• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LXVIII – Take Heart, Take Heed

Twilight wasn’t sure for how long she was sitting in place. Motionless. Stupefied.


Going through the letter, still unraveled before her, didn’t take her too long, no. The sheer intensity of her focus... and her previous experience with reading through near countless books, meant that she could go through the contents in record time.

But... finishing familiarizing herself with the message was one thing. Grasping its contents to their full extent... was another.

She again felt that she supported her forehead on her hoof, her eyes checking the more... vital parts of the parchment on their own.

Though at this point, Twilight wasn’t sure what fragment seemed the most crucial. Or whether she was actually willing to read through those again. For what was most important was also the most... gut-wrenching.

And…. she just couldn’t decide which part of what she had read made her feel worse.

Was it the one where it had been revealed to her that Princess Luna had kept her travel a secret from Princess Celestia, at least at first, weaving her own plan? And, more so, one that involved even lying to Twilight before the crucial moment of her departure? About what had happened in Maretonia? There had been no planned coup, no intrigue against the Duke by some... some Merchant Conglomerate. There had been an infiltration. A spy mission. By a batpony unit. Which had been also the true reason behind Princess Celestia’s diplomatic travel. To address the issue... and promise military aid, to calm the Duke down. Which, as it looked... had also been a calculated move. Just not by her.

Or... had it been the most distressing that Twilight’s very mentor, her mother figure, had indeed known... Had been the witness to the terrible Solar Holy War... and had decided it the better course of action to condemn that part of history to oblivion? That... that was escaping Twilight’s reasoning. That letting things be, having given but a small consolation to a grieving nation, bereft of their deity, had been... the right thing to do? Yes, the Princess presented her reasoning, of course... but asked no forgiveness. Just expressed her deep and honest sorrow. Leaving the matter of willful reprieve to others’ judgment. And Twilight... wasn’t sure what was her stance on that just yet.

Or, yet, had it been the most harrowing, knowing that while the Lords had given an ultimatum regarding the Eastern Woods... they turned out to be ready and willing to conduct their invasion already, at any opportune moment. Maybe without letting Twilight know about it all. Maybe regardless of her efforts altogether, blind and deaf to her stance and her kindness...? That, when she had stayed in Hollow Shades, she had been the closest ever to uncovering the extent of their plans and surely captain Sunfall Ordain had had her hoof in keeping her oblivious... through her smile and openness...?

And those were just the few paragraphs in this whole... litany of dire news.

Twilight had desired nothing more than to be reassured. Strengthened. Granted new insight.

Well, she had received the last. In abundance. One that she didn’t know what to do with. However, one thing was certain for her... It was folly to try and find an invigorating force within that message. Faced with such knew knowledge... there was only the harsh reality to accept. To endure.

She didn’t know if she could, at the moment. Twilight wasn’t the one to bang her head against a wall, especially literally, but... she very much felt like it. For the moment, she settled on ramming her hoof against the table. Causing the dull sound to permeate the chamber. And a dull pain to course through her foreleg.

That was better than... nothing. Than apathy.

She felt like a foal.

A small, silly, wide-eyed foal. Who had little to no idea about how the world around worked. Naïve, credulous and artless... All of her efforts seemed to be so... so obvious, so insignificant, so shallow. Because the bigger picture, the real picture... she hadn’t fathomed at all.

Twilight... felt used.

And that feeling was terrible. Was cutting her to the bone. Making her core ache and twist and shiver.

She had been lead on, allowed to see only a fraction of what was going on. To the benefit of others. To hide their shame. To screen their schemes. To advance their agendas.

And her. In the middle of it all. The Princess of Friendship... playing the fool.

Another slam against the table.

More pain. More awakening discomfort, radiating from the leg, waking her up from her oblivious, gullible slumber.

Was this all she was? Just a piece on this great chessboard, the scope of which she hadn’t discerned until she was right there? In the center? To be utilized, to be sacrificed at some point? She suddenly imagined a crystal blue figurine, thinking that it had just achieved something by capturing a more powerful piece, feeling content that it was progressing between all the dangers, serving its player, its calling. Loyally. Only to be left there, with a black marble figure already poised to strike at them, so that another, rival plan could be realized?

Was that all Twilight was good for so far? To be a piece in everypony else’s game?

She grabbed both sides of her head, trying to decide whether it was better to squeeze it down, to scream at the top of her lungs, or to just lay down her head and bawl...

One more slam.

... no, not a slam. A knock. And she wasn’t the one who caused it.

Somepony was at the door.

Despite the overwhelming feeling of... anger and apathy alike, Twilight had enough common sense to grab the letter, roll it up and chuck it into her luggage. Slamming it shut with ire that manifested even in her spell.

“Who is it?” she then asked aloud, trying to contain her emotions for at least a moment.

“Midnight Wind, Honored Princess,” came the familiar voice. A welcome voice... and yet...

There was a moment of hesitation from Twilight. Hesitation which hurt her even more.

For she didn’t know if she even wanted to see Midnight at that point... or was it better to stay locked in the chamber to wallow a bit more in this... this tide of emotions.

Drowning herself. Suffocating her mission. And... and with the batponies only... watching her struggle, no?

She opened her mouth to speak... and then felt a familiar thump.

Her heart... beating stronger, once. To help her, despite the confusion. For it was beating for the stallion waiting outside. And it reminded her of what she had told him herself. He wasn’t... them. Was he responsible for the actions of his brethren, even his leaders? No, only his own.

He had proven himself to her.

“Come in,” she managed to invite him, feeling immediate relief that she had.

Then the handle moved... but the door remained shut.

And, almost saying something nasty under her breath, Twilight stomped in their direction to unlock them... only to realize casting a spell was good enough as well!

“Urgh! Now come in!” she called again, hoping no more stupid, unnecessary interruptions would come.

However, her error resulted in Midnight poking his head in just a little first, cautiously looking about, trying to discern what exactly was happening...

... and something about her expression must have been a pretty strong hint to him. Twilight could spot his gaze sharpening, his muzzle tensing up just a little.

He quickly entered, then locked the door behind him with a worried look on his muzzle. “Iau lumn? My light, what is the matter?” he asked and... and...

... and that pure concern in his tone did something to her.

Hearing it among all the worries, all the doubts and the emotions tearing her from the inside... it was like a soothing balm upon a terrible burn.

Twilight wanted to let him know that, to somehow express it with her words, but... tears came first.

She couldn’t help it. She just... looked at him, her beloved, her friend, her closest ally, confidant and support. Then she felt that she sat down where she was still standing... and simply began sobbing.

There was nothing more she could do, but just let all of that surge escape her. She couldn’t hold it in, couldn’t explain it outright, simply hoping that Midnight would understand.

And... he did.

There were no more questions from him. No more inquiries, no trying to find a reason for her despair, at least not at first. There was just the stallion’s gentle touch. For he came right to her, silent and careful. Sat by her side, close. Closer yet. And then, not even mindful of his bandages and lingering wounds, took her in his forelegs. Embracing her, hugging her tightly. His healthy wing spread across her own pair, sheltering Twilight from the world around... from all the scheming and all the intrigues.

The stallion of her heart allowing her to freely shed tears. Right against him, without saying anything. Letting her know that she was safe with him around. That he would protect her, defend her, even though he didn’t yet realize from what. But... Twilight could feel it in his touch. It didn’t matter. He would be right there for anything.

It seemed so simple, it seemed so little, to just let her cry out her pain. But it helped. It helped so much. To just let go of that burden, as much as it was possible for the moment. Some relief was better than none, and letting the tears flow down... felt natural.

And feeling that she was in the embrace of somepony that truly loved her and cared for her made it all the more profound. Helpful.

Twilight wasn’t sure how long did she need to sob and cry for, but Midnight patiently waited for her to let it all out, for the tide that overwhelmed her to ebb and lessen. At some point she was alright with standing up, though that lead only to him gently assisting her to her bed. Sitting her down on it, never stepping away for even the briefest of moments. Allowing her to lean against him, drink from his closeness, sip from this calming font which was always ready to receive her...

She finally managed to get a relative hold of herself, but... it took a good while, that much she realized. And it involved her finding herself lying right next to him. Her eyes reddened and her nostrils filled. She must have looked terrible, especially after such a devastating outburst...

Twilight wouldn’t want Midnight to see her like that. Battered and almost traumatized. And yet... he was still looking at her with nothing but sheer affection, loyalty and love. Though, indeed, touched by worry.

Yet it only made it look purer.

She tried to take a breath, a steady breath finally, though her clenched throat didn’t help. “I... I’m sorry, I just...” she attempted to explain herself, give excuses... but he reached out and put his hoof against her lips. Gently. Lovingly.

“You don’t have to apologize, or explain, if you don’t want to, my light...” he whispered, giving her a little, supportive smile. And she felt eternally grateful for these words, even if she was going to let him know why he had to witness her like so. “But... if I could ask you for just one, small thing...” he added, successfully focusing her whole attention on that upcoming request.

“... yes?”

“I... cannot really feel my wing anymore...”

He didn’t complain, just stated the fact. But it still made Twilight jump up, upon realizing that she was, indeed, pretty much crushing his webbed appendage against the bed. Due to resting directly on it for Harmony knows how long! And even the softest of wool comforters couldn’t stop such a discomfort.

She sat up straight, allowing him to fold the wing with a small grimace. He couldn’t be short both of them!

“I-I’m so sorry, I—!”

“What have I just told you?” he reminded her... and his gaze and that roguish tone actually made her giggle just a little.

Though the expression definitely couldn’t look too charming for the stallion, considering how she must have looked. Twilight took a moment to rub her eyes, trying to clean them of the remnants of tears. She also attempted to clear her sinuses without it resulting in a loud snort... so she just cast a quick spell and summoned a handkerchief from her belongings. And it pleased her to no end that Midnight didn’t even react to her using her magic, allowing her a moment to get a grip on herself.

Feeling like she finally didn’t look like an utter mess, but a... tolerable mess, Twilight took her place by his side again. This time being doubly careful about not smothering anything of his. She... she actually wanted to talk to him. Cutting the blood flow to his wing wasn’t going to help.

And she was so glad to face him and see his calm, focused face, making her know that his whole attention was solely and squarely on her. Especially when they were both lying side by side, like the rest of the world didn’t even exist.

Twilight took a deep breath, feeling that her throat was finally allowing her to do just that. “I... still, I’m very sorry that you... you had to see me like this, Midnight,” she began, taking care of a wayward tear still.

Or, planning to. But Midnight’s hoof was faster. And most delicate. “No apologies needed, my love...” he assured her, letting his touch slide across her muzzle for a brief moment. “Despite everything against us as... us, I do dare to hope to spend the rest of my life with you. Bogine grata.” He closed his eyes for a second, in a short prayer. “Need to see you whole to achieve that, so to speak. Need to be there for you, regardless of tears or smiles...” he declared. He pretty much promised, making Twilight’s heart flutter just a little.

She reached out to gently cup his cheek, causing him to lean into her touch eagerly. “Thank you, Midnight... that... that means so much to me right now.”

“At your service, Honored Princess of my heart...” he replied. Semi-officially, causing another giggle from Twilight.

“That’s a new one. A little corny, don’t you think, Guardian of my Nights?”

The stallion grinned, baring his fangs a little. “Has no more to do with corn than your words, you know. Besides, if you find me calling you that even after seeing you cry so much, just take the title and don’t ask questions,” he retorted, causing her to roll her eyes. But his tone softened even more immediately after. “Are... you comfortable with letting me know what happened? Resting by your side and giving you cuddles in silence would also work for me, you know. And if you prefer it, I will gladly accept it. It’s a pleasure.”

Twilight smiled, then shook her head a little. Still caressing his cheek. “That would be lovely too, but... no, I want to talk. I...”

She... didn’t know where to start, actually. How much could she say, how much could she explain? Well, definitely the reason for her meltdown, but...

Midnight put his hoof against her own, in reassurance. Granting her even more time to decide, organize things in her own head.

And there were things to organize, oh yes. Even putting aside what she had found in the letter... not that it could be done successfully. Twilight... had considered her reservations about explaining that she had gotten back a reply without an official bat or a notification. Because well... because Discord. That already seemed like a good enough qualm. However... who else she could let on that fact but Midnight, her beloved?

“So... you know when you and Rowan Berry knocked on my door in the Sanctuary the last time? When you heard me... talking to myself?”

The batpony nodded... then his eyes shone and his lips smiled just a little. There was, perhaps, a smidgen of satisfaction in that expression. And he didn’t mind telling her why exactly.

“You know that you are not really good at lying?” he asked of her, making her bite her lip.

“Was I that bad?” she inquired, as if of a teacher grading her performance. Not that she would want to be scrutinized or, worse, taught that particular skill.

But Midnight just winked at her. “You weren’t bad when it came to explanations, but... whatever was happening clearly caught you surprised. So you were a little all over the place,” he confessed with a small smirk. “Neither me nor our resident, compromised operative really figured out what was going on, but... I have my ideas now,” he claimed, playfully petting a strand of her mane. But something underneath that almost casual tone of his was rather serious. “Do you truly want to tell me what was that scene all about? I won’t press you to tell, though. You can be certain of that.”

Twilight took a moment longer. She actually bit her lip once more, much to her own discomfort, trying to find the right words. Regarding... well, a certain somebody. Bringing a certain something.

Both would be a little complicated to properly explain.

She thought a moment longer. Perhaps... perhaps words weren’t necessary at first. Maybe she could show and tell, at least a little bit. Though she couldn’t see it, lying on her side as she was, she felt like glancing towards her luggage. Surely, if Midnight were to see the parchment with the sign of the Judging Sun, he would understand. Especially when told that his own Goddess had also deemed it right and proper to write the message in tandem with her sister.


“I... I need to ask you something at first, Midnight. And I’ll accept any answer,” Twilight assured her beloved... though uncertain whether that was the whole truth. And quickly realizing what her request would mean.

“Ask, iau lumn. I’ll answer truthfully.”

She was, at least, relieved how eager he sounded. Not that it made it any easier to form the question for Twilight.

“Midnight, will you... if I... if I have to stop myself from being utterly transparent in what I shall tell you... because it means staying loyal to my country and the will of those I respect... and... and because my mission would be endangered otherwise... while...!” she spoke a little louder, not to have him ask a question of his own. “While also promising to you, that I bear no ill will towards you by doing so, would... would you be alright with that?”

She somehow managed to actually get the request out, she realized. But... she couldn’t shake off a really cold feeling spreading from her core, having spotted something fairly quickly.

The more she explained what she meant, or tried to at least... the more somber Midnight’s stare became. His keen eyes, still full of love and support for her, full of worry for her well-being after seeing her tears, became that much more intense. Sharp. Stabbing, like a dagger hidden beneath one’s clothing.

Twilight felt like biting her lip once more. She... could understand Midnight being displeased by that. Some could say that she was being absolutely hypocritical. Right there and then. Because, after having let him know that she wished for him to just talk to her, let her know of things on his mind, everything that he would be secreting away in his heart, she was... making stipulations on her end.

She could only hope that he would understand that this was not something she was doing lightly. Not at all. This was greater than her whims, than her desires. This was about...

... about...

She just hoped that he would understand. That was all.

And Midnight, indeed, took a moment. His gaze did not lose any of its intensity. But he looked away from her briefly. Musing on something. Considering fiercely some thought or notion that must have invaded his mind.

His eyes darkened. His brow furrowed. His expression tensed up.

Thankfully, their eyes met a moment later. And his voice was still calm, despite those shades passing through his face.

“I... think I would need context to make a promise, but, at the same time...” He paused for a breath, clearly weighing his words. “I believe I already know what you are going to tell me. And if that is so...”

Midnight sat up.

Causing Twilight’s heart to stop in place. For a moment, she was absolutely certain that he had taken great offence at her words. For the exact reasons that she had thought of just then. That she was going to keep secrets from him, regardless of how vital those were, whilst she had just requested something completely else from him. For the good of their relationship and of the future.

At least her beloved didn’t leave. Just stayed there, holding one of his legs with the other, as if stopping himself from something more.

And so Twilight got up as well, opening her mouth to speak.

... only to be silenced with a quick kiss, as Midnight leaned in her direction. Almost forcefully putting his hoof against the back of her neck, to keep her from moving away.

Not that she wanted to. His lips were sweet and their taste addicting. She had no fear of that ever lessening, at least not at the moment. But indulgence was not the stallion’s sole motivation, clearly.

Though… he allowed her to feel the welcome delight for quite a moment before breaking the kiss in the end.

“I believe,” he began, his voice filled with confidence, though without any sharpness to it at all, “that what you do is for the best in the end. I won’t hold it against you, whatever your decision might be. After all... who am I to talk?”

“You...” Twilight attempted to reply, as soon as she caught her breath again. “You are my everything, Midnight...”

That might have sounded dramatized, she admitted to herself, but she was hopelessly relieved and joyous that she found understanding in him. Or, rather, that he was willing to grasp and accept her motivation.

Still he chuckled. “Now who’s being full of corn.”

She swatted at him playfully. But then let out a long sigh. There was explaining to do and no amount of intimacy or emotion was going to make it any easier.

Well, maybe a little, at least.

Twilight focused, invoking in her mind the parchment, the expected reply, which had been a source of hope and yet became one of dread. And, within an arcane flash, the message in question appeared before her, resting in her outstretched hoof.

Midnight’s cocked his eyebrow and smirked. Clearly at the sight of the letter more than the spell.

“Glad not to be proven wrong, I would have...” he wanted to comment, but his voice trailed off as his eyes bulged just a little. “I... that is the sign of the Judging Sun, isn’t it...?” he uttered, his gaze pointing at the broken seal.

Twilight gently touched his leg, understanding the sudden surge of both respect and worry in his voice. She presumed that to be a natural reaction to witnessing something bearing the mark of the harsh goddess.

“This is the seal of Princess Celestia, yes, Midnight,” she explained. “But... I have found that the message is actually written by the Royal Sisters. I have received guidance from both of them.”

The stallion looked at her, then back at the parchment. Then at her again. It was clear that he needed a moment, processing the fact that this message did contain the will of both of his deities.

“Well...” he finally let out a word, shaking his head a little. “Now I see and understand. You... have far greater reason to be discreet than... than...” He sighed and looked away for a brief moment. As if contemplating something. Or... regretting? But that lasted only a breath. “So, I take it... this is the reply you were hoping for, indeed,” he claimed, rather than asked.

“This is it and more,” Twilight told him, in accordance with the truth. “And... how about I just make one thing clear as well. It got here through... extraordinary means.”

Midnight made a face like what she had just said was obvious. And, well, from his perspective, it apparently was. “Without a doubt. The Goddess and her sister could make a parchment appear anywhere, I presume, with their incredible power.”

“There’s... that,” Twilight admitted, still holding to the said letter. “But... let’s say that my position as the Princess of Friendship have, indeed, landed me with some friends. Some of them more like ‘not-unfriendly associates’, actually, come to think of it,” she added, mostly to herself. Things were a bit too unpredictable when it came to Discord. “I’m not saying that you might familiarize yourself with them so quickly and here, but... if that happens, don’t be alarmed, alright?”

The stallion’s head tilted just a little, confusion becoming blatant in his gaze. “What... ‘associates’? I don’t—wait,” he paused, lifting his hoof up as if trying to physically stop something. “Somepony that can just... like, ‘manifest’ here? Is that a word?”

“Very accurate one, actually,” she told him. Having in mind the strange, silver barrier that made the task a bit harder, yes... but there was no way she could explain that to Midnight. “Back in the Sanctuary, I was talking with them, yes.”

“... a unicorn that can appear right in here? W Noctraliya?” the stallion asked.

And Twilight felt that this question was an important one. A complex one. For he was asking her not only as her beloved. But as a warrior. A defender of his country. Somepony that got over magic being apprehensive, actually seeing certain benefits of it one morning especially... but still worried about it being used in a way to be dangerous to his nation.

So Twilight addressed his worry directly. Especially after having seen both that barrier and how magic was flowing in the places like the effiti sanctums.

“No, not a unicorn. I can tell you pretty much with certainty that there would be little to no way that a unicorn could just teleport to the Sanctuary. Not to mention that teleportation as a skill is complex in the extreme.” She was relieved to see Midnight calming down at those words. “But, there is somebody that knows how to find me. But, I assure you, he’s way too... capricious to keep winding up in your land as well. He just plays the part of a messenger right now.”

Her beloved was trying, really trying to understand what she meant by that. Which was a welcome attempt.

So Twilight, could at least, for the lack of a better expression, “roll” with it.

“At any rate, he was asked to get the message to me, asked by the Goddess and her sister,” she tried to clarify further. “And... you remember those flashes?”

“... yes?”

“That was him, trying to get the letter through.”

Midnight nodded, attempting to wrap his head around that... and suddenly his face reddened a little. And Twilight could easily bet that she knew exactly what he thought of.

“He didn’t see anything,” she commented and her beloved hissed a little.

“How good to know that there is an... ‘associate’ of yours that can just pop up at any time, even if he is passing on a message from naybarsenta Bogine...” he replied, more than a little displeased. “Kirwe...

Twilight would giggle, but she too went through that fear. However, she was pretty certain that Discord couldn’t really bother with straining himself to try and get through Noctraliya’s strange aura time and time again. Not even to pester Twilight herself. He would wait for an easier and more casual opportunity for that.

“Don’t fret, Midnight. Everything’s fine, I talked with him,” she promised. Hoping that it was enough. Both for her beloved and the Spirit of Chaos, actually.

The stallion took a deep breath, then put both hooves before himself, as if organizing a bookshelf of some sort. “Alright, alright... So... Somepony you know, powerful enough to be a messenger and appear before you in the middle of our country managed to pass on a letter from...” He paused, shaking his head again. “Doesn’t help when I say it aloud, actually... but if you are telling me that right now, I am willing to believe you.”

Twilight nodded, shifting a little closer. “Trust me, I could explain it all, but that would take quite a long time. And… wouldn’t Rowan Berry get annoyed at you staying in my chamber for so long, for example?”

“The fact that you are paying that much attention to her misplaced irritations still astonishes me,” Midnight responded, though his tone of voice was torn between real bewilderment and being impressed by the fact. “But, don’t worry. She actually went to do a little r...” He stopped himself, furrowing his brow. “ ‘Reconnaissance’. Is that right?”

Yes, very much so,” she told him. “She... wants to find some things out? About the Lord and the Lord Consort.”

“She should be reasonable at it, being who she is, right?” Midnight asked rhetorically and Twilight could only nod. “I, on the other hoof, feel like I need to find out a bit more about why my beloved mare was crying her eyes out when I walked into her chamber...”

It was sweet to hear him say that and with so much conviction. It was just a shame he had to endure seeing that in the first place.

“Well... long story short, I... found myself a little overwhelmed by what I read inside this very message.”

That part Midnight had no trouble with understanding outright. “I presume that reading words put down by both Our Bogine and her sister, your mentor, would be greatly moving. But...” he paused briefly, looking to the side. As if asking somepony else whether he wasn’t making a mistake by presenting a matter before Twilight. Maybe the same, divine pair even. “You... those tears weren’t good ones. Those were not invoked by the benevolent grace, moving your heart so much. You were grieving, iau lumn...”

Twilight bit her lip. She couldn’t let him know everything, yet... she had to explain what happened somehow. And clearly enough. Perhaps...

She had an idea of how to frame her momentary despair. Hoping that it would suffice. And make her feel like she both hadn’t said anything improper... nor was she in any way devious towards her beloved.

“I... was granted a vision, I would say. I was given a glimpse. Into what can happen... were I to fail in this mission of mine. Were I to...” She found her voice catching up a little in her throat. “... to not consider that there are those that would wish me to trip and fall. To fail the Goddess...”

... even if she was the one that had already deceived Twilight.

Midnight was listening with utmost care. Even encouraging her to continue, taking and holding her free hoof, as she held the parchment tightly in the other.

“I...” Twilight continued, moved by the softness of his gesture. “I cannot become a victim of somepony else’s scheme. That much is clear from this warning. As that could... it could be detrimental... no, it could be terrible for both Noctraliya and Equestria,” she claimed. Then looked deep into Midnight’s eyes. “And... you do know well that there are ponies about that would wish to see me fail. Whatever their apprehensions, misconceptions, short-sighted motivations, you name it, are… and make them hope for the failure of my mission.”

The batpony nodded, his eyes glinting. Without a doubt he could think of at least one pony, of azure mane and a dreadful disposition. But, as Twilight could now imagine, having learnt of the preparations underneath Hollow Shades... there could have been more, many more.

“That... I can understand,” Midnight admitted, his grip on her hoof strengthening a little, to encourage her. “But, I am quickly reminded of one thing. One thing that should be crucial in this situation.”

“And... what would that be, Midnight?” Twilight asked him, genuinely curious about what he had in mind.

“You, iau lumn... are greater than just being my light,” he stated, with a calm, sincere smile. “You act in the Goddess’ name. And you are backed by the burning justice of Sewira Solee, no?”

His question... gave her a pause. From his perspective, that was, indeed, the ultimate truth. He didn’t bet on his deities having, well... their own agendas. Making their own mistakes. And yet... the strength of this conviction was, strangely, lending itself to Twilight as well. Especially when he continued in earnest. There was something clear and hopeful in such a direct faith, unmarred with the mundane, the profane, the mortal. Midnight knew of his goddess’ presence in the world, but their nature was above it. In the realm of ideals.

“You are here, as you have stated from the start, to find a better way. And, after learning of it, to resolve what had happened in our history, in accordance to the will of the divine.” Midnight’s touch remained as strong and unshaken as before, as he held to Twilight’s hoof. “To show us that there is a path onward, one that will better our lives, one blessed with the grace of Bogine i Ipea sostre. You are to show a way that will make things possible... for us as well.” He brought her hoof to his lips and kissed it, almost with veneration. “And isn’t that worth more? Your mission, yes, but even only a chance created for us, if I can be so selfish for a breath… Aren’t goals like that greater than any unjust ambitions and plans that those would dictate?”

Twilight wasn’t going to deny any what he had just said. And though she had the, apparently, broader perspective, with the letter, with her knowledge and her worries… Midnight’s words were hitting all the right marks.

Even making her realize something. Strongly. More so when her beloved moved a bit closer yet, putting his foreleg around her wings and back, in a show of full support to her and her actions.

“Your mission, as much as my simple mind can understand its importance, is something more than some scheme or an intrigue. This is your calling, your quest. Your role to play. Backed by the divine and the holy,” he paused for a breath. To gather thoughts, that much was clear, for his voice alone betrayed what came to his mind. “And the fact that I am still here… By your side. Not sent away, not punished severely for the ‘crime’ of loving you. That I am given the chance by somepony of great power and authority to... convince them of our relationship, despite the fact that I had breached his trust, that I had, whilst being allowed to help you in learning about us as a nation, gone further than I ever thought I would…”

He paused for a brief moment, while Twilight felt herself leaning against him. She was listening attentively to his every word, every breath, every pause. He was speaking from his heart to hers and, as such… it was a conversation that had to be heeded. Midnight’s tone was bringing her calm and realization alike. And it was as if he was fully aware of how much he was affecting her, even though the contents of the message were a mystery to him after all.

“That opportunity, by iau haspadr, is there a better sign that your task is blessed? Who but the Goddess could have changed the Honored Lord’s heart? So that he is even allowing himself to witness and judge the truth of our affection, rather than sentence me outright?”

Twilight stayed silent still… and it was a good thing. Because at that point she could pretty much feel the shadow which did just then pass through his muzzle. Through his voice even, bringing with itself a somber tone. But one that was still carrying an encouraging message, as Midnight continued.

“Like everything worthwhile in life, your mission will spawn schemes and intrigues about it, beloved of mine. There will be eyes on you… and who am I to make you realize that,” he added, a touch of venom and vitriol in his voice. “And I mean not Deep Mist nor Rowan Berry. Eyes are looking at you here and now… Ears turn, keen on catching your every word. Plans are being made, situations are being observed, analyzed. Challenges are brought before you... Attempts are made to have you fail,” he claimed with utmost seriousness. “Yes, all of those shall be present around. It’s how life is... especially when we fail to see the bigger picture.”

Twilight suddenly realized that he must have smiled after those words, which made the contrast that much more blatant.

“And whose picture is the biggest if not the Goddess’? And... we must listen to Her first. She gives us our hearts and minds, to know what is wrong and what is right.” He chuckled to himself. “A very wise pony told me that lately. One that definitely lived through his deal of such… complex matters.”

Twilight wanted to look Midnight straight in his eyes at that very moment, prompted to do so by the steady, warm beating of her heart… but she didn’t have to do anything to achieve that. Her beloved leaned back just a little, reaching out to cup her muzzle and make her gaze right into his keen stare. Even those eyes were trying to tell her something, anything, everything on his mind. Everything in his heart.

“Fear not the schemes. Dread not the hidden plans. For sometimes... even what was an intrigue at first bears sweet fruit. When minds are shown the light and hearts shudder and change, witnessing what’s good and right,” Midnight told her, smiling one of the kindest smiles Twilight had ever seen from him. “Heed the warning you have received, yes. But know that what you do... is good and right, iau lumn. I tell you that.”

Those words were... simply... they were…

They resonated with Twilight. Entirely.

They reverberated inside her, echoed in her mind, ringed in her heart. So much. The way they were said, the message they conveyed. Combined with that strong, piercing gaze of her beloved... and yet the softness of his touch. The pure intention in his voice, as he had found the perfect expressions, words that he wasn’t usually turning to, words which meaning Twilight would only begin to discern. Knowing that she would remember these sentences of his for a long time. Forever, if only fate would allow that.

And that realization, which had manifested in her mind just before, hit her with tenfold power and gravity.

She... she had put so much faith in that letter. The one that she, as she just realized, had put down next to herself. Completely engrossed in Midnight’s declarations, instead of the shocking revelations done in ink and parchment. Twilight had expected that fated message to give her strength, to rejuvenate her will and make her press on with yet greater conviction. It had given her insight, yes, and knowledge which would be vital to her. At a terrible cost. Of doubt, of worry, of anxiety.

And yet... when it was necessary and vital… she found the power which she needed. She had it right nearby.

In Midnight. And his love towards her.

“Oh, Midnight, I…” She tried to speak, but her own words didn’t come as easily. Actively escaping her, with her mind being busy with the truth she had just arrived at. “You... you have no idea how much what you have just said means to me…”

The batpony, her beloved, smirked a little. But even that roguish, self-satisfied expression of his carried with itself undeniable affection. She could read that much from his gaze.

“I do have an idea, at least a little,” he declared. “Your eyes lit up with the light of the Goddess’ blessed sign. And my heart flutters, knowing that I have managed to help with my imperfect self…”

Twilight laughed softly as she leaned in more, embracing Midnight in a gentle hug. Mindful of his still healing wounds, but willing to be close to him. Closer yet.

“I would contest that ‘imperfect’ mention, you know…” she began, embracing him a little tighter. Drinking from his closeness, much to his own satisfaction. “You… don’t use such language often, Midnight.”

“I keep it for special occasions,” he jested, gently putting his foreleg around her anew. “Hoping I don’t make one of my silly mistakes. It would ruin the moment.”

“I don’t think so,” she let him know, and gladly. “Your words... those were really beautiful. And they definitely touched me and… I just want you to know how grateful I am.”

The stallion chuckled, clearly enjoying her presence with the same strength as she was appreciating his.

“It might sound silly, but... I think you just change me for the better still and still. Making me realize who I am again, step by step, night by night. Perhaps, one of those, I will be actually worthy of such a wondrous mare like you,” he stated, then hugged her a little tighter before she could open her mouth. “Don’t protest, just let me have this.”

She giggled into his coat and closed her eyes, letting him speak on.

“For I truly believe all that I have said, my light. And as much as your mission here is to help all of us, children of the Goddess… despite our best attempts to stop you,” he pointed out. Clearly rolling his eyes as well, though Twilight couldn’t really see that. “... I know what I desire. I know why I am here. What is my true mission. I want to be here to help you. To be here for you. Not because it’s a repayment for your kindness, your tolerance, your patience with us,” he stated, his voice again ringing with conviction. “But because it is the good and right thing to do. Know that this is the one, only reason I am here.”

There was strength in what he said. More than Twilight would think necessary, actually, but she was certain it was important to him to say it like that. To let her know where his motivation was, without leaving any room for doubt. He clearly had discerned that she had a lot of it, after receiving the message.

But... there was also the strength of a kind other than such welcome and potent declarations. There were the little acts of compassion, the small things, seemingly insignificant, which could mean the world to another. Which is why Twilight spoke up after a moment longer of the sweet indulgence.

“Could I ask you to help me with something more soon as well, Midnight?” she asked of him, leaning back to give him a peck on the cheek. As a thank you. And an additional incentive.

Her beloved realized that without failure, but was happy to play along nonetheless. “Name it, iau lumn, and I’ll see what I can do.”

His semi-official voice made her giggle once again. “It’s not an order.”

“Shame, I heard that I’m reasonably good with them,” he replied, then chuckled himself. “What do you need, my love?”

“The message,” she said, looking back at the parchment. A little away from them both, on the very edge of the bed, actually. “It also did contain a little… reassurance. Though, not precisely for me. But I think you could help me pass it along to the proper recipient.”

Midnight looked at her with positive curiosity. “That’s… interesting. What do you mean?”

Twilight gave him a kind smile back. “Do you remember when I was under the very, very dangerous scrutiny of a lot of foals?”

“Oh, of course!” the stallion replied, laughing aloud. “You see, I was already very daring to bet tonight, but I should have placed one more here. I’ll still ask, however… who should be receiving this reassurance?”

“Do you remember Midnight Veil?”

He did. Of course he did. That little filly who had called the Judging Sun mean and stupid, because her poor father had lost his vision from tending to the Family’s flocks during the day. And Twilight, having received some words to pass on and try to encourage the young filly, was going to fulfill her promise to the foal.

Which prompted Midnight to lean forth a little. “That has to be one of the kindest things I have seen in my life. For a foal you barely know, you have occupied a goddess’ attention,” he stated, reaching out to cup Twilight’s cheek. “This is… this is like the purest form of a prayer.”

The way he put it… it again spoke to her.

Actually… it made her realize that… perhaps she should have focused on that more. On this little kindness.

For there was very little to wallowing in sadness. What good did that do? Was it bringing true relief? No. Was it making one achieve something? Also no. And while Twilight understood the importance of listening to one’s emotions and finding a place for experiencing grief and sadness… she much preferred something else. Like Midnight being there for her, to help her out of that small pit she had found herself in.

He deserved a little thanks for that, she thought, as she sought his lips again. Successfully leading him onto his back, safely, but to enjoy a little more of their romantic indulgence. One which was only leaving Twilight wishing for more, against her reason, against the circumstances. But she could contain herself to some degree…

… even when their sweet moment caused the letter, that fateful letter, to roll from the bed and onto the floor.

It didn’t seem so terrible at that particular moment, filled with the taste of Midnight’s lips and the warmth of their love.

However, the thrill could only last for so long and their time alone was cut short quite soon. Rowan Berry promptly returned, just after Midnight had gone back to his chamber. And the operative did report that she had managed to do a little bit of a social reconnaissance regarding the Lord and his wife. And the general mood in the Mountain.

Yet her observations would have to wait as, per the request of Lord Dusk Harvest, Twilight and her retinue would be joining him on an excursion. One which would be leading them to the fruittender parts of the place… and maybe even further. Outside.

Enough said, Twilight had grabbed for herself a more suitable attire. One that would definitely be comfortable enough for a walkabout, whilst still presentable and appropriate to join the haspadr. She even decided to wear that necklace from Garnet Hoof, the one of silver, quartz and ametrine, as Twilight found it both matching the outfit well enough and not appearing overbearing or garish in the slightest.

Even if the thoughts regarding the message were still trying to break through Twilight’s head and her focus, that moment with Midnight was enough to help her remain prudently impassive and regal. She couldn’t become compromised, not there and then, especially when Lord Dusk Harvest was keen on already showing her the nuances of the Mountain’s and the Valley’s workings, no doubt.

She only hoped that he wouldn’t require of her to give him absolutely precise numbers regarding possible trade. She… could try to estimate some of those, when it came to possible stockpiles that Equestria had, but… that was only possible because she had decided that her Princess duties required a certain awareness about the country, right? Yet Twilight wasn’t going to base a diplomatic deal on approximation after all.

There would be a time and a place for that. For the moment, the Lord set a meeting point in the middle of the main cavern. Right where a selection of tunnels was burrowing sideways into the beige rock around. And, upon arrival, Twilight could immediately tell that the haspadr was… almost on his lonesome. With but one warden staying by his side. And that warden not even being Blossom.

Twilight was willing to bet that, if it weren’t for his position and the minimal requirements of both safety and tradition, Dusk Harvest would be showing her about without anypony else at all. Knowing his thinking, it was not to bother anypony, as surely there were more important matters than him. But was there a more vital pony about, really? The Lord almost on his own? A loner right in the middle of the cavern of his own Family?

Twilight wasn’t going to stand for that, she knew that much.

“Greetings, Honored Lord,” she called to him when she came close enough. She wasn’t particularly loud, yet her words still managed to make the stallion jump up just a little, as if startled. She continued nonetheless. “It’s good to see you again so soon. I’m here and already very interested to see what I can be shown about your Mountain, Honored Lord.”

B-benu noc, H-Honored P-P-Princess,” he responded, nervously checking the buttons of his gown, despite them all being perfectly aligned.

Though that allowed Twilight to enjoy another wonder of the Dusk Family craft, as the Lord’s attire was of marvelous quality. She imagined it must have felt like being wrapped in the softest of blankets, considering the wool she had already experienced.

It didn’t help with the Lord’s anxiety and general nervousness, however.

“D-do forgive me f-for p-p-pushing it, b-but I w-want to m-make sure certain th-things w-work and a-are in place,” Dusk Harvest revealed, already pointing for Twilight to follow him.

Though she didn’t particularly understand what he meant by that. “Anything that I need to be shown that is time sensitive, then?” she asked outright, joining him in his trot, leaving her entourage and his sentinel to follow a little behind.

“Y-you could s-say that,” the brownish stallion admitted, taking care of a wayward strand of his mane with a rather shaky motion. And was it Twilight’s imagination or was he sweating a little? “I-I want things t-to w-work out, t-to be c-clarified. O-our talks a-are most i-important and m-m-mustn’t b-be in a-any way d-disrupted. The n-nature of o-our p-problems c-cannot b-be overlooked b-because of i-ignorance,” he stated, rather strongly, just as they ventured into one of those burrowing tunnels. It made the word echo just a little bit. “N-not th-that I think th-that you a-are i-i-ignorant, h-hwalba knaze, I-I just—”

She interrupted him with a little gesture. “No, no, don’t worry, Honored Lord, I understood you entirely. If this is to be a genuine effort at a diplomatic solution, there has to be a solid foundation. Of good will, naturally, I think it’s a pretty strong basis. But, aside from that, there’s a need for numbers, arrangements, produce and viable goods.”

“… y-yes,” he replied. Agreeing… to a degree, though something about his response felt weird. “W-we shall be h-heading d-down into the V-Valleys s-soon enough. B-b-but on this l-level th-there are the f-fruittender q-quarters and c-corresponding sheep c-corrals…”

“Oh, that would be interesting to see,” Twilight admitted. She had already heard quite a lot about Noctraliya’s flocks. “I take it you are protecting your animals inside mostly from the weather? Or are there also predators about?” she asked, with the Lord nodding at her questions.

“M-mostly the w-weather, yes. F-fronts m-move about q-quite often. And while sh-sheep c-can f-find shelter o-on their o-own a-and have the w-w-wool, a s-safe p-place to rest h-helps to k-keep the a-animals c-content. A-and a c-content, well t-tended to a-animal is o-one that l-lives longer and p-produces m-more q-quality w-wool. B-besides, i-it’s the r-right thing t-to do, t-take g-good, gentle c-care for o-one’s l-livestock, o-out of o-one’s natural k-k-kindness of h-heart.”

That was a very sweet approach. And, indeed, the correct one. Also, among the overwhelming lack of confidence that usually accompanied Dusk Harvest, Twilight did recognize that little tone of competence. Perhaps, when talking about his role and his proficiency in matters closer to growing fruit and tending to the animals, the Lord would be a bit more at ease. He, for example, hadn’t caught himself on any words yet!

The haspadr continued, trying his best to explain and clarify, even though it required a tremendous effort from him. “A-and since we h-have c-cultivated Dalli for s-so long, w-we have c-contained most o-of the p-predators a-away from o-our pastures e-entirely. O-or, well, c-culled them, a-as necessary. B-but one c-can h-hardly c-close the skies a-a-above,” he pointed out.

Twilight felt one of her eyebrows rising. “You have birds of prey hunting for sheep?”

“Y-yes. K-krogleeti, m-most o-often,” the Lord told her, nodding and scrunching his muzzle. “I d-don’t think there i-is a direct t-translation, but... they a-are s-s-something akin t-to great e-eagles. S-strong w-wings, sharp b-beaks. And their f-feathers a-are quite u-unique. Th-they c-can change c-coloration t-to a degree, t-to better h-hide a-against r-rock and s-snow,” he explained. “They c-can c-carry oweci a-away in their t-talons easily.”

“That sounds… rather dangerous, to have those about,” Twilight admitted, though she realized how obvious that comment must have appeared. Still it helped her arrive at an observation. “Is that why your shepherds need to watch over the flocks through the day, perhaps?”

“A-among o-other, p-p-possible dangers, t-tac,” the Lord admitted. “B-but sometimes i-it’s just th-the c-case of f-flocks b-being so g-grand and s-spread o-out that s-s-somepony needs to c-constantly be a-about to k-keep an eye o-on them, r-regardless of p-p-predators.”

Made sense, Twilight thought. Even more with such threats around! And she wondered how could one save oneself and their woolly charge from an attack from such a great bird. Were fruittenders proficient in weaponry? They would need to be. Maybe… maybe those “cross-bows” that Twilight had seen about. It would seem useful to have them about.

The walk through the corridors was happening at a steady, if slightly quickened pace. Still allowing her to enjoy it, but making it blatant that nopony was interested in stalling. And, again, she could testify throughout the journey in the various tunnels that there was a notable lack of reverence and acknowledgment of the Lord’s presence among his kin. Maybe an occasional nod, but… that seemed more like a habit of the older generation about, rather than a gesture of true respect.

She was getting convinced that she had to actually ask about it, discretion be damned, but the Lord intercepted her, trying to say something.


“I beg your pardon, Honored Lord?”

“Th-that’s a t-translation that c-came to my mind,” he admitted. But almost ashamed to bother her with such a revelation. “They c-can look v-very white in th-their natural c-color, b-before shifting it. Especially a-against a d-darker sky or r-rocks. A-and their n-nests a-are made of wool, s-sticks, b-bones and, a-actually, a c-certain flower that c-can grow as b-both g-grey or a b-beautiful, n-noble white. D-depending on the height or s-soil,” Dusk Harvest explained. “I-I believe that they u-use it as a p-part of their y-younglings’ d-diet. And those f-flowers t-tend to c-cling to them s-sometimes, falling d-down l-like s-snow of its o-own. So I-I though o-of a n-name that could w-work in y-your language…”

He sounded most embarrassed throughout his explanation, but Twilight enjoyed his thinking and the reasoning behind the idea. “Pallidflights… I like it. I’ll be keeping an eye out for those.”

“Y-you can s-sometimes s-see them c-circling around certain p-peaks i-in the s-south. M-m-maybe you’ll b-be able to t-tell me i-if it really f-fits.”

That was, perhaps, one of the few flickers of enthusiasm from the Lord which Twilight had so far witnessed. She was definitely cherishing the opportunity.

Soon enough, however, she had her focus shift from the pony next to her to the cavern that they had ventured into. Well, actually, her attention had been caught a little earlier than that, as she could hear two, very distinctive sounds. First was the melodic chime of many, many bells, creating a chaotic, but harmonious arrangement, the instruments most likely attached to the collars of the present sheep. And, speaking of which, the other noise was the echoing, seemingly multiplying on and on cacophony of baas, as the abundance of livestock was great enough to announce its presence for all of the nearby tunnels, at least.

And Twilight could testify of their multitudes in the place she entered. The long, busy cave was stretching before her, leaving little to imagination, as she and the Lord found themselves on a little outcropping overlooking the place. Which was clearly situated right next to the Mountain’s natural, rocky wall, as a number of small gates were present. Each surely leading outside, right from the rather spacious corrals, housing or prepared to shelter the numerous flocks. Some of those were returning from their time in the meadows, while some were only getting ready to depart. A vast number of fruittender shepherds were making sure to count the sheep and try to organize their raucous animals, bring them food, clean their space or get themselves busy with shearing.

Twilight was eagerly taking in the details of the place, actually. She found the woolly population enjoying their life with loud baas and bleating to be quite cute, despite the noise they were making. Even from this distance she could tell that there were at least three different species of sheep in the very place, considering the size, the horn shapes, the coloration...

... and the lambs, which were just so incredibly adorable that Twilight had a hard time not squealing aloud. She imagined Fluttershy would be absolutely overwhelmed in these circumstances.

Twilight, however, also wondered what the other Families could present when it came to some regional variations, now that she thought about it. And she could pretty easily pinpoint one particular, firm and wide corral, in which the animals were behaving like... like they were better than all the others. Considering how soft they appeared to be even from a distance, she could bet that she met the “suppliers” of the softest, most luxurious wool in Noctraliya.

Who knew that even the local sheep understood the concept of elitism?

And Twilight found it additionally intriguing that she was so suddenly and silently given a moment to appreciate the flocks from this elevated position. Lord Dusk Harvest stopped on it for quite some time, without an immediate urge to continue trotting on, one which had been pushing him onward so far. When Twilight glanced at him finally, she could have sworn that he was searching for something. Or... perhaps doing a quick count in his head? It surely would befit him to keep an eye out on the state of things, as a Lord, but... she couldn’t quite expect him to be able to so rapidly check whether there was the right amount of livestock at the Mountain at the particular hour, right...? Unless he really was that organized and knowledgeable in these matters.

“L-looks like w-we are on s-schedule,” he declared, causing Twilight some doubt about her doubt. “A-and the s-sign of the J-Judging Sun sh-shall be r-rising soon.” He turned back, towards the sentinel which was following them and gestured briefly, causing the loyal pony to step forth. “D-daza ia d-diaski...

Twilight felt immediately curious when the guardian reached into a sack he had with himself without delay, but her interest was addressed even faster than the disciplined pony was. For, from his satchel, the stallion produced a set of goggles that she had seen before on some of the fruittenders.

Now was her chance at examining them more closely. The pair passed to the Lord was done in solid material, be it hard wood of some sort or even bone, and was formed in such a way so that the goggles could be affixed right around the head, encompassing the entirety of the eyes. With some material trimming on the edges, so that the piece could feel more comfortable even when pressing right against the coat. Where lenses would usually be, at the widest portion, two slits, a vertical and a horizontal one, formed a cross shape. The openings almost as narrow as a blade of grass.

And despite the fact that the goggles passed to the Lord were richly engraved with the Family motives, Twilight immediately focused more on their utilization, rather than opulence.

“Are those… wait, are those to combat sunlight, Honored Lord?” she asked, feeling engrossed by such an idea before her.

Dusk Harvest nodded, smiling just a little. “I-indeed, h-hwalba knaze. S-sturdy and solid, they a-are helping t-to d-deal with the o-o-omnipresent g-glare,” he explained, pointing at the slits. “These a-are bone, but w-wooden work t-too. We use th-them whenever th-there is w-work to do a-after sunrise. Of c-course,” he added as his expression faltered, “those a-are not p-perfect, b-but they b-buy precious t-time. A-and b-better some protection than b-b-blindness.”

“I definitely can get behind that…” Twilight agreed, focused on the goggles design, imagining how it would feel to look through them. “How are they called again, Honored Lord?”

D-diaski…” Dusk Harvest told her, then extended his foreleg. “P-please. Y-you don’t n-need them, but you c-can wear them i-if you w-would like,” he offered and she repaid him with a smile, first and foremost, happy about the opportunity.

“I’m very grateful, Honored Lord, just for a brief moment.”

Thankfully, she had no issue with putting these goggles on and, as it turned out, they weren’t a terrible fit on her muzzle once properly secured with their straps. And, momentary discomfort aside, Twilight did find that despite how they looked from the “outside”, they offered quite the visual range with the slits being so close to one’s eyes. True, she had to crank her head a bit more to take in some of her surroundings, but, as the Lord had said himself, it was better than fighting against bright sunlight. What a neat piece of local ingenuity those were!

“Of course w-we know of o-other ideas t-to protect o-our s-sight,” she heard Dusk Harvest say as she was looking about, as if he had already discerned her thought process, “b-but pieces with dark k-kwars and smoked g-glass are m-more e-expensive to make and a l-little brittle, e-especially w-when used for a l-long time,” the stallion told her, nodding in thought.

After Twilight had looked around and back at her entourage... and could have sworn that Midnight was trying not to laugh at the way she looked in the goggles, she took them off and returned them to the Lord gracefully.

“It’s a firm idea. And if it works, it works, enough said.”

“A-agreed…” Dusk Harvest replied, with a skittish nod. “W-we will be going outside s-soon, y-you need to see m-more yet, h-hence I b-brought some,” he claimed, gesturing for his guardian to pass two more sets for Twilight’s entourage, while keeping one more for himself.

Thoughtful and proper. Not to mention, it was again refreshing that Dusk Harvest made no comment on her privileged, sun-used sight. For him it was but a fact. Which further spoke of his character.

Their group finally ventured down from the outcropping, to find itself before one of the gates leading outside. This one actually separated from all the corrals, for everypony else than the throngs and throngs of sheep. Twilight had to admit that, after a while, the bells and the baas began to get a little... annoying, but she wasn’t going to complain. That was no torture to endure.

And, thankfully, she could still hear other things than just the omnipresent, echoing racket around her, so her ears were holding on.

Somepony approached Dusk Harvest at that very moment. Somepony actually nodding his head reverently and whose arrival made the Lord step away. Likely to receive a report of some sort, considering the newcomers quick, officially-sounding sentences.

This left Twilight briefly on her own, a little away from the rest. She took a few steps to the side too, standing right next to a stone fence, beyond which sheep were casually walking on. Venturing out towards the outside world which, through the opened gate, looked like it was already gaining some colors through the first rays of daylight. Ready to encompass the mountains, and bring with themselves some—

“Enjoying your stay, Princess?”

Twilight blinked at the sudden question in Equestrian. She was about to start looking for its source, but the voice sounded immediately again, just audible above the omnipresent noise.

“Don’t look around. Just examine the sheep.”

Now that felt seriously concerning.

However, at least she managed to discern the author of those sentences. Actually standing just a step or two away from her, in her peripheral vision. Wearing a pair of goggles, but also a well-cut hood. Which seemed naturally fitting the shepherd’s clothing and yet hid the facial features perfectly.

“I have only a moment, Princess. I’m not supposed to be here, just passing by in transit, but I couldn’t possibly miss this opportunity.”

Twilight squinted just a little, which did appear like she was somehow getting annoyed at the sheep marching before her. However, the reason for her brow furrowing was that she… did recognize that tone. She had heard that silken timbre before, first as a passing whisper, then in a clandestine conversation when, much like tonight, it had been coming from a disguised individual.

If her instinct was correct, of course. But Twilight was quite convinced of it. And she was going to satisfy her curiosity nonetheless.

Trying to be discreet enough, naturally, considering the last conversation the two had shared.

“... an arcemandr, now a shepherd. What a natural talent in hiding among others.”

There was no reaction from the stallion. Which, unless she was terribly mistaken, spoke of his training and preparation with strength equal to his proficiency in disguises. The pony only delivered a gentle prod towards one of the sheep that felt proper to just stand still and block the passage for its brethren.

“A necessity, even when given an opportunity,” he claimed. “As I have said the last time, you thankfully have friends in high places. But that does not render being cautious obsolete...”

Twilight would nod, but that would mean, again, that she had agreed with the animals before her on some matters. Because she was definitely not having a conversation with Count Mistlock, dressed as an anonymous shepherd right next to her.

“As I said, I only have a moment. I’m here to warn you,” the stallion spoke further, causing Twilight’s ears to perk up instinctively.


“I’m on my way to the Mountain of Shade. My mother is sending a missive to Lord Crimson Shade, regarding your travels. She’s been working on him for some time now,” he spoke, keeping his volume on that perfect level which made him understandable despite the baas… and yet clearly impossible to hear any further away.

News... Twilight took the information in with some disquiet. So, the Lord of the Mist Family was still trying to undermine her, considering this connection and correspondence with Lord Crimson Shade. “Working” on him... Did that mean making him even more antagonistic towards Twilight’s mission than he had already been? That could get more problematic still…

The Count spoke once more, clearly in a hurry, though making sure he was still understandable. “But before I left, I had been also notified that my mother had received news which greatly concerned her. To the point where she had locked herself tight in her chamber to think. Without food or company. And that usually means she’s planning a decisive move.”

Oh. Azure Mist plotting so fiercely truly didn’t sound good in any way.

“What was the news about? Who sent the word?” Twilight tried to match Mistlock’s volume perfectly.

“Don’t know yet, somepony close and loyal, came through a special bat. Sparked my attention,” the stallion quickly replied. “I will be returning from Iug u Umber in a few nights. My ponies should find something in the meantime. I wish to meet with you, personally, when I will be returning through here.”

Twilight barely stopped another reflex nod. “I don’t know how long I shall be at the Mountain, I’ve—”

“I’m aware. Long enough, I’m assured of that,” the Count interrupted her, taking a step away, looking at the sheep from a different angle, as if intrigued by something, then returning where he was. “I’ll notify you, with some help. I wish to speak with you alone. You already have too many eyes on you...”

He didn’t have to tell her that. Azure Mist having been contacted by somepony close, that… that already could be interpreted in a specific way. Twilight imagined that it had been an occultan, indeed, but... was it the one traveling with her?

She didn’t have a chance to ask about more details, as Mistlock’s tone reached her one last time. “I need to go. Don’t tell anypony we’ve met. And be careful about who you trust. Especially those you would.”

And with that, the anonymous shepherd next to Twilight walked past her briskly, coming closer to the fence a moment later and shouting something at the sheep to keep them moving on.

Leaving Twilight perplexed. Again that night. With the recurring feeling that, once more, she was finding herself on that dreadful chessboard… Moves being planned around her without her knowledge nor her consent.

But she would endure. She would organize everything in her head. Come up with something ultimately.

She wasn’t alone, after all.

Twilight looked back finally, witnessing that Lord Dusk Harvest had just stopped conversing with the pony who had approached him before. Which meant more sightseeing. So she trotted back to him and her companions, who were ready to put on their “diaski” and venture out.

She was looking especially in Midnight’s direction. He was her greatest support and help in these trying moments of doubt.

Maednoc Wentr.

Twilight was just about to ask the Lord of their next destination, when the sharp, cold voice, invoking her beloved’s name, came to her ears.

Originating from a middle-aged stallion, who had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, wearing the fruittender garments, but of undeniable quality and condition. His vest and rather tight gown, as well as a ledger clutched against one of his forelegs were betraying that he was some sort of a local supervisor. His expression, impassive, serious and underlined with frigid antipathy would suggest that as well… but Twilight had a strange feeling about it.

What would this ill-disposed stallion of marigold eyes and a short, graying, but still amaranth mane wish from…?

… wait.

Twilight knew those hues. She had heard them described. She had seen them recorded.

And Midnight’s surprised, then immediately solemn expression told her the rest.

Lord Dusk Harvest didn’t spot the tension, or simply chose to ignore it. For he must have known whom he was introducing, right?

Ha, hwalba k-knaze, what t-t-timing from e-everypony,” he stated, gesturing faintly at the newcomer. “This is o-overseer general D-Dusk Tarn, a member of m-my Syinod.”

… and the father of one Dusk Stream. Midnight’s late wife.

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