• Member Since 4th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen March 27th

Meridian Prime

Your friendly local hollow eyed demon baby.


TWO STORIES. FOUR DAYS. · 1:43pm Feb 23rd, 2020


(No really though I'm pretty proud of this one. Give it a try.)

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Still still STILL alive...? · 11:30am Feb 20th, 2020


I'm here? 🤷

I don't have many excuses this time.

My computer turned out to be a pain and half to actually put together, and also it turns out that depression sucks. Who knew, huh?

But anyway I'm alive, and here's a "new" (actually from last March but who's counting haha [me, I'm counting]) story for you lot. It did pretty well in Writeoff, and I'm sick of turning it over because I'm not satisfied with my latest effort, so you're getting it as it is.

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Still STILL Alive · 6:07am Oct 21st, 2019

Currently working on the whole 'pictures of my new place' thing I promised in the previous blog--my shitty old laptop is starting to give up the ghost and I don't trust it enough to transfer my pictures to it, so I'm waiting on a rebuilt desktop.

However, what isn't still being delayed is some more writing! Yes, you read that correctly folks--Meri has in fact gotten off of his arse and published something.

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I'm Still Alive · 3:51am Aug 12th, 2019

Aaaaand I have a decent reason for my long absence. Decent-ish, at least?

Essentially, I found out around April that I would be moving to Japan to teach English for a year (minimum, potentially longer). As you can imagine, I then spent the next few months freaking out a bit and trying to get ready to go.

This has all paid off nicely, as I'm currently sitting in my new apartmen on a tatami floor in the small seaside town of Usami, Shizuoka. It's pretty sweet.

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Slightly Belated Seasonal Greetings! · 5:14pm Dec 30th, 2018

Real life has been trying its hardest to keep me away from anything remotely creative recently, but I have managed to write a Christmas-y story for the Jinglemas collab over the last month. Seeing as we're now free to post them to our own account, I've just put it up - I hope you all like it! It's a comedy piece, although a lot less dark than my previous attempt at it.

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"Hear Me Hailing From Inside"—Or, AHHHH WHAT · 9:36pm Nov 23rd, 2018


Another Update - and Goodbye to Pumpkin Meri · 1:50pm Nov 8th, 2018

The contest story (that is now for a contest that ended almost a month ago) has made some progress, but is not yet over. At this point, it's probably best to not expect it anytime too soon. Which isn't to say I won't be working on it - but it evidently needs some time before it's a finished product.

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A Quick Update · 2:54am Oct 29th, 2018

I have a job now! While this is good because a) money b) money, it had cut somewhat into my previously near-unlimited potential writing time (I say potential because my muse is not nearly efficient enough to actually use that time effectively). The mysterious contest fic didn't get done, but it's going to be done sometime soon as a fully-fledged story. Complete with at least one sequel.

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A Seasonal Avatar & A Vague Roadmap · 10:33pm Oct 20th, 2018

So other than pointing out my new, SpoopyTM avatar, this blog post is mostly to give you guys an idea of what's in the pipeline for me.

First of all, you should expect to see a new fic in the next couple of days. If is doesn't turn up by Monday, I've done goofed. No details, going to keep this one a bit of a surprise.

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"The Water's At Your Neck, There's Lightning In Your Teeth"; Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Write Ponies Again · 7:34pm Oct 7th, 2018

I promised a longer blog post, and I am here to deliver.


For those of you who are interested (and if you're still reading this, I'm assuming you are), my latest story is the culmination of a pretty long creative process, and one that I'm still a little shocked I pulled off. Spoilers ahead, if you haven't read it.

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