• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LXVII – Scenery

The travel to the lands of the Dusk Family was rather quiet.

Both when it came to the actual flight... and the lack of further conversation.

Twilight actually found herself reluctant to open her mouth. She definitely wasn’t going to force Lord Dusk Harvest to hold a casual chat. She wouldn’t mind it, as talking like that did wonders when it came to just learning of the other pony, their character, their preferences.

However... it was immediately blatant that the Lord’s attempts at warning her had taken a lot of his strength. And confidence. He still wasn’t looking Twilight’s way at all, actually. Perfectly content and willing to spend the rest of their shared journey staring through the window of the carriage instead.

Thankfully, he had managed to calm down enough, as Twilight wasn’t the only one worried about his well-being.

Blossom had returned to her perch only after assuring herself that the Lord was alright, despite his weak protests. He had, himself, claimed that she was a special bat and, honestly, Twilight would have to agree. Even as she had decided to finally take some time to rest and snooze, she would occasionally stir and give Dusk Harvest a glance from her black, bat eyes, which spoke of nothing but devotion and a deep sense of duty.

Remarkable. Fluttershy would absolutely love to meet Blossom, that much was certain! If it wouldn’t be too much of a bother to perhaps make it happen one night, naturally.

And, speaking of which, Twilight had indeed decided that she was not going to be bothering the Lord herself. First of all, she was grateful for his candor and willingness to aid her. It had cost him a lot. For any other pony it would be a simple, everyday task. Well, at least when it came to actually expressing themselves. But not for Dusk Harvest. So he deserved to have a moment for himself to recuperate.

Besides, it wasn’t the worst of idea in general to take some time and gather one’s thoughts. Reorganize them. Twilight had definitely made the right choice to do just that, especially after so many things having happened over the past couple of nights. It had also turned out to be a good idea due to her wonderful, woolly seat. She had to confess, she had almost fallen asleep twice just because of how soft her temporary accommodation was.

But with so many things to consider, slumber was rather simple to fight against. There was Count Ebony Crescent and his debonair invitation, the message from Princess Celestia, brought forth by Discord nonetheless. There was that strange “barrier” she had witnessed... Rowan Berry’s actions... Yes, it was also all too easy to just get lost in such a thicket of topics.

And Twilight needed focus aplenty to tackle these. She couldn’t be distracted at all in the nights to come.

She took a deep, measured breath and exhaled even slower. She... could do it. Despite it all, she had hope that she could. And that feeling, swelling inside her just a little, was sometimes just enough help her manage and continue on... Like a gift. Like a blessing.

Her inhale, as she soon found out, did spawn some attention.

And a sound, which cut through her focus. Because Dusk Harvest’s voice was a rarity which had not been heard about the carriage much for the last couple of hours.

“A-are you n-nervous, Honored P-Princess?”

His very first words after their initial conversation were filled with care for Twilight’s state. She had to admit, that was something remarkable.

She shifted fully in his direction, in this small gesture of additional respect.

“Not really, Honored Lord, simply... organizing things in my head a little,” she told him and truthfully. “This is an important mission for me, you are well aware. And for more reasons than just political ones. So I want to make sure I approach it with the right mindset. One that requires focus, but also a certain calm.”

The Lord smiled. Though briefly and nervously. “I b-believe I u-understand. Though I s-suppose it c-comes easier to s-some,” he pointed out, looking through the window of the carriage. However, that caused his eyes to suddenly light up. His whole expression beamed in an instant, actually. “B-but you know w-what h-helps me a l-lot in d-dealing with the ch-chaos in my h-head, H-Honored P-Princess?”

“What would that be, Honored Lord?” Twilight asked, genuinely intrigued by what he meant. And what he must have just seen.

“R-reminding m-myself why I a-am d-doing it i-in the f-first place,” he told her, gently pointing through the glass. “F-find out for y-yourself and t-tell me.”

Twilight craned her neck a little to witness what he was referring to...

... then immediately slid across the seats, to get a better view. Immediately being the keyword.

The carriage was coming closer and closer to what appeared to be a major precipice, as the peaks that Twilight could spot ahead appeared much more distant, betraying the presence of an approaching valley. So far the transport had been going through a number of tunnels mostly and she had a distinct feeling that they had reached a notably lower altitude... at least somewhat, if the popping in her ears was any indication.

At that moment, a much more unobstructed horizon stretched out before the transport, ready to grant the onlookers vistas aplenty.

And Twilight could begin anticipating them already.

The carriage was still following the strand of the river. The very same that was weaving itself around the Sanctuary and, quite possibly the same that Count Ebony Crescent had been describing with his performance. Twilight hadn’t heard all of that particular piece, but she could imagine how even a majestic river like this one began. Now, however, it was much, much more than just a crystal and joyous mountain stream. Underneath the carriage roared a majestic current, only gaining in speed and strength. For a proper reason, naturally, as the edge of the mountain range that they were approaching must have been crowned with a majestic and rapid waterfall...

... marking, as Twilight had quickly deduced and what had prompted her sudden pique of interest, the border of the Valleys. This very river must have been the place’s main, watery benefactor. And the waterfall was towering over the basin below, as if a protector or a generous monarch.

When the riverbed suddenly ended with the rapids plummeting down below, it felt appropriate to hold one’s breath. For Twilight spotted just how far down the slope went. The great cascade continued for hundreds and hundreds of meters, creating a substantial plunge pool, though its full scope was hidden with a cloud of watery mist. But from this mighty landing, the river did quickly follow down and down yet, through a series of smaller cataracts which became a natural staircase further into the famed hollow of Noctraliya’s sustenance. And even from this distance Twilight could try and spot the great stones protruding through the river’s flow, marking those smaller steps and slopes.

How had Rowan Berry called one of the regions of Noctraliya? Was it the Cataracts, actually?

These must have been them... and Twilight would witness those even better from the other window at that point. So she gave Lord Dusk Harvest a slightly apologetic look as she slid across her seat to the other end of the carriage. But the stallion appeared rather merry about her enjoyment at the marvelous sight. His own eyes, usually so skittish, were exuding joy quite visibly, after all.

For a good reason, Twilight would confess. The waterway looked resplendent and unique in its raw flow... and then the less natural one. Because not even the majestic, rapid river could at that point hold her attention. When she took in the scope of the Valleys underneath her.

Witnessing for her own why this particular region held such a grand significance for the batponies.

Here lay orchards upon orchards, dense and verdant, swaying in the wind with leaf and fruit. Trees of many shapes and sizes, some familiar, some exotic, all tended to, all organized as it was proper and best. Seemingly countless gardens appeared and appeared, colorful and joyous next to the stoic and responsible plantations also stretching far and wide.

And high! Because it quickly became apparent that the noctrali had not spared any possible space their horticultural influence, creating a complex, multilayered and branching edifice of terraces and reinforced escarpments. Even from this height, Twilight could spot an entire mosaic of differing crops, combined and based around a true maze of canals and aqueducts, pumps and dikes that used the great river to its full extent, regulating its flow... whilst not taking away its beauty.

Anything and everything was designed for and dedicated to the singular purpose of feeding Noctraliya’s population.

And while Twilight had been prepared to see something akin to a great farmland, indeed... the very sight underneath her exceeded expectations with relative ease.

And gave her a new outlook on things.

Equestria was blessed with its fertile lands and great, open expanses. That and the presence of earth ponies, with their instinctual and deep connection with the soil, resulted in far-stretching farms and an abundance of food for everypony. Nopony could go hungry when the earth itself provided, taken care of by the natural power of the nation’s earth pony inhabitants. And more. For how far could orchards and gardens go without the steady and responsible work of the pegasi, helping with clouds and wind, providing rain when needed and ample sunlight when necessary. And in the old times, the unicorns had held their place in this order, responsible for the movement of celestial bodies. And though the Royal Sisters had taken that role upon themselves, the application of magic in matters of land and produce was still much appreciated and assuring more than enough food for every hungry muzzle.

But here? Batponies had no magical connection with the land, no way of controlling the weather, no arcane spells to help fertility nor organization. What they had was their strength and their perseverance. And, as Twilight was willing to accept, a healthy amount of dogged tenacity against the challenge of life in the mountains. Willfully confined in their rough domain, they had decided to thrive as much as possible in spite of all the difficulty. And the Valleys were like a living and flourishing testament to that.

There was no earth pony instinct here, but construction, planning and grit. No pegasi-managed weather, but forethought, prediction and protection from the elements. No unicorn spells, but calculation, fertilization and innovation. And whilst it would be foolhardy to discern all of the techniques that the batponies had come up with over the centuries, it was appropriate to praise the organization and scope of things blatant even from this distance.

“Honored Lord... this is astounding,” Twilight uttered towards Dusk Harvest.

And she could swear that she heard a little, nervous chuckle. “Thank y-you, h-hwalba k-k-knaze, b-but it’s j-just f-fields, no?”

He asked and she could tell a loaded question immediately. “ ‘Just’ fields?”

“A-alright,” he immediately gave way, but with a small smile. “M-maybe some t-tough work a-as well.”

He got that right, oh yes.

When the carriage was making a left turn, Twilight followed the changing landscape with more curiosity yet. What caught her interest in particular was the... omnipresent greenery. Yes, that was understandable in a place like this, and yet... Aside from all of these orchards and gardens, ripe with oranges and pears, grapes and watermelons, as those she could try and easily discern, and aside from the pastures higher up, where the great sheep flocks were residing, there was... very little when it came to things like farmhouses or barns or warehouses or anything of the sort. Almost every scrap of land was dedicated thoroughly to producing crops or providing water for them or supporting them, like those terraces were... And the remaining infrastructure was nowhere to be found.

Which must have meant one, simple thing. Underneath the Valleys, beneath the soil and the roots, right underneath these wonders of horticulture... an entire community, a hidden municipality worked and organized matters, so that whatever place that could bear fruit was utilized to its full extent without spending precious lands on anything more. Every piece of soil seemed absolutely necessary to be cultivated.

Now she understood what Midnight had meant, having said that the Dalli were a crucial area and, as technically outside of the sole jurisdiction of but one Family, were under the care of all the Mountains. For it must have taken a “mountain” of batponies in its own right to work in such a grand region and keep it taken care of. And, surely, there was far more below than just a set of caverns for simply storing food, as she imagined that portions of each Family had permanent residences under the Valleys and worked in agreement to maintain this great initiative. Constantly.

And... that also prompted Twilight to ask.

“If I might, Honored Lord,” she began, having in mind their previous conversation, “I have been told that the Dalli are considered a region kept outside of the hold of but one Family. And yet, as I also understood, you would allow me to visit them rather freely, with your companionship or somepony else’s. I was, more so, told that you are considered the protector and overseer of the Valleys... Can I learn how does that work, precisely, then?”

“N-naturally,” Dusk Harvest replied, turning to her a little more. “Y-you see, H-Honored Princess, D-Dalli are c-considered neutral g-ground, much l-l-like the S-Sanctuary. H-however, s-since f-food production c-currently is o-one of o-our greatest ch-challenges, h-haspadri a R-Rodine Waesper that c-come from the f-f-fruittender caste a-are u-usually granted a v-vote of c-c-c—” He scrunched his muzzle and tried to desperately push the word out.


Twilight attempted to help, though that only made Dusk Harvest raise his hoof and try further.

Confidence!” he shouted, waking poor Blossom up. For which he looked rather guilty. “Ia ecus. And s-sorry, Honored P-Princess. I-if I d-d-don’t say i-it... I f-feel even w-worse,” he explained, apologetic to both of them. “B-but, yes, I w-was granted a-additional p-powers over the p-place from the o-other L-Lords. I happen t-to be s-skilled and t-t-taught j-just enough, I s-suppose.”

“With all due respect,” Twilight responded, definitely catching the Lord’s attention, “if your esteemed colleagues with their... differing approaches to life and politics have all agreed on the matter, that only proves that you must be a true expert who they can trust in this regard.”

She hoped Dusk Harvest wouldn’t take her words as but a blunt attempt at flattery... but she couldn’t be sure, as the stallion didn’t seem at all encouraged by them.

“I-it’s not l-like they w-would ever s-s-see me as a-anything m-more than a g-glorified ‘f-farmer’, as y-you c-call ponies th-that tend t-to the s-soil,” he told her, and Twilight couldn’t discern whether he was making a lamentable joke at his own expense or really thought so much... or indeed, so little, of his situation. “A-at least l-like this I c-can help m-my nation. A-and that’s m-more i-important than p-p-praises aplenty.”

Twilight was going to reply... but decided to abstain. She had many more supportive words for the Lord, yet she felt that she had to measure their use. Especially since it was becoming blatant that Dusk Harvest had a rather... low opinion of himself. Whilst understanding his own importance and, from what Twilight had heard, fulfilling his obligations and then some, there seemed to be a lot of self-depreciation coming from him.

Aiding him would be a bit difficult. But remained the right thing to do, she convinced herself anew.

Twilight felt the carriage slowing down at that very moment. Suggesting that the end of the flight was at hoof. Strangely, however, the sights outside did not disappear completely. No tunnel had been reached that lead to a landing cavern, like those in other peaks. On her right, Twilight could still witness the vast expanse of the verdant Valleys, showcasing all of their sweet and crucial fruit. While on the left... there was a cavernous entrance, marked with a heavy gate.

But it looked like their stop would happen before the proper way into the Mountain of Dusk, on an... outcropping of some sort? Twilight couldn’t really tell before leaving the carriage.

Dusk Harvest reached for his circlet again, putting in on with a swift and nervous move. He took a deep breath.

W-Wredu...” he muttered to himself before Blossom landed on his shoulder and gave him a little, supportive nuzzle. Only then did the Lord look at Twilight again. “P-please, H-Honored Princess. A-after you.”

Being allowed to exit the transport first, she did step out when the doors were opened and... felt refreshed. Outright. She couldn’t tell why exactly at first, but her senses did let her know, one by one.

First came the temperature. It must have been true, this side of Noctraliya clearly enjoyed a lower altitude altogether. Twilight could clearly feel the air being of a much more agreeable warmth... or, at least, a coldness easier to handle. It actually reminding her of the highlands back home, or Canterlot on a cloudy day. Just without the stuffiness of humidity, but a gentle caress of the mountain wind instead.

Which brought forth the second sensation to enjoy. The gentle whiff of vegetation and greenery in the air, cutting through the crisp freshness of the Alps’ air. It was almost instinctive for Twilight to try and actually find the smell of fruit... and she could swear that she did catch some hints of orange in her deep inhale.

And, thirdly, came her realization as to their current position. It became apparent that the entrance to the Mountain of Dusk was placed slightly into the mouth of a cavern, looking out directly above the Valleys. The rocks around her were... not just grey, however. Come to think of it, there was a distinctive shortage of the monotone, dull color that she had witnessed all over during the last weeks. No, this particular grotto had... beige... and cream! Bronze and hints of blue! And yellow!

Twilight wasn’t perhaps an expert on caverns, but she almost immediately figured out the nature of the place. A solutional cave! And she was only reinforced in her belief when witnessing a marked amount of stalactites and stalagmites at the edges of their landing place. Yes, they were away from the central approach, which had instead been chiseled and cleared appropriately for safety reasons, but there seemed no other attempts to take away the natural beauty of such a cave!

Now she was left to wonder whether the interior of the Iug was quite so full of natural rock formations? The Mountain of Fang had had very little interference when it came to its inherent charm... Were the Dusks treating their home the same way? What sort of wonders lay inside?

But Twilight was getting ahead of herself, she immediately realized. And that she was getting constantly focusing on new observations again and again.

Still something more caught her attention. Made her curiosity flair up quite a lot, actually. Because, well... there wasn’t much of a welcoming committee prepared to greet the Lord back at his Mountain. There was definitely no sign of Dusk Harvest’s Assembly! Weren’t they supposed to be about, to pay homage to their ruler? At most Twilight did spot a small unit of the local militia, standing at attention to recognize Dusk Harvest’s presence. But with just the carriages, the Lord’s sentinels getting out of them alongside Midnight and Rowan Berry... it looked like the bare minimum.

And that was putting it mildly. Of course, Twilight wasn’t going to be assuming and lofty, but... wasn’t she a guest? Didn’t she deserve a welcome? At least a symbolic one?

Fortunately, those were the former observations that made her ask, and not a sudden resurgence of self-importance. And she spoke up a bit reluctantly, not to appear presumptuous.

“Honored Lord... I... cannot help but notice that there aren’t too many ponies about...”

Dusk Harvest, having stepped out of the carriage, glanced at her and then... just shrugged abruptly. But it wasn’t surprise that caused his gesture, quite the opposite.

“I-if you w-were expecting m-my Syinod to p-prostrate themselves b-b-before me, I h-have a l-long time a-ago r-relinquished that h-h-honor. What’s th-the p-point? E-everybody’s q-quite busy. N-no time f-for unnecessary p-p-posturing.”

Now that was rather unexpected. Twilight did wonder if practicality was really the name of the game here... or was it the Lord’s lack of confidence which had stopped him from organizing proper welcomes for himself. And while she wasn’t a hard fan of the fanfare and panoply herself, no... there was a place for it, definitely. Especially in a society like this, she thought.

Dusk Harvest kept looking at her, obviously trying to read her on the spot. “I-if y-you are d-d-displeased about a l-lack of a w-welcoming c-c-committee for y-you, Honored P-Princess...”

“No, not at all!” Twilight immediately protested, shaking her head. “I’m not looking for that at all, Honored Lord, I’m simply... used to seeing something else from the Lords of Noctraliya...”

The haspadr looked at her with a gaze that combined annoyance with clearly having anticipated her words. Well, he knew rulers like Midnight Eye much better than her, she imagined. And even Blossom seemed interested in sharing that stare, but one of her ears flicked just after and her small muzzle turned immediately towards the Mountain’s entrance.

Well, perhaps there was meant to be a slightly more reasonable welcoming still. Twilight did also hear a metallic clank that echoed around the cavern’s mouth. The small wicket in the main gate’s left wing opened wide and a selection of mares and stallions in elegant robes stepped out with practiced grace, creating a double lane from the way in.

Twilight had a little moment to admire the style and quality of their attires. Those were, quite likely, courtiers from the Lord’s palace. Their presentation also matched the idea of ponies serving a local leader, as they were not only well-dressed and behaved, but rather comely by batpony... and general standards, to be fair. Though, there was nothing surprising about finding servants for a royal dwelling who could fit the place with their looks. Naturally, there were other important criteria, more than attractiveness and yet... everything had its place.

And those ponies had found theirs. Right now they were, literally, in-waiting, clearly prepared to soon welcome or give assistance to...

... to...


... who was that?

Twilight was stunned. Thoroughly.

She could do nothing. Nothing else but confess before herself... and anypony even vaguely interested, that her thought process simply stopped in place for a brief moment. Which, especially for her, spoke volumes.

Other than that... she could pretty certainly admit that her heart had done a little jump in her chest. And her eyes also had widened... and widened remained. Perhaps to better understand why exactly had her entire field of vision shaken and then focused solely on the wicket’s threshold.

Twilight, simultaneously, understood the reason why and utterly didn’t...

She actually found herself blinking a number of times as well, just to make sure that she wasn’t... seeing things. And were she not stunned in place she would be definitely rubbing her eyes. Because, without any of that... she would think that she was actually dreaming.

And that the dream was becoming rather... interesting. One could say daunting. Another would even call it venturesome.

Through the gate of the Mountain of Dusk stepped out only the most alluring and attractive batpony that Twilight had ever seen. And that wasn’t any exaggeration. She could still well recall the captivating beauty of arcemandre Shadebloom, the matron-like dignity of Midnight Iris, the youthful, self-assured energy and blossoming appeal of Kindlefang... even the exuberant guise of Sunfall Ordain and the mysterious allure of the late Dusk Stream, as Twilight had witnessed it in the depiction in the Family scrolls...

But the mare... that mare... who was trotting forth with so much calm presence, such intense and overflowing charisma of her looks alone... She was a vision. Nothing less.

Actually... Twilight was pretty certain about her preferences when it came to ponies she would find attractive. Also in a desirable way. And those were, well... stallions. She would dare say exclusively so. But... she couldn’t deny that she found herself quite dazed and stupefied by the sheer presence of this newcomer. To the point of deliberating feeling a sudden... crush which had tried to develop inside her?

She would check around to see if others were witnessing the same thing, but... she temporarily couldn’t bear looking away in any shape or form.

Honestly, Twilight had seen enough pictures of models back home. Like Fleur de Lis, for example, the captivating Prench beauty. Ponies chosen for their natural appeal and elegance, whose glamour was a good league or two above all others.

... some of those mares could make even Twilight feel inadequate and imperfect in her looks... n-not that she was insecure about herself to actually worry about such comparisons, of course not!

But the mare approaching the carriages, almost drifting forth between the entourage of servants? She could definitely make others question their meager appeal...

There was something about her that could be named... otherworldly. Was it the way she carried herself? There was almost no bounce in her trot, giving her the appearance like she was literally sliding forth, or levitating an inch above the ground, not to sully her perfect hooves against it. Keeping a perfect stance at all times. Her movement was graceful and light, practiced and yet so natural... The way the her long, dark mane swayed around her head, like the majestic wings of a night’s bird or a bat, gliding above lush vales and mountaintops. There was a shine to the mare’s faintly wavy strands that spoke of the great care being taken to maintain them, as much as Twilight could tell. And she could. It was all too easy to!

But with that posture and that mane came the mare’s other main, incredible features.

Notably, her eyes, the hue of lemon and fire, gold and daffodil. Something about them made it hard to find just one color or word to properly describe them, as if all of those tones were swirling and mixed in this stare, creating a unique, one of a kind, kaleidoscopic mosaic. These were the eyes of a lady, of a noble pony, but filled with calmness and kindness in place of pride and haughtiness, which seemed to have been purged clean from her gaze. Perhaps that was what had given them their incredible hues?

And the mare’s muzzle... it had been chiseled, it had been shaped, it had been drawn and it had been measured, like a deliberate piece of art, chosen to allure and astound any and all onlookers. It was almost as if a strange, hallowed aura was constantly being projected about the mare’s face, so compelling and drawing in it was, so deeply wreathed in mystery and presence.

Twilight was a breath away from finally asking aloud who that could have been... but she had already been given enough tips, even in her shock. Although... a part of her brain was almost ready to accept that the very Goddess, the Immaculate Moon had decided to take on a mortal guise and greet her and Dusk Harvest.

And that thought persisted even through the sobering reminder that Twilight knew Princess Luna personally.

Thankfully, the hints were there. The entourage, following the mare with loyalty and silence... The rich, if straightforward, dress in the color of the darkest night’s sky, lightly trailing behind her like a liquid shadow... The way that the mare was looking on, with loyalty and dedication, to the noble pony standing right next to Twilight.

This... was this really Dusk Flight? The Lord Consort of Dusk Family?

The charming mare’s presence only grew as she got close. But not in an oppressive way. Quite the opposite. There was a calming majesty in the proximity of that batpony, when she offered a most polite and almost reverential curtsy before Dusk Harvest.

Neskaza Lunee... welae tuu noc illum. Bida witaynu, iaeu haspadr i marit...

That voice...!

Twilight felt her ears flicking, instinctively trying to turn all the way towards Dusk Flight. For even the brief melody of her sentence carried with itself such sweet attraction of alto, such tenderness of timbre, that one felt the urge to hear and listen more and more, locked in place for all time.

Just those few words made the back of Twilight’s mouth tingle just a little... with a slight sensation which began at her neck and started venturing down and down her spine, leaving a trail of goosebumps.

The Lord offered back a rather small and skittish nod in return, motioning for Dusk Flight to straighten back up. Seemingly immune to his wife’s charm. And then making Twilight realize that the Lord Consort stood at least an inch or two taller than her husband, considering her svelte, remarkable figure.

I w-welae N-Neskaza Lunee... i-illum t-tueu noc t-tez, haspadre h-hitve W-Waesper L-L-Leete...” he uttered, his voice remaining... surprisingly neutral in the presence of such a mare. Even if his consort for many years. “T-tue nye p-potrebee w-wen... Ia n-nye ewoce t-tue.

Dusk Flight looked at her husband for a second longer, then her incredible eyes fell down, as if in shame. Or worry. Enough said that this dreadful change made Twilight’s heart wail almost.

Musyie iae bid dicte wen, salw terg iaeu marit...?

There was something deeply moving about her question, Twilight felt it. Though the Lord, apparently, didn’t.

N-nye, ale t-tue habe t-tueu opes. T-tue nye p-potreb weksat,” he replied in a casual tone.

Maybe too casual...?

But there was but a little opportunity to think on that. Especially when Dusk Flight’s eyes found Twilight’s own.

It was all too easy to fall into those. To drown into the depth of their hue. To lose oneself in the emotions they conveyed. That stare was so intense that one couldn’t even be asked to blink, not to lose it for a split second. It was all-encompassing. And yet not... domineering. Tender.

“My most humble greetings, Honored Princess of Equestria...” the mare spoke, adding the compulsion over Twilight’s ears to the one over her gaze. And then offered a customary curtsy.

Though it was most proper, while a little less reverential than one before Dusk Harvest, Twilight still felt herself unworthy to receive a gesture of subservience from such a beautiful pony...

Well, somepony had to pull herself together at that point, because this was getting out of hoof.

Twilight managed to glance at the Lord finally, considering whether he would be introducing his wife... but understood that his stammer was making him a little reluctant, maybe. Besides, she could take matters in her own hooves once more. There was nothing bad or inappropriate about it.

“A great pleasure to meet you, Lord Consort Dusk Flight. For I do have the pleasure of speaking with you, don’t I?”

... that was, perhaps, somewhat less eloquent than what Twilight had planned... but she was happy to utter even that much through the remnants of her passing daze over the other mare’s closeness.

The said mare before her, beautifully looming over her when she straightened up, only smiled humbly.

“I had no idea you would know my name, hwalba knaze...” she replied and even her accent as she spoke Equestrian sounded remarkable to Twilight’s ears. Imposing, and yet not. “I am further honored to make your acquaintance... I hope that my presence and short greeting have not already interfered with whatever plans you might have, now that you have arrived at our Mountain...”

Strange. One would expect a certain aloofness and hauteur from somepony of that rank and that beauty... as this stereotype was sadly reinforced by many ponies who Twilight could begin naming. Mostly the members of Canterlot’s “elite”, as she had stumbled upon those during her years as Princess Celestia’s student and later. But Dusk Flight...? No. Not even an ounce of pride was present in her. And her words only reinforced that.

“Quite the opposite, Honored Lord Consort. It’s a singular joy to meet you.”

Dusk Flight said nothing at that, just gave Twilight a warm, if little smile, which made even her sharp fangs look like a most friendly trait.

The mare took a step back afterwards, looking to her husband. As if to immediately again make it obvious that he was the most important pony about and she was merely a companion, nothing more. And the Lord acknowledged that gesture too, though with but a nod...

... but somepony... well “someone” else had their sights on the Lord Consort, despite that shift of attention.

Occupied with Dusk Flight, Twilight hadn’t paid much attention to Blossom, sitting on Dusk Harvest’s shoulder. Yet now one could spot that the little bat was trying to keep her composure like the good pet she was... but she could barely contain the excitement over seeing the alluring mare. Her little muzzle was radiant with a toothy smile as she occasionally flapped her wings just a little, as a sign of joy.

The Lord spotted that easily and finally another grimace of good humor, if small, manifested on his muzzle briefly. “Irae, Kiwarule...” he uttered, which prompted the bat to take flight almost immediately and swoop towards the mare in the blink of an eye.

Blossom, with an expression of pure bliss and the eagerness of a little foal, attached herself to Dusk Flight’s chest. Right over the mare’s heart, almost burrowing herself in the dark dress. In a wonderful show of adoration and miniature love. Affection which was gladly returned in the form of a kind, delicate hug, as Dusk Flight cradled the bat against herself in an almost motherly embrace of her left foreleg... making Twilight realize something out of a sudden.

Blossom wasn’t the Lord’s pet.

At least, not entirely. From the way that she pressed her little, grey body to the mare and the manner that Dusk Flight lowered her muzzle to nuzzle the top of the bat’s small head... That was little Blossom’s mistress.

And it suddenly made so much sense to Twilight. She had considered the bat to be a comfort companion... and Blossom was that. But she was yet more.

It was surely Dusk Flight that had been sending Blossom alongside her husband, on purpose. Definitely so, if Twilight would be inclined to bet so strongly. To help the stallion in his stammer, with presence and gentle nuzzling. To encourage him with her antics and little, toothy smiles. To protect him with her fierce, if petite heart... like in the case of attacking Bright Crescent’s mane so viciously. It was all so that, when faced with challenges aplenty, Dusk Harvest would not be entirely alone. Tackling the issues of Noctraliya despite his difficulties with a little, fanged help.

And the Lord’s expression betrayed that Twilight was right. He managed to even let out a small chuckle that, for once, did not sound nervous when he witnessed the sight of his wife cradling dear Blossom. But then his eyes lowered for a brief moment... and Twilight saw a glint of shame in them?

Yet when he looked back up, that strange glimpse was all but gone. “H-Honored P-Princess, m-my sentinels w-will help you with y-your luggage. Y-you shall be s-staying in o-our palace w-wing. I-if you would b-be so k-kind as to f-f-follow...”

“Naturally. I’m grateful for the opportunity and the hospitality,” Twilight replied, nodding in gratitude.

“We also have a little feast prepared to mark your arrival,” Dusk Flight added, with another humble smile. She was still holding Blossom close to herself, like a doting mother. “So you can partake of the boons of the lands yonder...”

Dusk Harvest glanced at his wife... then nodded as well, though with a slight delay. When he began trotting away, followed by Dusk Flight, Twilight could swear that she heard his voice.

T-tue myislee m-minten?

And it wasn’t a pleasant tone which he used...

Twilight felt like taking note of that... but again caught herself trailing Dusk Flight with her gaze instead. Focused on her flowing dress and her dark tail. The shadows of an alluring apparition, almost literally floating across the cavern’s floor. Mysterious and beguiling.

Only the appearance of Midnight and Rowan Berry managed to break Twilight out of that momentary spell. Though it was apparent that she wasn’t the only one that had been forced to fight against Dusk Flight’s remarkable charm and captivating presence.

Kirwe...” Twilight heard a whispered expletive. And it wasn’t Midnight that used it, which was the more stunning. “I’ve always known that she was beautiful to behold, but I’ve never seen her so close before...” Rowan Berry admitted, her voice sounding a little breathy. And it had less to do with just whispering than one would think.

“You and me both,” Midnight admitted, shaking his head and exhaling. “Ha, Bena Bogine, I see why there would be rumors about... I imagine half the place must be gawking at her constantly. If only that...”

Twilight turned to her companions, using the fact that the sentinels were still taking care of all the luggage. That and the Lord and Lord Consort trotting away calmly did grant the three of them some measure of privacy, even if they were in the open.

“I’m glad to know that I wasn’t the only one hallucinating an astonishing mare about the place,” she admitted, even causing Midnight to smirk a little. “She’s... she’s breathtaking...” she admitted to herself and both of them. And they all were in consensus, for once. “But... what rumors do you have in mind, Midnight Wind? I’m not sure if I liked your tone there...”

He just gave her a stare. Which was as keen as “topical”. And Twilight found herself inhaling in understanding.

“Oh... So you did mean...? About the Family not having...?”

She didn’t finish. First of all, there was no need. Second, nopony wanted to be overheard talking about that matter just after meeting the local host and his partner. Yes, they were far enough now not to hear what the conversation was about, but there was never enough caution when it came to discussing things like that.

Midnight leaned in just a little, his own voice lowered. But not conspiratorial. Whispering was also not the best of choices. Might have looked like propagating the same rumors he was hinting at, actually.

“I mean... married to such a pony for more than ten years and still lacking an heir?” he asked, quite rhetorically. Very much so, because it was all too easy to guess what he meant. “You know, I don’t want to be crude—”

“Then don’t be,” Rowan Berry interjected, shaking her head. “We both know what you want to say, I believe. Honestly, I would be on the verge of saying it. And more. Maybe about both. If only were I not a healer, knowing that sometimes... things just don’t happen.”

Twilight suddenly felt very uncomfortable. She could provide commentary about that... but at least some of it felt redundant. And touching upon things which were extremely private. Expectations concerning the extension of a bloodline notwithstanding.

“Actually... she strikes me as not only beautiful, but also... kind. Motherly, if you know what I mean. Could that have anything to do with the fact that... well...”

The healer hissed just a little, not to have any echo happen. “That’s the exact issue, I think. There’s a... discrepancy? Is that the word?”

“Could be, yes,” Twilight told her... though not knowing what precisely Rowan Berry did mean yet.

“You saw there, Blossom, right?” the healer pointed out, looking after Dusk Flight. With her gaze lingering a moment longer than just a casual glance would have it. “Haspadre hitve is not only a Lord’s wife, she’s actually one of the foremost bat breeders in the land, her skills are already described as tale-worthy. And anypony handling our little brothers could tell you, hwalba knaze, that they are a hooffull and a half. Honestly, she has all the skills and traits that could make her a wonderful mother. And yet... nothing. On top of that, she is actually said to have a...”

Rowan Berry didn’t finish. The tone of her voice spoke loudly enough, though its volume was controlled.

Twilight looked at her with a question written on her muzzle, so Midnight took the initiative.

“I would call it ‘rumored reputation’,” he said, with some displeasure in his voice.

Honestly almost causing Twilight’s face to lose color. This was the same kind of annoyance that she could hear from Rowan Berry, actually, right there in her beloved’s tone. About matters of affection and... finding it in the wrong place.

Any truth to that at all, would you say?” Twilight had to ask, turning her head to the healer. Considering that such a gossip would be true seemed almost unimaginable. A mare of such grace? With a ‘reputation’? In this society?

Midnight was the one to speak again, despite the fact that Twilight addressed the question to somepony who would obviously have... additional knowledge.

“It’s just pony nature, I would say,” the stallion told her, sounding a little wistful even. “And I don’t mean Dusk Flight seeking... I don’t know how to call it.”

“Validation? Consolation?” Rowan Berry suggested, but nopony was pleased by her doing it, let alone herself.

Midnight shook his head, hissing delicately. “But what I meant was... seeking something to blame, somepony to blame, even unreasonably, when things become ‘problematic’. That’s usually how it is.” He pondered for a second. “Well, there’s always also desperately seeking help of any sort in the face of a challenge or a crisis... but aid rarely just appears out of nowhere in a flash,” he said, pausing for a breath. “So condemnation it is...”

“Doesn’t mean it’s the right or warranted thing to indulge in, castigating without a real reason,” Twilight told him, her mind occupied fully with the dreadful idea of allegations against Dusk Flight. Despite the fact that she barely knew the mare. But Midnight nodded, accepting her words. “Besides, I’m not sure I want to discuss the gossip right now, if we absolutely must. And I think our luggage is ready, so let’s not delay.”

She was right on that account, at least. Not to mention that it also felt very, very out of place to dwell on such the topic in the open. After having just met such a alluring pony like the Lord Consort.

Twilight looked after her again, as she and her husband had almost reached the gate’s wicket. And it could once more be admired how gracefully did Dusk Flight trot and carry herself. Slightly behind her husband, fulfilling loyally her secondary role next to him. Her muzzle was occasionally turning his way and Twilight could spot a few words being conveyed.

Though... it was hard to say whether any responses were happening.

Truth be told... Dusk Harvest’s tone, when talking with his wife was almost worrying, as well. She wasn’t sure what sentences they had exchanged in her presence, something about Dusk Flight being there...? It was a little harder to translate, since the local pronunciation appeared a little harsher than regular. Or so she thought, hoping it wasn’t caused by the words themselves being stronger... or by the Lord showing that there was something deeply, deeply wrong in the relation of the local, royal couple...

Just one more thing Twilight would have to consider in the hours and nights to come.

For now, however, the interior of the Mountain of Dusk awaited her. And when she crossed the gate, accompanied by her retinue, she could distract herself by immediately beginning to marvel on the look of this wondrous place.

The solutional cavern that they landed in was, honestly, just a prelude. An initial tasting of what Twilight was expecting to find inside. And the scope of things around? Breathtaking in its own right.

First of all, yes, one could say that the place was occupied. Twice over, actually. Both by the batpony architecture and the natural one. The one which had been formed over centuries and centuries into true wonders. Of sharp stalactites, of extensive draperies, of multitude straws, of sturdy stalagmites, of majestic columns and of mighty gatherings of flowstone. All of those in great abundance of shapes and colors and forms. And out of all the places Twilight had visited, this one definitely offered a unique melding of hues and shades of various colors. Both from the plethora of different rocks and minerals about, but also from the way that the local dwellings were formed.

For the Midnights had chiseled their houses in an orderly and stylish fashion, having created a wonderful, hidden city of geometry and form. And Fangs, respecting what was untamed around them, had built onto existing rocks their jagged, wooden dwellings. Like a huge snare, ready for a beast to fall into.

But the Dusks achieved something that could be labelled with one, simple word. And actually one that resonated all the more with Twilight herself.


Balance with the cavern around them, with its unique shape and features. The Family respected the place’s nature, allowed it to permeate their homes, sometimes bending its form, but never breaking it.

And so among the stalagmites stood firm houses that used them as supports. Alongside the columns went carved staircases. And into the flowstones dug further entrances. All done in various, omnipresent rocks and minerals. The architecture of Dusks was practical and adherent to the already present features, never interrupting the natural order of things, but rather utilizing them to the best effect. Not as elegant nor as vibrant nor marked as Twilight had encountered before, but charming in its application.

She... actually found herself smiling briefly. As all around her was the visible mark of a Family that knew what was the primary purpose of their homes.

Shelter after a long night. Rest after a scorching day. That approach showed itself not only in the buildings, but the ponies around as well.

It could be easily enough discerned that not everypony around here was a fruittender. Yet even those that definitely didn’t belong to the caste, where special roles often demanded a certain form of comfortable, sturdy dresses, wore rather snug and composed clothing. Both when it came to design and especially hues, since earthy, muted colors were a definite preference.

However, despite that choice, the embroidery... It was a thing of beauty. Twilight quickly learnt to look around the necks of the locals, for especially there did they enjoy using deliberate and intricate designs on their clothing. Based on floral motives, but wondrously geometrical, with knots and swirls and bends. It was rather fascinating to see some of those long, traditional gowns given a local touch, around the collars and on the ending of sleeves. It definitely made the Family unique in its own right, whilst adhering to what was time-honored.

Two more things stole Twilight’s attention during the walk to the Lord’s place. Despite the fact that the Mountain was at a lower altitude and the outside was almost pleasantly chilly, fuzzy, woolen trims and embellishments were also very popular. But with the abundance of material from the local flocks it wasn’t that surprising!

Second thing, however, was that Twilight did spot a strange... accessory on a group of local ponies. Likely heading outside, to exit the cave and venture into the Valleys. A pair of... glasses? Goggles of some sort? She couldn’t tell, only that they didn’t seem to have actual glass of any sort in them. They were more like a sturdy, singular piece. And that was it...

However, she would have to store those observations for a bit later among the many other topics on her mind. For, as she understood, they were arriving at the Lord’s palace, placed at the very end of this long, unique and quite winding cavern. And Twilight fully expected the residence of Dusk Harvest to be done in the same style as the rest of the local architecture. Blending in with the surroundings with its design and the place’s very hues.

Or not. Since, after all, it was a Lord’s palace! Surely a place like that would stand out in at least some way. Tradition demanded that the local ruler required an appropriate dwelling, right?

What Twilight hadn’t counted on was that, well... the residence seemed to both be a part of the cavern and stand out. And she didn’t just mean its general arrangement.

“Midnight,” she whispered gently, using the fact that her companion trotted a bit closer to her at one moment. “Both of you did tell me that the Lord turned some of his own residence into an infirmary...”

Tac, we did.”

“You meant to say ‘all of it’, right?”

She believed that she wasn’t far off, actually. As much as she could tell from the omnipresent commotion and all the noctrali going about the place. It looked like Dusk Harvest had almost vacated his own palace altogether!

The structure before Twilight, at least on the outside, resembled a long, elaborate portico with many entrances, occupying the curving end of the cave. And all but one of those gateways were busy, with noctrali walking in and out with intent and purpose. The many healers, who could be easily recognized by their garbs, were discussing things or carrying various bundles. And above, on the many galleries, more attendants were helping out, transporting food or bandages. Or an occasional batpony, either on stretches or simply aided in walking around.

Some with blindfolds on their eyes...

It was definitely one, bustling, humongous hospital of floors upon floors. Right at the place that should have been a private estate of the head of the Family.

Twilight was honestly impressed with the sight and the scenario. She trotted a little quicker, hoping that she could address Dusk Harvest before he would enter the last, free doorway, but... something made her slow down. Another, quick observation actually.

... it seemed to her like a new place to visit prompted her to take note of absolutely everything in overabundance... However, she believed that once again she had a good reason for that.

Because, well... she was at that point quite used to having local ponies look directly at her in curiosity. Sometimes distrust. A little respect lately, which was welcome considering all of Twilight’s efforts. And those reactions were really nothing new, but... things were different here. Yes, glances were coming her way aplenty and yet... that was it.

Here was the problem.

There honestly didn’t seem to be much... or any signs of proper reverence towards the Lord. Nor, as she could tell, Dusk Flight.

It was most peculiar. Sometimes when a pony of power, charisma or means was walking down a street... however often such a casual stroll would actually happen, one could observe how the crowd around was affected. It was almost like a palpable aura of respect was following the pony in question, a visible sphere of influence which prompted others to stop, nod, curtsy...

But here? None of it, almost. Unless Twilight was mistaken in this finding, of course. However, she couldn’t for the life of her spot gestures of adoration or even basic respect. It was almost as if the haspadr was simply one of the many ponies about, going about their business and duties. Minus the cadre of courtiers, but even then...

So she pondered. Was that because he had made himself so attuned to the Family around him that he was only one of the many hardworking ponies about? Or was it caused by the locals deciding to... show their displeasure over the Family’s situation? Over the misfortune, hanging over the Lord and his wife?

And speaking of her... how was it possible to get used to her beauty and not look? Unless the frustration of the Mountain was, indeed, so great...

Soon enough, Twilight would have another chance at experiencing Dusk Flight’s appeal, still surprised that she wanted to do it so badly.

The luggage was successfully transported to the temporary chamber. A modest one, at least when it came to size. Yet still done in grey, earthy bronze and beige with silver embellishments, so keeping to the standard of regal living. And after but a moment to accommodate herself with her quarters, including the soft and almost irresistible comforter, as well as finding out that Rowan Berry and Midnight shared a similarly sized room next to her, Twilight was indeed invited to share a small meal with the Lord and his wife.

In a, she would say, small-scale dining hall, especially compared to the ones she had experienced so far. A table for just six ponies was a rarity in them. Especially combined with the instance that the chamber wouldn’t actually fit anything more grandiose in size.

And Twilight could easily guess why it was so.

“Honored Lord...”

She decided to begin the conversation right when the servants put before the gathered a selection of produce. Which, perhaps, wasn’t the luckiest of moments to start talking. For it meant delaying sinking one’s teeth into a real treat and more. These were some of the most succulent and mouthwatering fruit that Twilight had seen around here... not that what she had enjoyed before was of lesser quality. But this time, she could actually tell where these came from. Right outside the Mountain.

“Y-yes?” Dusk Harvest replied to her call, stopping himself from reaching for anything as of the moment. And she felt a little bad that she had caused that.

The better it was to quickly get through the topic and finally enjoy the meal. “I have heard before of your great generosity in providing shelter and help to the hard-working fruittenders. But I had no idea that you had allowed such a great portion of your palace to be utilized. I’m already genuinely touched by what I have seen...”

The Lord granted her but a short smile. “Th-thank you, hwalba k-k-knaze. It w-was simply th-the r-right thing t-to do, I f-felt. B-besides, what d-do I n-need such a b-big p-p-palace for?”

“I don’t think many ponies in power would go through with that idea, even if actually believing it the ‘right thing to do’, Honored Lord,” Twilight pointed out.

But Dusk Harvest didn’t particularly react to that. He just nodded, merely accepting that things were like that in the world.

Which would mark the end of the exchange were it not for Dusk Flight. The first note of her alto voice caught Twilight’s attention like a powerful spell. Alongside Midnight’s and Rowan Berry’s as well. It was blatant nopony would be enjoying the feast just yet, with her talking.

Hwalba knaze, my Lord and husband is being altogether too modest...” the Lord Consort claimed, her sentence causing Twilight’s throat to tickle once more and the goosebumps to reappear. “Yes, it would be the righteous thing to do to lend space for our own fruittenders to find rest and help... but said part of the palace serves everypony coming to work in the Dalli. Regardless of Family or nobility of blood...” Having said that, Dusk Flight briefly scratched Blossom, peacefully resting against her long, slim neck. “Everypony working hard for the safety and growth of our lands can obtain aid, food and tender care in these walls. They are allowed to seek this place, through the magnanimous will of my Lord and husband.”

Twilight’s smile only grew, hearing that declaration. And it helped that it was being said in that rich, tender voice. In which she could also appreciate genuine pride and deep-seated affection for Dusk Harvest...

K-kwo dicte t-tue d-d-dicteser ia?

... but which made it the more chilling when the Lord’s reply sounded... harsh. And his eyes nervously but strongly focused on the mare.

Who met that gaze... only to look down right after, unwilling to contest it in any way. “Nikut dicte iae... Dimita iae, iaeu haspadr... Iae tilc wele hwalba knaze znat tuu kalitat...

K-kalitat...” Dusk Harvest repeated the word like it was something utterly nonsensical, whatever it meant. “G-gdye bid h-hwale w conar bid n-noramalu k-kudz, adium i-i-innyi...” he spoke further, his voice dripping with… venom? No, it wasn’t that. But it burnt like it. “B-bezisapost...

Twilight couldn’t really understand what the Lord meant, so she checked for the reactions all around. But both Midnight and Rowan Berry were acting as if they could see and hear absolutely nothing. Casually looking towards the table or to the side, in practiced obliviousness to what was transpiring right before them.

Their stance didn’t mean anything good.

... but there was also Blossom.

And if Twilight knew something, it was that the little bat was both very expressive and very genuine in showing her honest opinion. And while she was still leaning against Dusk Flight’s neck, she now pushed her muzzle right into it. She was a step from hiding behind her mistress’ dark mane, not to be seen. And definitely not to be able to see the exchange herself.

Like a little, frightened foal.

Twilight almost bit her lip.

Was it smart to intervene? It seemed like the right choice, but... she remembered when her insistence had gotten her in trouble around Noctraliya. Like in the Mountain of Midnight’s Legatuum, to give an example. Yet... could she just pretend like she wasn’t seeing that there was some sort of a rift or a clash happening between the Lord and his wife?

Not that Dusk Harvest wanted her to actually comment, his expression returning to official and neutral. Despite his wife still refusing to look up, her beautiful eyes hidden away from sight.

“R-really, H-Honored P-Princess, this i-is n-nothing to t-talk about,” he claimed, and Twilight wasn’t entirely sure whether he meant the hospital or what she had just witnessed. Perhaps both, considering the swift slash with his hoof through the air which he made, attempting to cut all the topics short. “I d-deemed i-it right and b-better for e-everypony to p-provide. A-as you s-say in E-Ekwestriya, ‘th-that’s that.’ “

He attempted to make it sound like a little, humorous remark at the end there... but it was anything but. He must have realized it too, actually.

Twilight found herself actually gritting her teeth a little. The last time she had a feast in her honor, she had insulted Lord Blessed Fang by refusing to dine with Radiant Glory’s horn above her head. Was she going to start another visit with a confrontation? The previous one ended well enough for her ultimately, but...

Yes. Yes, she was about to do something once again. Honest to Friendship, she was about to.

“Honored Lord, I don’t think that there is a reason for being quite so reserved here,” she said, trying to weigh her words as they were leaving her lips. Hoping not to make a fool of herself before herself. “A gesture like that deserves its just praise. I cannot imagine that it was an easy choice to make in the first place. But that it has been made and by a pony in your station warrants appreciation, especially when put in context, like the Lord Consort has done. I hope you do realize the sheer altruism you have shown through it...”

She was expecting literally anything from the Lord in reaction to her words. A smirk, a nod of acknowledgement, a sarcastic sigh.


But Dusk Harvest just kept staring at her at first. Almost as if without any recognition regarding her words. Just that... deep, almost hollow gaze of his. Which seemed willing to speak. But Twilight found it hard to understand its language.

What was he trying to convey to her? What was he telling himself? Was it possible that he was viewing himself so worthless, so insignificant, due to his problems of many kinds, that he was seeing every attempt at praising him as empty or, which would be much worse, a hidden mockery?

Twilight couldn’t tell. She could only discern the deflecting nature of the words which ultimately came. After a moment of terrible and draining silence.

“L-let’s eat, p-please...”

The invitation was nothing but a smokescreen, if she had ever seen one. And Twilight fought hard not to furrow her brow at it.

At... at everything she had been witnessing so far! She had welcomed Dusk Harvest’s initial idea of helping her out, honestly so, she hadn’t been receiving too much help from the batponies in general. That was, apparently, slowly shifting the more she traveled, and yet, right that moment... Twilight wasn’t certain if the Lord giving her a hidden hint about the threats she could be facing was in any way a positive thing! She almost wished that, instead of it, he had offered her a chance to just talk with himself, learn more about him as a stallion.

A pony behind the title, unburdened by the cloak and the circlet. Instead... burdened by other things.

Because... there was something very bad happening around Twilight, she was now absolutely certain of that! And she was only going to be in the very middle of it, knowing herself. For better or for worse.

Dusk Harvest decided to, successfully, cut himself from the rest of the gathered by focusing on dining. And refusing to look at any of the gathered. But Twilight still had another pony to try and maybe discern in this unique, upsetting situation.

So she attempted to find Dusk Flight’s stare instead. Everypony was reaching out to take for themselves some fruit, which meant there was a chance at passing glances at least. The alluring mare helped herself to a single orange so far, placing it before her with unmistakable grace that didn’t suffer even her husband’s previous remark. However, considering Blossom’s worried expression and that gentle nuzzle that the bat granted the Lord Consort at one point, things weren’t just back to being alright. Or normal, if they could even go that far.

Twilight had promised herself that she would grant the necessary help and support to the haspadr... but what about Dusk Flight? Could she find an approach to the Lord Consort first?

It was exactly when she thought so that the mare’s gaze found her own.

It was brief and short, but still a firm connection, which once again pulled at Twilight with the colors of fire and gold and lemon and daffodil. This unique, complex and mystifying hue... but the message it was sending was far clearer than whatever Dusk Harvest had attempted to convene with his own, gloom-ridden stare.

‘It’s fine. Leave it, please.’

... leave it?

It’s fine?!

Twilight was supposed to just... let this situation go? Just like that?! Something was wrong here. So wrong that her whole body seemed keen on protesting almost violently, ruining the taste of the fruit before her. And while she knew that she couldn’t possibly fix the whole world, she could well try to do her part in making it a better place! And, right there and then was she at the Mountain of Dusk. So she would do something!

She just... didn’t know what exactly. Yet. She needed time to discern it. It’s not like suddenly sticking one’s nose into marital issues was an easy, safe or responsible thing to do without the correct context and preparation! Perhaps with some help of her entourage she could... maybe...

Twilight quickly realized that they wouldn’t necessarily be too pleased with her trying to meddle in the local affairs. Hard.

At least... she could hope that she wouldn’t throw her beloved into another blood-bout if she did, indeed, “meddle”...

The rest of the meal was frighteningly frigid. To the point that Twilight felt an actual wave of relief hit her when the Lord told her that it would be wise to get some rest now. As she understood, he still wanted to give her a little tour about the Mountain and outside. Closer to sunrise.

Which also meant that she would have at least some time to study the letter she had just received. Hoping to find support and guidance that would make her efforts a little easier. Princess Celestia always knew what to tell her to keep her spirits up.

For the moment, however, as Twilight and her companions were trotting back to their quarters, she did turn to them with a question. A pretty open one, so she kept her volume reasonable.

“So... am I the only one that’s not trained in trying to pretend like nothing strange or out of place is happening?”

She spotted Midnight making a strange, displeased face as Rowan Berry shrugged a little and replied back in a theatrical whisper.

“Pretty much, yes, hwalba knaze...”

“But... you do know what’s wrong here, right?” she pressed on, this time causing Midnight to reply instead.

Not that he appeared pleased by that. “I believe we’ve covered it already, but... if you again mean something wrong with the Lord or his marite or the two of them combined, then... well, I think it’s rather blatant,” he admitted, looking about for witnesses. And, thankfully, not finding any, as the last pair of the Lord’s sentinels they had passed a good moment ago. “Unsurprising that the Family situation is also a source of their personal grief. Which at this point is all but visible. Too visible.”

“That might be so. And yet... I haven’t found any malice at all coming from the Lord Consort,” Twilight insisted, furrowing her brow to better focus on the recent memories. “And yet the Lord... his tone was harsh enough. And I’m pretty sure you could translate his exact words for me, no?”

It wasn’t an order. And that seemed a good thing, as neither of them looked particularly thrilled at the prospect. Which already served as an unpleasant clarification.

“What gives?” Twilight asked aloud, though still mindful of maintaining at least some discretion. “He always seemed withdrawn due to his stammer, that’s quite understandable. But I would never expect such... bitterness. From him? And in the open, for us to see?”

“We haven’t seen anything,” Rowan Berry denied the obvious.

Unpleasantly reminding Twilight of a certain situation, a certain scroll and a certain pony that had clearly never existed. There had been a lot of reality to reject then as well.

She stopped as they had already managed to reach the pair of doors marking their temporary quarters.

“Are you sure you cannot tell me anything more specific?”

The two batponies looked at one another, exchanging stares and a silent dialogue, almost. Then Rowan Berry spoke aloud again.

“Should we expect you to try and take action if you are granted any more information, hwalba knaze?” she inquired, but Midnight only exhaled in a short laugh.

“I think we can expect that already,” he claimed... and wasn’t wrong. “What we could do now is just make sure that the Honored Princess,” he added, trying to maintain some decorum and not agitate the other mare too much, “doesn’t act in a way to insult anypony, get banished or, in general, be deemed as somepony nibbling on another pony’s oranges without any moderation...”

Twilight would protest, but that would be nothing but folly. Yes, she was convinced that she had to act.

With wisdom and insight first, of course.

Midnight bobbed his head about. “Would it be that hard to learn what’s causing the rift here and whether it’s what we are betting on already?” he presented the question to Rowan Berry, clearly having in mind her... additional training. “Aren’t you from House Mountrose?”

The mare made another one of her annoyed faces. “Anywhere but here, you know. Here...” She looked at Twilight briefly. “... I don’t think it shall be surprising that I will be representing House Grove of Iug u Opar.”

Twilight easily grasped why the quick change would need to happen. And smiled, learning something new about Rowan Berry. As she was pretty sure it was her real bloodline which she had just mentioned.

“Still... I might actually support Midnight Wind’s suggestion here. Could I ask you to use your talents to help in this endeavor?” she asked, trying not to sound too humble. Or too regal. Like speaking to a fellow pony. Not an agent, nor a potential foe. “I think we could both agree that things here need improving in some way. That this situation is wrong but could be healed with the right approach, no?”

The operative pursed her lips a little, not too happy about the request. She glanced at Midnight, who nodded ever so briefly, then back at Twilight. And something in those coral eyes shone just a little, before Rowan Berry sank deeper in her ruminations, pacing the corridor for a longer moment. It was obvious that some form of a skirmish had to happen inside of her first, before any decision.

Yet when she finally spoke again, she did so in a quite confident tone. Yet it was clear in her coral stare that something in her had made her relent. And she wanted to make it clear what exactly. “I won’t promise anything. I’m not going to compromise myself by doing this. But an illness in the Mountain of Dusk, so close to the Dalli, serves nopony. Not even my Lord, I believe. Makes things worse, less predictable...” She paused to shudder just a little. “Not to mention that it was making my own coat stand up to see haspadr Waesper Zniw acting so... harshly to the Lord Consort.”

That sounded... rather promising! If Rowan Berry was actually willing to do this and help out, then, perhaps, it would be a nice, firm step in the right direction! At least that of mutual respect. Friendship was a long way away still, but... one piece at a time.

Regardless, Twilight thanked them both for their presence so far, then retreated to her chamber finally. She would still have something to do tonight, alongside the Lord, which meant that there was no time to waste!

She quickly reached her luggage and opened it, her eyes quickly looking for the parchment. She retrieved it from in between her clothes and her appropriately-shrunk books.

The very touch of the message sent tingles down Twilight’s whole body, perhaps greater than Dusk Flight’s very voice. To finally hold a reply, that little bit of home in this distant land... was by itself a refreshing and an invigorating thing.

Twilight took a moment to appreciate the quality of the parchment and the beautiful nature of the seal, bearing the mark of Princess Celestia, then quickly trotted to the table, by the chamber’s side. But only after making sure that she had secured her belongings again and that her doors had been locked.

This was a time for herself and the wisdom included in the document. Nopony else. Not even Midnight, as slightly unpleasant as that thought was.

With an exhale, Twilight had put the letter before herself, in reverence... then reached out and magically broke the seal.

... feeling an arcane resonance, one that she was all too familiar with. Princess Celestia’s magic. A little trick, which made sure that even if the wax were to be restored through a spell or two, it would be all too easy to tell that it had been tampered with.

Which meant that the included reply was of utmost importance, surely...

... Twilight was even more convinced of that when she spotted something that made her eyes go wide.

The very start of the letter was marked by not one greeting, but two.

‘My dearest Twilight...’ was one.

‘Dear Princess Twilight...’ was the other. Scribbled elegantly, in a darker ink... like a shadow of Princess Celestia’s own script.

This was a message from both of the Royal Sisters.

Twilight leaned over the letter, taking in every bit of it, cautiously and almost with zeal. To the point where she started to mouth and whisper the contents to herself, in an ardent attempt to memorize everything outright. Every word, every comma, every advice... and every warning.

“You will find this letter written by the two of us... but of one mind... We are glad and relieved to learn that you have made your way to the lands of the noctrali safely... and that you remain in good health... as much as your presence there comes to one of us as a bewilderment...” Twilight kept reciting to herself, absorbing it all to the full extent of her memory. “We shall explain that remark in but a moment... but let us first and foremost urge you to make sure that the contents of this letter remain utterly confidential... For what we are about to share might come as a surprise to you... and one that might shake whatever opinion you have already established regarding your hosts...”

Tried as she might have, Twilight couldn’t take her eyes off the letter before her. But unlike with Dusk Flight, it wasn’t the otherworldly, tender charm which was compelling her.

She kept reading... and reading... and reading...

Her head buzzing.

Her eyes bulging.

Her heart thrashing in her chest.

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