• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XXXIX – Wrong and Different

Twilight rubbed her aching eyes... and then her aching temples.

Both pairs had the same, justified case to hurt, but that did not mean that she was inclined to agree with them granting her such discomfort, no matter their reasoning.

After Midnight Eye, visibly moved by Blessed Fang’s “threat” of the Covenant’s next meeting, declared that the departure to the Sanctuary would happen as soon as the weather would have cleared, Twilight had to quickly reevaluate her goals. The forecasts that Midnight managed to gain access to granted her a night and a half so far, which wasn’t a lot of time at all.

She had to prioritize.

Visiting the Library again and trying not to dwell on taboo topics would have been nice, same with speaking more with Countess—with Bright Midnight, that was, and strengthening this sudden, amicable bond between them. Trying, perhaps, to gain a greater hoofhold among the denizens of the Mountain sounded logical as well, this time visiting the artisans’ quarters for real. Building on the successful meeting with the foals no less.

However, there was one goal more vital than all the others, even combined – a letter. The exact matter which nearly caused Twilight to sacrifice her relations with Midnight Eye.

Though she had Princess Celestia on her mind often enough nowadays and constantly deliberated on turning to this old custom between them, at that point she absolutely had to hear her mentor’s counsel. The matter of the Soleera Cruziate, the status of Hollow Shades, all of what Twilight had only just learned about... it was weighing on her mind a great deal.

Especially since, alongside the first letters she had put on the parchment, a renewed realization stained her mind with an inky blot.

The Princess knew. It was as clear as her crimson signature on the Testimony and as the echo of her magical power preserving the document. She knew.

But nopony else in Equestria did.

No historians. No scholars. No archivists. No... no storytellers, no bards, no novelists!

Not even those miscreants that returned time and time again, to rouse ponyfolk with their wild speculations and prophecies!

She would have known. Silencing them proved maddeningly impossible. Even with the help of Princess L—

Twilight felt the aura of her magic releasing the quill she was holding for the longest of times. It fell on the parchment in silent shock.

No... She must have known about this, right?

Princess Luna must have known! She... she said that she wanted to bring her children closer to Equestria, which is exactly why she gave Twilight her blessing! But... why would she not say a word about this tragedy, then?! It was a vital matter, diplomatically and... and morally!

Twilight shook her head. This was not adding up. Not at all. She doubted Luna would ever let something like this just slide. It was too critical.

Then... then the only logical explanation, because malicious intent was even harder to imagine, was that Princess Luna was... was unaware of the Holy War. After all, it happened after she turned into Nightmare Moon. After the banishment which was to last for a millennium...

Was it possible that this knowledge was actually exclusive to Princess Celestia and her alone?

While Twilight... could understand that a sovereign surely must have had their secrets, this one in particular was a matter shaping two nations at once. Leaving Equestrians without context about the batponies, free to spin more and more folk tales and legends that turned a fascinating race into mythical bloodsuckers... and leaving noctrali to seethe in the memory of a terrible loss, to grow in constant, dark preparation for strife.

Either arriving from Equestria again... or started for the sake of repayment.

Twilight sighed, burying her muzzle in her hooves. She spent the entire evening... well, morning, thinking on how to address all of those doubts clawing at her mind and heart, to put the entirety of this perturbation in clear and transparent words... and to keep, even if symbolically, the promise she gave to a small, batpony filly.

She looked down at the parchment before her.

‘Dear Princess Celestia,


... that wasn’t a promising beginning and yet it was the only sentence that she could put down so far.

Talk about a writer’s block... Was there even a reliable spell to battle that curse?

A knock on the door made Twilight jump a little, much to her back’s discomfort. She rubbed her eyes and shook her head, taking a deep, cleansing breath. There was reality to go back to, past the letter.

Though it wasn’t that much different.

“Come in.”

After a polite delay the passage was opened to reveal Rowan Berry, diligently bowing her head as she entered, looking her way.

“Honored Princess.”

“Greetings, Rowan Berry... I assume the preparations for departure are well underway?”

The healer nodded eagerly. “Yes, that they are, hwalba knaze. The carriages are being checked as we speak. The Honored Lord’s entourage and sentinels are in full readiness, from what we can tell.”

Since nopony else entered Twilight’s chamber, though she very much would have wished it, she did decide to ask. “I suppose that Midnight Wind is helping out as well?”

“Yes, Honored Princess. Honored Lord Eye of Family Midnight requested of him to help overlook everything. His presence, as a Nocferratan, is indeed a wonderful motivator for the local warriors.”

Twilight was aware that the Nightguard was revered among the population as the country’s finest, so she could not really be surprised by any of that, even if a little... disappointed.

Every second away from Midnight felt a little long. And a little colorless.

Rowan Berry’s reddish eyes glanced towards the luggage that Twilight stored in the distant corner of the stone chamber. “I might be here alone this morning, but I am ready to help in whatever way you deem necessary, Honored Princess. Would you still need aid with packing your belongings?” she politely asked.

“Most of my things are already in, I figured it would be best to get ready in advance. The rest I can easily pack whenever it’s time, but thank you for the offer, Rowan Berry.”

“Of course, hwalba knaze,” the mare responded with a gentle smile.

Twilight returned the expression. At least, in her mental distress, she received a little bit of kindness. Regardless of whether it was expected from a member of her entourage or not.

Small gestures meant a lot more than anypony could suspect.

Occupied with this thought, she tried to rise up from her seat.

Tried, indeed, for a bolt of pain that arced across her back sat her right back down. A hiss, which surprised even her with its volume, escaped her lips...

... quickly followed by another, as Rowan Berry sprang to her.

Hwalba knaze! What’s the matter?!” the healer asked immediately, steadying the traitorously tilting chair.

“It’s—” Twilight tried to stretch but found yet another jolt of sharp soreness. “I-I think I’ve been working for too... too long... but it’s noth—”

Another pang interrupted her, as the tension settled right in between her wings, spreading lower and keeping her hunched in a rather undignified manner.

Wonderful. Just wonderful. She could add back pain to the other two culprits tormenting her.

Rowan Berry had concern blatantly present on her muzzle. “Have you been sitting in one position, Honored Princess?” she inquired, though she cared little to wait for a reply. “Are you capable of turning at least a little? I would need to examine your back.”

“I-I will try,” Twilight replied, clenching her teeth. She slowly, trying not to strain any muscle, changed her position, away from the chair’s back. “I... I think this definitely marks the end of my duties for the night,” she said, attempting to diffuse the situation with a little bit of humorous banter, but the tension in her body and in the room both did not help her.

She felt Rowan Berry’s hooves gently prodding alongside her spine, the touch precise and mindful alike.

“You cannot be a symbol of hard work and dedication, hwalba knaze, if you cannot show it outside of your own chamber...” the healer muttered, almost to herself, but Twilight would have to agree regardless.

Not offering further words of advice, Rowan Berry continued with a more hooves-on approach to the problem, as she followed the bend of Twilight’s back. “Mesenu tension, certainly. One position and lack of movement. Anything else granting you discomfort, Honored Princess?”

“Well, my eyes are definitely dry and sore... and my head is pounding a little,” Twilight admitted, feeling the pressure behind her temples growing actually.

Her declaration made the healer to check her forehead with a hiss and polite care also.

Grata Bogine. No fever, no pouring sweat, so that’s promising. Work fatigue, if I ever saw one. It would really be better for you, hwalba knaze, to have due rest. Warmth of the blankets against your back should relax the muscles enough and good day’s semn will soothe both eyes and head. It’s way past sunrise already, anyway.”

“I will take your word for it, Rowan Berry. I haven’t seen a window in weeks.”

The batpony made a face. “I... do not think you would ever see one around here, if it wasn’t for a rather... well, durnu idea of Honored Lord Bright Crescent. Though I have to say, I am irritated that I have thought of it once again...”

Despite the discomfort twisting her expression, Twilight managed to cock an eyebrow quite well. “I feel that I am missing something... Lord Bright Crescent and windows? Here, in Noctraliya?”

“Well, yes,” the other mare admitted, stepping away with a hiss of disapproval. “A concept that... well, many claim is... uhm... what would be the Equestrian slov... b-bonkers?”

Twilight would giggle, if it weren’t for the position she was in. She tried once again to stretch, with no result other than more discomfort.

“Interesting choice of a word... I have to hear more about this, Rowan Berry.”

“As long as you will hear about it whilst heading to rest, Honored Princess,” the healer insisted, pointing at the bed with her gaze.

“If I can... get up, first.”

Twilight attempted once more to move, though the rising tension quickly curbed any and all enthusiasm. She huffed in frustration blatantly gathering in her. Even with the headache, she could try to teleport herself to the bed... but using magic with Rowan Berry in the chamber would be... unwise. So, at this point, she would need to sleep on this chair, or be carried to the bed...

She fought the blush, trying to invade her cheeks. She would not mind Midnight indulging her like that once more... and in this instance, it would have been useful too.

The other member of her entourage seemed to have came to the same conclusion of necessary help. Thankfully, she remained blissfully unaware of the small, insignificant detail of a secret romance that was motivating Twilight’s own ideas of kind, almost intimate, aid.

“Hmmm, this is not good at all...” Rowan Berry judged, biting her lip. “I... I suppose I could... assist you in reaching the bed, hwalba knaze. But you would have to allow me to, well... breach the protocol a little...”

One could understand the reluctance in the healer’s voice, of course. Decorum was a most serious matter, especially among the traditionalist batponies. However, the growing headache, the dry eyes and the pained back all had to be votes against customs in that particular instance.

“I... most definitely cannot stand up right now...” Twilight assured, grimacing. “And if this could... spare me the back pain... I really do not care for protocol right now...”

The healer side of Rowan Berry won over her traditional and conservative side quite obviously, as the mare stood by Twilight’s chair and offered her foreleg for support.

“For the sake hwalba knazeu health...” she said, though without conviction.

However, with the batpony’s utmost care and prudence, Twilight steadied herself and got onto her legs finally. She had to clench her teeth, the twang of pain making it remarkably difficult to trot forward towards the bed. She had issues with her back sporadically, due to her, well, perhaps less than healthy, academic lifestyle, but this time it was exceedingly unpleasant.

Talk about the weight of all the history between the two nations bearing down on her...

At the look of genuine solace that appeared on Twilight’s face as she finally managed to rest on the bed, Rowan Berry seemed relieved. Obviously both considering her occupation and the fact that she had to help an Equestria Princess so closely and so directly.

“Th-thank you,” Twilight did not forget to express genuine gratitude, now that she could, possibly, find some comfort from the softness of the bedding and the woolen blankets.

“Of course, hwalba knaze, a day of rest is in order, especially if you feel skull pressure...” the other mare advised, taking a soft step back. Nevertheless, her gaze remained continuously keen. “Considering that... I would suggest medication, to make sure.”

“The poppy extract?”

Twilight pondered for a second. She wasn’t used to helping herself with brews, especially when it came to sleeping. She was far more inclined to have them aid her in staying awake, especially considering her long, studying sessions... but the headache was only getting worse... and she would not mind eliminating the possibility of a sleepless day.

“It sounds reasonable...” she agreed to the offer. “I think I put it in the bag on the left, to the side, so it would not spill.”

Rowan Berry quickly trotted over to the luggage and retrieved the small, glass vial, checking the milky liquid inside. She then went on to grab a pitcher of orange juice, provided in the chamber, and fill a silver chalice almost to the brim. She placed it on the stand next to Twilight’s bed.

“Six droplets shall be enough to help you fall asleep, hwalba knaze. It’s potent and works quickly.”

Twilight furrowed her brow. She really wanted to see Midnight that night still... or, at least, satisfy some of her window curiosity, if the former was unlikely.

“Well then, before that, since I am in bed already and the headache is not absolutely terrible,” she lied just a little, slowly trying to get under the blanket. Maybe resting her back against the remarkably soft pillows for a moment would aid her further. “You mentioned the appalling idea of Lord Bright Crescent...”

The healer rolled her eyes. She uncorked the vial and started carefully measuring the droplets, with precision expected from a lupule that she was. “Well... Honored Lord Bright Crescent... came up with it...” she said, in rhythm with the tears of the white brew. “He is actually... a fan... of Ekwestriyau art...”

“Oh? That’s different,” Twilight said, trying to find a comfortable... or at least less painful position for her back. She closed her eyes, in preparation for more soreness as she sat up and into the pillow. “I would not think that being a... popular choice.”

“No, it’s... really not, hwalba knaze.”

When Twilight opened her eyes again, Rowan Berry had secured the vial and was gently swirling the chalice in her hooves. The last drop of the poppy extract was quickly dissolving in the orange liquid.

Haspadr is, by the talent granted by the Bogine, an architect and designer... though the way he decides to go about his gift is most peculiar, to say it lightly. Rodine Kwadr is known for artistry, yes, but he is pushing the boundaries of heritage and... uhm... logic.”

She finally passed the draft to Twilight, continuing before any drinking was done.

“Mountain of Crescent is actually one with two, small peaks, reigning over the countryside. In a crescent shape, as one would think, just... ah... what’s the word? H... Ho...”

Unable to find the term, Rowan Berry drew an arc on the nightstand.

“Oh, horizontal?” Twilight guessed, holding the chalice firm in her hooves.

“Yes, that, forgive me, hwalba knaze. The distance between the two is not grand, but the shape had been always considered proper symbolism of the Family... that is, until haspadr Yasnu Kwadr decided to have a passageway built between them...”

“Yes, that’s... intriguing, to say the least...”

“The very least... The caste leaders tried to persuade him otherwise, but he stood by his ‘artistic vision’. To everypony’s... dismay.”

“And that vision required windows?” Twilight pressed the topic, only further stopping herself from drinking out of sheer curiosity, despite the still mounting tension behind her temples.

The healer looked to the side, clearly displeased. “An entire ‘arcade’ of them, or however one should call such a design... stretching between the peaks. Stained glass of sapphire and emerald, of ruby and citrine, depicting many of our cultural motives. Epic tales of our history. Praising Neskaza Lunee... with every beam of moonlight, with flickers of every ancestral star...”

Twilight felt her eyes widening at the image conjured in her head. Stained glass of gemstones? “That sounds... actually quite wonderful. I understand the, well, quite invasive nature of such a construction to the Mountain, but I think it must look absolutely breathtaking.”

But Rowan Berry only hissed, unconvinced by the notion.

“At night, perhaps...”

“Oh...” Yes... That was something to be considered, indeed. “I suppose no noctral could enjoy the art in the bright illumination of the Judging Sun.”

“If only it were the case of admiring the craft itself, hwalba knaze. The illumination, considering the positioning, is spreading around the nearby valley so strongly during the day, it can blind couriers, travelers, shepherds... It’s as bright as one of those Ekwestriyayi farusi, the lighthouses at the shores of your seas!” the mare righteously complained. “Makes just as little sense here, between the Sem Iugi.”

Twilight could only nod. Such delicate art in Equestria was astonishing and she was certain batpony take on it could be even more stupendous, with their sharp style and natural motifs... but she still possessed enough reasoning, even if besieged by a headache, to spot the obvious drawbacks.

“And, let me guess, Rowan Berry... He is a Lord and this is an inside matter of the Family, so he has the right to conduct actions as he pleases, since his acts are within the boundaries of his peak and the Crescent Family territory...” she spoke, trying to recall the exact words with which Midnight described the internal matters in Noctraliya.

Now Rowan Berry was forced to agree, regardless of her opinion. Which was, actually, fairly blatant.

“With all due respect to your patron, hwalba knaze, this attempt at echoing Ekwestiryau art seems to be praising the Judging Sun more than the Immaculate Moon... at least, when it comes to the luster.”

Twilight let the unpleasant note in the healer’s voice slide. “So... Honored Lord Bright Crescent is criticized rather strongly?”

“If only for that...” the other mare whispered theatrically, but then shook her head. “It is not my right to say too much, Honored Princess, forgive me. Rodzareca nye innuyi narangi...

“... pardon?”

“Oh! A proverb, hwalba knaze. ‘Do not nibble on another’s oranges.’ “

“Don’t stick your muzzle where it does not belong?” Twilight guessed with a small laugh, despite everything. “Common sense is a universal thing.”

“If only...” Rowan Berry replied with a saddened chuckle of her own, her gaze escaping towards the door for a moment. “However, it now dictates that you allow yourself some rest, Honored Princess. The weather might change without warning and you need your strength and calmness to endure your mission.”

Twilight grabbed the chalice more firmly as she brought it to her lips. “Then let’s hope this works.”

The orange juice with the poppy extract... still tasted like orange juice. Which was a relief, since medicine had the terrible habit of being foul, despite the healing qualities. In this instance, however, it was almost as if the drink had no additions whatsoever, so Twilight emptied the goblet without hesitation. She passed it to Rowan Berry, who gave her a reassuring nod.

“Make yourself comfortable, hwalba knaze, it will not take the papawe long,” she advised, stepping away to return the chalice to its place.

Twilight slid down on the pillow, mindful of her wings and the hurting back. Truth be told, with all this pressure in her head, she herself was hoping for the brew to do its thing quickly. She was never particularly fond of migraines, as one could imagine.

She turned her head, seeing the healer observing her rather... inquisitively, her eyes glinting in the shades of the candlelight.

“Thank you for helping me this morning, Rowan Berry,” she told her, despite that piercing look.

“My duty... and honest pleasure, Honored Princess,” the mare replied loyally, with a small bow. And a strange note in her voice that Twilight could not put her hoof on.

“Still, I will try not to require such a direct help too ofte...”

The word escaped her, turning into a soundless exhale. Twilight blinked a couple of times.

“Require such a dire... help too of... oft...”

She was fairly certain that neither “direct” nor “often” were that complicated and yet her tongue had clearly decided to stop her from expressing... expressing...

Again. Decided to stop her from... from... wait, was the chamber getting... blurry...?

“Too... of... ofte...” she tried to complete her sentence again, but...

She shook her head, blinking a couple more times. She wanted to finish the sentence, but... every blink... it... it made it harder to open her eyes.

She realized that a strange, warm feebleness was spreading all over her. Delightfully blissful and... intoxicating. Making her heart slow and her breath deep and even...


She still had to try and... and... what was she trying to do? She... the warmth was making it difficult to remember... difficult to... think...

A sharper sound made her open her eyes... though she couldn’t recall having closed them that time.

... was... was somepony knocking?

She did her best to turn hear head to the door, but... it was so heavy... just like... like her eyelids and...

She heard a muffled voice... through the sedating warmth. Familiar voice...


With all the... the focus she still had, she glanced towards the doorway... Trying to battle the warmth, blurring her vision, muddling her mind... To keep her eyes barely open for a... a second longer.

Distant saffron and cobalt... gazed back at her...

“Mid... night...” she managed to breathe out... before the warm urge to sleep embraced her fully.


Midnight trotted across the chamber, his eyes fixed on Twilight. The sound of his blades scraping the floor was echoing around with the threat of hidden fury. For fury was, indeed, bubbling inside of him. Gathering, like an avalanche gathers, traveling down the mountainside, to crush anypony foolish enough to stay in its path after seeing the signs.

Like this morn.

He loomed over Twilight, his stance casting a deep shadow over the slumbering form of his beloved. He took a deep breath, trying to contain himself for a moment longer. With a caring motion, leaving anger aside for this short while, he checked her forehead with the back of his hoof.

Then he tenderly lifted one of her eyelids.

A low, threatening hiss escaped his throat at the sight.

You fed her the extract...

Rowan Berry, who stood nearby and almost casually observed him, smirked.

I suppose I did. In my defense, however, she had a headache and some terrible back pain... I felt it was warranted to use it. A good chance to see if it would even work on a Divine Aspect sunpony.

Midnight grimaced, his upper lip quivering. He could hardly stomach the blank, widened and still pupil of his beloved... nor the entirety of her unconscious form. It made him think of... scenarios from his past. He bared his fangs even as he closed Twilight’s eye and tenderly ran his hoof across her cheek, careful of his weapons.

This mare deserved but his love.

The other – but his fury.

She is not a sheep to try new concoctions on, Rowan Berry,” he said, not bothered to hide any of the vexation from his voice.

Please, Midnight Wind, one has to be sure the old concoctions do their job, first. We never know whether we might need them...” the healer replied most nonchalantly. “But this is not a discussion for this chamber. Come along,” she said, already making her way to the door.

Midnight lingered, his heart as heavy as his conscience tended to be at times. His gaze could not abandon Twilight’s face. The face that an onlooker could describe as peaceful... but he could only name “subdued”.

It was wrong. It was all wrong, from the very start.

It was wrong when he was picked for the sake of Twilight’s interviews. It was wrong when he was told to return to Ponyville and reconnect with her. It was wrong when he was chosen for her entourage, to keep her safeguarded...

And it all got even worse when he realized that he cared for her. Cared in a way he was certain he never would again, having lost Dusk Stream. This love made things... different, made him question everything. The nature of his duties, his obedience to his superiors and to the oaths of loyalty and service...

Everything started feeling so wrong. Every word said and every word omitted. Every breath held and every breath exhaled.

A touch. A kiss. Wrong.

And the sight before him was also so, so wrong...

But it was proving to him one thing, by the Immaculate Moon... and the Judging Sun both.

The love... That improbable connection he had found himself sharing with this sunpony Princess... It was right.

And he had promised to the Goddess in his countless supplications to always fight for what was right.

He removed a strand of mane from Twilight’s beautiful face, careful enough not to wake her... even though he knew he wouldn’t.

He couldn’t.

His clenched teeth ground against each other as the voice from behind him sounded.

Need I remind you of something rather important, Midnight Wind?” Rowan Berry asked, holding the door open and looking at him with ridicule entwined with critique. “I know that addictions, especially strong ones like yours, can be hard to fight, but—

With a stoic expression hiding the mounting rage, Midnight trotted his way out of Twilight’s chamber. He gave the healer not even a glance as he secured the door carefully. Finding what little solace in the fact that, if his beloved indeed suffered aches this morn, the day of medicated sleep would help overcome them.

A consolation as little as six milky droplets.

The neighboring chamber provided to him and Rowan Berry, as the Princess’ entourage, was of lower standard, of course. Which was still a marked improvement to the Nightguard’s quarters, where practicality and austerity were much preferred. Thankfully, Midnight cared not for ornaments on furniture, or patterns on quilts and pillows... though he learned to appreciate the perks of his assignments.

When Rowan Berry closed the room from the inside, the metallic click of the key was accompanied by a long, exasperated sigh.

Do you think I enjoy constantly reminding you about this, quite simple in nature, matter?” she began. “Or that I find pleasure in seeing you distraught because of this... unorthodox affection of yours?

Midnight said nothing. He approached the bed he had claimed, one in a good distance from hers, then sat on it and began getting out of his gear in a trained, almost solemn fashion.

To keep himself contained.

Rowan Berry pressed on, however, trotting to her own bed. “Do you remember what I told you during the flight here, Midnight Wind? I hate seeing you so different. I can practically hear the malaise in your heart.

How about you shut up, then? It will become that much clearer,” he barked back at her, but she only shook her head, undeterred.

How very crude, Midnight Wind... Don’t you realize that I am here to help you? Keep you in check for your own sake, not mine?

He hissed, undoing one of the straps of his bladed hoofshoe. “Debatable. You showed well enough your intentions, Rowan Berry...

And do you really blame me? I am in an opportune position to act upon those and you know well opportunism, resourcefulness and dedication are the foundations of duty...” she replied, grinning widely.

Foundations of duty. He scowled at how shallow those were. How many other, more important qualities a pony should possess.

Seeing his grimace, Rowan Berry’s expression changed into that of at least a little caring.

Listen, Midnight Wind... I don’t want to have to be cruel, or say a few too many words to the Honored Lords. I really don’t. Perhaps things were different, much different before. But I have told you and I will tell you again – I’m interested in you, you stupid stallion...

Midnight’s ears twitched. He looked up to see the healer seeking eye contact, the coral gaze boring into his own.

He recalled the phrase she just used. And he knew she realized that as well. She had said that to him before. In what felt like another, different life.

He furrowed his brow. Maybe that was it? Maybe what was happening right now was his Goldhell. How the Judging Sun wanted to punish the sins of his youth, until the beloved Goddess would bring him to Her divine realm finally...

After all, Dusk Stream’s death felt like his own... for a long time.

He sighed, lowering his gaze again, realizing just how close Rowan Berry’s eyes could be to two, scalding flames, now that he paid attention.

And I told you and I shall repeat myself, Rowan Berry. I was stupid, I won’t ever be again.

That is, also, debatable.

He hissed, returning to the other hoofshoe he still had to remove. “It is, clearly, an inescapable double bind...

Strangely, his declaration made the mare giggle, as she finally sat down on her own bed. He could still feel her stare on him.

Ha, I’d wish, Midnight Wind. A... ‘double bind’ with you once again would be just wonderful...

Midnight looked up once more, thoroughly unimpressed, yet meeting a... coy look. Rowan Berry was playing with a strand of her long, grey-blue mane and actually posing for him just a little.

Her shapes, even under her healer’s garb, were enticing...

He rolled his eyes, ignoring the instinctual impulse that traversed his veins.

Now who is being very crude.

I’m just being true to myself, Midnight Wind,” she retorted in a soft, tempting voice. “I am a healer, I know of many remedies and treatments. Also those for stress. Those making burdens and worries disappear, at least for a while... A very sweet, tender while...

At that alluring gaze... and the demure lip bite, Midnight felt himself inhaling shakily. She had always been good at this game... and she had not lost her edge since the last time she so directly coaxed him...

It took him a second to fight that charm... but he had warned her. He wasn’t stupid anymore.

You reminded me very well that you are a healer already, Rowan Berry,” he stated, with coldness to battle the heat of her gaze. “One poison a night is quite enough.

He could tell that small, nervous twitch in her muzzle. And he couldn’t help but smirk inwardly, knowing he stung her where it hurt.

It was a dangerous game, however. She wasn’t one to back away, he knew that much about her.

She remained in her position, but the inviting demeanor was gone. “The extract is an ancient medical recipe, used by all of our forefathers. It’s only a poison if administered in higher dosage,” she stated matter-of-factly, her coral eyes having darkened visibly. “Dosage that I had access to tonight.

Something about the way she enunciated herself made Midnight’s muscles tense. His free hoof hovered over the worn hoofshoe, upon which candlelight danced, teetering on the razor-sharp edges.

He met her gaze with intensity.

Whatever has just crossed your mind, Rowan Berry—

Oh, it has. More than a dozen times already too. So many opportunities... And I am an opportunistic mare. One to, even, threaten safeties of others to get what I want...

Midnight felt the cold shiver down his spine... but its frigid echo quickly began turning into fire.

You wouldn’t dare.

A cruel smile blossomed on her muzzle. “You say it with conviction only because you know I don’t disobey orders and I am not the one to break oaths. Unlike you,” she replied in accusation. “Though... ascertaining myself of whether your precious Princess can be subdued if necessary I would not call staining my conscience too much.

Midnight felt the anger coursing in his veins with renewed vigor. It kept him locked in place for the moment. Ready. Impending.

An avalanche, waiting to happen.

Rowan Berry was foolish enough to stay in its path, choosing to ignore the signs.

You remember the doses still, no? The count of threes? That hasn’t diluted in your illogical affection?” she said, her tone even less cautious than her smirk. “Well, don’t you worry, I wanted to make sure it would work when it came to your dear Twilight. The effect was imme—

The effect was immediate indeed.

Midnight pounced forward with a powerful flap of his wings that pushed his bed to the side. Without even a breath of warning, but with a warrior’s roar instead, to strike fear in all hearts.

Rowan Berry might have anticipated a retort, but not an assault. Next thing she would know was her neck being squished against the bedding and a two cold blades resting nice and dangerously against one of her major arteries.

She tried to struggle back in initial shock, but Midnight seized one of her forelegs and held it in place, using both his mass and that of his breastplate together to lock the other between their bodies, nearly crushing it with sheer impact.

How dare you endanger her?!

Immobilized, pained and threatened by the weight of the weapon against her throat simultaneously, Rowan Berry quickly changed her demeanor, taking shallow, panicked breaths. For the first time in forever, Midnight could spot fear. Genuine, primal and all-encompassing fear in her coral eyes.

How glorious was the sight. How enticing for his warrior’s soul.

M-Midnight Wind, you—

‘Cutting eyes out’?! No, I shall slit your throat!” he growled at her, his teeth bared, instinctual in their search for soft flesh to pierce.

Yet, even in his anger, Midnight had the training to pay attention. Rowan Berry herself might have been a crafty operative, but he held his own position for a good reason. When she tried to maneuver to kick him off, he shifted his hind legs between hers, forbidding her escape.

He had her at his mercy, underneath him.

She was smart enough to quickly analyse her situation. She tried to calm her breathing, even against the blade threatening her. But the terror was blatant in her gaze still.

M-Midnight Wind, listen to me. I... I-I gave her one drop more, so seven, I swear! Not twelve, not even nine! I-I just wanted to see if it would work! I didn’t plan on making her sleep for two nights, or worse—

A borderline feral growl sounded deep from within Midnight’s throat at the implication, forcing her to be more timid yet. Good. He wanted her to realize that we was not her plaything to torment. He was a threat.

As a warrior. As a Nightguard. As more.

As a stallion in love.

Keeping the unflinching eye contact, he lowered his muzzle. But he wasn’t going to allow her a headbutt. Just give her a better look into the passion, burning in his irises.

If you ever threaten her again...! If you ever even consider causing her harm, by word or deed...!

Y-yes, I understand, I know!” Rowan Berry squealed, overwhelmed by what was happening, squirming under his sheer weight. “I swear, I—

He silenced her with more sharp pressure to the soft skin of her throat.

If you even breathe a word that would condemn her to the Lords...!

M-Midnight Wind, please, I... I get it! I...

She couldn’t even finish the sentence, her breaths hitching in her throat, her face paler than the poppy extract she was so proud to have used.

Midnight kept her restrained still, taking in this look for a few seconds. His exhales were making the strands of her long, glaucous mane sway. He could almost feel the quickened heartbeat in her chest, despite his armor and her garb.

Deep inside... he felt such basic, bestial satisfaction from how helpless she looked.

Ever so slowly, the ire in the chamber was subsiding. Breath after breath. Pant after pant. Rowan Berry’s gaze stopped being a projection of pure dread... and became something else. Midnight spotted her taking in his form, looming over her. A powerful stallion in control. Pressing against her forcefully.

And he could see her as a mare subdued by his intensity. By his fervor and his strength.

Being sure that she realized her own position well enough, he slowly removed the blades from her throat. To give them both some breathing room.

... she obviously didn’t want that.

Before Midnight realized what was happening, the healer’s lips were hungrily joined with his own. He let her hoof escape his grasp and instead grab the back of his neck, pressing him down.

The warmth of this abrupt sensation hit every nerve in his body, riled up by the adrenaline and rage. It was the aftershock of victory, the wave of euphoria to sedate his reason.

He won. He could claim his due.

He hissed right into her mouth, his instincts flaring. Her touch was made of passionate heat and her body begged him for attention with its every fiber, he could feel it. The way she writhed underneath him. The way she pressed her pelvis to him, out of sheer, primal impulse.

She wanted him, accepting her defeat in entirety. That shaky exhale that escaped her throat as he broke the kiss told him that. And more. Much more.

When he opened his eyes and their stares crossed again, he saw the same, coral yearning that Rowan Berry showed him when they first met. It was the same craving. The same desire. The same drive and lust.

He smirked. The same crooked smirk that she had told him she missed.

He took his sweet time to slide his free hoof across the side of her body, making her shiver in rapturous agony. He passed the very bottom of her gown, finally exploring the same, alluring softness of her coat, right underneath it.

Making ready to lift the garb up and off of her.

The same flutter of her eyes...

M... Midnight Wind...

The same, weak and wanton whisper...

But he was different.

Rowan Berry’s face paled in an instant again. A steel tip of a hoofblade lifted her muzzle, exposing her throat once more in a most vulnerable way.

Midnight’s voice was as cold and unfeeling as the honed metal.

Never again, Rowan Berry. Never again shall your actions poison whom I love. Never again shall you poison me. I swear it by the Goddess, through your own blood...

A single, crimson droplet stained his weapon.

He finally got up, leaving behind a shaken, quivering, crushed mare. She was breathing heavily, her eyes filled to the brim with tears as she curled up on the bed.

Paying no attention to her quiet sobbing, Midnight gathered all of his belongings and left the chamber without a word more.

Only in the corridor did he exhale.

Rowan Berry was right. It had to be said. He was still a stupid stallion. At least, considering what he had just done. But... at least he wanted to believe that he was a different kind of stupid. For the right cause, at the very least.

He needed to plan and quickly. Notify the... necessary ponies, just in case. Considering his ireful outburst and brazen threats, he had to counteract a possible retaliation, even if he left the mare a trembling mess for the moment.

He realized that his legs were shuddering from the adrenaline leaving him...

... and the self-control he exercised.

He bit his tongue. Hard. He couldn’t just keep denying the obvious.

His gaze escaped down the corridor, towards the door to Twilight’s chamber... and he managed to smile, with the boundless affection in his heart.

She had told him that she would be looking forward to him making it all work.

He would not let their moment slip away.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long, but I hope it was worth it. Do kindly let me know.


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