• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XLIII – In the Glow of Approval

Twilight, through the crystal-like windows of the carriage, continued to trace the distant, snowy peaks, shredding the night’s sky like the talons of ancient, petrified creatures. To that very moment she couldn’t quite escape the awe and sense of dread that those summits invoked. With their granite tips sharper than daggers, their stone slopes stronger than the thickest of walls and staunchest of resolves. The white and icy cover embellished them, adorned them with a regal, noble look, but in no way removed their fierce nature. Their threat. The, masked behind yet so blatant, danger.

Traits shared by the denizens of this inhospitable land, Twilight suddenly thought. It was an unpleasant, repeating realization. Despite her best efforts, despite the openness of her mind, she was in a place so exotic, so, in some cases, far removed from Equestria...

She would lie if she were to say that it wasn’t sapping away at her determination. Not depleting it, no. She doubted anything would ever do that entirely. But... there it was. That comprehension.

Understanding of the lack of understanding...

She took a deeper breath than needed, musing on things distant and recent... and it was noticed easily.

“Honored Princess, you seem quite troubled by something,” came Lord Midnight Eye’s voice.

He was sitting comfortably opposite her, dressed as impeccably as a stallion of noble blood should have been and helping himself to a goblet of juice occasionally. Swirling the drink quite proficiently in the silver chalice, which the calmness of the flight was allowing him to do without any risk of spillage. He was bearing the guise of remote and intense rumination and yet he was keeping a close eye on her after all.

Not really surprising.

“Forgive me, Honored Lord. I did not mean to ignore you, especially considering your wife’s absence,” Twilight replied. As it happened, Midnight Iris had remained at the Mountain of Midnight, considering the urgency of the summons. So it was doubly improper to omit conversation with the host and in his own carriage. “I presume the upcoming summit is weighing on me more than I expected.”

She lied. Or half-lied. She was contemplating Lord Blessed Fang’s summon, yes, but... what had happened just before the departure from the Mountain of Midnight did cloud her mind a great deal that night as well.

And not at all like a gentle steam of a hot spring could, unfortunately.

The haspadr opposite her... whilst seemingly having granted a closely-related member of his Family the consent of remaining in a relationship with her, or, at least, having endured the notion... was, nonetheless, thankfully unaware of that particular, intimate escalation between her and Midnight Wind, who was right that moment travelling in the second carriage with Rowan Berry and some of the Lord’s sentinels. Though Midnight Eye’s gaze did divulge that he did not believe in entirety in her answer.

Another, troubling matter, heightening her trepidation.

Still, the Lord at least played along. “I would risk saying that I know the feeling you are experiencing quite well, Honored Princess. I think both of us prefer things to follow certain... anticipated patterns,” he disclosed. Sounding genuinely understanding, at least when it came to the last part. “I, for once, did not see a reason to groz the next Covenant assembly. We are in unique circumstances, but haspadr Aldatu u Rodine Kiel made them... distinctively more unique.”

Twilight pursed her lips, staring down at her dress for the moment. Considering that she was meant to travel alongside a Lord again, and be ready to meet all of them, she returned to her regal, Equestrian look of purple and gold. The difficult part, considering the perturbations in her mind and heart, was to act the part.

Yes, just that.

She straightened up in her seat, trying to at least appear as stately as she could. “I recall you mentioning, Honored Lord, that when a meeting is ‘threatened’ in such a fashion, there are only two possible outcomes. Full agreement within the Covenant... or war. Are we entering such an... ultimately dangerous territory?”

Midnight Eye did nod, taking his time to sip on the juice, unmistakably formulating a right response. Or maybe the entire, upcoming conversation. She wouldn’t put it past him.

“That is very much correct, hwalba knaze. Considering the possible repercussion you have just mentioned, it is not something that happens often. Once in a few years, perhaps. Only in... what would be the word... warranted cases.”

“Understandable,” Twilight agreed. “Might I know how this... specific summon affects the Covenant’s meeting? I expect that the proceedings shall be more solemn? Ceremonious, perhaps, considering what I’ve already witnessed?”

“Ever the scholar,” the Lord stated with a small chuckle. Not unpleasant, however. “You are quite right, Honored Princess. Well, for once, the haspadr that sent the message is the one to present his case before the six others. In a traditional, more celebratory way, yes.”

“Which means?”

“Certain declarations have to be used, which constitute of, first and foremost, asking forgiveness for the ‘threat’ itself,” Midnight Eye continued with a faint grin. “Naturally, nopony is truly insulted by it and yet tradition dictates such an action. And the more decorum is shown during it, the better. I’m actually looking forward to seeing Lord Blessed Fang perform this custom.”

Twilight nodded thoughtfully. Midnight Eye’s curiosity could mean a few things when it came to the youngest member of the Covenant. “The Honored Lord seems to be fulfilling his role well, does he not?”

“I would agree, Honored Princess, despite his young age and lack of true experience. His father, Honored Lord Fangstone, trala ip w Argentee, was a daunting and principled stallion, to the very last of his nights. He would have been proud of his descendant showing remarkable talents.”

That was high praise coming from the Lord, Twilight thought. Though, remembering what she heard about Family Fang’s stereotype of “brutish”, she pondered what exactly would pass for “daunting and principled” behavior among them. Or in the eyes of her host.

“So I should expect a long preamble?” she asked as much as stated.

Midnight Eye let out a brief chuckle. “Possibly with citations from our sacred texts. But it shall be both becoming and topical. After all, this part is usually followed by invocations to the Immaculate Moon...”

They both lowered their heads.

“... so that She comes forth and watches upon the gathered. Then comes explaining the proposed agreement to be made by the Cowene, with extensive reminding of the consequences of a lack of accord,” he disclosed, then paused for the right effect. To let those last words and their meaning sink in. “It is an elaborate process which takes a fair while. A whole ceremony, if you please. But, when war is being considered, that seems only fair, wouldn’t you say, hwalba knaze?”

Twilight furrowed her brow. Even back then, during the very first interview with Midnight Wind, this matter had concerned her greatly. A nation which was tearing itself asunder with civil infighting? Sounded unimaginable for her. And yet she was about to witness, first-hoof, said country’s leaders disputing spilling the blood of their kin for the sake of forcing a consensus. And, moreover, in a quite intricate, stately way.

Not something she looked forward to experiencing, not even as “ever the scholar”.

“Midnight Wind did mention those internal conflicts which happen between the Families... much to my distress.”

Midnight Eye shifted in his seat a little, wishing to appear even more monarchical. Definitely baring the resemblance to his own father, whom Twilight had met in portrait form. “I can... how do you say it... ‘fathom that’. However!” He raised his hoof to accentuate. “None of us actively seeks a confrontation between the Mountains. Far more is to be gained in diplomacy, by finding a common solution that everypony can support, or at least tolerate without staining their conscience.”

“You are so very right, Honored Lord. It is a mark of only the most astute and wise rulers to quell any and all animosities with dialogue and proper tact.”

Oh, she saw well his cocked eyebrow. Not only he must have understood the plethora of hidden meanings and taken note of the tone she used, he even applauded her prod inwardly. She only wondered if he had actually prepared himself to answer a... certain question she found bouncing around her head. Quite an obvious one, too.

Ready or not, the Lord played the longer game for the moment. “It is beneficial that we agree, then. There is very little to gain from such a direct method as warfare, especially direct warfare, I believe. After all...” He briefly gazed outside, where the sharp mountain shapes still tore at the moonlit sky. “Ancient borders between the domains of our Families have not moved a step for centuries now. Thankfully, even when we are forced into a conflict, our ways and rules of engagement are distinctive. Vicious, spirited, but having in mind the integrity of the noctrali in the end.”

It was now Twilight’s turn to frown. She suddenly envisioned a pack of timberwolves, the predators of untamed woodlands like the Everfree Forest, fighting among themselves with tooth and bark and claw. For dominance. Those beasts weren’t usually slaying each other in such showdowns, but the combat left individuals scarred, battered and taught their place in a truly primal manner...

That image was uncouth, for certain, especially when considering another pony race, but the comparison in her mind stood tall. Too tall.

“I hope you forgive me, Honored Lord, for remarking that this particular tradition I find very hard to approve of.”

Midnight Eye looked straight at her. She withstood that gaze, though, she had to admit, it wasn’t an easy task at all, being pitied against all that piercing aureolin yellow as well as two, slit and knife-like pupils.

When he finally decided to forge this glare into sentences, they were delivered in a practiced, clear-cut pace.

“War is not a matter of approval, Honored Princess. No sane and sensible pony approves of war as such and I think we both easily agree on that. War is, at worst, a travesty. At best, a necessity. Never more than a necessity. Terrible necessity. Glorious necessity. Bloody. Heroic. Hopeless. Righteous. Destructive. Uniting. That all can be war. Combined and entwined. And yet a part of life. Smaller or greater. Just like peace. To be unprepared for it is foolish. To hope it never comes is naïve.”

Twilight didn’t have a reply outright... not that she wished to interrupt. It felt more important to keenly listen to this philosophy and allow the Lord of Midnight Family to continue.

“We’ve tasted the spiteful, vengeful war. You have learned just so, Honored Princess. A harsh lesson it was, leaving us bloodied and drained. But also counseling us. To be ready. And readiness we have practiced, in our way, for centuries. We have established rules, boundaries. To be maintained whenever possible. To be broken if required. We have tutored ourselves in war. It, as an implement. A tool that is there, always within our reach. One which we can proficiently wield. But not with delight, but obligation. A duty. To our ways. To our lands. To our Goddess.”

Twilight took a moment to process what she had heard. Intense moment, for certain. What the Lord said was not devoid of sense. Not that one thing, at least. But she simply had to ask.

“Is that what the Covenant believes in... or what you believe in, Honored Lord?”

The batpony’s smile was strangely melancholic even as he sat back more comfortably. “Am I my brethren’s keeper? I am certain that I’m not alone in acknowledging war as the absolute last resort, preferring careful statecraft. If the stakes are too high, however, and it is the best course of action, neither I, nor any other Lord will shun the scenario only because it could be considered... unscrupulous.”

“Even considering the costs?” Twilight inquired further.

“The warriors of our Families pay it gladly. It is their sacred duty, to be prepared and to shed blood if the future of Noctraliya demands it. Our unity and purpose are unshaken, even if our claws must clash against one another.”

She took a deep breath, still looking nowhere else but right into that aureolin yellow, trying to pierce past it. With her gaze... and her own declarations.

That is not the ‘war as necessity’ you had in mind, Honored Lord. At least not entirely.”

“Whatever would you mean, Honored Princess?”

“The claws you have just mentioned could be soon clashing against spears... Equestrian spears. And the blood to be shed can be that of noctrali and soleerani alike. Do you think the hues will be different? Or it shall stain consciences any less depending on whose it is?”

She wasn’t expecting a grand reaction. No recoiling in shock, no gasps of surprise. But the Lord didn’t even flinch. He didn’t raise an eyebrow, he didn’t blink. His gaze was just as inscrutable and as immovable as before.

Twilight felt fear welling up inside her at that lack of any reaction... with, to her own astonishment, a small touch of envy. She would so like to learn how to hide so much behind an unreadable mask.

If only for the sake of knowledge itself. It’s not like she wanted to be as remote as Midnight Eye, that statuesque autocrat opposite her, who could be as ruthlessly calculating as curiously benevolent, just as she had found out. Or assumed. Or hoped.

She wasn’t sure which was the safest option...

Thank goodness, the dispassionate effigy that was the Lord did finally smirk, which made it look a bit more like a real pony.

“So that is what weighs on your mind so heavily, Honored Princess. Concern for your country and subjects.”

“I don’t understand why that would be so surprising, hwalbu haspadr,” she retorted, feeling her eyes squinting a little. “The mark of a true ruler is having in mind the good and prosperity of their ponies, always. And as I’ve already been... informed that ‘what the Covenant considers rightfully belonging to Noctraliya it shall be compelled to reclaim by force’, as I recall,” she paraphrased what she had indeed heard not so long ago, in front of the grand, ancient map of batpony lands, “must I explain myself?”

“That has, indeed, been stated,” Midnight Eye confirmed without shame, likely having in before his own mind’s eye the same, distinctive demarcation of Shade Family’s former domains. “And, as far as my noble consociates are aware of, this approach stands. Firmly and uniformly.”

Twilight could suddenly feel a myriad of emotions that made the coat of her neck stand on end. The fact that the Lord could talk about such a topic with so much cold distance was still both appalling and impressive. Yet his words... Something about them felt just so telling it was borderline perplexing for her.

“As far as they know, you’ve just said, Honored Lord,” she responded. Still maintaining her own, royal demeanor, trying to match his own bearing at least to some degree. “Should I then understand that your own opinion on this matter changed after all? Am I being allowed to know more than the rest of the esteemed Lords... or is this but a bait a young, inexperienced leader will surely take, as you are hoping?”

A chuckle shook Midnight Eye’s form. Twilight perhaps was yet again going a bit far with her words, but, for what it was worth, it seemed that the Lord kept enjoying her somewhat defiant stances.

Maybe in the same way an expert finds amusement in the hopeless thrashing of a novice, her doubt told her, but she wasn’t going to bother listening to that voice in her head. The Lord’s words were far more important.

“Before I shall answer this... incitive question, I will allow myself to inquire of something first, Honored Princess,” he indeed replied, right before taking another sip of his drink. “Why would you fear war?”

Twilight blinked. Twice, for good measure.

“... I beg your pardon?”

The Lord simply repeated himself, with the same tone of amused interest. “Why would you fear war? As I have already stated, war is not a desirable state of things, but it has, unmistakably, its own place in life. Yet your words, your gaze...” He looked at her askance, evaluating her quite overtly. “It is as if the very thought of strife fills you with absolute dread. As if it was something... abnormal, something you could not even imagine coming to your lands.” He sipped his juice once more. “I simply need to ask why is that.”

He was... genuinely interested to hear an answer. And that fact precisely made little sense to Twilight. Hadn’t he just said it himself? That war was, at its worst, a travesty? Even he acknowledged that, so...

Maybe he just wanted to hear her say it out loud? For some sort of morbid satisfaction?

And yet, what she spotted deep in his gaze... was assessment?

She cleared her throat. “Well, I... do not wish to see blood being spilled, to put it bluntly. Whomever it might belong to. Ponies being hurt, families being separated, shattered. Innocents hurting because we, as those in power, entrusted with the well-being of our nations, could not find a better solution and resolve our differences in a matter far more preferable.”

The Lord rubbed his chin in a theatrical fashion, almost. “A commendable answer, I suppose many would agree. But that is still not it. Not as far as I feel... nor as far as I would deem to know when it comes to Equestria.”

“Whatever would you mean, Honored Lord?” she inquired at that one, dangerous note in his voice.

“It is one thing not to wish war. Many don’t, understandably. But that is all that such a hope is. A wish. Even the Goddess in Her boundless grace and generosity does not let gifts fall upon us like snow, just because we wish for them...” he stated.

Then he looked to the side, as if a sudden thought invaded his mind and he simply had to vocalize it soon. Despite the fact that, as Twilight was sure of it, he had planned this “revelation” all along.

“Equestria does not really prepare her denizens for war as it is. There is your guard, in many forms, of course. The aur-clad, disciplined Regiferrat, the local militias... There are your flying squadrons as well, the mirabilyi ‘Wonderbolts’, there is the Lost Gift of magic at your behest, to use and abuse...”

He glanced at her horn and then into her eyes again. Maybe he was fishing for a tick of annoyance at his own nudge... but Twilight was not going to give him that satisfaction.

Still much to his satisfaction, it seemed, as he continued with a small, self-assured grimace.

“But the thought of war, the consideration of it, the idea... It is as if you do everything in your power to stop it from even existing in your society. As if your land was a cavern deep, deep inside the mountain, that you could just close off, completely, from anything that you would not wish to happen. As if you didn’t know that, much like in a cave with a firm seal on the barred doors, the air is slowly running out... and I am wondering why.”

Twilight crossed her forelegs right against her chest, defiantly... creating some mental distance as well. He was testing her. Once more. And quite bluntly too. It felt only fitting to assume a defensive position and plan a retaliation.

Not that she had one prepared perfectly for the moment. For all the statecraft and stagecraft alike that the Lord was subjecting her to, he was trying to make a compelling point.

Equestria always preached peace and dialogue. Harmony, nothing short of it. Through understanding and tolerance. And Friendship, that most powerful magic of all, the one she, with her own very person, represented. Through which she had been given her position and her power. Power to safeguard Equestria’s... and not only Equestria’s future and plenty.

And, in the very spirit of Friendship, she was doing her best to understand where he was coming from. At what was he trying to strike true.

Equestria had its defenders. Her and her friends, the Princesses. Then there was the Royal Guard with its various contingents about the country, yes, the Wonderbolts, a score of powerful casters. He mentioned all of the latter. But... the regular pony from the streets had never truly experienced anything as terrible as conflict, their minds weren’t at all bothered, nor even considering something so... unnatural happening in their relatively calm, satisfied lives. And even the armed forces of the country recognized that they would be called to fight as a last resort. The very last resort...

Had Equestria ever learnt war...?

Sudden attacks by the likes of Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra even Discord notwithstanding. Whilst terrifying, those had been dealt with relatively quickly, through the valiant attempts of hers and her friends’, ego far aside. But an actual war? Prolonged, taking away loved ones to distant front lines, sometimes never to return...? Asking everypony to contribute to keeping the fighting forces fed and supplied? Or, even worse, causing barricades and skirmishes to manifest right on the neighboring streets? She doubted even she would be capable of imagining the full extent of such a scenario, having had read only brief mentions of such harrowing conflicts in books she wasn’t sure were fact or fiction...

Only thing coming to her mind was the Eclipse and the Soleera Cruziate, the holy war... And that did not help. The one war she had truly took in was a forgotten mystery to her compatriots... and an edifying truth to her current hosts.

Twilight cleared her throat again, setting her forehooves down before her, to focus and be as clear as she could. She had to weigh her words, of course... but also make them resound all the better in the small space of the carriage. With confidence, if not full conviction.

She met Midnight Eye’s gaze directly once more.

“I think, Honored Lord, that I should start by saying that I see nothing inherently wrong in sparing ordinary ponies the burden. Of acknowledging atrocities. They deserve better than living in constant fear of war. Naturally,” she immediately added, “I think there are certain merits to the noctraliu approach and considering what I have discovered, it seems a prudent and reasonable outlook.”

Twilight was expecting him to retort already. Though, from the little nodding of his head and a furrowed brow, she guessed that he was just as willing and even eager to have her say her entire piece as she had been keen on first listening to all of his declarations.

She read it as a good omen.

“I would still, however, put forth to you, Honored Lord, that as much as war could of course be considered a part of life, as every cataclysmic event for I regard it as such, it is a type of calamity that can be avoided not just on the level of effects, but its very conception. We, the ponies in power, have every mean to make sure that conflict never reaches the lives of regular ponies. By, much earlier, reaching out with an open hoof and kind heart. By showing that we seek cooperation, we seek understanding and tolerance and peace. Deep down inside, I believe that everypony wishes for that.”

She bit the side of her tongue briefly before adding something that she considered could actually get a reaction from Midnight Eye.

“I would even dare say, that such an approach would be quite fitting for the nation of Noctralia.”

Reaction that she, indeed, received, as the Lord leaned forward, mindful of spilling the remnants of his drink.

“Would you care to elaborate, hwalba knaze?” he inquired discerningly.

“Naturally, Honored Lord. I remember learning from my interviews with Nightguardian Midnight Wind that, as per the rules of night-dwellers’ castes, a level of knowledge for each of them is considered exclusive. For example, a warrior might have enough education in biology to understand the basis of hunger and thirst, anatomy, healthy lifestyle and treatment of common injuries... and yet more complicated therapies and surgeries are not theirs to grasp, left to the skills of the fruittenders, like, for example, lupule Rowan Berry. In return, I don’t expect her to be able to name military maneuvers, or plan covert operations.

“Or should I?”

Twilight made a point... only afterwards realizing that, likely prompted by her musings before that very conversation, the last question escaped her mouth, rather than resounding but in her mind.

She felt a chill settle in her gut. It wasn’t too hard to read into those words. It was far, far too easy, actually. She was hoping to get a reaction before, now she definitely would receive one, she was certain. One she wouldn’t like.

And she got one.

A snort.

Midnight Eye shook his head a little, definitely fighting amusement with all his might, as the mask of cold impassiveness became askew for but a moment. Even if it was amended soon enough.

“I do beg your pardon, hwalba knaze Iskre a Crepuscle. Do continue, please.”

Twilight needed her own moment to comprehend exactly what had just happened, but when she did, she took great confidence in both managing to peek behind that cold guise of Midnight Eye and him showing deference in his language.

“Yes, so, as I have stated, I think that when we take into consideration that the task of a ruler, be it a Lord or a Princess, is securing the future and comfort of his subjects and that matters of war and peace are their own prerogative, why would others need the knowledge of strife? The worry? Their time and effort taken away from what is their talent and destiny in their society. Surely there are better tasks for them to perform. I did hear that a noctral is supposed to do one job properly – his. So how about we let our ponies do theirs and we do ours?”

Midnight Eye did nod thoughtfully. His small blunder in appearance seemed to have had longer-term consequences, however, as the edges of his mouth past his fangs were shaking just a little, fighting some sort of a smile.

His tone, at least, was clear and stoic. “Perhaps an... exaggerated point in the eternal discussion of whether it is better to be protected against danger or competent to deal with it... but I do acknowledge it, hwalba knaze.”

Twilight felt herself exhaling. This time entirely in her mind, though the relief was the same.

“And I agree with every droplet of my ver,” the Lord continued, “that if only ponies were so keen on truly doing their jobs well, we could have avoided many issues from the past far and near...” He mused for a while, looking towards the window. “I see, at least, that the Nightguardian has been prudent in his duties... like explaining to you the nuances of our castes, indeed. So...”

His gaze returned to Twilight, though she found it remarkably easier to meet it now, when the intensity of it lessened significantly. Or maybe it was her meeting it with determination?

“... you would claim that Ekwestriya is not blind to the threats around it? Does not follow the witless path of empty hopes for peace or, what would be even worse, relies on the presence of the Immaculate Moon... and the Judging Sun in their most sacred forms and Divine Aspects to solve what would be unsolvable?”

“Not unless they would want to aid, of course,” Twilight replied. “Can we stop a deity stepping into the affairs of their children?”

Nyeaudu. Apsolut nyeaudu.

“Exactly... if I understand you right, Honored Lord. But I think we can agree that the Immaculate Moon... and the Judging Sun both would prefer us to grow, learn to act, take responsibility. To become something more, ready to take on the world around us. Through protection or competence. Such a development is much more worthy in their eyes, is it not? Besides... their gifts don’t fall upon us like snow.”

Ha. Well, well said, Honored Princess. Commendable.”

“Thank you, hwalbu haspadr,” Twilight replied, smiling confidently, emboldened like she had never felt before when talking with the Lord. “And, in conclusion, I would bet that, were we to fail, were we to face the most vile and dangerous of our foes bearing down upon us... the ponies that we care for would not abandon us. But all stand together, taught how to or not. In the name of something more. Friendship, as I call it.”

Midnight Eye nodded again and from this gesture Twilight read respect and satisfaction.

She still would remain wary of what she couldn’t read about him right that moment, as he was far removed from being an open book... but she was happy with the outcome. Just like he appeared to be.

“I must admit, you’re a more fascinating conversation partner than I thought, hwalba knaze. You keep to your stance, you listen carefully, you use my own words against me and quite proficiently,” the Lord praised her and it did not felt fraudulent in the slightest. “Where is that shaken, distraught mare from the Kezpont u Cowene? It wasn’t a mask back then. Have you grown so much, or are you hiding it so deeply? Both would be equally impressive, Honored Princess...”

Twilight sat back a little, allowing herself a moment of... lesser tension. Not relaxation, oh no, but the difference was welcome. “Thank you, Honored Lord. And, since I feel like I should return the kindness, I’m glad that I found you far more engaged in actually trying to forge some sort of understanding. The first impression was... definitely unsympathetic.”

“I could say the same for quite different reasons, hwalba knaze,” he retorted with just enough emotion in his voice to force her to suppress a giggle.

That was new!

“May I also add another thing?”

“Of course, conmod.”

Twilight took a deeper breath to formulate the words well... and to, just in case, be ready for a rebuttal or outright denial.

“I find your continuous evaluations more and more intriguing, Honored Lord.”

Midnight Eye scowled quite overtly. “Evaluations?”

“Perhaps that isn’t the best word, indeed,” she faked her mistake. “ ‘Tests’, maybe? Lessons? If you will allow such a notion, Honored Lord, it is as if you were training me. Forcing me into peculiar situations or disputes, as if to see if I manage. Whether I find my words, plan my actions. Whether I remain adamant about my beliefs, at the same time showing enough respect to yours. And with... poise and decorum that you always hope for.”

The Lord said nothing at first, Sitting there, motionless, with his expression intrigued and his lips a thin, sharp line, disturbed only by thin, sharp fangs. He kept this impassive look going, remaining almost perfectly still even when the carriage took a firmer turn.

Twilight kept her own composure, anticipating any and all answers. Or lack of one.

But one thing was certain to her at that point. Midnight Eye, in his own, overbearing and lukewarm way, decided to help her. Sounded strange, yes, even to her, but the constant seesaw of praising her and subjecting her to stressful and unforeseen situations at the Mountain of Midnight must have served a purpose. It was to aid... or to keep her perpetually unbalanced and unable to focus on her bearing.

And yet she held to that inexplicable feeling that it could have been the former, better scenario... as opposed to, due to what she had witnessed just before departure from the Midnight Family’s home, the stranger, worrying one, for example.

Her thoughts escaped to Midnight, but her awareness did not falter. She spotted a smirk from the Lord before her.

“I believe now to be the time to answer your provocative question from before, Honored Princess. Am I hoping to trap a young, inexperienced leader, you asked? Then, the simplest answer would be just... no. No, I am not. I would rather say that I’m hoping to find a union with a blossoming, dedicated Princess, to the betterment of noctrali.”

It was Twilight’s cue to look curiously back.

“So... you’d train me to become that?”

“No, of course not, that’s a preposterous notion. Who am I to train a pony of Divine Aspect and one to declare the blessing of the Immaculate Moon... upon her on this journey?” he responded, finishing the juice in his goblet just afterwards. “Let us say that your visit to my Family thankfully confirmed a few observations of mine... as well as challenging and changing some. And to my liking, I cannot deny.”

Twilight granted him a small, cautious smile. “Thank you, Honored Lord. I’m glad to hear that.”

Midnight Eye returned the grimace, leaning forth towards the secured pitcher, hiding warm orange inside behind cold, silver exterior.


“I wouldn’t mind.”

He, indeed, played the role of the generous host, filling her chalice and passing it to her before speaking up again.

“I believe that, now that you have come to better realizing your own, leader’s potential, the upcoming talks will go far smoother than the last time.”

Twilight held the chalice firmly, not wishing to let even a droplet stain the rich materials of the carriage. The ride was smooth at the moment, but she wasn’t yet as proficient as her host in dealing with turbulence.

... what a deliciously orange metaphor, she thought, taking a sip.

“You still have not ascertained me entirely, Honored Lord,” she pointed out afterwards. “Have you exclusively informed me of your intentions?”

The haspadr merely smirked. “If you wish for me to ‘ascertain you entirely’, hwalba knaze, that I, truly, meant all those declarations in my own Mountain...”

He paused for added theatricality. However, he could no longer worry her with that. Not at the moment, at least.

“... I tend to mean what I say, Honored Princess. At least, when I am making open statements about who my Family should consider their allies and friends. After all, what I do, I do not for myself, but for them, by the grace of the Immaculate Moon...”

Twilight lowered her head just as she had gotten accustomed to, then gazed towards Midnight Eye’s silver circlet, resting in its proper place on the carriage’s pedestal. The carved inscription seemed to glitter her way, as if pure moonlight was somehow finding its way into the carriage and shining off the strange, curved letters.

Straight at her.

A reminder.

“Memna kwi dazee tu hwale…” Twilight quoted, which transformed Midnight Eye’s smirk into a full, solemn smile.

Memna kwi to pertin ut,” he finished the sentence. “Exactly, Honored Princess. Well quoted, once more...”

“Thank you, Honored Lord. I found it proper to remember that particular creed,” she replied graciously. “If I may, then, I understand that your vote during this ‘threatened’ meeting shall be favorable to my cause?”

Midnight Eye rubbed his chin. “I am unsure of the exact proposition that Lord Blessed Fang shall bring or a general consensus that will be advanced. Suffice to say that, should circumstances arise, I will at least abstain from voting, if not show my support.”

Twilight looked aside, quickly reminding herself of what she had already learnt. “But, pardon me, Honored Lord, if war is being considered, should there not be straight declarations of intent from the Lords?”

“Yes, that is correct, but, when the topic is convoluted and more thought is required, any member of the Cowene can declare themselves ‘w suzirat’. In... ‘observation’? No, that’s not it...”

“ ‘In contemplation’, perhaps?” she suggested politely.

“Yes, yes. Which can be used during the first sitting. It results in a discussion about the length of a break which should take place until the next meeting and the final vote,” Midnight Eye explained, looking through the window. “Aside from, obviously, granting the necessary time, the ‘contemplation’ rule is a tool for us to spot which side is favorable, who of us needs to be swayed... or who had already made some arrangements. Then there are conversations, pressuring your collaborators, intrigue...”

Twilight squinted hard. Intrigue, of course. She understood the necessity of some actions and initiatives remaining furtive, but the addition of conspiracy at the very edge of war was just... atrocious to her.

And the worst part? She was already deep in this web of subterfuge. Her hidden romance with Midnight Wind was just the first strand of it, strand that had only gotten more and more convoluted. In ways both good as embraces in warm steam and bad as a visions on cold stone...

Then, before she realized, she had received a clandestine offer from the Count of Mist Family and just now forged an unseen alliance with the Lord of Midnight Family. Who else would suddenly appear in the middle of a day’s sleep to grant her shadowy reassurance and involve her even deeper in the mysteries around her?

Huh... where did that last thought come from? Seemed almost too specific...

Midnight Eye’s voice tried to summon her back from her own head.

“We should be landing soon, Honored Princess. Tuarie can already be seen.”

“Oh, I’m so glad.”

... which succeeded in, yet again, causing her to speak loudly what she thought she was concealing in her mind.

“Truly?” the Lord replied to that tell, chuckling quite overtly when her eyes widened. “Weary of the travel? Or maybe the tests? Don’t worry, hwalba knaze, we shall all have a chance to rest before we congregate. ”

She actually felt a blush warming her cheeks at the unabashed tone he used to deal with her mishap. Still, she counted it as yet another good sign for her. The Lord allowing himself such an overt poke at her.

It was much more pleasant and easier to deal with that, than the constant worry about incoming sentence-stabs from the shadows.

Still, she turned her gaze away, not to have to respond overtly to her small blunder. Besides, outside her window, a plateau teeming with highland foliage revealed itself, basking in the glory of the Sanctuary of the First Night which loomed above it. The holy peak, wreathed both elegantly and fiercely by the silver river, again invoked in Twilight’s mind that sense of devotion and sanctity.

She took a deep breath at the sight, the spectacle bathed in the glorious, argent moonlight.

She had hope. It was going to be alright, she reminded herself. It was all going to be alright.

As opposed to landing within the grand fortifications before the imposing, webbed-wing gate of the religious heart of Noctraliya, the carriages flew around the lower portion of the mountain and entered through a secured tunnel. Leading, as Twilight well recalled, to the main landing cavern. Again filled with batponies organizing the arrivals and departures in all directions. Less packed than the last time, yes, but still buzzing with activity like a giant, underground hive. So much so, that when she spotted a golden item on to the side of the grotto, she was convinced she had just witnessed a honeycomb.

She turned to Midnight Eye with a gracious smile as they were leaving their own mean of transportation. “I am thankful that my chariot has been taken care of, from the looks of it.”

It wasn’t his voice which replied to her when her hooves made contact with the ancient stone of the cave, however. This one was older, but firm even in its fatigue.

“Still far too gold for our tastes, child, but we try our best to keep it clean.”

Twilight turned abruptly and was met with eyes like two hay bales buried in the wrinkly ash of a face.

“Custodian Lichen! Neskaza Lunee... welae tuu noc illum!” she greeted this most friendly appearance.

The piastan of the Sanctuary was approaching her, accompanied by both the clanking of the chain and key hanging from his neck, as well as two other, silent and hooded arcemandri. His own muzzle was all too visible, however, bearing a wide, fanged smile.

I welae Neskaza Lunee... illum tuyiu noc tez, hwalba knadze, hwalbu haspadr,” he turned to both of them with deference, his voice still warm, but definitely more official. “Tuarie u Piarweu Noc is open to you and you are allowed entry. Let us, humble servants of Neskaza Lunee...” He and his entourage bowed their heads in unison and then all raised one foreleg in a blessing, drawing a circle in the air. “... welcome you, for She lead you on your journeys and Her Light did lighten your paths, until you again could find shelter in these caverns, no matter the storm raging outside. Hwale bidae dla Bogine.”

“Hwale bidae dla Bogine,” Twilight courtly replied.

And so did Midnight Eye. “Hwale bidae dla Bogine. Well met, piastan Porost, truly a blessing to again walk the caves of Tuarie. I take it we are not the first to arrive, considering the carriages?”

Nye, hwalbu haspadr,” Lichen affirmed, looking about the cavern. “Hwalbyi haspadri Blessed of Family Fang, Crimson of Family Shade, Azure of Family Mist and Harvest of Family Dusk are already present. Hwalbyi haspadri Bright of Family Crescent and Word of Family Sunfall should make their way here tomorrow night, due to weather.”

“I see,” Midnight Eye replied, glancing Twilight’s way. “I take it the meeting shall happen the night after tomorrow, then, hwalba knaze... unless Lord Blessed Fang would wish to congregate as soon as possible. What were his requests so far, piastan?”

Lichen made a face that inexplicably combined pious subservience and annoyed bewilderment. “Hwalbu haspadr, we’re not exactly sure still. Enough said that he demanded the presence of a number of our antasi and even consulted our most insightful effiti, in matters of which I cannot speak, as demands my pryiseg u kaste.”

The Lord’s brow knitted. “Is that so?”

Twilight quickly read the situation. “If I should step aside, for it is not for my ears...”

“No need to,” he quickly replied, shaking his head. “Lord Blessed Fang has every right to prepare in whatever way he deems necessary. I suppose we will hear more from him soon.” He stared to his right, from where a cadre of his sentinels as well as Midnight Wind and Rowan Berry were approaching. “I take it my chambers are ready?” he asked of the custodian again.

Tac, tac, hwalbu haspadr, minten bid gatwu.

“And the Honored Princess’ quarters?”

Lichen nodded his head eagerly. “Also ready, hwalbu haspadr. We even managed better furnishings this time!” he added, meeting Twilight’s gaze. Which he only accomplished because she was stopping herself from glancing Midnight’s way already only due to her sense of propriety. “We hope that you will find more comfort between us, humble servants of Bogine, than the last time.”

“I’m most grateful, Custodian Lichen, even if the joy of returning to this holy place is far more fitting than fitting in an additional chair to my place,” she told him with a smile.

Causing a coughing chuckle, nonetheless. “H-ha! I’m humbled you recall I enjoy wit, hwalba knaze.”

Midnight Eye nodded. “Wald benu, then. I leave you in the capable hooves of your retinue, hwalba knaze. Messages from the Covenant shall be passed to you as soon as we establish the time of the meeting.”

Twilight did curtsy. “Of course, hwalbu haspadr, thank you. I hope we will soon continue the talks to the benefit of everypony.”

The Lord smiled just a little, before turning to her entourage. “Nocferrat, lupule, tuyi znati tuyiyi sluzbi.

Tac, hwalbu haspadr,” the two answered in unison and Midnight Eye, glancing one more time Twilight’s way, departed regally, flanked and protected by his own guards.

Leaving her to finally look Midnight’s way. And, despite what she had seen thanks to her arcane spying, all that she witnessed from him that time was affection and care. His eyes were asking her if everything was fine after the travel, even if his lips were sealed.

She hoped that, despite her inner perturbations, she conveyed well enough that things were in order. Even hopeful.

Rowan Berry, whose own stare was almost perfectly neutral, stood to the side, patiently. A polite smile sent her way did little to change her own expression of a professional.

Something to consider further, Twilight thought. Just as Lichen spoke to her directly.

“Well now, hwalba knaze, I see that the visit to the Mountain of Midnight must have gone well, considering that you managed to get a smile out of hwalbu haspadr Oc a Rodine Maednoc. Goddess’ miracle.”

She avoided a giggle somehow. “I think the Lord is a very... nuanced individual. We have found common ground in some topics and it only makes me more positive about the future.”

“Those are such good news, ha...” Lichen replied, motioning with his hoof an invitation to come along, which gesture Twilight did follow. His voice was outright dripping with curiosity. “We have heard rumors from travelers from Mountain of Midnight... Of your visit to the Midnight’s Library. And that the Honorable Lord declared you a welcomed guest...”

“I can confirm it, Custodian,” she replied, more than happy to do just that. “The Honored Lord did so right after I have seen the Swyiadeztwo, nonetheless.”

Lichen shook his head in utter disbelief, but his eyes were brighter than usual, even considering the natural glow caused by the shades of the tunnel they entered. “Bogine, ia grat Tue, what an outcome! I will allow myself to say, child, that I was hoping my supplications and offerings for you would help, but I had no idea I could achieve so much! Maybe I should try praying more often, do you think I would be any good at that?”

Twilight had to stifle yet another laugh bubbling in her throat. “Honored Custodian, do try again, yes. There’s the rest of the Covenant to meet and soon. I’m keen to learn the reason behind Honored Lord Blessed Fang’s summons.”

“Of course, of course, hwalba knaze. Etium, speaking of praying... would you wish to visit the Great Shrine now, perhaps? Thank the merciful Goddess for this and your safe return to Her Tuarie? ‘Push your luck’ as you, Ekwestriyani, say? And with more than just luck.”

It... did not sound like a bad idea, especially considering the circumstances. Another moment of contemplation in that beautiful cathedral would not only look proper, but actually give her a breather. Let her gather the thoughts bouncing in her mind... and before the Immaculate Moon, in a way true to the local beliefs.

Regardless of faith, the nature of this place did make Twilight far more at ease. Even tranquil. And so she nodded in agreement.

“I don’t feel that tired or hungry yet, actually, so I think that would be a wonderful idea.”

Ha, ingenu! Arcemandri, brazai hwalba knazeu bagaz gdye ipea camre,” Lichen ordered of his acolytes, who were already transporting Twilight’s luggage. Then he glanced to both Midnight and Rowan Berry. “You two are also welcome to follow, dzieti, not that I imagine you would leave the Honored Princess on her own.”

Midnight cracked a smile and Twilight felt an overwhelming joy at seeing this small expression. It seemed to have reminded her that he was still him.

“We would not,” he assured. “But we are honored by the invitation regardless, piastan.”

Rowan Berry was less talkative, once again, even if she bowed her head reverently.

Their group soon split, as the local arcemandri hauled the luggage down into the priesthood quarters and Lichen made sure the rest of them emerged to the side of the main, Sanctuary’s cavern. Twilight took a deep breath, as if hoping that, alongside the marvelous tree-like columns, dotted with those pale jewels, the scent of a real, mountain forest shall grace her lungs. No less pleasant, the whiff of incense and whimsical springs welcomed her to this marvel of a grotto once more.

“I think I want to spend some time, if possible, just by one of those fountains,” she yearned out loud, looking around for that one, resembling an edelweiss. “I don’t think I’ve yet had enough of this place.”

Gazing about like that, she met the bright eyes of some of the locals. Last time the crowd of bystanders, witnessing her arrival, had been staring at her like at a curiosity. With a healthy dosage of distrust on top of the interest.

There was still some of it in their gazes, yes, but Twilight had a feeling that a lot of those were far more courtly. Deferential, even.

... or maybe it was the fact that she held herself with a lot more confidence than the last time. Midnight Eye’s “tests” did her some good.

She heard Midnight’s voice as he leaned a little towards her. “Honored Princess, I’m certain that before the arrival of the rest of the Honored Lords, nopony would object to you enjoying some calmness of the Tuarie.”

Hwalba knaze is more than welcome to,” Lichen agreed cordially. “Even we, the aksiosaniye, try and drink from the peace and quiet of the Tuarie like that. The water from the fountains is good for drinking too, actually, though I do not encourage doing that in any way.”

“I suppose the water lilies do love it, though, being more privileged than us,” Twilight quipped, making Lichen again cough in laughter.

Before they entered the Great Shrine, Twilight also once again examined the great relief of Princess Luna, adorning that entire side of the cave. Like before, she found herself amazed by its magnitude. And that smile, that gentle, loving smile was speaking to her greater volumes now, after she learnt what she had learnt and was preparing to endure what she was yet destined to endure.

She wondered if Princess Celestia received her letter already and whether she shared the contents with her sister. Any insight would be much appreciated.

The inside of the temple did once more greet Twilight with its solemn, opulent interior of silver and marble. As if sensing the worries that still plagued her mind, it offered its splendor and serenity to her. Reminders that, before the Immaculate Moon’s mercy and gentleness and glory, one’s plights could not hold firm. The argent discus above the altar, the sign of the Goddess’ presence, provided the focal point on which one could concentrate, unburden themselves of their worries, at least for a moment, in veneration of what was considered holy and divine.

Twilight could only acknowledge, once more, that this place’s design was of godly inspiration. Especially considering the natural moonlight, invited inside to shine upon everypony, magnified by the pale jewels embedded in the cathedral’s composition for both grandeur and bright consecration.

She picked for herself one of the cushions to the side of the main walkway through the Shrine, but not too close to the front. She would not wish to appear daring, already being a sunpony in the domain of the Immaculate Moon. Besides, as she had been taught, in a place of worship like this, everypony was equal. She looked after the custodian, who piously sat some way away, to grant her the necessary privacy. Midnight had done the same, even if remaining close enough, as her guardian, with Rowan Berry further back too.

Seemed that everypony was picking a location in respectful breadth from the other supplicants. Still, Twilight managed to disrupt a number of prayers by invoking curiosity with her sheer presence, but she hoped she would be forgiven by both the mortals and the Goddess for that.

Praying was not hers still, no, but assuming the right position and closing her eyes would aid her in gathering focus and appearing stately. That being said, when she unfurled her wings and raised her hooves...

“Immaculate Moon...”

More to herself than towards the domain of the Goddess up high, yes, but she felt herself whispering.

“There’s a lot on my mind. About... everything. About my place in this. About Midnight. About us. What we are, what we should be... what happened lately, though that seems rather... ill-suited for this place to dwell upon,” she muttered to herself, feeling the touch of a blush on her cheeks that she quickly fought off. “And about my quest... and what shall occur... I hope to do my best. For Your children’s sake... For everypony’s sake. But I... wouldn’t mind help, Bogine?”

It felt somehow... empty, even unfit, to speak those words whilst lacking faith. They felt like wishful thinking at best, not really a plea to a deity. And as Midnight Eye had said, gifts from above did not come down like snow only because somepony would wish for them. And yet, having a patron, a distant being, even but a symbol to turn to when the mind was burdened and the heart was heavy... helped. It meant that even on one’s own, one wasn’t alone.

Maybe there was something more profound to this faith...? Not to berate anypony or anything, of course. Many cultures around Equestria and beyond had their own belief systems and traditions, more or less pronounced. Maybe not as deeply ingrained and systematized as that of the noctrali, but still. Although, having found herself again turning to Princess Luna as a goddess, Twilight was starting to wonder if—

She berated herself. She hadn’t planned to delve deep into that topic, she just wanted to organize a few things in her mind, using this opportunity. Way to let the focus slip, she thought, and was ready to continue her self-reflection when another sound interrupted her further.

She opened her eyes, spotting that, from one of the doorways in the front of the Great Shrine a group of at least eight local priests emerged, discussing something in hushed, but fervid whispers. And though intelligible, the echo of those was traversing the holy space with no less eagerness.

Squinting to see a little better, Twilight managed to spot nopony else but Lord Blessed Fang himself, his bright eyes and mane like a dark shadow standing out from the crowd of other antasi, even more so than his opulent chasuble and blue stole enriched with silver threads, marking him both as a priest and a ruler.

Moreover, in spite of being deep in the discourse, the stallion’s eyes found her as well.

He stopped almost in mid trot, causing that entire procession of clerics to halt. Despite the distance, Twilight could feel his gaze upon her, with focus so keen it caused a shudder to cross her spine.

And then it happened.

Whether by chance or providence, luck or misfortune, a cloud or the Will of the Goddess Herself, the light inside the Great Shrine dimmed. The interior, though still opulently alabaster, became somber and bleak, as this almost mystical connection between the sacred and the profane just... broke.

Those two, citrine eyes of Blessed Fang, staring right at Twilight, became that much more otherworldly in the deeper shade. Like a foreboding. Transfixing her, pulling her in with a glamour she could not comprehend, but knew was precarious. She didn’t know why, she only knew that whatever was hidden behind them was as resolute as hazardous to her. She felt her lips shuddering, as if she were to whimper or cry out in but a moment, for no apparent reason...!

... when a single, lone beam of moonlight pushed through into the Great Shrine once again and basked her in its argent hue. Blessed her. Anointed her.

Struck by that illumination against the darkened temple, Twilight lost sight of everything around her. The Lord’s gaze, the priests surrounding him in stupefaction, the silver altar behind them, the columns, the jewels and the cushions. Even if she turned, she wouldn’t be able to see neither Lichen, nor Rowan Berry. Not even her beloved Midnight.

It was just her. Her... and the Light of the Immaculate Moon...

She closed her eyes once more and reached higher with her forehooves. Towards the sky beyond the stone. Feeling her mind returning to that thought she had almost arrived at but dismissed just before, everything suddenly in place.

Maybe faith was just like Friendship? Friendship... with a Goddess?

And so did Twilight Sparkle smile.

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