• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter LVIII – Messages

“I wouldn’t say that Nettlie got worried sick, boss,” Toolbox claimed, leaning back in his chair a little. “But we were a little on the edge, you know? Both of you weren’t about returning too quickly. And apologies if that was out of place, Your Majesty. Caution comes with the work and the like.”

Luna shook her head. She felt a little sting of guilt, yes, but... she couldn’t have possibly done anything else yesterday than stay outside for just a little longer. To soar and fly and... and just remind herself of how wonderful could the hours of night be when one had a moment of carefree joy and hope in the midst of them.

And it had been a great reminder, indeed.

“We should have returned sooner,” she still admitted. “But it seems that we both had decent enough reasons to almost see the sun rising,” she added, looking Moonwarden’s way.

He had just put down the teacup. And he was clearly enjoying the stellar brew. He had to, in some ways. Especially since, well...

“I w—”

He tried to speak, then was forced to clear his throat for the umpteenth time. He shook his head and tried again.

“I would have to claim ‘necessary evil’ in this regard,” he finally stated, his voice sounding hoarse and gritty despite the herbal treatment. “The captain is a generous host. Unfortunately, generosity of the batponies is shown in spirits. Literally.”

The shudder at the word made Moonwarden’s declaration that much... funnier to Luna, actually.

Nettlie took the unicorn’s cup and trotted away to fill it up with more tea. “I’m... curious about just how much you have drunk, sir,” she spoke, with surprising straightforwardness. “One could, and I’m sorry for pointing it out, smell the alcohol on your breath. And fruit. Oranges, I think.”

Moonwarden rolled his eyes. “I see your professional curiosity is strongly helping you in your confidence. That is not a bad thing,” he commented, though even that was enough to have Nettlie almost drop the teapot, as if she was being chastised. “Though, I assure you... and I assure you, my lady,” the unicorn turned to Luna, “that I have not been inebriated in the slightest. I know my limits quite well. Alas, it seems that your children have a fondness for drinks that can slay a lesser pony in a matter of a cup or two. The better I exercised restraint.”

“I remember the gozalke,” she told him back, rubbing her chin a little, invoking the memories. “I... think it used to be even stronger back in the night. I wonder if I could still guess the exact taste...” she mused for a moment longer. “Nevertheless, I believe you, my servant.”

“Thank you, my lady,” the stallion replied, with no small relief. “I participated out of necessity and courtesy. I do find the brew far too... direct, for my tastes.”

“Any use, at least?” Toolbox inquired with a smirk, his accent even thicker than usual.

Moonwarden glanced at him, slightly unimpressed at the question. “I take it that a... how to say it... a healthy stallion from the bucolic fringes of our part of Equestria would find it tasty.”

The said healthy stallion grinned widely, puffing his chest out a little. “Sounds like my kind of stuff to get battered. Which also means that it must have been right terrible for you, boss. Your folk mostly drink minerals, no?”

“Rubbish, Toolbox,” the unicorn protested, tilting his head a little, almost in a warning. “We too can hold our liquors. We simply fancy more... sophisticated drinks.”

“As I said, minerals.”

Moonwarden sighed. Loudly. “I would tell you to abandon the topic in words and expressions that only we could understand. Beginning with a ‘b’ and ending on ‘off’, for example,” he retorted, causing Toolbox to chuckle heartily, “but I choose to remain above such vulgarity. Not to mention that there are ladies present. Thank you,” he added, taking the cup back from Nettlie, immediately ready to partake in more herbal tea and sipping it with dignity.

Luna just shook her head and spoke up...

“Don’t mind me. I’m a bird that won’t be gutted if you go off your trolley.”

... and Moonwarden coughed into the drink, almost spilling it all over himself.

She’d usually be worried about him choking due to her little jest, but she had found it impossible to stop herself from the absolutely worst attempt at Trottinghamian slang and accent.

She actually found herself giggling a little too. Maybe she was the one being inebriated. Though on a different sort of... stimulant.

And the others had an even merrier time. Toolbox almost toppled over with his chair in laughter and even Nettlie snorted a little, watching Moonwarden doing his best to contain himself and retain some measure of dignity. Alongside gallantly trying to keep most of the tea in the cup.

It took him a while to finally speak up. And he had to clear his throat once more.

“That... was absolutely terrible, my lady, I am sorry to say,” he judged, but then looked around the gathered. And back at Luna. His eyes shining with... momentary softness which she wasn’t accustomed to seeing. “But I will take such a dreadful thwack at myself for the sake of hilarity.”

“Very brave of you, boss,” Toolbox commented, somehow having avoided landing on the floor. “But, come on, I don’t think Her Majesty would mind a retort!” he instigated just a little, giving Luna a not-so-subtle wink. “I’m sure you have a bang on... whatnot... the ‘royal voice’, is that how it’s called?”

Moonwarden just held to his cup and looked forward, as if making eye contact with some invisible onlookers. To make sure he was not the only one witnessing this absolute ridiculousness. He then returned to sipping the drink as if nothing happened.

And Luna... found herself pondering for a breath, despite the smile still on her lips.

Her dutiful servant was a stallion of work and principles. Of course, principles of his own, unique kind, having in mind the nature of his... of their work, as Luna could not forget her place in a lot of the inner workings of the Royal Office. And yet, despite the support and even the sense of humor he was often showing in her presence, Moonwarden was more like... a somber reminder of the responsibilities of their stations. He wasn’t a bore, at least she had never truly found him one, and yet...

Yes, duties did call, every day, every night, but... that didn’t mean that one couldn’t hold to something positive in life?

Of course, Luna was well aware how that sounded in her own, sadness laden head. Still... she couldn’t just shake those last pieces of carefree joy from yesterday.

She needed that. She really, really needed that and nopony, not even herself, was going to convince her otherwise.

She needed that flight, over the woods and the hills. She needed that laugh, as she burst through the clouds, refreshed and a little damp form their soft, fluffy embrace. She needed that glide right over the distant glades, with the smell of grasses and flowers tickling her nose.

That moment to herself, without doubts or burdens or... somber reminders.

... did Moonwarden have a chance at finding those moments for himself? Luna couldn’t tell... and it brought her shame that she couldn’t. After all, he was her oldest and closest servant as of that moment, one that was going great lengths to make sure she received support and aid in whatever scenario and initiative.

Wasn’t she meant to... care about him too?

Strange... that thought felt rather different in her mind. Especially when the follow-up one happened.

The one that made her realize that it wouldn’t be so terrible to share her moments of levity with somepony else. And that would have been a nice opportunity to...

... no, no, those thoughts were becoming simply too disorganized and random. She couldn’t get ahead of herself. For now, Luna needed to again learn how to share such brief instances of happiness with herself.

Moonwarden stopped her further ruminations with putting down the cup and removing some small strand of material from his vest, to keep things pristine.

“As much as the tea was lovely and the chat... intriguing, I am afraid that we have a certain letter to open and study,” he declared.

Indeed. The nightly breakfast was done, which meant that work had to start. Or, at least, its very first step, as Luna doubted that one message would clear absolutely everything about the current political situation of both Equestria and Noctraliya. Unless Princess Twilight had managed to perform some sort of a diplomatic miracle in the meantime.

Luna wouldn’t necessarily put it past her, but miracles were... fickle things.

A literal update would work much better. And Moonwarden had managed to acquire it, paying for such a success with a slightly scalded throat. But he didn’t seem to mind that too much after all. As they all were seated in Nettlie’s living room, he produced the message from whatever hiding spot he had chosen for it in the cottage and showed it to everypony upon returning.

Luna could testify. The letter was a little blackened to the side. And a bit creased, after what appeared to have been stomping. Still, as far as messages that were supposed to have been stopped entirely went, this one was holding itself well. And the seal, baring the mark of Twilight Sparkle, was still holding, if cracked but a little to the side.

Moonwarden presented the parchment to Luna, with an almost theatrical gesture.

“Would you like to do the honours, my lady?”

She shook her head. “No need, my servant. Crack the wax and give it a once-over before we delve into the details. I want to learn outright if the general situation is good or bad.”

The unicorn nodded. And rather eagerly. Actually, anticipation was palpable as his horn flashed and the seal neatly broke down the middle... though the imagery in Luna’s head of Twilight’s Sparkle’s mark being torn in two like that was not pleasant in the slightest.

Still, she waited with baited breath, seeing Moonwarden unraveling the parchment and his eyes skimming through the contents of it. She was nearly counting on being able to read at least some words from the reflections in his monocle, but the faceted nature of the eyepiece was turning everything into strange, almost hypnotic markings. That of an ancient spell, or a curse, depending on the contents.

The unicorn mumbled underneath his breath, as if casting that exact charm.

“Looks like this was meant for Princess Celestia. Naturally... However, no qualms about reading such correspondence... Oh no...”

Luna would have some scruples at least, she imagined, but the situation was unique. At the least it confirmed that Twilight still felt that she could find support and advice from her mentor.

Moonwarden’s gaze was going down the text in a rapid pace, surely hoping to grasp the general notion or catch any highlighted issues immediately. Every passage was met with unbroken focus and a true operative’s diligence of squeezing as much information as possible in the shortest amount of time.

And the stallion knew his craft, of that Luna was most certain, so he stopped after but a moment longer. He pursed his lips, his hooves still holding the parchment steady.

“She... did learn about some... troubling matters,” he confirmed Luna’s worries. Indirectly, but that was better for now, due to the presence of Nettlie and Toolbox. “She is giving quite the recap of them, actually. And it looks like... batponies formed certain demands. Certain strong demands.”

“Unreasonable?” Luna had to ask.

“Considering where we stand,” the unicorn replied and that, too, had a hidden meaning that could be discerned through the context and the location. “Some of this reads like a cultural study, I swear. And she... mentions visible signs of distrust. And even being under surveillance...”

Toolbox clicked with his tongue. “Sounds right dodgy, but some would call that a reasonable approach.”

“It is a reasonable approach,” Moonwarden admitted without an inch of shame. “That she caught onto it so late testifies of a certain, infantile credulity...” Having said that the stallion squinted and paused. “Actually, that she caught onto it at all is peculiar, I would not think Her Highness actively looking out for foul play, she is not keen on that in the slightest...”

Luna found herself leaning in a little. “Would you spare us your unending critique of Twilight Sparkle and tell me clearly whether these are good or bad news?”

The stallion did nod. “Right away, my lady...”

After a while longer, in perfect silence and stillness broken only by a couple more paragraphs of text and Moonwarden’s rapid eye movements, he inhaled deeply. Then he took off his monocle, tapping his hoof on the table and chewing on a sentence for a while, before finally declaring.

“Those... I would not say that those are not good news.”

Luna felt honestly confused...

“... sir?”

... still, Nettlie was the first to ask for clarification. Though the necessity of it was blatant for everypony else present.

Moonwarden took another, deep breath, ruminating on his latest lecture for a moment longer.

“Yes, that is how I would judge this message. I cannot say that those are not good news. We shall still be wiser to prepare for... unfortunate scenarios... but it looks like Her Highness will attempt to reach some form of a consensus with the Covenant of the batponies and she deems it possible. As far as I understand her...” He lifted the letter slightly and looked at a passage or two through the monocle in the other hoof. “... she managed at least not to make a blunder, nor outright provoke their actions, but she is requesting some information from Her Solar Majesty. Advice. Knowledge about... certain affairs. Even a little... spiritual guidance? No, rather, notes on how to offer said guidance.”

Toolbox tilted his head a little. “Her Highness is hard at work. That’s good, right?”

“Indeed, she did create something of a diplomatic bridgehead,” Moonwarden affirmed. “Honestly, I... was expecting a far more grim set of circumstances to appear from this missive...”

Luna hated having to ask, but... it was better to do so after all. “It is her writing, yes? You are certain she was the one that put those words down?”

“As much as I can tell,” the unicorn replied. Still, he decided checking the message once more was the smarter choice. “One second, please, my lady.”

She was willing to grant him that second and another yet, as long as he could prove to her the nature of the very message. And if she were to trust anypony to tell her if something was not right about it, it would be Moonwarden.

And he took his task seriously, to the point of focusing on in entirety. Twisting the parchment sideways, counting something, passing his hoof over the text and the first letters of each paragraph. Then, finally, he lit up his horn and enveloped the whole message in the silver aura of his magic, before letting it rest on the table again.

“No code, no cipher, no magical encryption. No hidden messages, no shifting of style, no words that would be out of the ordinary... other than those that she loves to use as a scholar at heart,” he judged, to Luna’s relief. At least a partial one. “It genuinely appears like Her Highness did write it, did mean it, did not have to dictate it under duress. Not to mention that I can appreciate some of this quillmanship. Which might seem irrelevant, but she must have had enough comfortable time to focus on it. Yes, holding the quill with magic does work wonders, but only with enough concentration, dedication and time. Which is definitely shown right here.”

“So...” Nettlie tried to look at the parchment too, craning her neck and adjusting her round glasses. “... we’re mostly in the clear?”

Moonwarden bobbed his head from side to side with a somewhat disparaged expression. “Well, as long as we concern the foul play of this message not being meant to reach Canterlot under any circumstances as something to be phlegmatic about...”

The earth mare made a genuinely saddened face. “Oh...”

Luna interjected. “It is definitely not something to be overlooked. And I am uncertain whether I should be entirely relived that it was the only foul play about it.”

Moonwarden just shrugged a bit. “I can genuinely imagine far worse scenarios. Toolbox?”

“Aye, boss?” the other stallion turned Moonwarden’s way.

“In your ‘official’ occupation,” the unicorn accentuated with that little bit of mockery, “what would you add to the message as a stern warning?”

“From a unicorn?” The burly pony took a moment to answer, honestly eager to provide only the most correct information. “Maybe... a chipped piece of the horn. Something that can be restored after a while, but makes spells all kinds of a holy show for at least a good moment,” he spoke. Slightly too casually for Luna’s tastes, but at least she knew he wasn’t approving of such practices in his heart. “But ears or a healthy docking are just... more universal. And everypony gets that we’re being right serious.”

Moonwarden grimaced just a little. “How nice that the Manehattan underworld is so egalitarian.” He put his hoof on the letter. “And how refreshing that we have not received some additions to the message. Because I sincerely doubt captain Sunfall Ordain would be the sort of a mare to keep such... trophies, even if they were to be attached.”

Luna took note of Nettlie’s half-nauseated, half-fascinated expression. She, herself, had a healthy dosage of apprehension about what had just been said, but... a point was made. Things could have been much worse.

... they could have been like that thanks to precisely her. In many, many ways.

She shook her head, trying to at least postpone the mounting guilt. “Be honest with me, Moonwarden. What do you think about all of this? The contents, the style... the situation. You can give me the details a bit later on, but I require to know... How does this change what we have already discussed?”

Her question was of utmost seriousness, but the unicorn still smiled. Or, at least, smirked just a little. That one expression of his that he particularly enjoyed. And it wasn’t at her insistence or the repetition of her worries.

That grin actually spoke to Luna on its own. She wouldn’t put it past Moonwarden to see through this question of hers. Yes, she was interested in knowing how would that letter modify their plans regarding the possible, batpony threat and invasion... but she couldn’t deny that her real inquiry was hidden beneath it.

To be precise... she was asking how had the letter changed her situation. After all... one could easily blame Luna for unwise actions lately. Maybe, just maybe... she wasn’t going to suffer the brunt of the consequences. Thanks to Twilight Sparkle’s talent and calling, which could spare what was rightly deserved...

... or was that the darkness in Luna, thinking that in her stead?

Well... for the moment, the grayness before her, in the form of her servant, spoke up instead.

“Absolute honesty... might require your ears only, Your Majesty. No offence to you two,” Moonwarden began with a comment.

Yet Toolbox only shrugged and Nettlie shook her head, both making it clear that they still understood well how things sometimes were in this line of work.

So the unicorn continued, for the moment enduring the witnesses. “But the amount of transparency I can allow myself to express right away is...” He leaned forth a little, trapping the message in between his hooves, as if he had caught for himself a rather tasty meal and was ready to simply devour it all in one go. “For now, my intuition and the contents of the letter both suggest that Her Highness, while certainly under a lot of pressure and, without a doubt, tested by the batponies... in many senses of the word, I imagine...” He tapped at a sentence or two on the parchment. “... is continuing her mission and have achieved, at least, certain amount of progress.”

Luna didn’t feel particularly fond of the “testing” part, but... she couldn’t deny that such a summary did make her heart slow down a little bit from the constant palpitations. If Twilight Sparkle was performing reasonably... well, perhaps it would be easier to look Celestia in the eye. Yes, the beginning of this quest had been definitely rushed and unreasonably endorsed, Luna could not disagree. But still... maybe it was all salvageable.

It sounded like it could be more successful than just that, actually, she would dare to think.

Moonwarden must have felt so too. He didn’t relax, no, but his next sentences came with far less intensity than Luna had been anticipating this message would have caused.

“I am certain that, ever since she had written this letter, Her Highness did continue to do her best. True, you know my opinion and I am not afraid of vocalizing it, my lady, but I cannot deny that Her Highness is a mare that is capable of achieving many things. Whether I agree with them and the direction she is taking is a matter for another discussion, but facts should not be disputed.”

He was being... most honest and it was, indeed, refreshing.

Luna took a deep breath. “That... is good to know,” she uttered, hiding a lot behind such simple words.

The unicorn nodded, restoring his monocle to its rightful place and clearing his throat again before continuing. “I believe so as well, my lady. Naturally, two pressing matters remain. First would be to make sure we are, having in mind the... bleakest of futures, prepared to deal with a possible move from the batponies. Whatever that move would be. We have a reliable, ‘ordained’ source of information now, as I believe, right on the very border and the message route. Which cannot be overlooked. With a little, reliable oversight, we can assure not much escapes our attention, at least when it comes to such channels...

“Second... is that I believe Her Highness should be granted a reply. A proper reply, containing all the necessary information she is requesting, some warm encouragement, perhaps a warning or two... and we need to figure out how to have it delivered to her reliably. Without engaging too many sets of hooves and pairs of eyes.”

That sounded most reasonable, though it could turn out to be quite complex. Luna wasn’t going to be quiet just for the sake of appearing regal about it. She didn’t have to be, in this company.

“And how exactly do you propose we do that, my servant? I can think of a scenario or two, but I take it that you could come up with something ‘reliable’.”

“That,” Moonwarden began, but he didn’t have much to go with for the moment, apparently, “is something I need to pontificate upon. Her little, draconic assistant comes to mind at first, but I am uncertain how that fiery breath of his works exactly. Not to mention what Jade Wind did tell me about the Tramplevanian Alps... And we would need to receive quick confirmation that she had received the letter after all, without any delay, censorship or whatever else...”

There was a little twitch about the unicorn’s muzzle and Luna was certain that she would soon hear a dialogue coming forth from his lips... but the stallion only shook his head.

“I will come up with something, my lady.”

“See that you do...” she encouraged and obligated him altogether. She then looked to Nettlie and Toolbox, still listening in. “Thank you for your presence... and you, Nettlie, for providing us with a temporary shelter. But leave us for now, please. There are still matters I need to ask about and they are not yet meant for your ears and minds.”

The two ponies nodded, following this request without delay or protest. The stallion merely cracked his neck and spoke up, pushing his chair back to its proper place.

“Take your time, Your Majesty, of course. We’ll be in the garden, I suppose. It’s dark, yes, but we’ll see if some weeds need whacking in the night.”

He and Nettlie didn’t dally and left soon after, leaving Luna alone with Moonwarden, who still had the letter before him like an unfortunate captive.

He took a deep breath right after the front doors closed. “I suppose we shall be doing very much the same thing, my lady. Combing through more of this literary garden and seeing who of those that dwell in the night shall need a solid thrashing at some point.”

Luna grimaced and could do very little about it. “I would be rather amused were it not for the gravity of the situation,” she retorted rather coldly. “How much of a shameless liar were you just now?”

The unicorn shook his head, his graying mane shifting left and right. “It is a prudent question, but unfounded, my lady. I have said what I truly believe. I was... honestly expecting this to be a plea for help or a serious warning...” He glanced at the parchment again, almost as if praising it for sparing everypony the trouble. “And, yes, Her Highness does warn, but that is not the core of her letter.”

“What is her warning, though?” Luna inquired almost immediately, not wishing to miss any vital information from Twilight Sparkle.

“As could have been anticipated... if the knowledge did not end up forcefully plunged into oblivion, that is,” Moonwarden deemed necessary to remark, “the batpony Covenant did make a demand of Her Highness. And the entirety of Equestria through her. The return of the Eastern Woods, as the territory claimed by Noctraliya prior to our presence in the region.”

Luna bit the side of her tongue before responding. “I sincerely believed that they have left of their own volition after my banishment... How artless was I, not pressing the topic. How... unwilling to, screening myself from it all...”

Moonwarden’s muzzle hardened for just a brief moment, but his voice was soft and gentle. “Nopony here blames you for that, my lady... Unless, of course, you are keen on blaming yourself. But I believe we have had this conversation before. And vital matters do require our attention.”

That sentence... stung. It hurt, actually, because for a moment Luna felt like he was deeming the pain in her core as not a ‘vital matter’. Yet this brief pain... happened in a good way. It was like a sudden glimpse of light, striking an eye staring into the darkness. It was uncomfortable at first, but brought some clarity once the initial burn subsided.

Yes, perhaps she could have done more to renew her bond with her children. Still... she was not the one that had hidden that knowledge in the first place. And she had her reasons back then, to feel the need to protect herself from... too much.

But this wasn’t “too much” right now. There was work and duty to be done.

Moonwarden leaned forth in the meantime, looming over the parchment like a silver bird of prey, Yet having Luna in his sights, rather than the letter.

“I might have my opinions... strong opinions on the ponies of our nation and whether they are even worth the effort... but I do find myself quite the patriot after all. And whilst I can understand the base of such a daring claim from your ‘children’, I am far from tolerating it. And far from the idea of issuing an Equestrian Princess an ultimatum...”

He had said just that, but seeing the shade that simply must have manifested on Luna’s own muzzle without her knowledge, spoke up once more. Trying to ease her tension.

“Her Highness does mention containing the situation for the moment... As far as I understand, she did familiarize herself with the official recounting,” he declared, checking the parchment for the fragment again, “known as the ‘Testimony’ to the batponies, and signed by none other than Her Solar Majesty... which all matches our knowledge. She is on her way to continue presenting her case before their leaders. In hopes that she can find a better solution to deal with the... convoluted history. And that is the light way of saying it...”

“Indeed...” Luna’s reply was, as her imagination brought forth the visions of what must have happened during the time of the war. Terrible images... and yet she had a feeling the truth could have been even more devastating than the extent of her insight. “Celestia spoke the truth about the Testimony. And now Twilight Sparkle truly had a chance to see the folly of our old friend. Due to what had transpired a millennium ago.”

The stallion let silence reign in the room after those words. But he wasn’t comfortable with it, that much was blatant. He inhaled deeply.

“A millennium ago, my lady, was a thousand years ago. Tautology, I am aware. But what is right now I find much more prominent and interesting. Because the present one can build, shape and change,” he claimed, trying to get her to look at him.

Luna took in a breath herself and did her best to meet his gaze, indeed.

Yes, the longer she thought about everything, with every breath and every heartbeat, the greater and deeper the shadow in her mind got. The more weight she felt, pressing down on herself. The more of this strange constriction, causing her heart to sink and hide deeper in her own chest. As if forgetting completely and utterly those wondrous moments from the night before, when she was light and free... not to mention many other memories of her life, any that would bring her light and solace...

And yet... something was different now. For that one moment when the two stares, hers and Moonwarden’s, met... the darkness was grinding to a halt. Or was that Luna’s imagination...?

The stallion did gift her with an encouraging expression, that much was no illusion. “Having said that... I shall dare to say even more. I am right here and right now in the hallowed presence of somepony who, indeed, possesses much power when it comes to shaping and building the present and the future.”

Luna... couldn’t actually force herself to smile at that praise, not with everything happening in her head, but... she appreciated such a sentiment.

She took another deep breath and placed her forehooves on the table, mentally and physically getting ready for a long and difficult conversation when it came to said future to be built.

Again... was she seeing things, or had Moonwarden’s hoof shuddered a moment ago? As if wishing to reach forth on an instinct...?

... for hers...?

The stallion knew not of this obvious hallucination of hers and simply kept on talking. His voice never losing its quite warm quality.

“You have already taken a crucial step towards greater prospects, my lady. For the nation, yes... but personal as well. You have appeared as a Goddess before one of your loyal and faithful children. And, and I shall beg forgiveness for saying it, I have seen without a mistake how wonderful you felt afterwards,” he admitted, a spark in his eyes that had little to do with his argent craft.

Luna would comment on being spotted in such a state, but... it was better to just listen. Felt more... reassuring.

“Honestly, in any other circumstances I would be delighted to learn what you did through the rest of last night, being the nosy rascal that I am...” he admitted, chuckling a little at his own words. “But that night is yours to keep. And, equally, yours to remind yourself of, in times of doubt. For now, however, I know that you can do what is required. And what can bring great change to...”

He paused in a strange place. Causing Luna’s head to tilt a little when he squinted and his face scrunched.


The stallion blinked, then shook his head and the strange moment of pondering was gone. “Forgive me, my lady, a sudden thought. No matter now. What I want to say... is that I not only trust your judgment and leadership in this, my lady, but I believe that you are more than capable of meeting this challenge. And besting it firmly.”

Luna couldn’t deny feeling a little... abashed by these plaudits and loyalty. A couple months before she would have never believed such profound declarations, dismissing them as pure... sycophancy, even. But there was something... undeniably open and honest about Moonwarden’s words and tone. And gaze.

Still, a part of her had to ask.

“... what keeps you so utterly and persistently sure that I am, indeed, capable?”

He didn’t react for just a split second... and then grinned. “You have me.”

She pouted and he dismissively waved his hoof seeing it.

“I had to, my lady, please forgive me. But in seriousness... we have had this conversation. Or, if not those words have been used, then ones of the same meaning. You are the Lady of the Night. You never stopped being one. It is simply a matter of... reminding yourself of some truths. Nothing could be simpler.”

Luna smiled. In a very good way.

“Righto. Shall we begin, then?”

Moonwarden bowed his head a little. And chuckled, hearing yet another attempt at the Trottingham accent. It seemed most appropriate to let him know that he had managed to improve her mood, at least a little.

The stallion cleared his throat once again. “Naturally. And I would start with something... light.” He put his hoof on the parchment, underneath one of the paragraphs. “How to explain to a poor filly why her father had to lose his sight due to working in sunlight.”

... Luna hated him at that moment.

But, strangely... also in a very good way.


Twilight couldn’t deny that a warm bath and a day of sleep was exactly what she needed to bounce back from that previous night of playing a seer...

Well... perhaps that wasn’t the best expression. For the extent of her stay in the sanctum of the effiti she had, essentially, been one. For she had done much, much more than just studying or witnessing the inner workings of batpony oracles. No, she had, on herself, felt the incredible presence of the constant fluctuations of magic, uncovering, as she imagined, the very tip of the iceberg of local spirituality. Because if the prophecies were caused by arcane surges, then perhaps those other phenomena...

... no.

... no, no, no!

Twilight waved her hoof away from herself. Almost bumping her brush right from the grasp of her magic.

She had promised herself not to dwell on what had happened, and she was not going to go back on that promise right in the morning.

Not because she wasn’t ready to tackle all of those thoughts, as she firmly reminded her reflection, which was also busy with making their mane presentable. Said reflection was giving her a bit of a side-eye, but Twilight wasn’t going to bother with it. After all, if the Honored Lord Blessed Fang had declared tonight a time of leisure, then the best thing to do was to accept it and actually benefit from it.

After all... Twilight could think of a number of reasons to want some time out.

The only, absolutely only worry she had allowed herself... which was a new limit for her, certainly... was caution. Caution when it came to the Fang Family’s understanding of the word “leisure”. After all, Twilight wouldn’t call herself a hunter... or a warrior... or a scout... or any other occupations she could think of which would fit the bloodline.

Still, spending some time with the Lord and his wife could be useful. Or, rather, fun!

Twilight really felt like she needed a reminder. To look at the ponies she was meeting recently through more than just a political perspective, of all things. Since Blessed Fang had turned out to be a most fascinating pony to get to know. And whilst “befriending” was perhaps too strong of a word when it came to Twilight’s achievement so far, she had every ounce of trust that, with enough time, there could be a strong friendship between them.

A knock on the door did interrupt her. Thankfully, she was almost ready, so after two more, quick brushes, she turned around from the mirror, leaving her reflection looking as proper as it was expected.

“Kwo bid to?”

Yazembe Acine,” answered a mare’s voice.

Twilight took a deep breath and reminded herself to look and act her part. After the recent nights... well, she had to be a Princess first and foremost. “Wena w,” she ordered, trying to both remind herself of and practice those small expressions.

She was hoping to have, at least, basic skills in the language after all. And that would never come without actually usage.

The doors opened in the meantime and the coral-eyed mare did appear in them, head bowed with practiced reverence.

Hwalba knaze...” she addressed Twilight with a calm voice, “Honored Lord Blessed of Family Fang wishes to express hope that you have had a good rest and a filling first meal. He is inviting you to join him in the main cavern of the Iug. The weather outside is good right now, but as rains happen around here quite often, he would like to advise some additional clothing with that in mind, just in case.”

“Very thoughtful of him,” Twilight did respond to that, very much meaning her words. “Is he planning a long excursion from the Mountain, then? As a part of tonight?”

The healer shook her head. “Not into the forests proper, no, hwalba knaze. But, as I understand, he wishes to show you around it. The mehikereti and the local glades. He hoped that you would indulge him a little. Give him a chance to partake in one of his pastimes.”

“... which is?” Twilight asked when Rowan Berry paused a little.

“He wasn’t more specific, but... I think he had anticipated your question, since he wanted to assure it had nothing to do with unforeseen or more intense circumstances.”

“Very well.”

Twilight could believe the lack of “intensity” for the night, but she had had her fair share of sudden situations, so... she would have to keep at least some guard up.

... no, she wouldn’t. Not as much. She had made a promise to herself.

However, speaking of unforeseen circumstances...

Hwlabu haspadr also mentioned that, to sate hunger and thirst, there shall be a... ah... what is that word...” Rowan Berry paused, even bit her lip a little. “Forgive me, Honored Princess, I think I have it, but I find it a little... strange to say. ‘Pic... nic’?”

“A picnic, really?!” Twilight asked in return, with... actually lot more enthusiasm than she thought she had in her at the idea. She mitigated herself a little. “He wishes for us to enjoy eating outside?”

Tac, hwalba knaze,” Rowan Berry affirmed, still stoic and official. “A meal shall be arranged at one of the glades.”

“I think it’s a wonderful proposition.”

The healer didn’t find it as amazing as Twilight had, apparently, only nodding her head. “We shall wait for you out of the chambers, hwalba knaze...” she announced. “With your permission.”

Twilight had little to gain in denying it, considering the mare’s disposition. And as soon as she did, Rowan Berry curtsied, turned around and took her leave. Without one more glance.

It was time to ponder certain matters once again, it appeared. If Rowan Berry was constantly feeling bad about Midnight, or was playing some sort of a game, then...

A promise was a promise!

Twilight wasn’t sure if it was her own mind, or even the reflection behind her making desperately sure she wouldn’t become some internal oath breaker. So, despite it all, she had to let go of these thoughts. There would be an opportunity and a place for them yet.

Tonight... well, tonight, of all things, there was a picnic!

Last time Twilight had enjoyed one was... far more private, if that could have been called a “picnic”. She could think of a few more words to describe it, after all...

But before all of the romantic that... it had been back in Equestria that she had enjoyed such time of leisure. With her friends, on the fields surrounding Ponyville. With the wind in her mane and the fragrance of flowers tickling her nostrils.

Sigh. She hoped that the best wishes and assurances of her well-being she had put in the message had alleviated any fears that the girls had felt. It had been... quite a while that she was gone already, after all. And there was not much to say about how much longer this would take. Twilight could only hope that Equestria wasn’t tackling any crises at the moment...

And it wasn’t that she was minding being shown more of Noctraliya, the place was far richer in customs and culture than she could have ever imagined. Still... it was hard not to miss home and her closest friends...

At least she had Midnight by her side. And, she couldn’t deny, their love was helping her immensely in those moments of melancholy.

The stallion, with new bandages on and armor neatly cleaned, smiled at her warmly as she exited the chamber, using the fact that Rowan Berry was momentarily looking the other way. Twilight would hope for more than just a quick facial expression, followed by a wink, but she was going to take all which she could.

She hoped that entire night would work just like that. Granting her ample opportunities to catch a breather.

The main cavern of the Mountain was not necessarily bustling with activity, but many of the local batponies were going about their business. Twilight actually almost missed Blessed Fang at first, even though he was waiting not far from the cave’s center with a pair of his sentinels. It was slightly easier to overlook him that night, as he wasn’t wearing his usual chasuble. Instead, he brandished one of those local gowns, buttoned right up his neck. In a rich, mahogany color, with a fur trim and traditional markings done in silver thread.

And, which was rather surprising, his Lord’s circlet and his black cloak where nowhere to be seen.

... at least, until Twilight spotted a neatly secured box, inscribed with the Family Fang sign, in possession of one of the accompanying warriors. She supposed that it was a matter of tradition, to have them nearby at all times, even when leisure was considered. It... made her feel a little silly about leaving her own insignia behind completely, in favor of a more travel-oriented clothing. Still, at first glance, their attires matched rather well their intent to, simply said, have a night off.

Blessed Fang smiled gently upon witnessing Twilight, giving her a small bow.

Neskaza Lunee... welae tueu noc illum, Knaze Crepuscle Iskre.

“I welae Neskaza Lunee... illum tuu noc tez, hwalbu haspadr.”

“A greeting most honoring, Honored Princess,” the stallion commented, his expression betraying much satisfaction. “May the merciful Goddess allow us this night of gratitude for Her many gifts. By which, I mean, a night of light enjoyment.”

Twilight hid a giggle behind her hoof. “I will allow myself to bet that the Goddess shall not mind us taking a little step away from all the intensity of the previous nights.”

“I like to believe so as well,” the stallion replied with piety and that small amount of natural, mundane hope. “And I would like to expect the weather to stay clear, though one must always take into consideration some rain around the Mountain of Fang...” he explained, pointing in the direction they were to walk.

Twilight had to ask first, however. For the sake of decorum and genuine care, she thought. “Honored Lord, haven’t you asked the Honored Lord Consort about her accompanying us?”

The stallion smiled in response. “I have, fear not, Honored Princess. I wouldn’t forget about my beloved wife. And she was for the idea, very much. But, considering her blessed state, she did already go to where we are first heading, with the help of her personal servants.”

“Oh, of course, I should have guessed that,” Twilight berated herself, but the Lord only shook his head, beginning to lead her the right way at a quite leisurely pace.

“Please, there’s no silly mistake here to feel bad about. It is only that, well, my wife does need the additional time and help right now. But that is completely natural...” he commented in a light tone, despite its usual remoteness. “Though, I wish to ask, if you shall not mind my curiosity. And if it is not something that is, perhaps... what was that word... taboo to ask about.”

Twilight’s ears perked up. “Yes, that is the word, but... what would be your question then, Honored Lord?”

“I take it that you are not yet married and you don’t have offspring of your own?” he inquired, giving her a little glance.

“Oh, no, no,” she replied, shaking her head rather rapidly. “Haven’t really had the chance nor the opportunity, truth be told.”

Why was he asking?

Blessed Fang bowed his head just a little. “Forgive me if that is something you might not wish to discuss, I didn’t want to impose. Simply a matter of curiosity.”

“Curiosity is nothing bad, no. However...” Twilight decided to try some deduction. “I... think I know why would you be intrigued, Honored Lord. Considering your unique situation, I would find it only understandable.”

She was making a little bet, true, but the stallion seemed to follow the same reasoning.

“I’m glad you think so, hwalba knaze...” he responded, casually checking one of the silver buttons of his robe as they trotted on, met with glances and cordial bows of the local denizens. “It is interesting to me personally, yes. As far as I understood it from the ‘Thought of Equestria’, you are regarded as royalty through the possession of the Divine Aspect... but without any pressure to create a bloodline, is that right? Naturally, Bogine or her sister are above such matters of succession, but your position would be different, yes?”


Twilight wasn’t sure if she was entirely comfortable with the topic. As far as she knew, neither Princess Celestia nor Princess Luna had ever had, nor were interested in starting families in the traditional sense, the former being a mother figure notwithstanding. As to Twilight herself, well... she had only recently had a rather beautiful conversation about it... and with the stallion who was gallantly following her that very moment.

Still, the Lord was asking. She didn’t want to begin the night with a faux pas. Or did she...?

“I feel like I am not really under any sort of pressure... I mean, I could talk about my brother, Shining Armor and his wife, my close friend. There wasn’t really any expectations on them, but they were happily married before Cadance became the Princess of the Crystal Empire and she also does bear alicornhood... the Divine Aspect,” Twilight explained calmly. “I suppose there will be starting a family soon, but I haven’t heard about any special expectations, Honored Lord...”

“The Crystal Empire...” Blessed Fang repeated the name to himself. “Yes... I’ve read about that place. I have to say that the descriptions of the nation and the kleynotani seemed to me a little... fantastical at first. Houses purely out of minerals on the surface, brave, jousting warriors, some strange, traditional musical instrument I won’t even try to pronounce. Not to even mention when I learnt about their...” he paused and then hissed briefly, shaking his head. “But that is of no matter right now, it is not what I am asking about...”

He claimed, but something about that and the tone of the Lord’s voice was a little worrying for Twilight. She had to make a little mental pin for herself regarding the topic...

But Blessed Fang was making a declaration and it was better to pay attention. “I suppose my thought is that I find it rather captivating how different we can be whilst still having common ground.”

Well, that was quite optimistic. “I grasp that, yes. And, honestly, Honored Lord, I am harboring great respect for you and the duties you are performing as the Lord of the Family. And I take it you understand what I mean in this perspective.”

Tac, I do,” the young stallion grasped it without delay. “Me and Rozgozkiel had to be ready to take upon us the responsibility without delay and without protest,” he spoke solemnly, but then his eyes shone and his lips curved into a smile. “But, grata Bogine, we have known each other since childhood, pretty much. And, much to the joy of our roditi, we always had kind feelings towards each other. So the marriage was less of a matter of obligation and assuring Family stability through a union of prominent heirs of their respective bloodlines... but rather a realization. That our strong connection can bloom into something more. And, I don’t think it would be imprudent to admit, we both relished that idea...”

“Oh, that is most fortunate for both of you! And rather beautiful,” Twilight commented, considering that the Lord definitely enjoyed talking about it.

“Thank you, hwalba knaze,” Blessed Fang replied. “I thank the Goddess that it was so. However, even if things were different... duty is duty. I could say that I am speaking only for myself, but I know Kindlefang well enough to claim that she would not shrink from it.” He took a deep breath and nodded. “And yet, even when there is amatie, marriage is not just a conclusion of it. It is something one still constantly builds. Upon mutual respect, understanding of one’s role and reaching accords... Add to it a little grace of Neskaza Lunee... and love can grow naturally, provided with such a fertile soil.”

It was a nice sentiment... and more than just that. To hear it from such a young pony was simultaneously encouraging and perplexing. And it definitely gave Twilight something to think about on the way to their destination.

The gate of the Mountain of Fang was accessible from a smaller side cavern and, compared to the one at the Sanctuary or the Mountain of Midnight, was relatively small. Still as solid and engraved with the various, traditional signs, naturally. It opened wide with the sound of grinding metal, revealing the gravel path outside, leading both to the side, as well as downwards. Granting a visible choice of heading to the mountain meadows or the thickets of the valleys below.

Twilight took a deep breath, welcomed again by the great outdoors with the scent of mountain air and a whiff of humid forest.

The air in the caverns never really bothered her, but... such a refreshing scent definitely caused her head to spin just a little. And it wasn’t a bad thing at all. The freshness of the highlands really worked for her! And the nature’s own perfume in the domain of the Fangs gave her a new set of sensations outright.

As the weather held so far, Blessed Fang wasted little time. Taking the side direction, the stroll was leading them towards the open meadows, girdling the fierce summit of the Mountain. Twilight could easily spot that the grasses here were taller and denser. And even in the gentler light of the stars and the divine Moon, Twilight could clearly appreciate the wondrous clusters of flowers. Lilac, white, powder blue, yellow. Like gems scattered across a green carpet by a most generous, almost unreasonably so, host.

And this flora was the worth of jewels to some. Anticipating what was to come, Twilight paid particular attention to the possible presence of any bees. Wondering if, considering the exotic, nocturnal tempo of life in Noctraliya, the insects have come to share the night as well.

Regardless, in a matter of minutes, she could spot what exactly did Blessed Fang want to show her. And the sight could easily explain why a guild of candle makers could be one of the more influential between the Seven Mountains.

From a little hill they stood on, Twilight could easily see a number of apiaries, in the vast expanses of the meadows or bordering the smaller thickets. The distance and the spacing... and the look of those made her think like she was witnessing a little civilization of its own, one dedicated entirely to the beauty of nature and the hard work for its bounty. She had seen some bee yards back in Equestria, but the structures built for them around here were no mere rudimentary houses. The distinctive markings of the Fang Family were visible even from this distance, yes, but the entire colonies were done in a distinctive, quite ornamental style.

“I say, Honored Lord,” Twilight turned to the Lord, who was admiring the sight right next to her. “Never have I thought that I shall be jealous of bee’s lifestyle. That is some masterful woodwork! Some of those hives look like palaces!”

“Thank you, hwalba knaze. Hard work of the bees should be appreciated in some way. Of course, we doubt that they can admire it themselves really,” he replied, chuckling a little. “But that does not mean one cannot show a certain level of deference to them. Besides... why wouldn’t one do it?”

He pointed down the pathway leading in between the colonies, deciding to explain it more to Twilight, who allowed herself to admire the Fangs craft from this, reasonable distance.

“Different wood used in the mehikereti can have an effect on both the wax and the honey. Quality is very important to us, though I know saying that makes me sound a lot more... mundane. Still, since we try to master keeping bees, it helps to have... how do you call those, comparative studies?”

“Yes, naturally.”

“So, if we are providing them with different hives to affect the produce, why not also train one’s hoof in carvings at the same time? These little homes are sturdy and elegant and appropriately marked, to protect their little denizens from dangers. And, what I think is most important, even with the way we embellish the hives, their beauty lies in those sorts of... frames in them. That one can retrieve from above, when the bees make a comb on them. We take as much as necessary and then put them back, without disturbing the hives much.”

He pointed at one of those little residences, indeed. That particular one looked like it was carved out of one, solid trunk, that was now stylized as a mountain’s side, with not only the bark acting as rough rock, but decorated with small, wooden figurines of sheep, grazing on the soft if still, carved grass.

“I want to think that the bees love those houses indeed, as the bounty of our mehikereti is quite wonderful,” the Lord claimed. “And speaking of matters wonderful...”

Twilight would giggle at that particular segue, but Blessed Fang really meant it when none other than his wife became visible from behind one of the apiary’s clusters. As far as Twilight could tell, the Lord Consort had been brought there on a slightly modified sitting, effectively a litter, with carrying poles used by four of her servants. Who were now standing at attention, having witnessed the Lord and Twilight approaching, with the noble mare resting comfortable on furs placed across the grass.

Kindlefang was a little less official than her entourage, waving her hoof gracefully. She spoke as soon as shouting wasn’t required.

Hwalba knaze, benu noc. I’m glad so much to welcome you. To this domain of mine,” she claimed, with a most sincere smile. Even if a little vain.

“A domain of quite the resplendence,” Twilight admitted without shame.

For, indeed, the Lord-Consort could very well pass for the absolute queen bee of the place. Which, as it looked like, was exactly the impression she was hoping to give. Her honey-hued mane was neatly combed and fell like a golden curtain behind her, held on the top with a jeweled brooch that reflected moonlight with eagerness and clarity. This diadem, like a fragrant flower, was the focal point of many, smaller jewels, both on her ears and on her elegant dress the color of the night’s sky. All of those precious stones, those black and yellow ones Twilight had seen before, were positioned in a way to make one think of a swarm of bees on their eager way to reach that flowery crown that embellished Kindlefang’s head.

Twilight also knew and knew it well, that the young mare was indeed enjoying the fact that she was being examined. That the wealth and import of her position and her heritage was transparent and causing awe. Or even envy. Twilight could easily feel, not that she would be in some way troubled or insulted by it, that Kindlefang did not mind being such center of attention.

Blessed Fang approached his wife and bowed his head a little in a warm, if official, greeting. “Kwomdo bide tue?” he asked.

Bena, nye griya...” the mare replied with a smile far gentler than the one of an admired, self-centered lady, which doubly reassured Twilight.

The Lord returned the expression eagerly, then turned away from the Lord Consort briefly. “I might be haspadr of the Family, but here? I feel like my dear wife has more power.”

“That statement does not surprise me, if I might back it,” Twilight told him with honesty. “This apiary is not only quite grand, but I am amazed by both its look and the sheer number of hives. Some of those clusters are ‘mountains’ of their own!”

Kindlefang laughed, shaking her head. “More bees than those who inhabit a Mountain usually, easily,” she claimed, looking majestically about her domain of honey and wax. “And I might have some power, but my grandfather is one in charge still. Little me? I’m just married to haspadr and carrying the child.”

Twilight would consider that sentence quite humble, if it wasn’t for the fact that the tone had more zest to it than one would need for humility.

“But!” Kindlefang raised her hoof, her mouth laughing and her fangs glinting in the moonlight. “Bees are resting. Means we have more room for some food for us too, no?”

“Quite so...” Blessed Fang concurred. “I was thinking of perhaps a place a little lower, but I think here would also work for this little... what is the term? ‘Get-together’?”

Twilight nodded her head with a small laugh. The Lord waved his hoof at the servants, who began setting up a little feast, right there in the middle of the meadow. Nothing overbearing or ruining the premise of a picnic as it had been promised. Still, Twilight had never had actual retainers setting up a meal like that...

How could this be called? A bee garden party?

Regardless, there was some time before again enjoying the freshness of Noctraliya’s fruit. She used said moment to take in the surroundings, past the hives and the flowering fields. The Mountain of Fang behind her was piercing the sky above with its sharpness, if not its sheer height. Its brethren, forming the rest of the range, were also of less grandeur, but it didn’t make them simultaneously lack ferocity. Towards the north, they were becoming more and more profound again, where, as Twilight well remembered, lay the domain of the Midnight Family.

And to the west of this location... was Equestria. It seemed rather distant. Longing made it so, certainly, but also...

She took a few trots up the gentle slope, to have a better view. She spotted Midnight keeping nearby and sent him a kind glance, but then her eyes ventured beyond the closest pines and spruces. Those few thickets appeared welcoming and gentle... but beyond them, Twilight could see what would truly make the return to her homeland perilous, if she were to take a straight trip that direction.

The great trees of the Feral Weald were clearly envious of the mountains and grew up to hide some of them from her sight. The domain of nature and untold dangers, despite what she already knew about some of them, occupied the vale, sprawling and both... imperious and tyrannical.

Well... maybe Twilight was exaggerating. But even from this distance, her eyes were cautiously watching for any distant, dancing lights... And though she remembered well that cracked, malicious smile, it was as if she... wanted to see it again. There was a pull in her she found hard to ignore, born out of shock and great interest, without a doubt. Despite knowing the hazardous nature of this desire, she pondered on it. The researcher in her would not mind having an opportunity to—

Hwalba knaze?


She almost swatted at Blessed Fang, who had approached her in the meantime and whose voice caused her to jump a little.

Hwalba knaze, are you alright?” he asked and she could clearly see that he was fighting a laugh. “Bogine, have I suddenly become terrifying?”

“No! No, no, no, I was just... I mean, unless you want to be, Honored Lord, then I guess it worked!” she replied, trying to regain composure quickly.

It didn’t help that she, indeed, caused him to chuckle. “I think I prefer to inspire than intimidate, but I have some way to go when it comes to that. I was just wondering,” he continued, doing his best not to comment further on her sudden reaction, that much was clear, “if I could be excused for a couple moments.”

“Oh, uhm,” Twilight mumbled a little, but then saw the stallion’s eyes locked onto the meadow before him. And something... sweet was in them.

He clearly wasn’t thinking of trying to spot a Lesyi. And she, thankfully, quickly spotted the right answer in her mind.

“... and why would I be giving you permissions, Honored Lord?” she replied, trying to sound diplomatic.

“Point taken, as I think it is said in your language,” he responded with a slight grin. “Still, decorum dictates such a question, especially when one is a host.” He pointed down the slope a little. “I am just going to walk about the place a moment. See if I can find something nice to add to my collection.”

“Collection? What would you mean, Honored Lord?”

The stallion exhaled a little. “Of course, silly me, haven’t mentioned it before I suppose.” He waved his foreleg, as if trying to encompass the entirety of the grass and the flowers and the open, wonderful space before him. “If my wife is the one for mehi, I am actually a... little opposite. Or, to say simpler... I am one to collect the blooms,” he explained, inhaling deeply, taking in the smell of the distant woods, the mountain wind... and the abundance of colorful flora. “Haven’t done that for some time, actually. Too much on my head. But... tonight I feel like I want to try and get back into it.”

Twilight tilted her head a little. But soon realized that it was a gesture to focus better on what he had said, rather than one to express surprise or, which would be most misleading, confusion or disapproval.

“Blooms for... drying? And pressing?” She actually gesticulated with her hooves and Blessed Fang did eagerly nod.

“Exactly. Our Rodine puts great emphasis on trophies, mine are just a little more... colorful, I suppose.”

Twilight, having restored her poise, actually found that sentence to be particularly adorable and heartwarming. It looked like the Lord, who had always appeared a little distant and above the mundane world, was not forgetting about the beauty of it.

Actually, it made a lot of sense.

“I’m not sure if I am... proper or qualified to say it, but I believe that the Immaculate Moon... would enjoy the fact that we find beauty around us and not forget about it. Even if our duties are many and important, making us often look up or past what is around us. I definitely see wonders in this mountainous land and I’m glad that I’m not alone in it.”

“Well said, Honored Princess...” the Lord agreed. “But actions speak a little louder still,” he said, both seriously and as a joke, then trotted down the slope, granting his wife a passing glance and a warm smile on his way.

Twilight, also, decided not to be tempted further by the distant presence of the Weald and joined the Lord Consort. Also since the servants were almost done with setting up this makeshift meal. The furs on the ground were actually rather comfortable and nopony would deny that a refreshing fruit underneath a starlit sky was a pleasant thing, indeed.

Midnight, who took his place next to Twilight, in a respectable distance naturally, patiently waited until she grabbed for herself some food. Rowan Berry, likewise, took her time, both of them silent and stoic, as a loyal retinue should have been.

So it was Kindlefang who actually began the conversation, watching her husband, the Lord, trotting cautiously around the meadow below. She pointed at the two sentinels, like two statues that had decided to randomly display themselves, half-way between the picnic and Blessed Fang.

“I know that safety is important,” she began, “but I think they are not matching the scene.”

Twilight had to agree and did so with a smile. “No, not really, Honored Lord Consort. But such is the reality of leadership. It comes with its certain drawbacks, even during times of leisure.”

The mare laughed a little and tried to make herself more comfortable. She waved at one of her servants, who brought forth a small pillow from one of his sacks and placed it behind the mare’s back as she rested sideways on the furs. Constantly mindful of her state.

“Few drawbacks is better,” she commented, stretching herself a bit. “Yes, duty is important. But duty can also... how to speak of it... it can take much too much space in life. Well...” Kindlefang put a hoof across her belly. “Some taken space is not bad.”

“Definitely not,” Twilight replied, agreeing wholeheartedly. “But I also know what you mean, Honored Lord Consort. It is very easy to lose oneself in one’s role. Forget that we are still just... ponies. We need our comfort... also so that we can fulfill our duties better and for longer that way.”

“I take the comfort as part of payment for my role,” the young mare responded, sounding a little cheeky. “You give, you take. I like to take my due and see not a thing wrong with that.”

Twilight could ponder on that longer, but she didn’t hear anything out of place in the mare’s voice. It was simply a tone of a young Lord Consort fully aware of her importance and finding said comfort in it and the perks of the role.

Actually, speaking of which, just as Twilight was finishing her second orange, trying not to make too much of a mess on the rich furs despite the juice dripping copiously from the fruit, Blessed Fang came back.

And he had a legful of flowers with him.

Kindlefang laughed melodiously when she spotted him. “Nye zbit wiel, iaeu marit?”

The stallion just smiled, his expression both naturally distant and very, very direct. “Nye dla tue, iaa dilece,” he replied, and Twilight realized that the vast majority of his collection was neatly tied up into a bouquet which the Lord presented to his wife, kneeling down by her side.

It was like something out of a romantic tale and Twilight couldn’t stop but smile at such a genuine, deep gesture. Especially since Blessed Fang’s choice of flowers, heathers and mountain daisies, paintbrushes and arnicas and lupines, made for a quite wonderful and most colorful gift. A little meadow, right in his hooves.

Kindlefang laughed again. She took the generous offering, smelled it and giggled, looking back at Twilight.

“Sometimes, somepony gets more than due,” she said, burrowing her muzzle in between the blooms again, to take in more of their fragrance. “If you have such wonderful Lord and husband.”

Blessed Fang beamed, that much was blatant. And his wife’s stare conveyed even more affection towards him. Affection he was not only happy... but also quite eager to return, that much Twilight could witness in his gaze.

And that much the stallion was, himself, aware of. He let out a small exhale before looking over the gathered, starting from Twilight and ending on Kindlefang’s servants.

“If I could have everypony look away, for a moment.”

That wasn’t the strangest of requests one would expect from a Lord, Twilight thought. Still, she couldn’t stop a small giggle as she diligently followed everypony in granting Blessed Fang and Kidlefang some assumed privacy for, what she could imagine, was a tender kiss.

Local tradition demanded lack of direct witnesses for such gestures and, well, the Lord took care of that in a specific way, which made Twilight quite amused. And happy for the two.

She also used this opportunity to glance at Midnight... who was already peeking her way. And though it would have been too risky to be opportunistic right there and then... she saw him mouthing three words in Equestrian which were more than clear to her.

Her lips replied, silently, in Noctraliyar. And she got a roguish wink back for it. So she rolled her eyes a little and a smile briefly danced across her muzzle.

She knew that she would, with the more eagerness, hope for the next time they would share a moment of closeness.

Because everypony deserved their chance at love.

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