• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LXXXII – Worrisome

For the most part, Ebony Crescent was right. The place they had ended up in was one of a unique charm, and definitely unexpected.

It was such a shame that they had arrived at it in darkened moods, both of them, because Twilight hadn’t been on a swing for years. And she didn’t mean one of those garden ones, looking like suspended couches, no. Of all the things to incorporate into the wondrous designs of their home, the Crescent Family had decided that having a little place of pure, silly fun was also very much necessary for one’s satisfaction, luxury and health. Swings, seesaws, slides, everything before Twilight had been made having both the foals and the adults in mind, manifesting style and mirth together. Some of the locals definitely picked the place as their favorite spot, considering whole families enjoying their time of leisure on this particular, wide terrace, chatting, playing and enjoying life.

Of course, Twilight would be much more appreciative of the Crescents’ take on a playground, and the sheer idea of having one in the caverns of Noctraliya, were it not for her mood being sullied by what she had witnessed but some minutes ago. Actually, in any other circumstances, she wouldn’t mind joining in for a brief moment! She didn’t think that anypony would consider it beneath her, especially in the Count Brother’s company. But fun was very far away from her mind, about as far as she, herself, was from the other ponies having it.

Twilight and Ebony Crescent were both sitting at the far side of the terrace, given privacy thanks to her entourage, keeping a healthy perimeter, and only being given small glances from the locals. It was as private as one could have imagined in the main cavern of a Mountain, but Twilight didn’t feel like waiting for a more opportune moment.

Her eyes caught another droplet hitting the stone floor, as Ebony Crescent was hopelessly combating his state. She even wondered whether it was an entirely healthy thing, suffering from so much sweating, as beads of it were travelling down his entire neck, and even alongside his eyes, almost as if he was actually crying.

She wasn’t going to bring the fact up, however, instead—

“I look like a ‘sweaty pig’, don’t I?” the stallion asked anyway, his words most bitter, and suffused with a defeated tone. “I don’t need a mirror to tell me that, your gaze is enough, Twilight Sparkle.”

She tried to answer in a kind, delicate way, but her tone betrayed that she was considering another matter more pressing than his state. “I don’t think I’m paying much attention to that, Ebony Crescent.”

“You’re kind enough to lie to me, I appreciate the sacrifice,” the Count Brother told her back, his pear gaze looking somewhere else now, anywhere else, but in her direction. “It is unnecessary, however. Tonight is ruined, utterly and irreparably, so be honest, for it won’t make things more terrible for me.”

Twilight could have protested, but she felt that doing it outright would only prove additionally insincere. Ebony Crescent looked like he wouldn’t be convinced of anything there and then, and definitely not about his state, nor about the state of the night’s sightseeing.

Honestly, he did look like he had just taken a plunge into a pond, which was actually something that the playground was offering, so at least he could have hidden his state behind that. But, as opposed to one dive into it, the pond appeared to have manifested right inside of him, considering the sheer amount of sweat coming from underneath his mane.

So Twilight had to work around that subject, perhaps change it entirely, actually. Not that her second choice was any better.

“Could you explain to me, at least, Ebony Crescent, what have I witnessed? What was that… display?” she inquired, trying to sound calm even when the fresh memories were appearing right before her eyes, both the sight and the suspended pony’s tone.

The stallion took a deep breath. “That was something that should have been taken down, something that I was hoping would not interfere with my plans… Turns out I have made a simple mistake, but one of unforeseen consequences. Those little, small errors are exactly what makes everything fall over,” Ebony Crescent complained, shaking his head. “It’s a traditional punishment, as I have told you. I was convinced that lowly—” He stopped himself, dragging his hoofkerchief against his forehead for the umpteenth time, though achieving very little. The cloth itself was soaked and could offer no more assistance, despite its loyal service. “I thought his sentence was over yesternight. Bogine, what a pity I was wrong. There would have been nothing there, and no problem whatsoever.”

Twilight found her brow furrowing. “It is said that what is out of sight is also out of mind, but now that I am aware of this… criminal sentence you are meting out, I’m actually glad.”

That finally made Ebony Crescent look at her, though curiosity was mixed with extreme tiredness in that stare. And with something that she couldn’t name, something volatile, kept inside through sheer willpower. Perhaps the stallion’s outrage didn’t quite subside.

“You’re ‘glad’, of all things?” he asked, blinking ever so slowly. “As much as I am valuing your presence, Twilight Sparkle, I’m not in the mood for jests.”

“I’m not joking, Ebony Crescent. I’m glad that I can tackle the topic, as this is something that very much does not agree with my Equestrian sensibility,” she revealed, speaking slowly and calmly. “I want to hear an explanation as to why a show has to be made of a pony that made a mistake. Are there no other ways of dealing with a misdemeanor than being made a spectacle?”

The Count Brother’s eyes narrowed, though it was hard to tell what he was trying to achieve, if anything. His general look didn’t help in trying to be threatening, though Twilight had a feeling it wasn’t an attempt at that which had caused the grimace.

“Actually,” he spoke after a moment, “that is a very understandable inquiry, considering you don’t have the context. I suppose that we are quite desensitized to the matter at this point, as much as one can come to terms with some of our brethren falling victim to their vices.”

Twilight tilted her head, most interested in hearing the explanation. Ebony Crescent was ready to give it, though he decided to prioritize trying to look at least a little more presentable. He smoothed his mane back, causing the wet strands to follow his neck at least a little, not that it made him any less soaked, especially with the collar and the front side of his gown being much darker than they had initially been.

“I’m not a fruittender, so I won’t grant you a full understanding when it comes to the reasons for this particular phenomenon, but our Family is, unfortunately, known for developing a particular… weakness, I would say,” he admitted, though there was a tone of reluctance very much audible in this sentences. “We are the ones among our brethren to be the most artistically driven, yes, and we are perfectionists. One could say that is almost our failure, in some shape or form. I don’t agree, of course, but it is true that we have an emotional side, that we act with intensity, and that we enjoy luxuries, amenities, pleasures of heart, mind, flesh…”

Twilight was wandering where he was going with that sentence, considering that little spark that appeared in his eyes, but it was gone before she could formulate a question. And he continued, shrugging just a little.

“As long as we indulge in it within the purview of sensibility, even in our Family’s form of it, it is all fine. One can drink from life in gulps, taste its intoxicating flavors again and again… but when one becomes drunk on it…”

He didn’t finish, perhaps finding in himself a little bit of the dramatic flair left, despite his state. Twilight wasn’t going to indulge it, she was much too focused on the topic, and decidedly less interested in levity when the matter was being explained.

Ebony Crescent recognized that from her expression, and while he wasn’t pleased, he looked like he at least understood why she wouldn’t engage in this game. “Like a sculptor who begins to work on support beams without supervision, like a gourmet that throws lavish feasts out of supplies meant to be stockpiled, like a poet who interrupts ceremonies with his recitations. Those for whom their passion turned into obsession.”

Twilight was trying to discern what he might have been talking about, but she couldn’t quite find a comparison, not being that well-versed in the matters of illnesses and problems of the mind. That very much sounded like a form of madness, though it left some obvious questions to ask.

“And… it only happens in your Family, you claim?”

“It appears so, yes, unless the others are very keen on hiding the instances when it does happen in other Mountains,” the Count Brother admitted, shrugging a little and wiping his forehead once more. “And, just so that I don’t give you a false sense of understanding, we’re not talking about an occasional ‘stretching’ of limitations and rules, but the sheer abandonment of them, disregard for moderation of any kind.”

“It’s that serious?”

“That’s what we know and are told by those trying to help those unfortunate souls,” Ebony Crescent admitted, speaking even quieter now. “Some claim that these ponies seek others of similar affliction, try and form whole social circles of hedonism and pleasure-seeking. But this is usually what the priesthood is claiming, and one has to understand that it is their task to warn even too often about certain, sinful tendencies.”

That was all very interesting to Twilight, without a doubt, but another matter had been left aside, the one which caused the discussion in the first place. “And the best way to try and help those ponies is to make an art installation out of them?”

Ebony Crescent looked at her as if he was perturbed that she didn’t find the presentation charming enough, but that was probably the tiredness talking through his gaze.

“One of the ways to get through to them is by subjecting them to exhaustion, and stripping them of the means to continue in their obsessive rampage,” he explained, definitely meaning his words, as drastic as the measures sounded. “It doesn’t work all the time, but it works enough. Yes, I completely understand that such a thinking might be considered dramatically outworn from your perspective, Twilight Sparkle.”

“It is,” she admitted without hesitation, but the Count Brother sourly chuckled in reply, entirely expecting those words.

“Well, we don’t have a better solution around here for the problem. Even the lower mines is a counterproductive choice, as those ponies refuse to provide even the most elementary quotas, and their ramblings are causing additional, unnecessary distress to other convicts. Not that these places are constantly crowded,” he immediately explained, “but everypony that is being sent down there to work through their transgressions should be left with a minimum of dignity. The maddened gazes and inane claims of the sick don’t really help with retaining that.”

Well, at least that Twilight could agree with, even if the concept of the punishment still felt most perturbing for her. “But why shouldn’t they be left on their own, in a secluded place? Even if caged and suspended in such a way. Are they meant as a warning, even if it’s an illness and, surely, nopony is making a conscious choice to become ill?”

Ebony Crescent pondered for a moment, likely because he spotted the problem with such a way of thinking. “I suppose they are a necessary warning, however. One doesn’t choose to become sick, but one can take certain steps that make the illness manifesting less likely, no? If I see that my cousin is coughing, I don’t approach closer to him to talk,” he presented a fair answer. “Also, the imprisoned ponies can see others partaking in the luxuries they have abused, so it works as an additional incentive to get one’s act together.”

“That still seems… excessive.”

“No less than their hysterical cravings,” the stallion retorted, though it wasn’t his intention to be combative. He clearly had a firm stance on the matter, however. “Again, we’re not talking about somepony being, I don’t know, unreasonably ‘into’ something, as I think the expression goes. These are ponies that put others in danger through the pursuit of their pleasures.” There was a pause, during which Ebony Crescent took a deep breath that was meant to take the edge off the situation. “Twilight Sparkle, I assure you that if only there were another way, we wouldn’t be subjecting our brethren to this. Who knows, perhaps, if we are to achieve closer ties with Equestria after all, we could borrow of your knowledge and expertise? I certainly wouldn’t be against that, if only these ponies could be helped.”

That, at least, felt like a sensible desire to Twilight, so she allowed her expression to soften back to normal, actually appreciating her forehead being less creased for a while.

“If you would like that, I could present the case before the necessary ponies and the Covenant and—”

“I would like for you to mean my uncle by that at first, Twilight Sparkle,” Ebony Crescent almost immediately interrupted upon hearing the congregation of the Lords being mentioned. “These cases, however rare, are a source of embarrassment for our Family. And…!” He paused, again trying for the dramatic effect, but he hid a valid point behind the pacing. “Some high standing ponies from the other Families, aware of the subject, claim that the problem might be due to us indulging in overabundance of stimuli and goods, or whatever else,” he explained, leaning in a little more. “I can think of the same, some ponies that might use the topic as an argument against us opening up to Equestria and beyond… For reasons you can surely discern.”

That was another valid point, considering the conservative approach in Noctraliya, the one that Twilight had already encountered in spades. What she hadn’t been told about, however, was the presence of such a unique problem in the Mountain of Crescent and among the Crescent Family. Unless, of course, this was exactly what the likes of Lord Consort Dusk Flight had had in mind, when hints had been dropped about the Crescents’ indulgent ways.

Still, Twilight shook her head. Perhaps the night hadn’t been entirely ruined, but gone was that spirit of carefree sightseeing that the Count Brother had envisioned. He knew it by himself, as even his very state was creating quite a gash in his perfect plan.

He wiped his forehead once more, seeing Twilight’s reaction and immediately guessing her thoughts. “And now my plan lies in ruins… I understand that it might be your desire to return to the spire, or even not to see me for the time being.”

“I wouldn’t really say that the latter part is warranted,” Twilight assured him, as his voice was decidedly too hopeless. “However, I can tell that you might wish to change and freshen yourself, Ebony Crescent.”

“I both look and feel miserable and disgusting,” he admitted with a strain to his voice. “I can definitely do better for you, Twilight Sparkle.”

“That I am convinced of,” she told him back, smiling his way. He looked like he needed some positive encouragement. “Minus the obvious setbacks, I am finding your Mountain absolutely fascinating. Surely I could hope to be shown more of it tonight still, in your company?”

“Would you actually accept it still?”

“Without a doubt.”

That, finally, caused something of a smile to visit Ebony Crescent’s lips, even if it didn’t last for too long. “Well… If you find in yourself enough generosity to withstand me in this most unattractive of states, then perhaps there’s still a chance for me. Truly, this is my worst, and yet you are still even willing to look at me.”

Twilight rolled her eyes at the dramatic tone. “Your ‘worst’, Ebony Crescent, is something that I could deal with using one spell, actually.”

She meant that, indeed, returning with her memory to the time when she had helped Midnight Wind dry himself in record time… and her heart sunk out of a sudden, taking her expression and her kindness with it.

Yes, it wasn’t anything remarkable, casting one, small enchantment to make a stallion look presentable, and yet something inside of her screamed at her even offering the suggestion. She didn’t know why exactly at first, until her gaze ventured away from Ebony Crescent and landed on Midnight Wind, standing at attention in the respectable distance, creating a safe perimeter for Twilight’s privacy.

She had helped him in such a small, silly way because she had cared for him. Because it had meant something important, a connection, especially considering how the batponies viewed matters of magic. And here, right next to her, was a stallion who had told her that he was utterly comfortable with her arts, even more so than Midnight Wind, but… it felt wrong to propose such a solution, nevertheless.

Ebony Crescent’s words brought her back to the present. “Oh, please, Twilight Sparkle, that is extremely kind of you, but I would be abusing your kindness by accepting. I can take care of myself post haste.”

“Yes… Yes, alright,” Twilight told him back, trying to focus again through that twang which had rattled her to the core. “Is there a good place to meet again, what do you think, Ebony Crescent?”

“Well, you are free to walk around to your heart’s content!” he assured her, but… that meant having only her entourage as company, and Twilight still didn’t feel particularly keen on that.

“Honestly, perhaps I could use a little meal, and a moment of respite after what I have seen,” she declared, though she didn’t mean to cause Ebony Crescent any discomfort. “Say, would it be possible to visit the palace’s garden in the meantime? I am most intrigued if I did witness real trees there, or something else.”

The Count Brother grinned just a little. “Very well, we’re not too far to return, if that is your wish. I will quickly make myself look like a pony again, and not some monstrosity from a mountain lake, then join you post haste, Twilight Sparkle… after I see your reaction to our little sanctuary. I couldn’t forgive myself for missing that,” he claimed, and she knew that he was rather serious about that. “You might enjoy a calm meal in the garden after that, without a doubt. Or should I organize you some company? Musicians, a flight performance?”

“That won’t be necessary, Ebony Crescent, but I thank you kindly for your offer,” she told him back, honestly grateful that he was ready to indulge her still. “Just a moment to myself, and to satisfy my curiosity and stomach.”

Thankfully, the Count Brother was not opposed to a more modest pastime, even if his instincts, without a doubt, were to provide Twilight with measured indulgence, instead. However, she was convinced that he wanted to be extra kind and welcoming after his plan for the night suffered such a ‘gaffe’, if that wasn’t too silly of a word here. And so he wasn’t taking a scenic route, perhaps also not to allow too many onlookers to witness his sweaty state, leading Twilight back to the palace without unnecessary haste, but also without any delays whatsoever.

Soon, Twilight found herself entering the enclave that was the Mountain of Crescent’s palatial garden, and found out that her initial thoughts on the presence of greenery right in the middle of the caverns had been wrong. But that was only a testimony to the Family’s craft, and to its riches, for creating a whole enclave of trees done in marble and embellished with green jewels of many hues, imitating real leafs, was lavishness that was almost unimaginable. Of course, the place wasn’t like the Crystal Empire, where gems and crystals were considered almost a building material, but still presented itself in a way to try and contest Equestria’s northern neighbor.

Ebony Crescent, true to his words, couldn’t possibly have missed seeing Twilight’s reaction before finally retreating to his spire. His expression beamed no less than the jewels hanging around, which were happily refracting the light from many lanterns, placed below, above and among them, sending kaleidoscopic glints all over the garden.

“I’m glad to see you so mesmerized by the place, we’ve been ‘cultivating’ it for quite a long time to make it so remarkable,” he began, but then something in his voice changed, and it wasn’t an entirely pleasant switch, “but something about your eyes betrays that you… don’t entirely approve of our little garden. You can tell me freely, if you want, Twilight Sparkle,” he encouraged her.

“It’s not even that, Ebony Crescent,” she told him back, knowing that she heard that one, most anxious note in his voice. “I’m just… To me, this is an incredible luxury, and I’m a Princess of Equestria. I’m no stranger to opulence, no, and yet something about this is just…” she tried to explain it to the best of her abilities, not to sound too criticizing or downplaying the artistry of the place. “The same, exact position which I am holding is actually making me consider the less fortunate ponies back home. A fraction of this wealth would be enough to provide for them.”

The Count Brother nodded slowly. It looked like he understood her point, or at least that he was trying. Twilight didn’t want to sound too harsh even in her mind, however. One could ask whether Ebony Crescent had a higher, moral obligation to provide for anypony else but his own kin and country. She believed that he was capable of great generosity, but she recognized that her words, even if they weren’t a suggestion in the slightest, were pushing it but a little.

Ebony Crescent finally spoke, having taken his time to formulate a point. “The thing is, Twilight Sparkle, that to you this is unnecessary opulence, for there are those of less means that you know. We have the means, so that nopony in our Mountain lacks anything, even if some have access to a greater amount of luxury,” he tried to explain his stance. “At the same time, there are ponies about, and I wouldn’t put myself entirely outside of that group, that would gladly trade these gems away for the security of having enough food to see their larder full, their family reassured, and their children fed. Harvests are a much more fickle thing than extracting gems from the many seams underneath our corner of Noctraliya.” He paused ever so briefly. “Just to be clear, I don’t think I would give away everything. What’s the point of being sated if you don’t have a neat place to feel sated in?”

That was very much a materialistic approach, but Twilight giggled nonetheless, for she couldn’t have expected much else from a pony that had all of this at his disposal. And she could see what he meant, easily, though she was still hopeful that opening relations between the countries could solve a lot of these issues within the matter of, well, a few undertaken initiatives and established deals.

Soon enough Ebony Crescent did leave her presence, promising not to take any longer than absolutely necessary to return in a presentable state. That gave Twilight the relative calmness to explore the gardens at her leisure, minus the fact that she was supposed to have a meal by the place’s central pond in but a few minutes. A place that turned out to be definitely enchanting in its own right, as the selection of bright emeralds and delicate aquamarines, chosen to embellish the pool, was giving the water an extraordinary shine, and the reflections from the nearby lamps danced all over the place, refracted by both the clusters embedded underneath the surface and the leaves above. A dazzling display that, for some reason, didn’t feel glaring, instead providing some incredible feeling of inner peace.

Twilight could definitely enjoy a meal here, but, as it turned out, the location wasn’t entirely empty. She wasn’t expecting anypony from the palace to be actually able to resist the temptation of visiting the gardens at least from time to time, yet it was the Lord himself who had chosen the location to spend his time of leisure in.

Bright Crescent, for it was none other than him, was occupying one of the comfortable, long benches near the pond’s bank. His milky mane was freely falling down his neck, almost seamlessly merging with the loose robe he had on, one that was only there for the sake of modesty alone, considering its light nature. The haspadr was looking at nothing in particular, his gaze absently searching for something among the leaf-like jewels above. If anything, Twilight would call his look… melancholic, as he was pondering about something in silence and solitude.

She could also imagine, even if she wasn’t that artistically inclined, that somepony wouldn’t mind drawing or painting him in such a unique state. She had more than often encountered Bright Crescent in a much different, spirited mood, as he was trying to be amusing and lighthearted, though whether he was successful depended on him not crossing any lines that would make him feel downright vexatious. But the lack of energy, the missing joy that the Lord was currently emanating was an interesting contrast to his usual state. There was a certain depth to his wandering gaze, a sourness to his expression and grimace. Twilight almost looked back at her companions, who continued to trail her at a good distance, as she wanted to make sure that she wasn’t simply seeing things, but the moment she made that decision she was spotted by the resting stallion.

The change in his demeanor was so instant that Twilight indeed found herself questioning if she had seen him in that thoughtful moment of his, or was it merely a figment of her imagination.

Ha! Would you look at that, our esteemed guest!” Bright Crescent greeted her, springing up from the bench with the energy of somepony half his age. “I say, one more pony that couldn’t possibly help themselves, and ventured straight into the thicket of our garden! Ah, but I don’t blame you, Honored Princess!”

“Benu noc, Honored Lord,” Twilight greeted him more casually as he trotted around the pond with grace, his gown trailing behind like a cloud of mist. Even considering that she was naturally used to seeing ponies without clothes at all, Bright Crescent was showing a surprising amount of coat by local standards, and of course lacked his circlet and his Lord’s cloak.

Not that he cared at all, merry as he was to see her, and focused entirely on her person. “Greetings, greetings, yes! I knew that you would be ‘snooping’ around, enjoying the place, but what are you doing here, exactly? I mean, I know that one cannot resist to witness this little sanctuary, but I was told that my dear nephew took you on a little sightseeing excursion around the Mountain, instead!”

“He did, yes,” Twilight admitted, immediately considering what was the right things to say. She imagined that telling Bright Crescent what had occurred might not have been the most fortuitous of choices. “I’ve gotten a little hungry, honestly, and I couldn’t wait to witness this part of the palace. Also, I think that the Count Brother wanted to freshen himself up a little before we continued on our journey.”

Her claims about a meal and visiting the garden were accepted by Bright Crescent without as much as a blink, but the moment she had finished the last sentence the Lord’s expression fell, and visibly so.

Actually, his focus immediately shifted on nothing else but that. “Oh, I see, I see… I take it my poor nephew got a little winded, didn’t he? Was he nervous or anxious? I hope he had his hoofkerchief with him, at least.” Twilight was going to reply to that, but the Lord continued, not allowing an interruption. “That happens to him, dear Honored Princess, please don’t blame him. He’s trying his best, and he genuinely wishes for you to have a splendid time sightseeing and all, he just needs to pace things in the right way.”

There was a very sweet and fatherly tone behind the haspadr’s words, so Twilight believed it was safe to continue the topic, and show the said understanding. “I wasn’t planning on making him feel guilty for returning here, no. I was a little worried myself, though. I haven’t really encountered anypony becoming so... uncomfortable so quickly. It seems to me that he is a little prone to it?”

Bright Crescent nodded, his mane shifting around him in an almost dramatic way, and Twilight knew that he was aware what she was mostly referring to. “That he is, the poor thing, it is most unfortunate. My grandfather was afflicted like that too, may he dwell in Silverheaven. It made his life a little more complicated,” the Lord revealed, sounding more than empathetic. “I assure you, though, Ebony Crescent has the presence to carry his malady gallantly. He just needs some patience, and stoicism in the face of it. And, of course, consideration.”

“I understand, or I think so, anyway,” Twilight replied. The latter-most part was more than natural to her, but she still wanted to know a little bit more. “Is it something serious, if you don’t mind me asking, Honored Lord?”

“No, no, no, don’t worry, there’s nothing to be concerned about,” Bright Crescent immediately told her, shaking his head, even a little too eagerly. “My nephew needs to be mindful of some things, he cannot strain himself, and he shouldn’t allow his nerves to get the best of him… He’s capable of that, he just needs things to go at a certain, comfortable pace. One to his preference.”

Twilight wondered what sort of a health problem that could have meant, since the Lord’s reply was a little imprecise, she would say. The haspadr clearly wanted to make plain that he was talking about something deeply personal for his nephew, and that he didn’t want to embarrass him, or give away more than was absolutely necessary. Nevertheless, Twilight still wanted to ask him further about the topic, but Bright Crescent only sighed loudly and decided changed to subject, instead.

“If only things were perfectly smooth for everypony, but, alas, that is a state that one might expect from the afterlife, rather than this mortal coil,” he melodramatically stated before summoning a smile to his lips once more. “Yet we could at least try and make our slaving here a little more bearable, no? Would you mind my brief company to achieve that? I take it you’re expecting a meal to arrive?”

“Yes, exactly here, as it happens,” Twilight let him know. “I take it that Ebony Crescent didn’t anticipate you resting here as well, Honored Lord.”

“I figured I could use a moment to myself in all the hustle and bustle and tussle. And since my darling Crescent Light is busy, such a shame, I thought of this place.”

“Sorry for interrupting you, then, Honored Lord,” she genuinely apologized, especially considering the mood she had witnessed the haspadr in, but the stallion only rolled his eyes.

“Phooey, I say! You’re not an interruption, Honored Princess, you’re a bonus,” Bright Crescent told her, grinning in that mocking way which he enjoyed. “And you’re bringing with yourself a meal, even, what a great deal! I’ll tax you by stealing an orange from you, or something, surely that won’t ruin anything.” He magnanimously tossed his mane back, with practiced grace, and Twilight understood where the Count Brother got his own habit from, as the motion was pretty much identical. “We will also leave some tasty treats for you courageous entourage. I see them lurking in the background.”

Twilight turned back, seeing that Midnight Wind and Rowan Berry were present and loyally remained at a respectable distance, then nodded. “Everypony deserves their just repayment for their service and actions.”

Ha! How very ethical of you, Honored Princess,” the Lord remarked, still grinning. “I see we haven’t yet corrupted you with our whimsical and unreasonable ways.”

She would roll her eyes at him putting things like that, but at least she realized that he meant that in a kind way, making fun of some of the stereotypes and plights of the Crescents…

… just how aware was he of the illness that Ebony Crescent had explained, the one ‘cured’ on those strange display racks? Was it something that the Lord had to deal with often? He surely knew of the issue, what was his stance on it?

Questions invaded Twilight’s mind, though there wasn’t a good moment to ask them, unfortunately, for the sounds of quick trotting meant that the meal had arrived. Indeed, a number of the local servants, lead by a courtier of undeniable grace, entered the clearing, bringing with themselves a whole spread of juicy fruit, not to mention a portable table.

The Lord’s presence was taken into consideration, as it turned out, quite likely because somepony had to be aware of their haspard’s location, and he was offered a special seating and a set of more elaborate silverware. He didn’t seem like he cared for that especially this time around, much more keen on engaging Twilight in a polite conversation as everything was being prepared.

“So, considering what I know about my own nephew, I take it he wanted to show you… Let me think, what would make for a good opening? Astonishing, yet being just a prelude to the rest of the Iug?” Bright Crescent pondered, though it was more to create a dramatic timing. “I would say... Set Crescent’s Gap,” he finally made his confident bet, causing Twilight to smile and shake her head, mostly at the familial propensity for performing.

“You know the Count Brother well, Honored Lord,” she praised the stallion, but he just chuckled, waving his hoof.

“Please, Honored Princess, as much as I value my dear nephew, and great value he does possess, that guess does not warrant a commendation. I simply am more than aware of the places that he enjoys. Not to mention that it is quite a piece of ‘non-existent’ art which took years and years to create,” the haspadr judged with a grin. “Also, if I might, as I see that you have amended your mistake…” His voice lowered quite a lot.

“Yes, Honored Lord?” Twilight asked, confused about what he meant.

“I admit, it tickled me the right way when you simply used my nephew’s name, it has a nice ring to it in your lips,” he explained quietly. “I hope that means that there is a healthy amount of respect between the two of you, right?”

Bright Crescent’s tone was… Well, it wasn’t giving Twilight any clues regarding whether he was considering that a good thing, or was keen on trying to warn her of fraternization, instead? And what did he mean by a ‘healthy amount’?

Twilight didn’t have too much time to decide on the approach, however, without it looking like suspicious hesitation, so she let her instinct lead her. “Your nephew is a very kind and generous pony, Honored Lord, who offered for us to be on name basis himself. I’m happy to reach such an understanding with him, though I would find it inappropriate to abuse that, especially when in the presence of other ponies. This was but a slip of the tongue, for which I—”

“Hush, hush, hush, hush, hush!” the Lord rapidly interrupted her, but his lips were smiling once again. “I definitely do not mind learning all of that, you know. I think it’s a good thing for him to try and bridge certain gaps, especially with you, Honored Princess. I was always hoping that my dear fireflies will not judge others just by their looks or bloodline,” he pointed out, pride filling his voice. “So, you say that my dear nephew is being gallant and open towards you?”

“Most definitely, Honored Lord.”

“How lovely!”

Twilight was relieved that Bright Crescent did not appear bothered by the fact, though… something in his gaze was at least a little worried. Perhaps his concerns about Ebony Crescent’s health were still on the forefront of his mind? Nevertheless, they both took their places and enjoyed a selection of fruit, perhaps less regal than during the welcome feast, but no less tasty. Her entourage was also provided with their own choices, though they kept their distance, as per their orders.

The Lord was giving them glances through the meal, and Twilight could feel the curiosity mounting in him about them not joining the table, though he didn’t find it prudent to ask about anything.

She preferred to take his mind off the topic entirely, as she didn’t feel it in herself to find another, false explanation. “Honored Lord, if I might inquire…”

“Oh, naturally!” he assured, though not without his own, impish caveat. “I’m not inclined to answer, though. I can be as impudent as I wish, for you are in my realm, after all!”

“That I can see, and that is my point,” she retorted, earning for herself a hearty giggle from the stallion. “The opulence of the Mountain of Crescent is undeniable, and I can already see that generations of ponies made a collective effort to make it so. One thing, however, intrigues me most about what I am seeing.”

“Can I guess? Pretty please?” Bright Crescent asked, looking at her as if she proposed a very entertaining game.

Actually, she didn’t mind humoring him. “Please, if you wish so.”

“I’m just hoping to be lucky and insightful, simultaneously,” he revealed, again wearing that mocking grin that he so loved to brandish. He rubbed his chin gracefully, his topaz eyes piercing right into hers. “You… are doing some math in your head, and something is not adding up, that’s for certain. You do have that logical approach that sometimes feels a little uncomfortable in the domain of what’s capricious and free. But what is that miscalculation? What could be that missing piece?”

Twilight was trying to withstand this blatant performance for the sake of a performance if it meant receiving her answers, so she just sat there with a kind expression, letting Bright Crescent finish his little one-pony play.

“Is it – why are we allowed this, perhaps? It would make certain sense for other Families to try and take us down a peg or two, as your expression goes, maybe demand that we share more of our wealth with them. We live in a quite ‘nasty’ place, demanding a collective effort, why would the gains not be collective as well? As if there was a way to make that communal arrangement work, what fatuity…” He paused only to shake his head, theatrically. “Ah, but here lies the secret, here rests the sleeping thistlefox… For we are sharing. What you see around is that which is our best, but we do provide, and quite abundantly, to the other Mountains and Families. We are simply… quite demanding when it comes to our little, barter-based economy,” he mused aloud, indeed hitting quite close to what Twilight had in mind. “Artistry comes in many forms, sometimes in a rather mundane one… But who is to say that merchants cannot be virtuosi of their craft? I would dare say that they could play on Equestrian bits with no less proficiency, when certain matters clarify…”

Twilight gave him a little side glance, wondering whether that was a sudden expectation for the future. “So, Honored Lord, you claim that the reason for the Family’s riches lies in you being simply… shrewd and savvy?”

“Oh, please,” Bright Crescent nearly snorted. “Nothing about us is ‘simple’. We know what we want, we know what we can offer. We reach for the best deals possible for our goods. And, as you might imagine, ponies that want what is rare and sophisticated are willing to part with quite a lot of their affluence, only to get their hooves on a masterful sculpture, or a piece of jewelry that will make all of their neighbors envious.” He paused ever so slightly to wink at her. “One pony’s pretentious plight is another pony’s prodigious profit.”

Twilight wasn’t perhaps overjoyed about putting things like that, but at least she could to some extent grasp where all of this luxury was coming from. If the Crescents were producing the finest works of art, ones that the other Families desired, they were also quite likely expecting large amounts of goods in return. Which they could then use, or sell someplace else for things they, themselves, required.

Or, perhaps, there was more to it still. Onyx was meant to be used around as a form of coinage, so maybe the Mountain had access to it, somehow? If, however, what Bright Crescent was saying was absolutely true, than Twilight felt that she could use it in the future, maybe even hint at it right there and then.

“It is true that a piece of art can be worth its weight in gold… or silver and ‘pazn’, perhaps, if that would make more sense from your perspective,” she began, seeing that the Lord’s smile grew as she tried to change the expression accordingly.

He even used this opportunity to joke. “Well, you know, Honored Princess, a statue might go for just such a price. It’s a hefty piece by its nature. ”

“Point taken,” she admitted. “I also take it that your Family is always looking for good opportunities to… should I say, ‘dazzle’ the world around with their works? Find somepony keen on procuring them?”

“It might be so,” the haspadr told her, something self-serving glinting in his gaze. “Of course, we do recognize that other places about the world could also have bits and pieces that we might ourselves enjoy possessing. Some of us have a… how to put it, a collector’s mentality, you know.”

Somehow, Twilight could easily believe that. “Do you think that it would be to your Family’s liking… and yours, Honored Lord, to find new, open markets and demanding recipients for your products?”

“ ‘Products’ she says!” Bright Crescent shouted loudly, leaning back with an expression of boundless amusement. “Ha! That’s rich! Trust me, Honored Princess, if only we could ‘produce’ art as if it’s something simple and easily replicable! I’d be eating onyx like grapes!” he claimed, invoking quite a vivid and random scenario.

“I didn’t mean to—”

“And you didn’t, stop worrying!” the Lord told her, waving his hoof about with grace. “I just found it amusing how plain you made it sound. But! I didn’t miss your point, no. I think that there would be a certain merit to finding more open opportunities for our artisans to provide their craft to the wide world. These initiatives can be such a hustle!”

Twilight blinked, as she found herself repeating what she had just heard right in her mind. Such initiatives – a hustle? More open opportunities? It almost sounded as if Bright Crescent was suggesting that—

“Is everything alright?” Ebony Crescent’s voice suddenly sounded from the side of the clearing, as the stallion emerged from the alleyway, wearing a fresh, eggplant-hued gown. His expression was concerned just a little, but, more importantly, he wasn’t showing any signs of his previous problem with sweat and nerves. “I’ve heard your shout, uncle!”

“Calm, dear colt, calm,” Bright Crescent immediately told his nephew, summoning him closer with a gesture. “We were just discussing a couple of matters, and the Honored Princess said something hilarious,” he summed up with a wink towards Twilight, then turned again to the Count Brother. “Come, sit, grab a fruit, take a moment. Are you feeling fine?”

T-tac—I mean, yes, yes of course!” the younger stallion assured, looking abashed for a brief while, likely realizing that his uncle already knew what might have happened. “I simply required to freshen myself up, that’s all there is to it. And now I am back! Ready to provide for the Honored Princess once again!” he declared with conviction, which Twilight repaid with a smile.

Bright Crescent still sounded kindly concerned, however. “Slow down, my colt. Let’s not rush matters. There’s a meal to finish, and that’s not something one needs to do in a hurry. It’s bad for digestion…” the Lord remarked, taking for himself another orange and grinning. “I allowed myself to entertain our dear guest in the meantime, you have nothing to worry about. She’s not going to be bored in our Mountain, oh no.”

“I wasn’t planning on being that in any way, Honored Lord,” Twilight engaged back in the conversation, deciding to remember that recent realization of hers for later.

“Boredom is hardly a planned occurrence, Honored Princess… unless you are somepony like Midnight Eye, I believe. Yet it remains an insidious and spiteful little creature, and it likes to gnaw at us when we least expect it,” the Lord warned her, sounding half-serious. “However, here, at the Iug u Kwadr, we are hard at work, and constantly, to stave off the tedium of existence!”

That was yet another, histrionic way of putting it, but at least it wasn’t surprising to Twilight. She shook her head just a little, remembering that she was a little bit more thirsty, and reached to pour herself a chalice of juice, but Ebony Crescent was already on that. His gallant ways returned in earnest alongside his refreshed look, and that simple, soft smile on his muzzle shined with new warmth.

She thanked him with a nod, then turned to the Lord once again. “Actually, if I might ask about one more thing, regarding what you have so vividly described?”

“Do go on,” he encouraged her, again curious about her inquiry.

“Any particular places that you might advise for me to visit, Honored Lord? A specific location that comes to your mind?” She looked back at the Count Brother. “I know that I am in good hooves, but I think it prudent to ask you, as the host, and the curator of the whole Mountain, so to speak.”

Bright Crescent took a moment to answer, biting the very tip of his tongue in a teasing way. Laughter was bubbling in his throat slowly but surely as his eyes met Twilight’s. There was a lot to be read from that gaze. There was pride hidden in that topaz hue, there were confidence and amusement… but also a little bit of ridicule, though Twilight didn’t know whether it was aimed at her. It didn’t feel so, and she couldn’t observe it anymore as the Lord tossed his head back.

Ha!” he exclaimed, exceedingly merry out of a sudden. “I know exactly what you want me to say, Honored Princess. You firebrand, you!”

Twilight wasn’t sure why he had decided to give her such a title, but she couldn’t really ask about it before the Lord continued on, and with great enthusiasm.

“You want me to send you straight to my gallery, my most remarkable impact on our Iug! And!” he paused to wag his hoof at her as if she was a misbehaving foal. “You want to make it so that I can do so, without looking desperate to have you see it! Yes, yes, I am beaming with pride over it, but it would be unkind to just plainly start talking about it, like I am a craving creator!” He looked at his nephew before clapping his hooves with gusto… and a surprising amount of force. “She’s a clever one, isn’t she? Well then! If I can be certain of one thing, it is that my dear nephew will not forget about his poor uncle’s efforts. You were leaving it for last, weren’t you? The last course, the most lavish and delicious one?”

Ebony Crescent looked a little embarrassed before he replied. “I… thought that it would make for a wonderful ending to the night, yes. After all, your vision was realized in such a remarkable fashion, and—”

“You’re being too sweet, firefly,” the Lord interrupted him. It was meant as a gesture of kindness, quite likely, though something about it felt tense. “You don’t need to reinforce my belief in the choice! The choice has been made, and now? It must be suffered, so beautifully suffered! However…”

There was a sudden moment of silence as the Lord took his time to grin widely. He then bit his lower lips, as if to tease and look seductive in a manic way. Twilight glanced at the Count Brother, who was just observing his uncle with a little concern.

Then Bright Crescent erupted, gleefully laughing. “Ha, very well, very well! Let the Honored Princess see my masterpiece!” Was it Twilight or was there a certain sour note to that word? “Dear nephew?”

“Yes, uncle?”

“If I could ask you to allow the Honored Princess to explore the Grand Peaks Gallery without delay? I hope it will not be a great adjustment to your plan?”

“N-no, no! If you so desire!”

“Oh, I do, I do…” the Lord told him back, his eyes seeking Twilight again, and his hooves grasping for another orange. “Be amazed, be frightened and, for the love of the Goddess, be honest! I want to hear your opinion the next time we meet, Honored Princess, and I will suffer no excuses! This!” he paused to sink his fangs into his fruity victim, with an expression of frenetic mirth, one that strangely had a little less to do with the quality of the food. After dislodging himself from the fruit’s carcass a moment later, after a mighty slurp, he grinned even wider, droplets hanging from his fangs. “Is my mark upon our glorious Iug. May it serve its purpose!”

Twilight had a feeling like she had lost track of what was happening at some point. Bright Crescent was an eccentric individual, yes, and yet those few last sentences from him were reinforcing that adjective in a myriad of ways. Was it his tone, or the look? Or maybe that, so very strange, note of dolor which ringed so dark and grim behind all of the Lord’s smiles and jokes.

Whatever it was, Twilight was certain that she had yet another matter to worry about, especially when the haspadr put down the remains of the orange, then cleaned his hooves and muzzle as if nothing happened. Even if he had just disposed of the meal in a gruesome, delirious fashion, much more vivid than the batponies’ usual way of eating.

“This was a joy! You must visit more often,” he jested, his fanged smile back to the relative normal. “Now, please, let me not delay you at all, there’s still so much to see about, to be merry about!” Clearly guessing that Twilight wanted to remind him that she wasn’t here only for sightseeing, the Lord intercepted her next sentence. “Don’t you worry your little head about anything, I still remember why you are here, Honored Princess, we’ll get to those matters. First, however, the extravagance and leisure!”

Well, Twilight knew there would be no discussion here with how Bright Crescent was putting it, so, in but a couple of moments, she found herself leaving the garden’s heart, with the haspadr staying behind. He overlooked the servants cleaning up after the feast, before those left him be as well. One last glance the Lord’s way revealed that his melancholy was not an illusion, as he returned to his resting previous place with the same sort of expression that he had worn before, thoughtful and so dissimilar to his usual persona.

So much so, that Twilight wondered if that was the correct way to name his regular behavior – a ‘persona’, but Ebony Crescent’s voice grasped her attention. “Well, I’m glad you could have a tasty meal, Twilight Sparkle. I’m… very sorry for any inconveniences tonight. A whole selection of them, truth be told,” he added with a nervous chuckle.

“Please, Ebony Crescent. Yes, the situation turned unexpected and unpleasant with the… display,” she admitted, but wanted to be at least somewhat kind to the stallion’s efforts, “but you don’t have to worry about your own moment of weakness, at least.” Her assurance earned her a bashful smile from the Count Brother. “I’m sure you have still plenty of ideas that can help ‘salvage’ this night, right?”

“Dealing with salvage sounds quite ways away from what I had initially planned, but… ah, what can a pony do?” he rhetorically asked, then shrugged to himself. “However, I will do my best, Twilight Sparkle, to make sure that I am at least a decent representative of my dear uncle, if nopony else. Care to join me on an excursion to the Grand Peaks Gallery?”

“With pleasure,” Twilight assured, and not without enthusiasm.

After all, she had already heard quite a lot about that particular, architectural and artistic undertaking, one that had supposedly turned out being both a wonder and a curse, at least to some. In a space as saturated with incredible art as the Mountain of Crescent, she wondered just how over the top Bright Crescent had to have been with his vision that he had crossed some invisible line of reason. Actually, considering the placement of the project, ‘over the top’ seemed like the right expression to use, though Twilight imagined that she would have a better understanding of the situation once she would witness the gallery with her own eyes.

There was still the matter of reaching the peak, however, and the Count Brother made sure that the travel there was a treat in its own right. Perhaps it was his way of attempting to, indeed, restore some of his original plans, or maybe just an attempt at repaying Twilight for what she had to endure so far, despite Ebony Crescent’s efforts at making her stay be a comfortable vacation. The passages that they were taking, carved right into the main cavern’s sides into delightful arcades, were giving her wonderful vistas of the Crescents’ dwelling, embellished to the imagination’s content.

She still couldn’t quite grasp how constructs from sheer stone could be given such lightness and grace. The intricacies of the columns, imitating trees, with branches bent due to the gusts of nonexistent wind, the details of leaves and flowers, the delicate gowns of the sculptures, caught in the moment of a wondrous, whimsical dance, despite being created out of granite. The talent of the Crescents was on display all over, and despite everything Twilight couldn’t help but marvel at it.

“I hope you didn’t mind my uncle.”

Her artistic distraction was, itself, distracted as that statement caught her by surprise. Ebony Crescent used a moment of relative privacy in a longer corridor, one hidden from the rest of the cavern behind stone vines and leaves, weaving themselves in between sharp arches.

“I’m sorry?”

“I said that I hope that my uncle wasn’t a little too much for you, during the meal,” the stallion explained himself, trying to hide his concern behind a kind smile. “He can be a little unconventional, even by our, exotic for you, standards, and while I know you to be a very understanding and tolerant pony, I am aware that he can be considered a little... worrying, for the lack of a better word.”

She would answer the Count Brother, definitely , but one, major thing that Twilight focused on after these words, was the respect and consideration. Not only coming from Ebony Crescent at the moment, but present at the top of the Crescent Family, in spades, as much as she could testify about it. It made a lot of sense to Twilight, actually. After the death of Brilliant Crescent, which meant a tragedy to the whole Mountain, Bright Crescent took it upon himself to care for his brother’s offspring. He clearly loved them as his own foals, as much as he was perhaps unlike to have those, and they looked like they formed a deep bond with the Lord themselves. And such a bond had a chance to be knit even closer than the very blood relation might have suggested.

It was rather sweet to see them considering one another’s well-being in their unique ways, though… it also was giving Twilight a feeling that there were at least some, underlying issues there that she was only beginning to unravel.

She gave Ebony Crescent his answer. “Lord Bright Crescent is an interesting and unique pony, and I mean it in the kindest of ways. I could observe him during the meetings of the Covenant, where he was prone to be a little sportive, but I wouldn’t call him tiring.” She would, she just couldn’t possibly tell the Count Brother that. “I think I can safely bet that he has good intentions at heart, even when he presents his more carefree attitude to others.”

“I… didn’t really mean that, Twilight Sparkle,” the stallion responded, which caused a shiver to pass down her spine. She was convinced that she had misinterpreted him terribly and possibly said much more than he desired to hear, but, thankfully, Ebony Crescent merely wanted to be more precise when it came to judging Lord Bright Crescent’s actions. “When you mentioned the gallery, didn’t he seem a little… off to you?”

Twilight had a second to decide what to say to that question, so she opted for the truth. “A little, perhaps? I have a feeling that he’s rather proud of it, but… uh…” She took a moment to rethink her choice, but stood by it after all. “I’ve heard that the idea is not popularly supported, and I think he, himself, realizes that clearly?”

Ebony Crescent hissed under his breath, shaking his head, but his distress wasn’t aimed at Twilight at all. “Yes, that is… That is a way of putting it, true, there are differing opinions about it. I mean!” He immediately looked sheepish at showing even a shred of doubt about his uncle’s idea. “It is a marvelous concept, and-and the work that was put into presenting our history through the gems, it’s objectively wondrous!”

“What is the issue, then?” Twilight tried to help the Count Brother out, seeing that it was hard enough for him to try and word the matter, and she could already see the first droplets beginning to form on his forehead.

“It’s... There are ponies that might be, well, unfortunately... accurately pointing out certain… uhm…” He paused, took a deep breath, looked at Twilight, and then behind, making sure that nopony else was close enough to overhear him. “That it wasn’t the best of ideas. Design-wise, placement-wise, resource-wise... Just ‘unwise’.”

Twilight pondered for a moment. Eccentricity had a way of being perceived as unreasonable, though there was always a chance for a deeper thought behind it. It might have been naïve thinking, but she had a feeling it was the case here, as well.

“Well, I think that one can appreciate the concept, and yet freely hold the opinion that it might have been executed better, with greater forethought,” she expressed her opinion, hoping it was the right thing to say to the Count Brother. “Your uncle surely understands the criticism, right?”

Ebony Crescent momentarily looked at her as if she suggested something outlandish, almost scaring her, but his actual reply made her realize that she hadn’t understood the expression on his muzzle in its entirety.

“Yes, he does, of course. He’s an artist who knows perfectly well the value of critique, yes. It... It is just that…” He paused again, and shook his head. “I actually wanted to ask another question, rather than the first one. Maybe I phrased it like that out of respect for both him and you, so let me start over.”

Twilight wasn’t sure she was following. “What do you mean, Ebony Crescent?”

“I’ll start with this, and please keep granting me honesty, Twilight Sparkle – it isn’t just me, right? Me and my sister, actually,” he corrected himself, wagging his head. “You did see him turning a little... off, when you have hinted at the gallery?”

“Yes,” Twilight gave him the shortest and most clear of answers. “Yes, without a doubt.”

The Count Brother hissed and shook his head, considering something fiercely. There was both curiosity and care in his pear gaze, something that testified of his virtues in Twilight’s mind.

When Ebony Crescent spoke again, his tone was trying to show both respect for his Lord, and anxiety for his uncle and adoptive father. “I… It’s that we both cannot shake the feeling, my sister and I, that he is almost enjoying the fact that he’s being berated for creating it…”

That was definitely an interesting, and quite a deep observation to be shared, Twilight thought, while also not reaching an immediate explanation for it. Yes, there had been something frenzied about Bright Crescent when the topic had been breached, but what was the source of it? Was he really feeling positively motivated by receiving reproach? What would be the point of that? He had made snarky comments and stood against other Lords out of sheer whimsy, Twilight had witnessed that herself. More so, even during the official vote on the matter of war with Equestria, he had decided to abstain for the sole reason of making a cynical point towards her. But… surely there had to be more to that, and she was strangely convinced of it.

“Actually, I’m so sorry that I brought it up at all,” Ebony Crescent suddenly spoke up again, shaking his head. “I really shouldn’t have bothered you with it, Twilight Sparkle. This is meant to be a time of relaxation and pleasure for you, not another conundrum for you to try and discern.”

“You say that, Ebony Crescent,” she replied with a small smile, “but I think you being ready to share this only shows that you deeply care for your uncle and Lord. And that’s not a bad reason to touch upon a matter, even with nopony more than a ‘visitor’.”

The Count Brother looked shocked for a moment, clearly on purpose. “Oh, no, no, no – an ‘honored guest’, Twilight Sparkle, nothing short of that! More than that!” he assured her, leaving no room for interpretation. Though, he did make room for gratitude, giving her a truly warm look as well. “Thank you for your understanding. I deeply appreciate your stance on the matter, and your openness. You really are a most unique mare, Twilight Sparkle.”

Something in that gaze of his was causing Twilight to feel flustered, even without his cordial words. She didn’t think that gratitude was ultimately necessary, since she wasn’t doing anything special, just trying to do the right thing, and be herself regardless of the circumstances. Yet, once again, Ebony Crescent was making her fight a blush by appreciating her so strongly for just being... her.

She, in return, duly appreciated that he was trying to be open and honest towards her. It was a good contrast to what she had endured before.

The peak of the Mountain of Crescent wasn’t as far up as the one at the Mountain of Midnight, but Twilight was starting to feel short of breath at some point. Of course, Ebony Crescent took that into consideration and slowed down the tempo accordingly, allowing her to dictate it herself, to avoid exhaustion. She wondered if this sauntering approach wasn’t to his own liking, actually, as it would definitely stop him from exerting himself and risking an attack of sweat. She had to say, moreover, that slowing down was also allowing her to appreciate the travel itself, for the approach to the Grand Peaks Gallery was already hinting at what a grandiose undertaking it had been to create it.

For example, for the sake of transporting the right materials to actually build a bridge in between the twin pinnacles, this very staircase must have been emptied entirely, most likely to have a proper crane operating through it. Now, however, a wide and elegant flight of steps was inviting everypony to ascend them, and the walls around brandished sculptures of clouds. They were simultaneously hard due to the material they were made out of, and very successfully pretending to be light and fluffy. Not to mention that they were allowing white marble rays of moonlight to break through them occasionally.

Twilight realized that, for creating a proper look of those, and to add to the ambiance, specks and razor thin lines of silver were embedded in the material. The lanterns hanging from the walls had their glass made out of, apparently, cut gems of light blue color, as well. The illumination sent around the staircase was delicate, elegant, and at the same time majestic and regal through the reflections passing through the steady and stern, stone moonlight. It all created such a remarkable atmosphere, one would think that this was nothing else but an approach to the Silverheaven, the Argentee, the realm of the Immaculate Moon. And that one was most cordially invited to glimpse into its glory even when living.

Twilight looked around her in amazement and genuine awe. If this was but the prelude to Bright Crescent’s vision, then the gallery itself must have been indubitably grandiose. She looked down on herself and her gown, feeling as if the aura of the place was transforming her, infusing her with some strange, otherworldly light.

Ebony Crescent spotted her reaction and turned to her with a wide smile. “I see this is already greatly to your liking.”

“Yes, without a doubt,” Twilight admitted without shame. “This is… I don’t know if ‘transcendental’ is the right word, but I can hardly find any other. And…” She looked about again, blessing the fact that she was fully capable of producing the spell on her eyes on her own, lest she would be missing the details and marvels about the place. “This is so powerful, but so… subtle. Yes, it’s sumptuous, but there’s so much grace to this design at the same time!”

“My uncle’s vision, and his hope, is in this, Twilight Sparkle.”

“I can see that...” she admitted, then realized what Ebony Crescent actually said. “Wait, what do you mean by ‘hope’, in that sense?”

The Count Brother’s smile was a little sad as he nodded to himself. “You will understand soon,” he cryptically told her, but it was to build her expectation, rather than to hide something.

Twilight could withstand not knowing for a breath longer. It was a wonderful feeling, actually, ascending up such a staircase, seeing the increasing amount of marble moonlight guiding one’s path, and anticipating what was yet to come. This was a climb to the very heavens, past the clouds, and what surprises lay above those only very few ponies could tell.

The stairs were now becoming a bit more steep and narrow, actually, as it was easy to discern that the pinnacles were not leaving too much space inside of them for a more spacious approach. However, that was but the final bout of steps to conquer, before an elegant doorway done in surprisingly bright hue of wood became visible. Markings in silver were adorning it, and Twilight was convinced that it was a most deliberate choice to have Noctraliyan alphabet marking the entrance weaved right into the cloud motifs.

Ebony Crescent’s voice was official and warm alike. “Welcome to the Grand Peaks Gallery, Twilight Sparkle. Are you ready to venture in, or would you prefer to have a moment to catch your breath?”

“It’s alright, this isn’t bad yet,” Twilight told him back with a smile. Yes, she could feel the difference clearly, but it wasn’t debilitating in the slightest. “Anything I should know before I enter?”

“No, not really, only to take your time to your heart’s content. Although...”

There was a pause to the Count Brother’s sentence which worried Twilight just a little, so she decided to address that outright. “Yes, Ebony Crescent? Speak plainly.”

“I... don’t want to be presumptuous or daring, but... do you think you can have your entourage remain here, at least for a time?” the stallion asked, giving a glance to both Rowan Berry and Midnight Wind, who were just emerging from around the bend. “I’d like you to visit this place as… as a pony free to marvel, and to be in awe. I want you to feel unbridled emotions, without having to look proper before anypony.”

“Oh?” Twilight thought for a moment. “Even before you, Ebony Crescent?”

“I’ll be, for a while, an utterly insignificant pony,” he said, wishing to encourage her. It was obvious it wasn’t an easy thing for him to utter, as a Count Brother. “There to answer your questions, if necessary, about what you shall witness. And not to say a word about your reaction to anypony...” He lowered his voice. “Do me this honor, for I have a feeling I shall cherish the coming memories for a long time.”

Twilight again felt warm at his tone and intensity, though she fought to hide it. Actually, she wanted to keep it contained also due to the presence of the other batponies, and that realization felt like a reason enough to actually be receptive to Ebony Crescent’s suggestion. After all, she wouldn’t mind being utterly honest and open, without caring for anypony’s opinion. She hadn’t been getting many opportunities for that during this travel.

Still, she had to ask. “Won’t there be other ponies present, enjoying the place?”

“Lamentably, no...” Ebony Crescent declared, which served as yet another hint about the gallery’s notoriety. “But one pony’s loss is another one’s gain in this instance.”

Twilight took a moment longer to consider the situation, and make her ultimate choice. She believed it to be the right one when she turned to her entourage. “You shall wait here. I will enjoy the Great Peaks Gallery solely with the Honored Count Brother.”

A shade which passed through Midnight Wind’s muzzle was blatant, and expected, while Rowan Berry shot a glance towards Ebony Crescent, but didn’t react past that.

Twilight, however, spotted that the warrior wanted to comment on the request somehow, so she decided to be faster than him. “I won’t linger, but I want to enjoy my stay, indeed, especially after tonight’s hiccups. I believe it to be… understandable,” she accentuated, hoping to suffer no protest after all. “The Count Brother will make sure that I am undisturbed and unmolested.”

“Of course,” Ebony Crescent solemnly declared.

Twilight truly meant for hers to be reassuring sentences, despite her current opinion on Midnight Wind, and the noble stallion next to her surely had similar intentions, but the warrior’s gaze only betrayed even greater agitation. Twilight didn’t feel like caring for that, however.

“Lead the way, Count Brother,” she asked of Ebony Crescent, who smiled and bowed gracefully, approaching to doorway.

“Actually, I shall allow you to be the one leading it, Honored Princess,” he responded, putting his hoof on the handle. “Take your time, please. I’m nowhere to be seen,” he suggested in an encouraging manner, causing her to giggle just a little.

She could have sworn that she heard a hiss from behind, but it might have been just the doors creaking open and producing a similar sound.

Actually, in a moment she didn’t much remember what she had heard, for the literal gates of wonder opened before her. She had been considering how the gallery could have been organized on the inside, knowing that the stained glass windows were the preeminent feature of it, allowing the light of the Moon to shine through them, but... honestly, she should have expected much more from Lord Bright Crescent. For all of his eccentricities and his biting tongue, he was undeniably an artist, and one with the access to much more resources than Twilight had expected. So the view she was met with, even from just the threshold, was enough to take her breath away.

The place was definitely the most vibrant of the many locations she had visited in Noctraliya. The abundant hues of the windows were embellishing the hall of the gallery, resting on white marble benches, elaborate floor designs and, of all things, drapery. Though that word suddenly sounded so very heavy in Twilight’s mind, for the materials she saw before her were so ephemeral and fine that she took them for incense, or a mist which had somehow slipped inside. Colors were projecting themselves on these swathes of cloth, making the various depictions present not only on the windows, but materializing right before the viewer’s eyes, like ancient memories or illusions projected by a skilled arcanist.

Twilight took a cautious step inside, almost fearful that entering the space would scare away the figures and sights which awaited both proudly and gracefully in the hall.

She knew that he was meant to be ‘invisible’, but she turned to Ebony Crescent with a question on her lips, which were already parted in amazement.

“How... How was this achieved?” she inquired, pointing at the hanging material. “What is this? This cannot be wool.”

The Count Brother, who encouraged her to venture further in, closed the doors behind them with a last glance outside, then turned to her with a warm, wide smile. “I see that your brilliant mind is already seeking answers, but...” He paused to trot closer and stand right by Twilight. Instead of granting her the knowledge outright, he merely pointed down the hall, at the hues, and the shapes, and the tremendous work of art that this whole place was. “Let me advise you, Twilight Sparkle...”

She didn’t respond, merely listening in as Ebony Crescent artistically moved his foreleg, as if trying to showcase the whole place in one, all-encompassing gesture.

“Think not of ‘how’, for a moment. Think not of ‘why’, perhaps, if that can be at all done,” he added, chuckling lightly. “Just go. Walk, at your pace. Walk, among the colors, and the sensations, and the history. Don’t ask questions, not for a while, let your mind wander and wonder...” He paused for just a breath, taking a few, practiced steps that brought him in before her. He spread his forelegs and wings, standing on his hind legs for a brief moment, his gown wide and majestic. “You are welcome here, allow yourself to be welcomed, to be touched and changed by what shall happen. Listen for the wind, strong and fierce outside, but gentle and mysterious in here. Forget about the world that you know, and instead plunge yourself deep into this place, where memories are expressed alongside hopes... and feel.”

Twilight was listening carefully, as something about Ebony Crescent’s words, put together with the incredible aura of the gallery, was awakening something inside her. For but a brief moment, perhaps the last moment of logical thinking, she considered that such an introduction had little to do with the Count Brother being ‘nowhere to be seen’... but as he lithely moved to the side, like a mountain spirit allowing her further access to its strange realm, Twilight couldn’t really pay attention to where the stallion was. Other figures were inviting her to come, to join them, wishing to show her Noctraliya’s most wonderful vistas and its proudest moments, done in gemstones, infused by moonlight, painting themselves with its illumination on the ephemeral cloth.

Cloth that was, indeed, moving and swaying, as Twilight’s every step was causing the material to shift and change, reacting to the faintest of breaths and the smallest of movements. It was mesmerizing to see this incredible, gentle dance, which was giving the manifesting compositions a semblance of life, even if for a short while. Twilight soon spotted, with awe, the strong and stoic visage of Nadir, the Fang of the Goddess, High General Ebon Fang, materializing in the distance. The shifting of the cloth almost made her lips move, as if her call, for the Moon to shine down, was to resound in but a moment. Twilight almost heard it, when a gale buffeted the hall from the side.

Further along, many other visages and places manifested themselves. The majestic peak of the Sanctuary appeared, like a mirage in the desert, the grasses of the plateau around it moving in the cloth wind. The greenery of the Valleys, with topaz oranges and amethyst grapes, lit up a portion of the gallery, and Twilight could almost smell the ripe freshness as it did. A pair of batponies, unknown to her, suddenly emerged on yet another piece of gossamer fabric, descending down a might slope, like two hawks diving for their prey, but the expressions conveyed joy, solidarity… and love.

Twilight was told to let go of her analytical thinking, and she did her best to do so. The one thing that she held onto, to explain before herself what she was actually seeing, was the realization that the entire hallway, lined with stained glass windows, was also outfitted with delicate, woven curtains of some incredibly fine material, likely some sort of silk, of all things. The light passing into the gallery, changing due to the Moon’s position and the clouds passing through the sky, was making images manifest themselves not on the marble ground, but against those hangings, as they served as a form of canvas.

More so, the cloth actually looked like it was shifting on its own, likely on some form of a mechanism, the clicking hiding in the gales of wind. It caused them to face the onlooker at a perfect angle time after time, which was exactly what made the images appear and disappear. Naturally, some of them must have been visible only during specific parts of the night, which meant that visiting the Grand Peaks Gallery at different times brought with itself a chance to see yet undiscovered wonders! And still there was enough room left in between those curtains to appreciate the windows themselves, regardless of the time, to drink from the painstaking work which had brought to life an abundance of scenes from batpony history, as well as breathtaking representations of various regions and landmarks.

It was, however, in the middle of this enchanting hallway, that Twilight found herself almost incapacitated by the sight she could witness. As it was right and just, as some would put it, the visage of the Immaculate Moon was present in one of the windows, done in sapphires and diamonds, jet and dark amethyst, bringing the Goddess’ presence to the gallery. Her features were sharp and distinguished, her gaze was kind and motherly, even if her gown was delicate and, some would claim, daring. It was more like a feint cloud against the Moon’s surface than an actual dress, only to hide what was meant to remain hidden out of decency. And yet, for whatever reason, this image was invoking in Twilight only the most noble of thoughts, that of witnessing a patron deity for all those who sought inspiration, all who hoped to bring beauty to the world.

Out of nowhere, Ebony Crescent’s hoof appeared in her field of vision. “Look there…”

The suggestion felt to her like a command, so engrossed she was in the sights around her. And, indeed, she found out that, among the stars which accompanied the Immaculate Moon, a constellation was created, one that she couldn’t at first name, not recognizing it from any of her astronomical studies. But when she looked at it pushing away logic and reason, she quickly realized that it wasn’t meant to be a real, star pattern… but a tribute.

“Who is that…?” she asked, and was met with Ebony Crescent’s sad laugh.

“That’s… my father, Brilliant Crescent,” the Count Brother revealed. “This is my uncle’s hope, this is our hope, locked in the gems. Even if, after what happened to… to dad, there is no way of telling…”

Twilight was reminded of the poor stallion’s fate, but before her thoughts pushed her into the chasm of a wicked smile, so ingrained in her memory, moonlight poured in through the window with great force. On the nearby, ephemeral canvas, the likeness of the Immaculate Moon came to life, followed by the silhouette of a noble pony, who seemed to follow her like a loyal attendant.

Somehow, Twilight managed to turn her head away from the incredible sight, to witness Ebony Crescent looking at the image of his father with tears welling in his eyes. He contained himself, though the next sentences he uttered almost caused Twilight to follow in his stead.

“Dad… This is Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Equestria,” he spoke, trying to sound official, which only made the situation the more touching. “Twilight Sparkle, this… this is…”

He didn’t have to finish, Twilight didn’t require that of him. She just came nearer and placed her hoof on his shoulder. Maybe breaking a cultural code, but wishing to repair and put together a grieving pony’s soul, which was much more important.

Ebony Crescent managed to meet her gaze after a moment, those pear eyes wide and enchanting in their depth. He turned just a little and she felt his hoof reaching for hers.

Twilight allowed it to happen, as the way he grasped it spoke of the hurt inside of him. She felt that, especially in this space, filled with gentle moonlight, suffused with artistry both majestic and tender, they could share this moment of understanding.

Something shined in the stallion’s pear eyes, something that Twilight couldn’t name, but could feel, without a doubt. A connection, forming between them in the midst of blessed illumination, a comprehension that went past what she had been aiming at initially, when she reached out to console him.

Ebony Crescent didn’t shift at all, his eyes didn’t even blink, staring deep into Twilight’s own. He did nothing but gaze at her, like he was a motionless, chiseled statue of noble marble and dark sandstone, and yet the force of that stare was enough to kindle something in her.

She recognized the stillness and the silence around them, she grasped that tenderness which had managed to tiptoe into their moment… and she found herself falling into that moment, losing herself in it for a breath.

Twilight realized that her eyelids had gently dropped, and that her lips had parted but a little. She recognized that, out of nowhere, her head had shifted an inch in his direction…

Worry punctured her heart with its cold needle as she realized what was happening.

She was ready to kiss him.

She wanted to kiss him.

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