• Member Since 27th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2022


Like fanfics? Read my fanfics! Feedback is welcomed! ^_^


Update on what's up · 3:21am Jun 24th, 2019

He guys! It's been...years. Years since I've been here and updated my most famous, if it still is, fanfic in this site. So I've been struggling with life like anyone else, you know the kind: work, family stuff, life and questioning what then heck am I even going do with my life. It's a struggle we have to deal with. For me, it's work. Pay bills, save money and other things. It's what made me forget about my fanfics here, so I thought I update and show I'm not dead or anything. As for me posting

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Report Brony117 · 460 views ·

Are we winning or losing?! · 12:45am Dec 2nd, 2017

Hey guys, here with an update that affects this fanfic, and the entire internet. The FCC are planning to ruin the internet. In other words, ruin our freedom of writing fanfics! I just found out about this ealier this week. So I can't focus on continuing my stories if the FCC are creating a mess at this time. So I searched to see if we are winning this battle. By the looks of it, it does not. So I want to hear for you guys. Are we winning or losing? Because if we are losing...Yeah you can kiss

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Report Brony117 · 581 views ·

Struggling · 3:41am Jul 7th, 2017

Hey guys what's up? Im kinda in a struggle here. I've been writing non-mlp fanfics and I have been enjoying it so far, but I'm taking a break and I want to work on mlp fanfics again, but I'm in the decision on working on on I not. Have you guys ever had that feeling before? I want to get back to mlp, but I don't know if I want to. And it's kinda tearing me apart. I don't want to leave you guys. You are the best and it was the show that made become a fanfic writer. I need help. Please!

Report Brony117 · 349 views ·

hello? · 1:56pm May 15th, 2017

Hello? Anybody still there? I just want to know if you guys still support me and still want me work on my fanfics? Can I get some replies so that I know I can still work on it. Thanks.

Report Brony117 · 403 views ·

Sorry! · 4:11pm May 9th, 2017

Hey everyone sorry for the hold up. I've been very busy lately as I couldn't have the time to work my stories. I hope you guys understand as I'm sure you are busy too. Yeah it's been crazy busy with my life as I rarely have to time to write. Also, this is to show you that I'm not dead or anything, just occupied. Lastly, thanks for your support and I hope I can get back to writing. Thank you.

Report Brony117 · 337 views ·

Asking for something · 4:19pm Jan 13th, 2017

Can I ask you guys something? Do you want me to continue on my megaman fanfic? It's been on my mind lately and I just want to know if there are people who still read it. If not, that's fine. Just asking ya know?

Report Brony117 · 403 views ·

not enough reviews... · 4:26pm Dec 14th, 2016

Hey everyone, Brony117 here! I've noticed I haven't received any more reviews on my recently Assassin's Creed chapter fanfic. Any ideas why? I could use the help so I can see this story become even more popular, as well as my returning megaman fanfic here on fimfiction. I would really appreciate that. Thanks!

Report Brony117 · 313 views ·

I got something to say. · 4:53am Apr 7th, 2016

Hey guys, Brony117 here. I have somethings to say, and well, I'm not happy to say because I feel like i lost my will to go on as a brony. I mean, I've been working on a non-mlp fanfic for a while now, so I've been focusing on that. Also I feel like I can't go on. I've been working on my assassin's creed fanfic for years now and I haven't gotten to the main story line. So I'm sorry that i haven't gotten working on the fic for a long time. So what I'm trying to say is that I need a brake from the

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Report Brony117 · 363 views ·

long time no see! · 5:53pm Jan 25th, 2016

Hey everyone, Brony117 here! It's been a long time hasn't it? I just want to let you guys know that I've been busy with stuff and I didn't have time to work on my story. So sorry. But! Here's a quick warning on the next chapter, it won't be action packed yet. So right now the chapter is a bit rushed to let you guys know I'm not dead or anything. Here's a quick spoiler, so be warned. The chapter was going to be about Marey and the others gaining voters by celebrating and making promise's. At the

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Report Brony117 · 362 views ·

Update on assassins creed fanfic · 10:20pm Nov 10th, 2015

Hey guys Brony 117 here for a quick update on your favorite fanfic! The new chapter is about 90% finished, so hang in there guys! Lastly, I finally got an Xbox one! So I'll be playing black ops 3 for a while. So we got about 3 more chapters until the real chapters. Speaking of chapters, wow, its been almost four years since the post of this fanfic and we haven't gotten to the real chapters. I'm still surprised that this still gets attention, to be honest this is kinda of a proud moment for me.

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Report Brony117 · 380 views ·