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Silent Quill

"Shh, I'm trying to think here..."


Celestia Damn it :/ · 3:46pm Apr 13th, 2021

Hello all, wow it's been a while hasn't it?

Sorry for the delay to, well, everything, but writer's block and some personal matters mainly depression due to joblessness and the fact that my country is led by our version of Republicans has made it hard to find motivation to write, motivation I had managed to find this morning (Australian time that be) and I started to bang out the next chapter to, of all things, Scarlet Tears.

Then I went out to buy dinner.

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End of 'Monarch' · 7:13am Dec 22nd, 2017

Hoo, it's been a while for this kinda thing, but here goes; as always, thank you for taking the time to read these, as I know not many people do.

As many of you have seen, the final chapter to Fall of a Monarch has been completed and posted for your viewing pleasure, and I wanted to take time to thank you all for your patience, likes, and especially comments. It's been a fun ride, sadly slowed down by my job (of which I have taken time during breaks to try and write parts!)

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It's DONE! · 11:54am Dec 21st, 2017

Final chapter of Fall of a Monarch is OUT!

This be a signal boost only, actual blog will come sometime soon, I have sleep to go get!


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New stuff! · 12:14am Feb 22nd, 2016

Hey all, Quill here; as of last night, a new chapter of Bat and Bug has been uploaded! I know, I know, "It's about time", but I've been busy with real life stuff, and writer's block hasn't been kind in regards to writing it either.


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Hard-drive issues · 4:10pm Feb 9th, 2016

Once again I raise my ugly mug, hoping that none of my followers -who I'm amazed haven't gone rabid for my blood by now- try to take it off in a frenzy of 'when is so and so going to be done?'.

Well, I'll tell you, it will be done when I manage to get my writer's block out of the way. Other than that, things have gone so-so. I'll explain:

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Back for more, eh? · 11:19am Aug 27th, 2015

Hullo again all; once again, thanks for taking the time to read this. I know many people don't read blogs, so for that, thanks.

Now strap in your eyeballs, this is going to be a fun one.

The next story to get an update will likely be Fall of a Monarch; I have plans for this next one, and it needs to go just as planned -

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Delay. On. Everything. · 7:39am Jul 4th, 2015

There are days that I sit at my desk, pull my keyboard to me, and type with the same fluidity one would expect of runny butter.
... Then there are days that I sit at my desk, check what comments I've had on my stories in the past -even the past 24 hours- and think "What's the point?"

Let me explain, as I feel I owe you all one.

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Fools · 8:48am Apr 1st, 2015

Ugh, April Fools is upon us once again.

I hate this day, so many people acting like trolls to get a cheap laugh. Can't trust any art/story/chapter/animation posted for a whole day (and a half, Australia sucks that we get more of this crap than you yanks.)

Look, I'll be honest, I'm not going to post any joke posts or anything. I'm not.

It frustrates me that I can't trust any of my watches or anything, so I'm not going to be one to inflict it upon others.

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Farewell · 1:02am Mar 13th, 2015

Last night (for me) my favourite author of all time passed away. His work inspired my own, helped me to craft the worlds I write, and gave me something to look forward to reading every day.

Farewell, Mr. Pratchett; you shall be missed.

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Undead? · 4:05am Jan 21st, 2015

Despite what some of you may believe -possibly due to the absence of new chapters- I am not dead. I'm not a zombie either; that's a rash, not rot.

Joking aside, I'm still about; my near-constant logged in state and the additions to my Tracking or Faves libraries surely attests to that.
Some of you may be wondering where the new chapters of the things I write are.
Some of you may be wondering if I'm still writing them.
Hell, some of you might be thinking that I've given up writing.

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