• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XXXIII – The Future Starts Tonight

Every palatial complex had passageways and staircases that were more... private. Covert. Located slightly to the side, less-frequented by the courtiers and staff, generally utilized only by characters who wanted to carefully avoid being seen whilst performing their duties. The castle in Canterlot was, fortunately, no different and that night Moonwarden himself was counting on those secret paths to guide him right back to the chamber hidden below the Royal Office.

For a good reason. He had just managed to compose himself... somewhat, after his moment of weakness in his lady’s chambers.

“You are hopeless, you are well aware of that...”

Yes, composing oneself was one thing... Silencing oneself, however, was an impossible task.

He took a deep breath, ascending the narrow, simple stone steps, the sound of hooves and an occasional droplet of water echoing through the passage. “There are some lines that one can never cross, no matter his hopes, or dreams, or desires...”

“Verily? You say that? One not believing in such arbitrary lines as conventions? As morality?”

“This is a different matter entirely. Without self-imposed limits—”



“Just candour, rather.”

“You do know, that this is a pointless discussion, yes?”

It was said that one could have the most intelligent conversations with oneself... but, this time, such ambitions were obviously thwarted by the storm of emotions inside Moonwarden.

To be so close and yet so far. He could pretty much hear the chuckle of Irony, that forgotten and malicious spirit of old...

Yet there was work to do, so Moonwarden could not allow himself to dwell any longer. He had to take care of his operatives instead. The findings in Hollow Shades and the hasty return to the capital meant a change of pace that everypony had to be aware of, and clearly. More so, he had to learn of all that had happened during his brief absence.

Keeping an eye and monocle on things was his calling. The abundance of new knowledge would help him focus on what he could do, hopefully... rather on what he could never achieve.

Two more shortcuts and Moonwarden managed to land right near the hidden chamber, being greeted by familiar voices soon after he had conjured open the passage inside.

First, unfortunately, came to annoyingly impish tone of Double. “I mean, visitin’ the wilderness and havin’ the mane still fine and dandy, like a gem! Jaded, ya have to tell me how do ya do this, girl!”

“Wobble Wink, will you ever learn to spare us the commentary?”

“Gee, I don’t know, El, do ya give classes in that after dark? Pfft, what am I talkin’ about, course ya do! Ya specialize in ‘after dark’.”

Moonwarden steeled his resolve as he crossed the threshold of the round room, somewhat at home in the true web of information that the headquarters always resembled. And despite the crowded condition the place suffered that night.

The entire cell that served Princess Luna directly was present. That small band of misfits and social outcasts that Moonwarden had the pleasure... and pain... to organize and lead.

Around the main table stood the best and worst ponies he knew. Jade Wind looked extremely displeased with Wobble Wink making fun of him, trying to shield himself with the remnants of his traitor’s dignity. Elegy, her black mane shifting left and right, had been trying to, as usual, contain the situation, especially the resident, winged malcontent. On the other side, Toolbox was murmuring and whispering with Nettlie, the two of them exchanging affectionate looks and an occasional, tender nuzzle.

Of all the gathered, only one gave Moonwarden immediate attention, saluting him perfectly.

“Spymaster Moonwarden, sir!”

“Greetings, Brass Plaque. Welcome back to Canterlot.”

“Sir!” the officer kept his composure, without even raising an eyebrow at the... obvious.

He was the only one so well-behaved.

“Heya, boss—wow!” Double, who had decided to mock the salute himself, expressed his surprise in a splutter of laughter. As expected.

Elegy, however, looking over the other gathered, reacted with more empathy, stepping forth. “Master Moonwarden, are... you alright?”

He was.

Kind of.

Sort of.

He looked much worse than that, he imagined, with his mane, usually well-combed and stylish, hanging down like a matted drape, with the last droplets of fountain water trying to make their way down its strands. Similarly, the top of his morning dress lost a bit of its immaculate quality, having been subjected to the... cooling process that left it damp and tinged.

“I am quite fine, Elegy, thank you for asking...” Moonwarden replied, turning to his charisma when his looks were failing.

“Are you certain, boss...?” Toolbox joined in, looking more confused than one would expect from such a big and down to earth stallion.

“Yes, yes, rather certain.”

“What happened?” came Nettlie’s question this time, but Double already had an answer prepared.

“What, ya don’t know?” The pegasus was grinning hideously. “Boss just came back to town, took a trot through, and he is already drownin’ in pu—”

“Wobble Wink, there has never before been a more analytical mind locked in a more hideous and uncouth personality...” Moonwarden calmly interrupted, having little time and even less interest in Double’s usual crudeness. He reached the grand table, looking about imperiously. “We must not delay, nor bother with trivialities. I am glad to see all of you gathered and in good shape, Second Chance.”

The group, having collectively groaned at their colleague, came closer at the sound of Moonwarden’s tone and the usage of their designation. It was an unofficial name, yet as simple as meaningful. A favorite call sign that all of them, even Their Majesty, could closely relate to.

“I would absolutely adore to join in on the remarkably polite and productive banter... but we shall skip the pleasantries tonight,” Moonwarden made his point clear, resting his front hooves on the table, imposing even with his wet look. “Our meeting is sudden, but we are exactly the ponies for unanticipated situations, so let us begin. First and foremost, we have gained important insight and contacts from the assignment in Hollow Shades... and I have received information that Princess Celestia’s return from Maretonia changed the pace of matters here as well. I am scheduled to meet with Her Solar Majesty early tomorrow evening, I am prepared to be given something interesting to work with... Any insight on the matter, Brass Plaque?”

“Sir!” The steel blue pegasus stepped forth, his voice strong and confident. “The extent of talks between Her Majesty and the Maretonian leaders was kept strictly confidential. However, I have managed to gather that the local authorities undertook a number of investigations, even attempting to create facial composites of the batpony perpetrators. They did not achieve much, sir.”

“Unfortunate... Then again, Maretonian peacekeepers are not known for their professionalism...” Moonwarden judged, shaking his head. “Can you confirm that a battalion of our forces shall be relocated to Maretonia for some time?”

“Sir, that is what has been announced by Her Majesty to the Duke, sir.”

“Again is Equestria necessary to keep the World in order...” the cynical answer was offered to the officer, right before Moonwarden focused his attention back on the rest of the operatives. “If that sentiment is to remain true, then it needs to be maintained right as well... We will come to a decision whether we should have anypony accompanying the detachment, though I want to believe that our attention should be now focused in another, though connected direction... Nettlie, bring forth the maps.”

“Y-yes, sir!” the mare stepped away from Toolbox to produce the charts from her luggage. She put them before Moonwarden. “Here they are, sir.”

He spread one of the documents before him and put his hoof on it. “They shall be left here for examination. These maps before you are gathered from the Hollow Shades’ city hall and the Nightguard outpost. Other than the moment of creation and the resulting discrepancies, they seem accurate and identical. Yet we shall have them checked for anything out of the ordinary, especially the batpony ones...”

Jade Wind chimed in. “And what would be the angle and facet of our investigation of these bat kin delineations, sire?”

“Anything and everything... including hostile intent.”

The gathered exchanged glances, the atmosphere turning dense just enough to stop even Double from making an immediate contribution. Other than his right eye jerking twice.

“... so... do we have beef with the bats, boss?”

Moonwarden straightened himself up. “Not at the moment, but with Princess Twilight Sparkle conducting diplomacy, which is a, literal, first... we must be prepared for some sort of show of force to go with it. It is basic foreign affairs. Jade Wind could observe a gathering of batpony armed forces at their Border stronghold already, and we must not be intimidated by any military maneuvers.”

“They try to scare us like they did Maretonia? Hah, chancers...” Toolbox declared, looking Moonwarden’s way.

“We will not be frightened, indeed, but we shall not underestimate them, nor their intents. We are expected to prepare for ‘anything and everything’, as I have said, and we are expected to be at our best all the time. Which means... Nettlie.”

The pointed-out mare jumped up a little, her glasses bouncing. “Yes, s-sir?”

“I want you to file in your field research on the flora of the Eastern Woods promptly, making sure to catalogue everything as is specified. The properties of even the most lethal herbs, as well as possible utilization, must be available to us,” Moonwarden declared coldly. “A drop of poison costs less than that of blood.”

“Of course, sir, I-I shall be thorough,” the earth mare promised, realigning her unruly eyewear.

“Good. Toolbox, you shall help with this task. And afterwards... take a night off with Nettlie. She performed admirably in Hollow Shades, she deserves some time to relax and regain strength. And you, yourself, could use a break too, I believe.”

“I’m fine, boss, but I’m not going to say no to that opportunity!” the burly stallion responded eagerly and could not hide the smile, especially when Nettlie suddenly blushed out of the praise.

And other reasons, as an uncouth chuckle from Wobble Wink suggested. “They will be doin’ everythin’ but relaxin’, boss. And they’ll be rather tired afterwards!” the pegasus added in a singsong.

“Ah, Double, superb that you have decided to contribute to the discussion – you are staying here for the whole next week, no downtime,” Moonwarden retorted, giving the hoodlum a frigid glance.

“B-b-but, boss...!” the pegasus whined.

“If you are so keen on ‘getting tired’, who am I to stop you? And to ensure your dedication to work... Brass Plaque?”

“Sir, yes, sir!” The lieutenant was already at attention.

“You are responsible for investigating the maps for the moment. Give me your professional insight on those as soon as possible, anything that catches your attention about them,” Moonwarden ordered, sliding the charts across the table in his silver aura. “I expect daily findings, or immediate notification if it shall be crucial. That goes for you too, Wobble Wink, as you shall be providing aid. Use your naturally dexterous mind for something more useful than swindling and adolescent humour. ”

The stallion’s right eye jerked twice and he groaned, but nodded his head. “Yeah, yeah, I hear ya, boss.” He glanced at Brass Plaque, then gave the others a picture of the most mournful eyes. “If ya find me danglin’ from my belt from stress and overexertion, it’s totally Mr. Perfect’s fault. Ya know, from the way he handles things.”

The other pegasus said nothing, remaining stoic and motionless, even if everypony around the table knew how insulting, malicious... and accurate this statement was.

Before Moonwarden had the chance of addressing yet another example of loutish behavior, Jade Wind took the initiative. “If such a misfortune as this demise befalls us all... would you enjoy a beholden encomium composed in your honor, Brass Plaque?”

“I would not mind it,” the lieutenant replied with a voice a steely as his natural hue.

“That will be quite enough from all sides,” Moonwarden silenced the exchange before it went any further than too far. “I expect utmost focus and dedication, not petty squabbles. Jade Wind.”

The crystal stallion stepped forth. “Yes, sire.”

“For now, you shall compile your recent findings about the ley lines, it might be an interesting subject to research further. Especially when I will offer you a chance to examine a piece of arcane-excluding mineral. As to your future... you will be given your next assignment as soon as I report on your latest performance to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.” Moonwarden paused and clashed his stare with that of Jade Wind for a moment. “Your contributions assured that I shall be... objective.”

The ex-Thaumaturge took a deep breath and bowed his head, not even trying to hide his relief. “Of course, sire. Thank you, sire.”

Moonwarden almost smirked. The pony was learning his place at a satisfying rate. “Right, then. You all have your orders, so get to them.”

The operatives nodded and scrambled with more or less zeal to begin their tasks, whilst Moonwarden turned to Elegy. “We shall talk in private.”

The elegant sidetable would do for the moment, and Moonwarden took his spot with grace to battle his still damp look, the actress following suit.

She broke the silence first, though keeping her tone low and confidential. “Sometimes I would like to know what you are thinking, Master...”

“My natural predisposition means that nopony has that privilege, I am afraid... Why do you ask, exactly?”

“Well...” the actress tilted her head and glared at the state of Moonwarden’s clothing and mane, forcing him to roll his eyes.

“I assure you, Elegy, that this was just a matter of regaining composure, nothing more. True, not using an elaborate method—”

“The Gardens’ fountain, by any chance?”

Moonwarden was truly not used to being interrupted, but the accuracy of the comment was pinpoint. “...perhaps,” he deadpanned.

Elegy just leaned back and crossed her forelegs, which enhanced her figure, framed by the jet black, rich mane. “This combined with letting your close associates see you in such a state feels very much like self-inflicted punishment...” she claimed, then closed her eyelids, which fluttered rapidly. “Besides, I... can feel that something is wrong... Anxiety... Disquiet... Angst...”

“Yes, yes, Elegy, thank you for the instant therapy session and a vocabulary expansion,” Moonwarden caustically retorted, looking to the side, making sure that the rest of the Second Chance was not eavesdropping.

Ah, but they all knew better.

The actress, in the meantime, shook her head. “Sir, I am not trying to pry, and I know that you have rules on fraternization, but that does not bar me from expressing worry.”

Moonwarden shifted on his seat, stretching his back with a small hiss. “I know, Elegy... and I appreciate the concern, even if I would prefer for you to focus on other matters.”

“Other than the well-being of my superior?” Elegy inquired with a small smile, but relented a little, it seemed. “Can I at least know what spawned such a... soaking solution, sir?”

“Well... that is one of the matters I wanted to discuss, to be fair...” Moonwarden leaned in a little more. “Her Solar Majesty’s return had a rather... powerful effect on our Princess, from what I was notified of. Any insight to offer?”

“Other than the fact that she left enough aura of inquietude and trepidation around the corridors she crossed I could detect it an hour later...?”

Moonwarden grimaced at the depth of that description. “Yes... that much even I could tell, lacking your talent...”

Elegy’s ears drooped. “Indeed... Not much aside from that, I am afraid. I heard that Her Solar Majesty herself was not looking her best after that private meeting. And yet... it did not appear like a sisterly argument. Or even a political one.”

“Then I am even more perturbed...”

Moonwarden was not going to mention gaining access to his lady’s private chambers... nor the nature of his true, inner dilemmas. He was going to utilize those, however, so he took a deep breath and let out a pregnant sigh.

“Her Lunar Majesty’s comfort is of paramount importance to me, Elegy, you are aware of it. To learn of her worries is to share them... hence my, I admit, rather extreme reaction.”

Elegy could read emotions. But not intentions. Nor was she capable of detecting lies and half-truths. He just had to summon enough of misery to his mind.

“She was subjected to enough pain after her return. A new age, with new problems and new challenges. It is my duty and my purpose to grant her aid and solace.”

“That is understandable, sir...”

“And to find a solution. You, Elegy, are a part of it... I know for a fact that Her Majesty enjoys your company. I am hoping that you shall be tending to her needs and assist her. So that she is not left on her own, if duties here will require my direct coordinating through the upcoming days.”

“I am certain she will be summoning you regardless, sir, but it shall be my honor and duty to provide for Her Majesty...” Elegy declared, backing her conviction with her acting prowess. “I still think you need to take care of yourself as well, master Moonwarden...”

He just smirked at her. “I will manage.”

He would. Somehow. He would find himself a distraction of some sort, bury the thoughts and feelings deep inside and keep them in for as long as possible.

Until the next time of near-snapping.

Lather, rinse, repeat... for the rest of his life.

“Before I dive into work, any other important occurrences throughout my absence?”

“Not much, sir,” Elegy replied stoically. “The regular observations did not highlight any mounting dangers. A small disagreement between our citizens in Appleloosa and the local buffalo tribe again...”

“Nothing new under the Moon...”

“... and there was a mare asking for you, sir,” she finished, her tone betraying interest in the matter.

Moonwarden squinted his eyes, similarly curious. “I see, though I am afraid you will have to be a bit more precise, if you are expecting a full response.”

“A pegasus, cream coat, coffee mane? She claimed to be an architect and was asking about Crowns’ Funding for her projects, which you were supposed to lobby for.”

Speaking of distractions...

“Ah, yes, I recall her. Thank you, Elegy. I will take care of this matter soon, then...”

Well now, look at that! Something that played right into Wobble Wink’s crude insinuations.

Those weren’t entirely unsubstantiated, after all...


Twilight could still not believe what had transpired. As she and Midnight were making their way back to her chambers in Midnight Eye’s palace, she almost got lost in her own mind.

Since the full realization of her love towards Midnight, she was anticipating and preparing for the worst. A terrible struggle to make their relationship work, against cultural differences and misconceptions... and even religious contrasts! Great efforts and greater obstacles... some of which they had encountered already!

And then came those words, that could mean little out of context and yet meant everything.

‘Feel free to convince me, then.’

... she still couldn’t get it.

“I still cannot get it.”

Midnight, who was keeping a respectable distance as they were passing by guards and servants, glanced at her. Despite the official conduct, she could feel the joy emanating from him, especially when he was using all the opportunities to trot closer to her.

“I think I know what you mean, Twilight... and I share your disbelief,” he replied casually as they entered an empty corridor.

“I need to... reconsider all of this again. I have witnessed the Testimony, I feel, the most important document in my life so far...”

“Quite likely.”

“... I have impressed a Lord of a Family, one that was initially unsympathetic to both me and my quest...”


“... and now... this?”

“Surprisingly,” Midnight confirmed, himself blinking in confusion over this recap. But his saffron eyes were brighter tonight and were not losing any of their vibrant happiness. “It seems like such a reversal of fortune. The Goddess Herself, the Immaculate Moon... must be smiling upon us!”

“I think I can do nothing but agree...” Twilight concurred, still of two minds about the batpony beliefs... but definitely having her skepticism challenged by that point! “This is... unprecedented.”

Midnight chuckled heartily. “I am not certain if I understand the word right, but it really is a present, for both of us!”

“I don’t think your grasp of it is entirely accurate, but I am not going to disagree, I just—”

She could not finish, for Midnight planted a peck on her cheek that made her feel warm and fuzzy indeed.

“Midnight, we will get caught!” she chastised him a little, looking about. Thankfully the passage was still empty, no witnesses aside from the few humble lanterns and a few prideful banners of the Midnight Family. “It’s one thing to get such singular permission, another to actually have an official... you know.”

“Yes, yes, Twilight, ia ecus,” Midnight apologized with a smile. “But you will have to forgive me, this is just... this is such a relief. Such joy! To be granted such a chance?”

Twilight truly could not object again. She was more than elated herself, even with all of this good fortune dropping down on her from nowhere. Immaculate Moon’s blessing was one thing, but this...

It felt too good to be true.

“Please, let it be true...”

“What was that, Twilight?”

“Just...” she hesitated, gathering her galloping thoughts. “I’m just... overwhelmed. I was...” She stopped in place for a moment to look at him. At her Midnight. “After... after you returned from that audience with Lord Midnight Eye... I was certain it was over. All over. That we were caught and we were, just... done.”

Midnight stepped closer, his expression filled with kind worry.

Twilight felt her eyes getting wet. “I was so... so afraid that you were going to be punished, or sent away, or... And now? An opportunity? A chance, no matter how little?”

The stallion scouted the corridor and listened carefully for any trots, then cupped her cheek with great tenderness, careful of the steel claws on his hoofshoes. “Twilight, I understand that. Well. More than well. I never felt more... distraught. This journey, so far, was demanding for me as well... Perhaps I deserved such atonement from the Judging Sun, by the Goddess’ permission, for my past misdeeds...” he added, his head hanging.


“No, I mean it. I feel like this is a test for me. To prove to myself what kind of a pony I can still be... To show the Goddess and her Sister that I am worthy to be called a child of the Immaculate Moon...” he declared with pious conviction, crossing gazes with Twilight again. “I want to defend you and provide for you...”

She found herself sniffling a little and smiling, leaning into his hoof for a brief moment. “I could not ask for a better stallion.”

“I think you could try...” Midnight replied with an impish smirk. “But none of those would have fangs.” He grinned fully, proving his point.

Twilight felt suddenly playful and swatted at him. “You’ve already convinced me of that, Midnight...”

“Well, I hope I will have more occasions to be prove it again and again...”

Resuming their walk, and proper behavior in case of local ponies, the two of them finally reached Twilight’s chambers, located in the guest wing of the palace. She had to agree that Midnight Eye not only chose for her a most spacious and elegant room, but also granted her a couple of amenities in it. Like more candles. And a generous supply of ink and quills.

A most appropriate gesture towards both a sunpony and an academic.

Speaking of kind gestures, Twilight’s additional retainer, Rowan Berry, awaited in before the entrance to the chambers, patiently musing over something.

That is, until she spotted the two of them.

Hwalba Knaze!” she exclaimed loudly, taking a respectful bow. “Welcome back, Hwalba Knaze! I’ve heard you have finally managed to witness the Testimony of our kind!”

“Greetings, Rowan Berry. Yes, indeed. A privilege unlike any other,” Twilight confirmed, keeping her full composure about that serious topic.

“I understand that it must have been a stressful and draining experience, Honored Princess,” the healer immediately stated, searching about her satchels. “Those always cause unfavorable symptoms in the body, if you would need any help—”

Twilight silenced and stopped the mare with a quick gesture. “Thank you, that will not be necessary, I am feeling quite alright. The truth written in the scroll is... harsh, but, with accord and understanding, it can be withstood.”

“Oh...” Rowan Berry looked surprised. “I’m glad to hear it, though I also know you conducted talks with Lord Eye of Family Midnight, and if those were coarse, then—”

“Really, Rowan Berry, I am fine,” Twilight assured with a smile, shaking her head. “Thank you for your diligence, but I am not distraught at all. On the contrary, tonight left me solely hopeful for the rest of my mission.”

The herbalist blinked, glancing at Midnight. He replied to her with a calm and official nod. Finally, Rowan Berry’s coral eyes lit up again.

“Now, that is unexpected, but such a relief, Hwalba Knaze!”

Seemed that everypony felt that way lately.

“Indeed,” Twilight affirmed. “Though, if you would like to still aid me, Rowan Berry...”

“In anything!”

“... I do feel a little tired after all of tonight’s excitements... Would it be alright to ask you to find a servant and require a meal to be brought to my chambers?”

Rowan Berry grinned merrily. “I have allowed myself to organize that in advance, Honored Princess! You will find an entire dinner inside!”

“I’m more than grateful, then. Very well, so... I don’t think there will be anything more necessary from you today, Rowan Berry. If you would like to have a free evening... or morning,” Twilight corrected herself, “do not let me stop you.”

“You are most kind, Hwalba Knaze,” the batpony answered with another, respectful bow. “I was considering visiting the Maednoca Tabulre, actually.”

Twilight laughed gently. “I am hoping for the same myself, but not tonight... Midnight Wind?”

Midnight snapped to attention, his steel claws pointing upwards and his expression inscrutable. “Hwalba Knaze!

“Join me for the dinner. I’d like to officially request an entry to the Library’s Chancery and the Legatuum from Honored Lord Midnight Eye, I want you to aid me in preparing and bearing the message.”

Tac, Hwalba Knaze!

Nodding towards Rowan Berry to dismiss her, Twilight ventured past her and entered her quarters through the solid, oaken door, with Midnight closing them right behind, not sparing even a glance the healer’s way.

In accordance to Rowan Berry’s words, a meal of oranges and grapes was, indeed, prepared, alongside pitchers of juice and clear, crystal water. It made Twilight’s stomach growl like a wild creature from the Everfree Forest. She was more than hungry after all what had transpired.

However, instead of helping herself to the food and drink, or creating an imaginary plea to Midnight Eye, she but gracefully made her way to the spacious and, as she had found out, remarkably comfortable bed... and flopped right onto it, muzzle first.

It muffled the sound of her fall, but not that of Midnight’s chuckle. “Why am I not surprised you would be so tired?”

“Mmmm...” Twilight groaned into the woolen comforter, feeling her diadem sliding off freely and somewhat eagerly.

She could hear Midnight taking off his helmet and his armored hoofshoes, the metal and leather shuffling about. “Aren’t you hungry?”


“So... want me to bring you something there, yes?” the stallion asked with barely-hidden amusement.

Twilight hoped that if she would push her face in the wool a bit more it would be viewed as a confirmation. She did not want to move at all, her body just giving up on her. However, it was not really stately, laying flat on the bed, squashing her dress and her dignity alike.

She finally rolled to the side, glancing back Midnight’s way. The batpony was assiduously putting fruit on a large platter and filling a silver chalice.

For the first time in a while Twilight smiled widely at this small scene, one of a stallion grabbing something for her to eat. So simple. So... mundane.

It was like a dream. Like a beautiful, calm dream that, slowly and inexplicably, started to leak into reality.

She giggled to herself. She recalled that time when she dreamed about Midnight, during her unplanned nap at the Border. When she was convinced that he had come in, sat right beside her and was slowly... painfully slowly... leaning in to kiss her.

“What’s so funny?”

The dreamy stallion in question was looking behind with a curious, merry expression.

“Nothing, just... considering,” Twilight admitted, looking him over.

Just a little.

Alright, more than a little.

“Considering,” Midnight parroted, spotting her staring. “What would you be considering, exactly?”

“Not composing a message to Lord Midnight Eye, that’s for certain,” she revealed and he gave her a fanged smile back.

“That much I was convinced about,” he admitted, putting aside the fruit for the moment and leaning against the table nonchalantly. “So... you wanted me to join you in here so you can eye me and have a dinner in bed, huh?”

Twilight sat up for a moment. Yes, she could not deny that Midnight was nice to look at. And, yes, her stomach was trying to convince her that dinner was the best idea in history, but... her mind and heart had the majority.

“If we have, since today, some small hope for... us,” she began, tenderly smiling Midnight’s way, “I feel both relieved and tired just enough to outright ask you to come over here and provide me with the best cuddles you can, Midnight Wind...”

Midnight actually snorted behind his hoof at the request, but it was far from ridicule. On the contrary. “As you command, Honored Princess!” he replied eagerly, giving her that loving stare that she was always hopeful to witness.

Soon enough, having secured her insignia and dress in her luggage, Twilight found herself under the soft covers, gently held in Midnight forelegs, with her head resting against his torso, listening to his heartbeat, trying to synchronize her breathing with his.

They did not have to say anything. The closeness was speaking volumes on its own.

Twilight closed her eyes, imagining that this was exactly what would await the two of them. This calm, serene, almost beguiling closeness, without troubles, without worries. No matter the rest of the World.

... they only needed to successfully “convince” Lord Midnight Eye... and, quite possibly, the aforementioned rest of the World... of this relationship.

A shudder passed through her at the thought, and Midnight tightened his embrace immediately.

“Are you cold?”

“No, just...” She sighed. “Doing more thinking.”

“I see... Well, I know that what I shall say might sound appalling to you...” the stallion whispered right into her ear, his breath sending pleasant tingles through her. “... but sometimes you should stop thinking for a moment.”

Twilight hummed and smiled faintly. “Perhaps... but, there is so much to still consider...”

“Not right now,” Midnight protested, resting his head against hers, pulling her even closer. His hoof on her side started tracing small circles, leaving behind a warm trail on her skin. “At the moment I want you to relax and rest, Twilight... It was a night long enough.”

She could not deny that, nor could she protest, feeling so safe and secure in his forelegs. “It was... a promising one, though.”

“Very much,” he murmured, caressing her tenderly. “And one ending in cuddling. A due reward for all the trials and temptations...”

Twilight’s ear perked. “Temptations?”

That word... did something to her. Her cheeks started to steal that warmth of her fondled side, for example.

“... tribulations,” Midnight corrected himself in the meantime. He groaned, planting his muzzle in her mane. “Urgh, your language is stupid.”

Twilight giggled and pondered, pushing this... surge of heat away for the moment. She managed to forge the sentence after a while, too. “Tuyiu b-bid tez...”

Midnight chortled. “Look at you...” he whispered, pressing himself against her more.

They stayed quiet for a moment, the only sound being their calm breaths... and Twilight’s occasional hum of approval at the stallion’s hoof, drawing flowing shapes on her side.

She found herself... thinking again. Yet, this time, the thoughts were far more pleasant. And warm. Very much so.

Maybe it was all the emotional baggage of the night... or maybe it was that hoof... or maybe Midnight’s linguistic gaffe.

... all three, possibly. And the results of this combination were... distinct.

“M-Midnight...?” Twilight muttered, finding herself pressing even closer to him out of a sudden, her breathing somewhat quickened.

“Yes?” he asked, tenderly kissing the top of her head.

“I love you...”

The stallion exhaled happily. “I love you too, my Twilight... now and always...”

She felt her lips had gone dry. She let out something that resembled a nervous, warbled chuckle.

“You... You made that mistake earlier...”

The hoof on her side stopped. “... yes?”

She wanted it to continue.

Continue a lot more.

She raised her head a little. She wanted to look deeply into his saffron, piercing eyes.

They had both such fierceness and such tenderness to them. She wouldn’t mind being lost in them entirely. Right then? They were filled with nothing but affection and fondness for her.

She was drawn towards them... and towards the stallion to whom they belonged.

... just like she, herself, did, she realized.

“You... you are special to me, Midnight...” she continued, feeling that her muzzle was almost on fire. Not long time ago she had been prone to suffer a mental breakdown even considering the topic on her mind... Not anymore.

“I... want to... to, s-somehow...”

She knew that he spotted her nervousness, for he silenced her with a gentle kiss that lasted just long enough to make her lightheaded.

“Twilight... it’s alright. That is not something that has to be... proven in any way...” he told her, touching his forehead to hers, carefully avoiding her horn. “We have our moment now... we can be careful and we do not need to rush things...”

She bit her lip just enough to bring herself back to reality... and to regain the ability to form coherent sentences.

“I... I know, Midnight, but if we have this... this moment,” she whispered faintly, “I... I don’t want to... to let it slip away...”

The stallion... her stallion just smiled at her, bringing her the reassurance she needed with this simple gesture. “We won’t let that happen,” he told her, with gentle conviction. “I promise. We will make this work... Make this all work.”

He playfully tapped her on the nose, causing her to giggle.

“I am looking forward to it...”


Immaculate Moon... You, who gives us strength to endure, guide us. Immaculate Moon... You, who gives us cunning to overcome, guide us. Immaculate Moon... You, who gives us will to flourish, guide us...”

The rhythmic chanting was encompassing and permeating the chapel. The stallion’s voice was calm but strong, his forelegs were raised high towards the sky beyond the mountain rocks, his eyes were overcome with zeal... and his mind filled with anticipation.

Something important had happened, was happening and would happen. He could tell it. The Goddess was closer to Her children tonight and the fates of the night-dwellers were unraveling and changing.

The constant supplications were bouncing off the crude columns and the ancient markings. Off the offerings of pelts and antlers and claws, the effigies crafted to honor the Immaculate Moon with the spoils of hunts and battles.

As was the way of the Fang Family.

Immaculate Moon... You, who gives us legs to build and break, guide us. Immaculate Moon... You, who gives us hooves to defend and destroy, guide us. Immaculate Moon...

Honored Lord Blessed of Family Fang...”

Blessed Fang stopped himself from continuing the prayers, slowly turning his head towards the chapel’s entrance, in which he found one of his devoted priests. Her head was respectfully lowered.

Yes?“ the haspadr inquired, his voice serene and calm, despite the conviction of his chants.

A thousand pardons for interrupting, Honored Lord, but... we have done it. By the grace and will of the Immaculate Moon... we have reached the final interpretation of the latest, great prophecy!

Praise be to the Goddess,” Blessed Fang declared piously, slowly standing up. “What does the omen spell, then?

The antase straightened up, her eyes burning.


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