• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 12,285 Views, 4,039 Comments

Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XI – Princess and the Batpony

Twilight had never contemplated how her first kiss would look like.

If she were to guess, she would have imagined it as something... shy. Timid. A simple, quick gesture. Without too much of a warning, something like a surprise. Happening when nopony else would be watching, so that the blossoming feeling between her and her loved one would remain hidden from the rest of the World, at least temporarily. It would occur in the calm and tranquility of her library, or some other, perhaps utterly romantic place, picked by just the two of them.

Well, her guess would have been mostly incorrect.

First off, the kiss was anything but demure. Twilight felt her knees weakening the moment Midnight’s lips touched her own. There was enough yearning and longing in this gesture, enough suppressed emotions finally finding their escape, that she felt almost swept from her hooves. There were no thoughts crossing her mind, only feelings. Surprise, excitement, mirth, even that blissful anticipation for something hard to describe, something far more fulfilling than even this gesture of closeness and trust.

Her eyes closed immediately as she focused on the unique experience. And yet she could swear that she was seeing colors swirling under her eyelids. Lucid saffron, just like his irises. The grey of his coat. The cobalt hue of his mane...

She had no idea how long the kiss took. All she was wishing to focus on was the feeling of Midnight’s warm lips, pressing almost hungrily against her own, his sharp fangs scraping the edges of her cheeks. This combined sensation was causing a strange, inviting and tingling... urge in her. It was spreading all over her body, making her spine shiver in her sudden delight.

The stallion was holding her face still, his hooves caressing her cheeks with incredible gentleness to rival the famished kiss. Twilight did not even spot when she lifted one of her forelegs and wrapped it around Midnight’s neck, hoping to become closer with him still. And she could swear that, in the midst of the long, passionate moment, the stallion’s lips widened in a broad smile.

She would never have expected a unique moment like this happening in a distant land. In a chamber carved in solid, mountainous rock, barely lit by a few candles. With marks of a nearly mortal fight still present all around, blood staining the floor and a wickedly curved dagger embedded in the door of her room.

Yet, despite all of these details... she loved the way her first kiss had come to being.

And she loved Midnight Wind.

Twilight felt surprisingly lightheaded at one point. It must have been that sheer tide of feelings and emotions rushing through her. Or maybe it was the fact that she had completely forgotten to breath during this wonderful moment.

Despite the entirety of her being protesting fiercely, her heart opposing her the most, Twilight slowly moved her head back, breaking the kiss. She opened her eyes, witnessing the brilliant saffron of Midnight’s irises. Was it her, or were they even more vibrant and bright now?

The stallion just looked at her warmly, smiling one of his fanged, crooked smiles which caused Twilight to giggle softly.

He exhaled in joy. “Ha... You... have no idea how long I was waiting to do this,” he declared, causing the mare to realize just how brightly she was capable of blushing.

“I... I was pretty impatient myself, I admit...” she muttered back. She was still keeping close to him, her foreleg around his neck, allowing this pure, basic joy to steadily fill her. The joy of being together.

He let go of her muzzle, instead deciding to embrace her tightly.

“I owed you a hug, no?” he inquired rhetorically, causing Twilight to giggle, her muzzle nestled against his neck.

“Oh, I can safely say your debt is more than settled,” she whispered back.

“Is that so? So I will not have to do it again?” he asked, leaning back and staring at her with a roguish grin.

Twilight found just enough daring in her to nuzzle him in response, causing him to chuckle and her to feel this indiscernible feeling of satisfaction and abashment washing over her.

He shook his head in laughter. “Ha, I get it. Now we shall have to keep track of... other debts,” he assessed, winking playfully, just before he leaned in for another kiss.

Twilight felt again that spark of excitement going through her body. She wondered if that would be a constant feeling accompanying these moments. She gasped lightly as Midnight applied a bit more pressure to her lips.

They were occupied with each other for a longer moment, until Midnight finally leaned back, smiling brightly.

“So... I figured it all out, it seems,” he declared, staring right into Twilight’s eyes.

She knew exactly what he meant, but she wished to inquire nonetheless. “Yes?”

Ia amat tue, Crepuscle Iskre,” he whispered back with conviction. “I love you, Twilight Sparkle,” he repeated in Equestrian, causing Twilight to wonder if she had ever before in her life smiled more affectionately at anypony.

“And I love you, Midnight Wind,” she replied timidly, before closing her eyes, trying to forge the correct sentence. “Uhm... it will be... Iae amate tu, Maednoc Wentr?”

The batpony chuckled. “Is that doubt I hear?”

Twilight furrowed her brow trying to feign outrage, yet without much success, especially considering her otherwise delighted expression.

“Iae amate tu, Maednoc Wentr,” she repeated herself properly, causing Midnight to breathe deeply, then laugh with unrivaled joy before doing something that surprised her a great deal.

He suddenly ducked, bringing his forelegs underneath Twilight’s own and wrapping them around her, just below her wings. Then, without any trouble, he lifted her off the ground, holding her close and beginning to spin around on his hind legs, laughing merrily.

Twilight tried to free himself from his strong grasp, but couldn’t contain her joy one way or the other, her giggling interrupted by her frantic shouts. “Midnight, stop! Put me down! Put me down, now!”

“Make me!” he taunted her, only gaining in speed.

She was not going to let him get away with his blatant impertinence. She placed her hooves on the sides of his muzzle, not unlike how he had done to her, and leaned in for one more kiss. It worked immediately, causing the stallion to stop to properly return the caress, sending more blissful jolts down the mare’s spine. Midnight’s strong forelegs keeping her close were granting her the feeling of feebleness and safety alike.

“We have a good rate so far,” he commented after he finally put Twilight down, his expression as merry as never.

“Oh, shush,” she silenced him, looking to the side in abashment. Truth be told, she was going to look forward to this becoming a frequent activity of theirs, even though she had just learned what it meant to be kissed in such a way. “I... hope we can do this often, though...” she admitted.

“Good to know,” he replied, wishing to chuckle again. However his face fell abruptly as his gaze focused on the other side of the room.

Twilight followed with her own stare. Midnight was intently looking at the door to her chamber. Deep Mist’s dagger was deeply embedded in the wood.

Bogine, obliwae ia...” Midnight whispered in pious angst. He left Twilight and approached the blade. “Perhaps it was not good to let him go...” he declared, appearing almost as if hypnotized by the weapon.

“Midnight, don’t think like this,” Twilight immediately protested, following him. “No matter what Deep Mist learned or what he shall tell Azure Mist, this is still better than you... staining your conscience.”

The batpony bit his lip, deliberating something fiercely, his whole attention focused on the weapon.

Twilight stood next to him, waiting for a longer moment. As he remained motionless, she put her hoof on his shoulder. “Midnight?”

“He shall tell her about us...” he whispered, closing his eyes and taking a long breath.

“Yes...” Twilight admitted. She could guess that information like this in the hooves of Azure Mist might have been problematic. “But... even if he does, we—“

“No, Twilight,” he interrupted her. He shook his head and started pacing around, locked in thought. “This is serious. She will try to use this to her advantage somehow...” he paused for a moment. “Deep Mist being her damned spy aside... I do not believe in coincidences, it was her that must have suggested that Commander Ardent Fang chooses him for the escort. And if she was daring enough to place him right under our noses, then she will keep trying to... to...” he did not finish, instead baring his teeth in rising anger as he circled around the place.

Twilight stepped in front of his way, putting her hoof on his cheek, despite his fierce expression. “Whatever she is trying to achieve, I believe we can deal with her plans, now that we are sure she has a scheme in mind. We can be one step ahead of her,” she wished to assure him, but he gently moved her foreleg away, his eyes full of worry but also genuine sadness.

“Twilight, I... we...”

The mare knew not from where this sudden wave of conviction came, but she stepped even closer to him.

“Yes, ‘we’, Midnight,” she pointed out. “It is ‘we’ from now on. And we shall make it. No matter what.”

Twilight suddenly realized that she had spoken with confidence nothing short of stalwart. She had no idea what could have caused it. Perhaps it was this strange, strengthening warmth that she felt in her heart. That wonderful realization, a sensation utterly new to her and yet strangely familiar and natural.

Being loved.

Midnight looked at her with a mixture of admiration and confusion.

“No, I mean... Twilight... you... oh, to Peraure with this!” he ultimately declared.

Twilight snickered just before he leaned in for yet another kiss, causing her to let out another, small gasp of joy. Was it her, or was the chamber getting warmer? Like, really warmer.

“You inspire, Twilight,” the stallion eagerly admitted after they stopped. “Still... I shall be concerned. I mean...” he still could not find his words. “Bogine, it is so stupid...”

“... you worry that... I am a soleerane?” she asked him, intrigued if her assumptions were correct.

“No, Twilight,” he replied, his eyes glinting in determination. “That makes no difference to me, but... I can only speak for myself.”

“I... understand.”

She grasped the idea. Back in Equestria, nopony looked at that sort of thing. Earth ponies, pegasi, unicorns, aside from possibly a few infamous examples, were never finding interracial relationships to be frowned upon. But batponies? Considering everything she was aware of already... And taking into account their situation...

Focused entirely on figuring out her feelings for Midnight, she had never thought about this important matter before. And now that she had done so, she could not have stopped her ears from dropping, her confidence evaporating.

However, she immediately felt Midnight comforting her with a caring, warm embrace.

“Please, do not worry, Twilight, I cannot stand it... We will think of something, I swear it ab Bogine,” he whispered, holding her close. “You said yourself, we can make it no matter what. Have you forgotten already?” he inquired, tightening his hug.

A sad smile crept upon her face. “No... It will simply be... a bit complicated,” she admitted.

“I have a feeling that ‘complicated’ is a pretty common relationship status,” he lackadaisically remarked, causing Twilight to nod. “For now...”

He let her go timidly before returning his gaze to the dagger. He extracted the weapon form the wood and held it in his hoof.

The mare had her first real chance of assessing the weapon. She was surprised to find that it wasn’t a typical, short and concealable armament. Rather than that, it was shaped like a crescent, edged blades on both sides of the ornate handle embellished by a dark stone of onyx, with an almost white mark going through it.

“Quite a weapon...” she judged as Midnight held it in his hooves, weighting in.

“Indeed. I am pretty certain it is called... Ocwieke. An ‘Eyelid’,” he replied, giving the dagger an even closer look.

“Due to its shape?”

“That too. This bit of pazn here,” he stroked the polished mineral, “resembles an eye with a white pupil. A mostly decorative thing, but quite... appropriate, I guess. Nicely sharped,” Midnight commented, looking at the metal edges of the blade with caution before placing it in perfect balance on the very tip of his hoof. “Evened well enough to be thrown.” He glanced at the deep cleft in the door. “Prokleyitu kad, he nearly got me...”

“Did Deep Mist... really wish to kill you?” Twilight whispered, feeling a paralyzing flutter going down her spine at the very thought.

“I don’t know,” the stallion replied with surprising calm. “Each batpony’s life belongs to the Immaculate Moon... Even if he believed me to be a traitor,” he said and Twilight took note of his disgusted grimace, “I doubt he tried to end me. He could have hurt me gravely, though.”

Twilight could not have stopped herself from asking another question. “And were you... I mean... really considering...?”

Midnight remained silent for a longer while, his grasp on the dagger gradually strengthening. Twilight took that as an answer in itself. It caused her heart to race, as her mind did not know how to cope with such an information.

The stallion answered her finally.

“I cannot deny that it crossed my mind,” he admitted, averting his gaze. “Anger and hatred are not the answers, no,” he admitted. He seemed to have been gathering his thoughts. “That was not the real reason I stopped myself. The truth is... I was afraid.”

Twilight’s mouth opened as he turned to her, his eyes betraying his embarrassment and guilt. He continued in but a whisper.

“I felt fear that if I do kill him... you will reject me, Twilight.”

Next thing the mare knew was her embracing Midnight as tightly as she could, her cheek pressed to the side of his neck. Her gesture made him drop the dagger, which clanged against the floor loudly.

“I would never have rejected you, Midnight, I love you,” Twilight whispered almost in dread, holding him tightly. “I-I am glad you did not kill, but...”

She stopped herself from saying that “it wouldn’t have mattered”. It would have. A lot. Yet, even so, it would not have made her care about him any less. It was a thought that both amazed and terrified her.

She nestled against him even more, feeling his hooves around her.

They both remained motionless for a few whiles, until Midnight finally spoke up in a deadpan tone. “Great, we admitted that we are in love ten minutes ago and we have some serious issues already.”

Despite the doubts in Twilight’s mind and the seriousness of their conversation, she could not have stopped herself from laughing joyfully as she held him a bit longer. He chuckled as well, shaking his head.

“May I always make you laugh like this,” he wished hopefully, which earned him a shy peck on the cheek.

“It helps, indeed... Alright, back to ‘now’. What do we do?” Twilight inquired, stepping back and looking around the chamber. It bore visible signs of strife, especially considering the blood staining the floor.

Midnight assessed the situation as well, but his gaze focused more on Deep Mist’s abandoned backpack and armor, still lying near his bed. He pondered for a while.

“Logic dictates leaving no trace of what happened. The blood should not be too hard to get rid of, it is still fresh...” he assessed with a strange intensity in his eyes. “Considering Deep Mist’s armor... I cannot allow it to be just tossed away or left behind. He is a Nightguardian after all. And I will not disrespect him,” Midnight declared, then smirked towards Twilight. “You have done so quite enough tonight.”

She blinked, perplexed. “If you mean that I have tossed him at the wall, then...”

“Not quite.”

He trotted forward and picked up Deep Mist’s broken fang from the stone floor.

“As you might have already realized, Twilight, the laws of our race are quite strict. For wampiri, disobedience or breaking regulations can result in flogging, for example,” he pointed out, pausing meaningfully. “But failing a major task, compromising your mission, or worse, demonstrating cowardice, usually results in a penalty we call uyazmiyene.”

“I... don’t understand still...” she replied.

“It would translate to ‘the taming’ in Equestrian. It involves one, or both of your fangs being chipped, or broken off completely,” he explained patiently, staring down at the tooth in his hoof. “To suffer uyazmiyene is a great dishonor upon any warrior and, well...” he paused, granting Twilight a purposeful look.

Her eyes widened in an instant. “I... I shamed him. Aside from being defeated by an Equestrian, he suffered a grave insult...” she whispered. “That would explain his... fury.”

“I am not going to bother trying to relate to his outburst,” Midnight commented coldly, approaching Deep Mist’s bag. “We need to sift through his belongings, perhaps we can find something useful to us. But first, this mess...” he pointed out, staring at the bloodstains.

“I think I can get rid of them quite easily,” Twilight replied.

“You don’t look like a chambermaid type of mare to me,” the stallion assessed with a smirk, giving her an inquisitive and slightly mischievous stare.

She rolled her eyes. “But do I look like a magical type of mare to you?”

Only after Midnight’s expression had hardened did Twilight realize that this proposition might not have been too considerate. The stallion pressed his lips together and his gaze pierced through her. She waited a proper while for his response, her heart fluttering in her chest.

“I trust you, Twilight,” he finally assured her. “And I see the usefulness of your art... And I love your enchanting eyes,” he added, chuckling nervously before his face fell again. “But... using magic so often and for mundane tasks?” he presented the question.

“I... well, I mean—” Twilight attempted to explain it to him, but he stopped her with a raised hoof.

“I just... I’ll be in your chamber, I’m going to go through Deep Mist’s stuff. You... do your thing.”

Without looking at her, he calmly approached his comrade’s backpack and put the broken tooth in. After throwing the bag on his back he collected his own sack without a word.

Twilight was observing him the whole time, her face saddened. As he was passing by the dagger on the floor, he grabbed it and ventured to her room, closing the doors behind him slowly, not even a glance going the mare’s way.

She shook her head, sighing deeply. The idea of a “complicated” relationship rang true in her mind.

She could understand his reluctance and, surely, she could have been more careful with offering an easy, magical solution. She promised herself to find out why exactly were batponies so opposed to magic. Why did they find it... “wrong”, as he once told her.

Twilight looked around the chamber, only now realizing how... disturbing it appeared. The bloody marks, one present exactly where Deep Mist’s muzzle connected with the wall, made her feel like her stomach was shifting itself around. And that remarkable sign on the door, left by the dagger...

Well, it could have been much worse, considering! Even so, she was not about to let even a detail of the recent struggle remain in the room.

Making sure that magical energies were causing the blood to evaporate felt like a... clandestine, yet necessary practice. In a few glimpses of her spells, the chamber was cleansed from the crimson evidence. And a moment of concentration on a Restorative Form spell was more than enough to get rid of the scar in the wood. Although Twilight was surprised just how deeply the weapon stuck itself in it. If it were to hit Midnight instead...

She shivered. She wasn’t going to think about it. She just wasn’t.

After finally assuring that the place was back to optimal condition, Twilight ventured to her chamber. Midnight was standing at the table, in front of a display of items that he must have taken out of Deep Mist’s bag.

He glanced at her as she entered, his eyes clearly saddened.

“I am sorry...”

“It’s alright, I understand,” she assured him immediately. “I just... Well, I hope to convince you one day that my art is not... sinful.”

“Twilight, I do not blame you for using it,” he replied, sighing. “I mean, it is a part of who you are. I just need to, I guess, get used to the fact that the mare I love is so magical,” he accentuated, forcing a smile.

“Now that you mention it,” Twilight approached him, allowing herself to smirk, “I might need to learn to cope with the fangs myself, so...”

He rolled his eyes at her fiendish remark, but it seemed to have cheered him up. “You cannot fool me, they excite you,” he stated and bared his teeth properly, giving her an alluring gaze at the same time.

Twilight giggled at that strange, half-appealing and half-discouraging expression, even if her face did redden. “Don’t push your luck, Midnight,” she warned him before focusing on the set of items on the table. “What do we have here?”

“The spoils of war!” the stallion declared sarcastically. “First of all, I believe this is yours,” he said, handing Twilight her trusty scroll.

“So, he did take it...”

“Indeed, prokleyityi ipyi kieli...” Midnight cursed under his breath. “Well, ‘damned his fang’ actually, as of today,” he corrected himself with a mixture of satisfaction and disdain. “Aside from that we have a couple of empty scrolls, a quill, some ink, wax for letter seals, a map of Equestria and Noctraliya... Nothing too extraordinary.”

“I see. And what are you going to do about... well, his fang?” Twilight asked as Deep Mist’s tooth was laying in the midst of his belongings.

“We have a saying: ‘Not giving a broken fang about something’,” Midnight pointed out. “But I am not going to just toss it away. Let him have it. As a reminder,” he declared. “I’ll find a satchel for it, or something.”

“And the dagger?” Twilight inquired, which caused him to glower.

“Call me petty, or vengeful, but I am thinking about keeping it,” he stated and picked it up, giving it another close look. “It will be hard for Deep Mist to explain to Lord Azure Mist that he lost it and, to be honest, I think it might be nice to shove it in her face at a proper occasion too,” he added with a wicked smirk, before realizing what expression bloomed on Twilight’s muzzle after his words. “N-not with the sharp end! I meant—”

“No, I know what you meant,” she replied, furrowing her brow. “I simply... I don’t know. That seems... wrong, somehow.”

He looked back at her and his expression disturbed her slightly. There was a glint to his eyes that spelled deep shame. “And how would you evaluate spying on you?”

Twilight did not have an answer. Despite not agreeing entirely with his logic, she simply nodded her head.

“Anything else we have?” she asked after taking a deep breath.

“Yes, actually. Speaking of said spying...”

Midnight grabbed a parchment that was, until now, placed slightly away from the other possessions.

“Deep Mist was working on another report, it seems,” he declared before unfolding the paper and showing the contents, written in batponies’ script, to Twilight.

“What does it say?” she inquired, giving the alphabet a closer look, although without hope of discerning the meaning of the marks.

Midnight placed the paper down and began translating, his hoof following the circles and lines on the parchment.

“It goes like this. ‘To Honored Lord Azure of Family Mist... Honored Lord, we have arrived at the Border... Further observations indicated that a more direct investigation was necessary’...”

Twilight was attentively listening to him, following his hoof’s motion. A feeling of outrage was frothing deep inside her, despite her efforts of containing it.

The stallion continued, pausing from time to time. “Then it says... ‘As such, I have gained access to the Princess’ personal notes and shall begin working on those as soon as a proper opportunity arises... The Princess seems to be enjoying spending her time alone with Midnight Wind and so, once’...” Midnight stopped as he reached the abrupt end of the writing. He huffed in ire. “I’m not sure what he ate to make himself sick or fool the healer, but, kirwe, that was a ruse as well. He simply needed enough time to write down the information from your scroll.”

Twilight shook her head. “I wonder how much did he actually read...”

“What do you even have there?” Midnight curiously inquired, eyeing the parchment in her hoof. “Anything useful to Azure Mist? Matters of the state of any kind?”

“No, that’s the thing! There is nothing I would consider... ‘classified’ here,” she disclosed, unfolding the scroll for him to see the contents. “Names of your Lords, at least the ones I know, some basic greetings and sentences in Noctraliyan, a couple of excerpts from our books, especially the ones on diplomacy and some of my recent observations about your culture and behavior. It’s a... well, bit of a ‘cheat sheet’ of mine, it might help me with the negotiations,” she admitted.

Surprisingly, it caused Midnight to snicker.

“So you do wish to cheat us!” he stated with faked horror.

“Hey!” she protested when the stallion laughed louder. “I did... not...“ She was interrupted by his gentle nuzzling. One which caused her to close her eyes and purr in satisfaction. “Now that... that is cheating...” she whispered in the delicate bliss that his gesture was granting her.

“Perhaps. But you are cute when you get worked up,” he replied, chuckling. “The way you marked Azure Mist in there is quite eye-catching,” he nodded at the scroll.

“It was more appropriate than I thought,” Twilight admitted. “So... what do we do now?”

Midnight rubbed his chin. “I’m going to put everything back into Deep Mist’s backpack. Aside from his letter, which I will destroy, and the dagger. Then... then I’m going to fit his gear into my bag somehow and seek out Lawin again.”

“Avalanche? What for?”

“If Deep Mist did not decide to suicide into the snowstorm,” the batpony replied, grimacing, “then he is still in Ambyit. And, despite everything... I’m going to give him his armor and blades back.”

Twilight pondered. She recalled what Shining Armor used to tell her about the importance of ordnance for a military force, especially one such as the Royal Guard. “Just like you don't leave your duty behind, you never leave the symbol of it.” Nightguard could not have differed too much in this aspect.

“I understand it is the honorable thing to do. His gear is a sign of his commitment,” she stated, spotting that she impressed Midnight with her words.

“That is absolutely right, Twilight,” he declared, visibly satisfied that she understood his thinking. “Lawin will know how to get to Deep Mist. And, despite the impression he gives, he can keep silent and avoid asking unnecessary questions,” the stallion assured, packing his former comrade's goods. “I have known Avalanche since colthood, he will help me out,” he added. However, it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than Twilight.

“Alright,” she agreed. When he was putting the backpack on and grabbing his own, a sudden feeling of anxiety crept upon her. “C-could I go with you?”

“I did not think you would be up for more sightseeing after tonight...” he declared, attempting humor. Seeing as it was not effective though, he sighed. His face hardened. “Do not take it the wrong way, Twilight, but your presence does spawn attention. And that is the last thing we need now.”

“Yes, I know...” she had to agree with him, although that didn’t help her in calming down.

Midnight spotted her mounting worry. “It will not take me long. But... lock your doors until I am back.”

The tone of his voice caused some hairs of Twilight’s mane to stand on end.

“A-are you thinking...?”

“I am not taking any chances, considering what is happening. I shall be at your side constantly from now on,” he promised, his expression adamant.

Yet, however serious those words felt, Twilight could not help but feel a certain warmth overtaking her. Her lips involuntarily curled into a warm, kind smile, causing Midnight to raise an eyebrow.

“Wh—“ he began, a spark of realization suddenly appearing in his gaze. “Well, I had my duty in mind at first,” he stated, his sudden smirk meaning more than a thousand words to Twilight. “I think we have a long talk ahead of us, no?”

She but nodded, blushing slightly. “Indeed.” Then it was time for her expression to grow serious yet again. “But... please, watch out and come back quickly... I wouldn’t like Deep Mist to—“

Midnight approached her and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “I doubt he is going to strike at me in the middle of the fortress, Twilight. But... I shall be following the patrols, alright?”

“Okay...” she agreed, nuzzling him lightly. “I love you...” she whispered as he was about to go.

“I love you too,” he replied warmly. It also caused him to stop in mid-trot, with a strange expression appearing on his face. “Tell me that often,” he wished with a soft voice, gazing deeply into Twilight’s eyes.

“As often as you like,” she promised him, feeling like her heart was emitting enough warmth to heat the entire room.

He exited the chamber and Twilight closed the door behind him with the metallic jangle of the solid lock. She put her back against the door. She stared up and exhaled. And, despite all the worries and stress had befallen her greatly... she smiled. She smiled broadly.

Regardless of everything, regardless of the place, the time, the circumstances, she could feel happiness filling her to the brim. A pure, basic, unrivaled joy was overtaking her entire being, from her body, to her mind and heart.

She had never imagined love being so rejuvenating. So fresh. So unique. She had read about it before, even if she was never into romance novels or tales about beautiful maidens and gallant knights coming to their rescue, but, as it happened, she was a Princess and the batpony was making for a very convincing cavalier.

This wasn’t a fairy tale, though. And so, her anxiety soon returned.

She approached her bed and collapsed on it. There were some topics she had to deliberate on.

First of all, she was absolutely certain – she was deeply and hopelessly in love with Midnight Wind. And she could not tell where it came from, exactly. Those roguish grins of his? This piercing gaze? His demeanor? She could even blame their interviews, which gave her insight not only into the batpony culture, but the stallion himself.

What did she even know about him?

Well, for once, he was a warrior. Faithful to his Goddess, respectful of his heritage, proud and yet attempting to be open, understanding... despite some of his aversions to her magic. He was charming, kind. He also suffered a personal tragedy that, as it appeared, she helped him go through.

That made her realize that she wasn’t his first mare.

Twilight shook her head. Such thoughts were inappropriate. Yes, he had been in a relationship, a serious relationship in the past, but did that change a single thing in the present? He loved her now. Besides, whoever that Dusk Stream was, she must have been a truly unique mare. If anything, Twilight felt bad that she had met her untimely demise and that Midnight took it especially hard.

Love seemed to have been having the effect of making life more emotionally intense.

It was true. Twilight had to conclude that the range of feelings she had been experiencing lately was pretty grand. A true plethora of those. And yet, strangely enough, she had not realized how much was Midnight dear to her until that dreadful moment when Deep Mist was about to strike at him with his own set of steel claws. She recalled with incredible accuracy that one, deep and profound heartbeat that thumped in her chest, reminding her that her heart did not belong exclusively to her any longer.

And what about her blood? Did it belong to him as well?

A feeling of unease filled Twilight. However, something peculiar seemed to have been hidden behind that sensation. She could not stop herself from a slight blush as she realized that, however discouraging and appalling the idea of blood-drinking was once to her, she felt a sting of excitement now that it crossed her mind. Was Midnight... still wondering what her blood tasted like?

Would she let him find out?

That thought alone was enough for her to shudder. And a strange sensation to sweep through her. Considering what she recalled about the nature of the “red desire”... the “rubearu desader”, an expression that had imprinted itself in her mind... Considering how astounding it supposedly was and how the act of fulfilling it was believed... intimate.

The very thought caused Twilight’s heart to race in panic.

She had to take a hold of herself!

Yes, sure, right, certainly, unquestionably!

She tried to take a few, calming breaths, not spotting more minutes passing by.

This was all a new territory for her. “Dangerous for her heart” kind of territory. But one... bringing a lot of promise.

Her and Midnight together... What would her friends say? Oh dear, what would Princess Celestia think about it?! A-and Princess Luna? And her parents and Shining and Cadance and Spike and—

The sudden knock on her door caused Twilight to spring up from her bed.

“W-who is it?”

Midnight’s voice answered her. “It is me.”

She approached the doorway and was about to turn the key, but something told her to stop before she had done so.

“What did I tell you just before you left?” she inquired firmly.


“What were my last words to Midnight Wind?” she repeated with even more confidence, lighting up her horn in precaution.

A moment of silence followed by a sincere laugh responded her. “Ha, clever. You promised that you shall tell me that you love me as often as I would like...”

It... was the correct answer, so Twilight calmed down and extinguished her horn. She turned the key in the lock and cracked the door open.

She was met with Midnight’s smug smirk.

“Permission to enter our secret lair now?” he inquired, trying to contain laughter.

“We have to be careful, no?” she replied, trying to sound confident. Although her embarrassed blush betrayed a realization. Her implemented security idea was brandishing marks of mounting paranoia.

The stallion properly closed the doors before turning to her. “Could I convince you that it is really me some other way, perhaps?”

His smile told Twilight just enough. “You may try.”

Without waiting any longer Midnight kissed her and the ecstatic feeling all over her body did confirm his identity better than anything else could have.

“Well, I’m convinced,” Twilight admitted after the pleasurable moment, causing the stallion to chuckle. “You are back fast.”

“Fast? I think I was gone for an hour or so...” he replied, confused.

Twilight blinked. Had she taken a nap? Or had her thoughts consumed the time around her somehow?

“No matter. What did you manage to achieve?” she inquired instead of pursuing the nature of the temporal phenomena that were surfacing all around her. “Did Avalanche help?”

Midnight’s eyes lost their playful spark out of a sudden. “I have taken care of Deep Mist’s stuff, yes. Lawin was a bit curious, of course, but I have told him that it is essential for nopony to know the details of what is going on. Even him. He was a bit grumpy over ‘not knowing what the surprise is about’,” the stallion quoted, rolling his eyes, “but he agreed to shut up and aid me.”

“That’s... good,” Twilight agreed, although the whole situation was not making her feel too positive.

“Also, I have told him we shall continue our sightseeing tomorrow. We will be forced to, I am afraid,” the stallion admitted.

“Whatever do you mean?”

“I asked Avalanche if he knew anything about the weather reports for the next few nights. The snowstorm around us is giving up,” Midnight looked around, like he was hoping to pierce the walls of the chamber with his stare, “but it rolled over the Tuarie and it would be unwise to fly out still.”

Twilight nodded. “I see... Well, as long as this will not impede my meeting with the Covenant, I think I shall cope. But, let me ask, is this weather normal around here?”

“It is not any weirder than usual. And it should be over soon,” Midnight assured her. “Besides, it does give us a chance to spend some uninterrupted time together,” he pointed out, revealing his fangs in a smile.

“That is a benefit, indeed,” Twilight agreed wholeheartedly.

She exhaled and took her place on her bed, followed by Midnight. He sat down next to her, making the bedding sink down.

She chuckled. “Have you gained weight?”


He undid the straps of his hoofshoes, putting the blades on the floor, and then unfastened his cuirass, taking it off with visible relief and placing it by his weapons. He stretched his back and flapped his wings slowly. Twilight’s stare was drawn to the marks that the flogging he had received left on his sides.

“Do they still cause you discomfort?” she inquired with her voice full of genuine worry.

He gave the bruises a look. “Not really. Besides, we usually claim that the pain you are dealt as punishment never truly hurts,” he declared, although without too much conviction in his voice. “And, as far as injuries go, I have survived worse already.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “Have you gotten hurt in the line of duty before?”

Midnight exhaled and reminisced for a moment before starting an actual count. “A broken rib, a cut left wing, once almost a concussion, two twisted fetlocks, a dislocated jaw...”

“Wait, wait!” the mare stopped him, waving her hooves frantically. “You are pulling my leg!”

“Not at all,” he replied, grinning. “That last one was actually Avalanche’s work. I had a rough first year of military training,” he revealed, grinning almost stupidly. “But I never gave up, I never stopped and I never faltered!”

“And thank goodness you were never crippled!” Twilight declared back, feeling slightly disturbed.

Midnight chuckled to himself. “We had a marvelous physician around. A grump and kad, but I think I actually still owe good old Primrose a drink for saving my dashing grin.”

Twilight giggled as he presented her with one of his dashingly feral grins. “Right, could that drink be on me then, perhaps?”

“Reasonable, for I know well how you enjoy my smiles,” he stated mischievously, yet his gaze warmed up. “But I value your smiles even more, Twilight...”

She did not answer, simply scooped closer to him. He used the opportunity to reach out for one of her hooves and hold it gently in his own.

“This... is going to be a bit difficult, Twilight,” he whispered, closing his eyes. “I mean... What I want to say is... My brethren... I... Well...” Midnight took a few more attempts before finally giving up at staring at her with a ridiculously perplexed expression. “I do not know what I want to say.”

She smiled back at him, feeling her cheeks flaring up. She understood his doubts, but she was even more keen on his, more than gentle touch. She could feel the tender, blissful tingles from even this small gesture of affection.

“You might not know what to say, but I think I know what you mean.” she assured him, staring into his eyes. “I was thinking about... a lot while you were gone. I can safely say that we have work cut out for us.”

“You might say that,” he agreed, his hold on her hoof becoming more firm. He bit his lower lip. “But, Twilight...”


“I do not believe I want to worry tonight,” he stated, a melancholic smile adorning his muzzle.

Twilight had never before seen such a smile. Although she felt like she knew it well. It was that one expression that was at the same time warm and joyful and yet nostalgic and otherworldly.

Midnight continued, his caring tone drilling into the mare’s mind. “I have had my share of worries, especially during the last few years. Tonight,” he paused, picking up her hoof and planting a kiss on it, “I just want to be here with you. And be happy that I have found again my reason for living. That I have found my light...”

Twilight could not even think anymore. And even if she could have, she would not have found thoughts loving and kind enough to match what she had just heard. Midnight’s simple, pure words touched her very essence, causing her heart to skip its beat. She was not aware when it had happened, but her eyes filled with tears. She was desperate to wipe them away, as they were obstructing her view of the stallion.

She sniffed. “I... I am so happy I can be your light.”

Ha...” he exhaled, before reaching with his hoof and taking care of a tear that was making its way down Twilight’s cheek. He grinned. “Would you mind satisfying my curiosity?”

“Not at all.”

“When did you first... you know... consider that I might be in love with you?” he asked and it was his cheeks’ turn to become a tiny bit red.

Twilight gave it a moment of thought. “I think... I think I had it cross my mind after your question about the taste of my blood, but I... I believe my mind decided to bury that thought deeply. It was... rather sudden, back then.”

Midnight looked properly embarrassed, he even hissed in irritation. “I admit that it was not the best way of saying that I am feeling attracted to you.” He rubbed his neck. “But I... did not really know how to start this. Kirwe, I must have given you a scare,” he assessed. “Oh, and forgive me once more for how I reacted those few nights ago.”

“No, it’s fine, I understand. We were both trying to realize what exactly was happening,” Twilight stated. She knew well how she had been feeling until lately. Uncertain? Yes, most likely. Troubled? Definitely. Confused? Also appropriate.

“Well,” Midnight replied to her after a moment, “it got... somewhat simpler I think.”

He surprised her by grabbing her muzzle and giving her a deep, longing kiss. She purred in joy, feeling his lips connecting with hers, causing this more and more familiar shiver to pass through her. And before she knew it, the two of them were lying on the bed side by side, Midnight not stopping in his caressing, causing Twilight to become short of breath and dizzy. The cozy feeling of the blanket merged with that heat which she felt spreading around her body. She reached out with her hoof to hold the stallion’s muzzle, feeling safe that he was with her, caring for her so deeply.

When they paused after a while, she stared at him with her eyes glazed over with that simple and basic happiness. He was gently stroking her cheek, causing her to breath heavily at the intoxicating feeling.

“I love you...” she whispered.

“I love you too, my light... My Twilight,” he replied equally softly, smirking.

She but stared at him affectionately, her mind content and calm. Perhaps too calm though. A yawn escaped her mouth, causing Midnight to chuckle.


“A little bit. It was an intriguing night...” she admitted, closing her eyes. “But one I shall remember forever,” she promised quietly but with full conviction.

“Yes... I will add this night to my favorite memories too. Although perhaps without the part when I was nearly killed in a rather unpleasant fashion, with my own, Goddess-forsaken, blades,” he jested. He slid forward a bit, planting a kiss on her forehead. “I shall be in the antechamber. I can wake you tomorrow evening before we need to go. Lawin is still keen on showing you more of the bastion.”

Twilight nodded and smiled. “That’s fine with me.”

Yet, when Midnight was getting himself up and reaching for his armor, a sudden thought appeared in her mind. A thought utterly alien for her. Daring. Inconceivably daring. One that caused her cheeks to light up in crimson, even though she desperately wanted to stop them from doing so.

She pleaded for him not to see her fluster.

However, Midnight had no trouble taking notice of her expression, just as he was about to fasten his cuirass. “What?”

Twilight felt it was a right time to pray for being reasonable and keeping her mouth shut.

“I... well... I...”

The tattered words escaping her meant that her supplications were partially listened to by somepony. Although Twilight was still teetering on the edge of panic, trying to back away before saying too much.

“What is wrong?” Midnight inquired further and the gentle tone of his voice made her unable to contain herself.

She mumbled her idea incoherently. Seemed that her tongue decided to rescue her from revealing an idea so incredibly... forward.

“Could you repeat?”

Why did he have to ask? “Would... stay... day?” she muttered.

The stallion cocked an eyebrow, completely bamboozled. “One more time, please?”

Twilight took a deep breath. It was her last chance to back away.

Yeah, it wasn’t going to happen.

“... would you like to stay here for the day?”

The fact that she finished the sentence caused her muzzle to flare up like a bonfire, her heart going fast enough to be set ablaze and her entire body igniting in a feeling of deep, burning shame.

By Princess Celestia, had she really just offered that?

Speaking of which, what would the Princess have said about her offering something like that?!

N-not to her! Urgh!

Twilight's brain started hurting.

In the meantime, Midnight’s face betrayed a mild shock and his jaw dropped. He, however, soon calmed himself and took a deep breath, although Twilight spotted that his cheeks were starting to turn red.

“I... am flattered and honored, Twilight,” he admitted. “But do you not think it would be... hasty for us to...?” he inquired, his tone as tactful as he could have mustered.

Twilight blinked. What had just crossed his—

Oh no.

“No!” she shouted frantically, her brain properly scrambled. “No! No! No, I mean! No, not that ‘no’! I meant the other ‘no’! Not that ‘no’ you think I meant. No, the ‘no’ that I meant—”

Midnight put his hoof on her lips, which, frankly, didn’t help. “Wait. Calm down and say what you meant then,” he insisted serenely.

Twilight was forced to quickly revert to her breathing exercise, attempting to achieve just enough tranquility to explain what she really had in mind. It took her a significant while.

“I-I did not mean what that might have sounded like,” she blurted out, feeling a droplet of sweat going down her temple as she went on. Her blush deepened significantly at the very thought of—

She swallowed on the verge of another panic attack. “I simply, I-I-I do not want to... stay here by myself,” she finally explained. “Now that I have you, I... I just felt like...”

“... like you do not want to fall asleep alone,” Midnight warmly finished the statement for her.

“Yes,” she whispered in response, looking away. A twinge of fear went past her as she waited for his answer.

He reached for her muzzle and her anxiety was banished the moment she met his saffron gaze.

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