• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XLVIII – I Say Unto You

Twilight recalled this room well. Too well, almost.

The Seat of the Covenant looked that night as splendorous as it had before, up from the opulent chandelier of silver and sapphires, down to the great table with cloth as dark as the night’s embrace. The splendor matched the import of the place, both for her hosts and for her.

It fit all too well, regarding what was about to happen.

Twilight’s attention was also immediately grasped by the grand map, hanging still to the chamber’s side. Portraying the lands under the domain of the batponies, alongside that one piece of their former territory now firmly in Equestrian grasp. That thorn in history that nopony back home had any idea about... almost nopony, that was.

Twilight took a deep breath. Her letter must have arrived by this point. Any and all advice would be helpful. The sooner the better.

Although... she at least felt that she was ready to tackle the Covenant that night on her own.

She had to be, simple as that.

Her newfound confidence and the conversation with Midnight would definitely help... also alongside the fact that, surprisingly, the chair she was to occupy this particular time was not positioned awkwardly, on the very corner, but slightly towards Blessed Fang’s own seat. Twilight presumed convenience could have been partly to blame for it, but she was far more relaxed not sitting on the edge, as if the table itself was pointing towards her in accusation.

She was well prepared to receive and rebuke any charges, speaking of those. After all, she represented a nation occupying former batpony territories...

Sigh. It sounded so tedious in her mind. All she wanted to do was to bring Friendship.

Twilight was ready to take her place among the Lords, but tradition dictated waiting. Blessed Fang remained, after all, by his throne, still standing with his chest and back exposed. The sleeves of his traditional gown had swept the ground all the way towards the Seat, marking a pathway to follow. And the stallion, despite his current look, wore an expression which was pensive and gathered.

He was awaiting everypony with visible conviction.

Crimson Shade, being the pony to have picked up Blessed Fang’s discarded cloak, moved around Twilight and stood firmly before the young Lord.

Tuu plazt u haspadr, ktor tu yacte kwam syimet.

Iau plazt u prodan, ktor ia pakinute kwam wizwan. Kwod Bogine wolunee to,” the younger stallion responded immediately, keeping an unbreakable eye contact.

Twilight spotted the mutual respect hidden even behind the stern words, especially when Crimson Shade did pass the cloak back to its rightful owner with a dose of veneration. The congregation patiently waited until Blessed Fang restored his proper look and only then did they all occupy their seats. Tension, however, was still palpable and, if Midnight Eye was to be believed, this marked only the beginning of the gathering.

Everypony remained silent for a few heartbeats, staring into unspecified distance before them. Even Blessed Fang, standing in perfect stillness just nearby. Twilight attempted, for the best and reasonable part, to copy her hosts’ behavior, though she understood that she was definitely not authorized to follow these sort of customs to the letter.

Not that she felt the desire too. She much preferred to study them from the perspective of a bystander, having been given a chance that, as she imagined, many scholars could only dream of being granted.

A moment longer had passed, but then Blessed Fang finally took a deep breath. Profound, even.

“By the boundless grace of the Goddess, Immaculate Moon...” he began in Equestrian, causing everypony to focus with the bowing of their heads, “have I prepared a speech as befits custom and tradition. To invoke Our Mother, Her Gaze and Her Presence upon us all. I have studied the rites of this meeting and its import. And the necessary declarations to make, to call for forgiveness for my daring, to implore you all, Honored Lords, to listen to my cause and remind yourself of the weight upon our shoulders. Of the consequences of the lack of consensus. And—”

“And you’re about to give it like the proper colt you are,” Bright Crescent interrupted, shaking his head in a most derogatory way. “So quit posturing, and—”

“And I will not be giving it.”

Twilight looked about. She was expecting to, indeed, bear witness to a lot... but not this. And neither did anypony else, clearly. She felt all of those curious stares missing her by just inches, focusing on the youngest member of the esteemed congregation.

She could still feel their intensity through sheer proximity. And it wasn’t a pleasurable sensation.

Midnight Eye leaned forth, astonishment breaking through his impassive facade. “Haspadr Aldatu u Kiel, are you meaning to tell us that you are suddenly and abruptly abandoning the custom that you have already engaged in with the ceremonial Challenge of the Cloak?”

Blessed Fang did not falter. “I suppose it could be viewed as such. Though I have partaken in the Wizwan u Plazt with full understanding, I am forced to make certain adjustments to the time-tested ways.”

Puel, tu znat kwo tu robit?” came a question from Sunfall Word. Twilight wasn’t sure if she ever heard the venerable stallion with so much disquiet in his voice. Though it certainly matched the atmosphere in the chamber.

Ia nye znat... ale Bogine tac. Ipe ducte iau um i iau ziw,” came the young Lord’s response.

“Strong words, Aldatu Kiel,” Crimson Shade chimed in from Twilight’s other side. He was craning his head over the table to see better around her. Though with a gaze that could have likely pushed her away, if only she was the target of it after all. “It is enough that you force a meeting with this ancient sokas, now you change it all, invoking the most holy Goddess?”

“And I do it with full responsibility for my words and actions. As clear...” Blessed Fang hesitated for just a breath, “as Her Light, pure and bright. Shining down upon our esteemed guest.”

Twilight nodded, listening to the conviction in his words... only after a breath realizing that he actually meant her. Her and that incredible circumstance that had been, as it miraculously happened, bestowed upon her in the Great Shrine.

And now all the other Lords were directly looking at her, as if that phenomenon just occurred again. She straightened in her seat, saying nothing and holding her ground. After all, she expected Blessed Fang to further make a point.

But Azure Mist interceded after all, shaking her head to the jangling of her opulent earrings. Her mane turned into an image of a turbulent blizzard.

“Now that is simply preposterous. With all due respect to our guest,” she claimed, which Twilight found incredibly ironic, “these rites and rules have been established generations ago, almost at the very first Cowene gathering. They have been observed ever since. They haven’t been changed for anypony, not even the most famous of our ancestors and definitely cannot change for—”

“But they shall,” Blessed Fang interrupted her firmly and shortly.

Definitely causing her to exhale in stunned indignation. She let out a short hiss right afterwards, gazing at him with pure vitriol.

He wasn’t moved by it. At least not enough, Twilight could tell, though she was certain that he felt all the omnipresent pressure quite well.

“I am not here to discuss this matter, Honored Lords. I am here to communicate it. Just as one should do to the will of the Goddess when one is granted a true glimpse of it. For one does not wish for the Sign of the Goddess to be again hidden behind clouds when it did appear above him, alight brightly. Nye, but one should praise Her, that She reveals Her glory and designs!”

Of all things to respond to this pious statement, it was Bright Crescent’s giggle that circled the chamber first. “Ha! Look at this, and here I thought this was going to be so boring,” he declared, leaning back in his throne with a grin. “I say we let Aldatu Kiel perform his new play and as the sole star of it! Who knows, perhaps it is actually groundbreaking?”

“The ground would seem more likely to break first,” Crimson Shade muttered, rather discouraged. “Blessed Fang, I trust your declaration upon the Goddess’ name. I cannot imagine somepony like you making it lightly, but... are you certain your choice is not in any way influenced by strong emotions or...?”

Twilight was certain that at least one pony around her would be insulted by what the stallion’s tone insinuated. She had learned quite quickly that being overcome by feelings and visibly so could be frowned upon. But for his young age, the Lord right next to her was adamant.

Hwalbu haspadr Grimzinu u Rodine Umber, your reservations are understandable and your prudence – appreciated. But I stand here not as a child, I stand here,” he replied, glancing towards the night’s sky, somewhere behind the rocky walls of the mountain, “as Her servant and a haspadr myself.”

“And you would expect us to simply respect things as such? Just like that? With what you are attempting to do to our ancient customs?” Azure Mist asked of him, in an audible challenge.

Blessed Fang simply took another breath and then gifted her with a gaze.

A gaze frightening with its detachment, as Twilight would testify. It was a stare of a pony that pierced through what was around and palpable and mundane. One that had seen the metaphysical beyond. Were he a unicorn, she was certain, he could have witnessed all the arcane ley lines around at the very moment... but she had a feeling that his eyes were seeing even more than that.

And his voice testified for it.

“I don’t expect you to respect it,” he uttered in Azure Mist’s direction. “You will.”

Twilight felt on the verge of pushing herself deeply into her chair, but she withstood that proclamation after all.

Unlike Azure Mist, who was rendered speechless even further than before, sharing amazement with the rest of the chamber.

Blossom, perched on Dusk Harvest’s shoulder, did her best to hide behind his mane and the stallion himself looked like he would not mind disappearing behind his seating. The venerable Sunfall Word remained silent and seemingly untouched by this dare, but Twilight knew, instinctively, that he was considering it all with great care. Crimson Shade leaned back, looking somewhere to the side, even Bright Crescent appeared a little nervous, for all of his usual impishness.

It was up to Midnight Eye to ultimately declare what Twilight had predicted could be the only reasonable and possible statement after what had been said.

Haspadr Aldatu Kiel, your alteration is... sudden. Having in mind your invocations upon the Immaculate Moon... we will hear you out. And judge your position with the necessary severity, considering your choice.” He looked about. “Any objections?”

Nopony let out even as much as a hiss. Though Twilight was far more than certain that Azure Mist wanted to object and chastise. Still, the silent permission was granted to Blessed Fang.

He did not squander this opening.

“Honored Lords... and our honored guest,” he began, granting Twilight an acknowledging look. “What I wish to say encompasses the fate of our kin and those that dwell under the fiery light of the Judging Sun... and so I shall say it in the tongue of the Honored Princess. As there must be no lack of understanding.”

Twilight did return Blessed Fang’s gaze with gratitude, but still felt well enough the criticizing glances of the other Lords.

Regardless, the young haspadr wanted to involve her, which was good.

She didn’t know exactly what for still, which was bad.

She recalled when, in the strange, blessed light in the Great Shrine their eyes had met before. That feeling of a terrible omen in the depths of his stare. Right before a mystical grace upon her. Whatever that had been, Twilight could not see it anymore in the Lord’s citrine gaze. And she didn’t think it was because he had locked it deep within him.

Something happened in the Great Shrine. Something that nopony expected.

She was about to find out what, though.

Blessed Fang again looked over the gathered, taking in a deep breath. It wasn’t shaky in any way, as much as Twilight could tell... but it was hard to miss the very aura of nervousness in such close proximity.

It wasn’t a young colt’s whimsy which had caused this situation. It was a deliberate... and alarming choice.

“Honored Lords. Honored Princess. I stand before you, as your peer, as the head of Family Fang. But also as the humble servant of the Immaculate Moon... by choice and by the gift bestowed upon me through my talent. I stand here, hoping that through my life and service I provide for Her faithful, in accordance with Her will.”

He had mentioned that this was not the deliberate speech he had planned... but it felt no less strong so far, Twilight felt.

“Her will. Will of the Goddess, the merciful and kind, full of grace. In accordance with Her providence, which she grants to those she deems worthy of it. And, I think, I believe, I know that currently we are finding ourselves following Her grand design. And I also know, that we must hope and pray that we are fulfilling Her great plan as She has set it...”

He took a small break, to emphasize his point and take another deep breath.

“But who can fathom the Will of the Goddess? Which one of us would dare say that they have seen through Her patterns, Her mystifying aims to better our lives? To say as such would be a lie, would be hubris. We call ourselves the Children of the Goddess and, like colts and fillies, we need to be shown direction. Through Her signs and words of many portents we are guided when necessary. And it comes to us, and to our eagerness, and to our piety, to read into those portents. To interpret them, apply them to our mortal understanding.”

Twilight pondered on those words for a brief moment. There was undeniable piousness in them, one that she definitely felt respect towards, even not sharing the faith. Had she not witnessed strange happenings all around her?

Blessed Fang continued in the meantime, seeing that nopony in the chamber felt it necessary to oppose or add.

“Our sacred texts mention, which I do translate with utmost care: ‘Your eyes shall be keen and your ears at the ready, for I speak to you. In sign I am seen and in sound I am heard.’ Great truth of our Mother’s benevolence is in these words. And yet,” he pointed out, raising his hoof up, “the Immaculate Moon... knows that we are imperfect. So warns She, and this is what is written: ‘Open your hearts, ye who follow Her, open your hearts the most. The Light of Her Sign rejoices the eye and the wind in the night pleases the ear, but the heart teaches you the grace of Hers above them both.’ And I, her humble servant, did learn of the truth of those words.”

Twilight heard somepony shifting in their seat, but couldn’t be bothered to check who it was. She preferred very much to listen to ever word from Blessed Fang, who was approaching something crucial, she was more than certain. Besides... it was hard not to enjoy, in a profound way, that fervor and that focus. She could learn something from the young Lord, without a doubt.

“My eyes have been keen and my ears have been ready. And I rejoiced and was pleased, when I heard what had been delivered to me. For the Goddess’ plan had been presented before me lately, in a word that brought joy... and worry. For clarity and truth can sometimes fill one with dread, even when one knows of our Mother’s blessing. But my heart... I realize that it was locked. Locked by expectations, by assumptions and by promises.”

... what did he mean? It was unclear, and certainly not only to Twilight, as the other gathered exchanged glances that betrayed they were losing the point.

Blessed Fang was undeterred, however, which only spoke further of his assurance, if his tone and bearing weren’t proving that enough.

“I knew that I had received the sign, the wisdom of interpretation that we all were hoping for. I received it clearly, for it came it to me in the midst of prayers. Prayers for strength, for cunning and will. For our ability to build and break. To defend and to destroy. For to be unprepared for life’s plights is foolish even in the eyes of the Goddess. To hope they never come is naïve.”

Twilight felt a shudder at those unnervingly familiar statements. She recalled the idea behind them quite well. It wasn’t a mere coincidence, she was certain. And she couldn’t rule if that shiver was a good sign or yet another warning.

“Still, one should pray to the Mother for everything to have its place in life. And that warning, that ruling... it was misplaced. It interrupted my prayers, not embellished them. So I deliberated and considered and asked for further guidance. The result of which had been enigmatic to me... until I saw the Light of the Goddess upon the Honored Princess. Which forced me to accept the one course of action that I am now following.”

There was yet another session of glancing about from the Covenant as they were trying to gauge each other’s reaction. And Twilight’s. For her part, however, she did her best to appear impartial and stoic, even if she couldn’t deny her nerves.

Yes, she knew she would be playing a pivotal role for the situation in Noctraliya. But never in her wildest dreams had she ever considered that this diplomatic mission would go so far as to, at the moment, place her as a firm part of a spiritual premonition.

That is... until Blessed Fang took yet another, profound breath, muttered what must have been a prayer under his breath, and recited aloud.

“The Moon and Sun shall duel above, look to that and prepare,

The land shall give you all its gifts, not to hurt it beware.

A debt long due, to unseen might, you will have to repay,

An envoy comes, one called by you, heed to what she will say.

Listen well, children, be aware, for wisdom new she brings,

Yet careful be of sweetened lies and deviously weaved strings.

Stay faithful, strong and, in your hearts, this truth well comprehend,

Deceit and treason lurk around. The world you know shall end.”

Twilight felt herself... entranced, her eyes locked on an unspecified portion of the rich cloth over the Covenant’s table, as if she was looking deep into the expanse of the night’s sky, right between the stars. Into a place unknown and mysterious, hiding within its embrace many secrets.

She... she knew this. From somewhere. Every word, every syllable, every letter, every sound invoked in her such an incredible feeling of déjà vu... She felt like she was in two places, two moments at once. One was illuminated by an opulent chandelier. The other was lit by just a single candle, fighting against the shades.

One voice was young. Another voice was raspy. They sang together in her mind, so apart from one another, but so strong. And so conjoined in their purpose.

Ensorcelled as she was by the sentences, she still heard the room erupting in voices. But they sounded like they were on the other side of the water’s surface.

Who was drowning, who was panicking? Who was afraid of diving down?

“Blessed Fang, has the Judging Sun burned away your very senses?! You’ve translated and shared the words of a prophecy?! With a soleerane?”

“That I have.”

Puel, to bid...! To bid wyeliku gres, to nigd nye bid robite i...! Tlumat haci slovi bid porok! To musyi bid!

Bogine wolune to. To nye mozn bid porok, prod Ipe.

Aldatu Kiel! You know not what you are saying! You invoke the Goddess in a matter against...! This cannot stand!”

“I-I b-b-believe—”

“I believe... that this will be quite enough, our guest—”

“Is given far too much leniency when it comes to changing our sacred customs!”

“To be honest, I find this all hilarious. Could we do this more often?”

Tacit, Yasnu Kwadr! I have enough of your disrespect!”

“Tsk, tsk, how rude. What kind of a drama are we showing to our precious visitant?”

Twilight took it as her cue to return from the mental journey Blessed Fang’s words sent her on. And just in time, for the room did focus their eyes on her. All but the young Lord, who stood nearby, still as a statue. If statues could shiver.

She gave him a glance. And something in her mind clicked.

“I know not much of the customs shaping this meeting, which I admit freely,” Twilight began, looking over the rest of the gathered. “And yet I can recognize the importance of what had transpired. Lord Blessed of Family Fang shared a prophecy with me, which auguries, as I was made aware a long time ago, are of vital spiritual importance. And now, as everypony else aware of such a profound omen, I am bound to see it followed and fulfilled.”

The little exhale that escaped the stallion’s lips did tell her that she read his intentions perfectly.

It was a momentary decision. Born out of both the situation and this strange feeling in Twilight. Maybe she had never encountered those words before, but she had learned just enough about batpony traditions and devoutness, witnessed enough of those happening around her. Even that smaller prophecy back in the Mountain of Midnight... She immediately recognized that, with what had just transpired, she was invited into a circle of great trust.

Even if somewhat involuntarily.

Something that she, actually, had desired. When her mission appeared just as “simple” as spreading the idea of Friendship, the greatest magic of all.

To be trusted and to trust.

She took a deep breath before speaking again.

“I am certain the Honored Lord still wishes to clarify his position. He should be listened to, as befits his status as a valued member of the Covenant.”

She enunciated with utmost calmness and respect. Towards not only the young stallion, but all the gathered. As she knew all too well that anything less than that would cause an argument to erupt with renewed strength. It didn’t take an expert to read the chamber on the verge of a conflict.

... hopefully one not proceeding to a civil war. Or any other kind of war.

Midnight Eye, perhaps a little less agitated than the rest, pointed towards her and Blessed Fang with an open hoof. “I second the Honored Princess’ words. There is no point in arguing over what already transpired, the deed is done. Lord Blessed Fang,” he turned fully to the young stallion, “continue, please. Your actions tonight may yet clarify their intent and—”

“What is there to clarify?” Azure Mist protested, shaking her head. “Blessed Fang, being an antas himself, breached tradition in a way that is as surprising as unthinkable! Such a—”

“Y-y-you’re the one t-to talk, Azure M-Mist.”

The interruption was that much sudden since it came from Dusk Harvest. He was still looking somewhere in the direction of Azure Mist, not straight at her, but at least Blossom was giving the mare her full attention, exemplified by the bat’s pointy, sharp teeth.

Not really due to Blossom, but Azure Mist was at a loss for words after all. Mouthing something constantly without a sound, without even a hiss making itself audible.

Twilight knew exactly what rendered the Lord silent. The same matter that had caused her son to present a deal to supplant her if possible.

Crimson Shade was the one to speak up in place of the shocked mare. “Sadly, a... point rightly made, speaking of what breaches tradition.”

Dusk Harvest didn’t hesitate to grant the stallion a gaze filled with thankfulness.

Twilight was keen to observe every little gesture now. For there were greater games played at this table still. As Midnight Eye had told her, a meeting such as this could ultimately be about conversations, collaborations and intrigue. And some pressure.

A lot of pressure.

Azure Mist ultimately failed to find a retort. She simply sat deeper in her throne, shooting daggers with her very eyes. The more clearly, considering the slit pupils. Nevertheless, her expression could not stop the proceedings.

Everypony settled down just enough, with Lord Sunfall Word leaning back in his seat and conjoining his hooves in a fashion of a worried father figure.

Dicta tum, puel.

Blessed Fang nodded and prepared himself to continue. But just before, another glance Twilight’s side conveyed his gratitude.

“Honored Lords and Honored Princess, I am fully aware of what had transpired. I recognize what I have done. But I did it and do it still firmly believing that the Honored Princess is more than entitled to know. Does the prophecy not say: ‘An envoy comes, one called by you, heed to what she will say, listen well, children, be aware, for wisdom new she brings’? We take the wisdom, we need to give it as well, tradition dictates that. And for that reason, I shared what we have learned. For that very reason, as there is a debt we need to repay still, as convey the further words, granted by the Immaculate Moon...

“And, for all that is known and what nopony can deny... we were given a warning. A firm warning. What we have made so far, what world we, the Children of the Goddess, have created for ourselves is coming to an end. For the omen...” he finally paused in solemnity. “... has been interpreted as an omen of war.”

Twilight felt a shudder down her spine, when the conversation she had recently had with Lord Midnight Eye came back to her mind in full force. And, alongside it, the atmosphere in the chamber changed. Visibly.

Dusk Harvest seemed to have shrunk in on himself, Blossom flapping her wings as if understanding the gravity of this herself. Crimson Shade, right next to Twilight, let out a long, solemn sigh and nodded his head. Azure Mist glanced at him, then at Midnight Eye, who conjoined his hooves before his muzzle in deep thought. Sunfall Word looked towards the unseen sky.

But only Bright Crescent spoke.

“So... when do we begin?”

And, as was his want, in a tone of a friendly chat, rather than one respectful of the word still echoing at the chamber’s ceiling.

“Why is it unsurprising that you are not taking this seriously,” Midnight Eye commented with pure, unabashed scorn.

“Why is it unsurprising that you are selling me so short, Midnight Eye,” the accused retorted with a smirk. “But the word leaves tiny, tiny space for interpretation. Considering everything so far, I believe the notion is as clear as moonlight.” He pointed towards Twilight gracefully, with his open hoof. “Transparency abounds, Honored Princess, as it seems. Not to lose the impact of that little performance from Blessed Fang... for which I wish to actually praise him, wonderful form... I wish you luck in the upcoming struggle and so on and so forth.”

Twilight withstood his sentences gallantly, though unable to tell whether he was mocking her outright or suddenly decided to be quite so genuine.

“As much as I can read into your desire to quickly distance yourself from such a challenge, Honored Lord, this discussion is not finished. Nor is this meeting,” she told him adamantly. “You will have still plenty of time to demean the matter.”

Something glinted in the stallion’s eyes. Something unpleasant towards her. But also something truly authentic. And perhaps that is exactly why the Lord looked so insulted.

Still, it seemed that she made a valid point after all, as Blessed Fang corresponded with it.

“Honored Princess is right in saying so. And now, as having her part in this, she too should have the chance to present her stance, as I shall present mine.”

He gestured upwards, as if reaching with his right hoof straight for the Moon up high.

“I, Blessed of the Family Fang, by my blood and bloodline, say unto you. There are losses we have endured and lands we have lost, wisdom we need to accept and repayment we are due. The Honored Princess Twilight Sparkle came to us, with an open hoof. Now is the time we decide. Shall we accept it and through ancient laws of statecraft forge a bond to last and guide us from now on? Or shall we close our hoof and arm it with steel and through ancient laws of warfare force one? This is the choice we face.”

He stopped and exhaled.

“For the prophecy stands... and it’s meaning as well... exactly how I said it.”

Twilight easily understood that this was a terrible, if important, burden upon the young stallion. For all it was worth, even with the topic being no less dreadful, he was performing his duty with incredible spirit. Though it was taking its toll, considering that his knees were wobbling and his heart must have been thrashing in his chest.

If not out of respect for the idea, or even for the Lords being ready to debate it, which was equally abominable to her sensibility... Twilight knew she could raise to the challenge.

She looked directly at Blessed Fang and their meeting gazes marked the change of the speaker. She rose up slowly, methodically, gathering herself. She wondered if she could manage marginally better than the young Lord, considering her legs already felt like they could give.

“Honored Lords of the Covenant. I, Twilight Sparkle, Alicorn of Friendship and Princess of Equestria... am still the same pony as I was before,” she began. “When I first stood in this place, hallowed by the Goddess’ closeness, as She watches over those that gather in it, I have spoken with sincerity and openness. And those same words I could repeat just now. Equestria and its denizens seek opportunities for cooperation, establishing understanding, tolerance and solidarity. In the name of Friendship. This had not changed...”

She spoke slowly and methodically... and yet at that moment, she felt something shift in her. And she knew exactly what it was. She knew exactly where it came from.

If this were to be a path onward for both Equestria and Noctraliya, for the ponies that walked in the Sun and those dwelling under the Moon...there was a need for making a stand. A proper, firm stand.

“This had not changed, despite everything. The knowledge of the Soleera Cruziate only opened my heart further to the Children of the Goddess’ plights and I wept sincere tears for all that had transpired. In return for it... I faced deception. I came with a willing mind and a clear desire for reaching harmonious, positive relations and in return I was granted insults, veiled and blatant. I arrived to speak of tightening our bonds, forging understanding... and instead I find myself in contemplation of war. A war which would open a fresh wound to deal with an ancient scar...”

She took a deep, solemn breath.

“I brought forth with me my gift. Of Friendship, my ‘wisdom’. Backed and blessed by the will of the Immaculate Moon... For I had talked with Her in the flesh. Her words I had received, loud and clear. I was to become Her own opportunity to bring noctrali closer to Equestria. And, despite everything, I shall not abandon this calling. I shall not shrink from this task from the Goddess... regardless of all that I had been experiencing from Her children.”

Twilight paused. Or ended. She didn’t know yet. She wasn’t necessarily looking around the chamber, more focused on making the statement and getting it through her throat, which was clenched tight with nerves... but when she finally could register a bit more than just the frantic pulse she heard in her ears, the Lords’ expressions all around were an absolute mosaic of emotions.

She met Midnight Eye’s stare first, instinctively almost. His face was a petrified mask, locked in a manifestation of consternation, but those pinpricks of irises conveyed a whole plethora of emotions.

Two were clearly dominant. The absolute and, as some would argue, necessary dismay at her daring...

... and mounting respect. One she could only spot because she had already learnt of its presence.

She would smile at such a victory... but from there things only got more complicated, as her gaze gathered everypony else’s looks.

Azure Mist held the side of her muzzle as if Twilight’s words slapped her across it physically. Similarly, Sunfall Word kept his hoof over his chest, taking deeper, raspy inhales, on the verge of breathlessness. Honestly, she hoped that she hadn’t added to the mounting emotions and granted him an asthma attack. Bright Crescent tried to brush it all off, checking the state of his hooves nonchalantly, but the nervous glances her way betrayed that he really, really didn’t want to sit in his throne right at that moment.

She would expect Dusk Harvest to be more inclined to simply leave, but the unfortunately impeded Lord remained sitting, giving Blossom a few scratches on her belly. If anything, he seemed relieved by Twilight’s declarations. Expectant maybe. On the contrary, Crimson Shade met her gaze with strength and force. Accepting her defiance and standing against it like a bastion. Was it out of duty or necessity, she didn’t know. But it was clear that he had already taken his own stance and she would have to respect it.

And finally Blessed Fang... was there any more conflicting feelings to be had? Her declaration was clear, the prophecy and the interpretation he brought to the table – equally transparent. She felt empathy aplenty towards him. And, perhaps, this was the sort of connection that was necessary right there, right then. After all... she felt overwhelmed and under siege over those past weeks. And here he was, a young stallion, pretty much a colt, facing expectations that were far, far beyond his age.

Doing so with respect and inner strength. Strength in his calling and in the providence of his deity.

Twilight decided that what had been said was enough. She took her place and let the rest play out as it might have had. She presented her case and they knew that she meant it.

Now... now she prayed. That they would make the right choice, she prayed. To whom? Well, to anypony who would listen.

Silence persisted for a good minute. Then two. Then five. Until finally Midnight Eye spoke, in a tone that could easily freeze whimsical mountain springs solid.

Haspadr Aldatu Kiel, present the choice.”

And Blessed Fang shivered, indeed, bracing the coldness. He stood up, clearly on his last legs.

“I, Blessed of Family Fang, by my blood and bloodline, say unto you – make your choice. I, Blessed of Family Fang, before the Immaculate Moon... say unto you – make your choice. I, Blessed of Family Fang, say unto... you...” his voice faltered for a moment. “Say unto you – shall there be peace with Ekwestriya... or war. For I say...”

He glanced towards the sky. Then he glanced towards Twilight. With a gaze that she wasn’t going to forget anytime soon.

W suzirat...” he uttered. “Make your choice...” he managed to add, before almost collapsing into his throne, his breathing shallow and shaky.

Twilight exhaled inwardly. War wouldn’t happen that night. But she still waited.

This was a moment of truth after all. And Blessed Fang’s stare told her that much as well. Told her that, on that night, future was being shaped. Future that he was uncertain of, but had every ounce of faith that the Goddess wanted.

To Twilight’s right, Lord Crimson Shade stood up, his face pensive. He let his cloak sweep to the side from his firm motion, then looked to her. With the same conviction as before.

“I will offer no explanations. None are necessary. I, Crimson of Family Shade, say unto you – war.”

Twilight shuddered, though kept it as contained as possible. It was a choice, after all. She would have to deal with somepony making it. Only hoping that not too many would.

Crimson Shade took his seat back, without even a grimace. It prompted Dusk Harves to stand up in his place, Blossom beating her wings for a moment, before settling down to encourage whatever choice would come from her master.

He took a shaky breath. “I-I-I s-s-stand by what i-is b-b-best for our n-n-nation,” he declared, doing his best to combat the stutter, which was only becoming worse the more nervous he became. “I-I, D-D-Dusk of F-Family H-H-Harvest, s-s-say unto y-you...” He made a pause, inhaling a number of times and closing his eyes when Blossom nuzzled into this neck. When he opened them and looked at Twilight, his lips moved with enough confidence to let him finish. “P-peace.”

She thanked him wordlessly as he sat down.

“Well, no point in losing time on this iskuze dla iskuze, we’ll have to repeat this whole charade anyway,” Bright Crescent chimed in, insouciant as ever. He didn’t even bother standing up properly. “I, Bright of Family Crescent, say unto you – w suzirat.” He sent an insufferable smile Twilight’s way. “To demean the matter.”

She didn’t react to this provocation. She would still have to, in some way, discern what would his real opinion be... and convince him otherwise, if he was harboring thoughts of conflict after all.

What was that flippant stallion deal anyway, she pondered, when Sunfall Word took a moment to properly rise to his hooves, giving Bright Crescent a deathly tired glance.

The venerable stallion held the hoof to his chest as he let out a small cough. His gaze ventured to Blessed Fang, still shaking a little bit from all of the emotions, before the elder closed his eyes and whispered to himself. His mouth was moving in a silent prayer, most likely, as he raised his head to the ceiling. He bit his lower lip afterwards and Twilight wasn’t sure whether in a gesture of defiance or protest... only that a single drop of blood stained his old, yellowish fangs.

Ia, Slov u Rodine Soleeced, dict katre ipia... myire,” he ultimately uttered.

Twilight heard the word in a prayer once before... Considering the sigh of relief and a glance her way from the venerable Lord, the cause of peace must have just been strengthened.

Time came for Azure Mist. She wasted not a breath to rise from her throne and give everypony a haughty look, not even hiding her indignation over what had been happening so far. And Twilight was not surprised in the slightest about any of it.

“It looks to me like the northern Families have to, once more in our long and convoluted history, stand on the side of principle, when doubts plague our domain, brought by sweetened lies,” she spoke up. And though Twilight knew what she was referring to, the mare’s eyes were instead focused on Midnight Eye, as if expecting him to follow suit on her declaration. “I, Azure of Family Mist, say unto you – war.”

Twice war, twice peace, twice contemplation. It left the Lord of Midnight Family with the decisive vote. Not to reach a solution, as that needed unanimity, but at least to set up the stage for the nearest future.

Twilight took a deeper breath than she thought necessary. Were the Lord’s words from the carriage true after all? Would he be objective? He promised to abstain from voting or even show support if his observations were favorable to him and the Midnight Family... But now he had been called out by Azure Mist and if there was one thing that Twilight could be afraid of is that his batpony pride would get the best of him.

Midnight Eye rose up, checking his garments as he did so. He stood majestically, leaving no room for interpretation – his choice was to be respected and adhered to. The clarity of his voice was matched only by the sheer presence he exuded during this moment of silent and still power play.

“We have to, indeed, stand on principle. Principle of rationale. Of the good of our nation and kin above all else. Above personal preferences, above what would be easier for the wrong reasons. I, Eye of Family Midnight, say unto you...”

There was yet another pause that lasted an eternity. All pairs of eyes in the room focused on the stallion, who drew from the tension aplenty. Twilight could have sworn that the very air and heat of the chamber was being sucked his way, as she felt the trickle of cold sweat going down her spine.

And then Midnight Eye declared.

W suzirat. I see absolutely no reason for war, yet I wish to hear a coherent proposal from the Honored Princess before gladly declaring for her,” he added and explained with a gentle smile.

Leaving Twilight oh so thankful. She, naturally, completely understood his standpoint. And was impossibly glad that she pretty much managed to convince the epitome of local pride and superiority to join the faction of cooperation and bright future.

She leaned back in her chair, trying not to show too much relief. However, she wasn’t the only one to appear satisfied with the outcome for the moment.

There were, naturally, exceptions as well, of both the crimson and the azure variety, but surely she wouldn’t have to deal with them outright.

Midnight Eye did reinforce her belief.

“Lord Blessed Fang, neither of the presented choices have garnered seven voices in unison. Further discussion and another vote are in order. However,” he stated, looking around, “I believe a case of such magnitude, considering tonight’s happenings, indeed requires proper contemplation first. Shall the idea of continuing the talks tomorrow night to set the rules for the next meeting be opposed by anypony gathered?”

Twilight would very much like that scenario, considering she was starting to come down from the high of stress and all. And, as nopony objected, it seemed the meeting was about to naturally end.

Midnight Eye nodded. “Very well. There shall be a great deal of discussions ahead of us tomorrow night.”

The Lords stood up, which Twilight quickly mimicked.

Ita ducte ipia Neskaza Lunee!” they announced loudly and she found herself lowering her head out of instinct... and a measure of gratitude to whatever unseen force watched over the proceedings and heard her prayers.

It might as well have been the Immaculate Moon. And Twilight would be happy to offer that genuine gratitude to her. After all, nopony managed to get a war on their hooves that night.

Twilight vaguely recalled excusing herself from the Lords’ presence for the night and meeting Midnight and Rowan Berry outside of the compound. She also could remember asking the mare to go and ready her chamber for a meal and then requesting Midnight to take her to the Great Shrine... through some less-traveled corridors, as she whispered to him when they were alone. She, thankfully, also recollected checking very, very carefully for any stragglers or bystanders.

But the next thing she truly realized was pretty much pushing Midnight into a nearby niche in the wall. To taste his lips and dissolve all the nerves and thoughts in a moment of utter and delightful carelessness.


What is the meaning of this?!” Azure Mist let out a vicious hiss to accompany the question.

She stormed through the corridor with intent, barely keeping her stomping in check, with a volume somewhere in between her utter exasperation and the necessary reason.

Though she felt like the world around her was running out of the latter, when faced with such a... a... a mockery! Such despicable travesty, for what else that could have been?

I shall ask again, what is the meaning of this?! Have you completely lost your senses?!

The stallion was saying nothing still and that was even more infuriating. His piercing eyes were simply transfixed on her, as if hearing, even listening, but paying her absolutely no mind.

Azure Mist’s composure was somewhat gone, true, but at least she always knew that to make everypony know of her displeasure, theatrical whispers worked. Or, well, whisper-shouting, if it was quite so necessary.

There was a plan! To keep her unbalanced, occupied and emotionally compromised! To grant time to convince everypony that she was a threat to be dealt with not...! Not an ally! To use this opportunity to finish the preparations and launch the strike! To have her as a convenient hostage, alongside the sunponies in Shades’ Hollow! What happened to all of this?! Have you forgotten of it all?!”

She expected an answer, demanded it. But she wouldn’t get one, oh no. Not yet. First, he had to know with perfect clarity what she thought of all of... this!

And second, she knew well enough stallions like him. How much they craved being indulged and told how well they were behaving, with what wit and cunning. Droll!

You want me to admit it?! Fine! This was your idea! Yes, there you have it! You shared the resources for me to use, you assured them all the invitation was a most reasonable move. It was you who even pushed for the Nightguard outpost in that provincial town of hers in the first place, so that her curiosity would pique! And I was more than glad to partake, pull the strings, like on Crimson Shade, to stoke his prejudice! We all share this aversion, after all! Or no?!

She took a threatening step forth, bearing her fangs, but he didn’t even flinch. Which was the more insulting!

Because I’m having some serious doubts! Blessed Fang presented us with the perfect opportunity to act, for you know we could have pressured both Dusk Harvest and Sunfall Word to abandon this foolish talk of peace, and yet you acted as if the Goddess left your heart! And mind!

I am not the one raving and ranting like a mad pony right now.

Azure Mist hissed, only through sheer mental discipline stopping herself from slapping that insolent mouth.

Mad pony?! Madness is all around us!” She threw her front leg in the air. She was so disappointed she stopped herself from striking him with it anyway. “My Deep Mist makes a blunder of a novice! Random lights start happening and everypony suddenly sees the Goddess’ will left and right! Midnight Wind puts blades to my Rowan Berry’s throat!” She shook her head, feeling her earrings pricking her neck from the sheer, agitated movement. “And on top of it all, you are ready to declare for that...! That...! You forget the deaths of our kin! Their blood that calls to us from that forest’s soil!

You will tell me, and tell me right now, what are you playing at!

She demanded and demanded justly!

And yet he simply stood there, only checking left and right for any witnesses. Yes, Azure Mist was furious, but not that loud surely! Considering that they met in a very much distant and unused tunnel as well.

A proper place to be honest. Painfully so, even, if the need would arise. Which it still might have.

Judging Sun damn you, Midnight Eye.

The stallion took a measured breath before finally speaking up with something that would resemble a proper reply.

I must say that I am... sorely disappointed, Azure Mist. I thought you smarter than all of what I am seeing, especially being of your Family. What would your dear father say?

My f—smarter than this?! I won’t have y—

You will. And you will listen very, very carefully, as clearly the one mare that is emotionally compromised right now is you.

She felt colors escaping her face and yet blood boiling right in her veins. Oh, what she would do to just smack that pride and ego right from his muzzle!

Unfortunately... acting upon this fantasy would only prove his point. Prove further, some would dare claim. So she stopped herself from any sudden gestures.

If he was so keen and smart, surely he would explain himself to her. Or else. She was, perhaps, fuming a little, but emotions did not disarm her entirely. She knew how to hurt others well. Even those of noble blood.

Her thoughts ventured towards the blood of her own blood... but this was not the time. Nor to think of the son... nor of her noble father.

Midnight Eye cocked an eyebrow, observing her sudden restraint. “This is much better. And so I’ll start with one question that, I hope, will stop you from further throwing whatever tantrum you have decided upon.” He took a step to the side, looking down the long corridor at nothing in particular.How was I supposed to act?

Azure Mist took an inhale to tell him, checking herself if the shadows he had locked his eyes on were entirely empty... but he wasn’t going to let her comment after all.

Let me remind you of something, Azure Mist, as you have clearly forgotten. When we have entered this... clandestine arrangement between us on how to deal with our demands, Equestria’s occupation and Twilight Sparkle as our best ‘bet’ and opportunity... you were perfectly aware that we would need to play our parts accordingly.

Spare me the theatrical prologue, Midnight Eye,” she berated him.

I will not spare you a single word that needs to be said, Azure Mist,” he retorted with that tone of haughty displeasure that she detested. “We have anticipated some of the Princess’ actions, some we couldn’t possibly have. Yet it was abundantly clear, from the moment we both saw her before the Sanctuary gates, especially after Deep Mist’s utterly disastrous slip, that she will view you as her main opponent in our congregation.

Azure Mist shook her head. “Yes, it was one of the scenarios, we have discussed it in abundance—

Then tell me why we have done so.

Because that would focus her attention,” Azure Mist responded, most unwillingly. What was this, a lesson of sorts? Degrading. “I’m the threat and the schemer and the obvious foe.”

Midnight Eye looked her in the eyes again, squinting menacingly. “Exactly. In comparison to you, I simply look like a cold, disagreeable traditionalist. An obstacle, a challenge, but one she could try her best against. Though, believe me, even you are not a lost cause in her mind. She is willing to attempt convincing you to see her side of things.

Preposterous,” Azure Mist responded with a grimace. “I will not be a plaything whatever games she is conducting.

She’s not playing games. For her, it is honest truth. She wants cooperation, because she believes in it.

And you think that justifies claiming support, forgetting about—

He moved forth just an inch, his gaze piercing her own with no less strength than a blade of a hoofshoe or the steel of a curved dagger.

I have forgotten nothing, Azure Mist. No slight, no scar and not a word of the prophecy. I recall what must be done, unlike you.

She bared her fangs and let out a small hiss. But he paid her no mind once more, simply glad to continue his infuriating exposition.

Twilight Sparkle craves open and truthful relations, as honesty is a clear tenet of her philosophy. She’s not alien to being cunning, but even her wit serves to further that idea of Friendship that she represents with her regal role.

He paused, still keeping this short distance, almost an invasion of private space. Despite Azure Mist’s expression and clear displeasure. Which only roused her ire as he spoke.

So what better distraction for her, what better way of occupying her and stopping her from seeing our plans... than convincing her that she managed to gain an ally? A vital one, representing staunch patriotism and the pride of the Children of the Goddess? Or, as you might prefer, an ally that is a... what was the expression... ‘insistent, smug dunce’?

Azure Mist looked at him askance. That was all he managed to gain from her, even though she could easily feel her heart skipping a beat. Which extinguished her anger in seconds.

Each and every Lord had a reputation about them. It was hard to be a leader of the Family and a member of the Covenant and not garner some sort of infamy or fame. But it was one thing to be aware of one’s image and another to intently and accurately quote such a description.

The question of “how” was going to be haunting Azure Mist. Later. For now, she had to keep face and show this... what he had just said, that she was not as shortsighted as to be missing an obvious ploy.

Her outrage would have to wait, too.

That might be a move, but is it the move?” she asked instead, having rapidly regained full composure. “We could have pulled a few more strings and got all of them to vote for war! What would she do then? Burst into tears? Protest? She’s still just a young, inexperienced filly and we hold every advantage to deal with her.

A young, inexperienced filly... Besides the fact that she has the Divine Aspect? Perhaps it was our hubris, to see her as just a young mare and an upstart in Equestria’s royalty,” Midnight Eye pointed out. “She is not defenseless, even if she can be manipulated. Her power might be greater than we understand after all... Though most likely still akin to a pony gazing beyond, as I presume, she was one before this ascension. I’ve spotted a spell that she is helping herself with...

... what?

... and we have means to deal with those abilities, thanks to the hard work of our caretakers. But betting on just that countermeasure isn’t enough,” he judged. “She’s a greater challenge than we thought. Not to mention the blessing from the Mother she had received...

Azure Mist would have loved to push the topic of Twilight Sparkle apparently using her Lost Gift in whatever way right under their noses... but Midnight Eye did bring up a rather interesting point. A far more crucial one, considering his expression and tone of voice.

Was that what had filled him with doubt?

The Princess claims to come with it... but can we be sure? Certainly you and me and everypony else remembers that the true words of the Goddess come through prophecies and sacred texts, they have for hundreds of years. The fact that this mare states it does not make it real, no? It can be falsehood, just like any other, random and faux omen seen in odd circumstances. She would mention that she had listened to Our Mother in the flesh... but could a mind even grasp the Goddess talking to it directly? Have we not seen our prophets impaired if their visions were too potent?

Midnight Eye did not respond. At least not outright. He was musing and pontificating on that himself, Azure Mist was certain of it.

Perhaps she, truly, caught him doubting. Well, she was not going to let that doubt fester and ruin their plot. They were both architects of it, after all, and no amount of sunpony scheming would best their combined efforts.

Compare, Midnight Eye. What Blessed Fang brought, even as cautious as he is about it, is a clear interpretation. The work of many of our greatest minds and souls, fine-tuned to the Goddess’ signs, hoof-picked through their talent to interpret Her will,” she insisted. “And you heard him. He said it clearly. The prophecy means war.

Even if we would accept this as a clear sign down that road, can we be sure it is a war to be won?” Midnight Eye replied, shaking his head. “The world we know shall end. That too is clear. Is that a warning of our demise?

Not if we are prepared. Not if we act with conviction,” she assured him in return.

That young mare... Seemed that she was an even greater issue, indeed. If she managed to get Midnight Eye to turn so daunted... Well, perhaps it was time to utilize one’s own talent in return. To make sure things did work out in the end.

And so Azure Mist took a deep breath and brought up the best expression of shame she could muster. Burying her anger deep, for it to be utilized at a better moment.

I... might have let my emotions do the talking, I admit. For which I do apologize. But when the plan is so clear and suffers such a sudden shift... and unnecessary, in my opinion, then I can be a little short on patience. Not to mention having in mind everything that Blessed Fang did tonight... But...” She gave Midnight Eye a deep look from under her eyelashes. “I am even more certain that a stallion of your reputation and wit will not falter. And do what is best.

He pondered for a breath longer. And Azure Mist wasn’t gullible, she was perfectly aware that she would not entice him in any way like she could attempt with Crimson Shade... but a little motivation from an alluring mare did wonders for a stallion’s productivity and conviction.

As such, Midnight Eye’s next sentence was simply awash with relief.

We will do what is best and what the Goddess thinks best,” he uttered and Azure Mist felt like exhaling in ease too.

He simply needed a few reminders. Maybe he felt as pressured as she was. After all... this intrigue would sculpt the future of their Motherland and everypony of it. For countless generations to come.

Midnight Eye raised his stare, searching for the Goddess’ very light even in this darkened hall.

It was never going to be easy, or straightforward. But, in the end... it will be best,” he claimed, solemnly.

And on that we agree,” Azure Mist, indeed, concurred. “You have a shrewd idea for tomorrow, I can sense it.

I do. One that will still require a great amount of acting...

Do tell.

Later,” he responded, staring to the side again.

But Azure Mist could easily spot great scheming in that keen gaze of his. Spot somewhat enviously... though just a little. She was going to be as much of a part of this great success as him.

The stallion spoke up once more, though cautious of volume. “For now, let the mare believe that things are progressing well after all. That there is a chance for gaining the ultimate upper hoof and that the plan she has formed in the confines of her head shall succeed. She doesn’t really spot the warning signs anyway...

She took a step towards him, turning her voice into a melodious alto. “Some would say that it is... risky. That a Lord of your caliber would not use such puny gambits like faking openness and cooperation.

Perhaps. But it is a much less hazardous move than many would judge... The mare will believe what she wishes to believe after all. She will believe in her inadequate skills and her high hopes. How unbalanced, indeed. When the master stroke comes, it will come from a direction she won’t expect,” the stallion pointed, coldly. “Though not yet. One wrong move, a touch too early, and everything can still crumble.” His gaze met hers for a heartbeat. “For once... Rowan Berry will be silent.

Azure Mist cocked an eyebrow. “Until a better moment, perhaps? You know I value her skills and herself. I would hope for her to get some... comeuppance in the end. And regarding Midnight Wind...

She saw a smirk blossoming on Midnight Eye’s lips. “Proper comeuppance will come,” he promised, much to her satisfaction. After what that fervent brute had done... yes, there would be a due repayment in time. “But first, miscalculation must be ripe, ready to harvest. Nothing more disarming than the whole world suddenly turning against a pony. Especially a pony wrought with doubts and insecurities, hidden behind false trust in her ‘calling’... feeding a blind desire to bite far more than one can suck just to prove themselves.

Azure Mist couldn’t deny. Were it not for the circumstances, she wouldn’t say “no” to enjoying far closer relations with Midnight Eye. He was always so prim and proper... and annoyingly smug, of course... but when he plotted, he couldn’t have been any more appealing in her eyes.

And what then?” she asked, eagerly waiting to hear more immoral ideas.

The deviously weaved strings will snap,” he replied almost poetically, quoting the prophecy. “And a new, better future will unfold. We, the Children of the Goddess, will become something more, ready to take on the world around us. Stand together... in the name of something more.

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