• Member Since 28th Dec, 2011
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NEW FUCKING EPISODE!!! · 7:31pm Apr 21st, 2012

Part One.

Part Two.

Changelings are best ponies.

Report ThePhantomAssassin · 220 views ·

ANGRY MARINE! · 4:15pm Apr 20th, 2012

So, FimFiction was down like all day yesterday. I've decided to make a blog post about how I felt about that. I meant to do this when it came back up, but I forgot.

Angry Marines Wiki

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Started writing chapter 12.2 · 7:12pm Apr 9th, 2012

I've chosen the song for the encore.

This one fits the background story of Jason being a BadAss.

Epicness <--- This is badass. I never thought of this till my brother suggested it.

To other people, your songs were good, I just think this will have a better reaction with the ponies. >: )

Report ThePhantomAssassin · 206 views ·

God damn it stop the updates! · 10:50pm Apr 8th, 2012

So here I am trying to be productive right? Then I see I get an e-mail saying a story I'm tracking updated. And then another. And then another. And then another. And then another. And then another. And then another. And then another. And then another. And then another. And then another. And then another. And then another. And then another. And then another. And then another. And then another. Then I found a cool story that sounds interesting, so I put it in the read later tab.

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Report ThePhantomAssassin · 203 views ·

Splitting Chapter 12 · 9:37pm Mar 30th, 2012

Sup cracker heads! FYI, as you can probably tell, I'm splitting chapter 12. I had *Spoiler inc* planned on having the concert, and the ass kicking scene in one chapter that would be full of awesome, but I'm have a surprise in the second half for y'all. Trust me when I say it's going to be awesome. My pre-readers don't even know WTF is going to go down short of that concert. And the fact shit is going to go down. But I have a feeling it'll be epic. But then again, I thought chapter 8 was going

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Report ThePhantomAssassin · 194 views ·

All of the win. · 9:44pm Mar 23rd, 2012

Okay, so chapter 11 is up. Coolio to that. Trolling around the WIN! Blog and Memebase and found this thought it was funny as hell. Gonna try and get the next one out over the weekend. Quick warning, a few weeks are going to go by. And no promises to get it out to.

Report ThePhantomAssassin · 205 views ·

Disregard homework. Write Pony's · 3:39pm Feb 29th, 2012

Chapter 8 is coming along nicely. I'm up to 5k words according to my word doc. I'm hoping to have it done by Friday, but if things keep rolling as smoothly as they have been, It'll be up sooner. This one is gonna be a doozy, so hold on to your socks, or they might just be blown away. I can't help but feel things are being rushed right now... But that better change later xD Now that all the major things are pretty much done happening, once I finish this chapter, Jason can start dealing with

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Report ThePhantomAssassin · 170 views ·

You guys notice? · 11:08pm Feb 28th, 2012

Have you seen the increase in stories staring soldiers? Me thinks I started a trend. How awesome is that! Though, it kinda sucks that I'm not really one of the few story's that star soldiers...

Report ThePhantomAssassin · 171 views ·

Fucking Tests... · 5:56am Feb 26th, 2012

Okay so like, I said I'd have Chapter 7 by Saturday right? Well between the crying I've been doing writing this chapter, plus the fact that AFTER I said I'd have it done by Saturday I found out I have a vocab quiz in history. Tomorrow. Well, tomorrow in 7 minutes my time. So yeah... I've been kinda distracted by that, homework I suddenly remember I have due tomorrow in 7 minutes. And the interwebz. I finnaly left the Brony Memebase to spread out, and found FailBlog. So, I've been weakminded

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Report ThePhantomAssassin · 141 views ·

What to do... · 7:50pm Feb 8th, 2012

Okay, to those very few of you who are tacking my story, and fewer still who are tracking me. I have a question for you. I've already asked my pre-reader/editor, so now I'm asking you. IN my last chapter, I have three stallions surrounding a mare, the hero is going to kick some ass. What are the stallions trying to do to her? And do I kill the stallions, or just brutally kick their asses? Let me know what you think. Your support is appreciated.

Report ThePhantomAssassin · 150 views ·