• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LXI – The Call of Kindness

Twilight began the next night a bit later than usual. She and Midnight hadn’t stayed up through the whole day talking about his past achievements, no, but they had come back to their quarters when the sun outside must have been high up in the sky. As such, when she naturally woke up, she immediately knew that she was going to have an early lunch, rather than breakfast.

Still, having brought herself to a presentable state, Twilight was a little surprised as she opened the door to the antechamber. Even without the enchantment on her eyes, she could clearly see Midnight sitting by the small table on his very own. His bags seemed packed already and his armor was to the side of his bed... but Rowan Berry’s belongings and resting place looked absolutely untouched.

“Benu noc, Maednoc,” Twilight greeted her beloved before pointing at the obvious. “She... didn’t come back for the day?”

“Apparently not, iau lumn,” the stallion told her, getting up with a small groan. The lack of armor did reveal to Twilight that the bandages on him were new and clean. “I slept rather lightly, expecting her to appear at the door at some point, but the only pony that crossed the threshold was none other than Sated Fang. He came to check on me around first meal, helped with dressing the wounds anew. He also brought me some more medicine and bandages for the travel ahead.”

“I slept through it?” Twilight asked, but received a small kiss before a proper answer. Not that the caress wasn’t a proper answer in its own right.

“Didn’t want to wake you up, no rush,” the stallion assured her. “Besides, had a chance to converse more with the stallion. Eye to eye. And, honestly... despite tanning one another’s hides, I enjoyed the talk with him. Intriguing kudz.”

“I take it none of you holds a particular grudge over the verlupte?” Twilight wanted to make sure, but Midnight only smirked.

Nye, I don’t believe so. I’d say we’re... about even. He lost an important duel on his own turf and I’m... well, I’m running out of comparisons for my sorry state,” he told her, nuzzling her a little more before returning to his bed and sitting down with a small hiss. “Luckily, the wounds are healing as well as one could hope for, though... I’ll be flightless for a while still. But no lasting damage, maybe a scar. Mares find scars attractive, right?” he inquired with a smirk, forcing Twilight to roll her eyes.

“I’d rather have you without permanent damage, thank you very much... but I’ll love you with scars or without,” she told him, much to his silly, wide grin. Then, she pointed again at Rowan Berry’s resting place, as the obvious was not allowing her to relax. “Do you... do you think she has left for good?”

“Well, she wouldn’t leave her bags I don’t think,” Midnight told her in return, trying not to sound miffed over the situation. But the fact Twilight could tell that he was attempting proper calm was speaking volumes already. “I believe she decided to have some time for herself after yesternight. I mean... well, I don’t need to make you aware of that, at least. She wants to rethink some matters? Good for her. Better for us, since we won’t have to endure her too much.”

Midnight was clearly sincere in the latter declaration, though his open enmity towards Rowan Berry was a little concerning.

More concerning still, however, was that... Twilight found herself looking over the room and biting her lip. A crazy thought invaded her mind due to the circumstances... and she wasn’t sure whether it was a good idea to speak of it aloud.

And yet...

Well, Midnight saw her expression. “Is something the matter, my light?”

“I just...” Did she want to be so opportunistic after all? And so honest about the sudden idea? “She’s... Rowan Berry’s not here, but her bags still are, so...” Twilight paused, but it was far too late to stop. Not to mention that Midnight’s gaze, as he was glancing at her, was now absolutely singular. “Do you... do you think we could find something interesting in there?”

“What devious thought in that pretty head of yours,” the stallion replied and she couldn’t for the life of her tell whether he was amazed or shocked at her suggestion.

“Not devious,” she still protested, feeling a bit out of order. More than a bit. “I’m being cautious. Considering she’s not even denying her occupation anymore... and yet leaves her luggage like that...” Twilight paused. “The pack couldn’t be dangerous on its own, could it?”

“Wait one moment with that. Continue,” Midnight pushed her a bit and she had to first grimace to actually speak up again.

As a form of assuring herself that she well understood the clandestine nature of her proposition.

“There would be a chance, right now, to inspect the contents of her bags and see whether anything... useful can be found? To make sure she cannot be a true threat to us?”

The stallion sat up a little straighter on his bed. “Well, I can, iau lumn, clearly see your growing expertise when it comes to extending one of your hooves, even to ponies like Rowan Berry... while arming the other. A bit more metaphorically this time,” Midnight commented.

Considering his smirk, he clearly had in mind the bladed hoofshoe Twilight had kept about just in case during yesternight’s conversation with the occultane. But, the stallion’s expression was also... relaxed. Clearly so.

“The bag is no trap. Nor is there anything else dangerous hidden in it. And most of the... useful things she actually has on herself,” he let Twilight know, actually resting back on his bed, sideways on his healthy side. “No curved blade in that bag either.”

“How do you know?” she asked him, trotting closer to sit on the edge of his woolen blanket, still looking in the sack’s direction.

“Went through the contents of it myself, some time ago,” he admitted and quite casually. “I might have not done the best job of containing her as a possible danger, but... I tried to do my part, I think.”

“When did you have a chance to do that?” she inquired but Midnight only shrugged. So Twilight decided to drop those details in favor of more solid facts. “So, nothing that could be helpful? No orders or anything that you have found?”

“No. But I doubt Lord Azure Mist... as it is quite clear she’s the one giving her instructions,” Midnight pointed out, his voice a little harsher, “would actually give her written orders. Unless it would have been ocpism or something, but that’s a different talk and a different threat entirely...” He paused for a brief moment, blinking once. “It wouldn’t be surprising, however, all things considered.”

Twilight focused on the expression he had used. “What is that thing you have mentioned? Eye-something...?”

“How to translate it... Actually, explaining it would be better,” he stated, trying to rest more comfortably, despite the topic he was touching upon. “It’s a written... ‘mark’, I suppose. It’s a unique type of order given to an occultan. Signed by their Lord, giving very specific instructions that have to be followed to the letter ‘under pain of’... is that the expression?”

“Yes, actually...”

“So, yes, under pain of taming, years in the lower mines or even worse. A mark like that means serious business,” Midnight further explained, his calm voice somehow adding more depth and gravity to his words. “The goal is usually involving something so important to the Lord’s or entire Family’s agenda, it requires this unique form for additional clarity and security. You know, so that nopony could actually claim misunderstanding the nature of the order.”

“Neither the occultan nor the Lord, I imagine,” Twilight betted and Midnight, indeed, nodded.

Ocpism means the operative is not only required to follow the order to the letter, but in the case of being discovered and the plot failing, has to be allowed to return to their Mountain. So they can be punished only by their haspadr, having free passage otherwise. And also such a mark ensures that... how to say it, the Family that was to be damaged by the actions yi occultan can seek justice from the Lord that gave the order.”

Twilight nodded a few times, supporting her head on her hoof as she leaned forward. “So... I take it those missions are rather ‘delicate’, if you know what I mean?”

“More than you think,” the stallion responded, shaking his head. “Kidnapping, sabotage, mutilation, you name it...”


“I would deny the loss of noctrali lives, claiming our beliefs, but... I have just mentioned haspadre Blenkyita Opare, so negating that possibility would make me look like a naïve foal,” Midnight quipped, visibly displeased by the state of things. “It wouldn’t turn me to stone even a little to find out that the Lord has a whole cupboard, full of such orders. Prepared to be issued at any moment.”

“Turn you to stone? You mean ‘surprise you’, right?”

“Yes, sorry, badly translated figure of speech,” Midnight replied, shaking his head. “But, yes, such is the importance of ocpismi. Considering their complex and crucial nature, I am not certain who is more inconvenienced about them being used. The victim of whatever scheme in motion... or the occultan, knowing that failing the mission could mean forfeiting more than their life.”

Twilight would comment on the overwhelming seriousness of such a type of order, but... considering a gear which had just turned in her mind, had to ask about a slightly different matter.

“Do you... Sorry, a sudden thought and I might be very wrong, but... do you think that Rowan Berry could have been the one to... you know... ruin Count Mistlock’s life by killing his beloved? If she was sent by Azure Mist to spy on me... well, that means she is very trusted by the haspadre, right?”

Midnight’s nostrils flared and he took a deep breath before he said anything at all. “Confirmation might be beyond me, I’m afraid. The latter is very logical and I, again, wouldn’t turn to stone knowing that,” he commented, pausing to sit up a little. “Count Mistlock’s case... yes, that would have been a job for an occultan. Though, to clarify, such inside... ‘peacekeeping’, though I only use that word because it, lamentably, fits that situation, wouldn’t need ocpism. Internal matter, one would not need to see it on parchment to know Lord Azure Mist was behind it. Though... I doubt the close family of that poor mare had any opportunity to voice their grief to the haspadre...”

Twilight felt a grimace twisting her muzzle. She didn’t feel the need to explain why. Neither would Midnight need to ask, knowing her stance on the matter. Having been expressed a long, long time ago and never changing much. Maybe even becoming much firmer actually.

So the stallion just mused for a second. Glancing at the entrance to their quarters, as if expecting the silhouette of Rowan Berry to suddenly materialize in them. To confirm or deny her involvement... or say neither about it, as an operative would have been keen to do.

“Actually, just so you know, her being a lupule would also make a certain sense in such a mission. They had to get rid of a mare with subtlety and an occultane with the knowledge of herbs...” He bobbed his head about, weighing the option. “Makes sense. Some kalmiya would work, I believe.”

Twilight gave him a look which she wasn’t particularly happy about giving. “I don’t know how I feel about you coming up with a possible plan of killing an unfortunate mare for political stability, you know? If we could even call it that.”

“I didn’t come up with it,” Midnight protested, sitting straight up now. “But I can try and figure something out using my ‘lamentable capabilities of cunning’.”

Twilight was pretty sure he had just quoted himself from the night before and accentuated it rather strongly. Her unease did stand at his explanation. Perhaps stood even more rigid, actually.

“Still, could you please not? You’re a warrior. I know what that entitles, especially considering your complex history and your culture. So that’s one thing. But figuring out how to, in a clandestine way, get rid of a ‘troublesome’ pony for the terrible crime of falling in love? I find to be very much beneath you, Midnight.”

The stallion opened his lips to reply... then closed them again. He took a moment, starting at Twilight in silence, his eyes inscrutable.

“I...” he tried to speak finally, but had to first shake his head with a somber chuckle. “I’m glad... and yet not, that you think so highly of me. You... think I am unable of having dark and furtive thoughts at all.”

“You know what I mean, Midnight,” Twilight told him, finding it hard to stop rolling her eyes at him putting it like that. “It’s, well... it’s one thing to have strange notions invade one’s mind—”

“Like searching through the luggage of a mare travelling with you, using her absence?”

“For example,” she admitted. Displeased with the interruption, but realizing that it only reinforced her argument. “But there’s a slight, but rather important distinction between suffering a strange thought and actually beginning to figure out how to act on it.”

Midnight was still for a second longer, then... shrugged. “A curse of a resourceful mind, I’d say...” he pointed out, then paused only for a breath. “But, I understand. Didn’t mean to cause you such discomfort, my light. I’m sorry. I suppose I shall try even better...”

Twilight nodded, accepting this apology. She at least felt certain that he didn’t mean anything by saying what he had suggested. And she could appreciate more of his drive to do right by her.

And she certainly wanted him to realize all that. “I’m glad to hear that and I do mean it... I think...” It was her time to take a moment and consider what she wanted to say. “I’m just not used to it all yet, you know? If I ever shall be,” she admitted, leaning back a little. “Yes, it’s true that I’ve had my share of challenges involving schemes and cunning, by those that would wish to harm Equestria.” She looked at him. Intently. “Not that I am accusing your nation of that.”

“Even with the ‘offer’ you have received from the Cowene?” Midnight asked. And she was happy that she heard merely curiosity in that question, without any provocation or anything else.

“Yes. Even with that, for I know from which the offer really stems,” she confirmed, but couldn’t force herself to have any other expression on her muzzle but one of seriousness. And maybe a little exasperation. “Still... I sometimes feel like your culture is oversaturated with intrigue.”

“If you mean ‘there’s too much of it’ by that word,” the stallion responded, shifting a little closer, “I couldn’t really deny that. For far more reasons than only our travels together...” he pointed out.

Clearly having in mind the presence of the occultani. Or the tests by Midnight Eye, as much as he realized the existence of those. And everything else that Twilight already had to endure... She was glad he looked like he had come to terms with that realization some time ago and was, too, seeing the folly of such a state of things.

She sat back up, not able to relax with such a topic being dwelt upon. “There’s... more to come, isn’t there?” she asked and didn’t have to wait even a second for her beloved to nod. Causing a pregnant sigh, indeed. “I really don’t need that. Not that I’m unprepared for it at this point, but... I really, really don’t need any of that.”

“You and me both, iau lumn...” Midnight admitted, shifting a little...

... and hissing. Rather strongly, making Twilight shudder and reel back at that sudden reaction. She even glanced at the doorway, fully expecting the sudden appearance of Rowan Berry, who would then witness them both being far more than just a Princess and her bodyguard. But that wasn’t the case, so Midnight’s reaction remained without a reason.

That is until the stallion shook his head and spoke. “I’m so very sorry... One moment.”

He stood up from the bed, leaving her a little worried for a breath longer. But then simply trotted around her, sat down by her other side... and covered her back with his leathery wing in a supportive and warm gesture.

“I... wanted to do just that and kind of... forgot which half of me worked. Tried to do it with the other wing.”

At his, a little sheepish, admission, Twilight simply had to smile and lean into his sweet, winged embrace.

“Yeah, don’t do that. I need you strong and handsome on both, healthy sides,” she told him, which made him chuckle with truly disarming honesty.

“Great to know you’re putting so much thought into my well-being because you want to see some impeccable coat and muscle.”

She shoved him a little. Playfully. And making sure she was actually striking the healthy side of him. “I’m caring for you because I love you. Your looks are an enjoyable side benefit.”

How enjoyable?”

He was insufferable. Just the way she liked it, actually. “Very,” she admitted and received a kiss to the top of her head. Midnight held her that little bit tighter, which was definitely a welcome gratitude for reaffirming her preferences.

Their moment of care and sweetness couldn’t last forever, unfortunately. Also because Twilight had to deal with one more thing before their departure to the Sanctuary.

The... thing almost right outside their door, above the palace’s courtyard.

She pressed against the stallion a little bit harder, to draw from his presence and warmth and love, but then had to stand up.

“Well... I’m doing it against my desire to stay here like this, but I have to further my own ‘scheme’. One of the more straightforward ones, actually,” she told Midnight, who rose up as well.

“I can guess what it is, I’m pretty sure,” he replied, stretching his healthy hind leg and reaching for his belongings. “You want to meet with Lord Blessed Fang one more time.”

“Am I that transparent?”

“No, but you have such conviction about you that nothing else but the crucial matter of that horn must be the case,” her love corrected her, taking his breastplate in his hooves. “If that is to be so, then allow me to accompany you and announce your iron will, Honored Princess.”

She looked at him askance. Especially considering his tone. “Why the solemnity, Midnight?”

The stallion just turned to her, the strap of his armor in one of his hooves. “Because I need to somehow even up the fact that I will need you to help me put my armor on. So that I don’t strain any of the wounds unnecessarily,” he explained. Almost unwillingly. “And having to request that makes me feel like a little puel and, ab Bogine, I hate it so much...”

Twilight felt like giggling... but knew that he meant what he was saying, even if he tried to hide it behind that smirk at the end. That armor was a symbol of his role and status. Something he had earned to wear, to show before everypony else. Being handicapped like he currently was certainly didn’t aid in properly bearing the Nightguard’s role and gear.

She wasn’t really an expert in outfitting a warrior. Shining Armor had shown her once how to put on his Royal Guard set, but the Nightguard equipment differed in shape and style, but... maybe not that much? Because, as it happened... Twilight was a specialist in another field.

“I’ll help, but would you mind if we do it my way?” she inquired. With a clear desire to aid, yet ready for him to decline the, she hoped, transparent offer.

To her surprise, the refusal didn’t happen. Quite the opposite, actually. “You could help with...? No, of course you could help with a spell, you made me see at dias and stare at Sewira Solee without losing my sight, this must be hardly a challenge for you,” he said to himself, before turning to her again. “Alright, I wonder how this would work.”

“Great!” Twilight responded, sure that she hadn’t imagined a note of curiosity and eagerness in his voice, which fueled her own joy. “Do you have all of your gear prepared and ready?”

Midnight rolled his eyes, having already grabbed everything and laid it out before him. “If I ever don’t have it prepared and ready, feel free to assume something very bad happened to me.”

She acknowledged his point, wondering if there was any exaggeration in it at all. She then began gathering focus, having in mind all the pieces which Midnight had prepared. “Breastplate, hoofshoes, helmet... I should be able to keep your mane neatly underneath.”

The stallion chuckled at that and waved his hooves about. “Leave a little bit sticking out, please, like it usually is. I need to look like I was fighting this idea at least a little bit, you know? For the sake of not forsaking my ancestry,” he explained, winking at her hard.

She was going to comply, but only just. “Very well, brave wampir. Now hold still, please.”

With a small exhale, Twilight expanded her vision and focused on neatly grasping all the nearby ley lines. To weave them around Midnight’s gear, covering it all in a delicate, raspberry shine. The stallion was, in the meantime, keenly observing the casting, trying to maintain his stance. Which he was doing with truly a warrior’s precision and dedication. It helped, because as much as Twilight could make swift corrections in case of his movements, it would create a far better effect to let the spell release in one, smooth go and on a stationary target.

A breath, then another one. Assured that she could visualize it all in her brain, Twilight put a bit more force into her horn and firmly, but with finesse, tugged at the arcane tethers.

With a little, magical crack, Midnight’s entire suit of armor vanished into thin air. And before he could think of a protest over this sudden, magical robbery, all of his equipment reappeared with the same sound on his very self.

Neatly strapped, immaculately positioned, ready to utilize. Down to the helmet on his head and the very tip of his long mane, also nicely secured, escaping to the headgear’s side.

To say he was impressed could have been an understatement. “Ha! That was fast! Impredu!” he exclaimed, looking about, checking the leather bands with his healthy foreleg. “Tight but comfortable. Actually couldn’t have done it better myself!” he praised Twilight... and hearing him again speak so enthusiastically about her spellcasting felt like a new accolade altogether.

“Glad you approve... and feel at ease with me doing it,” she responded, coming closer to check her work as well. “Not something I would do every day... or night, but I thought it might be interesting to try. And, honestly, the armor fits you like a glove already, it shows. Both in the regular way and when it comes to donning it with magic.”

Midnight nodded, tapping his hoofshoes against the floor and surely finding them to his liking as well, considering the smile. “It’s meant to be like that. A second skin for each and every one of us. And we are meant to keep our physique proper, to match it. And reduce the chance of needing a new set just because we decided to be lazy,” Midnight told her, checking his helmet. “Ha... I don’t think I have ever had my mane underneath it with so much... comfort. Could I ask for this in the future? At least until I can put it on myself without feeling like I’m going to rip at the seams?”

“Of course!” Twilight eagerly agreed. “It would be my pleasure, as long as we have a chance to do it just like that!”

Midnight’s gaze was no less earnest, but... his keenness seemed a little different. “Speaking of chances and pleasure... does it work the other way?”

Twilight tilted her head at the question. Also because a portion of her brain just sparked and her heart went along with it. “What... what do you mean?”

The stallion spoke, his warm and quite daring smile growing with every word. “You know... In case of us having very little time and wanting to quickly be a little more comfortable... and wonderfully unclothed.”

“Midnight!” Twilight protested... but only to retain some necessary decency and scraps of shame. Feeling a flush coming to her cheeks in no time at all. “I-I mean... I suppose I... could help us like that...?” she found herself admitting, her mind already focused on certain scenarios.

Ben znat...” Midnight whispered, using her moment of distraction to move in and plant only the most seductive of kisses right to her neck.

Yet, instead of causing any warmth to escape her, drained like one would have sipped blood, he made the wonderful heat fill her to the brim, causing her knees to tremble and her heart to skip a beat.

Yes... Twilight could indulge such a vampire for the longest of times.

Still, not spending too much time on more delicate caresses, they finally managed to leave the chambers. After all, there was a meeting to be had with the local Lord and wearing a discernible blush piercing through the coat would make for a strange first impression. From both of them, actually.

Because of the later wake up, it turned out that Twilight’s requests for a meeting reached Lord Blessed Fang as he was already offering his midnight supplications in a personal shrine of his, on the higher levels of the palace. Not wishing to interrupt him... knowing that doing so was against customs, Twilight gladly settled for waiting for the haspadr in one of the smaller offices nearby, which was vacated for her as a sign of respect. Respect also shown to Midnight, as she understood, considering they were both given comfortable seats and silver pitchers of juice, to be refilled whenever they would so desire.

The stallion was taking full advantage of that, enjoying his third goblet of fresh, fruity goodness.

“I wouldn’t want to subject myself to a hug from a wall of thorns again... my light,” he added in a whisper, just in case, “but I would not be opposed to such a treatment at the other Iugi.”

“Depends on how one could earn it, I guess,” Twilight pointed out, herself slowly sipping the refreshing liquid. “Do you know how to dance, for example?”

“For the Crescents?” Midnight immediately caught onto her thought and chuckled. “I know how to fly like a warrior and whilst some might find that admirable,” he stated and she could quite clearly invoke before her eyes his graceful performance on the way to their secret date site, “but I don’t think I could put on a show that would have me offered such a gracious treatment out there. I’m afraid I lack the flexibility...” he admitted, with a strange look on his muzzle. “Though, I do feel like we will have to sit through at least one of these performances.”

“I wouldn’t mind seeing what those are about, not that I am keen on experiencing the... salacious part,” Twilight admitted. “Still, tradition should be respected, even if we are finding it a little out of place.”

Midnight leaned in to use his soft voice again. “Even so, I can bet you would still be upset with me staring.”

“Of course I would be upset,” she told him back, trying to stifle a giggle and keep her own voice down. “Whomever do you need to stare at when you have me?”

He looked rather pleased, hearing that she wasn’t above a question that was packed with confidence and some pride. And he would have replied and continued their merry exchange, were it not for the door to the chamber opening and a servant announcing the arrival with a firm voice.

Hwalbu haspadr Aldatu u Rodine Kiel!

Both Twilight and Midnight stood up from their places, the stallion saluting properly, when Blessed Fang appeared in the doorway. His bright eyes curiously taking in the chamber. And his muzzle quickly showing a sincere, if small smile.

Hwalba knaze, a pleasure,” he began, gesturing for them both to sit almost immediately. “I was told that you wanted to converse with me tonight still, aside from the official farewell,” the Lord added, visibly eager to partake in such an occasion. There was a spring in his trot that Twilight hadn’t seen before, but very much welcomed. “Apologies for keeping you waiting, I was finishing my prayers.”

“No apologies necessary at all, Honored Lord,” she told him, making sure that sitting down was not disturbing the more casual gown she had picked. “Never enough of the Goddess’ presence in life.”

Blessed Fang’s expression grew. “Spoken like a true believer,” he praised her and for once such a declaration did not feel like it was forcing anything onto Twilight. It was simply a remark of joy at her understanding and openness.

It felt... nice. Seeing that the young stallion was offering her so much kindness and benevolence. And witnessing what a few nights of meaningful conversations and... some supernatural occurrences could do for a pony. She hoped that her Friendship-dedicated approach was also a factor in all of it. And that Blessed Fang would retain this new, much more optimistic composure of his.

Twilight was also, strongly hoping not to ruin any of this with what she wanted to discuss before parting ways for the immediate future.

“Honored Lord... I wanted to express, once again, my deepest thanks for hosting me at the Mountain of Fang. I feel like my visit here has given me yet greater understanding of your culture and ways. I hope this knowledge shall serve me well in providing Noctraliya with a reasonable and just offer and preserving peace between our nations.”

The young Lord’s expression remained and didn’t lose any of its vibrancy. “Hwalba knaze, your words grant me great pleasure. I, myself, hope that our conduct did not cause an affront, even with such matters as the verlupte. And that our relations can only improve. However...” He reached out to pour a goblet of juice for himself, prompting Midnight to try and get up from his seat. But the haspadr’s gesture was quicker. “No need, Nocferratan. A victor of the ritual challenge deserves his praise and his rest. I hope your wounds are healing well.”

Tac, hwalbu haspadr, ia grat tu,” Midnight replied, sitting back down and relaxing again.

“As I wanted to say,” Blessed Fang continued, taking a gulp right afterwards, “such welcome, yet official words are best left for when we can be witnessed by more ponies. Expecting proper behavior. Right now, speak freely, Honored Princess, for I can tell you wish to tell me something important.”

Maybe Twilight was transparent after all. Or maybe the topic was truly so obvious.

“Honored Lord... I cannot possibly leave the Mountain without bringing some sort of closure to the issue of the horn of Radiant Glory,” she declared, plainly and openly. “It is not just a matter of my personal discomfort, seeing a unicorn’s horn displayed like that. Nor is it my insistence on insulting your Family’s heritage, but that trophy...”

“It’s a symbol,” the Lord finished for her. And, as it turned out... in a way she shared. “A symbol of a darker time and yet darker choices. Of history that none of us wants repeated, but dealt with. Worked through and finally put to rest, like one reaches a conclusion in their heart, mind and soul.”

“Couldn’t have said it better myself, Honored Lord,” she admitted and Blessed Fang nodded.

“I asked for speaking freely, but one cannot be casual about such a matter, rightfully so,” the Lord commented further, leaning to the side of the chair and supporting his muzzle on his hoof. “I blame you not for seeking to settle this matter, even if your previous actions have forced me to organize the verlupte. And I have promised you, upon the results, to consider why I would ever remove the horn from its place of honor.”

Twilight could not really bring herself to agree with that final expression, but at least she was certain that Lord Blessed Fang understood well where she was coming from.

That was, actually, the exact reason why they were having this conversation.

“I was hoping that we could at least draft something akin to an understanding in the matter before I leave your domain, Honored Lord,” Twilight expressed herself, trying to sound confident and yet conciliatory. “I... was considering that, perhaps, there is a decent solution. One that could be in some way... celebratory?”

Blessed Fang’s expression shifted a little as he inquired. “Celebratory? Do tell, hwalba knaze.”

“Well...” Twilight took a moment to quickly go over what she wanted to convey. And persuasively, she was hoping. “I... can only imagine what a relief it must have been for the citizens of Noctraliya to have their murdered kin’s bodies returned to their homeland. So they could be given proper funeral pyres. What a bittersweet rejoicing it must have been to alleviate the burden of knowing their grim fate. To have tradition and customs finally observed, so the souls of those poor innocents could find their rest...” she presented her case, weighing her words and hoping she wasn’t trespassing on taboo topics or something. “Now, let there be that final bit of relief. If we manage to reach a new understanding between our nations... may the return of Radiant Glory’s horn mark it and well. Let something else take its place, even. Something that would be no less meaningful but signify not the dreadful past, but the promising future. A... yet greater trophy to crown and top your throne, Honored Lord...”

The young stallion gave her the courtesy of listening carefully, with undivided attention. He even waited to take the next sip until she was finished. Though, tried as she might have, Twilight could not read into his expression.

Maybe that was exactly his hope. To have a few more moments of inscrutable consideration. The young stallion had finished his drink calmly and put the goblet down before speaking again, his gaze as distant as she could ever remember it being.


Twilight was caught by surprise, though Midnight wasn’t, immediately abandoning his own refreshment and ready to stand up. Though the Lord’s gesture, once more, stopped him.

“No need,” Blessed Fang clarified, voice calm and stoic. “I invoke your name not to order you. I ask you, instead, to advise me.”

“... advise you, hwalbu haspadr?”

“Yes, indeed,” the young Lord confirmed, leaning back a little, still in deep thought. “You have fought in our challenge and emerged victorious. You spilled ver in our arena, a sacrifice in defending the Princess’ honor and stance. You have earned her my favor in the matter... so I shall ask you for honesty in it as well.”

Midnight sneaked a small glance Twilight’s way, then again focused on the Lord. He took a deep breath. “Hwalbu haspadr, if that is your will, you have my mind at your disposal.”

“I would like your spirit and heart too,” the young stallion additionally requested, immensely serious in this expectation. “For this must not be a decision based solely on logical predictions. The matter of trophies, especially that trophy, is deeply ingrained in the tradition of Rodine Kiel. But, the tale of the Soleera Cruziate is also in the collective memory of our nation. It’s our bloodied history that lingers and shall linger, because no gesture of conciliation can make us forget. But we would be asked not to forget, but forgive...” Blessed Fang clarified, nodding to himself, as if assuring whatever doubts in him that this was the way to go. “You, Maednoc Wentr, have been to Equestria. You have seen their land, met their kin, you have accompanied the Honored Princess as a guardian on her journey. How do you see this matter? How do you feel about it?”

Midnight didn’t reply outright. And Twilight saw clearly the signs that he was fiercely deliberating his response to such a request. She wasn’t astonished by that in any way. The matter of the holy war was, indeed, known and marking the hearts of all the batponies. To present a stance on trying to find a solution to the scar it had left... it wasn’t an easy task. Midnight wasn’t going to shrink from it... but he wanted his reply to be firm and truthful, that much was blatant.

He leaned forth after a moment, looking into the contents of his chalice. And there was something about his keen gaze and that position that really reminded Twilight of Midnight Eye. The Family resemblance and close blood relation were more than evident, as her beloved was musing and considering. But what was happening in Midnight’s mind? That could have been an entirely different story from one that his Lord and relative could have been weaving in the same position.

Still, said “story” was one he wanted to share, when he finally started up to look directly at Blessed Fang. And the intensity of that gaze was exemplary.

Hwalbu haspadr... if you wish to learn my opinion, then... I would have a request,” Midnight began, causing the Lord’s cautious frown.

“Name it.”

“May what I say here remain in this chamber and in the memory of yours and hwalba knaze,” he said, looking Twilight’s way, then back at the Lord. But even that short glance did show a vicious turmoil inside of Midnight. An internal struggle that was forcing this plea. “Only. For I wish to speak as myself. Ia. Nye Nocferratan. Nye prodan u hwalbu haspadr Oc u Rodine Maednoc... Ia.

Twilight was definitely ready to promise that, but waited for the Lord to make the first move, as she believed custom would demand. Blessed Fang took his time, however. He squinted a little, as if judging Midnight’s worth at that very moment. And whether his request was in any way reasonable.

Ultimately, the young Lord put down his chalice and reached for a small, white cloth which was present by the pitcher, for cleaning one’s muzzle after the drink. He, indeed, brought it to his lips. But instead of using it as intended... he first put the side of his foreleg next his own mouth and marked it with one of his fangs. Sharply and shortly. Before anypony else had time to react, he put the cloth against the small puncture, then lifted it to show the drop of blood marking it.

“I take it this will be a sufficient answer?”

Midnight bowed his head down, almost in veneration. “Hwalbu haspadr, it will be that and more. I-I wouldn’t dare to request a verpryiseg...”

“I found it prudent to grant it,” Blessed Fang replied, in a tone that would suffer no doubt.

Twilight chimed in, witnessing this quite significant gesture and not willing to do any worse. “I am prepared to do the same.”

“No, hwalba knaze,” Midnight did protest, though not too strongly. Not to diminish the Lord’s actions... nor to sound too eager to stop her from doing some bloodletting of her own. “Let my trust in you and your word, Honored Princess, be the very first argument for the Honored Lord,” he claimed, turning back to Blessed Fang, who had tied the cloth around the small wound and was patiently waiting to hear his due.

Midnight was not going to disappoint him, Twilight could already feel it.

Hwalbu haspadr, I have now traveled with the Honored Princess for a good while. I have seen her meet our kin, converse about topics great and small. And, even before being assigned to her retinue, I had a chance to twice speak with her myself...” he began, his voice calm and stoic.

Twilight’s mind returned to their interviews and, she was not going to lie, she was expecting affection to make itself audible in the stallion’s voice at any moment. She remembered those moments with great fondness herself, after all.

But Midnight took care to contain whatever feelings lay within. Other than praise. “Honored Princess Sparkle of Twilight does show and testify of the best qualities which can be found among Ekwestriyani. Her openness and her desire to find common ground with us are not traits that define only her. We might have spent centuries in seclusion and constant preparation, but... soleerani of old? Those that came upon us with blade and fire and spell? Their descendant are not the same ponies as back then...”

Blessed Fang was leaned back in his chair, but that wasn’t a sign of disinterest. Quite the opposite, considering the sparks in his eyes.

So Midnight, continued, his tone unflinching. “We, which is a harsh truth, view ourselves as superior to those that live in Equestria. Out of habit. Out of many habits, some of which could straight up deny our excellence... And we often paint our neighbors as lesser than us. We do,” he admitted before himself and before the Lord... and, it felt clear, before the Goddess, as he glanced up in reverence. “Sometimes we show the soleerani as sinful in their ways, despite the fact that none of us is perfect. Sometimes as being... unreasonable, worshiping Sewira Solee and forgetting about our Mother, though we barely take interest in how their ways really are. Sometimes we call them naïve, for putting faith in ideals we find... idealized, as crude as my tongue puts it,” he said, with a small smirk that had nothing to do with ridicule. “But I am no aksiosan, mine is not the talent to speak, but to act. Act as it is required, in the name of the Goddess...”

The young Lord nodded at that sentence, his eyes squinting. He motioned for Midnight to continue, though his thoughts were still obscured by that expression he wore. Was it interest? Or was it apprehension?

“And if I were to act now, to serve Neskaza Lunee...” Midnight spoke once more, bowing his head, “in the best way I could think of, it would be to embrace this opportunity. Again, this is what I, myself, believe. Knowing well that, if anything else would be required of me, I would follow such order, as it is required...” he acknowledged, though there was no joy in his tone at this expression of loyalty. “But, seeing what I have seen and getting to know Ekwestriya, as represented by hwalba knaze...” Midnight’s gaze switched to Twilight. It was a stare conflicted and troubled, but it wasn’t hard to see him trying to be as honest as possible. “... gaining not new knowledge, but new wisdom, shared by her and by her dogmas to even a pony like me... Offering a hoof, an open hoof, showing her kindness to an impaired oger who I was. Who I still am, I would say... but that never stops the Honored Princess from doing what she believes is right. And what, I believe, is blessed by the Goddess...”

The stallion looked at Blessed Fang again. And that was a good thing, because the intensity of his gaze and his declarations was really starting to affect Twilight.

She found it... beautiful that he was appreciating her efforts in front of a Lord with such confidence, despite whatever worries he still harbored. She definitely cherished his efforts.

“... so I think, if there is a time to find a way to repair ourselves... To find a new path, perhaps a better one, to open new opportunities for us... We must be aware that such a moment is now,” Midnight declared, with a strong, unrelenting voice. “I would not dare to say what exactly must be done. But if you wish to hear what my mind and my heart and my soul are telling me, hwalbu haspadr, then they are telling me that we have to give this a chance. Even if it means that we need to look back at our history, our way of life, our world and see it change. Improve. For we cannot go back to the time of the cruziate, to the time of strife and suffering. That was the world when the Sign of the Goddess was marred. Blemished with a dark mark. But the Atrlunee has come to an end. Thanks to the Honored Princess as well, the mare sitting by us right here, right now. That old time of dread and uncertainty, of distrust and fear... that old, blemished world, still in our minds... It must now end as well.”

... wait.

Twilight felt herself physically taken aback a little, hearing how Midnight finished his declaration. And realizing the other expressions which had come up before. And, she could see it well, Blessed Fang also took note of the words which had just been used.

That couldn’t have been a coincidence... right?

The young Lord, his expression remarkably confounded, sat up, focusing on nopony and nothing else but Midnight. “Nocferratan... are you aware of what you have just uttered?”

Twilight could see her beloved squinting a little, confused himself. He was exchanging glances between her and the Lord quickly, visibly concerned about that question.

“I... If you mean whether I believe in what I have said, hwalbu haspadr, then... you have asked me for honesty and I have granted it. If you are appalled, I accept it. It’s what is lingering in me and I had to use the words I did use.”

Nye, Nocferratan. You didn’t have to use those words... but you did,” Blessed Fang pointed out. And his smile was growing.

Which only made Midnight more worried, that much was blatant. So Twilight turned to the haspadr, with a cautious tone. After all, she didn’t know if this, yet another incredible “coincidence”, was allowing anypony to share more than had been shared already. Considering the vital importance of things like prophecies and their interpretations.

“Honored Lord... I think we can both agree that Midnight Wind’s words were worthwhile and helpful. And... inspired, though he might not realize it.”

Blessed Fang looked at her and, indeed, she found understanding and agreement in his eyes.

“It appears to me,” he said, unwrapping his leg and checking whether the mark had stopped bleeding, “like there is yet more at stake. And that yet more kudzi shall play a vital part in what is to come. You have been most helpful, Nocferratan. You shall be still, I dare to say. Thank you.”

“It... is my honor to serve, hwalbu haspadr, but... I’m not entirely certain what is happening.”

The young Lord chuckled under his breath. “You wouldn’t be the first one, wampir,” he stated, then turned to Twilight again, his eyes calm and clear. And not as distant as always. “Hwalba knaze... if the talks between us result in reaching an agreement... which I do hope for, then I give you my promise that I will advocate for the return of Radiant Glory’s horn. Now...” He joined his forehooves before him, ready to make a strong point. “... I cannot promise how quickly afterwards, nor whether it would be an official occasion or a private favor. I’d rather first see how moods will shift if we manage to find the new understanding between our nations. But I will assure that this... blemish shall not linger.”

Twilight smiled. That was, actually, all she wanted to achieve. And, considering the Lord’s stance, she understood his reluctance to give more details without a proper foundation. He was, after all, the representative and the head of the Family of trophy-takers and fierce warriors. That meant taking into consideration a lot of things.

But, as he was giving her something precious in this promise, she was willing to grant something in return. As it was proper.

“I’m overjoyed, Honored Lord. And I wish to, myself, promise that such a gesture shall be respected and reimbursed accordingly,” she swore, bowing her head a little towards Blessed Fang. “As I did suggest already, perhaps the trophy and prize of war can be exchanged into one of peace? I could definitely see us finding something of significance that would be to the liking of the Fang Family.”

The young Lord smiled mysteriously, but not maliciously. “I think we can come up with something. Restoring relations between ancient neighbors seems like a much tougher task, after all. The rest shall be, as you say, a breeze.”

Twilight would surely hope so.

After setting the hour of her departure and receiving kind assurances that Blessed Fang would see her leaving his Mountain personally, Twilight left the chamber with Midnight, both eager to return to their quarters. But, even on the way there, the stallion’s curiosity was showing.

“I have a... very peculiar feeling that I have said something strange without realizing,” he admitted, rubbing the side of his neck. “I didn’t... cross the line in some way, no? Both you and haspadr seemed a little shocked, or was it just me?”

“No, it wasn’t just you, that much I can tell you,” she replied, a little amused by his self-conscious look. “Let’s say that you have, without your knowledge, referenced a certain conversation I had with the Honored Lord. And we both realized that.”

Midnight had referenced a lot more, but... Twilight was unsure if she could let him know so much. The prophecy had been revealed to her, yes, but that had already caused a massive stir in the Covenant. To propagate it further seemed... a little irresponsible. As far as she understood, there wasn’t an official reveal to happen yet, so that fact that she was in on that particular omen was already a massive exception.

The stallion seemed relieved only a little bit with her assurances. “Then I... hope it was helpful. I have to confess, I... It felt like I took a massive risk being so open. It’s... that’s definitely new to me. But, if the Honored Lord promised me discretion, swore it by his own blood... which is also unbelievable...” Midnight shook his head. “... then I suppose I shall be alright. I know that you certainly won’t betray my trust, my light...”

“Of course I won’t Midnight. I think...” She looked about, keeping her voice low. “... that the oath of love is stronger than others. Even one of blood.”

The stallion nodded, something of a wistful smile on his muzzle. To Twilight it felt... peculiar. That expression carried a burden. Despite what they had talked about already. Despite the fact that they were cultivating their secret. There was still such a strange weight about Midnight...

“Don’t take it the wrong way,” she told him in a whisper, as they were trotting down the wooden stairs to the level of their chambers, “but... I’m trying to figure out why would you be quite so nervous about speaking your mind. You have the right to express yourself and you have done so both helpfully and, honestly, in an incredible manner. Is it because you revealed it all before the Lord? Or is there more to it?”

Midnight bit his lip a little before giving her an answer. His steps became slower, more measured.

“Well... I think I would have to say that a batpony is never just a batpony. You see... I’m not just myself.” He made a slight pause, as if gauging whether she grasped his meaning. Then continued. “I’m a Midnight. Which means I represent my Rodine. I’m a warrior, which means I speak as one of my caste. And I...” He paused and took a moment to breathe deeper. “I pointed out that I wanted to speak as only myself, but... especially when talking with haspadr, perhaps even more so when it is the leader of one of the other Families, having all of that in mind is not only very important. It’s crucial. It’s something you cannot overlook. It’s just... how things are.”

Twilight thought she understood, considering what she had learnt Midnight already. Or so she hoped. Maybe it was that philosophy indeed, that feeling of belonging to a greater scheme of things, which was one of the other reasons why her beloved was finding it so hard to just be plain about things, even to her. Out of being very, very mindful...

That would make sense, but considering their very relation and what had been happening throughout this journey, that wasn’t always the case... right? He was perfectly capable of being slightly unreasonable, right? So was she imagining things, that sometimes—?

Twilight stopped dead in her tracks. So did Midnight, actually, but not before taking a subconscious step forth. To stand slightly before her, ready to act as her bodyguard in a blink.

For they had just turned the corner and were going to take the last, short trot to their door. But the silhouette of a mare of coral eyes and bluish, straight mane was blocking the entrance.

Rowan Berry stood before them. Facing them firmly. At attention, almost. Her expression was calm, almost cold... Inscrutable.

At first.

Her eyes were reddened. And now that Twilight had even such a short moment to take her presence in, she could see some strands of the operative’s mane tangled and spilling in unusual directions. And even her healer’s gown, which she was usually wearing with confidence and dedication, was creased and crumpled in places, the usual sacks hanging off of it haphazardly and precariously.

The mare remained still, only greeting the pair with her gaze. A tired and... almost deranged gaze, as Twilight would put it. There was something in it, something between a shimmer and a flicker, like a frantic flame. For some reason, it made her think of a wounded beast that had spotted a predator right before it. Or maybe a frightened bird, hearing thunder and seeing lightning growing closer and closer to its poor nest.

Whatever the truth was, that stare was unlike what she had witnessed from Rowan Berry before. Though that peculiar gaze seemed not to affected Midnight at all, as he stood firmly and at the ready, despite his bandages. As if expecting a strike to come Twilight’s way. She could actually hear the straps of his armor, the ones she had fastened with magic, stretching and straining faintly, in preparation for anything.

But it wasn’t a strike that came. Instead...

Hwalba knaze...” Rowan Berry’s voice was hoarse. And timid. “I... have promised to be ready for... for departure. I just need to take my belongings. We can leave at any time.”

Having said that, the mare lowered her gaze. Allowing silence to reign.

As much as it could in the courtyard of the Lord’s palace, Twilight thought, with a few distant voices and trots echoing among the wooden terraces... and yet she found it difficult to focus on them.

Experiencing, rather, the spell of strange stillness surrounding this scene...

She was ready to be the one to break it, though first giving Midnight a reassuring look and moving a step before him. With cautious confidence.

“I see you are back, Rowan Berry. And I am glad,” she claimed, putting as much honesty into that expression as she could. “We still have some time before we shall leave for the Sanctuary, there’s no need to rush...”

No response happened after that declaration, which was, honestly, a little worrying.

Well, not from the mare, anyway.

Vere? Tue nye wele bar dict ut hwalba knaze? Ut ia, forsit?” came Midnight’s questions. Sharp. Commanding, almost.

And Rowan Berry only appeared smaller after them, as if these words were the exact storm she was afraid to face.

Tu nye katuwa iae bar, Maednoc Wentr…”

She shuddered, having replied.

And... yes, it could have been a ploy, pretending, a show of weakness to gather pity and lower their guard. But that thought left Twilight’s head as soon as it appeared, when the healer continued. Still looking downwards, almost in a gesture of submission.

“With your permission, Honored Princess... I... I would like to talk, indeed. I’d like to... explain. Myself, that is... but... Inside, please. I can bear only so much shame and in public too...”

“I have a better idea.”

Twilight announced and wasted no time to trot forth. Her hooves were leading her on their own, almost. That very moment, she was certain of what she had to do. It was in her blood.

A hoof reaching for her shoulder stopped her.

“Honored Princess...!”

Midnight, apparently, couldn’t feel what she had just experienced. Which was a shame, as he should have known better. After all... she, his beloved, was a Princess of Friendship.

So she allowed herself to be stopped for but a brief moment. And looked back at him. With conviction. And with warmth, she couldn’t forget that. But there was much more of the former.

“Yes, Nocferratan?”

The stallion was not pushed away by stare alone, but whatever he wanted to say withered right in his throat. Shifted into but a whisper, as he moved his hoof back, gingerly.

“Just... be careful, iau lumn.”

Such a reminder she could allow. But she would see herself acting properly regardless of his stance on the matter.

Hoping the prolonged stare and the silence would be enough of a reassurance for him, Twilight continued. Approaching Rowan Berry slowly and, indeed, cautiously. But said care was more out of realizing the state of the mare before her, rather than fear over the healer doing something... regrettable. And it looked like Twilight was right to make such a choice of slow advance, as the other mare looked like she was ready to escape, realizing that the distance between them had already shrunk.

Twilight didn’t want that. She didn’t want fear. Inflicting fear and horror upon others was never a mark of a good, or even a competent ruler. She hoped she could convince Rowan Berry of that, considering the lupule’s own sovereign.

A calming declaration would be a wonderful start.

“Again, welcome back, Rowan Berry. I’m glad you upheld your promise...” Twilight paused, just for a moment, to allow the mare to breathe and, hopefully, find a little more peace. “I will happily talk with you more, but... could you first look at me?”

The healer shuddered again, as if the suggestion was something truly terrifying. But, Twilight was going to give her time to realize that nothing was further from the truth.

Rowan Berry needed a couple of seconds. But, ultimately, her eyes did meet Twilight’s.

... that stare was even more disturbing up close. What had happened to her...?

Hwalba knaze...” Her voice was almost a whisper, like she couldn’t even find the strength to raise it. “I’m not... I-I saw... I went and... after we talked...”

Twilight allowed herself to slowly put her hoof up, in an allaying gesture. “Wait just a moment, please. You look like you had a terrible day and I believe you need your breather first. So, how about this, Rowan Berry...” Twilight pointed towards the door. “Our things are pretty much ready, minus your bag, of course. I promise to you that we haven’t touched it.” They had thought about it, but abstaining turned out for the better, it looked like. “I would like you to go on in and freshen up a little. Sit down, find some peace of mind. We can even get you some food and drink if you need it...”

Iae... I don’t, really...”

“That’s fine. It’s not an order, it’s a friendly offer...” Twilight assured her, seeing another shudder and another, strange glint in the mare’s eyes. Hoping a little, honest smile would also help with the words. “And since we’ll be heading to the Tuarie quite soon, how about we have that talk on the way? I will gladly hear you out. Like I have already promised, Rowan Berry...”

The healer just stared at her. That gaze was misty, clouded, shaken and yet sharpened... and with that peculiar spark in it. Whatever had happened to her, whatever she had experienced over the last day... it had left her very, very spooked. Drained. Visibly distraught.

And with that talk they had shared, well... Twilight had one thing left to do. Be the Princess she had been chosen to be. Stay true to her calling.

Calling that maybe, at that time, couldn’t make Rowan Berry feel immediately better, warm her mind, cause her to smile, or even just acknowledge the gesture... but one that didn’t chase the mare away.

And that sometimes meant a lot more.

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