• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LXXXV – Points of View

Twilight’s visits to the various shrines of Noctraliya had always brought with themselves something… otherworldly, one way or another. This time around, however, the experience that she had endured was actually a shared incident, rather than an intense, personal episode.

Her entire group was dealing with the aftermath of that sudden moment of… something. Nopony could answer the obvious question as to what had occurred, but also nopony was keen on dismissing it. Enough said that Ebony Crescent, as the host, having already endured a rather embarrassing moment for himself that very night, was taking the situation the hardest, pacing around and fighting his unfortunate weakness. He, actually, kept to the side for a moment, allowing Rowan Berry to make doubly sure that Twilight was alright.

“No worrying signs of any sort. Your gaze is clear, the pupils are receptive, hwalba knaze. Your ears also react to stimuli,” the healer deemed, and it was clear from the note in her voice that she was comparing Twilight’s current state with that previous, worrying bout of catatonia. “You say that you feel nothing, physically? We’ve seen you strike the ground like after a potent hit.”

“Not on my back, at least, no. My legs remember the fall,” Twilight admitted, “though it’s just like dropping prone quickly, there’s nothing... ‘strange’ there, I don’t think.”

“Well, something strange was there,” Midnight Wind commented, continuing to look about and checking the perimeter, as if he was now expecting something regular and palpable to appear and threaten Twilight some more.

They had opted to walk out of the shrine, though remained by the main entrance in, one marked by a slightly larger opening, appearing in between beautiful columns carved as two trees leaning into each other’s embraces, like long lost lovers. As far as all of them could tell at this point, nopony on the outside of the herame had felt anything at all, though one of the local arcemandri remained relatively close to the group and the way in, looking about for witnesses to the phenomenon.

However, the only pony acting more out of the ordinary was nopony else but the Count Brother, trying to fight the losing battle against an onslaught of sweat. “This... This is unprecedented, has this ever happened before? Why now? What’s going on?” he was asking questions of the air around him, though he might have as well had the Goddess in mind. “We’re not effiti, how could we feel this? Any of this?!”

“What did you feel, actually?” Twilight asked of all the batponies, and Midnight Wind offered his response first, wishing for it to be a joint one, at least to a degree.

“Well, after you nearly fell the first time, we gathered about you, not knowing what was happening, Honored Princess. Although, I was paying attention to the effit as well. I spotted that there was a... similarity,” he explained, trying to express a lot in that one word. “And, a moment later, there was like... a pull. Not too strong, not crushing, nor forcing us to the ground, like it did to you and the aksiosan. I think one of my legs have bent, but that was it. Though, there was no physical reason for it, it just happened.”

“Same here, actually,” Rowan Berry concurred, finishing her medical observations now that everything appeared to be, again, in order. “This wasn’t a muscle spasm, or anything of the sort, it was more like...”

“Weight,” Twilight suggested, and the healer nodded.

“Yes. Like something being put on one’s hunches without a warning, literally.”

And metaphorically, and in any other way one could name it – but what was that?” Ebony Crescent’s question resounded and was marred with anxiety. He swiped his forehead once more, though that only the coat on it more glued. “What does this mean? What does any of this mean?!”

Twilight wanted to reply to that, though she initially had no idea what she wanted to say, and if she even held a shred of an explanation, but Midnight Wind turned out to be much, much faster than her.

And much more stern. “Breathe, Ebony Crescent. This is extraordinary, without a doubt, but nothing to get worked up about.”

“But why? And now? And why did we—?”

The warrior took a step to the Count Brother, giving him a straight, firm look. “Calm. Down,” he pretty much ordered, in a strong voice.

And, of all the things, it managed to work. For the most part, at least. Ebony Crescent didn’t magically stop sweating profusely, but when he met Midnight Wind’s gaze, he must have recognized something from it. Or he simply accepted the truth of the matter that allowing unease to mount uncontrollably wouldn’t add anything productive to the situation. He gave the other stallion a small nod of recognition, taking a deep breath and sitting down, focusing instead on trying to save the collar of his gown from being utterly ruined by his nerves, manifesting in water.

Midnight Wind looked content with that reaction, turning his attention back to Twilight and Rowan Berry. “Are you sure that everything’s fine?” he asked of the latter.

“On my end, I can see nothing peculiar about the hwalba knaze,” the mare judged, which did bring some relief to Twilight.

Benu,” Midnight Wind deemed with the firmness of a senior, almost. Twilight, truth be told, felt quite amazed at how unshakable he now looked, even when faced with this, extraordinary situation. “Honored Princess, it might be prudent to remain by the shrine for a moment. I believe that the antasi might have some questions for you.”

“Yes, that seems wise,” Twilight agreed, and as much as her feelings made interacting with the stallion complicated, she saw the logic in his suggestion, and decided to follow it.

Not to mention that, right after that impulse which had tried to send everypony down to the ground, and the pious, rapturous screams of the soothsayer, she had seen the local priesthood practically swarm the seer, asking questions and trying to interpret every little twitch and every word he had uttered. It wouldn’t be surprising at all if the antasi would want to turn their attention to her, at least to some degree. After all, her reactions seemed stronger than those of other ponies, and strangely in harmony with the effit’s.

The problem lay with Twilight not really having an answer to any possible inquiries. Yes, she was aware of the strange phenomena which had a tendency to happen around her for some time now. She even recognized that she had had moments of, well, curious recollections, as she had suddenly remembered some peculiar scraps of situations that hadn’t happened. But when it came to an actual explanation? Now that was as much of a mystery to her as it was to anypony else.

Perhaps bar one entity.

And Twilight had that strange feeling that the burden which she had felt, that crushing responsibility which had suddenly arrived and then had disappeared quite as rapidly, had been shared with her by a truly extramundane force. That she had been allowed to experience a portion of what the real weight was, while the other present, bar the effit, had been granted but a minuscule taste.

But who had sent that feeling? Was it actually the Goddess, the Immaculate Moon? But… But Princess Luna was supposed to be her, right? So… Had something happened in Equestria, something that had resonated so strongly that it made even Twilight react? But that must have meant something absolutely terrible…

Out of the blue, Twilight’s thoughts returned to the dreadful topic that Count Mistlock had shared with her, but she abandoned that notion right away. That would be unthinkable, even by the preternatural standards.

But, if it hadn’t been Princess Luna’s doing and there was a… divine distinction, and, honestly speaking, one which had been becoming more and more prevalent as time had gone by during Twilight’s mission… If there actually were to be a true gap between the alicorn whom Twilight knew, and the concept of the batpony deity, an idea and a presence which had been manifesting itself as something far more over the course of this quest, not as but a religious supposition…

Well, the scenarios that rapidly manifested in Twilight’s mind at the thought didn’t make her any less nervous.

However, there was another thing. The feeling in her chest, that most peculiar belief and expectation that things would turn out for the best, that hope which had been growing in her during the quest – it was not only still there. A few moments ago it had welled and soared, it had renewed itself even against the new worries and anxieties which were plaguing Twilight nowadays. She wasn’t cured of those, no, but she felt noticeably calmer about what she had to endure, as if the Goddess had given her the strength to persevere, to organize it all once more, in her heart and in her mind.

If it was, indeed, a deities influence, than Twilight had honest reasons to be thankful.

Speaking of the Immaculate Moon’s designs, it was at that moment that one of the local antasi appeared, indeed, trotting out of the herame at a practiced, dignified pace. The entire group gathered and stood next to each other, with Twilight and Ebony Crescent slightly ahead, as the priest approached them and gave everypony a polite bow.

His mane was the color of daffodils covered in fresh rime, signifying his age and giving him a serious, experienced look. The significant crow’s feet about his fierce yellow, almost orange eyes were doing much the same work.

Hwalba knaze Twilight Sparkle,” he began with a voice filled with pious dignity, addressing only her for now, “Neskaza Lunee... welae tueu noc illum. And may it be allowed for me to say, that She had done so, already. I am known as Carnelian, a humble servant of the Goddess.”

“I welae Neskaza Lunee… illum tuu noc tez, antas Carnelian,” Twilight greeted the priest, not surprised to hear him make that claim. “How might I help you?”

The stallion smiled a little, gesturing over the entirety of the group, his robes gracefully swaying about him as he did so. “Let me first say that my request comes from our entire congregation, gathered at this here herame, and is addressed to you all, dzieti,” he pointed out, his eyes stopping on Ebony Crescent for a moment longer. “Even to you, hwalbu hrabiy bratr, though I know you must be tired of my ramblings in particular at this point.”

The Count Brother, clearly feeling that he was receiving a couple of curious glances, rolled his eyes just a little and cleaned his neck a bit more, trying to remain presentable and dignified. “It is worth noting, that those usually aren’t about an extraordinary situation in the he—” he wanted to point out to the antas, but Carnelian shushed him with a swift gesture of his hoof.

That… let us keep to ourselves for the time being, please,” the priest instructed.

“Very well,” Ebony Crescent agreed, still keen on clearing the air. “Regardless, while I am usually reluctant to pay much attention, I will this time, Karneol. For obvious reasons.”

Benu, wald benu,” the other stallion replied, looking pleased. “It will not stop me from pointing out to you, hwalbu hrabiy bratr, that this is one of the few times I actually see you in the herame. It pleases me, nonetheless, though I wish that you would find your way here more often…”

The Count Brother didn’t respond to that, instead focusing on battling his sweat again. Twilight, in the meantime, grasped that Carnelian might have had a firmer and closer connection to the ruling ponies than most of the local priesthood. That was a tone of a fatherly rebuke, indeed, and she didn’t think other preachers would simply allow themselves that, especially taking into consideration the rather eccentric leadership of the Crescents.

The antas turned back to her, with a serious look, though a calm smile as well. “Honored Princess, we, the priests of the Neskaza Lunee… are, altogether, extremely happy with your presence at the shrine of the Goddess.” He lowered his voice, noticeably. “We have heard interesting things about you from our other brothers. About you bringing with yourself quite the happenings and, lo and behold…”

He didn’t finish, though he didn’t have to, considering what had occurred. Twilight felt it prudent to comment on it, too. “I am afraid that, despite these ‘happenings’ occurring, I cannot grant any insight into the nature of them, antas Carnelian. They remain a mystery to me, as well.”

Ha, but I don’t expect you to grant us insight, hwalba knaze,” the priest immediately told her, not stopping his smile, even having it gain in strength a little. “As it happens, we are the ones that are blessed with understanding, and the drive to find answers! That’s our task, indeed. That and dropping the occasional reminders for ponies that need them,” Carnelian added, glancing Ebony Crescent’s way once more. “However, this is an extraordinary situation. One that requires the right approach, the blessed way forward.”

“Whatever do you mean, antas Carnelian?” Twilight asked, following her curiosity and wanting to show the readiness to address said situation, if at all she could.

The priest nodded, recognizing her willingness and accepting it with joy, his eyes shining with it. ”Our seeing bratr, may Bogine use him as She deems right, is still not finished with the vision. As it happens, I have been sent out to convey our stance to you, hwalba knaze, as we are the interpreters and servants of Neskaza Lunee… but I, too, will be required to provide aid in this endeavor. Our bratr is calling out more, speaking yet about matters that are too complex to grasp. Since this surge of divine inspiration seemed to affect both him and you, hwalba knaze, which is extraordinary and... well, I won’t lie, quite exciting,” the antas claimed, enthusiasm breaking through his stately role, “I wanted to announce us. Or, at least, myself. We will need to talk about what you have felt, seen, heard, anything that might be of use to us,” Carnelian explained, offering her another bow. “Might I be granted an audience in the near future, so that we might uncover the Will of the Bogine?”

It was quite the request, and Twilight, as unprepared as she still felt in such a role, was also quite pleased by this development. To think that there had been a time when she was expecting nothing more than ostracism and worried glances coming her way. And now one of the local priests was actively asking her permission to perform his duties, duties connected to one of the foundations of Noctraliya itself, the realm of the spiritual.

“Ze delec, antas Carnelian,” Twilight told the stallion, and not without a gentle smile of her own. “If I can perform this task, I shall.”

“I have a good feeling that you can,” the priest spoke, straightening up, and his mane shifted to cover half of his muzzle like a golden and silver curtain. “Call it a ‘hunch’, as you say in your tongue, but there is... something of a seer about you. Is it perceptiveness or something more, I don’t know, yet I can feel it.”

Twilight knew what it might have been, and was doubly surprised that Carnelian could tell. After all, she had already played the role of an effite, back at the Mountain of Fang. Had that been an information shared among the priesthood caste? She wouldn’t be able to tell, though she had a feeling, or a ‘hunch’, indeed, that it wasn’t. Which meant that the antas before her was showing great intuition, likely based on his talent and refined through his calling in the Goddess’ service... or perhaps, the insight granted to him was just another step in the grand scheme of a force which was hard to grasp?

Twilight gave the stallion another smile, nonetheless. “As long as I shall be at the Mountain, I don’t think it will be a problem at all,” she promised, giving Ebony Crescent a look to make sure he didn’t object in any way.

He didn’t seem to, at least, busy as he was with fighting his sweat, though he himself turned to Carnelian. “Could you promise me, however, Karneol, that you won’t bore my guest to death with one of the sermons you are so keen on giving?”

“Oh? Are they that tedious, you say, hrabiy bratr?” Carnelian replied, looking quite amused at the critique. “I thought that dropping in an occasional rhyme will please the divine anytime.”

Twilight wasn’t sure if that one was spontaneous or something that the antas had already used, enough said that the Count Brother looked like he was about to have a mild aneurysm.

Even Carnelian recognized that he might have went a little far, especially with how otherworldly serious the moment in the herame had been. He lifted his gaze to the ceiling and pointed with one of his hooves, as if acknowledging the Goddess’ attention and potential displeasure at him, then spoke once more.

“As I have said, then – I will seek a moment of your time, hwalba knaze, to gather some information that might be helpful to us, the interpreters of the signs from the Bogine.”

“I will gladly allow that to happen,” Twilight promised, so the antas nodded, smiled, bowed, all in a matter of a few seconds, then quickly turned and almost cantered back to the shrine.

Twilight heard a shuffling from behind the moment the priest was gone, and turned to spot that Midnight Wind loosened one of his straps by the cuirass, shaking his head. “Another night, another mystery…” he exclaimed, though it was hard to tell if it was meant to serve as a complaint or just him pointing out facts.

While she wasn’t entirely through with everything that had occurred, especially regarding secrets and mysteries, Twilight found in herself enough spirit to actually respond to those words. “We’re not having a good record, are we?” she asked, not meaning to sound criticizing, though she had a feeling that anything she would say could be interpreted like that by Midnight Wind.

“No, definitely not,” the stallion admitted, sighing. “Maybe there’s a lesson in this? Or maybe we’re just having very bad luck.”

“You would claim luck has anything to do with this, especially when the Goddess is involved?” Rowan Berry asked of him, but his gaze alone was enough to silence her.

Twilight bit her lower lip, in thought. Nothing seemed to have moved forward, or past certain matters, for the last few nights.

Ebony Crescent, in the meantime, somewhat making it through another assault of his ailment and not ending up looking like he had decided to take a spontaneous bath, hid away his hoofkerchief and restored his collar. He took a deep breath.

“I, for once, am quite bemused by all of this. I, simultaneously, feel rather disheartened and inspired. A sign from the Bogine, especially one so close, should be a source of joy. But... I think I’ve had enough of excitement for one night, if my humble opinion could be taken into consideration, so I’m not sure I can be all... ‘happy-go-lucky’ about everything.”

Twilight wasn’t going to object there. Thankfully, the new flame in her chest was pushing her to try and find the positive side even in these, extraordinary circumstances. “I’m not against taking things much slower right now. I doubt that Carnelian meant a meeting with me tonight, exactly, so I think we could have ourselves some leisure.”

That, at least, caused the Count Brother to smirk. “Now that is a word I do enjoy…” He pondered for a moment, rubbing his chin. “I’m thinking of a place that could be a little remote, and definitely calmer than the rest of the Mountain, but still offering some measure of excitement or sating the imagination.” Whatever he had in mind came to him quickly, and he stomped down with gusto at the thought. “Ha, of course! Please, this way!”

Well, Twilight was rather pleased to see him excited about... whatever his idea was. Mostly because, well, the night had gone rather erratically so far, and if Ebony Crescent retained some good humor, perhaps not all was lost.

Not that she felt all that concerned for his mood, no, but she wanted for him to have a chance to be a host without something going terribly wrong out of a sudden. After all she could, at the very least, appreciate him wanting to accommodate her in the Mountain of Crescent, despite his ways and a disputable level of personal interest.

The Count Brother picked a more scenic route this time, heading through a side portion of the main cavern, which offered Twilight yet more breathtaking sights of the local architecture. She especially enjoyed one of the slim, narrow bridges they took at one point, suspended in a way to suggest that vines and branches had actively leaned down to support it, even if they were still fashioned but out of marble.

She imagined that similar scenery, though decidedly more treacherous, could be found in the dense rainforests south of Equestria. The climate there would, definitely, make Ebony Crescent’s look appear more corresponding. However, the stallion did his best to remain fit to be seen. He had a reason to cool down a little, too, as he explained when they were trotting off the ornate span.

“We won’t be venturing outside, but there is a place I had had in mind and thought would be ‘useful’. It might be a little chilly, actually, but we provide comfortable mantles for those preferring to stay a bit warmer!”

“Oh? Are we heading a little higher again, perhaps?” Twilight asked, but the stallion shook his head with a smile.

“No, not really, it’s not like the Gallery, not entirely at least. However, the place needs to have its temperature kept a little lower, indeed, to house the works of art inside,” he explained with a theatrically cryptic note to his voice.

“Now that is intriguing,” she told him, wishing to show her genuine curiosity and indulge his thespian approach a bit. “I... believe I might be able to tell what you have in mind, Ebony Crescent.”

The Count Brother gave her an almost taunting look, his gaze flickering at her using his name again. “Do you, now? I must get better at being unpredictable, then,” he joked, giving her a smile right after. “You are a very bright mare, Twilight Sparkle. It wouldn’t surprise me to hear that your logic is on point once again.”

“Please, Ebony Crescent, the praise is unnecessary.”

“On the contrary!” he protested, and fiercely. “You are here as a guest, Twilight Sparkle, a welcomed one, and a precious one. You should consider yourself both well-received and appreciated, I remind you,” he teasingly added.

The look he gave her as he said that unfortunately only added to Twilight’s mounting… concern. Well, perhaps that was a strong word, indeed, but the Count Brother’s interest in her was becoming more and more overt, blatant even. Also, something about that stare was peculiar, she deemed. Its focus was singular, and brought with itself warmth to her cheeks, yes, but also something almost like… an echo. It was a repetition of a sensation that Twilight couldn’t quite place at the moment, but felt was eerily familiar to her.

Had she... Had she ever received such a glance from Midnight Wind? Well, yes, many times, but this recognition was a bit too ‘recent’ for that comparison. Regardless, their destination turned out to be a lot closer than it would allow Twilight to approach the topic with Ebony Crescent. Not to mention that it would be something better discussed in private.

What greeted the group first was a small antechamber, a carved room with two sets of doors. It reminded Twilight of the time when Midnight Wind had taken her to the top of the Mountain of Midnight, to share a dance with her. The memory was still fresh in her mind, invoked by the feeling of cold air passing down by her hooves, and must have caused her to frown a little, since Ebony Crescent immediately wished to calm her down.

“Oh, do not worry if you are feeling the draft, we have protection from that.”

He, indeed, pointed at an elegant rack by the chamber’s wall. It was outfitted with woolen coverings, designed with far more attention to detail than a shared clothing would normally require, showcasing just one more facet of the Crescent’s approach to style and comfort. The Count Brother took for himself a piece with a hood, clearly wishing to cover his head and humid mane, while Twilight decided that it wouldn’t be necessary.

Before they could proceed, however, the stallion turned to the other two batponies, with a kind smile. “Too many ponies shouldn’t be allowed in at the same time, actually, so... if you two wouldn’t mind,” he spoke. He sounded polite, though clearly expectant of being allowed to, as before, enjoy the pastime with only Twilight as his company.

“Actually, I do mind.”

It was Midnight Wind who objected to the request, in a rather strong voice. It caused Ebony Crescent to grimace as he wanted to respond, but the warrior was simply not having it.

“An exception to our duties already happened once, per your request, Count Brother, but this would be the second time. I have to formally oppose the suggestion.”

Twilight gave the stallion a glance of mostly interest, even if there was slight irritation in her, persisting regardless of the time passing from their fateful conversation in the carriage. However, keeping in mind why Midnight Wind had appeared at her door so late ‘at day’, and the topic they had breached, well... She wasn’t surprised, at least, as to why he had spoken up.

Nor was Ebony Crescent, actually, though he trotted forth towards him with an almost derogatory roll of his eyes. “Oh for the love of... It’s a public gallery. And without anypony in it right now, considering the number of coats present tonight. Is such gallant protecting really necessary, ruining the Honored Princess’ time of leisure? She wished to have it, and clearly. Let her be a titillated guest, not a tailed diplomat.”

Midnight Wind didn’t reply, simply trotting over to grab for himself a coat that would fit over his armor, much to the Count Brother’s displeasure, shown by a squint of his eyes.

Twilight wondered if she needed to interfere in this situation after all. She was weighing her options, having in mind her own comfort and, indeed, the desire to take her mind away from certain topics, and her observations about Ebony Crescent and the approach he had with, well, her.

However, there was another pony about, one that decided to chime in and try to address the tension.

Rowan Berry, up until then standing further away, trotted forth and approached Midnight Wind from behind, hoping to get his attention. She managed to do so, though the stare he gave her when he realized she had come closer was anything but amicable.

Kwo tu myisl hac zabraza?”she asked of him in Noctraliyar, causing the stallion to stop in place briefly.

Twilight wasn’t sure what the other mare meant, but the tone of conciliatory advice was blatant, even to her ears. She just wasn’t sure if Midnight Wind was interested in listening to it, considering the slight grimace the passed by his lips.

Miwil kwand tue cure?” he asked in a lower volume, though one Twilight picked up on anyway.

Iae cure i iae cure dosit,” she told him in reply, her hoof reaching for the side of the woolen covering.

Rowan Berry also whispered something more to him, something that was almost impossible to hear, though Twilight was certain that she caught onto some sort of a... ‘nye glupya’ expression or something, when the healer’s gaze briefly landed on her.

Whatever it was about Midnight Wind’s first reaction was to grit his teeth, though he managed to contain whatever outburst was coming. Perhaps for the sake of Ebony Crescent, who was watching the scene with much interest and at least a little bit of anxiety. One that evaporated almost instantly when Midnight Wind actually allowed Rowan Berry to take the clothing from him.

The warrior still turned to Twilight with a stern, firm voice. “Honored Princess, would it be your wish to be allowed privacy in the gallery, alongside the Count Brother?”

That question definitely cost him a lot, considering the bulging vein on his temple, visible due to the shorter coat. Twilight knew where it was all coming from, mindful of what the stallion had shared with her last day. She was also rather intrigued as to what Rowan Berry had decided to say to convince Midnight Wind to relent, but that was something to keep in mind for later.

“This won’t take long. You are free to wait, without a worry about fulfilling your duty properly, Nocferratan,” she spoke, trying to sound both official and attempt to calm the stallion down, however limited she was in her success.

There was one pony clearly happy with the choice, without a doubt, as Ebony Crescent’s voice resounded in the antechamber. “No worries for anypony, please! The Mountain of Crescent simply wishes to dazzle with its greatest achievements, so that the Honored Princess can spend some quality time in these caverns,” he stated in a conciliatory tone, looking straight at Midnight Wind, though the latter’s gaze was enough to cause a new droplet of sweat to run down the Count Brother’s temple. “Right! Right, right! Honored Princess, whenever you are ready?”

Twilight made sure that she was properly covered before gesturing to her host that she was, indeed, willing to visit the gallery before them. She spared another glance towards Midnight Wind and Rowan Berry, just in case, but could read little from their gazes.

At least she soon learned that her initial intuition about the place had been correct. And, yes, there was a reason to keep the temperature lower, much lower, for the sculptures inside were made out a little less lasting material than marble or granite. One that, as Twilight had already learned, was very useful to the noctrali, though the Crescent’s took their fascination with art and design even to something utilitarian and omnipresent among the frigid peaks of their country.

Honestly, she hadn’t ever had a chance to see a whole place devoted to ice sculpting before, down to the carved pillars and the arches above. The gallery wasn’t an enormous place, likely since it wouldn’t be the easiest thing to do, keeping it all at the right temperature to stop the artwork from melting, but it still housed quite numerous examples of creativity manifested in frost. Actually, the housed works were making Twilight feel a little... warm, instead. Aside from things like wondrous, faceted flowers, pretending to be made out of pure crystal, a vast selection of animals and wild beasts, captured in the moment of primal glory, and even miniature replicas of mountain peaks, clearly referencing Noctraliya’s landmarks, the gallery wasn’t shy of presenting sculptures of ponies in quite enticing poses, made the more ephemeral since crafted out of translucent ice, polished to perfection.

Ebony Crescent was appreciative of the entire place, yes, though he also didn’t hide that he was finding this sort of artwork to be particularly inspiring to him. “Hmmm... I haven’t visited here for some time, it looks like some new, splendid works were added! How exhilarating,” he praised the pieces, trotting over to one of them quite eagerly. “How do you find this one, Twilight Sparkle?”

She followed him, eyeing the image of a stallion and a mare, entwined in an aerial embrace. They were lifted up on a majestic wave that looked very much like it froze just as the pair made their way from underneath a lake’s surface. Their bodies were pressed against each other passionately, and Twilight had to admit that the artist had gone great lengths to show the work of pony musculature in motion, and to emphasize the emotions which were shown in the pair’s touches and their expressions.

“It is... quite an intense piece,” Twilight admitted after a moment of trying not to think of how the, seemingly, wet manes and coats, alongside the passion shown, were reminding her of that time at the hidden cavern. It was complicated for her to reach for that memory there and then. “I am amazed that, for all the prudence of your culture, such artwork even happens in the first place. I take it that some ponies around would consider it inappropriate?”

Ebony Crescent grinned widely. “Oh, it is definitely inappropriate by common standards... but it is also absolutely breathtaking, isn’t it?”

“Without a doubt,” she responded, her attention caught, once again, on the expressions of the stallion and the mare. The artist managed to catch unbridled passion between them, burning in their eyes even if those were as clear as ice. These stares were definitely not frigid. “So, you are suggesting that the artistic value allows one to overlook that the topic is quite taboo in your culture, Ebony Crescent?”

“I suggest,” the Count Brother told her, taking his place by her side, looking up at the sculpture, “that there are things in life that are boundlessly beautiful and, while they need to be shown the right respect, they also need to be properly recognized. And I also hold the belief that a job well-done should be appreciated even if it goes a little beyond the ‘norms’,” he explained, letting out a little chuckle. “I suppose that Equestrians would have less of a bias against such forms of expression?”

Twilight pondered for just a moment. “I could think of a couple of ponies that would still find this quite daring, but I think we are a bit more open in the matter, yes.”

Ebony Crescent nodded, his eyes wandering a little, admiring the rest of the works, or at least giving away that impression. “I... sometimes think that I would prefer Equestria to some degree, Twilight Sparkle,” he suddenly said, his tone imbued with wistful hope.

It did make Twilight tilt her head towards the Count Brother, and she met his pear, intense gaze. “Oh? Are you quite serious about that, Ebony Crescent?”

“The more I think about it, I believe... yes,” he revealed, turning her way and smiling. “Of course, my thoughts on the matter remain mine, and I want to believe I can share them without worries about them being propagated around?”

“You have my word,” she assured him, causing his joyous expression to beam further.

“There was never any doubt about that in me, but it is still great to hear you say that, Twilight Sparkle. Makes your worth double in my eyes yet,” he replied, nodding in respect. “I do understand my specific position in Noctraliya. I enjoy the benefits, but I also wouldn’t mind having a bit more... wiggle room, without certain ‘standards’ weighing me down. Honestly, I would be more than willing to embrace a new, diplomatic deal with your country, if you don’t mind me touching upon that topic when I promised you leisure.”

“If that helps you feel less guilty,” Twilight told him with a smile of her own, “it is a great relief and brings peace to me, knowing I could receive support in my endeavor, Ebony Crescent.”

The Count Brother gave her a little bow at that point, further showing his appreciation and deference. “Glad to be of service. And, I do mean my words. I don’t see anything wrong with dropping a positive word or two for my uncle’s ear. If only I would be rightly incited to do so.”

Twilight felt her lips twitching just a little.“ ‘Rightly incited’? What would you mean by that, Ebony Crescent?”

“Oh? Oh, no, nothing terrible. Maybe I just used an... imprecise expression,” the Count Brother explained, with a bashful chuckle which sounded almost theatrical. “I mean, I suppose some would say that I don’t need any additional motivation, Twilight Sparkle. I am already being shown the very best that Equestria has to offer,” he said, looking at her with a keen, piercing stare.

All of that definitely caused her cheeks to turn crimson red, and even the lower temperature of the gallery couldn’t help with that. True, Twilight managed to get herself under control relatively quickly, and... and she didn’t feel that strange need to kiss the stallion before her. But his intensity was putting her quite skillfully on the back hoof.

“You... You flatter me, Ebony Crescent, you’re being far too kind,” she finally told him, not that her protest was recognized.

“Nonsense. I say it as straightforward as I see it, Twilight Sparkle. Your mind is sharp, your features are wonderfully soft and pleasing to the eyes. You are beautiful, and I would be lying obscenily by declining that I find myself drawn to your grace and allure,” the stallion spoke, taking a half-step closer. “I sincerely hope you don’t mind me saying it all so openly. This night was... eventful, so far. I feel a little perturbed by it, truth be told. But one thing remains, and is clear to me – I have the rare opportunity to have a marvelously unique company, and I want you to be perfectly aware of that.”

Twilight wasn’t really sure how to address that sentence. She appreciated the warm words, even if they were making her feel unpleasantly abashed. She just... Well, she wouldn’t want to lead the Count Brother on in any way, as she necessarily wasn’t looking for anything like that from him, no.

“You are... extremely courteous, Ebony Crescent. A-and charming, without a doubt,” she began, hoping to withstand the stallion’s gaze as it was trying to push its way to all but the furthest corners of her being. “I wouldn’t want to... give you the wrong impression, n-not that I am not appreciating the attention. It’s just that—”

The Count Brother lifted his hoof, hoping to calm her down. “Please, feel not disconcerted nor troubled by what I have said. You are simply... inspiring, in more ways than one. An artist should let his muse know what he feels. But I would not want to pressure, no,” he explained, wearing a kind, delicate smile, even with his gaze retaining its acute quality. “I simply do not hide my intentions. Any interest I could receive from you I would cherish and treasure.”

“I... uhm...” Twilight tried to stammer her way through a response. Ebony Crescent wasn’t anywhere close to her to make her feel like he was invading her personal space, but his very presence was causing her to feel intimidated in a strange, almost enticing way. “I’m not... I mean, you are a v-very endearing stallion, I just... ah...”

The said stallion said nothing to that, at least at first. Instead, he took a whole step back, clearly sensing that he was making her uncomfortable.

Only after he made that obvious move did he speak up again. “No worries, and may this not afflict you. At all,” he told her in a silken tone which felt tantalizing by itself. “Simply remember how I feel, Twilight Sparkle. For I wouldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t make you aware just how desirable of a pony you are. I have a feeling that somepony of Divine Aspect might be seen as unapproachable even in Equestria... and I won’t even get into the details of such a situation from our perspective,” he commented, biting the side of his tongue at the thought. “But me? Ha, I am honored to see in you… a mare.”

Yes, Twilight had no intentions of giving Ebony Crescent false impressions, nor was she forgetting what she had learned about him just that evening, but... she couldn’t deny the obvious.

She couldn’t quite turn down how that sentence made her feel.

Luna found herself in a perplexing situation. She actually needed a few moments, a few breaths, perhaps happening both in here and back in the waking world, to figure out how to proceed.

She had just endured one of the greatest temptations she could remember, one that was comparable to the whispers of the Nightmare, though there was a slight difference between ‘insidious’ and ‘imperious’. And not only had she been subjected to this argent pull of mentalism, it had all happened in the very mind of her closest servant, her confidant… and her beloved. In the psyche of the grey unicorn, who had made his way into her heart without trickery other than the usual surprise of finding affection. But also one who had just attempted to take over her mind.

One that was, as of this moment, bent right to her hooves, his dark, shadowy manifestation following suit and without hesitation.

And, of all the ways Luna had expected to perceive him in her life, as a companion, a trusted ear and shoulder, an advisor, even a possible companion… No, she would have never imagined Moonwarden looking like this, bearing such incredible and crushing shame, left in this stance of utter and irrecovarable defeat.

The grey unicorn would never allow himself that, come to think of it. But this wasn’t an illusion, no. Yes, it was meant to be but a manifestation in his mind, and yet there he was, debasing himself before her as if he wanted to soon disappear completely, cease to be, not to scandalize her with remaining in her presence.

That thought scared her.

Luna might have had some reasons to want him before her like this, especially after what she had seen and endured just before, like all of those images of bound puppets of ponies. Still, she had come here to talk to him, to save him, not to seek his humiliation.

“Moonwarden…” she spoke, trying to make her voice dignified but soft, though even that caused the unicorn before her to shudder in fear. “Do you… Do you remember me now?” she inquired, invoking that hope once again, the one that had been squashed before, but was now rekindled.

Rekindled brightly, after the stallion’s reply, one shared by his shadow too. “Yes… Yes, I do, my… my lady,” they both answered, their tone shaking and almost mournful. “My lady…”

“Yes, it is m—”

“My lady, I… you should not be here, and…” Moonwarden tried to explain, though his emotions were making both of his voices uncertain and regretful. “I am sorry… I am so sorry…”

It maybe seemed like a naïve question to ask, but Luna decided to present it anyway. “What are you sorry for?”

The stallion’s grey stare finally became visible as he lifted his head a little. Though, at the same time, this gaze was utterly new to Luna. She had never seen Moonwarden fighting back tears, even if she could witness only one of his eyes. She didn’t think it possible, even.

“ ‘What for’…?” he asked in return, in utter disbelief. “My… my lady, if I can even call you that anymore, I have attacked you. I have utilized my most nefarious spell, to try and entrap your mind, and you are asking me the reason for my… my shame?”

There was almost an accusation in that question, though Luna understood where it was coming from. She wondered what to do, how to say things rattling about in her head. She ultimately decided that there would be nothing productive coming from this discussion with the unicorn looking like he was on the brink of a breakdown, however deserved.

“Calm, Moonwarden, please. You didn’t know who I was, and—”

“Stop it.”

The voice of his shadow was firm, cutting, merciless. It took her by surprise, utterly, as it immediately ruined her entire approach.

Moonwarden offered her further explanation as to why she faced such an order. “Does it matter that I did not recall you? Do not try and explain me before myself, my lady. I am perfectly aware of what happened, painfully so!” he shouted, pushing one of his hooves against his chest. “Yes, my perception was flawed, for my memories were… someplace else, though I cannot name it, but that is no excuse. Not…” he paused briefly, his bottom lip quivering in sheer fervor of his feelings. “Not when I have decided to go after you and after your mind, something I have told myself, promised myself, solemnly, would never happen.”


Luna asked the provocative question with full intent. She wanted to know what Moonwarden’s very mind had to say about that exception, now that the ‘context’ had returned. The unicorn’s form had claimed that everypony was a target, everypony was a potential victim of his schemes, and there would have to be extraordinary circumstances otherwise. If that was really a promise that the unicorn had made before himself, it had to have a foundation, and a strong one.

She had to learn of it. But would he reveal it before her willingly?

“What does it matter?!” the shadow hissed at her, instead, in indignation over the fact that she would even pursue reasoning in the face of this situation.

Moonwarden concurred with his dark emanation. “The ‘why’ is less important, this… My lady…” He looked up at her again, but his grey gaze escaped to the side soon after. “My lady, you must have realized at some point during my service, I hope pretty early on, that I am an exceedingly dangerous pony.”

“I have,” Luna admitted. Anypony capable enough of reaching her chambers undetected she would have already deemed that, and after all that they had been through, she definitely wasn’t overlooking that obvious fact.

Though Moonwarden seemed keen on suggesting exactly that. “Did you never think that I would be keen on… on trying to engulf you in my clutches, as well? That I would not make an exception for you?”

For some reason, Luna felt daring in her answer, especially since he put it like that. “I did. Did you not think I could be receptive of the idea?”

The unicorn’s shadow stirred a little. “Is that… a jest at our expense?”

“I am… uncertain,” Moonwarden admitted, confusion piercing through his saddened gaze as he replied to his dark companion, before again turning to Luna. “If it is, in even small extent, than I… I would rather you abstained, my lady. This is no trifling matter.”

“No, Moonwarden, it is not,” she made it perfectly clear, as she had something else in mind regarding the ‘clutches’ of her servant. “I have seen what your mind hides, at least to some degree, that already warrants a serious discussion, just so there is no… misunderstanding,” she told him, as the image of all of those living marionettes of ponies trotting about was almost impossible to forget. “But let us, first, establish a few points of reference. Do you know how is it that I am here?”

The unicorn looked like he didn’t particularly care for trying to find a reason for Luna’s presence after what he had attempted, but she had a feeling that he would abide by her will. “I… have a theory. Though I also have an understanding that seems to contradict it.”

“Share it with me,” Luna ordered. She made herself more comfortable in her seat, taking upon herself the role of a stern judge, towering over him. She had to, for both of their sake.

Moonwarden remained in his low position, only lifting his head high enough to be able to hold a conversation and not ruin his back, if that was even possible in this place. His shadow was, similarly, deferential.

“You have one, most sophisticated way of contacting the ponies of Equestria, my… my lady. Through your dream magic,” he began, though his voice was devoid of that usual confidence, the one firmly pushing into pride’s territory. “However, this feels… and I have to operate on such feelings, closer. I know that you have crossed my wards. I can still tell when you first did so.”

“Were those the burden I felt? Or the webs I avoided?” Luna asked, genuinely curious about the nature of his mental protection.

“Both, to some degree. A first line of defense might as well already be effective in many, differing ways. It usually is far more than enough, however rare I need to keep somepony out of my mind. But…” He pondered for a moment. “Your power led you through. I… have a strange need to congratulate you, my lady. You are the first pony to make an actual breach.”

“I feel rather praised,” Luna told him, hoping to invoke even but a small smirk from her servant, but for naught.

“Indubitably an achievement,” he blankly admitted, with his shadow adding to that.

“But… you are here thanks to your skills, and at the same time, this… does not feel like a dream, no. You are much deeper, I know it. Somehow,” the dark entity admitted, causing Moonwarden’s corporeal form to nod. “So, you had an access point, then you just pushed further.”

“Do you want to be told why I had an ‘access point’ in the first place?” she asked of him, but both the unicorns shook their heads.

“I… have a hunch,” the shade admitted, and the other one followed.

“I know that I am asleep. I cannot wake, so…” He paused ever so briefly. The hoof he had previously pressed to his torso pushed a bit harder… and a red stain appeared on it. “Oh. Yes, that makes sense.”

Luna felt colors disappearing from her muzzle, seeing her servant shedding blood, but other than the sight, nothing was happening to him. It was a realization manifesting before her eyes, changing Moonwarden’s form, which also granted her insight into her exact whereabouts.

So it did to her servant, especially as he wiped the blood clean, leaving no trace of the wound or the mark on his clothing. “So I am alive. For the moment, at least, I imagine?” he asked with genuine curiosity.

“Y-yes, that you are,” she told him, trying to battle her feelings enough to speak without tearing up. “You’re in the hospital. Kept in a coma.”

“Prognosis?” both of the voices asked at the same time, and despite the bravery of the question, there were hints of fear in their tone.

Luna hesitated for a moment, as she found it hard to remind even herself of the situation. “Precarious,” she revealed.

Moonwarden’s two forms took the news gallantly, though she spotted his corporeal one’s lips pursing, and the visible eye filling with concern and self-preservation. “Well, that is… still better than the cold pavement and the taste of iron in my mouth. At least I am not giving that harridan an easy time…”

“Pardon?” Luna inquired, as she completely missed the context, apparently.

However, Moonwarden’s thought process ventured someplace else. “I grasp it now. You have used the Dreamworld to find me, enter a space where I could be dreaming, even if the sleep is artificial. That is… quite ingenious.”

“Thank you. But this is not a dream, definitely not,” she agreed, looking about. “Where lies this place? What is it, exactly? I have some insight to share, but…”

The unicorn’s shadow responded to her questions, although even the dark manifestation found it hard to grant her Moonwarden’s favorite title. “My… My lady, can you try and… do something with this chamber? Change it, form it? Influence it?”

Luna took a moment to consider, then reached out to her natural, magical skills. Since her eyes landed on the fireplace, she took inspiration from it, imagining it being a bit brighter. She wanted this place to have some more warmth, so that they could share this, important and extraordinary moment in a better atmosphere, despite all that had happened. Like when dealing with a real nightmare, Luna wanted to turn this moment of horror and anxiety into an important lesson.

And so she wanted the flame to gain in strength, to roar with a happy blaze that would light up both of them, maybe even grant Moonwarden’s shadow some more… clarity.

She did feel her power surging and gathering, felt the pull and the purchase on the fabric of this place, but… nothing happened.

The unicorn blinked, then shook his head, as if an intrusive thought made its way into his brain. “I… I felt it. You desired to affect the flames.”

Luna looked at him in interest. “Fascinating. So you can tell my intentions in here, then. There’s just… no result,” she admitted, contemplating on what that meant, exactly. “Then… Did you feel when I wanted to… to help you see? Remember? When I hoped for you to access my memories of you?”

Moonwarden took a moment to reply, and his voice again filled with shame, to the very brim. “I was… too occupied and focused on… on breaking through your resistance. But now that you… that you mention it, I think I did. I was… I…” he wanted to keep talking, but his humiliation was too great.

Luna gave him a moment. She didn’t want to pressure him there and then. She preferred to get to the bottom of their situation first, before tackling that topic. For it had to be tackled, without a doubt. Just at the right moment.

Moonwarden regained his composure, wiping his visible eye with a quick and reluctant motion, clearly unused to such a gesture. A moment later, however, his own gaze turned to the fireplace.

In an instant, the flame gained strength. Not only that, the light from it reached the far corners of the room, embellishing the entire, strange chamber in a warm embrace. Even the temperature seemed to rise a little, though remained pleasant, indeed. More so, Moonwarden clearly didn’t enjoy for the blaze to be too bright and annoying to the eyes. He kept its greater volume, though managed to make the fire lose some of it piercing radiance, while still providing illumination to the room.

Luna was quite amazed by the result, since it worked not by any magic or skill. And so she reached the final conclusion as to their whereabouts, simultaneously with the grey unicorn.

“This isn’t just your mind,” she uttered, and Moonwarden and his shadow both nodded. “That is why I felt like I was in your realm, on your turf. That’s where that understanding came from. That… power.”

“Yes. I have read about this ‘place’, this idea, in my books,” the unicorn revealed, his dark emanation also adding to the claim.

“This is… me. This is the focal point of myself, the fulcrum, the median...”

“To whom of you does it belong?” Luna’s question escaped her lips, causing both of the manifestations to gaze at her.

“Me,” they both said. “Nopony else. However…”

Only Moonwarden’s voice continued for the moment. “I think I know why you are asking, and I will gladly explain, m-my lady. Just, let us think of one thing at a time,” he advised, trying to formulate the next sentence. “Yes, this explains a lot. This is the place of my ‘ego’, and I do not mean pride with that, though this is the root of it. The root of everything.”

Luna nodded, grasping what he meant and agreeing with it. “This is you, for this is your imagination, your core, your psyche…”

“Which is why I have ultimate control over it…” Moonwarden deemed.

Still on the ground, he looked about, glanced above… and a moment later, from the overwhelming blackness of the ceiling, a beautiful chandelier of crystals emerged, hanging down in splendor. It possessed beautiful, slender candles, and the illumination from them sent refracted reflections all around, though without making the chamber any brighter. It served as ambiance more than anything, but added a yet more mysterious aura to the place.

“Hmmm… Reminds me of the one at my father’s manor, I remember it quite vividly to this day,” Moonwarden admitted alongside his shadow. “And I suppose I have a similar taste to my ‘dear pater’, after all.”

“I think it is quite classy,” Luna admitted, allowing herself a moment of appreciation and casual commentary.

The grey unicorn was having none of it, however, immediately shifting back to his observations, instead. “So, like in the theories regarding it, I form this place. I suppose I am also establishing all of its rules. Though I do not think exploring down this road would currently be wise, especially with you present. However…”

There was a pause, after which the shadow continued, instead. “It explains it, though. How… how I could even try and best you, my… my lady,” he claimed, his eyes keenly observing Luna’s reaction, ready to back away the minute he would spot righteous anger. “Your presence, as it does when you safeguard and lead ponies in the realm of dreams, awakened my consciousness in this very place. Normally, there is no way of actually reaching it, at least not by the means of magic or practice, though I have read of some, rather exotic and esoteric methods of seeking access to this inner self…”

Luna nodded, focusing on the findings still, as resentment would not be helpful there and then. “And, if you hold the ultimate say, even without memories, without understanding where we are, without… access to the rest of your mind, that is why you had the power to influence everything about the encounter.”

“And even then,” Moonwarden, the corporeal one, agreed, nodding, “you had enough might to withstand my magic which, in theory, had unlimited potential in this place. That… That is a testimony to your might, as an alicorn, as the Lady of the Night, m-my…”

There was a pause. A pause so grim and despondent that Luna shivered that something terrible had just happened. It had, truth be told. Something had occurred the moment when she had fallen into the argent grasp of his might, something which wasn’t allowing the unicorn to find any respite.

Something that he decided to voice, with two tones mingling as one, in humiliation. “I… I cannot dare and call you this anymore, Your Majesty. I have… I have done a terrible thing, and it warrants you casting me away, entirely. I would... Under all circumstances, I would advise you to do so…”

Luna took a deep breath. His defeated tone was not granting her pleasure, though she also couldn’t overlook anything that she had learned about, and what she had endured, no.

“That is for me to decide, Moonwarden. Your advice is accepted, but shall not sway me,” she told him, in a tone suffering no opposition. She wouldn’t receive any, considering how low the unicorn’s head bowed. “I will make one thing absolutely clear to you, my servant. What transpired here, what I have witnessed, I will not overlook, nor will I be lenient about. We will have a very long and a very serious discussion when the time comes, is that clear?”

“Absolutely, Your Majesty,” the unicorn relented and accepted that verdict. The fact that he did, that he wasn’t opposing, or trying to deflect responsibility, it spoke volumes to Luna. She, truthfully, hadn’t foreseen this scenario, but she had to face it, nonetheless.

Still, her reason for meeting Moonwarden like this remained. “Good to hear. I expect you to be forthright when that happens, and accept my verdict on the matter. Even if I could have my reasons to show some mercy, in the face of my… other findings.” She paused for a breath, even if inhaling wasn’t a necessity in a place like this. “But, first and foremost, I have come here for answers, and to help you. Now, that we have a chance to converse, I want to make sure of something right away.”

“I am all ears, Your Majesty,” Moonwarden assured in tandem with his shadow.

“I want to be absolutely certain that your idea of me… casting you away does not mean slipping into death’s embrace. I would not want that, nor will I seek that.”

None of the manifestations responded in a way other than deepening their bow, and Luna hoped it was a sign of understanding her intentions. Still, she added to those words, as she… she really couldn’t stop herself.

“For I am a jealous pony, Moonwarden.”

The stallion looked up, confusion mounting in his visible eye, and even the argent monocle flickered in uncertainty.

Luna, perhaps, didn’t mean to change her tone quite as much, but if she were to weight the unicorn’s faults, she also had to grasp the nature of his affection. That one, ultimate reason, why his vile attempt to infiltrate her mind had never happened in the waking world.

“Now, answer me, and be honest,” she ordered of him, remaining in her seat like a grim judge, even if the topic she had in mind was far less stern. “Why have you never undertaken this before? Why is your shame so great over that broken promise to yourself?”

The unicorn took a moment to answer, his gaze reluctant and worried. Even his shadow, as menacing as it appeared right next to him, attempted to slink away from the reasoning. However, something in Moonwarden must have told him that there was no way out of this situation. Luna could tell, because she had a strange feeling that the chamber they were in became slightly smaller, as if the walls were closing in on them, forbidding escape and cutting options down.

“Y-Your Majesty, I…” he tried to begin, though it was a difficult topic for him, without a doubt. Luna just needed to know why. “I am a… complicated pony.”

“Who isn’t?” she rhetorically asked, causing the unicorn to nod.

“True, indeed, though… As you can imagine, Your Majesty, a pony without a deeper regard for the ideas of Equestrian Harmony, standing in indirect opposition to the rules of society which he deems naïve, and possessing a talent in magic that is, by many, viewed as accursed by its very nature, is a touch more... intricate.”

“Sounds vainglorious when you put it like this,” Luna pointed out, causing both Moonwarden and his shadow to shrug just a little.

“I am who I am, especially here,” the grey unicorn admitted, pointing above the fireplace.

Right on cue, a gigantic portrait manifested itself out of the wall, being weaved in record time from shadows and silver strands. Soon, the likeness of her servant was looking down on her, lifelike and in his prime. Strangely, it didn’t meant that he looked younger in any way, nor was there additional musculature on him. No, all of his power and might, at least in Moonwarden’s eyes, came from his skills and charisma. Which is why his likeness was wearing comfortable, almost kingly robes, made out of silver strands of magic, to enhance the aura of superiority around him. His cutie mark, the Moon on a heater shield, was emblazoned above him, a coat of arms to respect and fear.

And, simultaneously present and not, his dark, shadowy emanation could be spotted, but only when one would focus very closely on the shapes behind the unicorn’s likeness.

Luna blinked, when the robes she had spotted on the piece of art manifested on Moonwarden himself, making it look like a foreign, defeated monarch was giving her a pledge of fealty.

“Does any of this surprise you, Your Majesty?” the unicorn asked, in genuine interest and curiosity.

Luna had a response. “Yes, one thing,” she pointed out, her hoof extended towards the shadowy presence. “Who is this?”

“This is me, and myself,” the corporeal unicorn explained, not that the sentence by itself offered any insight she could immediately grasp. Moonwarden felt that, and chose to explain. “We all have our dark sides. Sometimes cowed, sometimes lurking just behind all of our good intentions and ethics, waiting to pounce the moment we stop paying attention. Sometimes, everything that is the worst about us comes to the forefront in force, to the terrible consequences, in this constant battle for domination.”

“Tedious combat, that one,” the shadow continued, offering its own stance, though it was the same as Moonwarden’s, Luna felt. “Morality, the black and white one, is a falsehood. It is a shield, a shelter, a hiding place, however you want to call it, Your Majesty, from the darkness within. Some ponies so desperately want to lock their worst sides away, that they spend all of their lives in a constant struggle, one that shows in strange bouts of ‘virtuous madness’ from them, instead of accepting that this gloom is not going anywhere. We are faulty beings, almost all of us.”

“Instead,” the corporeal Moonwarden continued, “one should look into that abyss. Do so without fear and without hesitation. Wait until it stares back. And not blink, nor turn the gaze away. We have to be capable of knowing how terrible we can be, how wicked and terrifying. And then…”

“You reach out. Both of you,” the shadow spoke, and the smile Luna couldn’t quite see manifested on the other stallion too. “And you shake on it. You establish boundaries in full recognition of your virtues and vices. I suppose that, in this case, such an understanding came with a sort of… more direct communication.”

Moonwarden nodded. “And, just to be clear, I am not the ‘good’ one, myself is not the ‘evil’ one, as those sort of dual divisions are most faulty.”

Luna nodded. She wasn’t sure if she could accept such a stance, though it would be foolhardy to deny a certain wisdom about knowing oneself, and the darkest corner’s of one’s nature. She had been shown those early enough in her life, and they had been used against her by the Nightmare. Now she was also sure the unicorn’s lessons, moral ‘guidelines’, opinions, which he had been sharing with her ever since, indeed stemmed from this approach, this drive to explore the shadows lurking in oneself and reaching an understanding, with them and of them.

Still, a glaring fault, which had been made blatant to her after her travel through his mind, made her speak up.

“Does setting your own standards, based on self-exploration and without regard for anypony else, is a noble pathway to trot? Or does it but create convenient excuses for everypony, individually, to do as they please?”

The unicorn took a second to reply to those questions, hopefully reaching for some introspection. “I am not saying we should all be egotistic narcissists. There are boundaries in a pony’s life that simply have to stand. To make society work, to avoid descending into madness of overindulgence, one can name many reasons for it,” he began explaining, wishing to show the nuances of this approach. “This is, however, about recognizing why they stand, instead of blindly adhering to them. To forge one’s own code, knowing how far we could go without it. It is helpful to realize, in this process, that one could cross the ‘common’ lines, not that it would be advocated at all times. I am pretty certain I have explained that to you already, Your Majesty,” he claimed. “I know myself, and my darkness, because I wish to be strong, not only for my own sake. While a weak pony, without even the capacity of being dangerous, however keen on following the principles he believes in, the somewhat quixotic ideas of Equestria, does not have the virtue of temperance. They are but limited, restricted. Defenseless.”

“Would that give you the right to prey on such ponies?” Luna asked the provocative question, feeling the urge to push against such a stance, out of principle, if nothing else.

“No, Your Majesty,” the shadow responded to that.

“And yet you do, as I imagine,” she pressed on, feeling that it was necessary. “You have said it yourself – the ponies I have seen, you have your silver strings in at least some of them, no? That’s why you see them in such a way, little... puppets in your grand game?”

“Not everypony, no, as I have also said. The fact that I could bring them to their knees, strangle half the ponies of means of the city of Canterlot with one, fateful move does not mean that I shall do it,” Moonwarden told her, sounding almost defensive. “Do I see that I could, have I made such a thing possible at all? Yes, I am not blind nor a wastrel. I do not weave these strings for my own, selfish sake, however.”

As if on cue, all of the argent webbing connected to the unicorn’s monocle waved and shifted a little, the mark of his connection to all of his surreptitious designs.

It made Luna the more unrelenting in the topic, now that she was grasping the extent of it. “Not your own sake? What other, then? What warranted one?” she asked, then realized something she definitely needed to voice. Perhaps her rightful concern was mobilized a little further by something else, something envious. “I have heard rumors of your exploits with mares, for example. Of your ‘notoriety’ in Canterlot. Do you mean to tell me that you have used your—?”

“No! Never. I promise, solemnly,” Moonwarden spoke up, and neither of his voices carried deception.

Could that be trusted, however? “But I am your only ‘exception’, am I not? That is how you made it sound, that is how this feels. Everypony else is fair game, I expect, again, you have said it yourself – you are, above all, an opportunist, you so enjoy repeating that. And nopony should have you close to themselves,” she pointed out, and felt that a certain fury began suddenly surging from her core, in a force impossible to stop. “So, how many innocent mares have you bewitched for you own, selfish, base needs, then? One shall be far too many already, Moonwarden, and I will have you tell me the truth.”

“None. It is the truth, Your Majesty, I swear it,” the unicorn spoke up again, sensing her ire without fault. “You could even ask Wobble Wink about it, I gave him a solid thrashing for even insinuating—”

“You... assaulted Double?”

Moonwarden did realize what he had said, though he didn’t seem moved by the fact she was pointing it out to him, keen as he was on explaining himself, and maybe even considering his actions as justified. “Yes, I did. As I was saying, he insinuated that I would be so vile as to use my mentalism to... find company. Never have I done so, never was I planning on doing so.”

His shadow continued, with a clear wish for transparency. “Did it cross my mind during my life? Goodness me, yes, of course. I am capable of having terrible thoughts without accepting them in the slightest. And, yes, it would, in all honesty, be facile,” he stated the fact, regardless of how it made Luna’s brow furrow even further, and caused her heart to beat even faster in outrage. “It would not even cause me much Exertion, I imagine! There are simple spells, direct ones, there would be a need for three, maybe four of those. Lower inhibitions, alter perception, heighten sensations, because why should it not be a frenzied moment to remember? At least for one party – wipe recent memories, just to be safe. Money for jam.”

“Silence,” Luna warned him in a cold, grim voice, as speaking so casually about the topic was grotesque and abhorrent.

Moonwarden didn’t listen this time, though clearly felt her intentions. “I am explaining it in such details because I have nothing staining my conscience there. It would be grotesque and abhorrent, I recognize that fully,” the unicorn told her, almost defiantly. “Besides that, I only care for one mare in my life.”

Luna wasn’t deaf to that last sentence. Nor was the unicorn oblivious to what had slipped his lips. Panic settled in his eyes, though one that he decided to embrace and fight by accepting something within himself.

And he didn’t forget who was he speaking to, lowering his head once more to show deference in the face of Luna’s displeasure. “Your Majesty, if you wish to inquire, investigate, assure yourself of something, I will let you know everything. It is all but warranted after... after what I had dared to do. I can vow that I shall tell you the truth.” He paused briefly, his expression shifting and his shadow turning a tone darker, if that wasn’t but a trick of the light. “But do not think me a... a predator just because you fear I could be one. I could be an utter, reprehensible monster, yes. I choose not to be that much. Which is also why my blunder is that much greater...”

Luna wasn’t sure what to do with such a stance. She definitely had to discuss it with him, extensively, at the nearest, clearer opportunity, she again told herself.

But she knew what she wanted to do there and then, nevertheless. “Swear to me. Swear that you will tell me everything I ask about,” she requested, she demanded with unshakable conviction of her own.

And the unicorn and his shadow both spoke, without a second of hesitation. “I do swear it. If that is how I can begin to make any necessary amends in your eyes, I do so, solemnly.”

So Luna had no other choice but to reach down, with a swift, graceful motion. She grabbed the pocket portrait, the feint, ephemeral memory of it. She held in her hoof that one vital item, that realization which had refused to manifest properly, being rejected even by Moonwarden’s subconscious, and still teetered on the brink of vanishing. Focusing on it and holding it in her hoof, she brought the dangling amulet before the grey pony. Watching any and all of his reactions, she let it open, revealing her likeness right before his two pairs of eyes.

“Do you see it?”

The unicorn and his shadow seemed both reluctant to acknowledge the piece’s presence, though Luna wondered if it was actual hesitancy or his awareness needing a longer moment to understand what she was holding. It was probably the latter, as the portrait began to manifest itself more and more firmly, and she could even feel its weight increasing ever so slightly after a moment.

“I... I do,” Moonwarden finally replied, the eyes of his and his shadow locked on the locket, recognition blazing in them, alongside a myriad of other emotions.

“Do you remember when I spotted it and asked you about it?” Luna pressed on. She was aware of how strange this scene looked, especially as the portrait’s manifestation made it sway just a little in her hoof. It was as if she was a hypnotist, holding a watch or a pendulum in before her victim’s eyes and asking questions when their defenses were down. “Answer me.”

Her demand was met, though not due to some mentalist tricks, but Moonwarden’s reluctant cooperation. “I do.”

“Do you remember how abashed you were when it happened?”

“Painfully so.”

Luna felt her mouth drying in an instant, her manifestation processing her nerves with so much intensity that she felt sweat running somewhere down her neck. She wanted him to be truthful, he swore that he would tell her what she desired to learn about. And it there was to be a future, a future in which she could talk to him, converse about this darkness in him, decide whether there was a hope for... for anything, she had to hear the truth.

She hoped that, for all of his vanity, vices and egocentrism, Moonwarden had at least this much going for him.

“What does this mean?” she asked, with her voice almost cracking with anticipation and worry.

Moonwarden looked at her directly.

Past the portrait, past her determination, his gaze locked with hers with enough strength to pierce even the powerful aura of the silver monocle. She saw both of his grey eyes, seeking her stare, but carrying with themselves no ill intent, no desire to mentally dominate, no will to influence or deceive. There was nothing in that gaze but adoration, and his shadow followed suit.

She knew that look, of course. The same one she had seen so many times, but never understood as something more, some beyond but loyalty, but the willingness to diligently serve as a confidant and agent.

How much deeper, how much stronger was this gaze now, when she grasped what it was hiding.

“It can mean only one thing, Your Majesty,” Moonwarden told her, giving her a smirk which was simultaneously sad, happy, proud, abashed, hopeful and despondent.

And then granting her the confession which she was, deep inside, so hoping to hear even now.

“I love you.”

Luna never imagined those words coming from the unicorn. Truth be told, after her time alone during the banishment, after having rethought her life over and over, she didn’t think she would ever experience this sentence to such a degree, with such a level of honesty and passion.

Especially coming from this unlikely source, since, once that dam broke, there was no stopping anything anymore. True to his promise, Moonwarden was ready to reveal what was in his core, to the point where the space around him began changing and shifting.

Not that Luna could focus on that, enraptured as she was with his admission.

“Yes. I do love you, Your Majesty. Saying it like this, letting it be known, it is almost painful to me, for it feels like I am tainting this feeling by revealing it, by trying to describe it,” he spoke, his rich voice growing shaky with every breath and sentence. “I have loved you ever since my eyes rested on you, during your return to Canterlot after being freed from the Nightmare. I remember the day like no other, to the finest of details, a memory to cherish and be fearful of. As absolutely cliché as that will sound – I have never felt anything like that. I never dreamt that I would, cold as I was, uncaring as I was to the very topic.

“But that day I have seen the Moon, as if for the first time. The light in the dark, the sign of hope in the gloom. Not garish and overbearing, but delicate, ephemeral, worthy of praise for its temperance. That was the moment when I understood my calling in ways I had not anticipated,” he spoke, not taking even the briefest of inhales. “You have been in my heart ever since, shaping me in ways I could not imagine. Do I remain a reprobate, regardless of that? Yes, of course, there are facets of one’s nature that tend to be persevering. But I am, then, a reprobate who holds you in the greatest of esteems, one that sees in you somepony that he will never be worthy of, as prideful as he is. But now, every night I know that there is somepony to live for, aside from just myself, even if it is not meant to be...

“The sheer fact that I love you is my salvation and my greatest pain. I stand by your side, admiring all the strength that you have, even if you do not believe in it. I remain, learning of all that you have endured, all that you still battle with, for I see in you something greater than what can be grasped, expressed by mortal words or thoughts. To me you are perfect in your imperfections, you are virtuous in your gazing beyond empty virtue. You hold empathy weaved in the shadows, and one made out of them, understanding the nuances of the world. Those that fade away, like a morning mist, when the light becomes too great. Yes, you struggle, but your struggle is your might, for you do not ever stop. Even in the grasp of your greatest weakness, in the dark abyss brought upon you by your mistakes, the gloom I so hoped to pull you out of, even by but an inch, you still continue to care, to have others in mind, to safeguard and protect, to inspire and encourage.”

Moonwarden’s words flowed out of his form, both of those, like a refreshing stream, unburdening him. And the chamber around reacted, grew greater, richer, firmer, a place that was ready to house Luna as an honored guest and more. The fireplace roared with its gentle flame, the mahogany shined with polish, the silver embellishments glinted in the moonlight, one seemingly emanating from her own person. And even the unicorn’s portrait, the one he had invoked to make a point, changed and shifted, until Luna’s own likeness took its place, painted with grace, dignity, beauty and charisma, like a perfected version of the pocket portrait.

The grey unicorn, bent right before her, continued, his eyes shining with unbridled emotions. “You understand your flaws, you sometimes even feel incapacitated by them, by your past, by your uncertainty, but let this poor stallion tell you this much, before you decide upon his fate. Fate that he shall accept, whatever it shall be, for I am nothing before you, a speck of dust,” he told her, putting his hoof over his heart. “Let this insignificant moth, one that fell for the Moon up high, assure you – you are flawless in his eyes. Oh, how right are the batponies in their claims, however numinous and dated they would seem,” Moonwarden spoke, looking up at Luna with emotions that he had never shown before. “Your Majesty. My lady. My Moon... You are immaculate.”

A single tear stained Luna’s gown, silver and bright, as she took in those words. As much as they could change little about what she had to do, what she had to address regarding her servant, they meant so much...

“W-what do we do now, then...?”

That question was the best she could think of at the moment, eliciting a warm, tearful chuckle from both of them, even if Moonwarden’s expression soured right afterwards.

“I... really do not know,” he admitted, with no less sincerity. “Whatever you decide. I have bared my mind, my soul, my heart before you. I was a fool to do so, I have my reasons to believe that. But now, I do await your just judgment,” he assured, with humility that Luna never had thought possible to hear.

There were things to speak of, questions to seek answers for, matters to touch upon. There were problems and terrible scenarios to amend, fix and purge entirely.

But Luna felt that she was ready for it all now, regardless of what it would require of her.

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