• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 4th, 2022


Greetings, I am Merlos the Mad. I am a dabbler of both words and wizardry in my free time. I also invite you all to partake in my musings. Take care though, as they are the product of a madman.


Well, here goes nothing. · 12:41am Feb 22nd, 2013

Guys I'm not gonna lie. I was... more worried writing this chapter, than I was back when I posted the story to begin with. Ever since that TRAIN WRECK disaster I've been trying hard to learn how to be an actual author tirelessly. I had no idea just how inexperienced I really was. But hey everyone was a beginner to begin with right? So it is with great humility I present the newest and probably the most important chapter of My Little Marriage : Mary is a Mare. Everything builds off of this one

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Olts update · 3:56am Feb 18th, 2013

I needed a break from MLM so I updated Olts for the first time in almost 2 weeks! was getting close to the deadline anyway... Enjoy folks! Hopefully it answers some questions for yo- Oh wait silly me, that's the next chapter. Instead enjoy Octavia having more panic attacks!

Ever get chills reading your own material? I do!

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The Honest Truth · 12:37am Feb 18th, 2013

I really couldn't believe there wasn't a decently paced full length Novela about a human, girl, boy, w/e; turning into a pony and trying to continue life as usual ANYWHERE that I could find.

Everything tries so hard to be epic on this site. I just wanted to give people something they could read as a breath of fresh air, something to revel in some emotions and calm down with. Sit beside a warm fire, with a mug of cocoa and some gram crackers... *drooolls* I gotta go.

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Posting chapter 4 was veryyyy difficult, everyone wants pony. but I just can't give it to them yet. · 9:04am Feb 17th, 2013

This must be what game developers feel when they put out a demo.

Anyone want to take bets on how soon until somebody makes an attempt on my life?


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I should've put this up sooner. · 2:11pm Feb 16th, 2013

I'm back in the states guys! I've returned after months of horrid middle eastern surroundings to the great ol' U S of A

I have 1000 notifications and twenty PMs to sort through, but I'll get all this under control when I can. :/

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Relevant! · 7:04pm Feb 5th, 2013

This is my stance on the subject indefinitely. Woe to the world of men.

I mean is this really the sort've explanation we want to canonize? Yeesh

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Hiatus · 4:30pm Jan 22nd, 2013

I'm putting Olts on a short two to three week hiatus after Chapter seven is up in two days Lords and Ladies. I do so not because I need a break however...

NEIGH I am embarking upon several other projects! At least three! Possibley six! YES MAD I KNOW YOU MAY SAY SO! But is it really? IS IT?


Report MerlosTheMad · 188 views ·

Is the new description for OLTS better than the old? · 2:42pm Jan 20th, 2013

Hm just realized everyone I talk to hasn't followed me. Drat.

Simply put the story is a sci fi epic aimed towards the two hundred thousand word mark. I intend to tell a fantastic tale of hope, friendship, big meaty energy weapons and bigger stompy war machines. Also ponies.

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Sick guys, can't write. · 2:32am Jan 18th, 2013

Title says it all, have a terrible headache. chpter 6 will be delayed a couple days. ergh

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