• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XLIV – It's Good to Know

And so did Twilight Sparkle realize that miracles in quick succession could happen. In a way.

Just a night ago she herself caused one for Midnight, when she allowed him to, with a little help of her arcane proficiency, experience the light of day and the world as it was in the hues of the setting Sun. His joy and wonderment were profound to her, even more so due to their intimate relation. And she knew that memory she would treasure until the end of her days.

However, if awe was being taken into consideration, Lichen’s reaction to what had transpired in the Great Shrine simply had to be deemed a close second.

The venerable Custodian was at that moment sitting at the table in Twilight’s chamber, with a grin across his face that made him look at least a decade younger. In his excitement, he even forgot that he was prone to coughing when raising his voice.

“If that was not a sign from Neskaza Lunee... Herself, children, I know not what to take for one! Diw! Diw nad diwi!” he declared, looking over everypony gathered with fervor in his eyes.

Midnight hid his astonishment as it befitted a warrior, and Rowan Berry looked more solemn than ever. Still, it was blatant that all who had witnessed the streak of moonlight landing directly on Twilight and blessing her in such a way were affected by the sight.

Perhaps even Lord Blessed Fang, being the most prominent of the onlookers.

And, well, it was hard for Twilight not to mention herself among those touched by that occurrence! Not only due to that interesting revelation about the nature of faith that she had when it happened. Considering what she knew about the method of lighting up shrines in Noctralia, it was still quite staggering that one, precise and focused beam brought her to the limelight. Quite literally.

“I do not wish to presume with any interpretations, piastan, I think that would be inappropriate,” she told Lichen respectfully, “but I shall risk saying that my path being deemed worthy by the Goddess sounds like a plausible explanation?”

He nodded fervently, gesturing towards the ceiling. “I have no doubts, Princess! Truth! Truth, as if written in blood! I have never before seen such a sign, not since I started humbly serving in Tuarie in my youth, let alone after being elected piastan! If anypony had doubts before, let them banish the thoughts! Your intentions had been proven just and following Our Mother’s will and now She has granted an even greater approval to you!”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile at the sheer, zealous delight of this venerable stallion. Though... she would doubt it being that easy to convince everypony of the blessings upon her. On the other hoof, she was not going to be unapologetically pessimistic.

On yet another hoof, what she needed was to plan ahead. Basing her upcoming talks with the Covenant only on expectations founded upon an esoteric coincidence did not sound like her. It would be far better to press for some details. Especially about Lord Blessed Fang’s recent actions... and that stare she had received from him just before the alleged portent. Considering what Lichen had told Lord Midnight Eye in the landing cavern, learning of those could have been much more useful as an omen for the future.

Before she could ask, however, Midnight did lean towards her a bit. His kind smile was definitely welcome.

“Rumors and news spread around the Tuarie as fast as everywhere. Faster, maybe. Hwalbi hapadri yi Cowene shall without a doubt all be notified of this and take it into consideration. Lord Sunfall Word and Lord Bright Crescent will also learn of that remarkable light as soon as they arrive, Honored Princess. A great sign for the upcoming talks, if I can say so.”

“Here’s hoping, yes,” Twilight agreed wholeheartedly. “Even so, arriving at an agreement between nations needs a bit more substance than a sign, I feel. Let it be a motivation for reaching it, naturally, but there’s still work ahead of me. Ahead of us.”

Lichen clapped his hooves. “Ha, without a doubt, hwalba knaze. But as long as intentions are blessed by Neskaza Lunee...”

The entire room bowed their heads.

“... goal is easier to reach than one would think!” he declared with the tone of an undisputed expert. “Having said that, I believe I have taken enough of your time tonight, knaze, you must be tired after the flight here. I will make sure you are not without healthy meals and proper rest! In which, I hope, the new furnishings will help!”

Lichen did not even have to point them out so overtly. The chamber received a marked improvement in quality since she visited here the last time. She recalled the venerable Custodian explaining that the priesthood did not usually guest any visitors of her diplomatic status, but this time the Sanctuary must have performed above and beyond expectations.

Not that she necessarily desired rich pine wood, polished silver and fluffy wool, but she was not going to be ungrateful for a bit more of the local luxury!

“They definitely will and I am very thankful. Tuarie is becoming more and more like a wonderful haven for me. I just hope such refitting wasn’t too much of a disruption to the esteemed priests and attendants.”

Lichen chuckled heartily which finally reminded him of his age with a good cough to make up for all those lost opportunities. “We usually have seven other disruptions appearing when it is convenient for them, child, you would be the least of them all.”

Twilight hid a giggle behind her hoof, but then spoke up directly. “I would actually require your presence for a moment longer, if I may, piastan?”

“Oh? Of course, of course. Could I be of any help?”

“I’m just hoping to ask some questions, that’s all. You were of outstanding assistance the last time I stayed here, your insight shall be invaluable to me,” she told him most genuinely.

Which caused him to become much abashed. Though in a good way, considering the sparks lighting up in his eyes. “Please, child, I’m just eltu bolet, I’m not of that much of a benefit, surely!”

Twilight furrowed her brow, especially when Midnight snorted in laughter. “What does that mean? Old something?” she turned to him.

“ ‘Old mushroom’, haven’t heard that one in some time.”

“Oh!” she yelped. “Oh, no, honorable Custodian, you’re much more than that! And looking much less dried up.”

H-ha!” the priest shouted, trying to contain further coughing. “Hwalba knaze, please, my... my throat can handle only so much laughter.”

Midnight was also trying to maintain composure, with little success... but Rowan Berry did not seem to enjoy the more lighthearted atmosphere.

Twilight was paying attention to her, indeed. She, herself, was genuinely savoring the moment, but there was nothing wrong with keeping an eye out, especially after the recent events. It was actually quite enlightening.

For it was not like the healer felt it inappropriate to participate in the merriment with a Princess, Nightguardian and the Custodian of the Sanctuary. It was as if she simply couldn’t. For a reason that Twilight hadn’t yet discerned.

Was there a gain in pointing it out?

Or was there a chance to extend a more open hoof in the name of Friendship?

The latter sounded far better. More like Twilight.

So she did ask, filling her voice with nothing but kindness. “Rowan Berry, is everything alright? You seem a bit distant tonight. Is there something on your mind?”

The mare said nothing at first, simply looked back with a stare that was as enigmatic as... well, as it wasn’t happy. Which told much more than perhaps even the lupule wished to reveal.

Iae ecuse, hwalba knaze. I did not wish to be a bother, nor to take away from your joy. I am, I would say, a bit stunned about the occurrence at the Ingena Herame...”

That wasn’t the entire truth, Twilight could tell. “But even before, in the landing cavern, I thought I saw you a little... aloof.”

“I am feeling a bit... melancholic, I presume,” came the reply. Out of obligation more than openness. “Matters on my mind that I need to clarify to myself.”

That explanation seemed genuine, at least, Twilight thought. Of course, it could have been an act to mislead, but she had learnt to trust her instinct as well. And it was telling her that there indeed was something on the mare’s mind. Something serious.

“If that is so then, please, don’t you worry, Rowan Berry. You are not a bother, not at all. And, if this would be something you would like to talk about, I can always lend my ear.”

Twilight smiled and meant every word, but that still wasn’t cracking whatever shell the other mare closed herself in. It seemed to achieve almost the opposite, actually.

Lichen, for his part, also took interest in those glacial replies. “Dziete, if you wish to unburden yourself, I can arrange for one of our arcemandri to grant you a confession. Nothing cleanses one’s head and heart like letting go of the pain before Bogine in an honest conversation through a servant of Hers. Remember where you are, here the Pierwu Noc happened! Here, for certain, Uaia Mate listens to her children!”

Rowan Berry lowered her head respectfully. “Of course. And I appreciate the offer, hwalbu piastan, but I think I just need to first... arrange everything in my mind?”

Twilight nodded in understanding... and, that time, paid close attention to Midnight.

What she spotted was no less troubling than what she had previously spied upon. Behind the neutral, resting face he wore, she spotted tension. Perhaps impossible to observe for anypony else, but she would think that her private connection with him did make it discernible. Her beloved was apprehensive and uneasy. In a way that she would name troubling. Much more troubling than before.

Perhaps an honest conversation was the best solution. In many, sacred and secular, permutations.

Rowan Berry, in the meantime, did take a deep breath. “If I might, hwalba knaze, I would like to retire for the day. Once again, my sincere apologies for my indisposition...”

“And, once more, Rowan Berry, you have done nothing wrong. Have your rest.”

The mare stood up and bowed her head, before making her way out of the chamber in a steady, almost mechanical pace that even her healer’s gown could not hide.

As the doors closed behind her, Lichen nodded once. Then twice. Then a third time. And only afterwards did he sigh loudly.

“There’s just enough of the age gap between me and you, children, for me not to understand your problems fully anymore, but, as aksiosan, I can tell as much – her heart wants one thing and her head reminds her of another.” Twilight frowned at that comment, but the Custodian didn’t seem to notice. “You mentioned wishing my aid in something, Princess?”

She banished the grimace, changing the topic in her mind as well. At least for a while. “I did, yes, if I might request it. I was wondering... I do not wish to pry into matters I should not hear about, but I am interested—”

“About what Lord Blessed Fang has planned,” the old stallion finished the sentence for her. And accurately. “I do not blame you, though, you must understand, I can only tell you so much...”

“Naturally, piastan, I wish not to put you under any sort of pressure.”

Strangely, those words made Lichen turn immediately towards Midnight.

“Fear that not, hwalba knaze. And I trust that your faithful bodyguard knows how to leave his lower lip behind his fangs?”

Ia znat hab yezyar saep ukosatu, nye lazu. Bida certu, piastan,” Midnight affirmed immediately.

Benu. I’d rather not have to haul you out of the Great Shrine again, because you felt guilty in your heart about something.”

Midnight’s blush of embarrassment at that remark could be considered almost adorable, Twilight thought, though not all of her memories associated with that particular night were the best. Nor were his, considering the shades that gathered in his eyes.

Lichen shook his head, at himself quite likely, before speaking up once more. Though keeping his tone somewhat conspiratorial.

“I will say as much as I can without staining my heart, ab Bogine. Honored Lord Blessed of Family Fang had, indeed, summoned a number of our antasi and some effiti. He, even in his young age, shows great promise and commands even greater respect among our congregations. As a spiritual leader, more than an interpreter, however... And acknowledging that even a bright and charismatic colt like him needs aid in matters that are not his strength, interpreters are who he desired before him mostly.”

Twilight nodded, thoughtful. “Interpreters... So he is planning another reading from the sacred texts, as he did last time? But why would he...” She paused for a moment, when she remembered something. From the very interviews back home. “No. The antasi interpret prophecies.”

“You are very correct, hwalba knaze,” Lichen confirmed solemnly, clearly relieved that she had said something he did not want to disclose himself.

Midnight, listening in, leaned forth even more. His forehead was creased with focus. “Demora... odculyit, piastan? Have there been visions lately upon the effiti?”

The venerable stallion shrugged. “Nothing that recent. There have been, some time ago, those mentions about a revelation that rendered, I think, three of effiti blind. No connections between them, but same vision, yet different explanations...” Lichen stopped himself, rubbing his temple. “Come to think of it, I don’t recall there being an official interpretation of that one put into the blessed records...”

“Could... that be a reason to ‘threaten’ a meeting of the Covenant, Custodian?” Twilight asked aloud, already considering the possible aftermaths of such a scenario. She recalled when she had been forbidden entry to the Midnight’s Library, after all. Those prophecies were taken with utmost seriousness. “Unraveling an augury’s meaning seems like an important enough reason...”

“Not... really. I mean...” Lichen bobbed his head about, uncertain. “To let Noctraliya know of a great omen is to hold an entire ceremony, send proper letters, let all those servants of Neskaza Lunee... who wish to hear it gather, it’s not something you just... throw together on a whim! Trust me, I would know, I would be the one organizing most of it around here! Places to stay, food and drink and decorations and blessings and all! I hate it... Well, I would hate it were it not in the name of Bogine.”

Twilight could not entirely support Lichen’s suggested displeasure with proper, convoluted and borderline topsy-turvy organization, but she understood the burden well enough. But... there was also something about that prophecy which was not leaving her mind. Like a memory she could have sworn should had been there at some point. Something about... debts...? Or was it sweetened...? No, that didn’t make sense.

Strange... but she shook her head, returning to the conversation.

“You said that there was an omen some time ago?”

Ita to bide, child. Or, at least, it is what was whispered around the corners and columns.”

“Making priests... blind?”

Lichen nodded. “It is complicated to explain. Even I do not know all the details, I’m, after all, simply arcemandr u Bogine, but... what I can say is that the sheer amount of emotions and sights that effiti experience, if a specific meditation leads to a portent, can result in that. We take it as a further warning about the importance of said revelation. After all, to receive a vision from the Immaculate Moon... is to be granted a sliver of Her very Presence, a peek behind what is natural, mundane. Being effit is to have an incredible gift, but also one that can be, uhm... ‘distressing’? ‘Straining’, maybe?”

“I can imagine,” Twilight couldn’t disagree.

Equestrian arcane works clarified that any sort of divination magic, scrying into the future, could be not only extremely difficult, but potentially perilous. And not in a “cannot be unseen” way, but damaging to one’s mental capabilities, even permanently.

How would batponies, a race without magical aptitude, even receive prophecies was a completely different conundrum... but if random streaks of moonlight could just suddenly light a shrine and lead to personal, mystical revelations just like the one she had received, was foresight such a far-fetched matter?

Midnight took the initiative, considering Twilight’s ruminations. “Could it be possible, piastan, for the Cowene to be informed of a prophecy’s meaning first, before the populace? Would that be why Lord Blessed Fang decided to summon the haspadri? To share and discuss an interpretation?”

Lichen lifted his hooves up, almost defensively. “What happens at Kezpont is no business of mine... though I would be deceiving Bogine Ipesama if I were to say I was never terribly curious what haspadri are talking about. But I would be the last to break the sacred rules of their meetings. I have my own domain here, in Tuarie, I’m fine with hoarding its mysteries and those are in abundance.”

“We would never wish to put you in a bad situation, Custodian,” Twilight again ensured that much.

“Nor I would you, hwalba knaze, nocferratan,” he responded, leaning forth a little. And lowering his voice. And smiling impishly. “But speaking of mysteries, sacred rules and breaking them... I hope you shall find it easy to forgive an old priest for his curiosity in asking about the...”

Twilight easily recognized the tone and the look that Lichen was brandishing, even if he didn’t finish that particular sentence. Midnight was less perceptive, glancing at her with some confusion.

“The Custodian knows, Midnight,” she said bluntly, with an abashed smile.

He, for his part, took that clarification well. And did not squander an opportunity. His hoof quickly found hers on the table and held it both securely and tenderly.

Which felt so good after all of Twilight’s worries and the observations she had made lately.

Lichen shook his head at this overt display. And one that Twilight knew had no place in local culture, reserved for absolute privacy.

“Younglings these days...” he muttered, though he couldn’t stop his thin lips from shuddering just a little, fighting a grin. “Even the visit to Iug u Maednoc and close proximity to Lord Midnight Eye could not deter you? I hope you urchins are being cautious, then!”

Twilight suddenly found herself trying to hide a blush. And desperately so, too. That remark and the note in the elderly stallion’s voice made her reminisce about one... situation in particular, though she was sure Lichen’s worry was more general.

Midnight, thankfully, distracted the priest from looking her way at that moment. And likely spared her at least a disapproving look.

“If there is a servant of Our Mother around I will trust to know of this, hwalbu piastan, it is you at this moment. What we share we believe to be blessed by the Goddess Herself. We have received enough signs to hope that, despite everything, despite the... obvious and the less so,” he spoke, keeping his tone low, but adamant, “Bogine sees our love as worthy of preserving. Much to our own surprise, but a most welcome one, dictesera Ipee laskawote.”

That sounded a bit more... formal than Twilight felt about the topic, but she couldn’t deny that hearing this conviction in his voice was absolutely wonderful. And it made her feel more confident, even though she had to ask him about something important. Very soon.

Lichen, in reply to Midnight’s declarations, did arch his eyebrows. “That is... quite wspanalu, actually. You will have to forgive me, dziet, but I did have a measure of fear at some point that your interest in the remarkable Princess could have been... shallow. After what happened in the Ingena Herame I did see the richness of your emotions, but hearing what you are saying now, that conviction... Tac, tuyia amatie definitely sound like approved by Neskaza Lunee... As unbelievable as that might sound.”

“Not only Her, as it seems...” Twilight added, pushing her hoof further into Midnight’s loving hold.

“What would you mean, hwalba knaze?”

She glanced at Midnight, to see if he would oppose, but it seemed he had decided to trust the Custodian with that knowledge as well. Even if his gaze did, rightly so, advise caution.

Twilight bit her tongue a little. “Let’s just say that... we received a hint that we could remain unimpeded if we would be... discreet, just how we are?”

Lichen blinked a couple of times. Clearly processing what he had heard.

“A hint from whom? Unimpeded...? Wait, would you mean...?”

Twilight nodded.

“... and he actually...?”

Midnight nodded as well.

The expression of utter amazement that accompanied Lichen connecting all the dots was nothing short of memorable.

“Forget the beam of moonlight!” he proclaimed, but then shook his head with a chuckle. “No, don’t do that, actually, but this! This is a miracle of Bogine! Unbelievable, indeed!” Before Twilight spoke up again, he raised his hoof. “By my blood, nopony will know a thing about it, I swear it. This is just too good to know for my own pleasure. I would never suspect him to be such a sap for love!”

Midnight almost choked at those words and Twilight stifled a giggle hard. She gave herself a cough to rival those of the Custodian, actually.

“I... well, I definitely would not use those words, but...”

“But I would!” Lichen interrupted again, barely containing his wonderment. “I trust you two to remain discreet, then!”

“We definitely don’t plan on ruining our chances by going too far,” Midnight assured.

“Well said! Be discreet and... reasonable, then. You’re in a holy place, that is most important! But even more so – the mountain walls are only so thick and, as you did suggest, nocferrat, rumors and news spread around Tuarie fast.”

Did the room get hotter? Twilight felt the urge to fan herself. Or at least cool her face, which must have been quite crimson. Only slightly less so than Midnight’s, to be fair.

The venerable priest took pity on them, thankfully. “Ah, but I trust you, rascals, can remain sensible, even with your age so young and your feelings so fiery.”


They both assured in slightly panicked unison, which Lichen found remarkably funny. Shaking his hoof at them just a little.

“There, there. It’s hard to believe, I know, but I was young and randy at some point in my life as well, I understand how that works,” he declared, getting up from the chair with a groan. “I’ll stop now, before I start feeling the urge to have a confession myself for being improper and pestering you two. And I am not giving up that knowledge to anypony, even under oath!”

Twilight would not say that she felt exactly thankful for the Custodian finally leaving the room, as that would be most unkind to the elderly stallion... but at least her face started cooling down somewhat when he had gone and she could sit down on the soft bed.

Very soft. Much more comfortable one than the last time, to be completely honest. She doubted Lichen decided to improve her standard having in mind what he knew about her and Midnight... No, no, that would be a bit ridiculous, even if this resting place could accommodate two ponies.

Such thinking... well, it wasn’t helping Twilight in winding down, but she still hoped she could have an opportunity to do just that. At least, right until Midnight returned from locking the door, joined her on the woolen mattress and planted a proper kiss just under her jawline.

It made her positively shiver all over. So at least it wasn’t entirely against her desires.

“Forgive me, my light. ‘Feelings so fiery’ and so on...” he still murmured, causing her a sigh and a giggle.

“Nothing to forgive, you know,” she replied, leaning into him. It always felt nice, having his undivided and intimate attention. “I did ask for your opportunism to serve us, you know...”

“Mhm...” he agreed, nuzzling into her neck and peppering it with more gentle caresses. “I’ve been... thinking about you all flight... I need to... indulge myself a bit.”

Twilight did feel her eyes closing at his loving care. Soon enough she let out a pleasured hum too. However... it did not feel, nor sound as pure and blissful as she wanted it to.

And Midnight caught onto it without an issue. After a pause that was as disappointing as understandable, he moved his muzzle away. His voice becoming most mindful as he sought her gaze.

“Is this not to your liking right now? I can stop, if you are thinking about what Lichen said and you would prefer to—”

“It’s... not that,” she told him. The last thing she wanted was him getting the wrong idea. Her own mind was frazzled enough, she wouldn’t want that upon him as well! “Piastan has a point about staying discreet, you know, but I decided that we can trust each other to be at least rational.”

“A terrible decision, really,” Midnight responded with a smirk, but one that didn’t linger. “What is on your mind then, my light? Please, tell me.”

She bit her lip a little. She could stop herself... but that would only make matters worse, she figured out. With all those scenarios that she had already considered, that had invaded her mind after she spied on him and Rowan Berry... She had figured that the longer she would stay silent, the progressively worse her mindset would become.

That she could not allow, in any way, shape or form. Not with what could happen soon. Politically, religiously, diplomatically... A blotch on her attention would be too distracting. The upcoming congregation was too important to just leave herself hanging.

That being said... did she want to bring everything up, including her arcane chicanery? She felt like it would be the best thing to do, and yet...

“I... listen, I have seen some troubling things lately and... and I need to bring them up.”

Midnight blinked and straightened up a little. His warrior instinct kicked in, visibly, ready to respond firmly against any issues she was going to mention. His pupils dilated a little, even. At the ready.

“What have you seen? Are there more threats around us that I’ve missed?”

Not around, but among, she thought. But that was not something that a fighter would fix. Only a loving stallion. She was hoping for Midnight to be mostly like that this morning.

“It’s not that kind of a threat, Midnight. I was just keeping an eye out and... Just...” Oh, just say it! “Just tell me bluntly, please, did Rowan Berry make a move on you?”

Midnight tilted his head and moved away a little... which was a bit more distressing for Twilight than she would want to admit. Still, her question was very direct... and yet he still tried to look her right in the eye.

She obliged him, finding in his gaze consisting mostly of confusion...

“What... do you mean by ‘make a mov—’? Oh...”

... which quite quickly turned into comprehension, surprise... and a little bit of remorse. And something more, but she could not discern what it was. A spark of that sudden and unmistakable coldness, one that she had already spotted in him.

But why exactly? What did it mean? She couldn’t tell.

She was hoping Midnight would explain it to her. For obvious reasons. But she also felt the compulsion to clarify what her worries were based upon.

Not that it was an easy task.

“I-I mean... we had this talk, yes, a long time ago when I mentioned her being friendly towards you so much. I also did tell you, I have considered her being a spy. But... I don’t know what happened, I have just seen her so aloof and unlike herself lately. And you seem to be acting strangely when she is nearby, so I thought that, m-maybe, it was due to the fact that—”

“Yes. Yes, she did.”

At least he was honest.

What he said meant nothing horrible, of course... yet. But Twilight did already feel that pinprick in her heart that she wasn’t enjoying. Was she really that jealous?

“She... did,” she simply parroted him, not finding better words.

“Yes, my light. From our private talks it became even clearer than moonlight that she is infatuated in me in a way,” Midnight declared. And though his tone was dry and flat, more like reporting to her than confining or confessing, Twilight at least felt that he meant what he was saying. “But when she, as you said, ‘made her move’, I made it evident that I was not interested. Sharply, perhaps some would say, but transparently.”

Twilight bit her lip again. “I... see,” she managed to utter.

She was trying not to sound relieved. Like really trying not to sound relieved, even if she felt like it more than obviously. It tickled her... in a way she wasn’t entirely pleased about, that another mare was thwarted in her attempts to woo her stallion.

But that was surely unbecoming!

“And, I take it, Rowan Berry reacted to it—”


“How badly?”

“Very badly. Tears and dejection.”


Midnight’s tone remained chilly and almost emotionless. It was his way of being absolutely clear about what had transpired between him and Rowan Berry, Twilight was convinced of that. And she could appreciate it as well.

However... she still felt terrible about the healer. She wasn’t that filled with this sudden possessiveness that she would take pleasure in, or even as much a overlook as heartbreak. And for all she could tell, the mare’s low spirits were quite authentic and quite profound.

Wait... were she a spy, rejected in such a manner, would she appear so gloomy? What would be the point of that, right? Why would she even try to express interest in the first place? To seduce Midnight? What for...? Well, other than the fact that he was such an incredible stallion, but that was besides the point... but still...

Ugh, her mind still felt like such a mess. At least Midnight gave her the courtesy of sitting still and patiently waiting for her next move, or question.

She got one finally. “You took it badly yourself?”

Only when he grimaced did she realize that it wasn’t the best line of inquiry. It felt like one of the worst!

“N-no, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean it like you would be disappointed over having to reject her, I-I trust you, I just meant—”

He raised his hoof, which silenced her. Just well enough like his disarming smile did. And when he spoke up, the cold of his tone melted into pleasant and warm assurance.

“You, just like every mare that ever lived, lives and shall live, are cautious about other... rivals around your stallion. That, for all I understand, is quite a universal trait. Here, in Equestria and I think simply everywhere.”

“Yes, b-but—”

Another irresistible smile, accompanied by a gentle touch of his hoof against hers was enough to give her a calming pause.

“I don’t see it as distrust, don’t you worry about that,” he spoke softly, but with confidence. “I don’t want there to be misinterpretations. Or any worries greater than you are already enduring. I think it is... rather healthy, to make some matters clear and transparent as soon as they become an issue.”

Well, that was very promising to hear, Twilight thought. Minus that “some” part... but that was just her nitpicking mind talking! It’s not like she had just told him that she had used her power to see him and Rowan Berry through sheer stone. Hypocrisy was definitely not something she wanted to cultivate.

Midnight did continue, reaching up to cup her muzzle and lock her gaze with his. Not that it was a hard thing to force her into. That saffron yellow of his eyes could still drag her in, with a compulsion she did not believe she would ever try to truly resist.

“If you wish for me to assure you again and again, I don’t mind. Ia amat tue, iau lumn. And there’s no other mare in my life anymore, but you...”

Twilight felt herself smiling. A full, pure and wonderful smile that she was missing lately. It was just such a relief to hear his words, even if she was expecting nothing less.

“I love you too, Midnight...” she whispered back as he pressed his forehead to hers. Mindful of her horn, naturally, but that did not made the connection lesser. “I’m sorry it’s just... there’s so much to consider, to have in mind. Sometimes you just see something out of place and it gnaws at you constantly and—”

He silenced her with a kiss, turning the rest of her sentence into but a small sigh of joy.

“One thing you definitely should not be worried about, my light, is me having my sight on any other mare,” he whispered to her when the kiss was broken. “And if there is anything that should gnaw at you, it’s me, yours truly,” he added, baring his fangs.

“It’s a... unique declaration, for certain,” she replied with a smirk of her own. “But you don’t really gnaw, do you? You tease me, nibble on my ear or drag those wonderful teeth of yours across my neck and I... and I...”

She drifted off a little when he leaned in and started doing just that. Well, he was paying attention, that was for sure.

“.. and you just melt,” he quipped and Twilight felt his chuckle through her coat and skin.

“... that I do...” she admitted, somewhat abashed and very much jubilant.

Their gazes met once more. Midnight decided to speak again, with his tone a little more serious.

“Don’t worry about Rowan Berry, alright? I made things as clear as I could. I’d be sorry that she feels like she feels, but she has to accept the reality. I don’t see her like she would want me to. It is your side that I shall not be leaving and your heart I always want to be in.”

Twilight had to fight her heart melting, certainly. “I know, Midnight. I know. I’m so sorry that I—”

“Shhh... Enough of that, my light, or I silence you again with my fangs.”

“As weird as that choice might sound to anypony else,” she pointed out and they both snickered, “would it be possible, if I stop apologizing out of my own, uninfluenced choice, for you to still do just that?”

Midnight pondered for a while, looking somewhere towards the ceiling. “You know, I normally don’t go for such deals, but you are beautiful, charming, smart and... just so good mare that I don’t think I can decline.”

“ ‘Just so good’?” she repeated with a giggle. “Do explain that one, please.”

“Well,” he replied with a grin. “I could do that, in great details as well as better vocabulary and grammar, iau lumn, but I don’t really want to go into this whole tirade about how I think that the Goddess Herself smiles upon you and judges your heart as pure... and that you are the closest I can think of to a kind, compassionate, wonderful... simply perfect pony. Sometimes a little bit, what’s the Ekwestriyar word... ‘quirky’, but—”

Now he was the one rendered silent as she shut him up with a kiss right on his lips. But she was not mad at him, oh no. His words, though maybe appearing overblown, felt genuine. And beautiful. Maybe minus that last part, but she knew that underneath that sly look and tone, his love was most sincere.

She couldn’t be comforted any more than that.

... but she couldn’t let his transgression slide!

“Tu bid kad, Maednoc Wentr.”

He smiled like the insufferable stallion he was. “I tue amate to, iau lumn. Tue amate tueu dilecu kad. Ip kwi mereum myisl solusu desp tue. Tilc tue...

Twilight spotted her own, intently focused expression in his saffron eyes. “Tac, to bid vere, ale ip bid... ip bid... uhm... wait, how do you say ‘just terrible sometimes’?”

Midnight feigned outrage. “Why would you ever need those words?” he asked back, his pastern resting against his forehead in a most overacted fashion.

“Because they fit, you scoundrel,” she responded theatrically herself. Doing her best not to burst into laughter.

“... true,” he admitted, grinning like mad. “Alright, then, what do I get back for telling you how to insult me truthfully like that?”

“Oh, so the company and affection of a Princess are not enough for you anymore, nocferratan?”

Ia bid kad, tue dictee to.”

She giggled, staring back into his eyes. Those wonderful eyes of a wonderful stallion. One that definitely could still be mystery to her sometimes, but one that she trusted implicitly anyway. Her guardian, her ally, her friend... and more.

Much more, she thought, realizing that their muzzles were nearing each other quite naturally and longingly.

“So... Lichen advised discretion...” she whispered, keeping up that delightfully steady, unhurried advance.

“That sentence just begs to have a ‘but’ at the end...” Midnight uttered back. And she felt his hoof resting against her flank. Very overtly and very pleasantly.

“But... I think I want you to stay here, for at least a while longer,” she murmured back. In a tone that she had only recently realized she even had in her. “To make a convincing argument that I am the only mare for you...”

He breathed out in satisfaction. “Ha. And how would I do it exactly?”

“A short... or not that short indulgence of kissing and cuddling sounds reasonable, would my trusted guardian not say? I believe he knows how to best please his Princess?”

“Well... I could imagine an order taller than that, which I would fulfill with prolonged joy to rival a certain hidden cavern moment...” he replied in a husky tone, letting his hoof wander a little bit. Very much to her joy.

“I would not oppose at all... but there will be better opportunities for that...”

He agreed with a small nod, though that somewhat reluctant, but responsible decision they both detested. Which did not mean that Twilight was going to resign from other pleasures of a private moment. Especially considering the warmth spreading from her cheeks and all those places his hoof already had caressed.

“Still... I have a little helpful spell.”

He chuckled, leaning even closer. His lips were brushing hers when he whispered, making her shiver. “I prefer my own tricks, but do tell, iaa culta blogoste...”

Twilight closed her eyes in this rapture of closeness. “The walls here might be ‘only so thick’... but I know how to... make a chamber soundproof.”

The breath of Midnight’s chuckle enveloped her neck in bliss.

Ha, good to know...”


“What do you mean ‘abandon the mission’?!”

Azure Mist could not believe her ears, nor could she stop her upper lip from shuddering, showing far more fangs than she was ever used to. And no gentleness and luxury of her seating, nor fragrance of perfumes filling her chambers could convince her to lower her voice and calm down. What could amenities offer as an offset when her best mare, her prized operative was suggesting something so ridiculous!

Rowan Berry, for it was indeed her reporting in, though using words putting into question her very identity, stood on the other side of the chamber. Her coral gaze was lowered, stuck on the woolen carpet, as if it were some sort of a barrier, an armor to be in between her and Azure Mist.

What a preposterous and foolish notion! Just like her plea!

“You better hope that what you have said was some sort of a terrible slip of the tongue, or so help me Goddess...!”

“Honored Lord, I... I simply have your best interests at heart. As always. My life, under oath, belongs to you...” Rowan Berry spoke, her tone as respectful as she could muster, which would definitely not be found wanting. Unlike her ideas! “That is why I... I believe that I can no longer perform my mission with the diligence it requires... and that is why I wish to humbly ask to be allowed to abandon it and be assigned another—”

“Nonsense!” Azure Mist found herself shouting. She sprang up from the sofa, almost tripping over her long, silvery gown, sweeping the chiseled floor like a morning fog on the mountain slopes. “You are my most trusted and skilled operative! I have granted you the best training to suit your natural talents and expand them! And now, when the greatest need we have known arises you are telling me you are quitting?! You insult my past and present generosity by even uttering such idiotic ideas!”

Azure Mist closed the distance between her and the mare, proving definitively that a carpet was sadly lacking when it came to being any protection. And what was even worse for one’s safety was trying a sovereign’s patience and stoking their anger!

Rowan Berry did shiver, but stood her ground. Though still lacked the bravery to lift her eyes.

“I beg your forgiveness, Honored Lord, with every droplet of my blood... but I... I can no longer assure my best performance and it would be—”

“You shall look at me first. And then you shall try saying it again.”

It was a dare, Azure Mist was more than aware of it. But it was necessary. If Rowan Berry was so keen on pushing her luck, she would have to do so openly and directly. No shades to hide her eyes in, no leverages to invoke. Her and the displeasure of her dynast.

Even so, when the mare finally stared up... it was a startling vision.

Her eyes were welled up to the brim. Instead of that cold determination and sparkle of insight that would give birth to schemes brilliant and intricate, there were just tears. And despondency. It wasn’t an agent standing in front of Azure Mist. It was just a mare. An impaired mare.

I can keep fulfilling my mission no longer. I... I humbly and abjectly ask that I am substituted, accepting my full accountability for falling short of your expectations, Honored Lord, and.. bearing whatever punishment you shall find appropriate for my inadequacy...”

The tone which Rowan Berry used, containing herself but clearly distraught. The stare of a helpless, useless servant. It all gave Azure Mist a pause. She was more than inclined to discipline her, maybe even physically, for her daring and nerve, but... something was not right. Definitely not right.

A more motherly, understanding approach seemed warranted. If, at least, to learn what had caused this... collapse.

“Rowan Berry, tell me what happened. I... am astonished, by the Goddess, I am bewildered more than vexed! Claiming defeat? Quitting? Throwing yourself at my mercy? You?” Azure Mist inquired, leaning in, trying to catch a twitch, a grimace. Anything that would help her understand this conundrum. “The mare I have known since adolescence, the agent I value to represent our Family’s very expertise, the ace I sent to salvage a blunder, one who would come up with a brilliant solution, with an entire new stratagem on the fly? Abandoning her assignment?”

Rowan Berry said nothing at first. Just kept staring forward, tears gathering still, like a tide enveloping once vibrant coral that was decaying before one’s very eyes.

“My... my shame is immeasurable, Honored Lord...”

“You shall leave that for me to decide, Rowan Berry,” Azure Mist made it clear, straightening up. “Explain to me what transpired, then I shall judge what your future holds.”

The operative stayed silent and motionless for a while. Without a doubt weighing options. Though, honestly, she had but one. Honesty. Anything short of it before a Lord of the Family could be weighed as treason. And treason demanded retribution. Harsh. Sometimes as harsh as unmentionable.

And so was Azure Mist prepared for anything. Or so she genuinely believed.

Until Rowan Berry, her lips a thin, impenetrable line marked only by sharp fangs, lifted her head, revealing her neck. In a gesture of both solemnity and frailty. Almost as if inviting a bite and unthinkable indulgence, one that Azure Mist would never expect to cross her own, rational mind. But such a taboo suggestion was not her operative’s game, not right then...

... even if, marring the soft skin under the cool gray coat, was a wound. Small and easy to conceal underneath one’s lowered muzzle, but still one that must have leaked blood at some point.

“What... is this, Rowan Berry?” Azure Mist asked, taken aback by the sight.

The mare sniffed before taking a deep breath, holding her head up still. “It... is a stab wound, Honored Lord. Caused by steel claws.”

“Steel cl—Midnight Wind did that?!”

“Yes, Honored Lord... The blood which he drew he vowed upon.”

Azure Mist could not have been more startled, confused and simply stunned by what she was witnessing. Her best spy, threatened and injured like that?! And, of all the Children of the Goddess, by...!

“Judging Sun burn my blood to the very last drop, what is the meaning of this?!” she shouted to the heavens beyond the stone, which were surely at this time suffering under the golden yoke of the unforgiving divinity. “First Deep Mist makes a glaring blunder, with no recovery to boast about, not even his own! Even gets his sunscorched fang broken by that damnable mare! Now you come before me like a broken, refused filly and wish to resign, telling me that you got stabbed in your throat?!”

Azure Mist found herself stomping back to her luxurious coach. It dreaded her approach, hiding behind a dark pine nightstand, on which a pitcher of fruit juice stood fearfully, accompanied by a rich chalice and a plate with a deliciously carved watermelon.

Those were the first victims of her rage. The platter which flew to the nearest wall yelped in metallic pain, resting then on the floor in the pool of orange viscera, bloodied like the rest of the silverware.

It made Azure Mist feel better, to see them suffer her anger. And returned enough clarity to her mind to sweep the train of her dress aside, sparing it any stains of the carnage, as she once again faced her disappointment of an operative.

Second one, apparently!

How did this come to pass?! Speak and do so clearly!”

Rowan Berry finally lowered her head, keeping the wound out of sight. But definitely not out of mind. She sniffed again, trying to speak up without any sobs of interruption.

“I... was conducting my duties as I have been instructed, Honored Lord. Keeping an eye out on... on the Princess, her actions and Midnight Wind’s...”

She paused, finding it difficult to choose her words, but Azure Mist had no patience for hysterics. Especially in that matter.

“Midnight Wind’s sunscorched sentiment, get over it, filly! I’ve let you know already what I think of Midnight Eye’s ludicrous handling of it! Continue!” she cut the hesitation short.

Rowan Berry just nodded, disgruntled. But at least proceeded. “Yes, Honored Lord. As... as part of my assignment, with the permission granted before, I have decided to test if Twilight Sparkle would be susceptible to a conventional subversion, in case the need arises. I have administered the poppy extract and found the expected results. But, upon learning of my test, Midnight Wind assaulted me in fury, which lead to the wound. He... he threatened to kill me. Especially if my reports would lead to any harm befalling the Princess.”

Azure Mist finally managed to sit down, though that did nothing to lay her indignation to rest.

“Unbelievable! He would dare to...! And after...! But he...!” By the Goddess, she couldn’t even form a sentence, she felt so outraged. “You said he made a blood oath about that too?!”

“Yes, Honored Lord... By my own blood...”

“He is unstable! I told him! I told Midnight Eye he’s become imbalanced! But that insistent, smug dunce would sooner see all of us on funeral pyres than relent from standing by his Family member, even if they would be a creature worthy of nothing less but...!”

She stopped herself from uttering the darkest and most repugnant of fates.

Goddess, something had to be done about this. Done quickly and decisively.

Rowan Berry’ voice was heard again. “Honored Lord.. there’s also—”

“What, further disasters?!”

The mare shrank away at the scream, but seemed Goldhell-bent on vicious transparency. “I... I have every right to suspect that the Princess is aware that she is constantly being spied on, though I don’t think she realizes that I am not—”

“Good to know!” Azure Mist interrupted, not really caring for more details. Already handling quite enough, she would say!

She felt as her hooves digging into the couch. She would not be surprised to find herself actually making her way through the sheathing and into the wool, only to rip it out and start throwing it about the place.

But she had to contain herself. Somewhat and somehow. A feral tantrum was not becoming of a Lord. And she was one, by blood, dignity and charisma. No doubts about that could have been ever allowed.

By the Immaculate Moon...

... that supplication did make her falter a little bit, at first. Instead of granting succor and conviction.

She heard the rumor. The alleged portent in the Great Shrine. That beam of light, landing straight on...

Azure Mist closed her eyes for a breath. That was not irrelevant, but it could not stop her from assuring that glory belonged to her. As a rightful Lord of Family Mist. And through her – to the Motherland.

She checked her gown, moving it further away from the spreading puddle of juice. She swept her mane back in a practiced gesture, making her sapphire earrings jingle, announcing the return of a mare of majesty.

“Rowan Berry,” she spoke up, voice a little louder than necessary still, but regal and composed.

“Yes, Honored Lord,” the mare meekly responded.

“I wish to express my deepest concern about your stance. I expected more of you, Rowan Berry. And more you shall show, as you shall continue your tasks for the nearest future.”

The healer said nothing, but a shiver did pass across her, as if she had been hit by a cold gale of night’s wind.

Disappointing .“Contain yourself and await further instructions. Even if spying is suspected, it is hardly surprising. That mare is not blind nor deaf. Maybe blissfully ignorant, but I will learn just how much soon. Perhaps she can do little about it.” Azure Mist judged, squinting a little. “We are the Mists. We have more terrifying blades at our disposal than many would even dare fear.”

“Honored Lord?”

“I have spoken, Rowan Berry. I shall learn soon what weapon would be best, applied to the Princess’ throat and temple... But I need to conduct a stern conversation about our plan first. Now I have even more reasons to press for the favorable outcome of the upcoming talks,” she declared. With far more certainty than she really possessed, but that was the trick of all monarchs. “I trust that even the most truly disdainful of us shall remember the stakes and the gains, putting aside such nonsense as declarations of friendship. Friendship does not sate thirst, does not halt hunger...”

Azure Mist stood up. Regally. As she should have. As was justly expected of her.

“Make sure to inform me of any of the Lords trying to contact the Princess. And fear not the blood oaths and threats. Those can be... circumvented, if one is crafty enough.” She took a deep breath. “It hurts you, to see him with another? Wishing so hard to protect her? A sunpony, as well?”

Rowan Berry did not respond. But that was enough of a clear answer. Azure Mist could swear she even spotted a new, small tear gathering in the corner of the healer’s eye... but finally, something that resembled a spark of ire and passion accompanied it.

“Good. Hold onto that feeling. I might be discontented about the stance you have showed, but I am not going to leave you alone in this. I am your Lord and I do not abandon my servants in their hour of need.”

The healer said nothing, but offered a deep, deferential bow. “Thank you, Honored Lord...”

“Think nothing of it, Rowan Berry. Think of the tasks at hoof, rather. That meddlesome mare underestimates us and our reach...”

Azure Mist kept her head high and her stare forward. But her mind did escape to the side cabinet of dark wood and silver. One to keep her resplendent dresses in, naturally and obviously, as she was staying at the Sanctuary.

But beyond it? In the hidden compartment that only she and one other knew of? Hidden away from the very moonlight?


Orders. Secrets. Marks. Numerous, due to courtesy of... surreptitious collaboration. Assets even beyond the usual reach of her own circlet and cloak. At the ready, made manifest in parchment and ink. To be plucked out as seen fit and sent on their way.

“Should our schemes be threatened by knowledge or chance, Princess Twilight Sparkle might find that nothing is safe. Nothing is protected. No village nor town. No confidant nor ally. No friendship... nor love.”

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