• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XXVI – Homecoming

Midnight Eye looked thoroughly satisfied, staring at the joyous reunion of Midnight and his father, although he seemed greatly pleased with himself for some reason as well.

Twilight did not even find that surprising anymore. He seemed to be just living his life like this...

“It brightens one’s heart to see his subjects merry, doesn’t it, Princess?” he asked of her casually.

“Indeed, Honored Lord,” she had to agree, reluctant to hear the inevitable continuation of his logic.

“We must always do what is necessary to achieve the happiness and prosperity of our folk,” he, indeed, added firmly and she did not have to be particularly attentive to know what he was referring to. “I know that you, as a royal, understand that completely and utterly.”

“Yes, I do. But understanding what it is that one’s subjects truly need is even more important than the pursuit of their presumed interests, Honored Lord...” she retorted.

She could swear that some of the gathered batpony nobles took notice of her words and considered them most daring. At least, the looks her way indicated that.

Surprisingly, Midnight Eye only smirked, nodding slightly. “Very well contravened, Princess. I have a feeling we will have more... engaging conversations soon.” There was something indescribable and dangerous in his calmness.

Twilight stood her ground valiantly. “I am looking forward to further negotiations, Honored Lord. And to witnessing the Testimony soon. I want to know the truth and act upon it.”

“Very well. We shall arrange for that to be possible within the next night,” the Lord assured, glancing one more time at Midnight and his father embracing, as well as the rest of the gathered. “I shall converse with the Syinod now! Nocferratan Maednoc Wentr!

Despite being occupied with hugging his father in unrivaled joy, Midnight Wind needed only a second to assume the stance and salute properly, while his father took a step back, facing his Lord and bowing his head humbly.

Tac, hwalbu haspadr!” the warrior exclaimed, the last tears of happiness in his eyes still.

“I command you to show the Princess the full extent of our Family’s hospitality tonight. Perhaps alongside your own family, as well. Let the Princess know that we value our bloodlines greatly in Noctraliya!” Midnight Eye ordered, causing Midnight to strengthen his salute. “Midnight Whisper?”

Tac, hwalbu haspadr...” replied the older stallion.

“You’re excused from congregating for tonight. Celebrate the return of your son, dear cousin,” the Lord offered kindly, which was repaid by the lanky stallion’s honest, if respectful, smile. “I may reach out for you later tonight, Princess, regarding tomorrow night’s plans. For now, may you experience the glory and splendor of our Mountain.”

Without a word or a glance more, Midnight Eye beckoned the other members of the Assembly and majestically trotted up the polished stairs, soon to disappear amongst the columns of his palatial complex. The ponies of his retinue diligently followed, with courtiers taking care of the luggage as well.

Surprisingly, Midnight Iris, despite her undeniable social status, was trotting at the very end of the procession, even behind Twilight’s luggage, surrounded by but a couple of her hoofmaidens.

She must have acknowledged her husband’s displeasure with her.

Twilight was considering turning to her for a moment, but Midnight and his father approaching close made the idea impossible.

“Honored Princess,” Midnight retained his official tone, even if his lips were curled into a joyful smile, “allow me to introduce Archivist Maednoc Sept, Midnight Whisper. My father. Father, the envoy of the lands of Equestria, Honored Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Hwalba knaze... It is a unique pleasure, seeing an Equestrian at the Mountain of Midnight,” the lanky stallion greeted her with reverence. And a very convincing accent as well.

“Thank you, Archivist. I’m greatly honored to be here.”

“We have been anticipating this visit, Honored Princess,” Midnight Whisper added, smiling no less cordially than his son. She could even spot the family resemblance within the grin. “And yet I knew not that it shall come to my dear son assuring the safety of your stay amongst our mountains! What honor.”

Midnight beamed, receiving a proud stare from his father, even if he tried to sound humble. “Please, padr, I am but doing my duty.”

“Ah, but there is no greater reward for a father, seeing his son serving his country. Haven’t I told you that before, child?”

Twilight joined in with her own smile, feeling her heart growing warm at the scene. It was a much welcome sensation. “Allow me to assure you, Archivist, that I couldn’t have hoped for a better companion than Midnight Wind.”

Ha! You are very kind to think so, Honored Princess.”

She meant that much more, and Midnight shot her a quick, affectionate glance that revealed that he grasped the message.

Then, suddenly, his mane was tousled by his father’s hoof.

Tat!” Midnight protested, checking the strap which was now barely holding it nice and together.

“Do not dare take away an old stallion’s joy, youngling!” The Archivist cackled, then turned his attention back to Twilight, diligently. “I do ask for forgiveness for the casual behavior, Honored Princess. But happiness is seldom proper and stately.”

“Oh, there’s no need to apologize! I am more than glad to share in it!”

Midnight Whisper smiled broadly. “Let us then ‘keep at it’, as the Equestrians say. If it pleases you, I would adore to follow our Lord’s suggestion... and for my son to go meet his mother as soon as possible, to share with her the joy of his return...”

Midnight stepped forward, having had just tamed his mane again with the strap.

“Father, our Honored Lord did desire for us to show the Princess the hospitality of our Mountain, so...” He switched his attention to Twilight. “Would it be permissible to offer you a moment of respite in our very own dwelling, Your Highness? Of course, if you would like to rest in the prepared quarters and freshen up first...”

Midnight asking her to come visit his home. That sounded like a wonderful idea...

Twilight’s smile was broad and genuine. “No, no, I am fine for now and I would love to join this occasion right away! Of course, if it would not be rude of me to simply gatecrash and—”

“You obviously haven’t met my wife.” “You obviously haven’t met my mother.”

The response was pretty much synchronized and the two batponies looked at one another and sighed, chuckling.

Twilight herself couldn’t have stopped a warm giggle. “Well, it seems that’s a person I cannot disappoint then, can I?”

Midnight offered her a silly grin. “Not really.”

“Pardon, Honored Princess...”

A timid voice came from behind. In the midst of this reunion, Twilight had completely forgotten about Rowan Berry.

“With your permission,” the healer spoke, lowering her head, “I can check whether your accommodation is satisfactory while you are gone, Honored Princess. And then... I would like to visit my former tutor who lives around, with your permission.”

Twilight opened her mouth to answer her, but Midnight Whisper interrupted her.

“Oh? And who might this be?” he inquired with curiosity, judging the mare with his piercing, saffron stare. He glanced at Midnight as well, asking the wordless question.

“Father, this is Yazembe Acine, lupule assigned to the Princess’ entourage to care for her health,” came the calm answer.

Midnight Whisper blinked and nodded, politely smiling.

“Ah, I see, I see. A pleasure to meet you, lupule. Which Family’s blood warms your veins?”

“Family Dusk, Arciwan. House Mountrose.”

“Hmmm, very well! We graciously welcome the subjects and blood of Harvest of Family Dusk among us! How fares the noble haspadr?”

“Well, Archivist. Your question brings honor to your House and Family. May your Lord as well live his life in fullest!”

Midnight immediately stepped closer to Twilight, seeing her squinting her eyes at the formally-cordial exchange.

“Please don’t be surprised, Honored Princess. Greetings like these are a sign of politeness and respect between the Families.” He grinned towards Midnight Whisper. “I think my father wants to do a little show-and-tell for you, as well.”

She hid an “oh” of understanding and a giggle behind her hoof, whilst the Archivist shook his head. “One can learn and gain knowledge always and everywhere, child!”

Midnight nodded profoundly. “It is true. Glad you haven’t changed, father.”

Twilight contained herself and addressed the healer, who was patiently waiting, her gaze timid. “You may visit your teacher, Rowan Berry. We shall see you in our quarters later on.”

“Thank you for this opportunity, Honored Princess. Of course,” she responded with a bow, giving Midnight and his father a farewell glance and trotting away.

Midnight followed her with his gaze for a second, then his smile broadened visibly. “Should we not linger, then? I long to see mother. Will she be home at this hour?”

“Most certainly. She doesn’t take the jewels back to the dzeh every night,” Midnight Whisper’s reply was as he beckoned for the two to follow him.

The carriages had already managed to fly away and the plaza in front of the Lord’s palace was rather empty. A couple of Lord’s guards stood on the outskirts of it, keeping their eyes diligently forward, their tabards reminding everypony of the Midnight Family’s coat of arms, the lunar discus resting upon a voluminous tome.

Twilight spoke up when the group was about to leave the square behind, for she suddenly realized a glaring omission of a clock tower at such a grand plaza. “Pardon, but what is the hour, actually? I haven’t really seen any clocks since I arrived in Noctraliya and it starts to intrigue me more and more.”

“Close to three in the morning, by Equestrian time. And when it comes to clocks, I do not think you will find even one around, Honored Princess,” Midnight replied and his father nodded.

“Yes. What my son is hinting at is that we simply... know what the hour is, usually.”

Twilight blinked. “... as in?”

The Archivist cleared his throat, his voice becoming that of an academic. “Unless working outside of the caverns, we seldom perceive the Sign of the Goddess. So that does not fulfill the purpose of time-telling. And yet we can guess with quite sensible accuracy what time it is, due to an ‘internal clock’... Have you ever read about the diurnal rhythms, Honored Princess?”

“Oh, wait, yes!” Twilight grasped where he was going immediately. “How fascinating! Circadian clock without photoperiodical zeitgeber, of course! That makes sense! Quite extraordinary!”

“Precisely, I see you know that topic well!” Midnight Whisper praised her, then glanced to the side. “Son, don’t be afraid of our huge words.”

Tat!” Midnight protested immediately, groaning, even though his previous expression had really betrayed the lack of any clue. “I might not be of the priesthood, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t understand all of this fancy vocabulary! Even in Equestrian!”

“ ‘Trackjacket’...” Twilight mumbled into her hoof, eliciting an eye roll from him.

Midnight Whisper chuckled. “Colt, what have I said about taking away an old stallion’s joy?” he pointed out as they entered a passageway between two huge, natural columns that were carved with stony depictions of vines scaling up them.

Another square opened before them, touching a natural wall of the cave with one of its sides. The rock at the place was carved into a set of elevated rows, with cushions placed on them. In the front of that amphitheatre audience stood a small podium and a stand that supported a... blackboard, of all things! A medium-aged mare was using it, giving a lecture to a quite numerous group of fillies and colts. Their attention was focused on jotting down in their notebooks, carefully observing their tutor.

“Oh, is that a class going on?” Twilight asked, immediately engrossed.

This was a format long-forgotten and obsolete in Equestria and yet it felt... refreshing for her! There was something really exotic and captivating in witnessing it, like she found herself in Equestria of ancient times. A teacher giving lectures in the open! Surely, it made it necessary to train one’s focus to pay attention to them, with regular life just going on all around you! How marvelously developing for a young mind!

Midnight Whisper glanced at the class with a proud smile and a nod. “These are the kids that are not yet assigned to a caste, Honored Princess. They are taught the basics of all subjects, to achieve a level allowing them to take on simpler tasks when being tutored by their respective handlers within the four castes.”

“They look really disciplined!” Twilight commented, seeing as perhaps only one or two foals were not occupied with furious writing, and even they quickly returned to it after short breathers.

The Archivist’s smile only grew. “The children are our pride and joy! They understand quickly the need for self-restraint and subordination. Admittedly, as the old saying goes, ruzge bide bena uctane. Wouldn’t you agree, son?”

“Indeed, father,” Midnight admitted, grinning at his father’s meaningful stare. “If we were to measure professionalism by that alone, you were one of the best teachers ever when I was a colt...”

Twilight squinted her eyes in concentration. “Pardon, uhm, what exactly is a good... ‘teach’? ‘Teacher’, I guess?” she attempted to translate the saying on her own. Midnight pointed nonchalantly at a slim, wooden cane that was propped against the podium and she felt her eyes widening. “Corporal punishment?!”

“Indeed. My wild Midnight Wind wouldn’t have become a Nocferratan in the end if I had spared the rod...” the Archivist pointed out casually.

“I would complain about being embarrassed once more in front of you, Honored Princess,” Midnight replied, shooting his father and then Twilight glance, “but that is very right. I was a little horror.”

“And now you are a big horror. But that’s the kind of pony that you need in the Nocferrat,” Midnight Whisper deadpanned.

Twilight had to fight a sudden giggle. She could now tell from whom had Midnight inherited his sense of humor. Even if he ended up groaning once again because of its application.

She observed the class carefully as they were passing by, feeling still a bit conflicted about the... physical approach to teaching methods... Well, batpony military was utilizing corporal punishment for breaking discipline too. It had deeper roots than she had initially thought.

One of the pupils, after finishing writing down something, looked up and around to find a momentary relief, perhaps. Soon, her gaze fell on an alicorn in the cavern.

And even from this distance Twilight could see the filly’s mouth gradually open and wonder glinting in her eyes.

Ha! Soleea kudze!” came a sudden squeak, making other children and the teacher stare at the urchin breaking discipline, and then at whom she was pointing at. “Patrai! Soleea kudze! I Nocferratan!

Twilight blinked. Or, she could have sworn that she only managed to blink before an entire colony of batpony kids went scrambling and rushing in her direction, with loud exhales and shouts of surprise, excitement and awe.

And despite the best tries of their teacher, trying to stop them and pursuing them relentlessly.

Midnight snickered before taking his place in front of Twilight, acting as her bodyguard and stopping the children from colliding with her. He stood proudly as the foals swarmed the two of them, fluttering all around and shouting things in their immature Noctraliyar. The ones that seemed a bit worried about Twilight’s presence were using Midnight for their center of attention. And a most convenient meat shield.

Midnight Whisper, who had managed to quite proficiently slip to the side, was observing the commotion with merry eyes and muffled chuckling.

Dzieti! Dzieti, wenai terg! Tere!” screamed the mare galloping after her class. She had the rod prepared, looking at the Archivist with concern all over her face. “Arciwan!

“Having sudden trouble with pupils, Mountainbell?” Midnight Whisper asked, revealing his fangs in a wide smile.

Bogine, zmiluyae! Dzieti!” The teacher’s cheeks turned to the scarlet red of embarrassment as she was doing her best to catch the unruly bunch and make them stand still for even a moment. With no success.

Twilight was holding her ground perhaps less valiantly than Midnight, but with the warmest expression she could muster. The children were commenting, shouting, staring in wonder at her and her dress. Some of the foals were trying to touch her horn, wings and mane. She paid additional attention to the diadem on her head, although she didn’t believe any of the children would be mischievous enough to actually try and steal it. However, the foals’ curiosity seemed absolutely limitless and there was something undeniably adorable in their wide eyes and mouths opened from awe.

Perhaps it was time to actually take the initiative. Twilight cleared her throat very gently, though it still caused one of the fillies to squeak and flutter away in surprise.

“Hello. Neskaza Lunee welae tuyiu noc illum.”

Astonishingly, despite the overwhelming and loud enthusiasm of the kids and the calm, if clear, tone of her voice, the mention of the Goddess’ name did cause the group to suddenly slow down, as the children bobbed their heads.

Their teacher, Mountainbell, did not squander her chance, seeing the colony calming down a little.

Dosit, dzieti, dosit!” she shouted, putting her forehooves down forcefully. The foals, finally recognizing their caretaker’s displeasure, scrambled in panic, quickly forming a line before her.

Some did so with great reluctance, having been forced to step away from Twilight and Midnight, but without any delay.

The older mare let out long sigh, her face still crimson from embarrassment. She looked over the class, anger in her eyes, then turned to Twilight. “Hwalba Knaze, I beg you forgive my pupils this grave misconduct.”

“Oh, please, there is nothing to forgive...” Twilight assured with a wide smile when Midnight moved to the side to give her unobstructed view. “One can hardly blame children for their curiosity!”

Mountainbell bowed her head, her muzzle cooling down. “Your words... are wise and merciful, hwalba Knaze.” She faced the foals afterwards, her expression still as stern as only a teacher could make it. “Knaze salwee tuyi, dzieti! Kwo dicti uai terg?

Neskaza Lunee... welae tueu noc illum!” came a chorus of foal voices, breaking apart the words into syllables to keep a steady rhythm.

Midnight Whisper came forth, seeing as the kids situation seemed to have been momentarily contained. His smile was kind, but his voice came forth as no less austere than Mountainbell’s. “Excitement is nothing wrong, dzieti, but respect towards those that command it is of greater importance than it...”

Arciwan dict vere!” Mountainbell added, which caused many, little, tufted ears to drop. “Tuyi ecusai Knaze! Tere!

The row of kids looked genuinely abashed and embarrassed altogether. “Uai ecusi...” they collectively muttered.

Twilight only shook her head at the choral apology. “Thank you, but I am not offended, not at all. I am excited too to meet such a wonderful, lively class!” She moved a bit closer, twenty eight pairs of little, reflective eyes looking at her with engrossment. “What are you learning today?” she asked.

The foals quickly looked at one another. Then they congregated, out of nowhere and following a sudden, silent agreement, into a large group. They started whispering quickly between themselves, glancing at Twilight sharply.

Mountainbell was going to berate them for yet another irrational behavior in front of an esteemed guest, but Midnight Whisper stopped her with a gesture and a wink.

Finally, one of the fillies, of straw yellow mane and big, sweet amber eyes was pretty much kicked forward, standing, rather reluctantly, as a semi-willing representative of the group.

She looked at Twilight with mounting anxiety, then took a deep, wheezing breath. She held it in for a moment, but just before Twilight was ready to encourage her, she blurted out.


“Wow, wow, slow down, please...” Twilight’s kind response was, but the filly was already sprinting behind her friends, her wings flapping frantically. Thankfully, their protests and a makeshift wall of their hooves stopped her from retreating entirely. “Do not be afraid,” Twilight encouraged her, lowering her head to the filly’s level, keeping a safe distance.

The little batpony stood her ground between the alicorn and her friends and shakily breathed a couple of times before finally calming down just enough for Twilight to know what she was trying to say. The filly’s accent was thick, but she could understand her without issues.

“Honored Princess, w-we are happy to meet... to meet you and... and we are learning numbers tonight... and we want to say... h-h-hi...?” she repeated, her voice giving up at the very end.

Twilight beamed and smiled the warmest smile she could muster. “Hi! I am very happy to meet you too,” she chimed, looking all over the group. “All of you,” she added, which spawned a colony of wide, fanged smiles and a few exhales of childish joy.

“You do my pupils honor, Knaze...” Mountainbell responded, bowing her head, her anger going away for now. “I feel that I, once again, must ask for forgiveness and explain... Sun stallions and mares are known here only from descriptions in books. Your presence is a single, unique experience...”

Twilight retained her expression, but something in her chest squeezed.

She suddenly felt like... an oddity.

Which is exactly not how the teacher wanted to make her feel, she knew that much. But the sheer wonder in the children’s gazes did speak for itself and made her again realize some things. She was the first Equestrian for many batponies to see with their own eyes. And not only children, but the vast majority of the population!

She kept her smile, even widened it. Even if this was the fault of a centuries-old war, she was here to remedy that. One step at a time.

“It is a unique experience for me as well. I am overjoyed and honored to visit Noctraliya and learn of the noctrali.”

“You really like it here?”

One of the foals, a colt of curly, cyan mane asked her plainly.

“You are supposed to say ‘hwalba knaze’!” a filly reprimanded him with a panicked squeak.

Nye, nye, w Ekwestriyar! You are supposed to say ‘Honored Princess’ in Ekwestriyar!” one of the other fillies shouted. “Wait, what is a ‘Princess’ exactly?”

Mountainbell was about to aid the class, but Midnight Whisper stopped her again, quickly but gracefully making his way to her. He whispered something, something that Twilight understood as “learning on their own.”

“Princess is like a soleea haspadre, right?”

“So that was...” one of the children whispered something to the cyan-maned colt, “... or something...”

“... is that what Wesela Maednoce said?”

The filly in question was still standing in front of the group, pretty much petrified in excitement and worry.

“Go on, you make the Princess wait! You never make elders wait!” one of the kids shouted.

“Alright... uhm...” The colt stared at Twilight, then nodded his head quickly. “I... meant to ask: Do you really like it here, Hormoned Princess?”

Mountainbell paled. Midnight Whisper’s lips twitched uncontrollably. Midnight snorted from behind Twilight, though he quickly turned that into clearing his throat.

And Twilight? Twilight was left on her own on this battlefield, trying to contain her voice and expression. The last thing she wanted was to embarrass the child, though her mind felt a bit conflicted whether to be just shocked, or fall into hilarity.

For once, she knew that Midnight would not let go of that title.

“I-I really like it here,” she managed to somehow form a reply, still sounding gentle and kind. “I like the Mountain of M-Midnight and the entire Noctraliya,” she assured, somehow mechanically.

It caused quite the ruckus.

“Yes, our Iug is the best!”


Noctraliya is great!”

The enthusiasm of the kids was boundless, causing Twilight to smile, without the fear of showing how... dumbfounded she felt after hearing the new variation of her title.

Mountainbell, spotting that she did not erupt into a blaze of righteous fury, finally exhaled, some color returning to her white face. She put her hoof down, which immediately caused the children to restore the proper line and fall silent.

Dzieti, that shall be quite enough. The Honored Princess forgave you your misdoings, but we must not keep her from her duties any longer.”

A chorus of disappointed sighs and groans sounded, causing the teacher to stomp her hoof again to silence the class.

That was when Midnight Whisper decided to interfere. His expression was stern, but his eyes glinted.

“I have to agree with teacher Mountainbell, children. Though, your curiosity and wonder are nothing bad. So... I might have a proposition for you, Honored Princess...” he suddenly said with a bow of his head.

Twilight realized that Midnight had the same peculiar, lively spark in his saffron eyes when he was coming up with an idea.

“Go on, Archivist.”

“As your visit is an incredible opportunity for us, noctrali, even more so for our younglings, perhaps we could find some time in your busy schedule to have a little meet-up with the children around?”

“That... that is a wonderful idea!” Twilight agreed without hesitation. Such a simple gesture, and yet so meaningful, especially here, where her presence was often met with distrust and caution. “I would love to, if that would only be allowed!”

“I think the Honored Lord Eye of Family Midnight would not oppose it, for the sake of the little ones. Mountainbell, what do you think of such a proposition?” the Archivist asked and the teacher bit her lower lip, being observed by twenty eight foals, leaning forward in anticipation, hope glinting in their stares. Some of them had toppled forward at this point.

She sighed finally. “Bogine, I’m getting too motherly, but... I think we... could adjust the timetable to accommodate that idea and—”

The uproarious shout of children’s approval and joy was still ringing in Twilight’s ears as the three of them were walking a stone road, meandering between various houses, half-built, half-chiseled in the natural rock. The district they have reached seemed less rich from the buildings next to Midnight Eye’s palace, but the dwellings here still could have been marked as stately, with a lot of them having grand porches and porticos with columns, lit up by solid, steel, hanging lanterns.

Twilight took note of the Midnight Family’s coat of arms marking many of the houses. Other, smaller emblems were also present, like three stars descending in a spread pattern, leaving trails of silver fire behind them. Or a shining, spire-like mountaintop, but those too had the tome and moon sign next to them, almost as if acting as their protector, or guide.

The occasionally met locals and patrols were diligently moving to the side when the group passed, greeting Twilight and the stallions cordially, though many glances were stalking her from behind and sides.

When they took a turn at one point, Twilight realized that this entire part of the Mountain was elevated slightly higher, like on a natural hill inside the cavern. It only spoke of the vastness of the city in it, now that she could see its scale, full of dwellings both on the ground and all the way up in the stalactites.

“Enjoying the view, Honored Princess?” Midnight asked of her, smiling.

“Incredible... A city in the mountain,” she replied, awestruck once again to visit places of such unique beauty.

“Your capital conquered its Mountain and claimed its slopes, Honored Princess, we have hid in ours embrace...” Midnight Whisper joined in, admiring the view as well. His eyes wandered across the dwellings. “We are not as numerous as the Family Dusk, but the Iug u Maednoc is considered one of the most sprawling settlements still. We take pride in the great work of our architects and stonemasons, even if the Family Crescent would compare their work and declare themselves victors in this struggle...”

“Especially Lord Bright Crescent...” Midnight muttered, shaking his head, while his father but chuckled and nodded.

Twilight looked around the cityscape some more, musing over the arches and porticos. “The Sanctuary, this city... If I were to hear about such places from anypony, I would have judged it an absolutely massive exaggeration...”

“And now, Honored Princess?”

“Now I would accuse them of underestimating.”

Midnight laughed. “There is no need to be quite so accusatory! Though... I have compared Noctraliya to other places. I do not know about aesthetics, but patriotism wins every time...”

A minute later, the group stood before a small porch of dark stone, right on the edge of solid, mountain rock. Nothing extraordinary in comparison to the rest of the district, more mediocre, or perhaps modest, depending on whom one would ask. However, its sight caused Midnight to take a deep breath and pause.

“It’s... it’s good to be home...” he said with a shaky voice, happiness glinting in his eyes.

“Is this your house?” Twilight asked and both batponies nodded in unison.

“Our very own,” Midnight Whisper stated, a small smirk on his muzzle. “It is not that grand, but it has marked our very own piece of the Mountain...” He gestured at the lone sign of Midnight Family on the house and many other dwellings nearby. “Other members of our bloodline live around us. Lord Eye of Family Midnight himself used to visit his grandmother from his mother’s side when she occupied that house there...” He pointed up the road, where the stones changed into a staircase utilizing the cavern’s side. “This entire neighborhood is made up mostly of us, Midnights. House Pinnacle lives here too. And House Starfall, though they are a bit spread out...”

Midnight suddenly chuckled. “How is old swadran Ink Bolide doing?”

The Archivist groaned, rolling his eyes. “As mad as usual...”

Ha! Glad some things never change!”

Twilight looked carefully around. It felt rather... sociable, being in a place that tied ponies so close together. Batponies must have been learning the sense of their greater community from living so close with their closer and further relatives.

“How many Houses are there around? Aside from the main branch of the Family? I have seen a reasonable selection of coats of arms around.”

Midnight Whisper lidded his eyes, doing a quick, soundless count. “Eighteen at the Mountain.”

“That many?! How many ponies actually live here?”

“Oh, no, do not let the number fool you. Houses like House Aeon have only a dozen, or so, members. And there are also five Houses that live in our other settlements, House Luminary at Lodestar Fault being the most numerous of those.”

Twilight mused, staring at the coats of arms around her. “And... they are all supported by House Midnight? As the noble one?”

Midnight’s eyes were still glued to his home, merry. “They are under the protection of various lineages of our House, but yes, that is correct. Though, right now, I care a little less about other Houses, standing before my own.”

Twilight chuckled. “It’s alright, I understand.”

Midnight Whisper took a deep breath, then his expression turned... mischievous. “Son, would you maybe stand behind one of the columns? I want for your mother to have a grand surprise.”

“With seeing me, or the Honored Princess?” Midnight inquired, his grin not any less impish, especially when he looked at Twilight. “Honored Princess, would you not mind joining our little charade?”

Twilight shook her head and sighed. They were both being ridiculous. She had only one response to that, considering her stature and position.

“Not at all! I would even say: ze delec.”

Ha! I am in your debt, Knaze,” Midnight Whisper thanked her, nodding and heading to the solid door.

Twilight took her place, looking intently at Midnight, who hid behind a pillar on the other side of the portico. She shook her head at him again and sent him an unimpressed, if amused, grin. He hid a laugh behind his hoof, then mouthed a very covert “I love you too.”

The compliance to this ridiculous plan became immediately worth it.

Midnight Whisper knocked firmly on the door. “Granata Copite, bide tue dom?

After but a moment, hoofsteps resounded on the other side and the door began clicking its solid, iron lock. A middle-aged, bit rounded mare of sooty hue stood in the threshold, her garnet eyes widening. “Marit? Maednoc Sept, kwo robit tu hic? Tu nye hab Syinod hacnoc?

Tac, dilece, ale hwalbu haspadr mitte ia dom...” the Archivist replied in an official tone.

Mitte tu dom?! Ip bid obfentu ze tu?” worry invaded Garnet Hoof’s voice as she took a step forward, her curly, ruby mane bouncing. Twilight spotted Midnight rolling his eyes, hiding a chuckle desperately.

From his tone, it seemed that Midnight Whisper rolled his eyes as well. “Nye, dilece! Uai habi osobliwyi hospi hacnoc!

Hospi? Marit, iae znate Ekwestriyaa Knaze preire hacnoc, ale...

Nye, nye, iaa dilece.” Midnight Whisper paused, which caused Midnight to start trotting from behind the column. His eyes got a bit teary, as Twilight spotted. “Barwaznyi hospi!



There was a pause after Midnight spoke up. Twilight could see Garnet Hoof’s eyes locking in on him and widening.

A high-pitched squeal shattered the temporary silence. The mare stomped in place for a moment, never stopping the shout of pure joy, then rushed forward, colliding with Midnight and hanging off his neck. She was crying her eyes out and, considering the warrior’s expression, asphyxiating him. Though, he did not seem to mind that much.

F-Filiy! Iaeu filiy! H-ha!” Garnet Hoof screamed, choking on her own tears of joy. “Filiyek... Iaeu Maednoc Wentr... Iaeu Maednoc Wentr...” She stroked his neck, repeating his name over and over.

Twilight felt tears wetting her eyes. The memories came back to her. She had seen her own mom latching onto Shining Armor when he was coming back from training camps and assignments. But he was not ever gone for longer than a couple months. Midnight had not been home for two years, from what she could tell. Garnet Hoof’s happiness betrayed that too.

Mame... Ia bid ita radosnu vid tue...” Midnight mumbled into his mothers neck, holding her close.

The mare sighed loudly in fatigued joy, then beckoned for Midnight Whisper, and the three of them joined in one, giant embrace, which caused Twilight to grow quite emotional. Soon, however, she had to compose herself, for the Archivist shot a glance her way from the pile of happiness.

He slowly broke the hug, his eyes escaping towards Midnight for a brief moment, and then turned to his wife.

Iaa dilece, uaiu filiy bid nye solusu hosp hacnoc...

Garnet Hoof tried to dry her eyes, but the tears were flowing still without remorse. She looked curiously at both stallions. “M-Maednoc Sept? Maednoc Wentr...?” She furrowed her brow, and her curly mane shifted. “Kwo knuti tuyi?

“Mom...” Midnight switched to Equestrian. “We are receiving a very special guest tonight, as well.”

Twilight revealed herself, somewhat abashed, hearing that cue. She was not sure how the mare would react to one more shock this evening, but... there was a part of her, that she found hard to denounce, that enjoyed this little, waggish scenario she partook in.

Ha?” was Garnet Hoof’s initial reaction. “Kwo—Neskaza Lunee!

The mare reeled back in surprise, pretty much dropping on her haunches, her expression between shock and disbelief, with a hint of wonder.

It was enough to cause her son and husband to stumble in laughter all over the porch.

Twilight felt her cheeks growing warm. This was so... strange. She wanted to come closer, to help the mare up, but it looked like she would only cause Garnet Hoof to crawl back inside in confusion.

The mare finally shook her head, glaring at her family. “Cesai rid, tuyi blazni!” Her voice was, however, slightly... elated?

Whatever she meant, it only caused the two to chuckle further. Twilight took a deep breath. At least she had to remain sane.

“Neskaza Lunee... welae tueu noc illum...” she greeted Garnet Hoof, which silenced the cackling for a moment.

I... i welae Neskaza Lunee... illum tueu noc tez, Knaze,” the mare replied, somehow abashed. “Tue dicte Noctraliyar?!

“Uhm... Iae ecus... ecuse, ale iae nye dic-cte Noctraliyar...” Twilight replied, earning a nod of admiration from Midnight. It would cause her muzzle to flare up, if it was not already red from embarrassment over the situation.

“I say you do, Knaze!” Garnet Hoof replied, taking a step forward, her face quickly changing into a wide, kind smile. “I... ha! I mean, I would... We have learned that you will be coming, but... ha, I would never expect somepony like you to just... come around, Knaze...”

“Well, I—”

Ha!” the mare shouted back, almost pounding her chest. “Nopony will say that Garnet Hoof cannot rise up to the task of hosting a Princess!”

“That’s... good?”

The two stallions finally composed themselves, but Twilight’s words again caused Midnight Whisper to chuckle and Midnight to snort from behind his hoof.

It spawned his mother’s attention. “Maednoc Wentr, does this mean that you are... guarding the Princess? Personally? Is that why she arrived at our doorstep?”

“I am, mother,” Midnight replied, straightening up his posture. “The Honored Covenant’s direct wish...”

Garnet Hoof squealed a little, then cupped his cheek, looking at him with great gentleness. “Iaeu maliyu filiyec... My heart ached when you became a warrior... but I am so proud of you...” Then she turned to Twilight again. “Haspadr tsi knaz, ponies all are welcome in Garnet Hoof’s house! Come, Knaze, you are invited to cross our threshold!” she stated officially.

Ah, yes, Twilight recalled – noctrali were keen on elaborately inviting others to their houses. That spawned one of the vampire myths, after all.

“Thank you. Of course, if I am only not being—”

“Not a word more, please, hwalba Knaze! You are most welcome! You brought me my son back!”

Without waiting anymore, Garnet Hoof, with speed much greater than one would expect from her slightly pudgy physique, rushed inside with an excited giggle, leaving the door opened wide.

Midnight Whisper sighed. “What have we told you, Princess?” He followed his wife diligently. “How could I not love such a mare...” he muttered to himself, his mouth widening in an amorous grin.

Midnight chuckled, drying his eyes properly. “This was so worth it.”

Twilight stepped closer to him when the Archivist disappeared in the doorway. “This was weird, but I am glad I was a part of your homecoming...”

Ha, I am happy. Also...” He snorted. “Since when I got so emotional?” he replied with a little laugh, inviting her to follow him inside. “I need to toughen up.”

“You’re fine the way you are, Midnight.”

“Just ‘fine’,” he retorted quietly, winking at her, “Hormoned Princess?”

How could she not love him?


Luna’s consciousness was floating amongst the countless dreamscapes. Through the space of many colors that did not exist, and sounds that did not make sense, and sensations that fleeted away in the morn like ethereal butterflies.

The chest of her projection was rising and falling in a steady, relaxed rhythm. Its gaze was piercing the fantasies and hopes and visions for signs of distress, fear, pain... For the darkness of the nightmares, enveloping the minds of ponies, enfeebled by slumber. To find and aid, to support and give counsel. To grant strength, or, more accurately, to show the little ponies that they had it already, deep inside of them.

An echo invaded the hallowed space of dream.


Luna’s mind inhaled and she opened her eyes, finding herself back in the hexagonal room that was her Meditation Chamber. Drapes of gossamer allowed but the faint flickering of stars to enter the room through the graceful, narrow windows. The faint murmur of water, travelling around the plush pedestal she occupied seemed to flow endlessly. This always helped Luna relax and open herself to the call of the Dreamworld.

Knocking, however, was definitely forbidden when she was performing her duties.

She stood up and spread her wings, descending from her dais and coming to the door. With a swift spell she unlocked the passage, seeing none other than a breathing-deep Toolbox, lowering his head humbly before her, his cyan mane matted and glued to his forehead with sweat.

“Agent Toolbox, you are well aware that I am not to be interrupted when I am meditating,” she admonished him, though without malice. He was reasonable enough not to forget that. “This must be most urgent.”

“Aye, Your Majesty,” the burly stallion replied immediately, steadying his breathing. “I have not forgotten... about what you told us, but...” He extended his hoof, holding in it a parchment. “This just came in. A message... from Maretonia, Your Majesty...”

Luna wasted no time to take the scroll from him. “Come in, please, we need to discuss this.”

“If you say so, Your Majesty, but I am aware this chamber is for you alone,” Toolbox let her know, trotting in reluctantly, looking around. “You never get all up your boss’ business,” he added, looking at her cautiously.

It was peculiar, seeing such a burly stallion acting so carefully, but she had learned that Toolbox was doing that out of respect. Respect that the streets of Manehattan and the ponies who ran them firmly had taught him.

“Please, Toolbox, you are not invading my personal space. Besides,” she paused to take a deep breath, “I think I should pay greater attention to my closest associates. You work tirelessly all night, I do not even have the opportunity to safeguard your dreams through the day...”

Toolbox smirked. “Your Majesty, there are ponies that need you more than we do...”

Luna spotted the somber glints in his eyes. “Do you not have nightmares still?”

“Just a light, Your Majesty. But those are but memories one has to handle. My father losing his workshop to the corporations, because he never had a paper from a school or anything... Him throwing a wrench at a bailiff and getting beat up by the Guards... Me, breaking that Lord Muck’s legs in an alley some days later...” Toolbox counted, looking to the side somewhere. “Then, sometimes, some of the jobs for the bosses. Knocking out chompers from ponies not paying protection, or the like...”

Luna stayed silent for a brief moment. The stallion rarely wished to talk about the details of his time with the mob and what had lead to it. And when he did, it was better to give him time.

Toolbox finally sighed. “Nah, that’s not important now, I am a big colt,” he assured, cracking his neck. “Please, Your Majesty, the message.”

Luna nodded, opening the parchment. She quickly scanned the contents, muttering to herself.

“... ‘without issues’... ‘discussions with’... ‘decided to fly out on’...” She paused, blinking. “My sister returns in two days.”

“Aye...” Toolbox affirmed. “After our last discussion, Your Majesty, we wanted you to know it fast...”

Luna bit her lip. Tia was coming back and there would be a lot of explaining to do.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Send word to Moonwarden, I order him to return as soon as possible. I need you all to be ready, if the talks in Maretonia revealed something new...”

“At once, Your Majesty!” Toolbox bowed his head, exiting the chamber post haste.

Luna stood there. Taking deep breaths. Crumpling the paper mercilessly in her hooves without even realizing.

Author's Note:

By the Immaculate Moon, that took a while...

Allow me, though many of you told me not to worry, to sincerely apologize to you, the readers, for taking so long to get back to the Journey. Between work, gaining my diploma and my family life turning upside down, I have had really hard time to focus and get this done. However, things clarified just enough for me to try and get back to the tale with some regularity. I have the outline for the next chapter done. I am also actively working on the Noctraliyar-English dictionary that I would like to post when it is formatted properly, for expanding it as the story progresses... Hopefully that offers at least a small reimbursement for all of this waiting.

A big, heartfelt "Thank you!" to all who are with me, and the story, up to this point. You are wonderful people, all of you!


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