• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

  • ...

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Chapter XXXVIII – Dangerous Words

Twilight stayed silent for the rest of the walk alongside Lord Midnight Eye, following him through the various, dark corridors, making sure to keep a polite distance and not to step in before him. She preferred to keep her gaze forward, trotting with poise and elegant dignity. Not to look dominated by the presence of the haspadr, but also not to appear high and mighty...

Especially considering what she had just managed to do.

To put it short? Effectively undermining not only Midnight Eye’s view on the matter of oaths of secrecy, but his entire authority. Just like that. In a matter of one exchange she somehow managed to gain the upper hoof, invoke the authority of an unrelenting deity...

Yes, it was far better to give the haspadr some space. For the sake of both gracious victory... and caution. Copious amounts of it caution. For he might have lost that particular argument, but it would be more than foolhardy to consider him defeated, or pacified in any way.

Or in any way actually glad about what had transpired.

Especially since, even if the two of them kept their disagreement relatively silent, five other ponies have witnessed, from their perspective, some sort of a small clash. Two of them were trusted sentinels, of course, which made them safe as far as onlookers went. Another one was a close archivist. Then there was Midnight, a Nightguardian and a stallion Midnight Eye already had a chance of evaluating... and who had been permitted to retain the emotional attachment to Twilight...

... which, by itself, would be a sight to behold by local standards.

But all of that left Rowan Berry, a mare from another Family. And, as Twilight presumed, that alone was enough for Midnight Eye to want to banish the unpleasant exchange to oblivion.

Truth be told, aside from keeping her advantage, she had nothing against that. She much preferred to have the Lord on her side having his respect, rather than his grudge.

Thankfully, if her careful glances could tell her anything, Midnight Eye hid whatever indignity he felt behind stoic and haughty impassiveness that best suited him. Now, only one matter remained to be uncovered – what was the actual plan he had for the upcoming days, since the unfortunate dispute did sidetrack him from letting Twilight know.

Thankfully, it seemed Midnight Eye was not going to make her guess for much longer... and had swallowed his hurt pride, at least for the moment.

“Honored Princess, as I would like to be a generous host, especially to such an esteemed guest...”

Surprisingly, Twilight couldn’t hear nor feel any sarcasm or bitterness in his voice.

“... I have decided to, in a way, indulge you... and grant a unique opportunity to the members of my Family.”

“Oh? Whatever would you mean, Honored Lord?”

He but smirked. “I hope you have an appreciation for dramatic pauses, Honored Princess.”

“I suppose it might depend on what I expect to hear after the pause,” she told him, withholding her... obvious enthusiasm.

“A sensible approach, I would say.” The Lord gracefully pointed forth, where the tunnel was opening into a larger cave. “I do not believe you to be disappointed with what I have planned, though, perhaps somewhat surprised...”

“Where are we headed actually, Honored Lord?”

She didn’t receive an answer, so she simply focused on the direction... hoping that Midnight Eye did not truly have the capacity of foreseeing his defeat and preparing a revenge plot in advance, just in case.

She wouldn’t put it past him, even if it felt like a stretch.

The cavern that they have entered turned out to be one of the, as Twilight suspected, many housing districts within the Mountain. The dwellings around appeared of comparable standard to the ones where Midnight’s family lived, which would mean that it was a shared space of the noble bloodline and the remaining Houses of the Family. Looking up, she could easily see staircases and porticos reaching the very stalactites of the cave, leaving little to no place underutilized.

She pondered whether the Mountain of Midnight was one of the most populous, or were their holdings simply enveloping any and all room for possible dwellings.

Hwalba knaze.”

Twilight’s attention immediately shifted back to the ground level, summoned there by the hoarse voice of an elderly mare. One that she quickly recognized.

Midnight Litany, the Family’s High Priestess stood before her, supported by one of her clerics as well as her characteristic, dark oak cane with the silver discus. She had an almost amused expression, making the wrinkles on her venerable face that much more prominent.

“Still here, brave Princess. The night of truths and shadows did not quench your spirit...”

Twilight glanced at Midnight Eye, but his expression was but that of passive smugness. She steeled herself for whatever was to come, especially with the old priestess trotting closer. There was much fervor behind her senile, golden gaze.

“Oh, but is there worry in your heart still, soleerane?”

“Caution, hwalba wisokantase,” Twilight clarified, not backing away even an inch. “Neskaza Lunee... welae tueu noc illum. I am honored by your presence, though I know not the reason for it.”

Midnight Litany chuckled, the bun of her graying, formerly smoky black mane bouncing. “I welae Neskaza Lunee... illum tueu noc tez, soleerane. You invoke the name of the Goddess very appropriately! Her Gaze is upon you, assessing you. And I, her humble servant, came to assess you and your words as well tonight.”

Twilight did her best not to show any further... caution, though she felt the quickly gathering discomfort regarding the possible implications.

“What would that... entail, if I can learn, Honored High Priestess?”

The mare cocked an eyebrow, her gaze quickly venturing towards Midnight Eye. “Hwalba knaze does not know anything of this planned meeting?”

The Lord smirked ever so faintly. “She does, wisokantase, she just forgot all about it. And was not expecting me to grant her this unique opportunity quite so rapidly, as a sign of my good will,” he added with what sounded like crushing benevolence.

So crushing, in fact, that Twilight almost snapped, only stopping herself thanks to the remorseless training in keeping up appearances which she was constantly subjected to whilst on this mission.

“May I finally know what is happening? I am truly grateful for any and all opportunities—”

“Wonderful,” Midnight Eye interrupted her, gesturing forth. “In that case, Honored Princess, please, we have but one more street to traverse...”

Twilight bit the side of her tongue to stop further commentary, but still fumed at his self-assured tone and all the secrecy.

Batponies, sheesh...

Before following both the Lord and Midnight Litany, she glanced back at Midnight, his father and Rowan Berry, but, all of them, as if synchronized, shook their heads, clearly not possessing the answer to her silent inquiry.

Stifling a justified sigh, Twilight continued the wild goose chase, her hoofshoes rhythmically striking the granite street. Accompanied by her quickened pulse, pounding in her ears. Strangely enough, aside from those two sounds, she could not hear much commotion about the cave... up until a distinctive... buzz began making itself more and more audible.

A hive? No, impossible, she doubted local batponies would allow insects to make their lairs in such pristine caverns. Or maybe it was a bat colony? The locals kept them as very familiar and familial pets, after all. The “little brothers”, as Midnight once called them... But why would she be assessed by the High Priestess if they were heading towards a congregation of small bats?

The street curved around a circular, or at least half-circular structure of some sort, sharply turning to the right in but a few upcoming yards. Despite the irritation, Twilight focused on both her mounting curiosity and the increasing volume of the peculiar sound...


... that hit her like a tidal wave as soon as the group took the corner.

A true cacophony of gasps, excited screams and calls made her blink and almost rear. She didn’t even have the capacity of focusing on the source of the ruckus at first, but when she finally did, her eyes were met with a kaleidoscopic sight of... small bats, indeed.

In this, as she now had realized, vast, open theater, much bigger than the one she saw but a couple nights before, an incredible crowd of batpony foals was now swarming. Trying to get the best view of her in rows of seats reaching many levels up. Seemingly countless golden eyes, with the occasional pair of sapphire, emerald, or ruby ones, were focused solely on her, wishing to take in each and every detail of her exotic stature, look and dress. The flapping of tiny wings was practically causing a gale to pick up around the place.

And Twilight was certain that only the presence of a large number of local teachers... indeed, all of them armed with canes, was keeping the horde of kids from charging straight at her.

Well, that and the presence of Lord Midnight Eye, as she imagined, who brandished a kindhearted expression that she could have almost fallen for.

“Surprise, Honored Princess,” he proclaimed, with disarming candor.

Twilight gave him a glance that must have betrayed a little bit of panic, considering his lips twitching, trying to arrest a smile. “Are... are those all the children in—”

“Not all, hwalba knaze, but a substantial amount of them. We tried to accommodate this meeting for as many younglings as we could.”

He stepped away from her for a moment, raising his hoof to silence the youthful crowd. With surprising success, actually, as but a few seconds were enough to have the entire gathering seated down, containing excitement solely due to the Lord’s imperious presence.

His voice reached every pair of little ears.

Dzieti, ia bid wald radosnu tuyi bidi hic. Hwalba knaze Crepuscle Iskre a Ekwestriya bidae terdict tuyii rogi driz. Rogorai w Ekwestriyar, tuyii uctani adiumai tuyi, ce nezbyitu.

Twilight did not fully understand him, but the rekindled commotion and the pupils reaching out to ask their teachers about something was clear enough for her.

“I... will be answering their questions, Honored Lord.”

“Indeed, Honored Princess,” Midnight Eye affirmed, giving her a little nod, using the buzz to screen the words meant solely for her. “I am not a wastrel when it comes to opportunities like these. Having the children of my Family witnessing an Equestrian Princess, the first soleerane to cross our borders in a millennium. Them being the first in Noctraliya to do so. What a singular set of circumstances that they shall benefit from.” He chuckled. “I am having their good in mind, like a haspadr should.”

Twilight did her best not to pout, for the sake of said foals, keenly observing her. She didn’t want to leave the wrong impression, especially now.

“I would have preferred some time to prepare, even mentally. I do not take the responsibility of teaching children lightly...”

“That is good to hear, but one might find the lack of preparation evoking more honesty,” the Lord retorted with a kind, almost venomous smile. “I seem to vividly recall the last Covenant meeting—”

“Your point is clear, Honored Lord, there is no need to exult.”

... that conniving...!

She lowered her voice just a little. “I come here to promote peace and cooperation, but I am well aware that noctrali hold specific views and... concepts about Equestrians in general. I can be very honest, if I only so desire. Would you really want that, Honored Lord?”

A glint of positive surprise lit up the Lord’s gaze, despite the words that followed. “That is why wisokantase Maednoc Sinatle shall be listening in to this meeting. Anything that might be... confusing young minds shall be scrutinized and, if necessary, immediately clarified.”

Twilight glanced the elderly mare’s way, as she was already taking her place in the closest and lowest row, accompanied by the rest of Midnight Eye’s entourage.

... Midnight’s glance found its target, focused and stoic... and yet wishing her all the luck and supporting her in this sudden challenge.

That was all she needed.

“I’d ask whether you truly consider me incapable of the clandestine game of hidden meanings, Honored Lord, since you are tasking me so often nowadays...”

“Oh, Honored Princess, I never said—”

“... but my game has clear, transparent rules that I am going to show, for the good of the children of your Family, indeed.”

She didn’t care anymore for his cocky smirks and self-satisfied exhales. She was here as the Princess of Equestria.

She had a job to do, machinations be damned!

The granite podium in before a blackboard was her destination. She trotted there with elegance and confidence of a royal, but also with a kind smile that camouflaged all the discomfort of Midnight Eye’s schemes.

The great number of shining eyes, easily surpassing a couple hundred, focused solely on her as she stood behind the stone pulpit. She was never one to shun from public speaking, especially after her destiny made her a Princess of Equestria, and yet she felt that little needle of fear prod at her. These were batpony children who had never before even seen an Equestrian, let alone an alicorn like her. She was an oddity, a curiosity that was about to take, as she suspected, an overwhelming number of questions. Carefully assessed by a Lord of a Family and the head of the local priesthood...

Twilight took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a second. Focusing on that ethereal feeling of hope, a constant, deep inside her.

If the Immaculate Moon... was indeed watching, she would aid Twilight in doing this in Her name. For the youngest of Her children.

“Hello!” Forth came a tone warm and confident. And perhaps slightly too loud, considering that the shape of the theater was multiplying Twilight’s volume accordingly. “I am very happy to be among you tonight. It’s a pleasure to be surrounded by so much excitement and so many smiles!”

She looked over the gathered, indeed finding a great deal of warm, excited expressions from the kids... and slightly less enthusiastic guises from the teachers.

Well, tough luck. She had to pick her targets this time.

“I am truly happy that I shall have the chance of answering questions from such a wonderful crowd. And, at the same time, sorry that I came a little unprepared,” she admitted, her gesture encompassing all the gathered. “I am certain you all know Equestrian very well, but my Noctraliyar is just a big nye.”

She put a small emphasis on the word which caused giggles to erupt from the kids, though the rapid glances of their tutors quickly curbed the enthusiasm.

Twilight finally took a second breath, trying to continue this makeshift introduction on the fly. “I want us to become good friends after this meeting, so I shall introduce myself. I am Twilight Sparkle... and you can call me just that, if you feel like it.”

A couple of thrilled gasps reached her ears, but she could also spot some of the children looking confused about her attempts at conviviality.

Hmmm, perhaps trying to completely circumvent the deep-rooted respect for hierarchy was going too far.

“As a Princess of Equestria, I am looking forward to addressing any and all questions you might have. So, who of you would like to begin?”

A forest of hooves sprouted right before her eyes. She doubted there to be one foal not attempting to grasp her attention. She looked about, seemingly given free reign to choose somepony to start with...

Her own eyes met a brilliant, jonquil pair, belonging to a meekly smiling filly, a bush of tomato red mane enveloping her muzzle.

“I know it’s a bit impolite to point, but how about we start here?” Twilight said, trying to be as precise as possible, considering the sheer amount of eager, potential questioners. “The filly with the red mane?”

A small chorus of disappointed sighs replied first, but the teachers were quick to silence it. The chosen foal nervously stood up, taking a breath just deep and anxious enough to echo around the place.

“H-hi! I... I just... I just wanted to say n-nice to meet you, H... Honored Princess. How do... how do... How. Do. You. Do?”

None of the vexing scheming of Midnight Eye could measure up to this filly’s sweet, unsure tone and endearing struggle to get the, somewhat neglected in Equestria, expression right. Especially considering the thick accent. Twilight’s heart nearly melted, the warmth spreading through her entire body.

“How do you do? What is your name, if I could learn?”

The filly mumbled something that Twilight could not hear.

“Could you repeat, please?”

“C-Cerise Midnight, Honored P-Princess.”

“It is very nice to meet you, Cerise Midnight.”

At the warmth of the tone and the smile, the little foal let out something akin to a squeal of delight and a panicked peep and sat down, her muzzle nearly as red as her mane, at least as much as it could be seen from behind the hooves.

“It is an honor to be welcomed by such a polite gathering,” Twilight let everypony know, glancing Midnight Eye’s way, though the Lord’s face was cordially blank. “Who wants to be next?”

The sea of hooves happened again, this time even faster. She could see the children already emboldened. Not that they had any reservations before.

“How about... the colt with sapphire eyes, right there?” She picked a child from the other side of the assembly.

The owner of the said eyes, almost jumping up from his pillow, assumed the best position of attention he could muster, his voice trembling only a little. “H-Honored Princess, I am Cold Wind, it is a pleasure to meet you, how do you like our Mountain, I hope you like it, thank you!” he exclaimed with one breath, slumping down onto his pillow right afterwards, though quickly reprimanded by his teacher into getting up again.

Twilight stopped the giggle in her chest. “I like it very much, Cold Wind. Your city is very beautiful and you should be proud to have such an amazing Library here.”


“Yes!” Twilight eagerly assured. “Even back home I have not seen a more beautiful one and I have been to many. I even lived in one!”

“You lived in a library?!” came a piping question from another part of the audience, prompting a tutor to shush the urchin.

Twilight didn’t mind, raising her hoof in a calming gesture.

“Yes, I did. I live in a town called Ponyville and, before becoming the Princess, I worked as a librarian in the Golden Oak Library, which was actually in an old, majestic oak!”

A number of “wows” and “has” livened up the, already excited, crowd, with whispers discussing these incredible revelations rather eagerly.

Twilight’s smile grew. It was becoming rather fun!

“Who wants to go next?” she asked, causing another spontaneous reaction. “How about... the colt right back there, with both hooves up?”

Hwalba Princess, how much books you have to read to be finally as smart as roditi?”

“Well,” Twilight began, trying not to laugh at the strange, half-hopeful half-resigned tone. “I love reading and have read many books in my life, but I still feel my mom is smarter than me. Her experience—”

“Of course She is! She’s the stupid and mean goddess!”

Twilight blinked, confused by the exclamation that came from one of the kids. The foal’s teacher, a sour looking stallion, was less baffled than her, though no less perturbed, almost eagerly reaching for the cane resting to his side.

“There’s no need, kind uctan.”

Twilight’s immediate protest made the place silent for a breath. She quickly peeked towards the Lord and the wisokantase, but Midnight Eye’s mask remained impenetrable and Midnight Litany had her eyes closed, as if asleep... which she, quite obviously, wasn’t.

Midnight’s own stare grew pensive, but staunchly supportive of any and all of Twilight’s further actions.

She had to rush to those. “May I ask who said that?”

Nopony dared to move at first, though the teacher looked ready to pinpoint the culprit.

“Please, it’s alright. Which one of you spoke up?” she asked again, trying to sound as understanding as she could. “You have nothing to fear.”

Finally, just as Twilight was worried the irked stallion shall make his move, a sweet filly of inky blue mane rose up from her seat, head hanging down.

“I... I said that, H-Honored Princess...” she stammered, her soft voice cracking.

“What’s your name?”

She hoped that the filly actually heard her question, as she tried the softest of her volumes yet.

“... M... Midnight Veil, H-Honored Princess...” finally came the reply.

Twilight smiled. “Look at me, please, Midnight Veil.”

A pair of big, golden, teary eyes became visible after a moment...

... there was more to their sadness than simply worry over being punished for speaking out of turn, or calling a goddess “stupid and mean”, Twilight could tell even from this distance.

“The Judging Sun, or as we call her in Equestria, ‘Princess Celestia’ is not my mom, though she had been my teacher through most of my life. My mom’s name is Twilight Velvet... She might not be the Judging Sun, but she is still far smarter than me,” Twilight politely explained, trying to calm the shuddering filly down by focusing on the question’s core.

Besides, she had... some experience when it came to rumors about her relation with the Princess. Possible parenthood was only one of them, actually... It was not really a surprising piece of gossip, considering the strength of their bond, but Twilight could never forget about her dear mom, humbly staying out of public view to let her daughter grow and thrive...

Twilight felt her smile softening even further at the thought of her mother... so she decided to use that.

“I understand that, considering how I look, it might be a little confusing. But you don’t have to—”

“I’m... I’m very sorry, H-Honored Princess...”

“It’s alright, Midnight Veil, I mean it. It’s an honest mistake to mak—”

The filly shook her head. “N-no! I... I didn’t want to... to say... Please, don’t... don’t tell Her I called Her mean and... and stupid...”

Twilight wanted to answer immediately, but bit the side of her tongue, quickly calculating the risk of her next words. Considering batpony dogmas on the inevitability of the Judging Sun’s searing judgment and all which that implied... and the strictness of their religion...

“I don’t think she would actually mind either of those words.”

She rapidly glanced at Midnight Litany, but the venerable mare did not even move, vigilantly listening to every word, even with her eyes closed.

“I am sure you did not mean what you said, right?”

The child said nothing at first, shuffling from hoof to hoof, obviously trying to choose the right words.

“I... I just... what is She like, H... Honored Princess?”

Despite the warm expression she kept, Twilight felt a shiver colder than mountain gales going down her spine. Yes... that was the kind of question she had every right to fear, all things considered. And yet, one couldn’t possibly avoid having it brought up, right?

For Twilight, Princess Celestia was an icon. And idol. A paragon of a ruler, of a caring protector and a wise mentor.

For the batponies, the Judging Sun was an unforgiving reminder of punishment for sins. The absolute, burning justice, without mercy, lest persuaded into it by her Sister Goddess.

What was the right thing to say? How could she describe her beloved teacher?

A quick glance Midnight’s way had to be her sole encouragement. She lingered for only a second... but it was enough.

“Princess Celestia... the Judging Sun, She is very just. In Her words and actions. When I was growing up, She constantly watched over me... like She watches over all of us.” Twilight took a breath, feeling her heart pounding. “Perhaps... we sometimes consider Her vigilance overbearing, but it is for our own good, as She has only that in her mind. The good of all of us.”

The little Midnight Veil listened just as carefully as the rest of the foals. And the teachers. And the Lord and the High Priestess.

For a moment, Twilight had a strange feeling that even Princess Celestia could hear her. If so, she hoped that she understood why she had been a portrayed a little less motherly than she really was.

“So, She is... good...” the filly finally spoke again, her faint volume carrying her question well enough. “So... why... why did She make... make my dad blind?”

Twilight felt her throat constricting as she quickly connected the dots. The terrible consequence of batponies’ susceptibility to sunlight...

She just knew there had to have been something behind Midnight Veil’s initial words... Children were not malicious just because. They always had some reason to, one that could have been addressed and remedied.

Not unlike adults.

But how could Twilight remedy... those words? That pain?

“I... don’t know, Midnight Veil. But... would you like me to talk to Her? Ask what could be done to help your dad?”

No sooner than after the echo of those words completely died out did the filly spoke up again. “You... you could do... do that, Honored Princess?”

Twilight felt tears stinging her own eyes a little. “Of course, Midnight Veil. If only I can help that way, I shall.”


This characteristic sound came from the side. Midnight Litany, with an expression that betrayed rather easily not only her support, but also the approval for Twilight’s efforts, raised up her ceremonial cane and brought it down with a strong knock.

Midnight Eye, despite his authoritarian expression, also nodded his head.

And Midnight Veil, trying her best to contain tears, this time of joy, had a most beautiful smile.

Twilight somehow managed to contain her own emotions, hiding how moving this situation was for her. “I’m glad to help. That is why I am here. Now...” She shook her head a little. “Who wants to ask the next question?”

Even the sheer number of raised hooves could not make her feel overwhelmed anymore. She spent the next two or three hours talking about all kinds of topics. From her favorite color, her friends back in Ponyville, her preference regarding oranges or watermelons, flying with such “strangely featherly” wings... The further into those small conversations she went, the more relaxed did the foals become and the more reluctant to stopping them the teachers grew.

Iaeu tat says that... that Equestrians do what they want, with no or... or... or-ga-ni-za-tion,” a shy, ashen-haired filly said at one point, making Twilight comically feint shock.

“That’s not entirely true. We do not have such an interesting system of castes and groups as Noctraliya, but we all choose our jobs according to our talents and try to do our best for the sake of others!”

“Do you like animals, Honored Princess?” a colt of emerald eyes and an almost literal nest of olive mane asked aloud.

“I do, just like my friends. I actually have a pet owl!”

“I really like your mane!” praised a filly that, clearly, had much talent in making her own hair as pristine and braided as possible.

Twilight just laughed, though the sentence reminded her of a... peculiar misadventure from some time back. “Thank you, I like yours too!”

“I could brush it if you brush mine!”

The nearby teacher shook her head and sighed, but only laughter sounded all around.

After a couple more questions, all of which Twilight answered to the best of her abilities, Midnight Eye stood up, his voice carrying around just enough authority to match his, rather pleased expression.

Dzieti, this has been a wonderful time, ab Neskaza Lunee... but it would not be kind to occupy our guest’s entire night. We have time for one more question.”

A couple of disappointed sighs resounded, but it was blatant that even to those little kids the Lord’s will was law.

Now Twilight had the hard task of picking just one more foal to talk to, at least for that night. A monumental burden, since all of the children proved to be both very curious and almost overwhelmingly positive about the entire experience.

Her gaze ventured left and right, seeing no diminishing in the amount of raised hooves and expectant eyes.

Hmmm... Well, if it was such a wonderful time “by the Immaculate Moon”, as the Lord himself stated, maybe Twilight would leave this matter to chance?

Defocusing her eyes a little, she took a deep breath and pointed her hoof to the right. As it happened, just above Midnight’s very, cobalt mane, where a filly of brilliantly lemon eyes was nearly using the stallion’s head to support herself to become more visible.

“How about you. What’s your name?”

“Vivid Midnight, Honored Princess!”

“What is your question, then, Vivid Midnight?”

The filly played with her hooves and wobbled through her words with that hard-to-miss, innocent embarrassment. “I just... uhm... you... you are really pretty, Honored Princess... Do you have a... a... a special somepony?”

Twilight’s jaw almost dropped. She could easily see Midnight going rather rigid in his own seat.

“If... if so, what is he like? He must be a Prince!”

The Goddess Herself, destiny, or whoever else responsible for her choosing that filly... What sick sense of humor they had.

Twilight quickly regained composure, especially with the children all around the theater either giggling or groaning, largely dependent on whether they were fillies or colts.

“Well, uhm...”

She saw Lord Midnight Eye’s firm gaze in the corner of her vision, but tried to keep eye contact with the curious filly.

“I... I do have a... a special somepony. We met some time ago, and ever since then I felt... I felt a connection with him that I... well, only quite recently realized was something more than I could have imagined.”

... a quick realization dawned on Twilight. By the Goddess, it hadn’t been even a month!

“He...” She did her best to keep her eyes forward, even if Midnight, desperately attempting not to blush, was right there, but two rows below the filly. “He is very kind and... and brave. I know I can rely on him and that... that he truly cares about me. He makes me feel safe... I know that, with him at my side, nothing bad can happen.”

A collective and undeniably honest “awww” resounded all over. Well, alongside one, very quickly hushed, gagging.

“Is he as handsome as the Nocferratan here?”

Twilight felt the tips of her ears burning. “To... a degree?”

“That shall be enough, dzieti,” Midnight Eye interrupted further inquiry, standing up with a swoosh of his cape. “Thank our guest for her time and kindness.”

Ua-i gra-ti!” A rhythmical response filled the air, letting Twilight vent the gathering heat behind her cheeks with a laugh.

“I iae grate tuyi, dzieti,” she replied, giving the gathered one more smile.

As the colorful, whispering and ever-curious crowd began moving out of the rows, the teachers quickly attempting to organize their corresponding pupils, Midnight used the opportunity to approach the podium. He screened Twilight from the wave of passing children, just like a personal guard should have.

She knew he just wanted to be closer to her... especially after those words, and that was more than fine.

“Quite the surprise, but you have done wonderfully, Twilight,” he whispered to her, looking inconspicuous, making sure the sound of hooves and conversations was giving them a little privacy.

“Thanks. This was... surely something. But those foals were just wonderful.”

“You handled the questions really well, I think,” he added further, looking about, though standing at attention. “Even the... more complex ones.”

“Was just trying my best, considering the... audience,” Twilight admitted, glancing past the rows of children at Midnight Eye, who was discussing something with the High Priestess, while Midnight’s father, Midnight Whisper, was showing something in the distance to Rowan Berry.

Midnight didn’t need more to understand her gaze entirely. “Ha, you can say that again... Can you answer one more question, though?”

“Yes, of course.”

“How can one be ‘to a degree’ as handsome as oneself?”

Had the circumstances been any different, she would have kicked him in the ankle there and then.

After a few more minutes, when the audience left almost in entirety, the Lord approached the two of them, looking after the last few stragglers. “I hope the surprise was to your liking, Honored Princess?”

“Definitely, Honored Lord. A bit... intimidating at first, but I think it went just fine.”

Midnight Eye chuckled. “What can be more dangerous than a crowd of innocent foals, no?”


“You have done well, Crepuscle Iskre,” Midnight Litany’s hoarse tone interrupted the conversation. With the tapping of her cane, she chuckled. “Haven’t seen the kids so excited in ages! Which, come to think of it, is accurate.”

Twilight gave her a careful smile. “I suppose so, hwalba wisokantase. I hope I have not overstepped any boundaries with my w—”

“One could always say you did, but little brats see through chicanery like no other... and you meant every word you said, Twilight Sparkle. And yet...” The elderly mare nodded profoundly. “That little filly, Midnight Veil – her father used to take care of our flocks in the nearby vale. He bravely shepherded them during the days and his eyes suffered from it. He might not be able to see any light ever again.”

Twilight understood the gravity of this, but that didn’t change her stance. “The better to show even but a small glimpse of hope to his daughter.”

“To have it extinguished as time goes by and nothing changes?”

“No, Honored High Priestess. To help her with the pain now and ease her into accepting reality later, if the worst comes to pass.”

Midnight Litany smiled, showing her fangs. “You still mean every word, filly! And do you truly intend to keep the promise, plan on contacting your mentor, the unforgiving Sewira Solee? Ask Her for mercy which She is not known for?”

Twilight squinted her eyes, but then quickly smiled. The answer to those questions had been in her mind for quite some time, actually.

“Only just before we entered this cave have I asked the Honorable Lord Eye of Family Midnight to grant me permission to do just that and contact my teacher. Now, more than even before, I have a reason to do so.”

The elderly mare’s brow furrowed, though the lines on it made it hard to spot. “Is that so, Honored Lord?”

“Indeed, the Honored Princess asked for the freedom of contacting the unforgiving goddess, her mentor,” Midnight Eye confirmed, much to Midnight Litany’s... joy.

Neskaza Lunee... she means every word!” The elderly mare laughed and coughed alike, shaking her head. She turned around, assisted by the silent cleric of hers, her words ringing all around, more than clear. “You better not stop her, nor such a message, colt. Her intentions are too pure to be hindered by your little intrigues. And the Cowene might just lose a Lord if you dare continue!”

Midnight Eye’s eyes widened in exasperation and his nostrils flared dangerously at those words. He remained where he was, valiantly, breathing deeply, his gaze following the High Priestess with grim intent.

Not agreeing with the Lord’s methods aside, Twilight was certain that a lesser leader would not be able to contain himself when faced with such a blatant insult and, well, threat.

She glanced at Midnight, who stood at perfect attention, not daring to let even his body language comment on what happened.

It took Midnight Eye a few moments to turn back to her again. “Well... perhaps a loquacious, elderly mare is more dangerous than a crowd of innocent foals after all...” he spoke, once again masterful in hiding the tone of outrage behind a regal one.

Twilight looked towards the rest of the entourage, then turned away from everybody but the Lord. “I do hope you are willing to recognize the High Priestess’ words, Honored Lord. She supported my course of action. And I am not a wastrel when it comes to opportunities like these,” she quoted him sotto voce.

For a breath she considered that she had gone too far, but the Lord shook his head, outright chuckling to himself. “Pure intentions and a shrewd mind. What potent combination, Honored Princess Sparkle of Twilight.”

She granted him a victorious smirk, just as he liked them. “Why, thank you, hwal—”

Hwalbu haspadr! Hwalbu haspadr!

A sudden call, rapidly closing in, gathered everypony’s attention. One of the Lord’s sentinels, considering the ornate garment and armor, was galloping in their direction. Twilight quickly spotted a tube swinging from his neck, not unlike a scroll case.

Maednoc Peng, kwo bid hac?” Midnight Eye asked, pointing at the exact same item that caught her attention.

The sentinel stopped pretty much in place, gasping for breath, yet saluting perfectly.

Dimita ia, hwalbu haspadr, hac pism preire nye dwo kwadrani ant!

Twilight understood well enough that this was some sort of a recent message, especially since the haspadr wasted no time in gesturing the stallion to hand the tube over.

Kwi mitte to?

Hwalbu haspadr Aldatu u Rodine Kiel!

Of Family Fang? That meant this was from Lord Blessed Fang!

Midnight Eye glanced around before opening the tube and taking out a pristine scroll with a wax seal. Twilight spotted well enough the two fangs that marked it.

She was expecting the haspadr to take a while to calmly read the letter after opening it, but as soon as he laid his eyes on the script, a prolonged, vicious hiss escaped his throat. When he immediately looked back up, Twilight almost jumped away from the intensity of his expression.

“Looks like Our Mother granted both of us premonitions in that corridor, hwalba knaze...”

When he turned the scroll for her to see, she didn’t need to understand one sign of the batpony alphabet to grasp what the single, sharp, underscored word beneath the initial text meant.

‘I desire to threaten.’

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