“Yes, hwalba knaze...” the healer acknowledged Twilight mentioning her name. But, despite the fact that the operative had managed to restore her proper look and all, she still had the same, almost maddened sparks in her eyes.

“I believe this is, indeed, the proper time and opportunity to have that conversation you sought...” Twilight pointed out.

Yet the reminder did anything but reassure the mare. She managed to look into Twilight’s eyes, but that connection lasted for just a breath, before that pair of coral eyes escaped to stare down towards the carriage’s floor.

Iae... Yes. Yes, I did...” the mare spoke, though her tone was filled with both uncertainty and shame. So great, as it appeared, that she decided not to follow her initial words with anything but silence for a good while.

Twilight was willing to give the mare her time. She had taken hers as well and it was blatant that this wasn’t going to be a casual exchange for neither of them. And whatever else their last conversation had shown, it was definitely proper to say that Rowan Berry had as much turmoil in her as one would expect and more. Due to her emotions and her loyalties.

It was... actually easy to compare her to Midnight. At least for Twilight. She had seen his own perturbation many times and it was almost peculiar not to make such a comparison.

And at that moment, the stallion was also staying quiet. Yet one glance was enough to spot his impatience and dissatisfaction with the current situation. Without a doubt he would rather hear the healer quickly begin and even more quickly finish talking about... whatever matter she would bring forth before Twilight. The way that Midnight’s armored hoof was pressed against the soft seat did betray the underlying anger.

It was worrying. Very much so. But Twilight could understand the emotions. Though, she preferred to be concerned about one thing at a time. Having an anxious operative right before her very eyes.

The occultane finally opened her mouth again.

Hwalba knaze, I... I had the day to think. And... and I want to... No, that’s a lie. I don’t want to, but I have to start by saying that... it is all true. What we have talked about...”

Another pause was fast approaching, but Twilight wished to forestall it. “You are an operative, sent to spy on me by none other than Lord Azure Mist, directly.”

“... yes,” Rowan Berry admitted, which was already a massive step. She realized it as well, considering the way that her entire body shuddered. “I was sent to... to keep an eye on you. In place of Altu Opar.”

Prokleyitu kuluz...” Midnight muttered under his breath, though in a way to be perfectly audible. “I take it he forgot to warn you, Yazembe Acine, that I very much warned about gouging the eyes of the next occultan to come...”

“Midnight Wind,” Twilight berated him, but it seemed that Rowan Berry felt strong enough to answer the stallion on her own.

“He did warn, clearly. He spoke of all he saw, before hwalba haspadre Blenkyita a Rodine Opar, though I found it hard to believe at the time...” the mare remarked, still clearly displeased. “And I witnessed when he was punished for his incompetence,” she added, her eyes briefly turning to Twilight. “Though the greatest punishment had been dealt already, it looked like. The Honored Princess had tamed him.”

“Without planning to,” Twilight replied to that with clarity and confidence, remembering the moment. But, unfortunately, that transparency being a tad stronger was enough for the healer to look away and down again. “I didn’t seek to harm. But I stepped in when Deep Mist tried to assault Midnight Wind with the steel claws. Intervening was an instinct.”

“Instinct...” Rowan Berry uttered, as if in ridicule. “And that instinct did really make you think he could and would just kill him? A fellow noctral?” the healer asked, with a stronger voice.

Which caused Midnight to hiss and loudly. “Ocwieke buried deep in the wood behind me, still quivering, and him rushing towards me with murderous intent in his eyes. How do you think it looked, Rowan Berry?” the stallion asked with something of a reproach in his voice. “Would haspadre Azure Mist not be merry about such a turn of events after all?”

Tu nye bida smesenu, Maednoc Wentr,” the lupule responded. Then Twilight could swear she could hear the mare’s teeth gritting between each of the further words. “Clearly something unreasonable had happened and prompted his reaction. I’m sure you cannot think of anything absurd and out of place that might have caused that.”

“That will be quite enough,” Twilight remarked, which did render both of them silent, stopping Midnight from the clear intent to retort. “I am well aware of how things transpired. And I know what caused Deep Mist to act like he did. Even putting aside the fact that him carelessly leaving your formal blade in the open could also be called... unreasonable.”

Rowan Berry didn’t react much to that, just staring to the side. Actually, there was barely any reaction at all. The operative must have been clearly judging that particular occurrence herself.

So Twilight continued. Without shame or fear. “On the other hoof, I was made rather aware of how the connection between Midnight and myself is perceived. And, yes, before I hear more of it, I do shorten his name even though I know it can be considered somewhat rude in your culture. But between the two of us it is a sign of trust.”

It was as if Twilight was pushing needles into the mare, considering her squirming at the topic. Unfortunately... there was no way of getting past it. Unless Rowan Berry herself would decide upon that, by letting her apprehension go. Though nopony was going to be naïve and believe it would happen there and then.

And a point had to be made, Twilight decided. “I cannot say that I would in any way agree that what we have is abominable, sinful or cursed. I believe quite the opposite,” she stated, then raised her hoof to continue without hearing an interruption from the mare. “But I wish to respect your ways, which is why I am not trying to flaunt our relationship about and—”

“You’ve both done such a good job,” Rowan Berry did cut her off anyway, hissing slightly. “Deep Mist read you like an open book. Those glances and ‘hidden’ smiles. Not to even mention yesternight tryst in the landing cavern.”

Midnight’s own hiss was the initial reply. “Even then you followed us. Of course.”

“I commend your abilities, Rowan Berry,” Twilight reacted, choosing to take a different approach. “But I am pretty certain that, aside from you, actively trying to surveil us in secret, nopony else saw a thing.” The healer didn’t grace that with a comment. “Still, I seek not to disrupt the ways of your nation and culture. I won’t shout about us from the tips of your Mountains. I will keep it between us, until, perhaps, things do change.”

“You would like that, hwalba knaze...”

“I would. I know it pains you for me to say it, but I would.”

The operative inhaled to say something, but ultimately just shook her head. Perhaps fighting tears, rather visibly manifesting in her eyes.

Clearly there would be no gain in following this thread at the moment. This love was to remain and was out of anypony’s question, Twilight would not have it any other way. Still... she didn’t want to cause pain or be malicious about it, tormenting Rowan Berry. The mare had learnt the extent of their relationship already and it had been bothering her enough.

It seemed that her infatuation with Midnight grew to be quite strong, even with just that short amount of time they knew each other. Twilight wasn’t surprised, not that much at any rate, strongly cherishing the stallion herself. But Rowan Berry, first and foremost, couldn’t really manage to grasp, or perhaps was completely unwilling to accept, that the stallion had “fallen” for a sunpony.

Twilight was sure many batponies would phrase it just like that.

She took a deep breath, trying to switch the topic, instead. This was supposed to be a conversation, after all, not an exchange of accusations and pained statements.

“So... I was under observation from the very start, wasn’t I?”

The healer... almost chuckled. “You have it figured out, hwalba knaze, there’s no reason for theatricality...” she muttered, still not seeking eye contact.

Twilight didn’t appreciate the snarky remark, but had to contain her irritation and maybe learn something still. “First came Deep Mist, during the travel to Noctraliya. Then you, from the Sanctuary on. It simply begs the question, is there anypony else I should be aware of?”

There was a pause. A stillness... before Rowan Berry looked back at Twilight.

But slowly. Very much so. Something about her look was... different. Like there was a notion that suddenly manifested in her, breaking through to the surface.

Her lips shuddered, Twilight could spot that easily. Had the mare suddenly realized that she could be that honest and actually help her out by letting her know of any other, hidden eyes? Seemed rather doubtful and yet...

Rowan Berry kept gazing at Twilight. Deliberating. Her stare shifted to Midnight for a moment, as if she was checking whether transparency would incur his wrath over revealing any other occultani present in their vicinity. Considering that previous, clear threat of his, it wasn’t an unthinkable worry. But soon the lupule, her lip bit just a little, met Twilight’s eyes once more.

And one thing was for certain. The healer wanted to say something, to announce whatever she had just thought of and pontificated on. Twilight was convinced of it. And Rowan Berry was so close, so ready to open her mouth and speak, but... she ultimately stopped herself. Exhaling in a long hiss. And finally looking away once more, shaking her head.

“I might have failed in my mission, not hiding my presence and role... I suppose, when emotions reign, not everypony can be quite so dedicated to keeping to their task without fail. I would applaud those that are...” she paused briefly, something of a derogatory smirk manifesting on her muzzle. “But don’t expect me to say anything else about other occultani, hwalba knaze. They can make their own blunders for all I care and take a grand, grand fall for it. But I... I won’t say a word and break my oath. I have been warned that—”

The mare suddenly stopped and shook her head, exhaling in exasperation once more.

Twilight glanced at Midnight curiously and he returned the stare. His initial anger seemed a little lessened and is eyes spelled relief about that, as she managed to discern. But he definitely didn’t seem willing to let such a moment of weakness from the mare slide.

Bid to vere? So, can we again confirm to Twilight...” he too shortened the name. Yet his intent seemed aimed far more at affecting the healer, rather than being tender and intimate. “... that the haspadre turns out to be just as merciless and relentless as the tales suggest already?”

Rowan Berry’s eye twitched, which was visible despite the fact she was gazing elsewhere. “You dare insult hwalba haspadre only because you are sitting next to hwalba knaze. Believing yourself superior over me and before me,” she uttered back. “Tu nye conara tuu srek.

Twilight wasn’t going to add to Midnight’s words. She wasn’t looking for satisfaction of “besting” the mare in any way. Nor was she enjoying her beloved’s rather vicious stance towards Rowan Berry.

But the facts seemed to wish to remain facts.

“I have, unfortunately, heard a great deal about Lord Azure Mist. Found out things that worry me deeply to this night. And I have spoken with her in private once,” she admitted. Realizing now the resemblance between the haspadre’s look of displeasure and Rowan Berry’s. “That meeting didn’t help my assessment.”

The healer glanced up for a brief moment. “I won’t judge my Lord. It is not my right, hwalba knaze,” she declared.

“I understand that. And your loyalty does you credit, even if one could deem it misplaced from a certain point of view,” Twilight allowed herself the comment. Though her praise was also genuine. She, after all, knew a thing or two about the strength and importance of loyalty.

Rowan Berry’s gaze found hers. Briefly, but once again. “Thank you, hwalba knaze... Honored Lord Azure of Family Mist, she...” The healer stopped briefly. “She reigns with a strong hoof, wishing the best for us. Sometimes that requires making hard decisions.”

Again, Twilight wasn’t sure if she would agree entirely, but she could respect such a stance coming from the lupule.

Midnight was far more reluctant.

“Hard decisions become even harder and less best for our kin when they stand against the teachings of Bogine.”

“And look who’s talking...” the mare retorted, but... her voice did soften, considerably. “I do not need to be reminded about the ways of Neskaza Lunee...”

All three of them bowed their heads... and, for once, there seemed to have been a touch of understanding through that gesture. Rowan Berry clearly wouldn’t think of devotion when looking at Twilight... but the respect shown to the Goddess’ Name was unifying.

The healer continued. “It... it wasn’t the Honored Lord that warned me, after all...”

Twilight felt herself squinting, a sudden connection forming in her mind. “Who exactly, then?” she asked.

And Rowan Berry’s reluctance to answer was blatant. She was hesitating to speak of such matters before a sunpony and visibly so. Which was unnecessary. After all... Twilight could tell her a thing or two.

The healer finally took a deep breath. “I.. I dare not to say what was told to me, through...” she said and then paused. Even gulped a little. “But I know that I have been... instructed. I saw it before my very eyes... And that is... why I came back,” she explained, fighting her voice wishing to crack a few times. “I... I believe I was told that I need to remain, as it is my duty. To remember my oath or...”

Twilight nodded. Not to acknowledge that statement, but to give herself a moment to process it. She had come to the logical explanation of this reluctance... however illogical the reason for it was. Or rather, how it was escaping logic, rather than lacking it.

Because it was quite transparent what could have made the lupule feel the way she was. To return against her wishes and remain against her desires. There was one force around that the batponies followed and a, recently quite abundant, way of how She was communicating.

“You have been granted a sign as well.”

It wasn’t a question, not at all. And that finally caused Rowan Berry to glance up and for a long time. Her coral eyes widened.

Which was more than enough for a confirmation, so Twilight continued. “It seems like our visit to the Mountain of Fang did spawn the Goddess’ attention. How else could all of this be explained? Honored Fang Shine with what she read in blood, me... now you. We are being given directions. Let us hope we have the strength and sharpness of mind to follow them.”

The healer grimaced just a little. “I’m not sure whether you mean that or is that a deeply veiled mockery.”

Twilight actually smirked. But it was an expression keeping much, much distance from ridicule.

“You should know, Rowan Berry, that I have experienced and lived through too much to reach for mockery,” she stated. And she knew that she was telling the truth. “My quest has shown me that there is a great deal to your faith. Some things I could try and explain... some I find hard to fathom, let alone decipher. I have seen many strange sights and heard many new sounds. Still, as I think Honored Lord Blessed Fang once quoted to me, one should open their heart the most. Because it is our heart that teaches us the most about the grace of the Immaculate Moon... And my heart is telling me, in the same way that it had when I was receiving the Goddess’ blessing in the flesh, that we are on the brink of great things. And we each have an important role to play.”

It was all true. But also... Twilight couldn’t possibly stop herself from this little... test. Maybe it was the fact that they were in a carriage. And, in a similar space, with a certain Lord and his wife, had Twilight learnt that the matter of her having Princess Luna’s direct benediction wasn’t exactly common knowledge.

Maybe it was, as well, sheer researcher’s curiosity making her mention that fact. But, whatever the deepest of motivations truly was... the effect was immediate.

Midnight, of course, reacted to the news with respect and reverence. They had shared just enough conversations already. And Twilight was allowing herself the transparency of speaking of the Goddess as the alicorn she knew and had interacted with. Not to mention the obvious links with the “sister goddess”. It could actually be said that the stallion was taking additional pride in the fact that he was a bodyguard... and much, much more to the mare that both of the deities had found worthy of favor.

There was also, of course, the obvious matter, though oft overlooked by those with different agendas, of Twilight being the rescuer of Princess Luna from the Nightmare’s influence. And then from other perils too. So Midnight, already aware of that, took the declaration of blessing with the appropriate regard.

But Rowan Berry? This must have been completely new to her, right? At least... what else it could have meant when the operative’s coral eyes became like saucers. Big enough to make one think they were staring at a pair of wonderful ornaments, made out of the natural sea treasure, presented clearly and openly to look upon and admire.

Still, whatever metaphor manifested in Twilight’s head, it really was hard to ignore that gaze of sudden and impossible to conceal surprise.

Shock that needed an outlet... and a confirmation. But not from the source. That seemed a little too much for Rowan Berry.

Maednoc Wentr... bid to vere?” the healer inquired, her voice audibly shaken and her breathing shallow. “I... I know that Honored Princess had... had a role in the end of Atrlunee, but...” She briefly glanced at Twilight, either not realizing she was saying it all loud enough... or too moved to do anything about it. “She’s here because we... But is she... is she not an acolyte of the Judging Sun? How come...?”

Midnight’s expression was still made of steel and soreness over enduring this time with Rowan Berry... but his tone was mindful.

Tue znate... I know that you are prompted to ignore whatever I would be declaring, Yazembe Acine. But if you are to trust one sentence of mine from this entire travel. For a moment believe in something, other than whatever scheme is guiding you in the end... it would be that the Honored Princess... that Sparkle of Twilight does have the Goddess’ gaze firmly upon her. She was chosen for this mission. By Her, in the flesh.”

The stallion glanced at Twilight as well, as if hoping to find even a silent confirmation and encouragement for his words. An assurance that he wasn’t going too far after all.

And that much he, indeed, got. So he continued, voice stern and full of conviction.

“But... feel free to think what you wish to think. About your mission, because I do realize the importance of duty, you must know this. Of following orders. And seeing things through. Wouldn’t be where I am, where I was put. You might think I’ve failed in some regard.” Having said so, Midnight glanced at Twilight. She knew that stormy gaze of his. “Perhaps some would say that I, indeed, had. But I do my best, I do what’s necessary, believing in my cause. So does the Honored Princess,” he stated with strength, with power. “In her own capacity, but blessed by Our Mother. Hwalba knaze has taken this mission onto herself, to the betterment of us. All of us. Yes, it is truth and nothing other than it. Bogine wolune to.

Twilight found herself very keen on listening to Midnight, now that he decided to be less confrontational. Yes, his tone was harsh. But it was a harshness of a warrior, of a believer. Of somepony willing to take charge of a situation, expecting the receiver to listen and listen closely.

And Rowan Berry was not avoiding that. On the contrary, she seemed singularly focused on all those declarations, considering her expression, gradually shifting from shock to... awe.

The stallion brought his armored hoof to his breastplate, looking keenly at the mare, his approach finding purchase.

“Feel free to think what you wish of me, operative. Bogine knows I can be held accountable for many things, perhaps you might know of a few of them already. I made my mistakes as well, some of which haunt me to this very night, I’m aware of them. They lie bare before me. I am slowly coming to terms with them. But I still have my value. My place. And an important role to play, one that I do take to heart.”

He paused... only to move slightly and reach out. To grab Twilight’s hoof in his own. Mindful of the blades, but unashamed even a little.

“And feel free to think what you wish about us,” he pointed out, strongly. “You see it as abominable. Unwanted. Affecting and attacking you personally, Rowan Berry. I can get that, even if I could be called but a stupid stallion.” His grip tightened just a little. “No. I wasn’t planning on this feeling. What mind would grasp it happening? But it is here. Maybe making me look even more stupid and out of place...”

Twilight wasn’t sure whether she would agree with that in particular, but... she knew that Midnight was making a point. A powerful one, considering the gesture, as even such a small touch could be viewed as undesirable in the batpony culture when witnesses were present. And that the sheer fact of their love could be considered nothing short of an anathema.

Not to even mention that Midnight’s voice and act was causing the healer before them to grimace. Hard and sourly. For other reasons than but cultural upbringing as well.

But Midnight wasn’t finished. And his final declaration turned out to be the most pivotal of all.

“You can think what you wish of all of that... yet do not think even for a moment that what matters the most is a fraud or a plot. Hwalba knaze is lead here by the Goddess Herself. There is no question about that. She truly has the bozanu gledis. She’s a student of the Judging Sun and entrusted and favored by the Immaculate Moon... Herself. I could swear it to you in ver... You know I wouldn’t shun from it.”

The healer was looking at Midnight with nothing short of wonderment at these declarations. Something about her demeanor reminded Twilight strongly of... infatuation, indeed. But there was more to it. It was like...

Strange, it was like Rowan Berry had just witnessed Midnight in a familiar light. Like she had almost recognized him anew...

Well, truth be told, seeing him like he was now, strong and commanding, was also having a profound effect on Twilight. She had observed him cautious, she had witnessed him perturbed, even those previous night had shown her the... complexity that Midnight’s character was. But at that moment? He was a noble warrior, believing in the cause he had chosen. And he had, indeed, chosen to support Twilight with all of his might.

He realized that well enough. Looking at her with dedication, then taking one more breath and concluding in the healer’s direction, his voice filled with conviction.

“Now do with that knowledge as you wish, Rowan Berry.”

Twilight could have been upset, she realized. Yes, she could have been upset that he had been making unkind remarks to the mare before, and even that he was belittling himself... yet in a strange way that made him appear even more powerful. And right there and then...? She, herself, couldn’t have made a greater argument about everything he had mentioned.

Rowan Berry’s expression was still that of wonder, but that was only its surface. Twilight could feel, almost instinctively, that underneath there was a true mixture, a concoction. Like a healer’s herbal remedy. Of confusion, of astonishment, of apprehension... and even of mounting dread.

At least, that last one seemed to be inspiring the tone of her voice. “Hwalba knaze... Please, tell me, is... is that the truth? Have you...?”

“I have been given the Goddess’ blessing, yes,” Twilight revealed.

She let go of Midnight’s hoof, but only to make the matter more proper, stately and clear. She sat up. Regally, but without pride.

“Before my journey, which is in itself the answer to the Covenant’s invitation... I met with the Immaculate Moon... in the flesh, as she does find it prudent to reside in Equestria, alongside her sister goddess. Yes, I might be the student, the acolyte of the latter, but never in my wildest dreams would I dare to undertake such a quest without the approval of the Goddess. I know of my place and, more importantly, I know of hers.”

It was still rather peculiar to describe the, quite natural to Twilight, presence of the Princesses back home. And seeking Luna’s support wasn’t really a matter of spiritual guidance. Maybe, quite mundane, inspiration at most. But... Twilight knew that a more embellished language made it easier to convey the situation. And would definitely be understandable to the mare, who was listening to these sentences with her eyes wider still and her lips parted.

If only it was so easy to try to explain that... well, Twilight had some serious considerations lately. About Princess Luna and the Goddess.

“The Goddess blessed me by receiving me... and then granted me an even greater gift. Telling me, straight for my ears to hear, that she wishes to bring you, noctrali, her children, closer with us. And that she accepts my plan, the one I presented to her, to come to Noctraliya and refresh the ties that had once bound us. Those of cooperation, understanding. She promised me aid... and I think we can all agree that she is helping us to this very night.”

“But...” Rowan Berry’s lips were shuddering and her eyes were escaping towards Midnight. “If... if that is so, then... they why...? Then why Deep Mist and I... and...”

The stallion leaned in, just a little. “Do with that knowledge as you wish...”

He repeated himself, but that only made his words more incredible. So much so, that the healer brought her hoof to her chest, visibly trying to calm down her thrashing heart.

“I...” she tried to speak, but her voice was breathy and uneven. “I... I wanted to talk, but... But all I wanted to say to... to hwalba knaze...”

She used Twilight’s title and there was a measure of genuine reverence in it, nothing else. For once.

“... I need to... I need to think, I... but I...”

“Rowan Berry...” Twilight’s voice immediately garnered the entirety of the mare’s attention, without any difficulties. “You didn’t know. You had no chance of knowing, as it was kept from you. For reasons I won’t speak of... but I think you could discern, perhaps...”

“I...” the healer attempted to say something again, still breathing quickly and shallowly. “I...” She looked at Midnight again and Twilight could have sworn that he gave her a little nod of... encouragement? “I want to... I need to think on it all, I...”

“Of course,” Twilight assured her, deciding that a soft smile would help as well. “When we arrive... take your time. We won’t disturb you, we won’t pressure nor cause you discomfort. And then... come talk to me again, alright?”

The healer didn’t reply to this deal, but... in the chaos of her being, something surely changed.


“Here’s your tea, Your Lunar Majesty. Lots of sugar, as you requested.”

“Thank you, Ravenlynn.”

Luna gladly took the cup from her sister’s Advisor, ready to taste the beverage. She wouldn’t say she was particularly keen on tea at the very moment, actually, and even less on it being dreadfully sweet... but considering the hour, it was prudent to find just that little bit of a push to stay awake and lucid.

Though... Luna could think and even bet on the fact that her mounting unease would be enough of a wake-up agent.

Still, the Sun was already up and only getting higher, but her time of rest was nowhere near still. There were more important things to do, so she had to prudently wait for it. Enduring both the tiredness of the swift travel back to Canterlot as well as the natural anxiety over what was the come.

Quite humorously, Luna would dare to think, she and Raven, present currently in the Royal Parlour, were both waiting on their exact counterparts.

Raven had already let Luna know that Celestia had finished starting the day, marking it with the golden disc on the sky. And that it was blatant that she was very keen on learning about the result of the forest escapade of Luna and Moonwarden, especially having been told of the recovered message. However, matters of state had to be dealt with first, not to disrupt the work in the Palace. And not to let more ponies onto the fact that something strange and crucial was happening...

At least, not before the right time.

Luna could understand that, more than obviously. This slight delay was also allowing her to mentally prepare for the meeting. The fact that both Cadance and, more worryingly, Shining Armor would be partaking in it a little later did fill her with some more apprehension. And she could bet that even Moonwarden’s presence would not shield her from this sort of a feeling.

He was, of course, the second absentee. He had mentioned, much in advance, that he would need to take care of something first, before the meeting proper. When pushed for details, he had claimed that he wouldn’t have them until making sure he could have them, before leaving Luna their notes and the message from Twilight Sparkle and disappearing in a hurry at the Canterlot’s train station.

Those were both a rather... peculiar set of actions from him, but Luna was going to give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, he had worked tirelessly during their travel and studying the letter, coming up with a couple of ideas and concepts to discuss at that very meeting, so... it was not hard to simply trust him.

Hah... Luna found herself escaping into her thoughts even more at that notion. Trusting Moonwarden. Him, of all the ponies she knew...

It felt like it was a new realization after all, despite the fact that she had grown to rely on him a long time ago. But, lately... Luna had found herself feeling a lot more at ease with him about. Yes, he could be an insufferable miscreant and prideful at that, not to mention being a provocateur and a half. And yet... all of those things that he had said, all the things he had made her realize were, without a doubt, helping her.

Aiding her... in finding again her path through life. One which she had, due to her own mistakes and refusing to face them properly, lost in the meanders of time and doubt. She still had ways to go, she knew it, but...

Luna did realize that the gray stallion’s keen desire to help her, lift her up from her stupor of melancholy, was also causing her to see him in a much more... favorable light than before. It was a strange and mysterious feeling, actually. Luna did find herself... looking forward? Yes, it would have to be described as such. Looking forward, in a much greater capacity than before, to the moments when she would see him. Witness him bow before her in loyalty and deference, and call out to her...

“Your Majesty...”

Yes, that... or ‘my lady’. She was enjoying that as well. Perhaps even more, as it felt rather... sympathetic.

“... Your Majesty?”

Luna lifted one of her eyelids. Was he asking her about something?

“Your Majesty?”

She blinked, having managed to open both her eyes now. To witness Raven watching her intently, slightly confused.

... of course. Luna realized without delay, but with some shame instead, that she had closed her eyes for “just a second” and promptly lost track of time. Or, worse... began falling asleep.

No wonder she was having those strange thoughts!

She shook her head to make it clear of all these peculiar and... not entirely unpleasant distractions.

“Yes, Ravenlynn, pardon, you were you saying...?”

“I was saying nothing actually, Your Majesty...” the mare replied, resuming a proper position and neutral look before trotting to make sure all the chairs were neatly placed. “I just saw that you were not enjoying the tea... and that the plate and cup were slightly tilting. With all due respect to both you, Your Majesty, and the Parlour’s expensive rug, would you like a tray? I take it tiredness is gripping you?”

Luna felt her cheeks becoming a little hotter with embarrassment. It was one thing to make a blunder of composure in the presence of the chosen few, it was another to almost spill tea all over the place due to dozing off! She berated herself, straightening up and checking her mane with a practiced gesture... that she really hadn’t practiced, but what else was there to do to regain composure?

“Unfortunately, yes,” she admitted, as hiding that fact would not help at all. “Honestly, neither I nor Moonwarden did want to waste time after returning to Canterlot. Preferring to share the gathered information first, prior to finding proper rest. It is, still, very late for me at this point.”

“Of course, of course, completely understandable,” Raven replied before finally allowing herself to take her, less opulent seat, checking the glasses on her muzzle. In a gesture of semi-transparent curiosity. “Still, it is very good to see you back so soon, Your Lunar Majesty. As I grasp it, the travel was pleasant and the journey, considering the details of your request for this meeting, greatly successful?”

“Indeed, on both accounts,” Luna admitted, finally sipping the tea and hoping for the necessary kick, considering the hour. The first feeling of sugar hitting the back of her throat was, remarkably, awakening. And potent enough to be considered a form of physical assault. “However, I don’t want to get into the details before everypony has arrived, but let us say that the circumstances convinced us to come straight here. There is vital knowledge to impart.”

“Without doubts, Your Lunar Majesty, but... are those circumstances ‘bad’, per se?” Raven asked, trying to find both an outlet and a font for her interest.

Luna mused for a second. “They were... warranting much caution,” she responded in the only way that seemed prudent.

She shook her head a little again. How come she was feeling both so worn out and so ill at ease? She would think those two would somewhat cancel each other out. Though... she also wasn’t blind to the fact that, when stress and anxiety were hitting her hard, the domain of dreams was her escape.

Well... escape was, perhaps, not the word. That would signify relief and... she didn’t deserve relief yet.

And just as she thought that, a knock on the door happened. She hoped that the door handle shifting betrayed the arrival of Moonwarden...but a pony of much too bright of a coat made their way in.

... two actually. They were also much too regal, not that her Advisor lacked his grace. But... he would surely respect Luna’s clear request for a later arrival.

For it was Cadance who walked in, present already, alongside her husband. Both trotting in just before Celestia herself made her way into the chamber.

Luna rose up, making sure again not to spill the tea, though this time it wasn’t exhaustion that would cause that. Confusion, maybe. Of the irritated type... And she bet that she would need the beverage even more at that point. To take her time in the upcoming, tense conversation, especially considering Shining Armor’s current bearing.

And the absolutely last thing Luna would want was taking a sudden nap in front of the disgruntled and worried brother of Twilight Sparkle.

Celestia desired to begin the exchange in earnest, even when slowly and regally making her way to her seat. Though she couldn’t fool Luna, there was a noticeable, if masked worry to her steps.

“Forgive me for being a little late, dear sister. We want to keep things on the move even as we deal with crucial matters. For maintaining stability.” They definitely agreed on that. “It is good to see you. I hope you enjoyed your travel?”

Luna stopped herself from making an obvious face, not that she minded Tia’s kindness precisely.

“It would be far more of a matter of leisure were it not for its nature. And that of our goals.”

Shining Armor, waiting dutifully to take his seat last, spoke up in reply to that. “I sincerely hope those goals were reached. For Twilight’s sake.” Nerves were still very much audible in his tone, despite his noble efforts.

“They were,” Luna briefly assured him before sitting down, following Celestia’s lead. “Though, before we speak of that more... With all due and natural respect, I was hoping I could present the results to my sister first. I did politely request that.”

The Prince Consort’s gaze asked the foreseeable question of “why”, so she continued, keeping her tone nice and calm. Containing the displeasure.

“Not to hide anything, I assure. Rather to bring additional transparency through a prior consultation. And, perhaps, present a possible solution outright. With my sister’s aid and that of her Advisor. And with the help of my Advisor as well, when he soon arrives.”

That was as much honesty as Luna could possibly put in that set of sentences. One that could surely earn her Moonwarden’s reprimand... but the stallion still wasn’t there, peculiarly.

The other was. And he also wasn’t appreciating such an approach from Luna, though for all the different reasons.

Cadance must have felt that sort of trepidation as well. “I know we were supposed to meet only later, dear aunt, but... I couldn’t possibly stop Shining Armor. And he has more than a right to worry about Twilight. I am also concerned about her, with everything going on,” she explained, keeping solid composure.” I hope you can forgive us this eagerness... and also hope that what you’re saying does not mean that she’s in grave danger.”

Luna already felt terrible with how this meeting was going. She was tired, she had been ignored and now...

But, she had to brave it. She knew it, despite all the draining and enfeebling chaos in her being.

“Twilight Sparkle is not endangered at the moment, no. However...”

That was a bad word to use, she realized, even if her intentions were completely different. Still, the room shifted just a little, focusing even more of their attention and putting vastly heavier pressure on her. It was... The gravity of it wanted to push Luna right into the chair. Maybe through the floor...

It wouldn’t be terrible to be anywhere but here.

She looked at the door, but it remained closed so far. With no sign of any gray help.

She had to focus. Contain herself. Try once more, at least.

“What I meant by that expression, is that I would much prefer to wait for the arrival of Advisor Moonwarden. He was vital in acquiring the message and piecing together the situation from the contents. His input would be as valuable as mine.”

Raven, despite representing the “solar” end of this meeting, did lean in a little. Clearly keeping an eye on the gathered and their unmistakably somber faces.

“I... could make some tea in the meantime perhaps? Or offer something else for everypony, as we would be waiting?”

She was trying to diffuse the tension at least a little and Luna was undeniably thankful for it. However... those efforts seemed largely unsuccessful.

“Could at least a little be shared, so that our minds are at ease, sister?”

It was Celestia who pressed on. Her tone, despite being in no way threatening or reprimanding, caused her faithful attendant to attempt turning invisible in an instant. Her eyes down and her posture shrinking just a bit.

Luna... felt much worse than poor Raven. Nothing about this entire situation felt... good at the moment. It was like she was sitting in front of some sort of a... tribunal. A jury of peers, wishing nothing else than to assess her, to pass their judgement even...

Luna felt like she, indeed, wanted to be literally anywhere else.

Away. Far. Tartarus or...

... or the Moon, even.

She felt a cold shiver down her spine. Moonwarden would surely be upset with such a stance. It was... defeatism of the highest order. And... he had kept telling her, reminding her. She was the Lady of the Night. She needed to... to again have enough “of her” in her.

Luna felt her lips trembling, just a little.

“Very well. I’m displeased about such an arrangement, but I understand,” she declared, trying to evoke in herself just enough strength.

To spite her weakness, if nothing else.

She knew well that she had put herself in such a place a long time ago. And she wasn’t thinking only about her crippling illness of heart and mind. This... hearing was just one more consequence of her decision to send Twilight Sparkle forth without really having consulted it with anypony. Luna was the perpetrator. She had tried to push back the aftermath at least a little, but... nopony in this world had ever gotten away with anything. There was only either the penance of the world or that of the conscience...

She shook her head. At least internally, if such a thing was possible. This was no time for such a... dramatic talk inside of her. This... was a moment to stand tall and hold her head high in dealing with her own choices. At least... she felt like she could actually try and withstand all of this. Thanks to Moonwarden, again. She wouldn’t want to say too much with him not being present yet, but...

Yes... but.

Luna sighed, took one more sip of the sugary brew, then let her horn flare just a little. Saying anything at this point would be utter folly without the letter proper. So, in before her and suspended at the level of her eyes appeared the message in question.

“This is the missive sent by Twilight Sparkle. It is addressed to you, dear sister...” She gave Tia a short glance.”... but considering the circumstances we have allowed ourselves to break the seal, alongside my Advisor. And we would recommend everypony here being allowed to familiarize themselves with it, considering the contents.”

She pretty much saw the twitches in both Shining Armor’s and Celestia’s forelegs and she was pretty sure that she simply missed those from Cadance and Raven. Everypony, indeed, wished to examine it.

Luna took a deep breath. “But allow me to alleviate at least some fears beforehoof...”

“Why is it burned to the side?” came the question from Shining Armor, already laced with more of the mounting unease.

That...” she responded, trying to remain calm and collected. At least on the outside. “... is also exactly why I wished to first converse with my sister. So that things could have been prepared in a way that would spare us a lot of the disquietude.”

She gazed at Celestia. She found a good measure of understanding in those eyes, but... also a retort. A wordless one... but one that definitely stung. Fiercely so.

If you only thought of doing that in the first place.

Luna could literally feel her heart wrenching at that thought.

So much so, that she wondered for a blink whether there wasn’t more to that pain than simply the torment of hearing such a sentence, in Celestia’s voice, right in her imagination.

Yes, Tia had every reason to be mad and disappointed, despite everything that they had shared. About her own actions in regards to the... the war against the batponies and everything.

But this strike right to Luna’s very core was so accurate, she would have to deem that another pony had struck true.

Herself. Yes... that was definitely the work of her own conscience. Manifesting strongly, though she was very sure she wasn’t currently dreaming...

Perhaps the penance of the world would be more merciful...

“Twilight Sparkle was, at the moment of writing this, doing well,” Luna began speaking, knowing that she simply had to let some pressure out of her. Not to get suffocated by her own feelings, despite lacking the help of her loyal aide in this endeavor. “But we can even risk the assessment that she is performing absolutely wondrously to this very moment. And that is in no way an exaggeration. We were and surely are fearing certain scenarios. Yet not only had Twilight Sparkle managed to actually enter active negotiations with the Covenant, but the Lords of the Families, at the moment of writing this message, were willing to hear what she has to say...” Luna revealed.

The gathered were listening, yes... and judging whether what she was saying was simply a ploy to calm them or was genuine truth. The curse of the clandestine.

Well... Luna would have to convince them, she presumed, while trying to simultaneously figure out what more could already be presented before the gathered. Without the additional notes she had on her nor Moonwarden’s input.

“Twilight Sparkle has written, in detail, about the sort of welcome she received. Batponies... my children, have shown her hospitality that one would expect. And a proper welcome, considering her station... Though she also points out visible signs of caution. Distrust. Even outright hostility, in words and gestures, to what she is representing. They look unkindly towards her being an alicorn connected with the Judging Sun, for example...”

Luna glanced at her sister, but Celestia’s muzzle seemingly showed no change.

Just like when one decided to only briefly observe the Sun up high, thinking it was providing steady light and remaining all but motionless on the blue sky. The truth was blazing, if one were to gaze for just a moment longer...

“Many batponies have also shown contempt towards Equestrian ideas and the ponies of the nation... Twilight Sparkle does connect it with the shared history, as the tragedy of the Soleera Cruziate as they call Radiant Glory’s invasion...” Luna found herself having to fight a sudden lump in her throat, but somehow overcame it. “... is still very vivid in their minds. And from that they are deriving feelings of both contempt and superiority. Superiority over what they believe is a nation that had shown its true, terrible face and might do so once more, as Twilight Sparkle is theorizing...”

This declaration didn’t change much in the chamber... but Luna did feel a shift in herself. Small. Maybe insignificant to some, but...

The fact that she was able to say all of that... it meant something to her. She... had the strength. To face what her children were doing. To bring up what was undesirable and stemmed from her own terrible decisions from a millennium ago.

That... that was a good step down the right path of her life.

“Still, Twilight Sparkle also writes of the support she was granted by other noctrali. She avoids using names, but she claims that she had received signs of friendship, gratitude and kindness, through official and private channels alike. Naturally, one could think that a pony like her might try to find a silver lining in almost every situation, but she is far from gullible. She mentions, for example, a meeting with the children of the local Mountain, when she was taking questions and found it a very pleasant and eye-opening experience for both parties... but I will speak more of that in a while,” Luna added, having in mind a particular request contained in the message.

She took a deep breath, knowing that what she wanted to convey next would very much be the hardest matter. It was the very linchpin for all the worries about the room. Worries that could spill over the whole country...

“However... it has to be pointed out, considering the previous conversations, that the noctrali have, indeed, threatened a military action. More so, Twilight Sparkle is asking for advice, having... learnt well of matters considering the Eastern Woods, where the town of Shades’ Hollow was. She does not hide her trepidation, her confusion at the knowledge, her... apprehension...” Luna accentuated. Hard. One more thing which she would have preferred to share with Celestia prior. “Regardless... my children are expecting the return of their rightful property, lest they take it by force.”


Raven’s commentary escaped her lips aloud, despite her previous efforts at being as unremarkable as possible. She wasn’t ashamed to speak, however, especially considering that Shining Armor’s reaction was almost the same, if not far more displeased.

“I should have gone to the Royal Guard in a far less than the ‘casual’ capacity,” he uttered, shaking his head. “This is nothing else than an invasion waiting to happen at any time. This needs firm and large-scale preparations,” he declared in a strong voice. Almost shouting in Celestia’s direction.

Whose expression was... stormy and dark. It made for an almost frightening contrast with her usual bearing.

“Such an invasion would be... a most unfortunate turn of events,” she declared and Luna felt well what hid behind those soft words.

Felt so harshly that she simply had to address that.

“It might not come to being. Twilight Sparkle did herself claim that she had made reasonable progress, as I have mentioned, and dealt with the immediate threat.”

“Is that why the message looks burned?”

Shining Armor had difficulties containing his outrage, to which Luna shook her head just a little.

“Please, a little patience, Prince Consort. I understand. I really do, despite being responsible for this whole situation, at least to some degree. Right now, I simply wished to outline the message. So there are no great misconceptions as we shall be proceeding. For example about the state of it.”

“Misconceptions?” Cadance inquired, worry present in her voice, but not in strength. At least, not enough of it to make Luna feel even worse than she was feeling...

... actually, no. That wasn’t entirely true, she almost immediately realized.

Having said what she had said, even forced to meet all of those looks and all of those words, laced with justified worries, Luna actually found herself... relieved.

Letting go of the burden of holding all of this knowledge... more so, finding the desperate grit to actually face whatever blame and castigation was to come was... liberating. Not pleasant, not in the slightest, that wasn’t the point. Yet... the sheer fact that she didn’t feel like immediately running away and locking herself in her room that much was a huge improvement.

She... could do it. She actually could do it. After all, this was much easier than trying to be a deity again and... well, she had already managed that task at least to a small, personal degree.

And Luna realized anew who helped her make a crack in that wall of crippling fear and poisonous apathy. But... his absence was growing worrying at this point. Moonwarden wasn’t one for being late. And even if so, he was usually only “fashionably” late, so that his entrance would be that much more prominent.

She tried to shake that uneasy feeling in her gut. There was enough of these sensations in the chamber already.

“The letter... the missive itself, regardless of the contents,” Luna spoke up, pointing at the burnt edge of the parchment, “actually shows that there is a certain... discord among my children. Twilight Sparkle’s message was supposed to be contained, indeed. Never to reach Equestria. For what exact reason we don’t know, but... one can easily discern that limiting our knowledge of the Princess’ actions and forbidding support to be granted her way would be helpful to Noctraliya in case of open animosities.”

“Then how come this letter is... largely intact?” Cadance asked about the obvious.

“One of the noctrali on the letter’s way decided it wouldn’t be right to have it burn into ashes, having previously hosted Princess Twilight and being befriended by her,” Luna explained outright...

... still considering whether she wasn’t letting go of too much information. And ruining whatever plans carried in the notes she possessed. Those about the slow, methodical revealing of all the information in the message.

And yet, left to herself... Luna had to fend for herself. And... she didn’t feel too bad about it.

Celestia looked like she was about to speak, however, so... things could still take a turn, considering her expression.

“When you say... ‘discord’, dear sister,” she said, leaning in a little, “what exactly do you mean?”

Luna did open her mouth to reply, but a tender, almost inaudible knock on the Parlour’s door prevented her.

Raven was quick to spring from her seat and check for the newcomer. Which, naturally, paused the meeting... and gave Luna a moment to think on a proper way of answering.

And realize that, after all... this wasn’t turning out as bad as she had feared. Yes, there was anxiety in her, there was trepidation strong enough to fight off tiredness, but also... Having faced the fear of this audience, Luna did find herself experiencing a surge of confidence and... and pride. That she had managed, that she had found the focus and the sheer persistence to hang on.

To best herself. Allowed, by Moonwarden’s absence, to do this on her own.

... this wasn’t just one of his ploys to again give her another push in the right direction, was it?

Well, there would be a chance to ask that. Nopony else but the gray unicorn finally appeared in the door. The flicker in his monocle announced his silent entry as he gracefully stepped into the Royal Parlour. Glancing over the gathered and taking his time to give everypony proper bows.

Especially deep one went in Luna’s direction and she sent a kind nod and a small smile Moonwarden’s way.

Yes... his presence was very welcome.

But it was Celestia who spoke up first, straightening up. “Advisor Moonwarden. We’re glad you could finally join us. I take it matters of equal importance to this meeting kept you as well?”

The unicorn glanced at Luna’s sister... than at her. But said nothing. Only a little twitch seemed to have crossed his muzzle.

Which was... peculiar? Just like his silence.

Raven, by the stallion’s side, gave him a cautious glance. “You... don’t have an answer for Her Solar Majesty, Moonfred?” she prodded him gently.

But that only caused a slightly irritated stare... and yet more silence.

Luna was confused. Not any less than the rest of the gathered. This was very much unlike the unicorn. She would expect to hear his official timbre, offering a proper and polite explanation and then getting straight into business.

But nothing like that had occurred. Not to mention that the way the stallion was standing and the expression on his muzzle were both almost screaming... discomfort. The kind that was the more perplexing coming from him.

Well... Moonwarden would surely answer her inquiry, right?

“My servant... is something the matter?”

The stallion made an almost resigned face, though without even a sight. An inhale, instead.

And then, before everypony to witness it and much to Luna’s absolutely boundless astonishment, Moonwarden... stuck his tongue out in her direction?

“What—?” Luna wanted to ask immediately, but the unicorn only raised his hoof, as if to allow him to continue... whatever this display was.

The tongue... turned out not to be that. A couple seconds later, whatever this pink thing was, it still kept emitting from the stallion’s mouth. Almost like a blown-up... balloon? Becoming big, bigger and yet bigger, like Equestria’s most remarkable chewing gum!

The pink bubble was now the size of Moonwarden’s head, so much so that nopony present could actually see his expression. That is, until this strange manifestation suddenly floated away, leaving the stallion standing there for a while, with nothing but the visage of sheer resignation over his... perplexing situation.

And Luna wanted to speak up again, of course! Especially when faced with this ridiculous sight. Yet, that very moment, the strange balloon burst with a loud and undeniably comical pop.

“Forgive me, my lady, and yes, one could say there is something the matter.”

Moonwarden’s half-official, half-depressed voice emitted from the place of the former bubble.

Leaving the room absolutely flabbergasted. Luna not least of all, though she somehow managed to check on the rest of the gathered. She was quite certain she wasn’t dreaming, but she could tell everypony else had concerns about their sanity, even Tia.

Moonwarden took a deep breath, shook his head, then another balloon started appearing from his lips, this time in the color of vivid, bright orange. It took less time to form it.

Another loud pop soon followed its brief floating.

“My deepest apologies for being late.”

Luna somehow managed to be the first one escaping from utter shock. Most likely due to the fact that she felt a surge of... merriment at this weirdest of situations.

“What... happened, Moonwarden?”

Another inhale. Another bubble. Wonderfully cerulean. And then a pop.

“I have gotten the ‘details’ I mentioned,” the unicorn’s voice announced. Just before a smaller, deliciously red globule quickly flowed up from his mouth. Pop. “My lady.”

He added... and Luna could tell that he was trying with all his might not to burn up in embarrassment. But something about his misfortune was becoming more and more comical to her.

Not so much for the rest, clearly. Shining Armor, up until this point fighting his own confusion, finally managed to find his voice. Touching on the topic of Moonwarden... having lost touch with his.

“Is this some sort of a sick joke?”

Another balloon. Lime green. And quite grand.

Pop. “One could say that, lamentably, though I assure you, Prince Consort, only at my expense as I would not dare hilarity regarding this meeting otherwise.” A lilac bubble followed. With a pop, as well. “I take it the matter of the letter has already been brought forth before my arrival?” came the disembodied question, though accompanied by Moonwarden timing his gesture towards the floating message.

The other floating message.

Luna, trying to sound as neutral as she could despite the ridiculousness before her very eyes, decided to reply. Again fighting herself. Though this time for a completely different reason.

“Y-yes, my servant. I have mentioned the general contents of it, though... ekhm... we have not touched upon the matter of our notes, f-further discussions or replying to the... message... yet,” she managed to explain.

Hoping the end of her statement didn’t sound too much like a squeal of trying to contain laughter.

A hot chocolate-hued balloon. Another pop. “I hope it will not be an issue if I skip to the lattermost point for a moment, my lady?”

“Not... at all,” she replied, though having to bite her lower lip.

She almost forgot the tiredness. Also the stress. All she could think of was how utterly and unreasonably hilarious Moonwarden looked, emitting bubbles of many colors to speak, especially against his grey visage and desperate attempts at sophisticated behavior.

The unicorn looked over the gathered, with a blatantly apologetic look, before a liquorice black globule began forming before his lips. Growing bigger and bigger... to the point where Luna could have sworn that Moonwarden’s front hooves began to lose some grip on the carpet.

A short, majestic float. Pop. “Apologizing again for the... obvious disruption of my usual performance and for momentarily skipping other vital matters, I wish to inform that I might have found at least a one-time, but immediate answer to the question of replying to Princess Twilight Sparkle’s missive and assuring that we receive a swift and, well, I would not claim ‘entirely reliable’ response, but only due to the nature of the postal service I negotiated.”

Raven, still the nearest to Moonwarden though having stepped away in the face of the colorful spectacle and the constant bangs from the balloons, asked.

“Is... this farce supposed to be it?”

A petite, sunflower yellow bubble. Pop. “Shush.”

Luna had to hide her muzzle behind her hoof. Desperately.

Celestia, far less amused, but definitely intrigued, leaned forth and asked. “Not the colorful air balls themselves, I imagine, Advisor Moonwarden, but... I take it those are involved in the kind of postal service you have in mind?”

A hot pink bubble. Pop. “Yes, Your Solar Majesty.” Followed quickly by one of deep, atramentous blue. Pop. “Part of the deal.” A minuscule crimson globule. Pop. “Alas.”

Luna was trying absolutely everything, but found out that it was a very bad idea to try and hide the... bubbling laughter behind a sip of her tea, as she almost snorted the contents all over the place. She had no idea why she was finding this so funny, but... she did. She very much did.

Moonwarden gave her a glance, in which one would expect irritation and utter humiliation. But she, instead, found—


Celestia’s somber call cut through the chamber.

Everypony had to shield their eyes as a sudden flash of blinding, white light occurred right next to Moonwarden.

Floating on an invisible hammock of sorts, considering the laid-back position and attitude, was the Spirit of Chaos himself. Happily and leisurely, though in the more traditional way than right from his mouth, blowing his own set of ridiculously colorful soap bubbles all over the chamber. Still those were very keen on floating up and popping, releasing confetti of many, colorful versions of the grey unicorn’s face, with comically overdone expressions. Falling all over the place in a rainbow rain.

The draconequus stopped his merry pastime only to laugh out loud and turn to the gathered.

“O-hoho! I heard my name three times around here! Means I am missed dearly, how kind of you all!”

With a short snap from his leonine paw, he made almost all of the manifested, colorful cutouts gather and attach themselves to the stallion’s muzzle at speed. Momentarily making a fanfare of colors change his usually cold and grey appearance, before disappearing into vivid dust as Moonwarden sneezed heartily.

Discord clapped heartily as well. “Bravo! Bravo! Wonderful work, Moon Moon, you proper gentlecolt, you! We simply need to do this again, your embarrassment is a delicious payment.”

As if to accentuate, Discord conjured for himself in yet another blinding flash some sort of a... chocolate milk beverage in a tall glass. He grabbed the last remaining piece of the expressions-confetti, that of the comically reddened awkwardness, and garnished his drink as if with a cherry.

Moonwarden, in the meantime, sniffed and rubbed his throat. Then assumed a proper stance and manner finally and inhaled.


A massive bang emitted straight from his lips, causing him to throw his hooves up in the air in utter, irredeemable defeat.

That much Luna simply couldn’t take.

The sound of laughter emitting from her was... incredible. Out of place, yes. And for many reasons, because... it was almost like finding again a forgotten feeling, so deep and ridiculous her hysterics were.

So... liberating.

She could barely see her Advisor’s expression through the tears that began to roll down her face... but she could again swear that, witnessing her like that, Moonwarden’s gaze was filled with nothing but gentle warmth.

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