• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XXI – Changing Paces

Twilight stayed in Midnight’s chamber for a while. She sat by the table, helping herself to the fruit as quietly as she could, whilst keeping her eye on him. She was pretty certain that, considering that he was praying through the whole day, the stallion would not wake up even if she were to break into a loud, flowery monologue. Still, she was going to keep to the internal one, if anything.

She smiled widely, seeing his calm, relaxed expression. He slept on, his breathing deep, tranquil. He looked as peaceful as she always desired him to be.

How peculiar... She had used to think that what she needed to feel merry and satisfied was a whole night of study, a strange spell to decipher and perfect, or a peculiarly engaging book on a magical theory to devour. And yet seeing Midnight resting so serenely was granting her more happiness than all of her education process combined.

Love, enough said.

She actually giggled to herself quietly. That sounded so... corny in her head. But did it need to be more complicated, more unique? When it was already a feeling so incredible?

She let the smile remain on her muzzle for a second longer before her expression became more stern. She had to stop daydreaming... even though it was technically night, that is... and return to reality. It wasn’t easy – she had to leave soon, she presumed, and begin a second round of her struggle against the Covenant. As much as she felt that Midnight’s presence would help her, would strengthen her, the last thing she thought about doing was waking him up, now that she had dealt with the recent crisis.

She would handle the Lords on her own that night.


There was one thing for her to do right away. She approached the bed, her shadow coming over Midnight like a delicate blanket. She leaned forward, slowly, not to risk waking him up. She touched the tip of her horn to his forehead with all the caution she could muster.

She began focusing, pacing herself. The spell that was meant to restore her enhanced sight was not that complicated, but she had to take her time tonight. The room steadily began to glow in the color of raspberry. Midnight frowned in his slumber when the magical aura swiftly passed through him.

Twilight felt his brows shuddering and was even ready to stop, but she was nearly done by then. She opened her eyes back. The lack of omnipresent shadows was a welcome relief. The caverns in constant penumbra were... disturbing.

She took a moment to admire her sleeping love, feeling her muzzle almost beaming on its own. Before her was her stallion. Her Midnight. Her love.

She stifled another silly giggle. Those thoughts were warmly tickling her heart, indeed. Again, her expression soon turned into a glower. She caused him a great disturbance and not for the first time, she knew. This time, however, to the point where he wished her to... to leave him. To discard him.

And even when he was saying that, he meant it for her own sake. For her to “save herself”. She put her hoof on his cheek and stroked his muzzle with great care. She was not going to abandon him just to feel better. Just to be free from any harm. She was ready for anything. For him.

And not the Covenant’s schemes, nor the traditions of the batponies, nor the grim history between Equestria and Noctraliya which had revealed itself could defeat the feeling in her heart.

Again – love, enough said.

She had made sure that Midnight was covered properly under the blankets before leaving his room and returning to her own chamber, not to disturb his rest anymore. There she grabbed her trusty scroll, unraveled it and started putting down everything she had learned and observed during the past nights. Especially everything she could recall on the Solar Holy War, the “Soleera Cruziate” as it was called, whilst scavenging through her mind for any pieces of information on it. She even rummaged through her luggage, located and enlarged back the “Heavy Diplomatic Cases” tome, in search for at least mentions or hints.

She would believe that such an incident would be unmistakably considered a “heavy case”.

She was flipping page after page, for naught so far, when a knock on the door made her stare up.

“Who is it?”

“Custodian Lichen, Princess,” the old priest sounded from the corridor.

Twilight marked the page before putting the book to the side and getting up to open the door. “Please, come in, custodian,” she invited Lichen in, indeed having witnessed him and his calm smile. “Is the Covenant summoning me?”

“They expect you to arrive in an hour, Princess, but I would like to borrow a moment of your time before that...” the priest replied, entering. “I have something for you and I wish to talk, as well.”

Twilight felt intrigued in a whim. “Oh? Of course, custodian.”

The priest approached the table first, curiously examining what she had spread on it. “Have I interrupted your work?”

“No, no, no worries, custodian, I was simply putting down some notes to use for this meeting,” she revealed, offering a seat to the stallion which he refused with a kind grin.

“I see. I hope they shall help you, Princess,” he wished before reaching in between his grey robes. “May this aid as well.” From under his habit he retrieved a tube, pine and ornate with silver forming a sign of the Immaculate Moon in the center and spreading in a star pattern all over the container.

“What is it?” Twilight inquired, appreciating greatly the craftsmanship before her eyes.

“Inside this lies the manuscript, containing the sermon you heard two nights ago, as ordered by Lord Blessed Fang. I have made sure it is translated to the best of our abilities...” Lichen explained, passing the scroll to her with a respectable bow. “May the words of the Goddess lead you well...”

Twilight accepted the gift with due regard. She almost forgot that she was to receive it. “I am immensely grateful for this. May I open it now?”

“By all means, Princess!” Lichen encouraged her.

After removing the silver lid, she found herself staring with surprise at the quality of the scroll, even without checking the contents. She took it out, enjoying the sensation of holding in her hooves such a sturdy, well-made material. It was rougher and thicker than Equestrian parchment, but that only spoke well of its longevity. She looked at the priest.

“May I ask, is this a... common standard when it comes to the scrolls in Noctraliya? I’ve dealt with my share back home, but this one seems like one, solid work!”

Lichen chuckled. “You are very kind, finding such efforts of ours praiseworthy, Princess! I could say that they come from our approach to knowledge and history, ” he answered, taking his seat with a little groan.

Twilight sealed the container for the moment, accompanying him. “You’ve made me really curious now, custodian,” she admitted, to which he chuckled.

“Allow me to elaborate then, Princess. As you well know, yourself being a most lovely scholar,” Lichen began, giving her something of a mocking, flirtatious look that made her giggle, “the past is a fickle thing indeed. It fades constantly. With history becoming a collection of legends, legends turning into ancient myths... and myths finally dissolving into nicilam. Nothingness and oblivion...” he whispered hoarsely, his tone mysterious and his eyes glinting. “Knowledge, history, past, they remain only as long as there is a sign of them. In one’s memories, or, better, secured in written word. And we, noctrali, as with many things, take the task of preserving the past to the extreme...” he said and grinned stupidly.

Twilight allowed herself one more chuckle, making a mental note to read the scroll she had been granted this evening... sunrise... whatever.

“So, gathering and preserving knowledge is that important to all of you, custodian?” she inquired and Lichen nodded. “Noctraliya just scored a lot of points with me, that’s for certain!”

Ha, glad you believe so, Princess,” the priest replied, then his eyes glistened mischievously. “However, I would bet my fangs that these are not all the ‘points’ we can score.”

“What do you mean, custodian?”

“Ah, there are those of us that take the said extremity to the very limits!” Lichen admitted. “Have you ever heard of the Maednoca Tabulre? The Midnight’s Library?” he asked.

Twilight furrowed her brow. “Y... yes, I have. Midnight Wind told me of the archives at the Mountain of Midnight. Vast archives.”

“Oh,” the custodian raised his hoof, “but did he tell you about its exact size, I wonder?” When she shook her head, he continued. “Let me ask you something then, Princess. How many scrolls and books do you store in your biggest library, or archive, or a similar place in Ekwestriya?”

Twilight pondered for a moment. “Hmmm... as far as I am aware, the last time I checked, the Canterlot Archives had sixty thousand seventy-two positions... And if we were to add those old enough not to be accessible without a permit... that would give us... about seventy-six thousand two hundred fifty-seven, give or take a few scrolls,” she gave the answer. “That places the Archives right before the collections in the Crystal Empire, around seventy-two thousand items as well, but those are not gathered in one place as of yet.”

Twilight was certain that those numbers would be able to at least make the custodian look gladly surprised. The Canterlot Archives were an incredible place to visit and enjoy, the sheer amount of knowledge stored there was astonishing. However, her eyebrows arched at Lichen’s smile of a winner.

“You mean to tell me, custodian, that the Midnight’s Library is bigger? By how much?”

“Take a guess, Princess,” he replied playfully before letting out a short cough.

“Alright... uhm... eighty thousand?” she bet. The Archives were already considered the greatest collection of scrolls, books, tomes and treatises in Equestria and beyond. And if the collection of the noctrali was to be bigger, then it couldn’t have had more than—

“Four hundred thousand.”

Twilight blinked. Surprisingly, that did not correct what she had heard. She mumbled some random strain of consonants and vowels ending on a meek “what”.

Lichen barely contained a laugh. “Four hundred thousand positions, at least. All from scrolls and parchments to the vast... ehm... en... ‘encylopediae’? That is how you say it?”

... four... hundred...thousand...?

“Princess?” Lichen asked, leaning forward. Twilight was busy, however.

Four hundred thousand.

“Princess, are you alright?” he queried again.

Four hundred thousand!

Why was she not skipping around the room already, chanting “yes” repeatedly?!

“Custodian,” she said blankly, feeling the overwhelming mental gluttony pouring into her words and clouding her reasoning, “who do I need to sign a pact for my soul with to enter that place?”

Lichen gave her a dumbfounded look at first before falling into a fit of hoarse laughter, holding his stomach. “Oh, I—cough—I believe that Lord Midnight Eye would gladly sign that!”

His laugh and words snapped her out of her sudden trance.

She bit her lip. Stupid, stupid, stupid! She had gotten seduced by the vision of visiting such a grand temple of knowledge! For she had a distinct feeling that she knew exactly in which direction the Lord’s thinking would go if she were to ask about the Library. A very unpleasant, territorial one.

Lichen stopped laughing finally, swiping his eyes. “Oh, by the Moon,” he supplicated and sniveled. “I had a feeling that you are addicted to knowledge, Princess, but that look was incredible! Oh, you would make for a fine member of our priesthood caste!”

“I-I’m sorry, custodian. I got a bit... carried away. Such a number is... hard to believe!” she admitted. Perhaps still with a little bit of disbelief. Surely, he had been exaggerating a little.

“Midnights are feeding through learning even more than fruit, I dare say,” Lichen replied, smirking. “No wonder they’re so ‘full’ of themselves.”

Twilight groaned at the pun, but then chuckled. “Not all of them, I think!”

“Oh... I have a feeling that you should know best, Princess.”

Laughter died on Twilight’s lips immediately.

A cold shiver went down her spine, like she had just landed in a tub of freezing water. The words, the tone of his voice. That look he was giving her. Stern. Devoid of his usual humor and whimsy glint.

He knew.

Lichen knew!

“C-custodian, I don’t know what you would be referring to,” Twilight responded, doing her absolute best at remaining oblivious. With mixed results.

... with no results, considering the priest’s firm gaze.

Lichen spread his hooves on the table, supporting himself on them. Despite his older look, his diminishing physique and his thinning mane, Twilight suddenly realized that she was dealing with the head of the local priesthood. Not Lichen, the Friendly Elder.

Lichen, the Custodian of the Sanctuary.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle,” he spoke to her with utter seriousness, “I’d rather hear a truthful answer to the question I am going to ask. One that I have a feeling, you are fearfully anticipating.” He paused for a moment, his straw eyes staring past Twilight’s own, like straight into her soul. “What do you feel towards Nightguardian Midnight Wind?”

Twilight tried to keep it together. She really did.

He knew. He knew the answer already somehow. What could she do?!

Be truthful? How exactly?! By just admitting to everything? Would he be understanding, or would he warn the Lords immediately afterwards? Would he, himself, tolerate such a situation? He was a priest! Somepony of deep loyalty to the batpony principles considering his very position!

Or was it better to play dumb? Discredit whatever he was ready to “accuse” her of? Would that even work? Unlikely, considering the look he was giving her. Or was this a double bluff? How was she supposed to know? How was she supposed to decide?!

Was there any other—

There was a third option. Well... kind of an option.

Twilight was not as skillful in... these kind of spells as one could be, but she had read some less-than-accessible books about... about mentalism. A very dangerous art, dealing with the nuances of a pony’s mind. And a quick cast of one of the spells affecting memories would be just enough to...

No. She couldn’t. It would be... wrong. And she did not wish to be “wrong”.

Besides... the feeling inside of her. That feeling wasn’t wrong either.

She had nothing to be ashamed of.

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a second... then stared right at Lichen, not a fiber of her heart shaking with fear.

“I love Midnight Wind.”

Lichen kept his cold, stern look, which was so unlike him.

“I suspected as much, Princess,” he finally whispered, squinting. “Your actions in the Herame spoke even louder than those words do. Thank the Immaculate Moon... that, miraculously, nopony else but me could see you.” He let out a long, pregnant sigh. “I’m... surprised at your recklessness...”

He sat back down, visibly worn out after those words, causing Twilight’s face to fell entirely. They stared at each other for a moment, none of them wishing to say anything.

Thoughts were running rampant all over Twilight’s head. Her, holding Midnight so close in the greatest temple of the batponies. Confessing her love to him, not caring for anypony around.

Yup, “recklessness” fitted like a glove.

She hung her head. “If you would like to chastise me, custodian, you need not to worry about me minding it,” she admitted.

“What good would that do, Princess? One can hardly criticize love!” Lichen admitted firmly. “However, I have a feeling you might need a... how do you say it? ‘Reality check’?”

Twilight stared up at him, blinking. “You... could use that phrase, I guess...”

Lichen actually smirked. “Well, our own expression would translate to ‘grounding’ you, but I doubt I am yet a father figure for you to actually listen to me, young lady,” he retorted, the kind blink in his eyes returning, which filled Twilight with relief.

“I just might, custodian... I know that what I have done was... foolhardy, even, but I could not—”

Lichen raised his hoof. “I need no explanation, Princess. I simply wished the truth. I’m too old and impatient to endure brainstorming,” he said. “So, you care for him that much?”

“Yes,” Twilight answered with conviction.

“And he loves you back?”


“No wonder,” Lichen retorted impishly, winking at her. “Who would not go for such a witty, respectable mare?” Twilight fought a weird blush as he continued. “But, Princess, I don’t have to tell you that such a feeling, between a noctral and a soleerane is something... completely out of place in our culture. It’s... borderline unthinkable.”

Twilight pressed her lips together. “I am... well aware. We both are, custodian.”

“I do hope you are,” the priest wished, shaking his head. “Your position is strong. You are a Princess of Equestria, a pony granted the Divine Aspect by the Judging Sun,” he described her and Twilight suddenly felt like she had heard those words from somepony recently. Peculiar. “But... have you considered Midnight Wind’s safety, Princess?”

Twilight inhaled. “Yes, I have. I assure you, custodian, what happened in the Shrine was only due to the uniqueness of the situation. I am more than aware that revealing this feeling could spawn problems for Midnight...”

Lichen let out a long hiss. “For me it sounds offensive, for you possibly affectionate, whatever – stop calling him ‘Midnight’ in front of others, child!”

Twilight almost cursed under her breath. Tartarus, she had made that mistake a couple of times tonight. “Yes, custodian. I know. I shall be more careful...”

He put his hooves together, pondering. “Besides... ‘problems’ is a mild word. Knowing Lord Midnight Eye and his... skepticism towards soleerani—”

“ ‘Skepticism’ is also a mild word, custodian,” Twilight interrupted him, exhaling.

“... indeed,” Lichen admitted to his mistake. “Nevertheless, knowing him... Goddess, uyazmiyene would be a most lenient punishment, all things considered...”

“The t-taming?” Twilight stuttered. “Lenient?”

“Ah, so you know of this sanction. And... yes, as much as my heart aches to admit it, Lord Midnight Eye would go far beyond it if he were to learn of this... affection...”

Lichen meant well, warning her, but Twilight felt the gravity of the circumstances in fullness. Yes, if Lord Midnight Eye would catch even a sniff of their true feelings towards one another, he would no doubt act accordingly and...

... but... but Azure Mist was already aware of their love. At least, if Deep Mist had conveyed his findings to her. Wouldn’t she warn Midnight Eye? Or was she keeping that information to herself for now...?

“Princess, fret not, please,” Lichen pleaded to her, seeing her depressed expression. “I promise you, on the Goddess’ Holy Name, your secret is safe with me. If you so desire, I can give you a... more firm oath.”

Twilight, still perturbed, shook her head. “I need no blood oaths, custodian... I just need to be far more cautious... for Midnight Wind’s sake.”

“Be so, Princess. And...” He sighed heavily. “May the Goddess find your love worth preserving.”

Twilight did not speak, only looked at Lichen with gratitude and nodded. She... yes, she had to talk to Midnight. He wished to save her from pain and struggle, but she had her own duty to him as well.

Duty that... could force her to stay somewhat away from him. For his own good...

... that logic hurt.

Lichen awakened her from her dark thoughts. “If an old priest may speak his mind...” he began cautiously.

“Of course.”

“Midnight Wind is quite the stud.”

“Custodian!” Twilight shouted with disputable outrage, falling into hysterics at Lichen’s mischievous smile. The priest chuckled, cleared his throat which became a chesty cough, then stood up.

“We should be on our way soon, Princess,” he declared. “The Covenant cannot be kept waiting.”

“Of course!” Twilight agreed.

It was time for round two with the Lords. One which she was bent on winning through any means necessary, even if it meant playing by batponies’ rules—

A sudden idea came over her.


“Yes, Princess?”

“I need a couple of minutes still, if I may.”

“That should be fine, yes, I shall be waiting outside. Do not linger for too long, however...” Lichen asked before reaching the door.

When he had left, Twilight smiled broadly. If she was going to be meeting with the Lords once more, she was going to make a small change to the rules of engagement. For if they were capable of doing just that, then she was too.

A few minutes later, she slowly opened the door of her chamber and trotted outside, holding her head high.

Lichen was waiting for her. “Ah, I was beginning to worry and...” he paused when he lay his eyes upon her, “I had no reasons to, it seems,” he finished, grinning and looking over her with surprise. “You are a new mare!”

Twilight smiled back at him, appreciating his reaction.

She had decided to... step up her game against the Covenant, dictating the pace through confidence. And so she was wearing the purple dress which she had gotten from arcemandre Shadebloom and the silver hoofshoes that were a gift from Avalanche. She used the amethyst earrings that she had brought from home to finish the makeshift set, hoping that it would be just enough to create a good change from her Equestrian, royal dress code. If she was to battle the local Lords, or better yet sway them, how about by wearing local craft?

More than that, remembering what kind of manestyles Shadebloom was using, she decided to change her mane with a little, rapid, magical aid. She had formed a delicate braid around her head, imitating an ornate circlet, then allowed her hair to fall down all around her neck like a curtain. It was not her usual style, but these were unusual circumstances as well.

She felt empowered by her decision to change her look, despite not knowing from where this sudden strength and hope had come. She knew this, however – she was not going to give the Lords the satisfaction of breaking down ever again.

And, surprisingly, the notion of having that hidden blade in her hoofshoe made her feel a lot safer and daunting. Which was a thought both unsettling and pleasing.

Lichen took note of a little package wrapped in fine leather which she had with her as well. “What is this, Princess?”

“The repayment for the manuscript, naturally. Tu braz, tu daz,” she replied without hesitation.

“Allow me to carry it for you then,” the priest offered, “Your Resourcefulness.”

She laughed heartily at her new title.

Lichen took her through the corridors towards the main cavern and then to the Covenant’s quarter. Twilight felt the gazes of the locals on her again, but the fact that she could see them back through the shades and that, abruptly, she felt those stares having a dose of curiosity and appreciation to them made her feel... strong.

As she should have been always.

The custodian remained silent until they have reached the dining hall, just like yesternight.

“I shall check on the Nightguardian if the meeting shall take longer, Princess,” he whispered, smiling. “Goddess be with you.”

“Thank you, custodian. May She smile upon you as well,” Twilight replied with conviction, causing Lichen’s old eyes to sparkle. She took her little package from him and nodded when she felt ready.

The priest knocked on the door and opened the passage, letting Twilight in. The vast chamber had not changed much from yesternight. There was a new tablecloth on the table and there was a little podium with a seat readied at the distant side of the cave.

The gathered were sitting around the table, having had finished their meal some time ago, with only goblets and some silver carafes left for them to enjoy drinks. They were in the middle of a discussion, but the sound of the door opening cut it short, forcing them to stare in Twilight’s direction.

She withstood their gazes like a royal she was.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, greetings!” Lord Midnight Eye began, lifting himself from his seat, his eyes locked on her. Cold and calculating. But also surprised.

“G-g-greetings,” Dusk Harvest mumbled, looking in her direction for a brief second.

Bright Crescent clapped his hooves in excitement. “My word, due greetings indeed!” He stood up from his chair, trotting around the table to come closer. “Just look at this! Ha! What a wonderful, chic look, Princess!”

“Thank you, Honored Lord,” she responded confidently, approaching the table and exchanging kind glances with the rest of the Lords. She was welcomed with expected politeness from everypony, bar Azure Mist, who nodded her head only an inch.

She was wearing another gown of hers, the color of ice reflecting the dark, nocturnal skies, flowing and woven with utmost care. She had a necklace filled with wonderful, dark blue sapphires and the pin in her hair lured eyes with its crystal clarity... and yet the sparks of envy danced in the mare’s pupils.

Which, however inappropriate it was, pleasantly tickled Twilight’s ego.

“You look charming!” Bright Crescent continued his praise, approaching her and actually aiding her too her seat. “Oh, that hairstyle, I must know who came up with it! And those amethysts, they work wonders! They really match that glint in your eyes! Bravo!” The stallion’s muzzle was beaming even brighter than the reflections dancing on his calcite brooch were. He glanced at Crimson Shade as he was passing by him to take his place again. “You’re married, so stop thinking whatever you’re thinking, friend.”

The warned Lord, who did not look even vaguely smitten by Twilight’s look, glared at him, the hue of his muzzle immediately corresponding with his name. “Do not dare insult me, buffoon!”

“Peace!” Blessed Fang invoked in his tranquil tone, which seemed to have actually worked. “There are better than barbarism ways of letting the Princess know that she looks wonderful...” he remarked from his seat, looking with interest at Twilight’s gown.

And at the bundle she had placed on the table, next to her.

She was chuckling on the inside. She wasn’t planning on summoning quite such a reaction with her change of style. It wasn’t an unpleasant surprise however. And might have proved useful still.

“Indeed,” Midnight Eye seconded his colleague. “I must say, this is an intriguing look you are brandishing, Princess...” he commented, offering her a chalice of juice.

Twilight felt relieved that it was not gozalke such early into the night.

“I have come to the conclusion that local craftsmanship should be given the expected praise, as I have found myself astonished by it many times already,” she admitted strongly, accepting the drink. “Besides, considering everything I have lately heard, I thought it only appropriate to... show some solidarity with my hosts. Even if by such a small gesture at first.”

Did she feel bad for being a tad devious in her words? Yes, kind of. Then again, such an approach was worth the shot, who knew how far could she get with it.

“How... thoughtful,” Midnight Eye responded, trying to hide the fact that he appeared confused beyond measure by her approach.

“Yes, remarkably thoughtful,” seconded Azure Mist, squinting her eyes.

“Why, thank you, Honored Lords. Although, I suppose I should start with an apology,” Twilight stood up with mettle and grace. “I have allowed my emotions to overtake me yesternight, faced with the horrendous tale of the Soleera Cr-ruziate,” she stammered a bit, which earned her an inner chastising. “I have my inquiries still, but I am willing to hear out anypony who would wish to add to that tragic tale. I feel that I need a proper recounting of events before proceeding in our discussions.”

She had thought about these little speech on the way to the meeting, hoping that she would be able to buy herself some more time before having to address the Covenant’s claim in some way. She was willing to listen, despite the dread hidden in the corners of her heart.

Her internal doubts were insignificant right then. The Lords looked at one another, clearly astounded but satisfied by her words. Even Azure Mist and Crimson Shade appeared relieved.

“Your... approach is quite beneficial...” Midnight Eye responded, summoning a calm but stern expression on his muzzle. “For we have discussed a possibility of emphasizing our case, actually.”

Something about that sentence sounded threatening, but Twilight was far from showing it affecting her.

“I would prefer to have strong evidence presented to me, indeed,” she replied, looking straight at the Lord, without flinching. At least, she hoped so, as she was trying her best. “However, as I presume, the sources of your claim must be all Noctraliyan, which does force me to remain skeptical.”

“Nuh-uh!” Bright Crescent chuckled. “We’ve got you there, Princess!”

Twilight blinked. She gave Midnight Eye a quizzical look, as he looked like he was about to regain some ground for the Covenant.

“We are in possession of something that might convince you to change your mind,” he assured, then waved his hoof. “But we should continue this discussion later, at the Seat and not here.”

“Oh, boo!” Bright Crescent jeered, frowning.

“Behave yourself,” Azure Mist scolded him, but it only caused him to grin at her like an unruly colt.

“In the meantime,” Midnight Eye continued, “might I ask about my subject, Midnight Wind?” He was giving Twilight an inquisitive stare that, as she spotted, had genuine worry hidden deep within it. “We were notified that he feels ailing, is that true?”

Dusk Harvest leaned forward. “I-I c-c-can s-send a p-physician o-of m-mine t-t-to check o-on h-h-him.“

“Oh, I don’t think there is a need for it, Honored Lord,” Twilight replied swiftly. The last thing both she and Midnight needed was further inquiry. “The Nightguardian simply did not wish to be a bother whilst we confer, he feels slightly under the weather. It’s nothing too serious, just a momentary weakness.”

Azure Mist nodded. “How attentive of him. Well, I pray for him to return to our company soon, though.”

Twilight caught on the minuscule pause before “pray” far too easily. The Lord knew of Midnight’s day of supplications. For how long had she had her eyes on him?

Hopefully Lichen was right about nopony being present at the Shrine earlier tonight.

“Nothing keeps a Nightguardian down for long,” Crimson Shade replied, stretching his neck and reaching for a drink.

Bright Crescent giggled, covering his mouth. “Lest Midnight Wind is more of a... litterateur than a warrior, really.”

Twilight did not get the supposed joke, nor did she feel too happy about this jab at her love, but Midnight Eye looked even more agitated, not to mention the rest of the Lords granting their comrade unpleasant glares.

Kwam dzieti... kwam dzieti...

Sunfall Word, who for the most time looked like he was taking a nap, chuckled under his breath, looking straight at Twilight. She guessed that his expression was a critique.

She replied with a calm, polite smile. A universal answer to not knowing what was happening.

Midnight Eye cleared his throat. “Well, consider my fretting lessened. Let us focus on what we have planned. Count Ebony Crescent should be appearing any moment now, with his instrument. We thought we could begin the night with some entertainment, considering the... unfortunate ending of yesternight, Princess.”

How considerate. “Oh, that would be really nice, indeed. Oh, I almost forgot – Lord Blessed Fang?”

“Yes, Princess?” the stallion lifted his citrine eyes to gaze at her.

“I have received the manuscript with the sermon this evening, I am very grateful for it.”

The antas smiled a calm, kind smile. “I hope that the Words of Our Mother shall guide you.”

“I’m certain of it, Honored Lord,” Twilight assured him immediately, then placed her hoof on the leather wrapping of her pack. “And, to show my appreciation, I desire for you to have this.”

She stood up, grabbing her return gift and Blessed Fang rose up to meet her. She encountered his stare, which was revealing his mounting interest. She passed him the present, feeling the attention of the entire room focused on her. She kept her composure, granting him a warm grin.

They both took back their places and the priest unraveled his repayment – the most recent, ornate, enhanced, special edition of “The Thought of Equestria” – a compendium of various philosophical ideas that had appeared throughout the ages between the pony races. It was praised for its emphasis on the connections between cultures of the three tribes and a genuinely unbiased approach.

Of course, considering her latest findings, Twilight was slightly worried whether the contents would not be deemed as... apostate and naturally tendentious, but this was the closest form of a proper reimbursement she could think of, considering her resources. Limited to the miniaturized contents of her luggage.

“We do not possess religious texts in Equestria, but I think that this shall allow you to familiarize yourself with some of our philosophies,” she explained, seeing Blessed Fang’s expression betraying more and more wonderment.

Ha...” he mouthed, sliding his hoof down the cover in awe. “Wspanalu! This looks fascinating! Thank you so much! Ha!” he declared, smiling broadly at her. Then his eyes escaped towards the rest of the Covenant and his warm expression gradually yet quickly waned. “I mean... I wish to express my deep gratitude. Ia daze i tere ia braze. I have given and now I have taken.”

Twilight nodded back at him while realizing something she had overlooked. How old was Blessed Fang anyway? A year out of his colthood? Two years maximum? And yet he already had to act appropriately to his role as a leader of his Family and one of the Lords of Noctraliya.

She considered that, for a moment, she had seen past his circlet and cloak and saw the real him.

She had no more time to think about it, as a frantic knock and an opening of the door made the entire chamber focus on Count Ebony Crescent. He pretty much barged in, looking winded, his mane a bit disheveled and his expression worried. He almost tripped over his long, elegant overcoat. He was carrying something that looked like... an obese violin with more strings than necessary. Far more than necessary.

Hwalbyi haspadri... dimitai ia... ia...” he began, huffing and puffing, his face flustered. “Dimitai ia... ia... ia nye... temps... ia...

Bratufiliy, calm down!” Bright Crescent stood up and approached his nephew, chortling. “Have you run all the way here from your chambers?”

“Y... yes... I... sorry... I... uah...” the young stallion heaved, putting down his instrument by his legs and holding his chest. “I... was... reading... I... just... remembered!”

Midnight Eye did not look too humored by what was happening, but his lips smirked. “Count, have you eaten tonight even?”

“Y... y... n-no,” Ebony Crescent admitted, his face reddening some more. “I... I... got a... bit... caught up... in... a book.”

“Come, sit down, you’re no use to us and the Princess spent!” Bright Crescent pointed out, already leading the panting stallion to a free chair next to him.

“Oh... yes.. the Princess! I—”

Twilight’s gaze met Ebony Crescent’s, as she had been observing him with interest. Being late because of losing oneself to books? Oh, how well did she understand that! What surprised her, however, was that astounded look which came over his face.

“Greetings, Count Brother,” she welcomed him accordingly, sending a kind smile his way, although, for some reason, it looked like his abashment but grew.

“Oh... uhm... Greetings to you too, Princess...” he mumbled, that strange guise not leaving his muzzle. “You look... s-stupefying.”

“Why, thank you,” Twilight responded calmly, herself confused by this... softness in the Count’s pear eyes. It almost caused her to blush.

Ebony Crescent took his place by his uncle, trying to calm his breathing and compose himself after his recent gallop. He swept his double-hued mane back, exhaling in relief. Sunfall Word gave him a long look before chuckling roughly, smoothing his beard.

Ha, ia nye bid samu ze iayi respiryi klopoti...” he remarked, earning laughter from the gathered and an apologetic grin from the Count.

Twilight felt left out for just a moment, as Ebony Crescent quickly decided to translate for her. “Honored Lord Sunfall Word enjoys the fact that he is not the only one with breathing problems...”

She giggled. “Well, Count, you do look like you are creeping at the very edge of an asthma attack, yes...”

“ ‘Asthma’...?” he inquired, closing his eyes for a moment, “Oh, dyhawica! Yes, possibly!” he responded, causing the Lords to smile and chuckle.

Crimson Shade took another sip of his juice. “You could use some physical training, I think, Count. You can always ask a ferratan of mine to push you around. Or one of Lord Blessed Fang’s sentinels to aid you...”

“I do not need my nephew chasing bears through the forests!” Bright Crescent protested quite vehemently. “He is a dignified scholar of the priesthood, not... not one of Blessed Fang’s braves!”

“Chasing bears?” Twilight asked, herself enjoying the juice that was poured for her. It was thicker than she would imagine, with pieces of squashed pulp still present in it, rich in its orange flavor. Quite rejuvenating.

Tac!” Bright Crescent confirmed, appearing unimpressed. “Some of us have too much time on their hooves, clearly!”

Azure Mist rolled her eyes. “Look who’s talking...” she remarked, earning a wide, mocking grin from the flamboyant stallion.

“The Mountain of Fang,” Blessed Fang took his turn of explaining, “as you might have learned from the map yesternight, Knaze, lies above a large valley covered by Berbara Knieye...”

Twilight wasn’t able to bring up to mind the lands of Fang Family exactly, but she could remember that the western parts of Noctraliya were shown to be covered by a couple of forests, wedged in the valleys between the mountain ranges.

“Berbara Knieye...?” she inquired.

Blessed Fang was a moment from translating, but Ebony Crescent cut him off eagerly. “ ‘Feral Weald’, or ‘Feral Thicket’, Princess.”

The Lord faked a smile of gratitude. “Yes, thank you, Count. It is a vast woodland, home to many animals. Part of our warriors’ training regime in the past was hunting the predators of these lands. Now it is a form of recreation for our noble line,” Blessed Fang disclosed, giving Twilight an encouraging expression. “Perhaps there shall be an opportunity for you to join us on a hunt one night, Princess?”

Twilight was not too keen on that idea. For numerous reasons she was not going to reveal at once. “Well, Honored Lord, it is not my... thing, really, but I would be greatly honored for a granted opportunity like that.”

Midnight Eye frowned, making himself more comfortable in his seat. “I do not think it would be wise to take our guest to such a dangerous place as the Knieye... Bears are one thing, but you know well, Blessed Fang, that they are far more vicious beings that lurk there...”

“Such as...?” Twilight inquired, suddenly even less enthusiastic about an expedition to the forest.

Ebony Crescent interfered in the discussion again. “Bazaltliski, for example. ‘Basaltlisks’. They tend to come out of their lairs on the mountain slopes into the Thicket for food. Like those cockatrices you have in Equestria, Princess, they are capable of turning other creatures into stone with their gazes. Then they take them back to their caverns to devour later...”

“... oh...”

“Indeed. Imagine a big, six legged, horned lizard composed of brown-gray stones.”

Nope. That was not motivating for Twilight. Not at all.

“B-beasts c-can be d-d-dealt with,” Dusk Harvest mumbled, reminding everypony of his presence out of a sudden. “B-but t-t-there are s-still t-the L-L-Lesyi...” he pointed out with shaky voice and the noctraliyan word he muttered caused Blossom, until then leaned on his neck and slumbering peacefully, to wake up and flap her wings agitated.

“We keep well away from their dwellings, friend,” Blessed Fang replied with calm confidence, although it looked like he had acknowledged Dusk Harvest’s point.

Ebony Crescent turned to Twilight again. “I think the easiest way of summarizing it would be comparing the Feral Thicket to your Everfree Forest, Princess...”

“Ah, I see. That... does make the picture clear, Count.”

“At your service, Princ—” he wished to respond, his smile beaming, but his uncle’s shout interrupted him.

“Those are all reasons not to let my nephew, or my niece, or anypony else venture into such jeopardy!” Bright Crescent hollered, his nostrils flaring. “I shall not see another—”

“Calm down, friend, nopony is sending anypony anywhere,” Azure Mist tried to placate him. “We are but engaging in a topical discussion. Besides, if the Princess doesn’t feel like participating in hunting, who are we to ‘kidnap’ her on such an adventure?” She gave Twilight a wide, generous smile before continuing. “I think what we are doing tonight is a far more pleasant distraction for a mare like her.”

Twilight bowed her head in politeness. “To be fair, enjoying a performance is higher on my list than hunting, indeed. I apologize, Honored Lord,” she said addressing Blessed Fang.

“There is no need for making an apology,” he replied, but his gaze was not on her, but on Azure Mist for some reason.

Midnight Eye coughed quite loudly. “Count, are you capable of performing yet? We still have to confabulate tonight.”

“Oh, yes, yes, Honored Lord, let me just prepare myself!” Ebony Crescent immediately answered, scrambling himself up, hurried by the Lord’s gaze.

Twilight eyed his peculiar instrument. It was not a violin, for certain, it was too... round for that. And it had around thirty strings of various length and thickness.

“Is this the... p-poltawca? Do I recall the name right?”

“Yes, Princess!” Bright Crescent responded, enthusiastic about the upcoming performance. “One of our traditional instruments! Its sound is hauntingly beautiful! And just you wait for my nephew to start playing, I could bet piat cent pazni that you shall be tearing up in seconds!”

Azure Mist hid a chuckle behind her hoof. “I might take you up on that bet, friend. As long as the Count shall grace us with something melancholic... Hmmm... I was thinking about,” she paused and her smile grew, “the Tale of Shadecrag and Cerise Sunfall...”

Bright Crescent clapped his hooves. “Oh, I shall cry myself on that one!” he admitted, his voice cracking lightly at the very thought. “What a fantastic suggestion! Could you play it, pet?”

Ebony Crescent, who was just sitting down on the podium, froze for a moment. “I-I’m afraid I don’t have the v-voice to sing the entire piece...”

“No worries, bratufiliy, let your strings sing on their own!” the milky-maned stallion encouraged him, then turned to Twilight. “Princess, can we make the choice for you? Please?” He looked around the gathered as well. “Pretty please?”

Twilight tried to hide a chuckle at Bright Crescent’s hopeful, innocent expression. “Oh, of course! I can hardly choose, considering I really have no insight in the matter!”

Midnight Eye frowned, giving Azure Mist a strange look. He nodded his head afterwards, though, alongside the rest of the Covenant.

A shout of joy escaped Bright Crescent. “Ha! How delightful!” He turned his chair around to face the podium properly, then gestured at Ebony Crescent’s vacant seat. “Come, Princess, sit closer then. I shall help you understand the story behind the notes!”

Twilight glanced at the rest of the Lords, receiving silent, polite encouragement. She got up and joined Bright Crescent. Ebony Crescent, in the meantime, sat down on his haunches, putting the side of the instrument’s body in front of him, resting against his chest, with the headstock at the level of his muzzle.

Twilight examined the... contraption of his some more. It had, indeed, thirty-one strings. How was he going to play this?

Her eyes met with Ebony Crescent’s suddenly... and for some reason his deep gaze caused her face to feel warm.

“I suppose you expect me to pull out a bow, Princess?” he asked in a playful tone.

“I’ve learned not to presume anything, Count Brother, and let Noctraliya and the batponies positively surprise me,” she replied with tact.

He smiled timidly. He then retrieved a pair of leather gloves from the skirt of his buttoned overcoat. They had small, steel tips sewn into the material, which made his hooves pointy.

“I do hope to meet the expectations, Princess...” he said, then quickly passed the tips of his hooves through the strings, both those reaching all the way up the headstock, giving away deep, profound sounds, and the smaller ones suspended over the body, which imitated singing birds. A stream of notes, in wonderful harmony, passed through the chamber, their tones sharper than that of a harp, but elegant, dignified in their own right. “Perhaps I shall be able to impress you, even.”

Twilight did not reply, only met his mysterious smile with her own. Why was he looking at her like that...? It was almost... beguiling.

The stallion eyed the instrument, then took a deep breath. When he exhaled, his right hoof began its dance, a harmonious ballet across the multitude of strings. The sound was like a breath of wind swirling around the cavern, like droplets of water hitting granite rocks in a cave filled with crystal rocks. The tempo of the song began to waltz, shift, glide, yet remained within the wonderful boundaries of grace.

Twilight felt enchanted by the strength behind those small, mild sounds. They were passing her ears and going straight into her mind, weaving a wonderful story right before her.

Bright Crescent, his eyes slightly teary already, slid closer to her, trying to make as little sound as possible.

“Shadecrag and Cerise Sunfall were warriors of their Families... loyal, stalwart, excelling in their service...” he whispered in her direction, attempting his best not to disrupt the flow of the music with his words. “They have met in here, in the Sanctuary, being the guards of their respective Lords... and they fell in love the moment they laid their eyes on one another...”

He did not even have to tell her the tale this way. She felt it all. In the music, in the wonderful polyphony of heavenly sounds. That one moment when the warriors’ gazes met, marked by a composition of unity. She could tell that shudder of their hearts, the wistful shiver that came from Ebony Crescent’s instrument and flowed across the room. It was followed by a concord of increasingly sharp sounds. Passionate, profound, awakening something basic, something primal. The intoxicating bliss of two lovers, experiencing their bond in earnest.

But then a deep, dark sound came, when the stallion used his left hoof to hit the thick, long strings. A sense of dread washed over Twilight. It was a harbinger of the union shattering, a feeling being broken in two.

“... war came, between the Shade Family and the Sunfall Family. And the two were separated, forced to prepare for the upcoming struggle...”

Twilight needed no words anymore. She heard the clanging hammers, the sharpening stones grinding day and night... but also the beating of two hearts of one rhythm, so distant from one another. The bass of Shadecrag’s love and the soprano of Cerise Sunfall’s returned affection. They were in perfect harmony even when the world around them was being drowned in mounting cacophony.

“... the place of the battle was set, the forces prepared...”

Anticipation, readiness. Loyalty. A steady pulse, then powerful sounds of war chants, everything locked in Ebony Crescent’s instrument, being brought to life by his hooves continuing their journey.

Abruptly, the music came to a stop. That was that one heartbeat before the warriors from both sides clashed with a vicious, transcendentally beautiful dissonance. Twilight could hear the grunts, the screams, claws performing their deadly dance left and right. And among this harshness, this tidal wave of grievous sounds, two notes were repeating themselves. Dodging, striking, fighting on. Growing closer and closer.

Until they met eye to eye.

“They stood against one another, the lovers and warriors alike... and under the Moon, they fought, for it was their duty...”

“No...” Twilight felt her lips twitching and her eyes watering.

Ebony Crescent’s music gained in tempo, becoming a storm of sorrow, duty and love. When the two ponies clashed their claws for the first time a sharp note pierced Twilight’s ears and her heart ached in accordance.

When the stallion’s hooves were plucking the strings, the strings of her heart responded alike. Her lips were quivering, her ears begging, pleading for the sounds of the tale to bring her hopeful euphony.

Ebony Crescent suddenly looked up, his eyes fierce but vacant, gone amongst his own, mesmerizing music. And he hit a chord so agonizing that it made the entire chamber quiver. It was not a mistake of the musician though.

It was the sound of metal claws digging deep into flesh.

The echo of it was agonizingly slowly dying out... but another note immediately took its place. The steady sound of droplets of blood sliding down the steel... marking the grass underneath... entwined with tears...

The Count took a long breath, marking a dreadful pause in the main melody. Then his hooves danced again, creating a mournful song of two hearts. Both of them dying.

“The two warriors found an... an opening at the same time...” Bright Crescent whispered, fighting his own tears. “But... Cerise Sunfall could not bear to use it against her beloved... Her hesitation caused Shadecrag’s blow, which would have but scratched her, to run her through. Because she trusted her love being greater than his duty...” There was no admonishment in the Lord’s words, only unabated sorrow.

Twilight listened, entranced, to the last notes that were hanging in the air. She could almost see Cerise Sunfall’s blood sipping out, as Shadecrag was holding her close. His silent apologies were cutting through the tumult of the battle all around them. And his love’s last, tranquil words of forgiveness haunted the chamber.

Twilight could feel both of the heartbeats becoming feeble... until finally the high notes of the chord disappeared completely, leaving behind only the bass murmurs of a heart forever broken...

She did not mind the tears flowing down her muzzle, even though she had promised herself that she would not let emotions overpower her again when meeting the Covenant. All of the Lords had been similarly charmed by Ebony Crescent’s music after all.

The Count stopped playing, allowing the final whispers of his poltawca to vanish on their own accord. His gaze was distant, soft, soul-stirring, as he turned it to Twilight.

He had impressed her greatly, indeed, presenting to her a tale she was not going to forget anytime soon. She thanked him with a slight nod of her head and his lips smirked.

Bright Crescent next to her was trying to contain weeping, whilst on the other side of the table Crimson Shade lowered his head and flexed his foreleg in a salute. Blessed Fang had his eyes closed, just like Sunfall Word. Dusk Harvest, on the other hoof, was busy with petting Blossom, who looked mournful in her own, animal way.

Twilight had to dry her eyes somehow. She did not mind those tears, but they couldn’t linger on her face. She was going to ask for a tissue, but Ebony Crescent was faster, having had set his instrument aside with grace.

“Please, Princess,” he said, offering a handkerchief which he had brought out of his long, buttoned robe.

“That... that was an... an incredible performance,” Twilight admitted, removing the tears. She wanted to make sure that everypony would hear her words of appreciation for this wonderful feat. “You... moved my heart, Count. Astonishing,” she praised him out loud.

His grateful smile was humble, devoid of pride. “I... do hope you shall allow me to play for you more, to your heart’s content...” he whispered intently.

She graced him with a faint, warm smile.

Unbeknownst to her, using the concert’s distraction, Azure Mist slid closer towards Midnight Eye.

“You know what they say about this fable, no?” she whispered right to him, sweetly. “That a heart that holds love towards a warrior shall always shift when it is being told...”

The Lord of Midnight Family conjoined his hooves before his muzzle. His gaze was becoming unforgiving.

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