• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 7th, 2014

Gilded Quill


  • Registered: Oct 22nd, 2012

Stories ( 5 )

Top Stories

  • EOf Statues and Puppets
    Discord reflects upon his new acceptance back into society, and he returns to the one place where he wishes to make sense of things: The Statue Garden. Twists and Turns were his Master Plan. He followed His Chaos back where It Began.
    Gilded Quill · 3.1k words  ·  33  1 · 1.2k views
  • ESeconds Ticking Away
    Twilight Sparkle has just been crowned a Princess. Everypony is ecstatic for the emerge of Equestria's new monarch, except for one stallion. A stallion who grew up in the shadows of others, and in the light of Celestia's reign. But that tim
    Gilded Quill · 3.6k words  ·  34  2 · 1.4k views
  • EFrom the Horse's Mouth
    Follow the one-night psychological journey of Spike and Twilight after a brutal fight splits the two apart.
    Gilded Quill · 4.6k words  ·  38  7 · 2.2k views
  • EBinds and Blinds
    Delve into the eyes of Equestria's two finest musicians, see what they see, and see what their true connection is in the canonical universe. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, there is always something to take our breath and sight away...
    Gilded Quill · 2.5k words · 549 views