• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen July 15th


I am a small time story-writer trying to get his stories published. If I can get any of my fanfictions or original stories published I'd be one happy pony! Look for J. X. Wheeler in a library soon!


Summoning Tokens · 9:19am Jul 10th, 2020

This has been bugging me for WAAAY too long! What is even a good item to use as Delta's summoning token anyway? I honestly can not think of a good one. Can anyone help?

Report JXWheeler · 249 views · #Summon Tokens

Everybody Loves Updates! · 10:25am Oct 5th, 2018

So writing has been slow on 'Would You Kindly?' Like almost depressingly snail like. However, I am here to say that learning a new language is hard as buck and that I decided to use a loophole so I can save myself the trouble. Unfortunately, I am stuck talking in Old English for a bit as a result of the studying.

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Report JXWheeler · 318 views · #Bioshock #Update

Update on 'Would You Kindly?' · 10:54am Jun 17th, 2018

Things have been going smooth, I have been writing the chapter, despite the slow progress, and have been slowly sorting out the events in my head. However, in my haste to make this story a reality, I have stumbled into a rut. Remember when Princess Luna came to celebrate her first Nightmare Night? Well, remember that she said back in her days they talked with the royal 'we" meaning they spoke Old English? Yeah... it turns out that Old English is NOT my strong suit. If anyone is very skilled in

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Report JXWheeler · 296 views · #Help

Cancelled Story... · 10:31am Oct 14th, 2017

Seeing as how Rainbow Dash The Awesome hasn't responded to me in more than 2 years, I am officially declaring Cutie Mark Crusaders: Pokemon Trainers, and its parent story, cancelled until he returns, whenever that may or may not be. I deeply apologize for any disappointment this might cause.

Report JXWheeler · 297 views ·

What story should I focus on? · 7:35am Jul 19th, 2017

I am not dead everypony! So I have been doing a lot of thinking, and I just thought up an idea that could possibly help me update faster than my current 1 update every x years. I am writing a new story about a displaced human stuck as Mr. Bubbles from Bioshock. However, this blog post is not about that. I want to know, after I post the new story, which of my stories should I focus on? If I focus all of my attention on one story, hopefully it will help me to organize my thoughts on it and dish

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Cutie Mark Crusaders: Test of Friendship Chapter 6 Preview · 5:58pm Feb 14th, 2017

To my most faithful student Twilight Sparkle,

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World's Greatest Daughter Update 2! · 7:12am Feb 14th, 2017

Chapter 1 of World's Greatest Daughter has been slightly re-written. I didn't like how the relationship between Leon and his girlfriend ended, since it didn't really satisfy me, so I completely rewrote the entire flashback scene! I hope everypony likes it!

Report JXWheeler · 290 views ·

World's Greatest Daughter Update! · 5:17am Aug 15th, 2016

After spending months upon months thinking about this, I have decided to re-write some things in the story. Like changing what happens between Leon and his girlfriend, and his friends. I did not like how it turned out there, and I got stalled because I had nothing to work with. So in doing this, hopefully I can continue on with the story.

Report JXWheeler · 248 views ·

Forward Unto Dawn: Chapter 2 Preview · 3:20am Nov 29th, 2014

Twilight Sparkle took in a deep breath as she scanned the grassy plains of the park. She was expecting the arrival of the other Elements soon, since they had agreed on a picnic today, but naturally, Twilight had been the first to arrive.

"Spike, let's set up here by this tree," she said, pointing at the tree in question with a hoof.

"Okay, Twilight!" Spike called out as he placed the picnic basket on the grass.

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Report JXWheeler · 345 views ·

Forward Unto Dawn Update! · 5:45pm May 25th, 2014

I know you are all excited about Chapter 2 being made by the end of May but a problem has come up. Exams. Apparently my co-authors have exams coming up and it will take up most of their time. So unfortunately the release date for Chapter 2 has been pushed to June or the summer, depending on when exams finish. Please stay tuned because the chapter is being worked on still, only stalled. Don't you just hate school exams?

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Report JXWheeler · 365 views ·