• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 18th, 2022



Late June Update · 11:18am Jun 24th, 2016

Hello all~

Just wanting to give you a head's up with the next chapter of my current story: it'll be out this weekend~

Now personally I wanted to give myself a small break as I've started to commit more and more of my free time doing other things aside from my writing. It's been a nice change of pace but I know that I promised to keep updating as frequently as possible. Not only that, but I've also spent some time with the other stories that I plan to release soon after.

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Late April Update~ · 3:12am Apr 28th, 2016

Hello all~

Just giving you an update regarding my next story series. I am going to release it within the next few days as I've finished the prologue that will start Spike's new story as he travels to Canterlot~ It's been quite some time since we've experienced Spike's crazy post-birthday.

We laughed, we cried, we got hard/wet from what we read, but of course, everyone wanted to see a sequel for so long. So finally, it's coming around the corner.

Stay tune all~

Web Swing!

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Updates~ April edition~ · 11:30pm Apr 8th, 2016

Que pasa y'all?

Hahah, I just wanted to give you all an update following my recent completion with Completely Taboo and the one-shot I just posted a few days ago, A colorful history.

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I am sorry and goodbye. · 8:37pm Apr 21st, 2015

Hi everyone, I am sorry for not finishing my current story nor keeping with my promises but I realized that the quality of the chapters that I was going to post seemed 'rushed' and not to my liking. Also, today is the day that I leave for two months so you will have to wait a little longer for the other promises that I had. I am glad that I was able to give you a few chapters.

Bye all~

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In the navy~ · 6:27pm Feb 5th, 2015

So once again I went unannounced on why I haven't giving an update to any of my stories nor a notice of my long-term absence. Well frankly after becoming frustrated with the lack of work, I decided to join the Navy.

So good bye to my fro,

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Moderation delaying new story. · 4:26pm Sep 19th, 2014

Hi guys sorry that the new story hasn't shown up yet; apparently, the mods assumed that Spike from this 'universe' that I based on from A different type of greed... is not legal and is just a baby in this anthro-themed story line. While you all know, he had a growth spurt into adulthood during the events of the previous stories.

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New story~ · 8:58pm Aug 27th, 2014

Hello all~

Just wanting to let you know about the next two stories coming here for you~

First involves Spikes paying a visit to Sugarcube Corner for a 'favor', while the second one involves an interesting plot between Fluttershy and...well I don't want to spoil it just yet. So be on the lookout for the first story within the next few days~

Ciao for now~

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Ready to work again~ · 4:39pm Aug 23rd, 2014

Hello all~

As I said before in my last blog a while back, I wanted to focus on getting my life together before I started to write the erotic stories that you all enjoy.

Well I am happy to announce that I am back in the sense where I finally got something setting up for me to work and get my life back on track. Thus, I can focus on doing the stuff I enjoy again. I will give you all a notice on a soon to be released story.

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An explaination · 2:53am Apr 30th, 2014


I am sure that all of you are confused to WHY I haven't posted my promised stories. And I feel that it's only fair that you, my subs, should know.

I was laid off from work on February 2, 2014 this year and I've been fully committed towards finding work since then. It's gotten to the point where I've relocated back home to Miami FL, where I just arrived today after a 12-hour drive.

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'Controversial' themed story~ · 2:11am Jan 5th, 2014

Hi all~

As I requested before, I asked for your opinions on what kind of story to write next. Well I am letting you know that I am going to release 2 stories (one a one shot, the another the start of a small series) that I am just about done with, but I want to add another one shot in the mix since I've been more productive with my writing.

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